schilling manor fire protectionSTANDARD FORM 33, NOV. 1969 2. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER 4. PAGE Of GENERAL SERVICi'.i ADMINISTRATION SOLICITATION, OFFER, &DSA REG. 2 AND/OR DMS REG. 1. FED. PR' C.. REb. (41'CrR) I-16.101 AND AWARD RATING. 24 I. CONTRAGT {-0rocrAra. Idrnt.) NO, 2. SOLICITATION NO. S. DATE ISSUED 6. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQUEST NO. DAKF19-77-C-0041 Ao ERT] 77d;PR TED 76 NOV 10 7. ISSUED BY CODE B. ADDRESS OFFER TO (If otker than Block 7) Procurement Division, DID P. 0. Box 9174 Fort Riley, KS 66442 9. Sealed offers in original and for furnishing.�tlieesrippliet or services described in the Schedule will be received at the place specified in _copies block 8, OR IF HAND -CARRIED, IN THE DEPOSIT`AkY,LOCATED IN. Procurement Div. DID, Bldg SOL F ROOEII LOIS/,l O until a. .:- e' �'"-` `' " ' If this is an advertised solicitation, offers will be publicly opened at that 0001 - (Time. Zone, and Doh) time. CAUTION—LATE OFFERS. See par. 8 of Solicitation Instructions and Conditions. All offers are subject to the following: 3. The Schedule included below and/or attached hereto. 1. The attached Solicitation Instructions and Conditions, SF 33-A. 4. Such other provisions, representations, certifications, and specifications 1. The General Provisions, SF 32 rAitioo, which is attached as arc attached or incorporated herein by reference. ( Attachments Are listed PURSUANT TO 41 U.S.C. 232(cR 1 or incorporated herein by reference. in the Schedule.) FOR INFORMATION CALL /Name and Teri hoar No I INo collect calf, ): HenryG. Victor Jr. 913 239-6207 27. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS ""` '-----•---- The following Checked- sections are contained in the contract. X Sec.... p e(M sec. Page } ,14 ,•, ,f Fort KS 66442 PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS' X G I Preservation/Packaging/Packing 21 A Cover Sheet d' •, ! =-- X H I Deliveries or Performance 21 ROBERT H. HALL B Contract Form and Representations, *�.; i '- I Inspection and Acceptance21 X.. Special Provisions 21 1 X Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror. -$ Y K Contract Administration Data 22 X C Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to PART III - GENERAL PROVISIONS X L General Provisions 3-24 Offerers. X D Evaluation and Award Factors PART IV - LIST -OF DOCUMENTS, - PART II - THE SCHEDULE X E Supplies/Services and Prices X M ..List of Documents, Exhibits, L F Description Secifications "- OFFER (NOTA-�Mireha MnsLiAfca Be Fall, Cmaeletrd 8, Oil In compliance with the above, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this offer is accepted within_alendar days WwwwwwmIlffixglixilfwX BRtflt111) )(mXftMXwbAlBf IW* from the date Tor receipt -of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered, at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated -point(s); within the time specified in the Schedule. See Section C. parat 23 16. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT (SK Par. 9 on SF 33-A)-. ' % 10 CALENDAR DAYSI %e.0 CALENDAR DAYS; % 30 CALENDAR DAYS; % CALENDAR DAYS. i7. OFFEROR . CODE FACILITY CODE 18. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN OFFER (Type or Print) NAME 8 ADDRESS City of Salina;-iEansaS N. D. Olson (Sheet. rhy. City -County B¢i,lxli�ng,,.,: _,_, _- - .City Manager cancan.'We. :y .. b ZIP Code) 03Q00 West Ash Streets , yn� 30. OFFER DATE Arra Code and Tr/rph..YA;j) nal, Kansas 267401 ❑-.Cheek I/Rem)wnce Adder. Ir�Dr r -77 $ F3 m2Aker-Enter Sach Addrrn In Sebeddr. Dee.22, 197 - AWARD (To Be Comp/e/rd By Gotlemomatt). - - 'I. ACCEPTED AS TO ITEMS NUMBERED22. - AMO UNT --- 23. ACCOUNrING'AND APPROPRIATION DATA 0001 - $39,000.00 cQ ' 21-977D00'�/�`-2117331910-2572 S14-040 VCO2 W SUBMIT INVOICES (4 copier ante„ Otherwise *Kited) TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN 23. NEGOTIATED10 D.S.C. 2304(aRl0 stocR Section K, para. 3 PURSUANT TO 41 U.S.C. 232(cR 1 16. ADMINISTERED BY CODE 27. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE (If ether f&ae Block7) ""` '-----•---- Finance & Accounting �jl1y ',= -•', Buil.ding No. 70 } ,14 ,•, ,f Fort KS 66442 }T%1. 18. NAME Of CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or Print) "' 29. UNITED S O AM 30. AWARD DATE ROBERT H. HALL BY 76 (Signafnrc of Cswfmrting Officer) 1-128 Award will he made on this form, or on, Standard Form 26. or by other official written notice. 'toot y'S'n 81 u! p utrud a ru o -arvlr upJ Ywgrw Jaf plvuad ^ll '(nuawq;rnv Ytgpn1jm0 me.timplloS rlgt Aq paunbaa ry uonvwaofut apldww para •atvintw ylnf quo tar abaw ru-- :a.eeol ad paw' Yue ".4mic . -naep P.101.. puobogp ao7 donotp��eg swaurwwe ro ad,�au aaesau.eu.io e>,�.. 31V0 'ON 1N3W0N3WV 31V0 'ON 1N3WCMWV S1N3WON3WV 3O 1N3W0031MONN '1001 TS'n 87 !q piqutraJd r! naJje aJ rnauWtvar arlaJBulfm Jof 4lawd JV.L .'3.LON'(Apenuue ao •Apenuue: •Apainnb '-xi) ponad a ifuunp sauwoagns fie io; Jo laenuoNns tiara ao;;aayita pantsugns aq .few uonoaypa» ail 'asnep 43tun3jodd0 !enb3 ayi;o s -lnwd ay! wol; ldwaxa lou s! yalym 000'01$ 81.11paaax4larawaNns a;o patme ayl w loud pa)3!wgns aq Isnw sanittue pa7e8 123suo3q )o uoneagnn� 'ral7gDOJ paar8uUuou fe ruauvnJuJu �oJ tuawa!libu �o rielly lmeg'lr m1j dr64F o! 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S311T'II7V3 Q31V031103SNOM aO N0I1V71dilY_ ,.... ;.v �, ..`. :•anogt (£) (e) y8noagi (tI (g) of AJenm03 uoa»e Aug u! •23edi lied 1Ce1 pue 103edun%d lou seq aq (ll) "pw !.()lit» Us'Agaiaq saop !mage nays sit pus'anoge (£)".(e) tignomp (1) (e) "w Anngm quism hue ut •03ediaiited io pus 'paledunnd you asci silo"s»d inns ley! Bu.4!la» w uwst»p yin; toy algsuodsai suouad ail to; Image se 33e of 8unum w pmtog3ne uaaq seq s.: Inq upng paiago 8uiaq sa3ud aql os se uots!3ap atil Joj uonenus Jo trip utyl!m algtsuodsai u23ez!us8to s awago ayi of uosaad ayi lou st aH (!) (Z: .__ Jo!aaoge (f) (e a-Ev .C-eiluoa uonas Aug us'andutind you ague •paledsatlal:, "tl 44 ISN P.w: watay paaayo 8utaq saaud ail w se uou!»p ay )�!m IMP w 1 at uoyezwe8so s cia: ail w u rill s! aH ( t) :Iegp sayuiaa Jago at47 01utu8ss Me ad qx3. (� . -• ! •uosa»dwo3 8utn: )o asodind. ail ao; #ago us lnugns of IOU Jo Itwgns 07 wig Jo uoj7jaion Aq apm aq 119A io apm uaaq self ldsuane ON (£)' adwoa Aug w Its, mango Jay o Aug o7 Ap wtpu! Jo Ap�i 'Iuauuanwad paieno8au a;o ue3 ayi u! picas of aoud Jo ma a ay7 w 8uwado 07 Loud aotago ayi Aq pasops!p aq Allutm lots p!m pus imago aq) Aq pa;olxtp AIBu!moult uoaq fou aney aq aney y3!yro saiud ail 'ail Aq pannb» aslmnyio ssaNA (Z) w Am yIw Io Longo nyio Aue gllm sa3ud yms 67 8uueiaa !anew Aug m Be •c:� adww 8u!uuuu;o asodmd ail Io; '7wwau8e Jo •ualr3lunwwoa •uonnlnsuw 3noyl!.e 'Apuapuadapw Is panuas waq aney rage sly? u! sa3ud astl (i ) :Suawain3oid sly? uotuwwa. w ieyi•uaIez!ue8IO umo sit w se saytwa waaayl Sued yarn •Ingo toto( e;o a;e3 ail ut pus •sayliJ» Imago ay7 •Jago stye;o uotssmigns A!3 (: - C'Y-Ff dS uo.8l 'Jvd a'S) NOI.LVNIw11313G 3:)IVd 1N3GN3d3GNI d0 NOI.LVDLiU'da,: •sa7elS_pal!un ail aptsmo pairtlIgnum Jo •pa3npwd 'pw!w u»q a, popnua mvp ay7 w pauyap se) Impoad pua »mos 3usawop g st (•atvap ay! I'leIyle•upots BoeyasnepseJwo dt I.ndtuxnoilgI1 Aq'ovpatupslp •spn'ae pagoaqmwaJuQitnonfdnepa�mlnJ»luua1t0iqdfor mOwZ y7w0allroaysyxd aa !ayuaayasnepAlN 8nuuod b3 a ! Jai T`3 r,[uvdm07 twJed) -(-oN •1'1 ;l WMyd ON? 0301, q a•owfun;o s3wuodww Ie97 pug ! (,33V ue3tnwv .•. a 7 xa anpwn d pua tiara ley? saytpa Aanq imago " 31V7I1t11133 NV3,IH3wV AC-.. �pa�ps+w n uaruaruda a.rogv aq.L) -spaeme 33giauwgns oI .. 7 oowwsaadaJ Isgl pus !suodw »ugtldww pa.n r itle7up � s i Z601 'oN 12PJO anuroax3lo 10£ not Sas w } . am9j3ns o snotnatd a us paledtiturd •mu self [] •sell 3R:1�. _i�Ti, ,I.I.INn mdoddO -- (-V-ff CIS No Li 'a NS) iagwnu uoneayuuap! s,nAgdw3 (, -a�----------------------(aPOD d1Z apnpur a »Igo Unum pw duedw03 iuugd;0 awsl09. :Aurduroi eland ail ;o ssalppe »tip utesu pull aweu ayi molaq si1m19 ayi Mi w i paponuw m paumo tl mango ail;1 lq /•••^tf d5 0w 9!ua onuoa ao pau.no 'fou s! 0 'st aH (e e d e;t (q) pug (g) anfdwoi hellsmango ya+ •ppo • v.7 V) V.I.VQ !JNI GITIN3Q1 QNV NOLLVM"'• ;o apeis ay7;o sM14 p ida g C]'uonmuclio lywduou e [3 'd!gsnwaed e 0 •lenptntput us ❑ se s3mado ah NOLMINvoi6 SS3misnq 10 3d u ('C'I-I pvdq+lS 76 011+1 'SuaIVINSIy 1P Jo apt) 0n „'Safe/dsua ins' pilot„ metal 0qt Hurpe)ttii 'aopvJuuOddu ail Jo uollatudauu! .ad) v»Ig0 8umonuo7 ail Aq ppusan6baua se'anoge (qj pue (e) w . aetai uoumio;ui ystum; w saal0v pug baumoa slti7;o pierce ail woJ; 8wiltuu lo uodn 1ua8uuuo3 aa; agvmloJq Jo •a8emaaaad •uossswwoa 'aa; Aug (J" x11 JeJ (plm 841gian aa(oldwa ap3( vuoq 00!l fnJ a ivgt J?g1o) uosaad ao Augduto3.(ue Aed w paoi8e Jo pied 'lou Be seq !''� ay (q)'p "I, e sum stye un to platfw o7 (iiiij(o oqt JoJ,Cplor ButgJan as oldmo W puoq 'am i-11#1 v uagl agto) "ad ao Auedwm Aue pau!e3i 1. paAo3wa •mu se seq O.aH (s) FF ds UPC[ vvd»S) 3313N31J'NISNO� v (000'07! Su?Pauxa titan! t d o u 1 a I 13e;nuew 11 'us nlgap Jefnsal ❑ e s! al; / r1.L7VAnNVNI—_d2NV-11163E 10 •suotpassod sit 'samS pa7pn aqq3 u! w»uoa mu!snq flews a Aq p 3npmd Io lrgl swamiclaa osle ay •pango satlddns ayi;o J»m3e;num ail lou si puts amu, hears e n (•gto/q 10 raxoq algae/dd° Ila apldlvot Jo trtaq,) :Jeyi Jago sty;o pard se 'wt)( oil w sasddns p �l a1 m ilvw5 aI JwagO . PART I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representatives, Certifications, and Other Statement of Offeror - Continued: 10. ALTERATIONS IN CONTRACT: Standard Form 33, Nov 1969 Edition, is hereby altered by substituting the following ASPR clauses in effect on the date of this solicitation (a) Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports for Clause 6 as follows: PREVIOUS CONTRACTS AND COMPLIANCE REPORTS (1973 APR) The offeror represents that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, participated in a previous contract or Sul t@a... her to the Equal Oppor- tunity clause herein or the r itained in Section 301 of Executive Order No. 1092 ined in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114; that_ has not, filed all required compliance reports; andthat reions indicating sub- mission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontrac- tors, will be obtained prior to subcontract awards. (b) Certification of Independent Price Determination for Clause 8 as follows: CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION (1975OCT) (a) By submission of this bid or proposal, each bidder or offeror certifies and in the case of a joint bid or proposal, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that in connection with this pro- curement: (1') the prices in this bid or proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communications, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as atter relating to such prices with any other biddeOq y competitor. (2) Unless othe the prices which have been quoted in this bid or proponowingly disclosed by the bidder or offeror and willclosed by the bidder or offeror prior to opening, if a bid, or prior to award, in the case of a -proposal, directly or indirectly to any other bidder or offeror or to any competitor; and - - - - - - --- (3) No attempt has-been made or will -be made -by the bidder or offeror -to induce any other person or -firm to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal for the purpose of restricting -competition. (b) Each person signing this bid or proposal certifies that: (1) He is the person in the bidder's or offeror's organization responsible within that organization for the decision as to the prices being 3 PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: bid or offered herein and that he has not participated, and will not parti- cipate, in any action contrary to (a)(1) through (a)(3) above; or (2) (a) He is not the person in the bidder's or offeror's organi- zation responsible within that organization for the decision as to the prices being bid or offered herein but that he has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the persons responsible for such decision in certifying that such persons have not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to (a)(1) through (a)(3) above, and as their agent does hereby so certify; and (b) he has not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to (a)(1) through (a)(3) above. (c) This certification is not applic eign bidder or offeror submitting a bid or proposal for:a a i ires performance or delivery outside the United StatEo t i ,_nd Puerto Rico. (d) Abid or proposal will nV°c ered for award where (a)(1), (a)(3) or•(b) above has been delete odified. When (a)(2) above has been deleted or modified, the bid or proposal will not be considered for award unless the bidder or offeror furnishes with the bid or proposal a signed statement which sets forth in detail the circumstances of the dis- closure and unless it is determined that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition. (c) Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities for Clause 9 as follows: CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES (1970 AUG) (Applicable to contracts, subcontracts, and to agreements with applicants who are.themselves performing Federally assisted construction contracts, exceeding $10,000 which are not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause.) By the submission of this bid, the bidder, offeror, applicant, or subcontractor certifies that he does not maintain or provide for itis employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that hIdo permit his employees to perform their services at a 1r his control, where segre- gated facilities are m es further that he will not maintain or provide for 1egregated facilities at any -- of his establishments, a wi emit his employees to perform their services a �nlr.�ot on, under his control, where seg- regated facilities are mrnntained. The bidder, offeror, applicant, or subcontractor agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause'in this contract. As used in this certification, the term "segregated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis j PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: of -race, color, religion or national origin, because of habit, local custom or otherwise. He further agrees that (except where he has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) he will obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the award of subcontracts exceeding $10,000. which are not exempt from the provisions of Equal Opportunity clause; that he will retain certifications in his files; and that he will forward the follow' a to such proposed subcontractors (except where the propose r have submitted identical certifications for specif _c R o /A NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUB EQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICA- TIONS OF NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES. A�6e w cation of Nonsegregated Facilities must be submitted prior to the and of a subcontract exceed- ing $10,000 which is not exempt from the provisions of the Equal Oppor= tunity clause. The certification may be submitted either for each subcontract or for all subcontracts during a period (i.e., quarterly, semiannually, or annually). NOTE: The pe�na; for making false statements in offers is prescribed in '(8 USC. 1661. — 11. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM: The f lowing provision is applicable when the contract is not exempt �"6 ual Opportunity Clause. AFFIRMATIVE ACTI M 3 (The following re n ab e completed by each offeror whose offer is $50, 00 re and who has 50 employees or more) The Offeror repres s that he ( ) has, ( ) has not, developed and maintained at each of his establishments Equal Opportunity Affirma- tive Action Programs, pursuant to 41 CFR 60.2. 12. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT COMPLIANCE: The following provision is applicable when the contract is not exempt from the Equal Opportunity Clause. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT COMPLIANCE By submission of this offer resents that, to the best of his knowledge an aVnrort:dp below, up to the date of this offer no writte w cause letter, a letter indicating probable caus h al -written notification -citing-specific deficien en received -by -the offeror from any Federal Government agency epresentative thereof that the offeror or any of its divisions or -affiliates or known first-tier subcontractors is in violation of any of the provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967, or rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR, Chapter 60) and spec- ifically as to not having an acceptable affirmative action program or 5 PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: being in noncomplian aect of the Equal Employment Opportunity Program. f r d that should there be any change in the status a c ween this date and the date of expiration of thi 1" ny ex ension thereof, the Contracting Officer will be notified-pFbmp`tly.". 13. PREFERENCE FOR LABOR SURPLUS AREA CONCERNS (1974 APR) This procurement is not set aside for 'labor surplus area concerns. However, the bidder's status as such a concern may affect entitlement to awardin case of tie bids or bid evaluation in accordance with the Buy American clause of this solicitation. In order to have his entitlement to a preference determined if those circumstances should apply, the bidder must: (i) furnish with his bid, evidence that he or his first-tier sub- contractor is a certified -eligible concern with a first pref- erence in accordance with 29 CFR 8.7(b) and 8.9(c) or a certi- fied -eligible concer rence in accordance with 29 CFR 8.7(c) a ) JE!Mfy below the address at which the costs h n nt of manufacturing or. production (by himself if a cern concern or by certi- fied concerns acting asfirst t e�r sutractors) amount to more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the contract price, or (ii) identify below the persistent or substantial labor surplus area in which the costs he will incur on account of manu- facturing or production (by himself or his first-tier sub - Contractors) amount to more than fifty percent (50%) of the contract price. (If the bidder proposes to qualify as a persistent or substantial labor surplus area concern by - tncluding costs to be incurred by a certified concern not located in a labor surplus area, evidence of such certifi- cation must be.furnished.) s '. Failure to furnish evi� 'rti�f• by the Secretary of Labor if applicable, and to den eel ns as specified above will preclude consideration or tine oMer-ee-a-aabor surplus concern. -Bidder agrees that if, as a labor.surplus_area_concern, he is awarded a contract for which -he -would not,have qualified.in the absence of such status; he will perform the contract or_cause At to be performed, in, " -accordance with the obligations which such status -entails, 14. Address to which payment should be mailed ff such address is differ- ent from that shown by the bidder on Standard Form 33 PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: 15. AFFILIATED BIDDERS (1974 APR) (a) Business concerns are affiliates of each other when either directly or indirectly (i) one concern controls or has the power to con- trol the other, or (ii) a third par rols or has the power to con- trol both. (b) Each bidder shal ut bid an affidavit containing information as folio (i whetherPdaddresses a affiliates; (ii the namees of all affiliates of the bidder; and (iii) the names of all persons and concerns exer- cising control or ownership of the bidder and any or all of his affili- ates, and whether as common officers, directors, stockholders holding controlling interest, or otherwise. 16. HANDICAPPED The offeror certifies with respect to the Employment of Handicapped clause as follows: 1. He ( ) has, () has not previously been awarded a contract which included the clause. If affirmative, execute 2.) 2.The time specified for contract performance 3 exceed ninety (90) days did not exceed ninet (90) days If more than ninety90 days, execute -1.) 3. The amount of the s than $500,000 O more than $500,000, and he ( ) has, ( 1 his program for the employment of the handicapped. If or 0 to 4). 4. He ( ) has, ( ) has not submitted the required annual report to the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Standards. 5. He (•) has, ( ) has not made a good faith effort to effectuate- and ffectuateand carry out his affirmative action program. 6. !Me will not award subcontracts to persons or concerns that have not published programs and submitted annual reports as required by the clause. 7 PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION 8 - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: 17. PRIVACY ACT NOTIFICATION (1975NOV) This procurement e contractor to do one or more of the following: designiM a system of records on indivi- duals. to accomplish ancordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 934 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and applicable agency regulations. V^}'-^^ ^f rhP Act nnay involve the imposition of criminal penalties. 18. The following individuals are authorized to conduct negotiations on behalf of the contractor: NAME PHONE N. D. Olson. City Manager 913 823-2277 O 11 srawaaa toasaa�A, raaew lvso ran.•sau sarncr41 0-n I-le.10,t ran. rase zto. pl art 1 -[atm SECTIO:) C SOUC)TATiON INSTRUCTIONS ANii CONDITIONS 1. 0I1:41TICH . As used herein: - (a) The term-"selie)tmton" means Invitation for Bids (IFS) where she procurement is advertised, and Request far Proposal (RFP) where the procurement is segotut et - (b) The term 'offer" means bid where the peoeurcmeot is ad- vertised, and proposal where the procurement u aeIf"as" . (c) For purposes of this solicitation and Birk 2 or Standard Form 33r the term advertised" includes Small Svireu Restricted Advertising and other types of restricted advertising.. - 2. Pai)AfATIom O1 *"US- ` - 1. ` - (a) Off mss are expected to examine the drawings. specifiea- tions, Schedule, and all instructions. Failure w o so will be at she oFuor's tisk. • . fb) Each offaer )ball rum" the inWrossedon required by the solicitation. The offerer shall alga the adicitaison and print or type his name on. the Schedule and each Continuation Shere'L thereof ca which )ua makes an entry. yr mor other ebang" must be Initialed by the person signing the off". Often signed • by an Agent are to be accompanied by evidence of his authority O= inch evidence has been previously furnished to the trotting office. - (a) Unit prh�a for cols unit offered &hall be shown and suck P shag ssuJude peeking unless otherwise spp..ccified. A total &lull he entered in the Amount column of she S -bedute for each Item offered. In case of discrepant yy between a unit price and extended price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct, anbleeL however. to eonection to the same extent and in the .. same runner as any agar msstas- ((d) Offen for auto lin or services other than those specified will Trot be eoaaideacT rodeo authorized f the solicitation. (e) Offeror must game a definite time or delivery of supplies or for performanea or services unless otherwise rpeciCsed so the /agchatson.- (Q Time. it stated ss a number of days. will include Saturdays. Sundays and belidays (g) bode boxes are for Government use Only. 0. gltpLANATIOm•to c#MCr'LL Any expUesimo derived by an offeror rcgardirssugg the meaning Me interpretation of the solieiunon drawingg++, spedR"lion% etc, must be requested in writing and with su acienttame allowed for a reply to reach offerors belong the' wbmtasi•.m of their oBers. Oral explanations or instructions gpsyen 6e!ore the award of the contract will not be bindAN. Aey L•s!ormation given to a pswpeetive offeror concerning a solka- Cation will be furashed to aII pprrospective offerors as ao amendment of the solicitaugge. if such infgrmation is oecestary, to offerors in submitting ellen on the solicitation Or if the lack of such infsr- meion would be peejudis ial to uninformed offerors 4.'AC%mOWADOMIfQ OF AMImDMtmn To SO1lCITATIOUS. Recei�t of an amendment to a solicitation by an offeror must be ac nowledged (a) by in in and arturnin$ tke amendment, (b) on the revere of gtaaearY Form 33, or (c) by.letter or tele- . gram. Such xk®wledgmcat mint be received Pei" to the hour and dare apeciged for recerpt of offers 6 $u3y4iSslOm or 0711,I33- . (a) Offers and Modifications thereof alsall be enclosed in stated envdlooes and addressed to the'otfice specified in the solicitation. The offeror shall show the hour and data spaenfsed in the sol:ci- [&tion for receipt, the solicitation number, and she same and ..adelms of the offerer on the face of the envelope. (b) Tel sit offer, will riot be considered unless authorized by the soitcttatson; however, often may he modified by tele- graphsc notice. provided such notice is received prior to the hour and Eau apee(itFed for receipt. (However, see par. S.) -W _ (c) Samples of items, when rcgmred, must be submitted wnhin the time specified. and unlet) otherwise s fled by the Govern- ment, at no es se to the Government. If not destroyed by tne- loe. samoles swill be returned at offertira request &rad expense, 0. YAILUai To SU&MIT 01S33. If no offer is to be submitted• do not return the solicitation unless otherwise specified A letter or postcard should be lent to the issuing office advising whether tuture solicitations for the type of suppl'sn or services covens) by this solicitation are desired. Failure of the recipient w offer, or to notify the issuing office that future solicitations are desired, may result in removal or the name of such recipient from the Mali ng list for the type of supplies or services covered by the solicitanon. r• 33-203 a r, to I sea for is advertised, offers may be modified or w1yapine notice received prior to acified for receipt of timers. An once Person by age atfeseir or his authorized u idcoti u made known and he signs t isay if the withdrawal is made prior is, set for receipt of offers. (However, C tin solicitation is aegettated, offm may tx andi5ed t par..8, when appl'vable)• or withdrawn by written or poi enure received a: any nine prier so sward. Offers vest. cora (e by an offeror er hb autisa;sad give, vided bis identity b rower known sed be dgaaa -' for the ffrr prior eo awned. 0.• tAt3 Ofl3aSis MODNltanw Qaragraph appli to si I advcrdw Deppaurttmea1 of De negotiated to ]ate offm and Wifieauons (o of effm Is ad= offeror dune daelom with such off ) but not It" otherwise pro vid , this pawl dated tolieitatioes Wu by uvil'u ((a) Offers and modih stioru of if thus solicitation is adv tired) re in the solicitation after the sue he will not be considered aide : (1) tl made• and either (2) they a of I mail for which an official tint pm original Receipt for Certified fail ermined by the Government c. ti deny in she mails for which the If submitted by nail or by tel bbyy the Government that t. late n dl'mg by the Cover&men[ after rec tion;provided• that timelyr ecei upon examination or an appropru such Installation, or of ather dote 2 OR WOMDRAWAIL (Ibis olicitations. Io the ease of icitations. it shall alae apply r than the normal revisions the usual eond•act of neggo-o- withdsawab of offars. U. - ph dna nes apply to nego- agencies.) 'a (or wlehdrawap rite ived atthe office des(gm and date specified for receipt are received before award is Zvered mail, or by certified fitu stamp ((pgomxtaara) On the s been thus tied and it is de - ]am mceipt was due solely to or was not rcsponsibie; or (3) J authorized) at is datcrmtned ipt was due solely to mishan. t at the Government imtalta- iuch installation u en-blisMd gate or time sump fir any) 01 pmt omce saving rs make the rums of an e c nsise success I the Government will b considered at an may thereafter be &"spit& (b) OP.eron usingg certified mail are cat tespt for Certified bfail showing a legibl to retain such receipt against the chance as evidence that a late offer was timely m (e) The time of mailing of late Offen or certified mail &ball be deemed to be date shown in the postmark on the reg registered mail wrapper or on the Ree unless the offeror furnish" evidence fir, tion of mailing which establish" an ear of eerdried mail, the oralsy• acceptable cvi where the Receipt for 064,11 Mail I( station of mailing, evidence famished establishes that Use business day of the earlier time, in which use the time of n to be the last minute of the business dal as entry in Ink on the Receipt for Cert time of mailing and the initials of the pe the item and making the entry. with apps don of such ea from the post *Rite stat case the time of mai'mg tha l be the is of an oner w cn mom favorable to It is receFnd and I to obtain a Re- edppooumah and will,be required ed by rcgmered I minute of the I ail receipt or c\cadt be e sta- tueease is e: (1) O ofFce to hich ionat an shmed tit(2)'' 9. DISCOUNTS (a) Notwidutanding the fact that a blank Is pro- vided for a ten ((A) day discount, prompt pa mens discounts offered for payment within legs than twenty (2u) calendar days will not be considered in evaluating often for award, unless otherwise specified In the solicitation. However, offered discounts of less than 20 days wi0 be taken if payment is made within the discount period, wen though not considered in the evaluation of offers 01 tttton with any discount offered, time will be "in. pared from etc ff_the supplies to carrier when delivery and acceptance are at pout -tae..g's4."- resign date of delivery at destination or port of embarkation %ben oe.' sv't , 01 j • m atpaq.M -Tagnam izp jo suo; - d rglo (P) !,mismaid tug' .� . ^ • cue monruaij vninugoS (q1 :ainpaysS girt (v) :aap:o 9invollcj - - (;mid 9icnl9 IIq pagosat' ag If.M1'is Aaaatnmmwl agt •uensipliu a;� i vaaM:aq 'stosipadwm saltaps»J jo asodjnd otp mil alivm sou svM asnsormp gala ts•� »alcuatap UauS;op sry so Aat22v "I jo pwatl 34t pre wnsolalp girl jo a»ansmmsn aql Ils»p U! quoj Pas galgM luamam.v pa is v sago agt gilts sagslatnj sor2jo girt ssalan pjvMw j% pjapet air tin I`r% sago girt 'p°9IP°m so paplap aa2q sgg 11109209.4.120 2T Jo. Z)(a) 2j4,11M p pow so p»aiap eaaq seg aen»9Pjm °4 J° (q) j°'(5)(w) 'ri) t1hi, plvMv mJ pataplt°m aq too II(M sago vy (q) 'moanacd vi"rjln nu rano Ar+n, lSOYanasu P� ! 4 W _ fl a''t-T 1 iPP osolp %tad samibo+ +pstlM tacnam n j% ajp as 8uns!wgro jawgo u2la -joj v m a(q®llddv son, n mioj ago top uo -n-:isrW ° srgy (v) •riOtlYNls1751]O 52171 LN34N3dM)O {O N01112UM!7 ''St Up ir jo sagwa,I vonsjynuapj sa401dm3 gilt •Andmm ward a sal °'L j) 'jO Yti6-wio3 tmmin Ainsti 's'n •vanin nil- ivapad Atsaitweb a n.Soldm3 no pa+n jaq=x AivnavS 1 . Isj>P'd) (roti 1'31 aqu,,t mritrjrjnuapl sj2Aoidw3 vMo uy'. wwdwm I= on sal aZ jl `=arjjo atilt no numb on" -ildds girt w um (lugs jwago ally (•smnnpgos p2slsanpw of .•iia° altlrjliddy) '7':7Wr:N N011iMI MM S.77A0-IdW3 -At . p�Mptpo Jo am tvsa»jtma '8u(ies Avoid N am 'stoma g , - Atwow teeelmoP. jo asn girgts g9nwyi pa+" -axa aq kola l[aal1am sttLL •saaj)° 241 jo Aavdwm towed Dill . . pvapeum s2 Lntnvlia0a'iagio yam +wage agt jo suonrnp Aagod. stayssitq z"" wiaw m •ovruearap 'aiglnwjoj wt olgs sl dudu m mglovvjl 1pamlbm tow it, digajaame Bans •Acadia= jatpmw toavoa aL Anvdmmirl twm stig9it 2azoA aqr jo (iaaa"d.0; asgt am) Agsoftw atm( to GA;* VA;a Agirclmm 20M pill su»m uw mv:p aerpom umo oil josalp aqi jo npgod %sob- oiswq P°s QPH9 -42 Qq) stwtam m sas.o iatlip galgM Aadram • al jajo algi jo asodjnd aqi j% Arid== Iuajad V 'ANYJW07 ANDY ..91 "atto.s(q{ w algvj!ldda q. wj% gans .. m taawxns *W twgt Scnamaidw (w) pa• 'p urtugns lass quoj gins yaigM tplM Volt»aam ar-•Ana i -Tawjiaoa jo uvStamps umrnatd aqr 12qua°a Aq 2uajnuaps (W-pa4smug Alsm4a'd aw uuoj para" v0j gars ua" Svpsalpnl (w) s6imiss pau$n s titin +ago s14 awdmmae Ague aq 'aopnMtu nqt Sumo" aargo °41 m 611 t'r30d P ""S Patamm • payq=j ApnoiwaA srr( joago -3W4-.JI •sa .11=110m au =1300 J° suaa"tnS ;sn3049410 '611 aua3 p`Jvpue)S atatdmm i 'ainitdop m-quujnj rwgs aq -Tarn • .,,%,grill J° p"me aqi uswj evninsas jo uodn in unum uouod m duduem Ani w vaj. a3ea;wq m •a3au—ted -m1 srwtam" Auv Awa in paas2s m Pira ssy aq ivgl m 'MJ11,103 ilgt alums m SP!Ies in (joago ags j% A slog supjo,M a2Aoldma apt+ _ avurlinj s usgt Jagi% was to :uedmm a pacing m paA =w5 svg air segs paumudaj seg hopjagt paplwwd uoq mvud -oiddg ahs Sal;aatia Aq 'majit airs Jl 92L 1NSDi•IllisO3 'SI ('p7npaaoid palelypus suonrjgap Alisnpw pJrriap summa gape 'Papu3m ss'/Z1 wed•{( ainJ, '.—jorel:t nit papa;io apaJ 3n) Vol Cit]ulmPV sisiirmll limS 24i Aq paglnwj we nasus »oto is •adlaaar lenuuw vsuawe 's2aAntdwa jo Jagmnu Siilui»aoa Palm -jn girl. span Ajsimb aqunj pea pus 'ssavnam lwmaano0 no soya Sunslmgqns sI n qar{M us uonvado jo PM a4t of tuvulmop tau ss •pisr»do paw PatiMo Aiiaapwadapnl al yjt4as 'S211ir )e sit 2igpnpus •ujaaum v sr tuamwa:icud tmmeja.so6 jo auidind vgii j9 UJmum sm°Pnq Ilsms y •Nin7Noo SSLHisna =WE 91 %°:P*I J° sll!4 tuawojawo0 an apna naawdrys j% vmogs air 0!js l qs Jo lgslaM pug Jagmnv Surygtjo I(18 'slaw p2pu33s3 t ' iHlM sauW anYY01M •f\ - . _ •• pug 'mud Ilan -Tannu=b ••saso'saalnos so smddns 10 emd--p 'uagwwail ail •(Aw aq JI) Juuiu sapso pug ssejinaj :acnrwnjal Suwolloj aqi ulnum llvgs s ,"uj payoads mtM"gw cvi („ tavl2uo„pa;j w aq Ir+4s Adm ago) xaal;dnspsnb us p2arw •qns ptiv po atd aq Itvgs saa(onvj •93:,10AN1 samfiS Ys . •s»ltjas m »lIddm aqs In, wpilla»p v paw 'Aauasv Pnmsl Oy jo swjppw pas atwvw a p aquinavapnpgos ot(t opmaas plays noagmjojul Sol stonhag •Alums auto jo m9M r-'aol3at Am most s° 'OIZOZ p'Q -OCR-2Iit=M 'jogt'1 jo auawti-loa 1341 mwj paoragt° 2q , (LsS .-ISS'o'S' R) 5931 Jo 13Y logan{O aaua2S a•{t Pas'(OsS-LZS 'o'S'ft 011) 33V spsapunS umH 1110M tasnuo, agt 'lo-sc •D'S'.p 11,) say simiri i0 ol1g°df�1TJH-gf'wM aqr jo sioamaslnboa. alp walpjvs- uopvuuojtq lsaaa0 'Hol1VW7oLtil Tom 'it -'CCnw'PR= airs vl Sol papsnwd aslMtaYlo Baron mamujaw0 Ni A4 pa4sntaj air 01"5 sanglaq m 'jogq 7l "IMIS 0.4 'ALM01/ C7HSIti:f1Y�3Y/NeiAM 'l t -Togas" too 10'aluenaawa] bta(dmmal sl apanaaq paqsloanj nwp Supud is isoa JI aomupaj in t -vs aq tPM mud tavasum agt •aiwp Su"ud jo tsm anna Jap j% vomnpa• vaud•Jul emplawd mi%vla w smnum uvlam 2unpm agt p •vqi •asamoq •papinwd Yanjtaoa Surtintat Aug jo gaud a mj% ioq OlM 2muau9 it; sanllpej saluaauaa coswurmiidw Ave jo japunwaq ii j* Auw tns.M paasmgns nap Fmuss9 AuV (q) •tuot=I n0o nip of ism qro on aosajo gill ga.gm lulodpuna Mfutt al Pm mud a wwj swags atgaiony Isom ails an pannugm air PlnOgt jjJ1° Is. M qmii, GAI$ulpjn»V wgo ganr jo mu wosrp mogil% 'pawpaw sago Iwliml no pasaq •tasjluoa s pswv Avis tuam=—g D agy (s) �So lis a Am Paras ofpu w sago )sa.Mol ap veil agto tda=v as lx vmoa sl tg2u iyy (A . •lvawataw)O all P 32 241 00 sago muni jo aomarn a atnipsum mo IMI Aagt 'Pai2npm3 ala suonwpoltau tuanliosgns jl pasmv w iniad tuamciaAaD aa�t,,•s Aq pawsaaat mneu aao!jM Ag amwpggm is ago agt salon -Td"avj no oI lum6sgns sowtan02a0 an 04*41 non in, jaglaq.. '(;"otry (4) or papmosd of •+J=msaga died so) ago Ann •alaags paSlzds awn aqi 0s pIM tdaaaw Aew taawatawp ally (a) . - .. 7eotlnmps paw -Polio as Aloe Aldde (q) g2netgi (a) sgdvsssnd Savwolrq x, •. -Apird strip Aq miss" jagunj imiltsM »Panum Satp.: v ul tlnsar of powaip aq Iliqs ago airs as paypods aavanlax Aawn aqa aryspA jeJajo s aqr o• (Wltrustij asiwuagia pajlaw (Jago J° awsadaaoy m) pasmv aaiium Y (P) . - -- - •paAsaaai sego us sans urps=q jout Pow saplleuuvawse,. jul of pas sajo Sv_io Aur uof u os sysu agt samm;u tvawanle j airy (q) •puapnum givi a:po pus ssljd -ayamw2woo aemqr of saoasysuw.,pe itaairq n 11sw no -maga aqs M sulwjejuoa jago a"M swage alglsaodwj tags a1 Pa(us+.s aq IL- pyinum airy (v) A3*#vj IOD. to GvvMY •Ot wilt • w a t sunup jo astxland alt jai apgv+• n gmi:jtg j`fj+•wsap,q jr a aiwp sal- JI -Tv�nwa •AoO ago A9 pajj!vds »rjto aqr ul 0="u s liaum atwp aqi muej jo slvlud agog• jo aqua is wv aac.•.�ijs 'd) 20. aragraphs 7 and 8 of Standard Form 33A are hereby deleted in the entir y and the following clause is substituted in lieu thereof: "LATE Pj(Ii) Isenby ICATIONS OF PROPOSALS AND WITHDRAWALS OF PR OSALS (1974 A (areceived at the office designated in t solici- tation time specified for receipt will not b considered unless before award is made; and .sent by registered or certified mai not han the fifth calendar day prior the date ed for receipt of offers(e.g., a offer submitted onse to a solicitation requiri receipt of offers 0th of the month must have en mailed by the rlier); sen by mail (or telegram f authorized) and tete 'ned by the Governm t that the late receipte sole to mishandling y the Government after et at the overnment i tallation; or (iii) it is the only op (b) Anymodification of a sulting from the Contracting Of offer, is subject to the same cond (c) A modification resulting request for "best and final" offe specified in the request will no award and the late receipt is e ment after receipt at the Gov rnme oposal_ except a modification re- r's equest for "best and final" I ' ns as in (a)(i) and (ii) above. m the Contracting Officer's rec ived after the time and date be co idered unless received before solely o mishandling by the Govern- nt in ation. (d) The only acceptab a evidence to a ablish: (i) the date o mailing of a late oposal or modifica- tion sen either by registered certified mail is the U.S. Po al Service postmark on t e wrapper or on the origi receipt from the U.S. Pos 1 Service. If neit r postmark shows a legible dat , the, proposal or mo fication of proposal shall be de d to have been led late. (The term 'postmark' mean a printed, tamped, or otherwise placed impression at is readily identifiable without further action as ha .ng been sup-_ plied and affixed on the date of mailing by employees of the U.S. Postal Service. ii) the time of receipt at the Government installa ion Is the time/date, stamp of such installation on e proposal wrapper,;or other documentary evidence o receip maintained by the installation. (e) Notwithstanding the above, a late modification of an oth is ccessful proposal which makes its terms more favorable to the Gove - 11 - Continued: f) Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice or telegram recei d at any time prior to award. Proposal s, may be withdrawn n person an offeror or his authorized representative, rovided is identity 's made known and he signs a receipt for the proposa prior to award." 21: Subpara aph 19, Order of Precedence, is hereby delet in its entirety and a following clause is substituted in lieu ereof: ORDER OF PRECED CE (1973 APR) In the event of an inconsistency between provisions this solici- tation, the inconsi ency shall be resolved by givi g precedence in the following order: (a the Schedule (excluding the pecifications); (b) Terms and Conditions o the solicitation, if any (c) General Provi- sions; (d) other provisiqns of the contract, wo n attached or incor- _porated by reference; an (e) the Specificati ns. 22. Subparagraph (b) of Cla se 9. entirety and the following su ora thereof: DISCOUNTS (1971 NOV) In connection with any discount date of completion of performan correct invoice or voucher is r Government, if the latter is 1 is hereby deleted in its Is substituted in lieu , time will be computed from the e Services or from the date in the office specified by the date of completion of perform- ance. Payment is deemed Nie for a purpose of earning the discount on the date of mai ng of the Gov -kr check. 23. Minimum Acce tance 6riod 1975MAR Of rors allowing less than the num er o ca en ar ays specified n the ' ffer' portion of SP 33 for acceptance by the overnment will be reject as nonresponsive. 24. Site Visit 1 9OCT . Offerors or quoters ar urged and expected to inspect t1rie si e w ere services are to be perfo d and to satisfy themselves as t all general and local conditions tha may affect the cost of perfo nce of the contract, to the extent suc information is reasonably o ainable. In no event will a failure to in ect the site constitute grounds for a claim after award of the contrac 25. Ty e(of Contract. The proposed contract resulting from his solic- itatio wiTT be firm fixed price type of contract. \ - - - --- 26. Award of _a contract may be made without discussion of propo 1s: 27. The -offeror shall provide a detailed breakdown of cost and pr Ing to for the performance of this proposal. The fubmittal should in ude, but not be limited to, contract operating cost of supplies, salaries, 12 '28. INSURANCE (1968 FEB) The Contractor shall, at his own expense, procure an maintain during a entire performance period of this contract insuran of at least the inds and minimum amounts set forth in the Schedul . (b) At 11 times during performance, the Contractor shall maintain with the Cont cting Officer a current Certificate of I urance showing at least the in rance required by the -Schedule, and p viding for thirty (30) days written notice to the Contracting 0 ficer by the insurance company for to cancellation or material hange in policy coverage. (c) The Contracto shall also require all first-tier subcontrac-tors who will perform wo on a Government ins allation to procure and maintain the insurance req ired by the Sched a during the entire period of their performance. The ntractor shall urnish (or assure that there has been furnished) to a Contracti g Officer a current Certifi- cate of Insurance meeting the quiremen of (b) above for each such first-tier subcontractor, at lea five 5) days prior to entry of each such subcontractor's personnel on a overnment installation. 29. SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE. 8. General'Liab�ility Insur c\Bily injury insurance, in the minimum 1 mid tof 0$5 ,000.00 p pe100,000.00 per accident, shall be required on the compr hensf policy. tr. Automobile Liabilify Insurance. This nsurance shall be re- quired on t�Te compre ens ohn o��cy and s all provide bodily injury liability and pro erty damage liability co ring the operation of all automobiles used i connection with the perform ce of the contract. The minimum limits of 50,000.00 per person and $100, 00.00 per accident for bodily injury a $5,000.00 per accident for prole ty damage shall be required. ' c. When t Financial Responsibility or Compulsory I urance Law of the State i which the Government installation is located equires higher covera e, the liability insurance policies required abo a shall provide for he higher coverage. 30.- Sta and Industrial Classification Code: 9224. 31. S ICE CONTRACT ACT: Bidders are advised that this procurement i subject tot requirements o the Service Contract Act, as amended by P.L. 92- 3, 9 0 tober 1974, and attention is invited to the 6bligations of the Contra for under Section 4(c) of the amended Service Contract Act. Any questions re - 13 of abor, Section 2(a)(5) of the Service Contract Act of 1965, as amen ed, requ es that every contract (and bid specifications thereof) as to the Act c tain a statement of the rates that would be paid by the fedey4lagency to the V#rious classes of service employees if 5 U.S.C. 5341 were pplicable to them.. The required statement is attached for information onl . APPLICABLE TO (a) Contr, ution of five point one (5.1) percent of asic hourly rate for health and in rance. (b) Contributi of seven (7) percent of basic ourly rate for retirement. (c) Nine (9) paid lidays as follows: New Year's Day Washington's Bir hday Memorial Day Independence Day abor Day Columbus Day Veterans' Day anksgiving ay Christmas Day (d) Paid annual leave (vaca on) follows: (1) Two (2) hours of annu leave each week for an employee with less than three (3) years of s ce. O Three (3) hours o annual eave each week for an employee with three (3) but less than fi een (15) ears of service. (3) Four (4) hour of annual leavX eek for an employee with fifteen (15) or more ars of service. (e) Basic hourly r to by classificatio1ows: Classification is Hourl Rate I Assistant Fire Chi f5.54Lieutenants •99Fire Equipment erators 00Fire Fighters 4.32. CQLLE IVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT: The -Cr agrees t providethe Contr t ng cer, upon request, a copcollective argaining agreeme applicable toemployees performinghis contract.33. IR LABOR STANDARDS ACT FLSA AMENDME1974 Notwithst nding any ther provisions oft s contract, themage payment shall eas specified by P.L. 93-259"or the Service CAct Wage Determina on 14 15 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED.PROC. REG.I41 CFR) 1-16.101 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES SECTION E - Services, Supplies, & Prices THE SCHEDULE The Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA 41-4-76-636 (Atch. B) with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA (Atch. C) is attached hereto and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth �. herein. 0001 zCost to the Government for Fire Protection Ser - 'vice to the supplied by the City of Salina, KS for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, KS, all areas, buildings, and appurtenances encom- passed thereby as set forth on the drawing marked HOUSING AREA (Atch. C) attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA414- 76-636 (Atch. B). and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contra Credit to the Government for Govern -f ent urnishe Property MET CONTRACT PRICE REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT•O.PAGE OF QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 6, 6 6 16 $ 6,920.00 $41,520.00 $ _ 420.00' 2,520.00 $ 6,500.00 $391000.00 II 16 $ 6,920.00 $41,520.00 $ _ 420.00' 2,520.00 $ 6,500.00 $391000.00 SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifiations 1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall, on the terms hereinafter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, equipment and appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the fire protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Subpost in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The contractor shall perform work consisting of the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire prevention and protection service. b. Provide the Subpost Commander technical assistance in formul- ating regulations covering reduction and elimination of fire hazards. c. Conduct annual prevention inspection of dependent housing and all other buildings and areas included in Schilling Manor Subpost as set forth in Item No. 0001 herein. d. Perform first and second echelon maintenance service on the Government -furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. e. Make annual representative fire flow tests as required. f. Assist in conducting formal investigations of Government fire losses. 2. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work performed in the accomplishment of furtherance of Fe services to be furnished under this contract shall be comparable, but not limited to, the service provided within the corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards established by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire company.having not less than four (4) men on duty at all times stationed within five (5) miles from all portions of the area under contract, both supervisory personnel and fire company available for immediate service except for unforeseen emer- gencies, in order to assure that the standards contemplated by this contract are maintained. This performance of service shall include back-up service at all times. In the event of simultaneous fires both on and off of Schilling Manor Subpost, priority, subject to good fire fighting practices and the sound judgment of supervisory fire fighting personnel, will be given to the fire on Schilling Manor Subpost. 3. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE a. The Contractor shall ipdennify and save harmless the Government, its officers, agents, and employees against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorney's fees, by reason of any suit or action brought for any actual or alleged injury to, or death of any person, or damage to property including that property furnished by the Government for use of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performance or services hereunder. b. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Government from any loss of or damage to Government property caused by negligence, theft, or willful misconduct of his employees. 17 SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) 4. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. The Contractor shall: a. Be responsible for organizing and administering the fire prevention and protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas. b. Be required to furnish technical assistance to the Schilling Manor Sub -Post Commander in the formulating of regulations covering the reduction and elimination of fire hazards. C. Conduct an annual fire prevention inspection of dependent housing located in Schilling Manor Sub -Post. Conduct a quarterly in- spection of office, welfare, and utility buildings, including the manual testing of fire alarm systems, occupied by the Department of the Army, that are located in the city of Salina. The Contractor shall furnish a written report of the findings of each inspection of viola- tions of the fire regulations to the Sub -Post Commander, maintaining necessary records to provide for follow-up_inspections in sufficient numbers to secure corrective actions. d. Properly train and instruct his personnel in the operation and maintenance of, and perform the inspection and first and second echelon maintenance service on, all Government property furnished hereunder. e. Annual representative fire flow tests will be made on .selected fire hydrants within each principal area to determine adequacy of water flow for fire protection within the area. Results will be evaluated against previous flow tests and utilized in formulating prearranged firefighting, plans. Fire hydrants will be color coded in accordance with NhA Codes to indicate maximum fire flow for each individual hydrant at 10 psi residual pressure. f... The annual inspection and tests required in "c" and "e" above will be accomplished during the six month contract period. 5. RESPONSE TO A REPORTED FIRE, INCLUDING CLASSES A, B, C, AND D. a. The Contractor shall be required to promptly respond to a reported fire call and take necessary action to extinguish all fires promptly to minimize fire loss and water damage. The Contractor shall take expeditious action to eliminate loss of life at the site of a reported :fire, and upon the completion of the extinguishing of the fire, the Con- tractor shall be required to -remove any excess accumulation -or standing - water impounded within the -building during the extinguishing of the fire to minimize water damage. b. The Contractor shall be required to conduct an investigation into the cause of a fire in conjunction with the Contracting. Officer's Representa- tive to determine cause and corrective action necessary to prevent similar occurrences, and to submit reports of each investigation, preserving evidence for the use of a board of officers making formal investigation of fires.. lli SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) c. The Contractor shall prepare and maintain fire department records and reports of operation, personnel, equipment and supplies required for the operation of the fire department furnishing fire protec- tion for Schilling Manor Sub -Post under this contract. 6. GOVERNMENT -FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks as set forth herein to the Contractor for the performance of the service set forth under the terms and conditions of this contract. Quantity Item Description 1 Fire Truck Kaiser, Truck Firefighting, Class 530-B, Brush/Structural, FE #108 US O4A-884-70 with Portable Mounted Pumps, Manufacturer -Wis- consin, Model AENL, Ser No. 4996633 Stock No. Noun Quantity 4210-097-4754 Applicator -extension 2 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 1 4730-535-0826 Connection -hose -double female 2 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double male 2 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable 1 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-223-9915 Extinguisher -fire 3 4210-595-0148 Hose -suction -soft 1 4210-722-9336 Hose 6 4210-722-9298 Hose 20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 4 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1 1/2" 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 Ladder -24' 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly -2 1/2" 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 2 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -1" 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Polej,; 1 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose 1 4730-535-0825 Double Female - 4 1/2" 1 7100-678000 Rope -manila 100 -ft 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection -gated type 1 19 D SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) 4210-240-5531 Strainer -suction 1 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose and ladder 4 421.0-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 2 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 6 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner 2 b. Property Administrator: The Officer designated to maintain the property records in connection with Government -furnished property under this contract is: Facilities and Engineering Office Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas. C. Responsiblity and Performance: (1) Title to the Government -furnished property shall remain in the Government. (2) In addition to Schilling Manor Sub -Post as set forth in Item No. 0001 herein, Government -furnished property may be used to fight fires originating in other than US Government property. (3)The Government shall at all reasonable times have access to the premises wherein any Government -furnished property is located. (4) The Contractor shall maintain and administer, in accor-' dance wfth sound business practice, a program for the maintenance, repair, protection and preservation of the Government -furnished proper- ty, and shall be responsible for all first and second echelon type repairs on the one fire truck assigned for use under this contract. (a) Manuals and Technical Orders 1 C1 -ass 5306 Pire Truck a Air Force Technical Order - TO 1975AAB-26. F LO 9-8022 - Lubrication Order. Maintenance of equipment shall be in accordance with Section 3 of TO 1975AAB-26._ All items of work listed in Section 3 shall be considered the responsibility of -the Contractor.. - - - — - - (b) -Re oorrt_ing_ The Contractor will -be required to submit a monthly report of repairs, lubrication, fuel, oil , -and other services performed on the above item of equipment. 20 SECTION F Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) (c) Recording. Recording of all information will be ac- complished by Facilities— Engineer on the appropriate forms to maintain suitable historical data on the above vehicle. (5) Maintenance and Repair in Excess of That Previously Cited. All repair work of a third, fourth, or fifth echelon type will be accom- plished by Field Maintenance at Fort Riley, Kansas, and is not the responsibility of the Contractor. Upon notification of the need for work of this type, the work will be accomplished by the most expeditious means to avoid extended down time on the equipment. (6) Completion of Contract. At the end of the contract period, each item equipment snaaTTTe returned to the Government in the same general condition as noted in the joint inspection of the equipment at the initiation of the contract. With the exception of items considered to be fair wear and tear, all discrepancies found on terminal inspection will be corrected by the Contractor prior to release from the requirements of this contract. SECTION G - Preservation/Packaging/Packing - RESERVED SECTION H - Deliveries or Performance CONTRACT PERIOD. This contract shall begin 1 January 1977 and shall end 30 June 1977 both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated under the provisions of this contract (NOTE: Contract renewal option under SECTION J). SECTION I - Inspection and Acceptance 1. The services to be performed by the contractor during the period of this contract shall at all times and places be subject to inspection by the Con- tracting Officer or his designated representative. 2. Certification of thq contractor's monthly invoice by an authorized Government representative shall confirm acceptance of services performed. SECTION J - Special Provisions Option to Extend The Term of the Contract. This contract is renewable; at the option othe Government, by the Contracting Officer giving written notice of renewal to the Contractor within the period specified in the schedule; provided, that the Contracting Officer shall have given preliminary notice of the government's intention to renewal at least thirty (30) days before this contract is to expire. (Such a preliminary notice will not be deemed to commit the Government to renewals.) If the Government exercises this option for renewal, the contract as renewed shall be deemed to include this option provision. However, the total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed one (1) year. 21 SECTION K - Contract Administration Data 1. Responsibility for Administration of Contract. The Contracting Officer or his duly appointed successor is responsible for the admini- stration of this contract and alone is authorized to the extent indicated in this contract, to take action on behalf of the Government which results in changes in the terms of this contract, including deviations from specifications, details, and delivery schedules. 2. Fractional Payments. If necessary at the commencement or termination Of this contract, payment shall be made for any fractional part of a month's service at the rate of one -thirtieth (1/30) of the monthly charge for each day of service rendered. 3. Invoices. Prior to payment, invoices must be submitted to the Commander, SchiTTURganor Subpost, Building No. 595, Salina, KS 67401 for certification prior to being forward to Finance and Accounting for payment. _The contract number should be referenced on the invoice. 4. Authority: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message DA 739487, from C of ENGRS, dated 8 Nov 1965, subject; use of excess Capehart Housing at --- Schilling AFB for dislocated families. 22 SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS - SERVICE CONTRACTS The Provisions of the contract clauses set forth in the following paragraphs of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR) are incorporated into this contract by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. (The complete text of any clause incorporated in this contract by reference may be obtained from the Contracting Officer.) REFERENCE ASPR DATE OF NUMBER PARAGRAPH CLAUSE TITLE CLAUSE 1. 7-103.1 Definitions 1962 FEB 2. 7-103.3 Extras 1949 JUL 3. 7-103.8 Assignment of Claims 1962 FEB 4. 7-103.10(a) Federal, State, and Local Taxes 1971 NOV 5. 7-103.11 Default 1969 AUG 'S. 7-103.12(a) Disputes 1958 JAN 7. 7-103.13(a) Renegotiation 1959 OCT 8. 7-103.16 a Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act -- Overtime Compensation 1971 NOV 9. 7-103.18(a) Equal Opportunity 1972 AUG 10 7-103.19 Officials Not to Benefit 1949 JUL 11 7-103.20 Covenant Against Contingent Fees 1958 JAN 12 7-103.22 Authorization and Consent 1964 MAR 13 7-103.23 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement 1965 JAN 14 7-103.26 Pricing of Adjustments 1970 JUL 15 7-103.27 Listing of Employment Openings 1975 JUN 16 7-103.28 Employment of the Handicapped 1975 OCT 17 7-104,4 Notice to the Government of Labor Disputes 1958 SEP 18 7-104.14 Utilization of Small Business Concerns 1958 JAN 19 7-104.15 Examination of Records by Comptroller General 1975 JUN 20 7-104.16 Gratuities 1952 MAR 21 7-104:17 Convict Labor 1975 OCT 22 7-104.20 Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns 1970 JUN 23 7-104.22 Epual Opportunity Pre -Award Clearance of Subcontracts 1971 OCT 24 7-104.23 Subcontracts 1974 APR 25 7-104.29(a) Price Reduction for Defective Cost on Pricing Data -Price Adjustments (Applicable if Contract Exceeds $100,000) 1970 JAN 26 7-104.36 Utilization of Minority Business Enterprises 1971 NOV 27 7-104.39 Interest 1972 MAY 28 7-104.41(a) Audit by Department of Defense (Applicable to all contracts except contracts awarded as a result of formal advertising that do not exceed $100,000) 1975 JUN 29 7-104.63 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation 1968 FEB 23 SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS - SERVICE CONTRACTS (Cont'd) REFERENCE ASPR NUMBER PARAGRAPH CLAUSE TITLE 30 7-104.82 Payment of Interest on Contractors' Claim 37 7-104.96 Privacy Act 32 7-602.42 Accident Prevention 33 7-1902.2 Changes 34 7-1902.4 Inspection of Services 35 7-1902.16(b) Termination for the Convenience of the Government 36 7-1903.41 Service Contract Act of 1965 37 7-1905 Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Act - Price Adjustments ,38- 7-1912 Limitations of Lability -Service Contract 39 7-103.7Payments 40 7-104.24(f) Government Property (Short Form) SECTION M - LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS, AND OTHER ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - Department of Labor Wage Determination No. 75 -461 - Attachment B - Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-7.6-636 Attachment C - Drawing titled "Family Housing", Schilling. Air Force Base, dated 30 lune 1967 rt; 24 S . Y. w u N u all .•t 0 3 t Ql Y > P•� r m 0 x o � w OC M N 01 N 10 1H 0 °" N w o 0.P uU 000u' -A G V 7 W U) 01 e1 0. T O d 'ef+i OU y H 0.00 .0 qu Y 0CD N 1L d u O 0 C 3 > w. +� N O H 7 O W W N Y CO H .Oi b 7 O M q u u CO N WO LU YN^ 0. O 00w cR� N 41 o a a � q 00 W 0) E 'O M In 0.. 3 o u >. > w a ar 0) Y H fa O Y .0 +) 0 0 a 0) F UN O. to -0 W 44 lu V m C C O O .a O 4 S . Y. w u N u all .•t 0 3 t Ql Y > P•� d v C 0 x o � w OC M N 01 N CO 1H 0 °" N w o 0.P uU 000u' -A G V 7 W U) 01 e1 0. T O d 'ef+i OU y H 0.00 .0 qu Y 0CD N 1L d u 0 C 3 > w. +� N O H 7 O .O 00 W N Y CO H .Oi b 7 M 0) M q u u CO N WO LU YN^ 0. O 00w cR� N 41 o a a � q 00 W 0) E 'O M °.4 0.. 3 o u >. > w a ar 0) Y H fa O Y .0 +) 0 0 a 0) F UN O. to -0 y 0 u all Y O OC c 1H h . OC ^C . OC N Z V r T O d 'ef+i a M O _ � a w Y 0 _ N u W C y ii 0 -}rte < o _ ULJ Ucc 41 LU zM .iJ.•pr 0.. W H Q LI' . . M4, i9 W 44 lu DEPARTMENT OF THE'AIR FORCE PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON SCHILLING FAMLY HOUSING SITE FQ.P=JAM.A-POZLILOZj_QZ-SCEX Lr.v •ATR Fngr.T RACF._JUjSAS THE DEPABi:MrL OF THE AW4Y`_ _ DACA41 4-76-636 is hereby granted a permit for alerin of ;'; ane, �}h years ,.-.'• x _ _ ,. be nn x -r . gi g ,-I',January , 19.77 ,'andendrng 3f December. X19 7Z, but revocable at tow by the Secretary of the Air Force,'+ use .for housing purposes, c A parcel of Iand containing 295 4I acres, more or less, and 735 family '1. housing units located .thereoa,:3ncluding'installed equipment contained therein, `s and appurtenances.`thersto,_ generally identified as the Schilling Family Housing:., Sitw e:fo;meriy a .portionof SchilIitfg�'Air' Force.Base; Kaasas,.3 ''.' A } as shourn aubatantiaJly in red ori"Exhi3it A; attached herein and made a part hereof, and daer: 3 Vr. Bd aL.T ♦ r... J- � =f fw i iCyz.3[ �} - ' yr_ :.r -.� "LG -i. __ <- .i'ecs I .r. rJ.. a_;(. .5 [La ._`_ :�_ _•S'S„r-]'G �8!-.. • __ „1s -L 037L" `4: :.F .�-. .. C -'1� ._.t'_. -:.M1 L--�'71i96S3a_'6Qt' THIS PEMIT is granted subject to the oll ^ i . _ f ouFifig conditions: . 1. That "the `uae and-occupathA ofthe-kid 'promises shall be uithout"cost 'or expense"to the Department -of the -Air Force; under the general supervision and subject to the approval of the officer Aaving.immediate;juriadietio» over the premiaea,:axd,aubjeekalso 4auch rules and regulations -as - - _. he.mai( from time to time preaerebe: 6 :CS-:: -;C;' ...::. tF._ "3 VSs.:,•*;•• ; 3 _:F_c•- yi x i #�; ... .\ t 'That the perniittee'ahalt7 at iia oum eipenae and lvithout coat or'expenae to` the Dtpartvient of the Air Force, imaintain and kiep'4 good repair and condition the premises herein authorized 6 be used . ,n•: In t' ; _ �� ;.. VL pt-. :<�i. d ` `" S 'That any interference u*ith:or damage to' property under control of the. Department of the Air Force incident to the exereute of the privileges herein granted ahal be promptly corrected by tha Permittee to ths'satiafaction'of the sial o ver _. .... 4. That the permittee ahau pay, the coat, as determined by the said. officer,. of producing and/or " supplying any utilities and other aervicee furnished by the Department of the Air Force or through - Department of the A..irForya facilities for the use.of„the.permittee•'" x. oci S. Thatno additions to or alterations of the premises shall be made without the prior consent 6. That if for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Air Force. to oerform• functiww.and/or render services which are the responsibility Of the permittee, the sa4.officsr'maV; ', i , sn liewqf.�quire,ihsper�mittes to -furnish the. personneland/or materials re - quiridfor t4' e.joe�burseme�t,,rsrmance of-said-fUnctions and/or for-theirenderingif saidiasrvices. In addition: to furnishing personnel aid/or materials, the permittee shall reimburse the Department f the Force in connection with said df ;t Air Force for any coift iitcUrred'by the Depart.mmt-P .4. Air - .� - .1 , .1 1 .. , . .. ...... `Selectfiin of. suc?P Versonnetwill be subject to the 4fthe said o�cok­" 7. That on or before the date of expiration -of thispermitor ita-relinquishment by the per- thittee,,thez-pormaUe-shalt tiacati'tU said premues, remove* its- property t -OIA!'. the prom, W*es, to d-cc;,.;W%ti6n satiafaetorg to the wear and tearand'damagd beyon& the coptrvi of the permittee excepted. If, however, this permit. is revoked, the permittes shallvaoate -the -premises, remove,it& property therefrom,. and restere the p.remi8e#_,as.--aforesaid 16iM,AsucJ& timeae the Secrokm.of the Air Force may des4natft:fv: A S." The`bbusliig Poirt 9,. T_h - at It is understood that the requirements of this permit pertaining to' repair, protection and restoration of the premises and reimbursement for utilities and other services, shall be effective only insofar as they do not conflict with any agreement, pertaining to such matters, made between local renresentatives of the permitter and permittee in accordance with existing -Priar.to execution of this Permit, Condition 6 was modified and Conditions P and,q ver!kadded. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set MY hand-bY authority Of the Secretary Of the -Air Force. this, Of. w - ir . Y .r ..P : 7 12. - _Gl -1 T-lun /p, r. C :;,z Tr L. P. KELLY Chief .­416nagement , aind"Disposal Branch' Real Estate -Division ��� fllp'IyIJ'JIJ''I�s �A1 ��JJJJJ� IW1�'��I� LT Y`i NO October 4, 1978 Clarence D. Lehner, Contracting Officer Department of the Army Procurement Division, DIOS P.O. Box 2248 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Re: Contract No. DAKF 19-77-C-0202 Fire Protection at Schilling Manor, Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Lehner: CITY MANAGER NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE 9138212277 In accordance with Section J of the above referenced contract, you are hereby notified that it is acceptable to the City of Salina to extend the contract for a period of three months, effective 1 October 1978 through 31 December 1978, for a net price of $21,000.00. NDO:MA: bh Sincerely yours, now�� 05�'q Norris D. Olson City Manager MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CITY . COUNT`.' :_JINO COMMISSIONERS SEE REST A" STREET JACK RENGESWER. MAYOR P.O. SOX,., KEITH G. DUCKERS DAN S. GEIS "LIMA. KANSAS 67401 KAREN M. GRAVES JERRY SIMPSON October 4, 1978 Clarence D. Lehner, Contracting Officer Department of the Army Procurement Division, DIOS P.O. Box 2248 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Re: Contract No. DAKF 19-77-C-0202 Fire Protection at Schilling Manor, Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Lehner: CITY MANAGER NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE 9138212277 In accordance with Section J of the above referenced contract, you are hereby notified that it is acceptable to the City of Salina to extend the contract for a period of three months, effective 1 October 1978 through 31 December 1978, for a net price of $21,000.00. NDO:MA: bh Sincerely yours, now�� 05�'q Norris D. Olson City Manager MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES AFZN-DI-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY FO ILF,Y, KANSAS 66442 Procurement ��vsion, DID, P. 0. Box 2248 City of Salina, Kansas 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 7 September 1978 RECE Vl ED SEP 121978 CITY MR OFFICE RE: Contract No. DAKF19-77-C-0202, Fire Protection at Schilling Manor, Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: It is the Government's desire to renew the above referenced contract for a period of up to three (3) months. You are requested to advise the undersigned if this is acceptable. If the renewal is acceptable, request you submit a similar proposal like the inclosed copy of the proposal you originally submitted, in view of the Department of Labor statement on the inclosed copy of Wage Determina- tion No. 75-461. No increase in the contract may be authorized due to increased cost of material, supplies, or equipment. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, 2 Incl CLARENCE D. L HNER As stated Contracting Officer Procurement Division, DIG, P. 0. Box 2248 AFZN-DI-P City of Salina,.Kansas 300 West Ash Street- Salina. treetSalina, Kansas 67401 7 September 1978 RE: Contract No. DAKF19-77-C-0202, Fire Protection at Schilling Manor, Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: It is the Government's desire to renew the above referenced contract for a period of up to three (3) months. You are requested to advise the undersigned if this is acceptable. If the renewal is acceptable; request you submit a similar proposal like the inclosed copy of the proposal you originally submitted, in view of the Department of tabor statement on the inclosed copy of Wage Determina- tion No. 75-461. No increase in the contract may be authorized due to increased cost of material, supplies, or equipment. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, 2 Incl CLA�E D. L NER As stated Contracting Officer 0 O C ATTACHMENT A N T 7 Y U 0 N W H > v u O ? G ri O rJ cc a v N •.l ++ W x c0 � c ro a _ u V o0 N H M U W 91 i u v u O . W O > i A O to 6 1 N `o C 'cn 6D 4J O u p F W 7 O A 00 a < u ao =1 7 7 o N G CL. a o J 3 ce m oa W h O H G .Or N in ca O Z ow�a0 C9< °C oU.3 o to N_ Q o F• J E 'O •ti J.=n W4CO 3 o�• u n 7(-) o C W a G/ oa (Xa (X .n ti y�C F � m a •o F•LW cc u of W C a"_ ED> c Ox ILI 6o �w Ve' W H`ixe a N W lG ATTACHMENT A N C7 Y U N W H > T u O ? G ri O rJ U wa' m v Ty ++ a o m •.a c ro a _ u V o0 N H M U W 91 i u v u O . W O > i A O H N 1 N `o C 'cn 6D 4J O u p r W 7 O A 00 V u ao =1 7 7 v v G CL. a o Nm 1� ca > m oa h O H G .Or N a.� . ca 0 ow�a0 cca a W W E 'O •ti �! O W4CO x C7 ai N T u H ? QJ t�4 G C O wa' m N N ++ a o m •.a c ro a _ u V o0 N H M G U CL W 91 Ol N a u G y u w A O v O +�+ u l V d 6D 4J o O N o O i ?O W W 7 O A 00 W vi L co G f =1 7 7 E N I G CL. 4v .a Nm 1� ca > m TW N h O H G .Or N a.� . ca T W cca a W W E 'O •ti �! O H W E 3 o a F W a G/ 4D $4 O u F U m a •o r .. r September 26, 1977 DATA APPLI,CAUE TQ ARI¢Y FIRE CONTRACT FY 1978 EXHIBIT A: PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 3 Primary Service to Schilling Manor, 100%'Applicable 10-1-77 to 9-30-78 3 Lieutenants $ 33,669.00 3 Fire Equipment Operators 32,166.00 6 Firefighters 55,702.00 EXHIBIT B: PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 2 Backiip Service to Schilling Manor, 202 Applicable 10-1-77 to 9-30-78 3 Lieutenants $ 33,669.00 3 Fire Equipment Operators 32,166.00 6 Firefighters 57 306.00 20X of $123,141.00 EXHIBIT C: PAYROLL - FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Administrative and Special Services 50% Chargeable to Fire Station No. 1 20%, Chargeable to Fire Station No. 2 20% Chargeable to Fire Station No. 3 10% Chargeable to Fire Station No. 4 10-1-77 to 9-30-78 Fire Chief $ 16,677.00 - Assistant Fire Chief 15,891.00 Inspection and Prevention Chief 15,105.00 Fire Training Officer 14,367.00 3 Inspectors 37,026.00 2 Mechanics 21,444.00 Clerk Steno I 9,291.00 $ 129,801.00 20% Chargeable to F.S. No. 3 $ 25,960.00 20% Chargeable to P.S. No. 2 $25,960.00 20% of F.S. No. 2 Chargeable to F.S. No. 3 5,192.00 $ 121,537.00 $ 24,628.00 $ 31,152.00 — ft DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIP- CONTRACT 'FY 1978 EXHIBITS: (Continued) EXHIBIT D: PAYROLL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION A . Fire Department 1976 Expenditures• *B - City 1976 Operating Expenditures C - Fire.Department, Pro -rate Share (A*BSC) 10-1-77 to 9-30-78 City Manager $ 32,175.00 Clerk Steno III 10,221.00 Deputy City Manager 25,182.00 Clerk Steno II 8,924.00 . Director of Finance 21,051.00 Clerk Steno III 10,221.00 City Attorney - - 13,365.00 Personnel Director 17,475.00 Account Clerk 9,291.00 B6okkeeping Machine Operator III 10,221.00 Human Relations Director 15,891.00 Clerk Typist II 7,725.00 20% of F.S. No. $ 181,742.00 Fire Department, Pro -rata Share 15.63% _ $ 28,406.00 20% Chargeable to F.S. No. 3 $ 5,681.00 20% Chargeable to F.S. No. 2 $5,681.00 . 20% of F.S. No. 2 Chargeable to F.S. No. 3 1,136.00 *B - General Operating Expenditures $3,113,562.00 Water and Sewerage Expenditures 11495,907.00 $4,604,469.00 EXHIBIT E: FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES . Fire Department Expenditures $ 720,537.00 Excluding Salaries -596,751.00 $ 123,786.00 20% Chargeable to F.S. No. 3 $ 24,757.00 20% chargeable to F.S. No. 2 $24,757.00 20% of F.S. No. 2 Chargeable to F.S. No. 3 4,951.00 $ 720,537.00 4,609,469.00 15.63% $ 6,817.00 $ 29,708.00 1 DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1978 SUMMARY: a EXHIBIT A - $ 121,537.00 EXHIBIT B = 24,628.00 - .EXHIBIT C = 31,152,00 EXHIBIT D = 6,817.00 EXHIBIT E = 29,708.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 213,842.00 Applying the factor of 5 for structures west of the railroad and the factor of 1 for residential dwellings in Schilling Manor. Buildings west of the railroad 204 x 5 = 1,020 -Residential Dwellings in Schilling Manor 735 x 1 = 735 1,755 Allocation of costs to the U. S. Amy 735/1,755 = 41.88% Allocation of costs to City of Salina 1,020/1,755 = 58.12% U.S. Army Pro—rata Share of Total Costs: FY 1978 Per year 41.88% of $213,842.00 $ 89,556.00 Credit for Army Fire Truck 5,556.00 Net Amount $ 84,000.00 8 FY 1978 per month $ 7,463.00 463.00 $ 7,000.00 1 - IL 11 -P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY PR EN' "DIVISION, 4��T0 , P. 0. BOX 2248 City of Salina, Kansas City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 4 April 1977 Re: Contract No. DAKF19-77-C-0041, Fire Protection Service for Schilling Manor Subpost, Salina, KS Gentlemen: In accordance with Section J of the referenced contract, you are hereby notified of the Government's intention to renew the contract for a period of three months. ly yoylrs, ROWT H: HALL Contracting Officer '0W q�cL O � 2 '��s �bINN31��9 AFZN-DI -P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 PROCUREMENT DIVISION. DIO P. 0. BOX 2248 18 May 1977 City of Salina City -Bounty Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Gentlemen: Attached is your copy of Contract Modification No. DAKf19-77-C-0041-P00001 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Procurement Division, DID, P. 0. Box 2248, Fort Riley, KS 66442 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: Signature Cit Mana er Title Posltlon FR FL 607 1 Apr 77 rely yoyrfs, \,--R08ERT H. HALL _ Contracting Officer may 27 1977 DATE STANDARD FORM 70, IDLY 19" GENERA SERVICES ADAMPAS ArION ,AGt OF AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIRCATION OF CONTRACT 1 M. FROC. NO. lal up 1- a101 1 1. AMENDMENT/A10DIFKAt10N NO. 7. EFFECTIVE DAR 7. REOUDRMM/NMOYSf REQUEST NO a. MAOF NO, (If."I ubW P00001 77 May 18 HD 83-77 S. 631191) BY CODE a ADMOiRr9® SY (E/.1611 Ab ETA 5) CODE Procurement Division, 010 P. 0. Box 2248 Fort Riley, KS 66442 7. COMIRACTO[ CODE FACUrrY CODE IR. NARK AND ADDRESS AAKNDEIENT or ❑SOOCIfATUN1 NO. rCity of Salina � City -County Building DA® (S.1 bkA 9) .q. Ay, "d ZIPAW. 300 West Ash Street aad 2`P Salina, KS 67401 Cm0CIFKATION or ®camACr/o.oER No. DAKF19-77-C-0041 ci I IL DATm 77 DEC 28 (s„ blwh 11) V. THIS RUM AFV%RS ONLY TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLKITATIONS ❑ Ma Nam naanb.Iad Wkd.liea : AAAAaA 'm AA fanM W Mad 12. lW hew ed der Awa,l.d /e1 ramal d ORan ❑ :.1d.nded, ❑ b r a.radN. ON.— w mbaalWm nap d Mb arwdanad prr r Me Meer and dam 1padRad r N W kIHlliaa. m s aanwdN, b, w d 11M fNlwMe waMK� I.) M dpol, And r imq— pm d MN aMmdM.M; (b) RY Mro .dein ;wars el N. aManeanam An amh mq el Iha afW wbaniH.d; w 1<I 1, .,W. I~ m mi".M .hid iWad.. A mismma r" Wkdmien M aaead nr av M FADURE OF YOUR ACDOWLEDGMENT 10 RE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OFFICE N11O[ TO THE HOUR AND DATE MCIOEO MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. 11, by .irrna al Mi, aIIM•dnww ry dwm b phenm an eRw elned, wbwiHd, wph Ehenm natl W arch h Wape;n R, I~' P. w v rWwen w W. r Harm. r IN Wipirrian aW Mb amandanxd, aW Is rwaimd Mlw r Ma eponi., hew aW dma 1p Aifiwd. 10. AOCOIRORH) AID APPROPRIATION DATA (if Maiwd( .. 21-9770700 76-2073 P1910-2572 S14-040 VC 02 11. Elm KOCK AMOES Oflr TO MOOINCA11oN5 OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS A a)®n Chw oAw4iAAHi'HAandr Section J of contract O. Ch•w W T,IM r sled IS w.rd. r M, ebe.a rl.i.md minae/ad.r. (b) ❑ nr .b... Aann61rW epMrH/.dN a anew d r WIW M..d.riAWW. ahanam Iwd m ahm,m hI TrYR9.RW., avlwpHlall d.1a, aacl r Tera r hhW It. 14 ❑ Th: 7LvvloaRnrl ARrm W w.d IAN ,arww r m dwi, d R WIRn ME above mMhaTad awMad m W IMh In bled I f. 17. DESOVIpN OF AMENDMEM/AWO91G1gN 1. The contract period is hereby extended from 30 June 77 to 30 Sept 77. 2. The following accounting and appropriation data is incorporated into the contract for service during the period of 1 July 77 through 30 Sept 77: 21-9770700 76-2073 P1910-2572 S14-040 VC 02 3. This will increase total by $19,500.00 from $39,000.00 to $58,500.00. • • H, Imp m ,roddW hwaiR d far. M mAdiNam d w 4an;Ma.1 nlwwW r Yd R, m h,wA14, ahaMlaE. Tsr mdm,d N r WR falm and aRaA 17. CON1RACiOR/owERO[ M NOF 'Q") TO S THUS DOCUMENT ❑ NHORACTOR/OFF90R 6 WORKED TO SION 11115 DOOIrdBEF AO Rf1UW_COFB 10 KSIIWG OFFICE7R. CONTRACTOR/ 17. CHUMP SST�TAT��T//SS.OF AMERICA PV W a pnaanl miMwlmd r ip) 1 E �arCwmlMq QRw) . i 17. NAME AND TRE OF S101H (r7/.wM11 Id. "It 5141® IE. WLR! OF m1AtARND OFFICER (r7pwpill/ 19. DATE STORED ROBERT H. HALL 77 May 18 30-101-00 tu.LEcvERHFm TPawnNO OFFICE: 197"2Y792 PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 AFZN-DI-P 30 September 1977 SUBJECT: Designation of Contracting Ofrcer's Representative Mr. John Kindlesparger .Caretaker Manager/Coordinator Salina, KS 67401 1. Pursuant to the authority of Army Procurement Procedure 1-406.50, you are hereby designated, without power of redelegetton, as the Con- tracting Officer's Representative for Contract No. BAKFI9-77-C-0202, with the City of Salina, 300 West Ash, Salina, KS 67401. 2. Under this designation you are responsible for and your'author'ity limited to: 01 a. Notifying and coordinating with the Contractor concerning the services to be performed pursuant to the terms of the contract. b. Checking for Contractor compliance with all contract provisions and promptly reporting deviations therefrom to the Contracting Officer. C. Furnishing to the Contracting Officer copies of all correspondence pertaining to the administration of the contract. d. Inspecting and accepting delivery of the services to be provided by the Contractor. 3. You are not empowered to (i) modify the contract in any manner, and (ii) render decisions on disputes. 4. Your appointment may be revoked at any timeby the undersigned . authority or his successor and shall be terminated in writing. Should you be reassigned from your present position or should your employment be terminated while this appointment is in effect, you shall promptly notify the appointment authority in writ' so t your appointment may be terminated. X C-MOERT- H. HALT. Contracting Officer RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: CITY OF SALINA Date /D—S-7 pw � — �(Signature) STANDARD FORM ]], NOV. 1969 cWmt SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PED. PROC. REG. I41 all 1-16.101 SOLICITATION, OFFER, . AND AWARD 2. CA ED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER ROSA Mc. 2 AND/OR DME Mo. 1. I "TEND A. PACE q 1 22 t _ S. DATE DSU® 6. R[OU6DNN IMKNASE "MIST NO. STANDARD FORM ]], NOV. 1969 cWmt SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PED. PROC. REG. I41 all 1-16.101 SOLICITATION, OFFER, . AND AWARD 2. CA ED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER ROSA Mc. 2 AND/OR DME Mo. 1. I "TEND A. PACE q 1 22 I. CONTRACT /Prov. Eur. r/o6/ NO. 7. SOLICITATION NO. S. DATE DSU® 6. R[OU6DNN IMKNASE "MIST NO. DAKF19-77-C-0202 3. The Schedule included below and/or attached hereto. 1. The attached Soliciation Instruction add Condltiom, SF 33-A. 4. Such orb" provisions, representations, certifications, and specification 2. The General Provisions. SF 32-titioq which is attached 0DAKF19-77-R-0030 ADV FB) D TDO NEGOFP/ED 77Sep 07 in the Schedule.) FOR INFORMATIOI9_CAII/v...,,.I_ IN, collar rata./: Mr. Clarence Lehner 913 239-6207 TABLE OF CONTENTS The following checked action are contained in the contract. 7. ISSUED' BY CODE S.' ADDRESS OFFER TO (I/ SVM I". Blank 7) Procurement Division, DID X A Cover Sheat .,3 ,'.r s '' M. P. 0. Box 2248 B Contract Forlmaad.aepiesentations, X I Inspection and Acceptance 15 Forx jil.ey. KS 66442 XSpecial Provisions15 N a w 91 SOLICITATION P. Sealed offe ijli agd;4_co*s for furnishing the supplies or Services described in the Schedule will be receivedac the place specified in black 8, OR IF Dj, RRI 4N.THE DEPOSITARY LOCATED IN PrOCUrement Div.DIO Bldg, 801 , K00,'11 106/107 until ' . If this u an advertised Solicitation, offers will be publicly opened at that " cr r:, an/ Darr) 'It" % time. CAUTION—LATE I ` 5. Seem. 8 of Solicitation Instructions and Conditions. All offers Are Subject To the follawint- . 7 " 3. The Schedule included below and/or attached hereto. 1. The attached Soliciation Instruction add Condltiom, SF 33-A. 4. Such orb" provisions, representations, certifications, and specification 2. The General Provisions. SF 32-titioq which is attached AS are attached mtyncorporated herein by reference. (Attachments are lined AT umorporawd herein by reference. in the Schedule.) FOR INFORMATIOI9_CAII/v...,,.I_ IN, collar rata./: Mr. Clarence Lehner 913 239-6207 TABLE OF CONTENTS The following checked action are contained in the contract. UX See. E Page x Sec. Pace PART I: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS X G _-Packaging an ar inng . 15 X A Cover Sheat .,3 ,'.r s '' M. X H Deliveries or Performance 15 B Contract Forlmaad.aepiesentations, X I Inspection and Acceptance 15 Certifications, and Other Statnts of XSpecial Provisions15 Offeror. 1-3 K Contract Administration Data _16 C Instructions, Conditions, arl&No ices to PART III - GENERAL PROVISIONS ' Offerers. '+�" 4-9 X L General Provisions 7_22 DEvaluation and Award Factors PART IV - LIST OF DOCUMENTS PART It - THE SCHEDULE AND ATTACHMENTS IX I E I Supplies/Services and Prices I lu I F I D'e's6 tion/S ecifications 11-15 M List of Documents and Attachments X 2 3 )] sc ^ OFFER (NOTE: Nrrene Alun At,. B, Fu/h faun/nerd Br ORrror1 In compliar tie ai6w.. the undersigned offers and agrees, if this offer is accepted withinfi0—catendar days *fflyai mmmingorAxd? wax XvOxtD UlEYli C`%C lxRlxWMffi=) from the date for receipt of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered, at the price set oppople ydl irem.,dclivued,at,the,designated point(s), within the time specified in the Schedule. See Section C, para. 23 16. DLScoun, FOE P10MFT vi.y-6," (Ed P. w SP 3S -A) Y ,, % I 01 R D�.YS; j "� �Y %, 70 CALENDAR DAYS; % 70 GIRNDAR DAYS; Is CALENDAR DAYS. 1L OFFEROR - "- FACILITY CODE f4 NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED NAME S ADDRESS City o a ina, Kansas TD SWN OIFER fT e. Print) M. D. O'�son (SmNA d,. _..____ _300 -..West Ash Street -- (Sova Nene. --. City Manager _ .. _ 6 ZIP Crde) - „-' Sal ift,-. Kansas 67401 19. EIGNATWE 20. OFFER DAR T �y Fh i `- E� -+ Ana Ce/r an/ tF/r � �a.: i�l/q,,St3,� ",.�2r�-2277 ❑ Cbn1 r/ Rrwv',n.II i 3� i.Fro� d611Y-Enar yar6.AW.eu fa'Srirddc ,t /� a pt . 28 77 21. ACCEPTED AS TO OPENS HUNKERED 21 AMOUNT'S : 5 A i, i 24, ACCOUNTING AND APMO,RIATWN DATA 2-82020 76-2073 P200000-2572 S14-040 0001 1�'�' "' M8000 26. SUWT INVOICES /V n� p'n anras aMrru'm, sPni/N1 TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN 3 23. NEGOTIATED 10 U.S.C. 220gax ELOCRSecti On K, para. nIREBANr ro n U.S.0 252(ex I 26. ADMINISTERED BY CODE - rvNM.wNmach 7) 22. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE Finance A Accounting For iley, 664 2 21. NAME OF CONTR"Ot OEFICTOfT r 10,;4t ^'• 29. NOTE 70. AWARD DATE ROBERT fS:7aotnn ,i• vrur i+2 076n.1 52-124 Auwrd SIX be grade on this form. or an, StrNdrrd Farm 26, or b/ other a/5ciaf u'ridew Nonre. mn,rRYr-ao un:ealW wwtYYwwM>1 a'sa - atfl t3tWYxON'tt rltOr WYONelf baetiAL� /� +KI-tfr '100f '�'S'II 81 lir /o urr.0 n ua,�o lir rlusm +mmatiml Yufyr. aqf (1/vua4 Nil yuwmq>erlr y"-1191) uonervgeS tiyl f4 purndu m vormmiofur a1a14+uw jim, vJvuwv .11vf ymlar Iro-u }ud0-'310N wollel .e'a" pue q•pwnu quNu mcn.0 P. wt0 roI uow,n!I•S •m a .. •Mnewc•Nq!w+••tyl..wlau'•'•W •4l t 31V0 'ON IN3WON3WV 3AV0 "ONI143WON31ify''' SW3WON3WV IO 1N3W0031moNx]Y IA unmb ••r! ... 1 ' ._ ' 'foot '3I*S*n 81 u( pagwwdn raaflo n rrumwrrtr aryvf 8ngvn ao(rJlerad Ml 'KEON'(Aprnuur ro •Allenuuewx I ) polid t Yuunp snmuo>gns lit roJ ao venuusgns y>ea !o) layna pawwgns ail .Sew uouoyom ay -L asnsl> AawnvoJd(3 lenb3 ay, )o ' Iseord ayI puoJ1 Idivaxa sou sl y)rys 000'ol4 Yulpaa>xa venuo>gns a Jo preae'ay) w rout pwitwyns ay flow s,. ,L vd,PaoeBweasUON Jo uuooyuno V } 'rrrll/Un'f pamYUYAnos fa rump'.+4//iA ref le)mwr,ha/ fe uaUe'ntiriX/nr :u!>>4rw4 a/ N//eAr ( : (spouad.awn >yvads ro) suonoylua> lenawP! pavlwgns aney aovenuo>gns pwodwd ays may.n Ida>xa) uoI >as!wj ns tp wall d ya x o) U poli 8w-01101 ayi ppn.+un) Ille1 ay ,Lill pus :salt' sty u! suopny!uw y>ns umm OIu ay iey>:aswq> ( miodJp Ienb3 ay m iugnwJd rya caw) idw>xa lou ale 4114^1 000 — 8Uepaama ss>wwo>gns {o rycmr ays w Loud sromm.,w ns pasndorJ war) snow w.+ ,.ddo l wwgo fpm W4 (spouad awu >yvads JoJ siovwwo)gns pasodoid wwJ suone>ynaao lonwpi luu,ngo set' ay aiaya axa) my s.>ar8e a rm .F tasrayso rn'wolrn> level wtgsa Jo ame» is 'ul8uo Iruoneu In uwYgw •IOIw'a>er jo osiq ay uo pnlrYar as mj m an uo aavanp mildxo .(q nil I ya saa6oldwa IJ POW, 7s O'" Yuunoq pue'uom,vtWsuru'seaue inawuleiiatua w uonsavw 'Su!rsuno) 8msluup'Slo Yupind 'sea ws + ayw pus So= 1pol 'f pawn 'scars 8upea ragao pue sauunnsal 'swool ysem pue swam acv •scare ,laos twuui �unR.a .( suv tvIdas Jua •upie>ynnJ flylpl Paso sy vwmoa xqa u! acne o 6nuwiodJp Rnbgpyl )o uongous e a uonr>ynia> vyI /o > rt' c y� s.�•av ayW ns ro'Sue>gJde ❑oiagb 9>PP!9 a41 pamqu!ew me sauyur) pme u8as aiay;u gwsmYny spun •uopewl Rue ss saimus nay, lou. ou a.< (a .rad sou (pro aq ieq, pue •nuawgsygwsa sty jo .fue ie salgvsa yaas8u8x Aue saa.<oldwa sly Jq aptnwd ro wrwew Iou p!.n ay Ie, y :P 1; yr1 'PiUlciulew aur Cautious pme8w8x aaym •IIonuo> sly spun •uopewl Sue Ie saw.uas nays wioyad w saa(oldtw uy nwuad Iou sagp a , , s qS Igeua ,q ;6 .Aug is saugi>H paeBalYx Aue saaAoldwa uy uy apuwJ eo u!nwew lou scop ay ieyi taynm iw>enuo>yns io 'lue>3Jde 'ioa rr P!q s!yi Jo uolss!wgns ayi Au (•atnep dlmwodd0 Rnb3 ayi )o suo!snwd aya O xa wu we y>!ym o00'ol j sin a>xa 41ouluw sw!vnnsuw palt!sK Apwapa) 8mauoyad taelasways are oym nue>gdde yIw Awwa>u)e (£) pue •sve ns (Z) •snenuo> (1) of alqu!lddy ) $3I11717Vd O31V03NO3SNON d0 NOLLY31ALDIED '6 P W 4 4 (..l q 4 P 4 P (f) (e) 4Yr4141 11) (e) w 6iwiuw ua!ve .fue ul 'aaedumed Iou Otm w' ndp!ved IOU .% a n lie s izq) w 6 ma Cao iw8e uu s se w •aeoge (q) (e). y8no>yl (l] (e) w Aim4o> tome Aut u!'aasdioilied IOU Ili put u!amgpnnd IOU iag s su d o q>ns nils 8u!d)qua> w uo!s!.Iap yins Io) algrsundsal suosnd ayl IoJ waaae se ne of 8unn.x w pa:uoyine wail set' ay Is,p /nil uvuy pmago 8waq s»lid ays w se uouvap ayi IoJ uouet(U"Jo leyl wgaLu alq!suodsaJ UOU"'Urg" s Io»go aq) u, rad ayI wu sl aH (p (Z) lo'a•ogr (f) (s) gl9nolqu (1) (r) or Faenuo� uo!ve Alis: w •ale un• 'oil 1p.e plie •p>advured sou se4 oq UUP put in Jaq pwagO Yu!aq Saud ay( w se uoupaP ayu IoJ UOnsnwBw osyl uiyym al4isussdsw uone00e8,o oia o y o! uovad ayI ss aH ( 1 1 aeyl aiallsl<. 1 yuw8ls uovail q>oi (q) Qs .-uonnadwo>Buuwlem 10 asgdJid aq) Io1 Ingo us i!wgns w lou ro 1!wgnt w wry ro uwiad iayio Aur »npu!lw Ioiago ayI F9 J • et' adwaue ON (4) pug born w : a . io i o lie w Ap>ailpw ao .4s>ulp 7u>uuariuord palenoeau a Jo Iso ay ul pica, w loud Jo maunm>oid paspiaspsue Jo am a s 8, d a u. ayi .(q pasops!p aq AlBwmouy wu 11ya put Jwagu a44 Aq pasopilp AIYw.nou,l uaaq IOU aney Jago s!yl w paaonb uaaq aney y>ty ! a 'a"i l mmbar asl.aiagao scalun (Z) I ; -i .wnladwo>.(ue ynm ro aorago Ia > s a y>ns w Huurpr anew Aug w se 'urnui •adww 8-ri>unai )o a cefind ayi roJ'imul S. w •uwitTunwwu> •iwiminsuw lemp!M •Apuapuad a maq aney raga s!yl w %;olid a4i (1) u6nomak me lie �'uaumus8io oao sit of Se iw> owa Flied w>' o luiol a :wawainwid still ylin 4 U8. 4/ 4 >� p ase> ayi u! put a> imago ay 'rago ssyl Jo uo,ostwgns (g (e): ('Y-ff dS uo 81 uv4JoS) NOIIVNIWN3134 3]I11d 1N3ON3d3ONl d0 N011VJ11111137.'a 'tastes Palm alp apltsno paimminue. Jo'pa>npwd •poulw uaaq aney w pmaplsuo> wail aney w8uo uMssuqun d w a P _ nua it A,g Pau se) vnpord. put aon ces. x3sawop a s! '.aolaq paml svnpord pw ay) Waimea •a> -P , na i¢ I au > e -a rorago 3y,1 .... I .N WV An9 'G f,�uiv.l aql, e)wf f4maaq vr. ymy.n ¢+ngo-auqut av rJaramat gmn uopaamrro> lir pimryrgar a rov pia. svgr•r:ranrJ++ Iraq, a:.J'*Prr xc venuoagns of laud Pau!exp 9q I�!n •fiovwiuwgnS paso'Jwd'Aq paue!s 'suodu »uegdww pwwbai )d uounwgns 8upw!pw Clio I s r ydwu> l,annbar IP PaI9 'veli cry 0 •set' 0 ay ssya'NI l l I 'ON l4lop aeun>ax3 p a Jo lot uoums w pammuo> asneyu w of o o n p a i 1 uou>x w pa.q -wI nlleu!8uo asnep aya no waiay asnep .(l WildS0 lenb3 aq) w Jaynb W(gns verwoagns ro x>eauwp s r aI v c 0 •cry aH t . _ ('ON -19 rAinfue� rrwvd) a ! d0 7vn03 '9 '1'3 (' N r�oJa � 801 ('Y-ff d5 am FI 'vv4 Iasi Jag -nu uase>yuwpl s Ja6oldw3 (o) :Audwo> award ayl)o ssaupp, a>yln umm put awrm alp aolaq sywlq ayi x uvea Ileys ay •.(uedu•oo i ('V-ff dS vo 91 vv4»S)'Au'dwo, wan : :molaq (>) Put •: .. ('tn0rll/�or pargrxrpn •appy(. d1Z apnpu!) Jed Jo awcN to aya 11 (q) s{ 0 aH (e) ' alt a o $me amp Ja en j P K 411 I p • pnwodw>o! •uoue' e u ,lir It' J -d!ysnwred e 0 •lenp,ntpu! ue d se smildo aH st ®� NOIIVZINV9H0 MNISn9d0 3dA.l '6 f(o lir„'ia(o na a nu mJil ^9 uv✓gqnS '74 J;'/r,1 'reorlv)nYaN pwpad rpo;J /✓ prf oil., aqI Yu)p'upu) •aoynluaru✓u ails /o uopnmr41nu) .adl va>y7p Yu!nenuo) ayu Aq pananbai se •asogr (q) pug (t) of Yut Isla/ UOUCW1o)ot ys!uwa w saoide pue'm4wu slyl )o preae ays wwJ 8unlmai x, tadn waYuuuo> aa) auieia>pIy io •a8nua>rxI 'uo!sslwww •aaJ Aug /rma(/o ail! ro/ A%a/or Yu/plan Ia(o/Jma aprf r:mq am/I pnf r• u,yl uytaJ uosiad au .(ueJun> .(lie Aed w paaryc ro py a •veli set' io •se4 g ay (4) Pue 'venoo> sly% anuas w 1!>!Im w (aonffo ayr Jolt fp/or Yup ran » tol0ur ap;r ruoq vmny/nf v onyl J qn) uosud so Aueduso> .(ra paun,ai so paAol wa •veli set''I •gil oi ail (x) QO i 3 iUGJJ J 9.^.'I''7 f� -rt ac lie sf 'and mSJ 33d 1N90N11NOJ 'f c , •m satrap irollai 0 s s! aH I: $i,1 j.� zi( (o8orolTYu/panel umnuw s)4ur a ,/ 'l #ih i 1 1, vw-N37V30 UV7n0311 'Z Jo'suwtsanOd su •saawS paalup a 1 u! allow, ssaunn ews e A pa sus io love nuc 'o>!y avian„ 9 11 9 P Fo Pa 1 4�+ i a nJ ail w IIVI'Js 1 ltyi tiuxwdai ale ay pnrago sail dos ays )o iwwe)nue. ayi sou sl pug wa>uw n,u. Ile e n I u. t w I eau u 0 •sl 0 aH l - / i, .S DI r gNl$f13 77VwS '1 R -u,# a> Smaq a)gvg/4✓v /Iv am/,/— gait'/l ssyi sa t audai awA/O a4. to K PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: 10. The following individuals are authorized to conduct negotiations on behalf of the contractor:, NAME TELEPHONE N. D. Olson, City Manger 913 823-2277 3 EN[RAl SERVICES ACMRnsmAno1 ED. MOC CEO. (sl CPR) 1-16.101 SOLICITATION INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINmON$. As used herein: (a) The term "solicitation" means Invitation for Bids (IFB) where the procurement is advertised, and Request for Proposal (RPP) where the procurement is negotiated. (b) The term "offer" means bid where the procurement is ad- vertised, and proposal where the procurement is negotiated. (e) For purposes of this solicitation and Block 2 of Standard Form 33, the term "advertised" includes Small Business Restricted Advertising and other types of restricted advertising. ]. PREPARATION OF OFFERS. (a) Offerors are expected to examine the drawings, specifies - tions, Schedule, and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the of gimes risk. (b) -Each offeror shall furnish the information required by the solicitation. The offeror shall sign the solicitation and print or type his name on the Schedule and each Continuation Sheet thereof on which he makes an entry. