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marymount-memorial hall rent
A r/r•tk\ 1971-1972 Spartan Basketball Schedule Nov. 19-20 Spartan Classic Tournament Here John F. Kennedy College Wahoo, Neb. McPherson College Bellevue College Bellevue, Neb. Nov. 27 Metropolitan State College There Denver, Colorado Nov. 30 McPherson College There Dec. 4 Baker University There Bal&yin, Kansas Dec. 9 John F. Kennedy Here Dec. 11 College of Emporia Here Dec. 14 McPherson College Here Dec. 18 Bellevue College There Dec. 28-29 Nebraska Wesleyan Univ. There Man• Lincoln, Neb. Team Tournament -Nazarene 8 Mid -America There Olathe, Kansas Jan. 13 Ozark College Here Joplin, No. Jan. 15 Bethany College (Lindsborg) There Jan. 17 College of Emporia There Jan. 18 Tabor College Here Jan. 22 University of Missouri-Kans. City There Jan. 27 Sacred Heart College (Wichita) There Jan. 31 Bethany Nazarene (Okla. City, Ok.) There Feb. 3 Mid-America Nazarene Here Feb. 7 Bethany Nazarene Here Feb. 10 Nebraska Wesleyan (Lin. Nb.) There Feb. 12 John F. Kennedy Here Feb. 14 Bellevue College Here Feb. 19 Sacred Heart College Here Feb. 22-23 Col. College (Colo'. Springs) There rch r 3 zaR�ko1111e��g Jo i MMo. a tmeenn There Emporia, Ka. 3817 lationaf�To &Xo. F x ca M 0 0 44 c � mv� T � ' d d .0 99 a Q I P w z a w � W J a o 'Q cc LL 0 d z c N J N C C � C C V W w x ca M 0 0 44 c � mv� T � ' d d .0 99 a I P w a w O a0 o cc ca rd o W a0 O It u �tl Z C C �i 4 O LU U W W w 0 LM W � W u � i U—i Y J f- c � tn W U OZ x ca M 0 0 44 c � mv� T � ' d d .0 99 a 0 M `c O Q m co L • LCA d o�C = z w a w O a0 o cc ca rd o W a0 O It u �tl C C �i 4 O LU U W W w 0 M `c O Q m co L • LCA d o�C = �I V C', o 0 0 0 it c o a VY N- u �o M p p L cn rn ,4 00 0 41 0 d w N 0 0 ^ Vtw d G tw 41 W ox O W 011 q w M }a H 9 i �p ..] S W tr] Nro a 0 0 C', o 0 0 0 c o VY N- p p cn rn a w 0 0 T 0 � W d ,4 6668 8 o O o o M M NL/1 xcc �cc W W W W W 0 14 0 M N N M cnjT N iU '+ N In oo '+ tn W vi N G U W N � wwwwww tea+ a 0 10 Memorial Nall February, 1973 /ao O Recreation Commission wj.11 pick yup �/g chs rs 10 tables in afternoon To return 2-27-73 In morning. . �. Lad( 1. Marymount Practice 3 - 5i28pm 2. Mezymount Practice 3 - 5:30pm ✓ �v 3. YMCA Basketball Camas gam - 42.Noon 4. 5. Maryawunt Practice 3 - 5:30pm �' ,,��, I (S£c Acben, Army Community Services will retyrn Girls GAME at 5:30pm 7,306PM. (25 Tables �!"✓✓� 6. 7. - S. =98p Marym4a9Bp ount Practice 3 - m J 9. Sal. Co. Search & Rescue Country Musir - Show .. 10. YMCA Basketball Game Sam -Q2 Noon 11. / Sa:lae CLais 0- �� G9A.wC. a 12. i Saline Civic Orchestra Concert 13. Pem-Pam-girls-Preel4ee--i2-Neen Cancelled 2-9-73 14. 15. 16. Sheriff's Boxing Team (Darrell Hutchins) 17. Police Athletic League Wrestling 18. - 19. -I&X � 20. Lo p.... , Pam-Pem-Stris-Preetiee--42-Neen Cancelled 2-9-73 21. Marymount Practice 3-6pm r Waryaawnt-?raetice--3-4pm Cancelled (Sgt. Crable, Schilling will pick up 30 tables & 23: 2-20-73 Marymaaat-Gailege-GAMR Cancelled,$ -;0-73 (300 chairs before Spm. Return 2-26 in morning. ©4 a^ --noon Cw.+-c , YMCA Basketball Games 8am-i2-Noon K(Saline Co. Assoc. for Retarded Children - 'XMarymaast-Callege-GAME Cancelled 2-20-73 (Basketball Game 1:30pm - 4pm 25. *26 (Sgt. Crable to FrrO&&IbQ e 27 (morning. 11 .d Commission �(Recreatlon to return tables 6 chairs (in morning. 28. /ao O Recreation Commission wj.11 pick yup �/g chs rs 10 tables in afternoon To return 2-27-73 In morning. . �. Lad( 9 Li O� Ly W L1J J 10 J M O Cco 4 U P F N Z o a O r a J s pu 0 a Lo m 0 m Ln 0 i z a z s o J N E V a O t u W N Z Q oC 0 Y o LL c � z W Z O Q c c (7 L rl U Cq a J s pu 0 a Lo m 0 m Ln 0 i z o N V O w Y w 0 o c � V U L rl Cq oca e � x W Ip o It � x '+ �.+ o w L U go m a J s pu 0 a Lo m 0 m Ln 0 i z w w U O 0 O O N N r1 MOd ,-I HNN ro E C7hhhhh 0 .b 4 al cn cn a df a 4 O .a A O 4 O N a a yr G G 4 A 4 A z e a e a ra H 0 Ln M H N Ln I7N -�r fa -1 6 W N al W ro W W 6 6 d� 4 X+ .L 4 4 .i .L a cn cn NMmcq N O � cOnN W aI V4 ro V 4 a0 Oc0 c+l (s, 4N r-1 .-c N N O 4 J l�In tn N m m m m c�i� D yro� 4hhhh�l W ca c"7 N r1 MOd ,-I HNN ro E C7hhhhh 0 0 rl rl cn and df 4 A 4 N a o � vi A <0i. H 6 14 �4.Oa 6 6 6 6 0Ln � cOnN W aI V4 ro V W l�In tn N N r1 MOd ,-I HNN ro E C7hhhhh MEMORIAL HALL January, 1973 1 Police Athletic League Wrestling '..u.r.,ettfte a.,.e�.-•- rraet:pp raacm) / 2. Marymount College Basketball GAME- 47-�O'3�J�� 3 4. 5. r a (fM. V 6. MICA Basketball Games (8:00 A.M. to 7. -!s /8. Marymount College Basketball Practice (3:00 to 6s9& P.M.) l� Marymount Basketball Practice 3•.�•gxr--eee��- 9-t�Bpm 14. 15 � s rr� • Marymount College Basketball Practice (3:99W to 6:00 P.M.) 4 a 4 k' Marymount GAME. yOom Pom Girls in at Noon) Marymount Basketball Practice 3 - 5:30pm /-.a 0 e1A YMCA Basketball Games (8:00 A.M. to,42-Neem) Marymount GAME (2 games 3;1s 16. Aia•TjRxeHilt $�ElG66ba•�l--�S�Ct iC "� S•�^ .a t+a..uGua. -LO 17 18 Me-yymetlmt-GAME- Cancel -led 1/9/73 (Marymount Basketball PracticeWim-' 19. Marymount College Basketball Practice (3:00 to 6i90-£zMz4-t5:30pm 20 YMCA Basketball Games (8:00 A.M. to 1!9on) Marymount GAME V(In at 3:00pm) 21. 