magnolia rd improvement contDear Mr. Bassett: Vie have reviewed the traffic counts and the warrant determination resulting from the studies you requested for the intersection of US -81 and Magnolia (K-272).Road at the south edge of Salina, Kansas. Copies of the traffic count and warrant determination reports are attached for review of your City Officials. I , The amount of traffic entering this intersection, at this time does not meet all of the requirements of an Urban Warrant for the installation of a traffic signal and the accident experience does not meet the re- quirements of the Accident Experience Warrant. The Urban Highways Department does not recommend signalization of the intersection of US -81 and K-272,. at this time. We do recommend traffic signal evaluation again related to the future shopping center and immediate area developments when these occur. This department appreciates this opportunity to work cooperatively with the City Officials of the City of Salina, in the interest of safe and efficient traffic movement and regulation on the highways in your city. Very truly yours, W. H. OGAN, P.E. ENGINEER. OF URBAN HIGHWAYS • A. .I Bassi eT P. Urba Traffic Engineer AJB:ab Attachments cc: Mr. Robert A. Kent, State Highway Commissioner Mr. Donald D. Millikan, Mayor Mr. J. B. Stephenson, Assistant State Highway Engineer Mr. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer ROBERT B. DOCKING Governor ROBERT P. Hn331 Lxw Kxmn(��1.A it • ,�{{'v'1 Ji1i Y � Y.S F�J €: 3' �i.A © lt�' � � .C7 �J Y ©�i grr © � k'il bi 1J � a s cfflit MW DSDIna, Kan," HENRY SCHNALLER .Sta0.e Hap, Kanus JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways - KARL . Katt'll K R. L. PEYTON, Assistant State Highway Director GALL MOSS FI Dorado, Kansa. JOHN D. McNEAI., State Highway Engineer LOUIS KAMCSCHROEDER cud= City. Kana. STATE OFFICE, BUILDING • TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 March 29, 1971 US -81 City of Salina Saline County Mr. D. W. Bassett Assistant City Engineer City -County Building 300,West Ash Street P. 0.Box 746 Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Bassett: Vie have reviewed the traffic counts and the warrant determination resulting from the studies you requested for the intersection of US -81 and Magnolia (K-272).Road at the south edge of Salina, Kansas. Copies of the traffic count and warrant determination reports are attached for review of your City Officials. I , The amount of traffic entering this intersection, at this time does not meet all of the requirements of an Urban Warrant for the installation of a traffic signal and the accident experience does not meet the re- quirements of the Accident Experience Warrant. The Urban Highways Department does not recommend signalization of the intersection of US -81 and K-272,. at this time. We do recommend traffic signal evaluation again related to the future shopping center and immediate area developments when these occur. This department appreciates this opportunity to work cooperatively with the City Officials of the City of Salina, in the interest of safe and efficient traffic movement and regulation on the highways in your city. Very truly yours, W. H. OGAN, P.E. ENGINEER. OF URBAN HIGHWAYS • A. .I Bassi eT P. Urba Traffic Engineer AJB:ab Attachments cc: Mr. Robert A. Kent, State Highway Commissioner Mr. Donald D. Millikan, Mayor Mr. J. B. Stephenson, Assistant State Highway Engineer Mr. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer '1flhe2eJ1/orth and�f Doth _.. _. M L HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT 0 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 February 23, 1971 Mr. R. D. Plummer, Controller State Highway Commission Topeka, Kansas 66612 Dear Mr. Plummer: East and West .Subject: Magnolia Road Improvement from US 81 to Centennial Road 272-85 K 2021 (3) CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 927-9633 I am enclosing a check for $361.71, which is the balance of the amount owed by the City of Salina, for this project. Very truly ruuly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js enclosure cc: L. R. Ballard Chief Accountant -Federal Aid, Topeka, Kansas R. W. Wall Division Engineer, Salina, Kansas MEMOCR KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES r SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1W11° cHECKN® 3690 SALINA, KANSAS PLANTERS STATE BANK- DATE February 15, 1971 SALINA. KANSAS PAY Three Hundred Sixty - One and 71/100------------------------------- $ 361.71 —I S AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY THE State Highway Commission of Kansas / ORDER BY OF By 1: 10 i 111100641: 00 0 i6 7111 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. GROSS DISCOUNT NET 1-15-71 Balance on Magnolia Road $ 361.71 $ 361.71 0900 ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P. HAGEN Laarma, Kansas �.a,7 COy s �i BOB KENT Salina. State Highway Commission of Kansas �y s HENRY Sansas ER W y G Hays, Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways KANSASKARL A. BRRaUECK Pants. Kans R. L. PEYTON, Assistant State Highway Director GALE MOSS JOHN D. McNEAL, State Highway Engineer EI Dorado, Kansas LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garden City. Kansas STATE OPPICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 January 15, 1971 272-85 K 2021 (3) City Clerk City of Salina Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: . Attached you will find copies of the final contractor's payments for construction beginning at the intersection of Magnolia Road and US -81 highway located near the northeast corner of Section 35, T 145, R 3 W, thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Sections 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road, This construction is relative to our tri -party agreement number 23-68 dated January 10, 1969. Our records reveal a deposit of County funds in the amount of $94,490.00 and a deposit of City funds in the amount of $30,652.00 for their share of the estimated construction cost totaling $187,703.62. Final construction costs total $189,918.64 and proration of these costs based upon the City's deposit ($189,918.64 X 16.33%) indicates a balance due from the City in the amount of $361.71 Please prepare your warrant in the amount of $361.71 and forward it to this office in care of the undersigned. LRB:DGS:Ir Att. cc: Saline County Mr. R. W. Wall Mr. W. E. Kinnett Yours very truly, R. D. PLU14MER CONTROLLER BY: L. R. BALLARD CHIEF ACCOUNTANT - FEDERAL AID 189,9x8.