skagga alpha beta store 1/25/1985s ,r. �. •, •. �� IT(!I. � 1� F{� ��.$ra�'y�iui�ll alt i s; a DEAN BOYER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P. 0. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 827-9481 January 25, 1985 Mr. David R. Francis 120 North 12th Avenue Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Re: Skaggs Alpha Beta Store Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Francis: DONALD E. HOPP. P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER We have reviewed your preliminary site plan as submitted by your office on January 23, 1985. Our comments are summarized as follows: (a) Your fire hydrant detail deviates slightly from our standard hydrant detail. Enclosed is a copy of our standard hydrant detail and standard specifications for hydrants and valves. (b) The City Water Department will furnish and install a 2" domestic water meter/remote reader for a lump sum fee of $50.00. Your Contractor will furnish and in- stall the 2" meter setting equipment (yoke, 2" valves, end connections, etc.). (c) We will include in our utility extension project a 12" x 12" x 8" tee/plug on the 12" watermain located on the east side of Planet Avenue. Your Contractor will connect to this tee; install an 8" gate valve (AWWA)/box at this tee; and bore and install the 8" service line under Planet Avenue. All service lines (8" & 2") from the 12" watermain to the meter shall be either ductile iron pipe (Class 52) or copper pipe. MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mr. David R. Francis January 25, 1985 Page 2 (d) Our office has not received any new information re- garding the status of the location of the sanitary sewer easement across the property to the north of the American Stores, Inc. property. We will keep you advised! If you have any questions concerning the above comments or any other item, please contact me. DH:mp Enc. Detail Sketch Hydrant & Valve Specifications cc: W. Niel Teeples Sincerely, Don Hoff,`P.`L. REPLY NOTE THIS FORM AVAILABLE FROM 0EO. PRIMES R SONS, INC., POCATELLO, IDAHO, FORM SA -9000-T 11� q� r-, FROM WELSON EHQsaNEEfldN(% �HQ 120 NORTH 12TH AvENus POCATBLLO, IDAHO 83701SZO1 PHONE (208) 292.2877 q—� TO�ITI y S ciL� T4(n /L 1 SUBJECT: �A� � FO FOLD ✓ � � ATE- DATE- S.cm PLEASE REPLY TO p SIGNED DATE SIGNED SEND WHITE AND 090. PRISMS a Son , Mt., 10d111.49. Ioa90 PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. WHITE COPY IS RETURNED WITH REPLY. DEAN BOYER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET R 0. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 827-9081 January 25, 1985 Mr. W. Niel Teeples FFKR, Architects/Planners, Inc. 350 South 400 East Suite 300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Re: Skaggs Alpha Beta Store Dear Mr. Teeples: DONALD E. HOFF, P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER We have reviewed your preliminary site plan and details as sub- mitted by your office on January 23, 1985, and these are our findings and comments: (a) The maximum width of driveway approaches in our City is 30 feet. Your north driveway approach is shown to be 35 feet in width. Revise your driveway approach width accordingly. (b) All driveway approach construction within the public street right-of-way (Planet Avenue) must be constructed to conform to our minimum standards. We are enclosing a set of driveway approach standards for reference. (c) We are also enclosing a sketch of our requirements for access to Ninth Street. This sketch shows the length and width of acceleration and deceleration lanes; curve radius; entrance pipe; etc. MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mr. W. Niel Teeples January 25, 1985 Page 2 (d) Enclosed is a copy of a similar Ninth Street access constructed in recent months. This copy could be utilized as a guide in your preparation of the plans of the north driveway. If I can be of further assistance to you in your plan preparation, please contact me. Sincerely, Don Hoff, P.E. '— DH:mp ' Enc. Driveway Standards Access Sketch Construction Layout cc: David R. Francis