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municipal code corp. 1965-1967
INVOICE MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 2235 ar TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA, 32804 To City os Salina, Kansas Date April 2, 19&0 150 Copies of Supplerrz-nt r:o. 25 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 98 pages 0 12.05 1,180,90 postage 8.60 $ 1,189.50 k Add $ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining date.unpaid more than 80 days atter invoia f Ll Law and Ordinance Codi%ication POST OFFICE BOX 2236 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 82804 TELEPHONE (904) 676,9171 April 8, 1980 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 25 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped April 2, 1980, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed please find our statement covering this' shipment. We would appreciate your sub- mitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, )111oz�_ Sara Matthews(Mrs.) Treasurer SM/jm enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 45 States a Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 January 16, 1980 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are in receipt of the following material which will be considered for inclusion in the next Supplement to your Code: Supplement No. 26 - City of Salina, Kansas Ord. Nos. 8760, 8761, 8767. and 8768. Supplement No. 25 -has already been released to our shop for typesetting. These Ordinances will be held--in,-our files and considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 26. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. ags Sincerely, 24l e/0 V-4; Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,500 cities in 46 States CITY OF SALINA ARBA CODE 913 637.9663 CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 NEST ASN P. O. BOX 346 SALINA, KANSAS 670t January 8, 1980 Mr. Robert L. Lassie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Leslie: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 0. 4 HARRISON M E. ABBOTT 1 am enclosing copies of Ordinance -Numbers 8760, 8761, 8767, 8768 as the final material to be included in Supplement 25. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk Enclosures (4) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES �. INVOICE S * MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA, 32304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date Dec. 28, YQ79 130 Copies of Supplement o. 24, to the Salina Code of Ordinances 170 pages 19 12.05 ^ 2,048.50 250 Copies of Zoninc, Renrints 60 pages 0 5.05 303.00 2,351.50 postage 23.50 $ 2,375.00 Add $ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from Invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1%% per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 90 days after invoice date. c Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32804 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 January 2, 1980 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 24 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped Dec. 26, 1979, via U.P.S. Reprints were shipped Dec. 28, 1979, via U.P.S. Enclosed please find our statement covering this shipment. We would appreciate your sub- mitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, cga_� h11oZ�_ Sara Matthews(Mrs.) Treasurer SM/jm enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 46 States ^.�` �• A � � q>;Y lx �1��li �i:�� IIs�,.�'3'�Y�� �1��''�,�fiC,F�r y*!�"wY�-'�' AREA CODE 913131.9/03 CRY - COUNTY BUILDING 309 WEST ABM P. O. BOX 101 SAUNA. KANSAS 91001 December 17, 1979 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. o. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE B. L HARRISON, CMC M. E ABBOTT I am enclosing a revised version of Ordinance Number 8755. Please substitute this ordinance for the one mailed to you in October. Very truly yours, IAALL-I.� D. A. Harrison City Clerk DLH/Js Enclosure P.S. When may we expect to receive Supplement 241 MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES (Published in The Salina Journal 1979) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE; PROVIDING FOR THE FEE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR A LICENSE; PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF WORK PERFORMED BY MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS AND THE COSTS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That Article XV of Chapter 9 of the Salina Code is hereby amended by adding the following sections which shall read as follows: "Section 9-441. Mechanical Contractor's. license established. There are hereby established two (2) classes of license for those engaged in the Mechanical Contracting business. Sec. 9-441(1). CZass A MechanicaZ Contractor: shall be licensed to do all work regulated by the Mechanical Code. Sec. 9-441(2). Class H MachanicaZ Contractor: shall be licensed to install or construct only fireplaces, wood burning stoves and furnaces or other similar solid fuel burning appliances. "Section 9-442. License required. Seo. 9-442(1). It shalt be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation to engage in the business of mechanical contracting without first having secured a mechanical contractor's license. IISeo. 9-442(2). A homeowner who is presently occupying the home shall not be required to obtain a license to install equipment regulated by this code. "Section 9-443. License fee. The license shall be issued by the City Clerk and the applicant shall pay the following fee: Mechanical Contractor's License (New application) . . . $135.00 Mechanical Contractor's License (Renewal) . . . . . . $ 35.00 "Section 9-444. Mechanical Contractor's license application. Applications for a mechanical contractor's license shall be made to the City Clerk on a form to be provided by said clerk. "Section 9-445. Permit required. `Sea. 9-445(1). No mechanical contractor shall perform any work regulated by the Uniform Mechanical Code without first obtaining a permit from the department of permits and inspections. Sec. 9-445(2). An owner/occupant of a single family dwelling may Install equipment regulated by this code. A permit shall be obtained prior to commencing such work. __. 11 "Section 9-446. Record of Permits required. Sea. 9-44901. A complete record of the permits issued shall be kept by the department of permits and inspections. Soo. 9-446121. Sales of equipment regulated by this code, directly to consumers shad be recorded and reported to the department of permits and inspections on form provided by the department. This requirement is due to the hazards involved in the improper installation of such equipment. Sea. 9-446(3). Consumers purchasing equipment shall be advised by the seller of requirements for permits and inspections. 0 "Section 9-447. Department of permits and inspections to inspect. It shall be the duty of the department of permits and inspections to inspect, or cause to be inspected, any work for which permits are required by this code. "Section 9-448. Inspection and approval required. Any work performed under this code will require inspection and approval by the department of permits and inspections. "Section 9-449. Concealing work before inspection. No mechanical contractor shall conceal, or cause to be concealed, work performed under this code prior to inspection and approval. "Section 9-449.1. Insurance required It shalt be required of the holder of a mechanical contractor's license, as a condition thereof, that he procure and maintain in full force and effect for the duration of the license, bodily injury and liability insurance for the minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) limit per occurrence, as well as property damage liability insurance in the minimum amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per occurrence. Proof of coverage shall be approved by the City Attorney. "Section 9-449.2. Bond required. Before any person, firm, association, partnership, or corporation shall be granted a mechanical contractor's license, said contractor shall execute a good and sufficient bond in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) the same to be approved by the City Attorney, conditioned upon the good and faithful performance of work done in the city, payment of all fees connected therewith, and to hold the city harmless on account of any damages arising from the faulty work or neglect of duty in the protection of the public. "Section 9-449.3. Exemptions from new contractor fee. Persons, firms, associations, partnerships, corporations, doing business as a bona fidemechanical contractor on the effective date of this ordinance shall not be required to pay the fee for a new application, but shall be charged the renewal fee as set forth in Section 9-443. further, the same shall apply to currently licensed electrical, plumbing and gas fitters who are doing mechanical work as a part of their regular business, but nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that these contractors will be permitted to do mechanical work without first obtaining the proper mechanical contractc license, and providing the proper insurance and bond as set forth in Sections 9-442, 9-449.1, and 9-449.2.1- Section -449.2." Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 1980, and its publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: September 17, 1979 Passed: October 1, 1979 (SEAL) wren M. Graves, mayor ATTEST: U. L. Harrison, City VlerK Is E 0 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 November 7, 1979 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of October 30, 1979, and the enclosed material to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 25 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. We have spoken with our shop foreman concerning Supple- ment No. 24 and he has advised that the Supplement is scheduled for shipment by November 26, 1979. Upon ship- ment of this Supplement, we will proceed with the editorial work on Supplement No. 25. Your continued interest and cooperation are appreciated. With best wishes, Sin ely, Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements RLL:bgd Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,500 cities in 46 States 0 CITY OF SALINA AREA CODE $13 4127.9163 CRY - COUNTY BUILDING 000 WEST ASH P.O. Box TAA SALINA, KANSAS 67,101 October 30, 1979 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: ` ( r 01 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 0. L HARRISON. CNC M. E. ABBOTT I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8723, 8724, 8730, 8734, 8735, 8736, 8740, 8741, 8742, 8743, 8744, 8745, 8746, 8747, 8748, 8749, 8750, 8754, 8755, 8757 as the material for Supplement 25. Please print 150 copies as usual. Very truly yours, ALALI� D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js Enclosures (20) P.S. When may I expect to receive Supplement 24? MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CITY OF SALINA AREA WDE 913 827465I a" -Co N" BUILDING M WEST ASH P. O. BOX 718 SAUNA. I SAS 07QI June 19, 1979 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 0. L HARRISON M E. ABBOTT I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8641, 8642, 8643, 8644, 8645, 8654, 8657, 8663, 8664, 8668, 8679, 8685, 8688, 8689, 8692, 8703, 8704, 8707, 8708, 8713, Charter Ordinances 16 and 17, and Resolution 3339 as the material for Supplement 24. Please print 150 copies as usual. Please print 250 additional copies of the changes in Zoning Ordinance 8526. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk DLH/js enclosures (23) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Gwa - - � Lam and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2835 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 June 26, 1979 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are in receipt of the following material which will be considered for inclusion in the next Supplement to your Code: Supplement No. 24 - City of Salina, Kansas Ord. Nos. 864.1, 8642, 8643, 8644, 8645, 8654, 8657, 8663, 8664, 8668, 8679, 8685, 8688, 8689, 8692, 8703,.8704, 8707, 8708, and 8713. Charter Ord. Nos. 16 and 17. Resolution No. 3339 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. erely, ags bert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Nation's Leading Lam Publisher Specialising in Ordinance Serving over 1,200 cities in 46 States 0 REPRINT PAMPHLET PRICE LIST June 1, 1979 A. At Time of Initial Printing: 0 1 - 50 copies . . . . . . . . $3.70 per page Each additional 50 copies . . 0.40 per page B. After Initial Printing: 1 - 50 copies . . . . . . . . $4.70 per page Each additional 50 copies . . 0.40 per page C. Cordwain Paper Covers (Includes printing and fasteners): 50 covers . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 Each additional 50 covers . . 20.00 For the purpose of this price list, a page is hereby defined as the area on one (1) side of a sheet of paper. A sheet contains two (2) pages. If desired, reprint pamphlets can be kept up-to-date at the same time the Code volume is supplemented, at the cost set out in Item A above. 0 0 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 March 15, 1979 IMPORTANT NOTICE Effective June 1, 1979, the price for publishing the Looseleaf Supplements to your Code of Ordinances will increase FIFTY CENTS ($0.50) per page. This increase represents less than 5% in over a two-year period. Material received for codification prior to this date will be published at the present rate. Do not hesitate to inquire of the additional services available to assure that your Code reflects the current ordinances and state laws. The enclosed brochure out- lines several options available. We can furnish additional copies of the entire Code, containing all current Supplement pages, or specific chapters of the Code in pamphlet form. Estimates for additional copies of the Code or specific chapters will be furnished upon request. Our current reprint price list is enclosed. Many cities are having their Personnel regulations pub- lished in the same format as the Code but in separate pamphlets. We would be pleased to discuss publication of these regulations for you. Please be assured that we strive to hold our costs down and, at the same time, provide an efficient and invalu- able service to the cities and counties under contract with us. If you have any questions, or if we may be of assistance to you in any way, please let us know. We would also appreciate any comments or suggestions which would be helpful to us in meeting the requirements of your Code. Si rely, arlton C. Smy Executive Vice President CCS/js enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,500 cities in 46 States 0 0 ll/ Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 November 7, 1978 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Pursuant to the City's purchase order #11308, we have placed your order for twenty-five (25) expandable black binders at the 2 1/2" capacity. It is our pleasure to be of service to the City of Salina in this regard. With best wishes, Sincerely, Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements RLL:bjh Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,500 cities in 46 States INVOICE MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA, 32304 TO City of Salina, Kansas Date Sept. 28, 1978 e r MEMORANDUM INVOICE 150 Copies of Supplement No. 23 Revision to the Salina Code of Ordinances 8 pages @ no charge 250 Copies of Zoning Reprint Revision 6 pages @ no charge Add $ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 11A clo per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. 0 0 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2236 1700 CAPITAL CHICLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32804 TELEPHONE (804) 678.3171 September 20, 1978 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of September 14, 1978, relative to the errors found in Supplement No. 23 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Please be advised that we have issued a revision to said Supplement in order to correct these mistakes. We appreciate your calling these errors to our atten- tion and trust that they have not greatly inconveniened the City. Thank you for your continued assistance and cooperation. With best wishes, Sincerely, od'�,�d.�Raslie Vice President - Supplements RLL:bjh Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,400 cities in 46 Staten September 14, 1978 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. O. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: I am enclosing copies of pages 1568, 1568.48, and 1781 which were partofSupplement 23. There are three errors, noted in yellow.` One is a rather major error of omission, and the other two are minor typographical errors. I feel these should be corrected and these pages reprinted by your company at no cost to the City. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js Enclosures (3) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CI 1`IE5 q ' toir PIARN Ic' Il I 2'A e`6TM`'t' AREA CODE 917 627 9653 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASN CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 62401 0. L. HARRISON - M. E. ABBOTT September 14, 1978 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. O. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: I am enclosing copies of pages 1568, 1568.48, and 1781 which were partofSupplement 23. There are three errors, noted in yellow.` One is a rather major error of omission, and the other two are minor typographical errors. I feel these should be corrected and these pages reprinted by your company at no cost to the City. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js Enclosures (3) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CI 1`IE5 0 0 ¢ 36-612 SALINA CODE Q 86-612 38. Small animal hospitals, providing that such facil- ity is completely enclosed and that no odor or noise is discernible outside the structure. 39. Sporting goods stores. 40. Truck sales and service. 41. Variety stores. 42. YMCA, YWCA, and other similar organizations. 43. Any other similar uses not specifically listed are permitted if they comply with the conditions and restrictions contained in section 36-612(5). 44. Accessory and temporary uses, as permitted by Article IV. 45. Signs, as permitted by Article IX.. 46. Off-street parking and loading, as required by Article X. Sec. 36-612(2). Conditional uses. 1. Telephone exchanges and telephone transmission equipment structures. 2. Outdoor theatres. 3. Animal hospitals, provided that all pens shall be in an enclosed structure. 4. Amusement parks and skating rinks. 5. Taverns. 6. Lumber yards. p 5._ � 3 '. W%;^w tJau:a.laewuw� Osof g�3� Sec. 36-612(3). Lot size requirements. 1. Minimum lot width: Seventy-five (75) feet. 2. Minimum lot depth: One hundred (100) feet. See. 36-612(4). Bulk regulations. 1. Maximum structure height: Forty (40) feet. 2. Yard requirements: (a) Minimum front yard: Property located adja- cent to the various types of streets shall main- tain the following yard requirements regard- less of whether it is a front, side, rear or any combination thereof: . Sapp. No. 23 1568 i l L 80-1000 SALINA CODE § 86-1000 ing of goods, materials or products: At least one (1) parking space for each three (3) employees as related to the working period when the maximum number of persons is employed on the premises. 11. Automobile wrecking yards: At least one (1) park- ing space for each two (2) employees, plus one (1) parking space for each ten thousand (10,000) square feet of storage area. 12. Car washing facilities: At least four (4) parking, holding and drying spaces for each stall in a self- service establishment, and at least six (6) parking, holding and drying spaces for each twenty (20) linear feet in attendant operated establishments. 13. Bowling alleys: At least five (5) parking spaces for each bowling lane, plus such additional space as may be required herein for affiliated uses such as restaurants and other similar uses. 14.. Theatres: At least one (1) parking space for each four (4) seats. 15. Undertaking establishments and funeral parlors: At least one (1) parking space for each four (4) seats, based upon the designed maximum capacity of the parlor, plus at least one (1) parking space for each employee and one (1) parking space for each vehicle maintained on the premises. 16. Warehouse, storage, and wholesale establishments:' At least one (1) parking space for each two (2) employees as related to the working period when the maximum number of persons is employed on the premises. 17. Mini -warehouses: At least one (1) space for each ten (10) storage cubicles or five. (5) spaces, which- ever is greater, equally distributed throughout the storage area, plus two 4V spaces for any man- ager's quarters, plus one (1) space for every twenty-five (25) storage cubicles or two (2) spaces, whichever is greater, to be located at the project office for the use of prospective clients. Supp. No. 28 1586.48 / \ I COrd 14, § 2 . APPENDIX F—CHARTER ORDINANCES Ord. 14, § 4 highways, or in beer parlors, taverns, pool halls or places to which the general public has access, whether or not an admission or other fee is charged or collected, or upon property owned by the state or any governmental sub- division thereof or inside vehicles while upon the public streets, alleys, roads or highways; Provided, however, The limitations, aforesaid, shall not apply to real property leased by a city to others under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749, both sections inclusive, and any amendments thereto, if such real property is actually being used for hotel or motel purposes or purposes incidental. thereto, nor shall said limitations apply to any state owned or operated building or structure and the surrounding prem- ises which are furnished to and occupied by any state officer or employee as a residence; Provided further, That by ordinance, any city having a population of more than thirty thousand (30,000) rM by ordinance exempt certain property, title of which is vested in such city, from the provisions of this act. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and _ upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200), or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months or be both so fined and imprisoned." Section 8. This Charter Ordinance shall be published once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in The Salina Journal, the official city newspaper. Section 4. This is a Charter Ordinance and shall take effect sixty-one (61) days after final publication, unless a sufficient petition for referendum is filed and the referendum held on the ordinance is provided in Article 12, Section 5, Subdi- vision (c) (3) of the Constitution of the State of Kansas, in which case the ordinance shall become effective if ap- proved by a majority of the electors voting thereon. Passed by the governing body by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members elect voting thereon this 3rd day of October, 1977. CSupp. Na 23 1781. d/4 440 W Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 7235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 April 4, 1978 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are in receipt of the following material which will be considered for inclusion in the next Supplement to your Code: Supplement No. 23 - City of Salina, Kansas Ord. Nos. 8583, 8584, 8599, 8605, 8619, 8623, 8626, 8630, and Charter Ordinances 13, 14, and 15. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. erely, /,.rte slie Obert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements tsm Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specialising in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,800 cities in 46 States 'i1 Ry° rt I� 7� a 17�T 7pL ✓ Illlli I Y � � Ei ®�' H 1�.I H 1 `� L-� ,K`*7't�":`,� SIF _ 471{,1rIS,I 0il AREA CODE 913 Bi] 9653 CITY COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. O. BOX 7n6 D. L. HARRISON SAUNA. KANSAS 67401 M. E ABBOTT March 30, 1978 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Leslie: I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8583, 8584, 8599, 8605,' 8619, 8623, 8626, 8630., and Charter Ordinances 13, 14, and 15, as the material for Supplement 23. Please print 150 copies as usual., Please reprint 250 copies of ordinances amending Zoning Ordinance 8526 to update.the pamphlets as they are adopted in the future. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk DLH/js enclosures (11) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES -:NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES INVOICE ` MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 82304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date , uc-ust 7.9, 1977 150 Copies of Supplevent ?o. 22 to tee Salina Code of Ordinances 330 pages 0 11.55 S 3,011.50 250 Copies of Zoninc- Pamnhlcts 10G pages @ 5.05 939.30 250 Cordwa9_n eov^rn 00.00 250 sets of Ciico co Scr no^t- ^ 25.00 n,-i5,B0 n postage 52•''� \,V�1(I VrA l Add;_ _____--..____ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% c/o per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. .� - a- 6;0400 M/lllSli Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 August 31, 1977 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 22 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped August 29, 1977, via M.R.&R. Trucking Company. Zoning Pamphlets were also shipped. Enclosed please find our statement covering this shipment. We would appreciate your sub- mitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Sara Matthews(Mrs.) Treasurer SM/jm enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 45 States Ci�I"GllllG�!l��idl�/ CiB'►yr�711��iG� Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. C _ TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32804 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 April 26, 1977 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of April 19, 1977 and the enclosed material to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 22 to the Salina Code of ordinances. In accordance with your instructions we have noted the correction.on Ord. No. 8540. Pursuant to your request,.with the publication of Supplement No. 22 we will reprint 250 copies of the new zoning ordinance number 8526 in separate pamphlet .form. The pamphlets will be housed in tan Cordwin covers as instructed. ed as supplements .ta—the•-Code-. " We thank you for your assistance and cooperation and look forward to hearing from you in the above matter at an early date. With best wishes, Sincerely,.. ;4 rt L. / . 41&4, RobLaslie Vice President - Supplements RLL:bjh Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 45 States INVOICE MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date May 16, 1977 MEMQRWDUM INy6iCE__ 150 Copies of Supplement No. 21 Revision to the Salina Code of Ordinances 12 pages @ no charge Add;_ ______._.___ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rete of Its c/e per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date.' L 1 ' f i Psi AREA CODE 913 027-9653 CITY - COUNTY BURRING 300 ,1LS1 ASN P. G. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 April 19, 1977 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON M, E. ABBOTT I am enclosing Resolution Number 3311 and Ordinance Numbers 85471, 85529 8553, 8554, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8558, 8560, 8563 as the final material to be included in Supplement 22. Ordinance Number 8540, which was mailed to you on the 8th of March, has tyographical CHARGESdFORading SEWERbefore CONNECTIONion O(il) LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CITY. The enclosed copy has been corrected. Please print 250 additional copies of Ordinance Number 8526, which is the new zoning regulations, with tan Cordwin Covers, and Chicago screw posts. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js enclosures (12) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 0 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 March 11, 1977 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 Thank you for your letter of March 8, T977 and the en- closed material to be considered for iclusion in Sup- plement No. 22 to the Salina Code of O dinances. In regard to the errors in the publication of Supplement No. 21, please be advised that we have issued a revision to said Supplement, which will include the necessary cor- rections. Please accept our sincere aologies for anys inconvenience this may have caused the City. Pursuant to your request, we are pleas mate of cost for the reprinting of the No. 8526, in separate pamphlet form, a cluded in the publication of Supplemen ance with Item A of the enclosed repri: estimated cost will be as set out belo, and cover color swatch are also enclos tion. . 250 Copies Approximately 280 pages, including ] at $5.05 per page . . . . . . . . 250 Cordwain Covers . . . . . . . . Chicago Screw Posts . . . . . . . . Estimated Please keep in mind that the above fig mations inasmuch as it is virtually im the exact number of pages any given ma tute until the material is actually se d to submit an esti- new Zoning Ordinance, the time it is in - No. 22. In accord - t price list, the A sample pamphlet d for your examina- .naex pages, . . . . . $1,414.00 . . . . . 80.00 . . . . . . 25.00 Total $1,519.00 es are merely approxi- ssible to determine script will consti-_ . in type. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 45 States Mr. D. L. Harrison March 11, 1977 Page 2 We trust the above information will be of assistance and look forward to receiving the additional material to be considered for inclusion in the publication of Supplement No. 22. Please feel free to call upon us if we may be of any further assistance. With best wishes, Sincerely, Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements RLL:bgd Enclosures REPRINT PAMPHLET PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1. 1974 A. At Time of Initial Printing: 1— 50 copies ----------- __ -------- 51-100 copies -.-. ---- ----- __------------- Each additional 50 copies B. After Initial Printing: 1— 60 copies -------------------------------- 51-100 copies ----------------------------- Each additional 50 copies C. Cordwain Paper Covers: 50 covers -------------------------- Each additional 50 covers Chicago Screw Posts ..._--- Paper fasteners ---- --------- 0 --------------- ---- per page ----------........ . 4.00 per page --------- - --------- 0.35 per page 4.60 per page 6.00 per page 0.85 per page -------------------------------------- 10.00 -........ ._..,_...... - - .. -- 0.10 per copy -------- - _ - _ --.... .... .... ._ 0.05 per copy For the purpose of this price list, a page is hereby defined as the area on one (1) side of a sheet of paper. A sheet contains two (2) pages. If desired, reprint pamphlets can be kept up-to-date at the same time the Code volume is supplemented at the cost set out in Item A above. i I, CI'I`Y OF SAUINA AREA CODE 911 63]963] CITY . CWNTY BUILDING -- - IDB WEST ASH P. O. 60A 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67,101 March 8, 1977 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor-in-chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: - - - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D.L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT Enclosed are ordinances 8488 and 8489 which were included in Supplement 21. There are 5 errors, noted in yellow. I feel these should be corrected and this part of the supplement reprinted by your company at no cost to the City. Enclosed are ordinance numbers 8526, 8527, 8531, 8532, 8533, 8534, 8535, 8539, 8540, and 8544. Please print 150 copies as you have done in the past. For Zoning Ordinance 8526, please quote a price for 250 copies bound in a 2 screw type loose leaf binder, similar to the reprint of Chapter 22 (Motor Vehicle and Traffic of Salina) you did for us in 1967. Maybe you could send a sample with your quotation. Please do not finalize work on supplement 22 as there are additional ordinances to be included and which will follow soon. Very truly yours, wct4w-l� D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js enclosures (13) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Fy. f INVOICE MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION It P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, aansas Date October 5, 1976 150 Copies of Supplement No. 21 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 138 pages 0 11.55 postage $ 1,593.90 9.77 $ 1,603.67 Add $...'2A—.0 _---------- per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. A Law and Ordinance Codification PORT OFFICE BOX 7296 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32904 TELEPHONE (900 676-3171 October 6, 1976 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 21 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped October 5, 1976, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed please find our statement covering this shipment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and coopera- tion. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Sara Matthews Treasurer SM/jm enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification �_: Serving over 1,200 cities in 45 States Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32804 TELEPHONE (904) 578,4171 June 18, 1976 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are in receipt of the following material which will be considered for inclusion in the next Supplement to your Code: Supp. No. 21 - City of Salina, Kansas Ord. Nos. 8315, 8476 through 8480, 8482, 8485, 8488, 8489, and 8492. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. erely, Obert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 45 States CEVY •F SAUINA ABBH rODE 913 8E7-9653 CI!Y � COUNTY BUILDING 3^+0 .-ST ASH SALINA, KANSAS 67401 June 14, 1976 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARBISON M. C, ABBOTT Dear Mr. Laslie: Please amend paragraph 5 of the preface, (page vi), beginning in line 15 to read "New chapters may be included by the addition of a Letter after the preceding chapter number, for example, if the new material.,is to be included between Chapters 12 and 13, it will be designated as Chapter 12 A, 12 B, 12 C, etc." Beginning with Ordinance Numbers 8488 and 8489, use the new Chapter numbering system. I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8315, 8476, 8477, 8478, 8479, 8480, 8482, 8485, 8488, 8489, 8492, as the material for Supplement 21. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLHjjs enclosures (11) MEM©ER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES E Law and Ordinance Codification POBT OFFICE BOX 2236 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 676-3171 May 11, 1976 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Salina City Hall 300 W. Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67301 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise ,that 150 copies of Supplement No. 20 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped May 10, 1976, via,Parcel Post. Enclosed please find our statement covering this shipment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and coopera- tion. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Sara Matthews Treasurer SM/jm enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Seruing ouer 1,200 cities in 45 States n 9 j,eadlnB 'o vin8 overpliblis¢12p0 �ttiea Noo CII'";:` Y OF S A II. II N Pi AREA COG:. 913 827-9653 CITY - COL;'; TY BUILDING 300 WEST .ASH P. O. BOX 116 - SALINA. KANSAS 67001 April 29, 1976 CITY. CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON M. E- ABBOTT Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. O. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: It has been 2 months since I received your acknowledgement of the final material to be included in Supplement 20. When may I expect the supplement to be shipped? Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison . City Clerk DLH/js MEMBER ... KANSAS.LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2236 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32804 TELEPHONE (904) 676-3171 February 25, 1976 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are in receipt of the following material which will be considered for inclusion in the next Supplement to your Code: Supp. No. 20 - City of Salina, Kansas Ord. Nos. 8461, 8466, 8469, 8468, 8470, and 8471 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. erely, Obert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 46 States E AREA CODE 913 927 9653 CITY COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH V O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 February 17, 1976 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: Thank you for your letter of February 12, 1976. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON M.E. ABBOTT We have enacted the additional legislation which we wanted to be included in Supplement 20. It became effective upon its publication on January 30th. I am enclosing Ordinance Numbers 8461, 8466, 8468, 8469, 8470, and 8471 as the final material for Supplement 20. Thank you for your cooperation. Si erely, )a� D. L. Harrison City Clerk Enclosures (6) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES G� � � a • Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 February 12, 1976 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina City -County Building 300 West Ash P: O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We should like to take this opportunity to inquire if the City has enacted the legislation discussed in your letter of November 10, 1975. As you are aware, we are withholding publication of Supplement 20 pending receipt of the above material. We would appreciate hearing from you in the above regard at your convenience. With best wishes, Sincerely, Tax6t i iA9L Robert L. Laslie Vice President -. Supplements RLL/pdm Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,275 cities in 45 States G�a� Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 57&3171 November 17, 1975 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are in receipt of the following material which will be considered for inclusion in the next Supplement to your Code: Supp. No. 20 - City of Salina, Kansas Ord. Nos.'8426, 8433, 8438, 8439, and 8454 Charter Ords. ` L5 1�0 11, and 12 Resolution No. 32 IS We will be happy to h6ld publication of above supplement pending receipt of additional material. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. erely, .; �.u.t . 4W --*6'V Obert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,200 cities in 45 States • A'IR I 1lYi ���� � �V�� '"ejy/ �•l"V:� psi tYrRFt'R si 4i� d�":-V i t F � �t� f I �i I..... � �;;�� +iL A9 AREA-CODE`919 827,9655 ;CITY.- COUNTY. BUICDtNG YM•WEST ASH P. 0 -Box INS SALINA.•KANSAS67401 'November 10, 1975 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -.Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: CITY 'CLERK'S .OFFICE D. L. HARRISON M. E..ASBOTT am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8426, 8433, v' 8438, 8439, 8454 and Charter Ordinances 10, 11, 12, and Resolution Number 3245 to be included in Supplement Number 20. Please do not finalize work on this supplement until you receive word from me as there will be additional material to be included in this supplement. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs enclosures (9) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES --NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 2238 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TO City of Salina, !cansas DOU Fay 12, 1975 150 Copies of Supplenent No. 19 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 108 paged to 11.55 postage $ 1,247.40 7.83 ,: x.,255.23 Add $_.1R - SI per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate 4oO A„to per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid mole than 80 days after invoice date. a �� Ci�2GllllG�y�Rf/ C.6llP� C�f019�►�IdYL Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 January 14, 1975 Mr. D.. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr, Harrison: This will acknowledge receipt of the following material to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 19 to your Code. Ordinance Nos. 8373 through 8403, 8406 and 8408 through 8420 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. With best wishes, Sincerely, 4� (Mrs.) Donna Brown Editorial Assistant DB/sfb Nation's Leading Law Publisher Spi HOWng in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,200 atids in 45 States CITY OF SAL1NA AREA CODE. 913 637g633 CITY: COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASN P. O. BOX 316 SALINA. KANSAS 67601 January 7, 1975 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON M E. ABBOTT I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8373 through 8403, inclusive, Ordinance Number 8406 and Ordinance Numbers 8408 through 8420, inclusive, as the material to be included in Supplement Number 19. Sincerely, Ncw� D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs Enclosures (45) P. S. Please print 150 copies, as you have done in the past. MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date Nov. 15, 1974 150 Copies of Supplemant No. 18 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 76 pages @ 11.55 $ 877.80 postage 5.16 $ 882..96 Add $--- 13.2 4 per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of l;yc/o per month on the unpaid � balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice - date. r. K .-;of. " -, to (Mrs.) Sara Matthews Treasurer SM/id enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,100 cities in 45 States CITY OF S.ALINA MBA COON 91] 9]Ti9]] QTY • COUNTY BUILDING ,pp ,IEgT A„1 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. O. BOX TOI D. L. HMRIS SALINA. XABBA9 97491 - M. B. ABBOTT September 24, 1974 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: I am enclosing copies of OrdinanceNumbers 8322, 8328, 8329, 8330, 8338, 8345, 8348, 8358, 8359, 8364, and Charter Ordinance Numbers 8 and 9 as the material to be included in Supplement Number 18. Sincerely, AAM+sw D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js Enclosures (12) P. S. Please print 150 copies, as you have done in the past. MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES rI 0 9 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 57&3171 September 12, 1974 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We have not had the pleasure of hearing from you re- garding the supplementation of your Code, as discussed in our letter of June 5, 1974. Inasmuch as we would like to provide you with an up-to-date Code, please forward copies of all pertinent legislation enacted since Irdubabce Bi, 8317, dated November 12, 1973. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. With best wishes, Sincerely, 4W Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements RLL/ls Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,200 cities in 45 States STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date February 6,1974 150 Copies of Supplement No. 17 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 134 pages @ 11.00 postage $ 1,474.00 8.56 $ 1,482.56 Add $_2 2 2 4--___-- per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the .aete,:af,1',¢ % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. r. • • February 11, 1974 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk of Salina Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 17 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped February 6, 1974, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and co- operation. Sincerely, Sara Matthews (Mrs.) Treasurer SM:sfb Enclosures: 1 Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,100 cities in 45 States Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 February 11, 1974 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk of Salina Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 17 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped February 6, 1974, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and co- operation. Sincerely, Sara Matthews (Mrs.) Treasurer SM:sfb Enclosures: 1 Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1,100 cities in 45 States • i 14el" Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 570.3171 December '5, 1973 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for" your letter of November 23, 1973, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. 8287, 8290, 8305, 8306, 8309, 8314, 8315, and '8337, to be con- sidered for inclusion in Supplement No. 17. Ptrsuant to your request, we are pleased to submit the following estimate,`of the cost of publication of Supplement No. 17. 150 copies of approximately 80 pages, including index, at $11.00 per page . . . $880.00 We look forward to receiving your authorization to proceed with the Supplement at an early date. Sincerely, p Robert L. Laslie Vice President - Supplements RLL/db Dear Mr. Las Ile; You had my authorization to proceed with the supplement when I submitted the material. D. L. Harrison City Clerk. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Servinp over 1000 cities in 43 states AprA ^1 .._ 9I1 11 ..1 loo wesr ASN CITY CLI-AIc'B OFFICE P. O BOX 745 [I L. Irirz Pl•i�lN SALINA.KANSAS 61401 M. C. ABBOTT November 23, 1973 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Leslie: I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8287, 8290, 8305, 8306, 8309, 8314, 8315, 8317 to be included in Supplement Number 17. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/ j s enclosures (8) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONALLEAGUE OF CITIES ra P STATEMENT MUNICIPAL- CODE CORPORATION P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date Nov. 15, 1971 150 Copies of Supplenant No. 18 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 76 pages Q 11.55 postage $ 877.80 5.15 $ 882.96 11 Add $_ 13,24 per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. • Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOR 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32504 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 November 17, 1974 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supple- ment No. 18 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped November 15, 1974, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed please find our statement covering this shipment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, �itit' �ekd� (Mrs.) Sara Matthews Treasurer SM/id enc. Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification .� Serving over 1,100 cities in 45 States d STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Xansas Date 150 copies of Supplement No. 16 to the Sp•.lira CoQe of 70 pages � 11.00 $ 770.00 2 pages, $1145 & 1146 n.c. Postage -- 4_Z2 $ 774.82 Add $--.Il --6 2 _ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining % id more than 30 days after invoice Sincerely, ��- �= - ' -s i Sara Matthews (Mrs,) Treasurer SM:sfg Enclosures: 1 Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializi4g,,in Ordinance Codification Serving over 985 cities in 48 States ��IC6L��!ilLCi (�v� c�v��i3T�:�61i Law and Ordivauce Codi/icution POST OFFICE BOX 2215 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE. S. W. TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 570-3171 February 20, 1973 fir. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas G7401 Dear fir. Harrison: This will acknowledge receipt of the following material, to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 16 to your Code of Ordinances: Resolution No. 60.5._ Ordinance Nos. 825bi 8259, 8261; 8265, 8271through 8275 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. With best wishes, Sincerely, Robert L. Laslie Vice President — Supple:7ents RLL/n, h There is no acknowledgement of the Agreement forwarded with this material. Nation's Leading Lala Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1000 cities in 43 states 0 0 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOR 2236 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (004) 676.3171 February 20, 1973 Mr. D. U. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: This will acknowledge receipt of the following material, to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 16 to your Code of Ordinances: Resolution No. 605 Ordinance Nos. 8258, 8259, 8261, 8265, 8271 through 8275 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. With best wishes, Sincerely, 41 -.AV 1�4d/ Robert L. Laslie Vice President — Supplements RLL/mh Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 1000 cities in 48 states O. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT 0 WhEte/lrorth CITY COUNTY BUILDING 900 WEST ASN STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 February 7, 1973 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA COOS 815 827-8659 In reference to our telephone conversation last week, I am enclosing a copy of an agreement and County Resolution # 605, pertaining to the Metropolitan Planning Commission, which were omitted from Supplement 15. I am also enclosing Ordinance Numbers 8258, 8259, 8261, 8265, 8271, 8272, 8273, 8274, 8275. All of this information may be included in Supplement 16. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH: j 1 MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES E Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOR 2236 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 676-3171 October 24,.1972 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P.O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for forwarding the following material, to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 15 to your Code of Ordinances; Ordinance Nos, 8240, 8241, 8246, 8247, 8251 County Resolution No. 605 Your assistance and cooperation are greatly appreciated. With best wishes, Sincerely, (� Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. RLL/mh Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 900 cities in 41 states — — y �i%�Z£2E/Y021�1 D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT o • L CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 8279863 CITY—COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS .87401 October 18, 1972 I Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Departmeut Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8240, 8241, Agreement and County Resolution Number 605, 8246, 8247, 8251, as the final material to be included in Supplement Number 15. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:jl Enclosures (5) MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES — NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION • P. O. Box 2236 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 • To City of Sri'A,!ca Aar.ces Date 150 `orinc o` Sunnlnr?'lt No. 1_4 to t�'`r.. S;rlinp -'C--' nY (,rc ;.nirc-�o - ].42 oac @ 11.0-3 '.'OS tags $ 1,562.03 5.23 $ l ,57i '^ Add $ 23.57 -___ per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% c/o per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. 0 0 d� b � b a � O m o w 4" O O t r r Ny M c IC y.�y hi x° x � a 0 z s� ' O hi µ m 1 R fy'h I G? O O `a N 0 G'&uiu�o4l dal� dret4ae�- Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 October 3, 1972 Mr. D. L. Harrison CIty Clerk City of Salina City Hall, 300 W. Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 14 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped September 28, 1972, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and co- operation. Sincerely, Sara Matthews (Mrs.) Treasurer SM:sb Enclosures: 1 Regional Offices: James R. Wilson 1141 Liberty Ave. Waterloo, Ia. 50702 (319) 232-9701 C. C. Crutchfield 4001 Avenue G Austin, Texas 78751 (512) 453-4513 Serving over 900 cities in 40 states Doris Brown 1809 E. Avalon St. Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (714) 542-8282 .0 • Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 August 9, 1972 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P.O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We appreciate your forwarding the following material, to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 14 to your Code of Ordinances: Ordinance Nos. 8229, 8231, 8232 Charter Ordinance No. 6 and 7 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in the above matter. With best wishes, Sincerely, 7;o°444� Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. RLL/rs Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification. Serving over 900 cities iv 41 states D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT �J 4Vhete/Xatth andSauth « cA4eet East wed 2Vest CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 $27-9653 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. SOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 August 1, 1972 Mr. Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Laslie: I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8229, 8231, 8232, and Charter Ordinances 6 and 7, as the final material to be included in Supplement Number 14. Sincerely, k��/V�vc�-car D. L. Harrison City Clerk Enclosures (5) MEMBER - KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOR 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 July 28, 1972 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr.Harrison: We have not had the pleasure of hearing from you since your letter of June 13, 1972. At that time, you indicated that you would be forwarding an additional ordinance to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 14. Pursuant to your letter, we have been withholding publication of the Supplement pending receipt of additional material. We look forward to hearing from you in the above regard at your earliest possible convenience. Sincerely, Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. RLL/db Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 900 cities in 41 states le!��2"'7" frt'►�9-��e�� Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOR 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 June 20, 1972 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: This will acknowledge receipt of the following material, to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 14 to your Code of Ordinances; Ordinance Nos. 8180 through 8182, 8184, 8190 through 8192,,8197, 8198, 8204, 8208 through 8226, and Resolution No. 2967 Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. With best wishes, Sincerely, TWJ4 f /%o/� Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. RLL/db Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 900 cities in 41 states D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT ?d1Zeze/1/ort12 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 June -13, 1972 Mr. David N. Hirsch Editor - in - Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Hirsch: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 927.9653 I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8180, 8181, 8182, 8184, 8190, 8191, 8192, 8197, 8198, 8204, 820, 8209, 8210, 8211, $2.1.2, 8113, 8214, 8215, 8216, 8�.7, 8218, 9. 8220, 8221, 8222, 82�, 8224, 8225, 8226. - and Resolution Number 2967 which will amend Appendix IIC11, to be included in Supplement Number 14.. An additional ordinance will follow to be included in this supplement. Please print 150 copies, as you have done in the past. SInccJe�r�ely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk enclosures (30) MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 6 6 Li i�'li�e!� �'�bILG C.dA,Pi' C�6v!�Zf.Ld1L Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 570-3171 April 7, 1972 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina 300 West Ash Street P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We have not had the pleasure of hearing from you regarding the next Supplement to your Code of Ordinances, as discussed in our letter of January 19, 1972. Inasmuch as we would like to provide you with an up-to-date Code, please forward copies of all ordinances enacted subsequent to Ordinance No. 8164, dated June 28, 1971. We will consider the requested materials for inclusion in your next Supplement. Thank you for your prompt cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Robert L. Laslie Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. RLL: db Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 900 cities in 41 states . V1LlyLL V 111V�iYe Ya u"ses aa..MM ah wu.aw Elm a••Tb• hIr1YM R HMMs h raa Iaw.M4 ban OpYb o. rM.. ®r ,sass. ,w4P. WW .realeu �n.aaa. 6 MM. r as a• F .—, as brladM1 M ia.da. uw 4d wPM• Nw0•n ..d ua 4d rb ft—MW T_ ,aMMM Onamesas F. rMaae asaY was. 4M .•a aawM a. rwab a..M— s�.r as 4.. aM. cw v. cae.a�a o. aa.aa oMM n s"non 4rtury av ILn4,a II•rNe,! ak I11i1a r n Ibnn ..W, S w Oda ManA P"rM vs sw mM. raps eaaa.aM an 4Mn b/NM 4•d sad.m� oMM.MM. agar Hasa oM,4a ua rd w a.aa cn.M.. a4 aW ow. aMa sanl.a aaa M•M aW.Y M.F W—an 4pM4 6awMM, e MMI [WY fan 4warda ian Mr4 IT flea bn WJIm r a.d NW M .af ariamla eMa aM. ssaa wa. au lass wbs wti wi I—� ,M•amPY « �n bb aaM bb a.b bb a. Yb W W Yb Wad aw.M 4inMM bww4a uma0 bnn 14wn MgIM wd anM•M ..«.M. V.Y M.... M. .«aaM a.a..a .eaa. W4a a.ai 4M. V114pa aaM auo mLawand Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 570.3171 November 18, 1971 Mr. Do L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are pleased to advise that we have recently developed several new publication techniques at Municipal Code Corporation, which will result in increased efficiency and faster service. To best utilize these new production methods, we are compiling another "official copy" of your Code of Ordinances, so that we will have two (2) complete and up-to-date copies of each Code. In most cases, we are able to compile these Codes from our own files and records, and copies of previous Supplements. We note, however, that we do not have a copy of the following material, and would like to take this opportunity to request one copy of: Supplement Nos. 1, 4 and 6 Thank you for your cooperation of mutual interest. We shall receiving the above requested earliest convenience. rap.. 4M aa. sad �II•K M 4Ma eWM 4•d 41•. .Mbr DNH/mmc a.caw a. r.Mna.a ltaX� 4Y aaa 4Y.M aMa MMMu ar.gwe rw aan Regional Offices: ay. a 44M1•^•• 403 Washington Ave. ,rpa� calla• Geneva, N.Y. 14456 (315) 789-2951 very truly in this matter look forward to material at your David We Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453-4513 1609 E. Avalon 51. Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (714) 542.8282 Law and Ordinance Codificatimi POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 April 23, 1973 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Salina City Hall 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 16 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped April 19, 1973, via United Parcel Service. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and co- operation. Sincerely, Ste.. % Sara Matthews (Mrs.) Treasurer SM:sfg Enclosures: 1 Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing, = Ordinance Codification Serving over 985 cities in 43 States March 1, 1973 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Pursuant to our conversation of February 26, 1973, County Resolution No. 605, creating the Metropolitan Planning Commission for the exercise of joint planning for Saline County, Kansas, and the City of Salina will be omitted. However, reference to said resolution will be made in an editorial footnote to Article I of Chapter 27. In addition, please be advised that the Agreement made February 28, 1972, and amended August 14, 1972, relative to the Metropolitan Planning Commission will be included as Appendix B1. Thank you for your continued assistance and cooperation. Sincerely, T"40 / IW4,4 Robert L. Laslie Vice President — Supplements RLL/db Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 900 cities in 41 states Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 March 1, 1973 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Pursuant to our conversation of February 26, 1973, County Resolution No. 605, creating the Metropolitan Planning Commission for the exercise of joint planning for Saline County, Kansas, and the City of Salina will be omitted. However, reference to said resolution will be made in an editorial footnote to Article I of Chapter 27. In addition, please be advised that the Agreement made February 28, 1972, and amended August 14, 1972, relative to the Metropolitan Planning Commission will be included as Appendix B1. Thank you for your continued assistance and cooperation. Sincerely, T"40 / IW4,4 Robert L. Laslie Vice President — Supplements RLL/db Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Serving over 900 cities in 41 states STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Kansas Date bet. 22, 1971 150 Copies of 'Supplement No. 13 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 52 pages @ 11.00 S 572.00 Pbstage - 2.3 S 574.39 Add $__x•62----------- per month late charge if paid aft er�30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/sfb Enclosures: 3 Regional Offices: James R. Wilson 1141 Liberty Ave. Waterloo, Ia. 50702 (319) 232-9701 C. C. Crutchfield 4001 Avenue G Austin, Texas 78751 (512) 453-4513 Serving over 900 cities in 40 states Doris Brown 1609 E. Avalon St. Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (714) 542-8282 D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT W1ZEteNorth :7.7__ �� CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WE5T ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 February 24, 1971 9 and 2Usst CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 8279653 Mr. David N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Department Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Hirsch: I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8120, 8122, 8124, 8125, 8126, 8127, 8128, 8129, 8134, 8135, 8138, 8139, 8140, 8141, 8143, to be included in Supplement Number 12. Please print 150 copies, as you have done in the past. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk enclosures (15) 11 EMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES IE.EMMA AYyMJ CNy /aiddW. Aa�M1 alx- a—v EIN NMRWk Nb1YH F. NYn O�w.JIL WMIL WmeWN Nna, ObEYN OMwd but VMYk Ory VmmtIM N1n a.m.a Moba�i. NMnb T. MroM,x AE'YIME MNM/ Craven n beua. Ny.NAN Nmn CHy rag ��k Wa W, oJroE YaW NJ PM. EIuH MUJMIM rm .M,.M Wiww Wd tsw N.nm cW fm ExpkN Nn Av,N Nrgx Nnb AM a«o.,eo Awin Euntlnn ®k aem.ea O,uJlunabn mewrncm pnWN Na.. s.n wnwe .ruMJl AJv MJ Awn I" NIMIn Wuv MN OIN NM1.b Em M.Im MMm bud E.b.m amvd CeuNy EnkWkbxn.E a.m.J.. tYr.s.. c... N.q CaJ M6L. f 0 0 February 9, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: It has now been nearly three months since we published Supplement No. 11 to your Code of Ordinances. In this regard, we would appreciate your forwarding copies of all ordinances enacted subsequent to Ordinance No. 8118, dated October 26, 1970. Immediately upon receipt of the requested ordinances, we will proceed to bring your Code up to date with the publication of Supplement No. 12. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Very tiluly yours, 00 a David N. Hirsch Editor—in—Chief Supplement Dept. DNH: mlw Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Geneva, N.Y. 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (315) 789-2951 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453.4513 (714) 542-8282 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (13W) 576-3171 February 9, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: It has now been nearly three months since we published Supplement No. 11 to your Code of Ordinances. In this regard, we would appreciate your forwarding copies of all ordinances enacted subsequent to Ordinance No. 8118, dated October 26, 1970. Immediately upon receipt of the requested ordinances, we will proceed to bring your Code up to date with the publication of Supplement No. 12. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Very tiluly yours, 00 a David N. Hirsch Editor—in—Chief Supplement Dept. DNH: mlw Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Geneva, N.Y. 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (315) 789-2951 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453.4513 (714) 542-8282 'f STATEMENT `o MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P.O. Box = 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 To City of Salina, Kansas Date Nov. 30, 1970 150 Copies of Supplement No. 11 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 50 pages @ 10.50 $ 525.00 Postage 3.45 $ 528.45 Publishers of Citi Codes POST OFFICE BOX 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 LAW PUBLISHERS December 1, 1970 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 11 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped November 30, 1970, via. Parcel 1' Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/vm Enclosures: 2 r Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. Geneva, N.V. 14456 S. J. Karol, Dir. Home Office Representative: Carlton C. Smyly 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 James R. Wilson, Dir. C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. Mrs. Doris Brown, Dir. eine. ary r.Wxw. naw s.em sm.m. c,n.n 0.uNr apMn fm.We r.Ww n. r.n. am..m. .ten Wm.al4 Yrni (NMI Onlae OW rnW Ory F•m0Y Mn• IF•nlrN Ta MW. lUMY11rnY wn WImG .s.xrn a� .YUe N...r n o..e. L a Ory M MM1Ii uW a.u om a.W Ye Mn q.MMIY rmm.- iY.aWIM rq.m HI— lk A Wqr om,ft nmmmm am.wn a•W am..Y. G N�idr Meq. Mm sn Ymn Co'. c.n+r ux.d vw.. vek Wn... CIUMILUO teary amm n.ea� «.e GeMn rnaere IN. Me n Gr GMw! Wn1M Y.YM MYLrw Nw Mwn X.wM frynsn liu•WN WGn14tl WItlIyTk IlaVa nM• A— hA •.a M Whir Glw MM alrer MIYh IlwmUro.n Mu MM Mm.� Gb anrw � NmYeM Wnemew o..p. a mm� e«W MUeF cWn a.uW o�ory a.M m.l. oW.. MUe� arGn wa NMv a.MY Ma ox..a w.r Gin n Ma GGW Ywnnmm Gd M 4mMNUN M 1YM M aW. M rYv M Wlgn Wd �vUf lN�We M anN.Ni o..n a. rYbe ary 11N.� WJ 6inY Gbr L Nq.�e Y. fbu/ 4 hgUbuq Wd MMWUn +,W Ti 0 0 40VG 2G (�6�i ( ���Z d/✓ Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 November 3, 1970 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of October 29, 1970, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. 8099, 8104, 8105, 8107, 8108, 8114, 8115, 8116, 8117, 8118, to be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 11 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Your continued assistance and cooperation are sincerely appreciated. DNH: mlw snue •Id MUM ruUbW fpM1OR M •�• aNn Regional Offices: M W T•�•�•• 403 Washington Ave. i.m:� symo Geneva, N.Y. 14456 (315) 789.2951 Very truly yours, avid N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453.4513 (714) 542-8282 E Ll LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 October 26, 1970 Effective: January 1, 1971 The price of publishing the supplements for your looseleaf Code of Ordinances will be increased fifty cents ($ .50) per page to cover the increased cost of material, editorial and printing labor. All ordinances received prior to January 1, 1971, will be handled editorially and published under the existing rate. All ordinances received after the January 1, 1971, deadline will be handled at the increased rate. Municipal Code Corporation Home Office Rr an MH ; Cerltm C. Barfly Re -W Offices: 403 Washington Ave. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1809 E. Avalon St. Geneva, N.V. 14458 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif, 92701 a. J. Kcal, Dir. Jamas R. Wllmn, Dir. C. C. Cruld d, Dir. Mrs. Darla Bracco. D4. D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT 4(lheze/Irort/z andsvutk � dKeetEast and 2lleit CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET F.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 07AOI October 29, 1970 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627.9639 Mr. David N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Section Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Hirsch: I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8099, 8104, 8105, 8107, 8108, 8114, 8115, 8116, 8117, 8118, to be included in Supplement Number 11. Please print 150 copies, as you have done in the past. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs enclosures (10) MEMUCR . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF NIUNICIIALITIEi - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Al R 0.0. GwMY na..m. err owb AMNUM OSX pryrw B.N SFem OamM BseF G,:11G tarry bY[F G,Pm' OunMln Eb E«nmllY EMupb 84..Yr iNrINE FI Peet/ curraw 6viln44unM1 wwu Emm RL Mm F,r,.rym L.YN G�F,mllb ivr LuenWO XNIb Evr Xw} F>r XY.rr qa. mWNwn.iF ,mIM<P.Ir OMr l4 6mm Cm Splq vmMX Gm.mwm EXn. cwrmn BF,Nyp WIna CM BYleep X^.K TUYM Xwllgm XWrF SMM 4ARKP „IN Rrbreeyr GpunY MCFy4 XGN N.Y N..b _ •RIIO,L YImNII, BewF EbY Kry.mm WlyN m VMA Wnpm LM RMW .N�, NY.e.IRFY b a CM IIMN &InYM Iw. w+m ewmn bY.me^F EI ppga FwNmlll. Wyy,. ma G.v Y-TMGs Rmr=mm ,.Mw. Lr' H::, Lrwn Rr0^NY FLNXM m Givi, LNM RSY Pp PW BIUX MAYum, RUMNIIY MbmlBMrm Nllq Erury yml5plq TWm MllmF I IA fMTlll pamb mmm0. XwM tan U.,R GJwV . X nm KYp fa'WnV XNmr rmmry X� mRSYF MnmY Van R[Fry XM wrSmmuYrA R,]rmeGM Xe'N by VIIr4 ,yrF MYmi R WMM GKeA Y A.n0.mm OWKN MUCIK, Od, UqN OW.p, amw wry, b MA00 MwenFOmmv AYnm ORIpY fgaary Ganinm CXv p1,0. wM...... ..Felin GrMM V,INb M,N` qrm B.F -Ibi an Cuwry GOXMGi1M mO,En G.a,m Nm 0sF5Fem EM XYMtl n 9poq PNe. CXv v.M,n PaeCUFN Nw Xmm P,InN^Y R^ Be�nwe M1rV P'MlK fuaFry byrF,,,F,y IMI.M ,I, RXnabn GMa X.eenY 4eipr Rnp Gvb olmr R.IINmr� 0sT AWi P_ Awn ,h ybry lbi4r OiMnn gr. Aaperiw A. Glwl MI, GMe E., gr,Maq &.F. BMbn Bbunmm�r G,pnq Bin Rpn SpIO. yV SpMen O�Yl g p.OvrbnY Betlmo-n Geayr Mi.nl Oru.<1baeN 4eNPWm Brmwm Bm4n,lr ypIMI,N LY.INFm[N, BYY 6NY1 C. Tmp ow.asb ra.FT— un4cX, r.nW Tnr.er Cr,nnlPry Te.uu, I,YM G,rNl,v TIruWY IAII GM YYpM1b 0 LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 September 15, 1970 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City - County Building P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We sincerely regret that your binders were damaged in shipment. We would appreciate it if you would package the damaged binders and return them to the American Loose Leaf Corporation, 180 Main Street, Clifton, New Jersey 97914. Forward the binders to the attention of Mr. John Watro. The American Loose Leaf Corporation will either repair or replace the damaged binders and return them to you at an early date. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Edwina Wynn Editorial Assistant /s cc: Mr. John Watro Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. Geneva, N.Y. 14456 B. J. Karol, Dir. Home Office Representative: Carlton C. Smyly 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 Jamas R. Wilson, Dir. C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. Mn, Doris Brown, Dir. D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT i CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 748 SALINA, KANSAS 87401 September 8, 1970 Mrs. Edwina Wynn Editorial Assistant Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mrs. Wynn: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 827-9853 received the Salina Code binders, which were ordered June 30, 1970 (Purchase Order Number 15665). One box containing 12 binders was damaged in shipment. Ten of the binders are damaged beyond use, with broken backs or bent corners. Please advise where they should be shipped for adjustment. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH%js MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF. MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P. O. Box 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 To City of Salina, Kaneas Date Oct. 22, 1971 150 Copies of Supplement No. 13 to the Salina Coda of Ordinances 52 pagers @ 11.00 r, 572.00 $ 574.39 Add $ 8.62- per month late charge if paid after '30 days from invoice date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1% % per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date. 0 0 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 October 26, 1971 Mr. DI.L. Harrison City Clerk of Salina City Hall, 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 13 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped October 229 1971, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, �i2t.�4�r1 Fo w/c� Harlan E. Ard SIB. Comptroller Comptroller HEA/sfb Enclosures: 3 Regional Offices: James R. Wilson 1141 Liberty Ave. Waterloo, Ia. 50702 (319) 232-9701 u '110. C. C. Crutchfield 4001 Avenue G Austin, Texas 78751 (512) 453-4513 Serving over 900 cities in 40 states Doris Brown 1609 E. Avalon St. Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (714) 542-8282 f 'v. .uu.. Akeuiir UN N+bl.b Abn hWn ar..ke cnun.. sor sekreru. Ilrr.o n. Nnrr OrreMlk wArl4 N,nvAW Wuk OCrro. dlera Ouh �. aN None Anrau a FYYdNpple. P:dkY Farrrtl 6N hk ,mflfl ,wra.e ,kk .ed ke0r✓,k wk,aa.e �r xemr um. aen rw skx T.- W.afl,e„ C 6 enreF Munpe apA tMmier. rwr.flk Orr Wr¢a :e, O .ved 5Cr iA� H Yrke,r anre Wrwn MJArke kw, Mwn k..br �. iNmWfl Werlrn.k "11-.k naflOA MA1 Mtlrs Ak Acari. N'k ft Yrler M14 aWk a.. 0— = biwr germ Card errirnan nrvrN o N a.n.:ma.. arn+k.. cap. srw s.rr.w DMr LbY WM IYUT, Wkr or n�mi er.ar a..dkw wra aA.ea ark�Ml4 n Owl EunW CeuriN Wrb == Md Fere lulrNrb !an erra� M N Pok 0 0 August 26, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina 300 West Ash Street _Salina, Kansas 67401, Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of August 23, 1971, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. 8146 through 8153, 8159, 8160, and 8164. These ordinances will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 13 to the Salina Code. We would appreciate your forwarding the date of final adoption of Ordinance No. 8164, at your earliest possible convenience. 6'L( 71 �.t --1 T- DNH/db Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. Geneva, N.V. 14456 (315) 789-2951 Very truly yours, t David N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453-4513 1609 E. Avalon St. Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (714) 542-8282 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 August 26, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina 300 West Ash Street _Salina, Kansas 67401, Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of August 23, 1971, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. 8146 through 8153, 8159, 8160, and 8164. These ordinances will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 13 to the Salina Code. We would appreciate your forwarding the date of final adoption of Ordinance No. 8164, at your earliest possible convenience. 6'L( 71 �.t --1 T- DNH/db Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. Geneva, N.V. 14456 (315) 789-2951 Very truly yours, t David N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453-4513 1609 E. Avalon St. Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (714) 542-8282 xSTATEMENT�i q, 4 �` •�, MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATI.,ON P. O Box 2236 `« TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA -32304 , r "is 4 To. . C ty of Salina, Kansas Date 4/21/1 l r 5 VA q�rr VI j ! - J i w >w 5 9 opi®s of ,Supplement W. ;. to thealinaCod' M.-} '""� •,'N � '£ dr ., a <' sr, num, £ 14w e� n, `� f. F 4 Add per month late charge if paid after 30 days fromlinvolce datet' 1 >' ,} Interest will be charged at tHel"��of 1;¢% per month on the unpaid -s�_� balance"of any account remsming unpaid more than 30 daysafterinvoice ` f' date F yp 1{ + 4F POST OFFICE BOX 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 ami!' C are"- V LAW PUBLISHERS April 22, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk of Salina!! City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 12 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped April 21, 1971, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/vm Enclosures: 2 Homo Office It oprawntative: Carton C. Smyly Npionol 01fiea: 403 Washington Ave. 1141 Liberty Ave.4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Geneva, N.V. 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 f', Austin; Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 B. J. Kurd, Dir. Jana R. Wilson, Dir C. C. Cruttldleld, Dir. fort. Dors Brown, Dir. A4�ar NNee adorn s..Hn aem.n T� F4 rlenm H. V.yry Oiwmlla odd d.4n Rrann. Tmkw N.Y. MdHd. ane. aw T. A*Wash HI�4%�a o...a mM oc Nna.asm wd ma Slde . Uft Rad .In. abs R—Imw S.Hq Tu. nanyin cRReae,u G.dvll. Hend�x Yew xnnn. Wd neo Cwmy uwmw. Hana.l. Hm on.wde Ran.Mu galeas bry nn Hm.ns s.n xue. nryn S nla M Wm CW. Wn. CM. wH CYW„00 aH+n OaH.em «.dH Y.dan ,dN.d mYusxur fM KnMa Wnf.r! Wr Xmn r,n.id nnae, TaW0 was.;daa b/Illbunlie n011W ♦pd. Ntlw %nsena a A. nW«a r.an Ma Oab NIYb llwmnNUO byinm M.d 4.du.m H N" Rgdn1Y. a..,n.Y a.mo-n amHn un. s..al w.i adw Pompm Wd Pm N. Nw NiX. and. al,n-r RW pen u.d ow.. Rad s.nn xwn • wwwe. H, oda a wHwen a..d ybY1Yn lWap %u1M1 M% lem. saw S -M ' YMi utlnu 8prlglab 6brb ,.sen tOdw March 1, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of February 24, 1971, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. 8120, 8122, 8124 through 8129, 8134, 8135, 8138, 8139, 8140, 8141, and 4143. These ordinances will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 12 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Your continued assistance are sincerely appreciated. Bavid' If Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. DNH: mlw Regional Offices: cooperation 403 Washington Ave. 1141 liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St, Geneva, N.Y. 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (315) 789-2951 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453-4513 (714) 542-8282 Law and Ordinance Codification POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (804) 576-3171 March 1, 1971 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City of Salina Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of February 24, 1971, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. 8120, 8122, 8124 through 8129, 8134, 8135, 8138, 8139, 8140, 8141, and 4143. These ordinances will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 12 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Your continued assistance are sincerely appreciated. Bavid' If Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. DNH: mlw Regional Offices: cooperation 403 Washington Ave. 1141 liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St, Geneva, N.Y. 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 (315) 789-2951 (319) 232-9701 (512) 453-4513 (714) 542-8282 STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P.O. Box = 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 To City of Salina, Kansas Date August 14, 1970 150 Copies of Supplement No. 10 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 22 pages @ 10.50 $ 231.00 Postage 1.85 $ 232.85 Publishers of City Codes Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/Vm.u4R_ Enclosures: 2 Home Office RepraenUthle: Cer,oe C. SmY1Y ReillonSi Of m: 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. 403 Washington Ave. 1141 LlbertY Ave. Austin, Tax, Santa Are, Calif. 92701 Geneva, 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 Mn. Dor, Brown, Dir. e. J. Karl, N.Y..1r. Jema R. Wilson, Dia C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT 0 0 4!%hete/1E,tth aril CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 June 17, 1970 Mr. David N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Section Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Hirsch: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627-9633 I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8055, 8056, 8059, 8062, 8071, 8073, 8075, 8078, 8079, 8080, 8087, plus an Editor's Note for the end of Chapter 22, for inclusion in Supplement Number 9. Please print the 150 copies, as you have done in the past. Please send me a price quotation on 25 binders. Sincerely, le&a4'Leer^. D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js enclosures (12) MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE Or MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Editor's Note at the end of Article VI, Chapter 22 Article Vi, Chapter 22, was repealed by Ordinance Number 8058, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on December 22, 1969. Referendum Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 8058 and re-enacting the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 22, approved at a Special Election held on March 24, 1970. STATEMENT • MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P.O. Box ® 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 To City of Salina, Kansas Date August 14, 1970 150 Copies of Supplement No. 10 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 22 pages @ 10.50 Postage Publishers of Citi Codes $ 231.00 1 RF $ 232.85 7 Serving: z D.e. Cmmv D and asa Dm.M Dmrm e..k Du.eW a. .. Ei FeM Eu.4 F.� FM a B.N IaWVY4 FeN MWL FON 11. Fart Flww F. Nylmn Resell,,,Mfle — 'lbw5yriroe G,FnWno GWlpon Neje CM Nmm l HklNIM HeW. H(burly Hee4moupk euv Nm skgrvllN Lck BF.k Ifflue Ze,W .vNm. NNEkn to eNlF lYF N4Ftl lY»&Nv l.kF GFy WMN Id. WY. t.nnLmm . ld Um S'- -Se -0 LwWme Ll nkmr roim Lvnn N. MW6. Medepan W10ew wnWtl m.m emicounty wsoPy rm Mean MCOaurrc New hem Vlllp MNmISryYg MWon M mrm . Meu[N n N. wews N. Fm Rk N.NSmYm. Esk .8e,.mwe NmM M.N O Woo k OM. 0k.s ee 01M Ow L 0—ve oumY M1Mk.. M1rt. M1lm B.M F.Ima.rh mM him SwFk G.mm M.Bmede . Femsmi m M1mm cuv M1m aom M1nbok. Rtit M1 T Wn.m Fw : CaumY FIM ft b Pomp.ne Ba.m hn Orvp F`mme a. Finn Gmh miaT s em, e- m seem, mfl at. n E mro W. aew 4. FCMnwe ammt seWeF1' Siro sumk e ,.We 'm M4nm4w Enui swl' M1 ro S.k. a . Wmrt U. Tm Tm EFrnM Trop. T. n.M. V.w*m Vmk. Vn. ewer LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 August 17, 1970 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk of Salina City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 10 to your Code of ordinances were shipped August 14, 1970, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, - £. 0-J/V' Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/vm Enclosures: 2 Regional 01Rco: 403 Washington Ave. Geneva, N.V. 14456 B. J. Karol, Dir. Home Office RpramFhtFa: Carlton C. Smyly 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Taxes 78751 Santa Ane, Calif. 92701 Jame R. Wilson, Dir. C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. Mrs. Darts Brown, Dir. LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 ,Yn"1. Gry "Gm. Gnm'U e.s 1W"n A"ove�' EInW °wM Esn July 28, 1970 EY Ew W 1.w.. E, .rIMJ FIbW f,lrgl. Evwqu Colnry f, Mry .wwn °s" 0114 -^' Mr. D. L. Harrison «rv�F=� w" MY ' City Clerk °... City of Salina Mnh Gry °rwn ConMM I :.«w °ryrvn i Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 .M.. A. ..M bM ." ' AI " "^"" Dear Mr. Harrison: Ma", KW .ems A. Thank you for your letter of July 22, 1970, and the enclosed copies of Ordinance Nos. erin.M W WVN Wim°. 8090, 8091, 8092, and 8095, to be considered :� for inclusion in Supplement No. 10 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. This material was received on July. 27, 1970, which was the date Supplement No. 9 to your Code was shipped to .Y."" the City. T; This will also acknowledge receipt of your CW=W order for twenty-five (25) sets of "Separator �.� Tabs," for the binders ordered on June 30, 1970. These will be forwarded to you at an early date. .s.. G" w U°ryinvEY. Your continued assistance and cooperation in . lc� these matters of mutual interest are sincerely ". GYnry ory w. GG,rv, appreciated. GrvW }.UWn °-" Very truly yours, Elnrun ilm a—n ca"Weeraur Ym e.n G.a,W pyiyy M1lm ern °wW / la lbJUC "Im EPW WSW I.Un Ory WICn IO GUM 1„U,Mn IM.vY Rw WW"�'N. IIMY Ninry rvle�." %w= David N. Hiss h Editor -in -Chief Supplement Dept. "WUW. MYM."UT "wn M1Y YM1h W1w pMn F. MIpNiry n.Gwa wl.�w. E, M,Mgervs aeuY DNH: mlw e'^b'Ie. °plMlw, °uW.11 eyy, CNMmvT.. ey,, Gvwb y�,y, ';`,�,'� I Home Office Rep we to We: Carlton C. Smyly mea "_, Regional Offitas: om.l.m Ti. 403 Washington Ave. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Geneva, N.V. 14456 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 B. J. Karol, Dir. Jamas R. Wilson, Dir. C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. Mfrs. Doris Brown, Dir. STATEMENT I MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P.O. sox = 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 To City of Salina, Kansas Date July 23, 1970 150 Copies of Supplement No. 9 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 86 pages @ 10.50 Postage Publishers of City Codes $ 903.00 8.63 $ 911.63 Serving: 1• Ci i��G�� b2Ga LAW PUBLISHERS .LAEANA Wp. Wumy I POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. RNvwiM CllY a,e+lr. D.nY oem TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 5763171 ANrN AOWrn Ern wedxM Erol B�mmin OelMd WIniF1 D w DepryBwd� DwpY n EJJerwtw Ely EIIA EI MYI EmwgYl .. FvrOIFdw1Y E� ^,,",,, July 24, 1970 Fbwu FaT YUEwdW , F..Fryni FonMrf. OrwnrllN i^n IMw. Hvblli ion Px,u Humpllli FwI WeIw BSN OWIM Od�wyllle Oxlwtl Orem O>r SMW Oy,y P I.WT Oreni6vo G~ Mr. D. L. Harrison gelNllb HY"e01 ""°" City Clerk of Salina TurNaeu Np�BMIw i City Hall TUYAM MI,Ml foamy HAI Inrwhip v Salina, Kansas 6701 ALASKA Apypry. JxJinmpb FL m JWamllx EeW �" Mr. NeYpb Dear Harrison: ARIZONA LA80e amr. yy aN.e w emw �Ow We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of ARKANSAS W:W Supplement No. 9 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped July 23, 1970, via Railway Express Agency. €aleLIONtIVM Fdm F.. Ow Lymr FMSmIM NeGeN Bed. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it MKpel4 MONilrn MerY^m 'p �_ynlw through the proper channels so that payr.:ent may RmA Mylswx. be rendered. PI"BIUN RmdlWlle MpWn Min^v Wn14Mb T T � Please continue to send copies of ordinances as I CALIFOORA they are enacted so that we may publish your C/pe r supplements on a regular schedule. KYKF Gwmy NanN MI— NOM MNI BrcM1 Ro pwhmtl CNY pn BuesrWn D"x"°"" Thank you for your continued interest and Sr FwrrYl E."Aw O brNaUr o 0.