e. crawford bridge -< Z li::J iii-< lrlV) '" ~ 0 ~ ~ Z :$ 0 ~ ~ w ~ U ':' 0' c ~ ~ Z t <(.0 >< 2- o ~ .4 ~ , v-.. ..... I! E ... ~ ~ ~ Q -PI Vl r- >- <0 C> ........ I ::r- ~ o ... 1: ". ~ ,f !Z 1 ~ l "60 ( ~ ~ ~ - " E &. " Q ~ o ~ :> ... o z 1: :> o II <( >- '" ... " > ~ " '" 00 r- oo "'" . c::t :z: STATE OF KANSAS Department of Administration D,j'o'ision of Accounts and Reports .-1'DA-r2~ (Rev. 10-80) VOUCHER AUCINIlEIfT 120 4-7-82 =: 1 ~ Warrant No. /1J/1 j?y~/ 02983 ~~"NCe ..... AIIOUHf ~. 276 _USE KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAIL VOUCHER TO W. E. KUlNETT. ACCOUlrrInG AAtlAGER ~1ANAGEMEllT SERVICES-FISC.MGT.DEPT. STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KArlSAS 66612 """'110. .... ........Y. FUIIO ... ......ACer. ...... IOCr. oeJ. 00 4200 710 10,047.56 9900 0000 2 50 UPDA.. ADIlRIllS VENDOR INFORMATION TOTAL --+ 10.047.56 ,,,XI.FEIN "-VIN ID2-SSAN T.nID NO. AU USE ONLY State Agency or DivisioD NAME CITY OF SAlIM STREET CITY. ST.. ZIP SAlINA, ~. 6740.1 Date Quantity Unit Description ectNo.85BRM in excess 0 ProJec 16 (4)/U 634-Q1 Reimbursement of Monies depos1 Cost. TOTAL FEDERAL 190~7~f.a'1. 811.996.89 . 1.002.758.76 002.207.01 Co st. En r Co t of Co t. Engr No Part. It To 1 ProJ t Cost La s City posit Re inage e City 84..970.50 101.44 1.087.830.70 67.976.40 -0- 870,183.41 , ~ ,-~ UnitPrk'C Amount Audited: AC;?)r4.i1/ ~//./ Dept. Head-Dist~ ~gr. Total This Voucher $ 10.047.56 Approved: State Transportation Controller Coded: I do hereby certify that the above bill is just, correct, and remains due and unpaid, and that the amount claimed therein is actually due ac- cording to law. ( Sign here) I do hereby certify that the within was eontracted for the State, under authority of law, and that the amount therein claimed is corrcct according- to such contract and is unpaid. (Finn Name) By Secretary Date Date 19_ 19_ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER D.O.T. FORU No. 424 ",<: ~ , Project - ID ~ Organization ~ ~ ~ .. .. .. J Route Co. g i: a ~ D,A. D.O,T. 1 D.O.T. CIaaa No. s.e. ,.... ~ .. " Object Amount Dept. Serial No. No. No t ~ " Acct. Acct. No. Dlst. Are. Jwls No. Stale < No. 2 04 2 O! 27 50 !l900 1ss19 -10.01 0.044 56 . 70 '''J ~ rl t'l 'It . - -, " '] -, ." ..... . '" " I; u.y ~ , ), JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor December 18, 1981 ~ G\ TR4J/1J; .;:;,,,.'""'~ '::::i \:::c> Q:::i _+_ \~ <:( I ,I p- \. . ~_.. ., ....,';:::! ~""_ .1 s::, c::> "'-.,," ~ . ,f4~\~S . J ": .;..... KANSAS DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING-TOPEKA. KANSAS 66612 Project No. 85 BRM 4816 (4) 85 U-0634-01 City of Salina Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: Attached you will find a preliminary statement of final cost for im- provements at the intersection of Crawford Street and Ohio Street, East to the East City Limits, including widening and reconstruction of the bridge over the Smokey Hill River. This statement is subject~!o;revision and should not be construed as being the final project cost~. A statement of final cost will be prepared at the appropriate time, however, this statement may assist you in your financial planning. Yours very truly, W.E. Kinnett Controller ~ /") ~~~w:~ B . Davld G. sm~ . Chief Accountant-Federal Aid DGS:DL:caf cc: F.J. Reid, Urban Hihgways File ...\ t' KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF FINAL COST PROJECT NO. 85 BRM 4816 (4) U634-01 o TOTAL FEDERAL CITY Roadway: Cost of Grading 190,761. 87 Cost of Bridge 811,996.89 1,002,758.76 802,207.01 200,551. 75 Cons t. Engr. Cost of Canst. Engr. 84,918.21 67,934.57 16;983.64 Non-Part. Cost 101. 44 -0- 101. 44 1,087,778.41 870,141. 58 217,636.83 Total City Liability Less City Deposit 217,636.83 227,694.85 10,058.02 !:/ ~~y ~ . / .I C1 TY OF SALI NA REQUEST FOR COMMI SS I ON ACTION Qill. 12/3/79 llliS 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: NO. Administration ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Engineering I APPROVED FOR AGENDA: BY: Dean Boyer By:4~dl. I ITEM NO. G Discussion of bike paths on East Crawford: Attached is a report giving cost estimates and related data for three options to provide bicycle lanes on East Crawford. The bottom line is the City of Salina will have to pay 100% of the cost for anything done in addition to the plan which has been submitted to the State Department of Transportation and approved by them providing for a 5' sidewalk on the North side of Crawford. SU~~RY - Sidewalks could be provided by one of three alternatives: A. Widen and present 5 foot sidewalk on the north side of the street to 8 feet; cost $90,000. B. Provide, build, and construct 5 foot walk on the south side of the bridge, in addition to the 5 foot walk on the north side of the street; cost $190,000. C. Provide 5 foot bicycle lanes on both sides of the street within the roadway; cost $373,000. It appears that funding from either the federal or state funds for highway purposes is very unlikely. An estimated 3 year delay would be involved to receive the Heritage Conservat1on and Rec- reation funds. RLN I MOTION BY I , : TO: I SECOND BY I I I I i I I I COMMISSION ACTION I. November 29, 1979 TO: Rufus L. Nye, City Manager FROM: Dean Boyer, City Engineer SUBJECT: East Crawford Street and Bridge Design - After consideration of several design projects to improve East Crawford Street, ranging from repaving the asphalt portion with a new two lane street to a four lane street separated with a sixteen foot (16') median, it was decided the most economical plan that would provide for four lanes of traffic is that design reflected in the present plans for improvement. This plan (Plan nAn) consists of four 12-foot travel lanes with curb and gutter with an enclosed storm drainage system on both sides. A sidewalk was added on the north side of the street to allow pedestrian access to and from lower Indian Rock Park. No sidewalk was added to the south side of Crawford Street because of the minimal access from private property to Crawford Street from the south side. This improvement as presently designed will require the acquisition of additional right-of-way at both ends of the project and on the south side between the bridge and the cemetery. This plan (Plan nAn) was developed with the cooperation of the Kansas Department of Transportation with the primary goal to provide for safe and efficient transportation and improved public services, providing these factors do not compromise the best overall public interest. The decisions on the basic project concepts or design details were weighed against the environmental, economic and social effects and the cost of eliminating such effects. Following the determination and approval of these basic design concepts, a public hearing was held September 12, 1979, to receive public input for consideration prior to final design approval. At the public hearing, at which there were 35 people in attendance, the only major concern was voiced by three speakers. Their names were Steve Ascher, Judy Edmonds and Violet Justus. These three people said separate bicycle lanes should be provided for in this design. At the end of the hearing, the Kansas Department of Transportation informed us they did not participate in funding bicycle paths. Their rationale being they did not have sufficient funds to provide needed street improvements for automobiles and trucks and felt their funds should be concentrated in this area of greatest need before they would fund added facilities for a lesser demand; namely, bicycles and jogging. At the close of the hearing, I announced we would receive written comments from anyone desiring to ask questions or make a statement. As a result of this, eight letters were received in support of construction of bicycle lanes from Ohio Street to Marymount Road. A letter was received from the League of Voters, written by Ruth Ascher; one from the Mayor's Bicycle Committee, by Ivy Marsh; one from Kansas Engineering Society; and several letters written by the members of the bicycle committee. 1- Rufus L. Nye, City Manager Page 2 November 29, 1979 In discussing these requests with the Kansas Department of Trans- portation, which is the agent authorized to set the priorities for the disbursement of federal aid urban funds, we have been informed that due to the critical shortage of transportation funds they would participate in sidewalks only where the need is shown or when an existing facility is being replaced. They would not participate in providing bicycle paths or lanes. We have been aware that the Federal Highway Adminis- tration will authorize the funds to be used for street, sidewalk, bicycle lane, or jogging path construction. However, this is their overall general law setting forth all the facilities for which the federal funds may be used. The Federal Highway Administration then turns the money over to the state and allows the state to set their own priorities. The Heritage Conservation and Recreation funds have been available for sometime for the construction of bicycle and jogging paths primarily in conjunction with park and recreation facilities. I think the use of Heritage Conservation and Recreation funds could be justified on this project as it is a means of transportation service to lower Indian Rock Park. However, the City of Salina has three applications submitted to this agency for funds at the present time. These being the applications required for the cleanup of the old river channel and the development of a linear park system along the channel. This system would include jogging and bike paths within the project. We have been informed by the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority which is the local agency handling the applications for money from the Lane and Water Conservation fund, administered by the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, due to their limited funds they will consider only one application in anyone year for one governmental unit. Our first application, being for land acquisition, is presently on the table and being considered for funding. An additional application to this agency would be delayed three years to receive consideration unless we withdrew the applications we presently have on file. We have considered the alternate of widening the five foot sidewalk section on the north side of Crawford Street to an eight foot sidewalk section (Plan "C"). We estimate this cost to be an additional $90,000.00 to the City of Salina. This proposal would provide extra width to the sidewalk for the possibility of