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person signing the offer. Offen signed by an agent are to be accompanied by evidence of his authority unless such evidence has been previously furnished to the issuing office. Sc) Unit price for each unit offered shall be shown and such price shall include packing unless otherwise specified. A total shall be entered in the Amount column of the Schedule far each hem offered. In Case of discrepancy between a unit price and extended price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct, subject, however, to correction to the same extent and in the same manner as any other mistake. d) Offers for supplies or services other than those specified winnot be considered unless authorized by the solicitation. (e) Offeror must state a definite time for delivery of supplies or for Performance of services unless otherwise specified in the solicitation. (n Time, if stated as a number of days, will include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. (g) Code boxes are for Government use only. 8. EXPLANATION TO OFFERORS. Any explanation desired by an offeror regarding the meaning or interpretation of the solicitation, drawin@a�, specifications, etc., must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach offemrs before the submission of their offers. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective offeror concerning a solici- tation will be furnished to alf prospective offeron as an amendment of the Solicitation, if such information is necessary to offerors in submitting offer on the solicitation or if the lack of such infor- mation would be prejudicial to uninformed offerors. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENTS TO SOLICITATIONS. Receipt of an amendment to a solicitation by an offeror must be acknowledged (a) by signing and returning the amendment, (b) on the reverse of Standard Form 33, or (c) by letter or tele- gram. Such acknowledgment must be received prior to the hour and date specified for receipt of offers. S. SUBMISSION Of OFFERS. (a) Offen and modifications thereof &hall be enclosed in sealed envelopes and addressed to the office specified in the solicitation. The offeror shall show the hour and date specified in the solici- tation for receipt, the solicitation number, and the name and address of the offeror on the face of the envelope. (b) Telegraphic offers will not be considered unless authorized by the solicitation; however, offers may be modified by tele - gra hie notice, provided such notice is received prior to the hour :Ydate specified for receipt. (However, see par. 8. (e) Samples of items, when required, must be submitted within the time specified, and unless otherwise specified by the Govern- ment, at no expense to the Government. If not destroyed by test. ing samples will be returned at offeror's request and expense, unless otherwise specified by the solicitation. 6. FAILURE TO SUBMIT OFFER. If no offer is to be submitted, do not return the solicitation unless otherwise specified. A letter or postcard should be sent to the issuing office advising whether future solicitations for the type of supplies or services covered by this solicitation arc desired. Failure of the recipient to offer, or to notify the issuing office that future solicitations are desired, may result in removal of the name of such recipient from the mailing list for the type of supplies or services covered by the solicitation. 7. MODIFICATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF OFFERS. (a) If this solicitation,,�, rtised, offers may be modified or withdrawn by writ -oY 1 aphic notice received prior to the exact hour an. SI i r receippt of offers. An offer Alan may be withff w�rjf�,n r y an oifuor or his authorized rep*,r rrjyNco tmis tit made known and he signs a revlcr, b� nl ' the withdrawal is made prior to t `tSitiate for receipt of offers. (However, see (bdci ' n is negotiated, offers may be modified (subhen applicable) or withdrawn by written or telege received at any time prior to award. Offen may be rawn in person by an offeror or his authorized rep- resentative, provided his identity is made known and he signs a receipt for the offer prior to award. 8. LATE OFFERS AND MODIFICATIONS OR WTINDRAWALS. (This paragraph applies to all advertised solicitations. In the case of Department of Defense negotiated Solicitations, it shall also apply late ate offers and modifications (other than the normal revisions of offers by selected offerors during the usual conduct of nego- tiations with such offerors) but ppype�o� withdrawals of offers. Un- less otherwise provided, thiLy does not apply to nego- rioted solicitations issu��etd�{s��s�a••,,� I`{ gencies.) (a) Offers and nyeRf Ctio b�b�a (or withdrawals thereof, if this solicitatipg is*Ilv�yerchted the at the office designated in the solid frcfE(Re eitt our d date specified for receipt Will not Jo drlrt : .1 3!-(] ev are received before award is made; a" f' (2„t are t by registered mail, or by certified mail for fK I tial ed post office stamp (postmark) on the original R e u r C tfied Mail has been obtained and it is de- termined bjr e G ernment that the late receipt was due solely to delay in theuWhir which the offeror was not responsible; or (3) if submitted By mail (or by telegram if authorized) it is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due solely to mishan- dling by the Government after receipt at the Government installa. tion; provided, that timely receipt at such installation is established upon examination of an appropriate date or time stamp (if any) of such installation, or of other documentary evidence of receipt (if readily available) within the control of such installation or of the post office serving is. However, a modification of an offer which makes the terms of an otherwise successful offer more favorable to the Government will be considered at any time it is received and may thereafter be accepted. (b) Offerors using mrtifir. it are Cautioned to obtain a Re- ceipt for Certified ail bljAWil a legible, dated postmark and to retain such• receipt 55 rpqt the hance that it will be required as evidence thatbtl�y>►va'!ely mailed. (c) The time ali,33nng`'aj �s a as submitted by registered or certified m if all bdddee"in to be the last minute of the date shown _the+,p"'ds m k the registered mail receipt or registere tl- rot ' or n the Receipt for Certified Mail unless oraE is evidence from the post office sta. tion oto h ablishes an earlier time. In the case of ceniffl't� nay acceptable evidence is as follows: (1) where th ceip or Certified Mail identifies the post office station of ail' g, evidence furnished by the offeror which establishes lh she business day of that station ended at an earlier time, iw wrl!t case the time of mailing shall be deemed to be the last minute of the business day of that station; or (2) an entry in ink on the Receipt for Certified Mail showing the time of mailing and she initials of the postal employee receiving the item and making she entry, with appropriate written verifica. tion of Such entry from the post office station of mailing, in which ease the time of snarling shall be the time shown in the entry. If the postmark on the original Receipt for Certified Mail does pot show a date, the offer shall not be considered. 9. DISCOUNTS. (a) Notwithstanding the fact that a blank is pro- vided for a ten (10) slay discount, prompt payment discounts offered for payment within las than twenty (20) calendar days will not be considitired in evaluating offers for award, unless otherwise specified in fhe solicitation. However, offered discounts of less than 20 days will be taken if payment is made within the discount prriod, even though not considered in the evaluation of offers. (b) In Cann t f,,,,,V,,n r i/ts'•f�u o . e ,time mill he com- puted fromd ek 6u rI s tocarrier when delivery and r ' a I in of 'ri in, or from elate of delivery as de f n when delivery and designated as ragcN 431111 9 or inis sollcuallou. gga•l0e 1-1201"tn "ILII nun" nan"J00 va •gvopgagnods asp Aq pamf -odioau!,jaytayM haetluoa a suolsmosd isI��1,10(p !suotsuwd Into� (a) !su0tltpu0�t . ti !al^paga5 axil (v) lrapso 9mmml t °LLWii a d� b �CCCJ33 paA Avatso _ »Maq !!9111w 63wlnsuoau! to jo loan`. ' I MaNO '6l •uonnadmoo 8urimmaJ jo asodi d asp Joj ."m too asnx aansopstp yang tegl satitwaalap 'aau8teap sty Jo `AawBe agt•jo pgoq asp puts 2insopstp alit Jo s»uvtssunwp ayl Imap w quoj qas ga!gM luawalvls PavBts a sago aqt qt!M saystwnj Joago ay1 ssaryn p"mv Joj palappma, aq too II!m .sago alit 'pay!pow Jo patapp uaaq stn( uotteaytlr» axil j0 S)(e) aJayM •pag!pow Jo palalop uaaq siy uwlaay!u» axil jo (q) 10 `(£)(v) '(1)(v) wayM piumv Joj palap!sum aq ton 1pm sago uV (q) •mtg ouand pus 'sootamwd q! '123e1S p°I!ufI alp aptgno AJantlap Jo »new32jJad saJ!nbas q:tT taanuw a Jm Ji2o ue Sun it awago v8a -j% e w olgaagdde lou it waoj Jago asp uo uoneogtuaa styli (i) 'NOIIVNIMI1I0 3313d iNICN3d30141 90 NOLLV3I31111I3 '09 *Auedwoo suamd it jo JagwnN uonvognuapl s,nAo dw3 aql 'Auvdww tuaJed a seq all j! "0 '01,6 t^J°A luawue�a(I AJnsw",L •S,fl 'ummd telly tgaapad Atnusn25 s,Jaloldm3 uo pasn Jagwn.4 AmnaaS Ietaoy Ie32po3) (,U I.3) .sagwnN uoneaynuapl s,iaAo(dur3 uMo sryry uedwea waJ ou ally ay Jt• 'uuoj 32go axil uo =vds alg9a gdda ay ut uasu! llvqs awago aqy (•suoneuogw pastuanpe w Clao atgeallddV) '3I3W0N NOtLVDUlIM301 $MAOMWI 'Ll •2nMlayt° Jo'etwwaSUeJta IVMMMum'2UnaA Acord jo asn 'qy 8u BonoA Aluowm mvunuop jo wnI ays gSnolyt pans ,utta aq .(sill Iwwm spLL •Jorago 2y1 jo Augdulm luaaed ay1 palaptsaw n Auedwoa 32yto yang 'awa20 aqs )o wotnaap A+god aaunnq atsiq 012A Jo `aututmop 'alvinwao) of alga et Auvdwoo JaylouaJ! !paJ!nbaJ too n dtgsJaumo gws'Augdwoo 32g3oae lonu°a oy Ausidwo2 lggt w siy8u SunoA aq»n 1 )o (lud % XT asow) tuofew a veal la us o linin Auedtum luamd axil meaty AUVUtUQa iatpocre umo oy •awago aqt jo satmlod ssaumaci msvq put sanun 'maqt Slonu00 Jo sumo aqua qonlm Auvdwoa v s! 3220 nyt jo asodind alit Jo! Auadwm luand V 'ANVdWO3 1NJOVd '91 -"go slgt of algeatldde n waoj yaps m matuoms aqt amyl SunuaswdaJ (a) PUT 'paulwgns faM waoj yam .yatgm yuM uonaatiuoa u! 'Aur l! 'laenuoa Jo u0naslmlos srwtnasd 291 Jagsunu Aq SutAjiluap! (q) 'pagnwnj Apnm;mtd i6M vuej pa)aldww tions uaxiM 8unv31pu1 (9) waw219111 tnu8n a qUm Jago nq AuWwwae Auto all 'ummitoyos Sup 8umm 2311jo N. 01 611 luiod paepuetS Palaldwoa a pags!umj Alsnotnaad say .1012,90jI •wa3 32gto Jo 1ua mtaa,! jo tuawatvtS s,JotaamuoO '61I $agog paepuvtg ataldwoa a lamildnp u! 'gstu.mj wa�legs ay '1ovil •voo nq1 jo pirmw agt wwj SunlnsaJ Jo uodn unuw uos ad Jo Auvdww Auv of ») alleta7wq Jo 'a8vtuawad 'uotistwmw 'aa! Aug Aid of paw2v Jo ptvd sey all tegt Jo 'savatum Sty amass Jo $!altos 01 (Jo122o oqt Joj Alatog Sull!JOM aaAoldwo apg euoyy atup-II^! v uvgt 32gto) uosiad Jo Ausdw00 a paumaJ m paAold -tua nq all legt pawaswdoi sey 9ojaiagt pap!Aoad xoq ateud -wdda axil Sutgaaya Aq 'Jo1a2o ay$ JI 'iII iNIONIIN02 '9l (•swnpaowd paeem poll auourytjap Amsnpm paltatap sut¢tuw yaMA 'papuawa ge'In lied '£j spy 'Suonetn alt lvaapaA Jo apop 225) •lion •agstulwpy inutsng ilvwS aqt Aq pagp se 'vuat!n Jaylo Jo 'gdtaau lenuua aSmane 'saaAnidwa jo Jagwnu 8utua»u00 gtJal -ua aw Jap^n Ajpunb J0g1Jnj vao PUT 'ataeJtam lvawwanoO o0 isalto Swum Us st 1t yatgm lit uoniJ»o jo P1313 21P m ttmutulop sou n 'paleJodo pus pwAso Apuapuadaput st yatgM 'satvtpj)e sq 8mpntau! 'waauw a it wawoanawd tuawu32Ao6 jo asodmd aqi JO! uLa oO mu!^tq Il9ws V 'N3I3NO3 sslNlsne 77VWs Yl 8utttsl jo stI!q tu2mv32Ao9 uo apew nuautdtgs Joj u ogs oq Il!M loam tys }o tyBpM puts lagwnu Su!Pal J° II!3 'g9101 papuatxa puts 'gaud stun 'annuenb •'azn•'amwsa+ ao sagddm jo uo!tduanp staqumu wal! -(Auv j!) Jagmtnu. Japio pull =03 mourtuioju! Bwmulloj alit uteluoa gvgs saatonul •paytaads astM32yiu lalun (, temStaq, pmlJew aq lleys Adoa auo) aterldnapenb u! pantw -qns pull pan wd aq 11vgs smtonul 'S3210AN1 9.3377311 Yl •s»!A1as to sallddns aq7 jo wtlduaap a puts •Aavo2w 8ulnm agt•jo ssaappe puts alum oy1 •Jagwnu uouvua 108 alit apn avi pinoys uonemaoja! Joj slanba-d •AwaBe lags jo aaglo leumC Ass wwi Jo 'OROS 'D'Q .,m 'S°!'iaM '1Oq'v'1 J° tualuuedaQ atp woij poutelgo aq Aew (LSC -ISE 'O'S'II li) S961 J° PV laeiluoj Q"Ajn aql pug `(0££ -ac 'D'sn ON 13V spJepulns gnat mom Ia9J!n01) ays '(Si -S£ 'D'Sp I t•) say naeaaupo a!lq^d Aa1»H-tIs1vM alit jo smasuwmb2i alp mp"Aw uottvwaojm lwauaf) •Nouvwa01N1 309V7 'Ll vmlaltagos ay ut Joj paptAwd as!Wmpo ssa(un IuawalaAOO ays Aq pagsnlmj aq pus san!Itity {o •;WTI'(vualvw ON 'A13Id03d OIN91N3f11.1N3WN3IA00 %l •taalJlta loo Jo 'atvinaagm 'alaidwmut n JapunaJaq paqatumj stvp Sumps[ Jo ssoa ji uonanpaJ w laaf -qm aq p!M aaud ioenuw alit limp 8unud Jo 1100 2A!I=Jap Jo) uonanpat aoud aoj Hutptnoid asnvp a SUmmw laenam 8untnsai alit j! lays 'ianaMoq 'paptAwd irmit ta 8un(nsas Auv jo IJvd v wioj lou IIIM Summy Jo santltaej Smuaaaum uonatuaswdai Asa w Jo zapunaq 322o A" ynM pa»!wgns itvP Imauvuy AuV (q) 'taawwanoq 2yy1 01 t!w -qns um 1oia2o alit ga!gm wtodpusls 1=mg3at pua »tad a wwj stuns alqumAej lwm aqs on pavtwgm aq pinoys sago mi!u! goea 'VutpmaaV •s32go Starts jo uonanastp lnoy m 'pann» a 93221 Iv!s!w uo paseq boanuoa a paeMts Aew tuawulanoO aqy (8) wago 1(v Jo Am saafw of puts Jago 1saMol aqt wtp aaglo td»all o1 pa"asw s! 3g8u b .L (1) •lvawwanoO alit jo ued ays uo sago nwnoo Jo uonaafaJ a almnsuoo too (lags Aags 'palwpuoo wv suonenollau luanliasgm jI •pn.ne of loud tuawv32AoO a Aq pan!»w »llou uanuM Aq uAtaapgiim n sago oqt salon `idtoow n! of wanbasgns sumivno8au ale ways too Jo laytayM '(oeoge (a) u! paptAwd sg yoaiags sed 1o) (ago Auv 'mange paytaad2 awn axil vtgt!M I saw Am lvawunnoD aqy (a) •svoltvtpgos Polls. -1108au os Aluo Aedde (q) ySnwyt (a) sydeJSeted SutMo11oj aq -Aced ngsta Aq uonos 32yun) lnoquM nmum 8utputq e ut llnsaa of pawaap aq Nexis ngo ays u! pagnads »uwdamv Ja awn ays vtyyM Jo322o Injss»ans 241 01 (pagnomj mmiaxito Joi Pauem (Jago jo aauasddawy Jo) pie -v uillp- li (P) "d3430 SIH NI 3SIM -?I3I1.1.0 SMA133d9 210'MMO 3Hy SS311%tfl Gg)I3330 S33IZId IINfl 31-11. IV Q32I3330 A.LI.LNVflb 3Hy NVHy SS31 A.LI.LNvrlo V '903 W3.LI .INV NO QZiVMV NV 331VW OJ, ,LHDId 3H.L 93Ad3S3d 1N3WN213A0 3H,L QNV ICIUM1D3dS 3SOH.L NVH.L MI S3LLI.LNtls1 .INV 2103 Q3.LLIWRfIS 311 AVW SZI3330 'HWIMHDS 3H1 NJ (13t71AOHd 3S1MUHI110 ES31N(1 'suoneltwy ay. 6q Jayo stq sayvn Jwago atif amun •Jago Aug jo small jo dnw8 Jo wall Aug tda»e .(ew wawonAoO aqy (a) •Ponta= sago m Savueln8a14U Joatw pug an!Iawaoj°1 2AI9M 01 PUT wago pv Jo ,tuts laafa o11y8u aqt sa im 1u2wlllaAOD ayj, (q) •Pajappuw uolavf Jayto puts aJud 'luawulanoO alit 01 snoaStstuenpa lanes aq gtM uon -sloth ays os SutwOjuoo Jago asogM Jwago alq!wodaJ 1991 61 paplume aq Ipm latsmum aslL (e) •12V31NO3 JO 03VMV 'OI I jo u•pew jo atep ay1 uo ltmoas!p 2y1 Sutwva o as a 01 pawaap n tstawAed •Aongap u t a •IiI st alit P. '3u2ww2 aD axil Aq W9P riu�q(II s an a at! gganoA Jo »tones toaJJw alep alit y oi' u 1 . lar 1e ais »uwda»i (Lxqnt'd) 20. Nkaragraphs 7 and 8 of Standard Form 33A are hereby deleted in their entirety and the following clause is substituted in lieu thereof: 11 NS OF PROPOSALS AND WI' (a) Any roposal received at the office designated in the solicita= tion after the xact time specified for receipt will not be considered unless it is rec ived before award is made; and (i) it was Nnt by registered or certified mail not later than the fifth calendar day for to the date specified for receipt of offers(e.g., an offer submitted i response to a solicitation requiring receipt of offers by the 20th of the mo h must have been mailed by the 15th or earlier).; (ii) it was sent b mail (or telegram if authorized) and it is deter- mined by the Government 4at the late receipt was due solely to mishandling by the Government after re eipt at the Government installation; or (iii) it is the only proposal received. (b) Any modification of X proposal, except a modification resulting from the Contracting Officer's uest for "best and final" offer, is subject to the same conditions a in (a)(i) and (ii) above. (c) A modification resultingom the Contracting Officer's request for "best and final" offer received a ter the time and date specified in the request will not be considered unl s received before award and the late receipt is due solely to mishandliby the Government after receipt at the Government installation. (d) The only acceptable evidence toe ablish: i the date of mailing of a late propo 1 or modification sent either by registered or certified mail is the NS. Postal Service postmark on the wrapper or on the original receipt from a U.S. Postal Service. If neither postmark shows a legible date, the pro sal or modification of proposal shall be deemed to have been mailed late.\ion m 'postmark' means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed imprt is readily identifiable without further action as having beenand affixed on the date of mailing by employees of the U.S. Poice. (ii) the time of receipt at the Government inis the time/ date stamp of such installation on the proposal wrther docu- mentary evidence of receipt maintained by the inst (e) Notwithstanding the above, a late modification of a otherwise successful proposal which makes its terms more favorable to the Governme will be considered at any time it is received and may be accepted, (f) Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice or telegrameceived at any time prior to award. Proposals may be withdrawn in person by n offeror or his authorized representative, provided his identity is ma known and he signs a receipt for the proposal prior to award." L •V}a OSZ900 8AL4PJ4 SLULWPe `UOLjPL39,Adap `saOUEMOILe UUO; -} n 'SOL.xeles 'sa}Lddns ;o ;s6o 6u}gpaado 4D61u6o of paq}W}L aq qou qnq ap ou} p1no4s Legq}wgns a41 •LesodoAd SL4q ;o aoueuuo;.Aad a44 ao; egep 6u} ad pup }soo ;o umopleaaq paL}egap a ap}Aoad ILe4s aoaa};o a41 'LZ •s Apdoad ;o uo}ssnos}p 4no4}}m apew aq few gopaquoo a ;o paemy 09Z •;ae,A;uoa ;o adRj ao}ad pax}; wa}; a aq LL}m uo}qeq}o}Los SH\wOJ-46uPLnsa.A }gLnsaa goeaquoo pasodoad a41 40eaqu03;oa 1•9Z 000 a4q ;0 paelAe aaq;p w}eJO a ;Ao; spunoa6 agnq}gs -uoa a;}s a4q aanL}p; p Mm quana ou uI -algeU}eggo Ttgeuosear S} uo}lewAO;gxa ay; o; 'goeaquoo ay; ;o aouew.Ao;aad ;o 4soo a4q Zoo;;e RRw puoo MOL pup Leaaua6 LLe of se SaALaswa4l A';s}les o; pup paquoa saa}Aaas aaa Maltsa q ;oadsuL o3 agoadxa pup pa6an aae ssa a;d0 6£'£OOZ-L MdStl 100696E 4tS}A al}S bl Wa suodsaauou se paloacaa aq LL}m luawuaanoga Sq aoueldaooe Ao; ££ dS ;o uo}gaod ,aa;;0, ay; u aL;loads skRp aepua ;o aagwnu a ue4q ssaL.6ULMo p S.AOaa;;O }}}Ax 0 09S(L LOZ-Z 2fdStl atIW5L6L Polaad OOUR4 a0otl wnwlulw •£Z pup Iaouaaa;aa Xq paleaodaoau} ao p 4oe -oad a944o (p) :suols}Aoad Leaauag (0) u -uo0 pup swaal (q) .(suot4po}4}3adS a4q 6U}MOILO; a44 u} eouapaoaad 6u}A}6 Sq pa 'uo}le}}o}Los 444 ;0 Suo}s}Ao.Ad uaamlaq -Suo}lp0};}oadS a44 (a) e ua4m '40ea4uo3 a44 ;o SUOLSLA ;} 'uolgeglolLos 944 ;o suolq}p pnloxa) alnpa4aS a44 (e) :aapao osaa aq•LLe4s A'ouagS.}Suooul 944 hyagslsuODul ue ;o luana 844 uI :;oaaaq; naLL u} pagnglqsqns s• asneLa 6u}MOLLo; 044 pup 6laa}lua sq} u} pagaLap �fgaaa4 s} 'aouapaoaad ;o pap '6L 4dea6eaed •ZZ •43943 WOMAan09 844 ;0 6UMPW 10 044 6ULuaea ;o asodand a44 ao; apew aq o; paws -wao;aad ;o uolgaLdwoo ;o agep ue44 aaIVL s} aaq el :341 Sq pal;loads aa};;o a4l u} paA}aaaa s} a94onOA agep 044 Woa; ao sao}AaaS a44 ;o aauewao;aad ;o 944 woa; poindwoo aq Mm aw}q ' aaa;;o qunooslp ,Cup LL'ZO6L-1 bdStl) (AON L ep a44 uo lunOoslp SL ZUBO ed •ague ;} 'quaWuaanog a0 aolonul 43@.1.103 uo}Ldwoo ;o agep 4l lm o}goauuoo UI na}L u} pagnl}gsqns s} (q) 4dea6paedgns 6ulMoLLo; a44 pup aaLlua SU u} RPM ggaaa4 s} 'squnoosLO •6 asne10 ;6 (q) 4dpa6papdgn 'LZ (PI m 29. ERVICE CONTRACT ACT: Bidders are advised that this procurement is subje t to t e requirements of the Service Contract Act, as amended by P.L.9 473, 9 October 1974, and attention is invited to the obligations of the ntractor under Section 4(c) of the amended Service Contract Act. Any quest ns regarding the extent of these obligations should be addressed 'to the Depa tment of Labor, Section 2(a)(5) of the Service Contract Act of 1965, as ame ed, requires that every contract (and bid specifications thereof) subj t to the Act contain a statement of the rates that would be paid by the fed al agency to the various classes of sgrvice employees if 5 U.S.C. 5341 we applicable to then. The required statement is attached for information on . WAGE (a) Contribution of tike point one (5.1) percent of basic hourly rate for health and insuranc (b) Contribution of seven 7) percent of basic hourly rate for retirement. (c) Nine (9) paid holidays as llows: New Year's Day Washingto 's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving ay Christmas Day (d) Paid annual leave -(vacation) as fo (1) Two (2) hours of annual leave each wee\an employee with fjess than three (3) years.of service. (2) Three (3) hours of annual leave each wan employee with three (3) but less than fifteen (15) years ice. (3) Four (4) hours of annual leave each week for an\ ployee with (fifteen (15) or more years.of service. (e) Basic hourly rate by classification as follows: Classification Basic Hourl Assistant Fire Chief GS -08/6 $ 7.16 Crew Chief GS -06/6 5.82 Fire Fighters GS -05/6 5.22 30. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT: The Contractor agrees to provide Contracting Officer upon request a copy of any collective bargaining 9 6 o; aL de SL M -9Z uoIL;eui uOpeullumazaa a6eM 40V Joeaguo3 a aq LLeys quaaed o6em wnWLULW a ; ' 6u}PMs4}Im4oN VL6LAVW A35ONM a400 a6eM 'NOIIVNIM3130 39VM 'Z£ •,a04e8.a6 sI Jana43L4M 'Rue 46 'ajea a44 .ao 65Z-£6 'l'd Xq PaLlpods se aa� ;o suo�siAo,ad as 3o Rue VSIA lov SO 2i08V1 bIV3 ' L£ nnunn nun �un1�n STANDARD FORM 76, JULY 1966 W. NO. a DOC. MMCDNI9. PAGE a cENEEM SERVICES ADMINISIIMDON CONTINUATION SHEET FED. FROG EEO. NI CER) 1-16.101 MAMA OF OMROR OR COIa1G00E REM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES OUANnYY UNIT UNn PRIG AMOUNT SECTION E - Services, Supplies, and Prices THE SCHEDULE The Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA4 -4-76-636 (Atch. B) with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA (Atch. C) is attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 0001 Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Ser- vice to be supplied by the City of Salina, KS fo Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area near Salina, KS, all areas, buildings, and appur tenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the drawing marked HOUSING AREA (Atch. C) attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-76-636 (Atch. B) and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contract. 12 MO 7 $ 463.0 $, 89,556.00 Credit to the Government for Government furnishe Property 12 MO $ 463.OCs 5,556.00 NET CONTRACT PRICE $ 7,000.0($84,000.00 10 .r • "• ea,-I,-nunl aro: mea-ul�w+ :,SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifiations 1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall, on the terms hereinafter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, equipment and appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the fire protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The contractor shall perform'work consisting of the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire prevention and protection service.. b. Conduct monthly drive through windshield inspection of Housing are for pre -fire planning and report any -fire hazards to on-site care- taker manager/coordinator. The above does not include any detailed interior/exterior building/structure inspection or record keeping. c. Perform first and second echelon maintenance service on the Government -furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. d. Make annual representative fire flow tests as required. e. Assist in conducting formal investigations of Government fire losses. 2. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work performed in the accomplishment of furtherance of the services to be furnished under this contract shall be comparable, but not limited to the service provided within the corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards established by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire company having not less than four (4) men on duty at all times stationed within five (5) miles from all portions of the area under contract, both super- visory personnel and fire company available for immediate service except for unforeseen emergencies, in order to assure that the standards contem- plated by this contract are maintained. This performance of service shall include back-up service at all times. In the event of simultaneous fires both on and off of Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area, priority, subject to good fire fighting practices and the sound judgment of supervisory fire fighting personnel., will be given to the fire an Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area. 3. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE a. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Government, its officers, agents, and employees against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorney's fees, by reason of any suit or action brought for any actual or alleged injury to, or death of any person, or damage to property including that property furnished by the. Government for use of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performance - or services hereunder. b. The Contractor shall indemnify and save from any loss of or damage to Government property theft, or willful misconduct of his_ employees. 11 harmless the Government caowsed by negligence, ZI •ea.Ae 6ulsnoH zaeyade3 aALgSeul,aoueW 6uLLLL43S ao; uol;3a4oad aaL; 6UL4sluan; 3uaw4aedap aaL; a44 ;o uoL;eaado ay4 Aol pa.Alnba.A saLLddns pug ';uawdlnba 'Lauuosaad 'UoL;eaado ;o s4aodaa pup spao3aa luaw;aedap aaL; UL24Ulew pue aaedaad LLeys aoI3ea3uo3 041 •3 'SaaL; ;o uoLIe6L;sanuL Lewao; 6uL3ew.saa3L;;o ;o paeoq a ;o asn a4g ao; p3uapina 6ulnaasaad 'uoL4e6L4S3AUl y3e9 ;o s}aodaa ylwgns o; pup-saouaaarn3o aeLLwls 4uanaad 01 Faessa3au uoL33e DAL; -3aaao3 pue asne3 9ULwa849p 04 'sA'ep 6UL3aoM 08a44 ul43,LM aALZeluasaadaa S,aa3l;;O 6ul43e4uo3 ayl y}Lm uoL}3unCuo3 UL aal; a ;o asneo a44 oluL uol4e6l;sanul ue 33npuo3 o; paalnbaa aq LLeys ao;3e4uo3 041 •q .a3uapina ;o uoLZenaasaad junme o;uL 6ulIe; 'a6ewep,aa4eM azlwlulw 03 aal; ay; ;0 6u14sln6uL4xa ayl 6uLanp 6ulpLLnq ay; uL43lm papunodwL ag}PM 6ulpue;s ao uol4eLnwn33e ssa3xa Rue anowaa o4 paalnbaa aq LLe4s aolaeaz -uo3 a44 'aal; 94; ;0 6UL4sln6uL4xa ay; ;o uoL4aLdwoo ayz uodn pue 'aaL; pa;aodaa a ;o ails ay; ;e (eaae aye ;o uoL;eAL40 eul a4Z o; anp wnwlulw aq pLno4s 43l4m) a;LL ;o ssoL a;eulwLLa o; uoL43e snoL'4Lpadxa ale; LLeys ao4oea4uo3 a41 -a6ewep aazem pue ssoL aaL; azlwlulw 04 RLgdwoad saal; LLe 4sln6UL4xa 04 UoL43e Xaessa3au aje4 pue LLe3 aaL; pa3aodaa e o; puodsaa fij4dwoad o; paalnbaa aq Keys ao4oea;uo3 a41 -e 'o oNtl Io a 'tl S3SStll3 Mianl3NI 3bIJ GUMOOb tl 01 3SNOdS3b 'S -polaad 40pa;u03 Ouow aALaM:t ay; 6uLanp MSLLdwo33e aq LLIm anoge „p„ pue „q„ uL paalnbaa s;saz pue uoLpadsul Lenuue 841 'a •SUeLd 6UL446l; -ail; pa6ueaaeaad 6ul4vLnwao; UL pazLLL3n pue s1sa3 m6L; snolnaad 3sule6p pa;enLena aq Mm s;Lnsag •eaae ay; ul43lm doL4393oad aaL; ao; mol; aa;eM ;o SoRnbape aumunap o; e9ae LedlOULad 43ea UL44LM s4ueapR4 aaL; pa43a Las uo apew aq IILm sZsa4 mol; aaL; aAL4e;uasajdaa Lenuutl •p -aapun -away pa4sluan; kzaadoad IUawuaanog LLP 'UO a3LAaas a3ueua4ULew u0LaVa PU038S pue JSJL; pue uoL;3adsUL a44 wao;aad pue ';o 83ueua;ulew pue uol;eaodo ay; ul Lauuosaad SLN }ona,4sUL pue uLeA4 kLaadoad -3 •6uldaal pao3aa ao uoL43adSUL aan;ona4s/6ULpflnq aoLaagxa/aoLaa�uL paLLe}ap Sue apnL3uL ;ou saop anoge 941 •aoieulpaoo3/aa6euew aale; -8ap3 04Ls-uo o; spaezey aaL; Cue 4aodaa pue 6uluueLd aaL;-aid ao; eaae 6ulsnoH ;o uol43adsuL plalyspulM 46noa43 anLap �Ly;uow 4onpuo3 -q ••sesuRN 'euLLeS aeau eaae 6ulsnoH ;ae4ade3 DAL43PUI aoueW 6ULLLLy3S ao; aapunaaa4 paalnbaa a3LAaas uoL;3a;oad pue uoL;UaA -aid aal; aye 6ULaa3slulwpe pue 6ulzlue6ao ao; a[glsuodsaa 98 •e :LLeys a043ea;uo3 841 'NOI13310Nd ONtl NOI1N3A3bd 3bId 'b (p,;uo3) suoLle3L;l3adS/suoLjdLa3sao - 3 NOI133S SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) 6. GOVERNMENT -FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks as set forth herein to the Contractor for the performance of the service set forth under the terms and conditions of this contract: QQuantityy Item Description -i- Fire ruck Kaiser, Truc Firefig ting, Class 530-B, Brush/Structural, FE #108 US O4A-884-70 with Portable Mounted Pumps, Manufacturer -Wis- consin, Model AENL, Ser No. 4996633 Stock No. Noun Quantity 4210-097-4754 Applicator -extension 2 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 1 4730-535-0826 Connection -hose -double female 2 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double male 2 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable 1 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-223-9915 Extinguisher -fire 3 4210-595-0148 Hose -suction -soft 1 4210-722-9336 Hose 6 4210-722-9298 Hose 20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 4 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1 1/2" 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 Ladder -24' 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly -2 1/2" 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 2 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -1" 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 1 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose 1 4730-535-0825 Double Female - 4 1/2" 1 7100-678000 Rope -manila 100 -ft 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection -gated type 1 4210-240-5531 Strainer -suction 1- 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose and ladder 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 2 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 6 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner 2 13 K •;uawdlnbe ay; uo awL; uMop papua;xa plonP 0; sueaw snol;lpadxa ;sow ay; Sq paOi Ldwone aq LLLM VOm 04; 'adki sly; 10 3aoM aoJ paau ay; ;o uoL;Pol;l;ou uod0 •ao;oea M ay; ;0 Alllglsuodsaa ay; ;ou sl pup 'S)l 'Wally ;aoj ;P aoupua;uleW PLaLA f'q paySLLdiumn aq LLLM W4 uoLayoa 4;}L; ao '44anoj 'paly; a 10 NaoM aledaa LLV •Pa;lo Lsnolnaa ;e4; ;o ssaox3 UL ale ay pae aoueua;ULeW (s) *aLolyan anoge ay; uo P;ep Lea Lao;sly aLge;lns ULeJULPw o; swan; a;eLadoadde ay; uo aa9uL6u3 saL;LLLoe3 Xq paysLLdw000P aq LLLxr uoL;euLao;ul LLP ;0 6ulpa039y ulab (o) •;uauidLnba ;o;wa;L anogp ay; uo pauuo;aad saolnaas aa440 PUP 'Llo 'Lan; 4uol46jjqnL 'saLedaa ;o ;aodaa XL44uow P ;lwgns o; paalnbaa aq LLLM ao;3ea4uo3 a41 ul;ao ay (q) •ao;oea;uo� ay; ;o ijgl glsuodsaa ay; paaaplsuoo aq LLeys £ uol;oaS uL pa4SLL IaoM ;o swa;l LLV '93-OVYS L6L 01 ;0 £ Uol;aa$ 41LM aouepa000e UL aq LLeys ;uawdlnba Jo aoupua;ULeW •aapa0 uoL;Potagnl - ZZ08-6 Ol q •93-BVVSL6L 01 - aapa0 Leolu43al aoa0j altl p 33na1 aatj 80£s:sseLO L sa8pa0 LROLuVal PUP sLenueW (P) •;oea;uoo sly; aapun asn Ao; pauBLsse Jona; 8aL.4 auo ay; uo saledaa adX4 uoLayoa puooas PUP Is -AL; LLe -AD; alglsuodsaa aq LLeys pue 144aadoad pa4sluan_4-;uawuaano9 ay; ;o uoL;enaasaad PUP uoL;oa;oad 'aledaa 'aoupua;ulew ay; aoj wea6oad a 'aoL;oPad ssaulsnq punos 44LM aouepa000e ul 'aa;slulwpe pue uLRJULew LLe4S ao4oea;uo0 ayl (q) •pa;eool sl X;aadoad pa4sluan;-4u8wuaanog AUe ulaaayM sasLwaad ay; at ssaooe ane4 Bawl; aLgeuoseaa LLe 4e LLeys ;uauivaanog a4l (£) 44aadoad ;Uawuaanog S0 UP44 aay;o UL SUL42ULBI-W saaL; 446L; o; pasn aq kew 44aadoad pa4sluan;-;uawuaano9 'ul9aa4 1000 -ON wa;I ul y;ao; ;as sp Paae 6ulsn0H ;ap4adP3 anL43RUI aouPW 6ulLL MS o; UO M PPe uI (Z) •;uawuaanog ay; UL ulewaa LLeys S;aadoad paysluan;-;uawuaaAog a'y; o; al;ll (L) :aouewao,;aad pup jLLgLsuo say •o •sesue)I,'SaLIN ;aoj L8L *ON 6uLM ng a3l;;0 6uLaaaul6U3 saL;LLloej ;sl ;oea;uoo sly; aapun 441adoad paysluan;-;uawuaanog y;LM uoL;oauuoo uL spaooaa 44.Aadoad ay; ule;ulew o; pa;eu6Ls8p aa3L;30 ayl :ao;ea;slulwpy R4.AadO.Ad •q (p,4uo3) SU0L;P3l;loadS/suoL4dla3saa - 3 NOI103S SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) (6) Completion of Contract. At the end of the contract period, each item of equipment shall be returned to the Government in the same general condition as noted in the joint inspection of the equipment at the initiation of the contract. With the exception of items considered to be fair wear and tear, all discrepancies found on terminal inspection .will be corrected by the Contractor prior to release from the requirements of this contract. SECTION G - Preservation/Packaging/Packing - RESERVED SECTION H - Deliveries or Performance CONTRACT PERIOD. This contract shall begin 1 October 1977 and shall end 30 September 1978 both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated under the provisions of this contract (NOTE:, Contract renewal option under SECTION J). SECTION I - Inspection and Acceptance 1. The services to be performed by the contractor during the period of this contract shall at all times and places be subject to inspection by the Con- tracting Officer or his designated representative. 2. Certification of the contractor's monthly invoice by an authorized Government representative shall confirm acceptance of services performed. SECTION J - Special Provisions Option to Extend The Term of the Contract. This contract is renewable, at the option of the Government, by the Contracting Officer giving written notice of renewal to the Contractor within the period specified in the schedule; provided, that the Contracting.Officer shall have given prelim- inary notice of the government's intention to renewal at least thirty (30) days before this contract is to expire. (Such a preliminary notice will not be deemed to commit the Government to renewals.) If the Government exercises this option for renewal, the contract as renewed shall be deemed to include this option provision. However, the total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed fifteen (15) months. SECTION K - Contract Administration Data 1. Responsibility for Administration of Contract. The Contracting Officer or his duly appointed successor is responsible for the administration of this contract and alone is authorized to the extent indicated in this con- tract, to take action on behalf of the Government which results in changes in the terms of this contract, including deviations from specifications, details, and delivery schedules. 15 9L LL6L ounp £L Pa;?P as;PL va - ;taoy;ny -ti -83Lonui ay; uo paouaaalaa aq pLnoys aagwnu 43ea4uo3 a41 •;uawRed aoj 6ui;un633y pup a3ueuLj o; papaeMaoI 6ULaq o; aoLad uoL4p3};j;a93 aOJ LOVL9 SN `eU1leS `96ZZ 'ON 6uiP WS 'eaay 6LsnoH ;apyadEO ani;3eul aoUEW 6ulllly3S 'ao;euLPaoo3/aa6euEW a01p; -aae0 ay; o; pa;;}wgns aq ;snw S93LOAUL '}uawked of aoLad 'sa3Lonul '£ •paaapuaa aOinaas 10 ReP 43ea aoJ 06ae43 4L44uow ay; Jo (0£/L) y;aL;aiy;-auo ;�o a;pa ay; ;e a3Lnaas SAW= P ;o ;aed LpuoL43eaj Rue JO; apew aq LLpys ;uaw�pd ';3ea;uo3 SLy; }o uol;eu}waa; ao ;uawa3uawwo3 ay; ;p Raessa3au }I •s;ua ed Lpuot43Eaj 'Z (p,;u03) a4e0 uo};ea;stuLwpy 43ea;uoJ - N NOI103S SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS - SERVICE CONTRACTS The provisions of the contract clauses set forth in the following paragraph of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR) are incorporated into this contract by reference with the same force and effect as though herein set forth in full. (The complete text of any clause incorporated in this contract by reference may be obtained from the Contracting Officer.) Reference ASPR DATE OF Number Paragraph Clause Title Clause 1. 7-103.1 . Definition 1962 FEB 2. 7-103.3 Extras 1949 JUL 3. 7-103.7 Payments 1958 JAN 4. 7-103.8 Assignments of Claims 1962 FEB 5. 7-103.10(a) Federal, ,State, and Local Taxes 1971 NOV 6. 7-103.11 Default 1969 AUG 7. 7-103.12(a) Disputes •1958 JAN 8. 7-103.13(a) Renegotiation 1959 OCT 9. 7-103.16(a) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - Overtime Compensation 1971 NOV 10. '7-103.18(a) Equal Opportunity 1976 JUL 11. 7-103.19 Officials Not to Benefit 1949 JUL 12. 7-103.20 Covenant Against Contingent Fees 1958 JAN 13. 7-103.21(b) Termination for Convenience of the Gov't. 1974 OCT 14. 7-103.22 Authorization and Consent 1964 MAR 15. 7-103.23 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement 1965 JAN 16. 7-103.26 Pricing of Adjustments 1970 JUL 17. 7-104.3 Buy American Act 1964 MAY 18 7-104.14(a) Utilization of Small Business Concerns 1958 JAN 19. 7-104.15 ExaminAtion of Records by Comptroller General 1975 JUN 20. 7-104.16 Gratuities 1952 MAR 21 7-104.17 Convict Labor 1975 OCT 22. 7-104.20 Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns 1970 JUN 23. 7-104.22 Equal Opportunity Pre -Award Clearance of Subcontracts 1971 OCT 24 7-104.23(a) Subcontracts 1977 APR 25 7-104.24(f) Government -furnished property (short form) 1964 NOV 26. 7-104.29(b) Price Reduction for Defective Cost of Pricing Data - Price Adjustments (Applicable if con- tract exceeds $100,000.00)1970 JAN 27. 7-104.36(a) Minority Business Enterprises Subcontracting Program 1971 NOV 28. 7-104.39 Interest 1972 MAY 29. 7-104.41(a) Audit by Department of Defense 1975 JUN 30. 7-104.42(b) Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data - Price Adjustments 1970 JAN 31. 7-104.63 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation 1968 FEB 32. 7-104.82 Payment of Interest on Contractors' Claims 1976 Jul 17 m pue 'S;UPoLLdde qoC ;o dno.a6 aeLnoL;aed Sue Woa; .Ao ;ueoLLdde qoC aPLn -oj4nd Sue ;0 6u La Ly a4; aa}nbaa ;ou saop s6uLuado ZU8W OLdwa ;0 6U44SlL 841 •sueaa;anuou pue sueaa;aA ;O sLeaaa;aa ;o aou2;dane ay; 6uLpnL3uL '.&6pro qoC apL; euoq a 10 6uLoeLd 94; o; yoe;;e 444M SU014 SLLgo MUM 84; anLOAUL LLeys pue :t.Ao;;a ao aoanos ;uaw;lnaoaa aa440 Sue ;o asn ay; 411m SRua.A.Anouoo ;seal ;e apew aq LLeys asneLO sty; of ;uensand wa;sks 891AJOS ;uawkOLdwa 04; 441M.s6ULuado ;uawgoldwa ;0 6uL;sLI (o) •(a) pue (p) s4de,A6e.Aed UL 4;ao; ;as s;aodaa aso4; apLnoad o; paaLnbaa ;ou aae 46q 'aoLAaaS ;uawkoldwa a;e;S a4; ;o aoL;;O a;eLadoadde ay} 44LM s6u}uado alge;Lns J04; lle 4SLL osLe LLeys a,Aow a0 000'OL$ ;o s;oea;Uoo Leaapad 6ULPL04 saL3ua6e 4uaWuaano6 LeOOL Pup a;e;S •paaLnbaa aq Sew se saiN pup s6uLuado WOWROLdwa 6u}pae6aa aoL;;o LeooL yons o; s;aodaa 4ons apLAoadio3 saaa6e Aa44an; aO;OBa;uoo a41 -sin000 6ULuado ay} ULaa84M U94SRS a3LAaas WOWROLdwa a;e;S 94; ;o aoL;;o LPool a;eLADAde ue ;e pa4SLL aq LLeys 'sa;eLL WP a;eaodaoo pa;eaado SL;uapuadapuL ;o aso4; 6ULpnL3x8 ;nq pawao;.Aad 6ulaq sr ;oea;uoo ay; ULaa84m auo ay; Ue4; a8440 J040Pa4uoo ay; ;o 4uaw4sLLge4sa ue ;e 6uLaan000 as044 6uLpnLouL pue 43Pa4uo3 5144 A'q pa4eaaua6 ;ou aso4; 6uLpnL3uL ';oea;uoo s}4; ;o aouewao;.Aad ay; 6ULanp an600 43L4m as044 Pup ;oea;uoo sly; ;o uoL;noaxa ay; ;o OWL; ay; ;e 4SLxa 4?Hm a043Pa4Uo3 ay; ;o s6uLuado 4uawR6Ldwa aLge;Lns LLP ;ey; saaa62a043e4uoo 041 (q) •d NsaoL;uaaddP 6uLpnLOUi 46uLULe,1; a0; UOL;oalas Pug 'uoL;Psuadwoo ;o swao; a944o Ao ked ;o sa;ea 'uoL;euLwaa; ao;;oAeL '6uLSL;aanpe'';uaW;Lnaoaa 'aa;sueaa ao UOjjOWap '6uLpPa6dn ;uaulkOLdwa :64mOLLo; ay; se yons saoL;oead ;uawkoldwa LLe uL sn;e;s sueaa;aA ao ALLLgesLQ aLay; uodn paseq UOt4euLWLaOSlp ;noy;LM eaa weu;aM ay; ;O sueaa;aA PUP sueaa;an palgesLp paL;LLenb ;eaa; asLma8440 pue ;uOuLROLdwa UL aouenpe IkoLdwa o; uoL;oe aAL4eWaLJ4P a3e; o; saaa6e a043ea;u03 a41 •paL;LLenb sL ;uaWRO Ldwa ao; ;ue3ILddP ao aakoldwa a4; 4o44M a0; UOL;Lsod ,Cue o; pae6aa UL eaa'WOU;a LA ay; ;0 Ueaa;aA ao ueaa;an poLgeSLp a SL a4s a0 ay asneoaq ;uawfoldwa a0; ;ueoLLdde ao aakoLdwa Sue 4s4e6e a;PULwlaosLp IOU Mm ao;3ea;uo3 a41 (e) •(aaow ao Goo `OL$ ao; SL ;oea;Uoo SL44 A'OSZ-09 3aed 'N'3'3 Lb o; ;uensand OLgeoLldde sl asnPLo SL41) adtl VM 40ea4uo3 83Lnaa$ AVW SL61 ;aea;Uo3 aoLAaaS PUP d3S 996L 996L AON LL6L AON LL6L NnV LL6L 94LLLQeL'j 10 UOL;e;LWLI '4UOW4SnCpy aoL.Ad - 4;V ;oy spaepue;S aogej aLej ;o ;oy 43Pa4uo3 aoLAaaS saoLnaaS ;o UOL;oadsuL sa6ue43 U014Wnaad ;uapLooy L) 6£ ZL6L-L '8£ (q)906L-L 'L£ lb'£06L-L 19£ b'Z061-L 'S£ Z*Z06L-L 'ti£ Zb'Z09-L '££ (p,;uo3) SNOISIA08dIVON39 - l NOIL33S SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) nothing herein is intended to relieve the contractor from any require- ments in Executive Orders or regulations regarding nondiscrimination in employment. (d) The reports required by paragraph (b) of this clause shall include, but not be limited to, periodic reports which shall be filed at least quarterly with the appropriate local office or, where the contractor has more than one hiring location in a state, with the central office of that State employment service. Such reports shall indicate for each hirin location (1) the number of individuals hired during the reporting period, (2� the number of nondisabled veterans of the Vietnam era hired, (3) the number of disabled veterans of the Vietnam era hired, and (4) the total number of disabled veterans hired. The reports should include covered veterans hired for on- the-job training under 38 U.S.C. 1787. The Contractor shall submit a report witbin 30 days after the end of eaoh reporting period wherein any performance is made on this contract identifying data for each hiring location. The con- tractor shall maintain at each hiring location copies of the reports submitted until the expiration of one year after final payment under the contract, during which time these reports and related documentation shall be made available, upon request, for examination by any authorized representatives of the con- tracting officer or of the Secretary of Labor. Documentation would include personnel records respecting job openings, recruitment, and replacement. (e) Whenever the contractor becomes contractually bound to the listing provisions of this clause, # shall advise the employment service system in each state where it has establishments of the name and location of each hiring location in the state. As long as the contractor is contractually bound to these provisions and has so advised the state system, there is no need to advise the state system of subsequent contracts. The contractor may advise the state system when it is no longer bound by this contract clause. (f) This clause does not apply to the listing of employment openings which occur and are filled outside of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. (g) The provisions of paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this clause do not apply to openings which the contractor proposes to fill from within his own organization or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer -union hiring arrangemer(t. This exclusion does not apply to a parti- cular opening once an employer decides to consider applicants outside of his own organization or employer -union arrangement for that opening. (h) As used in this clause: (1) "All suitable employment openings" includes, but is not limited to, openings which occur in the following job categories: production and nonproduction; plant and office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory and nonsupervisory; technical and executive, admini- strative, and professional openings as are compensated on a salary basis of 19 'saDXOLdwa pue s;UeOLLdde ;o s446La a44 pue ';uawROLdwa ao; eaa WRU49LA ay; ;o sue.xa;aA pue sueaaZaA palgPjtp paL;llenb quawRoLdwa ul aoueApe pue XOLdwa 0-4 Uol;oe aAL;ewaL;;e 8Je4 04 mel aq4 aapun UOL3e6Llgo,s,aoloea3Uo3 a44 a4e;7s llegs aaLIou gonS 'Ja3L;;o 6UL43ea4uoo 844 46nOJO ao Sq papLAoad 'swea6oad aoueLLdwoj joea3uO3 Leaapaj ;0 aoL;;O 'aO;oaa10 a41 Rq paglaos -aid aq o; wao; a UL saoL:toU '4u8wRoLdwa ao; S4Ue3Lldde pup saaRoLdwa o4 aLgeLlene 'saoeLd snonOLdsuoo UL 4sod of saaa6e ao;oea3uoo a41 (1) '}oy 84; of ;uensand panssL aogel ;o kae}aaoaS aq4 ;o saapao ZuenaLaa pue 'SUOLIeLn6a.a 'saLna 844 4Um aouepa000e ul uale4 aq Rew aoueLLdwoouou ao; SUOL;oe 'asnPLo sL44 ;0 suuaw -aa}nbaa a4; 44im aouelldwoouou s,a043ea4uo3 a44 ;o 4uana a44 UI (C) '(ZIOZ '0'S'fl SE) won. a4; se 04 paaaa;aa aa4;euLaaa4 443y 4uaw4snCpeaa sua940A weu;aLA a44 o4 ;uensand panssL aogeg ;o Rae;a.MS a44 ;o Saapao 4uenaLaa Pug 'suOilvLn6aa 'saLna a4; 441m RLdwoo o3 MAP a043'e4uoo a41 (L) 'saaROLdwa SL4 ;0 s8AL;e4u9saadaa pup ao3oea;uoo ay; uaam;aq S4SLx9 4:)14m dL4SUOL4eL9a 6uLaL4 leuoL3lpea; pue S.Mcgsno a44. ;o 3aed SL 4o44m 'sLLe4 uo}un woa; llld o; sasodoad a040ea4uoo a4; 4:)L4M S6ULu8do 4Uaw -,foldwa sueaw ,4UaUMBUeaae•6ULAL4 uotun-A84OLdwa leuoL4lpea4 pup 4aewo3sno e o; ;uensand MI o; sasodoad a043ea3uoo a4; 4:44m s6uluado„ (ti) 's;sll Aleoaa„ paq MP;sa XLaeLn6aa woa; LLL; o} sasodoad ao3oea}uOD 844 4oL4m s6uluado Sue sapnL34 pue (SaLuedwoo 4uaaed 844 pue 'saLaeLplsgns 'sa;eLll;;e Rue SuLpnLoUL) U0L4ezLue6ao s,a043ea4UO3 04; aplsjno suosaad 04 u9AL6 aq LLLm uol;eaaplsuoo ou 4314M ao; s6uluado 4uawROLdwa SUM ,UOL4eZLUB6a0 UMO 44 uL43LM woa; LLL; 03 sesodoad a033ea4Uoo a44 4DLgM s6uLuadO„ (E) 'spueLsl uL6aLA a43 pue 'ooL'd o4aand 'weng 'elgwnloo ;o ;ola}sL0 844 6ULpnLoul spa llLd aq o; sl 6ULuado 4uaw -,KoLdwa a43 aa84M eaae a44 6ULAaas ao; XZ Mglsuodsaa p9u6Lsse g3LM SOOL;;o ;uawRoldwa ollgnd ;O wa4sks LeuOL;eu a}e;S-Leaapaj ag; ;o aoL;;O LeoOL 844 sueaw ,,WaISRS aoLAaas juawRoldwa ne4s ay; ;o aoL;;o azeLadoaddy„ (Z) '4uawuaano9 944 ;o ;saga;UL Iseq a43 Ao; aq ;ou aSlmWOO pLnom Su M LL'JO 4UawaaLnbaa a44 aaa4m ao ',f;lanoas leuoL'4eu o; ,faea�.uoo aq pLnom 6UL'4sLI aaa4m 'paLLddns asLM -aa430 aq RLgeuoseaa jouueo 4Uawuaano9 a44 ;O Spaau a44 aa04m suoL3en4ls 4ons 6u}pnLoul '6ut4SLL ao; OLge;lns aq '4oU ,few 6ULuado 3uawROLdwa ue saoue4swnoaL3 BUR Lodwoo 4sow a'q aapun 'uol3n,4l4SUL 4e44.;o s3uapn;s 03 pa43l4saa aae 4314m uol4n3LlSUL Leuolleonpa ue UL s6uLuado Aou 4UOM6Ueaae 6uLaL4 UOLun-aaXOLdwa LeuOl}Lpea4 Pup Raewo;sno a o3 ;uensand llbd 0; a0 UOI'4eZLue6ao UMo s14 ULOLM woa; LLL; 04 sasodoad a043ea3uoo NZ 43L4m s6uluado apnLouL IOU saop 3I 'quawXOLdwa awl;-;aed pup 'UOLzeanp sSep E ue4l aaow ;o VawRoLdwa Raeaod -M4 '4uOWSOLdwa awL4-LLn; sapn'LOUL waa; s141 'aeak Aad 000153$ ue4; ssaL (p,4uO3) SNOISIANd IW3N39 - l NOI133S SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (1) The contractor will notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other con- tract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the terms of the Viet- nam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act, and is committed to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled veterans and v.eterans of the Vietnam era. (m) The contractor will include the provisions of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order of $10,000 or more unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary issued pursuant to the Act, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or.vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs may direct to enforce such provisions, .including action for noncompliance. 40. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR HANDICAPPED WORKERS (MAY 1976) (a) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of physical or mental handicap in -regard' to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified. The contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment and otherwise treat qualified handicapped individuals without discrimination based upon either physical or mental handicap in all employment practices such as the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. (b) The contractor agrees to comply with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. (c) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the require- ments of this clause, action for noncompliance may be taken in accordance with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. (d) The contractor agrees to post in conspicious places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the Director, provided by or through the contracting officer. Such notices shall state the contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified handicapped employees and applicants for employment, and the rights of applicants and employees. (e) The contractor will notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other con- tract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the terms of section 21 ZZ ZL6L 4DjeW 0£ Pa;ep SpsueA 'euLLeS 's;tun 6ULLIOMO 6u}snoH RLLwed jpueW bULL1140S - Ueld 4 S paL;L;UO 6uLmejO - 3 ;uawvem 9£9-9L-b-LbtlOVa 'ON ;Lwjad aouoj ILV - g 4u8w4:)e4;y L9b-SL ON uoL;putwja;aO a6eM jogel ;o ;uaw;jedad - y quawyoe};y s;uawyae;;y jay;O pup 'sjtgPx3 's;uawn000 ;o 4stl - W NOI133S •aoueLLdwoouou Ao; uoL;Oe 6utpnL34 'suotSIAojd flans 93jo;U9 0; ;oajtp Aew SWej6ojd aaUELLdwo3 joej4Uo3 Lejapaj ;o aOL;;O ay; ;o j043aJLO ay; se japjo aseyojnd joijova4umgns Rue o; ;oadsaj y;tm Uot;ae vans alp; Mm JO43ej4uo0 ayl 'jopuaA jo jO;oej; -uo3gns 4329 uodn 6uLputq aq LLtM SUOLstnojd 43ns ;ey; os '10y ay; ;o COS uot;oas o; ;uensjnd pans*�.AP4ajOaS ay; ;o sjapjo jo 'suoL;eln6aj 'salnj ,(q pa;dwaxa ssaLun ajow jo OOSZ$ ;0 japjo ase43jnd jo ;:)ej;uoOgns kJaAa ut asnpP sty; ;o SUotstnojd ay; apn Wut Mm jo;oej:tuoo 841 (;) 's pnptALPUL Padden -tpue4 SLLPluaw pup RLL23LSA'4d ;uawSOLdue UL aoUenpe pup SoLdwa 0; UOL;oe ant;eUUL;;e ale; o; pa;;Lwwoa st pup '£L6L ;o ;ay uoL4?:tMge4ab ay; ;o COS (p,;uo3) SNOISIAOad.lVH3N39 - 1 NOI133S r•1 0 ATTACHMENT A T a, u q X 0 0 V a+ a) Q M U) % M >. > X �n av 9) 93A o b M i.. % a b v6 O C. N00 a 0 O W N.^p. Q O 2 a e Z I' oa-8 a L) .. j�• LL. O a Z Q u N� oLU 7 fl�Y LU F- a�Z w wt--< Q o . o GWS 3UJ �T aW� 0) $4 a LU �- 0 r C41 > W w H 7 O.0 ATTACHMENT A u u % X M 4 a+ a) 3 .0 M L V N >. > a+ av 9) 93A o b M % 0 % b H V C. N00 % 0 O %M N.^p. w V 00 +) H w�►%+qx ? O 0'O 4+ u u 0) $4 0 0 C41 > O H 7 O.0 00 W 0 u N O }a '1 b 7 0) r4 G O.0) 4+ N uu .0 % ^>.W V V G % O H C N Vi T 0 G•.°d H j N u % JJ a � co ca w 0044 0) .0 °.A g o;) >. W a, w (v Y N O +� X M 0 0)'o ) E Utn ca. <uv a: ATTACHMENT B - DEPARTMENT OF THE'A1R rORCZ PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPART1NIE lT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON SCHILLIi:C FA:•IILY LOUSIi:G SITE FQDv�v^P�a� _� POsZTTO:i_Q�S%EILLIi G__ 1TR Fn2CE �SEy�dliiS9S TF.a IIF:? T_2 OF iBi �T2tiY'..:._ DAA 41-4-76-6^,5 is hereb-,4 grant¢d a permit fora.terna of beginning IJanuary •, , , 19 77,'T' ima enai vj 31 December ' `19'77, but re^✓ocable at urll b+j the Secretary of the AirForee, to- usa-Sor'.housina Purposesy _ w i A parcel of land' containing 295.41 `acres', mV,e or less, and 735=alsily housiag.units located.Oiereon,.including installed equipment contained tharein, and appurtenances theneto,:`�eae_ally identified as the Schillia; Family.iIousir.g '.Site,-:for•ierly, a portion>of Schilling -`Air Force Base, Kansan,': *iYJ v`._' -i •:<• �c +._ 1._ er- . as shown sub3ta;siially in red on EnrAit A; atir_„-aed kereto and made a pari he ,of, =mLrxaer5%-)& . -• _ _.r __-_-.. _..._ ...,_ wawa.::': ^! ♦ _ :'> +,,- _. THIS P3�i! " is gr_yci¢d mibjset to the fol outing conditions: 1. Th;.t 7 e w-7 ard'oc'cuparlion of the said premises shalt be u-ithout cast'o'r ezpera'e tot tha Depa4inen ` t:, r! once; :«.der the general supermason and subject to tka appr "c al of tU o,�.cer I avirg i-t-^�r c:a. ur sdiction-over the premisea,. and subject also to such r t;?es and regulationg.ca he rra;/ fro -I'm fi-ne o t3mz prascrib¢: ..•:..: a 2. s nct :,:e psr nitt?s'shaL;:at i.ta o'u s eipens''e'and-without.co3t or ezpeme to the' DeFartment : of the :r?t=oe, :!naintcir. and keep in goo•. repair and condition the preirises kerci ' aut iorized to be used: S Tpxt cry`i eter}erenee with or -damage to property under control of the Department of the Air Force it ci ant to the cxersisa bj the privileges hereir, granted aWl.be prompiy corrccted by thp. permittee to t a satfactiori'o% the'said officer' 4. That tu. permittee sloop pay. the coat, as determined by thesaid.or& a of producing and/,x supplying any utilities and other ser: ices furnished by the Department of the Air Force or through Departir-ent of the Air Force faci;ities for the use.of,.the permittee.- e>ta tar i3 - 1603J �Za ,(JAR aos-i-ata)_, _ rnmow roman na[acxxrrc ,y�,T , aoTsFAFQ aaE:jGg TEag' r q?uvlg TEsodsFQ pue 3uawayau,?X azzax .d az :,max.... '-t. .,,-. ;':_ •'_y_ _ ::_.: ...., .i�c�.Y_'::_ ...._...... - --• .. ..._::.:n �K 6'z. .. .. l'L(/J�•'_''�0�� � .fr _/5/__ S ayl10«y.vg7nv Pq vuvq A= las olurmcay anvq I doa1 S -R7 •D'vB e12_':aE suoTZTPuo3 PaL paT3FPo" svft9 uoTZTPuoo <�Tmaad stv,�`90 uoT--:aT o6'poTs . SuFasFxa .111P1 p3AEP-z0"E UT aa4IT=,z2d pat xa, F"•ad aq1 3o synF62jaasa.cax TE001 La*,n4aq apes 'sza3:I2m mans oq 9-uTaTzgzed ',aa=a2z£e .CaE rr. IOU o 6a s q*. ;-[_ca P �� E 3RUSliT iiTIIO anT�aa3Ja aq TTeLis eau.ua ay�o paE ,aT}FTF:n ;]Lo - 4 �uanrsznq�Taz paE sasFi axd ati� ,o aoTleaolsoa pne UO!gza;o_d ',Tedaa 'auat:ua4UTL'm o} ocFUT2Ixad ;Traea S -q4 }o sluamaiTnbc)a aril 7et;q poo3szapun ST IT ;vq •6 $2sucA `A?TFB, g3o4 'saa�zEnhpaag..x+l aPnn..Pa L ado SuT2q.s{- a�Ts BeTsroq _ac;y -:'' . s; �7v s6isa p Rvuc as r� z a' o F t- a coag z sva-✓e:g r;ovs us:l;:xat gnvsaiofv-ea sas?uca.cd al•7 a.iolsa.i puv '=0sja.za-q? fclsado.a. sa�vvcvpFu. . sl ?.an43ws .'sa?sCuzWoa:Idaal7?uuzd a11 `paxoaai s% g quad s?yl 'ranam'/I padxaa�zcuvg /o Fuvaw; pim Cvamc Iuvup.60-:tamso.Tvs ay; of r"0pvls.qvs umlolsa tvo .calozflcolsa�asa�:yu;'.�a��cuw'1-02�Ra1I4sg - a colla ca yi ltlladold sl? aaaucaz 'sasx3ua d �nvs 81l,a7v Da.,11uvs _as_: uad a yr `aall?u: -tad ailg /iq 7uatu lsznLuxpa FI? l0 7zW- d.ss-4? /o u6s7ac dxa '10 ai:n av; e.coJag zo uo 7jrgZ ',G,.:. - ' ` " ... • �- ... . - . •.eaazio p?vs avl�o •v2oeddv av o aC �ans�v.�ioala��- •T�-..�, :r`i',;;:,.,,a.;::�. .. - - v s^.oi7rut:1 d.�rx9 f Ef'+i cIE„"' 15r .$ +z�t3 'Eaa«'1.C2a w-0�r„� Plug yjurz uo}7aaun os wi sa X01 cx y a f7 /o-Iuaucl.ivdaa.vv fzq pa ur-a•uz sl.oa P: ,D:[o1 !azi pvdaQ OWarzwquca Ins aarl: mad ayl'slvua vui co/gyuD iau cosrad 6u_a�sz cert of s:o77?Fpv ul sa uuas gnvd /o Guu �2%s. a (I eo j to%puv suoxla Fivs jo aauviu eo/sad aul eo j pass z' M�ualvu4 ;so/puvga-.taoscad avl •yfnu;zf of aa17,.wad aTf7 acpnbai'luaauas.tnqut„:.e"/or.�g uz `fig•,,:• �a�;ro a;vs avg ;:uuadasll/odl?isgpsacoasazaylaxvslaigrntaoutxasJapuai co/puvsaw?rau:t/�iucl_arZza: o j c?y at(g jo 7uzu7 zudaQ a �; lo/ IN .co fuvssaoau pawap aq p noys 7? uosoa z fiuv :o j a r, y 'g 7a�y/,Ti gry wg�rp ;wasuoo loud av7 ??zoJ72f2 8pma aq Ins sae?uia.cd atll /o swo:Iv.ca;jv w o1 sico?73ppD ou MIL 'S "S 1N3WH3dlltl Y STANDARD FORM 26, JULY 1966 GENERAL SERYIQS ADMiNISTRAno" 1 AWARD/CONTRACT FED. FROG. RM 141CR) 1-16.101 1 9 I. COMM T (Pme. lad. Jdae,) NO. 12. IYRCIT02 DATE 7. REGUISit1ON/FUAOIASE REQUEST/FROJECT N0. IA. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER IDSA /OR DMS REQ 1. HD -47-76 • i RATING DO -S-1 DAKF79-76-C=0018 Ji 755EP01 _ s. tSGUIDD EY CODE' 6. (JAD/MM �6�6 J) CODE Iy' DELIVERY Procurement Division, '01.0 lDE5T1- 1 Q NATION P. 0. BOX 9174 Fort Riley, KS .66442 I i� OTHER ON r L CONTRACTOR CODEFACJLTY CODE 9. DISCOUNT FOR 1'ROMM PAYMENT NAME AM ADDRESS i - F_ City of Salina, KS ! I A Municipal Corporation NET enml% SUN. City -County Building ad MPaydr). 300 West Ash Street t Salina, KS 67401 Jo *alio INVOKES)TOAD (d wpin IN SA ds.rr6r � + Tpadfidl ro ADDRESS s11oWN ad woos_ Block No. 11 I1. AR TOIMAFX FOR _.. CODE It PAYM@IT WILL BE MADE BY CODE__ Commander Schilling Manor Sub -Post Finance and Accounting Office Building.No. 595 Salina. KS 67401 Building 70. KS Fifi"2 13. ns M'G-af11 T WAS Q Aft I[] MWf W, FUR ARM M10 USC at UA.c 272 (eR 1 Id. ACCOM IRM AM AMOOP 6h111.N DAM 21-9760700 76-2073 P1910-2572 S14-040 VCO2 ..is. IRM EEO, flpMRf/SBY103 I IANTRY I IMT UNR PRICE 20. AMOUNT Cost to the Government for Fire Protection to I be supplied by the City of Salina, KS, for j Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, KS, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract. This contract consists of this signature page j Standard Form 26, The Schedule, and Special Provisions, pages 3 through 7, SECTION L, I! General Provisions, Service Contracts, pages ) 8 and 9, and the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, IiI EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of I the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603. 21. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ODMRAcr s6 CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR, 26 AS APPLICABLE ) i- 22. ® MNIRAClOR'S NEGOaMM AGMMWW (Ceatnaar it /n(rird he Ade 26. a AWARD (Ceafrn'fer if aN —Mired Te riED !b)e Am~.) Year eR,r Awe d mw"A sad r-, 0 9 "pin Ee )wbg .ffie4) Canbaaw alpss an S.lirJhdkn Nuarba Indudina the ad liMms of chap.e end. by yeu whirl addi"aa, er A.,.. an M fMh in fell to fu.nirh ad dellm.r all INF W Parfars all Ns e.nlfw M fMb ae alh.rWs Id.odhd abew ad Va any ead' - - *wh for Ore ealldE.taNee def" Mnb. abaw, Is Mr.by owpl.d as t. NM Dare 110" ebaw and M aey awfwwiiee Sh . TM et M, and oa110a l...f d. pardee fa We aMraO eMll b. subject le and sae TN, award caewe..al., IM ce.aad which ca.dsh eF Lha W orohy daotae dN (a) anal by th. Wlawina daea..Na (a) Nds. III acl (b) d. s.lkil.N a, If -W, M. Gowen ad rev aF." and (b) Nde arrwd/.enaad. No ^ . and (c) swb p,*Wet.., wpmeNaliaM, <MllkalienA sad ep.ellkdiM,, as an alsded w In pe atd by sNrar.s hareia. (As/aebeetal; am EMd bertia.) fudMr coal daaawl M .angry. - °F 32•"TY OF SALINA, KS Iv.D SY 16 :2 dllfae �� (SipaNs al Pers+ M.Isco (;va d Cam w" 0". 24. NAM! AND TIME OF SIGNS (Trp er priaf) 25. DATE NON® 28. NAME OF CONTUOING OFNCER (Type or prime) ... 29.-DATR SIGNED N.' D. Olson ROBERT H. HALL. 75SEP16 9- STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF OOC REwG COM'D. PAGE Of OE40At•SMK0 A0MwI51UTION FED. PRO-.REG. (A) OR) 146:101 CONTINUATION SHEET DAKF79-76-C-0018 NAME OF OFMOR Olt GOM MC= - CITY OF SALIM, KANSAS REM NO. SUPPUES/SERYIO:S QUANTIFY UNIT UNR PRIOT AMOUNT THE SCHEDULE The Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA; EXHIBIT "A" is attached here- to, and made a part Hereof, as though fully set forth.herein.. 0001 Cost-to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for.Schilling Manor Sub- Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas, build- ings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing.marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Depart- ment of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4- 72-603, and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this con- tract. 10 o $6,531.85• 65;318.50 Credit to the Government for Government- Furnished-Property 10. 0 406.85 4,068.56 NET CONTRACT PRICE 10 o 6,125.00 61,250.00 AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Messa a DA 73987, from C of NGRS, dated.8 Nov 1965, subject: Use f.excess Ca hart Housi g at Schilling AFB for dislocated fam lies. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM (1973 APR) (The following representation shall be compl ted by a ch fferor who a offer is $50,000 or more and who has 50 employees r more). The Offeror represents that he ( ) has, ( has not developed and maintained at each of his establishments Equal-Opportun ty Afffrr rcyti ve Actiorr Pi ograms, pursuant. to 41 CFR 60.2. 2 _0.47toe-0_2"nwwrmkp O -V» •sawP LLP le aoLAaas do-3oeq apn PUL Lleys aoLAaas ;o aouewao;aad SM p8uL2luL2w a.Ae 43PJ4UO3 SM Sq pa4eldwaluo3 spaepuels a44 3944 aansse 03 Aapao UL 'saL3u96aaw9 uaasaao;un ao; ldaoxa aoLAaas aleLpawwL ao; aLgeLLene R6edwo3 as L; pug lauuos.Aad 9JOSLAiadns yloq 143ea4uoo aapun Me a44 ;o SUOLlaod LLe woa; saLLw (9) OAL; 4441m PaUOLlels SawLl LLP le A'lnp uo uaw (y) .Ano; ueyl ssaL Sou 6ULA24 kuedwo3 aJL; Leanl -onals auo °wnwLULw 2 sy nPaing UOLloadsul sesue)l 941 kq p94sLLg24sa spaepuels a44 A'q pautnbaa se euLLeS ;o R;LO ay3 ;o s3LwLL 84e,Aod.Ao3 841 UL44LM papLAoad DOLAaas 84l '04 pajjWLL lou lnq '9Lgeaedwo3 aq lleys 132a1603 s!44 aapun pa4sLuan; aq o; sa3LAaaS ayl ;o a3ueaa44an; ;o luawysLLdwwoe ay} uL pawao;aad I.AoM LLV 033NVWH0JH3d 30 SOMVONtl1S 'S •paaapuaa aoLAaas ;o Sep 4328 JO; a6ae43 SHWOw 843 40 (0£/L) 4444444-8uo uo a49a a43 le aoLAaas s,44uow e ;o ;aed LeuOtPea; Rue Ao; ap2w aq LLeys luaaed 143ealuoo sLy; ;o uoil -euLwaal,ao luawa3uaueuo3 ay; -le 9aessa3au ;I •S1N3WAtld IVNOIlOtla3 'b •saLnpay3s X.ABALLap pue 'sLLelaP 'SUOLl23L;L3ads woa; SUOLleLAap 6uLpnLOUL '43ea4uo3 SL44 ;o swaal 044 uL S86ue43 UL s4Lnsaa 43LyM 4uawuaan09 a44 ;o ;Leyaq uo UOLloe ajel 04,'l3ea4uo3 s M uL Pal -eoLpuL lualxa ay; o; 'pazLaoylne sL auole pue '33Ea4uo3 st4l ;o UOLl2a4 -SLULWpe ay; ao; 00suodsaa sL 'aoss933ns paluL dde XLnp st4 ao aa3L;40 / 6U[43ea;uo0 a41 'iMIN03 30 NOI MSINIWOtl a0d AMI9ISNUS3H '£ •saSSOL aaL; 4u8wuaanog ;o SUOLle6LlsaAUj Lewao; 6uLl3npuo3 uL lsLssy •; •paaLnboa se sisal Mol; 8J[_4 aALleluasaadaa Lenuue 94PW •a •uLaaay aaa4MasLa pauLe;um 44.tadoad pa4SLuanj-lu0wuaanog ay; uo aoLAaas a3ueua4UL9w uOLay3a pu03as pue lsaL; wao;aad •p •uLaaay 1000 'ON wall uL ylao; las se lsOd-qnS AouPW 6uLLUPS uL papnLOuL Seaae OUR SBULpLLnq aa410 LLe pue 6ujsn04 luapuadap ;o UOLloadSUL uoLluanaad lenuue 43npuoo •o •spaez24 aaL; ;0 UOt4RULwLL9 pue UOL43npaa 6uiaan03 SUOLleLn6aa 6uLlel -nwao; UL a3ueZSLSSe Le3iuy3a4 a8puewwo0 ;sod-qnS ay} ap}Aoad •q •aoLAaas uoLloaload pue UOLluanaad eaL; aals}uLwpe pue azLue6a0 •e :saanlea; Led Lou Lad 6uLMOLLo; ay; ;0 6uLlSLsuo3 1aoM wao;aad llegs Ao43ea4 -UO3 ayl •43ea4u03 sLy; ;o suo M Puo3 pue swaal ay; 44im 93uepao33e 43La4s UL ;sod-qnS AoueW SULLUPS ao; Aapunaiaq paA nbaa aoLnaas UOLl -3a4oad as L; ay; DPLAoad O4 ,Caessao8u 3aoM Re wao;aad pue 'S'a3UeLLdde pue ;uaudLnba 'lueLd 'aogeL LLP 4SLuan; '44ao; las A'LaeLnoLlaed aaow aa4;euLaa84 swaal 041 uo 'LLeys AO43e4uO3 a41 613YdIN03 d0 3d00S 'Z C •43ea4uo3 SL44 ;o SUOLSLAoad ayl aapun PaleuLwaal aauoos ssaLun '8ALsnLOUL salep 44oq '9L6L aunC 0£ pua LLe4s pue 'SM aagwaldaS L uL6aq lLeys i3e4uoo SPI 'OOIM 1.3WIN03 -L l SNOISIAONd IVIOUS SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) 6. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE. a. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Govern- ment, its officers, agents, and employees against all actions, pro- ceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorney's fees, by reason of any suit or action brought for any actual or alleged injury to, or death of any person, or damage to property including that property furnished by the Government for use of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performance or services here- under. b. . The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Govern- ment from any loss of or damage to Government property caused by negli- gence, theft, or wilful misconduct of his employees.. 7. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. The Contractor shall: a. Be responsible for organizing and administering the fire prevention and protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas. b. Be required to furnish technical assistance to the Schilling Manor Sub -Post Commander in the formulating of regulations covering the reduction and elimination of fire hazards. C. Conduct an annual fire prevention inspection of dependent housing located in Schilling Manor Sub -Post. Conduct a quarterly in- spection of office, welfare, and utility buildings, including the manual testing of fire alarm systems, occupied by the Department of the Army, that are located in the city of Salina. The Contractor shall . furnish a written report of the findings of each inspection of viola- tions of the fire regulations to the Sub -Post Commander, maintaining necessary records to provide for follow-up inspections in sufficient numbers to secure corrective actions. d. Properly train and instruct his personnel in the operation and maintenance of, and perform the inspection and first and second echelon maintenance service on, all Government property furnished hereunder. e. Annual representative fire flow tests will be made on selected fire hydrants within each principal area to determine adequacy of water flow for fire protection within the area. Results will be evaluated against previous flow tests and utilized in formulating prearranged firefighting plans. Fire hydrants will be color coded in accordance with NFBA Codes to indicate maximum fire flow for each individual hydrant at 10 psi residual pressure. 4 L J;os-uo}3ons-9soH £ 0a};-JB4SLn6UL4x3 Z 60;'Aa4PM-uoPua}x3 L 3 Loq-,AaZ;n3 L a Lgeo-.AaZ4n3 Z aLpw 8Lgnop-8so4-UOL430UUO3 Z aLewa; algnop-aso4-uoi,4oauuo3 L 6u L3oam, -,Aeg Z xy uo}sua}xa-.Ao;eotLddy X:tfzuvnb unoN ££9966b 'oN.JaS `lN3V LapoW 'u}suoo -sjM-.Aa.An;oe;nueW 'sdwnd pa;unoW aLge3Jod 44im OL-b88-Vb0 sn 80L# 33 'Lean4ona3S/4sna8 S -0£S sseL3 '6UL3 6 ;ad A 3on.Al ',Aasl.e) 10nd 1 adl j UOL4 iBsa0 U04 M0 -969-02b SL66-£ZZ-OLZV 0993 VS# ZJPd POOM430H 890L-M-OLLS LS£0-£63-OILS LZ80-S£9-0£Lb 9Z80-S£S-0£Lb £0£0-M-OZLS 6b61?-ZbL-0LZb bsLb-L60-OLZb 'oN 4304S 3}3uen '43piZ000 Sty; ;o Suo�3ipuoo pup sw.Aa; 844 Aapun 43ao; ;as aoinAas 043 ;o aouew,Ao;.Aad ay; .Ao; .1043eaZU03 aye. 04 ULOJay y;,Ao; ;as se slonal ay; 4SLuan; LLeys 4Uawu,Aano9 ayl -P 'A1113dOHd 03HSINHnj-1N3WNH3AO9 '6 •4oe.A}uoo SL41 .Aapun 3sod-qnS AoueW BULLL140S ,Ao; UOL4 -oa3oad aaj; 6ul4SLu.An; 3u9u4,Aedap a.AL; ay; ;o uol;eiado 444 J0.4 paA nba.A sagddns pup 4uawdLnba 'Lauu0saad 'uo�4vjado ;o s4iodai pup spiooa.A 4uaw4.tedap aJLJ ULi;ulew pup aAedaAd LLeys JOPe4uo3 ayl •0 'Sa.AI; ';0 UoL;e6t:ts9nu} Lew,Aa; 6uL3ew SAaoL;;o ;0 p.Aeoq a ;o asn a4lJO; aouap�na 6ULAU8sadd 'uoL3 -e6};saAUL yoea ;0 niodej 4}wgns o; pup 'saouejan000 JiLIWLS 4Uanaad 04 J(JessaoaU uotl.oe anl;oaA,AOo pup asnea allLw,181ap 03 anL;e;uasaadaa s,.AaoA;;O 6UL432A4uo3 844 44�M uotyounCuoo Ul aAL; a ;o asnpo a43 04UL UOLZVB};sanui up ;onpuoo 03 paitnbaA aq LLeys ao;oeAZuo3 ayl •q •a6ewep Ja4RM aZLWLULW 04 BJIJ ay; ;0 BUL4SLn6u�4xa ay; BULinp 6u M nq ayl UL44LM papunodw� J04 M ;o UOL4eLnwn3op ssaoxa ALP anowa.A 04 paJLnbaA aq LLpys JOZ:)P.IUOO ayl 'a -Ai; ayl ;o 6u}4s�n6ut3xa 84Z ;o uot4aldwo0 ayl uodn pup 'aAj paliodaa a ;o aUs ay; 3P a;tL 40 ssoL a;eUtWLLa 04 uo�3oe snoL4tpadxa W4 LLeys .Ao43e,A;uoO ayl •a6ewep ,Aa;eM pue ssoL aAj; aZLLULW 04 kL;dwo.Ad sa4J LLP 4SLn6Ut}x8 OZ uo}joe k,Aessaoau a194 pup LLeo aAt; paliodaA P o4 puodsaA kLzdwoaa o3 p0JLnbaA aq LLeys a043e4uo3 ayl •y l '0 ONV `3 '8 'N S3SSHl3 9NIan l3NI 3NI3 031HOM d 01 MUSH '8 l (p,4uo3) SNOISIAMd MOUS SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) Stock No. Nounuantit 4210-72336 Hose 6 4210-722-9298 Hose 20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 4 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1h" 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 Ladder -24' 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2. 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly -2V 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 2 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -1" 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 1 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose 1 4730-535-0825 Double Female -4h" 1 7100-678000 Rope -manila 100 -ft 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection -gated type 1 4210-240-5531 Strainer -suction 1 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose and ladder 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 2 . 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 6 . 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner 2 b. Property Administrator: The Officer designated to maintain the property records connection with Government -furnished property under this contract is: Facilities and Engineering Office Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas. c. Responsiblity and Performance: (1) Title to the Government -furnished property shall remain in the Government. (2) In addition to Schilling Manor Sub -Post as set forth in Item No. 0001 herein, Government -furnished property may be used to fight fires originating in other than US Government property. (3) The Government shall at all reasonable times have access to the premises wherein any Government -furnished property is located. (4) The Contractor shall maintain and administer, in accor- dance with sound business practice, a program for the maintenance, repair, protection and preservation of the Government -furnished proper- ty, and shall be responsible for all first and second echelon type repairs on the one fire truck assigned for use under this contract. L *sneak 9•L paaoxa 4ou U NS 'asnelo SL44 aapun su0L4do Rue so 8SL3aaxa ay; 6ULpnl3UL '43ea4u03 SL44 ;o uOL4eanp L2404 a44 ADABMOH 'UOLSLAo.td uoL3do sly; apnloul 04 Pa* aq LL94S p0mauaa se 40ea;UO3 ay; 'LPmauaa ao; UOL4do sL44 s9sl3a0xa 4Uawua8n09 044 dI ('SLemauaa 04. 4Uawuaano9 a44 4Lww03 04 pawaap aq IOU Mm 95L4ou XaeuLwLlaad P yonS) aaldxa 04 SL 4oea4u03 SL41 aao;aq sRep (OE) F4a144 4seal 4e mauaa 04 UOL4U8;UL ' s,4uawuaano9 844 ;0 OOL40U X.AeULWiLaad UaAL6 aney LLe4s AaoL;;O 6uL4oea4 -uo0 ay} 4e4l papLAoa !aLnpa43S a44 UL paL;loads poLaad 044 444lm a043ea4.u00 a44 04 LPmauaa ;o a314OU Ua44Lam 6ULAL6 aOoL;;O 6UL43ea4uQ • a44 Xq '4uawua8no9 944 10 uol4do 844 4e 'algemauaa sL 43ea4uoo sN.1 1WHIN00 3H1 30 Wd31 3H1 ON31X3 01 NOI1dO 'OL area as o aoLad ao oea uo a �C•4oaalaaaoo a4 ;o s4UaweaLnbaa 6N4 wOa; L 4 4 4 0 44 q p 4 q LLLm uoL43adsuL LeULwa84 uo puno; saLouedaaoslp LLP 'aea4 PUP neem aLe; aq o4 paaap puoa swa4L ;0 UOL4da3xa a44 44LN '43ea4UO3 844 ;o UOL4eL4LUL 8y4 4e 4uawdLnba 044 ;o uoL4oadsuL 4ULOC a44 UL pa40U se U6L4Lpuoo Leaau86 awes 044 UL 4Uawuaano9 844 04 pauan48a aq LLPys 4uawdpba ;o wa4L yoee 'poLaad 43e4u03 84Z ;0 pua a44 W '43ea4UO3 ;o UOL4al wok (9) • 4uawdLnba a44 uo awL4 Umop p8pua4xe pLOAP 04 SUeaw snOL4lpadxa 4sow 044 Sq pe4SLLdw000e aq LLIm Iaom a44 IW4 SM ;0 VOm ao; paOU 044 ;0 UOL4e3L;L4ou uodn •ao43ea4uo9 044 ;o R'4LLLglsuodsaa 841 IOU SL PUP sesuRA 'Falba 4aoj 4e a3Upu84ULPW pLOLA kq M40 0 -w000e aq LLLm adk4 uOLa43a 44;L; ao 144ano; 'pa144 a ;o jaom aLPdaa LLV pa4L0 ,CLsnobnaad 4e41 ;o ssa3x3 UL aLe as PUP 94Ueua4ULPW (9) •0lob48A OAoge 844 uO P4ep LeoLa04SL4 aLge4Lns ULe4ULPW 04 swan; a4PLadoadde 044 u0 AaaULBu3 saL4LLLoPd Rq payslLdw:) -op aq Llbm UOL4ewa0;UL LLP 40 6ULpao3aa ••ULA p o ay (o) juawdpba ;o wa4L anoge a44 uo pawao;aad saaLAaas aa440 PUP LL0 'Lan; 'UOL4e3LagnL 'sabedaa ;o 4aodaa kL44uow a 4Lwgns o4 paalnbaa aq Mm a043e4uo9 841u WO OH• (q) •ao43Pa4uo9 944 ;0 A M%suodsaa ay4 paaapbsuoo aq Lle4s E UOL430S UL p04SLL VOM ;0 swa4L LLV '9Z-eWSL6L O1 do E UOL430S 44Lm aouepa000e UL aq LLP4s 4uawdLnba ;o aOUeua4ULeW •aapa0 uoL4Pobagnl - Z308-6 01 q '9Z-SVVSL6L 01 - aepa0 Leobuyaal aoaoj aLV e jonal aaLA GOES sseL3 L 'saapa0 leobuyoal pue sLenueW (e) (P,4u03) SNOISIAOad MOUS SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS - SERVICE CONTRACTS The Provisions of the contract clauses, set forth in the following para- graphs of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR) are incor- porated into this contract by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. (The complete text of any clause incorporated in this contract by reference may be obtained from the Contracting Officer.) REFERENCE ASPR CLAUSE DATE OF NUMBER PARAGRAPH TITLE CLAUSE 1. - 7-103.1 Definitions 1962 Feb 2. 7-103.3 Extras 1949 Jul 3. '�7-103.7 Payments 1958 Jan 4.. 7-103.8 Assignment of Claims 1962 Feb 5. 7-103.10(a) Federal, State, and Local Taxes 1971 Nov 6. 7-103.11 Default 1969 Aug 7. 7-103.12(a) Disputes 1958 Jan 8. 7-103.13(a) Renegotiation 1959 Oct 9. 7-103.16(a) Contract Work.Hours and Safety Standards Act --Overtime Compensation 1971 Nov 10. 7-103.18(a) Equal Opportunity 1972 Aug 11. 7-103.19 Officials Not to Benefit 1949 Jul 12. 7-103.20 Covenant Against Contingent Fees 1958 Jan 13. 7-103.22 Authorization and Consent 1964 Mar 14. 7-103.23 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement 1965 Jan 15. 7-103.26 Pricing of Adjustments 1970 Jul 16. 7-103.27 Listing of Employment Openings 1973 Sep 17. 7-104.3 Buy American Act 1964 May 18. 7-104.4 Notice To The Government of Labor Disputes 1958 Sep 19. 7-104.14 Utilization of Small Business Concerns 1958 Jan 20. 7-104.15 Examination of Records by Comptroller General 1971 Mar 21. 7-104.16 Gratuities 1952 Mar 22. 7-104.17 Convict Labor 1974 Apr 23. 7-104.20 Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns 1970 Jun 24. 7-104.22 Equal Opportunity Pre -Award Clear- ance of Subcontracts 1971 Oct 25. 7-104.23 Subcontracts 1974 Apr 26. 7-104.24(f) Government -Furnished Property (Short Form) 1964 Nov 27. 7-104.36 Utilization of Minority Business Enterprises 1971 Nov 28. 7-104.39 Interest 1972 May P [-I dos 896L 996L do }ay 43ea3uo3 936AJaS Lb'E06L-L '9£ qaj 896L guawuaanog Oqj ;o 83ua}uanuo0 ay} ao} uOLIeu}uual (q)9L*Z06L-L 'S£ AoN LL6L SOOLAaaS ;o uopoadsuI b'Z06L-L 'b£ AoN LL6L Sa6ue43 Z*Z06L-L '£E unC L96L uoL4u8A8Jd WapPotl Zb'Z09-L 'ZE ReW ZL6L SWLLU ,SJI033eJ4uO3 uo 4sada}uI ;o IMUL'ed t Z8'bOL-L 'LE qaj 896L aoueAnsuI 99'bOL-L 'OE qaj 896L uopi4a6aA pue 3uouuiinb3 's6ulpLpq ;uaWUJanog ;o uoPoaZOJd_ E9'bOL-L '6Z 3snvm 311I1 HdVUDVdVd IflawnN 30 31VO 3SAV13 lfdSV 33N32 AU (p,}uoO) S1OVIRNOO DIMS - SNOISIANd IV83N39 - 1 NOI133S Df 7WIMENT OFF THE AIR ;=C( E PERMITTO O T HER FEDERAL GOYERNMEldT D£? NR .iEN T OR AG?NCY TO USE PPOi'ERTY ON SCHILLING FANQLY HOUSING SITE FC-I11"•"`2LY A PCR2?CX_0?••SCr1I-ISZ`�75._±!Z1i.F�IsS :_a3,�_ -••- T-13G DS'?.-LRT.i3iiY 07 iB3 A3*+Y DACA41-4-72-603 ` = is hereby granted a permit fora tern of five (5) yearn, beg;?xga cg .1 January , 19 72 > cnd endiv 31 December ,19 76 , But revocable at will by the Secretary of the Air Force, to uaa for housing purpoae3, A parcel of land containing 295.41 acres, more or less, and 735 family _ housing units located thereon,including installed equipment contained therein, . and appuste-maucaa thereto, generally identified as the Schilling Fancily Housing $iter formerly a portion of Schilling Air .Force Baca, Kan3a8, - - c3 shwon eubstantiaLy in red on Exh" A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, THIS PE.7Z WT is granted ,&bjact.to the folltrxing conditions: . 1. That the use and occupation of the said premises shall be without cost or expense to the Dep�rtmant of the Air Force, under tlae gerarsl supervision, armed subject to the approval of the officer - hr..ving immediate juradictio" over the pretrises,.and subject also to such ynyise and ragu/atiora as he -may from time to time preacribe. 2. That t 'a permi,tea s ucll, at its o;:vn. exyerse and without cost or expenve to the Department of the Air Forte, pnacntatn and keep in good repair and condition the premiae3 herein authorised to be used. S. That any interference v)ith or dd7nage to property under control of the Department of the Air Force incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly. corrected by the p,nnittea to to-e satisfaction of tae said ojicer. 4. That t:ie parnittee dried pay the coat, as determined by:the said officer, of producing and/or scaplying an^ :etilitie3 end other services ftcrn.-13hed by Me Department of the .lair Force or through Department of tie Air Force facilities for the nae of the aermittee. ^ PRV10US£ofi IONS ARE 0=4-l`X S1-'J3:4Y1 l�'o3erfC?snM 130n_a (5R 403-1-873) uolsle.Fa 02rr7s9 IV6H - . uaL2ag, .tssodstQ � ivamaSe•.xeSZ `3sI� ' TL6£saga?oaQ 10 F� g�BZ esq; a*cod cat's. a'fl to R..ev;meas aq; fo Fluov;nu fq puuq fa In oli ra O-4 envy I.fL)Sd9HAJ SS?i1�LrAt lgI s 'pappe . - err g uoi3ipuo3 pus paXl;povx Even g uol3IpuO3 'alm=ad 6744 ;O UOTIndaYa o; sold. -may -Son q,3Ie3 leaa3xsnbpeag ;o uopOjpslxnf eq3 xopun sI pus `sssurg 'fajlll �xc3 •sxaaxvnbpsag aepun peasAado $u;aq sI ails SmIsnoq age ''g. *orudcaap huuc as coj.csy au,; fo racxna coag eq; ev a" tiara utgl¢*z . psusasofv su sasrueaxl az1; a eels* c pwv `uwi fa cry; flsadaee ssz aeauca c `saatucasd aql elv*urt Imps aa„}uicad ey; `p"onai sx. Iiwuad sc-gl '.cartaccoq `fl •pa;da*aa as;�}uuad aql fo Icquo* aql puofaq advavp Inca Eva; puu cvaen Rsmccp.co '.ca.Vo pzvs aq; of fUo;*ufsgve ";=poo* a of sasauca td aq; aio;sac pun 'woilasa-g; rcltadud Clx anawal 'saSewaed pope eq; ep"a Me oal;cu 4od av,1 `aa? w . -+ad zq; Fq Iuawgs nbutla c CI} co ;xuttad scq; fo uotlucutxa fo a;vp aqa asofaq co u* ;vrry '.ea-Vo pps aq; fo Iusosddu OV; o;;*aGgne a Iron lauuos ead gars 10 uoil*alasti ccecec6. 'earncaa .co/»ua tnw:;sunf pmC g1I1nx uo:,aauuos uy a*.cog .cpy aq1 fo luauel.cuda(I EV r.o pa.urams Cleo* fuu cof a*.ee j r*r aq; fo luawu,,daaaq;aenr-ajirugsaamuuadav;'C2rnia;v=.co/puvIauupaiaddutIM-tunfofiw_;+ppvuI 19a01auaa Pmts fo auuapua.a azul .401 .40/pun euo:l:nan f pias 10 a*umus-01-49d a ✓I LO f pal_rha.e sIv ealrve .10/puv ??quos eaa zyl vptu cnf o; aa;;Cooed k+'. anrbas 'guyr;.as cr.qurta fo rz=I u; 'F_vw ca*r}o p a 1 .'aa1;:-u.cad eq; fo FIzl;gxs:codsaz aql a.tn �t*:umo ea*uesaa .c2pa,c sc/puu suo:;*orf su,cofca� o; a*sog �i y aq1 fo;uaucl.cudaa aql -to/;ua=padxa so P_crssaaau paauaap aq piroys 1g uosna.e Fuv .co f f};vq L •S - ua*2�ap+us ��I7a. luaec oa loud ay? Inoy;un opvw aq tMs tagi=a-d all 10 sum;aialjv so 01 sued±ppv ou Irrry S rI / � A �°._� y\•i � i • f i•c7 7CSf .. a;. • 1 , 11 . 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C"a, ` _ /• •r. fit, ".�./ nw r ! .•� ) :,,• Ir is.s .I .1•'i i. /1• F . i _,.._..� jI �(j � r' •7 r^'-•� r.ry V u •1 r� , { ���1, h�rj .� ., •C•• .i l \l. �,.-. _•i ( / C/+i ;�T i„'�r '1; 37 1,'3.3•-� \j.f, y X11 1 I.J: vil y'+f`L� _ ``.,� �,�a-,,, C•�1. t� If, '�jsat .7 Gei4�".f '` ` •,t e'7 C5! jai 1 'J ! IV tt L•,� 1, S•. +♦ c•1 �•,. I,er ♦ 1 lair `• ��,.r� ,!h)• .-'./7� If ,�..!% I'- -!� r C-_, C.... •� a•�. y; ~\>r�'q, "L -r �'7 �7. �i: )"'/, •^'�' V ,. `�.' `?� C.,.yry•. ! + ! r-.G""-....1'�- fl :T.- _...✓ 'Yt• • Y:3 nil nn > W1 • �rti i7 r 1 n { U u G�z:p . I f n• R .. I'.:1�� F�.V" I l:.?11..`� �•! < W P/� •� ! V r� �a Fa• i• a a 11 ur ( -Y7 i (�. _I, _� C� .; r`r �� I (]oY r �� /�Y •)( �.�•/T. -nJ;� M .i .r rrR• •}a+ •. _, % -. 11 St/R p }f o 5C• °•C•tr ^7 Y-, " �"k'. :i' .J } isn•{� Irn ltee 1•ra r.ff [''�, '�^J V vS '`•••i !Ilii VII_,1 F- <p �Y' ., .. ••I•i l�Yf f•N. •�r`�• � :Y 1 � (, '• �.y �/ "�1. 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I 1. , C AFZN-DI-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS 1ST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 City of Salina City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Gentlemen: L October 1976 Attached is your copy of &pmt Modification Number OAKF19-76-C-0018-P00003 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Procurement Division, DID, P. 0. Box 9174, Fort Riley, KS 66442. 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: piaw �o� (Signature) Si ROBERT H. HALL Contracting Officer ate Q. 30WTIOA" U m n b�e_1916 Previous editions of this form will be used until exhausted. I SIANOARD FORM 30, JULY 1966 C_ENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PACE OF AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/ mODIFICATION OF CONTRACT � 1 Mo. FROG. KC. (di CFR) 1-16.101 1. AMENDMEPMODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 7. REQUSITION/FUR!CHASE RECiUEST NO. A. PROJECT NO. ((f app6ca6(1) P00003 76 OCT 01 HD 6-77 S. ISSUED BY CODE 6. ADMINISTERED SY (if rA6ar A6w bbd S) CODE Procurement Division, DID P. 0. Box 9174 Fort Riley, KS 66442 ''. 7. CONTRACTOR CODE PACTL(TY CODE IB. NAME AND ADDRESS AMENDMENT OF 0 SOLICITATION NO. F -City of Salina City -County Building oAt® «r6�9� (s„„,,dry. _re'zrp"a/a 300 West Ash Street �cooNr�R/OR i No. DAKF19-76-C-0018 core) Salina, KS 67401 L J DATED 75 SEP 16 (s"AArA w 9. THIS BLOOC APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS OF 50ucIIATiON5 If, above amboad sdkIMIM, is anadad a e fab in bled 13. The I.. ad dam specified fee malpf of Offam Cl Is rcbrdsd, ❑ Is not eefadsd. Offsras must adaoolsdgs ns ipt of this ammdmant pin A the kea end doM ,p,,MW b tM selk" a, a m amemkd, by oor OF the foRwbp m ftw1m (of By rplin9 and nlueniiis; iss of skis emadmMi (b) by adaddghp m sip of ONS emadmero en sash copy eE the offer wbmiffafl er.(cJ By sepamfe bMo er fde9rom whish ialudes 9 nfano, b the SoraiMion ad a~dmsef numMn FAILURE OF YOUR ACKOVVUDGMENT TO SE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUINO OFFICE PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFEL If, by 16 u a1 Mb amsemae YOU dost" b cMnde as -11a almady submit d, wch dvoom maybe made by bie9ro n es baa, parWd wch elopaf se IeRer mokn retaran Y the e.Ikiloli oe ONs oew b sa, and is received pia b Ow opening Its. and dote specifd. 11. ROS YOCIC ANI IES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONIMACTS/ORDERS (a) ❑ V. OMAN, 0/a h mend sooMesd b TM 0mesn at fa& In bbd 12 are nee Is Ilse above so bend eersod/ado. (b) ® TM aMve nanbae amend/alar is medifid b raRed Om edmbhfmDw shags, (such as chooses M Poyin9 6111m. appseprbDaO deb, ek.) sal bdb b block 12. (c) ❑ RNs SupplesreNel ApaaeleM is ,"send bro purmaN fie ouRlaRy of II It "adios, the ob. sambaed osteal n sN b•W in bbd 12. f The following Accounting and Appropriation Data is incorporated into the contract for service during the period 1 October - 31 December 1976. 21-977070 76-2073 P1910-2572 S14-040 VCO2 ($18,375.00) EE scepl se pmddad basin, aR Isren ae taadfiem of 9m d000kat "Mand In block B, a bsreWes eluenge, eanb urdnr19sd ae i b9 Some ae effed. 3. CONTRACTOR/WFEROR IS NOT REQUIRED ® TO SIGN IMS DOCUMENT CONTRACTOR/OFFT#OR R REQUIRED 70 THIS Atm RETU$J­„COPh3 TQ 65UW0 OFFICE J BY E AND TITLE Of SIGNER (Type or F) 16. DATE 51G w � •D, 01J " io'w'!G ROBERT H. HALL AW Z, 76 OCT 01 AFZN-DI-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 City of Salina City -County Building 800 West Ash Street Salinas KS 67401 Gentlemen: 2 July 1976 Attached is your copy of Cjpptmmg Modification Number DAKF19-76-C-0018 Modification No. P00002 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Procurement Division, DID, P. O. Box 9174, Fort Riley, KS 66442. 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: City Manager It a Position Si nfef;el y Officer Auust 4 1976 Date Q�JQWTIpNQ� 2 � 2 U m '��TB-196 Previous editions of this form will be used until exhausted. STANDARD FORM 30, JULY 1966 PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT1 NO. PROC. REG. Ill CFR) 1-16.101 I. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. I. EFFECTIVE OATS S. REOUtSIT1OH/PURCHASE REQUEF NO. �. PROJECT NO. (1/applisob(e) 76 JUL 01 HD 3-7T S. ISSUED BY CODE 6. ADMINISTERED BY (Lf ol6er leas bl"A S) CODE Procurement Division, DID P. 0. Box 9174 Fort Riley, KS 66442 7. CONTRACTOR CODE FACILITY CODE 8. NAME AND ADDRESS AMENDMENT OF SOUCTATION NO. rCity of Salina City-County Building DATED (Sn blaA 9) coasty.,laler 300 West Ash Street 101 OF DAKF79-76-C-0018 ,ad Salina, KS 67401 [ �°"�"R/°R°ER N°' L ,J DATED 75 SEP 16 (Seb/ecAF/) P. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above matbnsd tlfetMIs. IF anendd as M fella in block 12. The how and dab RFatified fee toeipt of OR. ❑ Is s.%Wed. ❑ 6 sat s,bnded. Offerors mW acknowlsdge recetpt of this amendment prim to the hoar and dab sped ied b the solkibtien, o as aawnded, by we of the fenasMg mrlhdsm Ia) BY signing and relurrrkng pies of Mb amendment; (b) Ey admwled0inp receipt of this alnendrnent an each Copy of the offer wbmittd; o (c) By ..poraN triter a blryram whirl indudo a rsbnrtn b Me ealicitation end amrndmant nombrn. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OFFICE. PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If, by visa. of this amemlment you drsire to change on offer alnady wbminrd, such thong. maybe onrde by btegranr o letter, p.ided such blegmon or Litter mokea rrfenne to the solicitation and this a.dmant, and is nceived prim to We opening hour and dale speciried. 10. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If rtgrind) 11. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS (a) Q This Change Order is Ise d pumas to The Changes M foh in bbd 13 on, made to Me above numMnd amsrad/oder. (b) 13 The above nsenb.rd entad/odo is mdif6d to .RM the administalh, changes (such as changes in paying afBe, approprbtion dole, otcj set forth in black 17: (c) ❑ This SupplrnwnntaI ADsmnrnt is entod into pvmmd to ca loft of B madiRes the above ramMmad eonhost to sol forth in block 17. 13. DESWPf10N OF AMIENDAENT/MODIFICATION 1. In accordance with the availability of funds, you are advised the funds are now available for this procurement, subject to paragraph 3 below. 2. The following appropriation data shall apply: 21-97TO700 76-2073 P1910-2572 S14=040 VCO2 3. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR Funds are not presentlyavailable for per- formance under this contract beyond 30 September 1976. The Government's obligation for performance of this contract beyond this date is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for the contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for payment of any money for performance under this contract beyond 30 September 1976 shall arise unless and until funds are made avail- able to the Contracting Officer for such performance and notice of such availability, to be.confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer, is given to the Contractor. Eteat as pnddd hoein, all levers annd condi6am of the document tefrneced in Wad B, as hersbbrs dsp.d, remain advged and w ill Lae ad .FFM. 13. I �,I CONTRACTOR/OFFERORSIGNHISDOCUMENT T NOT REQUIRED ❑ COKMACTOR/OFFEROR 6 REQUIRED TO THIS M AND WUFN COPIES TO ISSU04G OFFICE U TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT 14. NAME0.4NTIGC�TOR/OB jFFFROR 17. STATES OF RI 7Gi�Qa a� � II' gA arm, (SpnaNn of person ou6arisd b sign) (Si5^etun of Ccnhocunp OlSca IS. FUME AND TITLE Of SIGNER (Type or prisf) 16. DATE SIGNED Ig. /LAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) 19. DATE SIGNED Norris D. Olson 8-4-76 ROBERT H. HALL City Manager 30, JULY 1966 FAG ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1 CFRI 1-16.101 1. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. 2. EFFECFIVE DATE 2. REOUISITION/PURCHASE REOIIEST NO 1. PROJECT NO. (rf aPPlicablr) nF. FFfJ 7f; P0001 a 5. ISSUED BY CODE b. ADMINISTERED by (If ofber fbaa b(orb 5) CODE Procurement Division, DID P. 0. Box 9174 Fort Riley, KS 66442 7. CONTRACTOR Cum ( NAME AND ADDRESS , City of Salina, KS City —County Building (strefr, city. 300 West Ash Street country. "W". and ZIP Salina, KS 67401 Cob) L CODE Is. AMENDMENT OF C.SOLICIATION NO. DATED (SN 6k1k 9) ER oD *Acy"/oN OP om*R No. DAKF19-76-C-0018 . J' DATED 75 SEP 16 (see bray TT) P. TkUS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS Of 5cn1u1A11 n4 nTM above numbered wiknetlen U amended os see fodh in black 12. The hour and dole speciMd M rwipt of ORess ❑ is estended. ❑ Is rest extended. Offeree most ackne,rledge moipt of this aenmdment prier to the how and data specified in No solicitation, Or ac mended, by a e OF 1st f-Ber- p melheAr (a) By shaming and relaminp copies of this ca mdmerd: (b) By krm.,ledgin receipt of this amendment en each copy of the offer submiHad; Or (c) By repaMe tetter er MFpron which includes a reference x the solicitation and amendment ..be.. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OFFICE MOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. IF, by virtue of this omedmeM you desire to change on offer already submiitd, such change may be made by telegram or lean , provided such Nm legrm w Nn Naar makes rehreor to IM solicitation and ibis amendment, and is received prior so the opening hour and data specified. 11. THS BLOCK AVPUES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS (a)iT This Chap, ay, I. moodpwswee,,e Paragra h 10 Special Provisions Lel ThoClumpes so bAI In bled 12 an axle te1st aban .timed anboe/oder. (b) TM *ben numbered o,rered/ender is modified to reflect Nx adninishalin chengee (each as changes in paying e1Ru, appraprblien doh, Ne.)' a, bah in block 12. (c) ❑ This Supplemmlal Agreement b entered bdo purmanl ea authority of III modifies the about sxmbsud caw est on, set forth in block 12. 12. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION 1. The Contract Period (Paragraph 1, Special Provisions) is changed by deleting end 30 June 1976 . s1t and substituting ". . end 31 December 1976..11 in lieu thereof 2. The extention of the contract period is subject to the clause below: AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR (1974APR) Funds are not presently available for performance under this contract beyond 30 June 1976. The Government's obligation for performance of this contract beyond this date is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for the contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for payment of any money for performance under this contract beyond 30 June 1976 shall arise unless and until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for such performance and notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer, is given to the Contractor. 3. The attached Department of Labor Wage Rate (No. 75-461) is hereby incorporated into the contract. 4. It is understood and agreed that because of the foregoing modification the total estimated contract price is increased in the amount of $36,750. from $61,250 to $98,000. Except as prowdd hes«M all terms and com iHma -100 dacommm nlowncd in black S, ac I r safer s- - , wmofe rldeaapad and b NN Ins ad eRed: 12. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR IS NOT REQUIRED CONFRACTCIRIOFFEROR RCOUIRFD 10/SIGN THIS DOCTkM ANDRNye.COP1E5 t0 ISSUING OFFICE® TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT 1l I By K Wrsan aNlxasd to IB. NAME QF CUNIRACfM4 { eucx I ,7pe aI ROBERT H. HALL d O u u m F ci m u q ..a v � 5. ++ N ca � Ewa O u >1 > > C) v r c 0 •� N O 7 N -O Q � N N CD O C3 C%4 U to L p •� G u w v u :a G a a v ° L N J N L eo N N " A a cl § " co U l H' tD +� O N 0 O C S ++ O a 1. m 0 0 .0 00 U) m 0 0 al O M N " a Zf U N 0 o E a•� O ~ m H Q ° C) a 0 m = F_ J Q V GO a .moi ci ..! r pV. Z 0 > w M O > 9 o n �_ Q C 14 O < o 0 e b ••� w u a1 N V r O G 1- O w 7 a •°+ 0 .+ HH al w .� p O w U U�� � x cJ i1 •rl m au LU iii W :•1 0 41 E u `0 " N 0 6. �.=n Q> U Z O u O O W N LL y O a >` O O w i, v p r J a: 7- t >. •n H IL wF W N E,00 t� wwa w v ++ N O u >1 > > C) v r c 0 •� N a) N N -O H N G T G N N CD O C3 C%4 U to L p •� G u O w v u :a G L N J N uri N x A 0 ~ " x U l H' tD +� O N 0 O C S 0 w 1. m O .0 00 w N m s+ •.r Gu�z•a co L L (a N > m 0 w C) a cl + GO 3+ r -I c 0 0 N G 0 N N C .p C CO w C) e b ••� ° ° 3 •°+ 0 .+ HH T > w G W ° H u ° +� c . i u ° v ar F Vv) Gmb STANDARD FORM 70, JULY 1966 PAG GENERAL SE c- ICES ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT Of SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT FED. yyyR---O�C, REG. (tl CFR) 1-16.101 1. Au1WDMENT/MODnICATION NO. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE 13. REQUIS"ION/PURCHASE REOUEST NO t. PROTECT NO. (l�applmbleJ S. ISSUED BY CODE 6. ADMINISTERED BY (If oaber airs, bbek 7) CODE Procurement Division, DID P. 0. Box 9174 Fort Riley, KS 66442 7. CONTRACTOR CODE FACILITY CODE B. NAME AND ADDRESS AMENDMENT Of El SOLICITATION NO. , F City of Salina, KS City County Building DATED (Se. bk1k 9) (San"• City, 300 West Ash Street cou"z''v6fer CCONTRACTTioRDee No. DAKF19-76-C-0018 . andCadSalina, KS 67401. L DATED 75 SEP 16 (See black JU 9. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TU AMENDMENTS V .[)Lan ADVNS OThe abs,.+ mnnbersd solicitation is anNldd as ,r fadh in black 11. Th. hour and dose 1ecif6d for ,mipt of Offers ❑ u eaH ndsd, 0 1. not sAnsad". Olfis, rs mud ackno.rl"g, nmtpt of this amendment prior ho the how and date spscifid in 11r solicitation, or m am.dd, by on. of tlm following -.*-ad.; lo) By signing and ,fuming -^pin of this amedmenl; (b) By ack.1.6,ing .caipt of this amendment on each copy of N.. ogsr submittrd; ar (c) By .pats I~ m Nlegram which include, o of.,nc. to d.. aohahz i.o and amendment numbers. FAILURE Of YOUR ACKOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OFFICE PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If, by vidue of this amedment You dosis so changean 0%, shady subm mind, such change ay be made by M.S. or ten,, provided wch telegram or In. make, nNnssc. N she solicitation ad this amendment, and is ,mied pion to Ms opening hour ad date specified. 10. ACCOUNONG AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) 11. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS Of CONTRACTS/ORDERS 1.),a This Chang. Order b i.wd pumontParagraph10�. Soecial Provisions Th. Changes .1 foAs is Meds 12 are asods b she abo.. nunsba.d oamrod/order. - (b) n The oboes namb.r.d contract/ands is modified N ,.A.ct ti, administrative chongas (suds as thongs, in paying eMm, appnMiatio, dalo, ase.) sN forth in black 12. (c) ❑ This Supplemental Aipos wni is .nknd info pum.nl,o aaMerify of R sndiRes M. obese hd ..d cadrad as ,at NHh in black 12. _ 12. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION 1. The Contract Period (Paragraph 1, Special Provisions) is changed by deleting ". end 30 June 1976 . .II and substituting ". . end 31 December 1976.." in lieu thereof 2. The extention of the contract period is subject to the clause below: AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR NEXT FISCAL YEAR (1974APR) Funds are not presently available for performance under this contract beyond 30 June 1976. The Government's obligation for performance of this contract beyond this date is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for the contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for payment of any money for performance under this contract beyond 30 June 1976 shall arise unless and until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for such performance and notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer, is given to the Contractor. 