diamond dr. resurface permit 8/31/1987 -,------- .~. u ~.~ -~ ,.. STATE OF KANSAS KANSAS DEI'AHT~IENT OF THANSI'OHTATlON P. O. Box 857 Salina, KS 67402-0857 lqra('l' B, Edwards ." ITl'Iaru oI TrallSportlltioll August 31, 1987 ~lik,' lIardt'1I (:m;erllc". oI I\c",sClS File: 2705-85 K-143 - Saline County Ci ty of Salina Highway Permit No. 2-6704 We are enclosing approved copy of Highway Permit No. 2-6704, to resurface the frontage road between Diamond Drive and Gold Road with Ralumac. Please contact Don Hoff, Ci ty Engineer' s Office, Salina, prior to starting work under this permit and also upon completion of same. Sincerely, L. E. DOBBS, P.E. Asst. District Engineer k~~ KENNETH BETTENBROCK District Office Coordinator :pm ~. cC:~Mr. Don Hoff City Engineer's Office P. O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 ,. ., Randy H. West, P.E., Area Engineer Kansas Department of Transportation P. O. Box 147 Ellsworth, KS 67439-0147 P.S. to Mr. Hoff: Please notify Mr. West when the above work bas been accompJ.ished in a satisfactory """"er and his office will prepare the completion notice. Thank you. It.B. -\ "'- \A ........ ... White - Conat./Maint. Vellow - Petitioner Pink - Dlstric:t Green - Area Blue - City (f i '\ KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Bureau of Construction 8l1d Maintenance Pe=UNo. 2;" 6 7 0 4 k- /Jt.t:/ IUGHWAY PERMIT AGREEMENT USE OF RIGHT OF WAY Rou" co.....s...r~/;h ... s.... _way 0 Cit,. CODD. Link ~ CI'y f ry;;, //Yl~ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into.by and between the Secretary of Transportation of the State of KaDaI. hereinafter referred IIAllBni cONStRU. CTION. INC. to .. the USeeretary" ana=::: ' 2200 CBNTEmlIAL !lOAD 925-1651 mmm FIrm or Indlvlduol) (Tel. No.) . h8reinafter referred to .. the uPeUtIODer" and the City of, ~13 SALINA (Sueet) (CI..) (If Not AppUcable. Enter N/A) . berelnafter'referred to 81 the ClCity'f. WHEREAS. the Secretary hu Jurisdiction over blahway rlght-of-waya "thin the State Htahway System of Kansu, and WHEREAS. the Secretary (and City) beneve it is)n the interest of the Citizens of the State of KaD... to permit certa!D work or project. to be performed upon Hlahway rilht-o~~y.. and WHEREAS. the Petitioner requests permisltOD and authority from the Secretary (and City) to perform ceria1n work, described as follows: RESURllACE THE raONTAC'd! lOAD BIlTWBBN DUMOND DaIVE AWD GOLD lOAD Vl'1'11 llALUMAC (IDlULSIOlf LAYTRX) 143 4WrSUn~dM~f.~IilOi"'1i6Xb"'''D_~u U1Uvi"f.rencs;:'~ amp SALINA (or euy ConneeUna Link Route on SL) in Sec. -"-- Twp. County, MR.. (direction) from (City 01' Jcl.), and WHEREAS. the Seeretary has delepted full and complete authority to the Dlatdct Englneen of the Kansu Department of 'l'raDapoltaUOD (KDOT) to e:Kecute Hll1hway Permit Acreementa. hereiDa,fter referred to .. "Permits," for and on the Secretary'. behalf. NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the permiuioD&ranted hereunder by the Secretary (and City) to utilize Hilbway rilhi-of.waYI in the manner described above. the foUowin. terml and conditio... are mutually a&reed to by the Petitioner. the Secretary (and the City). 1.0 PLANS: Petitioner shall furnbb five (5) seta of comprebermve plaaa or lIke'tchea, aW' x 11" or larJel'. of the propoJed work. 1.1 Plana for utility instaUatio... must iJle1ude a de.,criptioD of the .e, type, and method of installation for' the proPOMd facl11Ue. to be located within hiJhway rilhi-of..way.. and adequate .etches to Indicate the location of the ptoposed iDstaIlation with respect to the traveled way of the blah.ay. the rllht-ot-way lines and" where applleab1e. the control of accea 1tnea. 1.2 PlanI for driveways must include a plan layout sketch or drawinl for the proposed installation" and a deacrlption of the location of the driveway. surfacing maierlal, and provisions for draIDaae stru.cturu. 1.3 An ~rate '.. AA Bullt" Construction ~an shan be provided for deviation from the approved Plan. 2.0 MATERIAL AND METHODS: All requests to pefl'onn work in" upon or alonl HiJbwllY rllht-of.ways muai be approved by the m. trict Enpeer (and City). In ClUes the Petitioner wm obiaiD additional PennJ.... as required by the CiW. 2.1 The PeUt10ner shan tumIah aD maierial. do all work and pay all cosil tor the work ducribed on ih1I Permit. 