&y / 81f703. 6 L ayJs.01 ,,,�taa.Z G VL4 36/•7/ `0", A" ,StateofKansas Department of Administration Division "STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS I A,"unts and Repami 4 Approved Copies to CONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT VOUCHER Dept. Ad.. THIS COI)i TO'BE FILLED IN BY ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT S. H. C. Controller Contractor DATE NMD F I AGENCY ACCOUNT ENC. DOC. NO. VDUCHER Na. Const. East. DW. Emn. 8 276 4 7, - 7Z IS -33 Hes. Ener. To Brown & Brom, Inc., 645 East Crawford., Salina, Kansas 674(a (Address) Project No. 272-85 K 2021(3) Pts. I & II_ County Salina Type Construction UraCLIW-p JJ1Z. liaSe IrJL, fl=), ASIM, Bridge No. Cone* &,Bre #272-85-0,38 Payment No.-&-lUra Work begaLi��' 19ML, Paid to Final 191 COMPUTATION OF PAYMENT DUE Grand total of completed work (brought forward from back of sheet) ................................................. Due contractor (Grand total X 100 %D.. . . . . ............................................................... Totalprevious payments to contractor ............................................................................... Amount of this payment to contractor ..................................... 1 .................................. DEDUCTIONS FROM THIS PAYMENT S Warrant No. (troller s Use _0 -.-This code to be filled in by Engineer preparing voucher organization Di,. Dit. Route Count, project Type work D. A. Account I S. H. C. Accoant, ✓.- Object Spr. Amount Serial Dill. Dept No. Cies Number Sen. A,. ra 2 29 -5-40-Q-- _4s_on_l 450.01 a OFor reaudouing and maintenance projeetaonly j Reco ended for ApproV31__2 A) rove,,, RtJ State llighicay Confroffer. I do hereby certify that the ;b4e till'is iusrrict,*an8 remains'dde I do hereby-ceitify thiit thii withirr was Contracted for the and unpaid, and that the amount claimed them ',�Sv actually due according State, under authority of law,"and that the amount therein to law. claimed is correct according to such Contract and is unpaid.; (Claimant sign here)_ Brown & Bromit Inc* By OUDER OF TIM STATE HICIH[WAY COINUMBSION. (Firm name or Individual) B B Director. Date— I S -T -(C> 2.70.20M S. H. C. Form No. 411 State of Kansas Warrant No. Department of -Administration— —STATE' -HIGHWAY COMMISSION- OF* KANSAS --''-__- I Acr ... I, And Rcparl, Dwisin. CONTRACTOR'S PAYMENT VOUCHER Appro�cd Cupir. to DLIA. Adm. THIS CODE TO BE FILLED IN By ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT I Contractor O:AT1 AOM CT I r AGCY ACCOUNT ENC. DOC NO. VOUCHER NO. ACT. DEJECT AMOUNT Const. Engr. 2 Di,. E.gr. EaUr. 05/0 8 27 L17 FA7f, J 82075 450 TO Edward_[HefTe3 Rox 129 nnrrance prigas A76311 (Contractor). (Ad�; I I Project No. 272-85 K 2021 (3) Ptu---TTT­ County Saline Type construction Seeding Bridge No. Work beaan� COMPUTATION OF PAYMENT DUE Grand total of completed work. (broughtforward from back of sheet) ............................ : .............. ....... ro Due contractor (Graild fotal ........................................................... V ........... ... Total previous payments to contractor .......................... .......................................... ......... 'Amount of this paym6nt to contractor ................................................................... 'J DEDUCTION'S FROM THIS PAY %IENT This code to be filled in by Engineer preparing voucher Total Deductions Net payment due Organization Project DIV. Dirt. Ronne County Type Work D. A. Account S. H. C. Account Object Spr. Amass I Div smi.] ' No. CIA. N.Inbe, .3.. Agr. 3.1- -2- .-0__._.27.2..._ -0---1- —.202-1 ---- ----- . ...... ... . .... 51too— .450.01 5 450.01 5 • For murracinR and mtc, nee project. .dy.r Recornme ed for Approval: t A r ved--,) Approved; pwayEngineer. State IR Controller. I do hereby certify that the above bill is just,rrect, and remains due Ido hereby certify that the within was contracted for the and unpaid, and that t%e amount claimed thereid�, actually due according State, under authority of law, and that the amount therein to law. claimed is correct according io­such --contract and is U,!VqtA (Claimant sign here) —1 By ORDER OF THE STATE no I, By— Director. Date. c.� 16-T -000 30M S. H. C. Form No. 211 ?l%h�ze/16zt/zandJuut<s,__. ..: dYleetEaatandWzit D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT CITY COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOK 748 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 April 15, 1970 Mr. R. D. Plummer, Controller State Highway Commission Topeka, Kansas 66612 Dear Mr. Plummer: Subject: Magnolia Road Improvement from US 81 to Centennial Road I am enclosing a check for $30,652.00, which is CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 827.9683 the amount owed by the City of Salina, for this project. Very truly yours, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/js enclosure cc: L. R. Ballard Road Cost Engineer, Topeka, Ks. R. W. Wall Division Engineer, Salina, Ks. KANSAS LEN.000 C- `:U ^:ICd!'.