3. The attached Department of Labor Wage Rate (No. 75-461) is hereby incorporated into the contract. 4. It is understood and agreed that because of the foregoing modification the total estimated contract price is increased in the amount of $36,750. from $61,250 to $98,000. k w prowdd hmeis, all lam, od c.rdi/ion of the document nM+nard in b1.k B, m h.resofan charspsd. semein undvpd and M fuN form and.fRd: 113. ® TO SIGN TH RSOFFENOT REQUIRED O ��Og/OREROR IS IROUIH0 T j5(GFF THIS DOCK AND RERIRN. COPIES TO ISSUING OFFICEDOCUMENT 1 14. NAME OF 17. 0 ' BY (SpwM. of person a.sl.rised to sign) OF SIGNER (Typo or pmrcl 16. DATE SIGNED I& NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER ( lrpe or ROBERT H. HALL m Y N rn t �e 3 .' y a1 >1 H a •a v w U C a O M N W N O O> N m N GO O •--� TN .•. P. O w m ++ U U 0 ++ H 0 m P+ 4O ❑ > u N m rJ H • •O O v O � cv0+lov0 m o o a 3> k+ a m o L co H 7 0 A 00 m w H a+ m •'Oi v w ci. a .ve •moi cc U N m N > N F>1W N a o 7 wV+ t3 ami ro U N L coip v�w m p Sa cnw v Ev,E+ ° v 3 ..Oi o +1 G >. > w w v ca > u y N v 'O v ufn _ F. a m o C •E�n 9s J v`1 6 F m au V Q V m u cl 3 H > L O LU 43m W O u . D N z z u E u O Z� Q # .r OH U y N co h O a a m a N J U o Z u w •. LL a a r ' o> ONS IX 0 ck IZ UJ � 74 `o 0 W< i LLJ . U 4i,�\V - N u o F�•• Z O W h 10 V H •0 c. u u C r z W �•1 0- 1 v v 0. vl N Lu _U .<> Q �E O a Q LA O . ❑ z W ir W o '�jh2c o a of uj < F w E 00 C7 W wa W AFZN-DI-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 City of Salina City - County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Re: Contract No. DAKF19-76-C-0018 Sir: 11 February 1976 In accordance with Special Provision paragraph 10 of the referenced contract, written notice is given of the Govern- ment's intention to exercise the option to renew the contract for a period of three (3) months. WERT H. HALL Contracting Officer P��OLUTIO�y � i 2 �Z U "q m 1776_196 AFZN-DI-P 11 February 1976 City of Salina City - County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Re: Contract No. DAKF19-764-0018 Sir: In accordance with Special Provision paragraph,l0 of the referenced contract; written notice is given of the Govern- ment's intention to exercise -the option to renew the contract for a period of three (3) months. Sincerely, ROBERT H. HALL Contracting Officer AFZN-DI-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID P. 0. BOX 9174 SUBJECT: Contract No. DAKF19-75-C-0347 21 July 1975 Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina,•KS 67401 Sir: Inclosed are three (3) copies of the above subject contract. Request two (2) copies be signed on the face sheet, Standard Form 26, and re- turned to this office. Said contract contains the pricing and per- formance provisions negotiated and as set forth in your letter dated 8 July 1975. Your copy of the contract will be forwarded to you upon finalization of the contract. Si ours, 1 Incl OBERT H. HALL as Contracting Officer DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYa^ L HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION (MECH) AND FORT RILEY n , FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 D PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID P. 0. BOX 9174 -AF-ZN='Di'-P 30 July 1975 City of Salina, KS A Municipal Corporation ATTN: Mr. N. D. Olson, City Manager City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Gentlemen: Attached is your copy of Contract Number DAKF19-75-C-0347 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Procurement Division, DID, P.O. Box 9174, Fort Riley, Kansas 66442. 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: I nature) • FR FL 607L (Revised) 25 Uct 73 Sinc , ROBERT H. HALL Contracting Officer 7-30'ate)- ARMY-FT RILEY, KANS SZ136 STANDARD FORM 26, IDLY 1966 GE VK AOM11 PAGE I OF AWARD/CONTRACT j 9 RAS 11 1, CONTRACT (Prx. IW. r&etJ NO. 12. [HIRIYE DATE DAKF19-75-C-034_7 J 1 75JUL01 l REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQUEST/PROJECT NO. 'A. CERTIRED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER 505A HD -1x-76 & HD -15-76 I M . 2 AND/OR DMS REG. 1• DO—S-1 d. ADMINISTERED by CGDP 17. DELIVERY S. ISSUES fly CODE E (t/other rho. blor471 FOS DESTI. NATION Procurement Division, DID ,® P. 0. Box 9174 i ipblow) Fort Riley, KS 66442 S. CONTRACTOR CODE FACILFTY CODE I P. DISCOUNT FOR PROM" PAYMENT NAME AND ADDRESS i F— City of Salina,.KS i ! A Municipal Corporation i NET rod,% t, City -County Building e(• sed Wwdri. 300 West Ash Street - p:. SUThMTINYOICEs (s copies a.lN, e'hera•ua Salina, KS 67401 perijied) TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN BLOCK -- L —j Block No. 11 I1.. UNI► TO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CGDE Commander Finance and Accounting Office Schilling Manor Sub -Post Building 70, . Building No. 595 Fort Riley, KS 66442 Salina, KS 67401 ® fO U.S.C. 3206 KX10 IL TRIS PROCUMWae WAS G Aovsaoo, ® MDOMZW6 PUR 'ANT TO, . [I Al U.AC 2n lex I LJ 1d ACDOUNFM D A"MOWCAROM DAD, AN 21-9760700 76-2073 P1910-2572 S14-040 VCO2 17tH• IL VA"1013UV(2; 17.Is. 1 QUANTITY i UNIT 1E. UNIT PRICE I 20. AMOUNT Cost to the Government for Fire Protection to! -- be Supplied by the City of Salina, KS, for i Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, KS, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and E provisions of this contract. i i This contract consists of this signature page, Standard Form 26, The Schedule and Special j Provisions, pages 2 through 8, SECTION L, General Provisions, Service Contracts, pages ! 9 and 10, and the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, i EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603. 21. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT S 12 .2sn-no CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPIIC.ABLE _ 12 ® CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTLT AGREEMENT (C-&-dit mprind Fe r3- 126. ❑ AWARD (CootrwcAx it Net "a"%md to life 'bit duasses"j Your oficr his Aegave et ood "cam --colons to irn Ser 414; CoMrac of amass to fwn(+h and ddlYar .11 it... ar Post" all EM serelesud Troth or whom he on SolIcH, * Number . Including " addiH-+ w theme made by you -hkh addition, or ch -gas -co wl leeh In Tull Identill.d abe. and on ae <o,eInuoN- a h ler Has conddsrehi- -heed h«sin. The n,M. and edi,aHws oirhe Parties to IM. condone) Ault be wbise a and c.iMs ohm-, 1+ a tM hems lined show and an any continuation show. a.re—wmmae+ the se an which c..Ill. el the Wowia, dxumenw (o) end by IhoTdlM,q• wcr.mnsu (o) thb award/aeNrad. (b) Lln wlldhaHon, 11 wry, the G me,n'> wUcieHm o .ov oR'a and (b) %is owvN/c-baa6 No and (e) such Preuhion>, uYs>snrdien+, eemiRedMm, and s,aeiReallon,, m on vouched er Lmerperatd by r.hrenes hwein. (AMoebroenN on lined bwrin.) IunM canlmeanA doeumsnt i ewswry. , 20. NAME I OR , 127. U D STA ' e (srpmivn d Pa++a^ budwimd b +i,o; I - ISl,natare or Cli.oadin, OR.x) 24. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (T7pr se, printf 25. DATE SIGNED 25. NAME OF CONTMCTING OFFICEK ("ppr or printf DATE SIGNED N. D. 0 City M ager. �, ROBERT H. HALL 5JUL30 r 2a1oS-01 IF .3r ce / DUP KATE UKKANAL STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 _ REF. NO. OF DOC. RFWI CON1U. PAGE OF bINERAI•SE*y10ES ADWNISiRATION CONTINUATION SHEET DAKFl9-75-C-0347 FIA PRoc REG. (41 Cf111 1-16.10{ ., « D`rEace O` Dpl CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. SUPPUES/SERYKES OUAMM UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUM THE SCHEDULE The Department of the`Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A" is attached here- to, and made a part.hereof, as though fully ` set forth herein. 0001 Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salin , Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, AIT areas, buildings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached .to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603, and in accordance with the Terms; -Condition , and Provisions of this contract. 2 Mo $6,531.85 $13,063.70 Credit to the Government for Government - Furnished Property. 2 Mo. 406.85 813.70 -- - NET CONTRACT PRICE 2 Mo . 6,125.00 12,250.00 AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Mess ge DA 73 487, from C of ENGRS, dated 8 Nov 1965, subject: Use.of exces Ca ehart.Hous ng at Schilling AFB for dislocated fa flies. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM (1973 APR) (The following representation shall be comp eted by ach offeror whose offer is $50,000 or more and who has.50 employees or more) The Offeror represents that he ( ) has, ( ) has no , d veloped an maintained at each of his establishments Equal Opportu ity Affi mat•ve Action Irograms, . pursuant to 41 CFR 60.2. 2 JA -143-02 ty.d caupwwcniRnMen�cctp''o-y,►,w SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. CONTRACT PERIOD. This contract shall begin 1 July 1975, and shall end 31 August 1975, both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated under the provisions of this contract. 2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall, on the terms hereinafter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, equipment and appliances, and perform 011 work necessary to provide the fire protec- tion service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The Con- tractor shall perform work consisting of the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire prevention and protection service. b. Provide the Sub -Post Commander technical assistance in formu- lating regulations covering reduction and elimination of fire hazards. c. Conduct annual prevention inspection of dependent housing and all other buildings and areas included in Schilling Manor Sub -Post as set forth in Item No. 0001 herein. d. Perform first and second echelon maintenance service on the Government -Furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. e. Make annual representative fire flow tests as required. f. Assist in.conducting formal investigations of Government fire losses. 3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CONTRACT. .The Contracting Officer or his duly appointed successor, is responsible for the adminis- tration of this contract, and alone is authorized, to the extent indica- ted in this contract, to take action on behalf of the Government which results in changes in the terms of this contract, including deviations from specifications, details, and delivery schedules. 4. FRACTIONAL PAYMENTS. If necessary at the commencement or termina- tion of this contract, payment shall be made for any fractional part of a month's service at the rate on one -thirtieth (1/30) of the monthly charge for each day of service rendered. 5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work performed in the accomplishment of furtherance of the services to be furnished under this contract shall be comparable, but not limited to, the service provided within the corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards established by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one struc- tural fire company having not less than four (4) men on duty at all times stationed within five (5) miles from all portions of the area under contract, both supervisory personnel and fire company available for immediate service except for unforeseen emergencies, in order to assure that the standards contemplated by this contract are maintained. This performance of service shall include back-up service at all times. v •oanssaad I2npLSaa Lsd OI 4e que.tpRy IenpLALpUL 43ea ao; mol; aal; wnwLxew a4eoLpuL 04 sapo0 V8JN 44Lm aouepa000e uL papoo aoloa aq lllm s4u2apA'4 aaLd 'supld 6UL446L;aa L; pa6ueaaeaad 6uL4elnwa0; UL pazLLL4n pup slsa4 mol; snOLAaad 4sutp6e pa4enlen9 aq lllm s4lnsa8 •2aae a44 UL44Lm UOL4oa4oad aaL; JO; mol;. aa42M ;o Roenbape aulwa04ap 04 eaae IedLoulad 43ea UN41m s4MAPS4 as L; pa4oalas uo apew aq LILm s4sa4 mol; aaL; aAL4e4Uataa6a lenuuy •a •aapunaaay p04SLuan; R;jadoad 4uawu49no9 lle 'UO aoLAaaS aoueu84ULew uolayoa PU039S pue 4SUL; pup uoL3oadSUL a44 wao;aad pup ';o a3ueua4uL2w pup uoL4eaado ay; UL lauuasaad sLy 43na4sul pue uLea4 Alaadoad p 'SUOL40e aAL430aaoo aanoas o3 saagwnu 4uaL3L;;ns ul suoL4oadsUL dn-mollo; ao; apLAoad o4 spaooaa X.Aessaoau 6UL Le4ulew 'aapuewmOO 4sod-qnS a44 04 suol42ln6aa aaL; 844 ;o SUOL4 -eloLA ;o uoL4oadsUL 432a ;o s6uLpuL; a44 ;o 4aodaa ua44Lam a ysluan; lleys ao4o2a4uoO ayi euL;ALayul paleool aae 4e44 'kw -kV ay; ;o 4uaw4aedaO ay; Sq paLdn000 'swa4SRS waele aaL; ;0 6u L.4 lenuew 044 6uLpnlouL 's6ulplbn9 F4LLL4n pup 'aae;lam 'aaL;;o ;o UOL4oads -UL �fla04aenb a 4onpuo5 •4sod-qnS aoueW 6ULLL140S ul pa4eool 6ULsn04 4uapuadap ;o UOL4oadsUL UOL4uanaad aaL; l2nuue up 4onpuo� •o 'spaez24 aaL; ;o UOL42ULWLLO pue UOL4onpaa 844 6ULJOA00'SUOL4eLn6aa ;o 6UL4elnwao; a44 UL aepuewwoO 4sod-qnS aoueW 6uLl MS 044 04 a3ue4stsse le3Luy3a4 ysluan; o4 paatnbaa a8 'q •sesueN 'euLleS aeau 4sod-qnS aoueW 6ULLLL43S ao; aapunaaaq paALnbaa aoLAaaS UOL4oa4oad pue UOL4uanaad aai; 944 6uLaa4SLULwpe pup 6ULzLUe6ao ao; Dj% suodsaa a8 e :11245 a0432a4UO3 a41 'NOIlMOH ONH NOIiN3A3ad 321IJ 'L •saakOLdwa sLy ;o 40npuooslw In;ILm ao 144a44 'a3ua6 -Ll6au Sq pasnpo 44aadoad 4uawuaano9 04 a6ewep ao ;o ssol SUR woa; 4uaw -uaan09 a44 ssalwaey aneS pue SJ; UwapuL Lleys ao43ea4uOJ ayi q •aapun -aa94 saoLAaaS ao aouewao;aad a44 woa; 6uL4lnsaa ',Cue ;L 'ao4oea4uoj 044 ;o asn ao; 4Uawuaano9 044 kq pagsluan; S4aadoad 4244 6uLpnlouL �C4aadoad o4 a6ewep ao 'uosaad Sue ;o 44eap ao 'o4 S-AnCuL pa6alle ao len4oe Sue ao; 4y6noaq UOL4o2 ao 4Lns Sue ;o uospaa Rq 'saa; sjauao44e 6uLpnl3uL 'sasuadxa pue 's86ewep 's4soo 'spuewap 'SwLela 's6ULpaao -oad 'suoi4Oe LIP ISULe62 SODNOLdwa pue 's4ua6e 'saaoi;;o s4L '4uaw -uaan09 844 ssalwae4 anes pue A';Luwapul Ileys ao432a4uO3 ayi •e '39VWd0 210 SSOI 2103 AIIIIOVII '9 (p,4UOJ) SNOISIA021d IVI33dS SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) 8.RESPONSE TO A REPORTED FIRE, INCLUDING CLASSES A, B, C, AND D. A. The Contractor shall be required to promptly respond to a reported fire call and take necessary action to extinguish all fires promptly to minimize fire loss and water damage. The Contractor shall take expeditious action to eliminate loss of life at the site of a reported fire, and upon the completion of the extinguishing of the fire, the Contractor shall be required to remove any excess accumulation of water impounded within the building during the extinguishing of the fire to minimize water damage. b. The Contractor shall be required to conduct an investigation into the cause of a fire in conjunction with the Contracting Officer's Representative to determine cause and corrective action necessary to prevent similar occurrences, and to submit reports of each invettiga- tion, preserving evidence for the use of a board of officers making formal investigation of fires. C. The Contractor shall prepare and maintain fire department records and reports of operation, personnel, equipment and supplies required for the operation of the fire department furnishing fire protec- 'tion for Schilling Manor Sub -Post under this contract. --- 9. GOVERNMENT -FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks as set forth herein to the Contractor for the performance of the service set forth under the terms and conditions of this contract. uantit 1 Stock No. 4210-097-4754 4210-142-4949 5120-257-0303 4730-535-0826 4730-535-0827 5110-293-0351 5110-224-7068 Rockwood Part. #SA 2550 4210-223-9915 4210-595-0148 Item Description Fire Truck Kaiser,B ruck F1,nFE Class US O4A-884-70 with Portable Mounted Pumps, Manufacturer -Wis- consin, Model AENL, Ser No. 4996633 Nounuanti Applicator -extension 2 Ax 2 Bar -wrecking 1 Connection -hose -double female 2 Connection -hose -double male 2 Cutter -cable l Cutter -bolt 1 Extension -water fog Extinguisher -fire Hose -suction -soft •;3e.a4UO3 SLy; dapun asn .ao; pau6Lsse �on,a; aaL; auo ay; uo s.aLpda.a add'; UOLayoa puooas pup ;saL; Llp AO; aLgLsuodsaa aq LLeys pue 'A -.aado,ad pa4sLuan;-;uawuaano9 ay; ;o UOL;enaasaad.pue UOL;oa;oud ',aLpda.a . 'aoueua3ULEW ay; .ao; we.a6o.ad a 'aoL43p,ad ssouLsnq punas y;LM aouep —.AO03e UL '.aa;sLULwpe' pue UiR4ULew. LLeys ,ao;op,a;uoJ ayl (ti) •pa;eooL SL X;.aado.ad paysLu.an;-4uawu.a9no9 Sue Va aaagM sasLwa,ad ay; o; ssaooe anpy sawL; oLgeuoseaa Lle ;p LLeys 4u0Wuaano9 a41 (E) •44.aodo.ad ;Uawuaano9 Sfl uey; .aay;o UL 6UL;euL6Luo sa,tL; 446L; o; pasn aq Rew F;,aado,ad p84sLu.an;-4uawu.aano9 'uLa.aay L000 :ON Wa;I UL y;.ao; ;as se ;sod-qnS ,aoueW 6uLLJL43S o; UOL4Lppi UI (Z) ulewaa LLeys A;aadoad pa4sLuan;-4uawua8no9 •;uawu.aano9 ay; UL ay; o; aL;Ll. (L) :aouew.ao;,aad Pug kUMSUOds5H •o •spsue)l 'ka M ;aOJ L8L 6uLPLLnq aoL;;O 6uL.aaauL6u3 Pug saL;LLloe3 (p,;uOJ) SNOISIAM IVI03dS :SL ;oaa;uoo SLy; .aapun X;.aado,ad_ payslu.an;-;uawu.aano9 y;LM uoL;oauuoo uL sp,ao;a.a 44.aado:ad ay; ULe;uLew o; pa;eu6Lsap ,aaoL;;O ayl :.ao;ea;sLULwpy ;,aa old •q 3 .aauueds-youaaM 175££-9L5-0215 9 .aauueds-youaaM 309L -E63-0315 Z' aLzzou-dLl 3L1£-LE5-0 23 y .aappeL Pug asoy-de.a;S 6b£L-bLL-0LZb L UOL;ons-,aauLe.a;S LESS-003-0LZb L add'; pa;e6-UOL43auuoO asaweLS 6656-883-OLZb 3d-001 RLLupw-adoN 0008L9-OOIL L ,;It?-alRwaJ aLgnoO 5380-5£5-OELb L asoy-jaonpaa V380-5£5-0ELb L alOd a4ld L£58 -23-03L5 3 „L-gLgwassV aLzzoy LLLE-LES-0 07 Z A'lgwassy alzzoN OLLE-LES-0 0? L „;2-XLgwassy aLzzoN 60LE-LES-OLZV Z aLzzoN VLEO-OVS-OLZV L ,b3-aaPPel 8218-bEE-0L3b L ADPPel E0LL-3bL-0LZb L AL-as04-4aV2V ZEL£-LES-OL3b Z p.aey-uOL;ons-asoH 9LL9-30Z-0LZtr b L'Lgwassy asoH ZL19-Z0Z-0L3b .OZ asoH 8636 -UL -MV 9 unnb asoH 9M -M-007 - j unoN ON. po3S (p,;uOJ) SNOISIAM IVI03dS SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (a) Manuals and Technical Orders. 1 Class 5308 Fire Truck a Air Force Technical Order - TO 1975AAB-26. F LO 9-8022 - Lubrication Order. . Maintenance of equipment shall be in accordance with Section 3.of TO 1975AAB-26. All items of work listed in Section 3 shall be considered the responsibility of the Contractor. (b) Repoortiinng. The Contractor will be required to submit a monthly report o repairs, lubrication, fuel, oil and other services performed on the above item of equipment. (c) Recording_. Recording of all information will be ac- complished by Facilities ngineer on the appropriate forms to maintain suitable historical data on the above vehicle. (5) Maintenance and Reair . Excess of That PreviouslyCited All repair work of a t ird, fourt or f ft ec elon type will be accom- plished by Field Maintenance at Fort Riley, Kansas, and is not the responsibility of the Contractor. Upon notification of the need for work of this type; the work will be accomplished by the most expeditious means to avoid extended down time on the equipment. (6) Com letion of Contract. At the end of the contract period, each item of equipment s a be returned to the Government in the same general condition as noted in the joint inspection of the equipment at the initiation of the contract. With the exception of items considered to be fair wear and tear, all discrepancies found on terminal inspection will be corrected by the Contractor prior to release from the requirements of this contract. 10. OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT This contract is renewable, at the option of the Government, by the Contracting Officer giving written notice of renewal to the Contractor within the period specified in the schedule; provided, that the Con- tracting Officer shall have given preliminary notice of the Government's intention to renew at least thirty (30) days before this contract is to expire. (Such a preliminary notice will not be deemed to commit the Government to renewals.) If the Government exercises this option for renewal, the contract as renewed shall be deemed to include this option provision. However, the total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed 1.5 years. 0 ReW AON. ZL6L LL6L 4saga4u1 6£'bOL-L 8Z saspd,Aa;u3 ssautsn8 A';t,AoutW 40 uot;eZL mn 9£'bOL-L LZ A0N'b961 (wuoj '4J04S) k4jadWd pa4stu.Anj-4uawu.Aan09 (})bZ'bOl-L 9Z AV bL6L s;oe,a4uoogn5 £Z'bOL-L SZ 100 IML s4oeA;uoDgnS jo aoue -,'POLO p,Aemy-aad k1pn4aoddO Lenb3 ZZ'bOL-L 'bZ unC OL6L suaaouo0 adtl ea,ay snLdanS Aoqel jo not;eZLi m OZ'bOL-L £Z JEW bL6L Z96L Aoqei 43tnu0j LL'bOL-L 'ZZ aeW LL61 s8t;tn4e.A9 9l'bOl-L LZ AaLLoa;d- Le.Aaua9 wo0 ,Cq spAo3aa 4o not;eutwex3 SL'bOl-L OR UPC daS 8561 SUJ93u00 ss9utsn8 LLewS J0 uot4eZLJt4n bL'bOL-L '6l 896L sa;ndst0 XeW ,Aogei 4o 4uawu,Aan09 OR 01 03t;0N b'bOL-L '8L daS b96L EL6L 43y ue3t.Aawy A'n8 s6utuad0 4uauRoLdw3 3o but;sal £ *VO 171 LZ'EO L -L OR OR LnC OL6L s;uaw;snCPV Jo 6uL3tud 9Z'£OL-L 'sl ueC 996L ;u8wa6ut,A;ul 446t,AA'do0 pue ;ua;ed 6utp,Ae6aa a3ue;sassy pue a3t40N £Z'£OL-L 'bl -AeW b96L"' 4uasuo0 pue uot;ezt,Aoy;ny ZZ'EOL-L '£L ueC 8961 saaj 4u96ut;uoO 4sute6y ;ueuanoJ OZ'£OL-L ZL LnC 6ny 6t76 4t.aua8 0; ;oN SLet3t;d0 6L'£OL-L 'LL ZL61 A';tun;,Aoddp Lenb3 (e)81'EOL-L 'OL AoN IM not;esuadwo0 awt4,Aan0--43y spjepue;S A';ajeS pue s.AnoH 3joM 43e.A;uoO (e)9L'£OL-L '6 430 696L not4et406auaa (e)EL'£OL-L '8 ueC 6ny 8961 sa4ndst0 (e)3L'E0L-L 'L AoN 696L LL61 41ne}60 saxel Le30l pue °a;e;S 'Le.Aapaj LL'£OL-L (e)OL'£OL-L '9 's qaj Z96L swteLO Jo ;uawu6tssy8'£OL-L b ueC 896L s;uallifed L'£01-1 E LnC 6V6 sV4x3 £'EOL -L Z' qaj Z96L sunt;tut;a0 L'EOL-L 'L 3Sf1V10 311I1 HdVN9VdVd Hawm 30 31VO 3SnVlO bdSV 33N321 AH (•,Aa3LJjo 6ut43aA4uo3 ay; wOJJ paute;go aq Few abuaAapa Rq 43e,a4u03 Sty; ut pa4e.Aod.A03ut asneL3 SUP jo ;xa; a4aldwo3 a41) •uta.Aay 44aO_4 ;as XLLnd g6n04; se 4ga339 pue a3aOJ awes ay; y;tm a3uaia}aa Sq 43ea;uo3 Sty; o;UL pa;e,Aod -A03ut aAe (MSV) uot4eLn6aa 4uawa,An3o,Ad Sa3tAJ@S pawAy ay; ;o s4de.A6 Leaed 6utmoLLod ay; ut y;,Aol 4as.sasneL3 43e,4u03 ay; 40 suotstno,Ad 941 SIOV81NOO 33IAM - SNOISIAObd WEND - l MIMS SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS - SERVICE CONTRACTS (Cont'd) REFERENCE ASPR CLAUSE NUMBER PARAGRAPH TITLE 29. 7-104.63 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment and Vegetation 30. 7-104.65 Insurance 31. 7-104.82 Payment of Interest on Contractors' . Claims 32. 7-602.42 Accident Prevention 33. 7-1902.2 Changes 34. 7-1902.4 Inspection of Services 35. 7-1902.16(b) Termination for the Convenience of the Government 36. 7-1903.41 Service Contract Act of 1965 0 DATE OF CLAUSE 1968 Feb 1968 Feb 1972 May 1967 Jun 1971 Nov 1971 Nov 1968 Feb 1968 Sep 1 AFZNDL-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION (MECH) AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 PROCUREMENT DIVISIONI, DIO P. 0. BOX 9174 Mr. Morris D. Olson City Manager City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina. KS 67401 Gentlemen: Attached is your copy of Contract Number DAKFI9-TS--C-0047 30 August 1974 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Procurement Division, DID, P.O. Box 9174, Fort Riley, Kansas 66442. 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: FR FL 607L (Revised) 2$ Oct 73 Sincerely, ELMA MORRIS Contracting Officer . r (Date) ARAN -FT RILEY, KANS Sa36 STANDARD FORM 26, JULY 1966 GENERAL ER��„1ST1TION AWARD/CONTRACT 1 PACE i OF 6.101 J 1 p CONTRACT (P.. Iasi. Id.0 NO. 12. EFFECTiV! DATE 3. REt2U15RgN/PURCHASE REOUEST/PROJECT NO. 14. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER SDSA DAKF19-75-C-0047 _L274JUL01 I REG. 2 AND/OR DMS REG. 1. ___1 RATING. 3. MUED OY CODE6. ADMINISTERED BY CODE I7. DELIVERY L-- (if oliolr lbw black 5) FOR DESTI. Procurement Division, DID ®NATION P. 0, Box 9174OTHER (Sri I Fort Riley, KS 66442 IQ brier.) B. CONTRACTOR CODEJ FACILITY CODE P, DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT NAME AND ADDRESS F—Cityof Salina, KS _I I NET A Municipal Corporation I(Shnnt.da, City -County Building Sand w�) 300 West Ash Street 1110, Salina, KS 67401 D„SUBMIT INVOICES (4 OPill stack. efberum JPl<i/ird) TO ADDRESS SHOWN W BLOCK L _— J Block No. 1) 11. SNI► TO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODEI COTTmander Finance and Accounting Office Schilling Manor Sub -Post Building No. 70 Building No. 595 Fort Riley, KS 66442 Salina KS 6 401 TO U.S.C. 2304 (a`,(1DI 13. iNi PRQCIRIBLT@IT WAS ❑ ADysilr4 D. fl NIr.OT1ATED, PUT !AM To, . 41 U.S.C. 232 (tX ) 10. ACCOUNIM ABA APPROPRAWIN DAA ' 21-9750700 762073 P1910-2572 S14•0W VCO2 IS. TIMM NO. is. - SUPLIEBJ3ERVIf9 i 17. IN. QUANTITY I UNIT ` IP. 20. i UNIT PRICE ) AMOUNT Cost tote Government for Fire Protection to i be supplied by the City of Salina, KS, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, KS, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract, I This contract consists of this signature page j I Standard Form 26, The Schedule and Special Provisions, SP -1 through SP -10, PART 111 - ! SECTION L, General Provisions, Service Con- I I I tracts, L-1 and L-2, and the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "AP, attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41 4-72-603. I i' I jl 2i. TOTAL AMOUR OF CONTRACT s62,400.00 i CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPLICABLE 22 ® CONTRACTORS NEGOTIATES AORLEMENT (Cowfro<lsr is rlqMi,,d as 14M 26. AWARD (CeasmJor iJ Mel rcnui¢d f. Jign tbiJ dacuwrwl. j Yo.r a8rr tilt d".,.t and relays, 2 .epic, to issm;vs of�itr.) Cwroater anew to furnish end dollrr all it... or pwfarw all th. s.rvico Fal forth or o1harw1 s on Solicitolien Numb” . Including " addih.as or than... mad. by you whlch edd;l.n. m thong.. ora wt famh in Full la. sA.d abora and an any continuation A .rh For Ilea mntidamtlon .lw.d hw.m. ober, 1. A.r.b, ecc.,O.d a. I. lh. nam. filled above and on any rontinm8on sMab. no "It. and ooligal,ms of lha social to this canh,ma shall M dbjec, to and gow This award conwramew'I. canlroe a,Nlh mmol. el th. Fellawi1 dowmmh. (a) road by Iha fallowing docummfh (o) ibis.ward/centrad, (b) IM solicitation, if any, M. Oor.mm.nt'. eR<irorion and y.. .0*, and (b) This .word/tmhxt. No and Icj loch preddens, repr...nlotionF, codifications, and tp.cificaliom, as or. Mr NorontmM demm.nt Is n arta:had or InmrporoNd by nfw.n<a hw«n. (Afficbwrmfl aq IiJJId 61YlinJ _ 23. NAME OF c0 R Y 0 A L I NA , KS i 27. UNITED STATE OF AMERICA BY — — A'(70mos,re or prwn 6c, oric.d Into,.: l (Signorur. of [ fmctl.g Olf<rl 24. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER 7' er bq 39. OA SIGNED 28. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Tjpr or printf '29. DATE SIGNED r-/�' „ d� THELMA MORRIS 74AUG30 I STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOG BUNG COMTV. PAGE OF GENORAL SWICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET -- FED. FROG REC,. (41 CFR( 1-16.101 DAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT THE SCHEDULE The Department of the Air Force Permit No, DACA41-4-72-603 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein, 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas, buildings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit.No, DACA41-4-72-603, and -in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contract. 12 Mo, $ 5,544,60 $66,535.20 Credit to the Government for Government - Furnished Property 12 Mo, 344.60 4,135.20 NET CONTRACT PRICE 12 Mo. $62,400,Oo AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message D 739487, fron C of ENGRS, dated 8 Nov 1965, subject; Use of excess apehart Iousing at Schilling AFB for dislocated families, NOTICE OF PROGRAM FOR FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE 3TABILIZA1ION OF THE ECONOMY. Offer- ors are advised that prices are expected to be ii compliance with the General Price Standard of the Cost of Living Council as set forth in Sectioi 130.13 of ritle 6, Code of Federal Regulations. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM (1970) (The following certification shall be completed y each o fer r whose offer is $50,000 or more and who has 50 employees or more , The offeror certifies that he X has, h s not, d vel ped and maintained at each of his establishments Equal Opportunity Affirmative cti n Programs, pursuant to 41 CFR 60,2, SF 36-1 I STA"DARO FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT -D. PAGE OP GENERAL SER CES. ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHED . FED. PROC. REO. (41 CFR( 1-16.101 -- DAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR - - - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS SP -1, CONTRACT PERIOD, This contract shall begin I Jtile 1974, and shall end 30 June 1975; both dates inclusive, unless sooner termina ed inder the prDvislons of this contract. SP -2, SCOPE OF CONTRACT, The Contractors all, on he terms hereinafter more particularly set forth furnish all labor, flant, eqiipment and appliances, and perform all work necessary to.provide the fire protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post in strict accords a with the terms and con- ditions of this contract. The Contractor shall erform m rk onsisting of the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire pre ention and p otectiom,s rvice. It. Provide the Sub -Post Commander t hnical assi tante in formulating regulations covering reduction and elimination oF fire hazard , c. Conduct annual prevention inspection of d pen ent housing and all other buildings and areas included in Schilling lanor Sub Pos as set forth in Item No. I herein. d. Perform first and second echelon maintena ce'service on the Govern- ment Furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. e. Make annual representative fire Flow test as required. f. Assist in conducting formal investigation of Government fire losses SP -3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CONTRACT Tie Contracti g Officer or the administration or his duly appointed successor, is responsible o this contract, and alone is authorized, to the extent indicate in this contract, to take action on behalf of the Government which results in (han)es in the terms of this contract, including deviations from specifi ations, cetalls, and delivery schedules. SP -4, FRACTIONAL PAYMENTS, If necessary at the co enc ment or ter ination of this contract, payment shall be made for any ractiona pa t of a mont Is ser- vice at the rate of one -thirtieth (1/30) of thenthly c arg for each d y of service rendered. SP -5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work erformed in he accompli hment of furtherance of the services to be furnished unde this co tra t shall be comparable, but not limited to, the service provided with n t e corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standar s establ she by the Kan as Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire com any having not ess than four (4) men on duty at all times. stationed within f ve 5) miles fir m all portions of the area under contract, both supervisory per onn land fire ompany available for immediate service except for unforeseen eme gen ies, in ord r to assure that the standards contemplated by this c ntract a e maintained. his per- formance of service shall include back-up servic3 at all.times. SF 36-2 I I ?TANI>ARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 I (,ENBrAt sERVICes AOMINISTRATJON 'fED. PROC- ~ (4' CFR) 1-16.101 ~A.ME Of OffEROR' OR CONTRACTOR w. NO. OF DOC. BEtNG CONT'D. PAGf lOP CONTINUATION SHEET '\ . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS . ITEM NO., SUPPUES/SERVICES QUANTITY. UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP-6. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE. a. The Contractor shall indemnify ,nd save h officers, agents, and employees against all act ons, proc costs, damages, and expenses, including attorne' 's fees, action brought for any actual or alleged injury.to, or. de age to property 'Including that property furnish d by the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performa ce or ser rmless the Gov edings, claims y I eason of an th of any pers ov rnment for ic s hereunder rnment, Its demands, suit or n, or dam- se of the . b. The Contractor shall Indemnify ,nd save h~rmless the Gov rnment fr~ any loss of or damage to Government property ca sed by negll!ence, theft or wilful misconduct of his employees. . SP-7; FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. Th Contract~r hall: a. and protection Kansas. Be responsible for organizing a d admlnis er ng the fire prevention service required hereunder for Shilling M no Sub-Post n ar Salina; , '. b. Be required to furnish technlca asslstan e 0 the Schil Ing Manor : Sub-Post Commander in the formulating of regula ions cove In the reduct on and elimination of fire hazards. c. Conduct an annual fire prevent I n inspection of dependen housing located in Schilling Manor Sub-Post. Conduct a quarterl) in pectlon of ffice, welfare, and utility buildings, including the In nual testing of fire ala m systems, occupied by the Department of the Army that arE 10 ated in the city of Salina. The Contractor shall furnish a written report of th findings 0 each inspection of violations of the fire regulation to the Sub- ost Command r, main- taining necessary records to provide for follow up Inspec io s In suffic ent numbers to secure corrective actions. d. ma i ntenance of, service on, al I Properly train and Instruct his and perform the inspection and Government property furnished h personnel In the operati nand irst and sec nd echelon nalntenance reunder. e. Annual representative fire flow tests will b' hydrants within each principal area to determin adequac) of protection within the area. Results will be ev luated a~~ln and utilized in formulating prearranged firefig ting plars. color coded in accordance with NFBA Codes to inlicate mal imu individual hydrant at 10 psi residual pressure. , made on se ected fire water flow or fire t previous low tests Fire hydran s will be fire flow or each SF 36-3 . ;TANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 I IREP. No. OF DOC. BEING_ COFLrm. PAGE OF ;ENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION I CONTINUATION SHEET ED. PROC. REG.,(41 Cf R) 1-16.101 ,ME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS TEM NO.- SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP -8. RESPONSE TO A REPORTED FIRE INCLUD NG CLASSES A B C AND D. a. The Contractor shall be requirel to prom tly respond to reported fire call and take necessary action to extinguisi all fires p omptly to m nimuze fire loss and water damage. The Contractor shat I take exFedi ious action to eliminat loss of life at the site of a reported fire, and upon the coletion of tie extin- guishing of the fire, the Contractor shall be rejuirei ve any exce s accumu- lation of water impounded within the building du ing the extinguishing, OF the fire to minimize water damage. b. The Contractor shall be require to conduct an investigation into the cause of a fire in conjunction with -the Cont acting 0 fie rls Represe tative to determine cause and corrective action necessary o preveril similar occurr nces, and to submit reports of each investigation, presery ng evidence for the use of a board of officers making formai investigation of fires c. The Contractor shall prepare and maintait fi a department records and reports of operation, personnel, equipment a d supplies r uired for he opera- tion of the fire department furnishing fire prot tion for Sc illing Mano Sub -Post under this contract. SP -9. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks ase forth herein to the Contractor for the performance of the service se forth U er the terms a d con- .ditions of this contract. .Quantity Item De cri tion 1 Fire Truck aiser, T Firefightir 1. g, Class uc 30-B Br 4A-8$4-7 sh/Structural, FE #108 US witth Portable Mounted Pumps, Ma ufacturer-Wise nsin, Mode) ENL, Ser No. 4996633 Stock No Noun 4210--o-9-7-4-754 Applicator -extension Quantity 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 2 ,5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 1 4730-535-0826 Connection -hose -double emale 2 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double le 2 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable 1 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-223-9915 Extinguisher -fire 3 4210-595-0148 Hose -suction -soft 1 42.10-722-9336 Hose 6. 4210-722-9298 Hose 20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 4 SF 36-4 11 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOC- BEING CONT'D. PAGE of GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR( 1-16.101 CONTINUATION SHEET' - -- --- — -- AME OF OFFEROR OR, CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT" SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Stock' -N0, : Noun uantit 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -12F 2 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 Ladder -241 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 1 4210-537-3109. Nozzle Assembly -2-11 2 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 1 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -1" 2 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose I 4730-535-0825 Double Female -4-11 1 7100-678000 Rope -manila 1 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection -gated type 100 -ft. 4210-240-5531 Strainer -suction l 4210-174-1349 Strap-hose.and ladder 1 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 2 6 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner 2 b, Property Administrator: The Office designat d lo maintain he ropertyrecords in connection th Government -f w,ract rnished property under t is is: con- Facilities and Engineering Office ! Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas c, Responsibility and Performance: (1) Title to the Government-furnised proper y hall remain in the overnment, (2) In addition to Schilling Manor Sub -Post s et forth in Item No. I erein, Government -furnished property may be use to fight fi es originat ng in ther than US Government property. (3) The Government shall at all resonable time have acces to the remises wherein any Government -furnished proper y is loca ed. (4) The Contractor shall maintain nd ound business practice, a for admini to , in accord nce with program the maint nance, ervation of the Government -furnished property, and re shall ai , protectio and pre- irst and second echelon type repairs on the one fire truc a a signed esponsible or for Ise all his contract. under SF 36-5 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -' T140-OF DOC. REND GOND.. PAGEGENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEETFED. PROC. REG. (A1 CFR) 1-16.101I7 __ NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO, SUPPLIES/SERVICES M OUANTTFY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) (a) Manuals and Technical rders: 1 Class 5305 Fire Tru k. a Air Force Techni al Order T 1975AAB-26 b LO 9-8022 - Lubrication Or er, Maintenance of equipment shall be in accordance ith Secti n of TO 1975 B-26. 11 items of work listed in Section 3 shall be c nsidered he responsibil ty of the Contractor (b) Reporting. monthly report of repairs, lubricationeContra r ilandlot e o uired tpe ubmit .fuel, n the above item of equipment. er sl ervices formed omplished by Post Engineer onrthe Qapprappropriate f itolma b inosuion itable istorical ata on the above vehicle. rmsecording nt hill (5) Maintenance and Re air in E 11 repair work of a third, fourth, or cess of T at Previousl ited, fifth ech Post Field Maintenance at Fort Riley, Kansas, an Ion type is ill be accompl shed by ontractor. Upon notification of the need for wo not t k of this e esponsibili ty the y of the ccomplished by the most expeditious means to av id extend e, work d, own time on will be the quipment, (6) Completion of Contract. At each item of equipment shall be returned to the the end o t e contract eriod,, ondition as noted in the joint Inspection of ih overnment equipmen in the same ge a the initia eral ion the contract. With the exception of Items consi ered to b f it wear and of tear, all discrepancies found on terminal inspectionw'tl be cor ec ed by the C ntractor prior to release from the requirements of this c ntract.. SP-10. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (FIXED PRICE) APR. 1968 the a, Government-Furnished Property. Contractor, for in The Gover me t shall del ver• .to the use connection with and u property described as Government-furnished der the t rm of this co tract, fications, p together with such related data and information operty in th Schedule o speci- request and as may .reasonably be required for th intended as the Conor us of such may (hereinafter referred to as "Government-furnishe property'). pr petty The delive formance dates for the supplies or services to b furnishe y b the Contra for or per- under this contract are based upon the expectation tha Governme t- urnished pr party suitable for use (except for such property furni hed "as i ") will be del vered to SF 36-6 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOG BEING CONT'D. PAGE OF. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION - CONTINUATION SHEET FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) I-16.101 _ 1AME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY. UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) the Contractor at the times stated in the Sched le or, if not so stated, in suffi- cient time to enable the Contractor to meet suck delivery or performance dates. In the event that Government -furnished property is not de iv red to the Contractor by such time or times, the Contracting Officer all, upoi timely written request made by the Contractor, make a determination of the delay, il any, occasioned the Contractor thereby, and shall equitably adjust the deiive y or performance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provision affected by any such delay, in accordance with the procedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes." Except for G ernment- ur ished props ty furnishe Ilas is", in the event the Government -furnished Froperty i received by t e Contracto in a condition not suitable for the intended use the Contac r shall, u on receipt thereof, notify the Contracting Officer of such fact and, as irected by the Con- tracting Officer, either (i) return such property at the sovIrnmentEs ex ense or otherwise dispose of the property, or (ii) effect repairs or dificatio s. Upon the completion of (i) or (ii) above, the Contracting Offi er upon written request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or ier rmance dal s'or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provis on, ffected by the re- jection or disposition, or the repair or modification, in accordance witt the pro- cedures provided for in the clause of this cont act entit ed.IChanges." The fore- going provisions for adjustment are exclusive a d the Govirnment shall not be liable to suit for breach of contract by reason of any de ay in delivery of Govern- ment -furnished property or delivery of such pro erty'in a condition not Suitable for its intended use, (b) Changes in Government -furnished Property,. (1) By notice in writing, the Contracting ffi;cer may (i) decrease the property provided or to be provided by the Covernment un�er this contract, or (ii) "substitute other Government-owned property for props ty to be provi ed by the Government, or'to be acquired by the Contractor for the G vel.nment, unde this contract. The Contractor shall promptly take such action as `the Contrac ing Officer may direct with respect to the removal nd shippi g property covered by such notice. If (2) In the event of any decrease in or sub f titution of pr perty pursuant to subparagraph (1) above, or any with rawal of 3utkIorlty to usd' property provided under any other contract or lease, whi IT propert the Governmen' had . agreed in the Schedule to make available for th$ performs eof this contract, the Contracting Officer, upon the written request ol the Cont actor (or, if he sub- stitution of property causes a decrease in theost of pe for,'mance, on his own initiative), shall equitably adjust such contra tual provisions as may b affected by the decrease, substitution, or withdrawal, i accordan a with the procedures pro- vided for in the "Changes"'clause of this contr ct, (c) Title. Title to all property fur ished by the Government hall remain in the Government. In order to define the obligations of the parties and r this clause, title to each item of facilities, speci 1 test eq iprdent, and sp tial tooling (other than that subject to a "Special poling" clau e) acquired by the SF 36-7 dANDARD fOR,N 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF _ DOC. BEING CONrD. _ _ , PAGE- OF 'GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ED_ PROC. REG! (4) CFR) 1-16.101 /. F,� CONTINUATION SWEET _ - - - - ME Of OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ---"- CITY Of SALINA, KANSAS TEM NO_ SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE- AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Contractor for the Government pursuant to this contract s all pass to anc vest in the Government when its use in the performance If this coitrzct commence or upon payment therefor by the Government, whichever i earlier, whether or not title previously vested. All Government -furnished pr perty, to et er with all property acquired by .the Contractor title to which vests in the Go er ment under his para- graph, is subject to the provisions of this cla se and is he einafter co lectively referred to as "Government property". Title to Government property shal not be affected by the incorporation or attachment thereof to ane property not twned by the Government, nor shall such Government prope ty, or ane part thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity as perso lty by reIIsoi of affixat on to any realty. (d) Property Administration. The Con ractor shill comply with the pro- visions of Appendix B, Armed Services Procureme t Regulat on as in effect on the date of the contract, which is hereby incorpora ed by ref re ce and made a part of this contract. Material to be furnished by 1he Governneni shall be o dared or returned by the Contractor, when required, in accordan a with the "Manual for Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MIL TRIP) for Defe se Con- tractors" (Appendix N, ,Armed Services Procurement Regula io) as in eff ct on the date of this contract, which Manual is herelly incorpo at d by refere ce and made a part of this contract. (e) Use of Government Property. The Government pr perty shall unless otherwise provided herein or approved by the Contracting ifficer, be us d only for the performance of this contract. (f) Maintenance and Repair of Government Property. The Contra for shall d industrial maintain and administer, in accordance withsou practice, a program for the maintenance, repair, protection, and pr servation of Government property, until disposed of by the Contractor in accordan a with this dlause. In the event that any damage occurs to Government propertyt e risk of which has been assumed by the Government under this contract, the Gove nment shall replace such items or the Contractor shall make such repair of the pr party as he Government directs; provided, however, that if the Contractor canno effect s ch repair with n the time required, the Contractor shall dispose of uch prope ty in the mann r directed by the Contracting Officer, The contract price includes rio compensation to the Contractor for the performance of any repair or replaceme t or which th Government is responsible, and an equitable adjustment wil be made in any contract al pro- visions affected by such repair or replacement f Govern nt property male at the direction of the Government, in accordance with the proc ur s provided or in the "Changes" clause of this contract. Any repair r %plac n for which he Con- tractor is responsible under the provisions of his contract shall be ac omplished by the Contractor at his own expense. (g) Risk of Loss. Unless otherwise p ovided ir th s contract, the Con- tractor assumes the risk of, and shall be respo Bible for, a y loss or d mage to Government property provided under this contrac upon its de ivery to hi or upon SF 36-8 STA,NDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT'D. PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SFIIET --_--- --- FED. PROC. RE(, (41 CFR( 1-16.101 ' LAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO.. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL;PROVISIONS (Continued) 1 passagejof title thereto to the Government as provided in paragraph (c) hereof, except for reasonable wear and tear and except t the extent hat such pr perty is consumed in the performance of this contract. (h) Access. The Government, and any persons de ign ted by it, hall at all reasonable times have access to the premises wherein y overnment p operty is located, for the prupose of inspecting the Government proprty. Iropertv. (i) Final Accounting and Disposition o Governm nt U on the completion ofthis contract, or at such earlier dates as may be fixed by the Con- tracting Officer, the Contractor shall submit, in a form acceptable to th Con- tracting Officer, inventory schedules covering a 1 items of Government pr perty not consumed in the performance of this contract (includirg a y resulting scrap) or not theretofore delivered to the Government, and shall prepare for shi ment, delivery f.o.b, origin, or dispose of the Government property as may be Jirected or authorized by the Contracting Officer. The net procee s 6 any such disposal shall be credited to the contract price or shall be paid in s ch other Ria ner as the Contracting Officer may direct. (.j) Restoration of Contractor's Premises and'Ab ndothment. Unle s other- wise provided herein, the Government:. (i) may abandon any Government pr perty in pla e, and they upon all. obligation of the Government egarding sucl abandoned roperty shall cease; and (H) has no obligation to the Cont actor with r gard to restoration or rehabilitation of the Cont actor's premses, neither in case of abandonment (paragraph (j) i) above), d sposition o cam- pletion of need or of the contract (pa gr ph (i) abov ), nor otherwise, except for restoration or rehab litation costs which are properly included in an uitable dju tment under paragraph (b) above. (k) Communications. All communication i issued p rsu nt to this lause shall be in writing or in accordance with the "M nual for Mil tary Standa d Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTRIP) fo Defense Con tactors" (A pendix H, Armed Services Procurement Regulation). SF 36-g PART III - SECTIoN L GENERAL PROVISIONS SERVICE CONTRACTS - The Provisions of the contract clauses set forth in the following paragraphs of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR) are incorporated into this contract by reference with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein. (The complete text of any clause in in this con- tract by reference may be obtained from the Contracting Officer.) REFERENCE ASPR CLAUSE DATE OF NumBER PARAGRAPH TITLE CLAUSE 1. 7-103.1 Definitions 1952 Feb 2.1 7-1902.2 Changes - 1971 Nov 3. 7-103.3 Extras 1949 Jul 1f. i 7-1902.4 Inspection of Services_ r 1971 Nov 5. 7-103.7 Payments 1958 Jan 6.` 7-103.8 Assignment of Claims 1962 Feb ✓I. 7-103.10 Federal, State, and Local Tares 1971 Nov 8. 7-10391)' Default... 1969 Aug 9. 7-103.12 Disputes 1958 Jan Flo. 7-103.13 Renegotiation -1959 Oct 1). 7-103.16 Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act --Overtime Compensation 1971 -Nov 12. 7-103.18 Equal opportunity - 1972 Aug_ 13. 7-103.19 Officials Not to Benefit 1949 Jul 14. 7-103.20 Covenant Against Contingent Fees 1958 Jan 15. 7-1902.16 Termination for Convenience of the Government 1968 Feb 16. 7-103.22 Authorization and Consent 1964 Afar 17. 7-103.23 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement 1965 Jan 18. 7-103.27 Listing of Employr,ent.Openings 1973 Sep 19. 7-103.26 Pricing of Adjustments 1970 Jul 20. 7-104.4 Notice To The Government.of Labor Disputes 1958 -Sep 21. 7-104.14 Utilization of Small Business Concerns 1958 Jan 22.7-104.15 Examination of Records by Comptroller General / 1971 1 -tar 23. 7-104.16 Gratuities 1952 Mar 24. 7-104.17 Convict Labor 1949 Mar 25. 7-104.20, Utilization -of Labor Surplus Area Concerns 1970 Jun 26. 7-104e-39 interest I 1972 May 27. 7-104.63 Protection of Gove'rnme'nt Buildings, Equip- ment and Vegetation' 1968 Feb L-) DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCG PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON SCHILLING FAMILY HOUSING SITE FORMERLY A PORTION;.OP__SCHA=t*.. >eR__FQRS.' ..BA,SS,-.KANliAS..--- THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DACA41-4-72-603 is hereby granted a permit for a term of f ive (5) years, , beginning 1 January 11972 , and ending 31 December ,19 76, but revocable at will by the Secretary of the Air Force, to use for housing purposes, A parcel of land containing 295.41 acres, more or less, and 735 family housing units located thereon, including installedequipment contained therein, and appurtenances thereto, generally identified as the Schilling Family Housing Site, formerly a portion of Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas, as shown substantia UV in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, *ml-deseribed as fouema'. THIS PERMIT is granted subject. to the following conditions: 1. That the use and occupation of the said premises shall be without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Force, under the general supervision and subject to the approval of the off ser s+,and subject also to such rules and regulations as having immediate jurisdiction over the premise he may from time to time prescribe. 2. That the permittee shall, at its own expense and without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Force, maintain and keep in good repair and condition the premises herein authorized to be used. 3. That any interference with or ddmage to property under control of the Department of the Air Force incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly corrected by the permittee to the satisfaction of the said officer. 4. That the permittee shall pay the cost, as determined by.the said officer, of producing and/or supplying any utilities and other services furnished by the Department of the Air Force or through Department of the Air Force facilities for the use of the permittee. aeroro.. 1362a ppEypeS WITIGXS ARE US,OLCM 1 OCT 5T (6R 40J-bdT!) 5. That no additions to or alterations of the premises shalt be made without the prior consent of the mid vfficer. 6. That if for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Air Force to perform functions and/or render services which are the responsibility of the permittee, the said officer may, in lieu of retmbureement, require the permittee to furnish the personnel and/or materials required for the performance of said functions and/or for the rendering of said services. In addition to furnishing personnel and/or materials, the permittee shall reimburse the Department of the Air Force for any costs incurred by the Department of the Air Force in connection with said functions and/or services, Selection of such personnel will be subject to the approval of the said officer. 7. That on or before the date of expiration of this permit or its relinquishment by the per- mittee, the permittee shalt vacate the said premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the said officer, ordinary wear and tear and damage beyond the control of the permittee excepted. If, however, this permit is revoked, the permittee shall vacate the premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises as aforesaid within such time as the Secretary of the Air Force may designate. 8. The housing site is being operated under Headquarters, Fort Riley, Kansas, and is under the jurisdiction of Headquarters, Fifth U.S. Army. Prior to execution of this Permit, Condition 6 was modified and Condition 8 ,vas added. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand by authority of the Secretary of the Air Force this 28th day of December 11971. D. C. KANO Chief, Management h Disposal Branch Real Rotate Division 0. L 00/A..OI I11.11N YryH /E-fRN"i SECTION L (Contrd) REFERENCE ASPR CLAUSE DATE OF NUMBER PARAGRAPH TITLE i CLAUSE 28, 7-104,82 Payment of Interest on Contractors' Claims 1972 May 29. 7-104,41(a) Audit By Department of Defense, (Applic- able to all contracts, except contracts awarded as a result of Formal advertising that do not exceed $100,000,) 1 1971 Apr 30, 7-104,29(b) Price Reduction for Dafective Cost or Pricing Data -Price Adjustments (Applicable if contract exceeds $100,000), 1970 Jan . 31. 7-104.22 - Equal Opportunity Pre -Award Clearance of Subcontracts 1971 Oct 32, 7-104,23 Subcontracts 1972 Apr 33. 7-104,65 'Insurance 1968 Feb 34, 7004.24(f) Government-Furdished Property (Short Foran) 1964 Nov .�- 1i 1 ., RII,¢ 1 ? . �i +IL .. ". JI F yy�!/.��p('t(' • IY'! Y;'. )' j ti' is 1cSr.rFt':; Tiiy +':rd' •Sirt+-„ d! ME F tv.... - ` .. ... 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Y ,! )• • Y aO � �JJ� L� fr� rim ,' . �%1 � Q Q°' ;r l i ' ;, fi •. � �'w•'+ii CS " L �• L' l CZ-b...n` Cw`�.C2 L • ° l - 1 - _ •.l • ._ ._�__ _ . _�_._.:.F;�a's�o..r._r, _.— ._�sa-^.� ^ � � �ra...yav�•�IQ�.. � - �� 1 44 \'r• 1 3199 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, identified as Contract Number DAKF 19-75-C-0047, dated July 1, 1974, relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby.authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor this 26th day of August, 1974. I W. M. Usher, Mayor (SEAL) Attest: D. L. Harrison, City Clerk STATE OF KANSAS ) SS COUNTY OF SALINE ) I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that Resolution Number 3199 was passed by the City Commission at its regular meeting on August 26, 1974, and that the above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of the original on file in my office. D. L. Harrison, City Clerk (SEAL) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION (MECH) AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 Mr, Norris D. Olson City -County Building 300 Mast Ash Street Salina„ Kansas 61401 Gentlemen: Attached is your copy of Contract Number DABE13-73-C-0045 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Procurement Division, D10, Bldg #179, Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: Sincerely, VERNON T. NANLON Contracting Officer ,FR FL 6U7L (Supersedes ALROL M, 15 Oct 70) 22 Fab '2 '(Date) ARMY -FT RILEY, KANS S-1201 STANDARD FORM 20. JULY 19pp PAGE OF GE.F..1 SEMC6 ADtuwSTR.DON AWARD/CONTRACT - 30 FED r0FOC REO "I CFR; 1-16.101i� 1. CONTRACT fP.W. IwM. Ilkl.) W. 12. EFFECTIVE DATE 13. REQUISRK!N/NRCNA3E REQUEST; wRORp NO. 1.. CERTIFIED FOR NATIOI+AI DE,ENSf UNDLR BDSA DABE13-_73-C-o045 72JULOl I ND -28-73 RFO 2 AND/OD DMS REG 1. RwnN6 _ .__._.— ._ _... ..__ . _._....-.--..! _.__ .._... _. - . ..._ _ - DY S ISSUED BY CODE L 16. ADMINIsrteeD BY CODL' ; 2. DELIVERY roDLsn. _ e (lj .rhe• eLww blNl !) Procurement Division, DID ;Director of Facilities and Engineering LO .0" Building 179 'Building 187 DYKE(s« 'C WJtlOJ Fort Riley, Kansas 66442(Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 ._._._-__._._...._-._._._L....B. CONTRACTOR CODE FACILrrY CODE I 9. D'SCOUNT POR IROMYI IAYMENi -J NAME AND ADDRESS ' I City of Salina, Kansas j NET Municipal Corporation (snm, ddo.A <m.q. sra, City -County Building I d ZIP "k) 300 West Ash Street — - ---- --- 11 0. SUNIT INVOICES (a <-Pill nn(u, erbe,.-he Salina, Kansas 67401 ,PerjG4) TO ADDRESS SMO" IN KOCK--I L ' Block No. ii 11. SHV IO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYNEM WILL BE MADE BY CODf Commander 1 Schilling Manor Sub -Post Finance Officer Building 595 Building 70 Salina. Kansas 6 401 fort Rile Kansas 66442 , fATrt TO. ID w U.S.C. 17od .)( ADYD. [I NecoruTwuRslE a. 11413vRoauReReEr WAS ms® - Il ACCOMOM AND AIrIgMHOh DATA 21-9730700 55-4003 Pi910-2572 S14-046 VC05 13. Ib. 17. I )a. 19. 20. RIMA NO. 3UrKa5/f2RV10El . QUANTITY UNG UNIT(RICE I _ AMOUNT_ _ Cost to the Government for Fire Protection I I to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract. This contract consists of this signature page, Standard Form 26, The Schedule and Special Provisions, SP -1 through SP -10, PART 111 - SECTION L. General Provisions, Service Contract, L -i through L-30, and the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the De- partment of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603. L71. • Toru AMOUM Or COIdtAACT S 5 400.00 CONTRACITNG OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS AII Iy� IL ODNTRAcpors NEOOTATED AOKEAEEM (Cw<+.<Eer At <prh.d A dp _PP_CABLE 26. ❑ AWARD (Cm<rrn. b RN nERIMd N <Ip rbb d"Mm"J.) Ywr 090 CT, rbA dmwE d MwrR3!elfM A, bm/y eQinl Ca.bweNr owm w sd1.FNllm fs.ntr—_—_ bldwAw. IM to fw0 and dwN.w dI Rwo m PiM«- 00 ft e«.NN l fwnb m M9«wlm Sdchi a eRw.Ow. -wdw M Tw• which apdiXmu a <b -.N- w M Iwr - IW IdMAM wbow W m m1 mM.-.wli« dMm. M IY mnW W.a YeNd r<W. abmw N M<M «..qd m N ,N Mw 4RJ wNw aM m m, <a�i..A.. Mwla TN, ..M. w mApwrm, d R- mV6w. Is IN. ew...oe "I w N. N W 9" TN. ww+d ePw.Mw Fy ewwwwo .rl.Re o,wrlm d Ow flOw.wS wwhl-m.. Iw) e,.Im 1N M AFAw-n. Moi -m lel wAw wwA, ewwew (NINE rbw r q, IM O.W. ..a4wswm wnd Ywlw Wk , and Ib) M, awMl<«m.d. No and, N<IrN..,NN. N«w.wwMM. <mtilNd.w wM yK.Aecih ..< m M fIN11Me <WN.IMI dYm-MI IF nRm,mE. S1rotl-d .' w_ w,e. A NIeNIIm b«,bN (Ai mbmeRR an Mi,fed- 20. FEARS--- FOROITY OF S L IRA 27. OF AMe1uuBy �IEN�m�Dsrj�U —� SIDImIIw a I+Nw� b Ypnl Ir (SipwN d Caradby ORlup 2E. NAME AND TITLE Or SIONN rryp, wphl) 23. DAR SIW1t0 129. NAME! Or CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type wPd I) 129. DATE SIGNED N. D. OLSON p VEFWN T. MAHLON 72SEV15 Cit Manager / / 26-103.01 .9.A mruRwen ft."" m,uD. 3126 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, identified as Contract Number DABE 13-73-C-0045, dated July 1, 1972, relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor this 11th day of September, 1972. / (SEAL) . Attest: D. L. Harrison, City Clerk a CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned hereby certifies, as follows: (1) That he is the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, herein called the "Municipality", and the keeper of its records including the journal of proceedings of the Board of Commissioners herein called the "Governing Body"; (2) That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution as finally adopted at the meeting of the Governing Body held on the _11th day of September , 19 72 , and duly recorded in his office; (3) That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects o in accordance with law and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the Governing Body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; and all other requirements and proceedings under law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, have been fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; (4) That the impression of the seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Municipality and this certificate is hereby executed under such official seal. (5) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this 12th day of September , 19 72 . City Clerk STANDARD fORM 36, JUIY 1966 ADM063TRAnoN 1 CONTINUATION SNIEET �a Comm 716oniractNumber vAoe or (KNEW S190(m FW. MM RNA lu aq 1-16.161 3-73�C-0045 NAMF W 0"I" OR OONDA" CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. SUMEMERVRES GU#NM um DNR "M AMOUM THE SCHEDULE The Department of.the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A11 is attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas,.buildings, and ppurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth n the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-72-603, and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contract, 12 Mo. 4,843.77 58,125.24 Credit to the Government for Government - Furnished property 12 Mo. 393.77 4,725.24 NET CONTRACT PRICE 12 Mo. 4,450.00 53,400.00 AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message DA 739487, rom C of ENGRS dated 8 Nov 1965, subject; Use of excess Capehart H)usi g at Schilling AFB for dislocated families. STABILIZATION OF PRICES, WAGES, RENTS AND SALARIES (1971 AIG) (A) By Executive Order 11627 Dated October 15, 1971 The p esi ent stabilized prices, rents, wages, and salaries. The Contractor represents the to, the best of his know- ledge and belief he is in complete compliance with Executi e 0der 11627. Further, the Contractor warrants that the amounts invoiced under th s c�ntract will not exceed the lower of (1) The Contract Price, or (2) the maximum le elsiestablishe in accord- nce with the order. (B) The Contractor agrees to insert the substance of this claluse, including this paragraph (B), in all subcontracts for supplies or service issued under this contrac AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM (1970) (The following certification shall be completed by each of eror whose offer is $50,00 r more and who'has 50 employees or more). The offeror certifies that he X has, henot, dev loped and maint ained at _ each of his establishments Equal Opportunity Affirmative A tion Programs, ursuant to 41 CFR 60.2. 36-109-03 • ua aarnom n,unr amn: 1,n e -w... STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -2 '!' No. OF Doc. Wwa comm. PACE o, Gpmw savm A mmisntAnoN CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number fED "fOG RG (4 DABE13-73-C-0045 N ,OF OM74k a 00MRACM CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS MEM NO. SUPPLIES/Sawas OUANW UNn um Rim AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS SP -1, CONTRACT PERIOD, This contract shall begin 1 Jul 1972, and hall end 30 June 1973. both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated inder the p visions of this contract. SP -2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT, The Contractor siall, on he terms hereinafter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, eq 1pment and appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the fire protec ion service required . hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post In strict accordan a with the terns and con- ditions of this contract. The Contractor shall perform w rk onsisting of the following principal features; a. Organize and administer fire pro fention ai d p otection service. b. Provide the Sub -Post Commander t tchnical ssi tante in formulating regulations covering reduction and elimination fire hazards. or Conduct annual prevention Inspection of d pen ent housing and all other buildings and areas included In Schilling lanor Sub Pos as set forth in Item No. I herein. d. Perform first and second echelon maintenance ervice on the Govern- ment Furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. e. Make annual representative fire Flow test as required, f. Assist In conducting formal investigation! of Government fire losses SP -3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CONTRA CT T e Contracting Officer or tea or his duly appointed successor, is responsible min stration of this contract, and alone is authorized, to the extent Indicate in this contr t, to take action on behalf of the Government which re alts in ohan as in the terms of this contract, including deviations from specift ations, eta Is, and,del very schedules. SP -4. FRACTIONAL PAYMENTS. If necessary a the cam enc ment or tar ination of this contract, payment shall be made for any, ractiona part of a mont 's ser- vice at the rate of one -thirtieth (1/30) of the nonthly c arg for each d y of service rendered. SP -5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work performed in he accomplishment of furtherance of the services to be furnished under this c tra t shall be comparable, but not limited to, the service provided with n tie corporate limits . of the City of Salina as required by the standar Js establ shel by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire c ny having not ess than four (4) men on duty at all times station within f ve 5) miles fr all portions of the area under contract, both supervisory per onn I and fire ompany available for immediate service except for unforeseen come en les, in ord r to assure that the standards contemplated by this c ntract a e intained, his per- formance of service shall include back-up servic at all times. $A -Jae. -02 �u�6awsm..nm,w a.,cR �Jwa-.»aM STAtaMW FORM 36, JULY 1966 -3Nr, v Doc mma toNrTA PAGE 00 GENOA MWIMS ADMINISTRATION CONIIIWATNON SHEET Contract Number E®. 1RCL Rai. (41 CFR) 1-16.101 DABE13- C -0 04S NAME OF 0018100 OR CONTRNMOR . CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS MEM N0.. sumns/s8Ims OUANM UNIF tm "M AEUXW SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP -6. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE. a, The Contractor shall indemnify and save h rmlass the Gov rnment, its officers, agents, and employees against all act ons, proc edings, claims demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorne Fs fees, yreason of an suit or action brought for any actual or alleged injury to, or d th of any pers n, or dam- age to property including that property furnish by the ov rnment for se of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performance or ser Ices hereunder b. The Contractor shall indemnify and save rm ass the Gov rnment from any loss of or damage to Government property caused by n IT ence, theft or wilful misconduct of his employees. SP -7. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. Th Contract r hall: a. Be responsible for organizing a adminis or ng the fire prevention and protection service required hereunder for Schilling.. no Sub -Post n or Salina, Kansas, b. Be required to furnish technical assists e lo the Schil ing Manor Sub -Post Commander in the formulating of regula tons coverins the reduct on and elimination of fire hazards. c. Conduct an annual fire prevention inspection of dependen housing located in Schilling Manor Sub -Post. Conduct a quarterly in pection of ffice, welfare, and utility buildings, including the minual testing of fire alarm systems, occupied by the Department of the Army, that are located in the city of Salina. The Contractor shall furnish a written report of the findings o each inspection of violations of the fire regulationi to the Sub -Post Command r, main- taining necessary records to provide for folt up inspections in suffic ent numbers to secure corrective actions. d. Properly train and instruct his personnel in the operation and maintenance of, and perform the inspection and first and second echelon intenance service on, all Government property furnished h rounder. a. Annual representative fire flay tests will be made on se acted fire hydrants within each principal area to determi adequac of water flow or fire protection within the area. Results will' be evaluated against previous 9ow tests and utilized in formulating prearranged firefighting plans. Fire hydran s will be color coded in accordance with NFBA Codes to inlicate me)oimum fire flow or each individual hydrant at 10 psi residual pressure. 36-108-05 -M&w Hm MmRea :,NRo-u►N, STANDARD FORM 78. JULY 1986 '4' IV. NM OF DOC SERVO CONfD. CONTINUATION SHEET Contract NLMlber YAOE Or GINOW SERvxE5 ADMDOSTGTION FED. NM NO. (a CTR) I-16.101 DABE13-73-C-0045 HAM! of ORE= OR CONTRAQOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNn PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP -8. RESPONSE TO A REPORTED FIRE INCLUDING CLASSES A B C AND . a. The Contractor shall be require to p tly respond to i reported fire call and take necessary action to extinguisl all fire SI omptly to m nimuze fire loss and water damage. The Contractor shat take a edi lous action to eliminat loss of life at the site of a reported fire, and upon the c letion of t e extin- guishing of the fire, the Contractor shall be re uired to r ve any exce s accumu- lation of water impounded within the building dul ing the extinguishing o the fire to minimize water damage. b. The Contractor shall be require to condLct an investiga ion into the cause of a fire in conjunction with the Contracting 0 fic is Repress tative to determine cause and corrective action necessary o prevent similar occurrences, and to submit reports of each investigation, presery ng evade a or the use f a board of officers making formal investigation of fires c. The Contractor shall prepare arvl maintain fi a departmen records and reports of operation, personnel, equipment and supplies r quired for he opera- tion of .the fire department furnishing fire protection forSc filling Kano Sub -Post under this contract. SP -9. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks as se forth heren to the Contractor for the performance of the service se forth under the terms a d con- ditions of this contract. Ouantity item De cri tion i Fire Truck Class 53 T uck Pumper formerly USAF Registration No 52L 174, USAF Stock No 421%-639-9853), with the following Inventory of a uipment: Stock No Noun Quantity 4210 -09j -4j54 Applicator -extension 2 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 Bar -wrecking i 1 ,5120-257-0303 4730-535-0826 Connection -hose -double emale 2 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double rale 2 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable i i 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-223-9915 Extinguisher -fire 3 4210-595-0148 Hose -suction -soft 1 4210-722-9336 Hose 6 4210-722-9298 Hose I 20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly I � t 4 v 36-108-02 . 0 a wpm. a -u . sTAmDAw FORM 36. =Y 1966 -5 0100C. UNG COM. PAGE [OF GENMA SUVR3s AOWP6STRAl10N CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number IM. Mc no. (41 oq T-ls.lm DABE13-73-C-004 MIME OP OF"" OR COMMCWR - CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM No. SUMM/SERVICES GUMMY UW UM PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Stock No, Noun Quantity 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1i" 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 ladder -241 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly -2}" 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 2 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -111 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole I 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose' 1 4730-535-0825 Double Female -411 1 7100-678000 Rope -manila 100 ft. 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection -gat type 1 4210-240-5531 Strainer -suction 1 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose -and ladder 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 2 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 6 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner 2 b. Property Administrator: The Officei designat d lo maintain he roperty records in connection with Government -ft rni shed property under It is con- ract is: Post Engineer Property Officer Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas c. Responsibility and Performance: (1) Title to the Government-furnis ed property shall remain in the Government. (2) In addition to Schilling Manor Sub -Post is set forth In Item No. I areln, Government -furnished property may be usei to fight fires originat ng in ther than US Government property. (3) The Government shall at all re sonable times have accesi to the remises wherein any Government -furnished proper y is located, (4) The Contractor shall maintain and admini to , in accordance with sound business practice, a program for the maint nance, re ai , protecti and pre- ervation of the Government -furnished property, and shall a eesponsible lor all Irst and second echelon type repairs on the one fire true assigned for use under his contract. 86-108.-02 1064 s siANDAw FORM 36, JULY 1966 6 . ar DDc am am". .AGE 09 DENEM1. SEW4 s ADMMOMI M COI TIMATi 11 SHEETtract Number 71DABE13-73-c-0045 MD. Mr- eo. pl wI 1-16.im NAME OF Wept OR GDNTRA009 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. sUn?uE AERVI(ES 0 CUAMIIy mar 1Da1 PRia AMOUW SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) (a) Manuals and Technical Crders, 1 Class 530A Fire Truck a Air Force Technical Order TC 1975AAB-26 b LO 9-8022 - Lubrication Drier. Maintenance of equipment shell be in accordance with Secti n 3 of TO 197 B-26, ll items of work listed in Section 3 shall be considered the responsibility of the Contractor (b) Reporting. The Contra for will a required to submit monthly report of repairs, lubrication, fuel, cil and of er services pe formed n the above item of equipment.. (c) Recording. Recording cf all inf tion will be ac- omplished by Post Engineer on the appropriate f rms to maintain suitable historical ata on the above vehicle. (5) Maintenance and Repair in Excess of TiatiPreviously Cited. 11 repair work of a third, fourth, or fifth ech lon type it be accomplished by ost Field. Maintenance at Fort Riley, Kansas, anc is not tie responsibility of the ontractor. Upon notification of the need for work of this ty e, the work will be ccomplished by the most expeditious means to avoid extend d cown time on the uipment. (6) Completion of Contract. At the end oF t e contract jeriod, each item of equipment shall be returned to the Government in the same general condition as noted in the Joint inspection of th equipment at the initiation of the contract. With the exception of Items const Bred to b fair wear and tear, 11 discrepancies found on terminal Inspection w I1 be cor rect ed by the Cc ntractor prior to release from the requirements of this ci ntract. SP -10. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (FIXED PRICE) APR. 1968 a, Government -Furnished Property. The Gover me t shall del ver to the Contractor, for use in connection with and u der the t3rms of this co tract, the property described as Government -furnished p operty in thi Schedule o speci- fications, together with such related data and i formation as the Contrac or may request and as may reasonably be required for th intended ust of such pr party (hereinafter referred to as "Government -furnish property'). The delive y or per- formance dates for the supplies or services to b furnishel bj the Contra for under this contract are based upon the expectation the Governme t- urnished pr party suitable for use (except for such property furni had "as is") will be delivered to 36-108-02 • uA Aornlu,v nnnw ornc, i luso STAFO)ARD FOAM 30, JULY 1906 % ®''�' o' 0� 91 OO Z. PAGE a GENERA! OePncrs AGMwenunoN CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number FED. noc MO. 141 CRI 1-16.101 OABE13-73-C-0045 NAME OF OAROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPUES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRIG? AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) the Contractor at the times stated In the Sched le or, if not so stated, in suffi- cient time to enable the Contractor to meet sucl delivery or performance dates. In the event that Government -furnished property is not de Tv red to the ontractor by such time or times, the Contracting.Officer iliall. upo timely writte request made by the Contractor, make a determination of the delay T' any, occas oned the Contractor thereby, and shall equitably adjust he delive y cr performan a dates or the contract price, or both, and any other c tractual pr ision aff ted by any such delay, in accordance with the procedur s provtdo f r in the cl use of this contract entitled "Changes." Except for arnment- ur ished props ty furnishe "as is", in the Quant the Government -furnished roperty i r slued by t e Contracto in a condition not suitable for the intended us the Cont ac r shall,.0 n receipt thereof, notify the Contracting Officer of such fact and, as irected by the Con- tracting Officer, either (i) return such proper y at the ov rnment's a ense or otherwise dispose of the property, or (ii) aff t repairs or Tficati s. Upon the completion of (1) or (11) above, the Contra ting Officer upon writte request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or or rmence dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contract 1 provis on ffected by the re- jection or disposition, or the repair or modification, in ac rdance wit the pro- codures'provided for in the clause of this cont act entit ad 'Changes." The fore- going provisions for adjustment are exclusive a d the Gov r nt shall t be liable to suit for breach of contract by reason of any de ay in deliverylof Govern- ment -furnished property or delivery of such pr arty in a c ition notuttable for its intended use. (b) Changes in Goverment -furnished P (1) By notice in writing, the Contracting ffi er may (I) Wecreose the property provided or to be provided by the Government un er this con ract, or (11) substitute other Government-owned property for props ty to be provi ed by the Government, or to be acquired by the Contractor for the G e nment, undo this contract. The Contractor shall promptly takes h action as the Contrac ing Officer may direct with respect to the removal nd shippi f property overed by such notice. (2) in the event of any decrease in or substitution of pr arty pursuant to subparagraph (1) above, or any with ravel of uthority to use property provided under any other contract or lease, whi h propertv tl✓e Governmenhad agreed in the Schedule to make available for th performs e;of this contract, the Contracting Officer, upon the written. request o the Cont ac or (or, if he sub- stitution of property causes a decrease in the ost of pe fo mance, on hs own initiative), shall equitably adjust such contra tual pro v sl ons as may b8 affected by the decrease, substitution, or withdrawal, T accords a ith the procedures pro- vided for in the "Changes" clause of this contr ct, i (c) Title. Title to all proporty fur ished by he Government hall remain in the Government. In order to define the oblig tions of he parties under this clause, title to each item of facilities, specs 1 test equiprient, and spacial tooling (other than that subject to a "Special foo ling" clau a) acquired by the 36-106-07 • u a. souuurLr mmu erne nu 6_R> STANDARD FORM 36. xnY 1906 SMIO5 ADMMe1RAT10N CONTINUATION SHEETontract -8 7DAB NO. 0 DOG Ra116 CONT9. Number MOE- OE OENIUM ND. MW_ REO. N1 on 1-16.101 E13 -)3-C-0045 NMM OF O"R= OR CONM-470R CITY OF SAUNA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPUES/31INCES QUANTITY" UNIT UNIT PROM AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Contractor for the Government pursuant to this contract s all pass to a vest in the Government when its use in the performance of this coitract commencei or upon payment therefor by the Government, whichever ii earlier, whither or not title previously vested. All Government -furnished pr party, toietter with all property acquired by the Contractor title to which vests in the Go erment under his para- graph, is subject to the provisions of this clause and is he einafter co lectively referred to as "Government property". Title to Governmen pooperty shal not be affected by the incorporation or attachment the eof to an p operty not owned by the Government, nor shall such Government props ty, or an IN rt thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity as personalty by re isotof affixat on to any realty. (d) Property Administration. The Con rectors 11 comply with the pro- visions of Appendix 8, Armed Services Procureme t Regulat on as in effect on the date of the contract, which is hereby incorpora ed by ref :reice and made a part of this contract. Material to be furnished by he Govern n shall be ordered or returned by the Contractor,.when required, t accordan a with the "Manual for Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Proc dura (MIL TR P) for Defense Con- tractors" (Appendix H, Armed Services Procurem :nt Regula to) as in affect on the date of this contract, which Manual is here y incorpo atod by reference and made a part of this contract. (a) Use of Government Property. The Government pr party shall unless otherwise provided herein or approved by the Contracting ff cer, be us d only for the performance of this contract. (f) Maintenance and Repair of Government Pro erLy. The Contractor shall maintain and administer, in accordance with sound practice, a program Industrial for the maintenance, repair, protection, and preservation of Government iroperty, until disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with this clause. In he event that any damage occurs to Government property It Is risk of wh ch has been assumed by the Government under this contract, the Gove nment she l apiece such Items or the Contractor shall make such repair of the pr party as he Government i irects; provided, however, that if the Contractor,canno effect s ch repair with n the time required, the Contractor shall dispose of uch prop ty in the mann r directed by the Contracting Officer. The contract price includes io compensation to the Contractor for the performance of any repair or replacemait ior which th Government Is responsible, and an equitable adjustment wilI be made in any contract al pro- visions affected by such repair or replacement f Government property me a at the direction of the Government, in accordance with the pros urs provided or in the "Changes" clause of this contract. Any repair or replacemen for which he Con- tractor is responsible under the provisions of his contract shall be ac omplished by the Contractor at his own expense. (g) Risk of Loss. Unless otherwise p ovided IT th s contract, the Con- tractor assumes ter s of, and shall be respo sable fo , a y loss or d mage to Government property provided under this contract upon it de ivery to him or upon 76-108-07 •aa.a.nomlrwnNmw..r.o-.a.0 aT/,rIDAtD PORAI 76, ARY 1966 NO. OP DOC M* mom "M p Oe/EW S81nQ8AaMMntanoN CQNTINUAM,N SHEET Contract Number M. Prot. ate. (61 ae 1-16JOI DABE13-73-C-0045 KW �or onset of GOMM - — 10E CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. BUPPLIR/SERYIMB QUANTITY UNR tm MIM AMOUW SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) passage of title thereto to the Government .as provided in paragraph (c) h sreof. except for reasonable wear and tear and except tf the extent hat such property is consumed in the performance of this contract. (h) Access. The Government, and any p rsons de ign ted by it, shall at. all reasonable times have access to the premises wherein any overnment property Is located, for the prupose of inspecting the Golpernment Frop Pty. (i) Final Accounting and Disoosition o Government Property. U on the completion of this contract, or at such earlier fixed by he Con- ates as y tracting Officer, the Contractor shall submit, i a form ce table to th Con- tracting Officer, inventory schedules covering a 1 items cf G vernment pr party not consumed in the performance of this contract (including a y resulting scrap) or not theretofore delivered to the Government, nd shall pre are for shi ment, delivery f.o.b. origin, or dispose of the Govern ent property as may be irected or authorized by the Contracting Officer. The n t proceeds o any such d sposal shall be credited to the contract price or shall be paid in s ch other me ner as the Contracting Officer may direct. .(J) Restoration of Contractor's Premises and Abandooment. Unless other- wise provided herein, the Government: (i) may abandon any Government pr party in place, and ther upon all obligation of the Government egarding such abondoned roperty shall cease; and (ti) has no obligation to the Cont actor with regard to restoration or rehabilitation of the Cont actor's From ses, neither in case of abandonment (paragraph (J) i) above), d sposition oi com- pletion of need or of the con ract (paragraph (1) abov ), nor otherwise, except for restore ion or rehab litation costs which are properly included In an 9 uitable adjustment under paragraph (b) above. (k) Communications. All communication issued pursuant to this lause shall be in writing or in accordance with the "Minual for Mil Itary Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTRIP) for Defense Contractors" (A)pendix H, Armed Services Procurement Regulation).. 76-108-07 • as wmmr rwnw ana: ,ro-u►wa PART 111 - SECTION L GENERAL PROVISIONS SERVICE CONTRACTS L-1. DEFINITIONS (1962 FEB) (ASPR 7-103.1) 'As used throughout this contract, the.following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (a) The term "Head of the Agency" or "Secretary" means the Secre- tary, the Under Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or any other head or assistant head of the executive, or military de- partment or other Federal agency; and. the term "his duly auth- orized representative" means any person or persons or.board (other than the Contracting Officer) authorized to act for the Head of the Agency or the,Secretary, (b) .The term "Contracting Officer" means the person executing this contract on behalf of the Government, and any other off- icer or civilian employee who is a properly designated Con- tracting Officer; and the term includes, except as otherwise provided in this contract, the authorized representative of a Contracting Officer acting within the limits of his authority, (c) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the term."sub- contracts" includes purchase orders under this contract. L-2 CHANGES (1971 NOV) (ASPR 7-1902.2) The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties; make changes, within the general scope of this con- tract, in the definition of services to be performed, and the time (i.e., hours of the day, days of the week, 'etc.) and place of,performance thereof. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether changed or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price or delivery schedule, or both. and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim by the Contract- or for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 30 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notification of change, provided, however, that the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final payment under this contract. Where the cost of property made obsolete or excess as result of a change is included in the Contractor's claim for adjustment, the Contracting Officer shall have the right to pre- scribe the manner of disposition of such property. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact.within the mean- ing of the clause of .this contract entitled "Disputes." However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the contract as changed. L-1 z -i 3 o ei l uoo sly; ;o lunowe lelol 9y1 ;o lua» ad 05 ao 000`1$ j64;la paa3xa jo lenba p(nom 3uawAed y3ns Janauagm apew aq Heys salaan!Iap jellied pajdaooe jol luawAed 'joloe.iluoo ay; Aq polsonba.i uaym '.,o !slueiaem os salia411ap Lions uo anp ;unowe ay; uaym luaww anog ay; Aq pa4da33e sal.aanllap lei lied uo apew aq 11!A ;uawAed 'pa!}I3ads aslmia4Jo ssalun 'papinoid ulaJ34 se 'Aue 3! 'suoll3npap ssal 'paldao3e pue pajapua,i sa3lnJas jo paldao3e pue pa.ranllap sa!lddns .io3 U19J04 pa3elndlls,sa3!id aql 'sia4onon .40 sa3lonul jadoid ;o uolsslwgns aql uodn 'pled aq Ile4s JoloeJluo0 a41 (L'£O1-L 2idSV)(NVr R561) S1N3WAVd •5-1 'loe.iluoo sl43 ul a.ra4mosla pa13loads aq Aew se polaad Ja6uol Lions jo4 pue 10elluo3 s143 ;o wJ83 aql 6ulinp lu9ww anog 344 01 a(gellene pue aloldwoo ldal aq Ile4s ao;oeuluo0 aql Aq l.iom uol;oadsul Ile ;o spuooaa '•aapun -a.,ay powioliad aq of sa3!naas ayl 6ulJ9no3 luawuJanog aql o; algeldaooe walsAs uo!loodsui ue u!elu!ew pue apino.id Ile4s joloea3uo0 941 (3) „'3lne4aa,, pallilua 1oealuoo slyl ;o asnelo a41 u! papinoid se 1(ne3ap io; 3oe.iluoo.s141 aleumial (!!) ao !saolnJas 4ons.;o aouewjo;aad aql of pa;ela.i Alloaulp sl le4i luawuaanog a43 01 pauolse000 lsoo Aue jol3eiluo0 aql of 96ae4o pue sluawajlnbaj,loeiluo3 841 431m Allwao3u6o ul pawjo4jad saolnJas 941 8ne4 as!mJ8430 J0 3oei3uoo Aq (1) J944!9 o; 346P a4l 9ne4 lle4s luawuJanog ayl '3oeiluoo aql ;o sluawaa!nbai 941 y3lm A1!wjo4uoo u! s831nJa5 043 }o 9ouew.io3u9d,ainln3 aunsul of sdals Aiessaosu aje3 o; Jo ule6e sao!naas 043 wo;iad of Al;dwoid sl!e; jol3eiluo0 ayl Juana aql u! 9pawaoliad sa3(naas 341 ;o anlen paonpaJ ay; 13a1}a.i of ao!ad loeil -uoo 041 aonpai (j!) pue !13e.11UO3 a4l 10 sluawai!nbai 841 41!m Allwjo;uoo ul sa3lnaas aql ;o aouewao3jad ain;n3 a.insua o3 sdals Aiessaoau lle a)!el Ala]elpawwl of JoJoeJ3uO3 ay; aalnbai (!) 03 1461J 943 ane4 [le4s 3uew uaanoO 243 'sa3lnJas 044 40 a3uewjo3aadaj Aq paloaaaoo aq louueo 33ajap ay3 le43 ain3eu a Lions ;o aie pow,io;iad aq of S301AJOS 344'u84M 03unowe 13ej3uoo lem ul aseajoul leuo!l!ppe ou le '13e-OuO3 944 ;o sluawa.i!nbai 043 43!m A3!wJO;uoo ui ule6e saolnJas a4l wjo4jed o3 jo33ejluo3 a4l ajlnbau of 14611 a41 ane4 lle4s luewuaanog 344 '13eJluo3 s!43 ;o sluawa.ilnbau a4l yllm Al!wjo;uoo u! lou aie iapunaiay pawjojjad s831nJas Aue 11 (q) •Tom a41 Aelap Ainpun of lou se aauuew a 43ns ui apew aq Ile4s Juawu.ianog 041 Aq suo!3oadsul IJV '13eiluoo 344 10 weal a43 6uI -inp sa3eld pue sawjl Ile 3e alge3ll3e,dlualxa a4l 01 ';uaww anog ayl Aq lsal pue uolloadsui of loafgns aq Ile4s (sa31nJas ;o a3uewao3aad a4l ui d!4sueurljom pue 1s231nJae ;o a3uewio}aad 043 ul palilln Jo.payslujn; lelialew 'psw.,o;iad saoln.Jas sapnl3ut asnelo sly3 3no46no]41 weal yo!4m) s931nJas IIV (e) (h'Z061 bdSV)(AON IL61) S331AM S d0 N01133dSNl 'ry-1 •ia:)WO 6ui;3eJ4uo0 ay; Aq 6ulllim ul pazlaoglne uaaq ane4 401OJa4l solid a4l pue sealxe Lions ssalun apew aq Ile4s seilxa iol 3uawAed ou '33eXWOO s!41 ul papinoid as!mJ3440 se lda3x3 (£•£01-L adsV) (Inr 6+761) SValx3 4£-i (panulluo0) I N01133S SECTION,L (Continued) L-6. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS ,(1962 FEB)(ASPR 7-103.8) (a) Pursuant to the provisions of the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as ,amended (3) U.S.C. 203, 41 U.S.C. 15), if this contract provides for payments.aggregating $1,000 or more, claims for monies dueor to become due the Contractor from the Government under this contract may assigned to a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, including any Federal.lending agency, and may thereafter:be further assigned and reas- signed to any such institution. Any such assignment or reassignment shall cover all amounts payable,under this contract and not already paid, and shall not be made.to more than one party, except that any such assignment or reassignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties participating in,such financing. Unless otherwise provided, in this contract, payments to an assignee of any monies due. or to become due under this contract shall not, to the extent provided in said Act, as amended, be subject to reduction or set-off, (b) In no event shall copies of this contract or of any plans, speci- fications, or other similar documents relating to work under this contract, if marked 'Top Secret," "Secret" or "Confidential," be furnished to any assignee of any claim arising under this contract or to any other person not entitled to receive the same. However, a'copy of any part or all of this contract so marked may be furnished, or any information contained therein may be disclosed, to such assignee upon the prior written author- ization of the Contracting Officer. L-7. FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES 0911 NOV)(ASPR 7-103.10) (a) Except as may be otherwise provided in this contract, the con- tract price includes all applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties. (b) Nevertheless, with respect to any Federal excise tax or duty on the transactions or property covered by this contract, if a statute, court decision, written ruling, or regulation takes effect after the contract date, and -- (1) results in the Contractor being required to pay or'bear the burden of any such Federal excise tax or duty or increase in the rate thereof whicK would not otherwise have been payable on such transactions or property, the contract price shall be increased by the amount of such tax or duty or rate increase, provided the Contractor warrants in writing that no amount for such newly imposed Federal excise tax or duty or rate increase was included in the contract price as a contingency reserve or Otherwise; or (2) results in the Contractor not being required to pay or bear the burden of,'or in his obtaining a refund or drawback of, any such Fed- eral excise tax.or duty which would otherwise have been payable on such transactions or property or which was the basis of an increase in the � - L-3 s3! y1!m aouepu000e u! 33eu3uo3 s!41 ;o aouewuoped ua6uepua o1 se ssau6oud a�ew of sl!e; os uo 13oeu3uoo s!41 ;o suo!s -!noud uag36 943 10 Aue wuo;uad of sllel uoloeu3uo3 841 41 (!!) uo !joauagl uolsua3xa Aue uo u!auag pa!;loads aw!3 041 u1431m sao!nuas aqj wuo;uad o3 uo sollddns a43 jo Auan!lap aNew o3 sl!e; uo3oeuluoo aqj 11 (!) :s9oue3swnou!o 6u!mollo3 aqj ;o auo Aue u! 3oeu3uoo s143 ;o Sued Aue uo a104m a43 aleu!wual 'uoloeuluoo 841 03 3lnejap ;o aollou ua33!um Aq 'molaq (o) gdeAeued ;o suolslnoud ay3 o3 33afgns Mew lu8wuu9no0 aqj (e) (ll'£ol-L !ldSV)(9nV 6961) ilm3a •9-1 'uaolddo 6ul33eu3 -uoo a43 Aq paloau!p spI04aua44 loadsau 41!m uo!3oe a�le3 lle4s pue aolud 30eu3uo3 043 ul aseauoap uu aseauou! ue J94310 u! 3lnsau illm 40!gm sua33ew 10 u931310 6u!3oeu3uoo ay3 All3ou Alldwoud 11egs uo3oeu3uoo aql (6) •3uawuuanOD aq3 10 uollauoslp 943 3e Aluo pagsluunj aq lllm aolud 3oeuluoo aqj ui aseauoap uo aseauoul ue uag3la of aslu DA16 Aew 40!4m A3np uo xe3 as!oxa Ieuapaj Aue wou; uo!3dwaxa gsllgelsa o3 ale!udoudde aouap!na '3e43 papin� !xe3 leool uo 'a3e3S 'leuapaj Aue wou; uo!3dwaxe 4s!lge3se o3 a1e!udoudde aouapina 4s!uunj 'A3!l!gell u043unj 3n043!m '!legs uo3oeu3uo3 a43 ;o 3sonbau 943 uodn 3uawuuanog a43 uo!3dwaxe ue uee3sns o3 slseq algeuoseau Aue lslxa lou saop au943 ssalun (4) •uo!3eol;lpow Bons 3o a3ep aq3 sueaw ,alep 3oeu3uoo„ wua3 943 ''3oeu3uoo s143 o3 uo!3eo!31pow Aq paunooud saD!nuas uo sallddns leuoll!ppe o3 sV •a3ep 3oeu3uoo 043 '33eu3uo3 pa3e!3063u a sl sl43 ;! uo 16u!uado plq uol Sas a3ep 943 sueaw „a3ep 3oeu3uoo,,, wua3 ay3 'anoge (q) gdeu6eued ui pasn sV (a) •anoge (q) gdeu6eued o3 3uensund ao!ud 3oeu3uoo aq3 ui spew aq llegs oolt ueg3 ssal ;o 3uaw3snfpe ON (p) •xe3 3uaw4oldwe ua43o Aue o3 uo saxe3 Allinoas Ieloos o3 algeo!ldde aq jou lle4s anoge (q) 4deu6eued (o) •A3np uo xel'asloxe leuapaj Bons Aue ';o Moegmeup uo pun4au a ulelgo lou saop uo ';o uapunq a43 ueaq uo Aed o3 paulnbau sl 'uao!;lo 6u!3oeuluoo a4l ;o suol3onu3sul mollol of aunl!e4 s!4 uo a3u361160u uo 1lnej s14 46nou41 'uo3oeu3uo3 341 4! paseauoap Apel! -w!s aq !legs ao!ud 3oeu3uo3 aqj •uao!;;0 6u!3oeu3uO3 a43 Aq pa3oau!p se '3uawuuanog a43 o3 p!ed aq lle4s 3unowe 3e41 uo 'Moegmeup uo 'punjau `�ailau ay1 ;o 3unowe ay3 Aq paseauoap aq lle4s ao!ud 33eu3uoo 941 'ao!ud 3oeu3uoo (panul3uoo) l N01133S SECTION L (Continued) terms, and in either of these two circumstances does not cure such failure within.a period of 10 days (or such .longer period as the Contracting Officer -may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer speci- fying such failure, (b) .In the event the Government terminates this contract in whole or in part as provided in.paragraph (a) of .this clause, the Government may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as the Contracting Officer may deem appropriate, supplies or services similar to those so terminated, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Government for any excess costs.for such similar supplies or services; provided, that the Contractor shall con- tinue the performance of this contract.to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this'clause, (c) Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, the Contractor shall not be.ilable for any excess costs If the failure to perform .the contract arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires; floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight.embargoes, and unusually severe weather; but in every case the failure to perform must.be beyond`. the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and iU such default arises out of causes beyond the control of.both the'Contractor and subcontractor, and without the fault or negligence of either of them, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the supplies or services to be furnished by the subcontractor were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit the Contractor to meet the required delivery schedule. (d) If this contract is terminated as provided in paragraph (a) of this clause, the Government, in addition to any other rights provided in this clause, may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Government, in the manner and to the extent directed by the Contract- ing Officer, (i) any completed supplies, and (ii) such partially completed supplies and materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, plans, drawings, information, and contract rights (hereinafter called "manufacturing mater- ials") as the Contractor has specifically produced or specifically acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated; and the Contractor shall, upon direction of the Contracting Officer, protect and preserve property in the possession of the Contractor in which the Government has an interest. Payment for completed supplies delivered to and accepted by .the Government shall be at the contract price. Payment L-5 9-1 'A.iea3!q.je ao 'sno!a!,ideo jo 'lualnpneaj uaaq 9ne4 ol'uo!lo!ps!.inf luajadwoo jo 1.jnoo a Aq paulwjajap ssalun anlsnlouoo pue leulj aq lle4s sleadde yons jo uo!leu!waalap ayj J04 anllejuasajdaa paz1a041ne Alnp s14 ao Aaela.iDas ay1 40 uols!oap ayl 'AaelajoaS 841 01 passa]ppe leadde ualj!am a aaoljj0 6ulloealuo0 a4l 01 sags!uwn3 aslmjaylo jo sllew jojoejjuo3 943 'Adoo yons jo jdlaoai jo alep ay3 woij sAep o£ u!yl!m 'ssalun anlsnlouoo pue leulj aq !legs jaoljjo 6u!loerluoo a43 jo uolsloap 041 'aojoeuluo0 a41 of joaja41 Adoo a ys!uanj asimaaylo jo 1!ew pue 6u11!jm o1 uo!s!oap s!y aonpaj tleys o4m 'iaoljj0 6ul4oej4uo3 a41 Aq paploap aq lleys 4uawaaj6e Aq jo pasod -s!p lou s! 43!4m l3ea11­103 510 aapun 6ulsl.ie loej jo uollsanb a 6u!uaao -uoo alndslp Aue 'loeiluoo s!yl ui pap!nold aslmJaylo se ld03x3 (e) (bl°£O!-L bdSV)(Nvr 9561) S3.LndSia '6-1 *call Aue le (s)_io3oejjuoogns ueaw „saoloeijuoogns,; pue „.jo13e.jluoogns„ swaal a41 `r snelo slyl jo (o) 4dej6eaed ui pasn sy (6) '1oealu03 s143 aapun ao mel Aq pap!noad sa!pawa.l pue s146la Ja4jo Aue o1 uo!llppe ui aje pue anlsnloxa aq jou Ileys asnelo 5141 ul papino.id luawuJanog a41 jo sa!pawa.i pue s146!j 341 (j) „salndslo„ Pallllua loeJluoo 5143 jo asnelo a41 jo 6ulueaw 841 1-11411m 1?ej jo uollsanb a 6uluiaouo3 a3ndslp a aq lle4s juawlsnfpe yons Aue oj. sa16eol am 11ej '.Al6ulpj000e pa!jlpow joeiluoo a4l pue uopeu!wial yons jol alesuadwoo of palsnfpe Algel!nba aq lle4s 13e.iluo3 a41 'luawua9no0 044 10 aoualuanuoo J0j uolleu mm ioj 6ulpino.id asnelo a uleluoo lou saop joealuoo 5!43 j! pue 'asnelo 5!44.40 suolslnoid 041 aapun linejap ui jou sem joloealuoo a43 je41 uoseaj Aue jol paulwialap s! 1! 'asnelo s!44 40 suo!s!noid ayl aapun joe.ijuoo sl41 jo uolleulwjal jo aol3ou aalje 'j'l 'asnelo yons of luens.ind panssl uaaq pe4 uolleulwial JOao!lou 041 j1 se awes 044 aq 'luawuaanog 841 10 aoua!uanuoo ao; u013eu! -w,ial jol 6ulp!noad,asnelo a su!eluoo 3oejjuo6 841 j! 'lle4s sallied a4ljo suolle6llgo pue sl46lJ a4l 'asnelo s!41 40 suolslnoid a4l aapun algesnoxa sem llnejap a4l leyl Jo 'asnelo 4141 jo suo!slnoid a4l japun llnejap ut lou sem ,.ioloejluo0 ayj le4l uoseaa Aue joj paum jalap sl 1! 'asnelo s14j jo suo!s!n -o-ld ayj japun 1oejluoo 5141 jo uo!1eulwjaj jo aollou aalje ';1 (a) •saapl04 uaH aawaoj jo swlelo ao sua!l 6ulpuelslno jo asneoag ssol'jsule6e luawuaanog a4l 13a3o-id ol'Ajessaoau aq of saulw -jalap J331440 6ul43ealu03 944 se wns yons sle!aalew 6ul.injoejnuew io sa!_ld -dns polaldwoo yons joj joloealuo3 aqj anp 0slmJ9410 sjunowe woaj P10441!m Aew juawuaanog ayl '„salndslo„ pall!1ua 1oejluoo 5141 jo asnelo a41 10 6ulueaw 344 ul41!m loej jo uollsanb a 5uluja3uoo alnds!p a aq lle4s lunowe yons of aaj6e of ainl!ej !.jaolj4o 6ul1oejjuo0 pue aol3ealuo0 ayj Aq uodn paa.j6e lunowe ue ut aq lle4s Alaadojd jo uo!1en.Josaid pue uolloaloid ayj jol pue juawuaanog ayj Aq paldaooe pue'ol p9.19n110p sleliajew 6ulin1oejnuew aoj (panulluo0) I N01.03S T SECTION L (Continued) or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not sup- ported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to'offer.evidence 'in support of his appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder,.the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in accordance with the Contract- ing Officer's decision., (b) This "Disputes" clause does not preclude consideration of law questions in connection with decisions provided for in paragraph (a) above: Rrovided, that nothing in this contract shall be construed as making final t edecision of any administrative official, representative, or board on a question of law,. , L-10, RENEGOTIATION (1959 OCT)(ASPR 7-103.13) (a) To the extent required by law, this contract is subject to the Renegotiation Act of 1951 (50U.S.C. App. 1211, at seq.), as amended, and to any subsequent act of Congress providing for the renegotiation of con- tracts'. Nothing contained in this clause shall impose any renegotiation obligation with respect to this contract or any subcontract hereunder.whi.ch is not imposed by an act of Congress heretofore or hereafter enacted. Subject to the foregoing this contract shall be deemed to contain all the provisions required by section 104 of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, and by any such other act, without subsequent contract amendment specifically incorporating such provisions. (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the provisions of this clause, including this paragraph.(b), in all subcontracts, as that term is defined in section 1038 of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, as amended, L-11. DISCOUNTS (1971 NOV)(ASPR 7-1902.11) In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from the date of completion of performance of the services or from the date correct Invoice or voucher is.received in the office specified by the Government, if the latter is later than date of completion of performance. Payment is deemed to be made for the.purpose of earning the discount on the date of mailing of the Government check, L-12, CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT= -OVERTIME COMPENSATION 0969 NOV)(ASPR 7-103.16) ' This contract, to the extent that it is of a character specified in the Contract Work Hours and'Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-333), is subject L-7 _ :smOi.i O} se saaj6e joj3ejjuo3 aqj 'joe.iluoo slgj ;o aouewjo}aad a41 6up n0 (8l•£0i-L 11dSy)(bdy IM) AlINf11N0dd0 1vn'O3 '£l-1 'joeajuoo a41 }o uollaldwoo a4j woj} sjeaA aajgj joj paAaasa.id aq iiegs spiooai gonS '(e)Z•915 Nd0 6Z u1 pai}loads uoilewaojul 941 6ulule4uoo spaooai ilojAed ulelulew liegs jojoejjuo0 941 •spaooa'd (9) *.jail Aue }o ejoejluoogns lie ul uoisnpui ila41 aimbaa liegs pue 'sjoe.iluoogns lie ui asnelo s144 }o (p) 46no;41 (e) s4de.i6ejed 1jasui liegs _ioj3eajuo0 a41 •sloeajuoognS (p) •(q) 4de-i6eaed }o suols!Aoad 941 ul paP!Aojd se sa6ewep palep -1nb11 pue sa6em pledun 1?., jojoejluoogns jo joloeiluoo 4ons }o saljli!gel! Aue A}s!jes.oj Aaessaoau aq of paulw.ialop aq Aianljejjslulwpe Aew se swns Lions 'jojoejluoogns jo joloejluo0 a41 Aq pawjo}gad Tom }o jun000e uo algeAed sAauow Aue woj} 'jo�oejluo3 awlid luawuaanog a4j woa} pl04gjlm.Aew gaol}}0 6ulj3ejjuo0 a41 •satiewep pajepin 1l pue sa em p!e un jo} u1P1o44j!M (o) •(e) 4dej6eied Aq paalnbaa sa6em awtjJano 841 }o luawAed 1no41im s.inoq Alio} 4o Naam�jom piepuels s14 }o ssaoxa ui jo san04 1461a }o ssaoxa u! )1aom 4ons uo paAoidwa aq of pall!waad jo pailnbaa spm aaAoldwa 4ons 4o14m uo Aep .iepualeo Pea jo} ol$ }o wns 941 ul (e) 4dei6eied }o suolslAo.id a41 }o uoljeiolA.ul paAoldwa olue4oaw ao jaaogei ienp!Alpu! 43ea 01 joadsaa 411m pajndwoo aq iietis sa6ewep palep!nb11 4onS •sa6ewep palepinbll _to} sajelS paj!uil a41 01 algell aq lie4s joloe.iluoogns pue aol3e.iluo0 tions 'uolj!ppe ul •sa6em pledun s!4 ao} aa/.old -wa paloa}}e Aue of algell aq llegs jojajagl alglsuodsai aoloerluoogns Aue pue aoloejluoo a4j .'(e) 4dea6 ey ed }o sUOISIAOJd a4j }o uolle(o!n Aue }o Juana a41 u! •sa�ewep palepin li .sa em Pte un ao} j!t!gell .uoljeloIA (q) •sjno4 awljJano }o aagwnu jajeaA a4j s! J3n94o14m 'NaamNiom 4ons u! sjnoq Alio} }o ssaoxa u! ao Aep jepualeo Aue u! san04 1g61a }o ssaoxa ui paNjom sano4 tions lie uo} Aed }o ajej olseq s14 sawn }leg-auo pup auo uegl ssal jou ojej a le uollesuadwoo saAlaoaJ 3!uegoaw jo jajogel 4ons ssalun toy spiepuelS Aja}eS pue sanoH NjoM joejjuo0 ayl }o suols!Aojd a41.oi'joar -qns �laom uo')laam�lJom Lions ul san04 Ala o} }o ssaoxa u1 jo Aep'jepualeo Aue u.l sjn04 14610 }o ssaoxa u1 Tom 01 Isom 4ons uo paAoldwa s! 94 4314m ul �laaMlJOm Aue ul olueyoaw ao aaaogel Aue 1!waad ao ajlnbaa !le4s solue4oaw ao sjajogel }o 1uawAoidwo a41 aA"lonul uo aj!nbei Aew 4o14m doom loe-,luoa a41 }o joed Aue ooj 6ulloeiluoo aoloe.iluoogns jo aoloeiluo0 ON •sjuawa�ln as 015 w13�anp .(e) •japuna.iaLi1 aogel }o AjejajoaS a4j }o suoilein6ai atil pue joy 43ns }o suolldao -xa pue suolslAOjd a1geo11dde aagjo lie 01 pue suolsiAojd 6ulmollo4 a4j of (panulluo:)) I N01133S SECTION L (Continued) (1) The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or ap- plicant for employment because.of race, color,.religion, sex, or national origin: The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that appli- cants are employed., and. that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising: layoff or termination,,rates.of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees.to post.in con- spicuous places. available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer setting forth the provi- sions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed.by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (3.) The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency -Contracting Officer, advising the labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this Equal Opportunity clause and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for em- ployment. (4) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor. (5) The Contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders. (6) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the Equal op- portunity clause of this contract, or with any of said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govern- ment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. L-9 r 01-1 ay; u! paz!llln (!!) Jo ';oeJ;uoo slyl Japun luawuJanog 941 Aq paldaooe s! yo!ym ;o AJaAllap ay; alollJe Aue jo uo!;!sodwo3 Jo aJnlonJjs ayl u! ' pal poq -wa (!) sa;elS pa;!un ay; 30 lua;ed a Aq paJan03 pue u! paq!Josap uo!luanu! Aue 3o '(1oeJluoogns Jap-Jamol Aue 6ulpnlou!) JapunaJay 13eJluoogns Aue Jo 04aJ04 luawpuawe Aue Jo J09Ja4 lied Aue Jo ;oeJluoo s!41 ;'o aouewJo3Jad ay; u! 'aJn;oelnuew pue,asn lie Jol (uo!;eo13!uwapu! jo sly6!J Aue of ao!pnfaJd ;noyl!m) ;uasuoo pue uo!lez!JOylne s;! saA!6 AgaJay luawuJanog ayl (ZZ001-L UdSV) (UVW 17961) 1N3SNO3 ONV NO1IvziaOHlfld 'Ll -1 •uolleulwJal ;o alep aA14o8;4a a43,04 J01 -Ad paJapuaJ sao!AJas Joj ;oeJluoo s14; 3 o suo!s!AoJd ;uawAed ayl yl!m aouepJo3oe u! luaw -Aed Jo3 Aluo alge!i aq lle4s 4uawuJan09 943 1pa;eu!wJa3 os sl loeJluo; sl41 dl 'luawuJanog a4l ;o slsaJalul lsaq ayl ul sl 3! ua4m "lied u! Jo aloym u! '33eJlu03 s!yl a;eulwual Aew ao!lou ua;l!Jm Aq 'Jaol;;o 6u!;oeJluo3 ayl (91'ZO61-L UdSV)(933 8961) 1N3WNU3AO9 3H1 d0 33N31N3ANO3 1:103 NOIIVNIWU31 '91-1 1aa3 1ua6ul3uo:) Jo a6eua*4oJq''a6eluaouad 'uoisspam yons 4o'4unowe llnd 941 'JOA039J 9SIM18430 JO `uo!1eJaplsuoo Jo ao!Jd ;oeJluo3 ayl woJ; .13npap of 'uol;arJs!p sl! u! Jo A;!t!gepl ;n04l!m 1oeJluoo s!41 lnuue o1 1461.( a41 aney Heys 4UaWUJ9A0q ay1 AlueJJem s14; 30 uo!lelo!A Jo yoeaJq Joj 'ssau!snq 6u!Jnoas }o asodund a41 J03 JoloeJ4603 a41 Aq paulelu!ew sa!oua6e 6ulllas Jo le!oJawwoo paysllgelsa ap!; euoq jo saaAoldwo ap!; euoq 6u!ldaoxa 'aaj.lua6ulluoo Jo 'o6eJajo.iq 'a6eluaojad 'uo!ss!wwoo a Jo3 6u!puelsJapun Jo ;uawaaJ6e ue uodn 13eJluoo sly; aJnoas Jo 1lo!los of paulelaJ Jo paAold -wa uaaq sey Aoua6e 6ull[as Jo uosJad ou 1e41 s;ueJJem J03oeJ;uo3,a41 (OZ'£OI-L UdSV)(NVf 8561) 5333 IN39NIIN03 1SNIV9V 1NVN3AO3 051-1 '11;auaq leJaua6 sl! Jo; uo!leJodJoo a 43!m spew 11 1oeJluo3 s!41 o1 pualxa of ponJlsuoo aq jou lje4s uo!s!AOJd slyl lnq !w0JJaJa4l as!Je Aew ley; 1!jauaq Aue o; Jo 'loeJluoo s!41 ;o lied jo aJeys'Aue o1 pail!wpe aq lle4s 'J6uotss!wwo3 ivap!saJ Jo 'ssaJ6uo3 o; ale6alop Jo ;o Jagwaw ON (61'£01-L UdSV) (lhf 61161) 1Id3N39 Ol ION SIV1313JO '171-1 •salelS Palm ayl jo slsaJalui ayl looloJd of uolle6llll yons olu! Jalua of salelS pa;;!un ayj ;sanbaJ Aew J031e.0603 341 'Aoua6e 6ulloeJluoo 941 Aq u6 maJlp yons ;o llnsaJ a se JopuaA Jo JoloeJluo�gns e 41!m u01le61l!l, 'y1!m paualeaJyl sl Jo 'ui paAlonul sawooaq Jo4oeJ3uo3 341 Juana ay1 u! ley; 'J6n3m04 'pap!AOJd :aouelldwoo-uou Jo; suo!loues 6u!pnloui suo!s!AoJd yons 6u!oJo3ua jo sueaw a se loaJ!p Aew Aoua6e 6ulloeJl -uoo ay1 se Japuo aseyound Jo 3oeJluoogns Aue of 3oadsaJ 411M u0113e' yons alel ll!M j0l0eJ1u03 941 °JopuaA Jo Jol3eJiuoogns yoea uodn 6u!pu!q aq ll!M suo!s!Aoud yons leyl Os '5961 '17Z JagwaldaS ;o 9t7Zll JapJo 0Allnoax3 }O tOZ uolloaS of luensJnd ponss! Jogel jo AJe3aJoaS ay; ;o suapJo Jo 'suop eln6aJ 'solnJ Aq poldwaxa ssalun,Japao aseyound Jo loeJluoogns AJana u! ([) y6nou41 (1) sydeJ6eued ;o suo!slnoud ayl apnl3ul ll!m Jo3oeJ1uo3 041 ([) (panu!luo3) 1 N01133S SECTION L (Continued) machinery, tools, or methods the use of which .necessarlly results from com- pliance by the Contractor or the using subcontractor with (a) specifications or wrl.tten provisions now or hereafter forming a part of this contract, or (b) specific written instructions given by -the Contracting Officer directing the manner of performance. The entire liability to the Government for in- fringement of a patent of the United States shall be determined solely by the provisions of the indemnity clauses, if any, included, in this contract or any subcontract hereunder (including any lower -tier subcontract), and the Government assumes,liability.for all other infringement to the extent of theauthorization and consent hereinabove granted, L-18. NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (1965 JAN)(ASPR 7-103.23) The provisions.of'this clause shall be applicable only if the amount of this contract exceeds $10,000. (a) The Contractor shall report to the Contracting Officer, promptly and in reasonable written detail, each notice or claim of patent or copy- right infringement based on the performance of this contract of which the Contractor has knowledge. (b) In the event of any claim or suit against the Government on account of any 'alleged patent or copyright infringement arising out of the -perfor- mance of this contract or out of the use.of any supplies furnished or work or services performed hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish to the Govern- ment, when requested by the Contracting Officer, all evidence and informa- tion In possession of the Contractor pertaining to such suit or claim. Such evidence and information shall be furnished at the expense of the Government.except where.the Contractor has agreed to indemnify the Government. (c) This clause shall be included in all subcontracts. L-19. UTILIZATION OF.MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (1971 NOV)(ASPR 7-104.36) (a) It is ,the policy of the Government that Minority Business Enter- prises.shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of Government contracts. (b) The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to carry out this policy in the award of his subcontracts to the fullest extent consistent with the efficient performance of this contract. As used in this contract, the term "minority business enterprise".means a business, at least 50 percent of which is owned by minority group members or, in case, of publicly -owned businesses, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by minority group members. For the purposes of this definition, minority group members are Negroes, Spanish-speaking American persons, American -.Orientals, American - Indians, American Eskimos, and American Aleuts. Contractors may rely on written representations by subcontractors regarding their .status as minority business enterprises in lieu of an independent investigation. L -I1 a;els 41!m s30e34uoo (10 'e!gwnlo0 4o lou4s10.ay3 1u=Aoldwa ;o 6ups! l 341 ZI-1 °sluawuJano6 leool pue pue 'spuelsl u!6u!A 944 pue,'oo!y o3.sand 'wen0 'salelS 05 04; Jo ap!s3no an000 4o!4m s6uluado of (!).Atdde lou scop asnelo sl41 (5) •asnelo loeiluon sl41 Aq punoq ja6uol ou s! 41 u94m swalsAs a3elS a4; as!Ape Aew jo4oeu3uo0 341 •sloeiluoo ;uanbasghs 3o walsAs a3e3S 941 aslApe o; peau ou s! ajayl 'walsAs 931AJOS 3uawAoldwa-alelS ay3 pas!Ape os se4 pue suols!Aoid ss343 o1 punoq Allen;oe�;uoo s! joloealuo3 ay; se 6uol sV •ale1S ay; u! ;uaw4s!lgelsa 4ons yoea 10 uo!leool pue aweu ay; ;o s4uaw4s!lgejsa se4 11 u!aja4m a4e3S 43ea ui walsAs aoiAaas 3uatuAoldwo 941 as!Ape lleys 1! 'asnelo s!41'30 suo!s!Aoid 6u!;s11 ayl o; punoq Allen;oe„ uoo sawooaq aoloei;uo0 ay; Janauagm (f�) •aogel }o Aje3ai3as a43 10 ao Sao!440 6u!;oealu00 ay3 ;o saAlleluasaadai paz!aoylne Aue Aq uo!;eu!wexo jo3 ';sanba.j uodn 'algel!ene apew aq !legs Aa4; awl; 4o!4m 6u!anp ';oea3uoo ay; .japun ;uawAed leu!4 aal3e rc.aA auo 4o uo!;ealdxa a4l l!3un paj3!wgns slaodai a43 3o sald0o u!e;u!ew 11egs ao43e]luO3 941 •a6je43s1P algeaouo4s!p e ue41 aa410 paA!aoaa oym pue '17961 '5 ;sn6nV ialle jo uo.ssouo3 pawaV a4; u! paAaas 04m sueJa3aA aaam oqm saa!y ;o jagwnu ayl pue poliad 6ulliodai a43 6u!jnp paa!4 aJam 04m.slenp!A!pu! 4o jagwnu a41 luawys!lgelsa yoea a03 a3eo!pu! lle4s s3aod9a 4onS 'ao!Aaas luawAoldwo 93elS ;e43 ;o aoWo le-i;uao ay; 4l!m''ale1S a ui luawgs!lgelsa auo ue43 aaow se4 ao;oelluO3 a4l aaaym 'jo ao!;}o leool alelidoidde 041 431m Alja3jenb, ;seal ;e.palll aq lle4s anoge (l)'gdea6ejed Aq pai!nbai s;aodai olpoljad 041 (£) •waists aol'nuas luawAoldwa 94; Aq paija;ai lueo!ldde qof Aue 10 6u!J!4 a4; aa!nbai lou scop ;nq japio qof ap!4 euoq a }o 6u!oeld ay; o; 4oelle 4014m subp e6!,lgo lewaou a4l Aluo aAlonul.11e4s pue ljojja ;o a» nos luaw;!ntoaj aa4lo Aue ;o asn a4; 41!m Al;uaiamuoo !seal ;e apew aq llegs asnelo s!yl of 3uensind walsAs aolAJas ;uawAoldwa a4l 411m s6uluado luawAoldwa 40 6u13s11 (Z) 'pajlnbai aq Aew se saai4 pue s6uluado ;uawAoldwa 6uipje6ai aoi;;o leool 43ns,o; sliodai o!po!jad 43ns ap!Aojd o; pue sin000 6u!uado a4� u!aja4m walsAs ao!Aaas ;uawAoldwa a3e3S ay; ;o ool;;o leool a3e!jd -o.jdde ue le 6u!;s!l ao} pa.ia;jo aq 1914!sea3 ;ua;xa wnw!xew a43 of 'lle4s 'sale!!!;;e 94eiod.ioo polejado Alluapuadapu! ;o as043 6uipnl3xa ;nq'pawjo4 -jad 6u!aq si loeiluoo a4; ul3.i94m auo ay3 ue4l aaylo jo;2ea;u03 ay; 10 ;uaw -4s!lgelsa ue le 6uijjnr oo aso41 6u!p foul pue loeiluoo sl43 Aq pa;ejaua6 ;ou asoy; 6u!pnlou! ';oe�;uoo sly; �o aouewao;gad ayl 6u!anp �mOo 4314m as041 pue 3oejjUoo 514; }o uo!lnoaxa a43 ;o awl; ay; ;e 3s!xa 4o!4m ao;oej; -uo0 a4; ;o s6uluado ;uawAoldwa lle 3e41 saai6e aoloealuo0 a41 (l) (';uawAoldwa 3 o sAep-uew ajow jo 00t1 a;ejaua6 lllm pue aaow ao 000101$ jo; s! ;oeiluoo s!43 11 OSZ-05 NJO 1t7 of luens.ind algeo!ldde si asnelo s!yl) (LZ'£OI-L )JdSV)(AON 1161) SNVII313A'NOJ SONIN3d0 LN3WAOIdW3 d0 9NI1SIl 'OZ -1 - (panulluOO) l N01103S SECTION L (Continued) (b) This,clause does not apply to openings which the Contractor proposes to fiil.from within his own organization or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer -union hiring arrangement. This exclu- sion does not apply to a particular opening once an employer decides to consider applicants outside.of his own organization or employer -union arrangement for that opening. (7) As used in this clause: (i). "All employment openings" include, but are not limited to, openings which occur in .the following job categories: production and non- production; plant and office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory and non- supervisory;,technical; and executive, administrative, and professional openings which.are'compensated on a salary basis of less that $18,000 per year. This term includes full-time employment, temporary employment of more than.three (3) days' duration, and part-time employment. (Ii) "Appropriate office of the State employment service system" means the local office of the Federal -State national system of public employment offices with assigned responsibility for serving the area of the establishment where the employment opening is to be filled, including the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (ill), "Openings which the Contractor proposes to fill from within his own organization or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer -union hiring arrangement," means employment openings for which no consideration will be given to persons outside the Contractor's organi- zation (including any affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies) or, outside of a special hiring arrangement which is part of the customary and tradi.tional employment relationship which exists between the Contractor and representative of its employees and includes any openings which the Contractor porposes to fill from regularly established"recall" or "rehire" lists or from union hiring halls. (i.v) "Man -day of employment" means any.day during which an employee performs more than one hour of work, (8) The Contractor agrees to place this clause (excluding this para- graph (8)) in any subcontract directly under this contract provided, such subcontract is for $10,000 or more and.will generate 400 or more man -days of employment; L-21: PRICING OF ADJUSTMENTS (1970 JUL)(ASPR 7-103.26) When costs are a factor in any determination of a contract price adjustment pursuant to the "Changes" clause or any other provision of this contract, such costs shall be in accordance with Section XV of the Armed Services,Procurement Regulation as in effect on the date of this contract. L-13 1 hl -1 autwexa of 446P 641 pue of ssa» a aney 'ale!jdoidde se 'OZ -i lied suollet -n6aa ;uawajn:)Ojd(te.Japaj ayl jo uolleln5aa 3uawainOOJd saoln,taS paw.JV ayl jo W x1puaddy'=-Ja431a ut pa!}loads awl3 aassal tions ao loeiluoagns ayl japun luawAed leu!} aalle sjeaA aajyl jo uo!lejldxa ayl I!lun 'lieys sanl;eluas -ajdaj pazl.toylne Ainp sly jo Aue .to sa3elS Palm a41 jo leaauag .talio.a4dwo3 ayl leyl saaj6e .toloeiluoogns ayl leyl 33ajja ayl of uoislnoid a japunaiay sloealuoogns sty lie ul apnioui of saaj6e ,tay;inj ioloejluo3 a41 (3) . 5141 o; paletaa suoll3esueJ4 6ulnlonut Joh eJluoO 041 jo sp-1039.i pue 'siaded 'sluawn3op 'slooq ;uaulljad AIl3ail p Aue autwexa of ;46!j ay; pue of ssao3e aney 'aleljdojdde se ',OZ -1 lied suol;eln6aa luawainooid iL apaj ayl ,to uoilel -n6aa luawainoOid sa3!nJaS pawJV a41 jo W xlpuaddy jaylia ui patj!6ads awll jassai yons jo loeiluo3 slyl japun ;uawAed leu!} ialje s.teaA aaJO }o uolle -jidxa ay; I!lun '!legs sanl3eluasaidai paz'Joylne Alnp sly }o Aue .to sa3e4S pa;tull ayl }o lejauag aatloildwoO ayl leyl saaj6e .to3oeiluo3 a41 (q) •6uls!laanpe lewjoj jo sueaw Aq olu! pajalua sem l3eJluo3 SM JI algeo!ldde lou s!.;nq '6uisllaanpe.pa'43!J1saj ssau -!snq liews 6ulpnlout 'uollello6au jo sueaw Aq olui paialue sem pue 005'Z$ spa33xa ;3eJluo3 s!yl jo junowe ay1 }! alge3lldde sI asnelo 5141 (e) (5l'gOl-L adSV)(aVW.IL6i) 1Va3N39 a3110a1dWOO A9 SON033a d0 N011VNIWVX3 ••qZ-1 010eiluoo slyl jo a3uew.tojtad lu3!3111a ayl yllm lualslsuoo aq of spull jo;oejawo a41 leyl suwa3uoo ssaulsnq hews of Sul;oei; -uooqns jo lunowe wnwlxew 843 4s!ldw000e of saaJ6e J013elluOO aLII (q). •suaaouoo ssaulsnq l!ews 41!m pooeld aq luawuJano9 ayl Jo} sa:)tn.tas pue sal!ddns .toj sloe.tluo3 pue sase0ind ay; jo uolliodoid ile} e 3943 ssaJ6uo3 ayl Aq paieloap se luaww anon ay; }o A3tlod ay; s! 3I (e) ('11"701-L adSV)(NVf 8561) SNH33NOO SS3Nlsn a 11VWS j0 NOI1VZ1111f1 '£Z-1 •alndslp yons of ;:)adsa.J 431m uollem.'ojul luenala.t lie }o 'aq Aew aseo 043 se 'ioloeiluoo awljd 941 jo 'iolooiluoogns jell u046ly lxau sty Ajl3ou A!alelaw -w! !legs .to3oe;luoogns ayl 'alndslp..togel lei;ua;od jo len;oe Aue Aq Aelap Aq paualeOJ43 JO paAelap.sl aouew,tojjad Alawll sl! 3U9na a4l uI 1941 apinoid lieys loeiluoogns yons yoea 3943 ldaoxa !l3e.rluoo s141 jo aouewrop ed Alowl3,ayl Aelop stew alndsip jogel a yo!4A 03 se japunajay loeiluoogns Aue u! `(q) 4dei6ejed s!y3 6uipnioul 'asnelo stye jo aouelsgns ayl liasul of saai6e joloeiluo3 ay1 (q) •.tao!j4o 6ul;oe.t;udo 043'01 'ola.1341 loadsaJ 41!m uo!lewao}ui luenalaJ lie 6ulpniout 'joaJayl 3313Ou anl6 Alaletpaww! Ileys jo3oealuOO ayl '4oejiuoo slyl JO a3uewaojjad Alewll ayl Aelap of sualeaJ41 jo 6uiAeiap si a3ndslp jogel lellualod ao len3ae .Aue ley; a6palmoul sey joloe.iluoO ayl J9naua4M (e) (+l'+101 -L adSV) (d3S 18561) SUndSIO a09V1 j0 iN3WNa3A09 3H1 01 33110N *ZZ -1 (panulluoO) l N01133S SECTION L (Continued) any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such sub- contractor, involving transactions related to the subcontract. The term "subcontract" as used in this clause excludes (1) purchase orders not exceeding $2,500 (ii) subcontracts or purchase orders for public utility services at rates established for uniform applicability -to the general public. (d) The periods of access and examination described in (b) and (c) above for records which relate to (i) appeals under the "Disputes" clause of this contract, (ii) litigation or the settlement of claims arising out of the performance of this contract, or (iii) costs and.expenses of this contract as to which exception has been taken by the Comptroller General or any of his duly authorized representatives, shall continue until such appeals, litigation, claims or exceptions have been disposed of. L-25. GRATUITIES (1952 MAR)(ASPR 77104.16) (a) The Government may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed under this contract if it is found, after notice and hearing, by the Secretary or his duly authorized represent- ative, that gratuities (in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise) were offered'or given'by the Contractor, or any agent or representative of the Contractor, to.any officer or employee of the Government with a view towardsecuring a contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or.amending, or the making of any determinations with respect to the performing of such contract; provided, that the existence of the facts upon which the Secretary or his duly authorized representative makes such findings shall be in issue and may be reviewed in any competent court," (b) .in the event this contract is terminated as provided in paragraph (a) hereof, the Government shall be entitled (i) to pursue the same remedies against the Contractor as it could pursue in the event of a breach of the contract by the Contractor, and (ii) as'a penalty in addition to any other damages to which it may be entitled by law, to exemplary damages in an amount (as determined by the Secretary or his duly authorized representative) which shall be not less than three nor more than ten times the costs incurred by the Contractor in providing any such gratuities to any such officer or employee. (c) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law under this contract.' L-26. CONVICT LABOR (1949 MAR)(ASPR 7-104.17) In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the Con- tractor agrees not to employ any person undergoing sentence of imprisionment at hard labor. L-15 •;uawalddns,loeuluoo Aq pawu!;uoo ;ou ;uawaai6e 6uiolid pa;e!lo6au a 41!m uo!loauuoo ui uo lesodo,id 6ulo!jd a 431m uo!loauuoo ui algeAed pun;aj ;o lunowe aql 6ulle;s uo43e.,luoo a4l of ao!lou ua;l!um jo alep ayl 'sao!ad 3o uo!s!Aaa ao; sap!noud ;aejluoo s141 11 (A!)'ao :lunowe aql 6ulx!l suolle!4o6au palaldwoo wj!juoo of luawaau6e leluawalddns posodo.id a 3o jo;oea;uo0 944 o1 luawuuanoJ ay; Aq le;;!wsue„ 3o alep aq; (!!!) !uo!leu!wial 11ne3ap uodn luanbasuoo puewap 6u!pnlou! •loe.iluoo s141 q;!m 1ua;s!suoo '3uawAed ao4 puewap uall!aM lsu!3 aq; ;o alep aq; (il) ;oeuluoo s141 01 luens.ind paxl3 alep aql (!) ;o auo ;salt -lea aql uodn an p aq llegs slunowV •l�eu;uoo s!ql;o a4ep,a41 uo ;oa;4a u! se 'uolleln6a8 luawaamoJd saolnuaS pawiv aql ;o 3 xlpuaddV jo.g ;ued Aq pap!noud se sluaw;snfpe of loafgns aq 11egs pue pled 111un anp alep aq; wou; wnuue uad ;uaouad x!s ;o aleu aq; le lsaualul jeaq !legs (apoo anuaAaa leuaalul aql japun 1!pau3 xel algeo!ldde Aue ;o lau) loeulUoo e!41 aapun luawuJanog a4l o; aoloe.rluo0 aq; Aq algeAed awooaq ;e41 slunowe lie sAep.O£ u1441m pled ssalun 13oe.iluoY slgl 30 uo!Slnoid Ja410.Aue 6ulpue;s4llmloN ( ofm-L NdSV) (AVW 8961) 1S32!31N1 •suiaouoo snlduns jogel Sou aue go!4m suwaouoo ssaulsnq Hews (L) pue 'su.iaouoo eaue snlduns uogej lelluelsgns uo luals!suad jaglo (9) 'suuaouoo ssaulsnq llews osle aue 4314m suuaouoo eaue snld.ins uogel lelluelsgns uo luals!suad (S) 'aouaia;aud puoaas e 41!m suuaouoo pa!Jlluao uaglo (t7) 'suwaouoo ssaulsnq llews osle aue 43!gm aoua.ia;aud puooas e,41!m s w aouoo p01111.133 (£) 'aouaua;a.id lsul; e.4;!m suiaouoo pal;lliao uaglo (Z) 'suiaouoo ssaulsnq Hews osle,aae 4314m anuaua -laud ;sill a 411m su.i93uo3.palJllaa3 (1) :aouaua3aad 3o jap4o 6ulmolio; a41 anuasgo Heys sloeu3uoogns s!q 6u!oeld ul joloeuluo3 a41 a'suu93uO3 ssaulsnq llewS to uo!1ez1 m n., pall!lua l3eu1uoo s!4; to asnelo aql }o.(q) 4deu6eued 411m pue asnelo slgl to (e) gdeu6e.Aed g;!m 6u!4ldwoo u! _(p), •Ao!1od slgl 411m aouepu000e ul s;oeu;uoo -qns s!q'aoeld of sluolle ;saq s!q asn of sao16e uoloeuluo3 a41 �aiagm -asla a19eu!elgo aue uegl u04614 ou sao!ud le pue loeuluoo a41 to aouewuol -uad lua!o!l;a agl 411m lualslsuoo auop aq ueo s!yl auagm '.seaue snldins jogel lelluelsgns jo ;uals!suad u! Allelluelsgns wuoljad of paau6e aneq go!4m suuaouoo pal}!laaauou aae (Z) uo lsalelS pal!un 944 to seaie ua430 u! (!!) uo seaue snlduns uogel le!1uelsgns uo luals!suad ul uo luawAold -wauapun ao 3uawAoldwoun paleuluaouoo lo'suolloas ueau jo u! (1).A11ell -uelsgns wuoluad of paau6e aneq pue slenp!n!pul pa6eluenpeslp to uagwnu aleuo!luodoud a to juawAoldwa aql 6ulpue6au (aoua.ia;a.id puooas uo lsull e gllm suuaouoo pa!l!luao se Alan!loadsau o; pauualau ualleaua4) uogel to Aaela.ioaS 041 Aq pa!lllaao uaaq ane4 (1) legs 'suwaouoo eaue snlduns uogel o1 sloealuoo pueme of ;uawuuanog aq; to Ao!lod a4l sl 31 (e) (OZ•i7Ol-L 'ddSV) (Nnr ;0161) SNa30N00 V3dV SAldvns bOGVl d0 N011VZIlllfl •LZ -1 (panuj3uo0) l N01103S • • g SECTION L (Continued) L-29.. PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND VEGETATION .0968 FEB)(ASPR 7-104.63) The Contractor shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging.existing buildings, equipment, and vegetation (such as trees, shrubs, and .grass) on the Government installation. If the Contractor fails to do so and damages any such buildings, equipment, or vegetation, he shall replace or repair the damage,at no expense to the Government as directed by the Contracting Officer. If he fails or refuses to make such repair or replacement,.the Contractor shall be liable for the cost thereof which may be deducted from the contract price: L-30. PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON CONTRACTORS' CLAIMS (1972 FEB)(ASPR 7-104.82) (a) If an appeal is filed by the Contractor from a final decision of the Contracting Officer under the DISPUTES clause of this contract, denying a claim arising under the contract, simple interest on the amount of the claim finally determined owed by the Government shall be payable to the Contractor. Such interest shall be at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum from the date the Contractor furnishes to the Contracting Officer his written apeal pursuant to the DISPUTES clause of this contract, to the date of (il a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction, or (ti) mailing to the Contractor of a supplemental agreement for execution either confirming.completed negotiations between the parties or carrying out a decision of a Board of Contract Appeals. (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, (i) interest shall be applied only from the date payment was due, if such date is later than the filing of appeal; and (ii) Interest shall not be paid for any period of time that the Contracting Officer determines the Contractor has unduly delayed in pursuing his remedies before a Board of Contract Appeals or a court of competent jurisdiction. L-,17 r DEPARTMENT -OF -THE THE AIR FORCE PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY k: TO USE PROPERTY ON SCHILLING FAMILY HOUSING SITE FORMERLY A PORTION OF SCHILLING AIB FORL'E BASK_ KANSAS THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DACA41-4-72-603 is hereby granted a permit fora term of five (5) years, beginning 1 January 19 72 , and ending 31 December ,19 76 , but revocable at will by the Secretary of the Air Force, to use for housing purposes, A parcel of land containing 295.41 acres, more or less, and 735 family housing units located thereon, including installed equipment contained therein, and appurtenances thereto, generally identified as the Schilling Family Housing Site, formerly a portion of Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas, as shown substantially in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and deseri6ed as follows THIS PERMIT is granted subject. to the following conditions: 1. That the use and occupation of the said premises shall be without Coet or expense to the Department of the Air Force, under the general supervision and subject to the approval of the officer having immediate jurisdiction over the, premises,. and subject also to such rules and regulations as he may from time to time prescribe. $. That the permittee shall, at its own expense and without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Force, maintain and keep in good repair and condition the premises herein authorized to be used. 3. That any interference with or damage to property under control of the Department of the Air Force incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly corrected by the permittee to the satisfaction of the said officer. 4. That, the permittee shall pay the cost, as determined by the said officer, of producing and/or supplying any utilities and other services furnished by the Department of the Air Force or through Department of the Air Force facilities for the use of the permittee. RMR FORM I OCT 37 1Q{�362 n a LER !es -I-57!) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE 16 721N-1 It 0 5. That no additions to or alterations of the premises shall be made without the prior consent of the said officer. 6. That if for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Air Force to perform functions and/or render services which are the responsibility of the permittee, the said officer may, in lieu of reimbursement, require the permittee to furnish the personnel and/or materials required for the performance of said functions and/or for the rendering of said services. In addition to furnishing personnel and/or materials, the permittee shall reimburse the Department of the Air Force for any costs incurred by the Department of the Air Force in connection with said functions and/or services, Selection of such personnel will be subject to the approval of the said officer. 7. That on or before the date of expiration of this permit or its relinquishment by the per- mittee, the permittee shall vacate the said premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the said officer, ordinary wear and tear and damage beyond the control of the permittee excepted. If, however, this permit is revoked, the permittee shall vacate the premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises as aforesaid within such time as the Secretary of the Air Force may designate. 8. The housing site is being operated under Headquarters, Fort Riley, Kansas, and is under.the jurisdiction of Headquarters, Fifth U.S. Army. Prior to execution of this Permit, Condition 6 was modified and Condition 8 was added. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand by authority of the Secretary of the Air Force this I28th day of December ;1971. D. C. KANAY Chief, Management 6 Disposal Branch Real Estate Division .... K M ... T M1911.4 w11e. 1b ?Vwi _ - r 14 u fir• i T f 3` go jg� � j r -11- w ^ : J� � � Q�'V . f. � i / ,✓ .. - i �.-<.'�i_4t 13- � '<v. • �� V M1 r \ ..J •� \fes ' rlaar•�r�� �sb��.� 1 ? q m. "•.,�Ff...a' .4.' .h4 baa,. .. ir"•�r . . 2.T �' rr .. _ • L-� ca -r -t+1 a_s 7tom,•'• P'' 'f -"'•m r ,�,:'...... • �j c v r. .u� r U• �.\ sit _ .i'�. ��.3 (a.�,l�✓! ){' s-nJ C✓ C..�1t' 2UC� �� F G . �_� l�: ��{�c Qi.'V � ^� q 'J�"\ �' "// r=j'C^� ..t�'l�ii..�."' �• �' �c'� y"'� 1^eG' ss �" -- _ _.__ �.CW �� . ,.. �,• .�.s- r.s ('�_�.%`\V as a •.as t... vasa.. test • 1 - • •d � � �� (•t,( ��• 1.- t. CP d'•q •tt1 �„1 � .� ✓ t - isa °L «! It I{st •.al�]7 ;i�- ��II'.' ��.rw'.fs�s- ��� �( rt..' ;`.'-� L .� �•�. 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HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT w/zEtExatt/n CITY COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOK 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 September 12, 1972 and WZIt CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627-9633 Vernon T. Hanlon, Contracting Officer Procurement Division DIO Building Number 179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Dear Sir: in Re: Contract Number DABE 13-73-C-0045 I am enclosing three (3) copies of the above mentioned contract signed by N. D. Olson, City Manager and three (3) copies of Resolution Number 3126 authorizing him to sign the contract. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/Js enclosures (6) MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE 913 623-2277 IZV12 teXu t/zri_)zdJaudz X dlleetE I CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOk 74G SALINA. KANSAS 67901 July 13, 1971 Mr. Willard M. Lee Contracting Officer Department of the Army Procurement Division, DIO Building No. 179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 RE:. Contract No. DABE 13-72-C-0022 Dear Sir: COMMISSIONERS ROBERT C. CALDWELL, MAYOR LEON L. ASHTON NORMA G. COOPER MIKE LOSIK. JR. JACK WEISGERBER Enclosed are the three (3) signed copies of the above subject contract and three (3) copies of the City Commission Resolution authorizing the signing of the same, all in accordance with your letter dated 29 June 1971. Sincerely, Norris D. Olson City Manager NDO:mk Enc. MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CI PIES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY n ^ HEADQUARTERS FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 T, y a2, 197/ ALRDL-P 16 July 1971 Mr. Norris D. Olson City -County Building. 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen: Attached is your copy of Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Purchasing and Contracting Division, Bldg #179, Fort Riley, Kansas 66442. Sincerely, 11 Incl WILLARD M. LEE as Contracting Officer RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: '(Signature) Dat eO — (T tle/Pos tion) ALRDL 19 DEC 66 FL4 (SUPERSEDES ALRGL-P FL 2, DATED 11 JUN 68.1 ARYYTT RILEY, KANS S-51 I PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Delegation No. 167 1 July 1971 SUBJECT: Designation of Contracting Officer's Representative Director of Facilities and Engineering Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas 1.__Under.authority.contained in APP 1-406, you are hereby designated the Contracting Officer's Representative in administration of Contract No. DABE13-72-C-0022 2. This authorization does not impower you to execute or agree to any con- tract or modification thereof. 3. You are hereby authorized andresponsible for: a. Contract performance supervision. b. Inspection and acceptance of supplies/services received. c. Place orders against the contractor, or through the Contracting Of- ficer, for supplies or services as included in the terms and conditions of the .contract and for which an obligation of funds has been recorded. 4. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the contractor to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract or failure to make progress so as to endanger contract performance. 5. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the Government to meet its obligations under the terms and conditions of the Contract. WILLARD M. LEE Contracting Officer Receipt Acknowledged Date yL :._:.._::...: ; _ CITY OF SALINA� KANSAS BY N. D. Olson • Receipt Acknowledged Date yL :._:.._::...: ; _ CITY OF SALINA� KANSAS BY N. D. Olson ALi1DL 29 June 1971 Mr. Morris o. Olson City;-County Building 360 vest' ttsh• Street Senna. Kansas 67401 In. Ras Contract No. OA116l)•724-0it42 Dear. Sirs enclosed hetawtth are three (3) copies of the above subject contract for your signature on the face sheet. Standard Fors 26. thereof. Said Contract contains the pricing and perfomwnee provisions negotiated, and as set forth in your 24 Key 1971 latter. please furnish this off lee with three (3) copies .of-a City Gourd) raso- tatton of authority for you to-sign the subject contract or any other signatory authority document that may be appropriate, please return all hires (9) signed spies of the contract, with the above requested signatory authority documentse and.your copy of the contract will be forwarded to you as soon es. It has been processed by this office. Sincerely Yours. _ t 1 incl WILLARD N. i.RB DA-0022•(trip) Contracting Officer RESOLUTION NUtdBER 3099 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE II SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. ;That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, identified as Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022,dated July 1, 1971, relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor this 12th day of July, 1971. (SEAL) Attest: i City Clerk I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that Resolution Number 3099 was passed by the City Commission at its regular meeting on July 12,. 1971, and that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in my office. D. L. Harrison, City Clerk STANDARD FORM 26, JULY 1966 I,- GENEP. t SERVICES ADMIM512 ,P PAGE Of j FED FADE REG 1r1CFR 1-10101 I CONTRACT (Pru'. Inn. Idrnr.) NO, x. EFFECTIVE DATE 13. REQUISITIOWN.)RCHASE REQUEST/PROJECT NO. A. CERWIM FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER BDSA REG 2 AND/OR DMS REG. I. DABE13-72-C-0022 171JUL01 I RATING: 5. ISSUED BY -�_ CODE 6. ADMINISTERED BY CODE I7. DELIVERY FOB DEiih Procurement Division, D10 (I/ otbo rb<rt 61x1 5) Director of Facilities and Engineering i® NATION Building 179 Building 187 OTHER (Srr Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 B.. CONTRACTOR CODE FACIJdTY CODE 9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT NAME AND ADDRESS F_ City of Salina, Kansas A Municipal Corporation Net (Snru, rit), <Fnaq.smtr. City-County Building and ZIP rode) 300 blest Ash Street 10. SUBMIT INVOICES (( ropils nJm RMrru•ur L Salina, Kansas 67401 J IIIII61d) TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN NOCK- Block No. 11 11. SHIP TO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY - CODE Commander Finance Officer Schilling Manor Sub-Post Building 70 Building 595 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Salina Kansas 6 401 " � Io U.S.C. 2504 teHl® Ix. THIS PROCUREMENT WAS a ADVERTISED, a NEGOTIATED, PURSUANT 701 ❑ 41 US4 252 (<1( ) 14. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 15. ITEM NO. 16. SUPPLIES/SERVICES - 17. OUANIRT 18. UNR 19. LINT, PRICE 20. AMOJNT Cost to the Government for Fire Protection to.be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas for Schilling Manor Sub-Post near Salina, Kansas, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract. -53,400.00 21 TOTAL AMCPUN'T OF CONTRACT S CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLE'PE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPLICABLE 22. AN CONTRACTOR'S Nw TIMED AGRCEMEM (C..,."cr IT uquimd to figs 26. O AWARD (Coat ,Ir b not rrguimt to riga IN, 4w-lot.) Your offer Mir dornorret and rtturn 3 repirr to uoeiag off+cc) Cone eoo- aphis dVkr 1,..F Or all IN. wt.n<a uI froth w mhrrlw en S.IktoofIOF Nuwbs Mcludit V. edcON. w tlwror :rods b, ,au whli oMMonr w dmBs1 aro IN fonh In full 10 I.'M0 end ell pwlofn idsnn0sa oboes eM w anT cuMaghw -h--h b IM <onw..or.w Io .d ...h. M W--Noel -1 IM pemo IF Ibn 1onua0 1Mn be 141V, 1° o.-dy1• h..eA e.•....d 01 . o. ern NOM Oho- eM w u, mnlN.e11M Flesh .ben 111 ThIF.e co­. IMcw0.00 chick Imw., .11M IoOorinA dw.m.nn(01 TM .,hN o nod SF ^+fubermR d­-Vol Ie1 IM1n a o.d •<en..on. IN] m. wbma.on 0 arty, IMC _oV' dcr .o, aM Y .11., and (b) Mb o.rard/conu:<t. No and (cl rod per.l.enr nwelomeeem <em Rcaeans and 1ex:Rcmwns .. are Iixrd bodrt.) IuMar emenmee deorm.nf 6 nx.uery. a.oc w Nue .OlM b, W. hes I.. (Att¢[brmn ax 25. NAME OF CoWeACrCR CITY OF SALIVA 27. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by BY (Sipwhrn of grlon ouHulmd b 11pn� OItP� of Conk ting Officer) 24. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (7-7pr w print) 25. DATE SIGNED 26. NAME OF coMlUcr1NG OFFICER Crypt or pr;rNJ 29. DATE SIGNED N. D. OLSON City Manager x6-105-01 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966-I REF. NO. OF DOC- EEING CoN'D. PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADWN15TMTION COPdTIPILIATION SHEET Contract Number FED. PROC. REG. (All CFR( 1-16.101 DABE13-72-C-'0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT U141T PRICE AMOUNT The Department of the Air Force Permit -No. DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "All is attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. F 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas, buildings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787, and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and,Provisions of this contract. 12 Mo $4,848.03 $58,176.36 Credit to the Government for Government - Furnished Property 12 Mo $ 398,03 $ 4,775.36 NET CONTRACT PRICE 12 Mo $4,450.00 $53,400.00 AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message Dk 739487, fron C of ENGRS, dated 8 Nov 1965, subject: Use of excess apehart Housing at Schilling AFB for dislocated families. 0 ;14-108-02 A0.s A0VE*.. xT'Awmca"M:"', 0-1,4-6a4 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -2 REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONED. PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number FED. HOC. REG. (A CFR( 1-16.161 - IDABEI3-72-C-0022 NAME Of OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTQY UNIT UNIT PRION AMOUNT - SPECIAL PROVISIONS SP -1. CONTRACT PERIOD, This contract shall begin 1 July 1971 and shall end 30 June 1972, both dates inclusive, unless sooner terming ed inder the prDvislons of this contract. SP -2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT, The Contractor shall, on ihe terms.herei tfter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, eq ipm nt and appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the fire protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post In strict accordan a with the terms and con- ditions of this contract. The Contractor shall 3erform vxrk of the following principal features; consisting a. Organize and administer fire prevention aid protection service. b. Provide the Sub -Post Commander technical issi tante in f rmulating regulations covering reduction and elimination of fire ha and .' c. Conduct annual prevention inspection of d pen ent housing and all other buildings and areas included in Schilling 4anor Sub Pos as set forth in Item No. 1 herein. d. Perform first and second echelon maintena ccservice on the Govern- ment Furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. e. Make annual representative fire Flow test as required. f. Assist in conducting formal investigation of Government fire losses SP -3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CONTRACT T e Contracti rgOfficer or the a or his duly appointed successor, is responsible min stration o this contract, and alone is authorized, to the extent indica tec in this contra t, to take action on behalf of the Government which results in charges in the t rms of this contract, Including deviations from specifi ations, cetalls, and delivery schedules. sP-4, FRACTIONAL PAYMENTS, If necessary a the com enc ment or ter ination of this contract, payment shall be made for any fractional pa -t of a month's ser- vice at the rate of one -thirtieth (1/30) of the nonthly c arg for each d y of service rendered, SP -5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work aerformed in he accompli hment of furtherance of the services to be furnished under this co tra t shall be comparable, but not limited to, the service provided within tie corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards establ shel by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire com any having not less than four (4) men on duty at all times stationed within f ve 5) miles fr m all portions of the area under contract, both supervisory per onn 1 and fire ompa?ly available for immediate service except for unfor seen emeIgen les, in ord r to assure that the standards contemplated by this c ntract a e rraintained. his per- formance of service shall include back-up servic at all times. 36, -to& -D2 YV.A60YF[N.4MHIKING "'ICE 0.. 0 -PS -1111 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 —3 REF. P40• Of DOC. BEING CONTD. PAGE C8 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number FED. FROG REO. (41 CFR( 1-16.101 DABE13-72-C-0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR COWRACFOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO- SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTIFY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP -6. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE, a. The Contractor shall indemnify end save harm ess the Gov rnment, its officers, agents, and employees against all actions, pros edings, claims demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorne 's fees, y reason of an suit or action brought for any actual or alleged injury to, or death of any person, or dam- age to property including that property furnished by the 3ov rnment for Ise of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performs ce or services hereunder, b. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Gov4 rnment fro any loss of or damage to Government property caused by ne li ence, theft or wilful misconduct of his employees. SP -7. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. The Contract Dr hall: a. Be responsible for organizing a d administering the fire prevention and protection service required hereunder for S hilling Hanoi Sub -Post n ar Salina, Kansas. b. Be required to furnish technics assistan e lo the Schil ing Manor Sub -Post Commander in the formulating of regula ions coverinc the reduct on and elimination of fire hazards. c. Conduct an annual fire preventi n inspection of dependen housing located in Schilling Manor Sub -Post. Conduct a quarterly in pection of iffice, welfare, and utility buildings, including the manual testing of fire alarm systems, occupied by the Department of the Army that are located in the city of Salina. The Contractor shall furnish a written report of the findings o each Inspection of violations of the fire regulation to the S b- ost Command r, main- taining necessary records to provide for folio up inspections in suffic ent numbers to secure corrective actions. d. Properly train and instruct hispersonnel in the operati n and maintenance of, and perform the inspection and irst andsec: nd echelon iaintenence service on, all Government property furnished h reunder. e. Annual representative fire flow tests will b made on selected fire hydrants within each principal area to determin adequac of water flow or fire protection within the area. Results will be ev luated a sin t previous low tests and utilized in formulating prearranged firefig ting pla s. Fire hydran s will be color coded in accordance with NFBA Codes to in icate ma imu fire flow or each individual hydrant at 10 psi residual pressure. 0 36-108-02 .o.c covmxRvxr rmxnxoemcc: u,v o—uou, STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -4 REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING WW'D. PAGE OF CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROC. REG. 141 CFR) 1-16.101 DABE13-72-C-0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ' CITY OF SALIVA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP -8. RESPONSE TO A REPORTED FIRE INCLUDING CLASSES A B C AND , a. The Contractor shall be required to pro, tly respond to reported fire call and take necessary action to extinguish all firs p omptly to m nimuze fire loss and water damage. The Contractor shall take exited ious action to eliminat loss of life at the site of a reported fire, and upon the co letion of tic extin- guishing of the fire, the Contractor shall be rejuired to re ve any exce s accumu- lation of water impounded within the building during the extinguishing o" the fire to minimize water damage. b. The Contractor shall be require to conduct In investigation into the cause of a fire in conjunction with the Cont acting 0 fic rEs Representative to determine cause and corrective action necessary o preveni similar occurrences, and to submit reports of each investigation, presery ng evide ce or the use. of a board of officers making formal investigation of fires c. The Contractor shall prepare an maintair fire department records and reports of operation, personnel, equipment a d supplies r uired for he opera- tion of the fire department furnishing fire prot ction foT Set illing Mano Sub -Post under this contract. .SP -9. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks as se forth here n to the Contractor for the performance of the service se forth u der the terms aid con- ditions of this contract. Quantity Item Description 1 Fire Truck Class'53(k Pumper formerly Truck USAF Registr tion No 52L 174, USAF Stock No 21-639-9853), with the foliowin in entory of a uipment: Stock No Noun Quantity 4210-097-4754 Applicator -extension 2 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 .5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 1 4730-535-0826 Connection -hose -double emale 2 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double iale 2 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable 1 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-223-9915 Extinguisher -fire 3 4210-595-0148 Hose -suction -soft 1 4210-722-9336 Hose 6 4210-722=9298 Hose 20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 4 36-108-02 a .us.om,Rxx,xT .nxnx0 orncF M10-231-1$1 STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -5 tREF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT D. ]PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CQAITHVUATION SHEET Contract Number FED. PROC REG. (41 ORI 1-16.101 DARE 13-72-C-0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS nEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT. PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Stock No Noun uantit 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1211 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 Ladder -241 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly -2111 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 2 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -111 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 1 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose 1 4730-535-0825 Double Female -4111 1 7100-678000 'Rope -manila 100 -ft. 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection-gat(d type 1 4210-240-5531 Strainer -suction l 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose and ladder 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 2 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 6 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner 2 b. Property Administrator: The Officer designand lo maintain he roporty records in connection with Government -ft rni shed property under ti is con - Tact is: Post Engineer Property Officer Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas c. Responsibility and Performance: (1) Title to the Government-furnis ed property hall remain in the overnment. (2) In addition to Schilling Manor Sub -Post 3s Set forth in Item No. I erein, Government -furnished property may be use to fight fires originat ng in ther than US Government property. (3) The Government shall at all reasonable time! have acces to the Premises wherein any Government -furnished proper y is located. (4) The Contractor shall maintain and administer, in accordance with sound business practice, a program for the maintenance, re ai , protectio and%pre- ervation of the Government -furnished property, znd shall a responsible lor all first and second echelon type repairs on the one fire truc< assigned for se under his contract. 36-100-02 1116P0 -23114n STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 6' REF. NO. OF DOG REJNG ODNI'U. vAGE OF GENERA(, SERVICES ADMINIS: 4TINUATION SH ET Contract Number FDI. PROC. REG. 141 CFR) 1-16.101 - DABE13-72-C-0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES Q QUANTITY UNT UNn PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) (a) Manuals and Technical Orders. I Class 530A Fire Truck a Air Force Technical Order TC 1975AAB-26. b LO 9-8022 - Lubrication Drier. Maintenance of equipment shall be in accordance with Secti n of TO 1975 S-26. I1 items of work listed in Section 3 shall be considered the responsibility of the Contractor (b) Reporting. The Contra for will a required to Submit monthly report of repairs, lubrication, fuel, it and of er services performed n the above item of equipment, (c) Recording. Recording f all inf rm tion will b ac- omplished by Post Engineer on the appropriate f�rms to malnt in suitable historical ata on the above vehicle. (5) Maintenance and Repair in E cess of T at Previously ited. ll repair work of a third, fourth, or fifth echelon by type YilTbe accomplished Post Field Maintenance at Fort Riley, Kansas, anc is not tie responsibilily of the ontractor. Upon notification of the need for work of this ty e, the work will be ccomplished by the most expeditious means to avc id extended cown time on the quipment. (6) Completion of Contract. At the end OF t e contract period, each item of equipment shall be returned to the Government in the same general ondition as noted in the joint inspection of thi equipment al the initialion of the contract. With the exception of Items consii ered to b f it wear and tear, 11 discrepancies found.on terminal inspection will be cor ec ed by the Contractor prior to release from the requirements of this contract. SP -10, GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (FIXED PRICE) 'APR. 1968 a. Government -Furnished Property. The Gover me t shall del ver to the Contractor, for use in connection with and u der the t!rms of this cc tract, the property described as Government -furnished p operty in the Schedule o speci- fications, together with such related data and information as the Contrac,or may request and as may reasonably be required for the intended use of such pr¢perty (hereinafter referred to as ''Government-furnishe property'). The delivery or per- formance dates for the supplies or services to bo furnishe b the Contractor under this contract are based upon the expectation that Governme t- urnished pr pert"y suitable for use (except for such property furni hed "as i ") will be del vered to 36-108-02 .a& c UHNFNF F.INt'. oMaF: iI....... <I STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 % REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONTD. PAGE OF. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1-16.101 DABE13-�2-C_-0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO, SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) the Contractor at the times stated in the Sched le or, if not so stated, in suffi- cient time to enable the Contractor to meet suct delivery or performance dates. In the event that Government -furnished property is not delivered to the ontractor by such time or times, the Contracting Officer shall, upoi timely writter request made by the Contractor, make a determination of the delay, if any, occasioned the Contractor thereby, and shall equitably adjust the delive y or performance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other c ntractual pr vision affected by any such delay, in accordance with the procedures providei f r in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes." Except for G ernment- ur ished property furnishe "as is", in the event the Government -furnished Froperty ip, received by tie Contracto in a condition not suitable for the intended use the Cont-aclor shall, u on receipt thereof, notify the Contracting Officer of such fact and, as directed by the Con- tracting Officer, either (i) return such property at the ov rnmentLs expense or otherwise dispose of the property, or (ii) effect repairs or modificatiors. Upon the completion of (i) or (11) above, the Contracting Offi er upon writter request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or er ormance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provision affected by the re- jection or disposition, or the repair or modification, in accordance witl the pro- cedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled 'Changes." The fore- going provisions for adjustment are exclusive a d the Gov rn ent shall not be liable to suit for breach of contract by reason of any delay in delivery of Govern- ment -furnished property or delivery of such pro erty in a co clition not suitable for its Intended use, (b) Changes in Government -furnished P oner (1) By notice in writing, the Contracting fficer may (i) decrease the property provided or to be provided by the Government under this contract, or (ii) substitute other Government-owned property for prope ty to be pros ed by the Government, or to be acquired by the Contractor for the G vernment, under this contract. The Contractor shall promptly take such action as the Contracting Officer may direct with respect to the removal end shippi g cf property covered by such notice. (2) In the event of any decrease in or sub titution of property pursuant to subparagraph (1) above, or any with rawal of lutHority to use property provided under any other contract or lease, which properte the Governmenjq had agreed in the Schedule to make available for the per•forma,cejof this contract, the Contracting Officer, upon the written request ol the Cont actor (or, if he sub- stitution of property causes a decrease in the ost of pe forrance, on his own initiative), shall equitably adjust such contra tual provlsiTns as may bd affected by the decrease, substitution, or withdrawal, i accords a with the procedures pro- vided for in the "Changes" clause of this contract, i (c) Title. Title to all property furnished by the Government hall remain in the Government. In order to define the obligations of the parties undir this clause, title to each item of facilities, speci5gi test equip ent, and sp tial tooling (other than that subject to a "Special cooling" clause) I acquired by the 36-108-02 •u s.<m...1.1niAnx<orra, nuR-vn-w STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -8 REF. NO. OF DOC. NMG CO'70. Contract Number PAGE. O GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION 5:HEET FED, PROC. REG. (4I CFR( 1-16.101 DABE13-72-C-0022 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACIOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPUES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE. AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Contractor for the Government pursuant to this ontract s all pass to an vest in the Government when ,its use in the performance f this co tr ct commence , or upon payment therefor by the Government, whichever is earlier, whether or. not title previously vested. All Government-furnished pr perty, to et er with all property acquired by the Contractor title to which vests in the Go er ment under his para- graph, is subject to the provisions of this clause and is hereinafter co lectively referred to as "Government property". Title to Government property shat not be affected by the incorporation or attachment thereof to anj property not wned by the Government, nor shall such Government property, or anj pert thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity as person ity by re sor of affixat on to any realty. (d) Property Administration. The Con ractor shall comply with the pro- visions of Appendix B, Armed Services Procurema t Regulation as in effect on the date of the contract, which is hereby incorpora ed by ref re ce and made a part of this contract. Material to be furnished by The Governmant shall be ordered or returned by the Contractor, when required, IF accordan a W th the 'Ilia ual for Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Proc dure (MIL TRIP) for Defer se Con- tractors" (Appendix H, Armed Services Procurement Regulatio) as in eff ct on the date of this contract, which Manual is here y incorpo at d by refere ce and made a part of this contract. (e) Use of Government Property. The Government pr perty shall unless otherwise provided herein or approved by the Contracting fficer, be us d only for the performance of this contract. (f) Maintenance and Repair of.Governm nt Pro erR . The Contractor shall maintain and administer, in accordance with souid industrial practice, a program for the maintenance, repair, protection, and preservation of Government Iroperty, until disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with this clause. In he event that any daroge occurs to Government property tie risk of which has been assumed by the Government under this contract, the Gove nment shall replace such items or the Contractor shall make such repair of the pr perty as ithe Government irects; provided, however, that if the Contractor canno effect sl`_,ch repair with n the time required, the Contractor shall dispose of uch property in the manner directed by the Contracting Officer, The contract price includes io compensation to the Contractor for the performance of any repair or replacemellit or which th Government! is responsible, and an equitable adjustment wil be made In any contract al pro- visions affected by such repair or replacement f Governu3nt property male at the direction of the Government, in accordance with the procelur.s provided or in the "Changes" clause of this contract. Any repair r replacenen for which he Con- tractor is responsible under the provisions of his cont ct shall be aclomplished by the Contractor at his own expense. 0 (g) Risk of Loss. Unless otherwise p ovided IF th s contract, the Con- tractor assumes the risk of, and shall be respo sible for, a y loss or'd mage to Government property provided under this contract upon its de ivery to hi or upon 36-108-02 1 + 0. a Rp"WRTRRWiI CElICR, Mi$0�'u. STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 19669 REF. NO. OF DOC. DEING CONrD. PAGE OF ADMINISTRATION Ci�L�TINUATION SHEET Contract Number GENERAL SERVICES D FED. PROREG. (dl CER) 1-16.101 DADE13-72-C-0.022 NAME OF OFFEROROR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) passage of title thereto to the Government as provided in paragraph (c) h reof, except for reasonable wear and tear and except to the extent that such property is consumed in the performance of this contract. (h) Access. Th© Government, and any p rsons design ted by it, hall at all reasonable times have access to the premises wherein -inygovernment p operty Is located, for the prupose of inspecting the Go ernment rop rty. (1) Final Accountingand Dis osition o Governor nt Fra ert . Mon the completion of this contract, or at such earlier ates as ay a fixed by the Con- tracting Officer, the Contractor shall submit, i a form aiCcetable to th Con- tracting Officer, inventory schedules covering a l items c G vernment prpperty not consumed in the performance of this contract (includi a y resulting scrap) or not theretofore delivered to the Government, nd shall prepare for sh4ment, delivery f.o.b. origin, or dispose of the Govern.ant property; as may be directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer. The n t procee s o any such disposal shall be credited to the contract price or shall be paid in sich other ma ner as the Contracting Officer may direct.. (j) Restoration of Contractor's Premis s and Abandolment. Unle s other- wise provided herein, the Government: (i) may abandon any Government pr perty in place, and ther upon all obligation of the Government egarding such abondoned roperty shall cease; and (ii) has no obligation to the Cont actor with r gard to restoration or rehabilitation of the Cont actor's Frem ses, neither in case of abandonment (paragraph (j) i) above)', d sposition oi com- pletion of need or of the conract (paragr•ph (i) abov=), nor otherwise, except for restoration or rehabilitation co is which are properly included in an equitable dju tment under paragraph (b) above. (k) Communications. All communication issued p rsw:nt to this lause shall be in writing or in accordance with the "N nual for itil tary Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (HILSTRIP) fo Defense Contractors'' (A di H, Armed Services Procurement Regulation). O 36-105-02 ♦ us. eoY01MURXI Pemnxe OFFICE: uuo—xH-ew STANDARD FORM 32 JUNE n%4 EDITION GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROD REG. (41 CFR) 1-16.101 GENERAL FROVISIONS (Supply Contract) L DEFINITIONS As used throughout this contract, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: (a) The term "head of the agency" or "Secretary" means the Secretary, the Under Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or any other head or assistant head of the executive or military department or other Fed- eral agency; and the term "leis duly authorized representative" means any person or persons or board (other than the Contracting officer) authorized to act for the head of the agency or the Secretary. (b) The term "Contracting Officer" means the person executing this contract on behalf of the Government, and any other officer or civilian employee who is a properly designated Contracting Officer, and the term includes, except as otherwise provided in this contract, the authorized representative of a Con. tracting Offleer acting within the limits of his authority. (c) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the term "subcontracts" includes purchase orders under this contract. 2. CHANOES The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, make changes, within the general scope of this contract, in any one or more of the following: (I) Drawings, designs, or specifications, where the supplies to be furnished are to be specially manu- factured for the Government in accordance therewith: (ii) method of shipment or packing; and (lit) place of delivery. If any such change causes an Increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether changed or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price or delivery schedule, or both, and the contract shall be modified in writing necord- Ingly. Any claim by the Contractor for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 30 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notifleation of change: Provided, however. That the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final pay- ment under this contract. Where the cost of property made obsolete or excess as a result of it change is included In the Contractor's claim for adjustment, the Contracting OFricer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of such property. Failure to agree toanyadjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the mean- ing of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." How- ever, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the contract as changed. $. EXTRAS Except as otherwise provided in this contract, no pay- ment for extras shall be made unless such extras and the price therefor have been authorized in writing by the Con- tracting Officer. 4. VARIATION IN QUANTITY NO variation in the quantity of any item called for by this contract will be accepted unless such variation has been caused by conditions of loading, shipping, or packing, or allowances In manufacturing processes, and then only to the extent, if any, specified elsewhere in this contract. 6. INSPECTION (a) All supplies (which term throughout this clause In. eludes without limitation raw materials, components, later - mediate assemblies, and end products) shall be subject to Inspection and test by the Government, to the extent prac- ticable nt all times and places including the period of man- ufacture. and in any event prior to acceptance. (b) In case any supplies or lots of supplies are defective In material or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity Contract Number DABE13-72-•C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas, with the requirements of this contract, the Government shall have the right either to reject them (with or without in- structions as to their disposition) or to require their cor- rection. Supplies or lots of supplies which have been rejected or required to be corrected shall be removed or, if permitted or required by the Contracting Officer, corrected In place by and at the expense of the Contractor promptly after notice, and shall not thereafter be tendered for ac- ceptance unless the former rejection or requirement of cor- rection is disclosed. If the Contractor fails promptly to re- move such supplies or lots of supplies which are required to be removed, or promptly to replace or correct such supplies or lots of supplies, the Government either (i) may by contract or otherwise replace or correct such supplies and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned the Govern- ment thereby. or (i1) may terminate this contract for de- fault as provided in the clause of this contract entitled "Default" Unless the Contractor corrects or replaces such supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require the delivery of such supplies at a reduc- tion in price which is equitable under the circumstances. Failure to agree to such reduction of price shall be a dis- pute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." (c) If any inspection or test is made by the Government on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor without additional charge shall provide all rea- sonable facilities and assistance for the safety and conven- ience of the Government inspectors in the performance of their duties. If Government inspection or test is made at a point other than the premises of the Contractor or a sub- contractor, it shall be at the expense of the Government except as otherwise provided in this contract: Provided, That in case of rejection the Government shall not be liable for any reduction in value of samples used In correction with such inspection or test. All inspections and tests by the Government shall be performed In such a manner as not to unduly delay the work. The Government reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additional cost of Government inspection and test when supplies are not ready at the time such inspection and test is requested by the Contractor or when reinspection or retest is necessitated by prior rejection. Acceptance or rejection of the supplies shall be made as promptly as practicable after delivery, except ns otherwise provided in this contract; but failure to inspect and accept or reject supplies shall neither relieve the Contractor from responsibility for such supplies as are not in accordance with the contract requirements nor im- pose liability on the Government therefor. (d) The inspection and test by the Government of any supplies or lots thereof does not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility regarding defects or other failures' to meet the contract requirements which may be discovered prior to acceptance. Except ns otherwise provided In this contract, acceptance shall be conclusive except as regards latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistaL-es as amount to fraud. (e) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an In- spection system acceptable to the Government covering the supplies hereunder. Records of all Inspection work by the Contractor shall be kept complete and available to the Gov- ernment during the performance of this contract and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere In this contract. 0. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES Except as otherwise provided in this contract, (1) the Contractor shall be responsible for the supplies covered by this contract until they are delivered at the designated de- livery point, regardless of the point of inspection; (iq after delivery to the Government at the designated point and prior to acceptance by the Government or rejection and giving notice thereof by the Government, the Govern- ment shall be responsible for the loss or destruction of or damage to the supplies only if such loss, destruction, or STANDARD FORM 32 JURE 1964 EDITION cI0-16—I6781—I 32-406 damage results from the negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting within the scope of their employment; and (iii) the Contractor shall bear all risks as to rejected supplies after notice of rejection, except that the Government shall be responsible for the loss, or destruction of, or damage to the supplies only if such loss, destruction or damage results from the gross negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting with- in the scope of their CmDIOyment. T. PAYMnNT9 The Contractor shall be paid, upon the submission of proper -invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated herein for supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered and accepted; less deductions, if any, as herein provided. Un- less otherwise specified, payment will be made on partial deliveries accepted by the Government when the amount due on such deliveries so warrants; or, when requested by the Contractor, payment for accepted partial deliveries shall be made whenever such payment would equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50 percent of the total amount of this con- tract 8. AssmNMENT OF CLAIMS (a) Pursuant to the provisions of the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as amended (31 U.S.C. 203, 41 U.S.C. 15), if this contract provides for payments aggregating $1,000 or more, claims for moneys due or to become due the Contractor from the Government under this contract may be assigned to. a bank, trust company, or other financing institution, including any Federal lending agency, and may thereafter be further assigned and reassigned to any such Institution. Any such assignment or reassignment shall cover all amounts payable under this contract and not al- ready paid, and shall not be made to more than one party, except that any such assignment or reassignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two or more parties participating in such financing. Unless otherwise provided in this contract, payments to an assignee of any moneys due or to become due under this contract shall not, to the extent provided in said Act, as amended, be subject to reduction or setoff. (The preceding sentence applies only if this contract is made in time of war or national emergency as defined in said Act and is with the Depart- ment of Defense. the General Services Administration, the Atomic Energy Commissimi. the National 'Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Federal Aviation Agency, or any other department or agency of the United States designated by the President pursuant to Clause 4 of the proviso of sec- tion 1 of the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, as.amended by the Act of Dlay 15,1951, 05 Stat 41.) (b) In no event shall copies of this contract or of any plans, specifications, or other similar documents relating to work under this contract, If marked "Top Secret" "Secret" or "Confidential," be furnished to any assignee Of any claim arising under this contract or to any other person not en- titled to receive the same. However, a copy of any part or all of this contract so marked may be furnished, or any in- formation contained therein may be disclosed, to such as- signee upon the prior written authorization of the Con- tracting Officer. 9. ADDITIONAL BOND SECURITY If any surety upon any bond furnished in connection with this contract becomes unacceptable to the Government or if any such surety fails to furnish reports as to his financial condition from time to time as requested by the Government, the Contractor shall promptly furnish such additional security as may be required from time to time to protect the Interests of the Government and of persons supplying labor or materials In the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract 10.EX.kMINATION OF RECOEDS (The following clause is applicable if the amount of this contract exceeds $2,500 and was entered into by means of negotiation, but is not applicable if this contract was entered into by means of formai advertising.) (a) The Contractor agrees that the Comptroller Gen- eral of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions related to this contract (b) The Contractor further agrees to include In all his subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrbes that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representa- tives shall, until the expiration of three years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor, involving trans- actions related to the subcontract. The term subcon- tract" as used in this clause excludes (t) purchase orders not exceeding $2,500 and (it) subcontracts or purchase orders for public utility services at rates established for uniform applicability to the general public. 11. DEFAULT (a) The Government may, subject to the provisions of paragraph (c) below, by written notice of default to the Contractor, terminate the whole or any part of this contract in any one of the following circumstances: (I) if the Contractor fails to make delivery of the sup• plies or to perform the services within the time specified herein or any extension thereof; or (ii) if the Contractor fails to perform any of the other provisions of this contract, or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance of this contract in accord- ance with its terms, and in either of these two circum- stances does not cure such failure within a period of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Of- ficer - may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure. (b) In the event the Government terminates this con- tract in whole or in part as provided In paragraph'(a) of this clause, the Government may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as the Contracting Officer may deem appropriate, supplies or services similar to those so ter- minated, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Govern- ment for any excess costs for such similar supplies or services: Provided, That the Contractor shall continue the performance of this contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this clause. (c) Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if the failure to perform the contract arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Con- tractor. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Gov- ernment in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather; but in every case the failure to perform must be beyond the con- trol and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and if such default arises out of causes beyond the control of both the Contractor and subcontrac- tor, and without the fault or negligence of either of them, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the supplies or services to be fur- nished by the subcontractor were obtainable from other sources in sufficient time to permit the Contractor to meet the required delivery schedule. (d) If this contract Is terminated as provided In para- graph (a) of this clause, the Government, in addition to any other rights provided In this clause, may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Govermnent in the manner and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, (1) any completed supplies, and (it) such partially completed supplies and materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, plans, drawings, information, and contract rights (hereinafter called "manufacturing materials") as the Contractor has specifically produced or.specifically acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated; and the Contractor shall, upon direction of the Contracting Officer, protect and preserve property in possession of the Contractor in which the Government has an interest. Payment for completed supplies delivered to and accepted by the Government shall be at the contract price. .Payment for manufacturing materials delivered to and accepted by the Government and for the protection and preservation of property shall be in an amount agreed upon by the Contractor and Contracting Officer; failure to agree to such amount shall be a dispute concerning a ques- tion of fact within the meaning of the clause of this con- tract entitled "Disputes." The Government may withhold cPo—,a—Ialat-l- STANDARD FORM 32 JUNE 1961 EDITION from amounts otherwise due the Contractor for such com- pleted supplies or manufacturing materials such sum as the Contracting Officer determines to be necessary to pro- tect the Government against loss because of outstanding liens or claims of former lien holders. (e) If, after notice of termination of this contract under the provisions of this clause, it is determined for any reason that the Contractor was not in default under the provisions of this clause, or that the default was ex- cusable under the provisions of this clause, the rights and obligations of the parties shall, if the contract contains a clause providing for termination for convenience of the Government, be the same as if the notice of termination had been Issued pursuant to such clause. If, after notice of termination of this contract under the provisions of this clause, it is determined for any reason that the Contractor was not In default under the provisions of this clause, and If this contract does not contain a clause providing for termination for convenience of the Government, the con- tract shall be equitably adjusted to compensate for such termination and the contract modified accordingly; failure to agree to any such adjustment shall be a dispute con- cerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." (f) The rights and remedies of the Government pro- vided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addi- tion to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 12. DISPUTES (a) Except as otherwise provided In this contract, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this contract which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor. The decision of the Contracting Officer shall be final and conclusive unless, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes to the Contracting Officer a written appeal addressed to the Secretary. The decision of the Secretary or his duly authorized representative for the determination of such appeals shall be final and con- clusive unless determined by a court of competent juris- diction to have been fraudulent, or capricious, or arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Con- tractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of Its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor shall pro- ceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in accordance with the Contracting Officer's decision. (b) This "Disputes" clause does not preclude considers - tion of law questions in connection with decisions provided for In paragraph (a) above:. Provided, That nothing in this contract shall be construed as making find the de. cision of any administrative official, representative, or board on a question of law. 13. NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT AND COPY- RIGHT INFRINGEMENT The provisions of this clause shnll be applicable only If the amount of this contract exceeds $10,000. (a) The Contractor shall report to the Contracting Officer, promptly and in reasonable written detail, each notice or claim of patent or copyright infringement based on the per- formance of this eontrnet of which the Contractor has knowledge. (b) In the event of any claim or suit against the Gov- ernment on account of any alleged patent or copyright in- fringement arising out of the performance of this contract or out of the use of any supplies furnished or work or serv- lees performed hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when requested by the*Contracting Officer, all evidence and information in possession of the Contractor pertaining to such suit or claim. Stich evidence and infor- mntion shall be furnished at the expense of the Government except where the Contractor has agreed to indemnify the Government. STANDARD FORM1t 3Z JUNE 1969 EDITION 14. BUY AMERICAN ACT (a) In acquiring end products, the Buy American Act (41 U.S. Code 10 a -d) provides that the Government give preference to domestic source end products. For the pur- pose of this clause: (I) "components" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are directly incorporated in the end products - (if) "end products" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are to be acquired under this contract for public use; and (iii) It "domestic source end product" means (A) an unmanufactured end product which has been mined or produced in the United States and (B) an end product manufactured in the United States if the cost of the com- ponents thereof which are mined, produced, or manufac- tured in the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components. For the purposes of this (a)(III)(B), components of foreign origin of the same type or kind as the products referred to in (b) (11) or (fit) of this clause shall be treated as components mined, produced, or manu- factured In the United States. (b) The Contractor agrees that there will be delivered under this contract only domestic source end products, except end products: (i) which are for use outside the United States; (11) which the Government determines are not mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States In suffi- cient and reasonably available commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality; (111) as to which the Secretary determines the domestic preference to be inconsistent with the public interest; or (iv) as to which the Secretary determines the cost to the Government to be unreasonable. (The foregoing requirements are administered in accord- ance with Executive Order No. 10582, dated December 17, 1954.) 15. CONVICT LABOR In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the Contractor agrees not to employ any person undergoing sentence of imprisonment at hard labor. 16. CONTRACT WORK HOURS STANDARDS ACI—OVERTIME COMPENSATION This contract, to the extent that it is of a character speci- fied In the Contract Work Hours Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-330), is subject to the following provisions and to all other applicable provisions and exceptions of such Act and the regulations of the Secretary of Labor thereunder. (a) Overtime requirements. No Contractor or subcon-. tractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or me- chanics shall require or permit any laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he Is employed on such work to work in excess of eight hours in any calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek on work subject to the pro- visions of the Contract Work Hours Standards Act unless such laborer or Bacchante receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times his basic rate of pay for all such boors worked In excess of eight hours in any calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek, whichever is the greater number of overtime hours. (b) Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated dam- ages. In the event of any violation of the provisions of paragraph (a), the Contractor and .any subcontractor re- sponsible therefor shall be liable to any affected employee for his unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and sub- contractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechnnic employed in violation of the provisions of paragraph (a) In the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such employee was re- quired or permitted to be employed on such work In excess of eight hours or in excess of his standard workw6ek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by paragraph (a). (c) Withholding for unpaid wages and liiluldated dam- ages. The Contracting Officer may withhold from the Gov- ernment Prime Contractor, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Contractor or subcontrac- e70-18-76781-1 tor, such sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or Sub- contractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as pro- vided in the provisions of paragraph (b). (d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert paragraphs (a) through (d) of this clause in all subcontracts, and shall require their inclusion in all subcontracts of any tier. (e) Records. The Contractor shall maintain payroll rec- ords containing the information specified In 29 CPR 516.2(a). Such -,records shall be preserved for three years from the completion of the contract 17, WALSiT-HEALEY PUBLIC CONTP.ACTs ACT If this contract is for the manufacture or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles, or equipment in an amount which exceeds or may exceed $10,000 and is otherwise subject to the Walsh -Healey Public Contracts Act, as amended (41 U.S. Code 35-40), there are hereby incorporated by reference all representations and stipulations required by said Act and regulations issued thereunder by the Secretary of Labor, such representations and stipulations being sub- ject to all applicable rulings and interpretations of the Secre- tary of Labor which are now or may hereafter be in effect. 18. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (The following clause is applicable unless this contract is exempt under the rules and regulations of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity (41 CFR, Chapter 60). Exemptions include Contracts and subcon- tracts (f) not exceeding $10,000, (it) not exceeding $100,000 for standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and (fit) under which work is performed outside the United States and no recruitment of workers within the Unfted.States is involved.) During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (a) The Contractor will not discriminate against any em- ployee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirma- tive action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employ- ment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or re- cruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (b) The Contractor will, in all. solicitations or advertise- ments for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. (c) The Contractor will send to each labor union or rep- resentative of workers with which he has a collective bar- gaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency Contracting Officer, advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the Contractor's commitments under this nondiscrimination clause, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (d) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended. and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Presi- dent's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity created thereby. (e) The Contractor will furnish all information and re- ports required by Executive Order No. 10925 of March 0, 1901, as amended, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the - said Committee, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Committee for purposes of investigation to ascer- tain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (f) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clause of this contract or with any of the said rules. regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended In whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govern. ment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, and snch other sanctions may be imposed and remedies in- voked as provided in the said Executive order or by rule, regulation, or order of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, or as otherwise provided by law. (g) The Contractor will include the provisions of para- graphs (a) through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Oppor- tunity issued pursuant to section 303 of Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.* The Contractor will take such action with respect to any sub- contract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to pro- tect tine interests of the United States. 'Unless otherwise provided, the Equal Opportunity Clause is not required to be inserted in subcontracts below the sec. and tier except for subcontracts involving the performance of 'construction work' at the 'site of construction' (as those terms are defined in the Committee's rules and regulations) in ichich case the clause must be inserted in all such sub- contracts. Subcontracts may incorporate by reference the Equal Opportunity Clause. 19. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident Com- missioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this con- tract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. 20. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Contractor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this con- tract upon an agreement or understanding for a commis- sion, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Contractor for the purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty the Government shall have the right to an- nul this contract without liability or in its discretion to de. net from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. 21. UTILIZATION OF ,SMALL BUsIxrsa CONCEENs (a) It is the policy of the Government as declared by the Congress that a fair proportion of the purchases and contracts for supplies and services for the Government be placed with small business concerns. (b) The Contractor agrees to accomplish the maximum amount of subcontracting to small business concerns that the Contractor finds to be consistent with the efficient per- formance of this contract. 22. UTILIZATION OF CONCERNS IN LABOR SURPLus AnEAs (The following clause is applicable if this contract ex- ceeds $5,000.) It is the policy of the Government to place contracts with concerns which will Perform snch contracts substantially in areas of persistent or substantial labor surplus where this can be done, consistent with the efficient performance of the contract, at prices no higher than are obtainable else- where. The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to place his subcontracts in accordance with this policy. In complying with the foregoing and with paragraph (b) of the clause of this contract entitled "Utilization of Small Business Concerns," the Contractor in placing his sub- contracts shall observe the following order of preference: (I) persistent labor surplus area concerns which are also small business concerns; (II) other persistent labor surplus area concerns; (III) substantial labor surplus area concerns which are also small business concerns; (IV) other substantial labor surplus area concerns; and (V) small business concerns which are not labor surplus area concerns. U... GOY[RNN[XT PRIXTI. WKE c,70-16-76781-1 Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS City of Salina, Kansas (Supply Contract) 23. FEDERAL. STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES. (Aug. 1961)(ASPR 11-401.1) (a) Except as may be othe-wise provided in this contracy,he contract price includes all applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties. (b) Nevertheless, with respect to any Federal excise tax or duty on the transactions or property covered by this contract, if a statute, court decision, written ruling, or regulation takes effect after the contract date, and - (1) results in the Contractor being required to pay or bear the burden of any such Federal excise tax or duty or increase in the rate thereof which would not otherwise have been payable on such transactions or property, the contact price shall be increased by the amount of such tax or duty or rate increase, provided the Contractor warrants in writing that no amount for such newly imposed Federal excise tax or duty or rate increase was included in the contract price as a contingency reserve or otherwise; or (2) results in the Contractor not being required to pay or bear the burden of, or in his obtaining a refund or drawback of, any such Federal excise tax or duty which would othewrise have been payable on such transactions or property or which was the basis of an increase in the contract price, the contract price shall be decreased by the amount of the relief, refund, or drawback, or that amount shall be paid to the Government, as directed by the Contracting Officer. The contract price shall be similarly decreased if the Contractor, through his fault or negligence or his failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer, is required to pay or beer the burden of, or does not obtain a refund or drawback of, any such Federal excise tax or duty. (c) No adjustment of less than $100 shall be made in the contract price pursuant to paragraph (b) above. (d) As used in paragraph (b) above, the term "contract date" means the date set for bid opening, or if this is a negotiated contract, the contract date. As to additional supplies or services procured by modifica- tion to,this contract, the term "contract date" means the date of such modification. (el Unless there does not exist any reasonable basis to sustain an exemption, the Government upon the request of the Contractor shall. without further liability, furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption hum any Federal, State, or local tax; provided that, evidence appropriate to establish exemption from any Federal rxc ise tax or duty which may give rise to either an increase or decrease in the contract price will be furnished only at the discretion of the Government. - (O The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of matters which will result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price, and shall take action with respect thereto as directed by the Contracting Officer. 2-4. AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT /MAR 19641 ASPH 9-102.1) The Government hereby gives its authorization and consent (without prejudice to any rights of indemni- fication) for all ase and manufacture, in the performance of this contract or any part hereof or any amendment hereto or any subcontract hereunder (including any lower -tier subcontract), of any invention described in and covered by a patent of the United States (i) embodied in the structure or composition of any article the delivery of which is accepted by the Government under this contract, or (ii) utilized in the machinery, tools, or methods the use of which necessarily result's from compliance by the Contractor or the using subcontractor with (a) specifications or written provisions now or hereafter forming a part of this contract, or (b) specific written instructions given by the Contracting Officer directing the manner of performance. The entire liability to the Government for infringement of a patent of the United States shall be determined solely by the provisions of the indemnity clauses, if any, included in this contract or any subcontract hereunder (including any lower -tier subcontract), and the Government assumes liability for all other infringement to the extent of the authoriza- tion and consent hereinabove granted. 25. RENEGOTIATION. (Oct. 1959)(ASPR 7-103.13) (a) To the extent required by law, this contract is subject to the Renegotiation Act of 1951 (50 U.S.C. App. 1211, et seq), as amended, and to euy subsequent act of Congress providing for the renegotiation of Con- tracts. Nothing contained in this clause shall impose any reaegotietion obligation with respect. to this con- tract or any subcontract hereunder which is not imposed by an act of Congrers heretofore or hereafter enacted. Subject to the foregoing this contract shall be deemed to contain nil the provisions required by Section 104 of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, and by any such other act, without subsequent contract amendment specifi- cally incorporating such provisions. ' (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the provisions of this clause, including this paragraph (b), in all subcontracts, as that term is defined in section 103g of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, as amended. 26. GRATUITIES. (Mar. 1952)'ASPR 7-104.16) (a) The Government may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed under this contract if it is found, after notice and bearing, by the Secretary of his duly authorized representative, that gratuities (in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise) were offered or given by the Contractor, or any agent or representative of the Contractor, to any officer or employee of the Govern- ment with a view toward securing a contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending, or the making of any dote rm inat ions with respect to the performing of such contract; provided, the the existence of the facts upon which the Secretary or his duly authorized representative makes such findings shall be in issue and may be reviewed in any competent court. (b) In the event thiscontractis terminated as provided in paragraph (a) hereof, the Government shall be entitled (i) to pursue the same remedies against the Contractor as it could pursue in the event of a breach of the contract by the Contractor, and (ii) as a penalty in addition to any other damages to which it may be entitled by law, to exemplary damages in an amount (as determined by the Secretary or his duly authorized representative) which shall be not less than three nor more than ten times the costs incurred by the Con- tractor in providing any such gratuities to any such officer or employee. _ , (c) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 27. PRIORITIES, ALLOCATIONS AND ALLOTMENTS. (tan. 1961)(ASPR-7-104.18) 'The Contractor shall follow the provisions of DMS Beg. 1 and all other applicable regulations and orders of the Business and Defense Services Administration in obtaining controlled materials and other products and materials needed to fill this order. .. 28. INTEREST. (May 1963) (ASPR, Appendix E, E620) Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, unless paid within 30 days all amounts that become payable by the Contractor to the Government under this contract (net of any applicable tax credit under the Internal Revenue Code) shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum from the date due until paid and shall be subject to adjustments as provided by Part 6 of Appendix E of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as in effect on the date of this contract. Amounts shall be due upon the earliest one of (i) the date fixed pursuant to this contract, (ii) the date of the first written demand for payment, consistent with this contract, (iii) the date of transmittal by the Government to the Contractor of a proposed supplemental agreement to confirm completed negotiations fixing the amount, or (iv) if this contract provides for revision of prices, the date of written notice to the Contractor stating the amount of refund payable in connection wi!h a pricing proposal or in connection with a negotiated pricing agreement not confirmed by contract sunl.leme,it. Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 29. The following alterations have been made in the provisions of this contract: a. General Provision No. 6, RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES, is hereby deleted In its entirety and the following General Provision No. 6 is substituted in lieu thereof: 6. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS (1968 JUN) (a) Unless this contract specifically provides for earlier passage of title, title to supplies covered by this contract shall pass to the Govern- ment upon formal acceptance, regardless of when or where the Government takes physical possession. (b) (1) Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, risk of loss of or damage to supplies covered by this contract shall remain with the Contractor until, and shall pass to the Government upon: (1) delivery of the supplies to a carrier, if transportation Is f.o.b. origin; (ii) acceptance by the Government or delivery of possession of the supplies to the Government at the destination specified in this contract, whichever is later, if transportation is f.o.b. destination. (2) Notwithstanding (1) above, the risk of loss of or damage to supplies which so fail to conform to the contract as to give a right of rejection shall remain with the Contractor until cure or acceptance, at which time (1) above shall apply. (c) Notwithstanding (b) above, the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to supplies caused by the negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting within the scope of their employment. b. General Provision No. 10 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the fol- lowing General Provision No. 10 is substituted in lieu thereof: 10. -EXAMINATION OF RECORDS (1969 APR) (a) The Contractor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until expir- ation of three years after final payment under this contract or of the time periods specified to Appendix M of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, 0 A -t ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) whichever expires earlier, have access to and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor, that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to this contract or subcontracts hereunder. (b) The Contractor further agrees to include in all his sub- contracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees. that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly autho- rized representatives shall, until expiration of three years after final pay- ment under the subcontract or of the time periods specified in Appendix M of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, whichever expires earlier, have ac- cess to and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to the subcontract. The term "subcontract' as used in the clause excludes: (i) purchase orders not exceeding $2,500 and (ii) subcontracts or -purchase orders for public utility services at rates established for uniform applica- bility to the general public. C. The following sub -paragraph (g) is hereby added to General Provision No. 11 set forth in Standard Form 32. "(g) As used in paragraph (c) of this clause, the terms "subcontractor" and "subcontractors" mean subcontractor(s) at any tier." d. The following subparagraph (c) is hereby added to General Provision No. 13 set forth in Standard Form 32. "(c) This clause shall be included in all subcontracts." e. General Provision No. 14 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the fol- lowing General Provision No. 14 is substituted in lieu thereof: 14. BUY AMERICAN ACT (1964 MAY) (a) In acquiring end products, the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. l0a-d) provides that the Government give preference to domestic source end pro- ducts. For the purpose of this clause: (i) "components" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are directly incorporated in the end products; (ii) "end products" means those articles, materials, and sup- plies, Which are to be acquired under this contract for public use; and Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas .ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (iii) a "domestic source end product" means (A) an unmanufact- ured end product which has been mined or produced in the United States and (B) an end product manufactured in the United States if the cost of the components thereof which are mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States or Canada exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its. com- ponents. For the purposes of this (a)(iii)(B), compon- ents of foreign origin of the same type or kind as the pro- ducts referred to in (b)(H) or (iii) of this clause shall be treated as components mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States. (b) The Contractor agrees that there will be delivered under this contract only domestic source end products, except end products: (i) which are for use outside the United States; (ii) which the Government determines are not mined, produced, or manu- factured in the United States in sufficient and reasonably avail- able commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality; (iii) as to which the Secretary determines the domestic preference to . be inconsistent with the public interest; or (iv) as to which the Secretary determines the cost to the Government to be unreasonable. (The foregoing requirements are administered in accordance with Executive Order No. 10582, dated December 17, 1954. So as to alleviate the impact of Department of Defense expenditures on the United States balance of international payments, bids offering domestic source end products normally will be evaluated against bids offering other end products by adding a factor of fifty percent (500/0 to the latter, exclusive of import duties. Details of the evaluation procedure are set forth in Section VI of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation.) f. General Provision No. 18 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following General Provision No. 18 is substituted in lieu thereof: 18. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (1969 JAN) (This clause applies if the contract amount exceed $10,000) During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: 0 A-3 ADDITIONAL, GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (1) The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruit- ment or recruitment advertising: layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer set- ting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,, religion, sex, or national origin. (3) The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency Contracting Officer, ad- vising the labor union or workers' representative of the Contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders'of the Secretary of Labor. (5) The Contractor will furnish all information and reports re- quired by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regula- tions, and orders of the Secretary of Labor or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigations to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (6) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regula- tion, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. : .... .. f.. .. 0 Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (7) The Contractor will include the provisions ofParagraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by -rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such pro- visions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions includ- ing sanctions for non-compliance: Provided, however., that in the event the Con- tractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontract- or or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Con- tractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. g. General Provision No. 22 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following General Provision No. 22 is substituted in lieu thereof: 22. UTILIZATION OF LABOR SURPLUS AREA CONCERNS (1970 JUN) (a) It is the policy of the Government to award contracts to 'labor surplus area concerns, that (1) have been certified by the Secretary of Labor (hereafter referred to respectively as certified concerns with a first or second preference) regarding the employment of a proportionate number of disad- vantaged individuals and have agreed to perform substantially (i) in or near sections of concentrated unemployment or underemployment or in persistent or substantial labor surplus areas or (ii) in other areas of the United States; or (2) are noncertified concerns which have agreed to perform substantially in per- sistent or substantial labor surplus areas, where this can be done consistent with the efficient performance of the contract and at prices no higher than are ob- tainable elsewhere. The Contractor agrees to use.his best efforts to place his subcontracts in accordance with this policy. (b) In complying with paragraph (a) of this clause and with para- graph (b) of the clause of this contract entitled "Utilization of Small Business Concerns," the Contractor in placing his subcontracts shall observe the following order of preference: (1) certified concerns with a first preference which are also small business concerns, (2) other certified concerns with a first preference, (3) certified concerns with a second preference which are also small business con- cerns, (4) other certified concerns with a second preference, (5) persistent or substantial labor surplus area concerns which are also small business concerns, (6) other persistent or substantial labor surplus area concerns, and (7) small business concerns which are not labor surplus area concerns. h. In Additional General Provision No. 28, INTEREST, the date of the pro- vision is hereby changed from MAY 1963 to 1968 MAY, and the information contained in (ii) is hereby changed to read "(ii) the date of the first written demand for payment, consistent with this contract, including demand consequent upon default termination." 0 I. The following General Provision No: 30 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: A-5 ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) 30. DISCOUNTS (1968 JUN) In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of delivery of the supplies to carrier when acceptance is at the point of origin, or from date of delivery at destination or port of embarkation when delivery and acceptance are at either of these points, or from the date the correct invoice or voucher is received in the office specified by the Govern- ment, if the latter is hater than date of delivery. Payment is deemed to be made for the purpose of earning the discount on the date of mailing of the Govern- ment check. J. The following General Provision No, 31 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: 31. RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSPECTION (1968 SEP) Notwithstanding the requirements for any Government inspection and test contained in specifications applicable to this contract, except where speci- alized inspections or tests are specified for performance solely by the Govern- ment, the Contractor shall perform or have performed the inspections and tests required to substantiate that the supplies and services provided under the con- tract conform to the drawings, specifications and contract requirements listed herein, including if applicable the technical requirements for the manufacturers' part number specified herein. k. The following General Provision No. 32 is hereby added as an Additional General -Provision: 32. NOTICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF LABOR DISPUTES (1958 SEP) (a) Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this contract, the Contractor shall immediately give'notice thereof, includ- ing all relevant information with respect thereto, to the Contracting Officer. (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (b), in any subcontract hereunder as to which a labor dispute may delay the timely performance of this contract; except that each such subcontract shall provide that in the event its timely performance is de- layed or threatened by delay by any actual or potential labor dispute, the sub- contractor shall immediately notify his next higher tier subcontractor, or the prime contractor, as the case may be, of all relevant information with respect to such dispute. 1. The following General Provision No, 33 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: A-6 c.. Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) 33. PATENT INDEMNITY (1964 SEP) (This clause applies if the contract is for supplies that normally are or have been sold or offered for sale to the public in the commercial open market) If the amount of this contract is in excess of $5,000, the , Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and em- ployees against liability, including costs, for infringement of any United States letters patent (except letters patent issued upon an application which is now or may hereafter be kept secret or otherwise withheld from issue by order of the Government) arising out of the manufacture or delivery of supplies or out of construction, alteration, modification, or repair of real property (hereinafter referred to as "construction work") under this contract, or out of the use or disposal by or for the account of the Government of such supplies or construction work. The foregoing indemnity shall not apply unless the Contractor shall have been informed as soon as practicable by the Govern- ment of the suit or action alleging such infringement, and shall have been given such opportunity as is afforded by applicable laws, rules, or regulations to participate in the defense thereof; and further, such indemnity shall not apply to: (i) an infringement resulting from compliance with specific written instructions of the Contracting Officer directing a change in the supplies to be delivered or in the materials or equipment to be used, or directing a manner of performance of the contract not normally used by the Contractor; (ii) an infringement resulting from addition to, or change in, such supplies or com- ponents furnished or construction work performed which addition or change was made subsequent to delivery or performance by the Contractor; or (iii) a claimed infringement which is settled without the consent of the Contractor, unless required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction. m. The following General Provision No. 34 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: 34. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1968 FEB)' (This clause applies if the contract amount does not exceed $10,000) The Contracting Officer, by written notice, may terminate this contract, in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest of the Govern- ment. If this contract is so terminated, the Contractor shall be compensated in accordance with ASPR Section VIII, in effect on this contract's date. n. Goneral Provision No. 35, Termination for Convenience of the Govern- ment (Supply and Service Contracts in excess of $10,000.00), is hereby added as an Additional General Provision, and where applicable is hereby attached: A-7 /Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas 35. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Or THE UGVERKIENT (1970 .;l.l.) (a) The performance of work under this contract may be terminated by the Government in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the Contracting Officer shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the Government. Anysuch termination shall be effected by de- livery to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the contract is terminated, and the dr,te upon; which such termination becomes effective. ,(b) "After receipt of a notice of Termination,. and except as otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall, (i) stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent speci- fled in the Notice of Termination; (ii) place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities, except as may be necessary for completion of such por- tion of the work under the contract as is not ternincJed; terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they re- late to the performance of work terminated by the Notice of Ter::;- ination; (i v)assign to the Government, in the :Manner, at -the tiares, and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, all of the right, titre, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Government shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all .claims arising out of the terminatio+f of such orders and subcontr.-cts; (v) settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the Contracting Officer, to the extent he may re- quire, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; (vi) transfer title and deliver to the Government, it, the ginner, at the tines, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Contracting Officer, (A) the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process completed work, supplies, and other material produced as c part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the work term- inated by the 'dotice of Termination, and (B) the completed or par- tially co,ipleted plans, drawings, information, and other property which, if the contract h.d been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the U-overnment. W TCG I TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1970 JUL) (Cont'd) (vii) use his best efforts to sell, in the manner, at the times, to the extent, and at the price or prices directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, any property of the types referred to in (vi) above; provided, however, that the Contractor (A) shall not be re- quired to extend credit to any purchaser, and (B) may acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Contracting Officer; and provided further that the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be ap- plied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Government to the Contractor under this contract or shall otherwise be credited to the price or cost of the work.covered by this contract or paid I n such other manner as the Contracting Officer may direct; (viii) complete performance of'such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and (ix) take such action as may be necessary, or as the Contracting Officer may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property re- lated to this contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Government has or may acquire an interest. At any time after expiration of the plant clearance period, .as defined in Section VIII, Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as it may be amended from time to time, the Contractor may submit to the Contracting Officer a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory not pre- viously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, and may request the Government to remove such items or enter into a storage agreement covering them. Not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter, the Government will accept title to such items and remove them or enter into a storage agreement covering the same; provided, that the list submit- ted shall be subject to verification by the Contracting Officer upon removal of the items, or if the items are stored, within forty-five (45) days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct the list as sub- mitted shall be made prior to final settlement.. (c) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer his termination claim, in the form and with certifi- cation prescribed by the Contracting Officer. Such claim shall be submitted prom- ptly but.in,no event later than one year from the effective date of termination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Contracting Officer, upon request of the Contractor made in writing within such one year period or. authorized extension thereof. However, if the Contracting Officer determines that the facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such one year period or any extension thereof. Upon TCG 2 Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1970 JUL) (Cont'd) failure of the Contractor to submit his termination claim within the time allowed, the Contracting Officer may, subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals re- quired by Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the term- ination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the amount so determined, (d) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (c), and subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals1required by Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of'this contract, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to this clause, which amount or amounts may include a reasonable allowance for profit on work done; provided, that such agreed amount or amounts, exclusive of settlement costs, shall not exceed the total contract price as reduced by the a m)unt of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated. The contract shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in paragraph (e) of this class e, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this clause, shall be deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this para- graph (d). (e) In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree as provided.in paragraph (d) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Con- tractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this clause, the Contract- ing Officer shall, subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals required by Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, pay to the Contractor the amounts determined by the Contracting Officer as follows, but without duplication of any amounts agreed upon in accordance with paragraph (d): (i) for completed supplies accepted by the Government (or sold or ac- quired as provided in paragraph (b)(vii) above) and not theretofore paid for, a sum equivalent to the aggregate price for such supplies computed in accordance with the price or prices specified in the n:ontract, appropriately adjusted for any saving of -freight or other charges; (ii) the total of - (A) the costs incurred in the performance of the work terminateed, 0 TGG 3 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1970 JUL) (Cont'd) including initial costs and preparatory expense allocable thereto, but exclusive of any costs attributable to supplies paid or to be paid for under paragraph (e)(i) hereof; (B) the cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work under subcontracts or orders, as pro- vided in paragraph (b)(v) above, which are properly charge- able to the terminated portion of the contract (exclusive of amounts paid or payable on acFount of supplies or mat- erials delivered or services furnished by subcontractors or vendors prior to the effective date of the Notice of Term- ination, which amounts shall be included in the costs pay- able under (A) above); and (C) a sum, as profit on (A) above, determined by the Contracting Officer pursuant to 8-303 of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, in effect as of the date of execution of this con- tract, to be fair and reasonable; provided, however, that if it appears that the Contractor would have sustained a loss on the entire contract had it been completed, no profit shall be in- cluded or allowed under this subdivision (C) and an appropriate adjustment shall be made reducing the amount of the settlement to reflect the indicated rate of loss; and (iii) the reasonable costs of settlement, including accounting, legal, clerical, and other expenses reasonably necessary for the prep- aration of settlement claims and supporting data with respect to the terminated portion of the contract and for the termination and settlement of subcontract thereunder, together with reasonable stor- age, transportation, and other costs incurred in connection with the protection or disposition of property allocable to this contract. The total sum to be paid to the Contractor under (1) and (ii) of this paragraph (e) shall not exceed the total, contract price as reduced by the amount of payments other- wise made and as further reduced by the contract price of work notterminated. Ex- cept for normal spoilage, and except to the extent that the Government shall have otherwise expressly assumed the risk of loss, there shall be excluded from the amounts payable to the Contractor as provided in (e)(i) and (ii) and (A) above, the fair value, as determined by the Contracting Officer, of property which is destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged so as to become undeliverable to the Government, or to a buyer pursuant to paragraph (b)(vii). (f) Costs claimed, agreed to, or determined pursuant hereof shall be in accordance with Section XV of the Armed Regulation as in effect on the date of this contract. TCG 4 to (c), (d), and (e) Services Procurement 0 Contract Number DABE13-72-C-0022 City of Salina, Kansas TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1970 JUL) (Cont'd) (g) The Contractor shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes", from any determination made by the Contracting Officer under paragraph (c) or (e) above, except that if the Contractor has failed to submit his claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to request extension of such time, he shall have no such right of appeal. In.any case where the Contracting Officer has made a determination of the amount due under paragraph (c) or (e) above, the Government shall pay to the Contractor the following: (i) if there is no right of appeal hereunder or if no timely appeal has been taken, the amount so determined by the Contracting Officer, or (ii) if an appeal has been taken, the amount finally determined on such appeal. (h) In arriving at the amount due the Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted (i) all unliquidated advance or other payments on account there- tofore made to the Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of this con- tract, (ii) any claim which the Government may have against the Contractor in con- nection with this contract, and (iii) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise recovered by or cred- ited to the Government. (i) If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Contracting Officer a request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the contract (the portion not terminated by the Notice of Termination), and such equitable adjust- ment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices. (j) The Government may from time to time, under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, make partial payments and payments on account against costs Incurred by the Contractor in connection with the terminated portion of this con- tract whenever in the opinion of the Contracting Officer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor will be entitled here- under. If the total of such payments is in excess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor to the Government upon demand, together with interest computed at the rate of 6 percent per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor to the date on which such excess is repaid to the Gov- ernment; provided, however, that no interest shall be charged with respect to any such excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Contractor's claim by rea- son of retention or other disposition of termination inventory until ten days after the date of such retention or disposition, or such later date as determined by the Contracting Officer by reason of the circumstances. (k) Unless otherwise provided for in this contract, or by applicable statute, the Contractor, from the effective date of termination and for a period of three 0 TCG 5 M TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1970 JUL) (Cont'd) years after final settlement under this contract, shall preserve and make avail- able to the Government at all reasonable times at the office of the Contractor but without direct charge to the Government, all his books, records, documents, and other evidence bearing on the costs and expenses of the Contractor under this contract and relating to the work terminated hereunder, or, to the extent approved by the Contracting Officer, photographs, micro -photographs, or other authentic re- productions thereof. ,. TCG 6 / DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON % SCIIIIJSNG AIR FORCE BASE, KANSAS DACA41-4-67-311 ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- '----------- ------------ T11E DEPAP:P:(ENT OF THE A%NY rj is hereby granted a permit f or a term of five (5) years, beginning 1 January , 19 67 , and ending 31 December 19 71 but revocable at will by the Secretary of the Air Force, to use for housing purposes , A parcel of land containing 295.41 acres, more or less, and 735 family housing units located thereon, including installed equipment contained therein, and appurtenances thereto, generally identified as the Capehart (busing Area, lying within the boundaries of Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas,' i as shown substantially in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereofq ead-des- es-foddewe: THIS PERMIT is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. That the use and occupation of the said premises shall be without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Force, under the general supervision and subject to the approval of the officer having immediate jurisdiction over the premises, and subject also to such rules and regulations as he may from time to time prescribe. 2. That the permittee shall, at its own expense and without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Force, maintain and keep in good repair and condition the premises herein authorized to be used. 3: That any interference with or damage to property under control of the Department of the 'S * Air Force incident to the exercise of the"privileges herein granEed shall'be promptly corrected by the permittee to the satisfaction of the said officer. 4• That the permittee shall pay the cost, as determined by the said officer, of producing ans/or supplying any utilities and otker services furnished by tiie Department of the Air Force or through Department of the Air Force facilities for the use of the permittee. EAC r o I OCT 57 V U G 362a (Eft ao5-I-875) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE IE—iBTb/-1 5. That no additions to or alterations of the premises shall be made without the prior consent of -the said ofzeer. 6. That if for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Air Force to perform functions and/or render services which are the responsibility of the permittee, the said officer may, in lieu of reimbursement, require the permittee to furnish the personnel and/or materials required for the performance of said functions and/or for the rendering of said services. In addition to furnishing personnel and/or materials, the permittee shall reimburse the Department of the, Air Force for any costs incurred by the Department of the Air Force in connection with said functions and/or services such as for supervisim Selection of such personnel will be subject to the approval of the said officer. 7. That on or before the date of expiration of this permit or its relinquishment by the per- mittee, the permittee shall vacate the said premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the said officer, ordinary wear and tear and damage beyond the control of the Permittee excepted. If, however, this permit is revoked, the permittee shall vacate the premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises as aforesaid within such time as the Secretary of the Air Force may designate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand by authority of the Secretary of the Air Force this 21st— day of becember 1966 0. E. EETTIMM Chief, Real Estate Division WX. G..QXYLXT RR�FLIX40/TILL ib—laii.�l 0 a _, .. •�-�_-�,....+-..�-�r-_J-.�«-a....+-.-♦-.-«K.--I-+.,r-+_...y.f-r-`-r'1'-�--f-�'--:----:-^--�--�-•-+.y'-+-f;�-+�_I-:.-+.1.#4 -, �i% S,- : �j UUl I ie�oa I•'v! �,� � JJ�iy � i�' ...11 ,! ! 4U5� 1 IUi /,ry ^, /4(0++, l�r4U ��i•�.%'. ' �"4Ul 2Jl�} �,Iftaopt., /( �n"" �Ui� -�CL��.1i�f 0. t.ts r \1 I � U/w lf��;; ! �; r''^ 1'�f '/"L'�;(� �j,� +ri^�/j�� j �[rJ�('•��} ,�LRI) lj.. a e>� �••`,�I C{� j� 1v �j„ ^u� � /% e w I U ° tta• ;:�+I�rr ,E�� too kW 1 r;D °_L.j ^�i�f� f:, ,J..� "V ��-03 n P &-=3 .71 V ? SC MJGl .f ,. iL '.X t4 u 11OUSING AREA Schilling - I �\ • - _- Schilling Air Force ikse, Salina, Kansas Permit to the Department of the Army Zrl� �' �`' L —• • I II ._ Y, .�i-`J-_ <_ � � _ L 1 � .1.. � .b .a : •T'.t1w�.._� .. � � "�• `r- r:°a ftla �J: 1 i rU j - '•� • U i pfd , R.' test r_r, \\ v�i is :✓�/ .• �� ".:� �� �j r^fo }ff, eft � - • �.`. ul• •�' ,� y�r 11 ({�1f�� ,`'w` \ �`._. .�a�!<�.i.iLfl, .�))e � l v-. •a=[�+`[�(; ::���I�t )('��+f�y1r (!j� ! r•°> rf<y '°<i. •r 1.1 rMf �a r[ef t!ot v ,. 'y plot rlrn res.�I F�-V�i - !'.• "". ,i.j7• j��� _' �4T,Li" _`-ZYL .___ resp pef� rL r -a lr oa I ' •' ` f'i .. , i ' � pJ . r• 7 f� . l 11 o sj 'L•i:3%J1•- w`u :� r � j)'`�1 i �Y ` ��. �,�i�eki�.d. •.�^. ALP.DL-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 Mr. NorrIs.D. Olson City 11anager City Bali Building Sabina, Kansas 67401 i Gentlemen: 8 Octobor 1970 Attached is your copy of Contract Number DABEI_3-71-C-0057 Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return this letter to Purchasing and Contracting Division, Bldg 11179, Fort Riley, Kansas 66442. 1 Incl as RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: (Signature) i (Title/Position) Sincerely, VEPS1014 T.. t-VUHLOIN Contracting Officer ALRDL 19 DEC 68 FL4 (Su PERSED£S ALRGL-P FL 2, DATED 17 JUN 68.) 1� (Date) ARMY -FT RILEY, KMIS S-54 STANDARD FORM 26, JULY 1966 GEW-RAx SERVICES ADMINISTRAi1CM! uo. NOc REG. (41CFR) 1-16.101 E 1OF AvhFks.f�/COfvTRACi I P 1 30 L CONTRACT'7, Prr�, flet. Ideet) NO. I A tIfECTIVE DATE 3. REQUI5ITION,'PURCHASF. AEGU ESi/PROIER NO. t4. CERTIHED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER BDSA DA1iE13-71-C-0057 J 70J F�11 -- I `f'-��-71 RATING, AND/OR DMS REG. 1. -UL -01 5. ISSUi:p BY CODE L--- I Procures,ent Division DIO --" 1 RATING, ------_---- CODE --17. DELIVERY bb. ADMINISTEAED PY -- " (` "a"`a'"a'°`a 5� FOB DESTI. �irector Building 179 r� o� Facilities Engineering (J NAT, ° fort ::i ley, Kansas, 66442 i Bu,1E7 OTHER (See Fort Riley, Kansas i 66442 B. CONTRACTOR CODE. NAME AND ADDRESS FAClL(T'Y CODE ,. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT F_ City of Salina, Kansas —� (Sind, eit7, A t'uni ci pal Corporacion - I Net C", ZIP`�`d,) City Hall Building Salina, Kansas 67401 Li Ifo. SUBMIT INVOICES (j ropier ue/rsr alhreudn xfedfiied) TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN atOCK_ Block No. 11 11. Slid TOIMARK FOR CODS 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODEI _ C!immandar Finance Officer Schilling Hanor Sub -Post Building 70 Building 595 Fort Riky, Kansas 66442 17. WS PROCl.6Zl_-1T WAS E] AOVE1iSTD, uYA. NEGOTIATEO, Flfi JANE TO, " 10 U.S.C.2304 (0;(1 D 41 U.S.C. 252 (c$ J 14. ACCCKMS4G AND APPROPreAi10N -DAPA -- 21-9710700 55-1003 P1910-2570 S14040 T7220 LtTPL1EL% ERVICEi ��— OUANIITY LRJIT I UNIT PRICE AM20. OUNT ost to tyle Gover;i„a_nt for Fire rj I -- Prot:^_coon o 5e supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas or Schilling anor Sub -Post Haar Salina, ansas, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract. 1 1 I 21. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $ CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COALPLETE 22 OR 26 AS 22. �{ CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (CawtracmY it required le J;ge _BLOCK APPLICABIE 26. AWARD (Caam aa• it net rmuirrd fa riga Jh;r denuaent. Kir document and return ,op", to irru;w ° rce.) Contractor a- ea p g f all ,tem, rn all sar•.9en sol forth or otherwise to furnish and dand ) Your oRer I on Solicitation Namber ,including the . i. wlem Feethe Identified a6ovo and on ony thMinuation ,her,, for the comideration a ad herein. The ngks end oatigo,lans of the parfies to This be addBiap, or changes me le by you which addition, or chart es a aSavy B hereb 9 re rucI; Forth in AFull ter,. Y acuped e, to the nems listed above and on any cenlinvcfion sheea) contract sholl sub'ed Io and 1 Sov rood by the following docvmedu (a11hi, award/coMrad, (6J the ,olicilafien, iF anY. and (c) uch provisions, reprmealatlans, eetli&alioos, Th', sword <onmmmole, the eomrece which mmi,h of the followin0 doxumanly (oI the GenmmmYs soGdbtien sadmv oRer, and b this a I) word/conbad. No and sped5catio s, as a "°ached or incorpomled by reference herein. (Attachmenit are listed bereier) futlhar contractual document 4 news sot . Y 27. NAMEOFt CFOR IA/{rITY GF �r1LITlx I27. UNITED S S OF AMERICA 8Y ISignaNrad prbn dvlhorixed ro sign. ..-E�i'LZL YJ BY � �r V•� 24, NAME AND TIRE BOF SIGNER (Type or prixJJ 25. DATE SIGNED d. D O F SI (SiSnebre of CanlracGng OfhcerJ -- 28. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or prsuQ 129. DATE SIGNED City ilanager Tic/ f VERNON T. HANLON 700CTOB 26-105-01 —' •., n......... enNnxG ornex 1 teal RESOLUTION NU19BER 3074 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, identified as Contract Number DABE13-]-Y C-0057, dated July 1, relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, be and the 11 same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of. Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of October, 1970. (SEAL) Mayor Attest: City Clerk I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of'the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that Resclution Number 3074 was passed by the City Commission at its regular meeting on October 5, 1970, and that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy o,' the original on file in my office. y , D. L. Harrison, City Clerk STANDAiD FORM 36, JULY 1966 '1 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROC_ REG. (41 CFR) 1=16.101 TAME of OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. CONTINUATION SHEET CITY OF'SALINA, KANSAS SUPPLIES/SERVICES REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING COI` Contract Number DABE13-71-C-005 QUANTITY IUNITI UNIT PRICE PAGE AMOUNT AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message D� 739487,Ifro� C of ENGRS1 dated 8 Nov )965, subject: Use of excess apehart GUS ng at Schilling AFB for dislocated families. V.S. GOv[[ xx[xL[Pixfixc ;6-108-02. - The Department of the Air Force Permit No. DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas, buildings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. OA -23 -028 -ENG -7787, and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contract. 12 Mo $4,796.91 ($57,562.92 Credit to the Government for Government- 12 Mo $ 446.91 $ 5,362.92 Furnished Property NET CONTRACT PRICE 12 Mo� $4,350.00 ($52,200.00 AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message D� 739487,Ifro� C of ENGRS1 dated 8 Nov )965, subject: Use of excess apehart GUS ng at Schilling AFB for dislocated families. V.S. GOv[[ xx[xL[Pixfixc ;6-108-02. - E - REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING COW D. PAGE OF STANDARD €ORM 36, JULY 1966-2 Contract Number GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET DASE13-11-C-0057 FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFRI 1-16.101 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY Of SALINA, KANSAS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES SPECIAL PROVISIONS Sp -1, CONTRACT PERIOD, This contract shall begin 1 Jul 1970, and hall end 30 June 1971,both dates inclusive, unless soone termina ed nder the p visions of this contract, SP -2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT, The Contractor s all; on he erms herei fter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, ]ant, eq ipm nt and appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the fi a protec ion service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post in strict accordan a ith the ter s and con- ditions of this contract. The Contractor shall erform rk onsisting f the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire pre ention a d p otection s rvice. b. Provide the Sub -Post Commander t chnical ssi tante in f rmulating regulations covering reduction and elimination o fire hazard . c. Conduct annual prevention inspec ion of d pen ent housing and all other buildings and areas included in Schilling anor Sub Pos as set fo th in Item No. 1 herein, d. Perform first and second echelon maintena ce ervice on he Govern- ment Furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. e. Make annual representative fire low test as required. f. Assist in conducting formal inve tigation of Government fire losses SP -3. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CONTRACT T�e Contracti g Officer or his duly appointed successor, is responsible or the a min stration o this contract, and alone is authorized, to the extent indicate inithis contra t, to take action on behalf of the Government which re utts in can is in the t rms of this contract, including deviations from specifi ations, 'ea is, and delivery schedules. SP -4, FRACTIONAL PAYMENTS, If necessary a the tom enc men! ort nation of this contract, payment shall be made for any ractiona pa t of a s ser - mil vice at the rate of one -thirtieth (1/30) of the nthly c arg for eaof service rendered. SP -5• STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work erformed in he accment of furtherance of the services to be furnished u`doVldthlwith nco ra t shall be t a corpbe imits comparable, but not limited to, the service p of the City of Salina as required by the standar s establ she by ths Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire com any havingnot sall than four (4) men on duty at all times stationed within f ve 5) portions of the area under contract, both supervisory per onn 1 and mpany available for immediate service except for unfor seen eme gen les, itoassure that the standards contemplated by this c ntract a e intainis per- formance of service shall include back-up servic at all times. Y y.A Bmexxxexi F,Ixux� WrKe : see o—iv-4r ,_. STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 AER. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT'D. 3NO. PAGE OF ONEPI SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET Contract Number FED. PROC. REG. (41, CFRI 1-16.101 D AB E 13 - 71-C -OOy 7 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO.. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRIES AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) sP-6. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE. a. The Contractor shall indemnify and save h rmless the Gov rnment, its officers, agents, and employees against all actions, proc edings, claims demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorne Fs fees, y eason of an suit or action brought for any actual or alleged Injury to, or de th of any person, or dam- age to property including that property furnished by the 3ov rnment for Use of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performance or ser is s hereunder, b, The Contractor shall indemnify and save h rm ess the Gov, rnment fro any loss of or damage to Government property caused by ne li ence, theft or wilful misconduct of his employees. SP-7. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION. Th Contract r hall: a. Be responsible for organizing aid administering the fire prevention and protection service required hereunder for S hilling M not1 Sub-Post In ar Salina, Kansas. 1 b. Be required to furnish technical assistan e Io the Schil Ing Manor Sub-Post Commander in the formulating of regula ions coverinc the reduct on and elimination of fire hazards. c. Conduct an annual fire prevents n inspection of dependen housing located in Schilling Manor Sub-Post. Conduct a quarterly in pection of ffice, welfare, and utility buildings, including the nual testing of fire ala m systems, occupied by the Department of the Army that are to ated in the city of Salina. The Contractor shall furnish a written report of tho findings o each inspection of violations of the fire regulation to the S b- ost Command r, main- taining necessary records to provide for follow-up inspectic s in suffic ent numbers to secure corrective actions. d. Properly train and instruct his personnel in the operati n and maintenance of, and perform the inspection and first and sec nd echelon laintenance service on, all Government property furnished h reunder. e. Annual representative fire flow tests will b made on se ected fire hydrants within each principal area to determin adequac of water flow or fire protection within the area. Results will be ev luated acgin t previous Aow tests and utilized in formulating prearranged firefig ting pla s. Fire hydran s will be color coded in accordance with NFIIA Codes to in state n1a imu fJre flow or each individual hydrant at 10 psi residual pressure. 36-108-02 • U.S. 4GVGNNIM PRIMING ornce : all, a—aa-us STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 -4 c�� I�11 n M.� ` Sev R r. No. OF DOC. BEING CONT -D. PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATI01d SHEET Contract Number FED. KOC_ REG. )11 CFR) 1-16.101 DABE13-.71-c-oo57 IIAti OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ` ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES - QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP -8.. RESPONSE TO A RGDnDTCn a. The Contractor shall be require to pro tly respond to reported fire call and take necessary action to extinguis all fir s p omptly to m nimuze fire loss and water damage. The Contractor she] take ex edi ious action ni elimina loss of life at the site of a reported fire, and upon the om letion of t e extin- guishing of the fire, the Contractor shall be r 'uired to rem ve any exce s accumu- lation of water impounded within the building du ing the extinguishing o the fire to minimize water damage. b. The Contractor shall be require to cond ct n investiga ion into the cause of a fire in conjunction with tho Cont acting 0 fie rFs Represe tative to determine cause and corrective action necessary o preven si ilar occurr nces, and to submit reports of each investigation, presery ng evidence or the use f a board of officers making formal investigation of.fires C. The Contractor shall prepare an maintai fi a departmen records and reports of operation, personnel, equlprnt a d suppli s r quired for he opera- tion of the fire department furnishing fire Prot ction fo SIC filling Mano Sub -Post under this contract. . SP -9. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY.%.';,.,,' a. The Government shall furnish the Contractor for the performance trucks a se forth here n to the of the t6r0-cb'se ditions of this contract. forth u der the terms a d con- Quantity Item Fire Truck De cri tion Class b3 T uck Pumper formerly USAF Registr tion No 52L 174, USAF Stock No 21 -639-9853), with the followin in entory of a uipment: Stock No 4210-0974 Noun Applicator -ex rsioA uantit 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 4730-535-0826 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double emale I . 2 5110-293-0351 Connection -hose -double le 2 Cutter -cable I 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt I Rockwood Part I #SA 2550 4210-223-9915 Extension -water fog 2 4210-595-0148 Extinguisher-fire 4210-722-90336 Hose -suction -soft 3 1 4210-722-9298 Hose Hose 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly i6 20 4 36 -108 -Oz • V. 5. OOVUMMFMT PR.".40"'C[ ,f,{0 -t1,-{,{ L 4TANDA.'.D FORM 36, JULY 1966 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROG REG. 141 CFRI 1-16.101 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO, CONTINUATION SHEET CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUPPLIES/SERVICES PECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Stock No Noun 4210-•202-6715 Hose -suction -hard 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1111 4210-142-1103 Ladder 4210-334-8728 Ladder -241 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly -21211 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -111 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose 4730-535-0825 Double Female -4-11 7100-678000 Rope -manila 4210-288-9599 4210-240-5531 Siamese Connection-ga 4210-174-1349 Strainer -suction Strap -hose and ladder 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 5120-516-3354 Wrench -spanner REF. NO. OF DOC, EEING CONI Contract Number DABE13-71-C-005' QUANTITY type b*Property Administrator: The Office design roporty records in connection with Government -f rnished ract is: Post Engineer Property Officer Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas C. Responsibility and Performance: (1) Title to the Government-furnis ed p t, (2) In addition to Schilling Manor Sub -Post s rein, Government -furnished property may be use to -fight fi her, than US Government property. (3) The Government shall at all resonable ses wherein any Governmant-furnished proper y is to PAGE UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 100 ft. 1 1 4 2 6 2 maintain the y under this con - Il rem infin the forth in Item No. 1 originat nq in have acces4 to the (4) The Contractor shall maintain nd admin to in accord nce with ound business practice, a program for the maint nance, re ai ervation of the .Government -furnished property, nd shall a esponsprotiblecti o ornaljre- irst and second echelon type repairs on the one fire truc a signed for se under his contract. 36 -IOD -02 ' �0.R..cOY[AHgcxT FLI NIIx4'OipCF�IFaPO—iae-a4 I- STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED :ROC. REG. (41 CFRI 7-16.101 WAE OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. COAlTINUA I IO:V SHEt-T CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS SUPPLIES/SERVICES if IAL PROVISIONS (Continued) (a) Manu 1 Class 530A Fire REF. NO. OF DOC. WNG CONT9. Contract Number DABE13-71-C-0057 I QUANTITY ,UNIT, UNir PRICE I AMOUNT a Air Force TechniIal Order T 1975AAB-2 b LO 9-8022 - Lubri;cation Or er. aintenance of equipment shall be in accordance Ith Secti n 3 of TO 19758-26 Il items of work listed in Section 3 shall be c nsidered he responsibil ty of he Contractor (b) Reporting ,The Contragtor will rsa equired to submit monthly report of repai, lubrication, fuel, qII and of erservices performed the above item of equipment. I I ( QI ill I omplished by Post Engineerreonrtth approprriategfcjrmsltolmalntainosuiitableihistorical ata on the above vehicle. (5) Maintenance and Repair in E>icess of T at Previously_ ited. 11 repair work of a third, fourth, or fifth ech(lon type ill be accompl shed by ost Field Maintenance at fort Riley, Kansas, an is not t e esponsibilit'Iy of the Dntractor. Upon notification of the need for work of this ty e, the work will be -complished by the most expeditious means to avgid extend d own time onlChe luipment. (6) Completion of Contract. At the end ot e contract 'eriod, each item of equipment shall be returned to the overnment in the same ge eral ondition as noted in the joint inspection of th equipmen a the initia ion of the contract. With the exception of Items const ered to b f it wear and tear, all discrepancies found on terminal inspection will be cor ec ed by the C ntractor prior to release from the requirements of this c ntraet. SP -10. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (FIXED PRICE) APR. 1968 II I a. Goverrm>ent-Furnished Property. iThe Gover me t shall deliver to the Contractor, for use In connection with and under the t rm of this co tract, the property described as Government -furnished property in th Schedule o speci- fications, together with such related data and irlformation as the Contrac or may request and as may reasonably be required for thti intended us of such pr perty (hereinafter referred to as "Government-furnisheproperty'), The delivery or per- formance dates for the supplies or services to bI furnishe b the Contra for under this contract are based upon the expectation thatt- urnished pr perty suitable for use (except for such property furniGovernme hed "as i ") will be del vered to 36-108-0] f M& OOVERNtlFMf PRIMO Orrl[f : If' 0-1 Fib, - REF. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONTD. PAGE OF STANDARD FORM 36, JUIY 1966 -7 Contract Number GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION 51-IEET FED. PROC. REG. (U CFR) 1,-16:101 OABE13-71-C-0057 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTR400R CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) the Contractor at the times stated in the Sched le or, if not so stated, in suffi- cient time to enable the Contractor to meet suct delivery or performance dates, In the event that Government -furnished property is not de iv red to the ontractor by such time or times, the Contracting Officer shall, upoi timely writter request made by the Contractor, make a determination of the delay, if any, occasioned the Contractor thereby, and shall equitably adjust the delive y cr performance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other c ntractual prcvision affected by any such delay, in accordance with the procedur s providel for in the cl use of this contract entitled "Changes." Except for G ernment- Furr ished property furnishe "as is", in the event the Government -furnished property i received by tie Contracto in a condition not suitable for the intended usc the Cont-aclor shall, u on receipt thereof, notify the Contracting Officer of such fact and, as directed by the Con- tracting Officer, either (i) return such property at the ov rnmentFs ex ense or otherwise dispose of the property, or (ii) effect repairs or modificaitiors. Upon the completion of (i) or (ii) above, the Contracting Offi er upon writter request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or er ormance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provis On e�ffected by the re- jection or disposition, or the repair or modification, in acdordance witf the pro- cedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes." The fore- going provisions for adjustment are exclusive a d the Gov3rrment shall not be liable to suit for breach of contract by reason of any delay in delivery of Govern- ment -furnished property or delivery of such pro erty in a co dition not suitable for its intended use. (b) Changes in Government -furnished P o ert . (1) By notice in writing, the Co tracting fficer may (I);decrease I the property provided or to be provided by the Government under this contract, or (ii) substitute other Government-owned property for prope ty�to be provi ed by the Government, or to be acquired by the Contractor for the G verinment, under this contract. The Contractor shall promptly take such action as;the Contracting Officer may direct with respect to the removal ind shippi g of property covered by such notice. j (2) In the event of any decrease -in or sub titution of property pursuant to subparagraph (.1) above, or any withdrawal of luthority to use property provided under any other contract or lease, which properte the Government(, had agreed in the Schedule to make available for the performs ce of this contract, the Contracting Officer, upon the written request ol the Cont actor (or, if he sub- stitution of property causes a decrease in the cost of pe formance, on his own initiative), shall equitably adjust such contractual provlsidns as may be affected by the decrease, substitution, or withdrawal, it accordan a with the procedures pro- vided for in the "Changes" clause of this contract. (c) 111h. Title to all property fur ished byheiGovernment hall remain in the Governm. nt. In order to define the oblig tions of he parties undpir this clause, title to each item of facilities, speci1001ingil1 test eq ipl;ent, and sp tial tooling (other than that subject to a "Special clau i e) acquired by the i 36 -IDS -02 • 0 s We ... 1., nixnxc mnn . "N o -U, -w. L_ STANDARD,FORM 36, JULY 1966-8 n� REF. NO. OF DOC. UNG CONTTI. PAGE Of GENERAL SERVICE$ ADMINISTRApON CONTINUATICI11 SHEET Contract Number EEL. FROG, REG. I�1 ciRl 1_le.lol DABE13-7I-C-005j NAME OF OFFEROR OR 'CONTRACTOR _ CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS_ ITEM NO. - SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Contractor for the Government pursuant to this contract s tall pass to an vest in the Government when its use in the performance f this co tr c t commence or upon payment therefor by the Government, whichever i earlier, wh ther or not title previously vested, All Government -furnished pr perty, to)' o et er with all property acquired by the Contractor title to which vests in the Go er ment under his para- graph, is subject to the provisions of this cla se and is he einafter co lectively referred to as "Government property", Title to Governmen p operty shal not be affected by the incorporation or attachment the eof to anp operty not wned by the Government, nor shall such Government prope ty, or an p rt thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity as person Ity by re so of affixat on to realty, any (d) Property Administration, The Con ractor shill comply with the pro- visions of Appendix B, Armed Services Procureme t Regulation, as in effe t on the date of the contract, which is hereby incorpora ed by ref re ce and made a part of this contract. Material to be furnished by he Govern en shall be o dered or returned by the Contractor, when required, i accordan a with the "Ma ual for Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Proc dure (MIL TRIP) for Defe se Con- tractors" (Appendix N, Armed Services Procurem nt Regula io) as in eff ct the date of this contract, which Manual is here y incorpo at d by referece on and made a part of this contract, I (e) Use of Government Property, The overnment pr perty shall unless otherwise provided herein or approved by the Co tracting ff cer, be us d only for the performance of this contract, (f) Maintenance and Repair of Governm nt Pro erg, The Contra for shall maintain and administer, in accordance with sou d industrial practice, a program for the maintenance, repair, protection, and pr servation of GovernmentI roperty, until disposed of by the Contractor in accordan a with this lause. In he event that any damage occurs to Government property It a risk of wh ch has been assumed by the Government under this contract, the Gove nment shall eplace such items or the Contractor shall make such repair of the pr perty as as he Government irects; provided, however, that if the Contractor canno effect s ch repair with n the time required, the Contractor shall dispose of uch property in the mann r directed by the Contracting Officer, The contract price includes o ompensation to the Contractor for the performance of any repair or replacem t or which th Government is responsible, and an equitable adjustment wil be made in ny contract al pro- visions affected by such repair or replacement f Govern nt property made at the direction of the Government, in accordance with the proc ur s provided or in the "Changes" clause of this contract, Any repair r replac n for which he Con•• tractor is responsible under the provisions of his cont ct shall be ac omplished by the Contractor at his own expense, (g) Risk of Loss. Unless otherwise p ovided It th s contract, the Con- tractor assumes the risk of, and shall be respo Bible fo , a y loss or d mage to Government property provided under this contrac upon itE de ivery to hi or upon 36-106-OY • 6A <09faxr(Cxr RrxTIxG ovKf , rytL ewt-,p 0_. STANDARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 9 ME. NO. Of DOC. BEING CONT'D. PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION i CONTINUATION SHEET contract Number • • FED. PROD REO. (41 CFR( 1-16.101 DABE13-71-C-0057 N;YAE OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM _N_O -r--- I-- SUPPLIES/SERVICES _ -_.-� (SPECIAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRIG _ AMO" PROVISIONS (Continued) passage of title thereto to the Government as pr vided in ar graph (c) h reof, except for reasonable wear and tear and except t the extent hat such pr perty is consumed in the performance of this contract. (h) Access. The Government, and any p rsons design ted by it, hall at all reasonable times have access to the premises whereiny overnment p operty is located, for the prupose of inspecting the Government top rty. (i) Final Accounting and Disposition o Governm nt Pro ert . U on the completion of this contract, or at such earlier !e fixed by the Con- dates as ay tracting Officer, the Contractor shall submit, iA a form Icce{btable to th Con- tracting Officer, inventory schedules covering all items cf G vernment property not.consumed in the performance of this contract (includir a y resulting scrap) or not theretofore delivered to the Government, nd shall preare for shipment, delivery f.o.b. origin, or dispose of the Govern ent property as may be directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, The net procee s o any such d sposal shall be credited to the contract price or shall be paid in s ch other ma net as the Contracting Officer may direct. (j) Restoration of Contractor's Premis s and AW ndo;ment. I Unle s other- wise provided herein, the Government: (i) may abandon any Government pr perty in pla e, and ther upon all obligation of the Government egarding suci abondoned roperty shall cease; and, (ii) has no obligation to the Cont actor wi h r gard to restoration or rehabilitation of the Cont actor's rem ses, neithe in case of abandonment (paragraph (j} i) above), d sposition o com- pletion of need or of the con tact (P, ph (i) abov ), nor otherwise, except for restora ion or r hab litation co is which are properly included in an a uItable dju tment under paragraph (b) above. (k) Communications. All communication issued p rsu nt to this clause shall be in writing or in accordance with the "M nual for Mil taryStandaIII Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTRIP) fo Defense Con tactors" (Appendix H, Armed Services Procurement Regulation). 36-108-02 t W c cov[[xxcxT PCIR[I., W= : IU, o—bh[p F-- ' SIANWARD FORM 36, JULY 1966 �- PREF. INFO. OF DOC. KING CONT'D. PAGE OF GTN :RAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION Sh.'sT Contract li Ui -,fri FED. PROC. REG (AI CFR( 1_16.101 " (DA iEI3-71-C-ii037 NASI: OF OFFEROR O@ CONTRACTOR _-- City of Sa1i119 K�,1jSp_; ITEM NO.. __ SUPPUES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT CERTIFICATION OF HONSEGREGATF0 FACILITIES, (Applicable to co tracts, sulk-o.�tracts, and agreements with applicants who are themselve construction contracts, exceeding $10,000 perform ng ederally as isted which of the Equal Opportunity re not o erp from the provisions clause.) By the submission of this bid, the bidder, offer certifies that: he does r, appli. ant or subcont actor not n+.aintain or provide facilities at any of his establishm=nts, and tha f r his el he does loy es any segr gated to perform their services at any location, under his cont not ol, permit his where segre mployees facilities are maintained. He certified further that he ill not maintai ated vide for his anpioyees any segregated facilities at any o. hi establish or pro- nts, and that he will not permit his employees to perform his their se vie s at any to ation, under control, where segregated facilities feror, applicant, or subcontractor re maint ine . The biddder, of- agrees that a a violation of the Equal Opportunity clause in t breach o is th s cartiflc tion is fication, the term "segregated facilities,, mean cont r n waits y ct. g r As used I oms, work this certi roams and vash rooms, restaurants and other eats areas, tim a�rreas, clocks, lo�Cker rest and other storage or dressing areas, parking lot , drinks g f untains, rF rooms reation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facil tie provided r employ- ees which are segregated by explicit directive o basis are in act segregated n the of race, creed, color, or national origin, otherwise. He further because f IT bit, local ustom or agrees that (Except where f1cotions from, proposed subcontractors he has o tai ed identical corti- for speci identical certifications from proposed subcontra is time tors eri t ds) he will obtain contracts exceeding $10;000 which are not exempt prior from the provisions the award of Eqpual Df sub- Op- portunity clause; that he will retain such certi ications in lis flies; and that he will forward the following notice to such pro the osed subcontractors (except where proposed subcontractors have submitted ident cal cert fie tions fors ecific tiros periods): NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUCCOMACTORS OF P.EQUIRENFHT FOR C RTI (CATIONS OF NON- SEGREGATED FACILITIES, A Certification of Nonsegregated acl itios, as r uired by the May 9, 1967, order on Elimination of Scgrgated Fa ill les, by the Secretary of Labor (32 Fed, Reg, 71139, May 19, 1967), must be submi ted prior to the award of a subcontract exceeding $10,000 1Ciiich is not empt fr the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause, The certification rmylbe subnit�ted;either for ach sub- contract or for all subcontracts during a period (i.e., gt art '•rly, semian ually, or annually), (PAR. 1968) .(DOTE: The penalty f)r making falc statements in offers Is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. (ODI,) Aa V`? VG WS. coy IF ....... pINfIF4 A"., %INN 0 -93S -I61 ri'ANDARD FORM 32 yr; (: ;i :i :. i i `.;a]' "1 �.•"1 f • �.••(liFlat JUNE 1964 EDITION CENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION f• �, '« .S �I l i;(d y i-,i'i;`T' is ` FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) I-16.101 GENERAL K3OV.3390�NIIS IScp ply Ccnt.t.0 - 1. DEFrNITIONS As used throughout this contract, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: (a) The term "head of the agency" or "Secretary" means the Secretary, the Under Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or any other bend or assistant head of the executive or military department or other Fed- eral agency; and the term "his duly nuthorized representative' means any person or persons or board (other than the Contracting Officer) authorized to act for the head of the agency or the Secretary. (b) The term "Contracting Officer" means the person executing this contract on behalf of the Government, find any other officer or civilian employee who is a properly designated Contracting Officer; slid the term Includes, except is otherwise provided in this contract, the authorized representatire of a Con- tracting Officer acting within the limits of his authority. (e) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the term `subcontracts" includes purchase orders under this contract. 2. CHANGES The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, make changes, within the general scope of this contract, in any one or more of the following: (i) Drawings, designs, or specifications, where the supplies to be furnished ire to he specially m rm- factured for the Government hl accordance therewith: (ff) method of shipment or packing; and (iii) place of delivery. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether changed or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price or delivery schedule, er both, and the contract shall be modified In writing accord Ingly. Any claim by the Contractor for adjustment under this clause "'list be asserted within 30 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notification of change: Provided, however, That the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final pay- ment under this contract. Where the cost of property made obsolete or excess as a result of a change is included in the Contractor's claim for hdjustment, the Contracting Officer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of such property. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question Of fact within the mean- ing of the clause of this contraet entitled "Disputes.,, How- ever, nothing In this clause Shall excuse the Contractor front proceeding with the contract as changed. S. EXTRAS Except as Otherwise provided in this contract, no pay- ment for extras shall be made unless such extras and the price therefor have been authorized In writing by the Con- tracting Officer. i. VARIATION IN QUANTITY No variation in the quantity of any Item called for by this Contract will be accepted unless 'such variation has been caused by conditions of loading, shipping, or packing, or allowances in manufacturing processes, and then only to the extent, if any, specified. elsewhere in this contract. rJ. INSPECTION (a) All supplies (which term throughout this clause In- cludes without limitation ranvmaterials, components. Inter- mediate assemblies• and end products) shall be subject to fhspectfOn and test by the Government, to the extent prac- ticable at all times and places including the period of mail. ufacture, and in any event prior to acceptance. (b) In case Rny supplies or lots of supplies are defective fin material or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity STANDARD FORM sz JUNE 1964 EDITION with the requirements of this contract, the Covermuent shall have the right either to reject them (kith or without in- structions as to their disposition) or to require their cor- rection. Supplies or lots of supplies which have been rejected or required to be corrected shall be removed or, if permitted or required by the Contracting Officer, corrected In place by and at the expense of the Contractor promptly after notice, and shall not thereafter be tendered for ac- ceptance unless the former rejection or requirement of cor- rection is disclosed. If the Contractor fails promptly to re- move such supplies or lots of supplies which are required to be removed, or promptly to replace or correct such supplies or lots of supplies, the Government either (i) may Ly contract or otherwise replace or correct such supplies and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned the Govern- ment thereby, or (it) may terminate this contract for de- fault as provided in the clause of this contract entitled "Default." Unless the Contractor corrects or replaces such supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require the delivery of such supplies at a reduc- tion in price which is equitable under the circumstances. Failure to agree to such reduction of price shall be a dis- pute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." (c) If any inspection or test is made by the Government on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor without additional charge shall provide all rea- sonable facilities and assistance for the safety and conven- ience of the Government inspectors in the performance of their duties. If Government inspection or test is made at a point other than the premises of the Contractor or a sub- contractor, it shall be nt the expense of the Government except as otherwise provided in this contract: Provided, That in case of rejection the Government shall not be liable for any reduction in value of samples used in connection with such inspection or test. All inspections- and tests by the Government shall be performed in such a nnanner as not to unduly delay the work. The Government reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additional cost of Government inspection and test when supplies arc not ready at the time such inspection and test is requested by the Contractor or nvhen reinspection or retest is necessitated by prior rejection. Acceptance or rejection of the supplies shall be made ns promptly as practicable after delivery, except as otherwise provided in this contract; but failure to inspect and accept or reject supplies shall neither relieve the Contractor from responsibility for such supplies as are not in accordance with the contract requirements nor im- pose liability on the Government therefor. (d) The inspection and test by the Government of any supplies or lots thereof docs not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility regarding defects or other failures, to meet the contract requirements which may be discovered prior to acceptance. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, acceptance shall be conclusive except as regards latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud. (e) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an in- spection system neceptable to the Government covering the supplies hereunder. Records of all inspection worl: by the Contractor shall be kept complete and available to the Gov- ernment during the performance of this contract and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere in this contract. 6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES Except as otherwise provided In this contract, (i) the Contractor shall be responsible for the supplies cowered by this contract until they are delivered at the designated de. livery point, regardless of the point of Inspection; (ii) after delivery to the Government at the designated point ami prior to acceptance by the Government or rejection and giving notice thereof by the Government. the Govern- ment shall be responsible for the loss or destruction of or damage to the supplies only if Buell loss, destruction, or c70—IG-70751-1 32 -IM damage results from the negligonce of officers, agents, employees of tiro Government acting within the scope their employment; and (iii) the Contractor shall bear risks as to rejected supplies after notice of rejection, exc, that the Government shall be respm:sible for the loss, dcstructionm of, or damage to the snVIl ics only if such to destruction or damage results from the gross negligence of9cers, agents, or employees of the Government acting o'i Ili the scope of theft employment. Q• PAYMENTS The Contractor shall be paid, upon the submission Proper Invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated here for supplies delivered and accepted or services rendered an accepted; less deductions, if any, as herein provided. U Iess otherwise specified, payment will be made oil pard deliveries accepted by tine Government cher the anion due On such deliveries so warrants; or, wben requested 1 the Contractor, payment for accepted partial deliveries sh be made whenever such payment would equal or exec either $1,000 or 50 percent of the total amount of this co tract. B. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS (a) Pursuant to the provisions of tine Assignment Claims Act of 1910, as amended (31 U.S.C. 203, 41 U.S. 15), if this contract provides for payments aggregatin $1,000 or more, claims for moneys due or to become due th Contractor from the Government under this contract inn be assigned to. a bank, trust company, or other Ifnanein institution, including any Federal lending agency, and ma thereafter 1•e further assigned and reassigned to any sec Institution. Any such assignment or reassignment steal cover all onnounts payable under this contract and not al ready paid, and shall not be made to more than one party except that any such assignment or reassignment may b made to one party as agent or trustee fon two or more parties participating fn such financing. Unless otherwis provided fn this contract, payments to lir assignee le an moneys due or to become due under this contract shall not to the extent provided in said Act, as amended, be subjec to reduction or setoff. (Tire preceding sentence applies only if this contract is made in time of war or national emergency as defrned in said Act and is with the Depart- ment of Defense, the General Services Administration, the Atomic Energy Commission• nim National 'Aeronautics find Space Administration, the Federal A"iation Agency, or any other department or agency of the United States designated by the President pursuant to Clause 4 of lire proviso of sec- tion I of the Assfgnnnert of Claims Act of 1940, as amended by the Act of May 15, 1951, 05 Stat. 41.) (b) In no event shall copies of this contract or of any pians, specifications, or other similar documents relating to wort: under this contract, If marked "Top Secret," "Secret," or "Confidential," be furnished to any assignee of any claiun arising under this contract or to any other person not en- titled to receive the same. However, a copy of any part or fill Of formation Contained ned theretract, so ied n may beedt closed,dto sucor h as- signee upon the prior written r.utllor.zation of the Con- tracting Officer. 9. ADDITIONAL BOND SHOURITY If any suretv on any bond nnection with this contract becomes Ullac eptablesto the hed eGovernme t or if any such surety fails to furnish reports as to his financlal condition from thae to time as requested by the Government, the Contractor shall promptly furnish such additional security as may be required from time to time to protect the interests of tine Government and of persons supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract. 10.1"KAMINATION OF REOORES ile ing clause tillscontractexceeds-M500sandpWasbentered into bIf the y of Of negotiation, but is not applicable if this contract was mitered into by means of formai advertising. ) (a) Time Contractor agrees that the Comptroller Gon- eral of the United States or any of his duly author representatives shn11, until 'lle expiration of three years after final Payment under this contract, have .access to and the right to examine any directly Pertinent books, documents, paPers, and records of tine Contractor involving transactions related to this contract. (b) The Contractor further agrees to hnclude In all ids subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that tiro subcontractor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized ropresenta- tires shall, until the expiration of three years after filial Tly- t under the subcontract, have access to and the 1•ight to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, Papers' mrd records of such subcontractor, involving trans- actions related to the subcontract. The term "subcon- tract" as used In this clause excludes (t) purchase orders not exceeding $2,509 and (if) subcontracts or purchase orders for public utility services at rates established for reniform applicability to the general public. ul 11. DEFAULT nt (a) The Government may, subject to the my paragraph (e) below, by written notice of defaulttothe all Contractor, terminate the whole or any part of this contract ad in any one of the following circumstances; :1- (1) if the Contractor fails to make delivery of the sup• Plies or to perform the services Witbin the time specified herein or Buy extension thereof; or (11) if the Contractor fails to perform any of the other of Provisions of this contract, or so fails to make progress C• as to endanger performance of this contract in accord- s amce with its terms, and In either of these two circum. e stances does not cure Buell failure within n period of y 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Of - g facer may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice y from the Contracting Officer specifying such failure. Seel (b) In tine event the Government terminates this con- tract in whole or fn part as provided in paragraph I(a) of this clause, the Government may Procure, upon such terms and in such manner as the Contracting OfIcer may deem e appropriate, supplies or services similar to those so ter- minated, slid the Contractor shall be liable to the Govern - e went for any excess costs for such similar supplies or y services: Provided, That the Contractor shall continue the Performance of this contract to the extent not terminated t under tine provisions of this clause. (c) Except with respect to defaults of subcontractors, the Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs if the failure to perform the contract arises out of causes beyond tine control and without the fault or negligence of the Call. tractor. Such causes may Include, but are not restricted to. acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Gov- ernment in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather; but in every case the failure to perform must be beyond tyre con- trol and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and if such defaultarises out of causes beyond the control of both the Contractor and subcontract for, and without the fault or negligence of either of them, the Coitractor shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform, unless the supplies or services tfur- est nlshed by the subcontractor were or from other sources in sufficient time to Permit the Contractor to meet the required delivery schedule. (d) If this contract is terminated as provided in para- graph (a) of this clause, the Government, iu addition to any other rights provided in this clause, may require the Contractor to transfer title and deliver to the Government, in the manner and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, (f) any completed supplies, and (ft) such partially completed supplies and materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, Plans, drawings, information, and contract rights (hereinafter called "manufacturing materials") as the Contractor has specifically Produced or specifically acquired for the Performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated; and the Contractor shall, upon direction of the Contracting Officer, protect and preserve property In possession of the Contractor in which the Government hos an interest.Payment for completert suPPlles delivered to lied accepted by the Government shrill be at the contract Price. Payment for manufacturing materials delivered to and accepted by the Government and for the protection and preservation of property shrill be in an amount agreed Upon by the Contractor and Contracting Officer; failure to agree to such amount shall be a dispute concerning a ques- tion of fact within the meaning of the clause of this con- tract entitled "Disputes." The Government may withhold B70 -16-7678E-1 L_. _ STANDARD FORM 3? JUNE 1961 EDITION from amounts otherwise due the Contractor for such com- pleted supplies or manufacturing materials such sum as the Contracting Officer determines to be necessary to pro- tect the Government against loss because of outstanding liens or claims of former lien holders. (e) If, after notice of termination of this contract under the provisions of this clause, it . is determined for tiny reason that the Contractor was not in default under the provisions of this clause, or that the default was ex- cusable under the procfsfous of this clause, the rights and obligations of the parties shall, if the contract contains a clause proifdfng for termination for convenience of the Government, be the same as if the notice of termination had been Issued pursuant to such clause. If, after notice of termination of this contract under the provisions of this clause, It is determined for any reason that the Contractor was not in default under the provisions of this clause, and if this contract does not contain a clause providing for termination for convenience of the Government, the con- tract shall be equitably adjusted to compensate for such termination and the contract modified accordingly; failure to agree to any such adjustment shall be a dispute con- cerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." (f) The rights and remedies of the Government pro- vided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are fn addi. tion to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 12. DISPUTES (a) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this contract which is not disposed of by ngreement shall be decided by the Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor. The decision of the Contracting Officer shall be final and conclusive unless, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise fnrnfshes to the Contracting Officer a written appeal addressed to the Secretary. The decision of the Secretary or his duly authorized representative for the determination of such appeals shall be final and con- clusive unless determined by a court of competent juris- diction to have been fraudulent, or capricious, or arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Con- tractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor shall pro- ceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in accordance with the Contracting Officer's decision. (b) This "Disputes" clause does not preclude considera- tion of law questions in connection with decisions provided for in paragraph (a) above:. Provided, That nothing in this contract shall be construed as making final the de- cision of any administrative official, representative, or board on a question of law. 13. NOT16E AND ASSISTANCE REGAEDING PATENT AND COPY- aIGiIT INFaINGEMENT The provisions of this clause shall be applicable only if the amount of this contract exceeds 110,000. (a) The Contractor shall report to the Contracting Officer, promptly and in reasonable written detail, each notice or claim of patent or copyright infringement based on the per- forniance of this contract of which the Contractor has knowledge. (b) In the event of any claim or suit against the Gov. ernment on account of any alleged patent or copyright In. fringennent arising out of the performance of this contract or out of the use of any supplies furnished or worn: or scrv- lees performed hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when requested by the'Contractfng Officer, all evidence and information in possession of the Contractor pertaining to such suit or claim. Such evidence and infor- mation shall be furnished at the expense of the Government except where the Contractor has agreed to indemnify the Government. STANDARD FORM 32 JUNE 1964 EDITION 14. BUY AmInITCAN AcT (a) In acquiring end products, the Buy American Act (41 U.S. Code 10 a -d) provides that the Government give preference to domestic source end products. For the pur- pose of this clause (f) "components" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are directly incorporated in the end products; (11) "end products" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are to be acquired under this contract for public rise; and (fit) a"'domestic source end product" means (A) an muranufacturcd end product which has been mined or produced in the United States and (B) an end product manufactured in the United States if the cost of the com- ponents thereof which are mined, Produced, or manufac- tured In the United States exceeds 50 percent of the cost of Fill its components. For the purposes of this (a) (fif) (B), components of foreign origin of the same type or kind as the products referred to in (b) (if) or (fit) of this clause shall be treated as componentsmined, produced, or manu- factured fn the United States. (b) The Contractor agrees that there will be delivered under this contract only domestic source end products, except end products (f) which are for use outside the United States; (ii) which the Government determines are not mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States in suffi- cient and reasonably available commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality; (Ili) as to which the Secretary determines the domestic preference to be inconsistent with the public interest; or (iv) as to which the Secretary determines the cost to the Government to be unreasonable. (The foregoing requirements are administered in accord- ance with Executive Order No. 10582, dated December 1T, 1054.) 15. CONVICT LAinon In connection with the performance of worl- under this contract, the Contractor agrees not to employ any person undergoing sentence of imprisonment at hard labor. 16. CONTRACT WORK HOURS STANDARDS ACT—OVERTIME COMPENSATION This contract, to the extent that it is of a character speci- fied fn the Contract Work Hours Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-330), is subject to the following provisions and to all other applicable provisions and exceptions of such Act and the regulations of the Secretary of Labor thereunder. (a) Overtime requirements. No Contractor or subcon- tractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or me- chanics shall require or permit any laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he is employed on such work to work- in excess of efgbt hours in any calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek on work subject to the pro- visions of the Contract Rork _Iours Standards Act unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times his basic rate of pay for all such hours worked in excess of .eight hours in any calendar day or in excess of forty hours In such workweek, whichever is the greater number of overtime hours. (b) violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated dam- ages. In the event of any violation of the provisions of paragraph (a), the Contractor and .any subcontractor re- sponsible therefor shall be liable to any affected employee for his Unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and sub- contractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with. respect to each individual laborer or mechanic employed in violation of the provisions of paragraph (a) In the sum of 110 for each calendar day on which such employee was re- quired or permitted to be employed on such work in excess of eight hours or in excess of his standard 'workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by paragraph (a). (c) Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated dam- ages. The Contracting Officer may withhold from the Gov- ernment Prince Contractor, from ally moneys payable oit account of work performed by the Contractor or subcontrac- c7o-16—M&I-1 L_ W ;n?, such sums as way administratively be determined to be in E::cchII Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, necessary to satisfy any liabilities cf snob Contractor or sub- and such other sanctions way be imposed and remedies ln- contractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as pro' regulation, as pro:idol in the said Executive order or by rule, regu(: as i or order of the President's Committee on Equal xided in the provisions of paragraph (b). rn xa as Empioyment Opportunity, or as otherwise provided by law. (d) Subcontracts. The Contractorshallinsert Pu n P The Contractor will include the provisions of para - (a) through (d) of this clause in all subcontracts, and shall g.,unhs (a) through (g) is every subcontract or purchase require their inclusion in ani subcontracts of any to roll rev- order l:nless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders r,P (e) Records. The Contractor shall maintain pay the President's Committee on Equal Employment Oppor- ords containing the infornmtion specified in 29 CFE 516.2(x) • tunit issued pursuant to section 303 of Executive Order No. Such records shall be preserved for three years front the 109'5 of March 6, 1931, as amended, so that such provisions completion of the contract. will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor." -Phe Contractor will take such action with respect to any sub- contract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened vvitb, litigatton with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into Bach litigation to pro- tecc the interests of the United States. •Dnless otlsersvise provided, the Equal Opportunity Clause is rot required to be iTlscrted in subcontracts below the see- Oud tier except for subcontracts involving the perforlhance of 'eoustructiou worle at the 'site of Construction' (as ti:osc terms are defined in. the Conunittee's rales and veguiatfons) in which case the clause nnist be inserted in all suein sub- contracts. Subconntracts nnav incorporate by reference the Equal Opportunity) Clause. 17. \VALSII-HEALEY PUBLIC CONTRACTS ACT If this contract is for the manufacture I,r furnishing of materials, supplies, articles, or equipment in an amount which exceeds or may exceed $10,000 and is otherwise subject to the Walsh -Healey Public Contracts Act, as amended (41 U.S. Code 35-45), there are hereby incorporated by reference all representations and stipulations required by said Act and regulations issued thereunder by the Secretary of Labor, such representations and stipulations being sub- ftall applicable rtnnimain e Secre- aryofLabor whichare now or may hereafter ben effect. 18. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (The following clause is applicable unless this contract is exempt under the rules and regulations of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity (41 CFE, Chapter 60). Exemptions include contracts and subcon- fracts (i) not exceeding $10,000, (it) not exceeding $100,000 19. OFFICIALS Nor To BENEFIT for standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and (ii;) No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident Com - under which work is Performed outside the United States missioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this and no recruitment of workers within the United. States is contract, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but involved.)this provision shall not be construed to extend to this con - During the Performance of this contract, the Contractor tract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. agrees as follows: (n) The Contractor will not discriminate against any em- 20. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES ployee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, The Contractor warrants that no Person or selling agency color, or national origin. The Contractor will take athrma- has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this con- tive action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that tract upon an agreement or understanding for a commis - without are treated during employment, without regard sfon, percentage, brokerage, or contingent Yee, excepting to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action bona file employees or bona fide established commercial shall include, but not be limited to, the following: emPlo6- or selling agencies maintained by the Contractor for the meat, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or re- purpose of securing business. For breach or violat`on of cruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or this warranty the Government shall have the right to an other forms of compensation-, and selection for training, nut this contract without liability or In its discretion to de - including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in duct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting prokerage, or contingent fee. Officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 21. UTIISZATION OF SMALLBUEINESS CONCERNS (b) The Contractor will, in all. solicitations or advertise- ments for employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, (a) It is the policy 'of the Government as declared by state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration the Congress that a fair proportion of the purchases and for employment without regard to race, creed, color, or contracts for supplies and services for the Government national origin. be placed with small business concerns. (c) The Contractor will send to each labor union or rep- (b) The Contractor agrees to accomplish the maximum with which he has a collective bar- amount of subcontracting to small business concerns that resentative of workers gaining agreement other contract or understanding, a the Contractor finds to be consistent with the efficient per - notice, to be provided by the agency Contracting Officer, formance of this contract. advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the Contractors commitments under this nondiscrimination 22. UTILIZATION OF CONCERNS IN LABOR SuRPLus AREAS clause, and shall post copies .of the notice In conspicuous (The following clause is applicable if this contract ex - places available to employees and applicants for employment. ceeds $5,000.) (d) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of It is the Policy of the Government to Place contracts with Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended. and concerns which will perform such controcts sub itantially in of the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of tine Presi- areas Of persistent or substantial labor surplus where this dent's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity created can be done, consistent with the efficient performance of thereby. the contract, at prices no higher thea are ubtaina o else - (e) The Contractor will furnish all information and re- where. The Contractor agrees to use his best eifots to ports required by Executive Order No. 10925 of Bard] 6,19611 place Inns sulicontracts in accordance with this Policy. In as amended, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the complying ivith the foregoing and. with paragraph (b) of said Committee, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access the clause of this contract entitled "Utili�:anon of umN. to Ills books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency Business Concerns;' the Contractor in placing his sub - and the Committee for purposes of investigation to ascer- contracts shall observe the follo-ing order of preference: thin compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (I) Persistent labor surplus area concerns which are (f) LI the event of the Contractor's noncompliance N ith also spall business concerns; (lIl other persistent labor the nondiscrimination clause of this contract or Wath any of snrPhis area concerns; (III) substantial labor surplus area the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be concerns which are also small business concerns; (IV) canceled, terminated, or suspwnded in whole or in hart and other substantial labor surplus area concerns; and (V) the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govern- sinall business concerns which are not' labor surplus arca ment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized concerns. U.s. G.V[NNMEMT PRINTING Off"E ciD-1G—iGi81—I Contract Ito. GABZ13-714-O057 City of Salina, Kansas ADDITIONIAL GENERAL PROViSIDyS (Supply Contract) 23. FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TAXES. (Aug. 1961)(ASPR 11-901.1) (a) Except as may be othe-wise provided in this contractAbe contract price includes all applicable Federal, State, and local taxes and duties. (b) Nevertheless, with respect to any Federal excise tax or duty on the trensacttons or property covered by this contract, if a statute, court decision, written ruling, or regnlation takes effect after the contract date, and - (1), results in the Contractor being required to pay or bear the burden of any such Federal excise lax or duty or increase in the rate thereof which would not otherwise have been payable on such transactions or property, the contact price shall be increased by the amount of trach tax or duty or rete increase, provided the Contractor warrants in writing that no amount for such newly imposed Federal excise tax or dety or rate increase was included in the contract price as a contingency reserve or otherwiae, or ` (2) results in the Contractor not being required to pay or bear the burden of, or in his obtaining a' refund or drawback of, any such Federal excise tax or duty which would othemise have been payable on such transactions or property or w'aich was the basis of an increase in the contract price, the contract price shall be decreased by the amount of the relief, refund, or drawback, or that amount shell be paid to the Government, as directed by the Contracting Officer. no contract price shall he similarly decreaced if the Contractor, through his fault or negligence or his failure to follow instructions of the Contracting Officer, is required to pay or bear the burden of, or does Dot obtain a refund or drawback of, any such Federal excise tax or duty. (c) No adjustment of less than $100 shall be made in the contract price pursuant to paragraph (b) above. (d) As used in paragraph (b) above, the tem "contract date" means the date set for bid opening, or if this is a negotiated contract, the contract dale. As to additional supplies or services procured by modifica- tion to this contract, the tem "contract date" means the dale of such modification. (e) Unless there does not exist any reasonable basis to sustain an exemption, the Government upon the request of the Contractor shall, without farther liability, furnish evidence appropriate to establish exemption from any Federal, State, or local tax; provided that, evidence appropriate to establish exemption from any Federal excise tax or duty which may give rise to either no increase or decrease in the contract price will he famished only at the discretion of the Government. (f) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of matters which will result in either an increase or decrease in the contract price, and shall tale action with respect therein as directed by the Contracting Officer. - 24. AUTHORIy-ATION ANO CO'd5£NT /'fAR I9f41 ASPR 4-102.1) - - The Government hereby gives its authorization and consent (without prejudice to any rights of indemni- fication) for all use and manufacture, in the performance of this contract or any part hereof or any amendment hereto or any subcontract hereunder (including any touxntiei subcontract), of any invention deneribed in and covered by a patent of the United States (f) embodied in the structure or composition of any article the delivery of which is accepted by the Goveramcnt under this conunct, or (ii) utilized in the machinery, tools, or methods the use of which necessarily results from comp!ionce by the Contractor or the using subcontractor with (a) Specifications or written provisions now or hereafter forming a part of this contract, or (b) specific written instructions given -by the Contracting Officer directing the manner of performance. The entire liability to the Government for infringement of a patent of the United States shall be determined solely by the provisions of the indemoity clauses, if any, included in this contract or any subcontract hereunder (including any lower -tier subcontract), and the Government assumes liability for all other infringement to the extent of the authoriza- tion and consent hereinabove granted. 25. RENEGOTIATION. (Oct. 1959) (ASPR 7-103.13) (a) To the extent required by law, this contruct is subject to the ReneSotiction Act of 1951 (50 U.S.C. App. 1211, et seq), as amended, and to any subsequent act of Congress providing for the renegotiation of Con- tracts. Nothing contained in this clause shall impose any renegotiaticu obligation with respect to this con- tract or say subcontract hereunder which is not imposed by an act of Congres. heretofore or hereafter enacted. Subject to the foregoing this contract shall be deemad to contain all the provisions required by Section 104 of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, and by any such otl:er act, without subsequent contract amendment specifi- cally incorporating such provisions. (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the provisions of this clause, including this paragraph (b), in all subcontracts, as that term is defined in section 103g of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, as amended. 26. GRATUITIES. ('Mar, 1952)(ASPR 7-104.10 (a) The Govemment nay, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate the right of the Contractor to Proceed under this contract if it is found, after notice and hearing, by the Secretary of his duly authorized representative, that gratuities (in the form of entertninrnent, gifts, or otherwise) were offered or given by the Contractors or any agent or representative of the Coetrnctor, to any officer or employee of the Govern- ment with a view toward securing a contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending, or the malting of any determinations with respect to the performing of such contract; provided, tha the existence of the facts upon which the Secretary or his duly authorized representative makes such findings shall be in issue and may be reviewed in any competent court. ..... -- -. (b) In the event this contract is terminated as provided in paragraph (a) hereof, the Government shall be entitled (i) to pursue the same remedies against the Contractor as it could pursue in the event of a breach of the contract by the Contractor,- and (ii) as a penalty in addition to any other damages to which it may be entitled by law, to exemplary damages in an amount (as determined by the Secretary or his duly authorized representative) which shall be not less than three nor more than ten times the costs incurred by the Con- tractor in providing any such gratuities to any such officer or employee. (c) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 27. PRIORITIES, ALLOCATIONS AND ALLOTMENTS. (Ion. 1961)(ASPR-7-104.18) The Contractor shall follow the provisions of DMS Reg. 1 and all other applicable regulations and orders of the Business and Defense Services Administration in obtaining controlled materials and other products and materials needed to fill this order. ., .. .. 28. INTEREST. (May 1963) (ASPR, Appendix E. E620) Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, unless paid within 30 days all amounts that become payable by the Contractor to the Government under this contract (net of any applicable tax credit under the Internal Revenue Code) shall beat interest at the rate of six percent per annum from the date due until paid and shall be subject to adjustments as provided by Part 6 of Appendix E of the Armed Services Procurcmezt Regulation, as in effect on the date of this contract. Amounts shall ba due upon the earliest one of (f) the dale fixed pursuant to this contract, (ii) the date of the first written demand for payment, consistent with this contract, (iii) the date of transmittal by the Government to the Contractor of a proposed supplemental agreement to confirm completed uegotiations fixing the. amount, or (iv) if this contract provides for revision of prices, the date of written notice to the Contractor stating the amount of refund payable in connection with a pricing proposal or in connection with a negotiated pricing agreement not confirmed by contract supplement. 2 Contracts, :�u.:bcw %A 13-71-C-0057 City of Satin,:, l;Znsas ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 29. The following alterations have been mach in the provisions of, this contract: a. General Provision No. 6, RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES, is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following General Provision No. 6 is substituted in lieu thereof: 6. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS (1968 JUN) j (a) Unless this contract specifically provides for earlier passage of title, title to supplies covered by this contract shall pass to the Govern- ment upon formal acceptance, regardless of when or where the Government takes physical possession. (b) (1) Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, risk of loss of or damage to supplies covered by this contract shall remain with the Contractor until, and shall pass to the Government upon: (i) delivery of the supplies to a carrier, if transportation is f.o.b. origin; (ii) acceptance by the Government or delivery of possession of the supplies to the Government at the destination specified in this contract, whichever is later, if transportation is f.o.b. destination. (2) Notwithstanding (1) above, the risk of loss of or damage to supplies which so fail to conform to the contract as to give a right of rejection shall remain with the Contractor until cure or acceptance, at which time (1) above shall apply. (c) Notwithstanding (b) above, the Contractor shall not be liable for loss of or damage to supplies caused by the negligence of officers, agents, or employees of the Government acting within the scope of their employment. b. General Provision No. 10 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the fol- lowing General Provision No. 10 is substituted in lieu thereof: 10. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS (1969 APR) (a) The Contractor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly authorized representatives shall, until expir- ation of three years after final payment under this contract or of the time periods specified in Appendix M of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, A-1 ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) whichever expires earlier, have access to and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor, that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to this contract or subcontracts hereunder. (b) The Contractor further agrees to include in all .his sub- contracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the Comptroller General of the United States or any of his duly autho- rized representatives shall, until expiration of three years after final pay- ment under the subcontract or of the time periods specified in Appendix M of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, whichever expires earlier, have ac- cess to and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, and records of such subcontractor that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to the subcontract. The term "subcontract" as used in the clause excludes: (i) purchase orders not exceeding $2,500 and (ii) subcontracts or purchase orders for public utility services at rates established for uniform applica- bility to the general public. c. The following sub -paragraph (g) is hereby added to General Provision No. 11 set forth in Standard Form 32. "(g) As used in paragraph (c) of this clause, the terms "subcontractor" and "subcontractors" mean subcontractor(s) at any tier." d. The following subparagraph (c) is hereby added to General Provision No. 13 set forth in Standard Form 32. ,_ "(c) This clause shall be included in all subcontracts." .e. General Provision No. 14 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the fol- lowing General Provision No. 14 is substituted in lieu thereof: 14. BUY AMERICAN ACT (1964 MAY) (a) In acquiring end products, the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. l0a-d) provides that the Government give preference to domestic source end pro- ducts. For the purpose of this clause: (i) "components" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are directly incorporated in the end products; (ii) "end products" means those articles, materials, and sup- plies, which are to be acquired under this contract for public use; and A-2 Contract N'taimber DAIUE13-71-C-3:157 � City cf Salina, Vansas ADDITION4L GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (iii) a "domestic source end product" means (A) an unmanufact- ured end product which has been mined or produced in the United States and (B) an end product manufactured in the United States if the cost of the components thereof which are mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States or Canada exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its com- ponents. For the purposes of this (a)(iii)(B), compon- ents of foreign origin of the same type or kind as the pro- ducts referred to in (b)(ii) or (iii) of this clause shall be treated as components mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States. (b) The Contractor agrees that there will be delivered under this contract only domestic source end products, except end products: (i) which are for use outside the United States; (ii) which the Government determines are not mined, produced, or manu- factured in the United States in sufficient and reasonably avail- able commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality; (iii) as to which the Secretary determines the domestic preference to be inconsistent with the public interest; or (iv) as to which the Secretary determines the cost to the Government to be unreasonable. (The foregoing requirements are administered in accordance with Executive Order No. 10582, dated December 17, 1954. So as to alleviate the impact of Department of Defense expenditures on the United States balance of international payments, bids offering domestic source end products normally will be evaluated against bids offering other end products by adding a factor of fifty percent (500M to the latter, exclusive of import duties. Details of the evaluation procedure are set forth in Section VI of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation.) f. General Provision No. 18 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following General Provision No. 18 is substituted in lieu thereof: 18. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (1969 JAN) (This clause applies if the contract amount exceed $10,000) follows: During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as A-3 ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (1) The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruit- ment or recruitment advertising: layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship, The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer set- ting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause, The for employees placed byCortoncwill, behalfof the aContll ractor, state licitations othat vall rqualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (3) The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the agency Contracting Officer, ad- vising the labor union or workers' representative of the Contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment, (4) The Order 11246 ofSeptember o24,aw 1965, and ofill mthe rules, regulations, andply with all provisions of relevantorders of the Secretary of Labor. The re- quired by Executive Order nw 11246 ofSeptemberill s24a11965, and tbynthe drules, tregula- tions, and orders of the Secretary of Labor or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigations to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (6) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of such rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and'such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regula- tion, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided bylaw. Contract Nu:.:ber DA.isc13-71-C-0067 City of Salina. Kansas ADDITIONAL GENERAL,PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (7) The Contractor will include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such pro- visions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions includ- ing sanctions for non-compliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Con- tractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontract- or or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Con- tractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. g. General Provision No. 22 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following General Provision No. 22 is substituted in lieu thereof; 22. UTILIZATION OF CONCERNS IN LABOR SURPLUS AREAS (1969 JUN) It is the policy of the Government to place contracts with concerns which will perform such contracts substantially in or near sections of concentrated unemployment or underemployment as a certified -eligible concern or in areas of persistent or substantial labor surplus where this can be done, consistent with the efficient performance of the contract, at prices no higher than are obtainable elsewhere. The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to place his subcontracts in accordance with this policy. In complying with the foregoing and with para- graph (b) of the clause of this contract entitled "Utilization of Small Business Concerns," the Contractor in placing his subcontracts shall observe the following order of preference: (i) certified concerns which are also small business concerns; (ii) other certified concerns; (iii) persistent labor surplus area concerns which '=are also small business concerns; (iv) other persistent labor surplus area concerns; (v) substantial labor surplus area concerns which are also small business concerns; (vi) other substantial labor surplus area concerns; and (vii) small business con- cerns which are not labor surplus area concerns. h. In Additional General Provision No. 28, INTEREST, the date of the pro- vision is hereby changed from MAY 1963 to 1968 MAY, and the information contained in (ii) is hereby changed to read "(ii) the date of the first written demand for payment, consistent with this contract, including demand consequent upon default teYmination." I. The following General Provision No. 30 is hereby added as an ;Additional General Provision: A-5 ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) 30. DISCOUNTS (1968 JUN) In connection kith any discount offered, time riill be computed from date of delivery of Vie supplies to carrier when acceptance is at the point of origin, or from date of delivery at destination or port of embarkation when delivery and acceptance are at either of these points, or from the date the correct invoice or voucher is received in the office specified by the Govern- ment, if the latter is later than date of delivery. Payment is deemed -to be made for the purpose of earning the discount on the c.ate of mailing of the Govern- ment check. I j. The following General Provision 140. 31 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: 31.; RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSPECTION (1968 SEP) Notwithstanding the requirements for any Government inspection and test contained in specifications applicable to this contract, except where speci- alized inspections or tests are specified for performance solely b, the Govern- ment, the Contractor shall perform or have performed the inspections and tests required to substantiate that the supplies and services provided under the con- t tract conform to the drawings, specifications and contract requirements listed herein, including if applicable the technical requirements for the manufacturers' part number specified herein. k. The following General Provision No. 32 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: 32. NOTICE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF LABOR DISPUTES (1958 SEP) (a) Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this contract, the Contractor shall imr:iediately give notice thereof, includ- ing all relevant information with respect ther::to, to the Contracting Officer. (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (b), in any subcontract hereunder as to which a labor dispute may delay the timely performance of this contract; except that each such subcontract shall provide that in the event its timely performance is de- layed'or threatened by delay by any actual or potential labor dispute, the sub- contractor shall immediately notify his'next higher tier subcontractor, or the prime contractor, as the'case may be, of all relevant information with respect to such dispute. 1. The following General Provision No. 33 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: A- Contract Number DAR:13-71-C-0057 City Of Salina, Kansas ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) 33. PATENT INDEMNITY (1964 SEP) (This clause applies if the contract is for supplies that normally are or have been sold or offered for sale to the public in the commercial open market) If the amount of this contract is in excess of $5,000, the Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers, agents, and em- ployees against liability, including costs, for infringement of any United States letters patent (except letters patent issued upon an application which is'now or may hereafter be kept secret or otherwise withheld from issue by order of the Government) arising out of the manufacture or delivery of suppliesior out of construction, alteration, modification, or repair of real property (hereinafter referred to as "construction work") under this contract, or out of the use or disposal by or for the account of the Government of such supplies!or construction work. The foregoing indemnity shall not apply unless the Contractor shall have been informed as soon as practicable by the Govern- ment of the suit or action alleging such infringement, and shall have been given such opportunity as is afforded by applicable laws, rules, or regulations to participate in the defense thereof; and further, such indemnity shall not apply to: (i) an infringement resulting from compliance with specific written instructions of the Contracting Officer directing a change in the supplies to be delivered or in the materials or equipment to be used, or directing a manner of performance of the contract not normally used by the Contractor; (ii) an infringement resulting from addition to, or change in, such supplies or com- ponents furnished or construction work performed which addition or change was rude subsequent to delivery or performance by the Contractor; or (iii) a claimed infringement which is settled without the consent of the Contractor, unless required by final decree of a court of competent Jurisdiction. m. The following General Provision No. 34 is hereby added as an Additional General Provision: 34. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (1968 FEB) (This clause applies if the contract amount does not exceed $10,000) The Contracting Officer, by written notice, may terminate this contract, in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest of the Govern- ment. If this contract is so terminated, the Contractor shall be compensated in accordance with ASPR Section Vlll, in effect on this contract's date. A-? L_ n. General Provision No. 35, Termination for Convenience of the Govern- ment (Supply and Service Contracts in excess of S1C,OCO.54), is hereby added as an Additional General Provision, and if applicable, and -attached, the follow- ing changes therein are mode: (1) the date is changed from (Jan 1961) to (Apr 1906). (2) Paragraph (e) is hercby deleted and the paragraph (c) set forth hereafter is substituted in lieu thereof. (3) Subparagraph (c) (ii) (C) is hereby deleted and the subparagraph (C) set forth hereaftcr is substituted in lieu thereof. "(e) In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Contracting officer to agree as provided in paragraph (d) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of wort: pursuant to this clause, the Contracting Officer shall, subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals required by Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, pay to the Contractor the amounts determined by the Contracting officer as follows, but without duplication of any amounts agreed upon in accordance with paragraph (d):" (C} a sum, as profit on (A) above, determined by the Contracting officer pursuant to 8-303 of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, in ef- fect as of the date of execution of this contract, to be fair and rea- sonable; provided, however, that if it appears that the Contractor would have sustained a loss on the entire contract had it been com- pleted , no profit shall be included or allowed under this subdivision (C) and an appropriate adjustment shall be made reducing the amount of the settlement to reflect the indicated rate of loss; and'' A-8 • City Of. Kansas Kansas_71-C_Gv57 ,TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOJERNMENT. (Jan 1961)(ASPR 8-701) or of W time to time in pert, when^-ver the ContructioF Officer shall determine-that such (n) The per[or OR of work under this contract may be terminated by the Government in accordance with this clause in whole, termination is in the best interest of the Government. Any such termination erformshell be effected by delivery contrach P to the Coct 'tr` actor of a andce of date upon'which on csuch termi akicif�,ing the n becomt to es effectiveance of work rider the (b) Alter receipt of a Notice of Termination, and except es clhcrwise directed by the Contracting Officer, the Contract or shall:, " (i) atop work under the contract on the date sed to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination; (ii) place no further orders or subcontracts for mlerinls, services or facilities, exeunt os may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract as is not terminoled; (iii) terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent thot they relate to the performance of work by the Notice of Termination; (iv) assign to the Government, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, all of the right, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and nobettle ortPa o terminated, in which case the Government shelf have the right, in its discretion, to s P any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; out of such sub- (v) settle all with the liabilities rand all onaOf chims er Contracting officer, t termination extent he may require, contracts, approval uses of this clause; which approval or ratification shall be final for all the Pu'P and to the extent, if any, (vi) transfer title and.dcliver to the Government, in the manner, at the times, and other material produced as a part oi, or acquired in connection with the directed by the Contracting Officer, (A) the fabricated or =Is I Or and (H) the connected or with treHY pleted work, supplies, performance of, the work term:natcd by the Notice of Termination, completed plans. drawings, information, and other property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the Government; and at the price or prices at the times, to the extent, of the types referred to in (vi) (vii) use its beet efforts to sell, in the manner, directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, any property all o above; provided, however, that they Contractor (A) under the conditions prescribed bydand at ait to Stich y purchaser, and (R) may q price or prices approved by the Contracting Officer; and provided further rtht that beam pr de by the ,eeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments Government to the Contractor under this contract of shall otherwise be credited o the p: ice ff _ cost of the work covered by this contract or paid in such other manner as the Contracting Officer may direct; (viii) complete performance of such pert of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and Or may (fx) and preservation of may erty tee necessary, d toathis contracs the t which is isr inrthe possessifon of the Contractor and in which the Government has or my acquire an frtereal. At any time alter expiration o[ the plant clearance Por'o as defined in Section Vill, Armed Services procurement unlit of any or all items of terminations invent not previously disposed d Regulation, of it may be nmen�tied from time to time, the Contractor may submit to the Contracting Officer a list, certified as to quantity and q Y� exclusive of items the disposition fon of which has been directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, and days thereafter, tete Gover:.ment will accept title to Such items and remove them or enter into may request the Government to remove such items or enter into a storage agreement covering them. Not stet than fifteen (15) y i TCG 1 I a storage agreement covering the same; provided that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the Cunlrtrr:ting Officer upon removal of the items, or if the items are stored, within forty-five (4S) days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct the made prior to final settlement. list as submitted shall be (c) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer his termination claim, in the form and with certification prescribed by the Contracting Officer. Such claim shall be submitted promptly Lot in no event later than one year from the effective date of termination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the. Contracting Officer, upon request of the Contractormade in writing within such one year period or authorized extension thereof. Rowever, if the Contracting Officer determines that the facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination Claim at MY time after such one year period or any extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor to submit his termination claim within.the time allowed, the Contracting Officer may, subject to any Settlement Review I!oord approvals required by Section Vlll of the Armed Services procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the amount no determined. (d) Subject to (he provisions of Paragraph (c), and subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals required by Section VIII of the Armed Services procurement Regulation iu effect as of the dale of execution of this contract. the Contractor and the Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to he paid to the. Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to chis clause, which amount or amounts may include a reasonable allowance for profit on work done; p... ide,1 that such agreed amount or amounts, exclusive of settlement costs, shall alit `xceed the total contract price ea reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and an further redw 1 by the contract price of work not terminated. The contract shall be amended accordingly and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in paragraph (e) of this clause, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the i event of failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this ol:u•se. shall he deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise is patine or effect the amount or omounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph (d ). (e) In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Off:c,er to agree as provided in •_ paragraph (d) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reasc-' of rhe termination of work pursuant to this clause, die Contracting Officer shall, subject to any Setllument Review Board approvals required by Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Con- tractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: (i) for completed supplies accepted by the Government (or sold or acquired as provided in paragraph (b)(vii) above) and not theretofore paid for a sum equivalent to the aggregate. price for such supplies compute) in nqcordonce with the price or prices specified in the contract, appropriately adjusted for any saving of freight or other charges; _ (ii) the total of — (A) the costs incurred in the performance of the work terminated, including initial costs and preparatory expense allocable thereto, but exclusive of any costs attributable to supplies paid or to be paid for under paragraph W(i) hereof; (R) the cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work under subcontracts or orders, as provided in paragraph (b)(v) above, which are properly chargeable to the t inated portion ofthe contract (exclusive of amountspaid or payable on account of supplies of materials delivered orr-services furnished by subcontractors or vendor% prior to the effective date of -the Notice of Termination, which amounts shall be included in the costs payable wider (A) above; and TCG 2 Contract lduinber DAGE13_71-•C-0057 Cit; of Salina. Kansas (C) a sum, as a profit, equal to i percent of that part of the amount determined under (A) above which represents the cost of articles and materials not processed by the Contractor, plus it sum equal to 8 percent of the remainder of such amount, but the agregate of such sums shall not exceed 6 percent of the whole of the amount determined under (A) above, provided, however, that if it oppears that the Contractor would have sustained a loss on the entire contract had it been completed, no profit shall be included or allowed under this subdivision (C) and an appropriate adjustment shall be made reducing the amount of the settlement to reflect the indicated rate of loss; and (iii) the reasonnble costs of settlement, including accounting, legal. clrrlcal, and other expenses reasonably necessary for the preparation, of settlement claims and supporting data with respect to the terminated portion of the contract and for the terminal ion and %cttleme•nl of subcontracts thereunder, together with reasonable storage, transportation, and other costs incurred in connection with the protection or disposition of properly allocable to this contract. The total sum to be paid to the Contractor under (i) and (ii) of this paragraph (e) shall nm exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and its further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated. Except for normal spoilage and except to the extent that the Government shall have otherwise expressly assumed the risk of loss these shall be excluded from the amounts payable to the Contractor as provided in (e)(i) and (ii)(A) above, the. fair value, as determined by the Contracting Officer, of property which is destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged so as to bceoue undeliverable to the Government, or to a buyer pursuant to paragraph (b)(vii). (n Any determination of costs under paragraph (c) or (c) hereof shall be governed by the principles for consideration of costs .cel forth in Section XV, Pert y, of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as in effect on the date of this contract. (g) The Contractor shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this r,nlracl entitled "Disputes," from any detennination made by the Contracting Officer under paragraph (c) or (e) above, except that if he Contractor has failed to submit his claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to request extension of such time,heshall hnve no such right of appeal In any case where the Contracting Officer has made a determination of the amount due under paragraph (c) or (r) above, the Government shall pay to the Contractor the following: (i) if there is no right of appeal hereunder or if 'to timely appeal has been taken, the amount so determined by the Contracting Officer, nr (ii) if an appeal has been taken, the amount finally determined on such appeal. (h) In arriving at the amount due the. Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted (i) all unliquidated advance or other payments on account the.retofnre marls to the Conlractor, applicable to the terminated portion of this contract. Oil any claim which the Government may have against the Contractor in connection with this com- tract, and (iii) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Government. (f) If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Contracting Officer a request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the prier or prices specified in the contract relating to the continual portion of the contract (the portion not ter- minated by the Notice of Termination), and such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices. (j) The Government may from time to time, under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, make partial payments and payments on account against costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with the terminated portion of this contract whenever in the opinion of the (:ontracting Officer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor will be entitled hereunder. If the total of such payments is in e: -cess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor to the Government upon demand, together with interest computed at the TCG 3 rate of 6 percent per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor to the date on which such excess is repaid to the Government; provided, however, that no interest shall be charged with respect to any such excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Contractor's claim by reason of retention or other disposition of termination inventory until ten days after the date of such retention or disposition, or such later date as determined by the Contracting Officer by reason of the circumstances. (k) Unless otherwise provided for in this contract, or by applicable statute, the Contractor, from the effective date of termination and for a period of three years after final settlement under this contract, shall preserve and make available to the Government at all reasonable times at the Office of the Contractor but without direct charge to the Government, all his books, records, documents, slid other evidence bearing on the costs and expenses of the Contractor under this contract and relating to the work terminated hereunder, or, to the extent approved by the Contracting Officer, photographs, micro -photographs, or other authentic re- productions thereof. .. I ¢._ TCG 4 DEPARTfV3: iNT OF THE AIR FORCE PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON SCHILLING ATR FORCE SASE, KANSAS DAGA41-4-67-311 T1IE DEPARTIhENT OF THE ARMY is hereby granted a.permit.for aterm of five (5) years, beginning 1 January , 19 67 , and ending 31 December . 19 71 but revocable at will by the Secretary of the Air Force, to use for housing purposes, A parcel of land containing 295.41 acres, more or less, and 735 family housing units located thereon, including installed equipment contained therein, and appurtenances thereto, generally identified as the Capehart 11ousing Area, lying within the boundaries of Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas,'. as shown substantially in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof4 avd-doo&p.46 . 4a-4edlgWs: THIS PERMIT is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. That the use and occupation of the said premises shall be without cost or expense to she Department of the Air Force, under the general supervision and subject to the approval of the officer having immediate jurisdiction over the premises, and subject also to such rules and regulations as he may from time to time prescribe. 2. That the permittee shall, at its own expense and without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Force, maintain and keep in good repair and condition the premises herein authorized to be used. S. That any interference with or damage to property under control of the Department of the Air Force incident to the exercise of the privileges herein granted shall be promptly corrected by the permittee to the satisfaction of the said officer. 4. That the permittee shall pay the cost, as determined by the said officer, of producing and/or supplying any utilities and other services furnished by the Department of the Air Force or through Department of the Air Force facilities for the use of the permittee. @NG FOR?! 1 ICT 57 1361z MR 4011_875, PBUYIOUS E0ITIONS ARE 03SOLETE 16 7370-1 • �I u. That no additions to or alterations of the premises shall be made without the prior consent i of -the saki after. 6. That if for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Air Force to perform functions and/or render services which, are the responsibility of the permittee, ,the said officer may, in lieu of reimbursement, require the permittee to furnish the personnel and/or materials required for the performance of said functions and/or for the rendering of said services. In addition to furnishing personnel and/or materials, the permittee shall reimburse the Department of the Air Force for any costs incurred by the Department of the Air Force in connection with said functions and/or, services, suth as fai �up7trvss' Selection of such personnel will be subject to the approval of the said offlcer. 7. That on or before the date of expiration of this permit or its relinquishment by the per- mittee, the permittee shall vacate the said premises, remove its property therefrom, and restore the premises to a condition satisfactory to the said officer, ordinary wear and tear and damage beyond the control of the Permittee excepted. If, however, this permit is revoked, the permittee shall vacate the premises, remove its property therefrom, and.restore the premises as aforesaid within such time as the Secretary of the Air Force may designate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand by authority of the Secretary of the Air Force this 21otr _ day of December' 1966 0. E. PETTiJ01M Chief,'Real Estate Divicion -� U.S. w,uveM RIx9XG Wile 10r7176 1 D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT and WF -It CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627-9653 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOK 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 October 6, 1970 } Vernon T. Hanlon,"Contracting Officer Procurement Division, DIO Building 179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Dear Sir: Contract Number DABE 13-71-C-0057 1 am enclosing three (3) copies of the above mentioned contract signed by N. D. Olson, City Manager and three (3) copies of Resolution Number 3074 authorizing him to sign the contract. Sincerely, XYi��lcat�-�� D. L. Harrison City Clerk 4 DLH/js enclosures (6) PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE, REQU 10( Show to whom, date RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -300 (plus postage) N C N CV m V % E SENT TO POSTMARK Vernon T. Hanlon, Contracting Office FDATE STREET AND NO. Procurement Division, DIO Building 179 P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE Fort Rilev. Kansas 66442 OPTIONAL S R ICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES RETURN t. Spows to whom and date delivered ........ 15¢ RECEIPT With delivery to addressee only ............ 654 SERVICES 2. Shows to wham, date and where delivered .. 350 With delivery to addressee only ............ 1150 DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY . .......................................... 500 SPECIAL DELIVERY (2 Dounda or less -�— .......................................... 450 the nurr SHOW W ' ��y 19693e00 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— (Sae other side) NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL > CPO uo 0-358-3 12 T DICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S). FEE(S) PAID. ddreSS Deliver ONLY ".' - �. to addressee EIPT„ dle ldesbribed46elow. i �AM.,UF ADDRESSEE•(A1utt alway+ be filled in) ..I I OF'ADD,RESSEE'S,AGENT, IF ANY J: LI �REDy(only _iftlgauhd) od6-yb-Yib48-ll M7-IDd aro a STANDARD FORM =6, 1ULY 1966 PAGE OF GENERAL SERVICES ADAUNISTRAnON AWARD/CONTRACT I_- - _. FED. PROC. 0.EG. (41 CFR) 1-16.101 - — . - 1. CONTRACT (Prat. Intl. Ide-AJ NO. I = EFFECTIVE DATE 3 REQUISITION/PURCHASE REOVEST/PRORCr NO. 14. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER &OSA I, REG.2 AND/OR DMS AEG. 1 DABE13-71-C-0057 J'j70JUL01 -27-71 1 RATING,RATING,Ncr FH _—Jd. ADMINISTERED BY.. ... ..._ __._-LODE=-�7.. DELIVERY .. b.ISA1W.BY _ ... ._.CODE ._ ., . -- (I/ otbrr then bluA I) FO, ON ®""ow) Procurement Division, DIO Director of Facilities E ,Fort OTHER rser .Building179 - I Building 187 -.:. 10 bde n) y _, , . Riley,Kansas 6644ngineering Fort Riley, 66442 s. CONTRACTOR CODE Imo_ FACILITY CODE L DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT NAME AND ADDRESS,. e I 3 .City of Salina, Kansas 4 CEr,. (snnb dq,A Municipal Corporation :I ; y 1 Net '.. City . Hall Building Salina, Kansas 67401 10.. SUBMIT INVOICES (4 op)rr only, ofberuvsr tpeci%ird) TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN BLOCK__- L I _ :/ :Block No. it 11. 9LBY TO/ FOR ,= :CODE' •--+ 13. -PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CGDE Commander - Finance Officer Schilling `Manor Sub -Post Building 70 Building 595.,. .. Fort°Riley, Kansas .66442 ,;? ! Salina.-' 10 U.S.O. =004 (";(10 W ADVMM- ® NEGOTUM` PVIIp fANr TOP.., i 1R. 16 IROWIFMH4r AS, .. - . ❑ 41 U.S.C_ 753 (c)j 14. At)OgMIN6 Atm ARROPNARON DAD} 79'= . >+ 1 ; 7,562 . !=. 21-9710700 55-10.03 P1910-2570 514040 T7220 IS. 16. 17. ill it.1 I REN NG. SUPPLIES/SERVICEC QUANTITY I UtST UNR PRICE AMOUNT Cost to the Government for Fire Protection A to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas { for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas; in accordance with the terns, %= `%- of conditions, and provisions of this contract. i "'�1" 21 TOTAL AMOUNT OF I CONTRACT S 52 200.00 CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPLICABLE )C�OMPLETE __. CONTRACTOR -5 NEGOTIATES AGREEMENT (Celrfretfor 6 m)aind fa 14M 26. O AWARD (Cmfro,ar q xef rcnaircd fe tign fbir d"o"le/. j Yovr eRar /lit "Pelf ad refire 3 epi s to itrning oQice.) Centralia "lira" le Burnish and I1.11.1 all items as p"term ail the cervico of forth or olh.rwl" on SdicibYan Number Including R - additimc ar danger mod. by yav which additions er changes a,. ::1 onh in Ivll Is Mraby auapted a b Ib hams listed "bele and an any wnlimolion 11,49% IdanRned ebb" and many eentipontian nc.rb 1" the crosridaranan stated h"sin. Th. ON. and eWigaUonc .1 the ponies to this ennead shall be subject to and gar- BollasrU.g d"wmeN, (al this omard/ca"mct, (b) the celinbNon, If ey, ebony, I This ar"d can neench s the centrad hI4, ..mLN e1 the 1e11orin0 decvmrntu (") the Oerem"enl'a solialalim ..it wvr oR", and (b) this ornrd/canea16 No err"d by the and (c) each prorhiens, rapresanfall.-. cysdillc"Hens, and sp i:IA1-tions, as ala litbd belie.) f.6h., caMmMal d"umgd Is necanary. . maehed er Inearp-rWad by rd"a.n h"dn. (Alescbmrnft arc =3. HAW OF CO F rtOR TSALINA I=Y. UNITED STATES a AMERICA /C/BY C (Siy"Nra as Perron 6vMari2ed in sign; 1 (SlgnaN" of Cmeactinq OReeb 24. NAA1E Atm TITLE OF SIGNER (TYPO or print) 23. DATE SIGNED NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (TYpe or pr)nf) 29. DATE SIGNED N. D. OLSON 12a. i t City Manager70 uA aos.nncar nlrmaa arms r no or -suras 26-105-01 In. a-nP-m W. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT D' PAGE Or ".rA CI, 2,31JU9' -i CONTINUATION SHEET umber Contract IDABE]3-71-C-0057 . MG. FED. PROC. REG. (II CFR( 1-16.101 FED. NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ' CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIEWSERVICES QUANTITY u JH' eef i$ t� 1sT' 1 i3 LCl r• ii' : lj'71' g > - .. (3J.UL'1J.F 1;,l.a U¢ -41210u' gnllglu8 113 DIO D11GC01, 0, L9L414G1S: E40JU65R,JUd .. "' HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A11 is attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection - Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, WINNER ,1A -108-o2 R uTc RwnRR[Pr.nlPngo wrrc[ : In. a-nP-m W. NO. OF DOC. BEING CONT D' PAGE Or GENSTANDARD FORM DM JSTR 1966 PAL ADMINISTRATION -i CONTINUATION SHEET umber Contract IDABE]3-71-C-0057 . MG. FED. PROC. REG. (II CFR( 1-16.101 FED. NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR ' CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ITEM NO. SUPPLIEWSERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT The Department of the Air Force Permit No. DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787 with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A11 is attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection - Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas, buildings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787, and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of ' this contract. " 12 Mo 54,796.91 $57,562.92 Credit to the Government for Government - I Furnished Property 12 Mo $ 446.91 $ 5,362.92 NET CONTRACT PRICE 12 Mo $4,350.00 $52,200.00 AUTHORITY: Paragraph 5E, Unclassified Message Dk 739487, fro C of ENGR , dated 8 Nov 1965, subject: Use of excess apehart ousing at Schilling AFB for dislocated families. ,1A -108-o2 R uTc RwnRR[Pr.nlPngo wrrc[ : In. a-nP-m RESOLUTION NUMBER 3074 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, identified as Contract Number DABE13-71-C-0057, dated July 1, 1970, relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor this _ 5th day of October, 1970. Mayor (SEAL) Attest: �Ilw � Gtivuzay-� City Clerk I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that Resolution Number 3074 was passed by the City Commission at its regular meeting on October 5;1970, and that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in my office. Harrison, City Clerk ALRDL-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS IST INFANTRY DIVISION (MECH) AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 - Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Nall Building Salina. Kansas 67401 Procurement Division, DID Building 179 In Re: Contract No. DABE13-71-C-0057 Dear Sir: 22 September 1970 Enclosed herewith are three (3) copies of the above subject contract for your signature on the face sheet, Standard Form 26. thereof. Said contract contains the pricing and performance provisions negotiated, and as set forth in your. 21,August 1970 letter. Please furnish this office with three (3) copies of a City Council resolution of authority for you to sign the subject contract or any other signatory authority document that may be appropriate. Please return all three (3) signed copies of the contract, with the above requested signatory authority documents, and your copy of the contract will be forwarded to you as soon as it has been processed by this office. Sincerely yours. 1 Incl VERNON T. HANLON DA -0057 (trip) Contracting Officer 1 ti � �1 ,i :. i' Sao` ''fire-� %��'`%�� �ifl�''. G!/�✓ C? ctp 10 �--\ir'`t�y�Y.._. .- _.✓-`Ztit +G.y took afoo 5.4 B.r /•'r-�`'tom e, rs, >. V a. ,i Y••hr• j/ / - srt r`J ., '^-'.1�•� t1.r !� l7ryS "/-��.I ,> i rt.�yy0 \ J// I - a; ..A� �6 e z:���:,$_ ''-_... J �.�•7 i..] a. L7 I ' - m / , �. e . 4'3rd tse d d.6 .pse� tue - 1• aL` '=�J e f r >.e e w :.>, "��.�-.. �-be CT ++.rs •, r� { 31" �:("_'-"r-s•-^' -� m m \ , .at.l zr.e�• `Ci .r v >.r •�^.', C;� „ Cf 1 ere -�,_ =1] +>r • o I i r0ri-elr+ ;,• `t `�J � a 1�i�� ��.T i ,(`�`1 'f illl) o� /rl ,± a •J 2r �_jy(/�\ 'W eaactp l Lod I � ; fl � - (� ... ,.. �1 i- V rr�e, Pa'J ••s{�r» +C� ��_` L� ~. `3- I : .�Z _'.;I .; ,. .- :.�-� ;` I - :, rye• ��,�; . �; _ f � ��+ 'tJc)P � .� �I J ' ` i _ rr •2 e3 lr+6tH lf1♦ SJ��• ;{(/��• r—cw-'; I 'i i +1 s(r ^'IS(•'.�,,I.�'ae J1,,''."�,�.�•1,./v_�'/.J-/i'•/e^'` �n.�/v /1.J .♦ /]�T/�J()��Mr"^/C� s[,—:7..-_`aI`o; �:.� •lJ'o- _esJC�1_�s-s,f-,.I�'�.•7-).'�..'. .`••^�.rCL'rc��_�i •_r�».�"J •e•a��:,*]�_,f"/e..Iv)vti) ( ,l�.sam•at:I�•';-.✓peC)s Jl y^T. •�;l�,N tySe�iryl'�;/l e-!t1r�/�.•l/-eC�s''�i.`�} et.�<e—J�IT�i'•.ssr..s-�i �—r..+er•e��i•••eF� 'r.r e .. e�, te-c,_._, .♦r(-•/I]�v,...-�1. P•s•�b�.;(r'>•�+,1,ye%�"./'`„�J.-> �x7/e�J- -:[�e._�y.ij\( ti ,.,J�'t.l 1w1•.4�r.`=�.•_ �.0Js.. (+.s.�sj..�•'e .c”/Vwti'ft�;�s��•�,.:r"♦w(r•err"e'��/ri \�/�GV.I�, �'+.\';-`i)_n.`.•��..a�e^��O;'.��t�3n•r'�`� _P••V\-�J+—J..•zu.°,,\-n.��w-,)'g1-y�.(�r,_(�+_r^•�♦t�-\n1-�:�••'z1���°��t�J_s..�._.� ^„'=W..•��•1_...r�"�t1/"•"esC�p�lr•��t' :-y/l�n-r�'�'��.7't"-�f�J�--"�y���f,�)`� ._-s-+-{=1�/(r+J _)�V--`V /(PNN� �`si �w�.�,4'(U'((r."1s��� .. I"r�~./.` °C"llllll °7(jf . p . . J7._.`II.�''\rQ+Qo'p \ �4+ •-:IlIE:f ''._..-.�•. .-\:-'''i�:i;1.,1,llf:I1 v.l~,ijl'�rh.�n"a• d�'yt14,t`1S]I� [+[vi,1._L��jf']QW��7C'��[lt•V ✓''J�(7 sPS7y�� aiya�'�n• i tr 149 Sr+�V��!3•-._�-tCJl>'—J♦\a—�♦� —♦.Ybf_r. /,+; :��—R-]��a,UjlJ�Y�a (js) �lI.��+•.n(- '�r��„��{�i; +Ctti.r3s atswt•%.:-�C•.L.•�n♦. .`:f`] Nr 5 1 o0 ��[j�N ca ` ] . )e” .,54 ��--��rW � ]s.. Pee! �e+le � • '\J-tt•j"lt� ,U 'C �^/� s%[j�`J I),c1ft.t� . \ � -e n��'!s'•V:1�� 1�..trn�r- �r)••ist�tf�r�� �w l[J'r% L•e.\��t�)� �]�tr> Still) /V/) C1 J's�JS'c :•r/�`1[.,'e�:_��s.•j 1R'Pb_ �</•�,11c9:3�Kz PO s-}^ • dc�-'b>_• .v J.i�,�• yr>yAx.— .' .. ,r1 ( 4 I }(}( I � / •5. i J=' 'l(llzeze/Irort/s andsvutk eiKe D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT r { ; CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOK 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67AC1 December 9, 1969 Last and ?&It Charles R. Smith, Contracting Officer Purchasing and Contracting Building Number 179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Dear Sir: Contract No. DABE 13-70-C-0108 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627.9653 614 )_k4& Enclosed, herewith, are three (3) copies of the above mentioned contract signed by N. D. Olson, City Manager and three (3) copies of Resolution Number 3042 authorizing him to sign the contract. We will anticipate your remittance of the $24,000.00, billed to you on November 7, 1969, by December 23, 1969. DLH:js enclosures Sincerely yours, City Clerk RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL -20¢ BERT TO POSTMARK TE Charles R: Smith Contracting ffieer, STREET AND NO. Purchasing 8 Contracting CITY AND STATE Bu i I d 1 ng # 179 IFro- Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 went A laoilt, oheok whieh Ilyovwantre- Iot aha 9 shows to whom, atr.0 deliv- towhom when, anda dreee er ehook here and when - where dalivered delivered 506I" POD Form 3800 CAUTION—NOT FOR June 1963 INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See other side) LITIES - NA710`!AL LEAGUE OF CITIES DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DIVISION Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 26 November 1969 Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Hall Building Salina, Kansas 67401 In Re: Contract No. DABE13-70-C-0108 Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith are three (3) copies of the above subject contract for your signature on the face sheet, Standard Form 26, thereof. Said contract contains the pricing and performance provisions negotiated, and as set forth in your 9 October 1969 letter. Please furnish this office with three (3) copies of a City Council resolution of authority for you to sign the subject contract or any other signatory authority document that may be appropriate. Please return all three (3) signed copies of the contract, with the above requested signatory authority documents, to this office and your copy of the contract will be forwarded to you as soon as it has been processed by this office. Sincerely yours, 1 Incl HARLES R. SMITH DA -0108 (trip) Contracting Officer ALRD L -P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTEF.S FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DIVISION Fort Riley, Kansas .66442 Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Hall Building Salina, Kansas 67401 In Re: Contract No. DABE13-70-C-0103 Dear Sir: 26 November 1969 Enclosed herewith are three (3) copies of the above subject contract for your signature on the face sheet, Standard Form 26, thereof. Said contract contains the pricing and performance provisions negotiated, and as set forth in your 9 October 1969 letter. Please furnish this office with three (3) copies of a City Council resolution of authority for you to sign the subject contract or any other signatory authority document that may be appropriate. Please return all three (3) signed copies of the contract, with the above requested si,natory authority documents, to this office and your copy of the -contract will be forwarded to you as soon as it has been processed by this office. Sincerely yours, yV, 1 Incl c.�kcRLES R. SMITH ,i DA -0103 (trip) Contracting Officer STANC'RD FORM 26, JULY 1966 - GO.ER ! SERI ICES AD.U.tNIS1RATt0)f Asf�G�t :ST1Cf.''y`dT1i14t.`T PAGE OF IED. FRAC, REG. IAICFRI 1-16.101 , 1 CONTRACT (Pro. Inst. /dent.) NO. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE . CGJ151ilON/P.!2OIA6E EE,.VEST/PROJECT No. 14. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE UNDER BSDA DAB E13 -70-C-010° J 69JUL01 FSI -j5-70 RFLTNGMWORD;ASREG. 1. 5. ISSuEO BY CODE 6. AWNISTERED BY GODS 7. DF Purchasing and Contracting Division (If N(•m l<.s•r 31.L.5) - Post Engineern© FOB OB DE D[STh NATION Building 179 Building 187 OTHER(Sce Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 0 8. CONTRACTOR CODE FACfLFT1' CODE 9. D'.SCWNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT NAIAE AND ADDRESS F City of Salina, Kansas Net - (sister, tiff, counly,Slate, A Municipal Corporation and ZIP wd,) City Hall Building ---.- — o. Su&MIT INVOICES (. Ho notes, °lbt�u�ut tpec�ed) 70 ADDRESS SHOWN IN BIOtUT— II � 7 L Salina, Kansas 6 401 11. SHIP TO/MARK FOR CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE Commander Finance Officer Schilling Manor Sub -Post Building 70 Building 595 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Salina, Kansas 6740 1 17. THIS PROCUREMENT WAS ADVERTISED, NEGOTIATED, PURSUANT TO: ' 10 U.S.C.2904 (exlO 11 p U.S.0 252 (cx ) Il ACCOUNTING AND ANROPUATION DATA 219700700 55-1003 P1910-251 S14-040 (1910.7220) 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. REM NO. SUPPIIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Cost to the Government for Fire Protection to be supplied by_the City of Salina, Kansas for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract, 21. TOTAL AMWNT OF CONTRACT. $ CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPLICABLE 22. © CDNMCTOR'S NEGOTIATED AG:EEMENT (Contractor it required t° sign 26. ❑ AW -.W (Contractor is not required s* ,ign ibis dnunent.) Too, oFin ibis domnmf Jwd "turn 3 pi,, so ;,suing oflft.) ('lY.YOLICI ,,ms p,1 .Selis%Ii.o Number , wd din' 1F. so fu.nish end deli... oil items o, p.do,m off the ss,mos set f*rth n otherdse *dId!H. or dwnges mode be Yo* which additions as than Bes o. set forth in NO Idmfi Aed abo.a and an any mrninuotion sheets for the consideration stored harein, oboe, Is Fa,eby accaped as to tM iht,ns lied ober. and an or, aentia.Hse shoots. TM rights ad obit tions of the ponic , a this e*nhad shall be ubjed to and 8^'t- This *ward consmnmutas this cmnoe which consists of the followinq documents: (a) woad by the fol owing docume s, (o) this °recd/m,nrod, (b) the solicitation, if not, M Gnemmsnt's s*Bcitafi*a and yon *8er, and (b) this owprd/coev.d.. No used Is) such pro.isi*ns, npoenI.tiom, e."ific.tim" and specifications, as am further annu*dual daemon} ftaouswry. otmdsed or in..pented Is, ol.;s. herein. (Afmcbatuir ort listed herein.) 27 NAMES, OFTGT CITY OF SALT 1 27. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA By _ - - Br- FSgson,n o1 person avmori W a vSBI Riv'na'e d Conl,oaq —"•`T. --_- �¢�� 2d. NAM; AND TntE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 25. DATE SIGNED 26. NAM: OF CONTRACTING OFnQR (Type or print) 29. DAZE SIGNED N. 0. OLSON 1 City Planager l xe-mx-o1 - • at s9vannn[er M�In:n9 MKt ,%e a—ora+ ATANDARD. FORM JO, JULY 1966 -1 fEF, No. OF DOC. REWG CONT D. GEN".a-fF%ICt$ ADMINISTRATION C011TI111/.# VON 5E"iT Contract Nunber PAGE Of FED. PROC. MEG. (RI _CFR) 1-10.107 DABE13- D-C-oM _ `NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR CIT OF SA_IRA, KA14SAS ITEM NO. 5UPPUE5/SE2V:CE5 QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT The Department of.the Air Force Permit No, DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787 with its attendant driving HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "All is attached herato, and made a part hereof, as though ful.ly set forth herein. 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas, buildings, and appurtenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the Drawing marked HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to the Deoartmant of the Air Force Permit No. DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787, and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contract. 12 Mo $4,413.37 $52,960,44 Credit to the Government for Governmant- Furnished Prcperty 12 Mo 413.37 4,960.44 NET CONTRACT PRICE 12 No 4,000.00 48,000.0o i i .76-1Od-02 lot Q:ryCYLY[MT.LtIYaYG Og1LL: 0d10-I]Y!6 l S!)UiTICN tBJ"".E". 3042 A RESOLUTION APPROVING At! AGREEINIENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Covernment, identified as Contract Number DABE13-70-C-0108, dated July 1, 1969, relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina; Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed 'thereby, be and The same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the.Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor this 8th day of December, 1969. (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk Mayor I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that•Resolution Number 3042 was passed by the City Commission at its regular meeting on December 8, 1969, and -that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in my office. jl - I 9 � I Fh,1EC'. y ern— I D. L. Harrison, City Clerk .r - (I I WhEtF_ cT2th_ aQ1S4indH .._ l =/Beet_ East ared ?!lest COMMISSIONERS NORRIS D. OLSON � I 'r ~' j DONALD D. MILLIKAN, MAYOR _ " .... l'_.,_ LEON L. ASHTON CARL R. RUND UIST CITY MANAGER w,,.•... . .. _._•.. _... i .... .� Q AREA CODE 913 823-2277 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS ROBERT C. CALDWELL WILLIAM W. YOST P.O. BOX 748 Zafina, Xansas 6/4ol October 9, 1969 Mr. Charles R. Smith, Contracting Officer Purchasing and Contracting Division Building No. 179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Dear Mr. Smith: Again we apologize for our delay in answering your various correspondence relating to the proposed FY70 Fire Protection Service Contract for Schilling Manor. In addition to two wind storms that caused extensive damage to the community, the City Commission, as well as city staff, have been plagued with a substantial list of time-consuming problems and programs dur- ing the past several months. In addition to these problems, we have been somewhat per- plexed about some of the topics mentioned in your correspond- ence. For example, your letter of 29 April 1969 requested we submit separate pricing proposals for (1) Fire Protection Service and (2) Fire Prevention and Inspection Service. Your office was notified by telephone that it was impossible to provide such a breakdown of costs. We appreciate your letter of 30 July 1969 stating that such format is no longer a matter of concern. Our pricing proposals were completed andig ven to Mr. Arnold M. Mohn on May 21, 1969, being the same date he com- pleted his review of the data he requested. At this time, Mr. Mohn expressly stated that he would forward a copy of the pricing proposal to your office along with his audit report. During my most recent telephone conversation with Mr. Hanlan, I was surprised to learn that he had not done so. Two copies are enclosed. It has been suggested that possibly a few general comments from this office might forego the need for a "negotiation conference" again this year. Frankly, we can see no value for such a meeting unless new areas of discussion are uncovered. With this in mind, we submit a few general comments on behalf of the City of Salina: 1. The formula used for determining the pro -rata costs for FY70 is the same as used for all previous years. A1FtABER . . Y:/.N: IS ' 1AGUG OF tAUNICIP41_ITICS - ^ATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mr. Charles R. Smith October 9, 1969 2 - 2. Services provided to Schilling Manor residents have proved to be substantially beyond those provided Salina resi- dents or other out -of -city residents. The present charge for a rural fire contract is 1258 of the city levy. This presently is 9.3 mills and will become 10 mills on.1 January 1970. These contracts are now available to persons living within one mile of the city limits. They do not include any inspection, fire scene investigations, fire prevention programs, or any report- ing of the above except one brief report to the State Fire Marshal's office. Inspections are not provided within the city except upon special request. As general information, 1,255 attempts were made last year to inspect the 735 dwelling units located in Schilling Manor. Even with this effort, 46 of these units were never inspected. Extensive inspection services are provided to each of your high use facilities. The theater, for example, is inspected every week during a night-time hour while a show is in progress. It should also be pointed out that a complete shuffle of our fire department personnel is required every time these inspections are performed. 3. These additional services are very valuable to the various people that comprise the Manor. These households are not comparable to those located within the city, as they do not include the husband or father for whatever fire protection value he may provide. 