city/county highway magnolia . 'I' , ,n, ~~::'~~"~~ .,,',' , ,. '';('),: 'ii' ,f'" .,' ., ,.;' ;-1 I' . I ~ i :'1 tl ''ii" Agrellment too,. I I I , ~! ,', Ar. Rs.E~!':' )I'~ ~ - - - "-, , ! ',~ ,l ,i 11: q. " ..1!li " ',,' 'I,t' J 48.58 " ,. '::-") ., j .j ., ! , 1 , i ., , I J '1 I I I i j I I I .' PROJECT NO, 81~85 Du-043-2 (8) CITY of SALINA, KANSAS " " ." J',I , ::;;! . . .lhhl'ogrccment, 'made end enterod Into'thls 12 day of I,uq.:.::.!, 19 <;R ,. by end between the City of. Sa'llna, Kansos, herelnaftor refort"od ,to all the City and The State Highway CCllI1l1lsslon of Kansas, hereinafter . referred to as the COlI"ilIllsslon. ,! "i. .i , ; ".\ ~ j , ,', 'J.lt.II' .', I;. ,', " ;"'1 "I' ,WHEREAS, The Stato Highway Ccmmlssl(In of Kansas end tho said City are e:l!pow1Jradbr the Laws of Kansas to enter Ir.to ogreements for the, construction end malntonance of city connecting ,links of, the State Highway SYlltClll throuso Ila!d. CltYi and "j" "',,i . '.' .. ' ,', . . i .~, .\ i . . WHEn~,'undertho terms of' ,th<3 Fod<i;r~11 Aid HIghway Act arid the rulos and regulations of the Bureau of Public l1\oElds, states and c:ltlos ere, unc!er cortaln circumstances, entitled to receive 'asslstance In the financing of the construction and reconstruction of streets end highways, provided, hOtlo'!lver, . that In order to be eligible for such fedEl,:al !lId, sU9.work Is required to Ix) dong In accordance with the lews of the .State and under the dl rect super- vision of.The State Highway Commission of such 'State, end , . li(:\ . < ..., . ,WMfl:REAS, the Gold City does hereby're,cIUGst the Commission to take such stops es erenecossery or by It deemed advisable for the purpose of securing approval by the Bureau of Public Roads of (l project for tho 'Improvement of Kaln Street, 8 connecting link of the Stato Highway Sy~tem In said City, ",,,'hId! proJect'shall be known as 81-85 DU-OLI3-2 (8), and Is described as , ,follcws: " " ,;: d,' ..., . , ", ""1 I' . , : ; .'! ~,. Beginning at ,tho intersection of tha '!iouth l1n6 of Crtl,;,1ofd '" ", ,,\ R I C I T Al. S:\,", '.': " 1 ' , e. 1 I 1 , , ,/ '. ' Street end U.s. 81 bypass, thence nOI1;herly'~n said U.S. 81 - bypass to, a point t~n (10) t'cet nQrlth 'of tb<o;'. Intors0ct lor, of the north line of Ash Street.' L~n!lth of project 1.103 mllos. - ---"'~---'--'-.r---'--------'''-'_.'-''-''.'-------- ') N0l4, THEREFORE, In consideration of die premls~s and to secure the approval snd colllltructlon of the said prciJnct, tilG parties hereto mutually . ' l'Igreo eliI' folloWll: " I',: . ,..I, 1'1 1. That the sold project \~hon sublllltl;od and approved shall bo undor- tlll<on~ pl'O!locutod end completed for llnd 1m beh.olf' oi'tha said City by tho 'Conmlsslon acting In 011 things as Its ag<lIitolld said City hereby constitutes , end appoints said Commission Its Ggent, illn<l all tlCtS, proceedIngs, ,motters ~, . ..d ~'"" he"IMf~'. aoM. b: ,ther~l1.'!I"'/~:'-"'" ~_Itb '" \' .... ,"., ... , .".... ..J ,I., 1!' , ~,' " ~ ~: :.:~..____~_~.-:. '}' '\J~~:_" ~',..:,.: ;',:.j ,:;" i;,,~~.~.~~~Ll~J;~jbij~i~"-,' _t , , , , , I I -..J I I 'f,. .. .. . '1 I :. t, ,', " .'; d I . I , i 1 i , . " '.' '.,J', " 1_' l,: 'T 1,1' rq' ,I' " , " 'i' '. hereby by said City. authorized. adopted. r(lnfl.~d llnd eonflri'llad to.tho 5llm'J olltont ood tjlth the llema offoct as though ,:11)00 directly by the !laid City '/let11l9 In I~ll own Individual corpor~lta cepi:\I;lty Instead of by Its 09Gnt. Tho City horeby olgl1lflos Its approval of. the plans for sold projoct and Clgreoll thot Gold plans, \'4hen and as. app'rcv(),~ by the State Hlghw<lY Engln3er. ' . and the Bul'C4lu of Pub II c Roads. ,.131'0 by re forcnce oodo a pert of. th Is ogroel1".::lnt. .. . . . ' .' -\ . . .