lakewood park oil leasePLEASE WI YR. DETACH AND LEASE NO. RETAIN FOR YOUR BARRELS OR MCF RECORDS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAX NET AMOUNT OWNERS SHARE 02 73 58150 366.58 80.65 .96 19150.10 143.76 ` W 99 (Q LL d N o z z a d r ULL f j I \ } l OWNER NO. I CHECK NO. WHEN WRITING, REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND OWNER NUMBER. AM: CRUDE PURCHASING TOTAL OWNER SHARE OF GROSS 143601003293 14360 003293 clowbwR, WICHIRST NK BDG. 143.88 143.76 1.. 67M h `o N LO r� Lo Z C RL J a E ru N z ` W 99 (Q LL d N o z z a d r ULL `o N LO r� Lo PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST _ TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 187.15 41.17 .49 594.65 74.33 r m J LL ? o W W 0 7 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA. KANSAS 67202 yOWNER NO, Ng AMOUNT 1 1 4'AAA 74-1"A 1 Q " N 1 Z c a V .—I Q Q Z a, t z m m J LL ? o W W p Z d � � Era O C LL " N 1 co CV z m m m 8 e u 1 Q TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES z YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 182.86 40.23 t C � J a WQ/� O NEE ZZ > 4AAI K (n Y a LL d c z J C ri 1 LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 182.86 40.23 .48 581.01 72.63 /pq " 7 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANsns 67202 O NEE u UN> > 4AAI m � f o Z mT N m e m B O u c y 8 CD r - - PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES . RETAIN THIS STHR FnR TAX PI IRPnSFS . nl IDI Ir ATFQ WII I r.InT uF n for icucr LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 182.86 40.23 .48 581.01 72.63 /pq " 7 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANsns 67202 O NEE u UN> > 4AAI 79 An cv ev UYthl 1 aaNMo 90U9SVSNVX'VaiNaIM 'a39WnN-a3NMO anoA (INV • 'auk ljaaj' a39WnN 3SV31 Ol dea�� HAd JN111SM N3HM L 1NWWV N .,A C W Q £0.99 ZZ•8Z5 f4• LS'9£ hZ•99T 00005ZT•0 Ste! 1S3a31N1 anOA CIa41QINXf1J ]a Inks nue 1Nnowv 13N tnl V" I7lnn 53Xtl1LSOJ 1tl101 ONIM3HIVO S13MMVM UN 1V101 153M31N1 lvwl:)3a 3a0: 3SV3 I1J JIMI rvlvJ3a • adZ.aNJdl Id SVJ dU/QNV 110 3ana:) do 1N3W31b 1N3WAVd SOd'JNI1N3S3ad 3x0339 H:>V134 3SV31d r `0 v rn N Q > Z a gI A C W Q i I� C LL V I1J JIMI rvlvJ3a • adZ.aNJdl Id SVJ dU/QNV 110 3ana:) do 1N3W31b 1N3WAVd SOd'JNI1N3S3ad 3x0339 H:>V134 3SV31d r `0 v rn N > ' a gI A i VY .Q TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING. COST TOTAL TAXES Z YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 W 35.81 .42 W <Z o � t WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 (A MOUNT y 72 LL d o o . I 0 Z C y VY DECIMAL - INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING. COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 W 35.81 .42 517.26 64.65 o � Y WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 OWNS MOUNT . 07 72 14360 64.65 o y C d m > > G > > .m � u � O PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT CTATFMFNT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL - INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING. COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 162.79 35.81 .42 517.26 64.65 M mo, Y WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 OWNS MOUNT . 07 72 14360 64.65 11 1 0 `0 v v- 3 3' U Q N r UM3 m d g o � Z ZS'1L Q ZOZL9 SVSNV)I'VIIHOIM . tJUl laaJ:) Jeal:) ZL 61 '839vynN U3NMO unok (INV H39vynN 3SV31.01 li3d3U ONIIIHM N3HM nn Z 81'ZLS Lh• Z9.6£ 80.081, 0000SZi•0 6185 1S3831N1 Hf10A 1Nf1OWV 13N S3%V1 1V101 1500 ONIH3H1VO V Q ZIO Ix N Y a J LL d (D o W 0 z Y J C tL V 0 `0 v v- 3 3' U Q N r UM3 m d g o � Z ZS'1L 09£41 ZOZL9 SVSNV)I'VIIHOIM . tJUl laaJ:) Jeal:) ZL 61 '839vynN U3NMO unok (INV H39vynN 3SV31.01 li3d3U ONIIIHM N3HM nn ZS•iL 81'ZLS Lh• Z9.6£ 80.081, 0000SZi•0 6185 1S3831N1 Hf10A 1Nf1OWV 13N S3%V1 1V101 1500 ONIH3H1VO S13tltlVS 13N 1V101 1S3831N1 1VW1030 - 3000 3SV31 -••-• ••-••. -�•• • ,., ��i.•.a iaiw - ao avaaiis nvi cuy diuS b'1H1 NIV13tl S3SVH0Hfld SVC) HO/ONV 110 30nbio 301N3W31V1S 1N3WAVd 801 EJNI1N3S3Hd 3k10d39 HOV130 3SV31d V Q Z t w N 3 a m V `0 e I.- C; K f STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GASPLEASE PURCHASES DETACH RETAIN THS STUB FOR AX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE DECIMAL TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL CODE INTEREST NET BARRELS COST TA%ES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 150.7133. 16 39 478.86 59.85 �WHEN WRIT 04 72 C REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Creek. Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 1 ' 59.85 PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT -- STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE DECIMAL cooE TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL INTEREST NET BARRELS COST TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST i 5815 0.1250000 379.10 83.40 .99 1#196.75 149.59 WHEN WRITING REFERTO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 72 Clear Creek Inc WICHITA KANSAS 67202 I D u u 0 1 149.59 Q m Z . d N W V) ? W LL O d Z o m Z W + u li•'� C IL U i I D u u 0 1 149.59 m E r V u I D u u 0 1 149.59 80'yt 09EhT Z0U9SVSNvH•VUNDIM • •aul '�laaj7 jeal� N39WnN 83NM0 NnOA 4NV N39WnN 3SV31 Ol HAS ONIlINM N3HM TL TT 1Nr 3"0 Lo ISL 8Q'h1 990Z6S 8h:' EO'Th ZS'9BT ODOOSZT'® 9199 / 1SM31NI NnOA lNnoWv AN 53X%1 150 S13HNVS AN 1S333ANI MOD 1%101 ONIN3H1%O 1%!Ol 1VWD3O 3SV31 W!MWINdl 17 dH lUIN I IIM �)dl%JI Idl IU • 8d5Udalld xVl doi 8nls SIHl NIV13N • S3SVHDNnd SVO NO/INV 110 30no d0 1N3W31V1S 1N3WAVd NOd ONUNMU 3NOd38-HDV130 3SV3ld Q Z �-J N E Q t ra Z N Y N LL d O z z a c LL U I I Lo ISL G C E c N d Z mT ri d° m `o m PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE DECIMAL TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST CODE INTEREST NET BARRELS COST TAXES 5815 0.1250000 187.62 41.28 .49 596.14 74.52 " " WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 10 71 Clear Creek, Inc. • WicNrtA, KANSAS 67202 h Z W qzr c J to a d e � o u4< Z O J' .rsi Q C:; - m ,- u0 Z m Z Q c LL V A `e E a a D d `o 0 c 14360 74.52 W qzr N � � o Z � u u C:; - m ,- Q 74.52 PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 171.49 37.73 .34 545.00 68.12 f t L WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. w ER NO. u NT 09 7 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANsAs 67202 14360 68.12 Z c E N U Z t a (n d Q1 LL Q o wt Z N Z� O Q C 0 F- LL V �I C O u aw PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASFs . RFTAIN TNTC CTI IC ar D TAV Di .._.._ - :r `ASE DECIMAL TOTAL `, ODE INTEREST - NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5,815 0.1256000 192.92 42.44 .43 613.06 76.64 ���WH�ENWRITIN G REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER.°N"EA NO 14360 76.64 lear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 `0 C W 0 8 Q I 1 v� R" - V DECIMAL INTEREST 0.1250000 - --- TOTAL NET BARRELS 198.06 -••••• GATHERING COST 43.57 . VN inn ruKrv3C3 TOTAL TAXES .40 . uUrLK.AItS NET AMOUNT 629.43 WILL NOT BE FURNISHES YOUR INTEREST 78.68 Ln 07 1 71 WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER AND Inc. , WICNITA, YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 NUMBER. OWNER NO.ET 14360 1 AMOUNT 79_68 E Z m 9t .4 o Z > O m > Y m G C LL o Z V < m .V O Z .I N PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL ANnine nec of IGPUACEC _ .�lA.- 1.— 1-- -__ -.._ _.- _ __- LEASE CODE 5815 DECIMAL INTEREST 0.1250000 - --- TOTAL NET BARRELS 198.06 -••••• GATHERING COST 43.57 . VN inn ruKrv3C3 TOTAL TAXES .40 . uUrLK.AItS NET AMOUNT 629.43 WILL NOT BE FURNISHES YOUR INTEREST 78.68 07 1 71 WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER AND Inc. , WICNITA, YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 NUMBER. OWNER NO.ET 14360 1 AMOUNT 79_68 a 09£41 z TL W a Mn N ONRNMO .SA J LL, � IQ 0 Q z W J C r LL V K Nil 6L09L 09£41 90z[9 SVSNV)l •VLNDIM • •aul I laaj] jealJ '839WnN S3NMO Nf10A (INV N3awnN 3SV31 01 8333N ONIIINM N3HM TL 9( Mn N ONRNMO .SA 1 01 i 6L 09L 0£•919 6E• ES•Zh OE•E61 OOOOsZ1'0 gigs IS383INI SnOA 1Nf10WV 13N 53XV1 1V101 150 ONIM3HIV'J S138MV913N 1V101 IS383INI 1yW030 M 3SV31 03HSINNf13 39 ION 111M S3IVDI1d1a • S3SOdmnd XVI NO3 9fIIS SIHI NIV13N • S3SVHDand SVO NO/aNV 110 3anN7 30 1N3W31VI 1N3WAVd NO3'JNI1NMNd 3N0339 H:)V130 3SV31d Z6.9 S lNictM T CO m m ,e, K z 09E9t zoug SVSNvp •V+IN301M auk >laa�) �ea�, 0 13NMo 's39wnN b3NMO 21f10A 4NV S38Wf1N 3SV31 OI 213d3N JNI11SM N3HM L $ 26.05 6£•1L9 'of - £90ZE E£•8b1 OOOOSZT•0 511 1S32131N1 21f10A 1Nf10WV 13N 53XV1 150 S137M 13N 1S3831N1 WWI ONISNiVO 1V101 lywom 3Qp� 43HSINdnd 38 ION 111M S3IVJIld, to • 35VV. SN3 W Vd XVl 804 8f11S SIHl NIV1321 • S3SVHD21fld SVJ 210/aNV 110 34fkD d0 1N3W31H1'. IN3WAVd 2104 ONUN3S M 3210438 HDVl3a 3SV31d a Z� c J a "' U Q Z U) °a L'.L � 90 z u W � _, LL C U Z6.9 S lNictM T CO m m ,e, K z 09E9t zoug SVSNvp •V+IN301M auk >laa�) �ea�, 0 13NMo 's39wnN b3NMO 21f10A 4NV S38Wf1N 3SV31 OI 213d3N JNI11SM N3HM L $ 26.05 6£•1L9 'of - £90ZE E£•8b1 OOOOSZT•0 511 1S32131N1 21f10A 1Nf10WV 13N 53XV1 150 S137M 13N 1S3831N1 WWI ONISNiVO 1V101 lywom 3Qp� 43HSINdnd 38 ION 111M S3IVJIld, to • 35VV. SN3 W Vd XVl 804 8f11S SIHl NIV1321 • S3SVHD21fld SVJ 210/aNV 110 34fkD d0 1N3W31H1'. IN3WAVd 2104 ONUN3S M 3210438 HDVl3a 3SV31d IJ r Lo rn co T f0 V O C T PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL ANuvnR aec of IGruACCC LEASE CODEINTEREST DECIMAL - ---- TOTAL NET BARRELS - •• ••� � GATHERING COST �� .�^ '�A r�nrw�o TOTAL TAXES uurul.AItZ, NET AMOUNT WILL NUI BE FURNISHED YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 197.20 43.38 .39 626.71 f� ` WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER IJ r Lo rn co T f0 V O C T PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL ANuvnR aec of IGruACCC LEASE CODEINTEREST DECIMAL - ---- TOTAL NET BARRELS - •• ••� � GATHERING COST �� .�^ '�A r�nrw�o TOTAL TAXES uurul.AItZ, NET AMOUNT WILL NUI BE FURNISHED YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 197.20 43.38 .39 626.71 78.34 ` WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER, ovmER uH 04 1 7 Clear Creek, Inc. WICHITA. KANSAS 67202 14360 78.34 00 M 0 ti O Z 9S'£9 Q ZOZZ9SVSNVM'VUHD1M • •aul -laaj] leal:) 'M38Wf1N 33NMO 3f10A 4NV 338Wf1N 3SV31 01 1133 3 3 ONI113M N3HM OL .3A Zi INMo ON 13"0 Z o z v c 69'SE 40'Z9i OODDSZIOOI J N < 02 E 1,101 t S13MMtl813N 1,101 LSad31N1 1tlW1�3O 340J 35Y31 J 4 W LL O z , \ J In C C /`Iy1, V � 00 M 0 ti O Z 9S'£9 09Ebi ZOZZ9SVSNVM'VUHD1M • •aul -laaj] leal:) 'M38Wf1N 33NMO 3f10A 4NV 338Wf1N 3SV31 01 1133 3 3 ONI113M N3HM OL .3A Zi INMo ON 13"0 c 95'£9 o z v c 69'SE 40'Z9i OODDSZIOOI 00 M 0 ti O Z 9S'£9 09Ebi ZOZZ9SVSNVM'VUHD1M • •aul -laaj] leal:) 'M38Wf1N 33NMO 3f10A 4NV 338Wf1N 3SV31 01 1133 3 3 ONI113M N3HM OL .3A Zi INMo ON 13"0 c 95'£9 "'SOS ZE' 69'SE 40'Z9i OODDSZIOOI Si8S 1S3331NI 3f10A 1Nf10WV 13N$3Xtl1 1,101 150 ONIM3HIVO S13MMtl813N 1,101 LSad31N1 1tlW1�3O 340J 35Y31 WMDINal 13 3b 1VN I IIM 531,JI IdIIO • 5350d3f1d XVl M03 8f11S SIHl NIV134 • S3SVHD3fld SVO 30/ONV 110 34f1MJ 30 1N3W31V1S 1N3WAVd 303 ONI1NMU 330338 H:)V13G 3SV31d (13HSIN21f13 38 lON 111M 531V -)I id(Iu • 1N3WAVd 2103 E:)NI1N3S3Sd 3210339 HDV13G 3SV31d V Q • •aul )Iaaj) Z TL EO yb•L9t 09MzOZL9sysNvH•vuHD,m or+aawnoM 2139WfIN S3NMO snoA 4NV � J a E I W < t y (A QZ Y 1532131N1 21f1OA 1Nf1OWV 13N L.L i N o W 'Z O N C O N C I VIS W V (13HSIN21f13 38 lON 111M 531V -)I id(Iu • 1N3WAVd 2103 E:)NI1N3S3Sd 3210339 HDV13G 3SV31d V • •aul )Iaaj) jean) TL EO yb•L9t 09MzOZL9sysNvH•vuHD,m or+aawnoM 2139WfIN S3NMO snoA 4NV s39Wf1N 3SV31 Ol SN38 ONIIRIM N3H , o H y4•tbi Z9.6Li61 99.19 WILE OOOOyZi•0 gigs 1532131N1 21f1OA 1Nf1OWV 13N 537(tll 1tl101 150J ONI71ol 513MMtl913N 1tl101 153X31N1 1tlWIJ3a 3UOJ 35V31 inwiv lin 3nnv-1 an IN7Wa I VIS (13HSIN21f13 38 lON 111M 531V -)I id(Iu • 1N3WAVd 2103 E:)NI1N3S3Sd 3210339 HDV13G 3SV31d V M M d' r CO m .. E L O •u c u $ G Z PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE a TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERINGS COST TOTAL TAXES z YOUR INTEREST 5815 t 10:1250000 J a d 09 72.46 If MI CILd J z LL 0 z a 11 J N V C C 14360 �--� iL M M d' r CO m .. E L O •u c u $ G Z PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERINGS COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 