22.�r E•%[cam fro -vd°Aq 3 �q �. iii Rn.o � C/ 23. -40,r,4 /Z•c� 25. 26 27. Police Athletic League Wrestling 28. 29. Marymount College Basketball Practice (3:00 to 6:00 P.M.)-*• 30. Marymount GAME - eit..cc�ceo/� `/ 31. Marymo, t College. Basketball Practice (�to 6:00 .M.) eeO.XY. �O WVl �{U i✓+..•.�. J C N ,;:zr d- m 0 � z a a i fT z J a m E z � LL d W o LU O z W N C O L1_ V o o� W L—i x W N U I 0 N Z a LL -1 ^ C O Y F J � L- J f 1 c _ r t10 O fh N W Q m YI z O G W d G p as x w � w G r 0 -zt C u %Mm o W � L) U co ti C C L J C N ,;:zr d- m 0 � z a a z J a m E LL d W o LU O z W N C O V J C N ,;:zr d- m 0 � z a O r a n WW 0 0 0 0 oo N i M m � Vl c 7;H N U w w Pg7-.I O N I� O ONP r-1 O O N q a W Y [s7 yG-I -r4 N t H i/1 N O LnN N Ln r-1 xx L+ H N N N V4 N a H H S+ p ,mac', .�G NN cn N r1 cq N d U .--I ri N t+1 uy N �4 O rd h J y m i°. v ami m aUi v (1)owaaaaca ami (1)aUi cnaaa MEMORIAL HALL December., 19.72:' S�Y�" 1. Marymount Basketball Practice 9am - 12-Naen 4• Y�c. l S -ins 2. Marymount GAME %$.'10 - '41e�5- 3. 4. 5. 6. James Reardon, Topeka,Band Concert Band in before Spm 7. 8. 9. Police Athletic League Wrestling OV 10.' elm— 11. M pm _ pm 0- '12. Scrimmage with Ft. Riley at 6-39$at- 12. Marymount Basketball Practice 3pm - 6pm 3 7DD 13. Marymount Basketball Practice 3f'- 6pm 14. Marymount GAME 's - 930G//'x. � wy 915 Basketball Practice era � 6pm 4,•S- r" y Marymount 5� (12 Noon Marymount Pom Pom Girls) /Zoa f/N.- /•be�wl. 16 Marymount GAME �`0 'do (Sidney Schultz of SWBell will pick up 200 +(8:OOam - 12 Noon YMCA Basketball Games)` (chairs & 20 tables. Return Monday, Dec. 18th 17. lg• 4 (Chairs & tables to be returned.A— 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 Sickle Cell Anemia Benefit Show , 24. 25. Christmas - 26., 27. (SFC Crable, Schilling Manor will pick up 30 (tables, 300 chairs, return 1/1/73 at 9:OOam 28:, 29. 30. 31. New Year's Eve (Sunday) a e C u u Q I O� r I LM O C1 O ° w O i g 0 0 `4 o � Y rf NO N •O co M N a d c O s d G W M -+ C W CO ca W f/I .y. O W ttl ^ H >1 M v. co •H 0 �O m I U W fn e C u u Q C1 O O 0 0 o � H N d d N P. P� 1, 0 0 0 0 I o o u to 1' x .O OD M 6 1 t w r04� - (A- U ) 1 N N 1 p F,) i �4 U U Iz O in 1- Z T4 a H N d d N P. P� 1, 0 0 0 0 CD o w 1' N M r04� - (A- v> H N d d N P. P� rn o o w 1' tn r04� - (A- v> Iz �Ln Ln Ln in a 'tl) - WW W - W sa s+ P $4 P sa P n.[cXJ4cna, ..0 e M"M MtN M MtN M`M cq U N � O M dW" t." - - (n '-INNN"NM NN 'O JJ w n > > > > > > > >> EI> rn>4 00000000 o W o �wzzzzzzzzz z MEMORIAL HALL November, 1.972 hys' J:oe�'M. 1. Marymount Basketball Practice Spm - 6pm /' 2. Marymount Basketball Practice 3pm - 6pm v 3. Kans. Nat'l. Education Assoc. Teacher's Convention 8am - 12 noon 4. Globe Trotters Basketball 5. 3 6. 7. Election 8. 9. 10. KWU Basketball Practice 1:15pm - 4:30pm ✓ 11 12. hyo 13. 7rc,lx,G rllr�ccst �?:/S'-d�ao(�iN. 14. 15. 16. Grand Ole' Opry 17 Mavymeunt-Geklege-GAMS Cancelled 18. Police Athletic League Wrestling 19. 20. 21. 22. SJMS Thanksgiving Dance 23. X30: 427-00M- Marymount 7-00M-Marymount College Practice-3rff --(parte e-,0-. Marymount College CAME 9'yd b' ' Z 26. 27. MetgznexNt-6e}lege-6AP4S, Cancelled (?"0, • 5- 28. nwn 28. Marymount Basketball Practice 3' oZ 29. Marymount Basketball Practice 35i� - 6�m� 3 o rv� Yc'f %J- a 5z:za- 30. Marymount Basketball Practice 3pm - 6p�n LU U Z Q H F W m V') Z LL_ V; 0 j ILiJ w V LiJ C4 0 co U C% F— u Z a- 0 0 M Q Z_ � W J Q a C N aZa Y d W LL 0 d = o d Z W o J N V C C d U LU U Z Q H F W m V') Z LL_ V; 0 j ILiJ w V LiJ C4 0 co U C% F— u Z a- 0 0 M K mI N ml7 C o N d M 7 K mI N ml7 d C u M W � W O m x H W N W U m M T m L ca 0 co U.Y. W O oll Cd E u % � 1 ,a o w LUfAfn m r 8 L G'. d � ca caP Q' Q)` Q � uc U O O O N A C A , N , U � o N w n � � d � a a �O m N O ? O a 4J <0- P. y G C°J U N U � y - Ln m N O y •.a 41 O 6 a Ln w Cl) 0 8 d 0 N S+ pw W U Z a F- H W w cc w Q w +C+ .fit . n C 0 0 Ln m k W 90 O Lno D O M Z aJ -+ w t0 U W VJ J c E u Q z t N VI a �of w N 1i LL Q Q Ju O Z d O 0 V ON o. J C LJ N C IL O .-1 U 3+ f+$4 6 a . L fi v o 3 Z Q W U Z a F- H W w cc w w +C+ .fit . n C m k W 90 O • C D O M aJ -+ w t0 U W VJ J x 0 IL �I D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT ?Ohete/IUtth CITY -COUNTY BUILDING • 300 WEST ASN STREET P. 0. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 March 2, 1972 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 and wEst CITY CLERK'S OFFICe AREA CODE 813 527.8653 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL Practice Time: $10.00 per hour l 1 2 hrs 2 2.:hsrs 30,min 5 3 hrs 45 min 6 3 hrs 11 1 hr 45 min 15 2 hrs 45 min 16 3 hrs 45 min 17 3 hrs 18 2 hrs 30 min 25 hrs @ $10.00 per hr = $ 250.00 Time: $15.00 per hour 3 6 hrs 7 4 hrs 40 min 14 4 hrs 40 min 19 4 hrs 45 min 20 hrs 5 min @ $15.00 per hr $300.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $550.00 MEMBER . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Yui D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT ?Ohete/IUtth CITY -COUNTY BUILDING • 300 WEST ASN STREET P. 0. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 March 2, 1972 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 and wEst CITY CLERK'S OFFICe AREA CODE 813 527.8653 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL Practice Time: $10.00 per hour l 1 2 hrs 2 2.:hsrs 30,min 5 3 hrs 45 min 6 3 hrs 11 1 hr 45 min 15 2 hrs 45 min 16 3 hrs 45 min 17 3 hrs 18 2 hrs 30 min 25 hrs @ $10.00 per hr = $ 250.00 Time: $15.00 per hour 3 6 hrs 7 4 hrs 40 min 14 4 hrs 40 min 19 4 hrs 45 min 20 hrs 5 min @ $15.00 per hr $300.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $550.00 MEMBER . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Y MEMORIAL HALL February, 1972 j?io 1. Marymount College Practice 3:��38pp pm-.da:99pm 1;2 2. Marymount College Practice 3:30pm - 6:00pm k 3 O rrwk' 3. Marymount College GAME 4:00pm - 10:00pmi- P4a ymeua�-6e�}ege-B aeb#ee-- +3Bpa�---3+39gm Cancelleedd!r2-4-72 �J Sacred Heart High School Booster Club Wrestling 3( Marymoun College Practice J1033 ( p8:4�5am - 1439em 6. Marymount College practice - 5 AM 3 Gwr I-V30e,1�4 d 7. Marymount College GAME 5:00pm - 3gf ... m w0 M4�. E Vj 10. Cultural Arts Meeting in Lobby 7:30pm j- 11. ?�. e• �.,ca��.�w 3%a'�iv1. - sao(�m, � � � s,�u .. 12. Concert ".Kansas" (will sound test & set up in afternoon, then come back at 6:00pm) (No chairs on arena floor) 13. 22. 23. Marymount College Practice 3:30pm - 5:30pm•—�`+` ` Q 24. Marymount College Practice 3:30pm - 5:30pm �U " 25. 26. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 27. 28. 29 �Jwu, p i 4 Fwr SIS nu ., off- 0 111W10 14. Marymount College GAME 5:00pm pm ,28�•v✓ I 15. Marymount College Practice 3:49pm - 6:00pm S 16. Marymount College Practice - a6 99pm 3 S17u » 17. Marymount College ,,3:%pm Practice 4+39pm - 6:00pm p 3 18. Marymount College Practice 3:30pmqq- 6:00pm 19. Marymount College GAME 5:00pm - •lu-0opm Zee` 20. Pops Concert Practice 7:00pm v \oZ s 21. Salina Civic Orchestra Pops Concerts \_ 22. 23. Marymount College Practice 3:30pm - 5:30pm•—�`+` ` Q 24. Marymount College Practice 3:30pm - 5:30pm �U " 25. 26. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 27. 28. 29 �Jwu, p i 4 Fwr SIS nu ., off- 0 u \o Z .- C J < E W a Z t W (� K �• � N LLQ W p z u C 1{. A W U Z Q F— W x I 0 v M W w Z cc 0�o a ^ a LL_ rn v o x O o 1. Iii X W .Q N 0 � N c LTJ ^ cn Y J .o _J °c O C4 N co O Utn a z o � a 0 r I 0 v M W w cc 0�o a ^ a w x rn v o x w r4 as o U G M M W � U U W v1 C\ i D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT lw/zztz/hotth CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOK 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 February 9, 1972 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 827-9653 January, 1972 . Jan. 3 3 bra Jan. 4 3 hrs Jan. 6 3 hrs Jan. 10 2 hrs 30 min Jan. 11 2 hrs Jan. 24 3 hrs 5 min Jan. 26 2 hrs 45 min 19 hrs 20 min practice time @ $10.00 per hr = $190.00 Jan. 5 5 hrs Jan. 13 5 bra Jan. 18 4 hrs 14 hrs game time @ $15.00 per hr $210.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FOR JANUARY, 1972 $300.00 MEMBER . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES a T '7 MEMORIAL HALL January, 1972 1. •Marymount--Co4-12ge -Practice---2:OOpm---5.00pm b 4 J_ " c -- u s el 2. fan '} u 1z �c�nis • 3 3. Marymount College Practice �2a9gpm--fir ecgM - /2;ec J'/y- 4. Marymount College Practice - 4 3epm 5. Marymount College GAME 5:00pm - 10:00pm a 6. Marymount College Practice 34-39rn - 5430iffr 7. 8. Sacred Heart High School Booster Club WrestlingA- 9. 10. Marymount College Practice a+aOl n - 4 -GOPW yyeey"H l,:aclM, 02 11. Marymount College Practice 3.30�nti_� 1ti A4par 12. Marymennt-Gellege-Praetiee--3t30pm---6a99pm Cancelled 1-10-72 S.v, (j.V 13. Marymount College GAME 3.90£n - 10:00pm/i 14 15, 16. r_ 17. 6' 18. Marymount College GAME.r". 19. 21 S f, 22. Nf-'�z�P� 23. Basketball GAME Southwestern Bell of Hutchinson vs Salina in at -24-3Gpm /:S pu 6 -/C -!PM Y. OOJ-V-4.0- le.%O }�35-Basketball-Eeagae-�onrnament gala¢edded- Marymount Pr �tice 3•n s — ` --o-P• 25. E-35-Baaketba}}-heague-Tournament Caaeelaed- 26 }X35-Baaketba}}-Eeagne-Ponrnament Geeeedded Marymount P ac ice d'�r-6 pm 27.. 1-35-Basketball-Leagne-Penrmement- Geeeeided- 28. 1-35 -Basketball-heagne -Tournament Gaeee3.d.ed ractice 29. to55-Basketbait-Beagne-T'oarnament Cancelled 30. Pe}iee-BepartKnent ros-P}8ybay-Bnnnzes----Ho-fnf-ormatfon:.... Cancelled 1-4-72 D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT WhEler-Autth CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 February 9, 1972 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL December, 1971 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913.627-9663 Dec. 1 3 bra 15 min Dec. 8 3 bra Dec. 16 Dec. 10 3 bra 5 min Dec. 13 3 bra Dec. 14 2 'hrs 45 min Dec. 15 3 bra 20 min Dec. 17. 