waste pond elm grove add8111 Wilson
0 idgeview Dr.
, KS 67401
State of Kansas . ..John Carlin, Governor
Forbes Field
Topeka. Kansas 66620
Northcentral District Office
2501 Parket Place, Suite D
Salina, Kansas 67401
April 20. 1982
RE: Proposed Waste Stabilization Pond In
m Brave Addition, Salina, Kansas
n response to your request, I viewed the site of the referenced facility and consulted
r. Warren Griffin, Salina -Salina County Health Department, Mr. Don Hoff, Assistant
City Engineer, and Mr. LaVene Brendan, Chief, Pkmicipal Unit, Water Pollution Control Section,
u of Water Quality in our Topeka Office.
ince the area involved is somewhat isolated with respect to the City of Salina Sewage
tion System, it is very apparent that to connect to it would be unfeasible: therefore,
ternative of constructing a waste stabilization pond would be one way to treat the
ater from the six houses which you wish to have served. It is myunderstanding, from
told me, that each house is located on a lot which is 60 ft. x 145 ft. in plan,
that all lots are in a row and contiguous to each other, and that you own land adjoining and
7West of said lots upon which you could construct the proposed w.s. pond.
In order to obtain a permit from as for the proposed w.s. pond it will be necessary
f u to complete the following items:
1. Submit plans and specifications for the collecting sewer and the w.s. pond which'
are prepared by a professional engineer licensed in Kansas. The plans and specifications
must be submitted by or through the City of Salina Engineering Department. This Is required
because the area involved is within city limits.
Nr. 8111 Nilson
Salina, Kansas
Page 2
2. The City of Salina is to have ownership or permanent easement over the collecting
sewer and the w.s. pond site. In the event the area involved is served by the city's sewer
system, there should be a reversion clause in the easement or ownership agreement.
S. The w.s. pond would be classified by us as a non -overflowing temporary facility
and as such it would have no effluent (discharge). The term temporary is used assuming
there will be sewer service provided some day by the city.
4. In addition to the plans and specifications for the project there should be a
separate short summery report submitted showing the estimated cost comparisons for extend-
ing the city sewer to serve the area as opposed to the proposed w.s. pond project.
S. last but not least, we must receive written notarized statements, which have been
recorded at the Saline County Register of Deeds, from all landowners within 300 ft. of the
proposed w.s. pond. The affected landowners must state they have no objections to the
establishment and construction of the waste stabilization pond but that they do not waive
any future rights with respect to future action on tack of operation and maintenance.
As your project develops there might be more questions with which i can help so
please feel free to contact se at my office anytime.
Yours truly,
lr'Dean/Strowiig. P
District Engineer
cc: L.R.B., WPC -Section
W..Briffin-SA Co. W.D.
�!50�. Dept.