Untitled.. I ow: 3x s: r MENT Q (WEEN THE CITY Cl' SALINA, - t. VoOl, 00 ,Y a.!ii=.' r....•.a i:_'l''Gic':VCa F;EI.ATIiiG TO FIRE PivjT:C"I 0-i FOR THE SFULK0 04-70K. BE: LT ,..SOLVED bv.the Governing ,ody of the City Of Salina, 11"Fas• Sectl,m f_ That the proposed agreement betveen the City of Salina, Ka ,• - Dod 1he unnol S w c 'Doer^ :_ r,t, i fent i f i ed as Contract KKK -•:�':" 0103 d'�tej JV i, 1ni: J, r.'.fetiva to fire protection service's to i be 'co;, p I i ed by `he C i ry of J I i r:a, ?:z!r:sa>, for Schilling Manor Sub -Post, near Salina, Plns3s, ,.nd all areas 8-tj hUl li ing ,ancvmpassed 0c raby, be and th2 � ii hereby appr-ovE:d. Section: 2. That the City•.'•:=.na ar and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, Kanas. p Adopted by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Vayor th!s Stn day Of December, 1969. i EEL, Atra>t: City Clerk Mayor +GE SAL,�i TiED'.92�, ys-in, City Clerk, of the Ciiy Cf Sai Ira, K;nsa5, do hercbv Certify .•I.Qif, t;te_ ilAn Nunt r 3042 As: paswU by the. City Commission at its rzgulac rJ , m Syrr,; cn .;;..,.cr R, 1259, and that the abova"and foregoing is a truaand yI Corr ct r / of the cri:ir_I .n .iiia in my office I ` D. L. Harrison, City Clersc