domestic violence audit 1984DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL KANSAS, INC. Salina, Kansas AUDIT REPORT December 31, 1984 A. H. LECKBAND & CO. Certified Public Accountants Accounting Bldg., 719 East Crawford Salina, Kansas 67401 nnMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF' CENTRAL KANSAS, INC. Salinas Kansas TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Auditorts Opinion 2 Balance Sheet 3-4 Statement of Income 5 Statement of Changes in Fund Balances 6 Statement of Source and Application of Cash 7 Notes to the Financial Statements 8-9 Expenses - FamiLy and Childrens Trust Fund - ScheduLe 1 10 Expenses - Kansas Association of Domestic Violence 10 Programs (K.A.D.V.Fl.) Fund - Schedule 2 A. H. LECKSAND & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 719 EAST CRAWFORD SALINA, KANSAS 67401 IR.10[i10 ANEIECAN IN2TTIlU1[ 01 CERIR4D P.IWC ACCOUNTANTS May 29, 1985 A. H. "C"AND. C.P.A. EUOME O. HARMON. C.P.A. ACCOUNTINO CCPAR CW (913) 027-7244 DATA PROC® M MPAIR (913) 527-7243 To: The Board of Directors Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, Inca We have examined the ba Lance sheet of Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, Inc.; a Kansas non—profit corporation, as of December 31, 1983 and 1984, and the related statements of income, changes in fund balances, and source and application of cash for the years then ended, Our examination was made in accordance with generaLly accepted auditing standards and, according Ly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. . In our opinion, the 1983 and 1984 financial statements referred ' to above present fair Ly the financiaL position of Domestic Violence Association of CentraL Kansas, Inc. as of December- 31, 1983 and 1984, and the results of its operations for the years ' then ended, in conformity with generaLLy accepted accounting principles app Lied on a basis consistent with that of the proceeding year. ' A.H. LECKP LT t F'A Page LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable PayrolL taxes payable Current portion of Long-term debt TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES December 31, 1984 1983 $ 97 $ 111 1,066 19427 297 - $ 1,460 $ 1,538 LONG-TERM DEBT NET OF CURRENT PORTION (note 6)$31,703 FUND EQUITY Fund Balance - General Fund $310087 Fund Balance - Family & Childrens Trust Fund 10959 Fund Balance - Shelter Fund 12,522 Fund Balance - K.A.D.V.P. Fund 1,586 TOTAL FUND EQUITY TOTAL. LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 25,899 1,865 $47,154 $27,764 $800317 $29,302 �QS3 SOS C .� The notes to financial statements are an integral Part of this sta•temen•t. Page 4 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL KANSAS, INC. Salina, Kansas STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES --=---------------------------------- Year Ended December 31, 1984 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1983 General. Fund Family h Childrens Fund Total Ba Lance Net Ba lance 12-31-82 Income 12-31-83 -------- ------- -------- $44,159 ($18,260) $25,899 979 886 11865 $45,138 ($17,374) $27,764 aamrmm®m aavatmas meaaasgo The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 6 Balance Net Ba Lance 12-31-83 Income 12-31-84 General Fund -------- $25,899 ------- $ 5,188 ------- $31,087 Family & Chi ldrens Tr ust Fund 1,865 94 1,959 Shelter Fund - 12,522 12,522 K.A.D.V.P. Fund - ------- 1,586 ------- 1,586 Total $27,764 $190390 ------- $4.7,154 aaamaaa as—meas aaaao�a STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1983 General. Fund Family h Childrens Fund Total Ba Lance Net Ba lance 12-31-82 Income 12-31-83 -------- ------- -------- $44,159 ($18,260) $25,899 979 886 11865 $45,138 ($17,374) $27,764 aamrmm®m aavatmas meaaasgo The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 6 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL KANSAS, INC. Salina, Kansas NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1984 1. The Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, Iac. was organized as a non-profit Kansas corporation on January 8, 1980. The organization was determined to be a non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service under Code Section 501(c)(3) on November 12, 1980, 2. Summary of significant accounting policies; A. The accrual method of accounting is used, B. Depreciation and amortization are computed and recorded using the straight -Line method. Furniture and equipment are depreciated over three to ten years, the building is depreciated over forty years, and organization costs are amortized over five years. Co An inventory of supplies and materials is not kept# but rather items are expensed as purchased, 3. The Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, Inc. was the recipient of a grant from the State Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) Division of Services to Children and Youth Family and ChiLdrens Trust Fund, The grant is specifically for the implementation of educational services to the USD 305 public school system in the area of sexual abuse of children and of understanding the dynamics of domestic violence within the family unit from a child's perspective. The grant period is June 1, 1984 through May 31, 1985 and is in the amount of $3,770. Month Ly reports are required to be submitted to the SRS for