kdot br. repair/widening 10/28/1986 --- ... ....::\ .. JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor ~\.\ ~\ !%Jt r ~' ",-.lA ~/ "~ ~/ \:.-\ ""I I]> -=< I -< P-\..,.", ."- '.i?::; ~. n...;.~~ . ,f4iv0.. <., . J KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Construction Office Salina, KS October 28, 1986 85 U 0833-01/BHM 4832 (003) Br. Sta. 16+67.5 Br. Repair & Widening Saline County Mr. Dean Boyer City Engineer P.O. Box 746 Salina, KS 67402 Dear Sir: Enclosed for your approval and signature are seven (7) copies of the Change in Plans and Construction, Request 5-F, for the above noted project. Please return all signed copies to Susan Eiseman, P.E., Construction Engineer, Kansas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 857, Salina, KS 67402-0857. Very truly yours, ~ ~ Susan Eiseman, P.E. Construction Engineer lj Encl. cc: R. L. Anderson file .,{.... ~I'...... ,.-" CITY OF SALINA _ . 2.~-:','.~_.,O"/"~' ":'. .'C -.-........., - .-=~c; .~._~~.._"f'!-.,':,-.. ,.' DEAN BOYER, P.E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P,O. BOX 736 SALINA. KANSAS 67402.Q736 AREA CODE 913 827-9481 DONALD E. HOFF, P.E. ASST CITY ENGINEER D.W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER October 30, 1986 85 U 0833-01/BHM 4832 (003) Br. Sta. 16+67.5 Br. Repair & Widening Saline County Ms. Susan Eiseman, P.E. Construction Engineer Kansas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 857 Salina, Kansas 67402-0857 Dear Ms. Eiseman: Enclosed are copies of the Change in Plans and Construction, Request 5-F, with my signature and approval as requested. Sincerely, ~-. .// //k-a~ (?~~ ean Boyer, P.E. ' DB/mp Ene. MEMBER. . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ~ " .", .. construction Office Salina, KS October 24, 1986 ..;:;_"~.~\ T~1A~ ~; ':0 I-..::.! .?O i ',:..-4 ~i .~. I:::; 0-'", ~._, ,1_ .Y- - ., !':::l />'. ....-., != v. 4'4~~tS . ~ J KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor 85 U 0832-01/BRM 4832 (002) Grading & Bituminous Surfacing Saline County Mr. Dean Boyer City Engineer P. O. Box 746 Salina, KS 67402 Dear Sir: Enclosed for your approval and signature are seven (7) copies of the Change in Plans & Construction, Request 4-F, for the above noted project. Please return all signed copies to Susan Eiseman, P.E., Construction Engineer, P.O. Box 857, Salina, KS 67402-0857. Very truly yours, ~~ Susan Eiseman, P.E. construction Engineer lj Encl. cc: R. L. Anderson file . '" CITY OF SALINA, DEAN BOYER, P.E. CITY ENGINEER October 28, 1986 85U 0832-01/BRM 4832 (002) Gradin9 & Bituminous Surfacing Sal ine County Ms. Susan Eiseman, P.E. Construction Engineer P.O. Box 857 Salina, Kansas 67402-0857 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 736 SAUNA. KANSAS 67402-<1736 AREA CODE 913 827-9481 DONALD E. HOFF, P.E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D.W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER Dear Ms. Eiseman: Enclosed are the signed copies of the Change in Plans & Construction, Request 4-F, as requested. Sincerely, Dean Boyer" P.E. DB/mp MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES ~ NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ~ ~. ry-~r~; ., .'. }' ,-.- '. ...~;\...,.~ :...~I;~ lJY. . "'-"'r'~" ~'~..1P. -..;'~~. '::;".',' '''$''''_~~.:JW { ",,"\ Construction Office Salina, KS October 2, 1986 ~ G\ TB4,f/.r. ~_/ &;~ L-~i \?=' ---, \;...-.\ <>:: (- I::> ~\. . ..~., /:::::! .Y-','" , .,' c::::, (::>'" {"-.:,~~ . ,f'4NS~S . J ',' KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor 85 U 0832-01/BRM 4832 (002) Gr. & Bituminous Surfacing Saline County Mr. Dean Boyer City Engineer P.O. Box 746 Salina, KS 67402 Dear Sir: Enclosed for your approval and signature are seven (7) copies of the Change in Plans and Construction, Request 3-F, for the above noted project. Please return all signed copies to Susan Eiseman, P.E., Construction Engineer, P.O. Box 857, Salina, KS 67402-0857. Very truly yours, . ~~ Susan Eiseman, P.E. Construction Engineer lj Encl. cc: R. L. Anderson file t '. CITY OF SALINA DEAN BOYER, P.E. CITY ENGINEER October 3, 1986 85 U 0832-01/BRM 4832 (002) Gr. & Bituminous Surfacing Saline County Ms. Susan Eiseman, P.E. Construction Engineer P.O. Box 857 Salina, Kansas 67402-0857 Dear Ms. Eiseman: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 736 SALINA, KANSAS 67402-0736 AREA CODe 913 827.9481 DONALD E. HOFF, P.E. ASST, CITY ENGINEER D.W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER As you requested, I am returning the seven (7) approved and signed copies of the Change in Plans and Construction, Request 3-F, for the above noted project. Sincerely, ~/~.~ Dean Boyer, .E. Ci ty Engi neer DB:mp MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES