city/county highway n. ohio
Commissioner Fimt District
Commissioner Second DilJtrict Commissioner Third District
Board Meelins-Monday, Tuesday, Friday
August 9p 1-967.;.
M/".. No/"/"i.sJ OJlSXJn
Oi.ty Man.a:ge1"
otty Hall
SaJ!, Kansas
ReI: PeLoS. Jl7.'l8 (No/"th Ohi.o
DeXJ.7i" M/"i, OJlSXJn:
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7'e.-q'ut7'ements i.n;, the sdi.g]1.ed a;g/"eemen~ldCit;tea; June 26p JL96!l,
,betl4Je'TJ!. the atty of SalinaIL al'ld SaJJine Oounty;;/To/" the
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. Kansas
THIS AGREE1<!ENT, Made and entered
19____ by and between tbe City of
referred to as tbe City, and
referred to as .tbe County.
into tbis day of
~nsas, bereinafter
County, bereinafter
WHEREAS, tbe County and tbe said City are empowered by tbe Laws
of Kansas to enter into an agreement for tbe construction and maintenance
of city connection links on tbe County Federal~aid Secondary Higbway System
tbrougb said City, and
WHEREAS, under tbe terms of tbe Federal~aid Highway Act and tbe
rules and regulations of tbe Bureau of Public Roads, counties and cities
are, under certain circumstances, entitled to receive assistance in the
financing of tbe construction and reconstruction of streets and bigbways,
provided, bowever, tbat in order to be eligible for sucb federal-aid, sucb
work is required to be done in accordance witb the laws of the state and
under the direct supervision of the State Highway Commission of such
state, and
WHEREAS, the County bas previously entered into an agreement dated
with the State Highway Commission of Kansas dele-
gating autbority to tbe State Highway Commission to act as agent for the
County (Section 68-402 b KSA) pertaining to the approval of plans, the
construction and maintenance of certain higbways, and
WHEREAS, tbe City does bereby request tbe County to take sucb steps
as are necessary or by it deemed advisable for the purpose of securing
approval by the Bureau of Public Roads of a project for tbe improvement
of FAS Rte . Ii connecting link of the County Highway System in tbe
City, wbicb project sball be knoWn as
and is described as follows:
1. Tbat the said project when submitted and approved shall be
undertaken, prosecuted and completed for and on behalf of the said city
by the County, and said City bereby constitutes and appoints said County
its agent, and all acts, proceedings, matters and things hereinafter done
by the County in connection therewith are bereby autborized, adopted,
ratified and confirmed by said City to tbe same extent and with the same
effect as tbough ~onedirectly by the said City acting in its own individ-
ual corporate capacity ~nste~ of by its agent. The plans for said project,
wben approved by the City, tbe State Highway ~ngineer and the Bureau of
Public Roads, are by reference made a part of'tbis agreement.
2. The City agrees that it will acquire in its own name any addi-
tional right of way or easements which may~e necessary to the construction
of the project in accordance with approved plans.
3. The City agrees that it will move or adjust, or cause to be
moved or adjusted. and will be responsible for such removal or adjustment
of all existing fences. structures, pole lines, pipelines, meters. manholes,
other utilities and encroachments, publicly or privately owned. which may
be necessary to the construction of the project in accordance with approved
plans. The City further agrees to furnish to the County a list of existing
and known utilities affected, together with location and proposed adjustments
of same, and will initiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and
encroachments after receiving notice from the County to start utility alter-
ations and will proceed with reasonable diligence to prosecute this work to
completion in order that the project may be advanced to contract.
4. It is agreed that all construction items included in the
approved plans shall be paid for with a combination of federal and county
5. It is mutually understood the State Highway Commission acting
as agent for the County will supervise the construction of the project as
required by the Bureau of Public Roads, to negotiate with and to report to
the Bureau of Public Roads and administer the payments due the contractor.
6. The City agrees that it will require the removal of all encroach-
ments from the limits of the right of way shown on the plans for this project;
that it will not in the future permit the erection of gas and fuel dispensing
pumps upon the right of way of said connection link; and that it will require
that all such gas and fuel dispensing pumps erected, moved or installed along
said connecting link be placed no less than twelve feet back of the right of
way line. All right of way provided for said project shall be used solely
for public highway purposes and no signs, poaters, billboards, roadside
stands or other private installations shall be permitted within the right
of way limits except as provided by state laws.
7. The City agrees to control the length and location of curb
openings "for future entrances and will not permit the length of curb openings
for such entrances to exceed the lengths shown on the plans of the project
for similar entrances. It is further agreed that the City shall prohibit
the construction of entrances through the curved portion of the curb at
intersecting streets.
8. The location, form and character of informational, regulatory
and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other
markings installed or placed by any public authority, or other agency shall
be subject to the approval of the County with the concurrence of the State
Highway Commission. Minimum speed shall not be less than 20 mph through the
business district and shall not be less than 30 mph through the residential
9. The City agrees to adopt an ordinance providing for the removal
of all existing encroachments on the city connecting link covered by this
agreement and to prohibit the future erection, installation or construction
of encroachments either on or above the right of way and to prohibit the
use of the right of way for private purposes except as provided by state laws.
~ '
10. The City agrees to adopt all necessary ordinances and to take
such legal steps as may be required to enforce such ordinances to give full
effect to the terms of this agreement.
11. It is further understood that this agreement and all contracts
entered into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon
the County and the City and their successors in office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement
to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first
written above.
City Clerk
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