� cooperation. Smw Dlwe ope.ycy - lldwtl Omworrmr yJpbw omen e�N COLORADO Q W WOOe Sincerely, Damn OO/ PKwIMw OmM Jundbn MmBwN OryM Eewbr CeuMy Z.RAI* FdmB GwEw l 1 al,E'O.i J•JC�W... TNnMtl FIm PYm Bp SWIM WNNECTICUT pyyr Oly Uw�Y,N Ppm W�bly Nrd I Harlan E. Ard Hwdore H MwMen New Nemn Pwrr PliJlw Wanly wnKy P.t Comptroller , HweA:N Nenmbn BN.�u, FomYnn BwtK � WlElmnix Fwt Orq HEA/vm FLORIDA ; �„a- Al OOImV Aha"IKi9eMM flwllMOnpeW RM we Be N SdnyNwy. Enclosures: 2 AWurMtl. s.Awwpy Awn rwt s.awp ' eMewb M.FrpanuEsn ewww sMwxn E.ue 4Ya. m "Bir BMMK 91wm.lonn smM onmm 2a" RMori EOu18 MNmt BOymm�erA 87.M1.� t BrFpemm� SMiMNM BreNC Wum'I Sdki BpOteullle 61Ow1 EmNM. Home Office Represematiw: Cedmn C. Smyly ,EWFNII DwI�eKTee TiMimw m Twin BwYM Regional Offices: fJen6lon Te"NT. oN+GKMw T^'""dii° rY.edne 403 Washington Ave. 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Deem fYy vNowal^ Geneva, N.Y. 14458 Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 76751 Santa Arm, Calif. 92701 ae I v � B. J. Karol, Dir. Jamas R. Wilson, Dir. C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. Mn. Doris Brown, Dir. D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT WIzzte/AC,tth and�f outh CITY - C 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 July 22, 1970 Mr. David N. Hirsch Editor -in -Chief Supplement Section Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 2235 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Mr. Hirsch: If this does not delay the shipping of Supplement Number 9, please include the enclosed ordinances. (Ordinance Numbers 8090, 8091, 8092, 8095) Please include 25 sets of "Separator Tabs" for the binders I ordered on June 30, 1970. Sincerely, Q,v1,ca.r� D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/ j s enclosures (4) CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627.9653 MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES �da SemvIng: LLAB PlfnaaY all Ad Aaw Bruton aaimm Ero. E',tt.w F«rMkl Fla Fl. Ft Ran G Nes NVWIR NuaWAlf Iwtt Gpnkf Ouk PMrhary .�a«aan n«k.Aa A%A"A AMnm,F Na» ARMOC a 1. Eror Yuom R9nYer, ARxARFAf Arktl,W as ninkroy aa..R Ei Gu«b F«MMIi. F. Ciry iMENIM MftdF,,` +mama ties AaW M WM uamAar Nan tf Rak P. 814f S,tt R A *•: -. .nman aLLIFItIIMA G Wt. Mr" AamweAR4 icWacarnty Mk w N RMwOOY C(p' 6a m,anan«f F,,.ft Fk/a.ala. up.a wum. Grgh/ AI�«Ilan t«IaWa LGNNEGi1WT Gaaury EM AMro�tl a.ria.n fees Ain Na�Moh Ervm r w.uwnrroia rnnWwrro FLMtM AWJIm Nn na sorbyF AR A Wm Arm Fak E«tlNn Baaw r«W aY e«Ir«r erommern mo Mron Bymm es rwnnrt Emaacmnlf BmKMI W areae a.mnm arwrm Gam arA CW«Gmr amntcxr paaW» we. an D.a.urmv mn: calk Datau ru« G.Mra ar«R wLane GfbFl BfsA GunkNn eel,..m Enbrfl EfaMlf GnH Eugl, FfMrLlnf,rsh Fort Wbr64 for1MW, fart Mywf FM Pbo FM Wd Ft BpN .,tw Gran GnrplM GnaMwry 6ulliw. W«rw CAy 0 LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 2235 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLE S. W. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 July 14, 1970 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk of Salina Post Office Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your Purchase Order No. 15665, dated June 30, 1970, requesting twenty-five (25) binders for the City of Salina Code of Ordinances. We have placed your binder order with the manu- facturer and it usually takes from forty-five to sixty days for delivery. The separator tabs for these binders are available at $1.00 per set. A set includes tabs designated, Code, Appendix, Code Comparative Table, Code Index. Please advise if separator tabs are desired. Thank you very much for your order. EW/bjj Regional Offices: 403 Washington Ave. Geneva, N.V. 14458 B. J. Karol, Dir. Sincerely yours, S'� " (Mrs.) Edwina Wynn Editorial Assistant Home Office Representative: Carlton C. Smyly 1141 Liberty Ave. 4001 Avenue G 1809 E. Avalon St. Waterloo, la. 50702 Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 James R. Wilson, Dir. C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. Mrs. Doris Brown, Dir. .�� 5"PrVixxg: POST OFFICE BOX 2235 LAW PUBLISHERS 1700 CAPITAL CIRCLES. W. aGryaMl{ o«M TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 TELEPHONE (904) 576-3171 Nfp„p1, CIry G..M„.avt NdMw. G..a°M e..Ir hnsM aLPM May 4, 1970 awmm Eq"uMr oMMn. EiFMa G„M E",tlMI0 Cwn1Y G- b F.d Fnmv«IM °feN ftlretla a.RI.nbetl. M. F^R Ma y M.rax. FlFM W.fL Pryu F.Pi«q Nun�IM FORIWWn aPwtl 1 Frv111.q PwK „„"°" Mr. D. L. Harrison Ynn Grxe fgro8pinp aWM. 5"eMo.. a"e atll� City Clerk Out NeMSGiF P 1.4 """" P. O. Box 746 FftMM NrnM1om. Salina, Kansas 67401 A'IsfuP NIIIWpgy. C„uMv nw me» rah"HI T.N.F. m..n.. .»Li{]nvll" NLNiKN "«iPw1MBei°' Dear Mr. Harrison foA FMMnM Kry.mne lM0M Npu Lf afW Ma NIM "Q°"" a It has been almost five months since we published tlunEa LMf GtF Eby L.NWM Supplement No. 8 to the Salina Code Of Ordinances. Nlrolw LNf Warty In this regard, we would appreciate your forwarding or :" copies of all ordinances enacted subsequent to EIawW LYuN n Fry.Will. MtltlRafC„ Ordinance No. 8048 dated October 6 1969 to be faSraa M.1 . a a a MSP: rv'N «�.:r-tla.mW considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 9 to Har �1�nM Mryp9nb P.N .a A. M Myour Code. LaM"cetlpaurce Mgplb MynIS„wu VNlge WMlran MImISpn�"r HwNarl MUro„ Pt„alWl "" """ We look forward to hearing from you at an early Miu� Puu11rHM Mmligl» T.. date in the above regard. TrvM.M Mu+rCumP GMFO"rylA. M9rwe&W N.w�"IAPP w:M" «�°RaMVHb' Very truly yours, GWry NaN Mlml Kwnpe Pwe„ Nwm MNM af.� KA�C.inry OWrntl Pxt Mvnrvw aw. / PMWM GrF Q°Re.M"! a.nautlM..iMn aM„n. am F.n.p^ apRLocb Bnh Gn Gmo 6Ma 1%rlwq Orttlo �^rY �a"•aa fP'n' ';D6avqidN'1Hirsch Nww PMm 6r«� Editor-in-Chief GRM JuMk„ F«m BxM a.gmr Supplement Dept. T«„taf aln LGNMELTKUT PF�Ce„nW F.merµ..Paw `WDNH/bjj Em xwwn Py»Il.rc k KMratl P4Na FryK WE HAVE MOVED— New Address: 1700 Capital Circle, S. W. Tallahassee, Florida New Post Office Box: 2235 New Zip Code: 32304 ntative, cariton c SnoMv New Telephone No.: (904) 5763171 Please Change Your Records Come To See Us! 4001 Avenue G 1609 E. Avalon St. Austin, Texas 78751 Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 C. C. Crutchfield, Dir. htrs. Doris Brown, Dir. STATEMENT _ MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P.O. Box 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 To City of Salina, Kansas DateDec. 8, 1969 150 Copies of Supplement No. 8 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 66 pages @ 10.50 $ 903.00 Postage 8.53 $ 911.53 Publishers of Citi Codes Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/sm Enclosures: 2 Nk.wFBb BHnkIW Ell' F.Y.IarIM FWrbI CIry FmsmiN Ilap. Ilei SpNgl NMva V.9 Rrt M MOrt1han HWM LHIN B.N FLI. BNH SupIMIN SW WY "LIFOSMIA Gllwy KInW faunlV MW.WY n.mwmCHY Sm F.rINMp Snb Nb COLOMBO Al. Cmmww Gry GI.M Ancllan GI..IM SLrIMI Trinm CONNECTICUT OrOYYF E.p HWtIWJ Ltraw Nwv N.wn milk.. YA1lkwlk FL"IOA AMNO Al .SWNW NOHN Awn. AMH. B.IQM. B/N GYb BHNW BOW P.ron Boymm� BON BMnlm BrwrO Caunry BUNNI CMwbbn COW. BON Ca ts Golgi CrW Wnl Chy pplvlrrr MnY PIMW Cowry FLMI. F.L Fwm Nn MW Beal wla.ro. FW w .w wl. A rcy kw. BWN swilitlk.A Hrbar W CbW 9. MWWWF BmWr 6.Lmb1 s Mn, SOHN B.Y 9111E10,YWM 6Ww1 MbM SbM1. TM N.s. Tbnq Trppnspi1w Trlbl. T. T. MOM TMHYIIN Vtlpr V.l V W. B.r1A Ypb M"i YABblan lMHall Lbm. YNMr G.IU.n JR, 0 0 Me- . " F " � 0 , " W. F_ LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 October 13, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 It has been over three months since we published Supplement No. 7 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. In this regard, we would appreciate your forwarding copies of all ordinances enacted after Ordinance No. 8021, which was the last ord- inance considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 7. We look forward to receiving the ordinances of the City, so that we may again bring your Code up-to-date. With kind regards, GJ/sg Sincerely yours, Z44t'� <W�'k (Mrs.) G19fi4 Jacobs Editorial Assistant Serving: ALABNM O.N CIry ANn.rWV CHy °i°'�ry 0e1 An611sY ObN AOWI ANO. BaN Di1'n0 BrWYmll OwrtlN O,bWI Ed Eglwwlr E..'_ FIHNM EbrBY C F.NNp. Ewll F Frwtlilb BON F=lr f ilN Fart lil b IWUIN FM wl yw. HbIbBN FM bNb fall WYM BON lel OpHI., frYIl4M MIL Obrk Gworlll. I i. City Glen Caw SWlw W. Hill..CC,ry liWH Sn.xMa SYNWrO 1hwn. Tuglmo N.wAWw ,Bkbkk Tubpw High Bprinb HHINWWNI CW A1A411A HaIN HIII 1. FmM ATA i w Fynr iqr w BON Kyra ASITANA K IMilill Bow V BHN QOIN.r l Ab.B IAk. BWIr T T. W W Clry A N.la MKAMBAR �Iql Nk.wFBb BHnkIW Ell' F.Y.IarIM FWrbI CIry FmsmiN Ilap. Ilei SpNgl NMva V.9 Rrt M MOrt1han HWM LHIN B.N FLI. BNH SupIMIN SW WY "LIFOSMIA Gllwy KInW faunlV MW.WY n.mwmCHY Sm F.rINMp Snb Nb COLOMBO Al. Cmmww Gry GI.M Ancllan GI..IM SLrIMI Trinm CONNECTICUT OrOYYF E.p HWtIWJ Ltraw Nwv N.wn milk.. YA1lkwlk FL"IOA AMNO Al .SWNW NOHN Awn. AMH. B.IQM. B/N GYb BHNW BOW P.ron Boymm� BON BMnlm BrwrO Caunry BUNNI CMwbbn COW. BON Ca ts Golgi CrW Wnl Chy pplvlrrr MnY PIMW Cowry FLMI. F.L Fwm Nn MW Beal wla.ro. FW w .w wl. A rcy kw. BWN swilitlk.A Hrbar W CbW 9. MWWWF BmWr 6.Lmb1 s Mn, SOHN B.Y 9111E10,YWM 6Ww1 MbM SbM1. TM N.s. Tbnq Trppnspi1w Trlbl. T. T. MOM TMHYIIN Vtlpr V.l V W. B.r1A Ypb M"i YABblan lMHall Lbm. YNMr G.IU.n JR, 0 0 Me- . " F " � 0 , " W. F_ LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 October 13, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 It has been over three months since we published Supplement No. 7 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. In this regard, we would appreciate your forwarding copies of all ordinances enacted after Ordinance No. 8021, which was the last ord- inance considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 7. We look forward to receiving the ordinances of the City, so that we may again bring your Code up-to-date. With kind regards, GJ/sg Sincerely yours, Z44t'� <W�'k (Mrs.) G19fi4 Jacobs Editorial Assistant . ,*,serving. ALABAMA Dade County Dania AI.x«da City I. Andalucia ansa Bach Aubum D• and Athm. 0.1raayy Borah BroomDunNln Cullman E. Gallia Coca. E x Dash. EI oval Elba E. 1. Corny Enrorwi.• E.0i. Fakfi•Id Formalin. Beach Fahhape Fan Laud«dale Floes.. Fart Meade Fa. Payne Fon Myer. Grnville Fon PI«ca ee Hartselle on Walton Bauch Huntsville F.Itlord Park Lmkn Gai... All. Dpelika Green Cw�Swi'. 0=ark Greaneba. Phenix City Gulfp n SheHidd Haines City Svlowga Hwma TT .<alm.a Ha"A ._ Tmkaim Hioadlh..h ALASKA Hilliboroiuph County Helly HIII Mcho.ap• lawn... Fairbmk. Jackso"All. Nems Jacksmvill• Bead Key Wast ARIZONA K y. me Heights Chandler Lake Allied Eloy Lake Bai« Tucsm Lae City L.k•Imd ARKANSAS Lak. W.I.. Arkadelphia Lk. W.+ Cro.... Lmtma EI Daralo L.ud.rdal. Fayetteville RpThe.S.. %;..t City Loob. Fm Smnh Mackin. Baud H,p, M.ci.m Hot Swint'. Maitland Janeabao Moa.. County Lisle Rock Mmg.nia Park Magnolb Marion. Mmiltan Malhom. Miami Swings i Swi Newport ng. Nath Lml. Rack Pin. Bluff R.as.IM11. S.arcy T. Tmm.. CALIFORNIA Gilroy Kings County Mnaovia Sm F. ..,lo Sm. Mo Santa Clara Upland will... COLORADO Alama.a Arvada Comment• City Gond Junction Grealky P.Al. Trinidad CONNECTICUT Danbury Hurford 5N.«. Haven d m W' lim tk FLORIDA Alachua Alt mm.. Spring. Arcadia Auburndale Ave. Pak Baldwin Barrow 8.11. Glad. Bellow Baca Rata & !aach B "11Cwnty Bhhaindo Canohaochea Clons. Cl.m, Ca .i. Cacm Basch Coral Gable. Crose. y Cl m Croisr Dd. City Tarpon Spring. T@mI. Tm.c• T=7 Island Titusville voi aaiso Vatic. V«a Bauch Wast Miami Wildwwd Willi«m knM Hay.n LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 July 11, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 7 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped July 8, 1969, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, �7� Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/sm Enclosures: 2 . e, To • STATEMENT • MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION P.O. Box 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 City of Salina, Kansas Date July 8, 1969 150 Copies of Supplement No. 7 to the Salina Code of ordinances 52 pages @ 10.50 $ 546.00 Postage 3.25 $ 549.25 Publishers of Citi Codes W ,Q 0 1 Q a b Pi J H Q � r7 a e'Oi A W d $ a0i F N d G u W �'Fc a W ,Q 0 1 Q a b Pi J ALABAMA Alexander Ciry lindichi.i. Audi., Adm, Brawen Cullman Near Delon Elbe Engel,. Fairfield Fm hope Flat F1, PernaGreenville Hmsella Nme.villa Dow 0..!kilo PMnI Ciry Shefhdd Yul.° neo of , Tu,Lapea ° ALASKA A Fal.bank, eheage Nome ARIZONA Chandler Eloy Tucson ARKANSAS bkadelphia Brinkley C.onen EI Decade Fayetteville Fateu Gry Far Smith p. He, S,mcls J.nesbaro Lisle Rock Magnale Mmdl:o He.", North 4ttle Rack Pme Bluff Ru,sellville Searcy Teaa.kma Tr.mmo CALIFORNIA Gllrey Kin„C°unly Mart San Fernando Sorra Are Soma Clma Upland WJles COLORADO Alam io—dir Co...".Ciry &and Junmien Greeley Pueblo Sheridan T.inided CONNECTICUT Danbury Ha rile rd Madden Nev. Hoven wII moonlit FLORIDA Alachua Alta rare Spring. Arcadia Auburndole A— Park Baldwin Bot Belle Glade B-lih Bm. Rnlm Beynlnn Beach B:adard my Bard County Bushnell Cetrechee Claanwat.m r Cle. Coe.p.1 Cocoa Beach Coral Gnbles Cre im City CarlC w Carlo c;ry hkdison Maitland Manatee County Mmpenio Pauli Mw Melbourne Mlaml Spring, When Miramar Menlicella Maunl Dva Nagle, Neptune Beach New Par, Richey New Smyrna Beach Neth Bay Vdlage Narlh lib— North Miami Beach "hard rd Park Ocala Okaechabee Oldmae, Opa.lacka Orange Ceumy Chinned Beach 0.,ed° Pahakee Palatka Palm Beach Palm Beach Caunry Palm Beach Share, Panama Gry Pembroke P.— Perry Pinellas Ceumy P�mlla. Pak Plan P.,. Beach Per: Oraa,< Parr 51. Joe Punto Garda Can' Rivma Beach Sakty Harbor Sebes Sebring Saud Be, South Dapono Saudi Miami Sm.1h Pasadena $r. Auamrine Sr. Cloud Sr. Pemraburg Beach Straka Sm(mde T°Ilaha.aea Tom, Tarpon Spring Temple Terrace T .... me Word! Titu,villa Valpor Veer Yale Beach West Al'.. Wildecod Ili scan Winter Go Gordon Winter Howne Winter Park LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 May 20, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 TH0MASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 Thank you for your letter of May 15, 1969, and the enclosed copies of nine ordinances. These ordinances will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 7 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. We appreciate your continued assistance and cooperation. GJ/mab Sincerely yours, :,Mrs.) Glori acobs Editorial Assistant 7 0 2llhEze/1/orth andsvatk , �YIEEtEait and Wzlt D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT FIFTH AND ASH STREETS R.O. BOX 746 -&-afina, Xaniai 67go1 May 15, 1969 Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 1658 Tallahasse, Florida 32302. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA3-9534 Gentlemen: I am e closing copies V-- Ordinance 6 7089, 709 8002, 800 , 8006, 8007, 8008, 8017, 8 21 for inclusion in Supplement Number 7. There will be additional ordinances to be included in this Supplement. Please print the 150 copies, as you have done in the past. Sincerely, A941 D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:jbs encl (9) 6•cM Hr_(V Karns:.$ L--aGU= OF .tl .. rt ,•s 1. �-. IE6 - NA,:'a.dl ALABAMA Alexander City Aidalusia Auburn Bun C.11. Cullman Decatur Emhart Elbe Enterprise Fairfield Fabh.'.ope F laence Fr, Part - Gr ... v111. ayneGreenville Hanseile Lanett e Ln Opelika OeaY Pheni accx Ciry he Sylacauga Tuscaloosa Tu,kapee ALASKA Anchorage Fairbanks Nemo ARIZONA Chandle. Eloy Tucson ARKANSAS bkadelphio B.inkley Croom" EI Dorado Fayetteville Forest City a, Smith Hope Hot Springs Jonesbnr. Little Rock Magnolia Marrilmn Newp., North Little Rock Pine Blalf Ru ... 11,,Jle S arty Teumanirnaa Trn CALIFORNIA Gilroy Kii^gs County Son Fernando Santa Ana Soma Clara Upland Willows COLORADO Alam iii Care -0 city Good Janmico Greeley P-1:1. Sheridan Trinidad CONNECTICUT Danbury Hmtfind Med den New Ha.`a Se m W.ri;mant�c FLORIDA Alachua Alam Springs bcadia Aabomdale Avon Pork 0nld.'n Bartlle ow BeGlade B Boca oca Paten Boynton Beach Bredam Brevad Cwmy Boshodl CM1a11o1haodae Clea Clar Cle.istan Cocao Beach Carol Gable. Cr—en, City Ca Dade c,y Dade C.i Dan Do. ens Beach Be and Delray Beach Dunedin Eaa Gallie Edgervatrr, EI P«sal Eecambia County Eu .e Fernandina Beach Foe Lauderdale Fart Meade Fat Myer For Piece Fan Walton Beach Fruitland Park Gainesville Green Cove Sprinpe Grotembare Gulfport Haire. City Hov Hawthorn` Hialeah HighSpr'inge Hillsbor.agh county Holly HAI lav ` Jack mnvi lie Jacksonville Beach Key Wes, Keystone Heights Lake Alfred Lore Buaer Lake City Lakeland Lake Wale, Lake Worth Laoran Laaderdal« By-Thei Leesburg Madeira Beach Madre Maitland Monroe Caainy Maogooia Park Mo ianna Melbourne Miami Springs MJton M'aama Monticello Mount Dora Hap., N.",... Beach New Pan Richey New Smyrna Beach North Boy Village NanM1 Miami Nath Miami Beach Dakicnd Park Ocala Okeechobee Oldsmar Opododa &an, C.-, Ormond Beach 0eiedo Pahokee P.Ink. Palm Beach P.I. Beach Palm Beach Shares Pon mo C,y Pembroke Pines Perry Pinellas County Pinellas Park Plantar P .... no Beach Temp . laiae Wirier Park LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 May 2, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk. P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 We were pleased to hear from our Mr. Crutchfield, of his recent pleasant visit with you and Mr. Olson. He did ask, however, that we write in regard to the order placed for extra copies of Ordinances Nos. 7060 and 7077 during the preparation of Supplement No. 6. Our original contract with the City provided for the publication of 100 copies of the Code of Ordinances. By letter dated September 5, 1966, the number of copies was increased to 150 with 60 housed in mechanical looseleaf binders. One hundred and fifty copies of each of the six supplements have been pub- lished for the City to maintain the original 150 up- to-date. Otherwise those copies for which supple- ments were not published would immediately become obsolete. When we received the order for 75 extra copies of Ordinances Nos. 7060 and 7077, we were not quite sure just what was desired as there are several different ways to reproduce additional copies of any given material. Therefore, we requested clarification in our letter of September 10, 1969. Since we had published 150 copies of each supplement to the Code, we did assume, however, that the requested 1175 extra copies, II were in addition thereto, at our regular price of 100 copies or less at $3. 50 per page while the type is set and standing for the supplements to the Code volume. 0 0 Mr. D. L. Harrison May 2, 1969 Page 2 Before we edit and publish another supplement for the City perhaps we should discuss further the number of copies of each, supplement desired. We sincerely appreciate the work we have been privileged to do for the City and look forward to being of continued service. Please do not hesitate to call us if we can be of assistance. Yours very truly, o /dcu '4�-ew (Mrs.) Elnora S. Fuller Executive Vice President ESF/ew AL400A LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 December 9, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 8 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped December 8, 1969, via Railway Express. Enclosed is our statement covering this supple- ment. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, I�7 Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/sm Enclosures: 2 ALABgkW ALABIG Anchv Far ft Hort. ARIZONA OkwMla Eby Tm ARKANBAB MUe.lFkb &lnkMJ El EI Oaeu Fry.tnwlb FClq FM.am& Ha R Hot Blr4p L . Rank MgrolY kbmihm N Litlb Rock Rm BIuN R,molmlb Te.rkam Trumwm GLIFORNIA oil. King il,l y kt wb R.dAweCho Mn F AAA Smn Nu upwli lllll vMYwr MLOMM AN. Cwmtua Gly GnM Jmtalon Mebo THnme coxxecncuT Daaw Eew N.nlaa Mahe NlAHNat aaymaur wflll w FLORIDA AY AMmoma Bpiry Auburttbla Awn Pak BYMY MIH OYe. "Weir Boo Men Bayn[m,erA 8neemm� sod. Com a ch"Ot chl"MIN, DWVNIkr CNrmoN Cl.mlua Owd 6kaj Carty GFNe Crednlchr CrryJiaw O ,N City wM lxuetr Mnb ww. Mwwmeea OG�.lane Oeeye.trll ew 0.Owns Edlil0A o e Po p CoumY 9"Aft eeM FaruMim Beth Pwt UmMbN curt Mee. Port Myon Fat Raa FruiMrd Felt GAl wft Grwn fpa Bpritp Gk ull Miro CRY y lft IewNarn. Hbk.k High BPrir inildh wil, min Camay HWN Nin Imeme JlckmmHlN Jxkemllb B.PM X We U "I.Ia I. H.. U b UM Al /AMn BUHN LPky Qty wkNAN lak. vJ.Ie Ulu aural B'Tk.Se Iwd,urY McAka BetF McMote A1nF1w MuMy fbtgvnY PYk MwWw. kltNeuma milwn . in Mree MamkNb Nwm Don NnaM NABNe NAR Port RkIW Bw Nwaemyrm Naval ft, vuIMPY. NOM Mbml Neral Maml Beat Od Fek MM Oketlwkra ONoe DI1uLatlu Mnp. DnmMBABA Belt qlm Beal Mlm iNA& Cauoe Mlm BSM1 Oaem PNm BecX Blwre PantrnrcM PYMrokaPbe Frry PhCounry RnNleew Pak p.nbaon iwlo Bed Pato t. Pat&.Joa lWlAk Oae. Mh Y RMek Bock En. AuIrw N GL iM aL aClautl a4MMA ryBaell 8wAwie aNwip aural Bky MPat 111 N Bewit MINK BauN I4M. Baro &Wm &uet Tanihi UmATame T.V TAl Rv TaiRlAl NNA,I Tr.emA t,.M TltoalM VNPNaM V VleteWnl,u N"Mk* Wt.. LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 October 30, 1969 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. O, Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 Thank you for your letter of October 27, 1969, and the twelve copies of Ordinances which were enclosed. We will consider these ordinances for inclusion in Supplement No. 8 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. With kind regards, GJ/sg Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) �GlorX acobs Editorial Assistant and Wzlt D. L. HARRISON t M. E. ABBOTT FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P.O. BOX 746 _ .Safina, Xansas 67go1 October 27, 1969 Mrs. Gloria Jacobs, Editorial Assistant Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 1658 Tallahasse, Florida 32302 Dear Mrs. Jacobs: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA3.9634 I am enclosing copies of Ordinance Numbers 8023, 8027, 8030, 8032, 8036, 8037, 8038, 8043, 8044, 8045, 8047, and 8048 for inclusion in Supplement Number 8. Please print the 150 copies, as you have done in the past. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:js enclosures (12) MEM9EH _KANSAS LEAGUE OP NIONIC'.F5UT1'9 - VAT:p;IAL LEGGUE OG CITIES STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publishers of City Codes TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA To City of Salina,Kansas Date rebruary 14, 1969 150 Copies of Supplement No. 6 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 92 pages @ 10.00 $ 920.00 8 pages reprintfs J 3.50 28.00 $ 948.00 Freight 7.65 $ 955.65 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Post Office Drawer 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 K'Serving: t� ..", 1. PUBLISHERS ALABANA Dods Camry �i1a 1 POST OFFICE BOX 1658 1000 TH0MASVILLE ROAD A.ander City Andalusia bpavran. Beach TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 A Athmem s D. real 0.lrraayy Baneh pan.din E.G.11l. February 17, 1969 Cs= a Deccman atur Edgewater Elba Dorhan EI arts) E.cambioCounty Enterprise Fairfield Eueti. Fernandina Beach F.Irbap. Fan Lauderdal. Ff.... Ft. PZm Fan Ms.& Fat Myer. neenvi If. Hornell. Fan Pierce Fon W.I,. Basch Huntsville Fnitland Park Lenart Gaim.All. Green Mr. D. L. Harrison Hi:Idi" sba Haim City City Clerk MmAo Hi.l.ph tae City Hall . s, Tuskpw HipSpring. HI Salina, Kansas 67401 ALASNA Hi 1.beraph County Holly HIII Anahap. . Feirbank lnvern"` Jacksonville Dear Mr,. Harrison: Name Jacksonville Beach Key Wen ARIZONA K�:AtraHi°ht` We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of ChervE'°y L k c"pI" Supplement No. 6 to your Code of ordinances Was. were shipped February 14, 1969, via Railway ARKANSAS "'dolphin LA. Lantana Express. Lpderdal. EI Do..do Fayetteville 8,Th.Sea Forts L•••1'° M°deira Bwch u le - Enclosed is our statement coveringthis supple- PP rhry Fort Smith Holes Ho M dlea ment. We would appreciate your submitting it Springs LithRcck through the proper channels so that payment may MMon'.1.P,P,ah is Msb be rendered. =11 Mmilron n Mimi Nawpert Norah R«k Miami Sprinos Springs Mlltan l.ff R...ly6ille MMonticello Please continue to send copies of ordinances as to.'aanc NplrungBe«h they are enacted so that we may publish your Truman. N ; supplements on a regular schedule. CALIFORNIA North Bay villpe Gilroy Nath Miami Kidps ounty C Nath Miami BreachMar'. Thank you for your continued interest and San Fernando Oakland Pak i O �I."ahob.. cooperation. Sorra Ana Senna Onto sm Oldar Upland Op I«ka OO cr,,". C..nly Sincerely COLORADO Beach Ovals Alam ec Arvede Commaca City Palatka pens e Palm Beach Polm Beech Stone rand J.ncNon Gr..1, P«bla Panama City Panbake Pians Rfl%11/w.�'Oq Harlan E. Ard Trinidad p.P nulla. Cwnry Comptroller CONNECTICUT Pmdle.Park Picetatim Darbu ants d Harris" Panpme Bch Reach Parr Orange HEA/sm New Haven Part St. Jae P.i.Garda Seyymour Willimantic Ciii.raReach Enclosures: 2 FLORIDA nth"g Alachua South Daytana South Miami All m«te Springs Arcadia South P.."em Auburndale L. Ap..nm Sr. Cloud Avon Park . Baldwin Sr. Pster.burp Beach Barterer Starke Surfside Belle Glade Tollahos.w �Ilere, ca Raton Boynton Beach T0°'p° Tarpon Spring. Bradmten Temple Terrace Brevard County T..-. Island Bushnell sChatrohwchee TiN.Wil. Valpaoi.o Cl.seearer Clermanr Venice VeroBeach Cbwietan West Metal W1ldwcod Cocoa Beach Coal Cables Wil listen - Crescent Ci" Wiltan Manors Winter Gorden 1 Cream" Dods City Winter Hwen Winter Pak Serving: I ALABAWI Dede County Dario Alexander City I. Ardaleeia ten. Beech Aubum Athens Dolt Beech Ble Dunedin C.IImm E. Gallie Dscaa Edgewater Dothan EI=1 Elba Eawbio County Enterprise Esetis Fairfield Fxnardino Beed Fal'I Far Lauderdale Floran" e FON A4ade FV a s Pierce eeelb Fat Ha 11.1 =11.10 Fort Walt« Bunch Huntsville F.irlOnd Pork Loren Gal neevill. I' Opllk. Gre«Caw Springs Osork Greensboro Phenix Ciry G.Ifp an Shedd Haines City $$vvI«wpa H.var. Tueeoleeaa awt Hhorn. Tuskeeee 11I.Wh ALASKA HI b*iwh Hi sererip County Helly Hill Ancb Invereese Fai Jacksmvllte Nome..k. J«ksarvllla Beach Key West ARIZONA Kssyyst�ne Hsighte I, Chandler Lak. Alfred Eloy Lel. Burley Tucson Lake Ciry L.ke. �.. ARKANSAS Lde .les WW. Ark ablphla Lake Crossaff Lartara Lauderd.l. EI Dorado BpTh.S.. Foy.nevi'a F=1 City Fat Smith M.12vop Modeir0 Beech Hope Malieen s Moidornd Jaunt �o.e Manaee County Lisle Rock Pork Magnolia , Melboane No.iltar H.'rLi Rod Miami S I I+�"qs Milan plus I.ff Pine MiMir.ee ,0 Rua11llviNo Monticello Seaay Toxo are NI.. Neptune Beech Trumann MewPor Richt' Naw Smyme Beech CALIFORNIA Math Bay VOlege Gilroy Nath Miami Kinpa Cowry Nath Mimii Beach Monroap Odlard Pok Sm a.l. ! Sento Anew Ok... holes. Sarno Cler. old... Upland O0.4o60 willows O., County COLORADO Ormeed Beech Oviedo Alameao Pouch. PalaIt Mvada Cummer.. city Pelm Beach Graod Junction Pel. Bunch County Greeley Palm Beach Shores Pueblo Pon.. City Shmidm Pembroke Pines Trinidad ellas County pPinzz CONNECTICUT pm.Goa peek Plerdstion Danbury pe Bh Po.uneac Hatterd Pat Orap. NewWoven purr St. J. Cada Srta W, II..ntic Quincy Riviera coach FLORIDA SeMi"p South Da Alachua South Daytona All. Sprinpa South Miami Se.rh Pusalono Arcadia Aubmndale Sr. ustim Av.. P Cloud St, St. PClo Beech aterabup B Baldwin SnakeBells Barrow de Glade T.11.Masee ll Bellsah TornP° B«a Ram Beyntm Beach T mp« Sprinpa Students. Temple Tem«. Braord County Treasure blond 11mhee11 Titusville Vcl.arai.c Chottdeedee Venice Clemweter Clermont V.ro Bosch Clawistar West Miami Wlldw«d C.. Beach Williston Caul Ge61.s Crescent City WE= G ter Dad. City Winter Haven Winter Pork LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 1000 TH0MASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 February 3, 1969 Mr. D. La Harrison City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of January 29, 1969, inquiring as to the status of Supplement No. 6 to the Salina Code. We sincerely regret the delay which we have encountered in the publication of Supplement No. 6. However, we are pleased to advise that ship- ment will be made the latter part of this week. If you will forward to us copies of the ordinances enacted subsequent to Ordinance No. 7077, which should be codified, we will proceed immediately to publish Supplement No. 7 so that your Code will be as up-to-date as possible. Our usual time allowed for publication of a Supplement is sixty days or less, and we will expedite your Supplements accordingly. We appreciate very much your patience and look forward to hearing from you at an early date relative to Supplement No. 7. /s Sincerely, (Mrs.) Gl Jacobs Editorial Assistant D. L HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT 'W1WtEXattAanld�iru L. ,= =1ftEEi&,t'GU2[dWz&t `FIFTH AND ASN STREETS P.O. BOX 746 cSaCina, Xansas. 67go1 January 29, 1969 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA34534 Municipal.Code Corporation P. 0. Box 1658 / Tallahasse, Florida 32302 Gentlemen: On August 29, 1968, 1 mailed you 13 ordinances to be published as Supplement Number 6 to The Salina Code. In your letter dated November 16, 1968, you stated "We are pleased to advise that Supplement No. 6, which is now in the process of publication, ..." May I expect to receive the Supplement soon? Sincerely, MaUrrison City Clerk DLH/jbs >.. MEMBER - KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEA :UE OF CITIES kServing- AF ALABAMA Alexander City Ardolu. Auburn Aliment Br..tan Cullman 0.caer Dothee Elbe Elb Elba Felinisrivis Fairhape Fla e.c. Gi Payne GevneilHartse 11.1t le Lowell le La.0 Dpelika Ocah Phenl.City Sheliield tecwga Tuakea °lova. gn ALASKA Anchin- F.hb.k. Noma ARIZONA Elroy Tueson, ARKANSAS Mkadolphia Cie.,." EZiel. Fwarterilly Fornar City Far Sill Here Jae bo° Lint Red Milt. flew Her* Little R.k Pine Bluff 5Rsumu all.ille T..cyy... Tors. CALIFORNIA Gilroy Kings County Wnmv Son Fwnande Sesta Ana Willows COLORADO Meme Arvada° Commerce City Gand Janice Groeley Pueble T.inidad CONNECTICUT Danbury Harford SN5eeeves yyw Ha Willimenic FLORIDA Mesh.. Mtaaate Spri's Mcadia Aubumdeb Ave Pmk Baldwin B. Bele Glade B.Ileair Ba-R.'.s. BornBeach &-door. Brevard County Bushnell Cha domed. Clenrwe" Clermar Clewin. Cos. Be.h Cad CAI.s Cre.e.r City Ges.ie. Dade Cil, Dade County Dai. Downs D7.n° Beach De 0.1r -y1 Beoeh Dn o Ea Gallie E wary EI anal Eacombia County Eusn. Femadine Beed Pert Leudwdnle Per:Meede Fart is... Fort Pince Fon Walla Beech Fmnlend Pink C.i.... ill. Gaon C.—Slide, Gnensbore G.Hpar Hein.. City Hw Hawthorne Hi�aqlhheah Hills ugh County Helly Hill Iwereeas J°ckaen.ills eKq y West lle Bach West Knede Wight LAllr lakAaeyye. Curler Lake Ci ry LA.lad Lake Wales Late Worth Lorre Lwderdols By ThsS. L ... burg Madehe Beach Media Maitland Male. County "gonia Pad flostorwret WIb-ane Miami Spring. Milia Daniel Wilton Mors W iter Gmd. Wilson How. Winter Pak LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 November 16, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. Q. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of November 12, 1968. We are pleased to advise that Supplement No. 6, which is now in the process of publication, will constitute approximately 50 pages. At the present Supplement page rate of $10. 00, the estimated cost will be $500. 00. Please keep in mind that the above quote is purely an estimate since it is impossible to determine the exact number of pages until the material is in actual page form. We trust the estimate is satisfactory, for budgetary purposes. Your continued assistance is greatly appreciated. GJ/peh Sincerely yours, idi s.) Glor' Jacobs torial A istant D. L. HARRISON CITY CLERK Adhk WI2E2ENOitit [:Y. -"..—j dKeet fait and WF -It i- CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA9 9534 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 745 =)auna, Xansas 67go7 November 12, 1968 Mrs. Elnora S. Fuller, Exec. Vice President Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 1658 Tallahasse, Florida 32302 Dear Mrs. Fuller: Would you please send me the exact or estimated cost of the printing of Supplement N 6, which is now In the process of being prepared, so I can get that amount encumbered in the 1968 Budget. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:jbs MEe1EEH /.ANSAS LEAGUE OF •.W ::I f,IP<.UT IES - Na7:01;-t. O% CITIES Serving: • I�r Fy�w Ir p a Dan Davis Dgte" Beach Deland Delroy Beach Dunedin Eau Gallie Edgewater EI Portal Escambio County Eustis Fernandina Beach Fort Lauderdale Fat Meade Fort Myer Fart Pierce Fart Wall.n Beach Fruitland Pah Goi... vill. Green Cave Springs Greensboro, G.IIPort Homes City Havana Hawthorne Hialeah Higgh Springs Hi lsba.ough County Holly Hill Inverness Jacksonville Jacksonville Beach Key West Keystone Heights Lake Alfred Ld. Butler Lok. CityLakeland Lake Wales Lake Worth Lantana Lond.rdd. By.Th.Sea Leesburg Leesburg Madeira Beach Mdisen Maitland Moratso County Mongers. Peak Healonan Winston Miami Springs Million Mira Menti ello Naples Neptune Beach Naw Part Richey Nev Smyrna Beach North Bay Village North Miami Nath Miami Beach Oakland Peak Ocala Ok..ch.bs. Oldsmar Opp lack. orange County amend Beach ovieda Pahaku Palatka PalmBeach Palm Beach Shores Ponam. City Pembroke Pins Peony Pinellas County Pinellas Peak Plamaaon Pompon. Beach Port Oranq Port St. J. Porte Gado Quincy Riviera Beach Sabrin South gay South Daytona SouthMiami South Pasden. St. Augustine St, Cloud St. Petersburg Beach Starke Siolside Tallahassee Tempo Tarpon Springs Temple Terrace Treasure Island Tl+usvill. V.IPoroisa Venice Vero Beach We .1 Miami WIIdiso.d Williston Wibon Maness Wiener Gordon Winter Haven Winter Park 0 September 20, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: It has finally happened! We held the line on prices as long as we could. We now have to increase the price of our Looseleaf Supplement Service to,cover the steadily - increasing cost of wages and materials in publishing the Supplements to your Code of Ordinances. Effective with Supplement No. 7, the price for publishing the Supplements will be $10.50 per page. It is our pleasure to be of continued service to you in keeping your Code of Ordinances up- to-date. GRL/f is rely, George Presid LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 September 20, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: It has finally happened! We held the line on prices as long as we could. We now have to increase the price of our Looseleaf Supplement Service to,cover the steadily - increasing cost of wages and materials in publishing the Supplements to your Code of Ordinances. Effective with Supplement No. 7, the price for publishing the Supplements will be $10.50 per page. It is our pleasure to be of continued service to you in keeping your Code of Ordinances up- to-date. GRL/f is rely, George Presid Serving: ALABAMA Dania Dwle Alexander City De end Beach Andalusia Delray Beach Auburn Dunedin grhena Eau Gallie Brewton Ed ter Cullman EI Portal DothaOwc.wn Escrun is County Elba Eustis Enterprise Fernandina Beach Fairfield Far, Loudmdal. Fairhope Fon Meade Florence Fort Myers Ft Payne Fort Pearce Greenville Fort Wallen Bench Hartselle FruiNond Pork HurnvIle Gainesville Lanett Green Cove Springs Opelika Greensboro O:mk Gulfparr Phenix City Homes City Sheffield Havana Sylacauga Hawthorne Tuscaloosa Hialeah Tuskegee High Springs Hill thorough County ALASKA Holly Hill Inverness Anchorage Jack... villa Fairbanks Jacksonville Beach Nome Key West Keystone Heights ARIZONA Laka Alfred Elroy Luke Butler Tucson Lake City Lakeland ARKANSAS Lok. Wales Arkadelphia Laka Worth Crossett t Laudv.dole• Eldorado By.Ths Sea FewvHle Leesburg Forest City Lee but F Smith Madeira Beach Hoa` Madi.on �ones=.9s Maitland Little Rock Monate. County Magnolia Manganio Pork Monitan Marianna Newport Melboarne North Little Rock Miami Springs Pine Bluff Milan Russellville Miramar Stacy Monticello To ... kona Naples Trumann Neptune Beach New Part Richey CALIFORNIA New Seminars Beach North Bay Village Gilroy North Miami Monrovia North Miami Beach Son Fernando Oakland Park Santa Ano Ocolo Willows Okeechobee Oldsmar COLORADO Oyo-locko Orange County Alamesa Ormond Beach Arvada Oviedo Commerce City Pa Panel. La Grand Junction Palm Beach Goal, palm Beach Shores Pueblo Pattern. Ciy Trinidad Forbears Pines CONNECTICUT '• Perry Cwmy Donb.y Pinellas Park Hartford Plantation Now Haven Pompon. Beach St maur Part Orange ell is Part S+. Joe Punta Gorda FLORIDA Quincy Riviera Beach Alachua Sebring m Altaonte Springs South Bay Arcadia South Daytona Auburndale South Miami Avon Park South P.stre, Baldwin St. Augustine Baan. St. Cloud Belle Glad. St Petersburg Beach Reliant Starke Baca Rate. Sur6ide Bovines Beach Tallith..... Brademon Tarpon Springs BushBrevard Courcy Temple Terrace Chattahelloochee Treasure Island Charwater Titusville Clearwater Valparaiso Cbrmem Venice Clewiston Vere Beach Cocoa Beach West Miami Carat Gables Wildwood Crescent City Williston Cmatview Wilton Mono,. Dade City Winter Gordan Dada County Winter Haven Winter Park LAW PUBLISHERS POST OFFICE BOX 1658 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 September 18, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Pursuant to your letter of September 12, 1968, we will proceed to print 75 extra copies pertaining to Ordinances Nos. 7060 and 7077 at the time we pre- pare Supplement No. 6 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. ESF/ew Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) Elnora S. Fuller Executive Vice President ?!/heze/Irvztls andsvut/z aYteet East aizd 2Uest h uw D. L. HARRISON - }' "~ CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY CLERK-�_... =1 AREA CODE 919 TAD 9394 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 746 =3'aunq, Xansas 67goi September 12, 1968 Mrs. Elnora S. Fuller Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Dear Mrs. Fuller: In answer to your letter dated September 10, 1968, we only want the 75 extra copies pertaining to Ordinances 7060 and 7077, and any necessary pages that will reflect the amendments by these two ordinances. I believe this is the way you have it stated in the second paragraph of your letter. We do not desire the entire Chapter Nine. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs MEMBER FANSA LEAGUE OF MUNICIT'ALITIE.S - NAl'IONAL IEAGIIE OF CITIES Serving: ALABAMA Do" Davie Alexander City Doytom Beach AniWland Auburn Delroy Beach Athens Dunedin Brewton Eau Gallie Cullman Edgewater Dec tut EI Parial Bader,Escombla Cvuny Elba Eustis Enterprise Fernandina Beach Fairfield Fart Lauderdale Fairhepe Pon Meade Florence Fon Myers Fl. Pay— Fvn Pmraa Greenville For, Wahoa Beach Hon sella Fruitland Pork Hunts✓dle Gainesville Laves Green Cove Springs Opelika Greensboro Otark Gulfport Phenix City Haines City Sn ield Novena Syl oceugo Hawthorne Tuacaloo sa Hialeah Tvskegee High Springs Hills County ALASKA HoHilllly Hill Inverness Anchorage Jac sonville Fairbanks e le Bauch Key W Nome Key West KeystoneAlf Heights Laskke:Alfred ed Elroy Lake Butler TucsonLake City akeland ARKANSAS Lake Wor Lake Worth Aro adv lvhia Lamona Crosse" Lauderdale Fayetteville By -The -S.. Forrest City Leesburg Forma City Leesburg Fort Smith Modena Bouch Hoesom HatSpringsMaitland Springs Mitl Jonesboro an Little Rock Manatee County Mani Marr i hon Marianna Newport Melbourne North Little Reck Miami Springs Pine Bluff Milton Russellville Mlromar Seamy Monticello Texahono Naples Trumann Neptune Beach New Port Richey CALIFORNIA New Smyrna North Bay Village Gilroy North Miami Monrovia North Miami Beach Son Fernando Oakland Park San,. Ano 0.1. Willows Okeechobee Oldsmar COLORADO Orange, a Omnt e County each Alamess Granted Beach Oviedo Arvada C.... P.1.k. Commerce City palm4o Grand Junction Palm Beach Greeley Palm Beach Slimes Pueblo Pmarm Gry Trinidad Pembroke Pines CONNECTICUT Perry Pinellas County Doebu Pinellas Park ry Plantation Hartford Pvmcca. Beach New Haven Part Orange S m.., Wil limmtic PumaGt. re. FLORIDA Qao`y Riviera Beach Alachua Sabring Altamonte Springs South Bay a<adia South Doi Auburndale South Miami Avon Park St Pasadena AvonBaldwin St. Augustine Bartow St. Cloud Belle Glade St. Petersburg Stock Strait, Belleoir Boca Raton Surfsi de si Boynton Beach Tom" s Tsee Bradenton T.m" Brevard County Tarpon Springs Bushnell Temple Terrace Chattahoochee Treasure Island Clearest., Tim sville Clermont V.1p coiso Clewiston Vero Beach Conon BreachVeto Mia West Coral Gables CrescentWWeest Mia City Willisod ton Crest view Wilton Manors Dade City Wane, Gordon Dade County Winter Hoven Winter Park p LAW PUBLISHERS . POST OFFICE BOX 1658 - 1000 THOMASVILLE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 I September 10, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk P. O.. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: Thank you for your letter of August 29, 1968, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 7033, 7046, 7047, 7057, 7060, 7062, 7063, 7065, 7066, 7067, 7070 and 7077,. which will be considered for, Supple- ment No. 6 to the S-lln+- r a _t ^ � Pursuant to your request for 75 extra copies of the amendment to Chapter 9, we would appreciate your advising us if you want 75 copies of Pages 360 and 361 as reprinted to reflect the amendment to Section 9-260, according to Ordinance No. 7077 and 75 copies of Page 313 where we believe Ordinance No. 7060 will be included as Section 9-8.i These pages will contain other provisions now set out on these pages which will be partial and incomplete unless read in conjunction with preceding and subsequent pages of the Code as we only Please advise if this is the intent of the city or if you desire 75 extra copies of the entire Chapter 9 with the amendments included. If this is your desire, immediately on shipment of the Supplement No. 6, :we can reproduce the entire chapter by the photo offset method for the following prices: 100 copies or less of approximately 132 pages with index and title page at $5. 00 per page . . . . . . . . . $660.00 100 Cordwain covers . . . . . . 30.00 100 sets Chicago screw posts. . . . 10.00 $706.00 Mr. D. L. Harrison September 10, 1968 Page 2 The pamphlet will be looseleaf and can be kept up-to-date when amendments to Chapter 9 are prepared for .the Code volume in future supplements at the typestanding price of $3. 50 per page. We look forward to receiving a reply at your earliest convenience so we may proceed with the preparation of Supplement No. 6. With kind regards, Yours very truly, (Mrs.) Elnora S. Fuller Executive Vice President ESF /ew Municipal Code Corporation . P. 0. Box 1658 Tailahasse, Florida 32302 Gentlemen:' 1 am enclosing copies of Charter Ordinance No. 5, Ordinance Numbers 7033, 7046, 70470 7057, 7060, 70620 70630 7065, ,7066, 7067, 7070, 7077, for inclusion in Supplement Number 6. I wish to order 75 extra copies of the amendment to Chapter 9, which include Ordinance Numbers 7060 and 7077. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/Jbs enol (13) ,, Now sing: ALRRI SMM1m Eu. Pm,Rwer6P �I Ame a..nul. X«rwl. Ikmnreg�+IX.. Iryk. P�Mnf1NGy 14,aelwm Tm4.n,. ALASKA TMAm.p. FH.kmY. Npn ARIZONA, I— MNAM" EGldp«p FryPM.villi �H sn wh Pdp� yFl d Po,�.m KMa1PikY i M Reek GARCIA I. a Nvi Cr-rq. MeA Aµ�'e4 4IXe 61Nf (y'eduAvx '�u�llv�ll9 OkGNORA SOANOT.A Egir¢I.d� Be �Mvjlle FAGFBRR.N! C«.n. fl�1°�frdIKL"P 01EplwrM w A.Anep RwaGry p� IIJ9 NLGMMM Cav+�ld•r+M1 D v Rga#d P Ea+mrt �r$lµdilaP ��RpIM .kXdXl Earomo- ^^ t'nN.d Elbrpn £enbtn F epv.d COMECTIEMT F qN. � QQmm55 Far.Y.X.. X.I[N�. G�IIDNIIt W lWvnru NMd. .dl FLORPoA M!aEgee ILLIMOR e .iGeid PoI�wPm4 4o Gr.np. ph.4 MwF°±lle P.h Fix Pe�N«d 9 rNab. Smapelidd flsewn Z�m IAEA 611yP kANAR fl1G p 6 A. Xµ 5iio•CIh RERIRR ReAlnn Orem 16 _'. , 1000 Thomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE May 14, 1968 Mr., D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of May 10, 1968,, and enclosed copy.of Ordinance No.0� 33• which will be included in Supplement No. 6 to the Code of the City of Salina. In this regard, we would appreciate receiving copies of the ordinances enacted subsequent to Ordinance No. 7039, for preparation in Supplement No. 6. We trust that this method of including.the above-men- tioned ordinance is satisfactory. With kind regards, /S Sincerely, (Mrs.) Q1 a Jacobs Editorial Assistant Ne AP• Le.m eW.y t•.r 'n Abm.bih GewHll. G+WP°P^ImQ (y'eduAvx CMI«q C'.M�vaae�r OkGNORA SOANOT.A P*. P..A µro N•w l6pe 0 Al Pwleir fl�1°�frdIKL"P Re[1..my tww«d A.Anep RwaGry p� IIJ9 KQm� pllxn kAulMvrn S Rga#d P Ea+mrt CWyr blaSryl( CMm i. G«in u. kmm 0 d«dw P PIaM pgdrrbrlL=4WMA TFIME9[f C"dX°'' tde hd,r .9.,.xw LOpIAAXA pl A°yvy kep dµ PglA PeRK.dN 1'IdJwry PnaPeN 61enG» 6atlmh 6dtl•b. pIROE IELRR CWuP• G.Irnn Lnnew L.queth SvIPM1v bnpe L«.y ♦� tllt R0T N wCpv W Me IirxnYno- G tlyA CNr.Su. Ub«p Troll AlVmdrle NMSVURI Nd , K nA Pwni4 Fa.�dMeti ril. 1 4IF LC me. ` 4Aar MPI. Bae RePkn Y L PurDF 31eh1 E Nkwblry kyywr W p.x PN4 1" i...km. 9A, 4 b.Z BW. 4.4 fl' rwp� {iG Mtl¢ ror. R•CARRRR1k rMfe hW..r.aa A.µ6 CW.e Ll�yp MI! I.—Cnr 0.s.rrRW WaIL M4 CrcwM v na Km..AM LM.'Eummli LnbmFw4«R 5k prm Marr l{plly hPn NM.ri �Y A4'e 0.m Oun[_.i1M1 W Mavnr P4 ya ° E 5i0w P P rleA fep f I qq Pe�DA MONIG MICKI6AY A{I °yr°`r` y1..'6«µ R hbdPN 0 d Y Cdv.6iP Gd4Wr PArfl:d�v ''✓°r. E<al. P+e[ 61Ptlle Naek«R. 14. & mFl Y Iwe µ r Lb +s•nv P «. .w IN Tawdr. Pe�YmIb4a1 �e �6 TePrM R � •w Mhwmn fiueff M1%"Coy WRfYM Por'µ4.W W Wnt AgWa LWa. WVI M,v Redx�ieY`M �« F°Ila 4m �ym twslM kA.mpgdy. SL 41 IMn TIER h P E.n P 6 ip• RM:rW �� 4'.. Iw.. 01m9e.' 4w�p}w Aw ml•s kwr kAlax PM1a. Sm. 14 w.$Itaw q.�g6yp. rm G«Imt . PR P on hifo MDa 4rY lIr [9 T6 RP••k MWIDRuMa, P.rm, Pm. d. Paint 4�: EIRIOIPPo iEYRMRM R, RAIIMLMIA Md t^M.j1rn '�IW Mwtlle G...., Pa.rarrw pMOAIE Ciw.M•, MM.911. We!kvW gQryplfW giyrnnl. WWn•bIPO �1pC µi6 N keen PQ. • CI.A—Faro MIn4w 1Q 4A 6�b• I.Jm1M• y.e � „ Mlla M1K9INOTON Pa.y, Ch4�. � L^X°n '�nwA�" Jminle Cly µ�A,w.4.w R.nnt.p Lsq+ D. L. HARRISON CITY CLERK 2(%heze/llort/z and�fvutfi � c�deet East' a�zd 2(lest FIFTH AND SASH STREETS P. O. BOX 746 cSaCuza Xaimas 6,lgo7 May 10, 1968 Municipal Code Corporation Box 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Gentlemen: I failed to include Ordinance Plumber 7033 in the last supplement which you recently printed for us. I am wondering whether this should be added now, or at a later date. Thank you f6r your assistance. Sincerely, DLH/jbs enclosure D. L. Harrison City Clerk CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA3 9534 STATEMENT ` FLORIDA APPELLATE COURT REPORTING SERVICE P.O. Box 1638 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 To: City of Salina, Kansas Date April 5, 1968 150 Copies of Supplement No. 5 to the Salina Code of Ordinances 82 pages 0 10.00 $ 820.00 Freight 7.65 $ 827.65 e t Now Serving. ASBBIIOK ♦4.eLL.Clry L..n ul.n Dill— V M E.wp:w Flm Fr. F.mm. xn�n. ..11. xwr..el. Lwx BMId. o.x u iwe'b Tu.a.loe R.d.i..'° LLASu MbT isAn4. Its ulzou Twn "KANSAS C+ EI}.y F„....:II. FCary Fill Lrh Ily. Lill' xp JDA.. W . Ped ".i. w Nbd Lr.4 R:4 v:x el.x R.wII.N4 T='— i.a CALIFORNIA oil, 4nr. cna[Kro ♦Irmo 4..d. G..I„ Pw 4 irimdd c"REcnclrt OnMry x.r4d FLORIDA Irt.du A -1.l. PVY Bdd.in Bw. R.rm w.A YnrmB r 14zK ILLI[W Awe L.dble E..F»n..L w.» Lw.h 4P.K Raard N.raan. Od n Px Fl RmHsd Mlli 4.6.. yyl.:iMle 1.wd. .a.w :w. INA M.. L.Yv. 0.1..b All. Ea:.. Gry SIMe Kmucn MIW G.n l.nm6.P lniyr L"IpuB A4..i14 Br Ry. B�M�w sib � 0.R L Fnr &rm l.�vsir Enr F.li.lw Pa r Far.�14 FmLIMM �lR.r molt Ibd.I14 Yn.FMd I�Oipen �T � 1/, / / 1000 Tbomasuille Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE April 8, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 5 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped on April 5, 1968, via Railway Express. Enclosed is our statement covering this Supplement. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to forward copies of the ordinances as they are enacted so we may publish your Supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/peh Enclosures: 2 Ibis Clry IMns.6.F Feer Rw l.q Bmrr�. COWC LLYO C1sLurl4 �. .. 4LnF «r OSIN.... Pair iAA O0.4J FN.wrr 'wrPl;n Gldrlss G...dw. Prsrid.e. Jw4•n Kiq•pr Cr.. Cmn LwNw. Lorry PRI vu[ gwl. Mid Poem Kronil4 Br P.A Lu64L 14.u.nin PnaMl..l. Y6r.i Y.—C., Glen Cen F^ Rwnr•.114 LC"OMA Pni.n Ld LO RV:b. PsbE XesneM Klm»+ r.M1.e•Mw pw. Lb.Wl A" OCWIIRI IIFwO WMM 0.1rm WyarRrdF. 6�aleem:l1. V.wnyr R.JMww.n 0.1..I• Wmr An w.ei. Tern FIPe.ew• dPnln..an 14.Lr0.4 ,Spw«n Wvn4aiL Pill OAadPo Y µ^Y G`^'^ Tulldie Fm HwLr 04w L.A»a x..FVKB R.4W «a..P.IL .rwe..w Frads�d,4i o.w Z_I Lw'. S.�x i- ... w•i. RtlYlbrr �Wna TF[" Fr••PI wsd P.4ww O WI Rw Ballo.. (y�`°j P.s Rld^ klnixredv Ne. EI4mn 11sa 14iM• 4n.e4• P..a• B„CxY tm.iM O"C"C Y.wN.lnSUMm klv.l P'w•'i 4n.•.rll. AIN, Avllb Gra• Orw. Plpr. Ks.w P, 41..p.y.J.•y.re u«w irvtwe 4nw.i14 Y Iwb. /.r..a Fplpn II.Mer•en Lill. Fix 4rur Pa. NwM bllw LL�lyrw LCYOLIKB vd.twny en Glwli. Bn GM1 1W..i14 Rkhadw :ry Kq..nr14 Rill..rn Oqw+ Ibar Rnn dn O O�PI M Fi4l l.ui. FORD 1pCC ARarr4 Cww 0/I."OY . LO"OTA B.seil By Yn Ruyr lniew CiM1 wy. K:I�. Ai Re•.i4.P iMai4 CaMR F.w il4 Awn Galpl. CLMm l+ba. / 99b3a11 RAN C..' le Caxar KrILn Ls Gsy. FvWln4ri SFi. CIa4W4 GwnrlR. Brylm [JSFm.r Cacad <wmCIMm. TON=[ <wll»n Ld. Jadw Lw.. Sl, r SIFJw Will Grllpr CwrMd F„ixe.ill. CMre 4. CINrm L.epwCiry 4nN Llli D. L HARRISON CITY CLERK J WlateNatth and fautlL _ _ _ _ c�----t East ana Wz3.t CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA3 9534 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 746 cSaL1,W, xansas 674o7 March 15, 1968 Mrs. Peggy G. Mullins, Editor Municipal Code Corporation 1000 Thomasville Road P. 0. Box 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Dear Mrs. Mullins: Thank you for your letter of March 11, 1968. The line in the Airport Zoning Ordinance Number 7039 to which you referred should read: "...City Planning Department and dated December, 1967, which..." If you have any further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs MFb1ELER KANSAS LE1,GUE Or 'A -4iNICIPa1.11IES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Now Seminig ALMMA N.wieC v AWluu 6d1m Y_E A RpY� J—L.ar.ns Pdm{n Pdn&.e P.I.9iu &..� QIP»r Pxnb.4trl adrr P1^(.adl° Elba N..IMi. FwliNtl P eS1.fC PyvIM1;P Fmdr.P. F, w . pam„,r p.H FI. PM Pm .7I— .w—Pwr.Gmr Amr A. k 11 II, WimY Lr.X Lplhe sari.y O..h PF.nm CirY A.NI.IA SvrF aer SmM1 Cavn Satyr - Gnr» �mPFPgu:�i TaaL.lww AIASM 1 b.P-4 A=,T SNR. S vy FdrbnL. TMplw.» N— TT=yy AMU" Tz rlwaa. T irc.m a Tll. Valp.r.i.a "Kum"v:"s R»n (.yN, FMj.f IM4AaE.rp EIMne. Ya+Ow Aba6di i%P,r..iN. Rlll.m Fmu C!M F.r Li�M1 NIIw. Nm1 ter-rw Gve M�pwr PirPN r., « 'Mims «xyinY. ♦ynrl. N.tl PeL.w SOMA La y.xLA1wNM1Pi— N.N.0L M.I Plw "PVirc RP`E Ny.r Ha�lr p.(m1 RP++�R.HI. Ble^6r4d� iemGen. Nr bvnYla OLaw TrvF.r g°y�°yn„1(e &.IPIy cALwonlu N.NwPF Gi cwm»a, Rar:m• CG�I�Pm Sdi. Ane NmH.T CWweb/A uae. SCLCMo6 C i PmpJwi.. pol.,n Lbrmill. P�mrox TESM. a� Wme Jwerbn E..rPoiN G..iw EIMel. Im in..e.T—. e F. F.lr.,.ku,.b CQIIMECTMAY Fw»�II PuI Fwa YF.R% iIM GiNin «w'/„rr .M-111 Hmrdl. Hmw111R FLCRIM Si1rt.Y Iwmms eod# EwrpwR^ PeL Crlr. Crn.PVR� W..wd. Ngmill. CJ L.P. PwR Fw.» Pa4bd Rdliqpi Nxti.a #mId zi- Zi M.. uW. blain KMMs Flli. CGea�i C .�7 Kmn.<Iry illy KMTYCFY a.11. L.ww»bvp L»M1gpn vrma mom ARL.A. Al—w .. Bmw Rwp Rq.bf.. Bp.Nv Glry Gw Eaa 0. Rwp. PvIpT F—MJN wp iM Fgk.— ��m PspF WL.III. YwlMld Nindr Mrvr 1000 Tb..asville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE March 11, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Box 746 Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Harrison: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are now in the process of preparing Supplement No. 5 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. This supplement will contain the Airport Zoning Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 7039, adopted January 29, 1968. May we please have the date.which should be inserted in Section III, Zones, being the date of the Salina Municipal Airport Zoning Map. Surely, e `)Y 9. ,J&j%,vj4' (Mrs.) Peggy G. Mullins Editor PGM/ew NrP.^Ci4 N.xi.Oy Y_E A RpY� J—L.ar.ns �— Mou M.Mn brLalli Ulu.1u. L3ry N..IMi. Nmlr E.d{r Pwr Gallab. pa+idrz. JxAm Caastf LVRMr Tryl. Po.eRne PaW P.rrm.n =d Potgml. Plain G...aLmn 14pF Pum RFTprr Gnr» Lmy4xNv T.vLrp PIgM.I» Mi ...Nrr 61ant.w KvgrawllP S. AAMIS14 AkMfrlJill. MI,Pw� LuIIpR IRrlwralh PM P Mrwl. -'V RaritA -01 Yvr CTr 4mFm K4gtR(unNin KMIa»n (.yN, FMj.f IM4AaE.rp 0.n1.. W.ea Ya+Ow Aba6di iM16 Vlmwi. R m Muni I�PuI.� JaS pw.r. LYW.Pet M�pwr PirPN 4.Ro- GWRro M�1RiM Tr.mp fbimmrilla El�pw. Jbnrl.eN. y.xLA1wNM1Pi— SIi611 tAib.Mur CIw SPr qt L.xgnw Pao Ny.r Ha�lr p.(m1 C'°R°.Y FmpzMm Nr bvnYla OLaw Nlwrpn WIeFI»F.IIa n.lwld C L Iw. K% Ctl N.NwPF R I.iMA a.°qM°.^ WPn.PW �u141tiz rnaFwra FMa[R.Ru, 6 q. Nwd.ill. ZabY Lw SSumlr PmpJwi.. Rx4Y✓rl TESM. Fw.Pyr pl.m n. IM'inBM W.FNI R.vr.+n P.gE4»p.M R fmtr.dY Re.bvv Y+Iyr �°” G01roMa OsIW P.a.Mn. P.nRa. MM S. l.up4 SeF Si1rt.Y Nr EWntin AlmplplpMa G.nwX, Pv.. ppa R.v Cnv 'Y ..i.le. burMvpAti. d°"F°b'r8 pmY x111 +I.In pmylar Lmvq SCXTMA sa % Nm..HI. R„,narrillt MaiH. wa Ppe KIRBIM4 Kmu Nk. 4wbre N Anhfta Hnlmam Par MlFur pweHrb. P 41mpw l.x.M.rm M. Q1npLIXK cAtb. 'IkRr<w.µ �"dmA W Caluutt. N Nin Mpl.yl gy....Ciry hmalei 1Mrawlry R b — all.F NanMPW N14aCM AlNmal. N.re.arNlN RmMti &M1.enl Hwal JrM»Illi RNA Oi.. R4..r nuxuaroK R»Spill Lwif nll Un M 116 Q. Cn111CM 1. DATA RK'pm R'r J.mw Rn. L.q.V. 91..i WImF MNvrill. pMn 1L=- 8µ RaeH R.W o' .b Ctl.ra! &Ilpn F.0.. kMlvbrR S.wfn CImYWY IMkc A F{MFSM CNrellrm W sWrbn yr HppAA..PPx� �NRP( C .t cl E- ` Sul.6v 5priq. WF. fiu11p1 Fawl»Wlb CF Lldrr 4+.pM..�IrF Svvry Now SA Inpr ALAAMA ttAtm EFnhrpi..e FaMield Flw.IAN. ferce FY Pqy G«nrJF LmFrr q.nM O.K mlj T—I . i,nlsJepe ALAMA frrOdL. X.w AMNON T.[. MKAtl9M w[wr EIawW FunFuCp fpr 6MM �Lill,Ap. j�rle Rm4 W�.�erl+lrwm 'ff W pl P.+a Null RN.aII.IIM LxMm4 TNnwn CALIFORNIA O14ay la W,ibra Plaww A._ ,N J. l_ O—Ily pµdle YrnJJ COMEMCUT Cabry X.✓ N.,H H.[en Wdlinmrn FMIIKIA MOMIA nuM6 mw. NFJn.Ia Lvl rya P.L LvN.PwA uMwxR IXY7n.nl. Pewppp1gyeaena tv�q'a Id Wxww SNn IMA AMe W.J. a1 KAAM6 EIII. rY Gwr A.M Nryr KN.w <Iry S.IIna RflRUCIIY Bwnry linen Hiq�eM.[He lla La.;pmmq oWwdbw. Pixel ANx11H a.w d;P BA>wwR n!�[uP. K.1n"Y Crawl RW x ApnW FwaFvllyw B'.i.L Ge Il Maw®a[f N�Jn=0.1ll u 11 Tbo.as�zlle Read PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE February 6, 1968 Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of February 1, 1968, and the enclosed copies of ten ordinances as listed in your letter. These ordi- nances will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 5 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. We appreciate your interest and cooperation. Sincerely yours, 1,7 /Editorial Mrs.) Glc Jacobs Assistant GJ/peh ItNxg NaM6.Ary E.[I Redm.Y Oenmb ARMS "A CIeA.Wl4 Cllr . LIIrr1Y Ibn. 6O7 P..[1:1, Paid NMd— eZd E.dnnl Fm Pl.i. Feld Ge.n.Ewe Pw.Nnwa 1.6. KH Grvwx C.— L -1Z LLww,...���� vmrnw vl...wina P.xq k n[4drq Frea.m tlw G.. M�qb Pwnr Nnm...11s n, Nm.WJI. W[W1m.01• O.P. Owew. LJM[Yn LW1ro P.wimml.. Ywm [IrY X .1'°^ Nary. LAw.Nfa ttMOL1KA Wn{Nf. D_ Wmil Rqi.. Pald en.n..l In.lw PILm W.IrRld Dunu Ib.Mll R%w 16YYYA1 .. &IM DA RIdq. Uul[m.111a Nz1Pln.mr Ru.rm blMll Alo J.F..r.•n LwLre.L 4'v�nna.yy IMvnrllgMY a. HowP.x Tm EI F•.. Nswk[Nr. M.. 4 FL 1.rLp CyLOirvb® Wxap.p.c P.r4 fM.y G.Nn •f TvuIIMw fW SnkLlm OMr.. W-11dw. W�wIIJa Kmti..Gry Mr.b.Nh R.I.iLF Hww OmF 'n[Mrrn FMniJ.Lmp Gap. I.eAwy Lx'.Mm. J...'. RxLY Rnw'1 Lwd, Fwpr Pol.nlm Pn.Nm MICNpM WrWI R%am N. Jx•[¢ Pwp4eev... 1 Rmn &Imxr.aY P d.r. S.I.N 51 Cirl Mata. fllwe. TEAM HroIMIgArq Gdn.w. DwIM Gma.4. vPww Aldga Aw..rcl.a 5e.rlwe plw pmy RaF X111ry M.m GeAw F. L.%r.iy KOIITMA blr.v F .valla S..IaT.i1N Jnnlll., Gw'.. PM MM Rnuw. Ylp. LaLw W.IIgrMe Mdnn. IMndn.m Ow.w Salim .F.. LnLNnyrw II. G1dALIM1 Wb••N`r• WpnCMrY Mau C.MW. Mlartn Ay.CirY Mx lar. M.Mxlll.. Ri[bwdr.. WI.tiCuv MCM."IIN YAC»w. ¢y%P. N.rr Alvv0.b. MEAOAIPKI uM,..Rr LUAEwA A.WwMa ey J neClry Adm.. Rn.wbrq Bx balm L.wl. MiTK M PdnWIM Cmrol OKtAMM 9plM Da'qu Rll.aa lin Ml..b AIIuI FnNY+IIIa LFNpx 'MMm Aqk Q"0..wllaW KI Killnn bMlanbny Cw N,aR CI.rL.dela V,.W.. B.tiylnr qmn Ca ewd 9NI.eLmlb wl T"REMt Cwp. 2=1. teGga L. lz4.M. LMI. Ax+' sJ.F.>p1ry. GNn.RI. WNW ewmM..r CmLN e-. F% 1pll. CNIrN.eq. CW cl", Lemw =C., T-01 Tw T.:oOry Wwn1.f P.rY Dw�IM. qw Vnl.w.NY PI-. Mlm YULir. FJl. NWviIL CIM Pm. r CLL y o k .::-Sa Laa FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-9534 (I H. E. PETERSON D. L. HARRISON II February 1, 1968 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL Municipal Code Corporation P. 0. Box 1658 Tallahasse, Florida 32302 Gentlemen: 1 am enclosing Ordinance Numbers 7018, 7022, 7023, 7024, 7025, 7026, 7028, 70311, 7035, and 7039 for inclusion in Supplement Number 5. Very /truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 DLH/jbs encl (10) MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE Or CITIES 1 _.vi r ��+� RDER NO., :.14883 - THE�ITY OF Sk LIN�A, KA SAs z PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY-MAIL WITH ORIGINAL CHECK NO. DATE PAID b DATE Oct. 23s, 1967 Municipal Code Corporation � FUND C}{ARGE City Comm ss on TO: Tallahasseg, Florida32302 Banc 1658 CODE AMOUNT ` L f — Ship ToCITY OF SALINA, KANSAS € ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT [` QUANTITY DESCRIPTION ids Coeirmin 150 CoPies of SUPP. No. 4 BY UNITPRICE AMOUNT THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS APPROVED CITY MANAGER ' STATEMENT . MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publishers of City Codes TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA To dty 69 8aTius �s�as Date 00tobW. 8+ 1887 FLORIDA IWRgF Pr #Y.Ia cie Ewrpn.e PpL Odwa Lb 6m.. Pah WnrwilAlrw. Pakfa.n EA 4R Ea.. C�y Gwlr 4 w:.. CI, Wiw RGTUCRY �IwvIIG� Lw.arc.Luy LR "A Reball. 9wre4'w' Wda NRYd.r Ea..Bar.n R s al.k brtFdlei.,.�' F Faervllb M. Fr 11. 1�.�II�aa�n�Pam Wd.ril0. ardl.lr w�wry�g,pr H.e plibu CP� :nPdd ; yn. F 5R ii ll1 PUBLISHER—ORIGINATOR LOOSE! EAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE October 4, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 4 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped on October 3, 1967, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this Supplement. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to forward copies of the ordinances as they are enacted , so that we may publish your Supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, ` .�.f.a4 Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/be Enclosures: 2 Rw Yp90011I Now Serviop[rsa TgNKS& B a ALZRLRR tae 8..r u..aga wv ha.rr.a vPa ie per, Pdn B...k pr.n cwlw., pp kF, d0.en aw p�Lp..{a EIM S.IFyrn Pinp INR,.il6 Enrapu. FnNdd plyllµ Pv Plm.alar Fyirgy. Flwm.. P.Rg. � 4 ISM1aF W MII rlwr.ppl. Lm.n R; qitlpM L.Lwn Saner e°a Prni.ciy s�a'fi"Lvw ALAWAww N. v.wr.e.� LLRgtR s:r.u. M.Aww. HII.K°.n. TSN^Lwin Nan.mLr Tw GTan MIZCRR T....ur.1.1 TImMIN tu.em Y.IM.rr nr.. MRRYLtl h.r1E6'r U°.r.n MI EIM°b �:CrY RJU..m W IbnMpim Fa M3.uM Rhnw Wdn vTw wwi Naryy�y IIArPmY .p ANJ LNwa„le Rei kdw. FYxrrIM �M. :V1.H°rrM1 llnb R°.4 Bye �F R°Mlb1 7, i.. 2d °'anF xinkww Carw.ple Z/l1iMRU �aajp�" Ibu°vt° 4ueiWt�. COLGR.1Rp C -IN. T4ZRT h1^ panr'p �' N—^II. firM"mU'J.nnim Grwla E.O Polm E°bra. rrinla.a Ft'. CRRRFLIICRT Pa.a drL ' P �yRn srrN P..yM fqt V°llry 4^`^•�i ' A lonq.X.ILMr mi. rir°F® CrYn° P. MFv P N..ln.. alb, Ferry FLORIDA IWRgF Pr #Y.Ia cie Ewrpn.e PpL Odwa Lb 6m.. Pah WnrwilAlrw. Pakfa.n EA 4R Ea.. C�y Gwlr 4 w:.. CI, Wiw RGTUCRY �IwvIIG� Lw.arc.Luy LR "A Reball. 9wre4'w' Wda NRYd.r Ea..Bar.n R s al.k brtFdlei.,.�' F Faervllb M. Fr 11. 1�.�II�aa�n�Pam Wd.ril0. ardl.lr w�wry�g,pr H.e plibu CP� :nPdd ; yn. F 5R ii ll1 PUBLISHER—ORIGINATOR LOOSE! EAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE October 4, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 4 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped on October 3, 1967, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this Supplement. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to forward copies of the ordinances as they are enacted , so that we may publish your Supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, ` .�.f.a4 Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/be Enclosures: 2 Rw Yp90011I N.n1um Rm TgNKS& B LiewF To — aR°A TAb'b6u. 11.1411 91w{ Iver Cw. Glrs4u F.Wk.dpl. Rw. S.IFyrn Pinp INR,.il6 EMrgpapa CIYLrvIIN CwMo. c.— �Lee1iFw Ww.EjN. PaL ISM1aF W MII NIM UNR Typan L.Lwn pr1 Pak Vrulttn L.tl k LA V>al. LZRIEIIW� Y14.kR WOe RN1WKyp{UA.n YNllwal� W& Rs° OR MA ll�pr L4yyeaR.r.4e w.WHISu fiamm' x-11 Eli'-. NrvIN 0.I. Cy.w� M�J.IF°IIr0.Pfee. .p LiAyrrrn uiM.<;ry cwrm kdw. Twla Fgnpw'ryran M.Nr1.3.4n a, m"aPalOn Ixkrll I xinkww Pi.nir. vaosa k no YORK cm.aa T4ZRT C.F Mwxr panr'p �' RCRROLgR Ev0.M Por YiRWR lk. S.Im L.I.a pilot Ia,lll. A°Wm Fw•b.+ilb a.rr;. AIRn. A lonq.X.ILMr mi. rir°F® CrYn° P. MFv P N..ln.. alb, Ferry G.m1A G..F.dd R.by4n CNaLw., R°Id.lx° Onm,Ey W. .batlb fnNN WnMxn IWpam. Rl.Lsdwn RM.NI r �RGWRTRR Q- IN L'vr(w.t E,r RxLsn°y Kary.vifl. Hx.rPpF. BryGlry Nwr NMI.iL..a GI.n Cw. 6rwNr RIME LYW.i, xw.m Lwi. 9A`M.^ Jdlm.4nY p Fm"' LlnµM'. pw dam. F I. G°.Arn Llwalw Nauxr aw En.eM 8x M t s.A° T' `"'>..nA iNk�Ir° e�o-,.nae. i:r Fww *:w 1 a.n r o kagwwpk J.�: 0:11 ..wi.u°P.uY :LR., lmµ i0.Eaw L.°N'*%I¢ Taryyl. THS CITY OF S LINA, KANSAS r PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY -MAIL WITH ORIGINAL Nuoictpai Code caporation To: Tallahassee, Faol1da3M Y i' Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS r ATTENTION or % QUANTITY DESCRIPTION SWlement iso. 3 to Salim -Code DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 14294 2 CHECK NO. DATE PAID DATE Sept. X9. X967 FUND CHARGE city commission CODE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE THE CITY OF SALINA, AMOUNT 827.30 APPROVED CITY MANAGER ' S • STATEMENT • MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publishers of City Codes TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA To City: of Balint, Ramps Date august 88g 1987 180 Copies of.Bapplownt No. S to the 88110a.Coat of Ordinances 8s paws a 10.'00 � ' 890.00 4 paws --8y 8g 409 and 410 1 n.o. IP twuow Freight 7130 $ 897.50 Now ServiHr, IILMUIE p ob"w.md& AAMdtH Pb°�w la TMNHtlEA P. ve &: P T.m4m. Cu lw.m Pm MCi Pdnaallo ww Y M1�IIvaC "�""'�w PdiNd flmllae°im lanrc.� Tw.. tiry zp" C q P Eml Pw.. Al/Awp.i. Raw Pim. R.w..illr Cbi.d14 4mw Mill swrxwN PAm.ldCiry R»Hi. YwbMl.n 4urFv.., TmeNmm Y' Mvrm Y'�bud Tu.4M &. . .1 ALM SrmL. F 7 .« ;a�5m Nm. T.4I.t° ARIZONA T,m.aru Mwnla Tmro, VNgeiµ mn MRAYRM xx. J4xl W.V MFq. Gewm '13.wd Eld.rb Y111wy Fmmro.il4 blpn Mn F-.nA 5an4 Prow, Gm yIMU 4 Pml mi.F. RNom MR. � l M.4 Mye.11l 4mdgr Mvlm. Iplmh N Ai�lLrnl. Rx4 binbii° Aim&rN �yMvd4 Ru.}NlNlls LIiy.rm TmlWe Etnlvlf1µllA CLLIFOWA Fe.blwNe. Ali C4e1IM' yr. "LOU" Ca44. Algsxrlmlx Zll NINiv.11 All JarNix Eel P.4, P.br.riw Emmy U.u. TMdw Fw1d CONNECTICUTCONNECTICUTF� T F'm PM TENY Felt V.11.r x°ar1mH",d w4wNll. M.. Wrx xm.rnl. 5wmu. YIIIImmN. LCAROM LWMm awaN�dl° MARTIN ILMM 1rvaAaj Coll GdmvmP°m P.4 Lv G,ai® Pw4 1 N. �ppld.l�p P.r4P.r.n Rtp. A A. W. w. M�.oPita IRA W. MAMMAS w.t1 r Alba tly RENTOCRY RzOz G_ L. 1. rngmi -tit zil LWMM A4MviiN .4x.Mv Rwx4R— RoR0l0irim Clry NRir nR Pe'I.F v°-114 d Pra41M F 5W lin Mrw l.Nw.w Ps4F L w war°red All- MMNil �1}}sqq1. Pondrrtyrm h P4F pn.lm.r.lm Ryly. A4s41v Rq.. L_ fif\ R G� � C 1000 Thomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE August 28, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 2245108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement No. 3 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped this date via Railway Express. Enclosed is our statement covering this Supplement. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to forward copies of the ordinances as they are enacted so we may publish your Supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, //�r Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/be Enclosures: 2 Rxmr YLLWORI W.b R.rAa. TMNHtlEA CIIhx Librry T.m4m. 511411 AllW' Pm=. Yi.lky Lrey,e tbHmmry CeIwW. Cmmr.. Lw4Fv, Tw.. tiry zp" 'MimN.ld w1li'll car0lmbm Al/Awp.i. Raw Pim. R.w..illr Cbi.d14 4mw �w.r1.. LJ6a1 W.,. Z.dry µ`.P Twlm. Ml.m 0..r Pd Luli Uwli Rm.1Ncry Mriw°mi MrmmMi. RWRIRRN SI, J.wd LCMOWA Yid. wmlry Rgww114 Nlimw.°°il. 4YUb.MII W.n I.FIwNH PIx. O,tiry Lwuq NRRFMI A11n.m1. ORLAMY Swrwrw Msam114 Pill - Wey°IPaeII°°°i.ml On F.11. Mwrw 64.mv A.Mllw Y EV • IF � bawl. WMrlll. Pnep LIiy.rm Cl. Mow. irlldgw Fe.blwNe. pap VTM Lliw M14.C�H Im• NINiv.11 Tlmiywa Fr.4ridihl, P.br.riw RR m SCRIMP, Cw.N W01 TENY UP Pmww. pwx C.xva LCAROM Oremlatl awaN�dl° MARTIN Lq SNN L.W. Bill, =111. AuWm FMrw+ill. m 1. Mom Alex Wide. Alvin Gdy. Em.. par Fylrya Pa11McM. CIIRm FaE. GmA Cb4abN R.lr4n CwmAmm llic G.1 Pil &I,m alwY MSNIa MM. Nm4ew H.u.yr Rldad.va R—Oa- NIMNETOE Gemnrll. C.NpI Cur4nd Emx R.q.Lp.H HIFMPejnr Rmr.rlN. Cwp _ Nmw Pq 410.wr Rq CNr Hiar..yl. Xw, Rd.xm q..myF Layrw. 6...MO4mm yF.hypar U.d.rGr° .Iflrtd�. 5brA1.p Lavgn. Nva xEWwm Bryryrv��mnn Bp Jx!nr. <Ny 4m Mlmi. F viXxu.4p Ma.x M.4Wxw Helly i.MP &e'�°in1i.U40.°M. KKlk Sp.q° YxM.CiF 1M Frc4 Hll1 Y11PIr/mSPiM. J,il, . Lm40 Mad All ya.rvlb RdrPly. ImYm tm.11wn L:=— Lm.w y.W TmwN W...TN. Ra} R.dv Mpm WUCdJia cm— "ll clH TrF4 fides Ser jog: aL/erulA g,2=4 Al..endu Gry Mxelwia �'�. tlipm LI .M FeeP�uG P�wlaw�r G"F^ Prnvepl4 v�l�ra.t &bP�a 0.M1beP F.MUId Pownia FarMP, Ppww.we « wNw Liry IIv.MII Pxva�G.uN Lure^rtill. �ra Gvw F±w Ppk 9wdaae d0. Ilwli Vlnva NIMBI PMni. lhM art,.lr $rvrFMim v we:; w k:p L.PMI ALARA 6c/Ylry GrNq Mebaw FmNnM T. d6rw Nang �o�� AIIIBMA M�wnP�P11WN IlxyNaNr IM Yrrnbiy ivw MAMMA; y°�°w Vo -e e.od "F Mx'ear�W�a .W=Wllkrpr ElderWe T Fq.rnw'H. 1111Nn W, pinF.Wi Yinne Fv15iArFry NXaae� yNka�Gy Grmiam H�Mvs e�Mr OBOIbM LInIaAmY a NEM YMAI Lluu two Mu.F LUrIp RxF g�i4 Fa�iwkm� CdMrIM CALRNRIA UwlLf Nes bier taAy Mp,w.ia EWiwp. Neia,Ilel �a SnLaeA� �E�Tf4,Nvt{ Plsuaa •�pvP'w�.^@an Aukw( pNa ixP NMnnereye Gmd MCH9F NvM G.alp Eq�w%vy GiMnFwya FF.Irea ."i:Lwke AMNNM mom F. 1,A Rb. �'I0`A W`. H.°°.n Ny.vtile Hfua+ilM Nilllm, rrk NryaW ry 11 a MAMA - nsnNu �wwe Bwa4FkiJ `w.�erwp:Pwb NIGa W Lave PFMETRw pa1Fm 11aaJen, nW IMAM MYa Le Wa IYW F Z §IUhN 'rne Imm" HN: v' Lawd�wrwnwa�WP q+fu Lk LNIxNAAA Hpavrlla A.. BBwaI.YWR. . 1 BeEww.yYWyWGNy Ee pHalar Fap. ¢d.F Fn. fJkMCPpi.F f((✓� Ila FrnLllwm 1W.e IyMP.en btM Mn.Nali e Nlidan 14*4 bl read WWF I e vAa`mw,�,Piiry v CTi - ✓� � Ia SIF � I _T� 1000 Tbo..sville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE August 28, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of August 24, 1967, and enclosed copy of Ordinance No. 7011, which will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 4. We appreciate your continued interest and cooperation. Aely yours, GI a Jacobs Editorial Assistant GJ/be Rwran AQOIMI 1M+FupR Redep. TEWECEI tlipm LI TMMderr+ Iw Ieyrpa Pw Mat. PauyyaaPYr' paa- pully v P TNGuwa'w =PT - =1_11T falwMP L_ L I, Tn tiry Vnuan ry PN Mixpde lgbly « wNw Liry IIv.MII b1+4 1hq fraww Ur Tshore Jsbwr Knqy,� Gvw F±w Ppk 9wdaae LJheb Luli Ilwli Vlnva NIMBI NOMA 11. AAAMIIA Wdw4¢ra 4Grllryw tr vwalry Plw 6c/Ylry GrNq NMi/]11 NMwrla MNtt,HI" MRANNYI Par,,K��UP MnFw.Mry baNn abr rii 49en M�wnP�P11WN IlxyNaNr IM Yrrnbiy 'Fnrrm MCF. Palk YwdvilM Lbnua. "F Arbppynnxl. Mia T rm gl..aa Pap IITAX M yNka�Gy Grmiam BbiaW Y�Mxr Fuyl NPaP a NEM YMAI Lluu two 14MMfl 1FAA4lAA EEYIA Pr»mr cgwma yaayy Paw FII,a VIA UwlLf Nes bier taAy avilyyple Nle Neia,Ilel �a BwbM P.wa MIIMAIA Mlmrirpp Aukw( CVKaia AILaF NvM Qwi~t Fwr NwAw GiMnFwya Cy4a�dnr(3i� LGG Rb. iN91WNT�l �•r A�M dmr9la M.wN Ped. .taµ�tlIjh I%y'firH ry 11 a v1qp .Mp Pa�apeuN - .M_ I Psmwuere. LAua•. EIMrtm NMbm eplr;, bn�Eiy Kikw RwaaM< �iM.Y LaTiw �12esqr.y bdrBfabllP KIS eN trFrwge S5Syyyaain.rratrrpy Sy;rnryyyIIWrywSWM Y.ar»n LPraooY 4WgA Wdr u11Nn Lwm�� Rwa4 Nverwa+Msk RabX Wtmf Ywr Sm vaNr Clalvw Y.wwCUy TwFM II H. E. PETERSON O, L. HARRISON II AREA CODE 913 TA 3-95M CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL AxVWt 94a 067 MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES IfLLq o k cSaLLaa- FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 674 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-95M CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL AxVWt 94a 067 MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES C, J • Published in The Salina Journal.August.Y3, 1967 ORDINANCE NO. 7011 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MOB ACTION OR OTHER CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE; PRO- VIDING FOR EMERGENCY REGULATIONS TO PRESERVE THE PEACE AND ORDER OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. WHEREAS, She State of Kansas, under the provisions of state law, Chapter 80, Laws of Kansas, 1967, imposes certain responsibilities upon cities for injuries and damages to persons and property caused by mob action; and WHEREAS,it is deemed necessary and in the public interest that the city take 311 appropriate action to insure that orderly procedures exist to protect persons and property of the citizens of the City of Salina; and WHEREAS, Article 12, Section 5 of the Kansas Constitution, grants to the city the power to determine local affairs and government. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODYOOF THE CITY OF SALIM , KANSAS: Section 1. Whenever, in the judgment of the mayor or in the ev6nt of his inability to act, the Acting Mayor determines that an emergency exists as a result of mob action or other civil disobedience causing danger of injury to or damages to persons or property, he shall have power to impose by proclama- tion any or all of the following regulations necessary to preserve the peace and order of the city: (a). To impose a curfew upon all or any portion of the city thereby requiring all persons in such designated curfew areas to forthwith remove them- selves from the public streets, alleys, parks or other public places; provided, however, that physicians, nurses and ambulance operators performing medical services, utility personnel maintaining essential public services, firemen and city authorized or requested law enforcement officers and personnel may be exempted from such curfew. 0 0 (b). To order the closing of any business establishments anywhere within the city for the period of the emergency, such businesses to include, but not be limited to, those selling intoxicating liquors, cereal malt beverages, gasoline or firearms. (c). To designate any public street, thoroughfare or vehicle parking areas closed to motor vehicles and pedestrian traffic. (d). To call upon regular and auxiliary law enforcement agencies and organizations within or without .the city to assist in preserving and keeping the peace within the city. Section 2. The Proclamation of Emergency provided herein shall become effective upon its issuance and dissemination to the public by appropriate news media. Section 3. Any emergency proclaimed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance shall terminate after forty-eight (48) hours from the issuance thereof, or upon the issuance of a proclamation determining an emergency no longer exists, whichever occurs first; provided, however, that such emergency may be extended for such additional periods of time as determined necessary by resolution of the governing body. Section 4. Any personwwho shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with the orders of duly authorized law enforcement officers or personnel charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Proclamation of Emergency authorized herein shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be infforce from and after its passage and publication in the official city newspaper. Passed by the Board of Commissioners the 21st day of August, 1967. ATTEST: /s/ H. E. Peterson City Clerk /s/ Carl R. Rundquist Mayor Now Serving wNAND aa'""me a PI..m4, Ciry ay.N P.ML.. MFlwie P"brLd i,_PC ro n.s El- Elb h. P Emnpie. Fwn.le Ml,+'a P; Ml,,F wmrxm FmeAY. Pa PQ«r Fh,m.• IFir:.r°II: pw. c» Wnh Pvxi.& Xwr.vill. Lm.n S.XIy buM �Ike ar sAA wA PAmIL Oh L2 W« Tana«w Naqux iuekMm H. Cb W. N. Pmnl ALMA W.I G. _ T.U.- T=3F NOmO TxnP1" T• ARIEONA TZ1.l Tlrvavi{l, lu«m VZpxmm AIINAMAt VV.. B..H G...n GJ/be Willi.. Fgxr 1-2-1 WNren Y.n Wml.rFw Fxr A. W,.. Wlnrx Pml JT.. _ OEORM LInh R,ck N.I WH.�r«llrnm LIFh P«k eFme.;ee Pm Pim Eunq.i9e R«.1BW 1.11 filday T.auAm. Cvlbn.. x will CALIFORNIA CMnWwn IA ,v• .1 ' smouRO uqe« ^P•.. Mpea. GmaJuunm W,v1Il, Gml% EW.., P.M, j�y Emnrvm FeiMn xnla EONMECIICtlT Fxr VAIs Xxllxd 1W Xw Xawn y Wrlllnmrle HH101. _Zl. J..". Lal%.m FLOPIOA ;;",•;� 0 LAO 1 10 11 V 1000 Thomas, le Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE I A August 8, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 2246108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of August 1, 1967, and enclosed copy of Ordnance No. 7004, which will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 4 to the Salina Code of Ordi- nances. We are pleased to advise that Supplement No. 3 is now in the hands of our printer. Your continued interest and cooperation are appreciated. w":'. ,.. Sincerely yours, Al. p*rm W.n P.im /1 1 4 ILLtlIDIi / WI'idd IFEvxkrxn Psk A. ri 7acobe rditor)ial _ NIIh NI Pi Lunn ssistant Pak F. .1 R«, d... sa'�keE.IH. GJ/be ENA L.W. AANNE Enl. libM Ciry Me we Gry Alit.. NENNENI' MWyYin9vll�bn � Lenrmy..lxp 0.m+bm Lam"A A16.ilb :=R Pwmn Ntl30W N.rbx9F R.b TENNme oiB LlMrre Tnsk«. plv« SlrNll PxrJmi+ Aylkr Glxxxr L-= Te.o Ciry Bweix O, Grh tMlnyu. Yimli.ld 01w yrink+ Cw 6irubai P.uai..pµ Rw« bAA,rn Pinn CMrrwukn ye 11. Cletnille Canxo Cmrw Ley Iry PmY 0. Rid5+r Z.M Kwec+Qry bbq T>bnn l«bq Bw Pxk LJbekr L.liry .11 Ec,r B.qn A. Pxi+A Webll Aiec Ws4,Ma KInN«x LLri+m LWPIiw Viervin W«n E.O fi11N•ne PsbM1 NIDNNY M.J«.M Wek.Cwmh Kmmllb UmNr W+MII Wm llnlwxry Pl«. F—dF. Fr..Win F..WWm Bq Cne Lmxq All ACANDLME AlMmxl. Wgm.Wnl. 11en : MvAweMc 0NWI0141 Cwe« Pmennvlib fqP.b Ynxn Plmwn Wmle,b, Wlyrm WrcAiN Fah Ilw W.w Cln+Pw, AJ..ill. uP.,, EI Nacre Pwrnw Liviperen Caren Ndean TONT— FmS 11—STAN 1e11wm Pxi+A Sliro Mibe Oh CMrime BlxYall WlneMlx FMxidrluq V Ixiinlq dry =z Cl�mm Weml FT plc pro." viii. MISAIYIPPI NEE YOEN Cm.xe IE;N 0.M.L Pw Risk+ WaWld I4ndm 81 Mim Lcui+ Mlryrill. Cme..r F.eeX.vill. L(AMILINA Alm".00. Lill.,P«.a prtlrm P. ". =2111IA Baa.i Auburn Where Aik- Alvin G L Pxr X«4e, olI Fxk. Ween C. h H.r lhl. CxnN Cle.bd"h 8"byhn CNmAw+r Geb+Axe GaeneAw &pen Nalll" Bd(nry Ndrer+ IYnNre« Ny,e« Ri.Axd.m R Ey.. EAWWDEM Nn 6Am SKK IN Px1A 0.unrr16 Bull x Canned luv P kerry NIpA Poim Kmwe.ill. Gxgram Nplxq trz B%Ciry Nmr,rllle H.. 1 x 1 RJ+mn A Ree— pl—hZI Nmi.abup Iaxiaiq M1.eryr 0 Gro KIne+Pmnpin KFnen Lwm, Egnm Wim IL_, Ciry J Mrmi" NwMyh Pmdpgl" RWgxINe Pxvh P le V d+gMre 6e Fm X I,bp nwn Ai N . ElNmen. Bq Ep.q Krys Byrb ym"Cr pu.ed Igeec Wu r Wier Fl.lh 0.mpduq 9ayq Rd Hlll &un/iad Kalmm L.bl 5,.ink+ J'A".— Lynb«L Eaxe R.6.kA B.mwrvll4 Grye, W.N.kwe Cxr"IMn La.=_.. Fox y,r� AR+Npe.w p«L R«4e Wxr Wxr CelmN•, Cl.tum LwLe L.qw Crh T.n.11 Trµ H. E. PETERSON D. L. HARRISON II August 1, 1967 Municipal Code Corporation P.O. Bos 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find Ordinance Number 7004, to be included in the nest supplement. Yours very truly, H. E. Peterson City Clerk MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES AREA CODE 913 TA 3-953. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL IfLt y o j cSa.CLn.a. FIFTH AND ASH STREEM BOX 7" SALINA. KANSAS 67� August 1, 1967 Municipal Code Corporation P.O. Bos 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find Ordinance Number 7004, to be included in the nest supplement. Yours very truly, H. E. Peterson City Clerk MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES AREA CODE 913 TA 3-953. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL u • ORDINANCE NUMBER 7004 (Published in The Salina Journal July 28 , 1967) AN ORDINANCE providing for the limitation of through truch traffic upon certain designated streets in the City of Salina, Kansas. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That The Salina Code is hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 22-335, which section shall read as follows: "Section 22-335. Certain Streets; when Truck Traffic Prohibited on Whenever, by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, a street is designated as a one on which through truck traffic is prohibited, it shall be the duty of the City Manager to erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof, and after the erection of such signs, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate a truck having a gross vehicle weight of over 16,000 pounds thereon for any purpose other than making deliveries to premises located within the corporate limits of the City." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. (SEAL) Attest: H.E. Peterson City Clerk Introduced: Passed: July 17, 1967 July 24, 1967 Carl R. Rundquist Mayor Now Serving ALALIM.1 A. Cm ANN. ANNN YWm CWI. GAN omnm FAerwb f.. I'— Fi,1 FI W. WIe al DmW k r, Gry ==C T—N- Tm ryH ALYXA M[Anrp Fandopf XM A[IZOMA iYxm ARXANyi =t FMMih F,A Icity Ful Rim Mx�'sNiov, ,meets, Litlb A¢M nlie Wrillm kWwl XpU L1111e RrcA in BIUM NIWM. GLIFORMIA W.We WLWADO Akmxe MW �SNWIm ,rIWN COGREMWT Ga. 1LWM ll N frlliMh FLOLIDA am. Mel MpiWl AuenN 84Wev�lle BkYvry pllva Mlaevilk PM.XW Glbu Pah CW LmGle IY OWlrn PN PoW 'N. NO Al imvWm PoY iWYe1W cNmHlw Ne 1% .W. Ik[m WkM WlWgrvllb Wvm WkY AppWilh AMeMm DNeNNX Mmurilb Ruwip ftl,ANNm ftirylm A FW PNM MUNN$ &aMUN On. nO wn PoX Gabe 1d Gnp Pe SWM DW D.lam M.4 RWXNX a!'i�kpuWDrs WMA Ms URN,, RAH4f Gul htl R Iuan Ciry Lxn LLIRIICLT SalNNA' 1 LN.N.ewe aw.e wWGANA A AA 0 Z/Mralcz/ / 11 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE July 18, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of July 13, 1967, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 7001 and 7002, which will be considered for inclusion.in Supplement No. 3 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. We appreciate your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely yours, A�iG_ (Mrs. ) Gloria Jacobs Editorial Assistant GJ./be WCNWAN WCMTANA H. CMOUNA iaEvo Llyp.l On Pou WIW ik� AM.mX W.WX LwHlh s WiN. MANNI UN b IpmFg LnrG gslm Af'IM wpIN DAN. WMPNW2 INA Gin W� T W. W y INNA mv4. AliWb Slim VAlmCAkM OLLAIIOW. MSN Fpk il�Y 11= Oft. NLYYM '4� ' iryekrkWsi AI Ria.A4iIW Ifil IN M.IM MSL311PP1 I. CmM. Mmhllk AN.,, AMM 6NI olµhiON fu ANp AT ,%kiMlmis ,%k pYWtl OM,Iva {CAROLAII AWL GYWm Pe0INNA CIVYm,Y F GMOW. CW ANNAMallle M1NIG M YILGIIIA ft -G. " FGkimih k. ANk— WNAN, , xPW GWfak GMM WwOilk `AANk GeyOWrl , M Gift FM INIrnW L XemMhsE X l.N" b)CXY #NAlCiIY RM GW Oil Ypikke IbIm1Nl WW Oil 'hi k111PIW.lOM e wry i WTW T� M �pTya PaY �D NFWo UGaM EF— ME MARIANA, fgtWMNois R4YYbM A:NpY>aia k N1e nr TmhLIlLLmAIIWS[. L rIRg $lryO.= 6p =40"" RRmNX CCoIYweWN TAM Aem CiM1 Al Nic. kk imM 9Mxs Uft H. E. PETERSON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON CITY HALL Hm1cfj*l Code Compottation P,00.sm 16$8 7811 hmsee, Florida 39302 ler ZWID ! please tiot Ordlaakseo mmber 7001 and 7009 to be added to thO list for Imlesba in $pplmmt. Not 3o It po olble. YOU" veg7 trulyo MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES L7LL y of cSaCLag. FI FTH'MNO ASH STREETS BOX 749 v SALINA. KANSAS 67W AREA CODE 913 TA 3-9534 H. E. PETERSON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON CITY HALL Hm1cfj*l Code Compottation P,00.sm 16$8 7811 hmsee, Florida 39302 ler ZWID ! please tiot Ordlaakseo mmber 7001 and 7009 to be added to thO list for Imlesba in $pplmmt. Not 3o It po olble. YOU" veg7 trulyo MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ORDINANCL %"0. ✓I ��f: AN ORDINANCE INCORPORATING BY RI::FERENCE CERTAIN BUILDING CODES KNOWN AS THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE; AMENDING SEC. 9-18 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID DRIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 9-18 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9-18 Adopted. There is hereby adopted by reference by the city for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment and use and occupancy, location and mainten- ance of buildings and structures, including Permits and penalties, that certain building code known as the Uniform Building, Code, recommended and published by the International Conference of Building Officials, being particularly the 1967 edition thereof, (excluding the mechanical and venting portions thereof), and including, Chapter 37 and 51 of the 1964 edition thereof, including, the appendix thereto, save and except such portions as are hereafter deleted, modified or amended, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the City Clerk and the same are hereby incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and structures therein contained within the corporate limits of the city. Section 2. That Sec. 9-18 bf the Salina Code is hereby re- pealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and P.?,1,:-cation in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this 10 day of July/, /1967. -Mayor ATTEST: x ORDINANCi; '0. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SEC. :.6-71 OF THE SALINA CODE RELA- TIVE TO THE SHARING OF PLUMBIN(' ' /',CIL•TTIES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE: GOVE'Ui:NC 3ODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-71 of the Salina Code be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this j_ day of July, 1967. Mayor ATTEST: 1-7 City Clerk 3"tea,• •. rtoW Serving. (�p�� 6400"6o i "AA01XI. � .. gnaara E AMU 40t 1000 Thomasville Road MW Po�Nn .* "f& :"MwC�PnX PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE (904) 2246108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES P.O. BOX 1658 eaipn" y"w� LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 xmWUX EIM°NLA.,ASf Nft a �Wn .. �" July 6, 1967 h iM6tl,&a, AiAA.. �d,a E.AW6 Xort Tags p¢IXH A0.12011 iem.hlM A�Xn .imml, Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk hmelt EXma� -IAtlm. rwtsm "� P. O. Box 746 Fmneeut viX" EMI Aiip +� Salina, Kansas, 67401 W I y�y rcW Dear Mr. Peterson: W Thank you for your letter of July 5, 1967, and enclosed w copies of Ordinances Nos. 6970, 6971, 6972, 6980, PLLAN. 6981, 6982, 6984 through 6991, 6993 through 7000, which will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. RCTINT """ 3 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. iA<%AA� f ImYil"t tom. ,LX,IaA W The necessary corrections on Page 5 and Page 409 of the "p T�3i ,wim Code will be made in Supplement No. 3 at no charge to the �mmAbX City. Raw n"' w r Thank you for calling this matter to our attention. Your continued interest and cooperation are appreciated. Cb.i"On .a"i'pa4 SCJr IllX1Mi. ;bbl, Sincerely, 0NG IY &[,u �,. g1iRiAM aw yah AaX.,,, bWA&A'i daXoeu awa'A aw„in. n Wlb wW Mrs. )Gloria Jacobs Editorial Assistant a I�� awn K bA, GJ/be ,. "a io iMlyyp N X'FXTXLAT flN ¢vninfhNa. JR4sUrvMtl&%P Yxp� NMt ppnSNe tlJ#m'M.vX? tWI31XXI. ' lA'R B"Ip 4plrtlb SnmA SIW11 ppuX x.�cARal,®AA Ticmr Teewrw Wiw tau �,q�,'r aA beau tnlma eemn nW zwv MUXTuu avuX pXAmx.. �.o oX�m auvlmnl '" um '+krtwen znau. �� uWywp htnumlJA Ea�eom'iu WNniBiO iblHXn"p"RFMUA Fnt�ry X! vwX 1 OX[MII iYIX E4Fu3Po3 hmmle "ASI FAU Nkpw `XISp¢na hiX 9 yp{ yy 2`qe 1 h"Mln fprtltbM3 'SmNec , f n N MM1Sr IX k{AAOlX1A TWJ � Nq' UTAH wwit+n EmklWin wA31Mrr1 m'�"'enm 4 xuwa ,M.m. �mi0s EIRVIR tzwain i&i Cw�E '�f3 i 'hwi GXIIA i"mss kYpimeCWMIXXI� � b,llk IgwYall Arc4mm. AMLerie tWU , XTaXNX @[ 11bINN4 Alq�®Yi. Cliflmiupe MAb X N y �ulla Lyp�AN 1hgyl.�ppply�i 'ba..XN �i.m£Ipnlpi ®W1)OT' gq�aac�n ACagal'1[il "ASXINXTM # Pr�"o1W Wt�<M �MnNMl F �Xmy i ^i Mon 4d LeaP'wtl ,Ap�pppayyWMIep9ubq� nmrt Xr}rae:�» �a»i�q + t�ui� 1'4��1x'mp "t°r girl imp w. L0.WXRx P �pyWOYRr M.bo c u MH i b biEuP,ii y,ayy.� Nrcs "i tlT8�16 Cew. A tewGh � Mw e,Eig i+Apa 1a39rt II &L14 01 cs-afbLa O FIFTH AND ASN STRO M Box 748 SALIJIA, KANSAS 674M AREA CODE 913 TA 3•0634 � L1 N. E. PETERSON _ CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON CITY HALL •Uly 5, 1967 Municipal Code Corporation, P. 0. sax 1658 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Gentlemen$ Enclosed please find the following ordinances for inclusion in supplement number 3; 6970, 69719 6972, 6980, 6981, 6982, 6984, 69850 6986, 69870, 6988, 6989, 6990, 6991, 6993, 69949 6995, 69961, 69979 6998, 6999, 7000. I am also enclosing notations of some errors that were discovered in the original printing; Page 5, sec. 1-8. Page 409, Sec. 9-307(4) the part reading (ord.No.6954, 191-30-67) should come after Sec. 9-30742) (c) and In the amendment note this should be Ord. No. 6954. This will bring them up to date and do not believe that there will be to.ma$q changes for neat mouth or so. Yours very truly, He E. Peterson P.O. sax 746 City Hall, 5th 8 Ash Salina, ifsasas MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAOUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL L.BAOUE OF CITIES §1-7 _0 GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1.7. Altering Code. § 1-10 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in the city to change or amend by additions or deletions, any part or portion of this Code, or to insert or delete pages, or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such Code in any manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the City of Salina to be misrepresented thereby. Sec. 1-8. General penalty; continuing violations. Wherever in this Code, any act is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or a misdemeanor or the doing of any act is required, or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and no specific penalty is prescribed or no general penalty to an article or chapter is prescribed, the violation of any such provision of this Code shall be punished by a fine d Onot more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by im- prisonment for a period of not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. Each day any violation of this Code continues shall constitute a separate offense. (Code 1960, § 1-107) Cross references—For police court, see Ch. 29; working of prisoners authorized; credit against fine and costs, § 29-7. Sec. 1.9. Severability. If for any reason any chapter, article, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Code or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is declared to be un- constitutional or invalid or unenforceable, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. (Code 1960, § 1-106) Sec. 1-10. Police power extended to city property. The police power of the city is hereby extended to include all lands or property owned or leased by the city or any agency of the city and the general ordinances of the city shall be applicable on such property. Cross references—Police power extended over airport, § 5-4; police power extended to flood control system, § 13-1 at seq. 5 r - � e r - � ■ 01 § 9-807 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURAL APPURTENANCES § 9-808 Sec. 9.307. Gas connections. Sec. 9-807(1). Connections shall at no time have a diameter less than that of the inlet connection to the appliance as provided by the manufacutrer of such appliance and every gas appliance shall be rigidly connected to the gas piping with solid iron pipe, with the following ex- ceptions: (a) Appliances burning not more than 100,000 BTU's per hour may be connected with approved type semi-rigid or other approved all metal, seamless tubing connectors of yellow brass (containing not more than seventy-five per cent (76%) copper). (b) Gas appliances burning not more than 40,000 BTU's per hour may be connected with approved metal tubing connectors having a nominal diam- eter of three -eights (3/8) inches and an overall length not to exceed eighteen (18) inches. Sec. 9.407(2). All tubing connectors shall meet the fol- lowing requirements: (a) The method of attaching such connectors to the gas piping shall not depend upon separate fer- rules, washers, gaskets or other detachable parts. _ (b) The overall length shall not exceed four (4) feet except as provided in section 9-307(1) (b). (c) No part shall be concealed within or extended through any wall, floor or partition. Sec. 9-807(8). Connectors and fittings conformingto ap- proved standards and containing not more than seven- ty-five per cent (76%) copper may be considered as meeting the foregoing requirements_ Sec. 9.407(4). An approved readily accessible stopcock shall be installed at the house piping outlet to and ahead of each gas appliance and a union connectio thereto. (Ord. No. 6964, § 1, 1-30-67) Amendment note—Ord. No. 69 3, § 1, adopted Jan. 80, 1967, amended ..