al layburn coronado aircraft4 L 825-0238 •� AIRCRAFT AREA CODE 913:007(x AIRCRAFT •SALES •LEASING • SERVICE CHARTER • REPAIR • FLIGHT -MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION O CORONADO 74 COMPANY, INc. SALINA, KANSAS P. 0. Box 1365 March 9, 1967 Mr. Norris D. Olson, City Manager City of Salina Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Norris: I have given a copy of your letter of March 8th to Doug Chance and we have the original here in the office. In regard to the second paragraph, the items you mention are perfectly in order. We still carry insurance on this equipment which I am sure has a vandalism provision. It is also understood that if someone wants to rent the entire hangar and it becomes necessary for us to move our equipment, we will be glad to do so upon receipt of notice. Again, thanks for your thoughtful consideration. Yours very truly, CORONADO AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC. L. A. Laybourn, President LAL:ck cc: Mr. John Estes, Director of Services Mr. Doug Chance 6 CfLLy o FIFTH AND ASN STREETS BOK 766 I) NORRIS O. OLSON CITY MANAOER II Mr. L. A. Laybourn, President Coronado Aircraft Company, Inc. P. O. Box 1365 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Al: CrSa.CLaa SALINA. KANSAS 67601 AREA CODE 913 TA 3-2377 March 8, 1967 This will confirm receipt of your letter dated February 27, 1967. A copy of.same is being forwarded to our Director of Services, Mr. John Estes, and it is he that your people should contact relative to locks, keys, etc. In addition to the items you mention, I feel we should also agree that the city incur no liability regarding vandalism or theft of your equipment or materials. Also that, should the opportunity present itself for the city to rent the hangar you occupy, we be permitted to do so after providing your company with a 30 -day notice to vacate. Frankly, I feel that receipt of such a request is quite remote, however, the possibility should not be overlooked. Very truly yours, NDO/mb Norris D. Olson City Manager cc: John Estes Director of Services MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES � NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES AIRCRAFT.' •SALES • SERVICE • REPAIR • MAINTENANCE lD �� 10 c,3, CORONADO'j7 OCOMPANY, b4c. SALINA, KANSAS 825-0238 AREA CODE 913 BOMM0S P. 0. Box 1365 February 27, 1967 Mr. Norris Olson, City Manager City of Salina City Hall Salina, Kansas Dear Norris: This will confirm my conversation with you by telephone about certain items of inventory which are still the property of Coronado Aircraft Company and which are left at the old airport complex. AIRCRAFT • LEASING -CHARTER FLIGHT INSTRUCTION I have been trying to get this thing resolved, and so in accordance with your suggestion we are pleased to present to you the center island show case which you feel you could use at the new administration building or at some other location which you might choose; and in consideration for this you have agreed that we are to store our supplies in the west of the double hangars (not the shop building) so that the doors may be locked and secured against vandalism and theft. As soon as we have moved this material I will give you a list of the items so that you will have some idea of what we have on hand. I think we will be able to sell it gradually and as we find buyers we will be moving it out. It is understood that we are under no obligation to carry insurance on the building or to pay any rentals. We will probably want to have a key to that building here at our office. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, CORONADO AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC. L. A. Lurn, President LAL:ck cc: Mr. Doug Chance