2.2 AlIuillity iDIiallaUons Ihall comply with the conditioDl and requirements of the KnOT Utnity Accommodation POllcy. current edition. and all driveway lnsiaIlatiODl Ihall comply with the conditions and requlrementl of the KDOT "Driveway Polley". current ed1t1on.(and Cit.,. standards when they exceed those of the KDOT). 2.3 Dra1nqe stru.cture requirements IhaIl be determined by the Petitioner. but saki ftlqultementl are IUbJect to review aDd appzoval by the D1aUict Enlineer (andctty). 2.4 Commerc1al driveways shall be surfaced with eoncrete or aspbalt as specltled by the KDOT .(and City). 2.5 All mater1ala and conaiructton methods used on .work within the llmlta of the rlaht-ot-way Ihall be equal to or better than that required by the "Standard SpeeifleatJ,oDl for State ROad and Brldae Construction.1t current edition. 3.0 INITIATION AND COMPLETION OF WORK: Petitioner 8Il'8es to noUfy the DlIirlet Enpeer (and. ctty) or their duly auth~ed repre..niatlve before work fa iniUated and aaaln when the work 11 completed. 3.1 An approved dlDed eopy of thJ.s Pennli Ihall be on the prembes before and durin, the period any work is performed. 3.2 All work. includlna rlaht-ot.way reltoraUon. d1a1I be eompleted wfthfD_calendar days 01 APPROVAL DATE. othenn.e all rtahts lI'anted the Petitioner uncial thb Pennit are relCbided.1f work. hu not been started wlthlQ--the eompletion time. thla Pennli beeOIQ,Q nuD and. void. 4.0 INSPECTION: The Petitioner will be respolUllble for MlPervtsln. construetion to lnIure compUanee with KDOT (an4 City) poUcles and standards. 5.0 ACCEPT ANCB: (Cheek One) XDOT D; Oity 0 ; wi11 be responsible lor iniermltttnt lnIpeeilon and. flnaJ. accepianee of the work. 6.0 OBSTRUCTION OP- TRAFFIC: Petitioner apea that hlgbwaY(andconneetlnl Unlr.)iraffic will be free of Interference UDleu lpeeifi. cally provided for as apart of thlI Permit. Traffic protection shaD be in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Cont.:rol Devices'" current edition. Rev. 11-83 D.O.T. Form No. 304 , -4'til - , " I' \ :"\ 7.0 RIGHTaOF-W A Y: Except for authorized chanle~ Petitioner agre.. to restore said richt-o"'way to a condition equal to or better than existed priOr to ..ppzov81 of the wmk de-mbed on'th1.I Permit. 0;:.0.- -. ~~'--"'. . 7.1 AnY sod. Ihnab. or keel deat.royed by -Qlb ~ork.shall be replaced.. directed by tl;le Disiriet Enlineer (and City). 7.2 The rf.&h~of.:.way shaU be kepi free from parkinL adve~ls1ng a:1gu or any other eollUl'lercial activity, 8.0 MAINTKN ANCE: All utllity 1nItaDationa 8haD be maintained or cauaed to be maintained by the Owner. 9.0 BONq;.j.check.Ului. 9.1, 9.2 o. 9.3) 100.,00 9.1 J:~.,cheek. or oiber ptable bond. in the amount of . ..J ~e payable to the KanIa Department of ~ IlOrloilo".-al!al1>....JI.pbslled with lhla P.tmlllo .....anle. lSilsfac10ry performanca. (_ ..... .... ... 2....7) 9.2 0 A standinl bond hu been filed with the KDOT FIscal Section. Bureau of Manaaement Servlcu in the amount of . KDOT Relerence No. . Bond issued by 9.3 0 No Bond Required. (Bondinl Company) 9.4 Petitioner aarees, that U a check or bond is filed pursuant to paraeraph 9.1 or 9.2. said check or bond will be forlettecl or called if Petitioner falls or refuses to perlorm the work required under tbU Permit to the I8.Usfaction of the Dlatrtct Enpeer (and City). 9..5 The m.tr:tcC Enalneer (and City) acre_ tha.t upon ...tisf&C}.w~ compliance with an conditiona of thb Permit, ....d .cheek o~ bond w1U be rele~d. 10.0 LIABILITY: The PeiltiQnei, hlIsucceuQr, or Ulians, shall assume all ri8k and Hat)Wty for accldentJ. anc:l damaPl that may occur to persons or property on account of thb work, and Ihall indemnify and hold the Seeretary harmIeu from any and all costa, UabWties, ezpenael, 1Ults, judpments, or damaps to penODl or property or cla1ml of any nature wbatloever arlIlna out of or In connection wiCh thb PermiC:, or the operation and performance thereunder by the Petitioner, ",eir aaents, employees, or suHontraciorso 11.0 INSURANCE: The .Petitioner ahall provide Insu.nnee and Ib.al1 furn1lh a Certlf1caC8 of lnJUJ'ance Indlcatlna the foUowiQ& eoveraae: a. Comprehensive Liability: BodDy injury and Wj!P811y JlWa&e ~O1: wb1ch the ConwaetoJ: is ~le with llinite of .2f,~ a.er- _... penon and $500,000 pet oocurreo... ,QIftU~ 01: 1uV_ a'.