approval of disbursements with unused funds at the end of the agreement to be returned to the SRS upon their request. As of the date of this report no request for return of grant funds has been made by SRS. Page 8 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL KANSAS, INC* SaLinat Kansas Schedule I EXPENSES - FAMILY AND CHILDRENS TRUST FUND ----------------------------- 7 ------------ (Note 3) Year Ended December 31p 1994 Salaries $ 2088 Payroll taxes 85 Films and booklets 2415. Travel 226 Conferences and seminars - Building space 67 Bank charges 8 Total 5089 Schedule 2 EXPENSES - K.A.D*V*P* FUND -------------------------- (note 5) Year Ended December 31, 1984 Contract Labor 3381 Supplies 81 Advertising 8 Bank charges 15 Total $ 3*485 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Pan ,0 4. 5. 6. The Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, Inc. was the recipient of a grant from the State Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS), Division of Adult Services. The grant is specifically for the operation of the Association's emergency shelter facility. 'The grant period is from June 1, 1984 through September 30, 1985 and is in the amount of $21,367, Monthly reports are required to be submitted to SRS for approval of disbursements with unused funds at the end of the agreement to be returned to SRS upon their request. As of the date of this report no request for return of grant funds has been made by SRS. The Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas, Inc. was the recipient of a grant from Ms, Foundation for women. The grant is specificly for the providing funds for the Kansas Association of Domestic Violence Programs, The total grant amount is $10,000,00. One-half of the grant was received in 1984 and one-half of the grant is to be received in 1985. The Long-term debt is a twenty year note payable to Security Savings and Loan, Salina, Kansas, secured by a mortgage on real property, The interest rate on the note is adjustable at the end of every third year. The current rate of interest on the note is 13.75 percent and the current monthly payment is $392. Page 9 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL KANSAS, INC, SaLina, Kanias STATEMENT OF SOURCE ANL APPLICATION OF CASH CASH BALANCES Cash in bank - End of year $16,340 $ 5,905 Cash in bank - Beginning of year 5,905 5,887 Net Increase in Cash $10,435 $ 18 The notes to •Financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Pa 9e 7 Year Ended Lecember 31 1984 1983 SOURCES OF CASH --------------- Net Income (Loss) $19,390 $(17,374) Add - Amortization and depreciation which did not require a cash expenditure 817 675 $20,207 $(16,699) Long term borrowing 32,000 - Increase in accounts payable - 421 Decrease in investments 10,597 17,599 $62,804 $ 1,321 APPLICATION OF CASH Increase in payroll tax receivable $ 375 - Decrease in payroll tax payable 361 - Increase prepaid expenses 461 339 Decrease in accounts payable 13 - Increase in utility deposits 350 - Acquisition of fixed assets 50,809 964 $52,369 $ 1,303 Net Increase in Cash $10,435 $ 18 CASH BALANCES Cash in bank - End of year $16,340 $ 5,905 Cash in bank - Beginning of year 5,905 5,887 Net Increase in Cash $10,435 $ 18 The notes to •Financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Pa 9e 7 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL KANSAS* INC. Salinas Kansas STATEMENT OF INCOME The notes to financial statements are an integraL part of this statement. Page 5 Year Ended December 31 1984 1983 INCOME Grants Shelter Fund (note 4) $12#462 $ - FamiLy and Children Fund (note 3) 5#284 4,637 K.A.D.V.P. Ms. Foundation (note 5) 5#000 - Crime Victims Reporation Board 2#000 8000 Chicago Resource 60,000 - City of Salina, 5#000 - United Way 39#239 10#000 Donations 10#290 9#553 Memberships 115 155 Interest and dividends 2#033 2#401 TOTAL INCOME $87#423 $34#746 EXPENSES SaLaries $39#724 $35,106 Payroll taxes 3#370 3p548 Property taxes 23 - ProfessionaL fees 1►182 675 Office supplies 1#144 391 Printing and copying 1#354 1#165 Postage 424 403 Rent and utilities 4#826 1#930 Interest expense 63 - TeLephone 2#788 1#805 Insurance 1,546 798 Advertising 103 25 Travel and workshops 1#089 929 Educational books# pamphlets and fiLms 319 498 Amortization 20 20 Depreciation 796 655 MisceLLaneous 588 421 Family and ChiLdrens Fund - Schedule 1 50189 3#751 K.A.D.V.P. Fund expense - Schedule 2 3p485 - TOTAL EXPENSES $68#033 $52,120 NET INCOME (LOSS) $190390 ($17,374) The notes to financial statements are an integraL part of this statement. Page 5 _ -.. DOMESTIC.VIOLENCE ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL,KANSAS9 INC. Salinas Kansas. BALANCE SHEET ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS _ Cash on hand and in bank Cash investments Prepaid expenses Payroll tax receivable TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Building Office furniture and equipmnt__ Accumulated depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS OTHER ASSETS Utility Deposits Organization costs (net) Land TOTAL OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Page 3 December 319 1984 1983 $169340 $ 59905 99089 199686 814 353 375 - $269618 $259944 $44.523 $.. - ..8,137 59851 $529660 $ 5:851 (39311) (29514) $499349 $ 39337 $ 350 - - $ 21 49000 - $ 4p350 $ 21 $809317 $299302 aaamaaa aaaaaaa