4. Concerning Audit Report No. 712-03-9-0259: (a) The need for added services as mentioned above negates any validity in attempting to compare fire ser- vices rendered.to Schilling Manor with any other area or city on the basis of assessed valuations. (b) For the same reason, we consider the data found in paragraph 6b of the Audit Report to be invalid. Administrative costs are not included in any of the levy or per capita data provided for Manhattan, Junction City or Salina. The population figure for the Manor does not provide a valid base for comparative purposes because of the extremely mobile society located therein as well as the absence of the husband and father. (c) Paragraph 6c, along with items 4, 5 and 6 (Exhibit "A"), appears to be an attempt by Mr. Mohn to play the role of a negotiator instead of that of an auditor. It appears that Mr. Mohn does not understand the basic principles of municipal organization or adminis- tration. Probably 958 of the staff departments' (city manager, city attorney, city clerk and city treasurer) time is spent in matters related to the affairs of line Mr. Charles R. Smith - 3 - October 9, 1969 departments, such,as police, fire, streets, water, etc. By using the total CY-6$ expenditures for the city, it is evident that Mr. Mohn assumed that administrative staff time is pro -rated equally for every municipal dollar spent. Such an assumption is, of course, erroneous. For example,'excluding time spent on budget preparation, I, personally, spent less than 10 hours during 1968 with the affairs of spending $1,389,443.63 from our Bond and Interest fund. Our Director of Finance (city clerk) and City Treasurer probably did not spend more than a total of 36 hours during 1968 supervising the expenditures from this fund. The same is true of our construction fund from which the City expended $1,622,568.26,'as well as such special funds as Withholding, Pensions, Cultural Arts, etc. In paragraph 6c and Note 5, Mr. Mohn selected data from CY-68. The data for FY -69 is more recent and pro- vides a much different ratio. The service calls for FY -69 furnished by Fire Station No. 3 to Schilling Manor were 51 calls compared to the total calls of 110. The ratio for the Manor now becomes 46.36%. We feel you will agree that any area needs fire protection regardless of the number of calls made to it, and that neither of us could live with a formula that would be subject to such a percentage fluctuation. Now for Note 6. We have already challenged the $2,278.00 questioned in Note 4 as well as the 6.23% or the 35.65% questioned in Note 5. Mr. Mohn stumps us in Note 6. He apparently became confused in devel- oping his own argument. Having questioned the total amount of $2,278.00 in Note 4, why does he now multiply this amount by the 41.88% factor? By so doing, our arithmetic shows that he lessened the amount he was attempting to claim by $1,323.97. We will await your reply. NDO/mab Encl. Sincerely, Norris D. Olson City Manager i Prepared May 20, 1969 DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT j FY 1970 EXHIBITS: A. PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 3 Primary Service to Schilling Manor, 100% Applicable 7-1-69 to 12-31-69 1-1-70 to 6-30-70 2 Captains $ 7,104.00 $ 7,464.00 1 Lieutenant 3,228.00 3,390,00 9 Firefighters 25,312.00 26,944.00 $ 35,644.00 $ 37,798.00 Total $ 73,442.00 B. PAYROLL — FIRE STATION NO. 2 Backup Service to Schilling Manor, 25% Applicable 7-1-69 to 12-31-69 1-1-70 to 6-30-70 1 Captain $ 3,552.00 $ 3,732.00 2 Lieutenants 6,456,00 6,780.00 9 Firefighters 25,396.00 26,944.00 $ 35,404.00 $ 37,456.00 Total $ 72,860.00_ $ 72,860.00 x 25% _ $ 18,215.00 C. FIRE DEPARTMENT HDQS. Administration and Special Services 50% Chargeable to F.S. No, 1 25% Chargeable to F.S. No. 2 and F.S. No. 3 7-1-69 to 12-31-69 1-1-70 to 6-30-70 Chief $ 4,998.00 $ 5,250.00 Chief Inspector 3,732.00 3,924.00 3 Training Officers 10,656.00 11,196.00 2 Mechanics 6,456.00 6,780.00 1 Secretary 2,076.00 2,292.00 Dispatchers 7,510.00 7,510.00 $ 35,428.00 $ 36,952.00 Total $ 72,380.00 25% Applicable to F.S. No. 3 $ 18,095.00 6.25% Applicable to F.S. No. 2 4,523.75 $ 22,618.75 DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1970 - 2 - EXHIBITS: (Continued) D. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION a = Fire Department 1968 Expenditures b = City Operating Budget c = Fire Department pro -rata share (a tb=c) 7-1-60 to 12-31-69 City Manager Director of Administration Secretary Secretary City Clerk and Director of Finance Secretary City Attorney City Treasurer, Purchasing Agent and Personnel Director Accountant Clerk Bookkeeper 25% Applicable to F.S. No. 3 6.25% Applicable to F.S. No. 2 8,000.00 5,784.00 2,712.00 2,076.00 5,508.00 2,526.00 3,738.00 $ 418,987.41 2,660,894.27 15.75% 1-1-70 to 6-30-70 8,000.00 6,390.00 2,850.00 2,202.00 5,790.00 2,652.00 3,930.00 4,218.00 4,542.00 2,178.00 2,292.00 2,526.00 2,652.00 39,266.00 41,300.00 39,266.00 Total $ 80,566.00 $ 80,566.00 x 15.75% $ 3,172.29 793.07 b - General Operating Expenditures 1,767,574.44 Flood Works and Levee 22,788.28 Water and Sewage 870,531.55 $ 2,660,894.27 E. FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES Fire Department Expenditures $ 418,987.41 Excluding Salaries 392,694.73 26,292.68 25% Applicable to F.S. No. 3 6,573.17 6.25% Applicable to F.S. No. 2 1,643.29 $ 12,689.15 $ 3,965.36 $ 8,216.46 11 DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1970 SUMMARY: -3- Exhibit A = $ 73,442.00 Exhibit B = 18,215.00 Exhibit C = 22,618.75 Exhibit D = 3,965.36 Exhibit E = 8.216.46 Grand Total $ 126,457.57 Applying for factor of 5 for structures west of the railroad and factor of 1 for residential dwellings in Schilling Manor. 1. Buildings west of the railroad 204 x 5 = 1,020 2. Schilling Manor 735 1,755 Allocation of costs to U. S. Army: 735/1,755 = 41.88% Allocation of costs to the City of Salina: 1,020/1,755 = 58.12% 3. U. S. Army pro -rata share of total costs: $126,457.57 x 41.88% = $ 52,960.43 a 12 = $ 52,960.43 / FY 1970 $ 4,413.37 / per month * Credit for one Army fire truck..... - 413.37 $ 4,000.00 Actual Chargeable * Stipulate in contract -that the City will have the option to return this truck to the Army at anytime, once the replacement Aircraft -Crash truck is in service. At which time the Army will begin paying the additional $413.37 per month. 46 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS 1ST INFANTRY DIVISION (MECH) AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID Building No. 179 Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Hall Building Salina, Kansas 67401 8 October 1970 In Re: Contract No. DABE13-71-C-0057 Sir: Inclosed is a Designation of Contracting Officer's Representative, Delegate Letter No. 234. Please acknowledge receipt on reverse side and return original for the files of this office. Very truly yours, 1 Incl VERNON T. HANLON as Contracting Officer PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Delegation No. 234 I July 1970 SUBJECT: Designation of Contracting Officer's Representative Faclllties Engineer Building 187 Fort,Rilay. Kansas 66442 I. Under authority.contained in APP Contracting Officer's Representative 0"Ell-71ot-0057 1-406, you are hereby designated the in administration of Contract No. 2. This authorization does not impower you to execute or agree to any con- tract or modification thereof. 3. You are hereby authorized and responsible for: a. Contract performance supervision. b. Inspection and acceptance of supplies/services received. c. Place orders against the contractor, or through the Contracting Of- ficer, for supplies or services as included in the terms and conditions of the contract and for which an obligation of funds has been recorded. 4. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the contractor to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract or failure to make progress so as to endanger contract performance. 5. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the Government to meet its obligations under the terms and conditions of the Contract. MAN T. NANLON Contracting Officer Receipt acknowledged Date CITY OF 8AEINA. KANSAS ey N. 0. Olson City Nanager 4 IT STAi4-_°D FORM 26, DULY 1966 GENE.AL SERV!aS ADPj',:iSZi.ATION AWARD/CONTRACT PAGE a 33 nD. Psi" R.O. (RIctR) 1-16.101 1., C(M.TRAO (Pro.• In,. I&W.) NO. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE 3. WOVISKIMMIRCHASE REQUEST/PROJECT NO. d. CERTIFIED FOR NATIONAL DEIE1,15E UNDER ASDA DA E13 -70-C-0103 J 69juL0l FH- 35-73 of GAND/OR DMS REG. 1. 3. ISSUED BY CODE C ADMMISTERFD 5Y . CODE (I% &w FMR Ger# 3) 7. MAW ® FOS DESM NATION Purchasing and Contracting Division Post Engineer Building 179 Building 187 �o1lNarsr Fort Riley, tCansas 66;1:2 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 P. CONTRACTOR CODE FACBJTY CODE 9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT NAME AM ADDRESS City of Salina, Kansas Net (Slrrd,ln. wmb, Sark. A Municipal Corporation and ZIP nide) City Hail Building _ 10. SUBMIT INVOICES (d angio rnfen etbrrrile LSalina, Kansas 67401 *edfied) TO ADDRESS SHOWN W BLOCK 11 It. SHIP TO/MARK FOR' CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE Ccf,ander Finance Officer Schilling Manor Sub -Post Building 70 Building 595 Fort P.iley, Kansas 66442 10 use 23014 1a910 13. THIS PROCUREMENT WAS ❑ ADVERTISED. NEGOTIATED, PURSUANT TO, ❑ 41 Us.C.252 Icx ) 1, ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 219700700 55-1003 P1910-251 s14-040 (1910.7220) 13. ITEM NO. 16. SUPPLIES/SERVICES 17. QUANTITY I5. UNIT 19. UNIT PRICE 20. AMOUNT \, Cost to the Government for Fire Protection to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina; Kansas, In accordance aiith the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract. II TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT f III Innnn; CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPLICABLE 22. CONTRACTOR-$ NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT Xarst-Mr it regrind b sign 26. ❑ AWARD (Contradar 6 cat regoind b sign tbit dwitstrat) Ye1r.Br mu dorrmnd and refane —regio Fa urviag afhn.) Cnahadar apw items .11 the -,I.. W Tarth Or atMnria m Sdbibfba Nombw • �"d'^9 R" add'i5aes ar changes wad, b7 yw which addRi-- ar th-9e1 ere +d Farah In 1111 as 11,001.1, and deUNr all ar perform Wsatifi.d ab." ead as any whin+ IH- thNN fan th wr,iderariaa +Med Moir. hi. +hall be sAled b and 9.1- Oban-, Is haabF as, Ins as b IM ib.e OYM abo. and as any a -Ii" -H- sfss t This ..,h .msummaM 04 carnrad which --has at the l.11.win9 �a.rm-Nu (a) Th. right. ark .b1ig.R-+ at It., pari., ftwna.d .road by Han bliwin9 dawm.d+- la) ibis award)wMrad• (b) ib, sokilari-k if arty, da G.rtww-nt's sail asci- and Y"-4. 1 and (b) MU award/cwa.d.. No and (e) Nch P hi. -s, Npn+mr.lien+, naiR<aiam, and nPeeifi<arionA as 0- an Fdrd brrlia•) fwtbr, a-raradlal dawa-d I. a.t-aery. 0j.d" w inrarp.mtW by Is. hr.ia. (Atlwharmtt 27' NAME F CONTRACiOP CITY OF SALIiiA // V. UNITED STATES OFM nl7/i By 154'°x^ el Peron aNA.riaed b w9n1 (Eiynbn of C-Uvdip Offian 26. NAME MID TITLE OF SIGNERR (Type m print) 23. DATE SIGNED 25. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (TP), nr print) 29. DATE SIGNED N. D. OLSON /?—r-6 CHARLES R. SHITH 4 69DEC12 a 26-103-01 - Rl CaYNItYfn NiRrraO W rb[ _ tNe a-2114.0 �f LL FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOK 746 II NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER IICERTIFIED MAIL Mrs. Helen Whorton Contracting Officer Building 179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Dear Madam: SALINA, KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE SIS TA 7-2277 June 9, 1967 In Re: Contract No. DARE 13-67-C-3744 In response to your letter of 6 March 1967, we submit herewith our review of operating costs involved in providing fire protec- tion service to the Schilling Manor Sub -Post for FY 1967 along with projected costs for providing the service during FY 1968. While it is possible for us to show cost of salaries for the actual period of.the contract, other operating costs must be determined according to expenditures of our immediate past fis- cal year, which happens .to be the calendar year. Thus, oper- ating costs during 1965 appear in the data pertaining to the contract for FY 1967 and operating costs during 1966 appear in the data pertaining to the contract for FY 1968. This information is submitted in the sequence of sub -paragraphs provided in your letter, along with supporting information identified as Exhibits A through E for FY 1967 and A through F for FY 1968, and a Summary of each: a. FY 1967: $131,715.48 12 = $10,976.29 FY 1968: $139,224.96 12 = $11,602.08 b. $11,602.08 x 41.88% = $4,858.95 c. See attached d. Yes e. $915.80 Very truly yours, NDO/mb Norris D. Olson Encl. City Manager MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAOUB OP CITIES EXHIBITS: A. REVIEW DATA: ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1967 PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 3 Primary Service to Schilling Manor 100% Applicable 7/1/66 to 12/31/66 1/1/67 to 6/30/67 1 Inspector $ 2,772.00 $ 2,886.00 2 Captains 6,040.00 6,060.00 10 Firefighters 21,674.00 23,244.00 $30,486.00 $32,190.00 B. PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 2 Backup Service to Schilling Manor 50% Applicable 7/1/66 to 12/31/66 1/1/67 to 6/30/67 2 Captains 2 Lieutenants 8 Firefighters C. FIRE DEPARTMENT HDQS. $ 5,664.00 5,554.00 18,135.00 $29,353.00 $59,944.00 x 50% = Administrative & Special Services 50% chargeable to F.S. No. 1, 25% to each F.S. No. 2 and F.S. No. 3 7/1/66 to 12/31/66 Chief $ 4,368.00 Ass't Chief 3,062.00 Chief Inspector 3,062.00 2 Training Officers 5,604.00 3 Dispatchers 5,911.00 1 Secretary 1,100.00 2 Mechanics 5,215.00 28,322.00 $ 6,060.00 5,772.00 18,759.00 30,591.00 1/1/67 to 6/30/67 $ 4,500.00 3,180.00 3,180.00 5,916.00 6,380.00 1,680.00 5,274.00 30,110.00 $28,322.00 + $30,110.00 = $58,432.00 25% applicable for F.S. No. 3 = $14,608.00 12.5% applicable for F.S. No. 2 = 7,304.00 D. GENERAL GOVT ADMINISTRATION a = Fire Dept. 1965 expenditures $316,632.26 b = 1965 City Operating budget $2,260,280.18 c = Fire Dept. pro -rata share 14.009% (ab=c) 7/1/66 to 12/31/66 City Manager $ 6,500.00 Dir. of Administration 4,276.00 Secretary 2,100.00 City Clerk & Dir. of Finance 5,058.00 Secretary 2,012.00 City Attorney 3,084.00 Personnel & Purch Agt 4,220.00 Accounting Clerk, 2,208.00 Bookkeeper 2,208.00 $31,666.00 1/1/67 to 6/30/67 $ 7,000.00 4,728.00 2,250.00 5,208.00 2,046.00 3,150.00 4,500.00, 2,208.00 2,208.00 $33,298.00 $ 62,676.00 29,972.00 21,912.00 REVIEW DATA: ARMY FIRE CONTRACT , FY 1967 2. - EXHIBITS: D. GENERAL GOVT ADMINISTRATION (Cont'd.) $31,666.00 + $33,298.00 = $64,964.00 $64,964.00 x 14.0098 = $9,100.81 25% applicable for F.S. No. 3 = $2,275.20 12.5% applicable for F.S. No. 2 = 1,137.60 E. FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES For 1965, excluding salaries, $36,647.16 508 chargeable to F.S. No. 1 25% to each F.S. No. 2 and F.S. No. 3 25% applicable for V.S. No. 3 = $9,161.79 12.5% applicable for F.S. No. 2 = 4,580.89 $ 3,412.80 13,742.68 REVIEW DATA: ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1967 - 3 - SUMMARY: Exhibit A = $62,676.00 Exhibit B = 29,972.00 Exhibit C = 21,912.00 Exhibit D = 3,412.80 Exhibit E = 13,742.68 Grand Total $131,715.48 Applying the factor of 5 for structures west of railroad and factor of 1 for dwelling units in Schilling Manor: 1. Buildings west of railroad 200 x 5 = 1,000 2. Military buildings west of railroad 4 x 5 = 20 3. Schilling Manor 735 1,755 Allocation of costs to U. S. Army: 755/1,755 .43.028 Allocation of costs to City of Salina: 1,000/1,755 56:98% 4. U.S.Army pro -rata share of total costs: $131,715.48 x 43.028 = $56,664.00/FY 1967 $56,664.00 12 = $4,722.00/mo. Actual monthly cash payment =.$3,100.00 Allowance for fire fighting equipment = 863.64 3,963.6# - Undercharged per month 758.36 $758.36 x 12 = $9,100.32 total for FY 1967 0 EXHIBITS: DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1968 A. PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 3 Primary Service to Schilling Manor 100% Applicable 1 Inspector 2 Captains 10 Firefighters 7/1/67 to 12/31/67 1/1/68 to 6/30/68 $ 2,886.00 6,060.00 24,084.00 $33,030.00 B. PAYROLL - FIRE STATION NO. 2 $ 3,030.00 6,360.00 24,726.00 $34,116.00 Backup Service to Schilling Manor 50% Applicable 7/67 to 12/31/67 1/1/68 to 6/30/68 2 Captains $ 6,060.00 $ 6,360.00 2 Lieutenants 5,772.00 5,772.00 8 Firefighters 19,560.00 19,902.00 31,392.00 32,034.00 $63,426.00 x 50% = C. FIRE DEPARTMENT HDQS. Administrative & Dept. Special Services $333,882.66 50% chargeable to F.S. No. 1, 25% to each F.S. No. 2 and F.S. No. 3 7/1/67 to 12/31/67 Chief $ 4,500.00 Ass't Chief 3,180.00 Chief Inspector 3,180.00 2 Training Officers 5,916.00 3 Dispatchers 6,380.00 1 Secretary 1,680.00 2 Mechanics 5,352.00 30,188.00 1/1/68 to 6/30/68 $ 4,500.00 3,342.00 3,234.00 6,210.00 6,380.00 1,764.00 5,352.00 30,782.00 $30,188.00 + $30,782.00 = $60,970.00 25% applicable for F.S. No. 3 = $15,242.50 12.5% applicable for F.S. No. 2 = 7,621.25 D. GENERAL GOVT ADMINISTRATION a = Fire Dept. 1966 expenditures $333,882.66 b = 1966 City Operating budget $2,269,374.29 c = Fire Dept. pro -rata share' 14.712% (a b = c) 7/1/67 to 12/31/67 City Manager $ 7,000.00 Dir. of Administration 4,728.00 Secretary 2,400.00 City Clerk & Dir. of Finance 5,208.00 Secretary 2,046.00 City Attorney 3,150.00 Personnel & Purch Agt 4,500.00 Accounting Clerk 2,208.00 Bookkeeper 2,208.00 $33,448.00 1/1/68 to 6/30/68 $ 7,000.00 4,962.00 - 2,400.00 5,208.00 2,046.00 3,150.00 4,500.00 2,208.00 2,208.00 $33,682.00 $ 67,146.00 31,713.00 22,863.75 DATA APPLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1968 - 2 - EXHIBITS: ,D. GENERAL GOVT ADMINISTRATION (Cont'd.) ,$33,448.00 + $33,682.00 = $67,130.00 $67,130.00 x 14.7128 = $9,876.17 258 applicable for F.S. No. 3 = $2,469.04 12.58 applicable for F.S. No. 2 = 1,234.52 $ 3,703.56 E. FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES For 1966, excluding salaries, $26,347.27 508 chargeable to F.S. No. 1 258 to each F.S. No. 2 and E.S. No. 3 258 applicable for F.S. No. 3 = $6,586.82 12.58 applicable for F.S. No. 2 = 3,293.41 F. 38 COST OF LIVING INCREASE Applicable to 1968 Budget 9,880.23 . A. $34,116.00 x 38 = $1,023.48 B. 32,034.00 x 38 = 961.02 C. 30,782.00 x 38 = 923.46 D. 33,682.00 x 38 = 1,010.46 3,918.42 I AFFLICABLE TO ARMY FIRE CONTRACT FY 1968 SUMMARY: Exhibit A = $67,146.00 Exhibit B = . 31,713.00 Exhibit C.= 22,863.75 Exhibit D = 3,703.56 Exhibit E = 9,880.23 Exhibit F = 3,918.42 Grand Total - 3 - $139,224.96 Applying the factor of 5 for structures west of railroad and factor of 1 for dwelling units in Schilling Manor: 1. Buildings west of railroad 204 x 5 = 1,020 2. Schilling Manor • 735 1,755 Allocation of costs to U.S. Army: 735/1,755 = 41:888 Allocation of costs.to City of Salina: 1,020/1,755 = 58.128 3. U.S. Army pro -rata share of total Costs: $139,224.96 x 41.888 = $58,307.41/FY 1968 $58,307.41 ; 12 = Allowance for fire fighting equipment Net Monthly Cash Payment $4,858.95/mo. 858.95 $4,000.00 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DIVISION Fort Riley, Kansas City of Salina, Kansas A Municipal Corporation City Nall Building Salina, Kansas 67601 13 January 1967 Date Re Contract Nr, DADE13-67-C•3744 Attached is your copy of Contract Nr. DABE13-67-C•31" flo Cat On O. Please acknowledge receipt, as indicated below, and return letter to this office. 1 Incl 1, Contract Nr. aS RECEIPT ACKNOIlLEDGED: FR 22 Jun 59 FL 76 Yours very truly, .Z' �� r HELEN WNORTON Ro'ntraating Officer 9OLS', / 6 / 945 (Date ^ ry DDI FOR4P I 9....1 ...... T1.1.11ee.611C. Iwo 0-10514, EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE NO. NO. OF PAGES SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT 10 Jen 1967 1 5 REQUISITION NO./PURCHASE AUTHORITY CONTRACT (Order) NO. MODIFICATION NO. ON1113*4744,37" 1 TO: (Cont aww's name and addroa) ISSUED By City of Saliw. NanMs f1atttrai rMoAfrment plvlslal A NuNlelPat 11oryoratlan Unildtag 179 WIN 11011 SW11411s fort Idlers McNees 66Wfg Sell"# & Aot ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA ot•g�o7os x-1003 ►191fMc$ �1�10.�Oj SlAs4s The above numbered contract is modified as follows: 1. 1M sna wd *gsroau of tM Air fbm 01"Wt No.OA�34mos i, coney With its 4"00 Mtt *00149s,1%0WAIIII AWs UNISIT " Is haroby made a pin of cattraat No. 1011346744.3744. !. I1 I"M No. 1 eat Ibrtb a1 as SWIMMION 1111LT. sualord fbm 36. Our the rior& 2i1WIM ttposasd #ani,!�do follaWr4 ohm*@ 90 est taro an an 't1"s stewing. moon I Owill attsahad to pgartt O of the Air Pores amot No. a:5 7 "` to hereby Iftle ad. 3. i1 SPUTA► 101WISON& SM'tes the 060040elt fb► a1Aw1 pfawntlal Inapeatlat 01011 bs lisped to tiw areas and belldirO est forth IN Itis No* i* as modified by p m*raph 2 alga. o. SMIAb MVISION. SM9. 9, at ny KAp. Is hsrser delated M Its antlnety and the fbllarlaq s s tats N lieu the s %MS. POR901 . All wft parftmad IN the snowplIslowt or ntrt�iram o wrrleas to be fbmlow WAW this aoatraat stall M ala. butt 1s2 1164tad too do savlas prawldM w1611 dw WIP0tants 1101ts of the city of $all" as reNuirod by the standara estate I Mol by ttw ow"Iasry pasaroN aids as a slalm ue am stme"rol ft re harlas not 100$ 060 Poar (4) No an 4r at all time stotle wd N tN flwt 0) cella free all partials of de am alder =Rtraats 60th suparrtaory peraoatwl ow fire eaa1 1 40114614 for lateedlate SM14 o anfor anfbrasa-- assrsalslas is order to assaw than 00 l440401di cisme pf"M by this emttraat an ailtaiaad." Except as hereby modified, all terms and conditions of said contract as heretofore modified remain unchanged and in full force and effect. This Supplemental Agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority of 1 Mtwlslan S. SIAWWM Pans 31. a put of the ==Ureal. ITTY V/wm$ Nola UNITED STATES OF AMERICA `^'4 � �_ _ NAME F COMT (1C /'/�/TVf�CYA a TOR /0�9ti By SIGNATURE DAT �O —1 / YC% BY �n� N. 1. a" SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFIC DATE TYPED NAME city Natassr HELEN MNORTON TITLE TYPED NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER DDI FOR4P I 9....1 ...... T1.1.11ee.611C. Iwo 0-10514, tN)IIIf1CATIQII tRt. i tr#ft NO. 37 ► S. in $MIX PAWISIONO WWO), rftr do auats'1iaAMb* I{wsr S00ftst" to torlWas pbrawr `ice S*t ftla On the fraw"i, MAW "M vm#sly W* Otter to OttaMet of do Ail' f m ftmt lb. "02344200 OOIJW, is bl dv 11 d. 5. it Is mdsrstnod rat¢ *grew gist boom* of the fwgpinq sfsaffestIm on O atnat pww is not ram4 mad that 00 omrm* price ramas XM !leas and to* as 41flsation is 406 Ot w matt to on Wan wast. it. PERMIT {1h liere¢tt 004t for a tomtit but revocable at will by the Secretary of the Air For0'6,4& or log n6of of the Qwernme t I hav&mg Jurisdiction, ~ the propatys to wo for housing purp"" A parcel of 1=4 oestainio$ 205,41 sereag mato ev 1"9#,, and 735 family housing units located thersons including installed equipment contained theraint and 4ppurtananalw'. thereto, Samar the Capahart.. Heasigg Areas the tons -, lying Within bomad4ztes Sohl ling A0 ftne Be" s I ass I T as shown subatantially in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof.*%44*o@REikd as 09"Sa" : THIS PERMIT is granted subject to the following conditions: ,..�,,; That she uea,aazd,>aoaµpsatim�of;the;-9¢id.pre��naee§:^sleadt"be without cost or expense to the 2.1Fhldf the' P&mittei4mll, at'its ou)W exOenWand'withbut ebdt'or'expeneeto the Department 'Wf'the Air good revair'did cohdiNon"'the pie*4es hiere'incwthorized to be diMA016, property under control of the Department of the lef 'WPi4W601f h6V6in'bft*W8h4l1 bt &6mOtlo ebrri*ted by the Per"6*e to the --Widf4ctibsi, of 'iWedid, d#kt+.! 4,, . 2!h4i ti4o' RerpittecsAau pa by, , jhe qt4 otiuciniand/or y,-Ae.� qoat,q�,dete q 6914er, of.pr eupplyl�# any UNUU68'' and tother, 'yfeei,furi , d0h; V the 0 rt 014".4fr Forge or through 0 r pa "t a0pen; eq. e U t Pf t1w 4i�r4 ON" for; FR9VWW ==US ARE OBSOLVE $+X' ,�,� . ,`',fijt no..a'{tui{y,.p or aiterataana Othe �7B7t$8 eaBmde:othout the Prior E��'litlRBfYHG deer r�^i t� t'�i^� urk. ; B. That if for any reason it should bed emed,neeeeaary or expedient for the pepamnent of the ' Azq�1f;r'otAYter1�R ���yp� ( yycge� �h ghe refapowibitity of the permittee, Ail w jy llepair�ntent epartm'erit o1 ' 1pv in equWatift with mid � T y ° Trot dni or 60i re tha date R# Lfox this pwmit, or ite'reknryilFahment by the Per. ,VEitdee, �lek ' 'eith6l' ��"t�`d'h�t4�� �F1g4�''it�;�pfe!¢dY'Sy tltbl'e/f°dfY6,titiid �'ddibre Ih �tr. ef�`,.i� �kd�b�fd3#S''� dt"=thy ddr� doge VY494q( AOntro6, offim-exaeptecE. IJ,'hawOLwo°tkie permit is revoked, the permittee dAQ�e �i4�6� td,.�yA:/D1YlltiaBA.. 7R9�'R(10IR. �Ji..i'17flnarfsf..4.ii.uaimnaa nen�.ivaiFaes'. iLe ,..u.aewleee w...I...ue.tf "U4 2 i �TI ...�1 .. -�-' ..+•- <. _�- «..�n.�' �i-`"4l.YZd..:'. _ ." _ w�*sa_.e�• _ _ �'� . ti t tt���5 M 41 IL t Fy f 3e C�6Q .i ty�J J r•>, cz-b S •�xr,.�1 4 G T!F 1 T RfV--A�'-_�rl CI °�y =v '. r* ♦ .•'•u,.��f jjf CL} -4A a�L7. �y�'sc ��° +~ r g OD L7 _-' t • t t • '1� ° tr - t. f _•as�� `� -.�;= f ,•:; '�P �O moi. <��7;;(V�s`J ....'�<3r •� ++ , i ( .ty� 1ff ; SS 3e li � I � a ..... - - .. ,� � Sf t t �` � ���,YC'-7 'r� i. )> /"�j4. � �•.�.� ~]>r�.. � �� 1! :4 1. � � % # a_ tl . t'!sx "^w.7-.i�-.=j ✓���s •!t` -4i tei� to ,i2�- t �� � � j i .� S .._.s f _ � .�b`-._l x(� rrrr _�+� e� -semi's--.-•_. �� �t It -41 — ;} Id 6�, �° a x T �- ' 'j'.aC� ��G �:i. r„♦ "1 � 3 �. `�.rtc)_. ' ;{ wor. -.tf Yt I _ ���.� J t r `s_r' [rte .Z.f. rr e _ � l[ ♦r��—. .:_ .., I '�'.. .l� _� a...�.�.....--...o-..��_ ._- ! T. I n f •^ 1 �.�r,��t v--+tijam�u �. •�y A � 3' r � �r�-1 [ � r ,-.,.♦. aye . ..n r � .,O'�4 �_..s x.�-� � d(_��ri�e r�i 'lr3e -� ` t) � m<f ♦� -^ r i� _ 1 - : : ��jf — (---�' --,•v RW �,.. � � 'r „ S 1 '-t' "�`4 r t r..,f f j`-7'C� �` •* o � Z t , ( Itt [•a•.-�,��,�'y '.a w�`_\ .a t r i. ,-�� ���,`\\ iS� t;= s ; i F L"`--� -- t +f" s)`^✓\ — i� +i- ` v_ , "i lz r ].L t Lx} j. y♦ ` - t f' •>' s4 ri 11 e3.Yffg fj N t'st U.;�j (�(7 } t +� .a3yT; t-�, 41 )ti♦ PP j - `. {,—� J i, '_- - (`----.-./�+�/j� �% "r. ♦ ��-� t��-�ti t(^� � f {i' 4t f .�") f; '7���L^rl `�♦+' ,;,1 ll�.��^;/!"�,_f _ ; +v .� 1/3t _ �i 0. '�.� Ir` �y' s s s a \ j i_ A fS f0 31t :-:340 1f « {- _V rij - + �-.�_^ 1? C [•�+-"-„ : r . y L 'e�r'1t ✓_f`i�'_31.��t„-7 Y140�R2R4.3f I t `�__ -! i.J-�'rz.,," �.t�.-� i •-`'`-J...�'a >^C`1 - n ,d t•-. !�^'L =G`1 1 '-`_ _ °¢.I {{ � � _�"_ 1'---'."T-]Ci-•-+.w -..� .Y. s+3j £ a. f�.�n� � n w`C' st rre �>r ': �7 {''�'� �I �. 'f 1�.. r /l e^gr T )s t tr ~ � i-•Zii +� _ ,�//� Tl.. ,•. r' I[ � tl5 -at J Gt.� �StFYF 1'• H�i4 � -P 1 ip Cf e q i It f 7.71F <f ; - " 4 '� - t ��-� Jl �'♦-( e>rf V tJ L ., Li • [2 ; f 5.> � t - z I .I 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MODIFICATION OF THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, DATED JULY 19 1966, RELATING TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That the Supplemental Agreement to Contract No. DABE13-67-C-3744, entered into between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, a copy of which is at- tached hereto, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Supple- mental Agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by'the Board of Commissioners and ap' roved by the Mayor this —= day of January, 1967, f� Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk GENERAL OFFICES \'�<_ CITY HALL BUILDING NORRIS D. OLSON city M -W&' January 11, 1967 Mr. Charles R. Smith, Contracting Officer Department of The Army Central Procurement Division Building #179 Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Dear Mr. Smith: Please excuse what may have appeared to have been a delay on behalf of the City of Salina in execut- ing the modification form to our Fire Contract DARE 13-67-C-3744. Your communication and modification material was received December 21, 1966. Since our regular City Commission meeting dates, December 26, 1966 and January 2, 1967, were both legal holidays, our first City Commission meeting since receiving your material was last Monday, January 9, 1967. Very truly yours, NDO/mb Norris D. Olson City Manager Member .. League of Kansas Municipalities — American Municipal Association Mr. Norris D. Olson City Manager City Hall Building Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS 66442 20 December 1966 In Re: Contract No. DABE13-67-C-3744 Higher headquarters has requested that the above subject contract be modified, setting forth more precisely the area of performance there- under, and inserting a more desirable and comprehensive SP -5 Standards of Performance. Enclosed herewith please find three (3) copies of modification No. 1 to the above subject contract for your signature. Appropriate resolutions authorizing your signature are requested.�- If you have any questions whatsoever concerning, the enclosed modification, please feel free to call this office at any time, BElmont 9-3238. Your timely response, and return of the three (3) signed modifications, will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, 1 Incl CHARLES R. SMITH Mod #1 (trip) Contracting Officer ' EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE NO, OF P SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT � IND. 5AGE( REQUISITION NO./PURCHASE AUTHORITY CONTRACT (Order) NO. MODIFICATION NO. DABE13-67-C-3741+ 1 701 (Conneclor4 nems and address) ISSUED SY City of Salina, Kansas Central Procurement Division A Municipal Corporation Building 179 City Hall Building Fort Riley, Kansas 66442 Salina, Kansas 67401 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 21-9770700 55-1003. P1910-25 (1910.7220) S14-040 -' The above -numbered contract is modified as follows: 1. The attached Department of the Air Force Permit No, DA -23 -028 -ENG -7787 with its attendant drawing, HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "All is hereby made a part of Contract No. DABE13-67-C-3744. 2. In Item No. l set forth on the CONTINUATION SHEET, Standard Form 36, after the words "encompassed thereby", the following phrase, "as set forth on the Drawing, HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT."AII, attached to Department of the Air Force Permit No. DA-23-028-ENG-7787",.is hereby inserted. 3. In SPECIAL PROVISION, SP -2c, the requirement for annual prevention inspection shall be limited to the areas and buildings set forth in Item No. 1, as modified by paragraph 2 above. 4. SPECIAL PROVISION, SP -5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE., is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following SP -5 is substituted in lieu thereof: 'ISP -5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work performed in the accom- plishment of furtherance of the services to be furnished under this contract shall be comparable, but not limited to, the service provided within the corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards estab- lished by the supervisory personnel, and, as a minimum, one structural fire company having not less than four (4) men on duty at all times, stationed within five (5) miles from all portions of the area under contract, both supervisory personnel and fire company available for immediate service except for unforeseen emergencies, in order to assure that the standards contemplated by this contract are maintained." Except as hereby modified, all terms and conditions of said contract as heretofore modified remain unchanged and in full force and effect. This Supplemental Agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority of 1pMX:S` QQXXXX (IMAWWA401MGeneral Provision 2, Standard Form 32, a part of the contract. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NAME OF CONT TOR -10 1047 BY BY SIGN TURE DATE 61 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER DATE N. D. OLSON TYPED NAME City Manager TITLE TYPED NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER FORM D D I MAY iG `1320 Y.i 40Y[IINYIMT RgTI110 ONItI : HN 0—,UN, MODIFICATION NO. 1 Supplemental Agreement to Contract No. DABE13-67-C-3744 5. In SPECIAL PROVISION, SP-lOc(2), after the name "Schilling Manor Sub -Post" the following phrase, "as set forth on the.Drawing, HOUSING AREA, EXHIBIT "A", attached to Department of the Air Force Permit No. DA-23-028- ENG-7787'.',.is hereby Inserted. 6. It is understood and agreed that because of the foregoing modification the contract period is not extended, and that the contract price remains the same and the modification is made at no cost to the Government. 2 DEPARTMENT'OF THE AIR FORCE PERMIT TO OTHER EDERAL':GOVERNMtNT DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON, D&23428-13.7787 .................. . ZZ DOARDIM0 OV TIM AM". if herebypranted a ppftit fora tern 90 o". 7:-4 * ,beginning I ;j=uM19 660, but revocable atwill by the Secretary of the Air Force,44 or officer of the Government having jurisdiction over the property, to use for housing purposes. A parcel of land containing 295.41 acres, more or less, and 735 family .housing units located t1wreou, including installed equipment contained therein, and appurtonaw .#a thereto, Sen*rallV4dQntLq&4,j&s the Capshart 11ousing Area, lying within the boundswiss of Schilling Air force Bus, VA="* as shown substantially in red on Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereo/.o*&4"#PjW Allow THIS PERMIT is granted subject to the following conditions: 1,. without cost or expense to the 'Dsi6rtwnt of the Air Force,.under the gene.ral sup erVisionapd,8ubject,t9 t4approval of the osceri,. having, immediate jurisdiction over the, pr4m4ea,and subjectalso to auckrule8and regulations as ,1W may from time to time prescribe. , 2. That the'permittee shall, at'itrbwa expense'a4d"Without cost or expense to the Department of the Air Forcis,'mdintain'and keep in good repair. and condition'the premises herein authorized to be used. 3. ' That any interference'with ordamage'to property under control of the Department of the Air Force incident to the e'xdOciie'of the *8hdU be.promptly corrected by the 'permittee to the hatiefdotion of the 4.. That the permittes shall pay the, coat, ad determined, by the. said of%i f, of producing and/or #upplyjigany utilities and other.,isivices furnished by the Department of the Air Force or through. Pepar4ment of the Air ores faoilitise for,. the use of the permittee,. I o AT! 1 6 2 4, ISK 4 8-4?810) rRVIOUS UMONS AR9 619OLM 7 t 'That no a4dVio7w dr altnatidni of the premiss ,ehallbe,made without the prior consent ofheOt . ai I d I 69cer. 4P , 6. That if for any reason it should be deemed necessary or expedient for the Department of the Air,porcqj to periprm4unc�icns,and/ r qrs.tke responsibility of the permittee, _ the said OAFc-r.1nPyA,.#0 u groel iiitoo to furnishAs V -or reimb r It, require the,p4rw� .4rgonnel andl :-materials required i: t; PfrIp"WIF and/pr fo9tt re Ae­4,tg6 said services. In addition 7114 er, the.parmit e.e 4 Aii �buvsv Oebepartment jf,t&'A .1 Foi4 - UDOpartment of t I he Air Force in connection with said /itricEionslc­ of eUvh le -,persolin - '11; 4v 1 -M! �,Ow Of dd OPM' That on or before the date of expiration of- thfi- permit or its relinquishment by the per- luttee, -the t��6kiddi) it*Mieand raitore . I U tot the prem so a loolz Wti, 01 bevond'. th,copoot Of!* Pemiftee excepted. If, however, this permit is revoked, the permittee a r 9..r.,,an4.T#e4o qforfqaid Witki* WktimO 44,$14 SOO! V.Vjojt).44jrF 0 j. itv .4t"4 -g." m "60" iv IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand by authority'of the Secretary of the wn;c Col., 00 VA itr)4 f .:,11. 1FiI/L�J-!�.Sr :two .......... a , got at XV1 - stop % Tata SPFc1?f J.0 V 0 F_ H4.t "A 0.0 i P; _o A rj V C -U:RN L -C f .1 -VIK E50740 a ` -",; "!� _. � .� + �. �-�'a.•'�? ,� t_•v�-y.,••,z...-a — �-1.Jtia r,.---+.+ rsz _.v-r-'a"-V.o S?-.:. .. # f f tJ � ea � try r i - •.l } i _. a ' � ✓., • / .. • q � ) a?. l-,: r`--�; . rte- _ _ �`'��_ t 's - .. �, f r t (3 � _ - - d# - �. E.. _✓•frjV i? !/_�. (� �_ ''^ r`--_ _� fops at`t .. js 1.4 fO�': rPr� �1 ✓�if^� _ tVs� •'.r `� i�" l 11 Of 4 ray, "�/ry�� i i rnG� I e�✓.f.,, Baa//. [fe •��>•c;_���r7 f(I ta jt pr > •• ti .. '. Cf tf •� . i} -1 t.6�Jr ♦ tri f rr� -' fp - 1( _- _., K Oo-~ f ') ✓a+f��f Ci3Cb ._. ,.4 r;[?rt [-i r -•;3.i -)e ` \)`�> ,�. i -t ='Ii . ii_ t H 'iD iD d3,-�'� -r,-�a as%3',/. Y•\7 "\��.-.���� (•�• IN ts -Ziff ��':; � . 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T Af f r Inn r - i ) t ; F 5 . PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DIVISION Fort Riley, Kansas City Of Salina ATTN: Hr. N. 0. Olson City Manager City Hall Satins, Kansas 67401 7 October 1966 Date Re Contract Nr, VA0213*67aC•3744 Attached is your copy of Contract Nr.,OABH13474-4744 Please acknowledge receipt, as.,indic'ated below, and return letter to this office, Yours very truly, 1 Incl. 1. Contract Nr, OAK13*674*3744 w/cy del leer RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: Signature FR 22 Jun 59 FL 76 - 'e HBLENtswaTnli Contracting Officer Date \ a i N4GOTIATED CONTRACT DEPARTMENT 'EFFECTIVE DATE SHEET NO. NO. OF SHEETS 24TO REO NO. OR OTHER PURCHASE AUTH NEGOTIATED PURSUANT DISCOUNT TERMS - CONTRACT NO. 10 U.S.C. 2304 (w( 10 NM QM1 -C-3 ISSUED BY MAIL INVOICES TO Central ft=uremt bivlsias CDIO>f8r Building 179 Sabi 11111111 1lnnar Sub -Plast 118 #. Mob" Fort At lay(, Nona Saito$ man CONTRACTOR (Name and Add"sn) PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY - City of Salina, Kansas Flnme Officer A *micipal toroomica Sul TO" 70 city bell Building Fort Alley# On"$ Salina, mm" 674111 SHIP TO (Consigns. and Address) DELIVERY _,.�.y ems, + SaMon to be performed of Se1►{1lins F.O.B. QDESTIMATION QOTHER (SaeSahaduta) MIA ew DELIVERY DATE(S) i1W Stbpftt ig*r tho �.wr,A,w� 1 of the tantract re Wl mr and/or his autboriaad rapresentatIveo Sea spedal Pt►1S1ans 8100. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Departmental Overprinting Will Be Authorized) 21e,,9=00 550043 0191045 .910.7St24 $14%440 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTS 1. That it QIS, DIS NOT. a small business concern. Generally, a smell business concern for the purpose of Government procurement is a concern that (1) is not dominant In its field of operation and, with its affiliates, employs fewer than 500 employees,. or (1) is certified as a small business concern by the Small Business Administration. (See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 103, as amended, which contains the detailed definition and related procedures.) If Contractor is a small business concern and is not the manufacturer of the supplies covered by this contract, it also represents that all supplies to be furnished hemunder ED WILL, 0 WILL NOT, be manufactured or produced by a small business concern in the United States, Its Territories, its Possessions, or The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 2. That It is a QREGULAR DEALER IN, MANUFACTURER OF, the supplies covered by this contract. 3. (a) That it HAS,. QHAS NOT, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee 'working solely for the contractor) to solicitor secure this contract, and (b) that it CD HAS, QHAS NOT,paid or agmed ,to pay any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commis - Sion, percentage or brokerage fee, contingent upon or resulting from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish iafor // motion relating to (a) and (b) above as requested by the Contracting Officer. (For interpretation of the representation, in- cluding the term "bona fide employee -1,. See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44, Part 150:) 4. -That it operates as C3INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP 0 CORPORATION incorporated In the State of I The Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all the supplies and perform all the services set forth in the attached �t Schedule, for the consideration stated thereUL The righte.and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to I[ and governed by the Schedule and the General Provisions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the Schedule or the, r General Provisions and any specifications or other provisions which am made a part of this. contract, by reference or other- therwise, wise,the Schedule and the General Provisions shall control. To the extent of my Inconsistency between the Schedule and the General Provisions, the Schedule shall control I The total amount of this contract is $ 240-00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RWZIDOWCTOR r 10-4-66Gt��._ BY BY to.b.66 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER DATE SIGNATURE DATE N. D. Olson NBIEN YNORTON 1 TYPED NAME ��Tiue Manager TYPED NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER .City 351-1 AND DD lFORMREPLACES 00 DHC as 1261 WHICH ARE OBSOLETE AFTER I JUL $9. Z re 16_„90-I r "'m' �'°' l CONTINUATION SHEET 3WWMCONT « '`" '" "�"`",�" "° PMW r etn« n 1A t- atm (1CPPIY CONHUI) DARE 13-67-C-371+4 3 iter No: SUMMS OR Se1im =M umrt umIT PRICE mom 1. Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Service to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas for Schilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas, all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, and in accordance with the terms, conditions, and provisions of this contract. 12 mon013,10O.CD $37,200.00 SPECIAL PROVISION SP -1. CONTRACT PERIOD. This contract shall begin i July 1966, and shall end 30 June 1967, both dates Inclusive, unless sooner termirated uncer the provisions of this contract. SP -2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall, 3n the terms hereinafter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, equiFuent anc appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the Fire prctecticn service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Sub -Post in strt t accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The Contractor siall perform rk consisting of the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire p-evention and protection service. b. Provide the Sub -Post Commander technical assistance in formu- lating regulations covering reduction and ellm nation f fire hazarcs. c. Conduct annual prevention insp ction & dependent hcusing and all other buildings and areas included in Schi ling Ma or S -Post. d. Perform first and second echelon maintiniince service on the Government Furnished Property contained elsewh re here n. e. Make annual representative fIr3 flow tests is required. f. Assist in conducting formai lneesttgations cf Goverment fire losses. Un a ED= OR Cam"Lam 810 �Yr 8dltl�m W • at mrm�nn mmr ann �w o-wru �e-fuer-t BESIemd FG x Q CONTINUATION SHEET MffRACF. ORDER OR INVRATION No �"�°°�'�°a) FAG[ In ,. - 36�1P� Req. (n aw 1-1&107 (SOMY CONTRACT) DABE 13-67-C-3744 4 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (N= a UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) SP-3.ER SPOPS B L FOR ADMINISTRATION F CO CT. The Contracting Officer, or his duly appointed successor, is risponsible for the ad inistration of this contract, and alone is authorized, to he exteit in icated In this contract, to take action on behalf of the Gov nment Ailch results in changes in the terms of this contract, including devi ions � m specifications, details and delivery.scheduies. SP -4. FRACTIONAL'PAYMENTS. If necessary at the :ommercement cr terminat- ion of this contract, payment shall be made for any fr3Ctioral part of a month's service at the rate of one -thirtieth (1/30) of the monthly charge f r earth day of service rendered. SP -5. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All wore perforned ir the accomplishment or furtherance of the services to be furnished under tits c ntract shall be comparable, but not limited to, that service provided jithir the corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards established by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. The contractor shall furnish convatents ervisory personnel to assure that the standards contemplated by this contract are maintained. SP -6. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE. .a. The Contractor shall Indemnify and sav3 har less the!Government, its officers, agents, and employees against al actions, proceeding , claims, demands, costs, damages, and expenses, includi g atto ey's fees, b reason of any suit or action brought for any actual oralleged i jury to, or ceath of any person, or damage to property including that property Furnished by the Govern- ment for use of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performarce or ser- vices hereunder. b. The Contractor shall indemnify and save har less the Government from any loss of or damage to Government property taus d by neglige e, theft, or wilful misconduct of his employees. SP -7. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, Tie Contr ctor hall: a. Be responsible for organizing ind admi iste ing the fire pre- vention and protection service,required hereun er for ;chilling Manor Sub -Post near Salina, Kansas. b. Be required to furnish technic 1 assistance to the hilling Manor Sub -Post Commander in the formulating of regulat ons c vering he reduc- tion and elimination of fire hazards. NAME OF emm OR C NTM-- StWMd dFP 86 •41 ODYtMRdI..111T111{plld �NOo—HMfI Is-7efafY yr 1. 9Al. Shmd" a - - - 3 CONTINUATION R EET �` °��'�T°" "° u�-IcF fto (sI ap Halm OUPPLY OOUiWCp DABE13-67-C-3744 5 ITEr MD. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES QUd UNIT UNrt PRICE "110UNr SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) c. Conduct an annual fire prevent on insp ction of depeident housing and a quarterly inspection of office and ptiii y buildings 1 ated in Schilling Manor Sub -Post, and shall furnish a ritten sport of the Findings of .each inspection of violations of the fire regulations o the Sub -Post Commander, maintaining necessary records to provide for.f flow -up insp tions in sufficient number to secure corrective action. Cl, Properly train and instruct hi person el In the operation and maintenance of, and perform the inspection and first aid s nd echelon main- tenance service on, all Government property fu nished ereu er. e. Annual representative fire flow tests will made selected fire hydrants within each principal area to determine idequ y of er flow for fire protection within the area. Results will be evaliated gainst revious flow tests and utilized It, formulating prearra ged fir figh ng pia . Fire hydrants will be color coded in accordance witi NFBU C des indica a maximum fire flow for each Individual hydrant at 10 ps residu 1 pr sure. SP -8. RESPONSE TO A REPORTED FIRE iNCLU ING CT S B C D D. a. The Contractor shall be requir d to tl respon to a re- ported fire call and take necessary action to ctinngall fires romptly to minimize fire loss and water damage. The Cont actor1 ke exp itious action to eliminate loss of life at the site o a red ire, an upon the completion of the extinguishing of the fire, t e Conor hall b required to remove any excess accumulation of water imp unded w thin he building during the extinguishing of the fire to minimize water damage b. The Contractor shall be requir d toe duet n Investigation in- to the cause of a fire in conjunction with the Contrac ing ficern Represent- ative to determine cause and corrective action necessa y to revent imilar occurrences, and to submit reports of each inv stigati n, p servi evidence for the use of a board of Officers making for 1 inves lgati n of fires. c. The Contractor shall prepare aid maint in fi a department records and reports of operation, personnel, a uipment and s pplies required for the operation of the fire department furni hing fire pr action for Schill- ing Manor Sub -Post under this contract. SP -9. CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATION. The Contractor repr ants t t the charges set forth for the fire protection services to a fu fished rounder do not exceed prices charged the general publi or of r Go rnment agencies for the same or similar services. Iwa aP anom aR ooRrR�mm 81ml u W Rlvdsd /tri CONTINUATION 3HEE'1'I.i (MCa1TAKTI�W OR YIVITATIM NM O"°^'°�°�"°^ 11eS Rip. (IAI 6q 1-10.107,a10. „ (UPPLr CONTUM DABS13-67-C-3744 1"6 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (N= ef UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) . SP -10. GOVERMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnl h the t ucks s set forth herein to the Contractor for the performance of tim service set orth under the terms and conditions of this contract. Quantity Item De crt t on i Fire Truck Class 5 OA Truck Pumper (forworly USAF Registr tion No 521.31 14, USAF Stock No 4210-63!-9853), with he fall wing inven- tory of equipma t: Stock No • Noun Quantity 4210-097-4754 Applicator-exte sion 2 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 1 4730-535-0826 Connection -has& double emale 2 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double info 2 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable 1 5110-224-7068 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-223-9915 Extinguisher -ft e 3 4210-595-0148 Hate-suction-so 't 1 4210-722-9336 Hose 6 4210-722-9298 Hose .20 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 4 4210-202-6715 Hose -suction -ha d 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose -1111 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 Ladder -24, 1 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly 2111 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzle Assembly 2 4210-537-3117 Nozzle Assembly -I" 2 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 1 4730-535-0824. Reducer -hose 1 4730-535-0825 Double female -41 1 7100-678000 Rope -manila 100 ft. 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connect on -gate type 1 4210-240-5531 Strainer-sucti 1 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose and ladder 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 2 5120-293-1602 Wrench -spanner 6 NAME OF RIDDEN OR CONTRACTOR NBT' " BdIPu2l1] as -uc aMi.X11MMII "M =I IWO—S ZZ 14—x696]-1 T• P GYIIYI G C TRACT. ORDER• OR INVRATNRI Nd PAGE �«-� s� Aar CONTINUATION SHEET (A, GPPIIro%G, W. �• P.ec �G• uI 0-q I-Ie.Ios (SUPPLY CONTRACn . 36-104-05 DABE 13-67-C-3744 7 ITEM NO. I SUPPLIES OR SERVICES OUAWITY (Nan Y) M I UNIT I UN R PRICE I AMOUNT M F%) 86Nov. UN8 ion O.S GOVENNUM PRINTING WIC[ � IW 0— uu:] SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) uantit Item 1 Fire Truck Class 75 De Truck MtW ion USAF Pumper.(formarly Registra ion No ;3L6274, USAF Stock No 4210-.142 2339), ith tie follcming Invent- ory of IS uipmene Stock No Noun, uantit 4210-097-4754 Adapter -universe 1 4210-142-4949 Ax 2 4210-097-4754 Applicator-exte ion 2 5120-224-1384 Bar -pinch 1 5120-257-0303 Bar -wrecking 1 33-2175-500-500 Clamp -fire hose 1 4730-535-0826 Connection -hose -double le 3 4730-535-0827 Connection -hose -double le 3 5110-293-0351 Cutter -cable 1 5110-224-7058 Cutter -bolt 1 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 Extension -water fog 2 4210-506-8996 Extinguisher-fi 1 8200-256014 Extinguisher-fi 1 4210-595-0146 Hose -suction -so 2 4210-722-9336 Hose 6 4210-722-9298 Hose 30 4210-202-6712 Hose Assembly 3 4210-202-6715 Hose Assembly 2 4210-537-3132 Jacket -hose 1 4210-142-1103 Ladder 1 4210-334-8728 ladder -351 1 6230-283-9388 Lantern 2 4210-540-0374 Nozzle 2 4210-537-3109 Nozzle Assembly 1 4210-537-3110 Nozzie Assembl 1 3 4210-537-3111 Nozzle Assembly 1'�'� 1 5120-223-8537 Pike Pole 4730-535-0824 Reducer -hose 1 4730-535-0825 Double female -4 I 1 1 7100-693500 Rope -manila 1 4210-274-8614 Siamese Connection -gate -clap er 1 4210-288-9599 Siamese Connection -gate 1 4210-288-9600 Siamese Connection 1 4210-240-5531 Strainer-suctio 1 4210-174-1349 Strap -hose and1 dder 4 4210-537-3112 Tip -nozzle 1 BIDDER OR CDNTMC.TDR . M F%) 86Nov. UN8 ion O.S GOVENNUM PRINTING WIC[ � IW 0— uu:] Y CONTINUATION SHEET Mff °^k1U OR M"T""°" "°10 ala sl`° (41 a+o ",os (SUPKr CORRAcr) DARE 13-67-C-3744 8 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR S _ SERVICES QUANTITY < If UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT YRIW) SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Stock No Hour Quantit 4210-537-3113 Tip-nozzle 1 4210-537-3114 Tip-nozzle 1 5120-293-0705 Wrench-spanner 2 5120-293-1602 Wrench-spanner 6 5120-516-3354 Wrench-spanner 2 5120-596-9382 Wrench-spanner 1 b. Proaerty Administrator: a Offic r des gnated o maintain the property records in connection with Government- urnis ed prop rty under this contract is: Post Engineer Property Offt er Building 187 Fort Riley, Kansas. c. Responsibility and Performance: (1) Title to the Governme t-furni hed p operty hall remain in the Government. (2) In addition to Schill ng Llano Sub- ost, Go rnment- furnished property may be used to fight firs origi sting in othe then US Government property. (3) The Government shall it all reasonable time have access to the premises wherein any Government-furn shed pr arty is lora ed. (4) The Contractor shai•1 maintain and a ministe in accord- ance with sound business practice, a prograi I for tb i maintenance, , repair, pr taction and preservation of the Government- urnishe property, ani shall be responsible for all first and second achelo type r pairs on the two fire trucks assigned for use under this contract (a) Manuals and Technical Or ers. 1 Class 75OA Fire Truck a Air Force Technics Orde - TO 1 75AAB-29. b Air Force echnica Orde - TO %-Al2-12-8-5 , Operation of equipment shall be in accordance with iectlow IV of 0 19-75AAB- 29. Service, inspection, maintenance and 1 bricatl. n shall be performed in accordance with Section V of TO 36-Al2-12-8-51. Al it of wor listed in NAME OF &DOER OR 001111 TOR ataMQRlIA F [ 86• LLt GOY[[MY[YT -INi1W p11[[: �M. O-NOl1! Nov. 1940 SdIUM M= FSIsCONTRACT r s:. o: ., CONTINUATION SHEET ORDER. OR INVITATNQ ("s •pp'iNNI °°id PAGE 5hi a1 CRq 1_1a107 (SUPPLY CONTUM 336 10i I'DASE13-67-C-3744 9 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES QUANTITY I`= Of UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) Sections IV and V cited above shall be considered 0B res onsibil ty of the Contractor. 2 Class 530A Fire Truck a Air Force lechnical Orde - TO 1 75MB-26. b LO 9-8022 Lubrication Order. Maintenance of equipment shall be in accordance wit Section 3 of TO 1975AAB-2 Ail items of work listed in Section 3 shall be considered the res onsibility of the Contractor. (b) Reporting.- The Contractor wit be req tred to sub- mit a monthly report of repairs, lubricatio , fuel, oil and other services performed on each item of equipment. (c) Recording. Recording of all i formatT n will be accomplished by Post Engineer on the appropriate forms to maintain suitable historical data on each vehicle. (5) Maintenance and Repair in Excess of That Pr viousl Cited. All repair work of a third, fourth, will be ac- or fifth eche on type complished by Post Field Maintenance at Forl Riley, Kansas, and i not the responsibility of the Contractor. Upon not ficatlor of the need or-work of this type, the work will be accomplished by the mosi expeditious loans to avoid extended down time on the equipment. (6) C lotion of Contrac At t e end of the ontract period, each item of equipment s 1 be rst rued to the G Ivernmen in the same general condition as noted in the Joint lnsl action if the equipma t at the initiation of the contract. With the excep ion of toms considerid to be fair wear and tear, all discrepancies found on ti rminal nspec Ion wit be correct- ed by the Contractor prior is release from he requ reman s of th s contract. SP-11. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY FIXED PRI E Nuim 1 96s, (a) Government-Furnished Pr rt e.Gov rnment hall delive to the Contractor, or use in connection wi h and u der t e terms of this contract, the property described as Govern nt-furn shed roperty in the Sche- dule or specifications, together with such elated ata a d Information as the Contractor may request and as may reasonabt be req fired or the ntended use of such property (hereinafter referred to a "Gover nt- urnishe property"). The delivery or performance dates for the s ppiies r ser ices to be furnished by the Contractor under this contract are b sed upo the xpectat on that Government-furnished property suitable for se (ex=c pt fo such property furn NAME of mom OR wNTRAc1oR . 64II09N Flom as • D.S. ..YE.AN.AT MINTING III I IM D-.N.S. IG-MR-1Nov. 1242 MUM .a..a>~ '°`° R""°° ' CONTINUATION SHEET M"R"" OR°°` °" �""`"'�°" (DABE13-67-C-1 °"" �("o. os�<" t07 (s MY CONTUM 10 REM 14110. SUPPLIES OR SERVMM OUNRRY (NY�I eJ UNR UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) . Tshed "as is") will be delivered to the Contractor at the times slated In the Schedule or, if not so stated, in sufficient time tc enable the Contractor to most such delivery or performance dates. I the a nt th t Gover nt-furn- ished property is not delivered to the Cont ctor b such time or times, the Contracting Officer shall, upon timely writ n request ma a by theContractor, make a determination of the delay, if any, rasion d the Contrac or thereby, and shall equitably adjust the delivery or rforma a da at or tie contract price, or both, and arty other contractual p ovislon affec ed by a y such delay in accordant-* with the procedures provided r in t e cla se of tis contract entitled "Changes." Except for Government- urnishe prop rty fu fished "as is", in the event the Government-furnished roperty is r eived b the Contrac for in a condition not suitable for the Invaded us the ontract r shall,.up- on receipt thereof, notify the Contracting fficer f suc fact a d, as direc- ted by the Contracting Officer, either (t) eturn s ch pr rty a the Govern- ment's expense or otherwise dispose of the roperty or ( 1) off t repairs or modifications. Upon the completion of (i) r (11) bove, the Con racting Off- icer upon written request of the Contractor shalluitab y adjus the deliv- ery or performance dates or the contract pr ce,.or oth, nd any ther Contrac tual provision affected by the rejection or dispost ion, r the repair or mods fication, in accordance with the procedures provide for n the c ause of this contract entitled "Changes." The foregoing provisi ns fo adjustment are ex- clusive and the Government shall not be Halls to s it fo breach of contract by reason of any delay in delivery of Goverment-fu nishe proper y or deliver of such property in a condition not sultable for Iti inte ded use (b) Changes in Government-fu nished Proper (1) By notice in writing, the C ntrac Tng Off cer.may (i) decrease the property provided or to be pro Ided by the G vernmen under this contract, or (11) substitute other Governmait-owned prope ty for roperty to be provided by the Government, or to be acq ifred by the C ntracto for the Goverment, under this contract. The Contractor shall pr Wiptly tike such action as the Contracting Officer may direr with respect to the emoval and shipping of property covered by such notice (2) In the event of any decrease in o substi ution of property pursuant to subparagraph (1) above or any withd awal of authority to use property provided under any other co tract o least, which property the Government had agreed in the Schedule t make a flab a for tie perfom- ance of this contract, the Contracting Officer, upom the Fritten equest of .the Contractor (or, if the substitution of droperty cause a deer tase in the cost of performance, on his own initiative) shall quitally adju t such con- tractual provisions as may be affected by t e decre se, s bstitut on, or with drawal, in accordance with the procedures p ovided or in the "Ch nges" Claus of this contract. MAMR OF Rmom OR CDKnUCM - StandYd IrVIP01 RR •LL6 G EWNW ft. "MW9. If.. O—e.na1 Nov. 1M° Edition10-7 ,_l Slumlord Imre Laded 1949 8W. O«rR rd Rola CONTINUATION arR CONTINUATION SHEET T. OROUL OR MWITAT iAs aRMNNI In MO oFed ".-os.,i.,ap,_,d.Ios (SUPPLYCONFUM DABE13-67-C-3744 11 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES QUANTITY (Number d' UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1,101,11) SPECIAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) (c) Title. Title to all pr arty fu nishe by the Government shall remain in the Government. In,order to define the of the parties under this clause, title to each itm -obligations of fa iliti s, spec al test equ- ipment, and special tooling (other than the subjec to a "Specia Tooling" clause) acquired by the Contractor for the overcome t pur uant to this contras shall pass to and vest in the Government wh n its u a in he performance of this contract commences, or upon payment th refor b the overnme t, which- ever is earlier, whether or not title previ usly ve ted. All Go rnment-furn- ished property, together with all property quired by th Contra for title to which vests in the Government under this paragra h, is subject to the pro- visions of this clause and is hereinafter c llectiv ly re erred t as "Govern- ment property". Title to Government properly shall not bw affected by the in- corporation or attachment thereof to any property n it own id by the Government, nor shall such Government property, or any lart the sof, le or be ome a fixtur or lose Its identity as personalty by reasor of aff xatloi to any realty. (d) Pro art Administration. The c tract r shall comply with the provisions oft "Manual or Control o Govern ant P eperty n Possession of Contractors" (Appendix B, Armed Services Procureoent Rogulatl0 ) as in eff- ect on the date of the contract, which Manu 1 is he eby t corpora ed by ref- erence and made a part of this contract, Mi terial o be urnishe by the Government shall be ordered or returned by he Cont actor when r quired, in accordance with the "Manual for Military Standard R uist coning ind Issue Pro cedure (MILSTRIP) for Defense Contractors" Appendi H, A mad Ser ices Procur- ement Regulation) as in effect on the date f this dontract, whici Manual is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract (e) Use of Government Proper . The Government property shall, unless otherwise provided herein or approve by the Contracting 0 facer, be used only for the performance of this contr ct. (f) Maintenance and Repair o Govern ant P ert . The Contr- rdance ilth sound Ind actor shall maintain and administer, in acs strial prac- tice, a program for the maintenance, repair protec ion, Ind pres rvation of Government property, until disposed of by t e Contr ctor n actor nce with this clause. In the event that any damage occurs It Gove Tioment p operty the risk of which hes been assumed by the Cover ment un er th s contract, the Government shall replace such items or the I ontracti r.sha 1 make ouch repair of the property.as the Government directs; I rovided howe or, the if the Con- tractor cannot effect such repair within t timer quirel, the Contractor shall dispose of such property in the manna direct by he Contacting Offi cer. The contract price includes no compen ation t the ontract r for the performance of any repair or replacement fo which he G rnment is respon- sible, and an equitable adjustment will be 'de in ny c tractua provisions affected by such repair or replacement of G rnmen pr rty mad at the dir- ection of the Government, in accordance wit the pr edu s provt ed for in NAME OF am= OR OONIMCIOR NBmigGol WONm •aem "M no"" erne, . ore 0—suaxe 16- 7aii >YaAsd M� i9- Newn6w 199 Pdll.e CONTINUATION SHEET COIfIR11CT. ORDEM1 OR IIIYR�TI9N M0. (A..ppfk.M.) . PAG[ p. 36 -104 -ft (soPPtr co►rtaun DABS 13-67-C-3744 12 ITEM NO. AIPPIM OR SERVICE QUANTITY ( wN.) W UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SPECIAL PROVISIONS (Continued) the "Changes" clause of this contract. Any repair er rep acement for which the Contractor is responsible under ,the pro isions f thi contract shall be accomplished by the Contractor at his own a (g) pense. Risk of Loss. Unless, of erwise rovid d in th s contract, the Contractor assumes�t a risk of, and she 1 be re ponsi le for, any loss of or damage to Government property provided u der thl cont act upo its deli- very to him or upon passage of title theret to the Government as provided in paragraph (d) hereof, except for reasonable wear an tear and except to the extent that such property is consumed in the perfor once of this contract. (h) Access. The Government, shall at all reasonable times have and any perso s desig ated by it, access t the prernises wherein any Govern- ment property is located, for the purpose ol Inspecting tiffie Goveniment prop- erty. (i) Final Accountin and"Dis osition of G rnment Pr rt Upon the completion of this contract, or at such ea tier ates as . may be fixe by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor hall su mit, n a fori acceptable to the Contracting Officer, inventory sched1ei-co"viring 11 Item of Govern- ment property not consumed in the performan a of th s con ract (f cluding any resulting scrap) or not theretofore deliver, d to thi Gove nment, nd shall prepare for shipment, deliver f.o.b. origin or dis ose o the Go ernment pro- perty, as may be directed or authorized by he Cont actini Office The net proceeds of any such disposal shall be Bred ted to he co tract p Ice or shall be paid in such other manner as the Contracting Off car moy direr . W Restoration of Contractor's Prem ses. Unless therwise provided herein, the Government: (i) may abandon any Go reupon all obligations of the Government regarding rnment property in p i uch a andoned ice, and the- shall cease; and property (it) shall not be under any dup or o ligatio restore or rehabilitate, or to pay the costs of the restore ton o rehabi .to station of, the Contractor's plant or any portion there f which is affected b the aband- onment or removal of any Government propert . (k) Communications. All communicatlins is ued pur uant to this clause shall be in writing or in accordance with th "Man al for Illitary Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTR P) fo Defenst Contractor ' (Appendix ff. Armed Services Procurement Regulation . NATE 9P amu OR CO TIMCIR R - standaw F� as •ua oo.cn�m Pnmw anrc.: �w o-su.n Nm. 19a imam y-7ypfy STANDARD FORK 32 JUNE 19M EDITION GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FED. PROC. REG. (11 CFR) I-1&701 GENERAL PROVISIONS (Supply Contnut) 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this contract, the following terms shall have the meaning act forth below: (a) The term "head of theagency" or "Secretary" means the Secretary, the Under Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or any other head or assistant head of the executive or military department or other Fed- eral agency; and the term "his duly authorized representative" means any person or persons or board (other than the Contracting Officer) authorized to act for the head of the agency or the Secretary. (b) The term "Contracting Officer" means the person executing this contract on behalf of the Government, and any other officer or civilian employee who is a properly designated Contracting Officer; and the term Includes, except as otherwise provided to this contract, the .authorized representative of a Con- . tracting .Officer acting within the limits of his authority. (c) Except as otherwise provided In this Contract, the term "subcontracts" includes purchase orders under this contract. 2. CAANOEs" The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, make changes, within the general scope of this contract, in any one or more of the following: (1) Drawings, designs, or specifications, where the supplies to be furnished are to be specially manu- factured for the Government in accordance therewith: (it) method of shipment or packing; and (iii) place of delivery. If any, such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether changed or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made In the contract price or delivery schedule, or both, and the contract shall be modified in writing accord- ingly. Any claim by the Contractor for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 30 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notification of change: Provided, however, That the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final pay- ment under this contract. Where the cost of property made obsolete or excess as a result of a change is included in the Contractor's. claim for adjustment, the Contracting Officer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of disposition of such property. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a disnute concerning a question of fact within the mean- .ing of the clause of this Contract entitled "Disputes." How- ever, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the Contract as changed. 3. E=AS Except as otherwise provided in this contract, no pay- ment for extras shall be made unless such extras and the price therefor have been authorized in writing by the Con- tracting Officer. 4. VARIATION IN QUANTITY No variation in the quantity of any item called for by this contract will be accepted unless such variation has been caused by conditions of loading, shipping, or packing, or allowances in manufacturing processes, and then only to the extent, if any, specified elsewhere in this contract. 5. INSPECTION (a) All supplies (which term throughout this clause In- cludes without limitation raw materials, components. Inter- mediate assemblies, and end products) shall be subject to Inspection and test by the Government, to the extent prac- ticable at all times and places including the period of man- ufacture. and in any event prior to acceptance. (b) In case any supplies or lots of supplies are defective In material or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity, STANDARD FORM 32 JUNE 1964 EDITION .70-1 DABE13'67 C 3 7 4 4 with the requirements of this contract, the Government shall have the right either to reject them (with or without in- stractions as to their disposition) or to require their cor- rection. Supplies or lots of supplies which have been rejected or required to be corrected Shall be removed or; If permitted or required by the Contracting Officer, corrected in place by and at the expense of the Contractor promptly after notice, and shall not thereafter be tendered for ac- ceptance unless the former rejection or requirement of cor- rection is disclosed. If the Contractor falls promptly to re- move such supplies or lots of supplies which are required to be removed, or promptly to replace or correct such supplies or lots of supplies, the Government either (i) may by contract or otherwise replace or correct such supplies and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned the Govern- ment thereby, or (ii) may terminate this contract for de- fault as provided in the clause of this contract entitled "Default" Unless the Contractor corrects or replaces such supplies within the delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer may require the delivery of such supplies at a reduc- tion in price which is equitable under the circumstances. Failure to agree to each reduction of price shall be a dis- pute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." (c) If any inspection or test is made by the Government. on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the! Contractor without additional charge shallprovide all rea- sonable facilities and assistance for the safety and conven- ience of the Government inspectors in the performance of their duties. If Government inspection or .test is made at a point other than the premises of the Contractor or a. sub- contractor, it shall be at the expense of the Government except as otherwise provided in this contract: Provided, That in case of rejection the Government shall not.be liable for any reduction in value of samples used in connection with such Inspection or test. All inspections. and tests by the Government shall be performed in such a manner as not to unduly delay the work. The Government reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additional cost of Government inspection and test when supplies are not ready at the time such inspection and test Is requested by the Contractor or when reinspection or retest is necessitated by prior rejection. Acceptance or rejection of the supplies shall be made as promptly as practicable after delivery, except as otherwise provided in this contract; but failure to inspect and accept or reject supplies shall neither relieve the Contractor from responsibility for such supplies as are not In accordance with the contract requirements nor im- pose liability on the Government therefor. (d) The inspection and test by the Government of any supplies or lots thereof does not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility regarding defects or other failures, to meet the contract requirements which may be discovered prior to acceptance. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, acceptance shall be' conclusive except as regards latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud. (e) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an in- spection system acceptable to the Government covering the supplies hereunder. Records of all inspection work by the Contractor shall be kept complete and available to the Gov- erament daring the performance of this contract and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere in this contract. 0. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES Except as otherwise provided in this.contract, (t) the Contractor shall be responsible for the supplies covered by this contract until they are delivered at the designated de- livery point, regardless of the point of inspection; (it) after delivery to the Government at the designated point and prior to acceptance by the Government or rejection and giving notice thereof by the Government, the Govern- ment shall be responsible for the loss or destruction of or damage to the supplies only if such loss, destruction, or 6-711781-1. ]2-106 I IBL91rei—OW Z PIOXMTm Sam Iaamaaejop Oql ,; ff"gd9lQ„ P014PUO PV4 -goo elq; jo aanalo axil jo 2aluvem oql filg4lm lasj jo uoTl -sonb a 2upmeanoo elndelp v eq llegs Innome qans o; aeallu o; aanliaj :jaolgo 2al43ga4aoo pug jolaea;uop axil Sq aodn poej2u luuomu us ul aq llvgs S;aadoad jo n014exjasaad Pon uol;aa;oad axil ioj pug 4uomuaaeof) ail; Sq pa;daoag pug o4 pajaxilap slulaa;um 2u1ju;aejnoem aoj luaaucua 'salad lav 4soa oql Is aq llugs 4uamarajop aq4 Sq peldaaoe pas o; pajaellop sallddus pa4eldmoo xoj ;aamAea •4seaa4uj us seq 4uamoaajop aq1 galgm ul aoioea4aOo aq; jo uoissassod ul Ajadoad eAjasajfl pug Iae4oad 'jaafgo 2ullasaluoo oql ;o uol;aaalp uodn 'hags ao:pga;uoo ail; pna : pa;gulmaa; saaq seq ail ;aw4wo 61% jo laud gans jo eougmaojaad axil aoj paalnbou AlIvaglaads ao peonpoad Allwgfaeds awl ao;awjuoo eql we („slelaalsm 2ulanioajnuem„ pelleo aaijeula aq) slxillp lass;uoa pas 'nopsmaojai '99almvap 'Gould 'saan;xg 'Af 'salp 'glool '84jed 'sleljaqum pug saliddne polaldmoa S11814ald gnus (11) Pas 'sailddus peloldmoa Aug (1) 'aaalgo sunasaluoo ail; Aq palaazip lua;xe Gin 04 pug aauuum 0111 ul yuamnjaxop Bill Ol JOATlap pug OPP aa;sasa4 0; aO70galg00 Gm aafnbax Sum 'amvp sm uT papixazd s3g9ia jag4o Sus u4 uopipps nT yuamuaaeop eq; 'asngia sign jo (s) gdaa2 -scud ul POPleoad Be pe;uaimaal of pvquw BTgl n (P) 'elnpagae Saaellop paxinbea aqj Iaem of zo:pv4uoo eq4 4lumd o4 amp 4ualafgns ul saajn0s rag;o moij olgaalslgo azam ao;agaluoagns aql Sq pagslu -jo; 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anuf;uoa llgqu ao;Oujl000 eq; Iegy 'paplaoad :9,901"as as soliddna aullmis gane ioj slsoo asaoxe AUG aoj 4uam -uaaeop eq; of algae aq huge jo;asa4uop eq4 pug 'paleulm -sal 0e eeo44 0; aegmis BOGTAjae 10 safiddns 'alaiadoadda maap Aum aaalgo 2upaniquoo ail; BB jouaem gans UT pus smaa; gane node 'aanooad Sum 4uamuaajop aql 'asngia sTg4 jo (v). gdea2aaud ul papleoafl sa laud vi JO 8104m uT ;seal -UO3 Bial GGIMUTmj04 Iaamaaajop axil 4Baja 044 0l (q) •exullaj gans 2upfgaads aaoWO 2ul;asaluoo axil moa; Gallon jo Idiaoax jays (2apfxm ul azlaog;na Aum aaag -jo 2upauziaoo eq; os polaad 282uol gane 10) BSEP OT ;o polaed a u1gllm eanlpl; tions axs0 IoM BOOP BGaue4g -mna.IlO om1 asegl Io xaglla UT Pus 'smael BIT glim aqua -paoaas UT laaaluoa elq; jo eauumaojaed 382sapua 04 so ssoalload a$um o1 silaj os is 14oajluoo GTgj jo suoislAojd aaq;o aq; ;o AUG maojjad o; slisj aoiaujim C) axil JT (11) jo : joeaag4 uolsua;xa Asa as ulajaq pagloodg amli eq7 uMTm saal"as a4; mxojjad o; jo solid dns axil jO SjaATIOP aAam 03 Gila; JO7aaxluoo 0111 A (1) : soauelemnajla 2ulmollo; aq7 jo auo Auu M aaga;aOO sial jo iasd AUG ao alogm aqj 041uim104 'jo40ga7uoo aq1 of Ilusjap jo sopou aa411jm Sq 'moTaq (a) gdej2ejud ;o GaOlsieoad axil o4 4aa(gns 'ARM isamuaaAOp axil (e) a•InvAaQ 'TT 'aTlgnd lajena2 axil of AlTfigeailddle maonan jo; pogsliquise sopa lu saal"ag SlyMn oTlgnd jo; sjapxo asugaand jo spunuoagno (TT) pee oog'y$ 2ulpaaaxa Ion ejapxo esugamd (T) sapniaxe asngia sigi ul pasn ea ..Iaval -uoagna„ mm aqy •Ioejlsoagna 044 of Pa;ulax auol;ou -aaea7 2aTA10eaT 'ao;ovainoagns gans jo spaoaax pus 'siadud 'Givamnaop 'Galooq luoupaed Alloajlp AUG aaiauxa of Ig2Tx Gin pus o; smog ejuq 'lovalnoagng ail; japan IuamAgd lnug jalju vjgaA eazg4 as sopexldsa mil Mun 'hugs eaAT4 -e;uaeaadej pezlaoglna flnp eTq ;o AUG 10 83114S Mina eql jo Iejouap jalloaldmoo aq; lugl saaa2s jo;asjluoogne oq4 4eg4 4aaaa axil of uoisTAoxd a jopuneaaq Glaw4noagnG siq 118 of apnloal o4 saaas aaq;xnj ao4oea4uoo eql (q) •1311jlg03 spij of pa;elaz suopoususal 2MAIoAnT JO;asjl000 aq4 jo apaoaaj pus 'ejaded 's4ueumaop 4o400q IuouWad Spoealp AUG aulmaxa o; lg2lj aql Pun of seaaau. aeaq 'laealuoa Blg4 japun ;uamSud lung as;ju gxuaS aajg4 jo noilwldxa aq4 Igun 'llugs eani4B4uasaadaa pazlxoq;ns SInP siq jo SUB ao ea;u;g Pa;luR oq4 jo Isaa -sap jalloj4dmoo aq; ;uq; 9aoj2a aolovquoD aqy (u) (•2ai8f4a3epe luuuoj jo suuam Sq o;uT peaaiuo Gum 4ava4uoa slip jl olquaildda sou el Inq 'uopu po2aa jo susam Sq o;ul paaalua Gem pug 0091Z$ spaaaxa ;aux;uoa gig? jo ;unoms oq4 ;I olguonddg sl asngla 2ulmonoj oql) aagOoag jo uolsvxaxvxg'0T 'iovaluoo slgl Sq pa;sldma;uoa $join oq4 ;o uol;naosoxd ail; ul slulaalum is aoggl 9ul&lddns suosxad jo PUB ;aaasjaxop aq4 jo G4saza;ul aq; Iae4oad o; Mall o4 ami; moa; pejlubaj aq Sum ea SITxnaas Isuolllppu gane gsfuan; A14dmoad llego jo;Ouj4uoo sip ';uomuaaeop eq7 Sq polsanbea an amll o; amp aoaj uollipuoa lelauuug siq o; su 94.Iodej gsluxnj o; sile; S4ajus qans Sun ;f ao 4uamweAop aq4 o; algmdaalusn sgmooeq ;ass;uoa siq; g4lm uonaegi oa of pagsluanj puoq Aug Bodo. Slain Aug ji Aluums axog zvxoaaaav •o •aaaluo sumaea4 -uoa aq4 ;o uol;azlxoq;ns uaj4Txm xofxd oq4 uodn eaullis -as qans of 'pasolosip aq Sum ulaaaq; peulg4uoa uopgmao; -ul Sus ao 'pagsluanj aq Sem pa$agm oil 4avaluoa spi4 jo 11e ao laud Sas ;o Adoo u 'jaxamog *amus axil. aATaaaj o; hull -us Ion sosjad jeg4o AUG o; jo IGejjuOa siq; aapun 2ulsiae miula Ase jo eaugissg AUG of pagsrmnj aq ,; Iul4uapUuoo„ jo ;1azaag dol„ paaljum jl yaej;uoo siq; aapun $aom 04 2upulal %quamnoop jelTmis jag4o ao 'Baogeaglaads 'Gould Aug jo ao 4aaalaoa slg4 jo exidoo llugs Iuaea ou ul (q) (*a 4ula 99 IT981191 SUN 10 lay axil Sq papu)mv-su 'Of6T ;043V smjalo ;0 luamu2180v 8114 ja T sO)3 Mas ;o oslAoad aq4 jo T, asnulo o; 4uensjnd ;uapisaja oq4 Sq Pa;su2isap salols palma axil jo Aauo2u ao 4uaugasdap jag4o Aug 10 'Aauasv uopvlav Igaapag aq4 'uoDw4slslmPv eauds Pont sol;nvuojay. luuopubl axil -solsspumoo A2aaug apn04V aq4 'uopej4slulmpv gaalnaas lgxasap aq; 'asuaja(l ;o Iuam -4aedao aql g4lm sT pus lav pT99 ul PougaP OR Aaua2aama leuol;uu ao sem ;O amil ul apum el 4avj4aoa sigl ji Aluo salldde aaualuas 2aipaaajd aqy) •jjo;as jo uoi40npax o; IaefgnB eq 'papuams "'lay Plus uT poplaoad lu qxa aq4 of 'Ion 11mis ;asxlaoa sigl japan sup amoaaq 0; ao anp aSaeom Gue jo Gagging as o; squamSud Viuluoa slg4 ul PaPTAoad asimja11;o ssolua •2ulausug qans ul 2ul4gdiapaud saWud xoom ao om4 ao; aalsnxl ao ;n0219 as Alasd ago 04 spam eq Sum ;uamu2issum jo Iuamu2isoe gans Aug Iug7 Idaoxe 'Aljud quo asq; azom o; apum aq Ion hugs pna 'pled Spuaj -ls Ion pus :pvj4uoo slq; japan algeSed Giunomu IIs xaAoo nags luama2issum ao 4u8mcmusu qans SUV •aol;n4psa{ gans Sue o; pou2(ssuw pug pou2iesu jaglan; aq ja4jgajag4 Aum pug 'Saua2e 2ulpual lujapag Aug 2ulpn1agl 'uopulliBul 2ulausug jaglo as 'Aaedmoo Isnjl '$ugq v 0q pau2Tssu aq Aem ;3sa4ow 8141 aapsn lgamoaajop axil m04 a0lana4noo aq4 anp amoaaq o7 as anp sSauom joj amlufa'aaom ao OW'T$ 2upu2aa22a s4uamgvd aoj sapljojd laux4uoa BTg4 34 '(9T 'o's,n TF '£OZ 'o's•a T£) papuame ee 'ota jo Iov smieio jo Iuamu2lssv eq4 jo suofsTAoxd aq4 o; ;uensjna (e) aassvzp JO axmexmgsv 'g -uoa siq; jo 4mmome M04 axil jo Iuaaaad 09 ao WOU aag7a paaaxe ao Tunba pinom IuamSed gans aaxauagm apum aq Tlugs solaaellap lullaud pa;daooe jo; 4uamSud 'jo43ea4uoo oql Aq polsenbaa uaqm 'jo : giaaajum os BOWATIOP gane so anP Iunoum ail; uaxim luamnaa.+op eql Aq paidaaav saijeAllop lupiud no apum aq lllm luaWvd 'paglaads aelmaaq;O seal -un 'pappaoad ulaaaq ss 'Sag j1 'suol;OnPap asal 'pa4d000v PUG paxapaaj gaalAJOB jo pa;daaog pug pajoAllop sailddus joj ulaaaq pa;afndfls saaiad aq; 'saaganOA ao saaloju( jadoad ;o uoisslmque eq; Bodo 'pled aq Mugs m4osaivoo aqy eaxgiaava 'L 'IuamSoldma aiaxii;0 adoas aql al -glTm 2u1;0a Iaamajajop aq; Io 800901dma JO 'slu08u 'ejaalgo ;o eana2112au ssoa2 aq4 moij slinsaa 029mgP 10 uOTlanalsap 'goal Bons jT Also sanddns eq; o; egumvp zo 'jo uopona;sap so 'ssol oq4 as; olglsoodsax aq Ilege luamaxaeop axil Ie11 Idsoxe 'aolloarej jo 0opoa jaije Ballddng pa;oa(aj o; ss egsil lis aeaq 1plgs jo;3gj4uoo oql (111) pug :IuamSoldma jiag4 jo odoas axil ulq;lm 2ui;ou 4uamuaaaop Bill jo saasoldma as 's4aa2s 'exaalgo jO aasasilliau aq4 moa; 04lnsaa 0213mvp tor, such sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or sub- contractor ubcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as pro- vided in the provisions of paragraph (b). (d) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert paragraphs (a) through (d) of this clause in all subcontracts, and shall require their inclusion in all subcontracts of any tier. (e) Records. The Contractor shall maintain payroll rec- ords containing the information�speclfled in 29 CPR 516.2(a). Such records shall be preserved for three years from the completion of the contract. 17. WAISH-HEALEr PuRLIC CONTRACTS ACT If this contract is for the manufacture or furnishing of materials, supplies, articles, or equipment In an amount which exceeds or may exceed $10,000 and is otherwise subject to the Walsh -Healey Public Contracts Act, as amended (41 U.S. Code 35-45), there are hereby incorporated by reference all representations and stipulations required by said Act and regulations issued thereunder by the Secretary of Labor, such representations and stipulations being aub- ject to all applicable rulings and interpretations of the Secre- tary of Labor which are now or may hereafter be in effect. 13. EgUAL OPPoRruN= (The following clause is applicable unless this contract Is exempt under the rules and regulations of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity (41 CPR, Chapter 60). Exemptions include contracts and subcon- tracts (1) act exceeding $10,000, (ii) not exceeding $100,000 for standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and (ill) under which work is performed outside the United States and no recruitment of workers within the United.States is Involved.) During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows: (a) The Contractor will not discriminate against any em- ployee or applicant for employment becauseof race, creed, color, or national origin. The Contractor will take affirma- tive action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall Include, but not be limited to, the following: employ- ment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or re- cruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation.; and selection for training, Including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees 1& post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting Officer setting forth the previsions of this nondiscrimination clause. (b) The Contractor will, in all. solicitations or -advertise- ments for'employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment .without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. (c) The Contractor will send to each labor union or rep- resentative of workers with which he has a collective bar- gaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency Contracting Officer, advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the Contractors commitments under this nondiscrimination clause, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (d) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, and of the rules, reguldtions, and relevant orders of the Presi- dent's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity created thereby. (e) The Contractor will furnish all information and re- ports required by Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the said Committee, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books. records, and accounts by the contracting agency slid the Committee for purposes of investigation to ascer- tain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (f) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination clause of this contract or with any of the said rules; regulations, or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Govern- ment contracts in accordance with procedures authorized In Executive Order No. 10925 of March % 1981, as amended, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies in- voked as provided in the said Executive order or by rule, regulation, or order of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, or as otherwise provided by law. (g) The Contractor will include the provisions of para- graphs (a) through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rales, regulations, or orders of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Oppor- tunity issued pursuant to section 303 of Executive Order No. 109.25 of March 6, 1961, as amended, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.* Rhe Contractor will take such action with respect to any sub- contract ubcontract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, Including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the Contractor becomes involved In, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contracting agency, the Contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to pro- tect the interests of the United States. !Unless otherwise provided, the Equal Opportunity Clause is not required to be inserted in subcontracts below the sec- ond tier accept for subcontracts involving the performance of 'construction work' at the 'sits of construetion' (as those terms are defined in the Committee's rates and regulations) in which case the clause must be inserted in all such sub- contracts. Subcontracts may incorporate by reference the Equal Opportunity Clause. 19. OrncrAm Nor To Bimmm No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident Com- missioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this can. tract If made with a corporation for Its general benefit. - ' 20. CovaNANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Contractor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this con- tract upon an agreement or understanding for a -commie= Sion, - percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide, employees or bona tide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the .Contractor for .the purpose of securing business. For breach or 'violation of this warranty the Government shall have the -right to an- nul this contract without liability or in its discretion to de. duct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or;contingent fee. 21. UTILIaATroN OF SMALL Buddies CoNOERws (a) It to the policy of the Government as declared by the Congress that -a fair proportion of the purchases and contracts for supplies and, metric". for. the Government be placed with small business concerns. (b) The Contractor agrees to accomplish .the maximum amount of subcontracting to small business concerns that the Contractor finds to be consistentwith the efficient per- formance of this contract. - . - ... 22:.UTRIZATION OF CONCRRNS IN LAsou SumpLus ARr.As (The following clause is applicable if; thiscontract ez+ ceeds $5,000.) . It is the policy of the Government to place contracts with concerns which will perform such contracts substantially in areas of persistent or substantial labor surplus where this can be done, consistent with the efficient performance of the contract, at prices no higher than are obtainable else- where. The Contractor agrees to use his best efforts to place his subcontractsIn accordance with this policy. In complying with the foregoing and with paragraph (b) '!of the clause of this contract entitled "Utilization of Small Business Concerns," the Contractor in placing his sub= contracts shall observe the following order of preference: (I) persistent labor surplus area .concerns which are also small business concerns; (II) other persistent labor surplus area concerns; (III) substantial labor surplus area concerns which are also small business concerns; (IV) other substantial labor surplus area concerns; and (V) small business concerns which are not labor surplus area concerns. Y.X. OOYGXXEXT,RIXTIXO OFFICE X70 -1e -76761-I I -I0194 -01-w -nee;nwgns ao ao;aaa;uo0 eq; Sq pamxo;lad alaom ;o ;unwas no alquded SSaaom San moa; 'ao;ouz;uo0 emTxa Immuaa +AoO ago moa3 pioggTTm Sam agaW0 2upana4uo0 aqy •sa2g -map 1)048PTnbp Pmi 902uem pWan ao; 2ulplagg4lA1 (a) •(e) gdua2wvd Sq peainbax saeam ompaaeo aql ;o Iuaw6ud 4nogllm unoq Slao; 3o gaamgaom paepua;e sM ;o ssaaxa IT ao sanoq 4g8ia ;o sswxa IT 31xom qam no paSoldmo aq o; palpmxad ao paxinb -aa sum gaSoldma gane gnlgm no Sup xupualga gaea ao; Olt ;o mus eta IT (n) gdaa8eaad;o suoTaieead agl;o'uopglo}A IT peSoldwe aluagaam so aaxogal IunplAlpuT gaua o; Iaodsax g4Tm pa;ndmw aq Ilagg saaamup pa;npmbp gang •sagumvp mupinbii ?o; saglns PaTTua aq4 o4 algBTi eq l}nno ao;nga;uw -qns pas aopua4uo0 qam 'aopippa uI •soSam pladun sjq ao; eaSoldwe palaags bus oT olquil eq Ilage ao;oaaq; alglsuode :aa ao4ana;uoaqun Aug* pug ao4oealno0 aq; '(s) gdoa2uaud ;o Snolsleead WD ;o nopglo}A Sas ;O IaaAO aqI uI •sa8a -map pa;upinbp ! sa2sm pludan 301 S4}Q11uil ! uOilulOTA (q) •sanoq ampxaeo ;o aaqmnu aa;naa2 oq4 IT aaaaga}gm 'gaam$aom gone IT sanoq Slxo; ;0 ssaexe IT a0 Sap aepuOlaa Sea uT sanoq I1[2p ;o esaaxa IT paslaom sanoq gane IIs ao; Sud ;o a;aa alseq olq samp IIm i-ouo Pus Ina soq; 8901 Ion e;az it :To aopasuadmw saeleaaz aluagaam in aaaoqui qam gealm Iav spaspMS smog $aom I3galno0 MIT Io SaoISTA =old eq; of Iw(gng glom no AaamlTaom Rang IT sanoq Slao; ;o saeoxe IT ao Sap aupualea Sun IT sanoq I11210 ;o sswxo IT $aom OT glom gans no pagoldme IT eq tialgm IT gaamRaom Sus uT aiangaaw ao aazogal Sum ITmaad ao wlnb u I" aiiusga .am io waaogai ;o Ineui6oldma ag4 aelosal ao aalnbea Sam galgm $aom Iaaa4uoo eq; ;o Iced Sae ao; 2upasaluee ao;naal -uongne so ao;as4ao0 ON •s;uamaainbaa amllaae0 (a) •aapnmxagl aogwl 30 Sas;3a3a8 aq; ;o egopsi"aa eq4 pug Iav qam ;o snopdanxa peg suolsleoad olquapddu aag4o no 01 pus eaoTSTAoad 2ulmoTTo; eq4 o; Iaaigns IT '(O88 -LZ£ •O's'II of.) In spaspusl8 sang $aom I0ga4uo0 aq; ul Pah .pods aa4agaugn s ;o s; IT gwI4 Iualxa oqI o4 'Iasa4uw slgy xOiavessaieo0 'x**ma0__wV saavaxva8 ssnoH agOA1 AOv% xo0 '9T 'aogml pamq In 4m maospdml ;O gaaalues 2u}o2aapun uomd Ann Soldme 04 Ion saaa2g a0;nu4uo0 aq; '4agalaen spg aapun $aom ;o eaagmaojAed eq; gllm uoTaauuw sI sosrl a0aexo0 '91 ('H8T 'JT aagmama lml3P 'ZMT. 'aN aepa0 aepnwxH gllm anal •plows u; pada;sia}mps las s;mmaalnbox 2uIOSaao3 OWI:) •algaaoaeaam. aq o; Iu3mua8AO f) aqI 01 Isoo eq; saulwax4ap L39403300 aq; 110}gA& of 89 (AT) ao :Isaaalu; al}gnd eq; 11ITm Ina4s}su00ul eq o; eauaaa3aad apsamop eq; saulmaa;ap Sxm4aaaa8 0114 galgm o; so (111) : S4llmb SA04as;s}las a;O pun gappmmb lap"annoo olggpme.o Slgsuosaaa Pas Iuala -woo IT sa;n;s pa;Iua aq; IT paan43nnusm xo 'peanpoad 'pgigan Ion We 90uTma040p IUOUMOeo0 aq; ga}gm (11) 084118 pa4Tun aq4 ople4no Ion ao3 eau galgA+ (1) :g;onpoad pua 4doaxe 'gpnpoad pm eoanos 01190moP AU0 I3v 4uon S}gI aapun peaeAilaP aq ITTm eaag4 Twil saaa2e aolasaluo0 aWL (q) '¢04149 Mlufl 8117 IT 110an;aS; .uumm so 'poonpoad 'psalm Sluaaodmoa ss p04saa4 aq Bugs esnala sig4 P (}TI) as (IT) (q) IT of paaaa;az s;anpoad aq4 an puT$ ao 9d,4 awls otp ;o u181ao u2iaao; ;o g;uouodmoa ;o 4)ow aq; ;o Ivgaiad 09 Spowxo sa414S PO4lua 0114 IT Paxn4 -annum ao 'peoupoad 'pouTm eat g0lgm ;oeaag4 eluauod -moa 91V ;O 4sea eq4 ;I SO4n4S p041ull 0q; IT paanlos;nuam Ianpoad pm us (H) pug sal qS po;Sua aq4 IT peanpoad ao pguTm ugeq S1q galgm 40npoad pug, peanl0g;nuumun us (p) Saaam „Ionpoad Pus luaus 014e9wop„ s (111) pas: asn ailgnd ao; Iav4uO3 gM aapun paapabou aq o4 azo g0igm 'S011ddm pus 'gialialsm '90lopae asog4 sawn, „94anpoid pua„ (11) : s40npoad pua alp ul polsaodawul Apaealp lag golgm'sailddns pus 'glaiag4sw 'Salal;.Iv esoip suaam „sIuaaodm03,, (I) : egnnlo siq;;0 asod -and alp log Manpcud Two e0an0q apsomop o4 gauaia;aid eAT2 IuemuaaAoO eq; Isq; sapleaad (" OT. aPOD '9'11 T6) env umniaamV Sng eq{ 'S40npoad pue 2uialub0s uI (9) zoe xvwgmmV ang 'qT $ Nowa3 /an 3Nnf ZS W10A aaYONYLS •4gamua0eo0 eq; SAamapuT 04 POaa913 sgq J043214UOO aqI eaagm ;daaxa 4uomwaeoO ag; 3o asuadxa eq; Iv pagslwn; aq Tlugs uo}yam -aO;al pun gaaapTAO bong •mTsp ao aim gong; o; Sululs;aad aol0s4u00 aq; ;TO nolssassOd IT nopumao;ul pun wuap}Aa Tau `aaDWO 8uij3ux;uO0.eq; Sq pa;sanbaa uagm ';vamuaaAOD eq; 04 '[Sloan; 11MIS aolosaluo0 aq; 'aapunaaaq pemao;aad saaT -"as a031aom a0 pagsluan; sallddns Sae ;o esn otp 3o Ino ao Iosa;uoo slg4 ;o eauumaoyiad aql ;o Ino 2ulelau 4uama2ula; -uT 4g2lxSdoa ao Is049d pg2alle Sao 3o Ianoaau no Iuamuao -AOD aqI Isa11329 Tins so mlula Sun ;o IuaAa agI. ul (q) •02palmou31 Sell aol0aaluo0 ati; gaTgm 40 43ea;uw sTq; ;O gauumao; -lad aq4 no pasuq 4uama2ula;al Ig2pSdoa ao lua;ud ;o minla ao aapou glue 'IIs;ap ua44lam elgoaossaz IT pun Slidmoad 'agaEgO 2upanaluo0 aq4 o; Iaodaa llags xo4aga4uo0 oqy (s) '000'OT$ spawxa Iaua4uoa siq; ;o Iunowu aqI 31 Sluo elquopddu aq Ilsgs asnula siq; ;o suolelAazd OU Mx%x3OMvAxl xa918 -AdOO axv ax3ava Oxxagv93ll 3oxvagISSY axv 3oxwH '81 •mal Io aopseub u no Pamoq so 'aAl;u;uasaadaa 'leialgo anpa.gsluimpe Sun ;o uoisla -ap aq4 iaug 2upLvuz so pana;suoa aq Ilugs Iava4aw elq; ul 2u}g4ou qB%L 'pap}0oaa •: aeoga (a) gdaa2v"d IT ao; poplaoad suolsloap g4lm uopaauuw IT suopsaub MIT 30 UO}; -saapisuoo opnlaaad Ion scop asnnla ,salmialQ„ sl%L (q) •uo}slaep 9,aaagi0 2upasa4uo0 oq4 g41As eauapaows ug pun Iana;aw eq4 ;o wuumao}iad aq4 g41m Slan-WilIP page -old llugs ao;a1a4u00 aq; •aapunaaaq a4ndelp s 3o uuleloop lung 2uipuad 'isadds s41 ;o 4aoddm IT wuaplA0 aagO o; pug pasaq aq o4 SllunTaoddo no papaopu aq llugs ao4ana; -uo0 oq; 'asnaia slq; aapun 2u}pawoad Tuaddu Sun q;}m uopaauuw uI •gauaplAa lullan;sgns Sq pa4aoddm Ion ao 'q;lg; puq SIdmI o4 Sgagssaaeu Sa snwuoaaa Slssoa2 os ao 'Saga4}gas ao 'Molaladga ao '4minpnua; uaaq OA1q 04 nopDlp -slant 4ua;admoo ;o lana a Sq paalWa;ap ssalan aalsnla -uw pun long aq llsgs sluaddu tions ;o uollsulmaa;ap ati; ao; eApu;uasaadai pazµog4nv ATOP siq ao Sag;aaaa8 aq4 ;o uolelaap aqy •Sau4aj3oS aql o; passaapps leadds ual;Tam n awTITO 2upagx4uo0 aq4 o; sagslwn; aslmaaglo ao allow ao;3ua4uo0 aq; 'Sdw qans ;O ;dlaaw ;0 04up Qq:; moa; SSap 0£ ulg4lm 'ssalun aa}enlauo0 pun Imp aq Iluge a80gl0 2upaga4uo0 oq; ;o uo}slaap eqy •aolaea4uo0 aqI o; ;00aag4 Sdw 1 gs}uan; asimaaq;O ao Ilam pun 2uplam o; uOISloOp siq eDnpaa Ilags oqm 'awg10 Sul;aualuo0 aq4 Sq poplaaP aq IImIs Iuawaaa2e Sq 3o pasodsp, Ion 81 galgm Inaa4uw siq; aapun 2ulelau 4og; ;o uop90nb g ealuagauw aladslp Sag yaga;uw slgl al POP}AOad oslmaaq;o so 4dgaxal (u) 93xnam(l 'ZT •Iaualuw s}ql aapun an mal Sq papleoad salpamaa pus glg21a aaglo Sas 04 sop -Ipps IT we pun aAlsnlaxa aq Ion Ilggs asnsla Slq; IT PaPW oad 4v0wua0AOO aq; ;o salpamaa Two g4g2la ably (;) ,; oa4ndsi0„ popi;ua;avaluw siq; ;o aemle aq; ;o 2ulusam aq4 ulgllm Ion; ;o uopsanb a 2uluaw -uw a;ndulp s aq IIwTs Iuam;sn(pn gang LOU 04 aaa2a of exnlln : Sl2alpawav Powpom Iasa;uw eq4 pus sopoulwaa; qam ao; aiumadmoa o; pa;sn[pu Slgg;Tnba aq pugs 4aux; -uw aqI 4uamu18AOD aqI ;o gaualuaAsw aO; uopgu}maa4 ao; 2uipleoad asnsla, a ala;uw Ion saop Iaua;uw slq; A pun 'asnnla slgl ;o suoisleoad oq; aapun Ilnu;all ul Ion sem ao;aga;uo0 aq4 Iagl uoquaa Ann ao; pouluiaa4op IT IT 'asnsla Slgl ;o suolsleoad eq4 Japan 409ala00 STgI ;o nopsnima84 TO gallon aa43s ';I •asnsla gans o; Iusnsand panssl uaaq psq uopuulmaal ;o wpou aq; ;i ss awes aq4 aq 'IuamuaaAO0 aq; 10 gaualu .tuoa ao; uopss}waa4 ao; 2ulplload asnsla a sulu;uoa 4asxTuoo aq4 A 'llugs sapasd oq; ;o suollu21lgo pus 94g2la aqT •asnsla siq; ;o eaolslAwd eql aapun algssm -xa sum Ilnu;ap aq; Iag4 ao 'asnsla slg4 ;O esolSTAoad eq; aapun ITna;ap IT Ion sum ao43ga;uo0 9114 Iggl a09984 Aug ao; paulmaalaP ST Il 'asnnla siq; ;o oaolslAwd aq4 aapun IOaalaw 014; ;O uopaa}aua; ;o gallon salla ';I (a) •gaapioq uall aamao;;o smleln so quail 2ulpaala;no ;o aansaaq goal ISuIs2s 4mmsaae00 aql ;gal -oad o; Saussaaan aq o; saulmaagap agagl0 2up0ga4so0 0114 as was qam siglaa;gm 2u}anTau3nnnm ao sailddns pa;ald -moa gans ao; ao;ala4uo0 aq4 onp eglmaaq;o s;anoma moo NOa103 1%1 3NIa Ze WHOA ONtlONUS •pameiS anogeularag lnasuoo pee Voll -9Zl1041tin all jo ivailta all of luawaSuiijul iallg lie lo} Ai!Itgetl sawnsse lnawulano f) all pue '(l=JIUOognS rar7-iamor Aso Ourpnraur) iapunaiaq ioeriuoagns Ane ro loeiinoa sill ut papnlaat 'Aug i! 