wilson&co. planning agreementI L,S O N COMPANY ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS i Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Olson: P. 0. BOX 28 SALINA, KANSAS 631 E. CRAWFORD T A Y L O R 7-4407 9 November 1966 This letter is being written to suggest working arrangements by which we will be :happy to furnish professional services to the City of Salina.on a periodic demand basis.The particular services being considered at this time are related to matters of cit ;n � ne,, ral and more particularly to policies related to annexation. However, the suggested arrangements could be extended to cover any periodic planning, engineering, or architectural services that may be desired. We agree to furnish only such professional services as are specifically authorized by you or designated members of your staff. For these services, our charges will be computed on the basis of the STANDARD FORCE ACCOUNT RATE SCHEDULE, a copy of which is attached to this letter. Billings will be made at the first of each month following the month during which the services were rendered. If these arrangements are satisfactory to you, would you please so indicate with the proper signature in the space provided at the end of this letter. Please retain the original copy of this letter and send the carbon copy back to us for our files. . We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the City of Salina. -es APPROVED: CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SALINA WICHITA & CO �� lmer N. Pearse LIBERAL Cable Address - WILCOE F STANDARD FORCE ACCOUNT RATE SCHEDULE Payments to Wilson & Company for services rendered will be computed by the various methods listed below: a. Direct Labor. For all personnel assigned by Wilson & Company to this project, the basic hourly rate chargeable shall be computed by the formula: Basic Hourly Rate for Weekly Salaried Individuals = Weekly Salary x 2.3 40 Basic Hourly Rate for Hourly Salaried Individuals = Hourly Wage x 2.3 Monthly Billings per Individual = Basic Hourly Rate times number of hours worked The basic hourly rate established above shall represent compensation to Wilson & Company for all salaries, general overhead, social security or other employer taxes and insurance on labor; normal equipment rental; and profit. Excluded are lodging and subsistence, vehicles, stereo- graphic plotter rental, reproductions, and electronic computer service. The basic hourly rate established above shall be applicable regardless of the hours worked in any given week. b. Subsistence. Subsistence for employees away from headquarters, tele- phone, telegraph, and similar direct field expenses and costs shall be chargeable at the actual cost incurred by Wilson & Company. C. Transportation. Automobile transportation shall be charged for at the rate of ten cents (10�) per mile for travel in connection with work on the project. Costs to Wilson & Company for commercial. travel shall be chargeable at the actual cost incurred by Wilson & Company. The charge for travel in the company-owned and operated airplane shall be computed on the basis of $0.35 per flight line mile. This charge represents full compensation to Wilson & Company for the cost incurred in furnishing and operating the airplane and furnishing the.services of the pilot. Subsistence costs as incurred by the aircraft pilot shall be charged in compliance with b. above. d, Materials. All materials, other than normal office supplies, which are used by Wilson & Company in connection with the rendering of services will be chargeable at actual cost. e. Reproductions. All photographic and direct process reproduction work required shall be paid for at the locally accepted commercial rate for such work, except that no charge will be made for routine plan .repro- ductions which are made to facilitate design work. f, Equipment Rental. The following items of equipment, if used by Wilson & Company, shall be charged for at the following stated hourly rate: 1. Stereographic (Kelsh) Plotter , . . . . . $ 3.00/hr. CO L T o N C 2. Electronic Computer (Bendix G-15, Digital) 30.00/hr. OMPANY 3. Chemical Testing Laboratory ... . . . . . 5.00/hr.