$ 9.307(2) to read as herein set out. A detailed analysis of the amend- ment is not included due -to the ature of the subject matter. Sapp. No. a 409 0 i 6946 Establishing a Cultural Arts Commission. December 19,1966. 6947 Repealing Ordinance 6762 for longevity payment for all regular full time employees of the City. December 19, 1966 - 6948 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Lamer's Sub -Div) January 9, 1967 6949 City Limits Ordinance (including a piece of land north of Euclid and West of Ninth Street) January 23, 1967 1/6950 .. Authorizing combined reading of multiple meters in certain instances. January 16, 1967 6951 Defining Consumer of Water Service as used in Chapter 35 of the Salina Code. January 16, 1967 6952 Repealing Section 9-289 of The Salina Code January 30, 1967 a/ 6953 Prohibiting the sale of Alcoholic Beverages to Minors January 30, 1967 6954 Defining the requirements for gas tubing connectors; amending Section 9-307 (2) of The Salina Code and repealing the original section. January 30, 1967 6955 Approving resolution of the Board of Directors of the Salina Airpor� Authority authorizing issuance of $790,000.00 General Obligation Bonds. j' R\ January 30,-7967- 0,E6956 6956 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Prescott Addition January 30, 1967 . ,• 6957 Co Ordinance with Brown and Brown, Inc. Urban Renewal Project U 1) February 6, 1967 6958 Ordinance vacating the north and south alley Lfirst East of Eig t treet, from Ash to Elm March 13, 1967 6959 Ordinance vacating 8th Street, from the north line of Ash Street to the South line of Elm Street. March!13, 1967 6960 An ordinance providing for the construction of sidewalks. March 27, 1967 6961' Amendment to Zoning Ordinance March 27, 1967 .6962 Vacating Neal Avenue in Key Acres recorded plat. April 3, 1967 6963 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Moose Addition) April 3, 1967 6964 Special Assessments for Paving Hamilton Avenue (Job 470) April 10, 1967 6965 Special Assessments for Paving Ellsworth Avenue (Job 470) April 10, 1967 6966 Special Assessments for Paving Montrose Street (Job 470) April 10, 1967 . 6967 Special Assessments for Elmhurst Boulevard Improvements (Job 461) April 10, 1967 6968 Special Assessments for Street Improvements (Job 460) Apri , 1967 6969 Special Assessments for Water Services r April 10, 1967 6970 1/ Prohibiting the sale, storage, display, or discharge of Fireworks in the City or within 100 feet. April 10, 1967 - 6971 � Adopting Rules and Regulations for Public Parks April 10, 1967 6972 ✓ Repealing Section 9-73 which prohibits the projection of signs over certain streets. April 10, 1967 6973 Special Assessments for Sidewalks (Job 474) PrTI-I0, 1967 6974 Special Assessments for Westport Exchange Addition Improvements (Job 452) April 10, 1967 6975 Special Assessments -Various Streets (Job 453) April 17, 1967 6976 Contract Ordinance - A. W. Saum & Sops for Sidewalks in Job 476. April 17, 1967 6977 Contract Ordinance with Harbin Const. Co. for i t� in Country Club Heights Addition # 4 April 24, 1967 6978 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - Plat 8 May 1, 1967 6979 Vacating easement in Block 4, Replat of Moose Addition May 1, 1967 6980 V//Making it unlawful to exercise or assume to exercise any of the powers conferred upon any officer or employee of the City of Salina, Kansas. (Impersonating Officer or May 15, 1967 Employee) 6981% Electric Franchise - Kansas Power and Light Company June 19, 1967 (-,1 6982 Gas Franchise - Kansas Power and LLF:ht Company June 19, 1967 6983 O - 0 Cresting lAteral Sanitary Sewer 506 in Westport May 22, 1967 LI _.. 6984 ✓ Defining the Public Officer under the Minimum Housing code. -May 29, 1967. ,6985 ✓ Providing Minimum Floor Area required in dwelling units.: 4, (Minimum Housing Code) -.- -i ---.-_-. May 29, 1967 6986 ✓ Providing that every dwelling within the City shall -have -.water heating facilities MInimum Housing Code)_- May 29, 1967 6987_ ✓ Providing every dwelling unit within the City shall----_ contain bathing facilities (Minimum Housing Code) May 29, 1967 - 6988 v/ Declaring certain privies as public nuisance May 29, 1967 (Minimum Housing Code) _ 06989 ✓ Providing for sharing phiymbing facilities in -' certain dwellings. (Minimum Housing Code) May 29, 1967 6990 ✓ Defining the duties and responsibilities of the Public Officer for enforcement of the Minimum Housing Code. June 5, 1967 6991 ✓ Rules and Regulations applicable to the Salina Municipal Airport June 5, 1967 ! 6992 Construction Ordinance - Job 480 - paving certain streets. June 26, 1967 6993 �/ Specifying when permits are not required for plumbing work. (amending Sec 1.9 of Uniform Plumbing Code) `a June 26, 1967 �`✓✓ 6994 J Providing for Safety Pilot Shut Offs on Water Heaters and furnace June 26, 19b - - _ 6995 ✓ Making it unlawful to do plumbiu work without securing a certificate of registration. amending Sec 9-218 of The Salina Code) O. June 26, 1967 6996 ✓ Authorizing issuance of a Gas Fitters Certificate " __.._ ._. without examination to certain individuals; (amending Section 9-281) June 26, 1967 699; ✓ Repealing Section 9-290 of The Salina Code -"" June , 967 6998 Requiring an examination of all applicants for certification as gas fitters. -" "-- ' 26, 1967 6999 ✓ _Repealiin Section 7-72 of The Salina Code pertaining -to ___.. Hours for operation for pool halls. June 26, 1967 7000 Providing for a special license for pool halls to permit persons under eighteen years of age to play, O- amending Section 773 of The Salina Code. June 26, 1967 N A r t M1 f t ;ORDINANCE NQ. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE STORAGE, DISPLAY, SALE, DIS- CHARGE OR STORAGE OF FIREWORKS WItHIN THE CITY OR WITHIN .ONE HUNDRED FEET FROM THE CITY LIMITS;. AMENDING SECTION 12-126 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: 1 Section 1. That -Section 12-126 of the Salina Code is here- by amended to read as follows: Section 12-126. Nuisance Declared; Abatement: The possession, storing, disp;l.a.ying for sale, selling, offering for sale, giving away, discharging, firing or using of any of the fireworks',,pyrotechnics or other articles mentioned in 12-119 at"•any place within the city or within one hundred feet"from the city limits of - the city by any person, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and any ',such nuisanc'e may be abated by in- junction or otherwise as provided for in K.S.A, 13-1417; Provided, that.the remedy provided,or in this section is in addition t0 the penaltyf�orlviolation of this division. i Section 2, That.(Section 12-12,6yi6f.the Salina Code is,hereby repealed. S, , ; 1 Section 3, This ordinance shall `take effect and be in force 1 •' from and after its adoptioniand publication in the official city paper -6 i r' Adopted by the. Governing Body;,oE;the'City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor, this LV , day of Apr' 3 1967. j,`�` Mayor ATTEST: i _ �•�.. 1. _. ORDINANCE NO. ,x s AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING"FOR THE'ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGUL- ATIONS APPLICABLE TO.PUBLIC PARKS OPERATED BY THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS. .. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING.BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA* KANSAS: . I Section 1, That the City Code is hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 25-5 which section shall read as fol- lows: Section 25-5. Rules and F6gulations: The Board of Commissioners shall adopt and amend such rules and regulations as maybe: necessary for the order- - i Is ly operation of all public parks operated by the City t ,I of Salina, Kansas, which rules and regulations and amendments thereof shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk, Park Superintendent and Park Caretaker. Section 25-6. Same Violations: Any person violating any of thelerules and regulations ,adopted in accordance with, ,Sebtion,25-5 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor(i ` Section 2. This ordinance`stil1'take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the offi cial city paper. Adopted by the Governing Bodyoi,the City of Salina, t "Kansas, and approved by the 'Mayor {tlhis� �0 _ day of April, 1967. 1 :I lk� it I Mayor.. / r ATTEST' • r�°fr r, �` Iii, yy��� # City Clerk, 41 ; 15 188 a x - 1 I ,. f I i • 1t �'1 t Ji pp j} 1(3 4 ORDINANCE 140 i AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION.9!'03.OF THE SALINA CODE WHICH PROHIBITS THE PROJECTION OF I'S IGNS,OV1:RICERTAIN STREETS.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING wDY OF THE CITY OF.SALINA, KANSAS: t, Section.l.. That Section,9-73 of -.the Salina Code be and the same is hereby repealed, Section 2. This ordinance shall, .,take effect and be in force . from and after its adoption and putrlication in the official city paper. if t x2 A Adopted by the Governing,Body�6f!'the City of Salina, Kansas, and signed by thethisday;of April, 1967. .May J;, � n .Mayor ATTEST: 1 City `Clerk it t }" 1 jI t t 77 1 1 a + �f - t :r ' � 1 d ,4a' xr�� e •1��!i� i � r _ _ + 1 1 } + t I Ali _• ' ,ail. tly +p '� p{ st1, .. t� , ' i ,� �i�ll tr' i��Irl ��tl di Ilii; ..y! � -• I ORDINANCE NO. �Ufj AN ORDINANCE, granting to The Kansas Power and Light Company, a Kansas corporation, its successors and assigns, an electric franchise, prescribing the terms thereof and relating thereto, and repealing all ordinances.or parts of ordinances irnconsi.stent with or in conflict with the terms hereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNIIIG POI1" OF THE CITY OF SALINA , KANSAS: Section 1. That, in cons )c: al:i.on of the benefits to be derived by the City of Salim, Kans:ae., and its inhabitants, there is hereby granted The Kansas Power and Light Company, a Kansas corporation, herein- after sometimes designated as "Company", said Company being a corporation operating a system for the transmission of electric current between two or more incorporated cities in the State of Kansas, into and through which it has built transmission lines, the right, privilege, and authority for a period of twenty (20) years from the (Ci day of_t_ , 19 to occupy and use the several streets, avenues, alleys, bridges, parks, parkings, and public places of said City, for the placing and maintaining of equipment and property necessary to carry on the business of selling and distributing electricity for all purposes to the City of Salina , Kansas, and its inhabitants, and through said City and beyond the limits thereof; to obtain said electricity from any source available; and to do all things necessary or proper to carry on said business in the City of Salina , Kansas. Section 2. As further consideration for the granting of this franchise, and in lieu of any city occupation, license or revenue taxes, the Company shall pay to the City during the term of this franchise three percent (3%) of its gross revenue from all sales of electric energy within the corporate limits of said City, such payment to be made monthly for the preceding monthly period. In event Company shall hereafter agree to pay any other city supplied with electricity by Company, any percentage of gross revenue in excess of the percentage herein provided, Company, at the request of the City, shall increase the percentage to be paid to the City hereunder to the same percentage agreed to be paid such other city. Any such increase in percentage shall be effective from and after the next payment date following said request by the City. Section 3. That the Company, its successors and assigns, in the construction, maintenance, and operation of its electric transmission, distribution and street lighting system, shall use all reasonable and proper precaution to avoid damage or injury to persons or property, and shall hold and save harmless the City of Salina , Kansas, from any and all damage, injury and expense caused by the sole negligence of said Company, its successors and assigns, or its or their agents or servants. Section 4. That within sixty (60) days from and after the pas- sage and approval of this ordinance, said Company shall file with the City Clerk of said -City of Salina , Kansas, its unconditioned written acceptance of this ordinance. 0/12-824/E/CM/1 Section 5. That any and all ordinances in conflict with the terms hereof are hereby repealed. Section 6. That this ordinance shall become effective and be in force and shall be and become a binding contract between the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, from and after its passage, ap- proval, publication as required by law, and acceptance by Company. Section 7. This franchise is granted pursuant to the provisions of K. S. A. 12-824. Passed and approved this -� — day of-z�,__t _ , 19. Attest: City Clerk ;a tyor 0/12-824/E/CM/2 ./� -'?-'" 3 l C/C '7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE granting to The Kansas Power and Light Company, a Kansas corporation, its successors and assigns, a natural gas franchise, prescribing the terms thereof and relating thereto, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or conflicting with the terms thereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA , KANSAS: Section 1. That in consideration of the benefits to be derived by the City of Salina , Kansas, and its inhabitants, there is hereby granted to The Kansas Power and Light Company, hereinafter sometimes des- ignated as "Company", said Company being a Kansas corporation operating a system for the transmission of electric current between two or more in- corporated cities in the State of Kansas, and also operating a system for the transmission and distribution of natural gas in the State of Kansas, the right, privilege and authority for a period of twenty (20) years from the day of �j�K: ,_ , 19to occupy and use the several streets, avenues', alleys, bridges, parks, parkings, and public places of said City for the placing and maintaining of pipe lines and other equipment necessary to carry on the business of selling and distributing natural gas for all purposes to the City of Salina , Kansas, and its inhabitants, and through said City and'beyond the limits thereof; to obtain said natural gas from any source available, and to do all things necessary or proper to carry on said natural gas business in the City of _ Salina , Kansas. Section 2. As further consideration for the granting of this franchise, and in lieu of any city occupation, license or revenue taxes, the Company shall pay to the City o' Salina , Kansas, two percent (2%) of its gross revenue from th aa'.Le of natural gas during the term of this franchise to all consumers within the corporate limits of the said City. Such payment shall be made monthly for the preceding monthly period after the effective date of this franchise. In event Company shall hereafter agree to pay any other city supplied with natural pas by Company, any percentage of gross revenue in excess of the percentage herein provided, Company, at the request of the City, shall increase the percentage to be paid to the City hereunder to the same percentage agreed to be paid such other city. Any such increase in percentage shall be effective from and after the next payment date following said request by the City. Section 3. That all mains, services and pipe which shall be laid or installed under this grant shall be so located and laid as not to ob- struct or interfere with any water pipes, drains, sewers or other structure already installed. Section 4. Company shall, in the doing of any work in connection with its said gas mains, pipes and services, avoid, so far as maybe practicable, interfering with the use of any street, alley, avenue or other public thoroughfare, and where Company disturbs the surface of a street, alley, avenue or other public thoroughfare, it shall at its own expense and in a manner satisfactory to the duly authorized repre- sentatives of the City replace such paving or surface in substantially as good condition as before said work was commenced. 0/12-824/G/Cm/1 r Section 5. It is recognized that the natural gas to be delivered hereunder is to be supplied from a pipe line system transporting natural gas from distant sources of supply; and the Company, by its acceptance of this franchise as hereinafter provided, does obligate itself to furnish natural gas in such quantity and for such length of time, limited by the terms hereof, as the said sources and said pipe lines are reasonably cap- able of supplying. Section 6. That, Company, its successors and assigns, in the con- struction, maintenance and operation of its natural gas system, shall use all reasonable and proper precaution to avoid damage or injury to persons and property, and shall hold and save harmless the City of Salina , Kansas, from any and all damage, injury or expense caused by the sole negligence of said Company, its successors.and assigns, or its or their agents or servants. Section 7. That within sixty (60) days from and after the passage. and approval of this ordinance, Company shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Salina , Kansas, its unconditioned written acceptance of this ordindnce. Section 8. That this ordinnr,ce shall become effective and be in force and shall be and become a biniirg contract between the City of Salina , Kansas, and The Kansa:, Power and Light Company, its successors and assigns, after its passage, app:-c\al and publication as required by law, and acceptance by said Company. .Section 9. This franchise is granted pursuant to the provisions of K. S. A. 12-821. Section 10. That any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the terms hereof are hereby repealed. Passed and approved this day of 's<�-` _, , 19. Attest: r),LG c. M yor `NA City Clerk �, •...... *MAt �p te04, �P W a 0/12-824/G/CM/2 (PublishedRn the Salina Journal �_ .tea _.• 1967) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE PUBLIC OFFICER UNDER THE MINIMUM HOUSING CODE OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS; AMENDING SEC. 16-4(14) OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE .IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Section 16-4(14) of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 16-4(14). Public Officer shall be that per- son appointed by the City Manager pursuant to Sec. 2-77 of the Salina Code, together with the City Building Inspector, City Health Officer and such assistant officers as the City Manager shall designate." Section 2, That Section 16-4(14) of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this _k'l day of May,__1967. Mayor ATTEST:! City Clerk (Published in the Salina Journal• 1967) ORDINANCE NO. cf;� AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA REQUIRED IN DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS; AMENDING SEC: 16-61 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-61 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 16-61. Floor Area Generally. Every dwelling unit shall contain at least one .hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least one hundred (100) additional square feet of floor area for each addition- al occupant thereof. The floor area shall be calculated on the basis of total habitable room area, inside measurements. No floor space shall be included in determining habitable room area over which the ceiling is less than seven (7) feet above the floor for the purpose of this section." Section 2.' That Sec. 16-61 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this ygi� day of May, 1967. Ma or ATTEST: 17 City Clerk .(Published in the Salina Journal i'"ti 1967) ORDINANCE NO. �- 9 <S'• 6 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT EVERY DWELLING WITHIN THE CITY SHALL HAVE SUPPLIED WATER HEATING FACILITIES INSTALLED; AMENDING SEC. 16-66 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-66 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 16-66. Water Heating Facilities. Every dwelling shall have supplied water heating facilities which are installed in an approved manner and are maintained and operated in a safe and good working condition and are properly connected with the hot water lines to the kitchen sink, lavatory and bath tub or shower, except as otherwise specified under Sec. 16-70.". Section 2. That Sec. 16-66 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this � day of May, 1967. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk (Ptibliso in the Salina Journal �'�'-�-•� _ 1967) ORDINANCE. N0.J, `I :F 7 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT EVERY DWELLING UNIT WITHIN THE CITY OF SALINA SHALL CONTAIN BATHING FACILITIES; AMENDING SEC. 16-67 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-67 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 16-67. Bathing Facilities. Every dwelling unit shall contain within a room which afford privacy to a person in said room, a bath- tub or shower in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water and sewer system, except as otherwise permitted under Sec. 16-70 and 16-71." Section 2. That Sec. 16-67 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this da of May, 1967.' Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk (Published in the Salina Journal LA: ,) 1967) ORDINANCE NO. lc- !' S AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PRIVIES AS PUBLIC NUSIANCE AND DIRECTING ELIMINATION OF THE SAME; AMENDING SEC. 16-73 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF,THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-73 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 16-73. Privies. All pit privies, privy vaults, "dry hopper" sewer connected privies and frost -proof closets are hereby declared to be a public nusiance and shall be eliminated, except that those on property where no public water line or public sewerage facilities are conveniently available to the property may continue to be used until such time as the public water line and public sewerage system is extended to the public property or easement adjacent to the property of the dwelling." Section 2. That Sec. 16-73 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this f day of May, 1967. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk (Published in the Salina Journal t/., ORDINANCE NO. .('� , 1967) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR SHARING OF PLUMBING FACILITIES IN CERTAIN DWELLING UNITS WITHIN THE CITY OF SALINA, AMENDING SEC. 16-71 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-71 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 16-71. Sharing, of Plumbing, Facilities. The occupant of not more than two (2) dwelling units may share a single flush water closet, a single lavatory basin and a single bathtub or shower if: Sec. 16-71(1). Neither of the two dwelling units has, more than four occupants each. . Sec. 16-71(2). Such facilities are in good working condition and reasonably accessible to the occupant of one dwelling unit without passing through any room of the other dwelling unit. Sec. 16-71(3). Such dwelling unit are in the same building arranged so that the occupants of neither unit are required to go outdoors to reach the facilities. . Sec. 16-71(4). Except that a total of not more than six (6) occupants of dwelling units may share a single flush water closet, a single lavatory basin and a single bathtub or shower." Section 2. That Sec. 16-71 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city newspaper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this ,,fir day of May, 1967. /� ATTEST ; �"c, / �1 �(/L H. E. Peterson City Clerk Mayor ----- -- - ORDINANCE NO. ( / C . • AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PUBLIC OFFICER FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE MINIMUM HOUSING CODE OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS; AMENDING SEC. 16-19 OF THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. i BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That Sec. 16-19 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: S �'b'1' f f ec. 16-19. Responsz i ity or En orcement. There is hereby created the office of Public Officer who is hereby authorized and directed to en- force all of the provisions of this code. The City Manager may also appoint such number of inspectors and other employees as may be necessary from time to time or he may deputize such employees as may be neces- sary to carry out the functions required for the enforcement of this code. Section 3. That Sec. 16-19.of the Salina Code is hereby ;i repealed., i. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted "by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, by Mayor day kw, 1967, and approved the this of r Mayor 'ATTEST: ., + City Clerk - ORDINANCE N0. .i i� AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE SALINA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: `F Section 1. That the Salina Code is hereby amended adding a section to be numbered Sec. 5-5 which section shall read as follows: ;r. Sec. 5-5. Rules and Regulations. The Salina Airport Authority is hereby authorized ;i to adopt and amend such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the orderly operation of the Salina Municipal Airport, which rules and regulations and amendments thereof, after approval by the Board of Commissioners, shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk, Airport Manager and Airport Authority. Sec. 5-6. Same Violation. Any person violating any of the rules and regul- ations adopted in accordance with Sec. 5.5 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. t Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in a. force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, C ,J-- . and approved.by the Mayor this cf day of #=94 1967. Mayor ATTEST. Ij' City Clerk �I.�lI �'� t•.1))fl r+��I+II II4 ,. 1' .It 1., j..�: + + � I E. 1 ` .•; 1 i it ' � � [ i . + r { .! `1 , { } ,(Published in The Salina Journ�l , 1967) ; y 4� r 1 . j ORDINANCE NUMBER .. I ilk j l �r AN•ORDINANCE SPECIFYING WHEN PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR PLUMBINGit ! '' WORK: AMENDING SECTION 1.9 OF THE UNIFORM•PLUMBING CODE',AS ADOPTED BY .'. REFERENCE' IN THE SALINA CODE. •i: ` E BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY -OF SALINA, KANSAS:-: Section 1. That the Salina Code is hereby amended by adding a 7'section to be numbered 9-262 which section shall read as follows: 1 Section 9-262. Work Not Requiring a Permit: h No permit shall be required in that of any repair work as follows; The stopping of leaks injdrains, soil, waste or vent pipe, provided, however, that should any trap, (other than tubular ' traps) drainpipe, soil, waste or vent pipe be or become defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material in any part or parts,'the same shall be considered,as 1 new work and a permit shall be produred and an inspection made as 'hereinbefore provided. No permit ;shall be required for the clearing ,.of stoppages or the repairing of loaks`in pipes, 'valves or fixtures;. where such repairs do not involve or require the rearrangement of tubular traps, valves, pipes or f itures. Section 2. This ordinance shallrtake:effect and.be in force from and after,its adoption•and publicagion;in the official city paper. 1 Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and . approved by the Mayor, this 1'4 day of June,. 1967. r 1 Mayor f Attest: City Clerk r ` r r t I I i 14 n i 1• (Published in The Salina Journal` ;'1967)' } 4 i It I.okORDINANCE N0. i AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO DO PLUMBING WORK WITHOUT i; >SECURING A CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION;• AMENDING SEC. 9 -218 -OF', ` THE SALINA CODE AND REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION. ;.: BE IT, ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNtNG;BODY OF THE.CITY OF SALINA'„. KANSAS: ' F! 1 , t 1 5 1 Section 1. That Sec. 9-218 of the Salina Code is hereby + , amended to read as follows:` + Sec. 9-218. Certificatiori Required: i It shall be, unlawful'for any person to labor at the trade of plumbing without first having had issued ' to him a valid certificate of qualification or regis- tration by the board of plumbing examiners. Provided .i,,. however, that the exchange,or replacement of an exist- ' ing home appliance; such,as'a hot water heater, dish- -,`:; washer, food waste disposer, -automatic washer, ;•;.:: refrigerator or water.soft'ner, not requiring the 'install- ation -of a new water suppl;yor waste linet shall be excluded from the:provisions of,'this ,section.. Section 2. .: r � That..5ec. 8 218 � C ;Che Salina Code is hereby, + '` repealed.,?. Section 3. This o di,nAncc all take effect and be in force: F +� j, 111�r I , j is it ;+ from and taftor its idopfion. An(I publication in the official city' 5 '' Paper. � +' •� + t i J''+ Adopted,by the Governing Body the City of Salina, Kansas, ;and approved",by,the.Mayor.this �� day of Junes 1967. y Mayo ATTEST: k! City; dlerk if i � s: 1 • r I 1 1 1 ' 3 t i r. , 1` A 6I� it � Qiiblished•in The Salina Jou talE ��, 1967)_ 111111 ORDINANCE ,0. ;• J AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE, ISSUANCE OF A GAS FITTERS i z: CERTIFICATE. WITHOUT EXAMINATION TO•CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS; AMEND- ING SEC. j9'-281 OF THE SALINA CODEAND'REPEALING SAID 'ORIGINAL: SECTION.. s �' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING•BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, t i KANSAS: + Section 1. `That Sec. 9-281,of',the Salina Code As hereby it '•amended t. to read as follows: i , - 7 Sec. 9-281. Exemption from Examination.. ! ;. Any person who has beenengaged in the business i i or who labored at the trade of !gas fitting in Salina Kansas, for,at least three (3);consecutive years prior !! to the adoption of;this code,: after making application and paying the fee''as provided herein, shall be granted t.. a certificate of qualificatidn:by.the Board of Gas Fitters,without.examination. Section,2. That Sec. 9-281 of ,the Salina Code is hereby 1`. t repealed. �. Section 3, This ordinanee!'shall.take effect and be in force: t` from.and,after its adoption and publication in the, official city paper. Adopted by the;Governarig .io of the City of Salina, Kansas,, f ; ' P i %,;ind,app`roVed, by the Mayor,i,"tl►i's '<.� l day of June, 1967. ij{, ;?[i' ! r f t i14 a,I� •' pit 3;`� ' G ! i �' ,Y I� t� 1�a�, a'1 3' i_> t Mayor ATTEST:' City'Clerk iJ „ ". 1 (: • , 1 • .. 40 , ly 1, , (Published in The SalinaJouril 1967) k , " ! iORDTNANCE `NOr: `O'37'- l; AN a ORDINANCE REPEALING. SEC... 9-290 OF,3 THE SALINA' CODE. BE SORDAINED BY TA %OV EFJ ING BODY OF THE CITY `OF 'SALINA, ' {'.KANSAS.f-ii Section 1. _ That, Sec. 9 290 hof! the Salina Code be and the h' a d � 1I same is•hereby repealed: Section 2.. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city paper. Adopted by'the Governing Body of .the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by'the_Mayor ,this. day of,June, 1967. uc,I, . f ,.. Mayor 'ATTEST:: • '- r City' Clerk t I 4" i j • r p 1 I t � k t ' r I i if t , . ,�{. ',r k r,:. , �, , i• r! t�l t' e f, �- �I' Ir.. I ry � Iti'�t r! v 1�� i tA! � ! t•y t I'�x�'�'{�� r� '� i {} I ,.. ... r .! � I' jn % �� j I i i f I }•.l I 11} 1 '! Lf X • �jJ 1 i 166� q�e1 ply r. 1 { i; Oublishedlin The Salina Journal 1967) + ' { ' e- ,3i ORDINANCE N0.' AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING AN EXAMINATION OF ALL APPLICANTS FOR''''., CERTIFICATION AS GAS FITTERS; AMENDING SEC.,9-28,0 OF THEiSALINA ; CODE AND, REPEALING SAIWORIGINAL'SECTION. 1 1 BE IT, ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNIN !BODY,OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS [: i Section 1. That Sec. 9 280 ,of the Salina Code is hereby let: �. • � .:� ;' _.,amended to read as follows: i Sec. 9-260. Examination Required; Nature. i'. Each person filing an application for certification and paying said fee as herein, provided for shall be Riven t an examination by the Board'Of. Cas Fitters, which shall consist of three persons'to e'appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of,the Cif: Commission. The said i* examihation,shall be 'for Lho purpose of determining Ia the; ability and knowledge c!''the,applicant in gas fitting. 'The examination shall:be'of practicable nature and 3' ;k shallitest.the applidifit' knowledge of gas piping, pas f app 'lanae ihstallation,` vent ng,and ventilation. Section 21 ,That 'Sec„ 9-28,0:df.;the Salina Code is hereby ,repealed? Section;3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force; from and after its adoption and publication in the.official city., �..;' paper. Adopted`by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved..by the'Mayor this ,day•of June, 1967. ' Mayr I , ATTEST: , 14 CityClerk; s 1 , 1 1 1 (Published in The`Salina Journal 1967) ' r ORDINANCE'0.. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AiSPECIAL LICENSE FOR POOL HALLS TO PERMIT PERSONS UNDER EIGHTEEN'XEARS OF AGE TO PLAY,; AMENDING•, SEC. 7-73 OF THE SALINA.CODE AND' REPEALING SAID ORIGINAL SECTION.• t F BE IT' ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNIING+BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: i r Section 1.' That Sec. 7,-73 o th' e�Salina'Code is he amendedLo{ read as follows: ; I ' •"Sec. 7=73.e of P? a rars. It shall be unlawful for the owner, manager, keeper, or person in charge of any place described in the pre- , i ceding sections of this article to permit or allow any i person under the age of eighteen (18) years to play at or take part in any game in such place or to loiter or :congregate in or about such place: Provided however, that persons under the age of eighteen (18) years may be permitted to play at or take part in games in any such place or to be in such place if the owner of-such place shall, in addition to his applications fora li- cense to operate such place, make a special application to the City Manager for such permit and if such applica- tion .hall be approved by the City Manager after the same has been referred and approved by the Board of ' i' •`. Public Welfare.. The Board of Public Welfare or^City Manaj+er'may, as a condition to the granting, such special:; permit, place such restrictions upon the operations s thereof, as may be deemed necessary. No such special permit shall be granted to the owner of any such place' if beer is sold or used on such premises or if a li- js; cense to sell malt or cereal beverages is in effect covering such premises. The violation by the owner, manager, keeper or person in charge of any such place of any of the provisions of this section, or any of the restrictions or agreements contained in the special application provided for herein, shall be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the permit granted pur- suant to such special application. Section`2,' That Sec. 7-73 of the Salina Code is hereby re-` pealed. ' Section 3. ,This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the official city ,.paper. Ia Adopted by,the,Governing Body'of the City of. Salina, Kansas, and approved,by the.Mayor this !!day of June, 1967. ail Mayor i i a �. J(;ATTEST: ; , 3 City Clerk , I TI4E- CITY OFLINA, KANSAS I PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY—MAIL WITH ORIGINAL h P I F Rml ipal Code Cwpmtlon To: Ta1UMmee, Florida 9 L I . a Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION swplewa No. 2• Sanaa C*& l RDER NO. 11495 2 CHECK NO. DATE PAID DATE April 6, 1967 FUND CH#R;E 13 an app♦ CODE AMOUNT 2WA UNIT PRICE AMOUNT W.00 THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS APPROVED CITY MANAGER • STATEMENT MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publishers of City Codes TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA asa► ta►ioa of BaFpi 2 No. 2 to tie a 10,00 4 W' 'Iwt 1487 h 1488 pautw $,440,00 a,ts _. 448.@0 Date Ra tth 2Zt 3.967 `- `4. CODES PUBLISHED FOR: ALAMAAIA AIMEAK CRY Aft. alamll aflame oMnrl pdpp ke alRl<IS FaIM.e llamrya. Het 1fe AWMI, LewR Gplih Ptrais CIty Sal T,se'j— Test ALASKA FatkmAs Nell AR12ONA ,.A 1RKANSAf 6Dar EI NWs FeyetlwllX fatal Fast EmmSA Net IMF Little Fees Yawl'a g.WX NNMLitll. Rwk RMWesse J.Ekw CALIFORtMA Ressia COLORADO Gnat NaeMu (Assets PiWaAT,HM Ah.e Al. CONNECTICUT „d°„, New NRn =,it GE91GIA A�melne. MIND Gals, Sp Bearer 0le WIWI g M.IN ONEW" C Ilege AD Gdble 3.10Ow N. DAIIF E.g VdM F.""" Fit=gwtlA Forest Falk F." YM ay WI.illp ,a,,1, %I.s Ile Lef"Ite Maw III Malice NwmM Sia Wasd SWll vs WIIv }M1 11. vaIN.0 ".I FuN. ILLINOIS &pY{IIAiI Gcae EwADw qA NaparRll jSp.NMnM Rapa.M NIM. Faruk Fes Y IOWA LeW,s KANSAS CAW INN N..s CIO KENTUCKY Hpvlllp GDn f&,. si'kiwuille eseeasiss LLee.i.tw 'g OamsEom LOUISIANA AEEenlle Aleua&u Base lkaWs &gl11 &aailr CiteMRZ Ga Raton Rags FaMsFl Atinll4 HIM, ,ICIIdWI FeAIM UlwetN WWlelt NIISm Rap Cil IN. N!W IWia 0e Pda NNaftUMnIe! RINrW �al Wall TAIAm.a MMIINH A'q Cp W/aIII Ga i PUBLI R -OR INATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE March 22, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: • IY / / Iw IK TELEPHONE 224-6108 AREA CODE 305 P.O. BOX M1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement Number 2 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped on March 21, 1967, via Railway Express. Enclosed is our statement covering this supplement. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered, Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA Enclosures (2) MARYLAND MONTANA N. CAROLINA Readele Wales Eg Spring 1piltlp Clly Sae AIIWIe MalNpoeryC y Glggon ARMEN UrtMY walt,MA Osaas ela NilRee 4dutenWD LN.sOe AYNYIIW SmakAa Pleas YlM uladi. Canyk KIIIR spin MICHIGAN MAI. CIty clew Statesville tanalllan La O.p sNEr Swift, ChaAINN MaMSM1prp TENNESSEE GIOen LR XISM T=l MCI: MCI NEWYORK CIInM Mn GUMY CUrbville FAMmDs Lase T.W. MaK. AUEom Gnrorll WNnemlle Meson CmrD Lai IlnNeat, PeA C .rat C.wd Klgspwt Om PoA IM Fa WAN. U.IS, AMSNSNPRI Frtewrt FaletteaMl! OHIO NnpFille Wrs.11 Vikgia BbryY ANN hole GIM, ONIdMga ate. MdiM TUID5eum Det. An M West uni"Mih Plaw Warble Rilpai. WIMIXster Eaflle ft. FeWfiels CanalM1 GAAMaIe kIM..NaA NN dill OKLAHOMA 4i.i TEXAS FI Amo fqt Rakl. OlO. OAR! Wichita Fells Mwarllle GeMvills kMVeWpa Perk HiMI AIM Heights Hep FrM¢iiOkEgg lissievn Gul 1 spur 0a.Ae. Kerwrsnlle S. CAROLINA Alin. MAd er VIRGINIA Ppwgnlse.ie KI.Iwt Mag.INi AS. Agsaille ONIMw GrYnO Port Necks RiWrm. (Allies Fwge WIOpg. Vaasa, Rae Abad AiAY Nfia" seawwm MArees Aryl M Gats seem. MrMOxdR WASXIXGTON Yaw Ciry u0s, R"ItHoy idpero R.WON H.Milla R RMIssaii Lwwlw Pers Now Serving. AbuN' ON, Mt. MMM aMm CK'Nw Ed, I. n N FAinM Elnerte FI." W.1% NMpi1M Otto L.M tMG ML h TUX X, TMM M ALASMA ApMep AimeN, NPY ARIZONA T.. GmNI EMmM Fry.I iIM 't lO WM NO 1 Ud NdNR.k ANIMM ft N.Mu IMRW RMXIW AmuILXY TMNM, GLIFORMIA bvwM CDLDRADD AM. MeW utcj utMNAIM T,m" C NINCTINT Mt, .'M IM.... FiWmM¢ FLORIDA IN. .MNM.A auras E -1 -I'M ,MN V6yvM MmMB IMN'% NIM NA lew RP�Qe m �IigpWMpi MANNA be u Me N YIEAL .C.4 Dllm K.TMCRY W'.. X%YImIM IIwMeM NMI M LOeeNIMA &MIN,IN, AMmmu WMn Awp MBGeeMicIN 4PAM Fml Mw Amy prtM Enl feliciq PYp fmrtmnllM FlmFllo Xmm tfN_Pslel WOMIN MNN.M Mott bWe WIN. PMetip W flrcMwM A p� ixM 9MII R.W. Rlm'aM UNy 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 - LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES P.O. BOX 1658 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 March 1, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 I Dear Mr. Peterson: This will -acknowledge receipt of your Purchase Order No. 10620, for twenty-five (25) new binders for the City of Salina and twenty-five (25) sets of separator tabs for the binders. We have placed your binder order with the manufacturer and you may expect to receive the binders within the next thirty, to forty -.five days. Twenty-five (25) sets of separator tabs are enclosed herewith. With kind regards, Sixerelys, � A / (Mrs.) G a Jacobs ` Editorial Assistant 1 GJ/ew Enc. i _ �WtlIWAM_�_---•._. MOMINIA v K.Comm, TVHaWe It WAIW ISM Ml�v NII AA yyml AMAi'm , E}WmMW MN, RtlU..'Rme WW Illy Z. CyyM EEpb�PeM Rmmymle� MF pn{ely An® IMih AIB P 411n C%dN p[MMDM1 iuIl11M MINell 14MIN RNMiN, NEW YDRM imlDwgm � WSfIWF% AtlM1M fMMIIY WN n d My NN&N Rb iye MAN Rwe WWM LMeIAIMNN TEMA MQ. NM a mNX LGRD . A.Mb1Y Bna PWMD, tNIMIA CIMM4Y PMllb MONO NnBnIY f NMM CIIII®fop fyt XM WM I GYIN MAX'M MMmm Rim DM YMI WvyNpry �m q A, y qll NAW—A MALMINGTON MM IbEMNary Wim Mybm ype pl= iv MMImiD LmWN' LyWM Wml Melfi MYXille & IIQM =NWI YmmC M 4WINNIUM0. BInMM mPoWmpb q Mme NUMM N l,mNe L tla1 kl✓pm 1pMv Gp M&N, RM yXM teMlF3fee cliM1m elft N91M. i B reuM1W GN WMDN'pielYM My InM Clesluv LeluLMxl' �ellr Now Serving. AAXn NUINti Alhm ,iNUN 6411: mum iia ew F:iNM nNeI FI. ..NI ft LU'llElven BNIiN P mh NXr Malawi. TNPq ALARA M[hmaps Ai1Wb Mme MIZMA Tuum MXMSM C1mm11 fbdPW fry 11, on txr Fu19nn! Nme xi Nlmn Lillk LIU, M, Wllllm NKJhCCA UN P¢A N. PlBW GmNXINlmmlh GLIPOYNII XMni. CGLMIUM M.ma MW N.u[ 6M Mutim OeeM Nob n'1Nad Cm1NECTICBT MUN, XnNUM Nr.o+ Nlllloid6 FUNUIKA WORGIA malas IOImepM1i�Npe NlNmilb CYAon t.MSVIIb cmM1=1 Co Cwiplm mqm hnm gttnllp mEIM 4 1 iN. lb,mm Fxpl PM fmyN FN nlby G1imNAle xe$/uk XimSnlb IalsryN N�ieIN YIkOPn'ilk Mm NUNN ,NN,111 Np�NNN Rme� grteWNo Sume.ilb XN v1NIM mm Viftia X11M MNIAI MMIMm EmI PUM ILIMINS NnWNN amm Gak[am�PAL Ia Gepe PAM Xnna6r W{cvrlk MiM M FN K ftllzM1LL UiN, MA a .! UN. heal BM WmCiry LXne XENTBCXY Eml1N p . Ni xMiwilb lcyneo�l 1 AtMIN AIe ININ = _1N" 1 MeleIII N R1 ESMBimN %20 Eml Fell[IwP A ,.milk NNIN kh kM1e1m NW IBlpelb lb kuGM peNM1IJ XNee NN4 Nr UNNt MI ft PNUNNN R Pm6NNeN Rp I.IN bW1 GiNll IrvKmI . U" 1000 Tbomasaille Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE February 13, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of February 9, 1967, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 6950 through 6954, which will be considered for., Supplement No. 2 to the Salina. Code. Pursuant to your request for binders for the Salina Code we are pleased to advise that our current prices for binders are as follows: 1 $15.00 2 to 11 9.40 12 to 24 8.65 25 to 49 7.55 50 to 99 6.55 We are also able to furnish separator tabs for the new binders at $1. 