kdot obligation bridge replacement 8/30/1984 ~ . " --- JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor J KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUlLDING-TOPEKA. KANSAS 66612 August 30, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: ~DRS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CITY ENG I NEERS COUNTY ENGINEERS STREET SUPERINTENDENTS ROAD SUPERVISORS SUBJECT: OBLIGATION AUTHORITY FOR SPECIAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR CITIES AND COUNTIES Many of you are aware that the Federal Government pl aces a fi seal year obligation ceiling for each state's total apportioned funds as a budget control measure.. This means that although a certain amount of funds are apportioned each year to the state, cities and counties, the full amount of these funds can not be contracted each year. These funds do not lapse, they just can not be spent. In early August of this year, KDOT requested an additional $37.7 million of additional obligation authority from other states' unused balances. This request included $22.4 million of local Jurisdiction projects that were ready to let. Only $6.2 million was granted for Kansas to use. The purpose of this letter is to advise you that due to the critical need for bridges on your roadway systems (non-state highways) I am making available the entire $6.2 million and $6.2 million of KDDT's Special Bridge Replacement apportionment to cities and counties this year. This equals the total amount of additional obligation received by Kansas. It is available only forI projects that have plans completed and are ready to let. For your information, I have informed the FHWA by letter that Kansas is also requesting a share of any additional obligation authority which might be made available in September. Should any be received, it will be distributed on the basis of the originally requested amounts; i.e., approximately 59 percent would be made avai lable to local Jurisdictions and 41 percent would be made available to KDOT. ., ~ ) Each year we obligate funds for KDOT and local jurisdiction projects until the obligation ceiling is reached. We currently estimate the State of Kansas will end fiscal year 1984 with an apportionment balance of approximately $95.5 million of Federal funds. Unfortunately, current appropriation measures for fiscal year 1985 also contain obligation controls of about 95 percent of apportionments. This will increase the estimated apportionment balance at the end of fiscal year 1985 to approximately $103.5 million. Should you desire any additional information, please contact Mr. Raymond E. Olson in the Bureau of Rural and Urban Development (913)296-3861. JOHN B. KEMP, P. E. Secretary of Transportation t --- JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor J KANSAS"DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATt: O"'FICJo: UUlLUIN(;~-'J'OI.t-:K^. K^NSAN f1l1fll2 August 30, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: ~ORS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C!TY ENGI NEERS COUNTY ENGINEERS STREET SUPERINTENDENTS ROAD SUPERVISORS SUBJECT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The, Kansas Department of Transportation is hereby announcing a new program of highway and'bridge construction which is intended to enhance the economic development of the State of Kansas. The new program will be funded and adminis- tered as follows: FUNDING - The amount to be set aside in our fiscal year 1987 is $3,529,000. ELIGIBILITY - Any prospective highway and bridge construction project which has not been included in the Kansas Department of Transportation's Priority List of Construction Projects, but which may be considered to have the potential to enhance significantly the income, employment, sales receipts, and land values of the surrounding area may be considered for construction moneys from the Kansas Department of Transportation's Economic Development Fund. Projects may include purchase of right-of-way, preliminary engineering for plan development, con- struction costs, or combinations of the above. ,Highway and bridge construction projects which are financed wholly or partially from this fund will be called economic development projects. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION - Any interested person, local unit of government, or state agency may present a proposal to the State Transportation Engineer to be considered for economic development funding. The proposal should include: the construction project location, cost, and a brief statement of the economic development significance of the project; the actual project being requested (such as design costs or construction costs or all costs) and the amount requested; and, the amount of local effort. The proposals will be presented to' the Highway Advisory Commission for initial consideration. The Commission may schedule oral presentation or proposals. p,. J PARTICIPATION AND PRIORITIZATION - The Highway Advisory Commission will recom- mend to the Secretary of Transportation the priority order of projects for funding. The recommendation will be based on a comparative ranking of various items and conditions of their choosing. The KDOT staff will furnish to the Commission any available data or information that they may request that will aid them in evaluating and prioritizing the projects. The Highway Advisory Commis- sion may decide that oral presentations are needed from the persons submitting the proposals. KDOT staff will make the necessary arrangements. TIME AND CYCLE - The first year of funding the program for Economic Development projects will be our fiscal year 1987. ProposalS may be submitted and presented to KDOT between July 1 and March 1 of each fiscal year. On or before April 15 of that fiscal year the Highway Advisory Commission shall submit to the Secre- tary'a list. ranking in order their preference of the economic development projects to be undertaken. The Secretary will begin to allocate the available Economic Development Funds to these projects beginning on July 1 of the second fiscal year following the Highway Advisory Commission's submittal of the priority list (April 15). For example. the Commission will present a priority list of economic development projects to the Secretary by April 15. 