2 bra 45 min 21 bra 10 min practice time @ $10.00 per hr = $210.00 Dec. 9 5 hrs Dec. 11 4 bra 30 min Dec. 16 4 bra 30 min 14 bra game time @ $15.00 per hr $210.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FOR DECEMBER, 1971 $420.00 MVfORIAL HALL December, 1971 .3 / 3a 1. 1!arymount Practice UJ4-- m 2. =tamp+reurcr grasKic z/ 3. 4. Sacred Heart HiEh School Booster Club F;restlinF �D�j Qilt cj2-/�c1 Q"� 5. 6. 7. 1-'=r n I:' ee 3&39 6 :: 8f,-:- 8. Marymount Practice 443r-14'pn 9; Marymount CAME 5:00 - 10:00pm Z�'✓oi.ssl/ /f?�. �`"� 96O s S 10. Marymount Practice 3igg pn „e 7 11.. Marymount CAME 5:30 - 10:00pm/� S-4 12. 3 /s' AW,3 ` , 9pD'// oAM 13. Marymount Practice 3:39---3t3ftTp ,6.,”'314-,6.," �- 4,o, °°•%2O�/YI ,I i 14. Marymount Practice 311;; 3 20 15. . Marymount Practice i4t --5 16. Marymount C&NF 5:00 - 90 m 17. :X oSaarc�d .3-t J' �;ad 6p z-,2 pp � �;e°-!/.cnAM• o�Wi.��.� 18, ioast;-�:ig}�Sc}woL P.00sGo-s G�u?> idsosfbir Cancelled 12=15-71 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. e/n • 31. i1��%I'M 06s"' 7F UcwCG. G/b° RM' Q m I Q I z z o w C t _j a m W Q ZO V o N Y a NC u q LL d o W O Z m W O J Q U � U } ii N O C N J LL V ^^O W ULL-J 0 m I Q I Ln z o w ca 0 ca a Oax m P, a N n rn N C ~ Ch O` ~ NC u q � ImL r d � p m G z P. i • C P >+ O M O LL D � � O` m I Q I z o w ca 0 ca a Oax m P, a z C rn4)0 C o P. i • C P >+ O M LL CO UUWA N J ^^O W ULL-J Vl C W Z 0 o Q U --j ,� th Y r O N C g W U a? M O O` m r. z o w ca 0 ca a Oax m P, a m C rn4)0 C o P. wca 0 u U W • C P >+ O M y 1-1 14 CO UUWA J r. M ca m id m P. Vl C � m 3 h EC t 0. m D Z cN-I o` c m O s o O i I D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT 02--te/1/utth andSuu& I f c-Keef East and ?Veit / ...�' P...� lfj ... CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 December 2, 1972 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 TIEMORIAL HALL RENTAL Practice Time: $10.00 per hour Nov. 1 5 firs Nov. 3 3 firs 5 min Nov. 4 3 firs 20 min Nov. 15 3 firs 30 min Nov. 16 3 firs 10 min Nov. 17 3 firs 10 min Nov, 18 1 hr 30 min 22 firs .45 min @ $10.00 per fir Game Time: $15.00 per hour - Nov. 19. 6 firs Nov. 20 6 firs 12 firs @ $15.00 per hr TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627.9653' $227.50 $150.00 $407.50 MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MEMORIAL HALL November, 1971 "s v CPO", - 1. Marymount Practice 4--&-P.— P;f SrQ.w 2. 3 ..e S-rw- ' 3. Marymount Practice ' 4. Marymount Practice 4----6pru-- 3- 3 5. Kansas State Teacher's Association Convention Morning and Afternoon 6. Sacred Heart High School Booster Club 6'restling 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cultural Arts Meeting in Lobby 7:30pm 12. 13. 14. 15. Marymount Practice 1 L -n 16. Marymount Practice 3:30---61, 3'/�� _ f� 2A 17. Marymount Practice 3:30 - 6pm 18. Grand Ole' Opry (Peebles) Hank Thompson Tribute 19. Marymount Spartan Tournament 5 - llpm b 20.. Marymount Spartan Tournament 5 - llpm d 21. 22. �Q,✓�3p ��sri` 23. SJMS (decorate) 3 24. SJMS Thanksgiving Ball 25. 26. ' 27. "•TF e;.Perfessionals" Dance .in at.7:30pm 28. 29. C) Ln a f0 Q a I Q . w m o z_ ZEE �Owcn m N r I Z I W Q Z i W i co (� � aC �• d O LL z ° LL -W x (D w ZLU ;O c uj n e^n `� f (7 M o c 0C? c 1L I U W a f0 Q a I � � w m o ZEE �Owcn m N r I Z I l rl i co s+ O W �.. LL -W x V Z Q uj n e^n O Y f J J M o LO 0C? c m W U oa cr) m 0 z r a f0 Q 4 n go c a � w m o ZEE �Owcn a v0 m N d 0 rl co s+ d d LO c m E cr) m 0 a Z v c Q � Z v0 IV6 E m 0 D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT w/zEte, atth CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 41100 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SAUNA. KANSAS 67401 November 2, 1971, Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 and Wz&t ' CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627-9655 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL PRACTICE TIME: $10.00 per hour Oct. 4 2 hrs 55 min Oct. 5 3 hrs Oct. 6. 2 hrs 55 min Oct. 7 3 hrs 15 min Oct. 8 3 hrs 10 min 15 hrs 15 min @ $10.00 per hr $152.50 Total . MEMMER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MEMOPIAL HALL October, 1971 1, Concert "Kansas" .Wants in at 2:00pm Starts at 9:00pm 2. 3, Ija Gl�s� SSr V 4, Marymount College Practice 4449tom - &+04mm 5, Marymount College Practice 40"m - 6�4.94 ` 3;30 �:zs' �: �„� ss �--• 6, Marymount College Practice hTeflpm - 6 pn r r - 7. Marymount College Practice 16`- 8. Marymount College Practice •1r:eelpm - 6:A9pm----rt-tO tables & 100 chairs �G T• National Guard Armory 7� �/r 9. Sacred Heart High School Booster Club Wrestling ( for Beta Sigr+a Phi.<:e ( Mrs, Robert Clubi.ne 10. ( 832 E. Minneapolis TA7-2.812 ( 11; Ref.inishi.ng, Floor: 12. Refinishing Floor ( Back on 12th 13, Refinishing Floor 14, Refinishing Floor 15. Refinishing Floor 16, Refinishing Floor 17. Refinishing Floor 18. Refinishing Floor 19. Refinishing Floor 20. Grand Ole' Opry George Jones - Tammy Wynette 21. 22. QSacred-hCancelled. 