water plant intake indianrock park 3/11/1988GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE (913) 827-9381 March 11, 1988 Mr. Don Hoff Assistant City Engineer 300 West Ash Salina, KS 67401 RE: New Water Plant Intake Line Indian Rock Park Salina, Kansas GS Job No. 82ASA15 Dear Mr. Hoff: Enclosed are two copies of'our Subsoil Investigation for the above referenced project. We are sending one copy directly to Martha Stanley of Wilson & Company: Engineers& Architects. If you should have, any questions, please give me a call. WCV/ds Enclosures Copy: Martha Stanley Sincerely, GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. Walter C. VonDemfange,'P.E. OFFICES IN: AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN, AND GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE (913) 8279381 REPORT OF SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED NEW WATER PLANT INTAKE LINE s, INDIAN ROCK PARK SALINA, KANSAS GS JOB NO. 82ASA15 MARCH 11, 1988 D ,_,_� � �� OFFICES IN: AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN, AND GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA N C The investigation and analysis has been performed in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. RESPECTFLLLY SUBMITTED, GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. Walter C. VonDemfange, P.E. 0 A P P E N D I X A Indiana Avenue Smoky Hill River O 0 II Ol m U A P P E N D I X B r1maaM■llol;1 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Water Plant Intake Line CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan DRILLHOLE NO. JOB No. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH-1 82ASA15 2/3/88 1263.9 Hert VonDemfange WATER LEVELOBSERVATIONS TYPEOFSURFACE DRILL RIG Snow Mobile B-50 WHILE ENO OF 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL OEPTH N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight AugersRocBit 20.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA 4d zW s. WC x COLOR MOISTURE z M SOIL TYPE GEOLOGICBASIC 0 3 0T IPTIOERN REMARKS "' o M z V d Reddish Damp Firm Silty Residual Brown Clay Wellington Formation 5 5 Stiff 10 on l0 Light Damp Stiff Shale Wellington Format Brown 1" Limestone Seam 1" Limestone Seam 15 15 3" Limestone Seam Grayish Moist Stiff Shale Brown 20 20 Bott m of H le @ 20. 25 25 —30 30 351 1 1 1 1 35 DAIIIng Lop OLt OEOTECHNICALSERVICES, INC. GEMECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Water Plant Intake Line CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, �KANSAS; AMES,IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan DRILLHOLE NO. JOBND.- DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH -2 82ASA15 2/3/88 1246.7 Hert Mahoney WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIG Snow Mobile B-50 WHILE 'END OF 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD. TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4"Continuous Flight Augers Rock Bit 50.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA Iz o.�.• �� . �� �- z m ¢ 8 COLOR MOISTURE I•a z BASIC SOIL TYPE GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION &OTHER21E REMARKS f rs 3 $ > o n �� C 3$ 8m v C �- Dark Moist Firm Clay Residual Brown Wellington Formation - 5 5 Light Sandy Reddish Clay Brown 10 10 Light Dry Firm Shale Wellington Formation Brown 1" Limestone Seam 15 15 Moist 20 20 Dark Damp Pieces of Limesto e Gray 25 25 Gray 30 30- 35 35 Drilling Lop OL4 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. BRILL HOLE NO. JOB NO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH -2 82A A15 2/3/88 1246.7 1 Hert Mahoney SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA t BASIC GEOLOGIC z F MOISTURE �+ SOIL DESCRIPTIONCOLOR OTHERm 3 v oz TYPE REMARKS z 8 z 0 y y E v Gray Damp Firm Shale Wellington Formation = 1" Limestone Seam ' -40 Med. Stiff _ Dark Gray - Thin Limeston ' Dry Stiff 45- -45 -5 5D - Bottom of H le @ 50.10'7 - 55 55 - 60 60- 65 65- 70 TO - O -T5 75 15- 801 1 1 1 IGO - GEOTECHNICAL SENVICES GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Water Plant Intake Line CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; � OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan BRILLHOLE NO. JOBNO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH -3 82ASA15 2/3/88 1250.5 1 Hert Mahoney WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE BRILL RIS Snow Mobile B-50 WHILE END OF 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING AFTER DRILLING _HOURS - DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 10.0' ClayBit SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA Z W W rd BASIC GEOLOGIC x m We d '0 a MOISTURE w DESCRIPTIONSOILCOLOR 8 OTHER s n zm 8 TYPE REMARKS Mm v Reddish Dry Soft Clayey Residual Wellingt n Brown Silt Formation 5 5 Med. Silty Soft Clay 10e 10 s n y ' Bott TO of Eole @ 10. 15 15 20 20 —25 25- -30 SB 05 Drilling Lop DLA OEOTECNNICALSERVICES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Water Plant Intake Line CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN LOCATION Salina, Kansas & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION OF BRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan BRILL HOLE MD. JOB NO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH -4 82ASA15 2/4/88 1247.7 Hert Bert WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE BRILL RIG 1" Snow - Grassy Hillside Mobile B-50 WHILE ENO OF 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRIVING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. Clay Bttnuous Flight Augers ii 10.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA W i z BASIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION .!j fl _ z m m COLOR MOISTURE �+ SOIL H OTHER '- W ; s �� 0 w d �. m m ¢ o TYPE REMARKS is 5 Dark Moist Soft Clay Residual Wellingt n Brown Formation Light Dry Med. Silty Brown Stiff Clay 5 5 Reddish Silty Brown Clay Sand I on IO 9EB*n Dry Stiff Shale Wellington Format Bott m of toleA 10.01/ I5 I5 20 20- -25 25 30 30 35 Drilling Lop DLI GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INF GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Water Plant Intake Line CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p�SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; �� OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas ISLAND, LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan DRILL HOLE NO. -. JOBNO. :-..DATE ELEVATION DATUM ORILIER INSPECTOR DH -5 82ASA15 2/4/88 1233.5 1Hert Hert WATER LEVEL OSSEBVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIO 1" Snow - Grassy Hillside Mobile B-50 WHILE END OF I .. 24 HOURS.. DRILLING DRILLING. AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4 Continuous Flight Augers Clay Bit 10.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA ze- :..,.x .. : GEOLOGIC C! d ; ii a -, .. COLOR MOISTURE BASIC SOIL DESCRIPTION E; oq e �� t� z m zo TYPE 6 OTHER W s REMARKS Dark Moist Soft Clay Residual Wellingt n Brown Formation Light Dry Med. Silty Brown Stiff Clay 5 on 5 Light Dry Stiff Shale Wellington Format Gray Brown 10 10 J Bott m of le @ 10. 15 15 -20 20 25 30 30 -35 35 Drilling Lop DL -I GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, IND. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE (913) 8279381 REPORT OF SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED ' NEW WATER, PLANT INTAKE LINE r r r� INDIAN ROCK PARK' ` SAUNA,,, KANSAS GS JOB NO ,82ASA15 r .MARCH X11, 1988 AOFFICES IN: AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN, AND GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S N C WNTH- kw I NTRDDLICT I CN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FIELD WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SITE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 GROLIND WATER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOM`1ENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 APPENDICES A - BORING LOCATION PLAN B - PIPELINE PROFILE C - BORING LOGS G E O T E C H N I C A L 5 E R V I C E 5 I N C REPORT OF SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION SALINA, KANSAS GS JOB NO. 82ASA15 I NW -5 R . CL This report presents the methods, data and results of a subsoil investigation performed for the New Water Plant Intake Line to be constructed through Indian Rock Park in Salina, Saline County, Kansas. The work was authorized by Mr. Don Hoff on January 25, 1988. The scope of the subsoil investigation included test borings, geophysical surveys and a report of recommendations concerning the design and excavation for the proposed New Water Plant Intake Line. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent, composition and engineering properties of the site soils. Data from this study was used to estimate whether or not there would be significant difficulties with excavation the proposed intake pumping station or the water line for the proposed New Water Plant Intake Line. This investigation was made by Geotechnical Services, Inc. with the report written by a professional geotechnical engineer registered in the State of Kansas. 11lw:1%.L9(:T91*(a1l It is proposed to construct a new intake line for the Salina water plant. This will involve putting a new intake and pump station in the Smoky Hill River bank near the upstream end of the diversion channel. 