1985 for the fiscal year 1987 program. Requests and hearings shall be conducted in fiscal year 1985 by the Highway Advisory Commission for the fiscal year 1987 program. The FY 1988 program and each following year's program will be developed on this same cycle. . If you have any questions regarding this program. please contact Mr. William H. Wright. State Transportation Engineer. (913/296-3885). Mr. Michael F. O'Keefe. Director of Planning and Development (913/296-2252) or Mr. Robert R. Jones. Chief of Project Selection (913/296-2271). Sincerely. J:!. h;. ./ JOHN B. KEMP. P.E. Secretary of Transportation <( . --... JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor J KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUlLDING-'l'OPEKA, KANSAS 66612 August 30, 1984 SU8JECT: ~ORS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CITY ENGINEERS COUNTY ENGINEERS ., STREET SUPERINTENDENTS ROAD SUPERVISORS CITY CONNECTING LINKS "KLINK" GEOMETRIC IMPROVEMENTS FY 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: Similar to the Kansas Department of Transportation's funding of the "KLINK" program we are hereby notifying you of a new program for geometric improvements of City Connecting Links. Beginning in our fiscal year 1987 we will set aside a part of our primary and secondary highway improvement project funds each year for rehabilitation and reconstruction projects on certain City Connecting Links. The new program will be funded and administered as follows: FUNDING - The amount to be set aside in our fiscal year 1987 is $2,600,000. ELIGIBILITY - All cities with City Connecting Links within their boundaries are eligible for projects for Geometric Improvements of City Connecting Links. These projects are limited to noninterstate and nonfreeway Connecting Links. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION - Projects will be identified by city officials and submitted to KDOT for consideration. The city officials shall furnish KDOT all necessary information with regard to their project, to enable the KDOT Highway Advisory Commission to evaluate the projects and make recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation for their funding. PROJECT LIMITATIONS - Projects are limited to any existing section of non- interstate and nonfreeway City Connecting Links. They may include any Geometric Improvements to the traveled way of the connect i ng 1 ink s. However, KDOT wi 11 not participate in the funding of the following: (1) Storm sewer costs resulting from drainage of more than one block from the proposed improvement. (2) Construction costs beyond the curb returns or touchdown point if grade change is not a result of the project. (3) Extra lanes.for parking. (4) Other similar betterments. "-" , PARTICIPATION - KDOT will participate with the recipients of City Connecting link Geometric Improvement projects (depending on the size of the city) of from 75% to 100% of the project cost with a maximum participation for each project of from $200,000 to $300,000, in accordance with the following table: Maximum State Participation for Each City Per Year City Population Group Participation Ratios City State % % 'j 0 - 2,499 2,500 - 4,999 5,000 - 24,999 25,000 - 49,999 50,000 - 99,999 100,000 - greater o 5 10 15 20 25 100 95 90 85 80 75 $200,000 215,000 230,000 250,000 275,000 300,000 KDOT will fund 100% of the cost of Geometric Improvements on the Interstate and' Freeway Connecting links. PRIORITIZATION - All applications for proposed geometric improvements of City Connecting links will be presented by city officials to the KDOT Highway Advisory Commission for their consideration. The proposed improvement projects will be prioritized by the KDOT. Highway Advisory Commission on the basis of comparative ranking of various items and conditions of their choosing. The KDOT staff will furnish to the Commission any available data or information that they may request that will aid them in evaluating and prioritizing the projects. TIME AND CYCLE - The first year of funding the program for Geometric Improve- ments of City Connecting links will by FY 1987. For the FY 1987 program, written proposals from the cities are to be received by KDOT by November I, 1984; the cities will make oral presentations of their proposed projects to the KDOT Highway Advisory Commission between November I, 1984, and March IS, 1985. and the Commission will evaluate and prioritize the projects for the construc- tion program by May I, 1985. The FY 1988 program and each following year's program will be developed on this same cycle. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING - KDOT would assist in development of ~onstruction plans, including all related activities, for cities up to 5,000 population. Cities 'over 5,000 population would be responsible for development of their own construction plans and related activities. If you have any questions re9arding this program, please contact Mr. Raymond E. Olson in the Bureau of Rural and Urban Development (913-296-3861). JOHN'B. KEMP, P.E. Secretary of Transportation '" -..... JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor J KANSAS UEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION , STATE OFFICE BUILDING-'I'OPEKA. KANSAS 66612 August 30, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: ~ORS CITY ENGINEERS STREET. SUPERINTENDENTS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ENGINEERS ROAD SUPERVISORS SUBJECT: CITY CONNECTING LINKS "KLINK" RESURFACING PROGRAM FY 1986 This letter is to announce the continuation of funding of the Kansas Department of Transportation's "KLINK" program. Basically, the program consists of resurfacing type projects on city connecting links with a 50% maximum participation or a maximum of $100,000 of KLINK funds for anyone project. At this time, KDOT is setting aside $1.6 million for FY 1986 and is soliciting projects. New applications will be added to those unfunded during FY 1985. For FY 1986, applications will be prioritized on the basis of relative need. KDOT has developed a system capable of ranking projects based on comparing certain en9ineering criteria and this system will be applied to potential FY 1986 KLINK projects. Only those projects for which applications are received by November I, 1984, will be considered. We anticipate setting aside similar amounts in future years and the .projects will be selected based on city requests and the use of the prioritization system. The guidelines for KLINK projects are: (1) the project must be on a city connecting link, (2) the projects will be limited to resurfacing, (3) the maximum participation will be 50 percent up to $100,000 of KLINK funds, (4) the priorities will be set in accordance with KDOT's prioritization system, and (5) the city is to let the contract for bids and supervise construction (projects must be awarded on a competitive basis). "DO NOT PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICA- TIONS UNTIL YOUR PROJECT IS APPROVED BY KDOT." Most of the cities on the existing priority list have been contacted by the Bureau of Rural and Urban Development to initiate the funding of their fiscal year 1985 KLIN~ resurfacing project. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Mr. Raymond E. Olson in the Bureau of Rural and Urban Development (913/296-3861). JOHN B. KEMP, P.E. Secretary of Transportation ..-.- 1 t