+II T,LS NATIOxnL LF-+GUL. OF CIT I[ FORM 209.9 -REV. 0-88 DATE DESCRIPTION TOTAL DEDUCTIONS REMITTANCE April 8 Airport Authority's proportionate share of cost for improvements of Magnolia $ 30,652.00 $ 30,652.00 Road, from US 81 Highway west to Centennial Road, as per agreement with City, County, and State Highway Commission #900 PLEASE DETACH AND RETAIN THIS VOUCHER. IT IS THE ONLY RECORD YOU WILL RECEIVE. SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY �0 282 PLANTERS STATE BANK SALINA, KANSAS SALINA. KANSAS DATE April 8, 1970 PAY Thirty Thousand Six Hundred Fifty - Two and no/100--------------DOLLARS TO OR ERE $ 30,652.00 OF State Highway Commission of Kansas SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AXI L_ BY 1: b0 5 11I100641: 00 016 71° � , 4; CITY OF SALINA City Clerk's Office — Box 746 — Salina, Kansas 67401 January 15, 1970 T0: Salina Airport Authority Terminal Building 120 Salina Airport Industrial frntPr Salina, Kansas 67401 L— Make all Checks Payable to City of Salina u Airport Authority's proportional share of cost for the improvements of Magnolia Road, from US 81 Highway west to Centennial Road, as per agreement with City, County, and State Highway Commission ---------------------------$30 682.00- 30,10S2.ut) 00ea-�-�a�e D. L. Harrison City Clerk ADJUSTED BREAKDOWN AS SUBMITTED BY CITY AND COUNTY 16% City 84% Count for items prorated Large Trees Grubbing Hedge Excavation (Common) Compaction (Type AA)(MR-5) Compaction (Type B)(MR-5) 2410 E.P. 3010 E.P. 1.5 Sq. Ft.-E.P. 24" C.R.P. Hater Temporary Surfacing Concrete Ditch Lining Guard Fence Removal & Reset Guard Fence Removal of Existi Structures Laboratory (Type Bj Signs - Railroad Crossing (Crossbucks) (Advance Warning) 2 - 91 x 71 x 601 RCB Class "Af1 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Class III Excavation 24a End Sections 30" End Sections 1.5 Sq. Ft.•End Sections SUB -TOTAL Contingencies + 10% TOTAL Surfacing, 8" BC -1 Surfacing, 4° HM -3 811 BC -1 Centennial intersection US -81 intersection Bridge Seeding 11-2-5-61 county & i City & Total Stato I State 1,65o 1,65o 55 55 9647 1169 85 885 1X'854 281 53 334 150 15o 201 201 149 149 300 300 19332 1032 19,383 1,437 20,820 2,850 29850 1,680 320 2,000 i 504 96 600 ,r . 462 88 550 10,625 ! 109625 165 i 165 172 172 100 I + 100 39,966 149626 54,592 3s997 1,462 5,459 43,963 16,088 60,051 48,949 I 48,949 13,853 13,853 6,574 69574 5,089 I 5,089 14,000 14,000 1,260 ` 240 1,500 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 1132261 36,755 150,016 / �• `� County Cost - 113,261 x 2/3 a752507 city Cost - 36,755 x 2/3 a 24,503 j coq State Cost = (113,261 x 1/3)+(36,755 x 1/3) - 50,006 2•� r,d'J TOTAL a 150,016 1 27) )� # The State will prepare plans, let the contract, supervise construction, administer payments to contractor, and pay for cost of surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. 272-85 K 2021 (3) Saline County S. Z A' Di h+ b+ t( Salina, Kansas January 20, 1970 Very truly yours, c -ems ►i:l SdALL, P. E. DIVISION EUGEME i kW:pm cc: Mr. Harold F. Harper, City Engineer 300 West Ash, Salina, Kansas 67401 Mr. Herbert H. Callon, County Engineer 300 West "Ash, Salina, Kansas 67401 Mr. W. E. Kinnett, Chief Accountant State Highway Coimnission, Topeka, Kansas 66612 ct free i• ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor State Highway Commission of Kansas�a JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highwaya K.Nyf R. L. PEYTON, AWstant State Highway Director JOHN D. McNEAL, State Highway Engineer STATE OPPICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 January 14, 1970 272-85 K 2021 (3) City Clerk City of Salina Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: ROBERT P. HAGEN 1, a . Kama. BOB KENT Salina, Kansa. HENRY SCHWALLER Hays, Kama KARL A. BRUECK Paola, Kama _ GALE MOSS EI Dorado. Kama LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garden City, K. Attached you will find copies of the contract awards for construction beginning at the intersection of Magnolia Road and US -81 highway located near the northeast corner of Section 35, T 145, R 3 W, thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Sections 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road. The attached documents indicate an estimated contract cost of $187,703.62, of which the City's liability is 33 1/3 per cent. In accordance with our agreement number 23-68 dated January 10, 1969, we are requesting that you prepare a warrant In the amount of $62,561.00 made payable to the State Highway Commission of Kansas and forward same to this office for deposit. Yours very truly, R. D. PLUMMER CONTROLLER BY: L. R. BALLARD ROAD COST ENGINEER LRB:DGS:ir Att. cc: Mr. R. W. Wall Mr. W. E. Kinnett Special Project 10/28/69 Contract No. Div. 0 2 • 64-11-5-02 Grading,Bit.Base(Pl.itix)&Asph.Conc. Type of Wart-. &,,,2 =14'x14!x32'.-4 Sh. 0 1 of 2 ahs. Coonty.—Sal,ine.......... _....... --- .....-._....... _. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS Gr.,Base & Asph.Conc. (1.317 Mi) --------------- Br. II 272-85-0.38 SCHEDULE OF PRICES S.Pt. Salina Project No.-2�2w85 K, 2021 3 Pts. I & II NNI.I.IMH.X...YII.NIIN.N NI.INNII..... 1XIIn.XXM.MYNNI.I.XNXMNNn11.NXNNXN.XNM.YXN.NXINYI.I.IX.NX11.11.INY1.X11NN....Y 11YYN111.1.XX11111N4NNX.XN.lY1XInNYlYM1.. NN.... NI.111. Brown & Brown, Inc. S. R. C. Form No. 203 .10/28/69 Contract NO. Div. 0 2 69-11-5-02 Grading,Bit.Base(P1.2lix),Asph.Conc. Type of Work.._ Sh. 0 2 of 2 she. Conary Saline STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS Gr., Base & Asph.Cone. (1.317 PIi) _______________ Br. 9 272-85-0.38 SCHEDULE OF PRICES S.Pt. Salina Project No......272-85 K 2021 3 Pts. Z & II Th. hidd.., A.11 ert.,nd .11 itwmn and tnt.1 the hid_ I i One Hundred Eighty - Brown & Brown, Inc. Thousand Seven Hundred MORNEY W FACT S. H. C. Form No. 203 10/28/69 Contract No. Div. It 2 G9-11-5-03 Type of Work ..... .... Seediaz..... ...... ..........................._...._.... County_ Saline , STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS 1.113 74iles "__"__""' S.Pt. Salina SCHEDULE OF PRICES 272-85 F. 2021 (3) Pts. 1 a ii Project No......._._......_._—.___._......_....._.._....