kdot press release bridge rehab 9/1/1983 JOHN B. KEMP. Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor ~ G\ TR441J; ~ .~.~ ~ , , ~. ~/" \"'~ Cc::"{ i::t> <(I I~ 0-- \ ~ ,'. ',' ("'-0... ~'\""'" .- . /~ On-..'~ ~ . - _/" . 4'4 NS ~ s J ,6""- r:., KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING--TOPEKA. KANSAS 66612 September 1, 1983 Dear Public Official: Enclosed is a press release announcing the seventh of a series of public meetings I am holding this summer and fall to discuss the highway construction program for the next five years. It is my intention to provide time for discussion, ques- tions, and answers for all public officials, legislators, and citizens who care to participate. I would very much value your presence and input at the meeting. JOHN B. KEMP SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION Enclosure .. r eo Kansas Department of Transportation September 1, 1983 Public Infonnation Topeka, Ks. 66612 (913) 296-3767 83-216 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Rehabilitation and improvements on US-81, bridge rehabilitations and replacements, and.238 miles of surface preservation work in 16 north-central Kansas counties will be among the topics discussed at a public transportation forum Sept. 14 in Salina, Kan., according to John B. Kemp, secretary of the Kansas Department of Transportation. A detailed summary of highway improvement projects planned for the next two years in Jewell, Republic, Washington, Mitchell, Cloud, Clay, Lincoln, Ottawa, Ellsworth, Saline, Dickinson, Morris, Chase, Marion, McPherson and Geary counties will be presented, as well as information on possible projects for the three years following. Members of the media, interested citizens, and elected and public officials are encouraged to attend the meeting, which will be held at Salina, Kan., in the City/County Building, 300 W. Ash, begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. The Salina area transportation forum is one of eleven the depart- ment of transportation is conducting throughout the state this summer and fall. Forum agendas will include a slide presentation outlining the new highway funding package provided this year by the Governor and the Kansas Legislature. The funding package, coupled with the recent federal gasoline tax increase, will provide approximately $1 billion for preservation and improvement work on Kansas highways over the next five years. (more) ADD-2 Highway advisory commissioner Glen Strnad, Munden, Kan., will chair the Sept. 14 forum, and secretary of transportation John Kemp, and Robert Morrissey of the Federal Highway Adminis- tration will be among those making the presentations. Following the formal presentations, the meeting will be opened to questions and comments from those attending. -30- .~ , ---- " ..