hydraulic drilling oakdale park 12/27/1971HYDRAULIC DRILLING COMPANY
ROUTE 2 — BOX 202 A
PHONE 913/827-1971 DeCCI?'b.r 27, 1:71
Office of City Engineer
City of Salina
Salina, Kansas
Hydraulic Drilling Co. offers and agrees, if this proposal is
accepted ;Ilthin 30 days, to drill and Equip a cater 1c311 in Oakdale
Park d0slgne6 to furnish irrigation %Tater at 2271 gallons par minute
at 45 pounds per square inch discharge pressure for the lump surf.
of $42248.759 this price including the State sales tax o," $123.75.
Tile oronosed inst=llatien includes a graval-racked ..ell, olastic-
cas0u, air-dcvelgped aria pr-,�ssura grout -ad, 6-inchce in cpn:plet::d
inside: dia:nAt)r, a pitless adapter for subsurface discharge, a 20 ho
submersibl3 purcp and notnr, kith .-:gather proof co^;trp1 box, and
buried electrical sarvlce to the nearest available pN.58T seurcc,
not exceeding 150 ft. distance.
Tl:c syst::r; , i1.1 be complete frog: p mer to 1vater discharge point
at the well, but will not include diatributicn pipe or sprinkler line
Respyrtfully c nrr.itte�d,
0. S. Fant
Hydraulic Drilling Co.