wilson&co. dry creek 8/22/1986I C 1L'SON COMPANY Ta/ax... 41790a WILCgE SAL ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS ala 027-o4as Office Locafion... Bal EAST CRAWFORC) AVE. ■ SALINA, KANSAS Mai//ng Acfcfla .. P.O. BOX 1040 ■ 22 August 1986 Don Hoff, P.E. Assistant City Engineer City -County Building 300 West Ash Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Hoff: En1oIr.1�E+�s ARCHITECTS PLANNERS An aaua/ Opportunity L am01oyer SALINA. KANSAS (37402-14540 This is in response to a meeting in your office regarding diversion of water to Dry Creek in Section 14, T15S, R3W, in order to satisfy Land Owner Water Rights. Information obtained at the meeting consists of: 1. Construction plans, (C of E) Flood Control Project. 2. Aerial photos of areas west of Mentor, Kansas. 3. Dry Creek Cross Sections. 4. Understanding of the problem and its' solution. 5. The City furnishes the survey data for the project. The proposed project consists of a weir type dam approximately 200 feet east of Channel cut-off No. 6 in the Dry Creek diversion channel. The dam would raise the water level to levee Sta. 491+70, where a 24 inch R.C.P. drains Into Dry Creek. As surface run-off water becomes available, the 24 inch R.C.P. should discharge approximately 4.5 cfs into Dry Creek. This supply will be considered adequate for downstream water rights. This proposal includes preliminary dam design concept for a weir type facility in sufficient detail to complete a preliminary Probable Construction Cost Estimate. The Probable Cost Estimate would not include easements or right-of-way, permits, maintenance costs, channel or waterway clearing, grubbing and regrading, and legal or administrative costs. SALINA, KS • ALBUOUEROUE,NM • COLORADO SPRINGS, CO • OLATHE,KS PHOENIX, AZ • WICHITA, KS A report will include: (8-1/2 x 11" format) 1. Criteria used to select the type of the diversion structure in Dry Creek Cut-off Channel. 2. Location drawing. 3. Plan and elevation of proposed diversion structure. 4. Documentation of basic assumptions for the diversion dam design concepts. 5. Itemized preliminary construction probable cost. 6. Review and approval prior to printing ten sets of the documents. Compensation could be a lump sum or a cost plus fixed fee type arrangement, and would include all labor costs, overhead, material, supplies, transportation and fees. The compensation based on an evaluation of the p'roject's scope of services would include: 1. Labor Costs $1,500 2. Overhead, Material, Supplies, and Transportation 3,000 3. Engineering Fee 450 Total,Suggested $4,950 Thank you for your consideration additional information. WILSON & COMPANY Robert L. Baier, P.E. Partner -lfb Please call if you need