-'''' to .... _I''' b. . Workman's Compensation.: *100.000 to cov,r claims of Che Contractor ~ the conttaetor's employee.. .' f 11.1 0 Check if no HabUity iDaurance required. 11.2 Insurance 88 herein required Ihall be maintained in force until final release of the Petitioner by the Dlatrtct Engineer (and City). The Insu.rance document shall Include.. clause requhina the Insuror to notify the Secretary ten (10) days in advance of any cancellation or chanae in iDaurance contncta. 12.0 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR MAINTRNANCE: In the event the Secretary deems It necellllLrY or IUOper to make any al- teration or improvement alona or upon the hlpway rlpt-ofaway which is the ILlbject of thJa Permit. the Petitioner apeea to hold the SecxetPy harmle.. for any and all damap or injury to said Petitioner's facilities, whether fInIshed or unfinished. as well 88 damqe or InJury to Petitioner'. equipment, materials, employeea, Alenta: or contractees. The Petitioner further acrees that the work approved on ihII permit w1U be conducted In such a manner as not to interfere with construction or other work belna pertormed by the KDOT (or City) or It. contraeton In the v1ctnlty of the Petitioner's work or project. 12.1 The Petitioner allees, that within a reasonable time after recelw:ln, written notice from the Secretary that Petitioner's facUli1e8 are In confllct with KDOT new construction or major ma1l1tenanee operationa. to alter, chanp location or move their construction work or facfio. IUe. without coat or expense to the Secretary, It is further agreed that written notice will not be required for KDOT normal maintenance such 88 dan lnatallaUon or replacement, cleanina exiaUna ditches and channels. etc... whether planned or not. 13.0 SNOW REMOVAL: The Petitioner understands and _crees that the KDOT(or,Clty) does.not 8I8Ume any responslbDlty for the re- moval or clearance of mow, ice or sleet, or the opening of windrows of such, material, upon any portion of any driveway alona: any route cov- ered by thb Penntt even thoup mow, Ic~ or sleet. b deposited or w1n~"ed b, autho$ed representa~1ve. enpaed in normal winter mainte- nance operationa. Tb1I Permit b hereby accepted and Iii prov1al.on. a&reed to by the parties hereto. ,., APPROVED: PETITIONER: CITY OF :54 h4''' n.'-~ OM"O.~-1r;;&I"~ '.' En':) " HARBIN C6N'~'rRUCTION, INC. (firm I)8me) 2200 CENTENNIAL ROAD, SALINA, ~SAS o Owner o Alent . 0 Leaee' . m Conwactor ,.' " City Clerk Addu.. RECOMMENDED BY: , ue. ~ At: '2~_~ ' )(Area EDar. 0 Area SUpt.'~ C Utility Coord. PERMIT APPROVAL DATE: AUG 3,1 1997 SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF I(ANSAS BY: ~~- Ass t. Dts1rlc1 Englne.. . ~ ~. ~ .~. ..,. 1 . Zt'!> O '1\ ."'\ ? ~ ~) ~ 'r ,.,' .. I '" \. z.~ '- ~ t, ~ t> .t l? ,.. '\. III ~.~~ 'X "- " ~:~ '.,~ t ; ~ l' "1'\ :;. ?\ " "ti "1 ~t ~ ie ....... ...\ lJ) 'J7 , ~ '\: l>o ~ .~ '. -;.. , _1.."1~1 Permit No.2:" 6 7 0 4 GOLD RC)AD ", "-. ..,. ....~ '-,- ...- ,~,;,:'.""""'-:-:--'''~- "-...-'- ...---......- 'i '.'- -~ :1 ." .' ',,- "- 70 "'?'" ,"" ~ (.) . '. 'c. .....'. C 4 ' ">: . ,. , }i '. ~ I '2-' ". 1'.' ') I~---'-"----''''-'' ..~ l?\ i ' '. . D J__.J~..~, C" "1' ". ,~~.~ ~~,.. (" .\ "", '.... j '. r ' ....~...._..- ~., ---- ~... r) 'J'1 ',~'" ]', ..j -....:, 11', , I , I , ! l-V 1_ l~ : H.- . -'. "~. '. l. ~:) ~. ~....: l~ r:i !: ='ll ~ ~ '. .' ,p- ~ ,..".,- ~ ~ "'-'---'Q~ \'.:',~~~'~,---~._._.:::t,>;; "': ... ,c. ,.~ ,Ji I' ". ~ i . . .... ". p~o.p. P/,J...J. ' '.. . . ,,,,,,,,~'--"'--" . ..... i .:~:,..- .~ '--, .....~ -- \) H~4~O ..; := H en ~ t'" ~ ~ "d ~ >< H ~ t>l t'" >< ... 0 - ..; 0 Z en 0 '" ~ t>l ::<l A H ~ I- 0 p Ii D p.(\jE. h