24, 25.' VFW Veterans Day Program (morning) 26. National Farmer's Organization Convention w.. �7� ( Hardy Hoover for Chamber of t�( Commerce Breakfast. Will pick 28 ( up 23 tables and 225 chairs Wed. ( afternoon. Return Thurs. morning 29. Kk'U Concert 30. KWU Concert 31. N ME 7 Q �O Z N C J a °' W Q z d (A Y J LL d N c W p z d O M IL i V W N ME 7 �O N C Y 0 C N d O M W W 0 m m p m m ,+ m m m � x m W IO U o H > �W L m 14 M M O m U U 0.1 fn Pd, 0 0 o U) �n o N N V1 N NIT 6 C f' A Qj Y r� �I c a � c` H to to �` t0 a ® 0 m d d w 0=4 p Y d U aC� ' U Pd, 0 0 o U) �n o N N V1 N NIT 6 H � aC� A a A a u s H j N 00 D N� N N O i.. H H F F M N N H d O\ O U N M N U i+ � P. H Oal d a m MEMORIAL BALL September, 1971 1. 2, 3. (30-40 chairs to Old Airport for v (Bicycle Paces 4, l taer---& bl :`tT ,-;x"4.44-e r Gan d (Roger fellers 5. ( 6. ( 7. (1.1111 return on Tues„ Sept. 7th Y ( 8. 9. 10, 11. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 0'� 12. 13, 14. 15. 16, .17. 18. 19. 20 21 7z 22,� 23.' 2k.. 25 6eered-1�eae-Beesee-6lc�k-4es8�}ag Cancelled 26. 27. 28 29. 30. MEMORIAL HALL March, 1971 3. Cultural Arts Children's Concert 1:15pm and 2:30pm 4. 5. Kiwanis Pancake Feed (in at 3:OOpm) 6. Kiwanis Pancake Feed 7, Kiwanis Cleanup in morning. 8. International Ice Review 9. Election 10. 11. 12. 13. Cultural Arts Book Fair in Lobby 14. Cultural Arts Book Fair in Lobby (Out at S:OOpm) (Marymount Basketball Tournament (6:OOpm = 11:OOpm &dAem_ If -3-40!m- 15. Marymount Basketball Tournament 6:00pm - 11:OOpm !o.'e0 eAf, / 3odM . 67c � �. _ fa 9.r G'M• 16. Marymount Basketball Tournament 6:OOpm - 11:OOpm 17. Grand ole' Opry (K of C) 18, Harymennt-$asicctbal�-�anrtiftmen!-6-9®ppm Cancelled 3/18/71 19, Marymount Basketball Tournament 6:OOpm - 11:OOpm to-"Jw- ��,•Bro• 20. Grand Ole' Opry (Peebles) 21. Marymount Basketball Tournament 6:OOpm - 11:OOpm 4"' 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 11!-28. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 2:OOpm 29. 30. 31. A Q z V ,. z WQ ZZQ C ..• Y L.L d d o W Z Z J d C9 N C C u Z 0 i Q C M LL F V No A F wm 0 C; uacn J V z LLLO II WW u Z 0 i Q C M o Y F J No f O N C co M O Ln W U a F- m 0 O ZE T 0 d d Z mT 9 0 .O f 0 u e m O 09 ISL Q m C Q C F wm 0 C; uacn J V z II WW u Z 0 i Q Lv M o Y F J No f O N C co M O Ln W U a F- 0 O ZE T F wm 0 C; uacn J D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT w1ZEze/1/ort/2 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 PRACTICE TIME: $10.00 per hr. Feb. 1 2 1/2 hrs. $ 25.00 Feb. 4 1 1/2 hrs. 15.00 Feb. 8 2 1/2 hrs. 20.00 Feb. 11 2 1/4 hrs. 22.50 Feb. 12 1 3/4 hrs. 17.50 Feb. 15 2 1/2 hrs. 20.00 Feb. 17 2 1/4 hrs 22.50 Feb. 18 2 hrs. 20.00 Feb. 19 1 1/4 hrs. 12.50 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 March 1, 1971 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL February, 1971 GAME TIME: $15.00 per hr. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 827-8633 Feb. 2 3 1/2 hrs. $ 52.50 Feb. 13 3 1/2 hrs. 52.50 Feb. 16 5 CITIES hrs. 75.00 Feb. 20 3 1/2 hrs. 52.50 Balance from'January, 1971 Statement TOTAL AMOUNT DUE s MEMBER 1 KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES $232.50 175.00 407.50 30.00 $437.50 D. L HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT w/Mt 'ffC'tth Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 PRACTICE TIME: $10.00 per hr. CITY -COUNTY BUILDING - 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 946 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 March 1, 1971 MEMORIAL ,HALL RENTAL February, 1971 GAME TIME: $15.00 per hr. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AREA CODE 913 627.9653 Feb. 1 2 1/2 hrs. $ 25.00 Feb. 2 3 1/2 hrs. $ 52.50 Feb. 4 1.1/2 hra. 15.00 Feb. 13 3 1/2 hrs. 52.50 Feb. 8 2 hrs. 20.00 Feb. 16 5 hrs. 75.00 Feb. 11 2 1/4 hrs. 22.50 Feb. 20 3 1/2 hrs. 52.50 $232.50 Feb. 12 1 3/4 hrs. 17.50 Feb. 15 2 hrs. 20.00 Feb. 17 2 1/4 hrs 22.50 Feb. 18 2 bra. 20.00 Feb. 19 1 1/4 hrs. 12.50 175.00 407.50 Balance from January, 1971 Statement 30.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $437.50 MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MEMORIAL BALL February, 1971 1• Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm r,3, l/�1 ' /z°wPIX ' 2. Marymount Basketball Came 6:00 - 10:00pm 400 ' 9 3 3. 4, Marymount Basketball Practice 4:00pm - ? y 5• 6. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 7• a 8. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 9.a^ " ,vo(Salina Civic Orchestra (Pop Concert 9. 10• 11. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:OOpm3 '/s - 4v:G° o.' 12• $A698--&e£eR6-b-8esU£sA-Skew Cancelled 2-1-71 J7;/,4 -JW marymount Basketball Practice 13. SAGOS--BaAse Cancelled 2-1-71 (Marymount Basketball /Came y� o (6:00 - 10:00pm ®.O c 14, Cancelled (Musician's Union Concert ( 2:30pm - 11:30pm 15. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm ? TO 0� ! 16. Marymount Basketball Came beA9-�-�BrABpm 4:30pm - ? �,30 - e/A% j 0 Ceti. 17. 18. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:OOpm I3d 19.,PM.arymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6tAApn 4:30 or 5pm(BACOS Talent Show 20,6')'Marymount,Basketball Came 6:00 - 10:OOpm 21.S Kansas Wesleyan Concert 7:30 - 10:30pm 22• 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 28. Cancelled.. 2-2-71 m o 1� m z oIN Z m� .. W ;o Z I a N Y N i. LL d W p z d Z � C z I LL m o 1� m c C oIN Z m� ;o a I a � z I LL_ O " W W � g u � lLJ e^n Y H• J en e 0 m � W a v 'w Zcd L14 0 m e4 W O cd H to p4 W� ` o U p M H W U U V] J m 1� Z m� ;o a m ?llhete/lrotthandfvuih eiYleet£ast and 2(lest D. L. HARRISON _ ss.,�. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE M. E. ABBOTT i `s ., ,..'-`"i ` AREA CODE 613 627-8653 CITY—COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P. 0. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 February 2, 1971 Marymount College Athletic Department Iron St. & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL �. January, 1971 PRACTICE. TIME: $10.00 per hr. CAME TIME: $15.00 per hr. Jan. 6 3 1/2 hrs $ 35.00 Jan. 9 3 1/2 hrs $ 52.50 Jan. 7 3 1/2 hrs 35.00 Jan. 11 3 1/2 hrs 52.50 Jan. 8 2 1/4 hrs 22.50 Jan. 16 3 1/2 hrs 52.50 Jan. 10 2 bra 20.00 Jan. 21 3 1/2 hrs 52.50 $210.00 Jan. 12 2 1/2 hrs 25.00 Jan. 13 3 hrs 30.00 Jan. 14 2 3/4 hrs 27.50 Jan. 15 1 3/4 hrs 17.50 Jan. 17 3 . hrs 30.00 Jan. 18 3 1/2 bra 35.00 Jan. 19 2 hrs 20.00 Jan. 20 3 hrs 30.00 Jan. 29 2 1/4 hrs 22.50 $350.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES — NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES $560.00 MEMORIAL HALL January, 1971 1. 2, Mack Sanders Show (KFRM) in at 6:00pm 3. 4. ( Elks Club will return chairs and ( tables either Jan, 2nd or 3rd. ( ( ( 5, / y 6. -y.r Eua /✓�a4/f�i"`B'• « z•'s0— (o'�s' 3'�2' 7, Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm �/S - �✓ s- 2 8. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 9. Marymount Basketball Came 6:00pm - 10:3Opm �e;oo 930 10. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00pm - 6:00pm/�-o--7Go 2 11. Marymount Basketball Came 6:00pm - 10:30pm 12. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 13. Marymount Basketball Practice 3;00 - 6:00pm 14. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:OOpm 15. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 3.1J 16, Marymount Basketball Came 6:00pm - 10:30pam 17. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm ':� a 18. /R - i �.`oo 44fi- 8`Da 19. Mid West Performing Arts Show 20, Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00pm - 6:00pm ,7 — 4�' ° n 21. 'Marymount Basketball Came 6:00pm - 10:30pm 1p `6 4 ll xj o 22. 23. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 24. 25., 26, 27, 3 ��- 3 1'� 28, 1 29. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00pm - 6:00pm (Schilling Community Center 5-5947 (will pick up 30 tables and 200 30, (chairs, Will return on Feb. 1s'�t.i� 31. _(Joan Hutchins / u /iJic, 71a7°�/a� 31% W U Z Q F- F- W C Z U— O" LLi W 1 LLJ J %0 -J M O Cco 4 U a z p CL O r EN 0 Ln v Q U M M Z w c W QZ 01 m E (n Y a m a LL .e o W OZ J N C U O .t �tl O D An +� .0 ai x q LL M'M O cd U �0 UFQh W U Z Q F- F- W C Z U— O" LLi W 1 LLJ J %0 -J M O Cco 4 U a z p CL O r EN 0 Ln v co U M M 00 w � 44 01 m 4 a H a Z m .4 w %m U O .t �tl D An +� .0 ai x q M'M O cd �0 UFQh co M 00 � m Z CITY OF SAUNA City Clerk's Office — Box 746 — Salina, Kansas 67401 December 31, 1970 TO: Marymount College. Athletic epartment Iron Street & Marymount Road Salina, Kansas 67401 Make all Checks Payable to City of Salina MEMORIAL HALL RENTAL December, 1970 Practice Time Dec. 1 3 hrs @ $10,00 per hr, $ 30,00 Dec. 3 3 hrs @ $10.00 per hr. 30.00 Dec., 4 3 hrs @ $10.00 per hr. 30.00 Dec. 16 12 hrs @ $10.00 per hr. 15.00 Dec. 17 22 hrs @ $10.00 per hr. 25.00 $130.00 Game Time Dec. 5 42 hrs @ $15.00 per hr. $ 67.50 Dec. 8 42 hrs @ $15.00 per hr. 67.50 Dec. 18 42 hrs @ $15.00 per hr. 67,50 $202.50 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $332.50 MEMORIAL HALL Decemher, 1970 1.-. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 2. 3. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 4. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 5. Marymount basketball Game 6:00pm - 10:30pri 6. 7. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling 8. Marymount Basketball Game 6:00 - 10:30pm 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 3-6 ) -.1 6 100 chairs to KTI P.ichard Dioses Dec. 4th - 7th 37 tables to Community Theatre Dec. 4th - 7th 30 TABLES 300 chairs to Larry Triplett Salina Oilman's Club Dec. 11th - 13th 16. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm 17. Marymount Basketball Practice 3:00 - 6:00pm CJI 6:30 - 12:00 Basketball game Budweiser vs Harlem Stars 18. Marymount Basketball. Game 6:00pm - 10:30pm 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. KSAL & KSKG Dance Band in at 7:00pm 29. 30. 31. 