__...__..___._..—........ The bidder shall extend all items and total the bid. Three Thousand Nine Hundred Four Edward Heffel i ATTORNEY IN FAG] S. H. C. Form No. 203 II., ,:J� NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913 823-2277 4(�heze/1/v¢t/z ardSuufh c 41Eet East and 4llz:st COMMISSIONERS DONALD D. MILLIKAN, MAYOR `. , I LEON L ASHTON CARL R. RUNDQUIST FIFTH AND ASK STREETS ROBERT C. CALDWELL WILLIAM W. YOST P.O. BOX 746 <-S'afina, Xansai 67go7 November 26, 1969 Mr. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer Division No. 2 State Highway Commission 1014 North 3rd Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Wall: You may consider this as the City of Salina's agreement to assume the additional $6,149.00 for construction costs of its portion of Magnolia, Road, from U.S. 81 to Centennial Road, as dictated by the bids recently taken by your agency. Sincerely, Norris D. Olson NDO/mb City Manager cc: Salina Airport Authority Airport Industrial Area Salina, Kansas 67401 MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MU.NI1,1P<LI1 IES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES D L= SALINA AIRPORT 4A LINA MUNICIPAL JOHN F. SCANLAN Executive Vice President PAULS.WALC G.Ber t mee.,ee - Mr: Norris Olson City Manager P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Olson: WARDOF DIP ECIU0.E M.1. NENNIU Y. L:Bau nian EMARDH. BELL -ALLEN R. MME L J. VEAn . C DALE LYUH AUTHORITY AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING NO. 120 SALINA. KANSAS 6740 November 25, 1969 The Salina Airport Authority is agreeable to assuming the additional City cost of Magnolia Road as agreed upon on November 25, 1969, at a meeting with the Saline County Commissioners, the State Highway Commission, and the Salina City Engineer. Sincerely, SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY .-- Paul S. Wall, P.E. General Manager PSW:ks State 911-gh t ay C1`om !4,6!on of 5Zawi ao Topeka, Kansas October 22, 1%9 272-85 K 2021 (3) Pt. I & 11 City of Salina Saline County Mr. Harold F. Harper City Engineer City Hall Fifth and Ash Streets Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harper: We are sending you under separate cover one complete set of construction plans (sheets No. 1 through 46) on the above noted project covering the proposed improvement on Magnolia Road (K-272) from Centennial Road easterly to US 81. This set of plans will supersede any set of plans that you now have. .In accordance with our County -City -State Agreement No. 23-68 dated January 10, 1969, the plans when approved by the County, tha City and the State Highway Engineer become a part of the agreement. We would appreciate being Informed by mall that the city governing body has approved the plans. Very truly yours, W. H. Ogan, P. E. Engineer of Urban Highways ?',hn/L. Meyer, P. E. Urban Planning Engineer JLH:mj cc Mr. Donald D. Millikan, Mayor NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913 TA 3.2277 W%ZE2E�Otth FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 746 c)atuza, Xaniai 674oi April 29, 1969 Mr. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer Division No. 2 State Highway Commission 1014 North 3rd Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Wall: COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM W. YOST, MAY" S. W. CASEBEER ROBERT M. STARK CARL R. RUNDQUIST G. N. WADDELL The City Commissioners have asked me to inform you of their decision relating to the Magnolia Road Improvements. You will note, by the enclosed cost tabulations, that the city has amended its portion of the cost figures to provide for the 8'h" of BC -1 and the 4" of HM -3 surfacing materials. You may consider this note as your authoriza- tion to proceed with the project on behalf of the city on this basis. Sincerely, NDO/mb - Norris D. Olson Encl. City Manager Salinas Kansas April 30s 1969 272-85 H 2021 (3) Magnolia Road Saline County i$c` ,R$v R. Asset Jr. Bvidem Location and Design Concepts statetQmw Com dasion TopekKahaas S molosed are letters of tra and Saline County accompaaiad by ehoold be pretty much a BDwever; ple to 7 tJ it, portion of st figures and the 4a of. Pacing ma RNWspm Hina. co: Mr. J. B. Stephenson Asst, State Ei&eay VAgineer State Highway Commission Topekas Kansas 66612 City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salinas Kameas. 67401 Saline County Saline County Courthouse Salina, Kansas 67401 City of Salina 01=)the City oi"'Salina 4 at tabulations rich pato rfiiiVese. alina has amended i r the Of of BC -1 to these cost tabu].�- very truly you e j S. =Sm MGXM ROBERT B. DOCKING, Govemor aid �t State Highway Commission of Kansas y JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways x�xSAf R. L. PEYTON, State Highway Engineer STATE OPPICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 January 24, 1969 272-85 K 2021 (3) Agreement No. 23-68 Magnolia Road improvement City of Salina County of Saline Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: ROBERT P. HAGEN Lawrence, Kamas BOB KENT Salina, Kaaae HENRY SCHWALLER Hays, Kavas KARL A. BRUECK Paola, Kavas GALE MOSS EI Dorado. Kavas LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garda City, Kavas We are enclosing herewith your fully executed copy of the agreement for the above noted project. Additional copies of this agreement will be furnished if requested within two weeks of this date. After that period all extra copies will be destroyed. Very truly yours, K. V. Spear, P. E. Engineer of Urban Highways(Acting) KVS:mj enc. �1!%heze/Irazt/z and�ivuth _ _. �C i4eeE East and `ll E3.t 1 1 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P.O. BOX 746 C=Wtna, Xan3a3. 