combining pedestrian and bicycle traffic. on the same path. This would provide only limited safety, as both bicycle and pedestrians would be limited to single file movemen~ which is not normal for either bicycles or pedestrians when traveling in paths or sma 11 groups. Another- alternate was to add one 5-foot pedestrian walk on the south side of the project (Plan "0"). The cost of this proposal has been estimated to be $197,000.00 for the City. With uncontrolled traffic at the park entrance, it would be more dangerous to bring people to this entrance by a sidewalk on the south side and then have them cross Crawford Street there rather than to have them cross Crawford Street at either Marymount Road or Ohio Street to a sidewalk on the north side. The Kansas Department of Transportation does not agree to participate in funding of this alternate unless it was resub- mitted to the Federal Highway Administration for their approval. Rufus L. Nye, City Manager Page 3 November 29, 1979 Another alternate proposed was to pave the shoulder and modify the storm drainage system on the south side thus using the paved shoulder for a bicycle lane. We would have several physical problems with this type of lane and the cost to the city would exceed that of adding the five foot sidewalk as proposed in the above paragraph. To pave the shoulder and modify the storm drainage system would dictate the design of a rural section of roadway and added ditch. This would require considerable amount of added right-of-way. The shoulder lane would have to be separated from the roadway lanes near the bridge due to guardrail requirements for the bridge traffic. To have a portion of shoulder paved and still use an enclosed storm drainage system would require grated inlets adjacent to the paved shoulder with large openings that could be hazardous to bicycle traffic. Another alternate proposed would (Plan "B") provide five foot bicycle lanes on both sides of Crawford Street within the roadway. Each lane would be one-way and allow the bicycle to move in the same direction as the vehicu- lar traffic and on the same side of the roadway. This proposal would cost an additional $373,000.00 to the City of Salina. The following are thoughts that should be considered in the decision to/not to construct bicycles lanes at this time: (a) Consider the priority for our transportation dollars. Should we be spending sizeable sums of money for bicycle transportation when we still have many serious needs to provide adequate streets for the automobile? (b) Bicycles have used the city streets for years throughout the rest of the city without major difficulty. Bicycles will be much safer on this full width street than on the other narrower streets in the city. (c) Traffic will not congest the new East Crawford Street for probably ten years. (d) Not constructing bicycle lanes not does not preclude constructing them in the future, if the demand is there. Respectfully submitted, ~tfrw De - Boy" ',dJ ril DB : MKP ENC: (9) ADDENDUM: R. Nye, 11/30/79 November 30, 1979 ADDENDUM SUBJECT: East Crawford Street and Bridge Design Dean Boyer Report, dated November 29, 1979 BY: Rufus L. Nye, City Manager SUMMARY - Sidewalks could be provided by one of three alternatives: A. Widen and present 5 foot sidewalk on the north side of the street to 8 feet, cost $90,000. B. Provide, build, and construct 5 foot walk on the south side of the bridge, in addition to the 5 foot walk on the north side of the street, cost $190,000. C. Provide 5 foot bicycle lanes on both sides of the street within the roadway, cost $373,000. It appears that funding from either the federal or state funds for highway purposes is very unlikely. An estimated 3 year delay would be involved to receive the Heritage Conservation and Rec- reation funds. . . . U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION REGION SEVEN 444 S.'E. Quincy Topeka, Kansas 66683 November 6, 1979 . IN RIlPL.Y RSP'.RTO. East Crawford Street Improvement City of Salina Saline County Mr. J. Neil Stevens, PK Chairman. Public Affairs CollllDittee 2216 Brooaood Lane Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Stevens: We offer the follow.ing in response to your October 26 letter con- cerning the East Crawford Street improvement in Salina. As you are aware the street and bridge projects in question are on the Federal-aid Urnan System. The street and bridge are under the jurisdiction of th.e City Board of CollllDissioners. Normally, a proposed Federal-aid Urban System imp"rovement is requested by the local officials of a City. In your case this request was sent to the State Highway agency Qa:lOT) on July 12, 1977. Recently the existing hridge over the Smoky Rill River was determined to be eligi5le for the Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation program. NoW it appears that .the construction "of the bridge will be let to liids ahead of the remaining street improvement. As mentioned in one of your attachments, the proposed projects were discussed with Robert Alva, our Urban and Secondary Roads Engineer on October 19, .1979. As Mr. Alva discussed with you, full consideration is to be given to safely accommodate pedes- trian and bicycle traffic on all Federal-aid projects. The con- struction of pedestrian facilities and bikeways may be approved as either incidental features of highway construction projects, separate safety projects or independent walkway or bikeway con- struction projects where all of the following conditions are satisfied: -more- , . .' .' -2- a. Th.e facility will not impair the safety ef the meterist, liicyclist ar pedestrian. , b. Th.e facility will farm a segment lacated and designed pursuant to. an overall plan. c. A public agency has farmally agreed to.: 0.> aperate and maintain the facility, and ~> ban all motarized vehicles ather than maintenance vehicles. SnOWUl)biles may be allo.wed where permitted by State ar lacal regulatians. d. The facility is to. either imprave the safety af the highway enviramoent ar have sufficient use to. justify its censtruc- tian and maintenance casts. At this time there are no. new funds available fer separate bikeway canstructian prajects. there is a Special Bicycle Pragram pravi- sian in the Surface Transpartatien Assistance Act af 1978. However, an appropriatians Dill has nat been passed by Cangress that wauld make these funds available far expenditure. Funding far pedestrian. facilities and bikeways related to. the urban raad improvement wauld have to. be frem existing Federal-aid Urban, ar Safety funds. Bridge replacement funds cauld participate in pedestrian and bikeway pravisians an the structure to. be replaced ar within the limits af. eligible bridge replacement items af wark. We certainly recommend that yau keep in cantact with the lacal afficials in Salina regarding yaur concems. We appreciate yaur interest in the highway program. Sinc&rely yaurs, Robert W. Morrissey Divisian Administratar United States Department of the Interior IN REPLY R lo;FER TO: 101-05 HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND RECREATION SERVICE MID-CONTINENT REGION DENVER, COLORADO 80225 MAILING ADORES& P~t Offi<< Box 25387 Omvv Federal em_ Denver. Colorado 80225 Nn\.' ... . 1979 J. Neil Stevens, PE Chairman, PubUc Affairs Committee 2216 Brookwood Lane Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Stevens: This responds to your letter of October 26, 1979, addressed to Robert Tucker, conceming funding possibilities for bike paths. The Heritage Conservation. and Recreation Service (HCRS) administers the Land and Water Conservation Fund (L&WCF) program. Briefly, the L&WCF provides matching grants to states and local units of government for the acquisition and/or development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. To be eligible for assistance, projects must be in accord with the Statewide CoIllprehensive OUtdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP); be sponsored by a public entity such as a city, county, recreation district, etc.; and, meet other state and Federal require- manta. Bike paths are normally eligible to receive L&WCF assistance provided the project sponsor has title to or adequate control and tenure of the area to be developed to provide reasonable assurance the area will not be converted to uses other than public outdoor recreation. Should such a conversion occur then the project sponsor must replace the recreation properties with additional land that has at least equal fair market value and of equivalent usefulness, quality, and location. In Kansas the Fund is administered through the Kansas Park and Resources Authori ty. Mr. Lynn Burris, Jr., is the Director of the Authority and his address is 503 Kansas Avenue, P.O. Box 977, Topeka, Kansas 66601, telephone (913) 296-2281. This agency has the responsibility for the initial determination as to the eligibility and priority rating of the projects to be submitted to this office for final approval. You may wish to contact Mr. Burris' office for further information regarding applications and. the state criteria that must be met in order to qualify for Fund assistance. Sincerely, J~~ ~vV Alan O'Neill vf . Assis~t Regi~nal Director Recreation Ass~stance cc: Mr. Lynn Burris, Jr. .f, October 12, 1979 TO: Rufus L. Nye,.City Manager FROM: Dean Boyer, City Engineer SUBJECT: East Crawford Street - Proposed Improvement Project The proposed plans for this project were completed and a public hearing was held on September 12, 1979. The only subject of concern brought forth at. this hearing was the lack of separate bicycle lanes. The- plans- have been revised for the purpose. of detennining the additional cost of the project to provide bicycle lanes, five. feet (5') wide, on both the north and south sides of Crawford Street from Ohio Street across the bridge to Marymount Road. We have- been infonned there will not be state or federal participating funds for the added cost of the bicycle lanes. Increase in cost estimates: TOTAL FEDERAL AID CITY SHARE PROPOSED BRIDGE WITH BICYCLE LANES . INCREASE TO ClTY FOR BICYCLE LANES PROPOSED ROADWAY WITH BICYCLE LANES INCREASE TO CITY FOR BICYCLE LANES TOTAL INCREASE IN PROJECT COSTS TO BE BORNE ENTIRELY BY CITY (INCREASE TO CITY FOR BICYCLE LANES): $: 741',000. t 597,600. $149,400.00 924,000. 591',600.. 327.400.00 (~ 17B.000.00) 2,040,000. 1,530,000. 510,000.00 2,235,000. 1,530,000. 705,000.00 (~ 195,000.00) $373,000.00 A decision on whether or not to add the bicycle. lanes must be made soon as we are presently looking forward to a construction letting for the bridge in January, 1980. This bridge will be funded from bridge replacement funds on an 80% federal and 20% local share. Federal Aid Urban funds on 75% federal and 25% local participation will . be available in January of 1981 for construction of roadway portion. This one year time. interval, between the bridge contract and the roadway- contract, will be beneficial to the total project in that it will allow us to maintain a traffic flow through the project during construction. Respectfully submitted, c ~~~JJ-", - DB:MKP ENC: (1) - . -.. 0.. <'Ii -.. ........ -.. "'i 0.. iil~ <'Ii ..... .... -NZ J! oN Z -~ -~ ... ... VI \oJ , Z ~ ..J .- \oJ g I- -\:I~ lJ.J oN~ ~ !.! lJ.J al .... 0:: -... i= J: I- :il td :il !:al en ~ ~: VI S z S z lil Z~ Q r.J Q ~ O..J \oJ ..J -a.. 0:: ai VI a.. o~ ~ u f2 0", III .. - ~.. ~ .... -\:I i Q ~ \:I~ a.. ... ..J. ~ 0:: ~ U ~; !l!. It " I! .... -. !l! :rf: -\:Ii \:I~ ..J ..J. .. in o ...., N "fil~ 0.. -.. . <'Ii 0\:1 - !It -.. ..", -", ~ 0.. ~ ... , . PLAN "C" Additional quantities required to widen the original five foot (5') sidewalk section on the north side of Crawford Street to an eight foot (8') sidewalk section. 1. COMMON EXCAVATION 500 C.Y. @ $ 2.50 $ 1,250.00 2. CO~1PACTED FILL 1,400 C.Y. @ 3.50 4,900.00 3. RETAINING WALLS 30 C.Y. @ 300.00 9,000.00 4. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 15,000 S.F. @ 2.00 30,000.00 5. BRIDGE 1 L.S. @ 36,400.00 36,400.00 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: $81,550.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY COSTS: 0.00 SUB TOTAL: ' $81,550.00 10% ENGINEERING & CONTINGENCIES: 8,150.00 TOTAL PROJECT: $89,700.00 Revised I .... z :3 U G:l o .... - 5 .... '!:!~ III - - , ili .", " .ii ,- it ! :: ..... .~ '., ~ In -.. ir - . -oil N , .... 'N Z -5 :: ..11 - ~- i - - t;j .N~ W 0:: -5 P t; }> c.j z Z a:i ct 0 ct ~ it 0:: ...J - c.j It 0- a:i -", .' ~ oil .... -N Z -:3 . . u -.if . - I " .... .. -N Z -5 ~ '.. IJ1 Iii .~ -oil lI; In '", ~ ~ PLAN "0" Additional quantities required to widen the south side of Crawford Street to allow the construction of a five foot (5') sidewalk section. 1. COMMON EXCAVATION 1,500 C.Y. @ $ 2.50 $ 3,750.00 2. COMPACTED FILL 3,200 C.Y. @ 3.50 11 ,200.00 3. RETAINING WALLS 70 C.Y. @ 300.00 21,000.00 4. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 25,000 S.Y. @ 2.00 50,000.00 5. GUARD FENCE 2,000 L.F. @ 20.00 40.000.00 6. BRIDGE 1 L.S. @ 48.180.00 48,180.00 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: $ RIGHT-OF-WAY COSTS: 5,000.00 SUB TOTAL: $179.130.00 10~ ENGINEERING & CONTINGENCIES :. 17,915.00 TOTAL PROJECT: $197,045.00 Revised 11-5-79 . / ..... .~ '., 3i '" 111 -.. n "Ill ~ -.. !!l iii "!)! .., 3i en ..... ~ KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUlLDING~.oPEKA. KANSAS 66612 JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor Agreement No. 16-80 85 M 4816 (003), 85 BRM 4816 (004) Grading, Surfacing and Bridge City of Sal ina Sa 11 ne County Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Co. Bldg. P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: March 11,1980 ~~_~ ~\ TR1!~ ~.' ".~ ""= I -~ I :t> <::( . 1--" 0- \. ~_... I .';::::' . ..,. . ..~ ;-....) ~. .;',-.,;~~ . ,f4N~S . J We are enclosing herewith your fully executed copy of the agreement for the above numbered project. Additional copies of this agreement will be furnished if requested within two weeks of this date. After that period all extra copies will be destroyed. FJR:dd Enclosure V~G~Z2u~s_9 ;!J:'1{eid, P. E. Engineer of Urban Highways . . . Agreement No. 16-80 PROJECT NO. 85 M 4816(003) 85 BRM 4816(004) GRADING, SURF ACING AND BRIDGE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS AGR!!M!NI This agreement, made and entered into this 3~ day of -n.. ~ , 19 U , by and between the City of Salina , Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the Secretary. RECITALS: WHEREAS, The Secretary and the said City are empowered by the Laws of Kansas to enter into agreements to enable them to participate in the ':>enefits to be secured from federal-aid funds, or funds made available from the federal government for road or street improvements, and WHEREAS, under the terms of the Federal-Aid Highway Act and the rules and regulations of the Federal Highway Administration, states and cities are, under certain circumstances, entitled to receive assistance in the financing of the construction and reconstruction of roads and streets, provided, however, that in order to be eligible for such federal aid, such work is required to be done in accordance with the laws of the state and under the direct supervision of the Department of Transportation of such state, and WHEREAS, the City does hereby request the Secretary to take such steps as are deemed by the Secretary to be necessary or advisable for the purpose of securing approval by the Federal Highway Administration of a project for the construction of Crawford Street from Ohio Street to the East City Limits in the City and is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Crawford Street and Ohio Street and extend- ing east to the East City Limits of Salina and including the widening and re- construction of the bridge over the Smoky Hill River. l ~- No. 16-80 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and to secure the approval and construction of the said project, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. That the said project when approved shall be undertaken, prosecuted and completed for and on behalf of the said City by the Secretary acting in all things as its agent and said City hereby constitutes ~nd' appoints said Secretary its agent, and all acts, proceedings, matters imd things hereinafter done by the Secretary in connection therewith are hereby by said City authorized, adopted, ratified and confirmed to the same extent and with the same effect as though done directly by the said City acting in its own individual corporate capacity instead of by its agent. The plans for said project, when approved by the City, the State Transportation Engineer and the Federal Highway Administration, are by reference made a part of this agreement. The City agrees to prepare, or have prepared, the plans for such improvements, under the direction of the Secretary. 2. The City agrees that it will, in its own name as provided by law, acquire by purchase, dedication or condemnation all of the rights of way, easements and access rights shown on the approved plans in accordance with the schedule established by the Kansas Department of Transportation. It is agreed that the City may request, in writing, the Secretary to acquire the necessary right of way, easements and access rights for the City and in the name of the City. It is further agreed that, should it . appear that the City is unable to acquire said rights of way, easements and access rights according to the schedule established by the Kansas Department of Transportation, the . City shall request the Secretary to acquire or assist in acquiring the real property interests necessary to construct the project. 3. Copies of rights of way or easement agreements shall be furnished the Secretary where state or federal highway funds are used in the purchase. The City further agrees that it will have recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds all rights of way Deeds, Dedications, Permanent Easements and Reports of Commissioners for condemnation of rights of way. Such rights of way or easements shall not be sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of as surplus property when not needed for public purposes except by agreement between the Secretary, the Federal Highway Administration and the City. Such agreement shall state fully the terms and conditions of such sale, lease or disposal. 4. The City agrees that it will provide the right of way field surveys to define the right of way and/or easements as required by the right of way appraiser and acquisition agent. 5. The City agrees that it will move or adjust, or cause to be moved or adjusted, and will be responsible for such removal or adjustment of all existing structures, pole lines, pipe lines, meters, manholes and other utilities, pUblicly or privately owned, which may be necessary to the construction of the project in accordance with the approved plans. The expense of said removal or adjustment of said utilities located on public right of way shall be borne by the owners. The expense of said removal or adjustment of privately owned utilities located on private right of way or easement shall be borne by the City and the Secretary in the same proportion as other approved right of way costs as stipulated elsewhere. In order to insure participation of federal and state funds in said expense, the City agrees to obtain plans, estimates and utility agreements covering the removal or adjustment of privately owned utilities on private right of way or easement and secure the approval of the utility agreements by the Secretary and the Federal Highway Administration before authorizing the utility companies to proceed with the work. 2 No. 16-80 , 6. The City agrees that it will immediately take such steps as are necessary to facilitate the early adjustment of utilities and upon notification by the Kansas Department of Transportation's District Engineer, will initiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and will proceed with reasonable diligence to prosecute this work to completion. The City further agrees to move or adjust or cause to be moved or adjusted all utilities before construction. is started on the project except those necessary to be adjusted during construction and those which would disturb the existing street surface, curbs or sidewalks. The City'wilI, upon notification by the Department's District Engineer, initiate and proceed to complete adjusting the remaining utilities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. 7. The City agrees to furnish the Secretary a list of existing and known utilities affected, together with locations and proposed adjustments of same and designate an individual to be responsible for coordinating the necessary removal or adjustment of utilities and report each month to the Department's District Engineer the progress of the removal or adjustment on forms furnished by the Secretary. 8. The City agrees to certify to the Secretary that all privately owned utilities occupying public right of way required for the construction of the project are permitted thereon by franchise, ordinance, agreement or permit and said instrument includes a statement as to which party will bear the cost of future adjustments or relocations that may be required as a result of street or road improvements. 9. It is understood that the City and the Secretary shall determine the manner in which traffic is to be handled during construction. It is therefore agreed between the parties that before project plans have been completed, detour routes and street closings, if necessary, shall be agreed upon' by authorized representatives of the City and the Secretary, and noted on the plans. If revisions to the traffic handling plan are proposed during the progress of construction, the City and the Secretary shall approve such revisions before they become effective. The City further agrees that the Secretary or his or her authorized representative may act as its agent with full authority to determine the following: (a) the dates upon which said street closings shall commence and terminate: (b) the appropriate barricades and signing to be placed on or about the project limits prohibiting through traffic and their locations: In this regard the City further agrees that the actions of the Secretary or his or her authorized representative undertaken pursuant to this paragraph are hereby authorized, adopted, ratified, and confirmed to the same extent as those described in paragraph one of this agreement. The Secretary or his or her authorized representative shall notify the City of the determinations made pursuant to this paragraph. 10. The Secretary agrees to let the contract for the project and shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder upon concurrence in the award by the City. The Secretary further agrees to supervise the construction of the project in accordance with the approved plans, as required by the Federal Highway Administration, to negotiate with and report to the Federal Highway Administration and administer the payments due the contractor, including the portion of the cost borne by the City. 3 -.,..- ---- -,- No. 16-80 11. The City agrees to reimburse the Secretary for twenty-five (25) percent of the cost of all grading and surfacing construction items in the approved plans including construction engineering and contingencies and to reimburse the Secretary for twenty (20) percent of the cost of the bridge construction items in the improved plans including construction engineering and contingencies. However, if any items are found to be non- participating by the Federal Highway Administration, the total cost of those items will be paid for by the City. The City further agr~es to make such payment to the Secretary within thirty (30) days after receipt of proper billing. 12. The City agrees that when said project is completed and approved that it will, at its own cost and expense, maintain said' project and will make ample provision each year for such maintenance. Upon notification by the State Transportation Engineer of any unsatisfactory maintenance condition, the City will begin the necessary repairs within thirty days and will prosecute the work continuously until it is satisfactorily completed. . 13. The City agrees that it will adopt an ordinance requiring the removal of all encroachments either on or above the limits of the right of way shown on the approved plans for this project and it will initiate and proceed with diligence to remove or require . . the removal of said encroachments. It is further agreed that all such encroachments be removed before the project is advertised for letting (provided, however, that if the Secretary is satisfied, with respect to any encroachment, that the physical removal thereof has been fully provided for. between the City and the owner thereof and will be accomplished within a time sufficiently short to present no hindrance or delay to the construction of the project, the Secretary may cause the project to be advertised for letting before such encroachment is fully removed). The City further agrees that it will not in the future permit the erection of gas and fuel dispensing pumps upon the right of way of said project and it will require that any gas and fuel dispensing pumps erected, moved or installed along said project be placed no less than twelve feet back of the right of way line. All right of way provided for said project shall be used solely for public street purposes and no signs, posters, billboards, roadside stands, fences, structures or other private installations shall be permitted within the right of way limits except as provided by state laws. 14. The City agrees to prohibit parking of vehicles on the city street throughout the length of the improvement covered by this agreement. 15. The City agrees that the arterial characteristics inherent in the project require uniformity in information and regulations to the end that traffic may safely and expeditiously be served and shall adopt and enforce such rules and regulations governing traffic movements as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the Secretary and the Federal Highway Administration. 16. The City agrees to control the construction or use of any entrances along the project within the City other than those shown on the approved plans, unless prior approval is obtained from the Secretary and the Federal Highway Administration. 17. The location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other markings installed or placed by any public authority, or other agency, pursuant to this agreement, shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary with the concurrence of the. Federal Highway Administration and shall not be installed prior to such approval. 4 No. 16-80 18. The City agrees to adopt all necessary ordinances and/or resolutions and to take such legal steps as may be required to give full effect to the terms of this agreement. 19. The City will save the Secretary and his or her authorized representatives harmless from any and all costs, liabilities, expenses, damages, suits, judgments and claims of any nature whatsoever arising out- of or -in connection with the provisions or performance of this contract, or subcontracts entered into in connection therewith, or the maintenance of the herein described improvement, or the acts of the Secretary, or his or her authorized representatives, agents or employees when acting under the provisions of this contract or subcontracts thereto. 20. The parties do hereby agree that the "Special Attachment" attached hereto, pertaining to the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is hereby made a part of this agreement. 21. It is further understood that this agreement and all contracts entered into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the Secretary and the City and their successors in office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: THE CITY OF &\LINA , KANSAS ~ CITY CLERK o~ -J. A;; MAYOR (SEAL) ~..! ~ John B. emp Secretary of Transp tation of the State of Kansas 5 . \, . .. Special Attachment No.1 Sheet 1 of 3 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Special Attachment To Contracts or Agreements Entered Into By the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas NOTE: Whenever this Special Attachment conflicts with provIsions of the Document to which it is attached, this Special Attachment shall govern. THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 NOTIFICATION The Secretary of Transportation for the State of Kansas, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 . Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (49 C.F.R., Part 21), issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all contracting parties that he or she will affirmatively insure that this contract will be implemented without discrimination on the grounds of race, religion,. sex, age, color, or national origin, as more specifically set out in the following seven 'Nondiscrimination Clauses'. CLARIFICATION ! Where the term 'consultant' appears in the following seven 'Nondiscrimina- tion Clauses', the term 'consultant' is understood to include all parties to contracts or agreements with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas. . IJ . ',' l o Special Attachment No.1 Sheet 2 of 3 Nondiscrimination Clauses During the performance of this .contra~t, the consultant, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the 'consultant'), agrees as follows: . . (5) (1) Compliance with Regulations: The consultant will comply with the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. (2) Nondiscrimination: The consultant, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to the completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, sex, age, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The consultant will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. (3) Solicitations for Subcontractors, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either competitive bidding or negotiation made by the consultant for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the consultant of the consultant's obligation under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimi- nation on the grounds of race, religion, sex, age, color or national origin. (4) Information and Reports: The consultant will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instruc- tions. Where any information required of a consultant is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the consultant shall so certify to the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. Employment: The consultant will not discrimiml.te against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. '. ( . 1.1 'fI " l_ . . Special Attachment No. I Sheet 3 of 3 (6) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the consultant's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas shall impose such contr!lct saoctions as he may determine to be appropriate, including, but limited to, (a) withholding of payments to the consultant under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole' or in part. (7) Incorporation of Provisions: The consultant will include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (7) in every subcontract, . including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The consultant will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a consultant becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the consultant may request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State. JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor J . KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUlLDING-TOPEKA. KANSAS 66612 March 6, 1980 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY I, JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation, State of Kansas, hereby delegate and appoint to W. H. Ogan, State Transportation Engineer, full and complete authority to act in my stead, and in my behalf, in any and all matters affecting the Department of Transportation from 8:00 a.m., to 5 p.m., Friday, March 7, 1980. ~~. ~OHN B. KEMP Secretary of ''/1 . Transportation STATE OF KANSAS COUNTY OF SHAWNEE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of March, 1980. CONNIE S. BECK IITATlI ROTAIIY PUBUO Shawnee County, Kansas My AppoIntment ~lres: (lLYnrYI;O 'i:: vA,Ir,g) Connie S. Bec , Notary Public CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JULY 28, 1980 4:00 P.M. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners met in the City Commission Meeting Room, City-County Building, on Monday, July 28, 1980, at four o'clock P.M. There were present: Mayor Dan 5.. Geis, Chairman presiding Commissioner Roy W. Allen Commissioner Keith G. Duckers Commissioner Karen M. Graves Commissioner Merle A. Hodges comprising a quorum of the Board, also present: L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney W. E. Harris, Assistant City Manager D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Absent: Rufus L. Nye, City Manager 10 CONSENT AGENDA (6.3) Resolution Number 80-3500 - authorizing the Secretary of Transportation to award and execute the necessary contracts for the completion of the East Crawford Street Bridge. 80-211 Moved by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Duckers that all items on the consent agenda be approved. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion adopted. 80-216 Moved by Commi ss ioner A lIen, seconded by Commi ss loner Duckers that the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay:. (0) . Motion adopted. /5/ Dan S. Geis Dan S. Geis, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: /5/ D. L. Harrison D. L. Harrison, City Clerk .. JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor February 26, 1980 J . KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING-TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 85 H 4816 (003) 85 BRM 4816(004) Grading Surfacing & Bridge City of Salina Sa line County Hr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Co. Bldg. - 300 W. Ash P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Oear Hr. Harrison: We are transmitting herewith in triplicate the proposed agreement form covering the responsibilities of the City and the Department of Transportation in connection with the above referenced project. Will you please handle these forms with the governing body for their review and action. If the proposed agreement is satisfactory, the original and one copy should be executed on the part of the City and returned to this office for 'jour further handling with the Secretary of Transportation. The third copy may be retained in your file for reference pending receipt of your fully executed copy. Your attention is called to statements in the agreement concerning implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as it pertains to all parties to contracts or agreements. In connection with executing the agreement the City will no doubt find it necessary to pass a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. For your convenience, we are enclosing one copy of a typical resolution frequently used by cities on similar projects. We should be furnished a certified copy of such resolution as the City adopts in order to complete our files for the project. In the event that any questions arise in connection with the agreement, please feel free to contact this office. V~a~ t1:~Reid, P. E. Engineer of Urban Highways FJR:WLJ:dd Enclosure cc: Hr. Glen H. Koontz, Director of Engineering and Design Hr. R. L. Anderson, District Engineer, w/a RESOLUTION NUMBER 80-3481 _MUOA~_...".. A RESOLUTION RELATING TO BENEFITS OBTAINABLE BY CITIES UNDER THE PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL AID ON HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That the Acting Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas, Agreement Number 16-80 between the City and the Kansas Department of Transportation, giving the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas authority to act for the City, and in its place and stead, to obtain for the CIty such benefits as are obtainable under the program of the Federal Aid Plan of Highway Construction, and obtain the benefits of such legislation for the City on the terms and conditions set forth in such agreement as may be prepared and approved by the Secretary of Transportation for the Improvement: Beginning at the intersection of Crawford Street and Ohio Street and extending east to the East City Limits of Salina and including the widening and reconstruction of the bridge over the Smoky Hill River, and known as Project Number 85 M 4816(003), 85 BRM 4816(004}. [-~ Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Acting Mayor this 3rd day of March, 1980. (SEAL) Qw-A~ Dan S. Gels, Acting Mayor ATTEST: ~ D. L. Harri son, City Clerk STATE OF KANSAS ) ) SS COUNTY OF SALINE ) I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that Resolution Number 80-3481 was adopted by the Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting on March 3. i980, and that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in my office. - " . ~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk . , , . A RESOLUTION RELATING TO BENEFITS OBTAINABLE BY CITIES UNDER THE PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL AID ON HIGHWAY: CONSTRUCTION , I Be It Resolved by the'Governlng Body of the CIty of Salina That the Mayor a~d CIty Clerk are authorIzed and dIrected to execute for and on behalf' of the CIty of Sal ina , Kansas, Agreement No. 16-80 between the CIty and the Kansas Department of Transportation, giving the Secretary of TransportatIon of the State of Kansas authorIty to act for the CIty, and in Its place and stead, to obtaIn for the City such benefits as are obtainable under the program of the Federal AId Plan of Highway Construction, and obtain the benefIts of such legislation for the City on the terms and conditions set forth In such agreement as may be prepared and approved by the Secretary of Transportation for the Improvement of ,Beginning, at the and extending east to intersection of Crawford Street and Ohio Street (project description) the East City limits of Salina and including the widening and reconstruction of the bridge over the Smoky Hill River. and known as Project No. 85 M 4816(003), 85 BRM 4816(004) , Passed by the (Council) (COIlIllisslon>' this ~ day of , 1980 (Approved) (Signed) , MayOr (SEAL) ATTEST: CI ty Clerk , , Agreement No. 16-80 PROJECT NO. 85 M 4816(003) 85 BRM 4816{004) GRADING, SURF ACING AND BRIDGE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS AGREEMENT --------- This agreement, made and entered into this 3...uL day of --y.., ~ , 19 1<1 ,by and between the City of Salina , Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the Secretary. RECITALS: WHEREAS, The Secretary and the said City are empowered by the Laws of Kansas to enter into agreements to; enable them to participate in the benefits to be secured from federal-aid funds, or funds made available from the federal government for road or street improvements, and J WHEREAS, under the terms of the Federal-Aid Highway Act and the rules and regulations of the Federal Highway Administration, states and cities are, under certain circumstances, entitled to receive assistance in the financing of the construction and reconstruction of roads and streets, provided, however, that in order to be eligible for such federal aid, such work is required to be done in accordance with the laws of the state and under the direct supervision of the Department of Transportation of such state, and WHEREAS, the City does hereby request the Secretary to take such steps as are deemed by the Secretary to be necessary or advisable for the purpose of securing approval by the Federal Highway Administration of a project for the construction of Crawford Street from Ohio Street to the East City Limits in the City and is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Crawford Street and Ohio Street and extend- ing east to the East City Limits of Salina and including the widening and re- construction of the bridge over the Smoky Hill River. l , No. 16-80 , NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and to secure the approval and construction of the said project, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. That the said project when approved shall be undertaken, prosecuted and completed for and on behalf of the said City by the Secretary acting in all things as its agent and said City hereby constitutes and appoints said Secretary its agent, and all acts, proceedings, matters and things hereinafter done by the Secretary in connection therewith are hereby by said City authorized, adopted, ratified and confirmed to the same extent and with the same effect as though done directly by the said City acting in its own individual corporate capacity instead of by its agent. The plans for said project, when approved by the City, the State Transportation Engineer and the Federal Highway Administration, are by reference made a part of this agreement. The City agrees to prepare, or have prepared, the plans for such improvements, under the direction of the Secretary. 2. The City agrees that it will, in its own name as provided by law, acquire by purchase, dedication or condemnation all of the rights of way, easements and access . rights shown on the approved plans in accordance with the schedule established by the Kansas Department of Transportation. It is agreed that the City may request, in writing, the Secretary to acquire the necessary right of way, easements and access rights for the City and in the name of the City. It is further agreed that, should it appear that the City is unable to acquire said rights of way, easements and access rights according to the schedule established by the Kansas Department of Transportation, the City shall request the Secretary to acquire or assist in acquiring the real property interests necessary to construct the project. 3. Copies of rights of way or easement agreements shall be furnished the Secretary where state or federal highway funds are used in the purchase. The City further agrees that it will have recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds all rights of way Deeds, Dedications, Permanent Easements and Reports of Commissioners for condemnation of rights of way. Such rights of way or easements shall not be sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of as surplus property when not needed for public purposes except by agreement between the Secretary, the Federal Highway Administration and the City. Such agreement shall state fully the terms and conditions of such sale, lease or disposal. 4. The City agrees that it will provide the right of way field surveys to define the right of way and/or easements as required by the right of way appraiser and acquisition agent. 5. The City agrees that it will move or adjust, or cause to be moved or adjusted, and will be responsible for such removal or adjustment of all existing structures, pole lines, pipe lines, meters, manholes and other utilities, publicly or privately owned, which may be necessary to the construction of the project in accordance with the approved plans. The expense of said removal or adjustment of said utilities located on public right of way shall be borne by the owners. The expense of said removal or adjustment of privately owned utilities located on private right of way or easement shall be borne by the City and the Secretary in the same proportion as other approved right of way costs as stipulated elsewhere. In order to insure participation of federal and state funds in said expense, the City agrees to obtain plans, estimates and utility agreements covering the removal or adjustment of privately owned utilities on private right of way or easement and secure the approval of the utility agreements by the Secretary and the Federal Highway Administration before authorizing the utility companies to proceed with the work. 2 No. 16-80 << , 6. The City agrees that it will immediately take such steps as are necessary to facilita.te the early adjustment of utilities and upon notification by the Kansas Department of Transportation's District Engineer, will initiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and will proceed with reasonable diligence to prosecute this work to completion. 'rhe City further agrees to move or adjust or cause to be moved or adjusted all utilities before construction is started on the project except those necessary to be adjusted during construction and those which would disturb the existing street surface,curbs or sidewalks. The City will, upon notification by the Department's District Engineer, initiate and proceed to complete adjusting the remaining utilities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. 7. The City agrees to furnish the Secretary a list of existing and known utilities affected, together with locations and proposed adjustments of same and designate an individual to be responsible for coordinating the necessary removal or adjustment of utilities and report each month to the Department's District Engineer the progress of the removal or adjustment on forms furnished by the Secretary. 8. The City agrees to certify to the Secretary that all privately owned utilities occupying public right of way required for the construction of the project are permitted thereon by franchise, ordinance, agreement or permit and said instrument includes a statement as to which party will bear the cost of future adjustments or relocations that may be required as a result of street or road improvements. 9. It is understood that the City and the Secretary shall determine the manner in which traffic is to be handled during construction. It is therefore agreed between the parties that before project plans have been completed, detour routes and street closings, if necessary, shall be agreed upon by authorized representatives of the City and the Secretary, and noted on the plans. If revisions to the traffic handling plan are proposed during the progress of construction, the City and the Secretary shall approve such revisions before they become effective. The City further agrees that the Secretary or his or her authorized representative may act as its agent with full authority to determine the following: (a) the dates upon which said street closings shall commence and terminate: (b) the appropriate barricades and signing to be placed on or about the project limits prohibiting through traffic and their locations: In this regard the City further agrees that the actions of the Secretary or his or her authorized; representative undertaken pursuant to this paragraph are hereby authorized, adopted, ratified, and confirmed to the same extent as those described in paragraph one of this agreement. The Secretary or his or her authorized representative shall notify the City of the determinations made pursuant to this paragraph. 10. The Secretary agrees to let the contract for the project and shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder upon concurrence in the award by the City. The Secretary further agrees to supervise the construction of the project in accordance with the approved plans, as required by the Federal Highway Administration, to negotiate with and report to the Federal Highway Administration and administer the payments due the contractor, including the portion of the cost borne by the City. 3 =.-"':-". ....,.-.- ,. No. 16-80 I , ll. The City agrees to reimburse the Secretary for twenty-five (25) percent of the cost of all grading and surfacing construction items in the approved plans including construction engineering and contingencies and to reimburse the Secretary for twenty (20) percent of the cost of the bridge construction items in the improved plans including construction engineering and contingencies. However, if any items are found to be non- participating by the Federal Highway Administration, the total cost of those items will be paid for by the City. The City further agrees 'to make such payment to the Secretary within thirty (30) days after receipt of proper billing. 12. The City agrees that when said project is completed and approved that it will, at its own cost and expense, maintain said project and will make ample provision each year for such maintenance. Upon notification by the State Transportation Engineer of any unsatisfactory maintenance condition, the City will begin the necessary repairs within thirty days and will prosecute the work continuously until it is satisfactorily completed. 13. The City agrees that it will adopt an ordinance requiring the removal of all encroachments either on or above the limits of the right of way shown on the approved plans for this project and it will initiate and proceed with diligence to remove or require the removal of said encroachments. It is further agreed that all such encroachments be removed before the project is advertised for letting (provided, however, that if the Secretary is satisfied, with respect. to any encroachment, that the physical removal thereof has been fully provided for. between the City and the owner thereof and will be accomplished within a time sufficiently short to present no hindrance or delay to the construction of the project, the Secretary may cause the project to be advertised for letting before such encroachment is fUlly removed). The City further agrees that it will not in the future permit the erection of gas and fuel dispensing pumps upon the right of way of said project and it will require that any gas and fuel dispensing pumps erected, moved or installed along said project be placed no less than twelve feet back of the right of way line. All right of way provided for said project shall be used solely for public street purposes and no signs, posters, billboards, roadside stands, fences, structures or other private installations shall be permitted within the right of way limits except as provided by state laws. 14. The City agrees to prohibit parking of vehicles on the city street throughout the length of the improvement covered by this agreement. 15. The City agrees that the arterial characteristics inherent in the project require uniformity in information and regulations to the end that traffic may safely and expeditiously be served and shall adopt and enforce such rules and regulations governing traffic movements as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the Secretary and the Federal Highway Administration. 16. The City agrees to control the construction or use of any entrances along the project within the City other than those shown on the approved plans, unless prior approval is obtained from the Secretary. and the Federal Highway Administration. 17. The location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other markings installed or placed by any public authority, or other agency, pursuant to this agreement, shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary with the concurrence of the Federal Highway Administration and shall not be installed prior to such approval. 4 , No. 16-80 , 18. The City agrees to adopt all necessary ordinances and/or resolutions and to take such legal steps as may be required to give full effect to the terms of this agreement. 19. The City will save the Secretary and his or her authorized representatives harmless from any and all costs, liabilities, expenses, damages, suits, judgments and claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the provisions or performance .of this contract, or subcontracts entered into in connection therewith, or . the maintenance of the herein described improvement, or the acts of the Secretary, or his or her authorized representatives, agents or employees when acting under the provisions of this contract or subcontracts thereto. 20. The parties do hereby agree that the "Special Attachment" attached hereto, pertaining to the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is hereby made a part of this agreement. 21. It is .further understood that this agreement and all contracts entered into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the Secretary and the City and their successors in office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: THE CITY OF SALIN A , KANSAS ~ CITY CLERK Q~~ l\e: MAYOR (SEAL) John B. Kemp Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas 5 . \, . .- l . __ Special Attachment No.1 Sheet 1 of 3 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Special Attachment To Contracts or Agreements Entered Into By the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas NOTE: Whenever this Special Attachment conflicts with provIsIons of the Document to which it is attached, this Special Attachment shall govern. THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 NOTIFICATION The Secr~tary of Transportation for the State of Kansas, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (49 C.F.R., Part 21), issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all contracting parties that he or she will affirmatively insure that this contract will be implemented without discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, sex, age, color, or national origin, as more specifically set out in the following seven 'Nondiscrimination Clauses'. CLARIFICATION Where the term 'consultant' appears in the following seven 'Nondiscrimina- tion Clauses', the term 'consultant' is understood to include all parties to contracts or agreements with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas. ~ I. Special Attachment No.1 Sheet 2 of 3 Nondiscrimination Clauses During the performance. of this contract, the consultant, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the 'consultant'), agrees as follows: 0> Compliance with Regulations: The consultant will comply with the Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. . (2) Nondiscrimination: The consultant, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to the completion of the . contract work, will. not discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, sex, age, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The consultant will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. (3) Solicitations for Subcontractors, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either competitive bidding or negotiation made by the consultant for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the consultant of the consultant's obligation under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimi- nation on the grounds of race, religion, sex, age, color or national origin. (4) Information and Reports: The consultant will provide all . information and reports required by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instruc- tions. Where any information required of a consultant is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the consultant shall so certify to the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. (5) Employment: The consultant will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. -. ". Special Attachment No.1 Sheet 3 of 3 (6) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the consultant's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas shall impose such contract sanctions as he may determine to be appropriate, including, but limited to, (a) withholding of payments to the consultant under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. (7) Incorporation of Provisions: The consultant will include the provisions of paragraph (l) through (7) in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The consultant will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a consultant becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the consultant may request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State. L___________ . . . RESOLUTION NUMBER 80-3481 ...-.....-...... A RESOLUTION RELATING TO BENEFITS OBTAINABLE BY CITIES UNDER THE PROGRAM FOR FEDERAL AID ON HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That the Acting Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Salina, Kansas, Agreement Number 16-80 between the CI ty and the Kansas Department of Transportation, giving the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas authority to act for the City, and In Its place and stead, to obtain for the City such benefits as are obtainable under the program of the Federal Aid Plan of Highway Construction, and obtain the benefits of such legislation for the City on the terms and conditions set forth In such agreement as may be prepared and approved by the Secretary of Transportation for the Improvement: BeginnIng at the intersection of Crawford Street and Ohio Street and extending east to the East City Limits of Salina and Including the widening and reconstruction of the bridge over the Smoky HilI River, and known as Project Number 85 M 4816(003}, 85 BRM 4816(004}. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Acting Mayor this 3rd day of March, 1980. Q~J)~ (SEAL) Dan S. Gels, Acting Mayor ATTEST: ~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk -. RESOLUTiON NUMBER 80-3500 JUlY 22, 1980 Oa.ta . , FEDERAL-AI!) URBAN SYSn:M All'rHORJ:TY 'l'O AWARD CCNT!lACT CCHMJ:TMl!NT OF C%TY FUNDS Proj ect No. 85 U 0634-01 City of Salina Sat ine County WHEREAS, Bids were re<:uved at Topeka for the perfoJ:lllaJ1ce of work <:overed hy plans and , Kansas on July 17. , 1580, on tIle above numbered project, WHEllEAS, the bidder and the low bid or hids on work covered by .this proj e<:t were, Address Division of WOrk AIDount Contractor Reec~ Construction Co.,. Inc. Scandla, Kansas 66966 Bridge $9C9 .977. 6! WHEREAS, hids are considered satisfactory and have been re<:OIlll1\ended by Mr. John' B..Kemp as Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas, for consideration and acceptance hy the City, now, therefore, BE I'l' RESOLVED, that after due consideration by the City (Collllllission) (CQuncil) this hid or these bids are acceptable and said Secretary of Trans- por1:ation is hereby authorized to award and execute the necessary contracts for completion of. the werk on this project as coverad hy such hid or hids. 15,," of Bid for Construction Engineering Ii' Cont:L"1gencies 148 401';.64 20\ of 'I'otal 1.138,474.37 227.694.85 'I'otal Cost BE IT FtlR'l'llER IU::SOLVED, that Cj,ty funds in the amount of $ 22],,694. 85 wh.ich are required for the matching of fe&lral. funds to complete this work are hereby pledged by the Cj,ty to be remitted to the Controller of the KanSas Department of Transpor1:ation on or. hefore Augus t 22 , l~ 80. for use by the Secretary of Transportation of the State of xansas, in malcinq p,aylll8nts for constrUction work and engineering on the above designated project. Adoptad this day of , 19 at - , xansas A1"r!S'l': (SEAL) KAYOJt CITY CLE1Ut ;" July 22, 1980 ~ G\ TR4;f/J:, .;;;,," .,."'~ ~i "?" 0::::' ___, \~ <X: I, " -, --l p..-', " ~ ,,'- ~ .' "..i~ '" .',_,... oS' V . -J ,. ""./ "' . ----_/. 4'4NSt>..S J , KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING-TOPEKA. KANSAS 66612 JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor 85 U 0634-01 BRM 4816(004) Crawford Street Bridge City of Sa Ii na Sa Ii ne County Mr. Dean Boyer, P. E. City Engineer P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Boyer: We are listing the bidder and low bid received at Topeka, Kansas on July 17, 1980 for the referenced project. Contractor Address Division of Work Amount Reece Construction Co. Scandia, Ks Inc. 66966 Bridge' j $989,977.63 If the bid is considered acceptable to the City, the enclosed reso- lution should be signed, stamped with the City Seal and two copies returned by August 1, 1980. Upon receipt of the signed resolution, the contract will be awarded. The amount of the'bid plus fifteen percent for construction engineering will require City matching funds in the amount of 227,694.85. The City's remittance should be made on or before August 22, 1980. Very truly yours, F. J. Reid, P. E. Engineer of Urban Highways U!/-/h ;'Hf; ;;7.'?Ju~ Wi j'li~n;L:-"j~cobl,""P.-E.- Urban Systems Engineer-Bridges FJR:WLJ:dd Enclosure cc: Mr. Dale Martinitz, P. E., Mid-Continent Engineers .. RESOLUTION NUMBER 80-3500 JUlY 8 22, 19 0 Date ,,:~ FEDERAL-AID URBAN SYSTEM AUTHORITY 'l'O AWARD CONTRACT COMMITMENT OF CITY FUNDS Project No. 85 U 0634-01 City of Sal ina Sa1 ine County WHEREAS, Bids were received at Topeka ,Kansas on Ju ly 17, , 1~0, for the performance of work covered by plans on the above numbered project, and WHEREAS, the bidder and the low bid or bids on work covered by this project were: Contractor Address Division of Work Amount Reece Construction Co., Inc. Scandia, Kansas 66966 Bri dge $989,977.63 WHEREAS, bids are considered satisfactory and have been recommended by Mr. John B. .Kemp. as Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas, for consideration and acceptance by the City, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that after due consideration by the City (commission) (Council) this bid or these bids are acceptable and said Secretary of Trans- portation is hereby authorized to award and execute the necessary contracts for completion of the work on this project as covered by such bid or bids. 15% of Bid for Construction Engineering & Contingencies 20% of Total 148.4'16.64 1,138,474.37 227,694.85 Total Cost BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City funds in the amount of $227,694.85 which are required for the _tching of federal funds to complete this work are hereby pledged by the City to be remitted to the Controller of the Kansas Department of Transportation on or before Augus t 22 , lS 80, for use by the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas, in making p;lyments for construction work and engineering on the above designated project. Adopted this f2. rtt. day of ~ , 19 !2J at --!gk;:'" ,Kansas , - , '( ~ CITY CLERK Q~~. D~ MAYOR ATTEST: ,\ ' ..... ' -',.\ ,I I~ - - I~, i ,'-:;,.. ~ v CONI'RACT for ENGINEERING SERVICES between THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS and MID-GONrINENr ENGINEERS P,O. Box 1744, SALINA, KANSAS THIS CONI'RACT made this ?a-ti.. day of March, 1979, by and between THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS Party of the First Part, hereinafter called ''THE CITY" and MID-GONI'INENI' ENGINEERS Party of the Second Part, hereinafter called 'THE CONSULTANr" WITNESSErH: WHEREAS, the CITY intends to widen the existing East Crawford Street Bridge over the Smoky Hill River, the same being located within the corporate limits of the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter called the "PROJECT", and WHEREAS, the CITY is authorized by law to employ Consulting Engineers to renier professional engineering services and to make payment for these services; Now, therefore, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. The CONSULTANI' shall furnish technical and engineering services as required for complete 'plans and specifications for the East Crawford Street Bridges (4-lanes) over the Smoky Hill River. Rehabilitation and Repair plans for the existing bridge and construction plans for the new east-bound bridge shall be prepared by the CONSULTANr ani be in accordance with the attached "PROPOSED CRAWFORD srREEr BRIDGES" Section, DErAIL B, dated March 8, 1979. 