-MOINEERS } ARCHITECTS Schedule #2 - Printed 12/14/65 ILS O N COMPANY ENO INEEPLS ARCHITECTS P. 0. BOK 28 SALINA, KANSAS / E. CRA TA 7 A Y l O R 7.4-4440707 9 November 1966 Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Olson: This letter is being written to suggest working arrangements by which we will be happy to furnish professional services to the City of Salina on a periodic demand basis. The particular services being considered at this time are related to matters of city planning in general and more particularly to policies related to annexation. However, the suggested arrangements could be extended to cover any periodic planning, engineering, or architectural services that may be desired. We agree to furnish only such professional services as are specifically authorized by you or designated members of your staff. For these services, our charges will be computed on the basis of the STANDARD FORCE ACCOUNT RATE SCHEDULE, a copy of which is attached to this letter. Billings will be made at the first of,'each month following the month during which the services were rendered. If these arrangements are satisfactory to you, would you please so indicate with the proper signature in the space provided at the end of this letter. Please retain the original copy of this letter and send the carbon copy back to us for our files. . We appreciate.this,opportunity to be of service to the City of Salina, & CO lmer N. Pearse _Q8 APPROVED: CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS By LIBERAL CtlN Addms — WILCOE STANDARD FORCE ACCOUNT RATE SCHEDULE Payments to Wilson & Company for services rendered will be`computed by the various methods listed below: a. Direct Labor. For all personnel assigned by Wilson & Company to this project, the ,basic hourly rate chargeable shall be computed by the formula: Basic Hourly Rate for Weekly Salaried Individuals = Weekx 2.3 0 Basic Hourly Rate for Hourly Salaried Individuals = Hourly Wage x 2.3 Monthly Billings per Individual =Basic Hourly Rate times number of hours worked The basic hourly rate established above shall represent compensation to Wilson & Company for all salaries, general overhead, social security or other employer taxes and insurance on labor; normal equipment rental; and profit. Excluded are lodging and subsistence, vehicles, stereo- -graphic plotter rental, reproductions, and electronic computer service. The basic hourly rate established above shall be applicable regardless of the hours worked in'any given Week. " b. Subsistence. Subsistence for employees away from headquarters, tele- phone, telegraph, and similar direct field expenses and costs shall be chargeable at the actual cost incurred by Wilson & Company. C. Transportation. Automobile transportation shall be charged for at the. rate of ten cents (10q) per mile for travel in connection with work on the project., Costs to Wilson & Company for commercial travel shall be ;a. chargeable at the actual cost incurred by Wilson & Company. The charge for travel in the company-owned and operated airplane shall be computed on the basis of $0.35 per flight line mile. This charge represents full compensation to Wilson & Company for the cost incurred in furnishing and operating the airplane and furnishing the.services of the pilot. Subsistence costs as incurred by the aircraft pilot shall be charged in compliance with b. above.. d,_ Materials. All materials, other than normal office supplies, which i are used by Wilson & Company in connection with the rendering of services will be chargeable at actual cost, a e. Reproductions. All photographic and direct process reproduction work required shall be paid for at the locally accepted commercial rate for such work, except that no charge will be made for routine plan *repro- ductions which are made to facilitate design work. f, Equipment Rental, The following items of equipment, if used by Wilson & Company, shall be charged for at the following stated hourly rate: 1,. Stereographic (Kelsh)'Plotter . . . . , . $ 3,00/hr.'. IL S o N 2. Electronic Computer (Bendix G-15, Digital) 30.00/hr. a MPANV TE(IJA 3. Chemical Testing Laboratory 5.00/hr.aoieaaasae niracra ,. Schedule #2 - Printed 12/14/65 WI LS O;N COMPANY ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS R, . BOX 28 631 EAST CRAWFORm AVENUE ■ $ALINA, KANSAS 674Oi 013 627.0433 19 November 1968 Mr. Norris Olson City Manager City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 EN0INEERS . ARCHITECTS PLANNERS e Norris, this letter is a suggested memorandum of agreement covering certain periodic city planning services that you discussed with me some two weeks ago. We understand that we are to make available to you a member of our planning staff who will be