'A new intake line would then run from this station to the water plant. This new line would run through Indian Rock Park which sits on bedrock. For hydraulic reasons, it is planned to have this line run as deep as 18 feet (5.5 meters, m) below the surface. G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N C The field investigative and exploratory program for this site was conducted on February 3 and 4, 1988. The exploratory program consisted of 5 test borings located as shown on the Boring Location Plan (Appendix A). Test borings were roughly located in plan visually with reference to an airphoto of the site (ro scale) furnished by Wilson & Company Engineers & Architects. The location and elevation of 3 of the test borings was subsequently surveyed in by Wilson & Company. Test borings were advanced to depths of 10 to 50 feet (3.0 to 15.2 m) below existing grade with a truck mounted Mobile B-50 motorized drill rig. Borings were advanced and cleaned out using 4.0 inch (102 millimeters, mm) diameter continuous flight augers. Since borings remained open during drilling operations, casing or other stabilization measures were not required. No samples were taken. The drilling data was supplemented by means of 4 seismic surveys conducted along the route of the intake line. This data provided information on the depth to bedrock and provides an excellent estimate of whether or not the rock can be ripped based on the velocity of sound waves in the rock. SITE CDNDITIDNS At the entrance to the diversion channel, the bottom of the Smoky Hill River is at approximate elevation 1,208. The top of the bank of the diversion channel at this point is at approximate elevation 1247. Along the proposed route of the intake line, the elevation rises to a peak elevation of about 1264. The intake line levels off at an elevation of about 1246, so the line is about 18 feet below the surface at this point. Farther to the west, the elevation along the route of the intake line drops until it is below elevation 1230 when it reaches Indiana Avenue. This subsoil investigation indicated that the subsoils consist of residual soils overlying the Wellington Formation. The residual soils are described as dark brown to light reddish brown, dry to moist, soft to medium stiff, sandy clay to clay. In the test borings, the residual soils extended to depths of 9 to 12 feet (2.7 to 3.7 m). In two of the test borings, the residual soils extended to below the depth drilled. The Wellington Formation was described as a light brown to grayish brown to dark gray, dry to moist, firm to stiff, shale. A few hard limestone seams were encountered, but the thickest of these was only 3 inches (8 centimeters, cm) thick. A generalized profile showing the approximate surface of the Wellington Formation relative to the surface is shown on the Pipeline Profile (Appendix B). The surface elevations of this profile are based on a preliminary profile provided by Wilson & Company as further defined by a subsequent survey. A more detailed description of the soils encountered is shown on the Boring Logs 2 G E O T C(Appendix C). The surface of the shale may vary from that shown as the test H holes and seismic surveys were not run directly over the pipeline route. H I Additionally, the surface boundary between boreholes is not exactly known C between boreholes. Finally, the transition between the residual soils and the A shale bedrock is a gradual transition. L S GROUND WATER E R Water level readings were made in the drill holes at times and under the V conditions stated on the Boring Logs (Appendix C). It appears that the ground I water level is at this time below the depths explored. However, it must be C noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground water may occur due to E S variations in rainfall, temperature, and other factors at the time measurements are made. I H CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS C The results of the seismic surveys indicate a two -layer case with soil and residual shale occurring over a predominantly shale bedrock with some thin limestone seams. Velocities in the surface layer ranged from 727 to 1311 feet per second (222 to 400 meters per second, m/s). These velocities are consistent with anticipated overburden velocities and are very rippable. Fortunately frost was not a significant factor in most of the surveys. The frost layer was not thick enough to cause data collection interference. The second layer encountered (shale as determined by the test borings) had velocities ranging from 6,100 to 8,571 feet per second (1959 to 2612 m/s). These values are consistent with clayey shales. There should be no problem ripping this material. The seismic data indicates that some of the bedrock under survey S-4, near the west end of the area investigated, may not be rippable. Fortunately, this material is well below the depth to which the excavation will be dug in this area. The profile of the pipeline (Appendix B) shows the boundary between soil and bedrock over the area studied along the proposed intake line route. Combining the borehole data and the seismic data, we have 11 depth to bedrock data points. It appears that the excavation will extend into the bedrock at three places. These are at the pump station, at the top of the hill, and at the site of test boring DH -5. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the project are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing by Geotechnical Services, Inc. It is recommended that Geotechnical Services, Inc. be provided the opportunity for a general review of the final design and specifications in order that earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. 3