67¢oi January 17, 1969 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA3-9634 I Mr. K. V. Spear Acting Engineer of Urban Highways State Highway Commission of Kansas State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 Dear Mr. Spear: I am enclosing three affidavits of publication of Ordinance Number 8000, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute, on behalf of the City of Salina, agreement number 23-68, for the improvement of Magnolia Road, for US Highway 81 west 1.2 miles to Centennial Road. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:jbs enclosures MEMpER KANSAS LEAGUE 0= MUNICIPAUI'IES - NATION -,L- LEAGII= 01 CITIES D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT n ©ifs W12Zte/Ifazt/z andSuitili , e/11eet£ast ar_d ?Vest FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P.O. BOK 746 c_Safina, -Wansas 674oi January 14, 1969 K. V. Spear Acting Engineer of Urban Highways State Highway Commission of Kansas State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612. Dear Mr. Spear: I am enclosing three copies of the Tri -Party Agreement between the State Highway Commission, Saline County, and City of Salina, for the proposed CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 TA3-9534 improvement of Magnolia Road from US Highway 81, west 1.2 miles to Centennial Road. These copies have been executed by the City and County Commissioners. An affidavit, showing proof of publication, will be forwarded to your office by the end of this week Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:js c.c. Board of County Commissioners >.1 E bl E+ER _ KAP: 5AS LEAGUE OF 1.:II N ICI PA L I T I FS - 14AI IONA- LE L OF CI T IEZ r - AGREEMENT This agreement, made and entered into thisImo.4 _ day of January, 1969, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and City propose to enter into a Tri - Party Agreement with the State Highway Commission of Kansas regarding certain improvements to Magnolia Road hereinafter referred to as the "Project", and, WHEREAS, a portion of the project is located within the cor- porate limits of the City and a portion of the project is located within the County; and, WHEREAS, the City is prohibited from expending public funds for roads located without the corporate limits of the City and the County is prohibited from expending -public funds for roads located within the corporate limits of the City; and, WHEREAS, the above mentioned Tri -Party Agreement provides that the City will pay one-third of all construction costs and the County will pay one-third of all construction costs and that both parties will secure the necessary rights of way and easements and cause necessary utility adjustments.or relocations at no cost to the State Highway Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: (1). That notwithstanding the specific provisions contained in Paragraph No. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 of the above mentioned Tri - Party Agreement, No. 23768, the parties hereto agree that said Tri -Party Agreement insofar as the same pertains to the City and County shall be modified as herein provided. (2). That the two-thirds cost of all construction items provided for in said Tri -Party Agreement shall be paid for by the County and City in the following proportions: (a). The City agrees to pay all of the project costs not paid for by the State Highway Commission attributable to the portion of.the project located within the corporate limits of the City. (b). The County agrees to pay all of that portion of the project costs not paid by the State highway Com- mission which are attributable to the portion of the project located outside of the corporate limits of the City. (c). The County Engineer and the City Engineer shall upon completion of the project determine those costs which are attributable to that portion of the project located within the city and those project costs which are attributable to that portion of the project located outside the corporate limits of the City. (4). That City agrees to provide all rights of way and ease- ments necessary to construct that portion of the project located within the corporate limits of the Cityand the County agrees to provide all rights of way and easements necessary to construct that portion of the project located outside the corporate limits. (5). City agrees that all necessary utility adjustments or relocations for the project within the corporate limits made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accomplished by the City. County agrees that all necessary utility adjust- ments or relocations for the project outside the corporate limits of the City made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accomplished by the County. `(6). This agreembnt shall be binding upon the County and City and -their successors in office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: County Clerk ATTEST: City Clerk City of jSalina, I:ansas BIa I AFFidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ORDINANCE NUMBER 8000 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT 1, Fred Vandertrift being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am the Business manager of the Selina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, and continually and uninterruptedly published for more than one year prior to the date of the attached ORDINANCE NUMBER 8000 and that said ORDINANCE NUMBER 8000 was correctly published of the date of - January JAI 69 further ot. Slibser'e, X41Off 11I sworn to before me Notary Public My Commission expires July 91, 1969 COHZOLIDATto-•wuHJ ORDINANCE NUMBER 8000 (Published in The Salina Journal 1969) AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STATE AID FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNOLIA ROAD. BE IT.ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas:, Section 1:. That the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Salina, Agreement Number.23-68.between the City, the State Highway Commission of Kansas and Saline County, giving the Siafe Highway Commission of Kansas authority to act for the City, and in its place and stead to obtain for the City the benefits of State Aid on the terms and conditions set forth in such agreement as may be prepared and approved by the, State Highway Commission for the improvement of Magnolia Roac Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its .publication in the official city paper. (SEAL) Attest: /V;tfC1.Gu: � City Clerk Introduced: January 6, 1969 Passed: January 13, 1969 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STATE AID FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNOLIA ROAD Beit Ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Salina: 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Salina, Agreement No. 23-68 between the City, the State Highway Commission of Kansas and Saline County, giving the State Highway Commission of Kansas authority to act for the City, and in its place and stead to obtain for the City the benefits of State Aid on the terms and conditions set forth in such agreement as may be prepared and approved by.the State Highway Commis- sion for the improvement of Magnolia Road. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official city paper. Passed by the Commission this day of , 19 (Approved) '(Signed) (SEAL) ATTEST: ty Mayor Agreement No. 23-68 PROJECT N0, 272-85 K 2021 (3) T R I --P A R T Y A G R E E M E N T --- ----- --------- SALINE COUNTY CITY OF SALINA STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS MAGNOLIA ROAD IMPROVEMENT GRADING, BRIDGES AND SURFACING This agreement, made and entered into this Ion day of , 19 �9 , by and between the Board of County Commissioners, Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the County, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City and The State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the Commission. R E C I T A L S: WHEREAS, the County, City and Commission desire to enter into an agreement for the improvement and maintenance of a portion of Magnolia Road, hereinafter referred to as the project, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to party in improving and maintaining follows: define the responsibilities of each the project which is described as Beginning at the intersection of Magnolia Road and US 81 Highway located near the northeast corner of Section 35, T 145, R3W, thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Section 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road. Total length of project approximately 1.2 mile. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. That the said project shall be undertaken, prosecuted and com- pleted for and on behalf of the said County and said City by the Commis- sion acting in all things as the contracting agency to construct the said project. The plans for the said project, when approved by the County, City and the State Highway Engineer, are by reference made a part of this agreement. N 1. No, 23-68 2. It is agreed that all rights of way and easements necessary to construct the project shall be acquired by the County and the City at no cost to the Commission. 3. It is agreed that the necessary utility adjustments or reloca- tions made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accom- plished at no cost to the Commission, 4. 'the County and City agree that they will immediately take such steps as are necessary to facilitate the early adjustment of utilities and upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, will ini- tiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and will proceed with reasonable diligence to prosecute this work to completion. The County and City further agree to move or adjust or cause to be moved or adjusted all utilities before construction is started on the project except those necessary to be adjusted during construction and those which would dis- turb the existing street surface, curbs, or sidewalks. The County and City will, upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, ini- tiate and ptoceed to complete adjusting the remaining utilities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. 5. The Commission agrees to prepare the plans, let the contract, supervise the construction and administer the payments due the contractor, including any portion of the cost to be borne by the County or the City. 6. The Commission agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and contingencies necessary to construct the project.- The Commission further agrees to pay the full cost of surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. 7. The County agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and con- tingencies ontingencies necessary to construct the project. The County further agrees. to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 8. The City agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and con- tingencies necessary to construct the project, The City further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 9. The County and City agree that when said project is completed that they will maintain said project to the satisfaction of the Commission at no cost to the Commission. 