available for consultation on matters of city planning. These services will be provided only when requested by you or an authorized member of your staff. For these services we propose to charge on an hourly rate and expenses basis as indicated on the attached Hourly Rate Schedule and Miscellaneous Charges sheets. We will invoice you on or about the first of each month for those services performed during the preceding month. If these arrangements meet with your approval will you please so indicate with the appropriate signature in the space provided at the end of this letter. Please retain the original copy and return the carbon copy to us. Thank you for considering Wilson & Company for this assignment. We hope you will be entirely satisfied with our work. AerPearse General Manager -es APPROVED: THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS By Date 4. Draftsmen and Detailers OD -1 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE . . . . . . . $ 4.50 - - FORCE ACCOUNT PROJECTS . . . . . . . 6.00 Classification Typical Duties _ Hourly. Rates 1. Professional Engineers and Architects, Licensed or in Training OD4 P-1 Surveys, Drafting, Inspection (IT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 P-2 Surveys, Drafting, Inspection (IT) . . . . . . . . . . 10.50 P-3 Surveys, Drafting, Design, Inspection (IT) . . . . . . 11.00 P-4 Surveys, Drafting,, Design, Resident (Licensed) . . . . . . . . . 12.00 P-5 Surveys, Drafting, Design, Specifications (Licensed) . . . . . . . . . 13.00 P-6 Project Engineer, Design, Specifications (Licensed) . . . . . . . 15.00 P-7 Project Engineer, Department Head, Principal (Licensed) . . . . . . . 17.00 P-8 Principals (Licensed) . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 - 2. Professional Aides - Professions Other Than Engineering or Architecture Classification depends on experience and assignment) PA -1 Planner, Programmer, Geologist, Sociologist, Landscape Architect, etc. $ 7.50 PA -2 Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 - -- PA -3 Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .. 9.50 PA -4 Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 PA -5 Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 3. Project, Clerical and Secretarial OA -1 Typist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . $ 4.50 OA -2 Typist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 5,00 OA -3 Stenographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 OA -4 Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 OA -5 Accountant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 4. Draftsmen and Detailers OD -1 Apprentice Draftsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4.50 OD -2 Draftsman, Tracer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 OD -3 Draftsman, Detailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,00 OD4 Draftsman, Detailei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 OD -5 Draftsman, Detailer, Squad Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 OD -6 Chief Draftsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 5. Technicians OT -1 Print Operator, Lab Technician, Photo Technician, Press Operator . . . . $ 4.50 OT -2 Print Operator, Lab Technician, Photo Technician, Press Operator . . . . 6.00 .OT -3 Print Operator, Lab Technician, Photo Technician, Press Operator . . . . 7.00 OT4 Senior Technician . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 10.00 6. Photogrammetry OP -1 Apprentice Stereo Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00 OP -2 Stereo Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 --- -" - -"-" -" ` --OP-3"" "Stereo Operator .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.50 OP -4 Stereo Operator and Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 OP -5 Chief Photogrammetrist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 -----7. Field Surveys FS -1 Chainman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FS -2 Rodman . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00. FS -3 Instrumentman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 FS -4 Party Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 9.50 FS -5 Party Chief, Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 These rates include full compensation for payroll costs, general overhead and anticipated profit on labor. Charges are made for each man-hour expended on the project, except no time will be charged for administrators, administrative stenographer, clerical, and technicians performing work on reproductions that are charged for on a separate commercial rate schedule. Personnel usually perform duties related to their classification; however, in the interest of efficiency, personnel with diversified experience. may perform several types of work; in all cases charges will be made according to pay roll classification and not according to type of work performed. For example, a draftsman witfi OD -I classification might be temporarily assigned to a survey party and would be charged at OD -1 rate and not FS -1 or FS -2. Charges for items other than " - labor applicable to the project are listed -in- Schedule A 2. Printed 8/1/67 MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES FORCE ACCOUNT PROJECTS a. Subsistence. Subsistence for employees away from headquarters, telephone, telegraph, and similar direct field expenses and costs shall be charge- able at the actual cost incurred by Wilson & Company. b. Transportation. Automobile transportation shall be charged for at the rate of ten cents (10C) per mile for travel in connection with work on the project. Costs to Wilson & Company for commercial travel shall be chargeable at the actual cost incurred by Wilson & Company. The charge for travel in the company-owned and operated airplane shall be computed on the basis of $0.35 per flight line mile. This charge repre- sents full compensation to Wilson & Company for the cost incurred in furnishing and operating the airplane and furnishing the services of the pilot. Subsistence costs as incurred by the aircraft pilot shall be charged in compliance with a above. C. Materials. All materials, other than normal office supplies, which are used by Wilson & Company in connection with the rendering of services will be chargeable at actual cost. d. Reproductions.All photographic and direct process reproduction work required shall be paid for at the locally accepted commercial rate for such work, except that no charge will be made for routine plan repro- ductions which are made to facilitate design work. e. Equipment Rental. The following items of equipment, if used by Wilson & Company, shall be charged for at the following stated hourly rate: (1) Stereographic (Kelsh) Plotter . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.00 per hour (2) Electronic Computer (Control Data G-15, Digital). . 30.00 per hour (3) Chemical Testing Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 per hour Printed 12/14/65 MOLMSI'T N NYNO-EE 43 ..N ECT3 NA/ ILS0N our File: 66-181 INVOICE City of S3li.na c/o City Cicrk Salina, Ka; -.:;a, 67401 11, ol hort z:: _,..LINT., KANFA: :�.:: 11. EilCT..iiliR3.2r^, SRRVgl s: (Cor.sultiro.- Soule'- pe):i-od cov,:recl 1/26 to 2/21:/67 Services perforvwd (65 r;an hours) Lcproductiorl:a Amount of this Invoice $ 717.90 41.50 $ 70'' 40 STATI: OF WANSAS, SA2INY, COUNTY,ts: - 1 do eolrmaly swear that tha abcvi; account is just aa�l correct, is: de:o and remains unpaid. Sub: , bL' mel loom to bc( roc; r.thi It __,__ day of .%1?rL�w—� '__I9 Ii 1. • /lar , SO,1 F CG\ H}`�=-�. •� � _ Nu;ary P,.L!ia v", P:Y oc-. I -.lc: 66-131 F -I Cite of Seli.::a c/c. City Cler.. Sabina, Keu:..., 67-'-131' EA;CIN?,:.RINu Sis':ZV1CS:.. (l�.iodic Cor.::citins t) NOV. IiJ. Yeri.od cova:nd ,:-o1a Start of Sc vices tG 27 5.:: 67. P. G C x <c -...LINA, :-ANF:AS 67:61 Date: 1: Peb:-u.:cy 1.967 - So r.vi.ce:.^. l;c.;:urro:•.d (10 c1a:; 110:::s) j 131.2 Petro 1:ctio:,, 7.00 Amocat o thiS I voic.. �off"-- d' a ?.TL Of is»,15:;3, 4+.L?\d COUNTY, ss: E co s�. c:... Slat liar, -00v ..ac'a:rt is j:r. and cJPrccl, is cc< a::ci ra.n.-.ib� u:.crStL sa is NoterY +ubiic . WILSON COMPANY ENGINEERS j ARCHITECTS ` Our File: 66-181 INVOICE N° 3493 r City of Salina c/o City Clerk Salina, Kansas 67401 L ENGINEERING SERVICES: (Periodic Consulting, Agreement 15 Nov. 1966) Period covered from Start of Services to 27 Jan 67. Services performed (10 man hours) Reproductions Anount of this Invoice 1 P. O. BOX 26 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 Date: 16 February 1967 $ 132.25 7.00 $ �139.25 3-2,0-0 � yao s STATE OF XANSAS, SALINE COUNTY, ss: I do solemnly swear that the above account is just and correct, is due and remains unpaid. Subscribed and sworn to before me this I6 day of Rehruary 19 67 WILSON & COMPANY) My commission expires: 14 Ian -6-9 �`��/- 1-G`-il-z�/ $y(,:���`�✓/ Notary Public CON6Ol1D/.TCD-6ALINF-OIOtO.1 N.1-6!