2. The services performed by the CONSULTANI' will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following as indicated thusly (*): Reconnaissance Survey ( ) Balanced Grading Plans () Contour Maps (**) Relocation Survey () Linear Grading Plans () Bridge Layouts ( ) Normal Field Survey () Culvert Designs ~ ~ Cost Comparison ~*:~ Topographical Survey () RjW Survey. Bridge (Super) Geological Survey () R/w Descriptions (Sub) Bridge Soundings () Const. Cost Estimate (*) Detailed Br; Plans (*) Surfacing Plans ( ) Special Provisions (*) ~ . 3.. The proposed PROJIDT contemplates construction of said Crawford Street to minimum design staniards as follows: Bridge Design Loading HS-20, 53 Feet wide back to back of curb, ani Minimum D!lsign Speed of 40 MPH as may be approved by the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the STATE, for the Urban Highway Section. 4. The CONSULTANI' will prepare and furnish the CITY detailed construction plans for the PROJIDT and perform all required work incidental thereto in a manner acceptable to the CITY and STATE. 5. The CONSULTANI' will prepare revised plans, as requested by the CITY, made necessary by errors, omissions or negligence of the CONSULTANI', at any time prior to the completion of the construction as covered by the PROJECT. 6. The CONSULTANI' will: a) Prepare and furnish one set of prints (white background) of pre- liminaryconstruction plans for field check and review to the CITY and three (3) sets to the STATE. These plans shall include the following sheets: Title, Bridge Layout, plus such other Special Bridge Details as the CONSULTANI' deems necessary. b) Furnish two (2) complete sets of prints (white background) to the STATE for office check. A similar set of prints to be furnished to the CITY. c) Furnish the STATE with one set of prints (white backgrOUnd) of the tracings for a final check. A similar set of prints shall be fur- nished to the CITY. d) Furnish the CITY with complet.e originals for the PROJECT, includ- ing all design calculations, tracings, drawings and specifications as approved by the STATE. e) Furnish the CITY with estimates of the PROJECT's cost at the time of field check, office check, and final plan submitted to the SI'ATE. 7. The CONSULTANI' will have available for review by the CITY, STATE and Federal Highway Administration's personnel, all plans being prepared and sup- porting information at the CONSULTANI' 's office. 8. The CONSULTANI' will complete the final plans covered by this proposal wi thin 275 calendar days after approval of the Field Check and notifica- tion to proceed with final design, exclusive of reviews or delays beyond the control of the CONSULT ANI' . 9. The CONSULTANI' will save the CITY and STATE harmless from all damages to persons or property caused by him, his agents, employees or sub-contractors which may result from their operation in connection with the work. - 2 - ~ 10. The CONSULTANI' will prepare and furnish the CITY with supplemental speci- fications covering all special fabrication or construction features not covered by the standard specifications of the Sl'ATE. 11. The CONSULTANI' will check all shop details and drawings far falsework as may be required far the project as indicated in the scope of services. 12. The CONSULTANI' may be authorized to inspect the Bridge Construction PROJECT during the Construction Phase of this PROJE:JT. If so authorized by the CITY and as approved by the STATE, the CONSULTANI' shall furnish competent inspection personnel at an agreed negotiated fee. 13. The CONSULTANI' will make all documents and accounting recards pertaining to the cost of the project available at his office to representatives of the STATE, Federal Highway Administration ar any authorized representative of the Federal Government. 14. The CONSULTANI' will comply with all Federal, State, City ani local laws and ordinances applicable to the wark. 15. Remuneration to the CONSULTANI' for performance of services is as follows I a) For Bridge Design, Plans, and Specifications, the Lump Sum Amount of $48,800.00 (Forty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred aId No/IOO--- Dollars). b) For Bridge Construction Inspection Services -- To be negotiated . prior to construction. 16. The CONSULTANI' will provide engineering services outside those set forth above ar far changes in plans due to changes in criteria at an agreed lump sum amount or at agreed hourlyxates at the option of the CITY. 17. The CITY will review and approve the CONSULT ANI" s preliminary location and/or layouts prior to detail progress of the wark. Surveys, including ele- vations of the existing bridge, and Bridge Soundings shall be furnished by the CITY. 18. The CITY will make payment within thirty (30) days of receipt of proper billing for engineering services performed in accordance with an approved pro- ~ess schedule. One hundred percent (100%) of the total fee less five percent (5%) retained will be paid the CONSULTANI' within thirty (30) days after final plans have been approved 'by the CITY and Sl'ATE. 19. The CITY will make final payment upon proper billing within ninety (90) days after approval of final plans. 20. The CITY will pay the CONSULTANI' for Construction Inspection Services as authorized in writing by the CITY at an agreed negotiated fee. 21. The CITY shall have the right to terminate this CONI'RAGT anytime, upon written notice, in the event the PROJECT is to be abandoned or indefinitely postponed, or because of the CONSULTANI' 's inability to proceed with the work, or because the services of the CONSULTANI' are unsatisfactory, or at the option - 3 - ,. " ..' of the CITY at the completion of any of the phases; 'provided, however, that in any case the CONSULTANr shall be paid a reasonable value of the services rendered up to the time of termination on the basis of the provisions of this CONI'RACT, but in no case shall payment be more than the CONSULTANI"s actual costs plus i reasonable sum for fixed fee for profit. 22. It is further agreed this CONI'RACT and all Agreements entered into under the provisions of this CONI'RACT shall be binding upon the Parties hereto ani their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS THEREOF, THE CITY and the CONSULTANr have executed this CONI'RACT as of the date first written above. THE CITY OF SALINA: / - ,,",un Il,/ ( '/ Mr. THE CONSULTANr: MID-CONI'INENI' ENGINEERS . ~.../ ~ By: ~;;L r ~ Dale L. Martinitz, P.E. , (Principal Owner) 3~3-cJ~ ? r ATI'EST : CITY CLERK ~son - 4 - SALINA, KANSAS 67401 {~ I I I I I I I I I , .----=:. . SMOKY VALLEY CHAPTER OF KANSAS ENGINEERING SOCIETY A.ddnJu Boplu to: Mayor Karen Graves C1 ty of Salina 300 W, Ash Street salina, Kansas 67401 J. Neil Stevens, PE Chairman, Public Affairs Committee 2216 Brookwood Lane Salina, Kansas 67401 Phone: 913-82 -6847 REC!=!VED SEP 19 1979 Re: East Crawford Street Improvement elT'! M.~.r>.],~.Gt:R'S OFFiCE Dear Mayor Graves: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter to the SA 1 i "'a City Engineer and a copy of a resolution passed by voice vote at the 18 September 1979 meeting of the Smoky Valley Chapter of the Kansas Engineering Society. The resolution concerns the proposed improvement of East Crawford Street between Ohio Street and the east city llmi ts. If we can be of any assistance, please contact us. Thank you for your time and assistance. Very tl:uly yours, J. JtU/ ~ J. Neil Stevens, PE Chairman Public Affairs Committee .. _ ..*" ~ f ". -- ~ SMOKY VALLEY CHAPTER OF KANSAS ENGINEERING SOCIETY SALINA, KANSAS 67401 .oI.dcIreu Boplll 10: J. Neil Stevens, PE Chaiman, Public Aff'airs Committee 2216 Brookwood Lane Salina, Kansas 67401 P.hone: 913-825-6847 Mr. Dean L. Boyer, FE S.., 1 n.. City Engineer P.O. Box 746 !'t..1ina, Kansas 67401 Rei East Crawfo:t'd Street Improvement Dear Mr. ]loyer: Iihclosed please find a copy of' a resolution passed by voice vote at the 18 September 1979 regular monthly meeting of' the Smoky Valley Chapter ot: the Kansas lihg1neering Society conCE>.,.,.,1ng the proposed improvement of' East Crawfo:t'd Street between Ohio Street and the east city l1m1 ts. We request that the enclosed resolution be included in the of'f'icial hearing reco:t'd f'or the public hearing held on 12 September 1979 f'or the puxpose of' discussing the East Crawf'o:t'd Street Improvement. We would like to remain inf'omed on this project. If' we can be of' any assistance, please con.tact us. . . Thank you f'or your time and cooperation. very truly yours, J. Neil Stevens, FE C}\a1 "r'mAn I : Public Aff'airs Committee . c.c. Mayor Karen Graves !':JoHn.. Jouxnal ~, " . . '",. '~ ' ..... ..., . SMOKY VALLEY CHAI'TEIl of the KANSAS ENGINEERING SOCIErY RESOWTION WHEREAS the City of Salin.. and the Kansas Department of Transportation are presently preparing plans for the improvement of East CrawfoId Street between Ohio Street and the east city limits :from the existing two lane roadway to a four, lane 'roadway with one five foot wide combined bicycle path and sidewalk on the north side of the roadway; and WHEREAS written statements concenrlng this project may be added to the official hearing recoId i:f submittal within 12 days of the hearing date of. 12 September 1979; and WHEREAS the new South Indian Rock Park ball diamonds have access from only two points to the remainder o:f the city, a sidewalk at the north end o:f the ball diamond area and East CrawfoId Street at the south;' and . , " WHEREAS when the South Indian Rock Park ball diamonds are in use, large num.bers o:f Salina youth will be using this facility; and , WHEREAS the increasing use of bicycles due to the energy situation and for exercise; and WHEREAS the levee system gates have been modified for joggers; and , , WHEREAS the Smoky Valley Chapter of the Kansas Engineering Society represents engineers whose interests are to increase the prestige of the technical profession and to advance the public welfare. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Smoky Valley Chapter of the Kansas Engineering Society at its meeting on'fuesday, 18 September 1979 urges the City of S..lin.. and the Kansas Department of Transportation to review, again, the plans and the costs of the East CrawfoId " Street Improvement and' recommends the consideration of an adequate combined paved bicycle path,' jogging path, and pedestrian sidewalk system on both sides of the proposed four lane roadway, the full lenght of the improvement.