t 10:1250000 197.98 43.56 .40 579.68 72.46 If MI I YR.WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. owHER NO. NIT ueouH 11 7 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 6720'1 14360 72.46 F- LL U 1 rn V C m a d E m G AlLn > 0 0 m s i s c E "g o PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT i w STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PIIRCHASFS • PFTAIN TRIC fTI IR IZnD TAY DI MDI CCC N 101 il'AYEC all.. u111 nr mu.n LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS _� W M J Q N I..L Z t Y C d L ul 0z a W 30.85 J U N C F- LL U 1 rn V C m a d E m G AlLn > 0 0 m s i s c E "g o PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT i w STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PIIRCHASFS • PFTAIN TRIC fTI IR IZnD TAY DI MDI CCC N 101 il'AYEC all.. u111 nr mu.n LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0x1290000 140.21 30.85 .28 410.53 51.32 °O" a 09 70 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. YNERNO' Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 "AOUNT 51.32 '8h'6h iNn Z� J a N� 0 v Q i LL C d o OZ ' J C M ;O N °c � 0 'm LL U u '8h'6h iNn 9£h1 VNE C v N O IL o m CV p Z g m Q Z LOSL9 SVSNvH -VOCIM '7139wnN S3NMO 2 no k ONV a39W(1N 3SV31 Ol M343S h8'S6£ LZ' hl'6Z 8h'6h 53xvi 150 1S3S31NI 2 nak 1Nf10WH AN 1d1Oi ONIS3H1dOi3L ,on�land 38 lON 1lIM S31V�Ildf1O • 1N33WAVd 8Od ONsndxvi dI1N3S3Sd3804393 HDV13O SV31d rugs 001DOSZ100 S185 1S3831NI 3501 1dWIJ3a 110 icinn d0 1N3W31V1 N� 0 1 � LL C d° M � 0 'm u 9£h1 VNE C v N O IL o m CV p Z g m Q Z LOSL9 SVSNvH -VOCIM '7139wnN S3NMO 2 no k ONV a39W(1N 3SV31 Ol M343S h8'S6£ LZ' hl'6Z 8h'6h 53xvi 150 1S3S31NI 2 nak 1Nf10WH AN 1d1Oi ONIS3H1dOi3L ,on�land 38 lON 1lIM S31V�Ildf1O • 1N33WAVd 8Od ONsndxvi dI1N3S3Sd3804393 HDV13O SV31d rugs 001DOSZ100 S185 1S3831NI 3501 1dWIJ3a 110 icinn d0 1N3W31V1 JI/iI CIV\CIVI Q v..v �.. �. ... .. _ Z ,- �_ W J QN a Z E t W (� CL 168.50 LL .Z / W Z W p N C O JI/iI CIV\CIVI VI lnVv� vim r�•v• v.. v..v �.. �. ... .. _ LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 168.50 LL .34 / 61.68 LL W V AO " WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. °NNER O ua. ::.T6 Clear Creek, Inc. wleNLrn, KnNsnB 67202 14360 61.68 m N aEN d n z '_, It m > m > 0 WE .0 0 mO z a" PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT A Clll 1! 0 /'•AC of DrHASPS . VFTAIAI THIO CTI IR FC)R TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED JI/iI CIV\CIVI VI lnVv� vim r�•v• v.. v..v �.. �. ... .. _ LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 168.50 37.07 .34 493.37 61.68 AO " WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. °NNER O ua. ::.T6 Clear Creek, Inc. wleNLrn, KnNsnB 67202 14360 61.68 02 70 CD QD c 0 a 0 D 99•TL O9£biSOSL9 SVSNVH •VUHDIM • '3ul ' laaj� jeal� 'm38WnN N3NMO Nnok 4NV N38WnN 3SV31 Ol MR ONIIINM N3HM OL 14 1 TO ow N 'ON "o 99•TL 5h•£LS 6£• 600£4 58.561 00OOSZ140 Sias 1S3N31NI Nno k lNnOWV 13N 53xV1 ISO:)513aatle 13N 153M31N1 IS MI I 300J 1 V101 O N I N 3 Hltl0 1tl101 35tl31 --• •-•• --• •- -�-•- ••� .+��..+�.�+ - aoavoc G nvt GUy nl luo DINI. Nivida • SdsVHJNnd SVU NO/INV in 34no JO 1N3W31V1S 1N3WAVd SOA JNI1NMdd 3NOd39 HDVl34 3SV31d J W, Q mE Z WQ�/I� Z K V Y y a LL o Z O Z Q c `0> '... > LL ` U J W, PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR k X PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED toiAC GATHERING TNET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST LEASE DECIMAL NET BARRELS COST T CODE INTEREST 68.08 5815 0.1250000 191.26 42.08 38 544.71 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 14360 68.08 12 69 Clear Creek Inc WLCNITA KANSAf 67202 �r mE a Z v `0> > e 4 � z PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR k X PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED toiAC GATHERING TNET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST LEASE DECIMAL NET BARRELS COST T CODE INTEREST 68.08 5815 0.1250000 191.26 42.08 38 544.71 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 14360 68.08 12 69 Clear Creek Inc WLCNITA KANSAf 67202 �r 0 Z .. A u DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS C TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 h 39.96 E 524.61 Q Si 1Y 69 C v Ng AMOUNT z 65.57 N a m � LL ao o o 0 z a p G Z J C t m r G C u {L A u r.____________ _ __ _____-____�-- PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 h 39.96 �O 524.61 65.57 Si 1Y 69 C 1 Ng AMOUNT �M0W 65.57 m ao o a p G Z m r-4 t m r C u 'C r.____________ _ __ _____-____�-- PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 181.65 39.96 .36 524.61 65.57 Si 1Y 69 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 vOWNER NO. Ng AMOUNT F 14360 65.57 � J u Q Z E w (n m LLQ o O Z W J G IL 'i G 09£471 LOLL9 SVSNV)l hmNofM • auk 'Iaa"jeal:)69INQo '2138Wf1N i3NMO snoA ONV 2138Wf1N 3SV31 Ol 2 00 01 E M N33NMO `-4747069 95'555 LO a m � o Z a m S185 `0 c d isoD ONItl3H1V0 S131SVII I3N 1V101 1S3M3M 1VWI�30 340 3S 3j z 4717069 09£471 LOLL9 SVSNV)l hmNofM • auk 'Iaa"jeal:)69INQo '2138Wf1N i3NMO snoA ONV 2138Wf1N 3SV31 Ol 2 H N33NMO `-4747069 95'555 8£' 47L'147 47L0681 OOOOSZIOO S185 153 2131N1 21f10A 1Nf10WV 13N 53xtl1 1tl101 isoD ONItl3H1V0 S131SVII I3N 1V101 1S3M3M 1VWI�30 340 3S 3j 03HSINdnJ 38lON 111M S31V7fldna • SdSVddild XVI dUd b111J JIMl rvlVIyc - a=wVM�O G a.� o"" -., •-_._ LNAWAVd 2103 JNI1N3S3Sd 3210338 HDV130 3SV31d -- ------ _ I PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASFS • RFTAIN TRIC CTI IR rnl? TAY DI IDDlIfFf m nI IDI ll- ATEC %A,n I kl�T Dv clink LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT `V YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 199.34 43.85 .40 583.67 72.96 r, AMD.Y" WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. OWNEA NO. NET AM uNT 72.96 .09 69 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67102 14360 D O v s m ?r O m W o a - p D m Z D m N W N r y p w Z D 4.rL•99 O d Z 69 .aA 0 ,.rJnowv N ON 33"o C w m Zi•04 S£'Z8i OOOOSZi•0 y 1SR31NI MnOA 1NnOWV 13N v s m ?r O m W o a - p D m Z D m N W N r y p w Z D 4.rL•99 09£41 ZOZL9SVSNVH'VLIHDI M • •auk )IO2J� JBB�� 'N39WnN S3NMO snoA (INV s39WnN 3SV31 Ol M3JM ONIIISM N3HM 69 .aA ,.rJnowv N ON 33"o 4L•99 Z6•££S 9£• Zi•04 S£'Z8i OOOOSZi•0 5i8 1SR31NI MnOA 1NnOWV 13N SIV10 13101 150H `JNiso:)tl`..1 513I'Vioi3N SSVS 1S3M31 a ItlW1�3' 30( 3a( o3HSINsnd 39lON IIIM S31VDIldnG • S3SOdsnd XVI 8Ud H[us blHI INw1Ca • SJSVHJa d >v� G�,UFNv _ --••-••-- 1N3WAVd 80d ONIIN3S38d 3HOd39 HDV130 3SV31d O CL (I7 00 n c 3 e C CL 6a i m 0 c a a n 3 CL c 3 co 3 30 T O 1 T I C) Z (DO Z iYd v p n M N A b H m D a a — �yr� a D UA ------------PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHE[ LEASE DECIMAL TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST COST TAXES CODE INTEREST NET BARRELS $26.20 103.28 5815 0.1250000 282.17 62.08 .56 1. 07 1 69J WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 1 103.28 ' ____ I PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR CAS PIIRCHASFS • RFTAIN TRIC CTI IR [nu TAY of Innnccc LEASE CODE Q TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST -4, NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 Z 158.70 34.91 .32 471.02 58.87 a J a V1 Z E 69 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 58.87 WnQ I^ y , Y y W O Z 1 O N C W 0 C m U r t IL N u m Lr) Z p d° Z d O u C -0w w o d o Z C m G Z Q Q ' ____ I PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR CAS PIIRCHASFS • RFTAIN TRIC CTI IR [nu TAY of Innnccc LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 158.70 34.91 .32 471.02 58.87 NO a WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. owNaa No. naris UWT Gb 69 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 58.87 I a z r J '" a a z cc N o m LL d o z J C i tn C I U 0 E a° d C rV\ E (M o` Co a 6 m v � 0O C N 7 > Zao� I I I a� r PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE DECIMAL TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST CODE INTEREST NET BARRELS COST TAXES Ali 5815 10.1250000 1 201.75 1 44.39 1 .401 582.65 1 72.84 r WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 05 69 Clear Creek, Inc. WLcNnn. KANSAS 67202 14360 72.84 a m u `0 Ii 0 u u L' ^^ ^ PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT .17 lwl TUIC GTI In CnD TAY PI IPPCICFS . nIIPI ICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED JI AIt:mrNI Ur ♦.rtwL vI1=- LEASE DECIMAL - TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST CODE INTEREST NET BARRELS COST TAXES 5815 0.1250000 391.18 86.06 .78 11145.38 143.17 YR Mo.WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER Inc. • WICHITA. AND YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 NUMBER. OWNER NO. 14360 N M NT 143.17 na ao `0 Ln Ln m PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT _ __.. ___ r„, ter, �r.o Tev Di 1DDncGc . 111 IPI IC'ATFS WILL NOT BE FURNISHED STATEMENT Z UAb rUK:nnxa - KL1^ . , I - -- LEASE DECIMAL I TOTAL GATHERING t NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST CODE INTEREST WQ COST 77.48 Z 1.031.19 128.90 5815 0.1250000 352.18 J LL o W OZ J AND YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 NUMBER. OWNER NO. 14360 N AMOUNT 128.90 C 69 IL V `0 Ln Ln m PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT _ __.. ___ r„, ter, �r.o Tev Di 1DDncGc . 111 IPI IC'ATFS WILL NOT BE FURNISHED STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL ANL)/UK UAb rUK:nnxa - KL1^ . , I - -- LEASE DECIMAL I TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST CODE INTEREST NET BARRELS COST 77.48 1.031.19 128.90 5815 0.1250000 352.18 .70 AO YR. WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER In C. • WICHITA, AND YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 NUMBER. OWNER NO. 14360 N AMOUNT 128.90 03 69 PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT __ m 1n�UACCC - OCTAIM TUIC fTI IR rni? TAX PIIRPo eFS . DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED JI A I tMENI a y �+ LEASE O N GATHERING 'm m NET AMOUNT O m n 0 0_ COST TAXES � D 5815 0.1250000 m yc .31 433.46 Eli . r MOO"mi WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER Inc. • WICNnA, AND YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 o.' HO. 14360 Z 54.18 02 69 D F-• v W a, u Lric PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT __ m 1n�UACCC - OCTAIM TUIC fTI IR rni? TAX PIIRPo eFS . DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED JI A I tMENI OF I.RUUC v!L LEASE O N GATHERING 'm m NET AMOUNT Z > O -n m v COST TAXES � D 5815 0.1250000 m �ND .31 433.46 Eli . r MOO"mi WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER Inc. • WICNnA, AND YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 rt HO. 14360 Z 54.18 02 69 D PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT __ m 1n�UACCC - OCTAIM TUIC fTI IR rni? TAX PIIRPo eFS . DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED JI A I tMENI OF I.RUUC v!L LEASE DECIMAL TOTAL GATHERING TOTAL NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST CODE INTEREST NEr BARRELS COST TAXES 5815 0.1250000 153.82 33.84 .31 433.46 54.18 r MOO"mi WHEN WRITING REFER Clear Creek, TO LEASE NUMBER Inc. • WICNnA, AND YOUR OWNER KANSAS 67202 NUMBER. HO. 14360 NEf AMOUNT 54.18 02 69 r LL d o Oz J C cc V 1-Zw1I PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT _(TATFMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 197.27 43.40 .39 477.00 59.63 AOR' WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAs 67202 Ov ER HO. NET M NT •01 69 14360 59.63 in O c 3 c 0 T 09Et l ZOLL9 sysNvH •vilHDIM • .Jul Iaaj:) jealJ 'M39Wf1N M3NMO dno), (INV M39wnN 3SV31 Ol M3A3M `JNIIIMM N3HM 89 n 1Nno AN O b1'L9 v o r z 91'£4 L1*961 OOOOSZT'0 rn D m , S3Xtl1 1tl101 150 `JNItl3Hltl`J s... tl813N 1tl101 1SHRNI 1tlW030 471'L9 09Et l ZOLL9 sysNvH •vilHDIM • .Jul Iaaj:) jealJ 'M39Wf1N M3NMO dno), (INV M39wnN 3SV31 Ol M3A3M `JNIIIMM N3HM 89 n 1Nno AN ON13NMO b1'L9 ll*LEG 6£• 91'£4 L1*961 OOOOSZT'0 918S MM31N1 snok 1Nnowv 13N S3Xtl1 1tl101 150 `JNItl3Hltl`J s... tl813N 1tl101 1SHRNI 1tlW030 300D 3SY31 - 03HSINsni 39 ION IIIM S31VDI1df1(i • S3SOdsnd XVI MOA 9f11S SIH1 NIV13M • S3SVHDsnd SVO MO/4NV 110 30m AO 1N3W31V1S 1N3WAVd MOA ONUNMU 3SOA39 H:)V130 3SV31d A o, L1. 