1 NN a O. o z_ w %0 1 Lll J J a W � � C 0 ~ f. Z O < c w O Cd C la m a N t ,a,^ LL d WOZ m J C IL V 1 NN cs 0 a 7 M 0 O. o w %0 1 Lll J J a W � � w z 0 ~ f. Z O < c w O Cd C y F m a Q cs 0 a 7 M 0 o w %0 � o14 a �omcn CITY OF SALIVA City Clerk's Office — Box 746 — Salina, Kansas 67401 Dec. 2, 1970 TO: Marynount College Athletic Department Iron Street & MarKmount 4zod Salina, Kansas 67401 Make all Checks Payable to City of Salina MEJORIAL IIALL RENTAL October$ 1970 19th 3 hrs practice @ $10.00 per hr. $ 30.00 20th 3 hrs practice @ $10.00 per hr. 30.00 November, 1970 3rd 21z hrs practice @ $10.00 per hr. 25.00 4th 3 hrs practice @ $10.00.per hr. 30.00 30th 3'z hrs. practice @ $10.00 per hr. 35.00 i TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $150.00 MEMORIAL HALL November, 1970 �a S 1. N1 2. �. 3. Election rte 4. /Yl �+ 6. Kansas State Teacher's Association. Convention. PA system 5'T7 S 8. �/b( 9. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling. PA system 1 10. American Legion Color Guard Practice. 7:00pm - 9:30pm PA system N"' 11. American Legion 10:30am (Veteran's Day) PA system 12. 13. S'114. S 15. A 16. Midwest Performing Arts Assoc. Wichita, Kans. 8:00pm 17. !y 18. 19. F 20. st 21. 22. A 23. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling PA system r 24. St. John's Military School. Decorate for dance Nov, 25th. jt/ 25. St. John's Military School Thanksgiving Dance 7R 26. r 27. 28. S 29. D. A 30. rn /n / 0--s GQ.w-�- . to x 6 2. 200 Chairs, 10 tables to be picked up by Firefighter's ca in a ternoon and returned on Sat, October 3rd in the morning. Z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sacred Heart Booster Club Wrestling. Ring to be put in in -the afternoon. PA -9. -10.- 1-1. 12; 13., National Farmer's Organization' -Convention. Morning 6:00pm PA U. 15. 16. Democratic Party Dinner. Tables & Chairs for 400 people up by 1:00pm-PA 17. 14. 20. _,A2-1. 22. 23.- 24., 25. 26. Kansas Federation of Taxpayers. 1:00pm evening Chairs on arena floor.PA 27. 28. 29.- 30. 31. RENTAL AGREEMENT This Agreement, made and entered into this 23rd day of November, 1970, by and between THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and MARYMOUNT COLLEGE, a Kansas corporation, with.principal office and place of business at Salina,Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "College"', WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City is the owner of a certain budding commonly known as Memorial Hall and located at the intersection of Ninth and Ash Streets in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "Building", and WHEREAS, the College desires to lease for basketball practice and playing of its home basketball games the auditorium in said Building and that portion of the Building customarily used in connection with said auditorium for athletic events, all of which shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Auditorium". NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and the payments to be made by College to City, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: (1). Use of Auditorium and Rental Rates: That the City does hereby agree to rent to the College at various times the Auditorium and related facilities of that certain Building known as Memorial Hall for use by said College as a practice court and home court for its basketball games and for said use College hereby agrees to pay City a rental Ten Dollars ($10.00) per hour for practice sessions and Fifteen Dollars ,($15.00) per hour during such time the Building is used for basketball games for which admission is charged. Time for use of said premises shall commence from time College desires to gain admittance to said Building and shall ter- minate at such time as all College personnel and/or spectators have left said Building. Payment shall be made by College to City before the 10th day of each month for the preceding months use. (2). Schedules: College agrees that it will file with the City Clerk at least thirty (30) days in advance a schedule of the dates it desires to use said Auditorium for practice sessions and home games and the specific time the Building shall be required to becpen for the same. (3). Non -Exclusive Use: College is aware that the City reserves the right to lease said Building and Auditorium to others at such times as said Building has not been specifically requested in writing by the College for its home basketball games; Provided however, that the City reserves the rightto cancel practice sessions requested by the College in order,to accommodate other persons desiring to rent said Auditorium for specific events. (4). Custodian: City'shall provide a custodian who will be responsible for'the'openirig and closing of the said Buading. City will also provide all utilities and custodial services. (5). Insurance: College agrees to'carry its own liability insurance upon its own employees and students and College will hold the City harmless for any claims made by its students, employees or agents resulting from use of Auditorium by them. City agrees that it will maintain public liability insurance on the Building. (6) . Floor and