r.j. falta house const. holmquist estates 8/9/1984ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASN STREET OEAN BOYER. P E. R D sox 1+5 CITY ENGINEER SALINA. KANSAS 61e01 AREA CODE 913 E27-9181 August 9, 1984 Dr. R. J. Falta 620 South Santa Fe Ave. Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: House Construction (Station 91+50) Lot 13, Holmquist Estates P.D.D. Dear Sir: DONALD E. MOPP. P. E. AssT CRY ENGINEER D. W. BASSBTT ', AFFIC ENGINEER It has been brought to our attention that construction has commenced on your single family residence at the above referenced site. This letter will serve as your notification that all areas within the foundation walls must be filled with compacted backfill. The Corps of Engineers specify all compacted backfill material shall be impervious (silt, clay or a combination of both) and shall be compacted to 90% of max. dry density. Sufficient compaction tests shall be taken by an independent testing laboratory (Geotechnical Services, Inc., Salina, Ks.) of the impervious fills to assure the required densities are met. Copies of the test results shall be furnished to our office noncurrent with fill placement. It is your responsibility to notify the testing laboratory to perform the required tests and the cost of such tests shall be borne by you. We would suggest the backfill material be compacted in 6 inch layers with a platform vibratory compactor, etc. until the density requirement is achieved. It may be necessary to slightly wet the material to be compacted to facilitate compaction. Any fills not conforming to the Corps of Engineers criteria, shall be ordered removed and replaced. If you have any questions concerning the above requirements, Please contact me. Sincerely, �,, Don Hoff, P.E. OH:mp cc: Ron Tremblay Donnie D. Marrs MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES