wilson&co.iron ave bridge- 4th st.WILSON & CO LOX 1648 SALINA KS 67402 INVOICE 0 INVOICE DATE DESCRIPTION ACCT°" AMOUNT CONFIRMING ORDER THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DATE 11/30/83 PURCHASE ORDER CHECK NO. PURCHASE ORDER NO. 13282 DATE PAID 'JENDOR NO. 07340 FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS VENDOR SHIP TO WILSON & CO LOX 1648 SALINA KS 67402 INVOICE 0 INVOICE DATE DESCRIPTION ACCT°" AMOUNT CONFIRMING ORDER 1533 11/16/83 IRON BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 25-0576 3.675.00 TOTAL. 3,675.00 REO. NUMBER 5065 This is your authorization to fill the above order. RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR FILES, and return invoice for items shipped, to the City of Salina, Box 746, Salina, Kansas 67401. NO BACK ORDER, such items Purchasing Agent will be reordered, if needed. VENDOR'S COPY Director of Finance THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS DATE 9/30/83 PURCHASE ORDER CHECK NO. PURCHASE ORDER NO. 12132 DATE PAID VENDOR NO. 07340 FUND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS VENDOR SHIP TO WILSON 6 CO BOX 1648 SALINA KS 67402 INVOICE 0 INVOICE RATE DESCRIPTION ACCT.- AMOUNT CONFIRMING ORDER 1390 9/21/83 IRON BRIDGE REPLACEMENT 29-0576 3,675.00 TOTAL. 3,675.00 REG* NUMBER 1534 I This is your authorization to fill the above order. RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR FILES, and return invoice for items shipped, to the City of Salina Box 746, Salina, Kansas 67401. NO BACK ORDER, such items Purchasing Agent will be reordered. if needed. VENDOR'S COPY Director of Finance L AGREEMENT for PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES between the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS and WILSON & COMPANY, ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS Salina, Kansas This is an Agreement made as of the 11W_ day of , 1983, by and between the City of Salina, Kansas (Hereinafter called the City) and Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects (Hereinafter called Consultant). WITNESSETH: That for and in of the services to be rendered and the payments hereinafter agreed to be made, it is mutually agreed as follows: Proposed Project at Iron Avenue Bridge at Fourth Street. This project consists of a replacement structure knuis, etc.). Special consideration of historical details will be required to preserve aesthetic values. SECTION 1 - BASIC CONSULTING SERVICES The Consultant will perform the services listed below with assistance from the City as indicated. Wilson & Company Description Salina, Kansas City of Salina Field Survey and Data Collection X City Records Identify Utilities X Information Available Preliminary Grading, Aesthetic Concepts, Paving, Drainage and Standard Drawings Standard Reinforced Box Culvert or equivalent. X Project Criteria Identify Utility Relocations and Right -of -Way required on Plan Drawings X Field Check and Office Review X X Final Plans X Specifications City Standard Specifications 1 Breakdown (Continued) Wilson & Company Description Salina, Kansas City of Salina Special Specifications X Quantities & Estimates of Probable Costs X Rights -of -Way Requirements X Project Review X X Legal & Publication X Contract Award As Required X Construction Staking X Inspection Services X Final Construction Estimates X SECTION 2 - ADDITIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES If authorized by the City, the Consultant may provide additional services not included in the Basic Consulting Services (Section 1). Such additional services may be authorized by the City for additional work, and not speci- fically included in the Basic Consulting Services. Payment for Additional Consulting Services shall be on a man-hours and expenses basis as provided in Section 3 of this Agreement. SECTION 3 - PAYMENT TO CONSULTANT Basic Consultinaervices For all services described in Section 1 and designated to be performed by the Consultant, payment by the City to the Consultant shall be a lump sum amount of $14,700. Payment shall represent full compensation to the Con- sultant for all payroll costs, expenses, overhead, fee and all other costs in connection with the engineering services described. The compensation for Basic Consulting Services shall be payable in three increments (15% Survey, 50% Preliminary Plan, 75% Office Check Plan) which is in proportion to services performed, upon written request from the Consultant and shall not exceed a sum equal to 95% of the total fee for Basic Consulting Services before submission of the final plans. A sum equal to 100 percent of the total fee for Basic Consulting Services shall be due following delivery of the final plans to the City. 2 Additional Consulting Services The compensation for Additional Consulting Services as described in Section 2 of this Agreement shall be paid monthly upon presentation of the Consul- tant's statement of services rendered. In return for these services, we propose to charge on a man-hour and expenses basis for partners in or employees of the Consultant, for all time spent, including travel time, in accordance with the attached "Hourly Rate Schedule" and "Miscellaneous Charges" schedules dated July 1982. The "Hourly Rate Schedule" and "Miscellaneous Charges" schedules reflect charges which vary with salary and other costs. To reflect current costs these schedules will be reissued in February and August of each year. Charges for services will be based on the schedules in effect when a billing period starts. SECTION 4 - FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS It is mutually agreed that any soils investigations, laboratory testing of materials or equipment, legal services, abstracting or appraisal services or other special consultant services which may be required for a given project will be furnished and paid for by the City. This Agreement can be terminated by either party at any time upon written notice, in the event that a project is abandoned or indefinitely postponed; provided, however, that in any case Wilson &Company shall be paid reasonable value of the services rendered to the time of termination as mutually agreed. It is agreed that this Agreement, and all contracts entered into under the provisions of the Agreement, shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. THE CITX OIF SALINA, KANSAS WILSON & COMPANY, ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS i BY & BY Ru us 1114, ,, City Manager Robert L. Baier, Partner ATTEST:j� L/6 City Clerk 3 WILSON & COMPANY HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION TYPICAL DUTIES OT -1 HOURLY RATES 1. Professional Engineers and Architects OT -2 18.00 P-1 Graduate Engineer or Architect in Residence (Unlicensed) .............................. P-1 $31.00 P-2 Graduate Engineer or Architect in Residence (Unlicensed) .............................. P-2 33.00 P-3 Staff Detail Designer (Unlicensed) ..................................................... P3 35.00 P-4 Staff Detail Designer (Licensed) ....................................................... P-4 37.00 P-5 Project Designer (Licensed) ........................................................... P-5 45.00 P-6 Project Designer (Licensed) ........................................................... P-6 47.00 P-7 Department Head (Licensed).......................................................... P-7 55.00 P-8 Principals (Licensed)................................................................. P-8 65.00 2. Professional Detail Designers _ OP -5 35.00 PO -11 Detail Designer (Unlicensed) .......................................................... PD -1 $35.00 PO -2 Senior Detail Designer (Unlicensed)................................................... PD -2 37.00 3. Professional Associates FS -2 18.00 PA -1 Junior Planner, Chemist, Biologist, Physicist (Graduate) ................................ PA -1 $21.00 PA -2 Assistant Planner, Chemist, Biologist, Physicist (Graduate) ......... . ................... PA -2 26.00 PA -3 Associate Planner, Chemist, Biologist, Physicist (Graduate) ........ . ................... PA -3 31.00 PAA Senlor Planner, Chemist, Biologist, Physicist (Graduate) ................................ PA -4 33.00 PA -5 Department Head (Graduate)......................................................... PA -5 38.00 4. Office Assistants - Clerical, Secretarial and Accounting FC -2 18.50 OA -1 Apprentice Word Processing Operator, Clerk, Typist ................................... OA -1 $14.50 OA -2 Word Processing Operator, Clerk, Secretary ........................................... OA -2 16.50 OA -3 Senior Operator, Clerk, Secretary, Librarian ............................................ OA -3 19.00 OA -4 Assistant Accountant, Senior Secretary, Squad Leader ................................. OA -4 27.00 OA -5 Section Head........................................................................ OA -5 35.00 S. Draftsmen and Detailers OD -1 Apprentice Draftsman................................................................ OD -1 $15.50 OD -2 Draftsman, Tracer.................................................................... 00-2 18.00 OD -3 Draftsman,.Detailer.................................................................. OD -3 24.00 OD -4 Senior Draftsman, Detailer............................................................ OD -4 27.50 OD -5 Senior Draftsman, Detailer, Squad Leader ............................................. OD -5 30.00 OD -6 Chief Draftsman..................................................................... OD -6 35.00 S. Technicians - Laboratory, Computer and Reproduction OT -1 Apprentice Technician, Operator...................................................... OT -1 $15.50 OT -2 Technician, Operator................................................................. OT -2 18.00 OT -3 Technician, Operator................................................................. OT -3 24.00 OT -4 Senior Technician, Operator, Squad Leader ............................................ OT -4 27.50 OT -5 Section Head........................................................................ OT -5 35.00 7. Photogramm'etrlsts OP -1 Apprentice Stereo Operator........................................................... OP -1 $15.50 OP -2 Stereo Operator...................................................................... OP -2 18.00 OP -3 Stereo Operator...................................................................... OP -3 24.00 OP4 Senior Stereo Operator, Squad Leader ................................................. OP -4 27.50 OP -5 Chief Photogrammetrist, Supervisor .................................................. OP -5 35.00 S. Land Surveyors FS -1 Chainman........................................................................... FS -1 $15.50 FS -2 Rodman............................................................................. FS -2 18.00 FS -3 Instrumentman...................................................................... FS -3 24.00 FS -4 Party Chief.......................................................................... FS -4 32.00 FS -5 Chief Surveyor, Field Supervisor...................................................... FS -5 35.00 9. Construction Observers FC -1 Construction Observer............................................................... FC -1 $15.50 FC -2 Construction Observer............................................................... FC -2 18.50 FC -3 Construction Observer............................................................... FC -3 24.00 FC -4 Senior Construction Observer......................................................... FC -4 32.00 FC -5 Chief Construction Observer, Field Supervisor ......................................... FC -5 35.00 These rates include full compensation for payroll coats, general overhead and anticipated profit on labor. Charges are made for each man-hour expended on the project, except no time will be charged for administrator. administrative stenographer, clerical or technicians performing work on reproductions and laboratory work that are charged for on a separate commercial rate schedule. Personnel usually perform duties related to their classification; however, in the interest of efficiency, personnel with diversified experience may perform several types of work. In all cases charges will be made according to payroll classification and not according to type of work performed. For example, a draftsman with 061 classification might be temporarily assigned to a survey party and would be charged at 00-1 rate and not FS -1 or FS -2. Charges for items other than labor applicable to the project are listed in Miscellaneous Charges, July 19e2 I L S O N (HRE Code 39) COMPANY Tei a bla ae fts I WCE Acct. Ne. 9a (1 82400) ac hi T actT S WILSON & COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES a. Subsistence. Subsistence foremployees and direct field expenses ...................................... At cost b. Transportation (employees' time and subsistence are charged in addition to the following rates). Company Automobile: Passenger Vehicle................................................................$0.30/mile Survey Vehicle...................................................................$0.40/mile Commercial Transportation..............................................................At cost Company Aircraft (pilots' time and subsistence are included in the following rate): KingAir..........................................................................$2.00/mile C. Materials. All materials, other than normal office supplies, which are used in connection with the rendering of services.................................................................................At cost d. Computer—Aided Drafting (employees'time is charged in addition to the following rate). Use of the Interactive Graphics System, when used in the rendering of services......... $35.00/hour e. Equipment Rental. Charges...................................................................... Commercial rates I. Printing, reproductions and photographic work. Charges...................................................................... Commercial rates g. Environmental and chemical laboratory work. Charges...................................................................... Commercial rates July 1992 I L 5 0 N (HRE Code 39) It COMPANY ENO.NIERS t ARCNITeCTS i WCE Acct No. 91)(1-8240D) Af 'CI AMFTCA710W 11-t.1prolessional-Enginom ai P=V'-., Gradual& Enginew P.2" "�,.GraduatilEnginewi StaffDaWl Designs P-4 ;'StstkDetaikDesigne C, P4r„PfGj9CtD9slqw(U --"-F'4 ProjeCtOesigner(I.1 A”' P-7--l...DepartmentHudIL F8 iPnndpels (ILlcomim PM WP" Pfu PA. —OK.t�Apprs i' op Vsterm �' OPW, awl* q OPS Chief -iJnstr lc"��,PaM FS -5� Cme ..Am Senli FC4'CMe Thezee friclude fwt-"" be ch~fw tam cnarges will twe tvsims acimwalmo NWM Party OMI.mia.aft 4ft F D4 35.( -OT47•. - 74.00. b* f982` OT 4;'.I '(WRECOM 'T OTT - ,t-, ",35.0 WM.Acct." M 47.0W ...... FL7 55.00 D4 35.( -OT47•. - 74.00. OT 4;'.I .............. . 'T OTT - ,t-, ",35.0 ... .......... M 47.0W ...... FL7 55.00 OF"21: ........ ............. -P-8 A MAI - 24.00 OP�a 27.50 PD -1 $35.00 ...... ................. PD -2- 37.00' $15.5iy'," - ...... PA -t Imtom F54. ...... PA4, 26.00 ............... PA -3. 31.00.—� .... ........... FOI PA 38001. MW FG3 '24.00 FC4 3200 FC '� 5 ........... OAt:e; $14.50 an OA -2, 18:50.%- ' .. 19.00 0" 2T-00 .... . .... OXSk, MOW OD41- 00-2 --11100' 00-a 24,00, i, —00 -4, D4 35.( -OT47•. - 74.00. OT 4;'.I L 'T OTT - ,t-, ",35.0 OF"21: :1&00`=*'. - OP -T 24.00 OP�a 27.50 FSA:' $15.5iy'," - FS -a_' 24.00: F54. 32.00 FOI . ........ F02" MW FG3 '24.00 FC4 3200 FC '� 5 -,'.35.00 r apk men hn r - pandari nn -to inctleat. except g "me will orstory work limit m chargoll, fair an amparmK mov owanniev" ""of WOOL in All cases - t. Y WILSON & COMPANY ..MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES .. N �• f 5 .3f i d'( h'I'L N :k R. ,a � 4 .. 4, I .. .G a > Subs/stence s Subsistenceforemployeesand direct fieldexpenses Ai cost 6r. Transp0[tahon^%employees tlmeaetl'subvishu virtu charged m edditian rorhe /ollowlnp rens) Company Automobile Passan YeMcle $o:301mi1e s Survey^:valripie: rpt $M401miie Commmerciai:Ttansportation At cost` Company Aircnift wroeeumeanit subefa encsoou,cfuecafmfhwfouowinaretec s. M �u : Kirtg Alr y s" � $2Aolmilei ;f F .;. * ,rh Altjmateriaikctherthannormaloffioesuppiies whiahareusadirrconnectiortwitirtherenderingo€ s 1; ,• `AttC08Tw j,� q- a.. F r r , �.- r •+ t y 4`=rrc sfi-ryt� c. {� .�, �9 b.'f. s ads �' ^`LSrx" .•i�+tv r' ,r r'.§r i n vxr,, .,,., '' +,, to`l •.: 'rw:+ =+, c u^-•4:. Computer—Rldedilndting(«ripro ilmsrrdrargealiv-swft"to.moronowl�rerot ' 4 y x usero€theinteraClevediaphicsSystem, when used in the rendering of services S35.00lhour CiOmmefClal 4 ty aA`dx'�<b,k,-vs a Fy e. € � Prinflfrg; reproduceIons-arr�photogrephicworM ; a 4� ��^ `�i- . Commercial rata& r +. _ r^y. :M ,�Secx��`'°'n*b�� f „w`.n.✓(APk�-ay�t � .{ ft�i' q� + Errvlronnrentafandchainkillaboratorywarlc Charges Commercial rater oaf lir} �,y +„ri'y �go-rd ° G✓ a 3. h .f .{,4 ;r,aa3.RIM y--4i1y✓krfg >x�,Ysa ") . "iw�,a �a4� p � Yc ofi�.w�i'ksq"��w�4zL t ' �•+f'(°'r ova '�1�'SF%'s'�'i�i` F � �``�''p� i .1 r n5.��z�s4,'3S.3.Y$ �^ S t r , f s *�.: c ''�.•�r'T parr- `9"%-m M I i ' '� bi � � F ����7a •i'n€if e7v ��.u� '`�'''+, a q - `yp+X _ , •#3..J, ITT:' kf Y 1 y at r r ' TLSON! (HnE OWN 39) �COMPAI4Y 'Eeo,«cies 1 . WCE.AC4: No. 9b O424001 R ntTett