magnolia rd ditch rip rap 9/27/1984INDIANA & STAPLER BRVW P. O. BOX 1266 Mr. Don Hoff City Engineer 300 West Ash Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Hoff: TELEPHONE (913) 827-4439 & BROWN, INC. • SALINA, KANSAS 67401 September 27, 1984 We have contracted with Ediger Brothers Construction Company of Hesston, Kansas to place Rip Rap in the north ditch on Magnolia Road where the big ditch goes north. We have talked to Jack Ayers as to placing the Rip Rap. It will be placed as our visit with Jack. We intend to do this work as soon as weather will permit. Very truly yours, BROWN & BROWN, INC. Herbert E. Monroe Gen. Supt. & Vice -Pres. HEM:bcs