10. The location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other mark- ings installed or placed by any public authority, or other agency shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and shall not be installed prior to such approval. - 2 - No. 23-68 11. It is further agreed that this agreement and all contracts entered into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the County, the City and the Commission and their successors in office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: ATTEST: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS COUNTY CLO NER CHAIRMAN FORM APPROVED Comm I SS I ONER BY ,/-- � t. y gg C. COMMISSIONER THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS THE ST ASSISTANT STATE HIGHWAY Approved by Ordinance Number 8000, passed by the City Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, on January 13, 1969. e�f�Gt.VL�+e City Clerk - 3 - t Mayor William W. Yost �7bGd�C' c tC�IitU�l' (20mmi6'alom 01 5zailaCi;6 Topeka, Kansas January 6, 1968 Magnolia Road City of Salina Saline County Board of County Commissioners, Saline County County Courthouse Salinai Kansas 67401 I Governing Body, City of Salina City Hall Salina, Kansas .67401 Gentlemen: We are handing you five copies of a proposed Tri -Party Agreement between Saline County, the City of Salina and the State Highway Commis- sion of Kansas covering the proposed improvement of Magnolia Road from US 81 west 1.2 miles to Centennial Road. This Tri -Party Agreement has been prepared in conformance with the Information available in this office relative to verbal commitments made by the three parties. If this Tri -Party Agreement is satisfactory to the County and the City. three copies are to be executed and returned to this office for our handling with the State Highway Commission. One of the additional copies is to be retained by the County and the other additional copy is to be retained by the City until they receive their fully executed copy. We will need a certified copy or proof of publication of the ordi- nance that the governing body of the City of Salina adopts authorizing. the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute this agreement. For your con- venience, we are attaching one copy of a typical ordinance that has been used by other cities ori similar projects. If the County or the City have any questions relative to this agree- ment, please contact this office.or Mr. Roscoe Wall, Division Engineer in Salina; Kansas. Very truly yours rene Hiett, P. E. ERH-'jej Engineer of Urban Highways Attachmek ..cc: Paul F. Swartz, County Clerk D. L. Harrison, City Clerk _ Robert A. Kent, State Highway Cornrl.sgioncr Roscoe Wall, Division Engineer i TR.I - PARTY Agreement No. 23-68 A G R E E M E N T SALINE COUNTY CITY OF SAL -INA STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS MAGNOLIA ROAD IMPROVEMENT GRADING, BRIDGES AND SURFACING This agreement, made and entered into this day of , 191 by and between the Board of County Commissioners, Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the County, the Governing Body of the City, of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City and The State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the'Commission. R E C I T A L S: WHEREAS, the County, City and Commission desire to enter into an agreement for the improvement and maintenance of a portion of Magnolia Road, hereinafter referred to as the project, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to party in improving and maintaining folIows: define the responsibilities of each the project which is described as Beginning at the intersection of Magnolia Road and US 81 Highway located near the northeast corner of Section 35, T 145, R3W, thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Section 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road. Total length of project approximately 1.2 mile. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual .covenants herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as folio%•is: 1. That the said project shall be undertaken, prosecuted and com- pleted for and on behalf of the said County and said City by the Commis- sion acting in all :things as the contracting agency to construct the said project. The plans for the said project, when approved by the County, City and the State Highway Engineer, are by reference made a part of this agreement. No. 23-68 2. It is agreed that all rights of way and easements necessary. to construct the project shall be.acquired by the County and the City at no cost to the Commission. 3. It is agreed that the necessary utility adjustments or reloca- tions made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accom- plished at no cost to the Commission. i . 4, fhe County and City agree that they will immediately take.such steps as are necessary to facilitate the early adjustment of utilities and uponnotification by the Commission's Division Engineer, will ini.- / tiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and will proceed with reasonable diligence to prosecute this work to completion. The County and City further agree to move or adjustor cause to be moved or adjusted all utilities before construction is started on the project except those necessary to be adjusted during construction and those which would dis- turb the existing street surface, curbs, or sidewalks. The County and City will, upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, ini- tiate and proceed to complete adjusting the remaining utilities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. 5. The Commission agrees to prepare the plans, let the contract, supervise the construction and administer the payments due the contractor, Including any portion of the cost to be borne by the County or the City. 6. The Commission agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and contingencies necessary to construct the project. The Commission further agrees to pay the full cost of surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. 7. The County agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The County further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. B. The City agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The City further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 9. The County and City, agree that when said project is completed that they will maintain said project to the satisfaction of the Commission at no cost to ,the Commission. 