's asnel3 Altuwaput alp 10 sUotetnoid all Aq Alajos poutiuraiap aq ilegs sawiS paitufl all In inaied a 10 ivawa9uu)nl io} lUainelanof) all of d1!l1geil amus ayy •oauumo}rad }o ianuem all 20113611p ra3iJ10 9upoe7iuo0 all ACU ¢ant9 suolla®1sU! uaAram oy!3ods (q) ro @aeiiwo Bili }o lied a Suiwrol laileaial to moa sgotstnoid uaiitim in su0ile3tltoads (e) yiim io13er1Uo3gns Satsn all ro ioiaenao0 all Aq aagatldmoa moil sllnsai AluessaaaU yatgm }o asn all spoglaw io 'slool 'Aiautyoem all ut paziltin (11) io '7oeiluoo Bill iapun laamniano'J all Aq paldaooe si latgm to AraA[lap ayi 013111e Ann 10 ngpiSOdmOa l0 alnianllS all at patpogwa (t) saielS paltufi all }o inaied a Aq paraAoa pue pt pagra399p UolluaAUt AUe }o '(7ovi7voagns iari,iamor Guo Surpnraur) rapunaiay 13eiluoogns Age io olaiag ivawpuawu xue 10 }oalaq lied Age 10 7ouivoo Bili 10 o3uvmollad all u! 'amine}nnew pup asn lie iol (uorinarf -7uwapur fo s7y97r Aug 01 a3rpnlard 7noy7im) 7uasuoo pap uonezuoyine sl! san19 Agaraq lnawaiano0 all I ZOI-6 HdSV V tl NOI.LVZIHOHLIIV •4Z aaa9f0 Supoulluo0 all Aq paloanp se olaiagl ioadsar gl!m uotiae al(el (legs pug 'aotid 13uilnoo all ui asea.wap ro asea.mui us iagl!a or lineal ll!m gotgm sialleui }o iaoijo 9uiloeiluo0 all A1pou Alidtuoid hugs iolosilso0 ayy (1) •lnawai9no0 all )o U011013stp all In Also pagsiurnl aq ptm aorad loei7uoo all of aseaioap in aseaiout Us myna of esu ant9 Alm yatlm Ainp io x91 asloxa ierapa,g Ane moi} uotidwaxe ystxgeiso of aleudoidde a3Uaptea Tell paptnoid 1x87 18301 io 'alels 'leiapa3 Ane moil uotidwaxa lstxgplea of aleudoidde a3uapin3 gspinj 'Ai!ltge!l raglrni lnolltm 'liegs iolasi7uo0 all )0 lsanbar all aodn luawuiano0 all 'aotidwaxa us uteisns of siseq algeuoseai Aug lsixa lou soup aiayl ssalufl (a) •ponpal}lpow Bons io aiep all sueaw „aiep jaeilu03„ mal all 133811UO3 pili 01 poll -931j1pow Aq painooid 6a3tA7Bs 10 sallddns leuoptppe of SII •alep iauilnoo all 'loullUo3 paletlo9ap a or Bill }! io '9Uteado rail rot las aiep all enaaw „aiep meilUoo„ inial all `anogo (q) gder9eiod or pasn stl (p) •anoge (q) gdeiSvied of ivansmd Baud iowlttoo all ut apew aq Reqs OOIS Until ssal }o ivawisnlpe oral (a) -Ainp ro xei astoxa Ipiapa,q lona Ann 'lo iioegmeip ro poplar a utelgo lousaop io '}o uapmq all ieaq io And of pannbai st baoy10 9ullogiluo0'alp }o sUop3nilsn! mollo} 01 amite} sty io aaua9tl9au ro line} sty Onorgr hol38riuo3 all 1! pasearoop Alie(Itins aq Ilels a3ud loniiuo3 au •ia3tll0 9ut13ni7uo'j all Aq paloanp Be 'IUawurano0 all o7 pled aq l(egs legume lull ro 'l(3egmeip ro 'punier 'radar ayi io iunowe all Aq pasearoap aq llegs a3lid ioerluoo all '031id 13911¢03 all ut asearaut up in siseq all sem gatgm 10 Aliadold i0 suotposuerl lane no algeAud uaoq appy ael.wallo pinom lottim Ainp in xei astaxa leiapa q logs Aug '}o :(aegmerp ro puniar a 9utntelgo sil ui in '10 Uapinq all ieaq in And of paiinbai Sulaq iou ioiaertuop all ut silnsai (Z) ro Sasimiallo 30 aAra6ar AOUGSUIIU03 a se aaud laeiluoo all or papn(out sem aseaiout Blur ro Ainp, in xei astaxa lerapa j posodw! Almon lane m1 lnnowe on loll Sutilim u! slueirem rolaerluo0 ayi paprgad 'aseaiout alar in Ainp ro xei qons }o lunging all Aq paseai3Ut aq llegs 931id iae7no3 all 'Aliadoid ro suopossueil tions no 219eAud goal alloy aslmiatpo iou pinom yotgm ioarayi Bier all or asearour in Ainp in xei astaxa jerapa3 tions Ann }o Uapinq all ieaq io Aud of pannbai Sorel ioiaeiino0 all u, silnsai (1) -pne 'a7up 13221Ug3 aqi Jells 1001}a 60-481 Uolleln9ai ro 'Sugn, uall!im 'uoisroap irnon 'alnluls a 1! 'iagiiao3 9!y1 Aq paranop Aliadoid ro suopossueri all no Alnp ro xei astaxa leiapa3 SUe o7 madBal g1!m'ssalaglranaNt (q) •sapnp pue sax81 19301 pee 'a1e1S 'letapag algeot(dde lie sapnloui Barad 13eiluoo agfi3prlUo3 stgl Ul paptnoid astmiaglo aq Asia so ldaax3 (9) Wro64f XdSvP961'SnV)•S3XtlS'Itl00'I(INV '3StlSS'Itl8303.d •£Z (y3ar7uo,q .ClddnS) SNOISIA08d 1V83N39 1VNOW(JGV S961 Aienaef SI t t L £ O L94PT39VO . . z Is. .r Ing oa -e.nv 'lgawa[ddns iaeliuoo Sq pawnluoo lou ivawaal9e Suiaud palello9au a yllm uo!laauuoa ui to Iesodold 9u!otid e gllm uoilaauuoc ui alquAud pun)al jo tunowe aqi Suneis lolceliuoD ay of amlou uauum jo aiep aql 'sawed )o golslAal lo) sap!nold lcpllgOa s!yl )1 (nt) 10 'tunowe aqi 9u!x!) suo!iullo9au poialdwoo wnjuoa of matuawilp luivawalddns pasodold u jo lolaelluo3 ay 01 lnawulan09 aq] Sq Ieu!wsuen )o aiep ayi (!g) 'laeliuoa s!yl ylim tualslsuoo 'luawded loj punwap uall!.u+ 114+!) aqi jo aiep aqi (1t) 'ioelluoo sty of luensind pax!) aiep aql (i) )o ago isa!liva ay uodn anp aq [[eys siunowy •lae.nuoo slyl jo amp ayi no laa)ja u[ se 'Uollelnoau ivaivalnUld saalnlaS paw.iy aql jo 3 xlpuaddy jo 9 lied Sq pap!nold se sluawlsn[pe of lca[gns aq I[eys pup pled [!tun anp aiep ay7 wolj wnuue lad mawad xis jo am aql le isalalul .ieaq lleys (apoO anuanay joula7uj ay7 iapun 7tpala xni ajgvatjddv ,Cuv jo Tau) laenuoa siyi lapun ivawu.iano0 aqi of lolaenuo0 aqi Sq alge.(ed awooaq leyi siunowe [[p sdep 013 uigl!m pled ssalun 'laenuoa slgi )o uo!s!nold latllo Sueguipuelsyl!miopl (OZ93 '3 xtpuaddy 'BdSV) (£961 Luta) 'J S3y3.LN1 '8Z •laplo sigl I[ij 01 papaou slelialew pup s7anpold layto pup sjuuaiem pallonuoo 9u!uivigo ui vollens!u!wpy saalnlaS asua)a(I pup ssaulsn8 aqi jo saaplo pup suo!lelaoi algnlldde iagio Ile pup I •gay SWO jo suo!suold pill moI[o) Ileys lowBiluo0 aqy (911'01-1-HdSV) (1961 'uof) 'siNzwio i'iv ONV SNOLLVDo i iV smiitioma 'LZ •laenuoa slip lapun to mel Sq paptnold sa!pamal pup siyS!l lalllo Aug of uon!ppe ni alp pup an[snjaxa aq lou [lays asnpla siyl u! pap!nold lnaum19no0 aq] jo sa!pawal pup siysu ayy (a) •aa.foidwa to lacg)o y0ns Sue of san!nlel9 yans Aug Suip!no.id u! lolaen -uo3 ay Sq pannout sisoo aqi saw!1 nal uuyl alow lou aalgl ueyi seal lou aq hags go!ym (an27o2varaldat pazuoy7gu Sjnp say to .ClvjajaaS ay7 Lq pautwia7ap so) lunown no u! sAuulep Sleldwaxa o7 'mel Sq pall!lua aq Sew ij yoigm of sa9ewup laylo Aug of uoil!ppe u! Slleuad a se (rt) pup `loioenuo'J aqi Sq laenuoa ayi jo goualq a )o luana ayl ni ans.ind pluoa J! se aoiaealuoD aqi isuluite salpowai awes ay ansand of I!) pall!lua Qq hails luawwano0 ayi ')oalatl (e) gdeiguied ul pap!wold se palee!uuai st laenuoa sly[ Juana ayi UI (q) -lino ivaiadwoa Aug n! pamalnal aq Sew pue anssi ut aq hays 92glpgg gang sailew an!leluasaidal paziloyine S[np s!y to Slewi3aS aqi yolym uodn slcej ayi )o acualsixa ay iegi 'pap!noad !laenuoa yans )o 8uiwlo)lad aql of i0adsal gi!msuoueu!wlalap Sue jo `dunlew aqi to '9uipuawe to 9ulpleme aqi of wadsa.i gilm waigleali 019elone1 2nilnaae to iaellgoa a Pulmaas plemol m91A a qi!m Waw wano•j aqi )o aaSoldwa to lao!)jo Sue of 'aotaenno0 aqi jo anpeluasaldai to luave Sue to 'lowelluoD ayi Sq uant`d to palaj)o alam (astmlay7o to 'S7ftP '7uawutv7j27va jo uuof ayi ut) sal7!n1eld leyl'anileluasaldaj paziloyine S[np sly jo SlelaaaaS aqi Sq '8uueay pug aaliou lal)e 'puno) s! n 11 laengoa still lapun poaaoid of loJasiluoD ayi jo lg9u ay aleulmlal 'loioenuo0 aqi of aaliou uaii!lm Sq 'Sew ivawwanot) ayy (e) (971'01-L BdSON7961 'lnW) 'S31.Llf1.LVU0 '9Z •papuame se 'IS61 Jo lay uope!4o93uay aql )0 91301 uollcas ut pau!)ap sj weal iugi se 'siaeltuoagns Ile u! '(q) ydel8elud s!yl Su!pn[au! 'asnpla 91141 )o suolslnoid ayi llasut of sawilu jolaelluoD ayy (q) 'SUDISlAold yans 9unelodloou! Sllea -!)!cads ivawpuawe ioenuoa luanbasgns inoyl!m 'lap laglo yans Aug Sq Pup 'IS61 )a tail uoge!108auay ay jo Vol uolloos Sq pal!nbal suo!s!nold aqi [[e uimuoa of pawaap aq lleys laenuoa sly[ `du!o9aioj ayi o1 130(gns •paiaeua laijealay to a.iojolalay ssal8uo0 jo ice up Sq pasodwi lou si yc!gm lapunalay loenuoagns Sue to men -uoc sly[ of iaadsal yt!m uo!1e9llgo uo!w1ioilaua.i Aug asodmi Ileys asnpla siyl u! pau!eluoc `du!yloN 'slam -goo )o u01.1e!io9aual ayi lo) Sulpinwd ssaiSuo0 jo iae ivanbaegns Sue of pup 'papuawe se '(bas 7a 'I IZI •ddV 0'5'17 OS) IS61 )o lay uo!iepoSauay ay of ioa[gns st ioungoa s!yi 'mel Sq pal!nbai luaixa aqi o,L (e) (£I'£01 -L NdSV)(6567 WO) 'NOLLVLLO93N31i 'SZ ALTERATIONS IN CONTRACT DABE13'67 C 3 7 4 4 The following alterations have been made in the provisions of this contract: a. General Provision No. 14 is hereby deleted in its entirety and the following General Provision No. 14 is substituted in lieu thereof: 14. BUY AMERICAN ACT (MAY 1964) (a) In acquiring end products, the Buy American Act (4) U.S.C. iOa-d) provides that the Government give preference to domestic source end products. For the purpose of this clause: (i) "components" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are directly incorporated in the end products; (ii) "end products" means those articles, materials, and supplies, which are to be acquired under this contract for public use; and (iii) a "domestic source and product" means (A) an unmanu- factured end product which has been mined or produced in the United States and (B) an end product manufactured in the United States if the cost of the components thereof which are mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States or Canada exceeds 50 percent of the cost of all its components. For the purposes of this (a)(111)(8), components of foreign origin of the same type or kind as the products referred to in (b)(ii) or (ill) of this clause shall be treated as components mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States. (b) The Contractor agrees that there will be delivered under this contract only domestic source end products, except end products: (1) which are for use outside the United States; (ii) which the Government determines are not mined, produced, or manufactured in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality; ' (iii) as to which the Secretary determines the domestic preference to be inconsistent with the public interest; or (iv) as to which the Secretary determines the cost to the Government to be unreasonable. IThe foregoing requirements are administered in accordance with Executive Order No. 10582, dated December 17, 1954. So as to alleviate the impact of Departmenf of Defense expenditures on the United States balance of international payments, bids offering domestic source end products normally will be evaluated against bids offering other end products by adding a factor of fifty percent (50%) to the latter, exclusive of import duties. Details of the evaluation procedure are set forth in Section VI -of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation.) ALTERATIONS IN CONTRACT (Continued) b. The following changes are hereby made in the Provisions, and Representations of this contract: (a) The "Equal Opportunity" clause in the attached Standard Form 32 is amended by deleting references to the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, Executive Order 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, and Section 303 of Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, as amended, and substituting therefor the Secretary of Labor, Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of.September 24, 1965, respectively. (b) The Equal Opportunity representation in the attached Standard Form 33 is amended to insert after the reference to "Executive Order 10925" the following: ".or the clause contained in Section 201 of Executive Order No. 11114". (c) In accordance with regulations of the Secretary of Labor, the rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations, and other directives issued by the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and those issued by the heads of various departments or agencies under or pursuant to any of the Executive Orders superseded by Executive Order 11246, shall, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with Executive Order 11246, remain in full force and effect unless and until revoked or superseded by appropriate authority. Reference, in such directives to provisions of the superseded orders shall be deemed to be references to the comparable provisions of Executive Order 11246. c.The following sub -paragraph (c) is hereby added to General Provision No. 13 set forth in Standard Form 32. "(c) This clause shall be included in all subcontracts." I April 1961 DABE13'67 C 3 7 4 4 TER-MINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT. (]an 1961)(ASPR 8-901) (a) The performance of work under this contract may be terminated by the Government in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the Contracting Officer shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the Government. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. (b) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer, the Contract or shall: (i) stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination; (ii) place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities, except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract as is not terminated; (iii) terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work terminated by the Notice of Termination; (iv) assign to the Government, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, all of the right, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Government shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; (v) settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and sub- contracts, with the approval or ratification of the Contracting Officer, to the extent he may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; (vi) transfer title and deliver -to the Government, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Contracting Officer, (A) the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, com- pleted work, supplies, and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the work terminated by the Notice of Termination, and (R) the completed or partially completed plans, drawings, information, and other property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the Government; (vii) use its best efforts to sell, in the manner, at the times, to the extent, and at the price or prices directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, any property of the types referred to in (vi) above; provided, however, that the Contractor (A) shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser, and (B) may acquire my such property under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Contracting Officer; and provided further that the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Government to the Contractor. under this contract or shall otherwise be credited to the price or cost of the work covered by this contract or paid in such other manner as the Contracting Officer may direct; (viii) complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and (ix) take such action as may be necessary, or as the Contracting Officer may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Government has or may acquire an interest. At any time after expiration of the plant clearance period, as defined in Section VIII, Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as it may be amended from time to time, the Contractor may submit to the Contracting Officer a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of terminations inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the Contracting Officer, and may request the Government to remove such items or enter into a storage agreement covering them. Not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter, the Government will accept title to such items and remove them or enter into a storage agreement covering the same; provided that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the Contracting Officer upon removal of the items, or if the items are stored, within forty-five (45) days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct the list as submitted shall be made prior to final settlement. (c) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer his termination claim, in the form and with certification prescribed by the Contracting Officer. Such claim shall be submitted promptly but in no event later than one year from the effective date of termination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Contracting Officer, upon request of the Contractor made in writing within such one year period or authorized extension thereof. However, if the Contracting Officer determines that the facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such one year period or my extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor to submit his termination claim within the time allowed, the Contracting Officer may, subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals required by Section Vlll of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the dale of execution of this contract, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the amount so determined. (d) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (c), and subject to any Settlement Review Hoard approvals required by Section VIII of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to this clause, which amount or amounts may include a reasonable allowance for profit on work done; provided that such agreed amount or amounts, exclusive of settlement costs, shall not exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated. The contract shall be amended accordingly and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in paragraph (e) of this clause, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this clause, shall be deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph (d). (e) In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree as provided in paragraph (d) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason,oi the termination of work pursuant to this clause, the Contracting Officer shall, subject to any Settlement Review Board approvals required by Section Vill of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation in effect as of the date of execution of this contract, determine, on the basis of information available to him, the amount, if any, due to the Con- tract or by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: (i) for completed supplies accepted by the Government (or sold or acquired as provided in paragraph (b)(vii) above) and not theretofore paid for a sum equivalent to the aggregate price for such supplies computed in accordance with the price or prices specified in the contract, appropriately adjusted for any saving of freight or other charges; (ii) the total of — (A) the costs incurred in the performance of the work terminated, including initial costs and preparatory expense allocable thereto, but exclusive of any costs attributable to supplies paid or to be paid for under paragraph (e)(i) hereof; (B) the cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work, under subcontracts or orders, as provided in paragraph (b)(v) above, which we properly chargeable to the terminated portion of the contract (exclusive of amountspaid or payable on account ofsupplies or, materials delivered or services furnished by subcontractors or vendors prior to the effective date of -the Notice of Termination, which amounts shall be included in the costs payable under (A) above; and (C) a sum, as a profit, equal to.2 percent of that part of the amount determined under (A) above .which represents the cost of articles and materialsnot processed by the Contractor, plus a sum equal to 8 percent of the remainder of such amount, but the agregate of such sums shall not exceed.6 percent of the whole of the amount determined under (A) above, provided, however, that if it appears that the Contractor would have sustained a loss on the entire contract had it been completed, no profit shall be included or allowed under this subdivision (C) and an appropriate adjustment shall be made reducing the amount of the settlement to reflect the indicated. rate of loss; end (iii) the reasonable costs of settlement, including accounting, legal, clerical, and other expenses teasonatil'y necessary for the preparation of settlement claims and supporting data with respect to the terminated portion of the contract and for the terminat ion and settlement of subcontracts thereunder, together with reasonable storage, transportation, and other costs incurred in connection with the protection or disposition of property allocable to this contract. The total sum to be paid to the Contractor under (i) and (ii) of this paragraph (e) shall not exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated. Except for normal spoilage and except to the extent that the Government shall have otherwise expressly assumed the risk of loss there shall be. excluded from the amounts payable to the Contractor as provided in (e)(i) and (ii)(A) above, the fair value, as determined by the Contracting Officer, of property which is destroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged so as to become undeliverable to the Government, or to a buyer pursuant to paragraph (b)(vii). (f) Any determination of costs under paragraph (c) or (e) hereof shall be governed by the principles for consideration of costs set forth in Section XV. Part 2. of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as in effect on the date of this contract. (g) The Contractor shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes," from any determination made by the Contracting Officer under paragraph (c) or (e) above, execpt that if he Contractor has failed to submit his claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to request extension of such time,heshall have no such right of appeal In any case where the Contracting Officer has made a determination of the amount due under paragraph (c) or (c) above, the Government shall pay to the Contractor the following: (i) if there is no right of appeal hereunder or if no timely appeal has been taken, the amount so determined by the Contracting Officer, or (if) if an appeal has been taken, the amount finally determined on such appeal. (h) In arriving at the amount due the Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted (i) all unliquidated advance or other payments on account theretofore made to the Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of this contract, (ii) any claim which the Government may have against the Contractor in connection with this con- tract, and (iii) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor or sold, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Government. (i) If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Contracting Officer a request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the contract (the portion not ter- minated by the Notice of Termination), and such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices. (j) The Government may from time to time, under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, make partial payments and payments on account against costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with the terminated portion of this contract whenever in the opinion of the Contracting Officer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor will be entitled hereunder. If the total of such payments is in excess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor to the Government upon demand, together with interest computed at the rate of 6 percent per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor to the date on which such excess is repaid to the Government; provided, however, that no interest shall be charged with respect to any such excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Contractor's claim by reason of retention or other disposition of termination inventory until ten days after the date of such retention or disposition, or such later date as determined by the Contracting Officer by reason of the circumstances. (k) Unless otherwise provided for in this contract, or by applicable statute, the Contractor, from the effective date of termination and for a period of three years after final settlement under this contract, shall preserve and make available to the Government at all reasonable times at the Office of the Contractor but without direct charge to the Government, all his books, records, documents, and other evidence bearing on the costs and expenses of the Contractor under this contract and relating to the work terminated hereunder, or, to the extent approved by the Contracting Officer, photographs, micro -photographs, or other authentic re- productions thereof. •nr, 20 $984. eeleAee. ILL. PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DIVISION Fort Riley, Kansas 001"Stlon.lhl. 119 1 July 1966 ALRGD-P SUBJECT: Contracting Officer's Representative (Supply and/or Service Contracts) TO: Vast i Ifter Fort Riley. Kansas 1. Reference Contract Nr. DAK130674-3744 . Under the provi- sions of Paragraph 1-451, Army Procurement Procedure, revised 31 January 1962, you are hereby designated to act as authorized representative of the Contracting Officer for this contract, effective as of i July 1966 . 2. This authorization does not impower you to execute or agree to any contract or modification thereof. 3. You are hereby authorized to: a. Supervise contract performance. b. Conduct inspections pertinent thereto. c. Place orders against the contractor for supplies or ser- vices as included in the terms and conditions of the contract and for which an obligation of funds has been recorded. 4. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract or failure to make progress so as to endanger contract per- formance. 5. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the Government to meet its obligations under the terms and conditions of the contract. V1n1'ract7 ng 'Of f icer FR 2e juN w FL 231 RESOLUTION N0. 0 �. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, AND THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RELATIVE TO FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE SCHILLING MANOR SUB -POST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That the proposed agreement between the City of Salina, Kansas, and the United States Government, identified as Contract No. DABE13-67-C-3744, dated.July 1, 19669 relative to fire protection services to be supplied by the City of Salina, Kansas, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Kansas, and all areas and buildings encompassed thereby, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That the City Manager and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of,the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted "by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor thisCZ— day of October, 1966. Mayor` ATTEST: 'City Clerk i t PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING DIVISION Fort Riley, Kansas Delegatlon.No. 119 1 July 1966 ALRGD-P Contracting Officer's Representative (Supply and/or Service Contracts) TO• Post Engineer SUBJECT: Fort Riley, Kansas 1. Reference Contract Nr. DABE13-674-3744 . Under the provi- sions of Paragraph 1-451, Army Procurement Procedure, revised 31 January 1962, you are hereby designated to act as authorized representative of the. Contracting Officer .for this contract, effective as of 1 July 1966 2.. This authorization does not impower you to execute or agree to any contract or modification thereof. 3. You are hereby authorized to: a. Supervise contract performance. b. Conduct inspections pertinent thereto. c. Place orders against the contractor for supplies or ser- vices as included in the terms and conditions of the contract and for which an obligation of funds has boon recorded. 4. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract or failure to make.progress so as to endanger contract perm formance. You will notify the Contracting Officer of any failure on the part of the Government to meet its obligations under the terms and ''conditions of the contract. R"Nracfing -Officer FR 25 JUN sa FL 231 NEGOTIATED CONTRACT' DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE DATE SHEET 1 OF Voill SH T. 24 Amy RED NO. On OTHER PURCHASE AUTH PURSUANT T 0 DISCOUNT TERMS NO. INEGOTIATED 10 U.S.C. 2304 (a)( 10i et 1CONTRACT DARE 13-67-C-371,4 ISSUED by MAIL INVOICESTO Central Procurenont Division';.Commandos Building 179Schilling V_ Manor. Sub -Post 'Fort Rilayi, Kansas 118 Me Alabama d Salina, Kansas CONTRACTOR (Name amfAddmae). PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY City of Salinas Kansas ... ... Flnanc6 Officer A Municipal Corporatlon.„ s Building 70 . City Hall Building Fort R;,Ioyp Kansas Salinas Kansas. 67401, SHIP TO (Candle.., and Addreee) DELIVERY Services to be parformod at Schilling,; . F.O.B. Cjoas-rimA�Tiom [MOTHER (800 Schedule) N/A DELIVERY DATE($). . . .Manor Sub -Post under the suparvislon .of the Contracting Officer and/or his' authorized representatives Sao Special Provisions SP -10 di CMITRACT PERIOD. tA c 'a I C UNT NG AND APPROPRIATION DATA, (D epartmental,OVOrprintind Will Be Authorized) 21-9770700 55-1003 P1910-25 (1910.7220) 514-040 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTS 1. That it [—]IS, C31S NOT, a small business concern. Generally, a small business concern for the purpose of Government procurement Is a concern that (1) Is not dominant in its field of operation and, with its affiliates, employs fewer than 500 employees, or (2) is certified as a small business concern by the Small Business Administration. (See Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 103, as amended, which contains the detailed definition and related procedures.) If Contractor is a small business concern and is not the manufacturer of the supplies covered by this contract, it also represents that all supplies to be furnished hereunder DWILL, [3 WILL NOT, be manufactured or produced by a small business concern in the United States, its Territories, its Possessions, or The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 2. That it is a r7 REGULAR DEALER IN, OMANUFACTURER OF, the supplie B covered by this contract. 3. (a) That it E] HAS, FIHAS NOT, employed Or retained any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee. 'working solely for the contractor) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that it E]HAS, OHAS NOT, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other then a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the contractor) any fee, commis - Sion, percentage or brokerage fee, contingent upon or resulting from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish infor mation relating to (a) and (b) above as requested by the Contracting Officer. (For interpretation of the representation, in - eluding the term "bona lid, employee", see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 44, Part 150j. 4. The . It It operates an E)INDIVIDUAL [3PARTNERSHIP [:3 CORPORATION Incorporated in the State Of The Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all the supplies and perform all the services set forth in the attached Schedule, for the Consideration stated therein. The rights.and obligations of the parties to this Contract shall be subject to 'and governed by the Schedule and the General Provisions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the.Schedule or the General Provisions and any specifications or other provisions which am made a part of this. Contract, by reference or other- wise, the Schedule and the General Provisions shall control. To the extent of any inconsistency between the Schedule and I theGeneral Previsions, the Schedule shall control.', The total amount of this contract is $ 200.00 G !TV Or $AIM ICA 'SAS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OF CONTRACTOR : - 104-66 BY — I - - .1 SIGHAYU RE. DATE, BY SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER DATE N. D. Olson HELEN WHORTON TVP ED NAME TYPED NAME OF.CONTRACTING OFFICER Manager �'Tlu. -City DDFORIA REPLACES DO FORMS 351. 33t -I AND 331-2. IDEC 09 1261. . WHICH ARE OBSOLETE AFTER I JUL 59. 7-�,,Fe MIIIPIPME Wass 11 1 1 01 M, 11 F, FIR KS F711"7, Wla F" "F"T"IT17 FFI- "' ,,, 11 ARTICLE VIII - ENTIRE AGREEMENT It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this contract represents their entire agreement, whollysuperseding, any and all prior offers, negotiations and agreements made by them, their agents and employees. ARTICLE IX - DISPUTES A. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this contract which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Contracting Officer, who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish a copy thereof to the Contractor. The decision of the Contracting Officer shall be final and conclusive unless, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes to the Contracting Officer a.written appeal addressed to the Secretary. The decision of the Secretary or his duly authorized ,representative for the determination of such appeals shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to' have been fraudulent., or capricious, or arbitrary, or so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of his appeal. Pending final decision of -a disp ate hereunder, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in accordance with the Contracting Officer's decision. B. This .."Disputes" clause does not preclude consideration of law questions in connection with decisions provided for in paragraph A above; provided; that nothing in this contract shall be construed as making final the decision of any administrative official, representative, or board on question of law. 5 AFZN-DI-P DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY IST INFANTRY DIVISION REAR (PROV) AND FORT RILEY FORT RILEY, KANSAS MA42 PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID P.O. BOX 2248 City Manager City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Sir: 7 September 1977 Inclosed are three (3) copies of the proposed contract for fire protection service for Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing Area for the period 1 October 1977 through 30 September 1978. Your prompt attention to this matter is requested in order to facilitate award prior to 1 October 1977. Please contact this office A/C 913 239-6207 if any assistance can be provided. 3 Incl as Sincerely R081:RT H: HALL Contracting Officer PROCUREMENT DIVISION, DID P.O. BOX 2248 AFZN-DI-P City Manager City -County Building 300 West Ash Street Salina, KS 67401 Sir: 7 September 1977 Inclosed are three (3) copies of the proposed contract for fire protection service for Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing Area for the period 1 October 1977 through 30 September 1978. . Your prompt attention to this matter is requested in order to facilitate award prior to 1 October 1977. Please contact this office A/C 913 239-6207 if any assistance can be provided. Sincerely yours, 3 Incl. ROBERT H. HALL as Contracting Officer STANDARD FORM 33, NOV. 1969 GENERAL SERVICES ADMMMMAIgN ND. NOc no. 1.1 ENI 1_16.101 SOUpTATION, OFFER, AND AWARD 3. CAUFRO "SA REG. 11 NATIONAL DEFENSE (UNDER Ytpsc A. PAGE OF 22 I. CONTRACT (P.N. I.N. EdMal No. a. SWOTATION NO. S. DATE Issues 6. REOUa1TIONNORCMASE "WEST NO. Y. CALENDAR Days. DAKF19-77-R-0030 13. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTMORTEED NAME L ADDRESS - City oP a ina, Kansas ' AQV%MrMO 21 NEGOTIATED N • D. Olson ..".Me, &ZIP Cdr) w,---tAaaina;�Kansas 67401 City Manager 0 TIPS) m (RFP) 30. onN Dwrz �yi s An. cdr.,d r9M' i,v..: $1�j3 � 8Z3=2277 . P: ISSUED BY 1 CODE M ADDRESS OFFER TO (If ArbN rba &Ni y) Procurement Division, 010 (No. r/ C.vinai., Oficr.l P. 0. Box 2248 Fort Ry, KS 66442 ,iley, v :T TET , 'l. MUCITATION 9. Sealed o r -•' prWf and"_copres for famishing the supplies or services describe) in the Schedule will be received at theQlace specified in block e. OR IF 7D-WR1PD,;N THE DEPOSITARY LOCATED IN Procurement Di V.D10 Bldg, 801, Gm 1067107 until - If this is an advertised solicitation, offm will be publicly opened at that 'w0 Uaa) time. CAUTION—UTE b . Set par. S of Solicitation Instructions and Conditions. All oReN ate suhim To the followins['r..s' .§+' 3. The Schedule included below and/or attached hereto. L Thoutached Solicitation Instructions add Conditions. SP 33–A. a 6. Such other provisions. representations, certifications, and specifications 3. The General Provisions, SF 32 M%•^D. which is attached u am attached" incorporated herein by reference. (Attachments arc listed or iocotpoamd heteio by teference. in the Schedule.) FOR IN FORMATION CA I IILa,naa T.bAA.Rr-N.- I IN.[allett tem.): Mr. Clarence Lehner 913 239-6207 TABLE OF CONTENTS The follawind checked sections are contained in the contract. See. Page Sec. I Page PART I•.- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS X L _-Packaging and markT-ng 15 A Cover Sheet X H Deliveries or Performance 15 B Contract Form-apd;Represtimstions, X _L Inspection and Acceptance 15 Certifications, Lind Other State rets of X Special Provisions 15 Offeror. �''t, ! ; l-3 K Contract Administration Data -16 C Instructions, Conditions, addNotices to PART 111 • GENERAL PROVISIONS Offerers. "•(•` 4-9 X L General Provisions - 7 -22 D Evaluation and Award Factors PART IV • LIST OF DOCUMENTS PART11• THE SCHEDULE AND ATTACHMENTS E Supplies/ie, u lies/Services and Prices F Descri tion/S ecffica[ions 11 –15 X M List d Documents and Attachments 2 in mmpliaTiu Abldle aiove,.tthe undersigned offers and agrees, if this offer is accepted within calendar days XII KlmDID(RI1411Dt )KXWnXm") from the date for receipt of offers specified' above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered, at the price sn opposite tact i[em.tdeliveced tee The,designa[ed point(s), within the lime specified in rhe Schedule See Section C, para. 23 M. DOCOUM FDF FT(OM.FT FjYMEtn (SW Po. 9 w JIF 33-A) ; Fl r r: > ;; ` . x 50 CALINDAR RATS; % S0 CALENDAR DA9fs Dads, - x. Y. CALENDAR Days. 17 OFFEROR M . '90DE -' "t "" FACILJTs' CODE 13. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTMORTEED NAME L ADDRESS - City oP a ina, Kansas TO SIGN OFFER (T}pr er Prior) (Saan• •�r• _... ______300 -West- Ash Street N • D. Olson ..".Me, &ZIP Cdr) w,---tAaaina;�Kansas 67401 City Manager . s1GN,sTula 30. onN Dwrz �yi s An. cdr.,d r9M' i,v..: $1�j3 � 8Z3=2277 . ❑ Clef // RrNy� .v+- 94:ff Fn�.16sn-E,rrr sorb-Au..n 16-Scl6daii RrRi Sep. 28' 77 31. ACCEPTED AS TO ITEMS NIMIEERED ]§ :tMWNT'• 8 :, i 13. ACCOVNTINGTRADANROPMATIONDATA, I 34. SU ff NVOICES (4 n�pin ..(m NI6,siN *Mlfid) TO ADDRESS SMOwN N 33. NEGOTIATED 10 UA.C. 2304t.M MOCKieCtTOn K, para. 3 PURSUANT TO AT U.S.C. 3531.E I 36. ADMINISTERED BY 'CODE 37. PAYMENT WM ITE MADE BY CODE (If NEW ob . NN4 )) _ ---'- -'----- Finance Z Accounting virr ! ' Building LRD. 70 Fort Riillair, KS 66442 RS. NAME p CONRF{sM[D•,OpKffL{F . ,a 29. UNITED STFB Of AMERICA 30. AWARD 0wtt RrRi (No. r/ C.vinai., Oficr.l ;f a1 -FL Award will be xwol, oN ebb jarar. or off, Standard Form 16. or b)"her official u•rimeR ,attire. Yalu M-19elet: eJ+nnWlM uteem+w'rx• 6961 e11WUON•tt a w11 is a0 asine" r"[ -cc I -tool ;).S'/1 9f u1 p mruJ 11 u+ a u1 u,U. 'o1vP/rlrf rigvm +of plvm✓u/d• Ow.,ppll, YOPApea) eouvlpyoS 091 !q pL1A61I m yepvn+ofxz Na1Jm9> Pop m'vro+x»v •11x, y1+o�iH aum+ 0-'310N 'r^,IPI ax pwp Pue pugmnu qwm "a-ppwpit vay0 rol uen,w'PS ,m q � 4ugemm. 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IR1, , aq os sayddns ❑t 39(P VUatLda) MIT ay 'pango ngddns ay) Jo )mlimptiew ay) lots sp pue wmuoo S;wu!snq 3vua est r u. w nm y ots s! 0 •s! 0 aH +' fl 5 of 1 NI5(19 77VWS 'I s__ _.. __ ...._ _.... _ _ .:.. / yw/q +o m'aq ggvu/✓✓v Im +N/Jma +o 4-y47a treys sa xarJa) )way0 341 et n t'0 a nvj PART I - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (Use with SF 33) SECTION B - Contract Form and Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offeror - Continued: 10. The following individuals are authorized to conduct negotiations on behalf of the contractor: NAME TELEPHONE N. D. Olson, City Manager 913 823-2277 3 RM - c uaaDN ter GENERAL 5ERVICE3 ADMN13TRATION FED. KOC. RPO. 141 ORI I-10.101 SOLICITATION INSTRUCTIONS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINmON& As used herein: (a) The term "solicitation' means Invitation for Bids (IFB) where the procurement is advertised, and Request for Proposal (RFP) where the procurement is negotiated. (b) The term 'offer" means bid where the procurement is ad- vertised, and proposal where the procurement is negotiated. (c) For purposes of this solicitation and Block 2 of Standard Form 33, the term "advertised" includes Small Business Restricted Advertising and other types of restricted advertising. 2. PREPARATION OF OFFERS. (a) Offerors are expected to examine the drawings, specifica- tions, Schedule, and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the offtror's risk. fb? Each offeror shall furnish the information required by the solicitation. The offeror shall sign the solicitation and print or type his name on the Schedule and each Continuation Sheet thereof on which he makes an entry. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person signing the offer. Offen signed by an agent are to be accompanied by evidence of his authority unless such evidence has been previously furnished to the issuing office. Sc) Unit Price for each unit offered shall be shown and such price shall include packing unless otherwise specified. A total shall be entered in the Amount column of the Schedule for each item offered. In case of discrepancy between a unit price and .extended price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct,— subject, however, to correction to the same extent and in the same manner as any other mistake. .(d) Offers for supplies or services other than those specified wi not be considered unless authorized by the solicitation. (e) Offeror must state a definite time for delivery of supplies or for Performance of services unless otherwise specified in the solicitation. (1) Time, if stated as a number of days, will include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. (g) Code boxes are for Government use only. S. EXPLANATION TO OFFERORS. Any explanation desired by an offeror regarding the meaning or interpretation of the solicitation, drawings, specifications, etc., must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach offerors before the submission of their offers. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective offeror concerning a solici- tation will be furnished to all prospective offeron at an amendment of the solicitation, if such information is necessary to offerors in submitting offers on the solicitation or if the lack of such infor- mation would be prejudicial to uninformed offerors. 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENTS TO SOLICITATIONS. Receipt of an amendment to a solicitation by an offeror must be acknowledged (a) by signing and returning the amendment, (b) on the reverse of Standard Form 33, or (c) by letter or tele- gram. Such acknowledgment must be received prior to the hour and date specified for receipt of offers. !. SUBMISSION or OFFERS. (s) Offen and modifications thereof shall be enclosed in seated envelopes and addressed to the office specified in the solicitation. The offeror shall show the hour and date specified in the solici- tation for receipt, the solicitation number, and the name and address of the offeror on the face of the envelope. (b) Teleeggraphic offers will not be considered unless authorized by the wl'icitation; however, offers may be modified by tele. graphic notice, provided such notice is received prior to the hour and date specified for receipt. (However, see par. B.) (e) Samples of items, when required, must be submitted within the time specified, and unless otherwise specified by the Govern- ment, at Pio expense to the Government. If not destroyed by test. ing, samples will be returned at offeror's request and expense, unless otherwise specified by the solicitation. 6. FAILURE TO SUBMIT OFFER. Ir no offer is to be submitted, do not return the solicitation unless otherwise specified. A letter or postcard should be sent to the issuing office advising whether future solicitations for the type of supplies or services covered by this solicitation arc desired. Failure of the recipient to offer, or to notify the issuing office that future solicitations are desired, may result in removal of the name of such recipient from the marling list for the type of supplies or services covered by the tolleitation. Y. MODIFICATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF OFFERS. (a) If this solicitation��l-1i, rdsed, offers may be modified or withdrawn by wri -oY tkl . aphie notice received prior m the exact hour am sy�ifts r receipt of offers. An offer also may be with w in�en y an offeror or his authorized rcprcacn�t`, pr ed is tit made known and he signs, eo'idb � ' the withdrawal is made prwr h r• ate for ieceip[ of offers. (However, (b) sof ei n ss negotiated, often may be modified (sub 11 r. hen applicable) or withdrawn by written or lelegrap rc ce received at any time prior to award. Offers may be ' Pawn in person by an offeror Or his authorized rep- resentative, provided his identity is made known and he signs a receipt for the offer prior to award. S. LATE OFFERS AND MODIFICATIONS OR WITHDRAWALS. (Mis paragraph applies to all advertised solicitations. In the case of Department o(' Defense negotiated solicitations, it shall also apply to late offers and modifications (other than the normal revisions of.offers by selected offeron during the usual conduct of neIgro- dations with such offerors) but o withdrawals of offers. Un- less otherwise provided, thisa�e g h does not apply to nego- tiated solicitations issue i III gencies.) (a) Offers and c io oo rs (or withdrawals thereof, if this solicitatl _ is cr a ive at the office designated in the solicitas' fit? e t our d date specified for receipt will not cu�tss'�d 1 (1 ev are received beCofe award is made; a}J�`� Shrhf arc t by registered mail, or by certified mail for' - i n tial ed post ottice stamp (postmark) on the original Re t. u r rficd Mail has been obtained and it is de- termined bj a rnment that the late receipt was due solely to delay in the mairs for which the offeror was not responsible; or (3) if submitted 6y mad (or by telegram if authorized) it is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due solely to mishan- dling by the Government after receipt at the Government installa- tion; provided, that timely receipt at such installation is established upon examination Oran appropriate date or time stamp (if any) of such installation, Or of other documentary evidence of receipt (if readily available) within the control of such installation or of the post office serving is. However, a modification of an offer which makes the terms of an otherwise successful offer more favorable to the Government will be considered at any time it is received and may thereafter be accepted. (b) Offerors using certifi it are cautioned to obtain a Re- ceipt for Certified 3lail Ai; 'n ,a legible, dated postmark and to retain such ret' SSyanaiii.11ln,,Isst.tbet� hence that it will be required as evidence that a�Aai,{Illtely mailed. (c) The time ` s g e en submitted by registered or certified m ii 1 b'dbd ' m to be the Isar minute of the date shown the` s no the registered mail receipt or B30% t. if?w• or is the Receipt for Certified Mail unless 14m"afto is evidence from the post office sta. tion o k ablishes an earlier time. In the case of cerci Ina my acceptable evidence is as follows: (1) where th icei r Certified Mail identifies the post office station of ail' g, evidence furnished by the offeror which establishes t thebusiness day of that station ended at an earlier time, in whidl case the time of mailing shall be deemed to be the last minuir of the business day of that station; or (2) an entry in ink on the Receipt for Certified Mail showing the time of mailing and the initials of the postal employee receiving the item and making the entry, with appropriate written verifies - don of such envy frim the post office station of mailing, in which ease the time of rrmfing. shall be the time shown in the entry. If she postmark on the original Receipt for Certified Mail does not show a date, din offer shall not be considered. 9. DISCOUNTS. fail Notwithstanding the fact that a blank is pro- vided for a ten (,M) day discount, prompt payment discounts offered for payment within less than twenty (20) calendar days will not be considewd in evaluating offers for award, unless otherwise specified iin the solicitation. However, offered discounts of less than 20 dela will be taken if payment is made within the discount period, oven, though not considered in the evaluation of offers. (b) In conn taRl'., , u o r ,limemill be Com- puted from d rf h u sl s to carrier when delivery and cI in of ri in, or from date of delivery at def when delivery and designated as . 5 "s-Iw s-imt4-9t— tetma minim a nano wo. _ •saolJaJylaads aqi Aq palm -odmom iaglagm '12gnum a o suotSiAOJd J4Jo (p !suon!Awd pt»l1��� (3) :suovtpuol I lalnpag3$ alp t"/ :"pj0 �aIMOn - 1 a d 9LJ paAlosx aq 1111119 A3amSimmu! a v _ n I Jq mann_ vaomloq A3aalmamm ve jo Juan • 1 u { 80 '69 •aonpadwm 9mwp ai jo asudjnd 2111 joj opew- loa amts xnsolas!p yon: teyJ amw»Jap '33128!9311 s!q jo 'Awage alp jo ptay ay1 put amsolas!p byt jo Spusiswnona ayJ I!Y12p w ytjoj Sias g3!gm maasatnt pau8!s It Jago aqJ yi!m sags!umj imago aqJ ssalun pjeme aoj pojopnum aq Jou 1(`!m "go ayJ 'pay!pow jo palalap uaaq suit vo!isaynja3 ayJ jo (Z M ajayM 'pay!pow in pa)alap uaaq sey vopeoypim oq3 J° (q) j° '(£)(t) '(1)(10) ajaym pjema joj pajappum aq tou lilts jajlo uy (q) •m!y ownd pan 'motaassod n!'saimS pavufl oyJ apmno AjaAq;ip Jo a3uewjoi-c! sannbas p!gm Joenum a Josago vg 8wlgwgns jwago tt9ta -jOj a m aige3!pjda Jou s! wjoj "go ayJ uoumJeoggizI Stu (ti) 'NOUVNIW83130 Mild 1N30N3d30N1 dO NOILVDIAII933 'Ol •Auedwm )vai8d sry jo jagwnN aonwgp^apl s,raAo dwg aqJ 'Auedwm mated IS sell aq J! 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Jago st jo oWind ayi joj Auedwoa ivu9d y •ANVdW03 1s138Vd '91 as,I10 Slip in algea!Idde n wjoj vans m yJ luotuo Sit a ,9111 8u!Jaxxdx (3) put 'pa1J!wgns sem wmj yaps t3!ym Slim uonaauuoo uv 'Aue It 'Jor.num jo uonetu!los snowu ud ayi jagwnv Aq Su!Ajuvapi (q) nu 'Pagsnj Annouxd sem uuoj pola dwm tions uaym Sunea!pu! (e) wawaJns pau9!s a q3 m jaRo nit luedwoaae Aew ay '11011n!a!los slyi Sumito a3910 ayJ m 611 vuod pJepuv3S palagdwm v pogsmjnj Alsn(ilAajd sey J°ugo JI •M.4 JagtO Jo ma unuo0 jo matuaJng s,jOIwnuop '611 uuog pjepunS ai2lduso3 a 'aitoydnp u! 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Jago ayi salun 'Id!aax sl! m mao6osgns suoputioBav ate a"qi lou .10 .1ayiaym '(anoge (3) u1 popuwd se..i1mjayJ JJed jo) Jago Ana 'u!alag3 pagtaads awn aqJ u!gi!m Jam Am IvawujanoSJ aq•L (a) •1Uov1nng0S pate -no8w m Aluo Alddt (q) ggnwyJ (a) sydej8e.1ed 8umogoj ayy 'Aued jaip!a Aq uouaa jaqunj inoqum iaejlam 8uipmq t ut tinuj in pawaap aq Ileys Jago ayJ ui paypads aauwda33e Joj awn ayi u!ytw Jo"go In na»ns aqi of (payswmj astM.1aylo jo pat!ew ("jj0 jo »undia"y Jo) piume ualtum V (p) *w3Ad0 SIH NI 39IM -1I311.I.0 S IA133dS YOTI3330 3H.L S IMI Q34I3330 S33IlId .LINf1 3H.L jjL,V U21d UA0 A.LI.LNVQ'O 3H.L NYH.L SSTI A.I.LLNYfIo V 1103 W3JA ANY NO Q11VMV NY 311VW Oy .I.H9I11 31-1.1. S3AlI3133d LNRWN'd3A0Q 3Hy QNV '•Q31:I103d9 3SOH.L NVH.L SSRI S3I.LI.LNYfl25 ANY 1103 U31-MINEffIS 3ij AVW 9113330 3-Ifi(JaH0S 31-111. NJ Q3UlAO-dd 3SI11113H.L0 SS3=Jun 'suonn!w!l ay!3ads q ja o @4 a gen .1032 o atn lun 'Jago Aug jo swat! jo dnmH jo Sum! .(ug tda»e Atm iwwUIQAOD ayy (a) 'paA!a3x sago Of wulivin2wit Joalm pug Sangew"Jut aA!VM OI pug uogo lie jo Ade taafaj of 3y8u ayi samasaj taawaiano f) ayy (q) •paJappam U013VJ jagto pug aaud '3uawuJ of) ayi of snoa8n°gnpt ISOM aq p!m Von -Halloo ay m SuJvuojum Jago noyM .1wago aIq!suodu Jagi m paWete all 11!M lienum atLL (e) '13"IN03 d0 08VMV -ot jo u!I!ew jo a3ep aql no mno3s!p ayi 9uwj10a o n j e m pawaap Si 1UMAgd •A"ngatl I u J J .t6ilu� ayi y, 'Juawuja -AOJ ay A9 Pay!(1 t aAj ;!:+J�'ag3noA .10 »Iona! 132MM alep 3103o4 U 1, (('.�,J(>I to ajg »uelda3ae .1U6 Y`'. 'd) 20. aragraphs 7 and 8 of Standard Form 33A are hereby deleted in their entireV and the following clause is substituted in lieu thereof: AND WITHDRAWALS OF PROPOSALS (a) Any roposal received at the office designated in the solicita- tion after the \tt t tie specified for receipt will not be considered unless it is recefore award is made; and (i) it was registered or certified mail not later than the fifth calendar dr to the date specified for receipt of offers(e.g., an offer submittesponse to a solicitation requiring receipt of offers by the 20th of tmust have been mailed by the 15th or earlier); (ii) it was ail (or telegram if authorized) and it is deter- mined by the Govt t the late receipt was due solely to mishandling by the Governmenre ipt at the Government installation; or (iii) it is y pro sal received. (b) Any modification of a roposal, except a modification resulting from the Contracting Officer's r6quest for "best and final" offer, is subject to the same conditions as 'n (a)(i) and (ii) above. (c) A modification resulting f the Contracting Officer's request for "best and final" offer received of r the time and date specified in the request will not be considered unle received before award and the late receipt is due solely to mishandling y the Government after receipt at the Government installation. (d) The only acceptable evidence to est lash: i the date of mailing of a late proposa or modification sent either by registered or certified mail is the U. Postal Service postmark on the wrapper or on the original receipt from the U.S. Postal Service. If neither postmark shows a legible date, the propo 1 or modification of proposal shall be deemed to have,been mailed late. he term 'postmark' means a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed impressi th\Seed t is readily identifiable without further action as having been supaffixed on the date of mailing by employees of the U.S. Postal(ii) the time of receipt at the Government instalthe time/ date stamp of such installation on the proposal wrapper docu- mentary evidence of receipt maintained by the installa (e) Notwithstanding the above, a late modification of an oNherwise successful proposal which makes its terms more favorable to the G erne will be considered at any time it is received and may be accepted. (f) Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice or telegram recti at any time prior to award. Proposals may be withdrawn in person by an offeror or his authorized representative, provided his identity is made known and he signs a receipt for the proposal prior to award." L \sja4onbjo ga 's;so0 aAl}Ea4SLUIWpe 'uoL;Eiaaadap 'saauemolle wao; -ataeles 'saLlddns ;o 3soo 6uL;eaado ;oealuoo o; pa;LWLL aq you ;nq at pino4s Ie33Lwgns a4I •lesodoad SL44 ;o aouew,ao;aad a44 a0; e}ep t pue 4soo ;o umopleaaq palte;ap a aptnoad IIEys aoaa;;o a41 'LZ leso ad ;o uotssn3stp gn044tm apew aq few jaea4uoo a ;o paemtl •gZ •�oeazuoa ;o adg; aoLad paxL; waL; a aq llbm uot4Es sty; a; 6ut;Insaa 4aealuoo pasodoad ayl ;oea;u03 ;o a 1 9Z 0ea;u00 a4; ;o paeme as;;e WLeL3 a ao; spunoa6 a4n;L3s -uoay; ;oadsUL 4 aanLte; a IILm ZUana ou ul •algeuteggo kLgeuoseaas}ewao;uL yons gu xa ayg. o4 '1oe4uoo a43 ;o aoueWao;aad ;o ;soo ayg ;/CeW ge43 SUOL�L 00 IEaOI pUE IEaaUa6 IIE O} SE 57AI7SWay}T;SL3e5, o;awao;aad aq o� as saOLnaas aaa m a;Ls a ; �0adsuL ol a;aadxa pue pae saa;onb ao saoa 0 6£'EOOZ-L adStl 130696L 4MA a4LS 'bZ antsuodsaauou se paaq IILm }uawuaanog ay; q aoue;daaoE ao; ££ dS ;o uoL3aod aa;;0, aL; Dads safe aE ua eo o as wnu a j ue � ssa 6uLmo a saoaa;;0 t}tnx 0 oaS a lOZ-Z adStl tlWSL6l PoLaad aoue; a00y wnWLULW 'EZ 'suoL:teot;toadS a44 (a) pue !aouaaa;aa Sq pa4Eaodaoout ao pa a;3e U04m °;Oea}UO3 844 ;o suotstA -Dad aay;o (p) :suotstnoad IEaauag (a) !S ;L 'uo}ge;totlos ayg ;o suoLjLp -u03 Pug swaal (q) !(suot;eoL;toadS a43 6 • nloxa) 3lnpa43S a44 (e) :aapao 6u}mollo; a44 uL souepaoaad 6ULAL6 Sq pant as aq lie4s SOUaIstsuoaUL ay; 'uo};e;LoLlos stye ;o suotstnoad uaam�aq XOU stsuoaut ue ;o }uana ayg ul lb'EOOZ-L NdStl (Nd!/_61! 30N30303Hd j0 H300:;oaaa43 naLl ut pa3n4L3sgns sL raelo 6ULm0llo; 944 pue S;aaL;ua s;t u} pa;alap Sgaaay s} 'aouapaaaad ;o a a0 '6L 4dea6eaed •ZZ •1oa4o ;uawuaanog ayg 40 6uLL M ;o ep ay; 6ULUaea ;o asodand ay; ao; apew aq of pwjeap =wao;aad ;o Uot4aldwoo ;o 04ep ue41 aagel st aa;Ael a ay; Sq paL;toads aOL;;o a44 UL pantaoaa SL aay3noA ao a;ep ay; woa; ao saotnaaS a44 ;o a3uewao;aad ;o uo ayg woa; pagndwoo aq IILm awt4 'paaa;;o junoostp Kue y; I ayg uo ;unoastp L ;uaWRvd •aoue ;L '}UaWUaano�J LonuL gaaaaoo L� dwoo ;o a}ep Lm U waUU03 UI SIN OSIO nail ut pa;n;L3sgns st (q) 4dea6Eaedgns 6utmollo; a4,4 pue S3 at;ua sat u} pa}alap Sgaa04 st 's4unoost0 •6 asne13 ;o (q) ydEa6eaedgnS •LZ (ps 29. SERVICE CONTRACT ACT: Bidders are advised that this procurement is subjt to the requirements of the Service Contract Act, as amended by P.L. -473, 9 October 1974, and attention is invited to the obligations of the ntractor under Section 4(c) of the amended Service Contract Act. Any ques 'ons regarding the extent of these obligations should be addressed to the Dep tment of Labor, Section 2(a)(5) of the Service Contract Act of. 1965, as am dad, requires that every contract (and bid specifications thereof) subs ct to the Act contain a statement of the rates that would be paid by the fe ral agency to the various classes of service -employees if 5 U.S.C. 5341 we a applicable to them. The required statement is attached for information oN v. TO FEDERAL WAGE (a) Contribution of ive point one (5.1) percent of basic hourly rate for health and insuran . (b) Contribution of seve (7) percent of basic hourly rate for retirement. (c) Nine (9) paid holidays as follows: New Year's Day Washing n's Birthday Manorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans' Day Thanksgivi Day Christmas Day (d) Paid annual leave (vacation) as fglows: (1) Two (2) hours of annual leave each wNk for an employee with fjess than three (3) years of service. \ (2) Three (3) hours of annual leave each week for an employee with three (3) but less than fifteen (15) years of sbCvice. (3) Four (4) hours of annual leave each week foremployee with fifteen (15) or more years of service. . (e) Basic -hourly rate by classification as follows: Classification Basic Hour, ate. Assistant Fire Chief GS -08/6 $ 7.16 Crew Chief GS -06/6 5.82 Fire Fighters GS -05/6 5.22 30. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT: The Contractor agrees to provide e Contracting Officer upon request a copy of any collective bargaining agr L -i S} L917-SL*ON uoLleuluua}ap 06eM 'Z£ •�a}eaa6 S� aanayoLyM 'Cue ;i •a}ea uo}4euLwUO3ap 96eM 33tl 3oe.14uop a a a0 65Z-£6 *I'd Xq PatIioads se aq lleys ;uaiwfed a6eM wnw�u�w ay; °43e��u ;o suoisLnoad as 4o Sue 6u}Pue;S4UMIoN ' bL6LAVW 1113WON3Wtl VSl3 13V SO 9VI HItl3 'l£ STANDARO'OUA 76, JUEY 1966 �' W CONT9. OEN[RAE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION CONTINUATION SHEET iW. PROC. NO. (At CER) 1-16.101 NANE OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR • REM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES OUANTiry UNIT UNIT PRIG? AMOUNT SECTION E - Services, Supplies, and Prices THE SCHEDULE The Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA4 -4-76-636 (Atch. B) with its attendant drawing HOUSING AREA (Atch, C) is attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 0001 Cost to the Government for Fire Protection Ser- vice to be supplied by the City of Salina, KS fo Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area near Salina, KS, all areas, buildings, and appur tenances encompassed thereby as set forth on the drawing marked HOUSING AREA (Atch. C) attached to the Department of the Air Force Permit No. DACA41-4-76-636 (Atch. B) and in accordance with the Terms, Conditions, and Provisions of this contract. 12 MO $ 7,463.0($89,556.0( Credit to the Government for Government furnishe Property 12 MO $ 463.0 $ 5,556.0 NET CONTRACT PRICE $ 7,000.0($84,000.0 10 SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifiations 1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT. The Contractor shall, on the terms hereinafter more particularly set forth, furnish all labor, plant, equipment and appliances, and perform all work necessary to provide the fire protection service required hereunder for Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The contractor shall perfqrm work consisting of the following principal features: a. Organize and administer fire prevention and protection service. b. Conduct monthly drive through windshield inspection of Housing are for pre -fire planning and report any fire hazards to on-site care- taker manager/coordinator. The above does not include any detailed interior/exterior building/structure inspection or record keeping. c. Perform first and second echelon maintenance service on the Government -furnished Property contained elsewhere herein. d. Make annual representative fire flow tests as required. e. Assist in conducting formal investigations of Government fire losses. 2. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE. All work performed in the accomplishment of furtherance of the services to be furnished under this.contract shall be comparable, but not limited to the service provided within the corporate limits of the City of Salina as required by the standards established by the Kansas Inspection Bureau. As a minimum, one structural fire company having not less than four (4) men on duty at all times stationed within -five (5) miles from all portions of the area under contract, both super- visory personnel and fire company available for immediate service except for unforeseen emergencies, in order to assure that the standards contem- plated by this contract are maintained. This performance of service shall include back-up service,at all times. In the event of simultaneous fires both on and off of Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area, priority, subject to good fire fighting practices and the sound judgment of supervisory fire fighting personnel, will be given to the fire on Schilling Manor Inactive Capehart Housing area. 3. LIABILITY FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE a. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Government, its officers, agents, and employees against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorney's fees, by reason of any suit or action brought for any actual or alleged injury to, or death of any person, or damage to property including that property furnished by the Government for use of the Contractor, if any, resulting from the performance or services hereunder. b. The Contractor shall indemnify and save from any loss of or damage to Government propert theft, or willful misconduct of his employees. harmless the Government y caused by negligence, Zi •eaue 6ulsnoH 3ue4adeO aALgdeUl uoueW 6uLllLyoS Jo; UOLgoa;oud auL; 6UL4SLuun; 4uau4uedap auL; 844 ;o UOLjeuado ay; uo;"pauLnbau salLddns pue '4uawdLnba 'lauuosuad 'UOLjeuado•;o•s4uodau pue spuooau luou4Adap auL; uLe3ULew pue auedaud lleys uoloeu3uoO a41 •o 'Saul; ;o UOLge6Lgs8nuL lewuo; 6uLlew suaoL;;o ;o pueoq a ;o asn a43 uo; aouapina 6ulnuasaud 'UOi4e6L4sanul yoea ;o s;uodau ;lugns o; pue 'saouauun000 uellwls 4UaAaud of kaeSSaOaU UOL40e aAL} -oauuoo pue asneo aULUUD4ap o; 'sleep 6ULIuoM aau44 ULgjtM aAL3ezubsaudab S,uaoL;;O 6uL43eJZu03 ay; 4jtM UOL43UnCuoo UL auL; a ;O asneo ay; OJUL UoL:te6L4Sanu1 up 3onpuoo o; paulnbau aq lleys uo3aeu;uoO a41 q 'aouapina ;o UOL;enuasaud ;un000e o}uL 6uLleq : a6ewep u03eM azlwlulw o; auL; ay; ;0 6UL4sln6UL4x9 94; 6ulunp 6ulpllnq a43 UL43lm papunodwL ua42M 6UlpUe4S uo UOLIelnwnooe ssaoxa Rue anoUsu 04 paulnbau aq LLeys uo;oeu} -UOO 943 'auL; ay4 10 BUL4sln6uL:Lxa a44 ;o UOL3aldwoo a43 uodn pue 'auL; pa;uodau a ;o a;Ls a44 le (Ra -AR ayl ;o UOL4eAL40euL a44 of anp-wnwlulw aq pinoys 43l4m) a;Ll ;o ssol ageulwlla o� uol4oe snOL4Lpadxa ale} LLe4s'uo;3eu4uOO 841 •a6ewep ua;eM pue ssol auL; azlwlulw o; RL4dwoud Saul; lle 4sln6UL4x8 o; UOL43e SueSSaaaU ale; pue LLeo auL; pa}uodau e o1 puodsau Sl4dwoud o; paulnbau aq Lle4s uo43euIuO3 a41 'e '0 ONV O 9 V S3SSVID SNIONlONI 3aI3 031N0d3b V 01 3SNOdS3a 's 'poLuad ;oealuoo 44UOW anlaml a44 6ULunp pa4sLldw000e aq lllm anoge „p„ pue „q„ uL paulnbau szsa; pue UOL4oadSUL lenuue ay1 'a •sueld 6uL,4y6L; -auL; pa6ueuueaud 6uL3elnwuo; ul pazL Mn pue s4sa3 mol; snOLAaud 4SULe6e pa3enlen9 aq lllm sllnsaa 'eaue 84'4 ULy4LM UOL;oagoud auL; uo; Mol; ua:jem ;o Soenbape allLUua;ap 0} eaue ledLouLud yoea ULgjLM slueup94 auL; Mgalas uo apew aq LItm s;sa; mol; auL; aAL3e3uasau6u lenuuV 'p •uapun -away paysluun; R;uadoud ZuaUwuanog lle 'UO aoLAuas aoueu04ULew Uolayoa puooas pue 4suL; pue UOL33adSUL 844 Ulan;uad pue ';o aoueua;u Lew pue uol;euado ay; ul lauuosuad sly 4ona4suL pue uLeu} Xluadoud •o '6uldeal puooau uo UOL3oadsUL aun43nu4s/6ulpllnq AOLua'xa/uoLua;UL palle�ap Sue apnloUL jou Saop anoge a41 •u64eulpu000/ua6euew ua3e; -aueo a4ls-uo 04 spuezey auL; Sue 4uodau pue 6ULuueld auL;-aid uo; eaue 6ulsnoH ;o uol;oadsul plalyspuLm 46nou4j anLup kL44uow IonpuoO 'q ••sesuRN 'euLLeS ueau eaue 6ulsnoH lueyadeO aAL;oeUI uoueW 6uLllLyoS ao; uapunaua4 paulnbau aoLAuas UOL43a4oud pue uOL4UaA -aud auL; ay; 6ULu84slulwpe pue 6ULzlue6uo uo; alglsuodsau as e :Lle4s uo43e4UO3 841 'NOI10310ad ONV NOI1N3A3ad MIJ 'b (p,4UO3) suoL4e3L;loads/SUOL;dLuosaa - d N01103S SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) 6. GOVERNMENT -FURNISHED PROPERTY. a. The Government shall furnish the trucks as set forth herein to the Contractor for the performance of the service set forth under the terms and conditions of this contract. Quantity-* Stock No. 4210-097-4754 4210-142-4949 5120-257-0303 4730-535-0826 4730-535-0827 5110-293-0351 5110-224-7068 Rockwood Part #SA 2550 4210-223-9915 4210-595-0148 4210-722-9336 4210-722-9298 4210-202-6712 4210-202-6715 4210-537-3132 4210-142-1103 4210-334-8728 4210-540-0374 4210-537-3109 4210-537-3110 4210-537-3117 5120-223-8537 4730-535-0824 4730-535-0825 7100-678000 4210-288-9599 4210-240-5531 4210-174-1349 4210-537-3112 5120-293-1602 5120-516-3354 Item Description Fire Truck Kaiser, Truck Firefighting, Class 530-B, Brush/Structural, FE #108 US O4A-884-70 with Portable Mounted Pumps, Manufacturer -Wis- consin, Model AENL, Ser No. 4996633 Noun Quantity Applicator -extension 2 Ax 2 Bar -wrecking 1 Connection -hose -double female 2 Connection -hose -double male 2 - Cutter -cable 1 Cutter -bolt 1 Extension -water fog 2 Extinguisher -fire 3 Hose -suction -soft 1 Hose 6 Hose 20 Hose Assembly 4 Hose -suction -hard 2 Jacket -hose -1 1/2" 1 Ladder 1 Ladder -24' 1 Nozzle 2 Nozzle Assembly -2 1/2" 1 Nozzle Assembly 2 Nozzle Assembly -1" 2 Pike Pole 1 Reducer -hose 1 Double Female - 4 1/2" 1 Rope -manila 100 -ft Siamese Connection -gated type 1 Strainer -suction 1'" Strap -hose and ladder 4 Tip -nozzle 2 Wrench -spanner 6 Wrench -spanner 2 13 bT •luawdtnba ayl uo awll umop POPU84XB Atone of sueaw snotltpedn lsow ay; Xg paystldwooaE aq LLIM laom 844 'ad,(l sty; ;o Vom ao; paau ay; ;o UotlPDt;tlou Uodq •ao43E4600 a44 10 *4Lj lsuodsaa ay; Sou st pue 'V 'Xalta laoJ le aoueualu[eW plat] Aq Pa4stldq nLM ndX4 uoL843a yl;t; ao 'ylano; 'patyl 2.;o.4aoM atedaa leyl ;o st atas pue aoueualuleW (g)LLtl wal soa •aLatyan anoge ayl uo P4ep ML.10lst4 algeltns utR:tUL w of Swao; aletadoudde 944 uo aaaut6u3 SatllLloed Sq payStLdWOooE aq LLIM UOLlEwaOdUl LLE ;0 6utpaooaaut�aa (o) •pawdinba ;o wall anoge ayl uo pawao;aad saatnaas Aa4lo PUP 'Lto 'Lan; 'UOL4P:)pqnj 'sapdaa ;o laodaa AMU= P ltuigns of paalnbaa aq LLIm aol3Ea4u60 ayl 44JO a (q) •aol3E4UO3 ayl ;o Rl Mgtsuodsaa ayl paaaptsuoo aq LLeys E uotlaaS ul palstl VOM ;o suslt LLV '9Z-9VVSL6L 01 ;o E uotloaS 441m aauepa000e ut aq Lle4s luawdlnba ;o aoueualuLRW •a8pa0 uolleotagnl - ZZ08-6 0l 9, '9Z-GVVS L6L 01 - Jap -A0 Le:)tu438l.aDaoj alV e jonal aald 80E9 MLS L saapa0 Lealuyaal pue sLenuEW (P) •laEaluoo sl44 aapun asn ao; paufitssP janal aat; auo 844 uo saledaa adkl uol040a puooas puE lsald LLP ao; algtsuodsaa aq LLEys PUP 194aadoad pa4Stuan;-luawua9no9 a4l ;o uotlenaasaad puE uotloaload 'atedaa 'aoueualutew ayl ao; wea6oad a 'aotloead ssautsnq punos yltm aauepaoaoE ut 'aalstutwpe pue ulelulEw LLeys a043e.4uo0 a41 (to 'paleaoL st Slaadoad p84stuan;-lu8wua9nog SUP UlaU84M sastusad 841 of SSaaawt e ane4 sal aLgPuoseaa LLP 42 LMSluauwaanog 84.L *(C) •64aadoad luawuaanog SO UP44 U8440 ut 6utlPut6tao sant; 446t; of pasn aq kew klaadoad paystuan;-luawuaanog 'utaaay L600 'ON walI ut 44ao; las se eaae 6ulsnoH 4ae4ade0 aAt40eUI aoUEW 6ULLM OS of uotltppP UI (Z) •luawuaano9 844 ul utewaa LLeys 41aadoad paysluan;-luawuaanog 844 of a Ml (L) :aouewao;aad PUP llLglsuo sab J •sesueN 'Xalla lao3 L8L 'ON 6uIP1Ino aat;;0 6utaeaut6u3 satlllloeJ :SL loealuoo slyl aapun ;aadoad paystuan;-luawuaanog yltm uotloauuoo UL spaooaa glaadoad 044 utelutew of palPu6tsap a83l;10 ayl :aolealstutwpy A4.10007d- •q (p,4uo0) suot4P3t;io9dS/suol4dlaosa0 - A NOI103S SECTION F - Descriptions/Specifications (Cont'd) (6) Completion of Contract. At the end of the contract period, each item of equipment Shall be returned to the Government in the same general condition as noted in the joint inspection of the equipment at the initiation of the contract. With the exception of items considered to be fair wear and tear, all discrepancies found on terminal inspection will'be corrected by the Contractor prior to release from the requirements of this contract. SECTION G - Preservation/Packaging/Packing - RESERVED SECTION H - Deliveries or Performance CONTRACT PERIOD. This.contract shall begin 1 October 1977 and shall end 30 September 1978 both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated under the provisions of this contract (NOTE: Contract renewal option under SECTION J). SECTION I - Inspection and Acceptance 1. The services to be performed by. the contractor during the period of this contract shall at all times and places be subject to inspection by -the Con- tracting Officer or his designated representative. 2. Certification of the contractor's monthly invoice by an authorized Government representative shall confirm acceptance of services performed. SECTION J - Special Provisions Option to Extend The Term of the Contract. This contract is renewable, at the option of the Government, by the Contracting Officer giving written notice of renewal to the Contractor within the period specified in the schedule; provided, that the Contracting Officer shall have given prelim- inary notice of the government's intention to renewal at least thirty (30) days before this contract is to expire. (Such a preliminary notice will not be deemed to commit the Government to renewals.) If the Government exercises this option for renewal, the contract as renewed shall be deemed to include this option provision. However, the total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed fifteen (15) months. SECTION K - Contract Administration Data 1. Responsibility for Administration of Contract. The Contracting Officer or his duly appointed successor is responsible for the administration of this contract and alone is authorized to the extent indicated in this con- tract, to take action on behalf of the Government which results in changes in the terms of this contract, -including deviations from specifications, details, and delivery schedules. 15 a] LL6L aunP £L Pa;Ep a944aL Va . 4Lao4�ntl 'ti -90L0nUL 94; uo pa0uaaapa aq pLno4s ,tagwnu 30Ea3uo0 a41 •;uawREd JOS 6uL4un000y puE aOUEULj 04 Pap.AL'M.AOJ 6ULaq oq aoLjd UOL4E0LJL4Ja0 ao; L0VL9 SN 'EULLES '9633 'ON 6uLPLing 'PBJV 6ULsnOH ;je4adE0 anL40EUI JOUEW 6ULLLL40S 'JOZUULpaooO/Ja6EUEW JaIE4 -9-APO 044 o4 pa34luigns aq Ism saOLOnUL ';uauuvd 04 aoLJd sa0l0nul 'E -paJaPUOJ aOLn.las .40 (Pp 40Ea JOS OBJ243 9144UOW 944 SO (0£/1) 4j8L4JLgj-9uO SO 04RJ 944 IE UDLAJ9S S,41u0w P j0 4ird IRUOL432JJ kUE JOS apEw aq LLegs 3uaui'Ed '432J4UO3 SL44 jo ALORPUIuua; r0 4Uau8OU9ueu00 844 }E i%AESSaOaU _4I •s4ua Ed LEUOPORIj 'Z 1p,IUO3) EIEa UOL;EajsluluUpy 40PJ UO3 - )I NOI103S SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS - SERVICE CONTRACTS The provisions of the contract clauses set forth in the following paragraph of the Armed Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR) are incorporated into this contract by reference with the same force and effect as though herein set forth in full. (The complete text of any clause incorporated in this contract by reference may be obtained from the Contracting Officer.) Reference ASPR DATE OF Number Paragraph Clause Title Clause 1. 7-103.1 Definition 1962 FEB 2. 7-103.3 Extras 1949 JUL 3. 7-103.7 Payments 1958 JAN 4. 7-103.8 Assignments of Claims 1962 FEB 5. 7-103.10(a) Federal, State, and Local Taxes 1971 NOV 6. 7-103.11 Default 1969 AUG. 7. 7-103.12(a) Disputes 1958 JAN 8. 7-103.13(a) Renegotiation 1959 OCT 9. 7-103.16 a) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - Overtime Compensation 197T NOV 10. .7-103.18(a) Equal Opportunity 1976 JUL 11. 7-103.19 Officials Not to Benefit 1949 JUL 12. 7-103.20 Covenant Against Contingent Fees 1958 JAN 13. 7-103.21(b) Termination for Convenience of the Gov't. 1974 OCT 14. 7-103.22 Authorization and Consent 1964 MAR 15. 7-103.23 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement 1965 JAN 16. 7-103.26 Pricing of'Adjustments 1970 JUL 17. 7-104.3 Buy American Act 1964 MAY 18 7-104.14(a) Utilization of Small Business Concerns 1958 JAN 19. 7-104.15 Examination of Records by Comptroller General 1975 JUN 20. 7-104.16 Gratuities 1952 MAR 21 7-104.17 Convict Labor 1975 OCT 22. 7-104.20 Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns 1970 JUN 23. 7-104.22 Equal Opportunity Pre -Award Clearance of Subcontracts 1971 OCT 24 7-104.23(a) Subcontracts 1977 APR 25 7-104.24(f) Government -furnished property (short form) 1964 'NOV 26. 7-104.29(b) Price Reduction for Defective Cost of Pricing Data - Price Adjustments (Applicable if con- tract exceeds $100,000.00).. 1970 JAN 27. 7-104.36(a) Minority Business Enterprises Subcontracting Program 1971 NOV 28. 7-104.39 Interest 1972 MAY 29. 7-104.41(a) Audit -by Department of Defense 1975 JUN 30. 7-104.42(b) Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data - Price Adjustments 1970 JAN 31. 7-104.63 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation 1968 FEB 32. 7-104.82 Payment of Interest on Contractors' Claims 1976 Jul 17 OL pup 4s;ue3Lldde qoC ;o dnor6 reln3L4red SCUP Wor; ro 4ue3LLdde qoC reLn -3L4red /NB ;0 6ULriy a4; arinbar ;ou saop s6uivado 3uauLROLdwa 40 6ut;sLl 841 -Suer8;eAuou pue Suera;aA ;0 sLerra;ar ;o a3ue;da33e ay; 6ULpnL3uL •Aapjo qoC apl; euoq p 10 '6ULoeLd ay; o; 43e;4e 43L4M SUoi;e6LLg0 Leuuou ay; aALOAUL LLe4s pue ;ro;;a ro a3rnos ;uaw4Lnr3ar ray;o ,Cup ;o asn ay;- y;LM kL4u8rrnouo3 ;seal ;e apew aq LLeys asneL3 SLy; o; ;uensrnd Wa;siis 931Ar9s ;uaaOLduD ay; y;LM s6uivado 4WWROLdwa ;o 644SLI (3) . •(a) pup (p) s4der6pred UL y;ro; ;as s;rodar aso4; apLAord o; parinbar ;ou are ;nq 'a3LAr8S ;uaaOLdwa a;e;S ay; 10 93L;;0 a;eLrdordde 84; y;LM s6uivado aLge;ins ULay; LLe ;sLL os Le LLeys arow ro 000'OL$ ;0 S43e4uo3 Lerapaj 6ULpLo4 SaL3ua6e ;Uawuran06 Le3oL pup a;e;S •parinbar aq 42W se Sariy pue s6uivado 4 waoLdwa 6uipre6ar 63L;;o Lpool 43ns o; s;rodar 43ns epinord o; saar6e ra44rn; d043er4Uo3 941 -srn33o 6uivado ay; ULarayM wa;sA's 83LAras ;uaaOLdwa a;p;S ay; ;o a3L;10 Le30L a;eLrdordde up ;e pa;sLI aq LLeys `Sa;pLLl;;e a4erodro3 pa;prado XL;uapuadapuL ;0 as044 6ULpnL3xa ;nq pawro;rad 6uiaq SL 4024= a44 ULarayM auo ay; u24; ray;o r643pr;u03 ay; ;o ;uaw4SLlge;sa ue ;e 6uLrrn33o aso4; 6uipnl3ul pup ;3er;uo3 sLy; kq pa;eraua6 ;ou as04; 6uipg3ui '4394=siy; ;o 036eWro;rad ay; 6uirnp rn33o 4014M as04; pup 43PJZUOD siy; 10 uoL4n3axa ay; ;o OWL; ay; ;e;SLxa y3LyM ro;3er;uo3 84; ;o s6uivado ;uauKOLdue oLge;Lns LLP 4e4; s8ar6e ro43e.4uOO a41 (q) •dL4 ML;uarddp 6uipnl3ul '6ULULer; r0; uoL;3alaS pue 4UOL4esuadwo3 ;o sWro; ray;o ro ked 40 saver 'UOL;puiwra; ro J.40keL '6uiS14ranpe ';uou4Lnr3ar 'ra;suer; ro U014OUBP '6ULper6dn ;u8uuO Ldue :64MOLLo; ay; sp 43ns sa3L43erd ;uewkOLdwa LLP uL sn;e;s suera;eA ro X;LLLgesip riay; uodn paseq UOL;euiWLr3sip ;noy;LM era LM40LA ay; ;0 Suera48A pue SUBra;BA POLgeSLp POM Lenb ;ear; OSLMray;o pue ;uauvoLdwa UL a3uenpe 'kOLdwa 04'uoL;3e aAL;eWrL;;e alp; o; saar6e r043er;uo3 841 pal;Llenb SL ;uauufoLdwa Ao; 4ue3LLdde ro aegoLdwa 044 43L4M r0; UOL;Lsod kue o; pre6ar UL era weu;a LA ay; ;0 uera;aA ro Upra;aA paLgesip a SL a4s ro ay asnp3eq ;uaMROLdwe JO; 4Ue3LLdde ro ea60Ldwa SUP 4SULe6e a4euLWLr3SLp ;OU LLLM ro43pr4UO3 a41 (e) •(arow ro 000`01$ JO; SL 33PJZUOD siy; 3L `09Z-09 ;red 'a'd'o Lb o; ;uensrnd aLgp3LLdde sL asneL3 sL41) 21dV VL6L 43er4Uo3 a3LAraS AVW 9161 ;3pr4uo3 83LAraS pue d3S 896L 9961 AON LL6L AON LL6 L Nnr LL6 L ONV X4 MgeLl ;o uoL;e;twLj ;uaW;SnCpV 83Lrd - ;3V 43V sprepue;S rogel rLe; 10 43V 43er;UO3 a3LAraS S83LAreS ;o uoL;3adsul Sa6ueyo U014U8n9rd ;uapMV IJJV '6£ ZL6L-L '8£ (q)S06L-L 'L£ Lt*E06L-L 09£ b'3061 -L 'S£ Z'Z061-L IS Zb'Z09-L '££ .(p,;uoo) SNOISIAONd 1V213N39 - l NOI133S SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) nothing herein is intended to relieve the contractor from any require- ments in Executive Orders or regulations regarding nondiscrimination in employment. (d) The reports required by paragraph (b) of this clause shall include, ,but not be limited to, periodic reports which shall be filed at least quarterly with the appropriate local office or, where the contractor has more than one hiring location in a state, with the central office of that State employment service. Such reports shall indicate for each hiringlocation (1) the number of individuals hired during the reporting period,'(2the number of nondisabled veterans of the Vietnam era _hired, (3) the number of disabled veterans of the Vietnam era hired, and (4) the total number of disabled veterans hired. The reports should include covered veterans hired for on- the-job training under 38 U.S.C. 1787. The Contractor shall submit a report within 30 days after the end of each reporting period wherein any performance Is made on this contract identifying data for each hiring location. The con- tractor shall maintain at each hiring location copies of the reports submitted until the expiration of one year after final payment under the contract, during which time these reports and related documentation shall be made available, upon request, for examination by any authorized representatives of the con- tracting officer or of the Secretary of Labor. Documentation would include personnel records respecting job openings, recruitment, and replacement. (e) Whenever the contractor becomes contractually bound to the listing provisions of this clause, it shall advise the employment service system in each state where it has establishments of the name and location of each hiring location in the state. As long as the contractor is contractually bound to these provisions and has so advised the state system, there is no need to advise the state system of subsequent contracts. The contractor may advise the state system when it is no longer bound by this contract clause. (f) This clause does not apply to the listing of employment openings which occur and are filled outside of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. (g) The provisions of paragraphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this clause do not apply to openings which the contractor proposes to fill from within his own organization or to fill pursuant to a customary and traditional employer -union hiring arrangement. This exclusion does not apply to a parti- cular opening once an employer decides to 'consider applicants outside of his own organization or employer -union arrangement for that opening. (h) As used in this clause: (1) "All suitable employment openings" includes, but is not limited to, openings which occur in the following job categories: production and nonproduction; plant and office; laborers and mechanics; supervisory and nonsupervisory; technical and executive, admini- strative, and professional openings as are compensated on a salary basis of 19 oz •saaRoLdwa Pug szue3.Ldde ;o sz46La ay; pue 'zuawRoldwa ao; eaa weuzaLA ayz ;o sue.xalaA pue sueaazaA paLgesLp paL;Llenb zuawRoldwe UL a3Uenpe pue ROLdwa o; uoLz3e OALzewaL;;e ayez 03 MeL 944 aapun uOL;e6LLgo s,ao43ea4uo3 ay; awls LLe4s a3L4ou 43nS •aa3L;;o 6UL40eazuo3 044 46noa44 ao Sq papLAoad 'swea60ad a3ueLLdwoO 43e4uO3 Leaapaj 40 a3L;;0 'aoz3aaL0 a4z Sq paglaos -aid aq o; wao; a UL saOLZOU 'zuaWOLdwa ao; s4ue3LLdde pue saaROLdwa oz aLgeLLene 'saOeLd snsnoldsuo3 UL zsod o3 saaa6e ao�oea4uo0 a4l (1) •zoM ay; o; zuensand panssl .xogel ;o Rae4aa3aS 844 ;0 saapa0 zueAOLaa pue 4suoL4eLn6aa 'saLna ayz 441M ampaoo3e ul ualez aq Sew BOM Ldwo3uou ao; su0L43e 'asneL3 SLyz ;0 S4Uaw -aa}nbaa a44 .4-41M a3uRLLdwoouou 5,ao43ea4uo3 ay; ;o zuana 944 ul (C) '(ZLOZ 00'S'fl 8£) „z3y„ ay; se oz paaaa;aa aa44euLaaa4 113V 4uawIsnfpeajj suaazaA M44A a44 o3 ;uensand panssl aoge3 40 Rae4aa3aS a44 ;o saapa0 3UenaLaa PUP 'suO WLn6aa 'saLna a44 44lm RLdwo3 o3 saaa6e Ao43eazuoo a41 (L) •saaROLdwa SL4 ;0 saAlzezuasa.Adaa pue aozoeazuo3 a44 uaamzaq szslxa 4314m &4suol4eLaa 6uLaL4 LeuoLzlpeaz pue Raewozsno ay; ;o zaed sl 4314M 'sLLe4 uolun woa; LLL; 04 sasodoad a040eazuO3 a44 43L4m s6uLuado zuaw -RoLdwa sueaw ,;uaw96ue.AaP 6ULa14 uolun-aaRoldwa LeuoL4tpeaz pue Raewozsno e o; zuensand LLL; oz sas0doad aoz3e4uo0 ay; 4344m s6uLuado„ (ti) 'szsLL ..11eoaa„ p84sLLgersa RLaeLn6aa woa; LLL; 0z sasodoad a0zoeazuo3 ayz 43L4M s6uLuado Rue sapnLOuL pue (saLuedwo3 zuaaed a44 pue 'saLaelplsgns 'SazeLLL;;e Rue 6uLpnL3uL) u6L3eZLue6ao s,aozoeazuoo a44 aplszno suosaad oz U9AL6 aq LLLm uoLzeaaplsuoo ou 43L4m ao;.s6uLuado zuaWSOLdwa.sueaw „u0L3eZLUe6a0 UMO sLy UNUm woa; LLL; oz sasodoad a043e4u03 ay; 43L4m s6uLuado„ (£) •spuejsl UL6aLA ayz pue 'o3Lb ozaand 'weng 4eLgwnlo0 40 43LazslO a44 6uLpnL3uL 'paLlL; aq o3 SL 6ULuado 4uaw -RoLdwa ay; aaa4M eaae ay; 6ULAa8S a0; RZLLLglsuodsaa pau6Lsse 4z LM Sa0L;10 zuawKOLdwa 3LLgnd ;o wazsRs ieuOLZeu azezS-Leaapaj ay; 40 8014;0 Le3oL aO sueaw „wazsRS a3LAaaS 4WWOLdwa azers a44 ;0 a3L;;0 aze}adoaddy„ (Z) •4u0wua9n09 ay; ;o zsaaa4UL zseq a44 ao; aq IOU OS MW4z0 pinom 6UL4SLL ;o zuawaaLnbaa a44 aaa4m a0 'RZLanoas LeuoLzeU.01 RaeazUOo aq pLnom 6ULzsLL aaaym 'paLLddns asLM -a0440 aq RLgeuosea.L 4ouue3 zuawuaanog ayz ;o spaau ayz aaaym suolzenzls 43ns 6u}pnLOUL '6UL4SLL ao; aLgezlns aq zou Rew 6ULuado zuawROLdwa up sa3ue4swmJL3 6ULLLadwo3 ;sow a44 aapu0 •UOLzn;L4SUL 4e4z ;o szuapnzs oz paz3Lazs0a aae 43LyM uoLzn4LZSUL LMOL4e3npa ue UL s6uLuado aou zuawa6ueaae 6ulal4 UOLun-aaROLdwa LeUOLzlpeaz pue Raewozsn3 a 0} 4uvnSand LLL; Oz a0 UOL4eZLUe6ao UMO SL4 UL44LM wOa; LLL; oz sasodoad AO43P4uoo ay; 43L4M s6uLuado apnL3uL IOU saop 3I •zuawROLdwa awLz-zaed pue 'UOLzeanp sRep £ ueyz aa0w 10 zuawROLdwa Raeaod -wa; 'zuawROLdwa awLz-Lln; sapnL34 waaz s141 •aeaR Aad 000153$ ue4z ssaL (p,zuO3) SNOISIAOMd IV'd3N39 - l N0I133S SECTION L - GENERAL PROVISIONS (Cont'd) (1) The contractor will notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other con- tract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the terms of the Viet- nam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act, and is committed to take affirmative action to employ, and advance in employment qualified disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era. (m) The contractor will include the provisions of this clause in every subcontract or purchase order of $10,000 or more unless exempted by rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary issued pursuant to the Act, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs may direct to enforce such provisions, including action for ,noncompliance. 40. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR HANDICAPPED WORKERS (MAY 1976) (a) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of physical or mental handicap in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is qualified. The contractor agrees to take affirmative action to employ, advance in employment and otherwise treat qualified handicapped individuals without discrimination based upon either physical or mental handicap in all employment practices such as the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. (b) The contractor agrees to comply with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. (c) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the require- ments of this clause, action for noncompliance may be taken in accordance with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. (d) The contractor agrees to post in conspicious places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the Director, provided by or through the contracting officer. Such notices shall state the contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified handicapped employees and applicants for employment, and the rights of applicants and employees. (e) The contractor will notify each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other con- tract understanding, that the contractor is bound by the terms of section 21 ZZ ZL6L 4oaeW 0£ Pa4eP seSURN 'eULLPS °si m 6ULLLaMO 6utsnOH Rltwej uOuaW 6utLLP3S - Ueld 04tS p814L4ua 6uLMeuO - 0 4u9w4oe4;y 9£9 -9L -b- mova 'ON ;twuad aoaod utd - a ;uaw43e44V L9b-9L *ON UOL4eutwa8480 a6eM uoge3 ;o 4uaw4aeda0 - y 4u8w4oe;;y s;uawpe44tl a8440 pue 's4tgt4x3 'nuawnooa }o 4sn - W NOI133S •aoueLLdwoouou a0; uOL4oe.6utpnLout 'suotstnoad 4ons aaao}uo o; ;oaatp Rew sweu60ad aoueLLdwoO 4oeu4uoo Leaapad ;o 90tjj0 a44 3o a0;oaa10 94; se aapao ase4oand ao 4oea;uo3gns Rue o; ;oadsau 44LM UOL43e 4ons ale; LLLM a043ea;uoo a41 •aopuaA JO a043RJZ -uooqns 4oe8 uodn 6utputq aq Mm suotstnoad 4ons ;e44 os '}oy a4; ;o £09 not;oas o3 4uensand pansst Rae;aaoaS a4; ;o saapao ao 'suot;eLn6au 'saLnu Rq pa;dwaxa ssaLun auow ao OOSZ$ jo.Aapao ase4oand ao 43ea;uoogn5 RaaAa ut asneLO 444 ;o suotstnoad a4; apnLOUL LLLM ao;oea;uoo a41 (J) 'sLenptntpuL paddeo -tpue4 RLle4uaw pue Rlle0tsR4d 4uamKoldwa UL aouenpe pue Roldwa o; uot;oe ant;ewut;je ale; o; pa44twwoo st pue 4£L6L }0 4otl not;e;tltge48a 044 do £05 (p,IUOO) SNOISIAONd IV83N39 - l NOI103S W O .-1 ATTACHMENT A M u L 0 ro w V s+ > T > ++ ++ O A h (+ M O ro 0 cd x 0 y M' N v �! M W to Q 000 C E w u a Q +y+ V p u W v N u N J H ar. N N W .0 0 w in o < Z F - o IX CO N 0 a B JZg QF' e 04 S`W ° ZOU O WF - 7_ Mn LU -9 xm no Luo ov ; Q M Z LU LU u C ( L a N N C=m` L Q p }W°o N au V1 T 0 W 6 m � U) ^>.w � N " cm 44 c. m M C� ro ul d a0 1 W o 0 ATTACHMENT A M L u ro w M s+ > T > ++ ++ O A o u 04 O ro 0 'O M u M' N v �! M W o d 000 C E w u � � +y+ V p u W v N u N o > H ar. N N J N .0 0 w d y o W M' 0 A > U ro w 7 O d W 4 v N Q v=E0.+ 0 0 N au o a. b N �+ U) ^>.w G! w F N " o w o 44 c. m M C� ro .+4 d a0 W o 0 000 w Q) x M y J! T > ++ H A u 04 O 'O M M' N d nl ro- b M W d ro 000 C 00 w +y+ V p u W v N ro O. N H ar. N 0) .0 0 w 0 W M' 0 C q 3 > + x o w 7 O .0 eD W 4 ro 9: N v=E0.+ N au a� a U) ^>.w w N " o w o 44 (u m M C� ro ++ U N LI d C ro ro ca 000 w Q) ° 3 M 0 :; > M W a+ �w w O a.l F ucn arab ATTACHMENT B DEPARTMENT OF THE'AIR [=ORC. .PERMIT TO OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPART,tiIENT OR AGENCY TO USE PROPERTY ON SCHILLI@:v cIV-11LY IIo1 su vv sm F''y c_SCEILII G_ 1TR Fn�C?��45:,.I�1,i5AS TRZ D-BRARU OF i3B DAC X41-4-76-6;5 _ ishereb�,l,ra;atedapermitf(»•a.terrnof -ears-.._, :. - : ' - - - �'blie,.ii1:Y. -- - beginrirg -1.,;January , 19 77 , ¢mend ��J - 31 December :-,Y`j. 77, but revocable at urJi b-j the Secretary of the Air Force, to= usa--fo-_'.housina purposes; A'parcel of land contaiIII g 295.41 acres, mcgre or less, aad 733 family Yt011S].II^ o .Emits located ,tRereoIIs .1nC11d1no installed e iiY^.mat contained the reiny . and appurtenances thereto,.Zenerally identified as ,the Schillia; Tamily.ilousing Site,.'formerly,a portiow.of Schilriniv Air Force Base, 7-ansas,?: as shown substeniiali7pin red on Earsbit A,• attr-6W hereto and made ¢ partas hersof,xn�� yc •-�A r r- •r_' '�': SOC'' -_ - __ �___-_ _.' THIS ? R3!IT is granted subject to the following conditions: s i. `P; t'tito use, ¢nd-occupatton of the'said -premises shall Se without cost-o'r ezpanjk to tFa Dopar •: rnt a` t;:8-AirForce, ander the general supervision and subject to the approval of the o fear 7 suing i- r�cicts r sdietio-uover, the premises,. axd subject also to• su h rules and regaiatzona-as he 7r ,ay frar.ti etotima,rrtscribe:... �.,.: _. 2. i 3s t tre perm tea'ahaL;'at.it our. eipense'¢nd without Cost ar expense to the'Dapartm.art ; of the Air ce, ? =ntain and G:eep in good repair and condition i&e pr6r , „es r er6nri ¢utiorized tobe used: $- Trat ery'fnherfeimce toith or damage to property under control of the Da:partment of the Air Force :rciaent to the czerase of the priv-iieges herein, g: anted shall be promptly corrected by the permittea fo t,,a sa'sfaction°of the'sa:d officer..-: ..1.. . _ .... •. .,• a .: .,:' .. .� ;, ..- .-; i ... .. ,. .,- - 4. That civ .permittee shall pay, the Cost, as determined by thesaid. o, icer, of producing and/4>r supplying any utilities and other ser.^cine furnished by the Depart.-rent of the Air Force or through `Department of the Air Force facilities for the use of.t;w permittee: • •.,.-.:.. :c, • EMB 1ocr 47 1362a ,(ER tos•f•aiJ), m[naes[nman Au oxscasrc Is—raise-f•, noF6TAFQ aZElsa tEax. .. e..: r ... ... . T 143U';E{ jusodsFQ puE :IuamaSEuu,';a-flo b717mi . d / �SZ I .. .. l lj� � .._. �O �� _ _ _ � r' QQ A - Z.:� aJr[O.� •L; � o Poe asoa OW / n7 S air? /o Alycey7nv Bq puaq fiat las o?ura tag aavy I suoFztpuaD pss'Pampow seri =w4,T Sze- 6 pue 8 03'-�zDTZA: i sIIo ts-rSas gIIFafiFSCa q�FM aouspz000z uF aalttlzd pIIE za;T} zad aqa 3o snnFµz�aasa.sdaz uaarigaq ep-au `fiaal4um gens o3 SuTu v�zad ''�II2u2c1`3E ttuE qzIM 40u op 6agt sE aP.gosIIZ 6jno aax:;aal.;a ag dugs 'eaat.Las aaq�o pnz saF�FZFtn 1oF Wamiszngm1aa puE sastaaad aqa go uo}4Eloas2a uE no �� c 04 auF zazad ,rczad sFq� o saaamaztnbaz a.P p z4ozd .,FPdaz aouzua4IItan qj aEgl poo3szapun sp 3F Qv -1 •6 " l•L f: -: \ ..: t. fir. t ., iF`' xn .:.. szsnz� n `6a=,T.y 41cµ IsaalavPaag lepun.po,Elado Ruiac . �t a�zs ou,moq zqy ,; •£ v7v tG?sa p Rvuc aau ,i -tt r. c a.ta3 x so a✓cx rmvsa co/a -so cast ua cd au i' a* 1� {0 v7 5 a• f .? 7 puv ✓cos{a.car�g h�radolri•s1:.aa:ru:al.s,sauw:d.afl;.a;vavnr'1tm(s as?7}uctad 9zf7 `paxo•2ar sz 7}uuad s?y7 °.zaaanzmr paxdaaxa as 7zvctrd d+(? /o 1017tfoa ev7. p✓arcaq gBvutvp puv..eva7 puv dvaM ruvuYP^ w to ago.- aqj 01 Riofrvls *7 uoz�zC aoo � e� V,98F,Loza &V7a ro7sa a puv.`uo c/a iav1 Ifs t2do ti s,? aaoucai 'saszueald lnvs aY1' e;vav2 11vYs aqj tad aye. `aag ?ut -god ay7 4q 7ua itvsznrrc?jam r7r io 7?uc.10d ?v /o +io??U, ydza /0 app av, a.60/94 .co u0 7vq'L •eavo ptvsa✓ lorp"OzddvRVI 07?aargnsagi,? riauuosead a?SS O l,OtRaala C`,..- p2:, elf 117 ij,,j p?vs gjurt u0z7aa✓uoa ui saso q a r . -� .y b' y? /0 7uau?.tvaaQ.a�r f�q pa.uraus s,?soa rutv.�al a '^'� 1: � ay:�{o ?uaxuzcvda� a✓7 ar�rzgutsa e.7Fmfs aa77?w tad ay7 `sjuz✓a7vu ro/puv jauuos cad du?vsiu� ! cg uo:?xppv aeZ '•saauesas 7nvs /a Bzzt.�FrtA,; a:1? .cof io/puv soot?aur/'gyvs�% aauzru-io/.wd2'+%? .c0/•pasir•`rs.� s?vzta7snu U0/puv?a•,t:toscad av; ajjpp"*i/o? aa?7..waad aitg ai?rbaz'7uaucastngau '/orrtl u; 'nes ra r 0 v vs au7 `aa?7:au.tad all? /0 41?1? 4?s7todsa a av? 2 iv vaxgnx saairt eas eapuaz eo/lriiv setoa7at a:/vc e01= a cz as i0u e?y all? 10 7uawvvdaa aw .1o1 7ua}padxo to fuvrsaaau pazuzap ag prr oys 7x uosna.t duv .o/ ?z asuo� io? td a iw ✓ P'n 411 1 ' Iaa r"":= a v y7 ? ,: rt a u a ' s sas?ua.td ay7 /o suo?7v✓z71v to `o? suoil?Ppv ou 7v y L g !'a 1N3WHOtllltl