0 v C 1M 0—) m r..� v d o Z PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST ' TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES J ad N E V w K QZ L Y a N 385.37 LL d o w LEA O z V C A o, L1. 0 v C 1M 0—) m r..� v d o Z PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST ' TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 140.75 30.97 .28 385.37 48.17 11 R 68 WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. Clear Creek, Inc. WICH17A. KANSAS 67202 OWNER NO. NET AMOUNT 1 14360 48.17 f Q RE C GATHERING COST V NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST Z 0.1250000 150.40 o (� 417.81 Qi a° o a. t C9 !/) � c > > 0 m c 0 Z Z n ? Q m o: Z N C PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT 10, STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL L� • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LL LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST RE C GATHERING COST V NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 150.40 o N 417.81 52.22 a° o a. r --I Z -° O Z a° t-1 m m > > 0 m c -01 O m Z Q o ? Q m o: Z H �u"r PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT 10, STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL AND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX PURPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL .NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 150.40 33.09 .30 417.81 52.22 e YR. WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. °`""e""°. H �u"r 10, 68 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA. KANSAS 67202 14360 52.22 1 I Q O GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT Z LL 0.1250000 320.83 a J a 111.40 W N E it V) Y a Cp-"I d WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 0 NER No. LL d o rL W O Z V d Z � C C IL V 49 t C- a ' E i Z STATEMENT OF CRUDE OIL o 1 I DECIMAL INTEREST O GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST LL 0.1250000 320.83 70.58 .64 891.27 111.40 d E Cp-"I ,.a.. ra. WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 0 NER No. a° rL Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 111.40 d r I d PLEASE DETACH BEFORE PRESENTING FOR P SND/OR GAS PURCHASES • RETAIN THIS STUB FOR TAX P I 00 ti 0 m � d 0 co 0 Z I 4YMENT JRPOSES • DUPLICATES WILL NOT BE FURNISHED LEASE CODE DECIMAL INTEREST TOTAL NET BARRELS GATHERING COST TOTAL TAXES NET AMOUNT YOUR INTEREST 5815 0.1250000 320.83 70.58 .64 891.27 111.40 Cp-"I ,.a.. ra. WHEN WRITING REFER TO LEASE NUMBER AND YOUR OWNER NUMBER. 0 NER No. U -NT 09 68 Clear Creek, Inc. • WICHITA, KANSAS 67202 14360 111.40 'r c F� 209 TRANSFER ORDER Lease No. fiZ The Lease number will appear on all settlement checks and will be the only lease identification Lease Name dAIM shown. It is important that you retain and record this number and lease description in your records. M9iab a I 19_ To: CLEAR CREEK, INC. First National Bank Building Wichita, Kansas The undersigned this day sold the following interest in the proportion set out below, of oil produced from the Farm, described as That part at Trafte 1 rand 2 of Fanta 9ohdtv2A m or tho 'Phoeas WhLft Phrus Inua 0 In the 8/2 of Seo* ?'e Toe Me Sallaaa court 9e game. described as 4t the W/0 IW4 WA of =W Seee pe thetioa do 'SWPA 2540 fbet to the OVO of 6898 Tratst le theme dtte 13ast to the oemtetr of the &adly MU Iftwv Verm dolat said riv®r rh2U dM its nemAufto to a Sault sthlob Sa aWaidnaW7 2W that fast and 469 fix& South of the paa at berme therms Norw 4W fbfte aF or lesae to the a of the vaXISo road, u moa w3oberly to tie poka of bsgln dmilp (93 4w9 , Twp. 94 South Range 2 ibet SallnO County, State of Bnsr�ass lAna"EST if.12M o NO TO WHOM TRANSFERRED 9ft Cr s 6 POST OFFICE ADDRESS 9 a 4 4 5 5 S 6 You will therefore give credit for oil received from said interest as above, beginning at 7:00 o'clock A.M., on 18t day of 10tr08r9 , 19-9— WITNESS: SIG TRE OF SETIER: E ' \�1.11-1 1 The undersigned, and each of them, guarantee and warrant that they are the legal owners, in the proportions set out above, of all the oil produced from the above described property; and commencing as of the hour and day above mentioned and until further notice, pursuant to the terms of the covenants on the reverse hereof, you are authorized to receive oil therefrom, purchase it and give credit therefor in compliance with the terms hereof and the covenants set out on the revere hereof. The covenants and representations set out on the reverse hereof are also a part of this transfer order and shall be binding on the undersigned, their successors, legal representatives and assigns. IGNATURE OF BUYER: BE SURE YOU SHOW YOUR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESS 4 - PRINT OR TYPE—DO NOT ABBREVIATE CONTINUED ON OTNER 8108 The following covenants are parts of this division order and shall be binding on the undersigned, their successors, legal representa- tives, and aasigm: - FIRST: The oil received and purchased hereunder shall become your property as soon as the same is received into your custody or that of any carrier designated by you. You agree to pay, ar herein provided for all oil received and purchased hereander to the respective owners according to the division of interest herein specified. SECOND: You shall correct the volume to a temperature of sixty degrees (60°) Fahrenheit and you shall deduct from such cor- rected volume the full percentage of basic sediment, water and other impurities as shown by your test. You are to receive merchantable oil only under the terms of this division order. THIRD: The oil received and purchased hereunder shall be delivered f.o.b. to any carrier designated by you which gathers and receives said oil, and you agree to pay for all such oil at the price posted by Mobil Oil Company in the area for oil of like grade and gravity less five cents per barrel as a gathering charge, and further you are authorized to deduct from inch price any trucking charges and pay the same to the carrier. FOURTH: Settlements