10.The location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other mark- ings installed or placed by any public authority, or other agency shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and shall not be installed prior to such approval. - 2 - No. :23-68 11. It is further agreed that this agreement and all contracts entered into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the County, the City and the Commission and their successors in office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS, / COUNTY CLERK COtMISSIONER CHAIR14AN ATTEST: CITY CLERK. ATTEST: ISSIOMER COMMISSIONER THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS MAYOR THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS — SECRETARY DIRECTOR - 3' - Magnolia Road city of Salina Saline County State t, Y. E. ban Highways Commission Salina, Kansas December 26, 1968 Dear Mr. Hiett: This is to confirm a meeting that h.s e sc eduled Janna y6s 1969, 1:30 p. m., relative to the Tri-Parng ty Ag - ,t , volvithe City of Salina, Saline County and tvai.ghwa Co. atssion of Kansas. The above meeting isto be ho �. ou ty Cc ionerst meeting room, Saline County Conrthous ina. Also please be adv s d that the r ug of Items No, 6, No. 7 and No. 8 of the a, __gent a Bended to as follows. Thesi.on - Cc ty a ees to pay for thirty-three and one-th (+ 1/3) percent all . truction items included in the ap- proved p a , exeluding.preparatiou of the plans and other engineering and cont ng ncies neces .. to construct the project. The above correction applies art to the o tent of letter to Eugene R. Hiett from R. W. Wall dated Dec be. 19, , elative to the wording of the original draft. Thanking r your cooperation -in getting th-s project on its Way. Very truly yours, DIVISION ENGINSM zerdspm ccs Mr. Robert A. Kent, State Highway Commissioner ~Mr. J. B. Stephenson, Assistant State Highxray Engineer Mr. Norris D. Olson, City Manager Mr. Melvin Thelander, Chairman$ Board of County, Commissioners To BOB KENT State Highway Commissioner C From William W. Yost, Mayor City of Salina, Kansas STATE OF KANSAS ) SS COUNTY OF SALINE ) I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and exact copy of the minutes of the Commissioners' Meeting of November 25, 1968. (SEAL) D. L. Harrison, City Clerk City of Salina, Kansas Commissioners' Room November 25, 1968 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioners' Room, City Hall, on Monday, November 25, 1968, at four o'clock p.m. There were present: Mayor William W. Yost, Chairman presiding Commissioner.Charles W. Casebeer Commissioner Carl R. Rundquist Commissioner Robert M. Stark Commissioner G. N. Waddell Comprising a quorum of the Board, also L. 0. Bengtson, City Attorney Norris Olson, City Manager D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Absent: None A motion was made by Commissioner Stark, seconded by _Commissioner Waddell that the City cooperate with the County and State Highway Commission to build necessary road and bridges, from US Highway 81.to Centennial Road on what is known as Magnolia Road, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a proper Resolution. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. adjourned. On a motion by Commissioner Waddell, the Board of Commissioners /S/ D. L. Harrison D. L. Harrison,. City Clerk j MAGNOLIA ROAD Ja.b S%/ The footage of the Project within the City Limits represents approximately sixteen (26) per -cent of the total Project; there- fore ttems,.to be pro -rated were pro -rated on this percentage. Fifty Acres for Right--0f-wa-------2.58-------- yj' 90500.00 County .flares for xight--of- 4§147p 02d,Fb----------Includes Right -of -Flay. +l b,ROO.00-----------B.C. 10 8" We ;I �i�C3 P .27.,4-28,QO------ Right -of {f1•"�� ��0 6,i -- 4 COUNTY & STATE CITY &.STATE Right -of -Way - --------------- 119900.00 ---------------- $ 90500.00 Surfaatng------------Sta, 9 + 50 to Sta. 60 + 70 ---- Sta. 0 + 00 to Sta. 9 + 50 Surfaotng.---- ---- ------- --- $ 480730.00 -------------- $-9.Yua$$�OQ (13.863P0) Centental Znterrsectton---- - ---- --------------- $_4r21p.OtT (G 58�•°°) B, S, 81 Intersection---------- $ 50230.00 -------------- Large Trees-------------------- $ 10 650.00 ------------ Grabbing Hodge ----------------- -,$ 55.00------j------- Excavation--------------=------ $,10'615.00 ---------------- $ 10958,00 � Compaction-------------------- $ 10332.00 -------- $ 244.00 2417 EePo--------------------- $ 150.00 ------------- 30" E.P.----------------------- $ 201.00 ---------- 1,5 Sq, Pt, S.P.-------------- $ 149.00 -----------_ 24" C. R, P. ---- ----------- ---- $ 300.00----------- Conarete Ditch Lining--------- $ 10332.00 -------------- Guam Pence------------------ $ 219186.00 ------- 19158:88 Removal & Reset Guard Pence----- $ 2p850.00 ------_-_-- Removal of Existing Structures- $ 1'848.00 --------------- $ 352.00 Laboratory-------------------- $ 554.00 --------------- $ 105. 0 Signa---------------------- ,$ 508.00 ------------ $ 97.00 Box. Brtdge Sta, 8 + 50 ) 2 - 91 x 7.o x 601 R,C,B, -------------- $210687.00 Class. °A° Conc,-_Retnf, Steel Class Zll Excavation ; 24" End Sections------------- $ 30'° End Sections-------------- $ 165.00 ----------- 172.00 --- ------ 105 Sq. Pt. End Sections---.-;--- $ 100.00 BRXDGE 2 2 - 141 x 12o x 30t Rdway R.C,B,-$ 14a000,OO---------- SENDEMG------------------_$ 10260.00 -------- $ 240,00 TOTALS•----_ (46,54-2 PO) These figures shown above are only approximations for Consideration only, County Total = $124'287.00 - $110900,00 (RIW) = $1120387.00 State Ht -Way will pay 1/3, of $11238t7.g00 $ 370462.33)-?12� 287.00 -County County pays gG3az$I320387,00 + ti tbh �b¢�tvay 660.�2aZ 6�� 0 State City Total =9�Q' - $90500.00 State Ht-Uay wi Ilpay 1/3 of $ 29;&9q -0-60---- n9#-433-,07 �,. g 9905(T -City Z City lay$' 2/3 of $__297-&99-o60-+ ($ 3 iO0 00,.-- _ $C34� �46.34L. °v) Stato aBVID •TOTAL----Ct ty9 County and State =-------------- y 1630 686° 60 PAID BY CITY PAID Br COUNTY= $ 860 824.67 PAID BY STATE =a 47.428.86 GRAlTD TOTAL------ _ $163,686.60 -----$1630 686; 60 O/o' yyv,-es Grossed ou7(• heW 401"cs