speed limits cloud republic north of schilling 3/4/1959GEORGE DOCKING, Governor State Highway Commission of Kansas MAURICE MARTIN, Director of Highways n e �``,� WALTER JOHNSON, State Highway Engineer MAMSaf y TOPEKA March 4, 1959 Mr. Hugh C. Hull Acting County Engineer Saline County Courthouse Salina, Kansas Dear Mr, Hulls JOSEPH J. POIZNER Karma City JOHN D. MONTGOMERY Junction City RICHARD M. DRISCOLL Russell JACK L. GOODRICH Parana G. 1. ROBINSON Ellinwood LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garden City S. S. 2-259-3 In answer to the request of the Saline County Board of Commissioners, the State Highway Commission at its meeting of February 25, 19590 adopted a resol- ution establishing a 40 MPH speed limit on short lengths of two county roads, Cloud and Republic Streets, north of the Schilling Air Force Base. A certified copy of the resolution establishing the county route speed zones is attached for the county's records. Posting of these speed limits is to conform to the requirements in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Kansas, using uniform 18° s 24p SPEED IMUT 40 signs. We regret to inform you that to date this department has been unable to obtain preliminary approval for the establishment of a 40 MPH speed limit on the new Base access road as dAsired by the County Commission and the Base officials. The question arises as to the advisability of the low numerical speed limit in relation to.the limited access controlled features of this new road. It would be advisable that you discuss this traffic regulation problem with Mr. W. D. Wollam, Division Engineer at Salina, who is informed concerning this proposed speed limit, in order that a final determination can be made regarding this proposed speed zoning. Whenever this department can be of further assistance on matters of traffic and safety in Saline County, please notify use AJBsbls Attach. ccs Mr. W. S. McDaniel Mr. W. D. Wollam Board of County Commissioners Colonel Harvey Schmedemann Very truly yours, CLAM R. McCAMMEKT Director of Safety A. Traffic Control Engineer S. S. 2-259-3 SPEED ZONE - COUNTY ROADS - SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS. On motion of Mr. Montgomery 9 seconded by Mr. Poizner , the Com- mission adopted the following resolutions WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Saline County has adopted a resolution recommending speed limits on two county roads in Saline County, Kansas, as follows: 1. Beginning 0.07 mile west of the intersection of the centerline of Cloud Street and the southwest corner of Section 23, T -14-S, R-3-44, which is the intersection of Cloud Street and Saline County Road R -AD -7 (2), and continuing thence due east for a total distance of 0.07 (357 feet) mile, more or less, to the west city limits of Salina, Kansas, at 40 miles per hour; 2. Beginning 0.20 mile west of the intersection of Republic Street and the east Quarter corner of Section 23, T-14-59 R -3-W9 which is the intersection of Republic Street and Saline County Road R -AD -7 (2), and continuing thence due east for a total distance of 0.20 mile, more or less, to the west city limits of Salina, Kansas, st40 miles per hour; A total distance of 0.27 mile, more or less, on county roads, to be zoned, WHEREAS,'a competent engineering and traffic investigation has been made by the Traffic Department of the State Highway Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-532, G. S. 1949 of Kansas, and as revised in 1957, NOW, THEREFORE9 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that in the interest of public safety and for the preservation of life and property, and having full regard for the traffic conditions upon said county highways, the Commission hereby declares that the reasonable speed limits upon said highways as stated, under the conditions found to exist as the result of the traffic investigation, shall not exceed the speed limits as stated for said county highways, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there be erected suitable traffic signs by the said Board of County Commissioners of Saline County in accordance with the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the State Highway Commission which shall give notice to the traveling public of the speed limitations as above set forth, said signs to be erected and maintained by the said Board of County Commissioners of Saline County as dirdcted by the Traffic Department. CERTIFICATION I, Pauline L. Blair, Secretary to the State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution which was adopted by the State Highway Commission at its meeting February 25, 1959. PAULINE L. BLAIR Secretary GEORGE DOCKING, Governor IVAN WASSBERG Manhattan State Hi hwa Commission of LYNN R. BRODRICK, Director of Highways Kansas We Edi G ` JOHN D. City MERY Junction City EDGAR W. HEYL Sharon Springs ' JACK L. GOODRICH Parwna WALTER JOHNSON, Highway Engineer KANSAS WALTER A. RUGAN EwnWood LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Cardtn City TOPEKA January 2, 1958 S. S. 2-319 Mr. Hugh C. Hull Acting County Engineer Saline County Highway Department Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Hull: In answer to the recent request of the Board of County Commissioners of Saline County, the State Highway Commission adopted a resolution at its meeting on December 30, 1957 establishing speed limits of 50 MPH for 1.95 miles on East Crawford Road and a 45 MPH speed limit for 0.50.mile on FAS Route 1058, both of these county route sections being immediately adjacent to the city limits of Salina, Kansas. Attached is a certified copy of the resolution establishing these speed limits which is for your records. Also included is a copy of the speed study report. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Kansas requires that these limits be properly posted with uniform speed limit signs as provided In the Manual before these speed limits can be enforced by the local enforcement agency. We would recommend that uniform R-2 18" x 24" speed limit signsshowing the established speed limit be erected at approximate spacings ofJ mile for each direction of travel on these routes within the zone lengths. Appropriate advance warning signs, as provided in the Manual, should be used in advance of the speed zone sections on the approach to the speed zones from the rural areas. Thank you for the cooperation that you have given to particular traffic study and we do certainly regret the because we were unable to complete the speed studies at inclement weather. Very truly yours, CLAUD R. MCCAMMENT Dire f Safety A. ASILE , Traffic Control Engineer AJB:bls Attach. cc: Mr. W. S. McDaniel Colonel Harvey Schmedemann Board of County Commissioners this department on this delay that was occasioned an earlier date due to .rl•L S. S. 2-319 SPEED LIMITS - COUNTY ROAD - SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS. On motion of Mr ADTI SMOVY , seconded by Mr. Hell , the Commission adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Saline County has requested speed limits for two county roads in Saline County, Kansas, as follows: 1. Beginning 250 feet east of the centerline of Ohio Street, which is the east city limits of Salina, Kansas, thence due east 1.95 miles, on East Crawford Road, to the south- west corner of Section 16, T -14-S, R -2 -Wo at 50 miles per hour; 2. Beginning at the centerline of Greely Avenue, which is the south city limits of Salina, Kansas, thence due south 0.50 mile to the southwest corner of Section 17, T -14-S, R-2-dj at 45 miles per hour; A total distance of 2.45 miles, more or less, to be zoned, WHEREAS, a competent engineering and traffic investigation has been made by the Traffic Department of the State Highway Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-532, G. S. 1949 of Kansas, and as revised in 1957, and the above limits have been found to be proper as a result of this study, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that in the interest of public safety and for the preservation of life and property, and having full regard for the traffic conditions upon said county highway, the Commission hereby declares that the reasonable speed limits upon said highways as stated, under the conditions found to exist as the result of the traffic investigation, shall not exceed the speed limits as stated for said county highways, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there be erected suitable traffic signs by the said Board of County Commissioners of Saline County in accordance with the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the State Highway Commission which shall give notice to the traveling public of the speed limitations as above set forth, said signs to be erected and maintained by the said Board of County Commissioners of Saline County as directed by the Traffic Department. MIESnUN t, Pauline L. Blair, Secretary to the State Righeay Commission Of.Bansas, hereby certify that the above is a two and correct cWy► of a resolution which was adopted by the State Righmy Cosmmissim at its meting aeember 30, 1957. • PAMIM 16. SLAM Secretary 3: Na R Ds .rl I M., I�II� M.,