00 per set. A set consists of: Code, Appendix, Code Comparative Table and Code Index. Please advise if the city still desires tgen -five binders and if separator tabs are needed. IkOIIGM NGNTMA 14 CMMMA TN ry1I�1 W1Cq N11�Rm �A�Y IM NK. yNym�rlli�k MMNNFALK pm W[NII P. Wsw AWn CNf 4µ1mM1iX Ipla YimAm � PAIM ORLYIMA iolbW Mm.M Is 411m XIFYaI1E CICLAiIb�i CN " INtletlN F.SU FUNMUNN hM WEARIPPI WWII, UNN, II XM BLNWIAL�E Bry4N Wb Aims lb mWi1 TOXM WIN pmm Bilin fK11M1 INN.ry Gppbla LCMOLINA Aypµgffi @M Rol N. UUNN ftl FleeWl G®Yvo NO NN AIYa GVlsry AhN Amilh XeNlm UNNIK, WkINUN GeNllk IN yN 6Na litli, ��+Ma�N M Nw Y[Isbtl N N1W'aW. eME KW NN . 1 Y d RSY MYPio IWsh.e N NW Nry NgWy d`Amml YINNXI III 4bbbsl NEspN LWNAMY N ANIM4 � G 9yimti1psN1Nb *NN, SfpNiYIpAv/ PIN.IWF NII, TNNEIE Zai' LU lap - Y MON 111 0.14. MKON, V IYNM IMW 21 LMb Nb VIRGINIA C11.Fwq XMXMGTN Uq— Mr.- H. E. Peterson February 13, 1967 Page 2 0 Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely you , c (Mrs.) ria Jacobs Editorial Assistant GJ/ew H. E. PETERSON - - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON CITY HALL fellcestty 9s 1967 MMkipal Cato motions 8. 0. floc 16$8 Tallalawa is Fic rids 32M �ientlemsat EnalesA please fiud,Otdinanoes No. 690o 6951, 6958, 053 and 69A that haw bM passed and p0lishad 94WV for Inclusion in &."1 -1 No* 8. YOU alreW testis odddinanaas fts. 6946 and 6949'4 we aeod ttiu*y ttn (nev) meta d the binders for our Salina Coda sad vas twadariss 1f you on st"Ir those at the soma 081*110 It you No please girder and sod sea this amomnt. Yoesrs vary trap H. 81-Psteason P.O. Smc 746 City Halls 5th t A''' Salisso Ipasss. P.S. X do stat tftMdM If 3 MM*ioaeet it, but tor. Beaotsen vvaA like tori y" to send the sgptorlawn" and mettariau to me at the City Heli, as leis offiao is not in the City all am he bas to tiara it to me. MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES cLtg o I ) a Uaa. FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOX 746v It SALINA. KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-9534 H. E. PETERSON - - CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON CITY HALL fellcestty 9s 1967 MMkipal Cato motions 8. 0. floc 16$8 Tallalawa is Fic rids 32M �ientlemsat EnalesA please fiud,Otdinanoes No. 690o 6951, 6958, 053 and 69A that haw bM passed and p0lishad 94WV for Inclusion in &."1 -1 No* 8. YOU alreW testis odddinanaas fts. 6946 and 6949'4 we aeod ttiu*y ttn (nev) meta d the binders for our Salina Coda sad vas twadariss 1f you on st"Ir those at the soma 081*110 It you No please girder and sod sea this amomnt. Yoesrs vary trap H. 81-Psteason P.O. Smc 746 City Halls 5th t A''' Salisso Ipasss. P.S. X do stat tftMdM If 3 MM*ioaeet it, but tor. Beaotsen vvaA like tori y" to send the sgptorlawn" and mettariau to me at the City Heli, as leis offiao is not in the City all am he bas to tiara it to me. MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ✓ 6924 Ordinance adopting the 1965 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention Code, amending Sec 12-101, and repealing the original section. - - �± June 20, 1966 6925 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (E.M.I.) June 20, 1966 _.. 6926 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Wellington Add) July 11, 1966 6927 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Garden Home Addition) July 11, 1966 6928 City Limit ordinance - including Schilling Sub -division - - July 25, 1966. _ 6929., Exempting property within Schilling Subdivision from taxation and levying a tax on such property in lieu of the taxes exempted.- .. August 1, 1966 6930 Prohibiting solicitation or sale of merchandise upon public street or alley. " _.. August 15, 1966 .. 6931 Special Assessments for abatement of nuisances.- August uisances.August 15, 1966 6932- Special Assessments for disconnecting of water line. . August 15, 1966 .. _. 6933 Special Assessments for -cutting of weeds. August 15, 196¢ _ . N: ii i ._._ 4 \ U • I • .. th4 �) 6934 -Tax Levy Ordinance for.1967 August 22, 1966 6935 Ordinance. vacating certain easement in Block 6, Morningside Addition•-- - - — ..- August 22. 1966 -:- 6937__.._ Vacating easement in.Block 11, Replat of -Garden Home.Add._.l September 19, 1966 6938 Contract Ordinance with Brown and Brown, Inc. (Ellsworth Avenue, Hamilton Street, Montrose Street) October 3, 1966 - 6939 Authorizing issuance of $1',100,000.00 Internal Impr. __-Bonds (CB -201) ._ .. --- ---- November 7, 1966--._... 6940 Authorizing issuance of $340,000.00 Internal Improvement _ . Bonds . (P-202) - ---November 7, 1966 i 6941 Authorizing issuance of $150,000.00 Internal Improvement .Bonds (PK -203) --. -- - -November-7, 1966 _ .. 6942 Contract Ordinance with 0. M. Wilbur Construction Co. for construction of sidewalks in Job 474 - November 14, 1966--- 6943 Amendment 966-- 6943Amendment to Zoning Ordinance -(Atherton-Phillips Add). _j November 21, 1966 i 6944 Adopting and enacting New_Code of Ordinances forthe City of Salina, Kansas - November 21, 1966 - -- - - - . . - ---- - - _.__-6945 --_ City Limits Ordinance_—(Defining_the Complete City Limit; r'� December 12,_-1966_ 6946 Establishing a Cultural Arts Commission:, December 19,1966. J6947 Repealing Ordinance 6762 for longevity payment for all regular full time employees of the City. ------- December 19, 1966 6948, Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Lamer's Sub -Div) January 9, 1967 6949 City Limits Ordinance (including a piece of land north of Euclid and West of Ninth Street) January 23, 1967 --6950 Authorizing combined reading of multiple meters in .. certain instances. January 16, 1967 06951 Defining Consumer of Water Service as used in Chapter 35 1 of the Salina Code. January 16, 1967._. 6952 _ Repealing Section 9-289 of The Salina Code`s January 30, 1967 i 6953 Prohibiting the sale of Alcoholic Beverages to M ora January 30, 1967 6954 Defining the requirements for gas tubing connectors; amending Section 9-307 (2) of The Salina Code and repealing the original section. January 30, 1967 6955 Approving resolution of the Board of Directors of the Salina Airport Authority authorizing issuance of _$790,000.00 General Obligation Bonds. January 3017TT= 6956 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Prescott Addition January 30, 1967 -THE- CITY OF LINA, KANSAS RDER NO. cools 2 PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY-MAIL WITH ORIGINAL CHECK NO. F pdmicipal Code Corporation TO: P.O. I= 1658 Tallaheassee, Florida 92308 Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CoaiYirmft Lmice Jan. 13th Stffiement No, i to Code DATE PAID DATE January 20+ 1967 FUND CHARGE UNIT Please Note= On all future shipments end billies please seid to H. L Peterson City Clerk City Hall 5th & Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 CODE Ion AMOUNT AMOUNT 221.99 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS BY - - APPROVED CITY MANAGER I • STATEMENT - • MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publishers of City Codes TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA TO ftty of B811.m* CODit PUBLINED FOM ALAWIA AbvM.Ciry All Rbew KI MM aI� R.ala MlRaa nRAN. F4eeq umt HM U�p F.HMAe NEW ARIZONA T. ARKANSAS EI WIN FIW14 F.mt pry F.t AiA AN WNW WWWWW LIVN Rod Wpd'a K.nlllu � I Ihli T.wbw CALIFWIOA Yonwie MORASS OWNA..ia CHAIR PII. M M.. Al.. cawecncur BAoer IIME.e xe. xNa ril11WIN ILLINOIS bm1wle OAw EIaOw Prt XRbMIM(Appl®la) RIA, PaRM�eSgat IOWA URN OMM W. Q!, KENTUCKY =1R D - %&W HopNaville IReee.OAE Lulglm OWew.o LOUISIANA AbvOR &w R.Ip B( a Koine Ciry WRAIl aRMM F Bain Rap Mille 9whlie 11mo 1MIem PMA IaWMN btla Yem WpW Gry M.IN.. a.tlab PeliR 1P.IA KNEW, Simi NN PUBLI -OR INATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE January 16, 1967 Mr. L. 0. Bengtson City Attorney 114 East Iron Avenue Salina, Kansas 67402 Dear Mr. Bengtson: 0 TELEPHONE 224-6108 AREA CODE 305 P.O. BOX ®1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 We are pleased to advise that 150 copies of Supplement Number 1 to your Code of Ordinances were shipped on January 13, 1967, via Parcel Post. Enclosed is our statement covering this supplement. We would appreciate your submitting it through the proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Please continue to send copies of ordinances as they are enacted so that we may publish your supplements on a regular schedule. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Harlan E. Ard Comptroller K" Dr, (2) Ynl{tMIY CWMY GNgoa ARa.I. AWRY vla "aleft ALw.w bwMieM iNP Uiry KIILW Mn.vmnm AMbnpely Llvilpta MAwille SaMba Pia. Seel Colombia Cawon gNlew yAesw MICNIOAN vile Ciry Cahn SM.vlll. c2lltii bGene NO: %Nim Ery Ciry DW,ldw %Mi TENNESSEE Cullen LM. 1MAa TWWw Lmiry NEWYORK CUnw mW Oanh Cabnlb QW., ,WIN. TOWN Eesoe Aww CamlA Wrynewill. k[Mu fines ul✓M4 UMveMti Pah Q !WwtCoaw KRlio�ielY ON,M III um MISSISSIPPI FI FRMIeviIN MID ft.. vaAUl VwM. Rom Lid Uml. Cb aw G..mM r.ab TMIAaa. Oalm K.[yEOAu Wbl Unirnvry%av EiWM Gaon almole RINWW I Pus Xn EIMeN Rales C wh "'WWWW OmAOM OKLAHOMA EI Pia 011 W�h1ell. Cl.Awb b% Ia HIOWY "WN TEXAS Foil SNahton O Crtwnlle Win,, aP.h HiO PNM Al.,, Helpb RMarthWury Pum. Alli Onemla glanville S. CAROLINA Alvin almta WAft' VIRGINIA HNtIV PatA N Kiwbn AiYR Avlll. Ulm Fel NOW, CIiRa For, Y.NSMluml Am Am Au Go" A*. &AWN blANwa Yeza qh R. taw h 10in qpm WASHINGTON R06p VIn HHUO�WRIRi up,e. Now Serving. ALMAXA "" Nlp am. Gllp. GIO A GMRM Feirlietl ii .. FL Pry» X.Ialh Xub,ilb IateO Gpli4 Pl Gh ONNGRN TA TmNM"O"'. ALARA .AAW F.aO.Y Xme T-. ARKARW %AAt FN.A FlpNmlle FI RA N, Fn mN q �R.k uRUA O. hrryal Prm IAX XIepINrIN TR.eRpR ULIPORXIA Y.wre CDLDR.DD U. DVNM I.I. Dmr Pmch nmRX G014HEM rt DARR, .. kYmv brlli..tll FLORIDA "I MRM A. .NANp YmmIN GIMn DAIRY, D mdb U= A l @n CRXb G,iR,. GLp G.i Polm PXRw FNpmtl imlM Fm nlq Gbf.ilb XprilN W.MW ft. ft.tOilila Yap YrAY N.sMiq LIr FrnA1R 9e RiIX M1pl. NR ntlmh Ym R.I. KID= MI PaL ILLIROIS D� Mtl FMR'Y PA, Ia OMPRL IY.WR INARhlsITARKul AM ft. PRA FARD ,011 A rrM ,"A An U. 0.1 Y O.a W10. Gih RIXTKRY r.Xr D® FRI... 1. IwIMtW[ GRrum LWVAA ..1b NY lb NUYR pW Rrg r". NRAAG RNM GD BNm RRO M1M = Ae IRA% Mon GYMI ai9 IWNX rrRa bMIT A. Mie Gb 4PRW Plpamm PRSMImb Npps PRM D�pm IARrRn pMUM Es[ImY_ ' rrFmr CatlF MICHIGAN ery C." 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE January 16, 1967 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE (904) 2246108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of January 12, 1967, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 6946 and 6947, which will be con- sidered for inclusion in. Supplement No. 2 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. Your continued interest and cooperation are appreciated. Sincerely your , /(Mrs.) G1 a Jacobs Editorial Assistant GJ/1v LRA", Mp "TARA X. CAROLINA TsrWD T[MNFA[! UMANK WRRA ttl Pal¢ RlMlub TRADAY CIXAmIh CIMM GlinF Yo GIrLp YM,LIR lb CA AY 1Nbp GI44 Cmv NLAIIp IRRIUr+rw"'PI., r55 WWPl LY . M1 W. TNnrvi1N 41sp1 GAnA WWII WARPROW ll,,.I W "Is bILSILSR WRAPYr X4eIIN ft.. DOOR A" FapilY YRK Xl1 TORR Csp YMO ARD GFR Feb "'^I CIRAb4 iG GMn OFLAMGY Tullbm El. QYM GRID VIRURIA Oemmlb GURPVI Z". Gelaa DIV., IIrW.II Tixbm Fat P.M. FMvi[MWF Peskeb Clihm Fl. IWrebvl Fd6Wa rmi Q.. AIR RW, YRIn From O� Nrp YayAm LWOLDIA Taw OtDOARAkAYybp ft R[W TALWXDTM n ARM LAY,� Tum CrD GARA Riy Dpb. Rine AW hipb .0 Ma GG MPb[M I. D. 4XIF AM AnAiNt Xbl `M1 R60— .lam ANw1As' veift.ei,., AnOtq yebr lmMMMmF10 LA., rub X011Y Wms ARM. Xiyn AN"., Ir.epgr M1A MI. � rY"y rcllRr Lµre Dvl Rm.."riL&lDl �I$YRW lM' �PfR . ,thr- e RA RFPdhI EIr Iemse UtAtt lApIMRMuAeoG YAaSvNsIICilY Rpe N P ypn AAIIA,1 AIIt WAne A.. Cm, L" IARF. ih MW Now Serving. .."."L A. CRY A... w (w�.m r.qw MvIY IMImIF Ilnll OpMY rpm ob T. 7w eYrp "AMA I.RMry, GxW r ARIZONA T.. NIRWSAI Gmml GpNrIQ r.w Cq M ¢:b xY bq1! W Flu ~ • RLW "W M IMI M.IMM iwYw. CALIFORNIA YapM MOMP A. Gn A.11. mb 1rwY CORMICI0`VT QM, Yww p. Nnw �IMMIk A.W MYY. ww Aftbm O"Yil Ggmx 110 QAW W. W. Ql D.. bgtlu 1"1 = hp,l GkI,IwM CkMn,ln CIn:Ys OtKp Ldr GnFI. OY LXF O.b MI. QYI QpY Q,n QY M.IIy. Y+Ie.�rL� wenxY ww mq.Q Rq:-ie Q[1 Ik[M"qpl .. fvY QY M1Y M nYM LYYr Qm Yn QY MMM QlY G�4 OR" nY[ xn[I wl. m WORMA NI WAIN C W.IlY GYM GIYbM I ILLIYMC .«MAY i FwrII�M I. QwNM 1pmQ YYgQIQYYYN) bb M Lw MrM MUNI IINI:Y.Y,m IWA _ Y, 1 41b, 1 woo A—Ac - ` CU.M i WYTWXY MINI LIFN � I QYY,. mMIY .) O,Ig11Y �.y IWIaWA " nbr114 1 IInMq l Qlm llYl 1�1 IMnia Q - •. � IWl� ApN M1AR . r,YM .AAW Mw'. F[0` LYMXF bp.:lY Ww YMx Mm W W., W Mn GYNU M1YL Iq••Y[ ~ M,:Y,M1M m MARTLAW 0 1000 Tbomaaville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE January 13, 1967 Mr. L. O. Bengtson City Attorney P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Larry: I / 1 /'0 / ✓ TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 11, 1967, pointing out errors in the new Salina Code. With regard to that portion of Section 6-108 of the old Salina Code, prohibiting sales of alcoholic beverages to minors, I agree that this provision was deleted in pre- paring the new Code, and am at a loss to explain why. In any event, it would seem that this provision has been repealed by the Adopting Ordinance and should be reenacted in a separate ordinance as an amendment to the new Code, possibly as Section 6-12. 1. If the City will enact such an ordinance, we will include it in the Code at no cost or obligation to the City. With reference to the errors pointed out in numbered Paragraphs (2) and (3) of your letter, these appear to have been merely typographical, and we will correct them at no cost to the City at the time Supplement No. 2 is prepared. I have checked, and Supplement No. 1 is now in the hands of our print shop. As the above indicates, our policy in regard to errors is quite simply to correct them. In cases such as the above, where the error may result in misinterpretation, we make the correction at the earliest possible time. 'On the other hand, MSI" NONTWA C"OLOM �' t. TIMIIssW WWN. MM YpMYIY 'LlmYal" lmb9wY. 0 1jY C.. IMYYI MSYWM Ub Lp �` IMM FYY0` .h.. 4kb MIq MMTb CCIM Y'bqM m" QUG.b IIMYl ixlMu fM XY „ ,.M .. _ IY •' ftwLIYIMY FW MOO. QIMMIM Amn MYMI GYVY QMMF NI GMYw Pu 11,Y! FOPY YM1Y 'FIYPIIIYMMI L :, F 1CA110LMA T!!AR 6 - YMb MwIaM .. wi sY rern IrQVY % xmY- m IY.pYM uWm CMmF W 160.ie, "ev At iYM r Y�M+II�"wth M' - Y YY hw J. I"u" av wai (I II y'.• •• 1� 14![FPYO 0`300111' MQlM a MYII IY IYMd LM MYY 3gMYb1. III Yy ' .. L"i .I iw1w IM1MMiy��"y:� %WII 11F,�M1M, NAT WM 4 WAR qY Y:InYYII nO WIP O9YRb�� "mhQ wIICMA •fir <'�_. Cln. Fb YAmYMTW,'�i L.Y.. r,1 II 1 Mr. L. O. Bengtson January 13, 1967 Page 2 where an error is merely typographical and does not give rise to ambiguity, it is our policy to mark the correction in our copy of the Code and make it when the page must be pulled to accommodate some substantive change. Thanking you for calling these errors to our attention, and hoping you will not hesitate to contact us from time to time if additional mistakes are discovered, T am Sia erely, r C. Julian Manson Editor CJM/ew" 0 H. E. PETERSON D. L. HARRISON 0 a.CLaa. SALINA, KANSAS 61101 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-95% CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL jamisfy Mmicipal "a corporation .P.p EQS 1b�9 Tallahassee,'Plosida 3230 Osatlemen� s olosed please find Ordure nudges 6946 awl 6949 and Chaster Ordinance amber 4 for Inclusion in No. i to the Salus Code of Ordinaames. Ve !rave several we in process and will sand thea aloe in a week or so after, they are off 10181 passed. Yom my kyr H. L Pete1l ft City awks -' MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES GfLL y o FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOX 745 H. E. PETERSON D. L. HARRISON 0 a.CLaa. SALINA, KANSAS 61101 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-95% CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL jamisfy Mmicipal "a corporation .P.p EQS 1b�9 Tallahassee,'Plosida 3230 Osatlemen� s olosed please find Ordure nudges 6946 awl 6949 and Chaster Ordinance amber 4 for Inclusion in No. i to the Salus Code of Ordinaames. Ve !rave several we in process and will sand thea aloe in a week or so after, they are off 10181 passed. Yom my kyr H. L Pete1l ft City awks -' MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORD1. NANC$S FOR THE CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS; ESTABLISHING THE SAMEi PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF AND A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY CF THE CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS: Sem 1. The Code of Ordinances. consisting of Chapters 1 through 35, each inclusive, and constituting a codification of the city's ordinances In conformity with sections 12.3014 and 12.3015 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, as authorised by Ordinance No. 6915, is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Salina Code, " and the same shall be treated and considered as a new and comprehensive ordinance which shall supersede all other general and permanent ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on or before June 20, 1966. to the extent provided in Section 2 hereof. Section 2. All provisions of such Code shall be in full force and effect from and after the day of 1961, and all ordi. names of a general and permanent nature enacted by the Board of Commie. sioners on or before -the 20th day of June. 19660 and not included in such Code or recognised and continued in force by reference therein, are hereby repealed from and after the day of 1'96OF except as otherwise provided in section 3 hereof. Section 3. The repeal provided for in section 2 hereof shall not affect any of the following: (1) Any offense or act committed or done or any penalty or forfeiture incurred or any contract or right established or accruing before the effective date of such Code;. (Z) Any ordinance promising or guaranteeing the payment of money, by or for the city, or authorising the issuance of any bonds, notes at other evidence of the city's indebtedness, or the cancellation of same; (3) Any contract or obligation of the city; (4) Any ordinance relating to the purchase, condemnatim acquisition or dedication of property for public as*; (S) Any ordinance dedicating, establishing,, opening, re. openthgo naming, renaming, widening, narrowing or vacating any street, boulevard, avenue, alley# or other. public way, including rights. of way; (6) Any ordinance establishing or changing the grade of any street, avenue, bo""nlevard or other public way; (7) Any ordinance authorising, directing or otherwise relating to any public improvement; (S.) Any ordinance creating districts for public improvements of any kind or nature; (9) Any ordinance establishing or changing the limits, of the city or pertaining to annexations, additions or exclusions; (10) Any appropriation ordinance or ordinance relating to the transfer of funds; (11) Any ordinance levying general or special taxes. or special assessments; (18) Any ordinance granting any right, privilege, easement or franchise to any person,. firm or corporation; .2. (13) Ordinances prescribing traffic regulations for specific. streets or areas,, such aeg but not limited to# ordinances designating one.way streete, through streets,, stop intersections or intersections where traffic is to be controlled by signals, and, ordinances prohibiting, restricting, limiting or otherwise regulating the stopping. standing or parking of vehicles on specific streets or in specific areael (14) Ordinances creating positions or offices and prescribing salaries, not inconsistent herewith; (15) Charter ordinances; (16) Any ordinance approving, dedicating, accepting* desig. nating, redesignating or vacating any plat; (17) Ordinance No. 6613. Zoning, and amendments thereto and ordinances amending the zoning map or coning or rezoning specific property; (18) Any joint city -county resolution or ordinances; (19) The repeal provided for by section 2 hereof shall not.be construed to revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance repealed by this ordinances Section 4. Wherever In such Gods, any act is prohibited orris declared to be unlawful or a misdemeanor or the doing of any aeCls required, or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful# and, no . specific penalty is prescribed or no general penalty to an article or chapter is proscribed, the violation of any such provision of such Code shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). or by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. at the discretion of the court. Each day any violation of said Code continues shall constitute offense. « 3. r ?; Secy S. ' Any'and all additions and amendments to suchCode• when seed In such form as to indicate the intention of the Board of Commissioners make the same a part thereof. shall be deemed to be incorporated in such ode so that reference to the "Salina Code" shall be understood and intended to include such additions and amendments. Section, 6. In ease of the amendment of any section of such Code or which a penalty is not provided. the general penalty as provided in ection 4 of this ordinance and section 1.8 of such Code shall apply to the section as amended, or, in case such amendment contains provisions for bich a penalty, other than the aforementioned general penalty is provided another section in the isame chapter, the penalty so provided in such Aber section shall be held to relate to the section so amended, unless such malty `ie specifically repealed therein. Sect One (1) copy otsuch Code shall be kept on file inthe office a ithe city clerk with the: ordinance books of the city, and such copy 9611 i onstitnte an ordinance` book, as provided in section 120015 of the Kansas tatutes Annotated. Itshall be the duty of the city clerk, or someone { athopimed by him, to maintain such copy by inserting in their designated � .laces all amendments and ordinances which indicate the intention of the /jBoard of Commissioners to make`the same apart of such Code. when the f,. tame have been printed or reprinted in Page'forMOL and by extracting from such copy all provisions which are repealed by the Board of Commissioners. �r his copy of such Code shalt be available to all persons desiring; to exam' ins Is same. 1 Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to change or amend, by dditione, or deletions, any part or portion of such Code, or to.insert or elate pages or portions thersof, or to alter or tamper with such Code in t; ay manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the City of Salina to be isrepresented thereby: Any person violating this section shall be punished E Is provided in section 4 of this ordinance. .4. I l >Section 9. All ordinances or parte of ordinances is conflict herewith are, ;to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 14. Thisordinance shall be in effect on'and after the day of' 1967. and shall be published once is the official city newspaper follovriag its adoption and paseage. ADOPTED AND PASSED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, this day of 'n 1966. Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK II STATE OF KANSAS SALINE COUNTY to H. E. PETERSON, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas* ado hereby certify that the ordinances codified and published in the "Salina Code, ",consisting of Chapters 1 to 35 both inclusive, are the ordinances authorized to be codified and published by the Hoard of Commissioners of said city by Ordinance No. 6915, published in the Salina Journal on the 89th day of April. 1946. I FURTHER CERTIFY that this volume constitute$ a true and correct copy of the "Salina Code,," as adopted by Ordinance No. . passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the day of , 1966, and published in said official city newspaper on the � day of ,_..., 1966.- I FURTHER CERTIFY that all ordinances first published herein, which were passed to take effect upon their publication to the "Salina Code, will take effect and be in force from and after the day of , 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city at my office in Salina, Kansas, this day of .,.r._• 1966. CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK STATS OF KANSAS SALINE COUNTY H. E. PETERSON, City Clerk of the City of Sanaa. Kansas, do hereby certify that the ordinances codified and published in the "Salina Code. "'consisting of Chapters 1 to 35 both inclusive. are the ordinances authorized to be codified and published by the Hoard of Commissioasrs of said city by Ordinance No. 6915, published in the Salina Journal on the 89th day of April. 1966. I FURTHER CERTIFY that this volume constitates a true and correct copy of the "Satins Code, as adopted by ©rdinabce No. passed and adopted by the Hoard of Commissioners on the day of 1966, and published in said official city newspaper on the day of �rrYrr.r�• 1966. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all ordinances first published herein, which were passed to take effect upon their publication in the "Salina Cadet" will take effect and be in force from and after the day of�. 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city at my .office in Salina. Kansas# this day of 1966. C y Clark (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 6944 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE OF ORDI- NANCES FOR THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF AND A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE. II BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: . Section 1. The Code of Ordinances, consisting of Chapters 1 through 35, each inclusive, and constituting a codification of the city's ordinances in conformity with sections 12-3014 and 12-3015 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, as authorized by Ordinance No. 6915, is hereby adopted and enacted as the "Salina Code," and the same shall be treated and considered as a new and comprehensive ordinance which shall supersede all other general and permanent ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on or before June 20, 1966, to the extent provided in Section 2 hereof. Section Z. All provisions of such Code shall be in full force and effect from and after the 1st day of Janu iry 1967, and all ordi- nances of a general and permanent nature enacted by the Board of Commis_ 1Isioners on or before the 20th day of June, 1966, and not included in such Code or recognized and continued in force by reference therein, are hereby repealed from and after the let day of January 1967, except as otherwise provided in section 3 hereof. Section 3. The repeal provided for in section 2 hereof shall not affect any of the following:' (1) Any offense or act committed or done or any penalty or forfeiture incurred or any contract or right established or accruing before the effective date of such Code; (2) Any ordinance promising or guaranteeing the payment of money' by or for the city, or authorizing the issuance of any bonds, notes or other evidence of the city's indebtedness, or the cancellation of same; (3) Any contract or obligation of the city; (4) Any ordinance relating to the purchase, condemnation, . acquisition or dedication of property for public use; (5) Any ordinance dedicating, establishing, opening, re- opening, naming, renaming, widening, narrowing or vacating any street, boulevard, avenue, alley, or other public way, including rights of way; (6) Any ordinance establishing or changing the grade of any street, avenue, boulevard or other public way; (7) Any ordinance authorizing, directing, or otherwise relating to any public improvement; ii (8) Any ordinance creating districts for public improvements of any kind or nature; (9) Any ordinance establishing or changing the limits of the city or pertaining to annexations, additions or exclusions; (10) Any appropriation ordinance or ordinance relating to the transfer of funds; (11) Any ordinance levying general or special taxes. or special assessments; (12) Any ordinance granting any right, privilege, easement or franchise to any person, firm or corporation; _2_ (13) Ordinances prescribing traffic regulations for specific streets or areas, such as, but not limited to, ordinances designating one-way streets, through streets, stop intersections or intersections where traffic is to be controlled by signals, and ordinances prohibiting, restricting, limiting or otherwise regulating the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles on . specific streets or in specific areas; (14) Ordinances creating positions or offices and prescribing salaries, not inconsistent herewith; (15) Charter ordinances; (16) Any ordinance approving, dedicating, accepting, desig- nating, redesignating or vacating any plat; (17) Ordinance No. 6613, Zoning, and amendments thereto and ordinances amending the zoning map or zoning or rezoning specific property; (18) Any joint city -county resolution or ordinance; (19). The repeal provided for by section 2 hereof shall not be construed to revive any ordinance or part thereof that has been repealed by a subsequent ordinance repealed by this I, ordinance. Section 4. . Wherever in such Code, any act is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or a misdemeanor or the doing of any act is required, or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, and no specific penalty is prescribed or no general penalty to an article or chapter is prescribed, the violation of any such provision of such Code shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500. 00), or by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. Each day any violation of said Code continues shall constitute offense. - 3 - L 0 0 Section 5. Any and all additions and amendments to such Code, when passed in such form as to indicate the intention of the Board of Commissioner to make the same a part thereof, shall be deemed to be incorporated in such Code so that reference to the "Salina Code" shall be understood and intended to include such additions and amendments. Section 6. In .case of the amendment of any section of such Code for which a penalty is not provided, the general penalty as provided in section 4 of this ordinance and section 1-8 of such Code shall apply to the section as amended; or, in case such amendment contains provisions for which a penalty, other than the aforementioned general penalty is provided in another section in the same chapter, the penalty so provided in such other section shall be held to relate to the section so amended, unless such penalty is specifically repealed therein. Section?. One (1) copy of such Code shall be kept on file in the office of the city'clerk.with the ordinance books of the city, and such copy shall constitute an ordinance book, as provided in section 12-3015 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. It shall be the duty of the city clerk, or someone authorized by him, to .maintain such copy by inserting in their designated places all amendments and ordinances which indicate the intention of the Board of Commissioners to make the same a part of such Code, when the same have been printed or reprinted in page form, and by extracting from such copy all provisions which are repealed by the Board of Commissioners. This copy of such Code shall be available to all persons desiring to examine the same. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to change or amend, by additions or deletions, any part or -portion of.such Code, or to insert or delete pages or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such Code in (I any manner whatsoever which will cause the law of the City of Salina to be misrepresented thereby. Any person violating this section shall be punished as provided in section 4 of this ordinance. -4- e 0 Section 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 10. This ordinance shall be in effect on and after the Ig+ j day of January 1967, and shall be published once in the official city newspaper following its adoption and passage. ADOPTED AND PASSED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, this. 21st day of November 1966. Mayor 0 CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK STATE OF KANSAS SALINE COUNTY I, H. E. PETERSON, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that the ordinances codified and published in the "Salina Code, " consisting of Chapters 1 to 35 both inclusive, are the ordinances authorized to be codified and published by the Board of Commissioners of said city by Ordinance No. 69150 published in the Salina Journal on the 29th day of April, 1966. 4) I FURTHER CERTIFY that this volume constitutes a true and correct I� copy of the "Salina Code, " as adopted by Ordinance No. 6944 , passed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the 21st day of iicv. 1 1966, and published in said official city newspaper on the 25th day of Mcvcraber . , 1966. !I I FURTHER CERTIFY that all ordinances first published herein, which were passed to take effect upon their publication in the "Salina Code, will take effect and be in force from and after the 1'„t day Of january 1967. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city at my office in Salina, Kansas, this 25th day of Movember , 1966. (SEAL) City Clerk • OFFICIALS of the CITY OF SALIVA; KANSAS AT THE TIME OF THIS CODIFICATION i G. N. Waddell Mayor Ralph Exline Carl Rundquist Robert M. Stark Charles Casebeer Commissioners ' , t 7 1 • r Norris D. Olson. �t City Manager Le 0. BengtsonHe E. Peterson ' City Attorney (, City Clerk • F J. Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) f Art. V.M. Surfacing and Resurfacing Roadways---- 1344 Div. 1. Generally------------------------- 1344 ' Div. Z. Construction Requirements--------- 1348 Art.. IX. Concrete Work in Streets and Public Grounds----------------------------- 1349 Art. X. Service Pipes and Sewers Ahead of Pav- ing--------------------------------- 1355 Art. XI. Excavations------- --------- ------- 1357 Art. XII. Railroad Crossings ---=-------------- 1364 Div. 1. Generally------------------------ 1364 Div. Z. Street idghts-------- ------------- 1365 Art. XIII. Snow and Ice on Sidewalks------------- 1367 33. Trees and Shrubs--------------- ---------------------- 1393 Art. 1. In General--------------------------- 1393 Art. II. Trimmers and Treaters--•------------ 1397 Art. III. Diseased Trees and Shrubs, --- ------- 1400 34. Vehicles for Hire-------------------------------------- -1427 Art. I. In General--------------------------- 1427 . Art. II. Freight Vehicles---------------------- 1429 Art. III. Taxicabs---------------------------- '1431 Div. 1. Generally------------------------- .1431 Div. 2.." Drivers------- 1447 35. Water and Sewers-------------------------------------- 1479 Art, I. In General--------------------------- 1479 Art. II. • Water------------------------------- 1483 Art. U1. Rates-------------------------------- .:.1489 Art. IV. Water Conservation -----1501." Appendix A. Zoning----------------------------------------------- 1529 B. Subdivision Regulations------------------------------- 1607 C. City -County Civil Dkfense----------------- -=---------- - 1655 D. City -County Hxalth Department---- ------------------- 1687 Art. 1. Joint Department------------ ------- 1687 Art. 114 Financial Agreement----------------- 1691 1 , l : Copyright 1966 Municipal Code Corporation ;.. Tallahassee 'Florida I 1 \ i k 1,5 1 41.l 1 V 1 � 11 11 . 1 I 0 A i • �" Yd 4 � 1 :i C I CONTAINING , GENERAL ORDINANCES of the CITY OF SALIVA, KANSAS I..Adopted, . November 210 1966 Effective, January 1 , 1967' Published by Order of the Board of Commissioners MU.MCIPAL CODE CORPORATION Tallahassee,:`Florida 1966 I f 1 , i , e PREFACE. This Code constitutes a complete codification of the ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted by the board of commis- h a 'o for Salina since sioners, 1960. sinners and is the first such codification n o S As expressed in the Adopting Ordinance, this Code supersedes all general and permanent ordinances not included herein or expressly saved from repeal by the Adopting Ordinance. The Code contains only ordinances of a general and permanent nature prescribed for and affecting the public as a whole. Special ordinances or ordi- nances dealing with only a portion of the inhabitants of the City, rather than all of them, or relating to special purposes, such as ordinances levying special assessments,. providing for bond issues, paving, vacating and opening specified streets, etc., are not in- cluded herein. For a more specific enumeration of the type of ordi- nances which are not included herein, see Section 3 of the Adopting Ordinance. ,1, The chapters of the Code have been conveniently arranged in alpha- ; betical order and the various sections within each chapter have been catchlined to facilitate usage. Appropriate footnotes which tie re- lated sections of the Code together and which refer to relevant state laws have been included. Also, the source of each section is included in the history note appearing in parenthese at the end thereof. The absence of such a note indicates that the section is new and was adopted for the first time with the adoption of the Code. The numbering system used in this Code is the same system used in many state and municipal codes. Each section number consists of ' two component parts separated by a dash, the figure before the dash referring to the chapter number and the figure after the dash referring to the position of the section within the chapter. Thus, the first sec- .. tion of Chapter 1 is numbered 1-1 and the fourteenth section of Chapter 20 is 20-14. Under this system, each section is identified with its chapter and, at the same time, new sections, or even whole chapters can be inserted in their proper places, simply by using the decimal system for amendments. Byway of illustration:' If new material consisting of three sections that would logically come between t sections 4-4 and 4-5 is desired to be added, such new sections would be numbered 4-4. 1, 4-4. 2 and 4-4. 3, respectively. New chapters may be included by the addition of a fraction after the preceding chapter number, for example, if the new material is to be included between Chapters 12 and 13, it will be designated as Chapter 12 1/2. Care should be taken that the alphabetical arrangement of chapters is main- tained when including new chapters. New articles and new divisions may be included in the same way or, in the case of articles may be placed at the end of the chapter embracing the subject, and in the case of divisions, may be placed at the end of the article embracing the subject, the next successive number being assigned to the article or division. A special feature of this Code is the looseleaf system of binding and supplemental servicing for the Code. With this looseleaf system, the Code will be kept up-to-date periodically. Upon the final passage of amendatory ordinances, they will be properly edited and the page or pages affected will be reprinted. These new pages will be distrib- uted to the holders of the Codes with instructionsIor the manner of inserting the new pages and deleting the obsolete pages. The successful maintenance of this Code up-to-date at all times will depend largely upon the holder of the volume. As revised sheets are received, it will become the responsibility of the holder to have the amendments inserted according to the attached instructions. It is strongly recommended by the publishers that all such amendments be inserted immediately upon receipt to avoid misplacing them and, in addition, that all deleted pages be saved and filed for historical reference purposes. The general index of the Code has been prepared with the greatest of care. Each particular item has been placed under several headings some of the headings being couched in lay phraseology, others in legal terminology, and still others in language generally used by city officials and employees. There are numerous cross references with- in the index itself which stand as guideposts to direct the user to the particular item in which he is interested. The publication of this Code was under the direct supervision of George R: Langford, President, 'and C. Julian Manson, Editor, E 0 of the Municipal Code Corporation. Credit to gratefully given to Fred L. Sheppard, who prepared the index, and to the other mem- bers of thepublisher's staff for their sincere interest and able assistance throughout the project. The publishers are most grateful to Mr. L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney, Mr; Norris Olson, City Manager, Mr. H. E. Peterson, City Clerk, and other city officials for their supervision, cooper- ation and interest during the progress of the work on this Code. This Code is presented for.the use and benefit of..the citizens of the City of Salina,. Kansas. r r ` r (Salina, Kansas) .' • TABLE OF CONTENTS Pae No. ;...,:.� List of Officials ---------------------------------------------- Preface ---------------------------- '----------------------- Adopting Ordinance------------------------------------------ CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1. General Provisions----------------------------------- .1 ;,..2. Administration -----------------------------------6--- 31 Art. I. In General --------------------------31 Arta II. :. Board of Commissioners------------- 35 . Art.. III. Officers and Employees Generally----- 37 Art.. IV. City Manager------------------------ 44 Arta V. Administrative Departments---------- 46 Div. 1. Generally------------------------ 46 Div. 2. Department of Law ----------.49 Div.' 3. ' Department of Service------------- 51 Div. 4. ;?,., Department of Public Health-------- 53 Div. 5.: Department of Safety--------------- 53 Diva 6. Department of Finance------------- 54 Div. 7. Department of Water and Sewerage-- 60 Art. VI. Investment of Temporary Idld Funds--- 62 ?s 3. :Advertising------------------ ----------------------- 89 . 4. Air Pollution------------------------------------------ :117 + 5. Airport -------------------------------- ------'-•-• -_ - 149 6. -Alcoholic Beverages------------------------------------ 175 Art. .1. Alcoholic Liquor---------- 175 Arta II. Cereal Malt Beverages ---------------- 185 Art. ,III. Class B. Clubs----------------------- : 197- 7 Amusements and Recreation-------------- ------------- 225 Art. I. In General----------------------------- 225 Art.. II. Carnivals, Circuses and Tent Shows---- •227 ;,:;' r;; '• Art. III. Public Dances---------- ------------- . 