and payments shall be made monthly for oil received and purchased during the preceding month, by check mailed from Wichita, lianas,, to the respective parties at the addresses above given, for the amount of such purchase price due said parties respectively, less any taxes required by law to be deducted and paid by you as purchaser. The payment due any party may be withheld until such time as the check will total in excess of five dollars. FIFTH: Satisfactory abstracts or other evidence of title will be furnished you at any time on demand. In the event of failure to furnish inch evidence of title, or in the event of any dispute or question at any time concerting the title to said land and/or the oil produced therefrom, you are authorized to withhold the proceeds of all oil received and run, without interest, until such dispute, defect, or question of title is corrected or removed to your satisfaction, or until indemni satisfactory to You has been furnished; and. in the, event any action or suit is filed in any court affecting the title to the land above described or the od produced therefrom, to whch any of the undersigned is a party, written notice of the filing of such suit or action shall be immediately furnished you by the undersigned, stating the court in which the same is filed and the title of such suit or action. You will not he responsible for any change of ownership in the absence of actual notice and satisfactory proof thereof. You are hereby relieved of any responsibility for determining when any monev or other navments. savable from am, interest herein act forth. has been satisfied or discharged and the undersi¢ned. whose in - SIXTH: This transfer order shall become valid and binding on each and every owner above named as soon as signed by him or her, regardless of whether or not any of the other above named owners have so signed. The purchase of oil hereunder may be terminated by either you or us at any time. SEVENTH: Working Interest Owners and/or Operators, and each of them, by signature to this transfer order, certify, guarantee and warrant, for your+benefit and that of any pipeline or other carrier designated by you to run or transport said oil, that all oil tendered hereunder has been and shall be produced in accordance with applicable laws and official rules and regulations and in compliance with all the requirements of Sections 6, 7 and 12 of the Far Labor Standard Act of 1988 as amended and all regulations and orders of the United States Department of Labor issued under Section 14 thereof. WAIVER AND RELEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the undersigned, being all of the owners of the Lessee's interest under that certain oil and gas lease dated the 18th day of November, 1961, entered into by and between Putnam Sand and Building Co., Inc., Salina, Kansas, Party of the first part, therein called the Lessor, and Don McKellar Oil Explora- tions, Salina, Kansas, Party of the second part, therein called the Lessee, covering the following described real estate situated in Saline County, Kansas, to wit: A tract of land in the South One-half (S 1/2) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Saline County, Kansas, comprising all of Tract 1 and a part of Tract 2 of the amended plat of the farm subdivision to the Thomas White farm, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, thence due south Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty (2,640) feet, thence due east Five Hundred Seventy (570) feet to the center of the Smoky Hill River, thence down said river following its mean- derings to a point which is approximately One Thousand One Hundred Fifty Seven (1,157) feet east and Four Hundred Eighty Four (484) feet south of the point of beginning, thence north Four Hundred Ten (410) feet, more or less, to the center of the public road, thence westerly along said public road to the point of begin- ning and containing 93 acres more or less; said lease being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county in Oil and Gas Book 23, Pages 481-483; and WHEREAS, said lease has been extended beyond its primary term by virtue of the completion of an oil and gas well on the premises on or about the 4th day of March, 1962, which oil and gas well is a producing well in paying quantities, all as shown by that "Affidavit of Development Extending Lease Beyond Primary Term" which was filed for record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Saline County, Kansas, on May 1, 1962, in Volume 24 of Oil and Gas, Pages 230-231; and, WHEREAS, the City of Salina, Kansas, a municipal corporation, has requested that the undersigned waive and release their rights under the above mentioned lease to drill any additional wells on the above described premises. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations paid to the undersigned by r the City of Salina, Kansas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned do by these presents hereby waive and release all their rights to drill any addi- tional oil and/or gas w6lls on the above described premises under that certain oil and gas lease dated 18th day of November, 1961, entered into by and between Putnam Sand and Building Co., Inc. Salina, Kansas, as Lessor, and Don McKellar Oil Exploration, Salina, Kansas, as Lessor, and which said lease appears of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Saline County, Kansas, in Oil and Gas Book 23 at Pages 481-483. This waiver and release shall not in any manner effect the rights of the undersigned as to the oil and/or gas wells now located on the above premises. This waiver and release shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, successors and assigns of the respective parties to this agreement. Dated this _Ird day of June, 1966. ATTEST: Secretary Na 1 Leasi S z�� ar ar res. ,II L. W. ,exroa ou e . Leonard U ass Morrison Grain 8 Storage Co., Inc. By.�.