Pads: City agrees to refinish and maintain the gymnasium floor prior to December 1, 1970, and to provide such pads as may be required around the playing area. (7). Scoreboard and Backboards: College agrees to provide its own scoreboard, clock and backboards; Provided however, that the City will install and remove backboards when necessary in order to accommodate other uses for the hall. (8). Concessions: College shall have the right to operate the concession stand in Auditorium during its own games; Provided however, that Building custodian retains the right to maintain the concession for popcorn sale. (9). Damages to Building: College agrees that any damages caused to the Building otherthan normal wear and tear caused by its students, employees or agents which occurs during any practice session or game shall be the responsibility of the College. (10). Minimum Rental: College agrees that in the event the rentals paid to City during the school years 1970-1971 and 1971- -2- �J 1972 are insufficient to reimburse the City for the cost of re- finishing the gymnasium floor and the cost expended for pads, that the College will pay the balance to the City upon demand therefor. (11). Destruction of Premises: If premises or any part thereof shall be destroyed or damaged by fire, tornado or any other cause this agreement may be terminated by the City and the City shall not in any case be liable or responsible to College for any damage or loss caused to the College thereby. (12). Management of Building: City retains the right to control the management of the Building and to enforce all neces- sary and proper rules for its management and operation and duly authorized representatives of the City may enter the same and all of the above premises at any time and on any occassion. (13). Loss of Property: City assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any property placed in any part of the premises by the College or its students, employees or agents, and the City is hereby expressly released and discharged from any and all liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons or property that may be sustained by reason of the occupancy of the premises under this agreement. (14). Default: If any default is made in the payment of rent or if College fails to abide by any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, this contract at the option of the City may be terminated and the City may take full possession of the premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Salina, Kansas, a municipal corporation, has caused this Rental Agreement to be signed by its Mayor and the College has caused this instrument to be signed by its duly authorized officers. ATTEST - City of Salina, Kansas City Clerk, B - -3- Marymount College By November 9, 1970 To: L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney From: Bill Harris, Dir. of Administration Subject: Agreement with Marymount for Memorial Hall The following are items which Dean Boyer, Don Harrison and I think should be,given consideration in an agreement between the City and Marymount College on the rental of Memorial Hall for basketball. Rental rates to be $10.00 per hour for practice sessions; $15.00 per hour for games.. Building to be opened and closed by the Building Custodian according to schedule on file with City Clerk. Marymount should be required to state the time they want it opened and closed for both practice sessions and games and should pay at the above rates for the total time. Marymount to file schedule with City Clerk. City to have the right to pre-empt practice sessions in order to accommodate other rentals. Leasee to comply with all Police and Fire Requirements and City Ordinances which might be pertinent. City Clerk will bill and collect monthly from Marymount. Marymount to carry their own liability insurance on players and their employees. Establish a minimum amount Marymount will pay to the City; either have the contract have a 2 year period in order for the city to recoup its investment or if Marymount wishes to cancel the agreement earlier, they will pay the City the remaining differences between what we have recouped at that time and the.total investment thereafter; the agreement to be renewed each year. City will furnish utilities and custodial services; City to refinish and maintain the floor and furnish pads. Marymount will furnish the.scoreboard, clock and backboards. The City will install and remove backboards when necessary in order to accommodate other uses of the Hall. •If Marymount wants to use our P.A. system they should contract directly with the operator. The building custodian has charge of the concessions. Marymount will have to Jeal directly with him on that. Any damages to the building other than normal wear occurring during practice or game sessions, Marymount will be responsible for. A copy of an old lease agreement that Don has on file is enclosed for,you to look at. Don would like to have it back.