230 ' Art. IV. Billiards, Pool and Shuffleboard-------- Z37 - Art. V. Entertainment in Food Establishments-- 243 Arta VI. Arcades.........----- -------------- 245 Art." VII. _ Music Machines---------------------- 246 Table of Contents (Cont'd) 8. Animals and Fowl------------------------------------- 273 Art. I. In General-------------------------- 273 Art. II. Dogs------------------------------- 280 9. Buildings and Structural Appurtenances---------- - 311. Art. I. In General--------------------------- 311 Art. TI. .' `'. Building Code------------------------ 313 Art. .III. Awnings, Canopies and Marquees------ 316 ' Art. IV. Signs --------------------r---------- 323 Art. V. TV and Radio Towers and Antennae---- 328 Arta VI.-: Electrical Code---------------------- 328 :. Div. 1. Generally------------------------- 328 Div. 2. Contractors----------------------- .333 '. Div. 3. Electrical Mechanics--------------- 336 Div. 4. Permits and Inspections------------ 341 Div. 5. Standards------------------------- 345 Alt. VII. ode---- Plumbing -------------------. 348 Div. 1.,Generally------------------------- 348 Div.. 2. Plumbers------------------------- 353 Div. 3. Appeals--------------------------- 359 Div. 4. °. Standards-------------------------- 360 -Art. VIII. Gas Code---------------------------- " 397 Div. 1...,;", Generally------------------------- Div. 2. Gas Fitters----------------------- 400 . Div. 3a Standards------------------------- 404 Art. IX. _ ..Moving Dwellings--------------------- 413 Art. X. Fences, Walls and Hedges-------------. 417 Art. XI. Sandblasting------------------------- :' 420 10. Cemeteries-- --- ---- ------------------------------------ 447 11. i. Elections-----+•-- ----------------------- - --- --------- 473 . .12. File Protection and Prevention------------------------- 511 '• Art. I. Reserved--------------------------- ..511 ;` .. Art. It. ;'Fire Department--------- ----------"? Art. III. ? :, Firemeale Relief Association--------- - 515 Art. IV. Dangerous Structuresm- .- --=------- 519 , w.. Table of Contents --- (Cont1d , Art. V.Fi re Prevention--------------------- 523 ' Div. I. Generally ------------------------ 523 Div. 2. Fireworks----------------------- 529 Div, 3. Dry Cleaning Plants-------------- 532 Div. 4. Liquefied Petroleum Gases-------- 532 Div. 5. Miscellaneous Hazards------------ 533 13. Flood Control---------------------------------------- 559 14. and Food Handlers------------------------------ 585 .Food Arta L In General------------------------- 585 Art.' H. Establishments--------------------- 585 Div. 1.' Generally----------------------- 585 Div.' 2.' `'" Sanitation Requirements---------- 591 Art. III: Milk and Milk Products------------- 595 Div.`1. Generally----------------------- 595 Div. 2: Permits------------------------ 602 Art. IV.' Vending Machines------------------ 604 Div. I.' Generally----------------------- 604 Diva 2.' ' Sanitation Requirements---------- 612 15. Health and Sanitation--------------------------------= 649 Art.' I. ... ,. , • In General------------------------- 649 Art. II. Unhealthful Structures-------------- "' 654 Art. III.' Weeds and Obnoxious Growths------- 656 16. Housing--__•------------------------------------- 683 . Art: I.' In General---------------------- -..,,...683 Art.: IL ' Administration and Enforcement-'- - 688 Div. 1. Generally---------------------- 688 Div. Z. Board of Appeals--------------- 693 - Art. III. Use and Occupancy Regulations----- 696 17: Industrial Development ------------------------ 727 18. Junk and dunk Dealers------------------------------- 753 19. Library - _i.---------------- -..................... ". 783 Art. L In General------------------------ 783 Art" 114, Offenses-- -------- -----•'---------- 788 -3 r , Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) 9 Licenses---------`----------------------------------- 815 Art. I. In General-------------------------- 815 Art. II. Fees Established-------------------- 821 .'Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Courts ----------------- Art. I. In General ------------------------- Art. U. Courts----------------------------- 22. ., Motor Vehicles and Traffic---------------------------- . Art. I. 'In General ------------------------- Art. U. Drivers' and Vehicle Licenses ------- Art. III. Signs, Signals and Markings Generally Art. IV. Operation -------------------------- Art. V. Stopping, Standing and Parking Generally Arta VI. , Parking Meters ---------------------- Art. VIL Riding Vehicles---------------------- 4 Art. VIII.' Pedestrians ------------------------ i': Arta IX. '' '` Parades and Processions------------- "` Arta X. Trains and Railroads--------- Art..XL Accidents --------------------------- Art. XII. Vehicle Equipment and Condition------ Arta XIII. Size, Weight and Load--------------= Art. XIV. Violations and Penalties -------- Offenses--Miscellaneous----------------------------- 'Arta I. , In General------------------------ t'. Art. Il. `! Offenses Against Property ---------- Art. III. Offenses Affecting Administration of :•'� Justice --------------------------- Art. IV:.: Offenses Against Morals and Decency Art. V. Offenses Against Peace and Order---- Art. VI. :.,' Weapons ----------------- --------- Art.. VII. 'Miscellaneous Offenses ----- =-------- Oiland Gas---r�-i---------- ------- ---Y-------------- .4- 851 851 853 883 883 894 896 902 921 931 938 940 943 944 947 950 969 974 1003 1003 1004 1009 1012 1022 i.-1023 1026 1059 30. Public Utilities--------------------------------------- 31. Refuse ------.�d-- ----------------------------------- Art. 1. Reserved-------------------------- ` Art. 1I. City Collection Service -------------- . •,r �. Art. Iii. Refuse Sanitation ------------------- jArt. IV. Private Haulers=----------------- 32. :Streets and Sidewalks --------------------------------- Art. I. In General ------------------------- Art. II. Bench Marks and Grades ------------- Art.III. Obstructions and Encroachments ------ Art. IV. Obstructing Visibility at Intersections - Art. V. Moving Buildings ------------------- Art, VL Numbering Buildings---------- --- Art. VII. Driveways and Recessed Parking Areas Div. 1. Generali . n1... 7. r...«-._..-af.... n-....t_....._..a--------- 1249 1277 1277 1277 1280 1285 1315 1315 1319 1321 1323 1325 1333 1334 1334 •1341 1342 Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) Parks and Swimming Pools----------------------------- 1089 Art. I. In General -------------------------- 1089 Art. IL Municipal Swimming Poole------------ 1090 Art. III. Private Swimming Pools--=------------ 1091 Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers-------------------- 1119 Planning-----------------------•------------ - ------- 1145 Art. I. In General--------------------------- •1145 Arta Il. Comprehensive Plan------------------ 1147 Art. III. Plat$ and Subdivisions---------------- 1152 Div. 1. Generally------------------------- 1152 Div. 2. Plate----------------------------- 1155 Art: IV. Setback Lines------------------------ 1157 Police .......... --------------------- .------------ ----- 1185 Art. 1. In General--------------------------- 1185 Arta II. Genefit Fund------------------------- 1191 Art. III. Merchant or Private Policemen-------- • 1192 Police Court -•---•--r--------------------------------- ..1221 30. Public Utilities--------------------------------------- 31. Refuse ------.�d-- ----------------------------------- Art. 1. Reserved-------------------------- ` Art. 1I. City Collection Service -------------- . •,r �. Art. Iii. Refuse Sanitation ------------------- jArt. IV. Private Haulers=----------------- 32. :Streets and Sidewalks --------------------------------- Art. I. In General ------------------------- Art. II. Bench Marks and Grades ------------- Art.III. Obstructions and Encroachments ------ Art. IV. Obstructing Visibility at Intersections - Art. V. Moving Buildings ------------------- Art, VL Numbering Buildings---------- --- Art. VII. Driveways and Recessed Parking Areas Div. 1. Generali . n1... 7. r...«-._..-af.... n-....t_....._..a--------- 1249 1277 1277 1277 1280 1285 1315 1315 1319 1321 1323 1325 1333 1334 1334 •1341 1342 1529 1607 1655 1687 1687 1691 e Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) p Art. VIII. Surfacing and Resurfacing Roadways---- 1344 Div. 1. Generally ------------------------ 1344 Div., 2. Construction Requirements--------- 1348 Art.. IX. : Concrete Work in Streets and Public Grounds----------------------------- 1349 Art. X. Service Pipes and Sewers Ahead of Pav- ing--------------------------------- 1355 Art. XI. _Excavations------------------------- 1357 Art. XII. Railroad Crossings------------------ 1364 " Div. 1. Generally------------------------ 1364 Div. 2.Street Lights ------------- 1365 " Art. XIII. Snow and Ice on Sidewalks------------- -1367 33. frees and Shrubs-------------------------------------- °1393 Art. I. In General--------------------------- 1393 Art. I.I. Trimmers and Treaters--------------- 1397 Art. III. Diseased Trees and Shrubs.----------- •1400 34. Vehicles for Hire -------------------------------------- -1427 Art. I. In General--------------------------- 1427 . Art. IL Freight Vehicles---------------------- 1429 Arta III. Taxicabs ------------ ---------------- 1431 . Div. 1. Generally____•-__------- 1431 Div. 2, Drivers--------------------------- 1447 35. Water and Sewerr ---- ---------- -_--_----•---__-•----__- 1479 Art. I. In General----------------------- 1479. Art. IL Nater ------- -................ M...... 1483 " Art. M. Rates=--y�............................1489 Art. IV. Water Conservation --•-----mom- r--•- 1501 1529 1607 1655 1687 1687 1691 F. Charter Ordinances --------r---------------r--------- Code Comparative Table it rr rrarr r-r--r-rrrrrr-rr rrr-rr---- Code Index-r---••:••:-�•--------r---r---------------------- 1759 Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) E. Franchises ------------------------------------------- •1717 Art. I. Gas and Electricity------------------ 1717 ' Art. U. Motor Buses------------------------ 1720 Art. IIL Television Antenna------------------ 1727 Art. IV. Telephone-------------------------- 1731 F. Charter Ordinances --------r---------------r--------- Code Comparative Table it rr rrarr r-r--r-rrrrrr-rr rrr-rr---- Code Index-r---••:••:-�•--------r---r---------------------- 1759 :w sr i .. .. . A �, ,�✓. �' .� ?� -. ..� ' � ., `', .:. �.. a' ,. s � . t. ,ui _ i 3 1 F` t. 0 PREFACE. This Code constitutes a complete, codification of the ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted by the board of commis- sioners, and is the first such codification for Salina since 1960. As expressed in the Adopting Ordinance, this Code supersedes all general and permanent ordinances not included herein or expressly saved from repeal by the Adopting Ordinance: The Code contains only ordinances of a general and permanent nature prescribed for and affecting the public as a whole. Special ordinances or ordi- nances dealing with only a portion of the inhabitants of the City, rather than all of them, or relating to special purposes, such as ordinances levying special assessments, providing for bond issues, paving, vacating and opening specified streets, etc., are not in- cluded herein. For a more specific enumeration of the type of ordi- nances which are not included herein, see Section 3 of the Adopting Ordinance. The chapters of the Code have been conveniently arranged in alpha- betical order and the various sections within each chapter have been catchlined to facilitate usage. Appropriate footnotes which tie re- lated sections of the Code together and which refer to relevant state laws have been included. Also, the source of each section is included in the history note appearing in parenthese at the end thereof. The absence of such a note indicates that'the section is new and was adopted for the first time with the adoption of the Code. The numbering system used in this Code is the same system used in many state and municipal codes. Each section number consists of two component parts separated by a dash, the figure before the dash referring to the chapter number and the figure after the dash referring to the position of the section within the chapter. Thus, the first sec- tion of Chapter 1 is numbered 1-1 and the fourteenth section of Chapter 20 is 20-14. Under this system, each section is identified with its chapter and, at the same time, new sections, or even whole chapters can be inserted in their proper places, simply by using the decimal system for amendments. By way of illustration: if new material consisting of.three sections that would logically come between s sections 4-4 and 4-5 is desired to be added, such new sections would be numbered 4-4. 1, 4-4. 2 and 4-4. 3, respectively. New chapters may be included by the addition of a fraction after the preceding chapter number, for example, if the new material is to be included between Chapters 12 and 13, it will be designated as Chapter 12 1/2. Care should be taken that the alphabetical arrangement of chapters is main- tained when including new chapters. New articles and new divisions may, be included in the same way or, in the case of articles may be placed at the end of the chapter embracing the subject, and in the case of divisions, may be placed at the end of the article embracing the subject, the next successive number being assigned to the article or division. A special feature of this Code is the looseleaf system of binding and supplemental servicing for the Code. With this looseleaf system, the Code will be kept up-to-date periodically. Upon the final passage of amendatory ordinances, they will be properly edited and the page or pages affected will be reprinted. These new pages will be distrib- uted to the holders of the Codes with instructions for the manner of inserting the new pages and deleting the obsolete pages. The successful maintenance of this Code up-to-date at all times will depend largely upon the holder of the volume. As revised sheets are received, it will become the responsibility of the holder to have the amendments inserted according to the attached instructions. It is strongly recommended by the publishers that all such amendments be inserted immediately upon receipt to avoid misplacing them and, in addition, that all deleted pages be saved and filed for historical reference purposes. The general index of the Code has been prepared with the greatest of care. Each particular item has been placed under several headings some of the headings being couched in lay phraseology, others in legal terminology, and still others in language generally used by city officials and employees. There are numerous cross references with= in the index itself which stand as guideposts to direct the user to the particular item in which he is interested. The publication of this Code was under the direct supervision of - George R. Langford, President, and C. Julian Manson, Editor, 3 of the Municipal Code Corporation. Credit is gratefully given to Fred L. Sheppard, who prepared the index, and to the other mem- bers of the publisher's staff for their sincere interest and able assistance throughout the project. The publishers are most grateful to Mr. L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney, Mr. Norris Olson, City Manager, Mr. H. E. Peterson, City Clerk, and other city officials for their supervision, cooper-. ation and interest during the progress of the work on this Code. This Code is presented for.the use and benefit of.the citizens of the City of Salina, Kansas. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION ..Tallahassee, Florida 1966 Y 4 a � (Salina, Kansas) • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. List of Officials--------------------------------------------- Preface---------------------------------------------------- Adopting Ordinance ------------------------------------------ CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1. General Provisions----------------------------------- . .1 2. Administration--------------------------------------- Art.. 1. -In General -------------------------- Art. II. Board of Commissioners ------------- Art.. III. Officers and Employees Generally ----- Art. IV. City Manager ------------------------ Art. V. Administrative Departments ---------- Div. 1. Generally ------------------------ Div. 2. Department of Law ---------------- Div. ------- ------Div. 3. Department of Service ------------- Div. 4. ;.:? Department of Public Health -------- Div. 5.. Department of Safety --------------- Div. 6. Department of Finance ------------- Div. 7. Department of Water and Sewerage -- Art. VI Investment of Temporary Idld Elands--- .3. Advertising------------------------------------------- 4. Air Pollution------------------------------------------ 5. Airport ----------------------------------------------- 31 31 35 37 44 46 46 49 51 53 53 54 60 62 89 117 149 6. Alcoholic Beverages------------------------------------ .175 Art. .i. Alcoholic Liquor ------------ ---------- .175 Arta U. Cereal Malt Beverages---------------- 185 Art..III, Class B. Clubs----------------------- : 197 7. -Amusements and Recreation----------------------------- 225 Art. I. In General ---------------------------- .225 Art. II. Carnivals, Circuses and Tent Shows---- 227 Art. III Public Dances------------------------ 230 Art. IV. Billiards, Pool and Shuffleboard-------- 237 Art. V. Entertainment in Food Establishments-- 243 Arta VI.. Arcades----------------------------- 245 -Art.• VII. Music Machines---------------------- _246 Table of Contents (Cont'd) 8. Animals and Fowl ---------------------------- ••....... 273 Art. I. In General-------------------------- 273 Art. II. Dogs -------- ----- --------------- --• 280 9. Buildings and Structural Appurtenances------------------ 311. Art. I. In General--------------------------- 311 Art. II. Building Code --------------- =-------- 313 Art. -M. Awnings, Canopies and Marquees------ 316 Art. IV. Signs------------------------------- 323 Art. V. TV and Radio Towers and Antennae---- 328 Art., VI. Electrical Code---------------------- 328 Div. 1. Generally ---------------7--------- 328 Div. 2. Contractors----------------------- 333 Div. 3. Electrical Mechanics--------------- 336 Div. 4. Permits and Inspections----------- 341 Div. 5. Standards------------------------- 345 Art. V.U. Plumbing Code----------------------- 348 Div. 1. Generally------ ------------- 348 Div.. 2. Plumbers------------------------- 353 Div. 3. Appeals------------------------- 359 Div. 4. Standards------------------------- 360 Art. VIII. -Gas Code---------------- -------------------------- 397 Div. 1... Generally------------------------- 397 Div. 2. Gas Fitters-------------- ----------------------- 400 Div. 3. Standards-=----------------------- 404 Art. IX. Moving Dwellings--------------------- 413 Art. X. Fences, Walls and Hedges---- ------ 417 Art. XI. Sandblasting------------------------- 420 10. Cemeteries------------------------------------------- 447 11. Elections-.---- ------------------------------------ 473 12. Fire Protection and Prevention------------------------- 511 Art. I. Reserved- ------------------------- 511 Art. U. ' Fire Department--------------------- 511 Art. III. ° ; Firemenls Relief Association--------- 515 Dangerous Structures----- --'-•----- 519 Table of Contents --- (Cont'd Art. V. Fire Prevention--------------------- 523 Div. 1. Generally------------------------ 523 Div. 2. Fireworks----------------------- 529 Div. 3. Dry Cleaning Plants-------------- 532 Div. 4. Liquefied Petroleum Gases-------- 532 Div. S. Miscellaneous Hazards------------ 533 13. Flood Control---------------------------------------- 559 14. .Food and Food Handlers------------------------------ 585 Art.'I. In General------------------------- 585 Art.' II. Establishments--------------------- 585 Diva 1. Generally----------------------- - 585 Div. 2. Sanitation Requirements---------- 591 Art. III.' Milk and Milk Products------------- 595 Div. 1. Generally----------------------- 595 Div. 2. Permits------------------------ 602 Art. IV.' Vending Machines--=--------------- 604 Div. 1.' Generally----------------------- 604 Div. 2.' Sanitation Requirements --------- 612 15. Health and Sanitation--------------------------------- 649 Art.' I. In General------------------------- 649 Art. Il. Unhealthful Structures-------------- 654 Art. M. Weeds and Obnoxious Growths------- 656 16. Housing=------------------------------------------- 683 Art: I.' In General ------------ =----------- 683 Art. 11. ' Administration and Enforcement-'--- ' ' ` •688 Div. 1. Generally---------------------- 688 Div. 2. Board of Appeals--------------- 693 - , Art. III. Use and Occupancy Regulations----- ". 696 17. Industrial Development-- ----------------------- ------ 727 18. . Junk.and 7nnk Dealers ------ ------- ------------------ 753 r .19. Library -------------------------------------------- 783 Art. L In General------------------------ 783 Art,. H. Offenses-------------------------- 788 • r3- i 9 0 Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) 20. Licenses--------- ----------------------------------- 815 Art. I. In General-------------------------- 815 Art. II. Fees Established-------------------- 821 21. Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Courts----------------- 851 Art. I. In General------------------------- 851 Art. U. Courts----------------------------- 853 22. Motor Vehicles and Traffic-----------------=---------- 883 Art. I. In General------------------------- 883 Art. II. Drivers' and Vehicle Licensee------- 894 Art. III. ' ' Signs, Signals and Markings Generally 896 Art. IV. Operation-------------------------- 902 Art. V. Stopping, Standing and Parking Generally 921 Art. VI. Parking Meters---------------------- 931 Art. VII. Riding Vehicles---------------------- ' 938 Art. VIII. Pedestrians------------------------- 940 Art. IX. Parades and Processions------------- 943 Art. X. Trains and Railroads----------------- 944 Art. XI. Accidents--------------------------- 947 Art. XII. Vehicle Equipment and Condition------ 950 Art. XIII. Size, Weight and Load--------------- 969 Art. XIV. Violations and Penalties------------- 974 23. Offenses --Miscellaneous ---- ------------------------- 1003 Art. I. � In General------------------------ 1003 Arta II. Offenses Against Property---------- 1004 Art. III. Offenses Affecting Administration of Justice--------------------------- 1009 Art. IV. Offenses Against Morals and Decency 1012 Art. V.' Offenses Against Peace and Order---- 1022 Arta VI. Weapons--------------------------- 1023 Arta VII. Miscellaneous Offenses-----=------- 1026 24. Oil and Gas ------ =---------------------------- �4- 1059 Table of Contents --- (Cont'd) 25. Parke and Swimming Pools----------------------------- 1089 Art. I. In General -------------------------- 1089 Art. II. Municipal Swimming Pools------------ 1090 Art. III. Private Swimming Pools--------------- 1091 26. Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers------------------- 1119 27. Planning-------------------------------------- ------- 1145 Art. I. In General--------------------------- 1145 Art. II. Comprehensive'Plan------- ----------- 1147 Art: III. Plats and Subdivisions---------------- 1152 Refuse Sanitation------------------- Div. 1. Generally------------------------- 1152 Private Haulers=- -------- ---------- Div. 2. Plate-=---------- -------- --------- 1155 Art: IV: Setback Lines------------------------ 1157 28. Police------------------------------------------------ 1185 Art. I. In General-- ------- ---- 1185 Art. II. Genefit Fund------------------------- 1191 Art. III Merchant or Private Policemen-------- 1192 29. Police Court------------------------------------------ .1221 30. Public Utilities--------------------------------------- 1249 31. Refuse ------ =a--9----------------------------------- 1277 Art. I. Reserved-------------------------- -1277 Art. TI. City Collection Service-------------- 1277 Art. III. Refuse Sanitation------------------- 1280 Art. IV. Private Haulers=- -------- ---------- 1285 32. Streets and Sidewalks--------------------------------- 1315 Art. I. In General------------------------- 1315 Arta• II. Bench Marks and Grades------------- 1319 Arta III. Obstructions and Encroachments------ 1321 Art. IV. Obstructing Visibility at Intersections- 1323 Art. V. Moving Buildings------------'------- 1325 Art. VL Numbering Buildings---------------- 1333 Art. VII. Driveways and Recessed Parking Areas 1334 Div. 1. Generally------------------------ 1334 Div. Z. Construction Requirements-------- 1341 Div.. 3. ' : Width and Location-------------- 1342 -5- Table of Contents --- (Contld) E. Franchises------------------------------------------- 1717 Art. I. Gas and Electricity------------------ 1717 Art. II. Motor Buses------------------------ 1720 Art. III, Television Antenna------------------ 1727 Art. IV. Telephone-------------------------- 1731 F. Charter Ordinances---------------------------------- 1759 Code Comparative Table -------------------._---.---;_------ Code Index-------:--------i*----------------------------- F THE. -'CITY. OF S LINA, KANSAS 'u PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY -MAIL WITH ORIGINAL L 0. Bengtson ' T0: iia E. Iron Mina, $arias k L 4 Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ` ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT ,RDER NO. 9468 2 CHECK NO. DATE PAID DATE Dec' 22m, 1966 CODE AMOUNT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Services In revisieat of Salina Code 786.25 THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PURCNAGING AGENT I APPROVED CITY MANAGER • STATEMENT 0 4 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publiahera of City Codea TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA To City 'of Salina I{ansas 150 Copies of Salina Code of Ordinances Editorial Fee 982 pages printing 0 8.00 60 binders 0 7.50 Freight Less advance payments y '( rya6j a Yo 1 ` Date November 29, 196: $ 2,500.00 7,856.00 450.00 $10,806.00 .46.41 $10,352.41 2,500.00 8,352.41 j?rV-V. " v z�3 0 ul 4A N toIOD O n n L} cep •� a �W W U Oro"o d w w O b A m O p e > at b F✓� " •� a N o IZ a 0 c C •.i ''9 � f+ t q� N W -A N o � A � (vA F O" N O O •� A y % ' F1 V C" d 0.S W W •rl co N w �p r> u cps. 40 All b do A a ul • Itemized Statement of Services Rendered In Connection With Revision of Salina Code Date Item Time 12-30-64 C/W League of Municipalities at Topeka 1.5 12-31-64 C/W City Clerk 0.3 3-17-65 C/W Hooker and Health Department 2.0 4-13-65 Work on Revision 0.9 4-21-65 C/W Health Department 1.0 8-24-65 Work on Revisions 1.0 8-31-65 Work on Revisions 0.3 9-07-65 Work on Revisions 2.5 9-08-65 Work on Revisions 3.5 10-12-65 C/W Hooker 0.7 11-15-65 C/W Code Corporation 0.5 2-02-66 C/W Health Department 0.8 2-17-66 Work on Revisions 1.0 2-24-66 C/W City Manager and Department Heads 3.5 2-25-66 Correspondence to Code Corporation 1.5 3-01-66 Correspondence 0.5 3-22-66 Code Conference 7.0 3-23-66 Code Conferences 10.0 3-24-66 Code Conferences 11.0 5-09-66 C/W City Manager and Inspectors 1.0 5-10-66 Correspondence 0.4 7-25-66 Examination of Code Proofs 1.8 7-29-66 Examination of Code Proofs 1.5 7-30-66 C/W Barta; Re: Code Proofs 0.5 8-03-66 C/W Health Department; Re: Code Proofs 0.5 8-09-66 C/W Board of,Commissioner; Code Proofs 3.0 8-11-66 C/W Harris; Re: Code Proof 1.0 8-12-66 C/W Manager; Re: Code Proof; Correspondence 1.6 11-05-66 Services in Connection with Adopting Ordinance 1.3 11-15-66 Complete Adopting Ordinance Correspondence 0.8 Total 62.9 Now Serving. .L.lY4 ..w. CRY w.. Y..1. C'Rpw MM EML�N f4rlyN rNw r u.in r1. V.ln M.R X.kmM1 DiAl o' WA.'CIry IMIrt4 T~ lukp. .,3[A 4Xbk. rXN.0 IN» ARIZONA TAA. AAKMW G.f[I eY.+ r.RwnY ieIMY.Ci* x. xx buR I>N.. LDI. Ra RAA kn R. YqN f.W W M..IMIY uuFORMA Ib.wu COLORAW A. MM GM ANb.R VA T. CONNRRIAI! RYXW Yp.. YII�Wk FLORIDA bM.e YRa W1rt.lb Y~i.1.pnXwW' Ap.MY1W .N Y..r 641 OMMI M Ou4 RW cIMOIA A.1 uw'I:b QAAApn.nik a akmtlN L1..M aIYR M Cv'b yNyN C.XpI. Rm. Rna Gell. M ,mRr.k rm M rp v.IN Hm"I41Y O.W. YIMR.IIY Y.. wYr ReNi14 6.. YMIMR p/eYxrllY IlpmklY MtlaY A.M WN. ILLINOIf EE- AA M UQM IA.k.M kaxW burnl4lY%YiN); Xno R 1. AWAY 11 ft"',. .. pY, A.. uM1 RYISAI NW CI LhN ry RlNTRCR N.Iry G.. M4mnN L.wN[M! L..ipl. RnpeR. LWIYY.1 Dbri1N C. M. Xy Li.W M.. Gry G.4. G RMkr iYi.6n�lYR.D.nw ripM M.. Fa.. Nb.f M1NA Ip.NIb WJnl4 I4nlyk .pe. b p GIY Y.4�. fNW IIN YARYLAYO A4RISYCW, 1lCYWY YAaY 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLLSHER-ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE (904) 224-6108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES P.O. BOA 1658 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE November 18, 1966 Mr. L. O. Bengtson City Attorney P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Larry, TALLAHASM I . .ORIDA 32302 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 15, enclosing a copy of the adopting ordinance and other preliminary pages for the new Code of Ordinances. We are now in the process of setting this material in type, and should be able to make final shipment before the end of the month. This will give you and the other city officers at least a full month to study its provisions before the code goes into effect. Thanking you again for your cooperation, and with best wishes to you and Noris, I am Sinc� fe ly,your s, C. Julian Manson Editor Ws .ONT,MA M. CAIDUIIA CJM/mz T. TMEIRK! C'.. U" V.Ivu r AM.NY bbtyY Cbbna CA. 1tAl- N4 Rn..4 Rv YRy1FF1 AynllYCAA.Mlw bl..vYY W. CMu Ryml MM Yap PIN.bR .Nb1.IN 6 RAML.M C..IN. C1W. OHIO bgnlF IYDM Ru.p Rtlx ,Yp..M .phrlN CA..Ceunr XfY YORK WNIb P.feM ,R 9Ryb ORaN ' b FWbu'Y ORLAXCW A.hl fl Lxll. Y.. VIROIYIA Op.rr1Y AYr C.u.+. RIxMn x..rXRrl ra. [LII. f.R WIW. Aal. a1reYO R.N M. RA YM CAR W,kAYw GORmY - GN M M kA.I.GTON Mk.Y 6MCM R. AY f.C4p111A Tf4{ MM Ay.p. L0.ri.. 40M AR. YM Aon R9AD lY CA, YeNwLMr RMW Nnlp 4k1s1 �1 A— MY. Wlwlp QaRsa Avll. IYYI.CRY w� lla Y.M AnI XR. by bbp NM Y4MN1 L,mo. Lpx.DA Ab LN° "WA,W Iq [b . b.cw.M bNa ft YNn p..IA Ui aRW Aw.0 YfSWRI R..h IIx.YM LYIbR 4s.W Il[IYIM � M NnN D.bN ID..MwNI bl.6r� LAA i.0 a AY.w MAY•... Aft INM. OW.Y UA.IFwrAM 4 61WX� 0. I�sIP..M OMMIY b.l f...M. CAW Lek.w ON6 Codes Published For: ALARIW Rluv nbh allx FA FAu wI, l.Mibx Nik ,W I u oh Dimks T.WAW TWaa ALASKA Ambxa FMOtlb ARIZONA Tap. ARKANSAS Eaaab iw acay EM We, AN, xa sxkq Neuro uKb RaY WYMIF Mmm A. L" RaY %Al TFUW CALIFORNIA, MMM. COLORADO Amo. G"FFkrusum Ma TmYN pmMaxx[rnar WNM M NFF. all�a FLORIDA [W M GEORGIA AR AWNW NW MY baM b Di ft MYM1 aly,M aRm CaaY wit. Alla MIN Fal Wa FNpu iihintl impM FMVNYF aIaM1Y MpNIY XMn1Y Well W" WIIMEMIM Was MM Will El WFNFN.. LemwilY IlI>r IY nNaa R.r ml e WANW PAd W.W. ILLINOIS O"W"i Clap gaMWMYab) Webs Wb MFM OMAN WWNFW 10.. „m KANSAS GUYANA ANA-CNY WW KENTUCKY Mllry Gaal AW'i Fill Wma[ 4ssWu aaaMp LWINIIII A Y RRyO F YNm Rmp =1i IN RRWI fA Wa RaN WIJ FAN -lb Falb bas Mllerta PxW wFpa IYCIeU Ma bpptlh NMp[6MIc HIIN I Y�aab Rl{tle M1ia flWll TWNNm NMNa WARYLAND WNFwry Cary "MOM B. GIY No 1000 Tbomosvi/lR Road TELEPHONE 224-6108 PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR AREA CODE 904 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES 1658 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. BOX TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 323022302 September 9, 1966 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Peterson: Thank you for your letter of August 31, 1966, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 6929 and 6930, which will be considered for inclusion in Supplement No. 1 to the Salina Code of Ordinances. We are pleased to advise that your Code is now in the pro- cess of page makeup and advance copies will be forwarded at the earliest possible date. Your continued interest and cooperation are appreciated. Airely;ria ) Gcobs Editorial Assistant GJ/1v d LWNTY MM1, All [[LL[LINA W4b CRM leu RADIO, Cly. L � �ONAN n LPNYamko y W3U3[/ y= E. d* or all MN NEW YORK CAROLWA W.a Di Mu "b�YWYIIIiSnMWI�" aWa WhNp CSNO . ly.F TEXAS fWR [m . 1a. CYIp la LiAl M1a [MWll GaxN M1IR CNAIDYN NA =El fo{ WYl Fh fAY RNYrry fNWN TWtW. (WWMMN WallbOil Wil TalUl CCaM RNMp WAVWp AtlpW UEr WNeaOv{ vemciWa,MCNIMF hWyl PFCNub � Cuw [APwiIY Wytq Wile IN MMWF lYkblmi'Nolhirr1Y (NEW T[WI[filF rR NM duy aksil � CIO I'll Oft MISSOURILI%.ah NaMYaFP WS NGlavav0 xvle CbYWIIY [vM,W DAN. W4u Cih i NIma1W aKLY1WY ypl GpYU R"-' apYW xvWl WF WONSYY AWN FnN1Y G WM W F4Y Wv TWaI`Sap TWW Ii Fit MAN, YWA. W [W MaNF M ill FN4 MAIN YI[GNIA GRa FYSA WASHINGTON LWPWW II FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BO% ].16 SALINA, KANSAS 6]A01 AREA CODE 913 TA 3.95% �ANSp� H. E. PETERSON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE D. L. HARRISON CITY HALL Amost Sia 3965' mmact a3. Code Corporation PA. lies 3558 % lawmee, Florid ma 's 4ttentJoas C. J dim Rmwor4 Bitter ftlosed please !lr9d coples, at ordboutes 11 6M and 6O9Pe tom, I lrelte6e Should be tacludet lb,,*W Carte. HIP7jr H. E. potarson Cur- Clerk MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES I 6924 Ordinance adopting the 1965 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention Code, amending Sec 12-101, and repealing the' original section. -- - - -- --- -- - � June 20, 1966 - 6925 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (E.M.I.) June 20, 1966 - 6926 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Wellington Add) July 11, 1966 6927 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Garden Home Addition) July 11, 1966 6928 City Limit ordinance - including Schilling Sub -division July 25, 1966 6929.. Exempting property within -Schilling Subdivision from taxation and levying a tax on such property" in lieu of the taxes- exempted.. -.- August 1, 1966 6930 Prohibiting solicitation or sale of merchandise - upon public street or alley. - -- __----.-- _ August.l5, -1966 6931 Special Assessment's for abatement of nuisances. ----- August 15, 1966 " 6932 --Special Assessments for disconnecting of water -line. _... - ..August 15, 1966 6933- Special Assessments for"cutting' of-weeds.------------- - eeds.— - August 15, 1966 - O_6934Tax Levy Ordinance for 1967 August 22, 1966 Ordinance vacating -certain easement in Block 6 Morningside Addition.----- VI. August 22, 1966 L. 0. BENOTsoN ATTORNEY AT LAW 114 EAST IRON AVENUE SALMA,K&WSAS 87408 TAYLOR 3-2244 August 12, 1966 Municipal Code Corporation Mr. C. Julian Manson P.O. Box 1658 Tallahassee, Floridd, 32302 Dear Julian, I have your letter of July 7, 1966, together with galley proofs for the proposed new Salina Code. We have hurriedly gone over this code and I am sure that there are matters which we have overlooked. We have noticed in several instances that words or sen- tences have been left out of certain sections which were in our old ordinance book. We have attempted to note these wherever possible; however, I am sure that there are others that we did not catch. We assume that it is your responsibility to check the galley proof against the original ordinances to make sure that the ordinances in the new code will be identical with D those in the old code, unless amended. As we have gone through the galley proofs we have noted thereon on certain changes which we desire to have made. In addition to the changes which we have noted on the galley proofs, we would also like to sug- gest the following additionst (1). Section 2.61 to 2.63 of the proposed code sets forth the salary schedule for various city employ- ees, together with a provision for longevity pay. The city will abandon this pay scale as of January 1, 19679 and plans to substitute in lieu thereof a new policy relative to the classification and payment of personnel which is in accordance with a study prepared by the Kansas League of Municipalties. A proposed ordinance for this job classification schedule is attached here- to as Exhibit 1. (2). In Section 22.345 to 22.346 provisions are made for procedure to be followed upon the issuance of a citation for a traffic violation. We note that no procedure is set forth in the event the person fails to appear in response thereto. We are attaching hereto as Exhibit 2 a proposed procedure for such violations. (3). Section 35-55 provides for monthly water rates. We feel that 35-55 and 35-55(2) should be amend- ed to read as set out in Exhibit 3 attached. We are returning the galley proofs to you this date under separate cover. Within the next few days we will advise you as to the number of code books which we de- sire. If you have any questions in this regard, please advise. Very truly yours, L. 0. Bengtson City Attorney cc: Norris Olson, City Manager %A. E. Peterson, City Clerk LOB: sal CODES PUBLISHED FOR: • . ALABAMA Ak!°rMl City NMVA D mlm C°IM1ekl Otot. Dwm ENnpia! F+IIWtl Feld, FlalAa FL P., Will "y", IN ,.It Willa Pnrme city ANield T. Nrae T= ALASKA AaMrye NN time ARIZONA T. ARKANSAS ClaNll U.N. Fyyyt k F -IM CO Fat Smits "W hvd�xa Link R%k Ragn°Aa Widta Mth Lnik RmL Ra RMX RbMlNilk T..W. CALIFORNIA Ill COLORADO A. Aay GrUdIKKIPM G'.1, aof norTdy mae CONNECTICUT Mil NmX.e Yen VZY m '=.a mi kCA mY I i�A mKy W°A 1000 Tbomosvelle Rood PUBLLSH -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE 224-6108 a LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES AREA CODE 904 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. BOX 1658 �wY P.Y TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 bxA July 7, 1966 R ITeNA i Mr. L. O. Bengtson City Attorney 114 East Iron Avenue Salina, Kansas 67402 Dear Larry: We are sending under separate cover one (1) complete set of galley proofs, numbered 1 through 221, of the proposed new Salina Code. A m We would appreciate your examining these proofs and returning them to us at your earliest convenience. Any necessary changes F:VAuwn " I should be indicated with pencil in the margin of the proofs. Fa F.33 FalWNT Please disregard typographical errors, as it is our duty to Gmmllk U".1lY i guarantee typographical correctness. These proofs will be read Lif „ by our proofreading department again before final printing. Milleryarilk "MIN P ® I am enclosing for your consideration a set of preliminary R°'"a° pages for the new Code, consisting of a title page, a page setting hmxlrllk 7Nk out the city officials, a preface and a proposed draft of an WxyILLI OIS Adopting Ordinance. These pages should be retained by you ILLINOIS ®mNktl until after the galley proofs have been returned to us, and we E IC Z. .VryM°' l have furnished the City with advance copies for official filing Po A F., and adoption. Upon our receiving the corrected galley proofs, WIWI e°'ryWNm' I we will proceed to print and send three (3) such advance copies. IOWA Am U WI+ KANSAS All ordinances through and including Ordinance No. 6922, GAMBIA! enacted June 7, 1966, have been considered in preparing KENTUCKY Naaasm ! these galley proofs. We will insert subsequently enacted KY Napkinvlll+ ordinances at the time the galley proof are returned to us, u anm"" ° and I will advise you of the cut-off date which should be in - ` SI A°UJ""A serted in sections 1 and 3 of the Adopting Ordinance. In Akue6a � RyeNf+m° this connection, please ask Mr. Peterson to continue sending Wisie, Clly Glwky us copies of the ordinances as they are enacted. EAUFM Ed RM FnmlvJk Mom MARYLAND MISSOITRI Misipmyw PrY H,h N"t OKLAHOMA T°IOyu Ne, Pak Unml+ SCA°kroa{ Nam "Nin Car AY W. City WA9.N Will WMi w1fal In Demsm liMtY S%w Ali. Prw IbfNll anaN NII{S itful DMm LNWat OmaaA Ulayetle MICHIGAN Pal Nam NMlIa S. CAROLINA TERAS Eagle%n I.Vit slRu Stiq+ Wmliek D% City MONTANA PoUSANNp i, Nal+Mal Ailan Ahmp NnSAIe EI Pas° LW k i"mpk Y'lela Dairy Claypr R°m! Nwnt AbY Ulf, Alvm Fal Stxkl°^ W"IA TosYa"a Mora Tbma LIYIIYNA Inks Awe NAM Gaptpm Amatil° FitwfMky, , Wmay 0."', PNY my Cd, of C14 RakilA Uata AN,°n QVyVUy IWWII OnM Wn W. MIELESIP% N. CAROLINA Ra FY 4IW Naim "Ielm GVIN NxlalrcMS Voyi. Om@ila PmiSA RaY Nint Lmia N[W YORK Alpemk RorAao RalteOaa DRY CNY OaNm N°a Cnunlels tx° P=. &Iai AOA ANenIN N14,Wslulu^0u Nyl°NA Nm¢tm Nema Keil pmrcOeY P'.Pm,Alah CWw CeY.NN Ca"Im UUN.Fm &a°mml Nmbvllle Oarye KhnW KAI PIw CWkieak EM Rill CMNII! Wlenilk TENNESSEE Nif Nra Pasaka W.N. Falb payor Gull hmpvl CINUV Twi CWMvek &PMmtl lxiaa C'I'Pm NIA. 11 M01! Nualm GOO ow Cm C.'. wallLarym Ly. Pal N°Clas latgm G'I'll" Ni a! R.fNiElm VIRGINIA Sli"If Wtli. Gator Cmwn MRM s'dir NnOspal 18 Thby1a Igq.n WvpyllA FislaY. N ly,011111 F wily lle CAyfl Kil.AOV Rv GA, Clelm Fa{a R Iktl P!n{Cuh R. .aslma Yeefis GIiCb Ufnrye flmil°m YNNM{ A'Al UUVI ONTO Spmb Cora UYe lab. paean{ NASNINGTON Yam City LYW.k Omnaa° WmNt+ Nn Mimi° LaYr.m 0 0 Mr. L. O. Bengtson July 7, 1966 Page 2 I have also left blank the effective date in sections 2 and 10 of the Adopting Ordinance: When this date is inserted, .it should be at least thirty (30) days subsequent to enactment of the ordi- nance, so that we can be certain to have the Codes in the City at the -time they become effective. If the City would like to have extra copies of portions of the Code reproduced in pamphlet form, this is a good opportunity to get such extra copies from the standing type. We are en- closing with the proofs sample pamphlets for your examination and a current price list for reprints. In view of the number of galley proofs, I would estimate that the finished Code is going to:run somewhere between 800 and 1, 000 pages. A Code of this size will fit in our largest size expandable binder, but very little room is left for future ex- pansion. Consequently, I would like to recommend that the City consider publishing the Code as a two volume set, with each volume containing between four and five hundred pages. Please give us .your decision as early as possible on this matter of multiple binders, so that we may place our final order with the manufacturer. With regard tothenumber of copies of the Code itself, please refer to your letter of May 26, 1966, and the reply of our Mrs. Fuller, dated June 2, 1966. It will be necessary to advise us of the total number of copies. desired at the time the galley proofs are returned to us from the City. Thanking you again for your cooperation and patience in wading through this lengthly letter, and with beat wishes, I am Sincerely, C. Julian Manson Edir to CJM/lv cc: Mr. Norris Olson, City Manager BODES PUBLISHED FOR ALAS MA NmMN.n1 h Akaadvl At, Oak AN PaW Al tr p ARep %WWMi¢ Ii OW. Ulan WWOaOutur WO.111a ONE, I�I�yr 09W Onad W.I ix Oak FRdieU PoAd. �ia P Sal FW nl FL Pay. Pam. CNY RWORIW P.u.h NUNsrilk P., Ta tl rain CmMY CpaNYa limlasP k. Pkau CNP Plata. glaf iewN amp BsxA T.k.a Iguppis Ul T Iqn, Pat Oa'. NWU Gab EIVsa Fat Nuhta Utpuh Lulnq Awaaa< Za,&.A LArm,m Oii. N. RUNBryaytaA Milk Sal IliNnrmstlY SnW et TUD.m�A .Aml tim R. M MYF &NA ARKANSAS Lia C.11 Salida EMaMp TelUNss. Fa.Na-Ila TANN FanN it, T.,.Sai.s Fat 9gWA Tank Tan. Nnna Tme.e Want Nayyyuys Tlt.vilit la.v0aa MOW'. Lia Rn¢A van. G;On. .a Peat 0�rypal *at M.i NMA bilk Rah 9Uann1 PI. am Knlliat. Rai Hasler MNIO 1WnA YIiIWCnAa Cilia I nM, Na. CAUFORN14 WIN., pW M.wle GEORWA COLORADO A01 AW. All µµt Ol m11m A(Watltl.a &I.sNiN 14 TENNESSEE T"'tlad CW1WWlIN Paahm NIARIN CONNECTICUT Ull Pah pMUIY Calua. X.Nap Cn N Nn W.n C.'aa R`WnN GN„W IIi.Na Od.m MG.I. MM.mSa." Iii W'Na .M.a Ba.A Ra Pam R'vOI, ImalieY Vllh. W it, M ILLINOIS BiaN alt Evpp.n Pat UntilgRpW.Nsl N.I . N.I. RAA Fant R.Wu6 alri. Neat.: IOWA A., la Nus KANSAS 0.1 Saki Nn.s City Safina KENTUCKY HeN.. Ri LamDOR Oai 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLISHE -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE 224-6108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES AREA CODE 904 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 June 29, 1966 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Peterson: Thank you for your letter of June 23, 1966, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 6923 and 6924, which will be considered for inclusion in your new proposed Code of Ordinances. We appreciate your continued interest and cooperation. Since el 1 C. Julian Manson Editor CJM/ly MARYLAND MIsfWRi lain". Polk High Pant OKLANONA Tullman AN Pah ga.M "Al IMIVa.Y C..IY IWs.Cily Xa9ugA WO.111a Maa El Onaa Linelly kRmn Mal CmWe Itings Nn"" Oat. L.Mat Salaal NUCNIGAM Pal Mvla KX. S. CAROLINA TEXAS agN Pass Loryria SUTAN six", Bry City Laa., MONTANA GIRpa p1lae.ie Rqm hint. Mpunl All An ii WIM, Alan Hi Ai EIVsa Fat Nuhta Utpuh Lulnq Temnk Tench. hi LArm,m Oii. taintHaIIY G¢aegelnrm Milk Ftaadxag IliNnrmstlY PIA IBMSCIU RaWV omens Wrion GaNesl. at"Wall Unke MNSRfIPPI N. CAROLINA R.I'ANN al MgNtm Galati NanEpttMs V"Wra B. kinlLm NEW YORK Aitl R.b.a W'Im.. W, CITY G;On. in BaNION Yaca Bili Al Anila MBIA, Ren CNnNa Rai Hasler Oeaa Wal NmeelsNY Plan Cilia Catl.M1u.t Canl. kWMnP a Nat Hwludk Grain and. Climb* East R.W,.Y CAa1Nte Raaailk TENNESSEE BR Eames Hmn Paahm W.hda Fells GWANIN F.Rixt elml. 74. Clalhsnik Blnwd ld I.mb ca, Pat ANAw INWA.11e GN„W Gkn C. C..d Watesap l.axn Ca'. in. PM HI,n, matting G,aaea C.a+a YAW, Unt, (WOR.l Capll.n Nit. R�eAatsm VIRGINIA Blida H¢.n.i Fayetkvtlle Wa,navdie Kpwallt Chit. KM.. RIVel Gahs Cuft,"i gaaNuq NAxa Caslaia Unit.,CmM1mONs La fNaiW¢ flppslown V.MSWg )Normo uni WIIO Stara Cpm. Uhe 1x11. R.enae WARIINGTON Ysspp CilY L,b,.k G.ercap IAnaYa Ln Amann Lana Lana 6924 Ordinance adopting the 1965 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention Code, amending Sec 12-101, and repealing the - original section. - - -- O June 20, 1966 - 6925 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (E.M.I.) June 20, 1966 r 6913 'Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Lots 6 b 7, Elk 5 (replat), April 4, 1966 Oakdale Addition) . 