�-�+ To: The Board of Commissioners City of Salina, Kansas The undersigned, the operator of the working interest under that certain oil and gas lease dated the 18th day of November, 1961, entered into by and between PUTNA]M SAND AND BUILDING COMPANY, INC., as Lessor, and DON MCKELLAR OIL EXPLORATIONS, as Lessee, covering the following described land in the County of Salina, State.of Kansas, to wit: A tract of land in the South One -Half (S 1/2) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Saline County, Kansas, comprising all of Tract One (1) and a part of Tract Two (2), of the amended plat of the farm subdivi- sion to the Thomas White farm, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14), South, Range Two (2), West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, thence due south Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty (2,640) Feet, thence due East Five Iiun:ired Seventy (570) feet to the center of the Smoky Hill River, thence down said river following its meanderings to a point which is ap- proximately One Thousand One Hundred Fifty Seven (1,157) feet East and Four Hundred Eighty Four (484) Feet South of the point of beginning, thence North Four Hundred Ten (410) feet, more or less, to the center of the public road, thence Westerly along said public road to the point of beginning and containing, 93 acres more or less. said lease being recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county in Oil and Gas Book 23, Page 481-483, here- by acknowledges that the area presently being used and occupied for well sites, lease roads, tank batteries and other purposes connected with the oil production on the above described premises are adee_uate for the operation of the above leasehold and that no additional area will be required, needed or used in the future for such purposes. June, Dated this 3rd day of bicep, 1966. WAIVER AND RELEASE KNOW ALL MEP! BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the undersigned, being all of the owners of the Lessee's interest under that certain oil and gas lease dated the 18th day of November, 1961, entered into by and between Putnam Sand and Building Co., Inc., Salina, Kansas, Party of the first part, therein called the Lessor, and Don McKellar Oil Explora- tions, Salina, Kansas, Party of the second part, therein called the Lessee, covering the following described real estate situated in Saline County, Kansas, to wit: A tract of land in the South One-half (S 1/2) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Saline County, Kansas, comprising all of Tract 1 and a part of Tract 2 of the amended plat of the farm subdivision to the Thomas White farm, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, thence due south Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty (2,640) feet, thence due east Five Hundred Seventy (570) feet to the center of the Smoky Hill River, thence down said river following its mean- derings to a point which is approximately One Thousand One Hundred Fifty Seven (1,157) feet east and Four Hundred Eighty Four (484) feet south of the point of beginning, thence north Four hundred Ten (410) feet, more or less, to the center of the public road, thence westerly along said public road to the point of begin- ning and containing 93 acres more or less; said lease being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county in Oil and Gas Book 23, Pages 481-483; and WHEREAS, said lease has been extended -beyond its primary term by virtue of the completion of an oil and gas well on the premises on or about the 4th day of ;March, 1962, which oil and gas well is a producing well in paying quantities, all as shown by that "Affidavit of Development Extending Lease Beyond Primary Term" which was filed for record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Saline County, Kansas, on May 1, 1962, in Volume 24 of Oil and Gas, Pages 230-231; and, WHEREAS, the City of Salina, Kansas, a municipal corporation, has requested that the undersigned waive and release their rights under the above mentioned lease to drill any additional wells on the above described premises. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations paid to the undersigned by the City of Salina, Kansas, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned do by these presents hereby waive and release all their rights to drill any addi- tional oil and/or gas wells on the above described premises under that certain oil and gas lease dated 18th day of November, 1961, entered into by and between Putnam Sand and Building Co., Inc. Salina, Kansas, as Lessor, and Don McKellar Oil Exploration, Salina, Kansas, as Lessor, and which said lease appears of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Saline County, Kansas, in Oil and Gas Book 23 at Pages 481-483. This waiver and release shall not in any manner effect the rights of the undersigned as to the oil and/or gas wells now located on the above premi$es. This waiver and release shall be binding, upon the heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, successors and assigns of the respective parties to this agreement. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1966. ATTEST: Secretary exroa E. Melva Brown Robert E. Yoder C, Leonard C assen C. Fred Ice ary C. Jarvis John Stucky Morrison Grain 8 Storage Co., Inc. By Bell Investment Co. By IT Morris K. Be David E. Bel Edward H. Bel U. S. Weary o n Eandes Gage Rich et away Byron Hough Melvin vin uss Jay Rexroa I P cLLa o <Sa Baa FIFTH AND ASH STREETS BOX TIS F/ V SALINA, KANSAS IFMUI L.O.LD BT SONRONATA CITY ATTORNEY OFFICE RAYMOND HAGGART January 17, 1967 -}ve Re€i3ter-y Aero�n Gnome Oil Pua-lehes-ing D+v±sron Mo Dx ereen Re: Jarvis Oil and Gas Lease Located in the W 1/2 of Section 7, Township 14, Range 2, Saline County, Kansas Gentlemen: This letter is to advise you that the City of Salina, Kansas, has purchased from Mary Jarvis approximately one hundred acres located in the West One-half (W 1/2) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West in Saline County, Kansas. I am enclosing herewith a copy of the deed as recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Saline County, Kansas. Our agreement