691.4 Providing for street improvements in Job 460. -------- __-April 11, 1966 69.15 Authorizing and providing for the revision and Codification of the'General Ordinances of the City of - - - - Salina. April 25, 1966 Contract with Brown and.Brown, Inc. for Street_Impr.__ May 2, 1966 6917. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Atherton Phillipa 6 Plat G June 8, 1966 O6918 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Plat GY June 6, 1966 6919 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (Key Acres) June 6, 1966 6920 Repealing Ordinance Numbers 6911 and 6912. J)1ne 6, 1966 --- 6921 Authorizing issuance of $1,500,000.00 in Industrial 1 - . - .. - Revenue Bonds. Series "A" - - -June .7, 1966 69.22 Authorizing issuance of $600,000.00 in Revenue Bonds Series "B" -June 7, 1966 6923 Ordinance adopting the 196.5 Edition of the National Electrical Code, amending Sec 8-510, and repealing - -- original section, - - - - - - - - - - — - - --- ___-_June_20,. 1966_ J 0 r if FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOX 746 H. E. PETERSON D. L. HARRISON II 0 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-9530 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES SALINA, KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-9530 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CODES PUBLISHED FOR: AWilkik Ak,LW City Amq Mem RIM. CNYN wKW ONM "W" FMkM FakAm Fltlm , m P,PP Wlml4 H.1.11k IALM GmIIY Ski WNW TmMNW T.LN ALMA AgdNli, Kme Kim, MIKONA TWiW MKANLS DO01 EWsk f."Clk F.I NO HoF.NO NN Ni UUWR. Ln4R.Y =MHim grill. P. o Rio; Rel TmmW CALIFORNIA Ni COLORADO Al,m GMNN lesli. DNa CONNLCTICOT Nn. k1bm RiIHaMI, %.h ILLINOIS k.M4tl CtwF EvnL m MF X,prvilk lLppkxnlq Mprtnem Nib P.Y fmM R.Hm ROIIIIK Ylilm, IMA IAW, KANSAS DNI Skid KNMA Cin slm KENTUCKY E T CKY N.N. ILmI�A FYi,Dm OmmAao lkwwul��w 0 1000 Thomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE 224-6108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES AREA CODE 904 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 June 14, 1966 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Peterson: Thank you for your letter of June 10, 1966, setting out the effective dates of Charter Ordinances Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and also enclosing a list of Ordinances subsequent to the last ones furnished us. You are correct that we do not need copies of any of the listed subsequent ordinances. Thanking you again for your cooperation, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely, /dam Julian Manson Editor CJM/ew MARYLAND WS501101 RbF,pmm Fm HILA FMM MLANpU TFIIRkm No PA lgmH RMMkm WOMIY CmRY CiI, � Ki Milk L'WNMN Nil. L Nkn k{ua Umbel Xy,lbtl,m of LLaagqarn Su1Mm SPPm WcxWAN PPIAmk Am,m S. CAROLuu TLKAS Elk F,m iemk TT= a Ch MONTANA PPNW.i, IbEmm AIM AImo MFDm EIF.F WAl I.MIm GbLm R. YpuM LVvYY Gem, Akm FVI DmYIm WA. GniwmlY Pmt M.N LlvMmlm min MpM NeIIY Gtl.lmq AMIIIF iNmNA,MA IMFNII Umb mb ob ROMA Uam, W. G,kml. W anm Ytml, WSfIWFFI N. CAROLINA R.M RmR WM ARLIN. GWiNd Xn 4mWk Wim R.SMI LMF NEL TMK AMVY Rpamo L,mkPo 4Y CRY CAN, NO. LNIN 11, FMN kbl Amm kpmAlk SNDY MI CNIMN BNIm HNM. Omp NO. WIN CMmMO CO. S4RMq Rm, BNmm1 Hm.114 F.NIa Elam F,IN CNHMW EW EMYml Cki Smadle TLMMESSEE Riq SP�Iny We Fal kill, Will Gki FNem CMN 4MMe CbmMk aaaN m,IWDI, Pm N.m, CUFFm Ma CNF Cmm Pat CNK, 1MNm MFm RimamN YIRGMIA X,tlWMA Gomm CNwm ftmO it Klnllmm CmFlll. kkm Rim Mb CO. F., IM W. WkWano Fryellmilk Knmvllk M."ll CIA. klw- RaMmm l M Milo,�m GNImM MSO CANT, U GNW Rmmkell WASHINGTON YAt Wxm Smk Cmm LM,FLYfm Sa A.me ltlL.r 1=4 L,MNA Cana q 0 0 L'LLu O F - QSa Lt -La' ftrc icipal Cade Corporatiad, P.O. Bax 1658, Talimassssd Fxorl" 32m. Attu$ C. ,Aedes Nampa, Editor f3ea61amoFA1 •,. wit l rafsrafte to yaw totter of my lxst"to wr L. 0. BmAitsoi the follwic0 to ladormstion on the Chartsr Ordiamwas, Ol, , eda0ed 3AII65 Ptddiwwd 3%26/65 and 4 A Ms WYectLiva OAS l8► .opted h" p blieaea 4M/66 wd Wl,S166., ofaectiva t 6/16/66 03r ado" 6%6/66 published 6)V/d6 w d 6/14/66, oneetive 8/%/66 I an also ama3osim a list of the osdicaanco nu*ws fro® the Lust list I seat you. I balion the only one that' Baas in tho book vouid bo 6935 and I leap you.a publishoil *W of it. Tows vur truv* Ra so MOrsoft Citi► Clerk CODES PUBLISHED FOR: ALARAAU AImmam CR, AAmn Amm Rohm CAIAW ONNW Dalen EaaNi. fa�P R.Nw Hi Pa H lull UNIT b mX °Hlmmi'GI, { 0411 T.Cabma Tmk" am" Km ARIZONA T. ARKANSAS Rmm° EKAm Faaperilb Fat Raiut p Kd Sdigs w LiXk RMM NRkaN YmiM. KmA INImRa1 .mRINI R. IImm TaaXNm CALIFORNIA Mm,.ii COLORADO AINAW Oap Mlam Gmlry wm K CONNECTICUT HAIRS NM Hmm m eiRll�°O'mHN 0 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLLSHE -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE 224-6108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES AREA CODE 904 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. 8OX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 June 2, 1966 Mr. L. O. Bengtson City Attorney 114 East Iron Avenue Salina, Kansas 67402 Dear Mr. Bengtson: This is a reply to your request for a quotation on additional copies of the proposed Code of Ordinances for the City of Salina. We are pleased to advise that the first 100 copies, over and above the 100 provided for in your contract, will cost $0. 50 per page. The price increases $0. 50 per page per additional 100 copies thereafter. Two hundred additional copies therefore would be $1. 00 per page; 300 additional copies would be $1. 50 per page. ""m°' We trust this is the information which you were. seeking and "Anil N )� look forward to your decision in regard to additional copies . kNMm of your Code. smmarnN �"1 (Mrs. ) Elnora S. Fuller p°„°�&Dn,°ry a IN RM. KENTUCKY Executive Vice President VetlmM Neem. ft. R Ina With kind regards, MARYLAND ILLINOIS &.tlkM ESF/lv Hi{X PUM Ck. EmtDmn Pok ommmP Cm, MU.. =aMPMmNI Ski, kMlMm, Yours very truly Pak Faea RNmmX MIWg Wtlaa Kmm&h rN IUW &ani RnekaN KANSAS (Mrs. ) Elnora S. Fuller p°„°�&Dn,°ry RM. KENTUCKY Executive Vice President BNRq Gken Neem. ' NONMrilb MARYLAND v: ESF/lv Hi{X PUM OKLAHOMA ommmP Cm, MU.. RAW MARYLAND MISSOURI Ibmmema PA Hi{X PUM OKLAHOMA TuflAma Cm, MU.. kMlMm, "Mian YCPMy Kmm&h MMm{X W..'W &ani RnekaN &m.n Lm"t kmm Ni OmO Kips Iki Cent. Ln.{vmw klmm S"W WE" CAN Pat lmia "A. S. CAROLINA TEXAS 0 Am VID�A iamle 00 RR, CO, LNHITANA PmmMe.ia NamM. AIFen Alam Mi{Mn EI Pao UIIry ieulNR IaaVe Gmmm pma YaM Airy G,INy Alvm Fal St.k1. MAlkn Mamily PxF Mmm LIVIpNm mka IAN Mlly &Pxlmm AmAft Fl .,kaba{ Mmmll XraM MY,CiIy me," Uaem Am. Qf*M. XxepmMa Vamm IKSSISUPPI N. CAROLINA R.A, MM Mai. "IN. WAN Ile. plwnlely Z. rSala UXM NEW YORK AMaa! RmSaO Me°aAm, Ray Cil, Caw ft. Will UnamSH, PI.I &.i AA, Amrilb Reny SM CMImEM RNlmn Hmm. "M AM. &ape fta. akb a,* Cmmb,M CmN k *N P., &amml Pafam. WNKM FAIN Chdki SAW SWUM Cmi ftflm lk TENNESSEE &K 504 Hast FPI AInm Xaohi11, OMmilk Fwmn aim m Rmaman ClPmrllk O.MNtl lI'M City Pmt N., &V'K a. CPR C.m6 YNe Cm nh Jaea. G.,m lasm RANam VIRGINIA MatlNNNA GmNa Cmmm Rywrilb KiIN„al Ca,O111. K't. Rv WA adt. F.,,NPNNe Mimi NyNImi1N M.101:Cptm (d.flr0alawl PmFgmM kii CamHe OWNS MmNi, COMM. UORpe RO.Ibn/ WASHINGTON VNXMa{ AMR. &WNaO Mlie& Cmu Cm. Uke J.k. S. MIaYO L.C+RV YN.CHy LYMmk OmmNO CODES PUBLISHED FOR: ALABAMA AwNIv City AIRn AN. ON" Gll.m Dam Enl.". %F '.W NMm Fix. R." N.WIk Nws.ak lamb Qalim Pori. Clly W.II.W TN.IInm Tmbp ALASKA A%A,p F"Nald Nom ARIZONA T. ARKANSAS OmmN EftA Fpenmak FVIN ON Fpl With Na SFNP Im Nv. LNb Rm1 "W. Wnllm RMA LIMN NO Pim BMN RWAIINNk T,.ISY CALIFORNIA Wm.i. COLORA00 AN. 'Wa O.m JANlim Phe T"NTnn.p CONNECTWIPT DNA,, WIN INm Nam Wil�ilm.11. ILLINOIS OR.W.W CKm Enlpee. Pak NFmilb ISumWmnl.I "W' NiIN NIL F—d RMNaK Rllllm NNUM IMA U RAN KANSAS KdAdUNJ C y SAW KeoE.KY � u.. N,mvsm '*Milb LFWA. , UNARM O.emWe �iuuey°a� E 1000 Tbomasville Road PUBLISHER -ORIGINATOR TELEPHONE 224-6108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES AREA CODE. 904 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. BOX 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 May 31, 1966 Mr. L. O. Bengtson City Attorney 114 East Iron Avenue Salina, Kansas 67402 Dear Larry: Thank you for your letter of May 26, 1966, advising that the City wishes to order sixty (60) binders for the new Code of Ordinances. We will place the order accordingly. This will also acknowledge receipt of Charter Ordinances 1, 2 and 3. I completely agree that these ordinances should be included in the new Code, and feel that it would be best to add them as an appendix. This is the procedure which we have followed in our other Kansas codifications. Please send us the adoption dates for Charter Ordinances Nos. 1 and 2, and the date when Ordinance No. 3 to the Charter is adopted. Hoping that the above is satisfactory to you, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely, 4C.,ole( A Julian Manson to r CJM/ew MARYLAND WSSWRI aANaym Pak NWA PaV OKLAHOMA TOW. Den Pak lama SONIIN,j WMmmy CVM, ON. OIy *NNYP W.WN Ad.. Wmml. DmiN. L%WIN NNCHISM W,NII NIlw. PM kN. Nim.%N%ty. KWm L. CAROLINA TEX" DIM.LVW Eq* P.. m IdOo[Y LINv Spiry, i..pk Nyco MONTANAPVOMMk Wlwm mm Akm OIPN EI PN. (UNIX Tlu W W 44yw R[m Mml A% "'"N'ANm Fp1 Y.M. IkAke ynneVly MR WIIw LrvllKllm IKiq 'N"d Nally U..I. Amml. F,MUL.M, NSNII UnWk Wb U, Rlbiid U., AWmI GN.IIm N%NnpNW W.Ivb MISSISSIPPI M. CAROLINA R%M Yvm IWim AgNm GUAW My .NIeN MMo MTLiNM NEM YORK Abnk Rm Wllkmvo BIT ON Cum W,SWI Oat OmaiN PY.a, WWi CvAN ANm. CmpAull AAenikR.BY Gmm kNMn%m RM CUNI'd Bp1vm &IMmI Nwm Nwmilk Uma Nlm,m RNMm YrtAN PIIk ClAmak WRNM,m Clmkk. 9W. 14 TENNESSEE B.,SmN N.01 PM mmp Vm N.14 Omilk FleepM Clmm MMemvU [WmNk BmIKIlN I%im CIIW P Guv.pl GW tw Cne. MCCmNy JXWA Cmp Aw A=. YIRGMIA MNkall3 Cmm [m01O Mpn.-Ik KAgot UNIX. MYVe R.I WM CLKm FVP kawm KN.Wle ilm.me PANv. MAN. GNm.i.ilk 4Wml. OHIO MI..Nis COWNIN RNerd.3 WASHINGTON LNMm4 OGQ WIII.N NaII Cnv GN lmb.n m mlmi. Lm. 6$03 authorizing issuance of $1,500,000.00 in Iddustrial _ Revenue Bonds Series A. - February 8, 1966 6904 Authorizing issuance of $600,000.00 in Industrial Revenue Bonds Series B. February $, 1966 6905 Amendment to Zoning 0_rdinance_ _(225 E.. Diamond- Drive)______ February 14,-1966 6906- Assessment Ordinance- Laterals 498, 499, 500 February 14, 1966 6907 Assessment Ordinance - Lateral 501 February.14,.1966 t r 6908 Assessment Ordinance - Job 450 Water and Sever from - - ----------- - __ Euclid to Culver Road. _- February 21. 1966. 6909 Contract Ordinance - Catherman Construction Co. for Westport Exchange Addition Improvements. - February 28, 1966 I I 6910 Repealing Ordinances 6903 and 6904. March 8, 1966 i 6911 Authorizing issuance, of.$1,500,000.00 in Revenue Bonds, _Series -_'_'A".. _ March 8,. 1966 - --- i 6912__ Authorizing issuance $600,000 00 in. Revenue. Bonds.._-._.._ March 8th, 1966 6913' Amendment to Zoning Ordinance (lots 6 b 7, Repl Blk 5 Oakdale Addition) _April 4, -1966 6914 Providing for street improvements in Job 460. .._April 11, 1966 - 6915.1 Authorizing and providing for the revision and Codification of the General Ordinances of the City_. of _- Salina. April 25, 1966 6916_ Contract with.Brown and.Brown,.Inc..for_street imps. ---- _--_, May-. 2, 1_966__.'_.__— - - — i' - -- ---- i L. 0. BEigGTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 114 EAST IRON AVENUE Swrntw, K&NSAS etaoa TAYLOR 3-2241 May 10, 1966 Municipal Code Corporation Mr. C. Julin Manson Box 1658 Tallahassee, Florida, 32302 Dear Julin, Enclosed herewith please find a proposed draft of the plumbing code. As you will note, they are adopting the Western Plumbing Official's Code by reference and then making various exceptions to the same. In this regards, we propose that the enclosed draft be amended, in the following particulars: Section 3c. Please delete the last portion of that paragraph which reads as follows: "That meets the approval of the plumbing board examiners". Section 10a. Eliminate all that portion of the paragraph which refers to the requirement for five years as a journeyman plumber. Section 10c. Eliminate all that portion of the paragraph requiring that he be an apprentice plumber for four years. Section 10d. Eliminate that portion requiring work under the expert supervision of a master journey- :.. man, plumber. Section 12b2. Suggest that the plumbing inspector be exofficio,secretary of the board. Section 13b4. Last word of paragraph should be changed from granted to denied. Section 15c. Should be eliminated. Section 16e. Should be eliminated in its entirety. Section 19. Should be amended,so as to require only general liability insurance as we require in the case of electricians.and others.. In regards to this code in general, we feel that an exception should be made for the laying of sewer and water mains and sewer cleaning. I am also enclosing herewith a copy of a letter from the Tyler Pipe and Foundry Company and we feel that it would be well to incorporate these provisions into this code. • coxwouowr�nawuxe Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ORDINANCE NUMBER 6915 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT I, Fred Vandegrift being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the Advertising manager of the Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attached Ordinance Number 6915 and that said Ordinance Number 6915 was correctly published of the date of Subscribed and sworn to before me_ May 2 , 19-L6— Notary 966 Notary Public My Commission expires February 16, 1968 • • COHa LIoeTensAuxA Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ORbmms NWMn 6915 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT I, Fred Oandearift being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the Advertisina manager of the Salina Jouroel a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attached- .ordinance ttache.ordinance Number 6915 and that said Ordinance Number 6915 was correctly published of the date of- April f A ril 29 19 6, and fur her I sa t. Subscribed and sworn to before me May 2 19S+St_ Notary Public My Commission expires+ February 16. 1968 • • coxwuowrmnwuxw Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of X28 1BR 6918 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT I, Ihred 9ategarkft being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the A tfertl$:Os manager of the Segos Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attache Ordlaftca it ost 6914 and that said Ordiowee Humbor 6918 was correctly published of the date A ril 49. 19 88* and further I s not. Ls Subscribed and sworn to before 19 66 Notary Public My Commission expires February 16s 1968 F1 '6903 authorizing issuance of $1,500,000.00 in Ifidustrial Revenue Bonds Series'.A. February 8, 1966 6904, Authorizing issuance of $600,000.00 in Industrial Revenue Bonds .Series, B. February $, 1966 6905_---Amendment_to Zoning Ordinance (225 E. Diamond Drive)_, _ . February_ 14, _ 1966 6906 .Assessment Ordinance -Laterals 498, 499, 500 February 14, 1966,- 6907 Assessment Ordinance - Lateral 501 _-_ February 14,1966 6908 Assessment Ordinance - Job.450 Water and Sewer from Euclid to Culver Road. February -_21,_1966 u I/___6893 Ordinance authorizing the investment of Temporary Idle II Money of the City. (� November 29,; 1965._. ✓ 6894 authorizing use of public proper by abutting property _ ..owners for aesthetic.purposes._ _ December•6, 1965. 6895 Sale, Storage, and Discharge of Fireworks. Repeal Section 2 of Chapter XII of the -Code -cif -the City. December 6, 1965 6896 -Special Assessments for sidewalks December 13.;-,1965.___ ' 68971. Amendment to zoning Ordinance 6613 --(Riverdale Addition) December 13,:1965 I 6898. Amendment -to Zoning Ordinance 6613 - -_ December 27,1965 (EMI Addition) - - - - , _ r prescribing 6899 Authorizin the connection of Natural Gas .to,Mobil Homes and p g ,procedure i January 3, 1966:, ✓: 6900_ Minimum Housing'.Code - January 3,-1966 6901 Contract Ordinance with 0.-D. Wilmoth Excavating Cont..Inc. fox construction of Water and Sewer Job 458 (Westinghouse) February 7, 1966 6902 Vacating alley abutting,lots_6 and 7 Surveyor's Plat "G" ,, ^ February 7, 1966 f ORDINANCE NUMBER �( p /// �Ll (Published in The Salina Journal `J 1966) AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of a certain alley within the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That a North and South Alley from the south line of North Street to the Smoky Hill River and abutting Lot 6 and 7, in Surveyor's Plat "G" in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, be and it is hereby vacated. Section 2. That the Alley hereby vacated shall revert.to the adjoining land as provi by law. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city paper. Introduced: January 31, 1966 Passed: February 7, 1966 (SEAL)' Attest: City Clerk �"� Mayor CODES PUBLISHED FOR: uMeAAA AAaXll cro MWm a1�lM, WMn am F.IeMm Fldenee R>cFp WMXIN Ween amnXa v�mina h T-*" TnSrym ALASKA MMXam Faikma MR ARIKMA Tem ARKANSAS amen El Goem iryetlmllle Fall Ciry fon Still MN SOlrya 1 em Wal. lem WAWA. Wmemilk T.W CALIFOWIIA We,w COL0RAW GekN A.H. Timm Wim M. Mem CONXECTIMT WA NA WN Mem �nie ILLIMS WmNim ciwa Enmtlem PNk WpatillaaADWeWbi wlWf Pm;m# WNae ION* UNan KAMM$ W[4M MmACA, KENTUCKY Nei, O m Simile M W.1110 Rnmba LOOINAM A llk Almmie MWRe,a anile aamry Wein Q4 W a Fnl it nmpe emvllk fw Flaalk Mme Wee BE EMO RiviA Wm le W MMD., Walk PNW PheeW. WSW Faun Simi ulm e Wmnew AAKYLMIO Mbnlymr, CeP, Ill Em city Sem. PUBLIS - R -ORI INATOR 7� LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE January 18, 1966 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Peterson: TELEPHONE 224-6108 AREA CODE 305 P.O. BOX ®1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Thank you for your letter of January 14, 1966, and enclosed copies of Ordinances Nos. 6898, 6899 and 6900, which will be considered for the Salina Code of Ordinances. Thank you for your continued interest and cooperation. Sincerely your/s-,- (Mrs.) Gloria Jacobs Editorial Assistant GJ/ew WSWSSM ilYmal some WWamp TENNESSEE 011W WGMOe We Mimi �etld lWb Glean Calpa RrywXilW CWLmilk alumni WkaW ffiINKaII 9iyX Damn iamXMlle Ix. WWm aropl xemNN fNaWie MW XnpWl We Pm l.ehm Clab,ak Wm alamo .% Matelile Wlm I.Mm. T-.* Wmnille LYMm Give S TelM Genal W ala Tw Wyq Mmsmem PMl MiN 01iWnAMm EM1a Pab UA,NlmMb WM Ulla MII " Nei Xib Paid me FJ lkAIW V WNIm VltluEueyy able. PaRNmmW XORAIavIIM Kin W,mbe S. CAROLWA TEKAS Al. Niab. FM%xSIm Fla ,v ' Gll W WaMdl 1NY1mfqS�0ItthWu MA RWWW 1. wM Nli oPM iftme,,Wlb Vam.Giry Rm W. Kim Mm Mie Al". Mmilk Wlm Oemn O WA=X pP Nmdrilb Gft� WCAROLINA 'All, �� ArykW AmCioot Mmdan Nabelk mpMm WIMMYI VIRGINIA I11rr����g��mm SktlKry AIk ONkYm nnWxOmo ft"tkYNeWa Glint fan KIWYOWL Cm1411 De SodmoVias k#aimka. WS SWM' =110 Jaddo Ciry N,he e wAW11NGTM Laa bkX&n Wa,viw G.WW Nlie: PWXAme 0 0 !mlaipal Code Carporatios, � Flor#da Gentlemens With refereWo to yoe; letter of Defied 27tho the ordinswes Ms. 6564 6648 and 6733 rsiatle8 :to Mesas we for special Mesament chargee for cattiss weeds cad We eat ittloW is the gods, in referewe.to the soa tlg Ordis se No, 6613: the ordinances that were marked owt t're``the ones that meds asondments ta, the map eais►a so ws did wt esad t ft,for the Cods. At the regiNt, of Xr. Bavgtsm I mailed you twa Mos+s owles of tie present Code, . Yours 'seri► trt*# HBP/p If. oP �o 0 M mioipal Code Corporation, ?allahaesee, Florio t. Gentlemens • (fL£u o k cSa,CLn cL December 17, 1965 Enclosed please find one copy of thep p 1960 Code and copies of the ordinances that have been passed up to date. I am also mtolosing a copy shoving the audmved ordinances passed and the ones vitt, a red (E) do not go in the general oedivaece book as they concern only special ciremstancpw. I an also enclosing the sorting ordinance book x'6613 as this vee not included in the IM Code booty and also sey charges in the ordinances that effected this boo). If any wore ordinances are passed affecting the 1960 Cods book I will Immediately mail you a copy. If I can be of mg+further help please so advise, HEP/y x. L Paterson City Clerk THE CITY OF SILINA, KANSAS PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY—MAIL WITH ORIGINAL >ivalcipal Code Corporation TO: Taliahae, 83oritla L Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION Fayme>;1t dw sdadwion of mammript at aiatrems Xnvh 22, 23 end 24th 1RDER NO. 4928 2 CHECK NO. DATE PAID DATE ARril ly 3966 FUND CHARGE ��y �.wtuwaaawu ,: CODE ��.�, AMOUNT yy�A P.O. 3236 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $1,20.00 THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PURCXARlIFQnAGENT1. a APPROVED CITY MANAGER r • STATEMENT • MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Publishers of City Codes TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA To MY of ftllmi' mm"w Dated 29s. 3,9" 4000E5 PUBLISHED FOR:. MemKetfdq �I .lata FeilM1.e fluence Ft. PaM XNIb le NgNtlu tanep 0{eliga PNnw Gip RKRieR Tumal.0 TWMIIw1 ALASKA Agtlge iNNmN> Man ARIiWA Tatman ARKARSAS El MA FOwstmllw FWRAGII F.ISRI. Xm If1 a Ctllw6Y Ra,nlw NVI'LlRw Rad IIWAIRWIN T mlme CALIFOWIM R mean MLORAW 6NIry Toni AW. Al..Imm CONNECTICUT R.du NelMgryd Nn Wvm wi ZI, ILLINOIS 0 -Pitta TvNOBew.P.R �FfAEpleKenlsF WiN PwA fgml .NWd IOWA UWI KANSAS Oct Em6 Mal KENTUCKY =R - HAI wWlm S a. m. LOUISIANA Ammille ATRIA,* Elm Ron, &Rlasa BezUtt Ciry D,Rl aK ON Fal Wlm Rause flmAlin None IafryNU MIA WtA. MW Wmce MIN, OalaNUPaid ws Pl Imw 0,611 W MRmd PUBLI -ORI INATOR LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE March 29, 1966 Mr. H. E. Peterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Peterson: r� Z 1 2// ALAI - - TELEPHONE. 224-6108 AREA CODE 305 P.O. BOX= 1658 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 Enclosed is invoice in duplicate covering the editorial fee due on the Salina Code of Ordinances, Please submit it through proper channels so that payment may be rendered. Thank you for your time and cooperation, Sincerely yours, e' - Harlan Harlan E. Ard Comptroller HEA/sm Enclosures (2) MARYLAND NNINTARA N. CAROLINA Radom IWO. Big Sping INimo Ciry Sm ArAonla Andean yG.RY GlNgae: Mb.mle 9AelK/ RaI1.Lwo Oawmield Kilme Smutemmg -..AA AmmiW SceMrn Pianm Wml CmmLU Cia'aa Ulem m� Sn RIMIGAN WIN M Caa ZW Rmm011e Canalllm UPhge RIWSminga Rry Ciry O WdtlLma TENNESSEE On. ULB JAII. TATI. Umiq NEW YORK Clinw IeRe OIMry CI.b .k Calumhs U.a T.M. Kamm 0.uEua Cm.m 1Usnmxh Jacksm Ont. Lamana, Uamsiry PaM Ced.Mrst Canaver Xi I'm PaU WAII. U.10 WMWPPI Tlemalt FrydaWle 0110 le Mnma MaAall Yigmia Saint L.N CIA Gamma Y.IeIU TWIA TUllm.e Xamedoeks Nm111nivwsity Plan WNSNmo RimAmlw &walm'la Pau XeR mlels W.Im ClIdu W.R. OKLAHOMA El pa OMma GlmeAww 11R.letl wAn WaN TERAS MIYo Fmkandsan. OmRR waandF W.drille GrtmvllU W0 a PM aah Pam Alam Nadls FlNeWeYduK Onn IM E. CAROLINA Alvin 01Nasan MAfta Pmt AM. VIRGINIA XmbmpmJt tBMJmvis KI.I. KiulaA AIFm Awilm GeiIN IBR NmM GIiRm Fmge Kertlw RamWee.0 XWmnwn Wuel Alry wlwy MMen Omw. Ri.Oka Rim Gab Gh Msud N011Y Mgklm N.slm HH Ramer Ylemo A. Ral.d Uwen '.a.m Imeuram ilw R%emmg L.,,.GTON Lmpin THE CITY OF ALIN'A. KANSAS I PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY—MAIL WITH ORIGINAL F Xmlckal Code CftWmtlon TO: �li4fWF�ees. i`.1Vi iQ� Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % QUANTITY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION One4ft f of editsrW tee due as cantrwt O By DRDER NO. 2770 CHECK NO. 6982 2 DATE PAID Der" 9+ 1965 DATE Deco 9s 1965 FUND CHARGE city comiss m CODE AMOUNT -UNIT PRICE THE CITY OF All i a AMOUNT $ls250.00 KANSAS APPROVED CITY MANAGER 0 0 Lt y o k S- a fLaa. i ., .., ,,., a ti• . amnieipal Code Corporation, paha, Florida. fieatiemeaa Vith reference to your letter of Deceaher 2M# the ordinances Dios. 6561,. 6648 and 5732 reletle* to seeds we for special assessment c"es for entila9 weeds ani are not itoluded in the Oads. In reference to tlw smAM Ordinsace Ho. 6613, the ordinances that were marked out gre7the aaes that made a=dmeaU to the map onlyo so we did not send then for the Code. At the request of Mr. Deagtsan I mailed you two image copies of the preseat Code. Yom eery true* MP/P H. fi. Paterson City Clerk G'LLu o i cS a fbia. lh, 1966 C.- Jai" Editor . Htmaipal Code crorpoa+atiou TUUWM ses, Florida.: Dear Yz..Hawam Eaolosed please tied espies of ordioaaoes 6998, 6894 and 69©O. Ordimme 608 comeres only the zoaiop mW aad does wt go is the Cods, but 3 eoslosed 9W so yon eoa9d account for the numbers. Yours very trey HFP/p H. E. Paterson City Clerk CODES PUBLISHEO FOR, Mi ENNm WIXNn o eNldIN Filievil flu. irk Huds.11b Imm O,Nke WW41d v TB*mlea T.W ALASKA ,mAAge RW ARKANw El Oxxib f"Hwllb FFu,g1 My Im s�lw 4mBXwN GGo mN6 GMb Av# Rvsilvilb T CA�lTORNIA dmepyle OAL00.1160 ISBm AudkX GeNO PIINb TNNNd MI�Ne Almon WNN[CTINT H,u NIIIimNif ILIANO4 0pktd yf `iu` P dtlJe IMA GNus �LANW CNN -mm Kum, Gh KWIWOKT WWI mmelW EG m Huld,Kullb gxInNN rg OBgbuB LWINANA Mbuilta Afeyamk W. Gov WqI W EoOiba Cy Gh WRNdW &H Wim Hu[e PSNI b GRN Hum taia/BINft,u Wield IRMm ,INPn LYh u PMiG NnB sPNid M GNNA WbeX�eNB PUBLI -ORI NATOR - TELEPHONE 224-6108 LOOSELEAF CODES OF ORDINANCES AREA CODE 305 LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE P.O. BOX ®1658 January 7, 1966 Mr. H. E. Peterson' City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Peterson: TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 As the Supervising Editor in charge of preparing the new Salina Code of Ordinances, I would like to thank you for your letter of December 30, 1965, advising us of the nature of ordinances numbered 6561, 6648, and 6732, relating to weeds and of the nature of ordinances amend- ing the zoning ordinance. This will also acknowledge receipt of the two additional copies of the 1960 Code. Thanking you again for your cooperation, and looking forward to working with you on this codification project, I am Sincerely, C. Julian Ma EdManson itor CJM/gj MARTLANO MONTANA N."WLINA GW'. Kmkn &I SRIng Julkh Civ 1m 41i'lo R-Noury Qu*6tiapox AIXwiN Nuvy W.K.W 9m Iwd Xilque STuleNmy 1.1" Mlha Clly A.0b CmWn Sw wM Fima Xnl WWKiK Canyon Kill. Saul U1010A11 &/Civ L91Nbm EINwflUB lluuiuu TENNESSEE prmlltm Mft t Gup L NMWB %TZ bel, TenF1. INE NA6^TOW Co mb Cwev Clukv�Il¢ WbmuB {eupv TBBmaw A Wry'wwHle lacWw On Pah CdKiftm N.. XIMwX ONI'PaO Will. U.I&iv AllmulWI FwwoFl FayetNWUe ONTO XooryIIN K". M.41 liftn' I IWIN Lub Cil G� Mmlelh TalleAom Omtm XEtaPbAes Xw Xesl Unlyersih Plp ALhkn b �IN6 GI ieN NIUay �B=% OKLMOMA AwXwM ENI. PNs EXP. nlels Cd.N WIBIa Fans GeIHWIB I Rlbu Titus131wYvn WBWv,11, Geuxllk rMazakeux Pah H �I P»N NNrtivYla. aam IR hIXW" MM Pw.MWe WUBON. Grcank E. URbIINA AIYiu WluRon YIROINIA NaGeNvg Pwf1Mh AusNe A. AmRllk Wu,[ MMNulil Otba F., VNldlm 4mQM1aueNk u y WillyAM.w GeNewxa Anllkmn G u, HPoGbxa WAR,INGTON YM" ,. MaWAHBRl Na1NXX idOkN EeBuaN. WG #vHle Rol Gs,N,M L.,,. II • CONTRACT for the CODIFICATION OF THE ORDINANCES of the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS by the MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Tallahassee, Florida This agreement, made and entered into this day of 1965, by and between the MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORA- TION, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Corporation and the CITY OF SALINA, a municipal corporation in the State of Kansas hereinafter referred to as the City.. WITNESSETH: That upon the terms and conditions set forth in this contract, the Corporation and the City hereby agree as follows: PART ONE EDITORIAL WORK That the Corporation will, under the supervision of the City Attorney: (1) CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES. Codify, classify and edit the ordinances of a general and permanent nature passed in final form by the City as of the date of this contract provided, however, that the City may forward to the offices of the Corporation all ordinances passed subse- quent to said.date for inclusion in the new Code up to the time of typesetting of the manuscript. No ordinances will, however, be included in the Code manuscript subsequent to notice of completion of the editorial work as provided in Paragraph (12) of this Part. (2) REVISE OR REWRITE EXISTING ORDINANCES. Revise, rewrite and edit the existing ordinances so that the provisions of the new Code will be expressed in concise, modern and proper phraseology without conflicts, ambiguities and repetitious provisions. Material changes 11 ing thereby shall be submitted to the City Attorney for consideration and approval. Each chapter of the new Code shall be all-inclusive and shall embrace all ordinances dealing with the subject matter of that chapter, and within the chapter itself, the ordinances shall be arranged in an orderl and logical fashion. -2 (3) REPEAL OF OBSOLETE PROVISIONS. Inform.the City Attorney of obsolete, outmoded or unnecessary provisions which he in turn may recommend to be repealed by the governing body. (4) .RECOMMEND NEW MATERIAL. Inform the City Attorney of new material which he can recommend to the governing body to be included in the Code so that the new Code will be broad and comprehensive to cover existing conditions or conditions which may arise in the foreseea future. (5) CATCHLINES. Prepare catchlines to the individual sections that accurately express the content of the section. (b) STATE LAW AND COURT DECISIONS. The ordinances will be checked against the corresponding provisions of the general and special acts of the 'State of Kansas relating to the City, and against the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State to eliminate conflicts and give assurance of validity and constitutionality. Any changes necessitated by such editor- ial checking shall be reported .to the City Attorney. (7) FOOTNOTES'AND CROSS REFERENCES. Prepare editorial footnotes and cross references which will tie related sections of the new Code together. Proper reference will also be made in the form of footnotes to similar or related provisions of the state law. (8) HISTORY NOTES. Prepare history notes for each. section of the new Code, which notes will include references to the ordinance from which the section is derived. (9) INDEX. Prepare a comprehensive, legal and factual general - index for the entire Code. (10) EDITORIAL CONFERENCE. All editorial work will be performed in the offices in Tallahassee, Florida. Upon completion of the basic editorial research the supervising editor in charge of your Code will conduct an editorial conference with the City Attorney, City Clerk and/or -3 -- other city officials. All changes and recommendations will be made known at this time and the City will be free to adopt or reject any or all of them. The city officials will be free to make changes and alterations at this conference and the Corporation will be. charged with the duty of carry- ing out all such desired changes. (11)' POST. CONFERENCE WORK., Upon completion of the editorial conference conducted in the City of Salina, the Code manuscript will be prepared for typesetting and printing. (12) NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF EDITORIAL WORK. Upon approval of the Code manuscript by the City and upon completion of the pos conference work, the Corporation. shall notify the City in writing that the Code manuscript is ready for typesetting and printing. No ordinances will be included in.the Code manuscript enacted supsequent to.such notice. (13) GALLEY PROOFS TO CITY. , After. the entire Code is set in type, the Corporation will submit one full set of galley proofs to the City for additional review. The Corporation assumes the responsibility of proofreading and typographical correctness. The City may make word changes on the galley proofs without charge, however, should the City delete entire sections, articles or chapters constituting more than a page of type, the City will be. charged for such deleted type at the per page rate as provided in Part Two, Paragraph (2). (14) ADOPTION OF CODE. After approval of the manuscript by the City Attorney at the editorial conference and after the Code has been set in type and the galley proofs have been submitted to the City and approved by the City'Attorney, the Corporation will proceed to print the proposed new Code in accordance with Paragraph (15) of this contract. When the printing is complete, the Corporation will submit three (3) advance copies bound for filing, along with a form. of a suggested adopting ordinance. After the City Attorney drafts the adopting ordinance and the -4- same is enacted, the City Clerk shall send the Corporation a true copy of adopting ordinance and the Corporation will print the same to be inserted into all copies of the new Code. PRINTING AND BINDING (15) TYPE,=PAPER, NUMBER OF COPIES, ETC. Upon completion of the editorialvork and approval of the same' by the City Attorney, the Corporation will print: (a) the text of the Code in ten -point type with bold -face catchlines. (b) the index in eight -point type with main headings in . light -face capitals. (c) one hundred (100) copies of the Code on.50 lb. 'English Finish Book Paper, or its equivalent. (d) the pages shall be approximately nine inches by six inches in size. (e) the editorial. notes and cross references shall be in eight -point type with bold -face headings. (16) BINDING. The Corporation will bind as many copies of the completed Code in mechanical post -style. binders, each with slide -lock fasteners and with imitation leather covers stamped in gold -leaf,. as the City so desires.. The Corporation will furnish these binders to the City for. the sum of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents "($7.50) each. The remaining unbound 'copies of the: Code will be punched and wrapped separately for storage and eventual binding by the City. PART TWO That the City will: (1) COPIES OF MATERIAL. It shall be the duty of the City to furnish the Corporation with either typed or printed copies of all ordi- nances of a general and permanent nature passed in final form for use in - 5 - the editorial work. In the event copies of the ordinances are not available, the Corporation will photograph copies of all ordinances needed from the ordinance books and records of the City. It will be necessary for the City to send the ordinance books to Tallahassee for this photographing, where- upon the Corporation will return the books and records to the City within ten (10) days. (2) COSTS. Pay the Corporation for the work of editing, printing and binding as follows: Editorial Fee '. .$2.2 500, 00 Printing 100 copies . . . . . . $7. 50 per page Binders . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 each (3) PAYMENT, Money due hereunder shall be due and payable as follows: One-half of the editorial fee upon the signing of thiscontract; the remaining one-half of the editorial fee upon submission of the manu- script to the City at the editorial conference; and the printing and binding shall become due and payable upon delivery of the completed Codes to the City. (g) The above cost does not include freight charges. The City shall pay all freight charges. (5) DELIVERY DATE.. The completed Code shall be shipped from our offices in Tallahassee not later than July 1, 1966. Any delays occasioned by the City in not returning the galley proofs or any other delays shall not be calculated in the determination of the delivery date. PART THREE LOOSELEAF SUPPLEMENT SERVICE After the official adoption of the new Code as herein provided, the Corporation hereby agrees to maintain the same up-to-date by means of publishing Looseleaf Supplements containing.the ordinances of a general and permanent nature passed subsequent thereto. -6- The Corporation will publish the Looseleaf Supplements contain- ing the new ordinances as often as the City desires provided, however, that a minimum of thirty (3 0) days shall be required for delivery ,of a Supplement following the publication of the previous Supplement. . In the performance of this Part Three, it is requested that the ordinances be forwarded to the Corporation promptly following official enactment by the City. The Corporation will publish the Looseleaf Supple- ments immediately upon receipt of the ordinances unless instructions from the City direct otherwise. There shall be no penalties or additional charges incurred on the part of the City for more or less frequent publication dates. In the preparation of the Looseleaf Supplements, the Corporation will study the new ordinances in conjunction with the existing provisions of the new Code for the purpose of determining if any provisions of the basic Code are repealed, amended or superseded. The page or pages of the Code containing provisions that are specifically repealed or amended by ordi- nance shall be reprinted or printed to remove such repealed or amended provisions and insert the new ordinances. Appropriate amendment or other editorial notes will be prepared and appended to the new sections explaining the effect of the new ordinances on the repealed or amended provisions. When the inclusion of new material necessitates changes in the index, appropriate entries will be prepared and printed or when necessary, reprint pages of the index to include the new entries. Each Supplement will contain a page of instructions foo removal of the old pages and insertion of the new pages. ,The Corporation will prepare the ordinances editorially and print one hundred (100) copies of each Supplement for the sum of Nine Dollars and Fifty Cents "($9. 50) per page. For the purpose of this contract, a page is hereby defined as the area on one side of a sheet of paper. A sheet contains two pages. -7 - The Supplements will be shipped to the City f. o. b. Tallahassee, Florida for distribution to the holders of the Codes. The City shall have the exclusive right to sell the Codes and the Supplements. IN -TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this agreement to be executed by the signing of its authorized officers and the affixingof its corporate seal, and the City has caused this agreement to be executed by the signing of its authorized officers and the affixing of its corporate seal, this day and year first written above. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION ,J By i4EA SecroYry -` CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTEST: eL)- Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: n TELEPHONE 224-6108 ,z 11 i24 IT 7 1000 THomAsvu.1.B ROAD October S TAWHASSEE, FLORIDA Y 32302 Mr, Lawrence Bengtson City Attorney 151 South Santa Fe Sauna, Ksnaae Dear hdr. Bengteow. P. 0. Boa 1688 C We met Mr. Harold Peterson, City Clerks at the Kansas Munlcipal League Convention last week and briefly discussed with him our ordinance codification services. Mr. Peterson Informed us that you are currently wording on a recodification Oof the Salina Code and suggested that we write to you. As you can see from this letterbead, we have published Codes P for municipalities of all sizes throughout the United States. All of our Codes are Published in looseleaf volumes, designed specifically for the page -for -page Supplement Service. By availing itself of this Service, the City eliminates forever the Ynecessity of a recodification and, at the same time, gains the advantage of working with a Code which constantly reflects the latest action of the governing body. This is by far the most practical and economical method yet devised for a City to keep its Code current and eliminate the unnecessary expense of periodic recodification. We would certainly welcome the opportunity of talking to you about our services and perhaps helping you in preparing the new Code for printing. If you are near completion of your work, we would like to discuss the possibility of our printing the Code and keeping it current for you with our Supplement Service. In order to take advantage fully of the Supplement Service, the Code should be initially printed with that in mind. There are many differences in printing a permanently bound and looseleaf Code and we are experienced in publishing Codes designed specifically for the Supplement Service. We are happy Nation's Leading Law Publisher Specializing in Ordinance Codification Mr. Lawrence Dengtson October 5, 1965 Page 2 to say that we currently supplement more Codes than any other organisation in the country. We are planning a trip to Kansas in the near future and, would like very much to most with you for the purpose of going over the matter in detail. If such a meeting is desired, please let us know and we will arrange our schedule accordingly., Looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest con* venience. i am Sincerely, Robert V. Ussery Vice President RDUJ gj cc: •Mr. Harold E. Peterson, City Clerk