with Mrs. Jarvis is that the City of Salina, Kansas, will receive the oil royalties for all oil produced from the premises on and after January 1, 1967. We would appreciate if you would forward to us an appropriate division order to be executed by the City of Salina, Kansas, covering the oil royalties on this property. Waiting to hear from you in this regards, I am. IOB:sal cc: City Manager Very truly yours, Z. - L. ..,L. 0. Bengtson City Attorney RECEIVED JAN 18 196: MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 0 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this /0 Ig day of January, 1967, be- tween MARY C. JARVIS, a single person, of Saline County, in the State of Kansas, of the first part, and the CITY OF SALINA, a municipal corporation, duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of .the State of Kansas, of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, all of the following described real estate, situated in the County of Saline, State of Kansas, to wit: A tract of land located in the West Half (W 1/2) of Section Seven (7), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Saline County, Kansas, more accurately described as follows: Tract 1: Beginning at a point which is one thousand one hundred ninety nine and three one -hundredths feet (1199. 031) east and fifteen feet (151) South of the West quarter corner of Section Seven (7) Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian to a point which is twenty feet (20') North of the South right-of-way line of North Street; thence South twenty feet (201) to the South right-of-way line of North Street; thence South a distance of seven hund- red thirty-six and twenty-five one -hundredths feet (736.251); thence West a distance of ten feet (101); thence South l degree 51 minutes west 475.0 feet; thence South 52 degrees 06 minutes west 100.0 feet; thence South 29 degrees 36 minutes west 65.0 feet; thence South 8 degrees 24 minutes east 200 feet; thence South 69 degrees 24 minutes east 50 feet; thence South 1 degree 51 minutes west 1054.4 feet to center line of Smoky Hill River; thence down the river in a northeast- erly direction following its meandering centerline to a point which is approximately four hundred and thirty feet (4301) South of the centerline of North Street; thence North a distance of four hundred and thirty feet (4301) to the centerline of North Street; thence sight- ing back and turning a clockwise angle of 92 degrees 39 minutes 05 seconds and proceeding along the centerline of North Street a distance of seven hundred eighty-two and sixteen one -hundredths feet (782.161); thence sight- ing back and turning a clockwise angle of 177 degrees 04 minutes 38 seconds and proceeding along the centerline of North Street a distance of three hundred forty-nine and twenty-five one -hundredths feet (349.251) to the point of beginning, all in Saline County, Kansas, and containing ninety-eight and two tenths (98.2) acres more or less. Tract 2: Commencing at the West Sectionline of Section Eighteen (18) Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in line with the North right -df -way line along Iron Avenue; thence in an Easterly direction along said right-of-way line a distance of one thousand one hundred forty-nine and ninety-three one -hundredths feet (1149.931) to the point of beginning; and commencing at the point of be- ginning and sighting forward along, said Iron Avenue right-of-way line and turning a counter -clockwise angle of 90 degrees 38 minutes 38 seconds and proceeding north- erly along the line formed thereby, which is the west property line of tract being described, a distance of approximately one hundred forty feet (1401) to the center- line of Smoky Hill River; thence in a Southeasterly direction along, the centerline of said river for approx- imately eighty feet (80'); thence in a Southerly dir- ection along a line seventy-five feet (751) East and parallel to the previously described west property line a distance of approximately one hundred fifteen feet (115'); thence sighting back along said line and turning a counterclockwise angle of 89 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds and proceeding Westerly along the line formed thereby, which is the North right-of-way line of Iron Avenue, a distance of seventy-five feet (751) to the point of beginning; said parcel of land containing approximately twenty-two one -hundredths (0.22) acres. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, heridataments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining forever. And the said Mary C. Jarvis, for herself, her heirs, execu- tors and administrators, does hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part that at the delivery of these presents she is lawfully seized in her own right of an absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance, in fee simple, of and in all and singular the above granted and described prem- ises, with the appurtenances; that the same are free, clear and discharged and unincumbered of and from all former and other grants, titles, charges, estates, judgments, taxes, assessments and incumbrances of what nature or kind soever, except easements and restrictions of record and the oil and gas leases recorded in Book 24 of 0 8 G, 301-03 and Book 23 of 0 8 G, 481-84, and that she will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the same unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against the said party of the first part, her heirs, and all and every person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has here- unto set her hand the day and year first above writteq-,, Mary -C. STATE OF KANSAS, SALINE COUNTY, ss: - BE IT REMEMBERED that on this��zo, day of January, 1969, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, came Mary C. Jarvis, a single person, who is personally known to me to be the same person who executed the within instrument of writing and such person duly acknowledged the execution of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: Notary Public