~ ~ , - . 2. (0) ThaCltvagreos that It'wlfl"btaln end p~o\"dG In lidvanc$of coniltructlon, all tho ,right of way emd ccm;tructlon oascmontll within tho City llhown on the appraved plans. to be lW.'.cosseryto construct the project. lncludlng, rl911tof. way for borrow pits and ehll.nnel cMngos. and acquire th(l llame In It I) ~m 'n!\:me os prpvldad by law. Ccples 'o,;~! right of way or cel.lstructlcl'l ooze- !milt cgro:mpntfl shall be furnished tho COI!1mlsslon 1<&10ro State or Fodoral . Hlghli'r.Jy TWldll ara used In the purch~sB. nlf~.Clty further agree!! that It t1111 have recorded I.n tho of11<:o af tho Raglst'llr!of Donds all right Q:f I'-'Of lli"ods. Oed I eotl'ontl,. EO$Cll;Cn~8 -snd QeportiJ of ,C<llTlnh~slonars for condomnatlOl'l of right of ~y.. Sudtrlght of way o,r easements aha'll not bosold....leosed. or othor- wlso dlopoGecl of Oll' surplus proparty l>lhon Ol)t n~edl'ld'i'or publlcr purpOOOll . lllXCept by sgi"oomont bebteen tho Coranh&lo,n .~nd tho City.. Such llgfcemont llhel1 'atate fully th~ tOJ'lllll and.condltlon!> of SUcll'lllllo,. le.oss or dlspooal. ~. _ :. : ~ 1 . ,,'. ., . _ ". . (b) The Commhslon. Dctlng 13S8g01lt for ihe Foderal GovorF'Jl1ont. will . 'ed-ordlnate Gnd direct tho City's right of l~lIY acquisition In6ccordance . with tharequlremontG and procedures outlln<ld tiy the,Bureau of Public ROl.'lds to. Insure participation of Foderal funds Il'lithe .cost of the project. The eost oi'employing ottornoYG for purpa~es ol:l1e.r thon. th,epreparationoi' title ,evidence end real ostato firms or ind!vld,u':I:ls as nogQtlctors. acquisition . agents or appraisers sha11 not bo oll!)lb\!tl Iror FOOOl:ei or State partlelpotlon . . cmloss lIluch employment Is approved In adv,nnl:e by the Com:nlsslon Gnd tho , . DureauQf 'wi Ie Roods. Such approval sh,al'j bill bosed on fully docUJr.:lnted uparlon~e and qualification record 01' thi!l JndlvldUQlll or firms so employed. , .,; (I . . . ., <I. . . . 3. The Cltyegreos 'that It l~il1 movla Ilr adjullt. or cause to be moved '01" edjustoc.'l,endwll1 borollponaible for $1!I:h r,~moval or odju!ltment of a1l' . G1<lstlflg fOIlOllS, 'stru::turos,polo Hnlls. pipe 111'105. !:laton. manholcl!l. other utllltlol!lllnd Elnctciochmc.ntll. publlclv!or privately. cr::no4, t'~leh r.:::.'1 bQ 'ltOQl}ssary 'to the co.,structlofl o~ the proJect In IlCCOrclCilco t'llth !lpprov:ld. phms,;'li!e.'clty agree!! to </'urlll::h to tho Cmmllll;slcll oZl !let of o__lntln9 end knG."ll'l utllltloG llffocl:od.togl)thlll" with :Iocatlonl:l ond proposed adJust- mlilnU of 1ICll:$, Gnd will 11I1\;:lato tho remo1fol[ 01" IlrlJustrnent of (laid utii Itles and oncn)Cchrnantz, Imma~lutely ll~ter recelvUng notlco fr~n the Cc~I$9Ion that dll~ co.,tract for thin project her. be<m ,1It(erded, and It will 'proecod : ~Ith mosOl'Icbto dlllgenco toprooocuto thls:b>'OI"K to completion In orebll' - " that ~ c:ootrector .011011 not be dlll.ayod In ;ccnlltru~tln9 tho project. .' , '" !~.U; h'a!lll'codthot 811 ~onfltrl&etIM'iltcmll"ln1;ludl!ld in.'tho.o~provGd pions o\iG;U b3 paid for with fedoral orslta1:o fUIlr!o or III cc.r.nlllnlltlan of fedol'lJl,.m:.t ot01:0 fUl'ldo. ;.,:: . ' , ., .' 'I '. . . I' . 5. 'aI'to-C<l.'i"JlllllSIOfl agrees to SUpervliSc ,the construction of tho project, . ,.ill 1"01lulrod by' tho Bur03clI 01' Public Roods. 1:0 M9'ctlato with and report to , i tils l\}UI'OIIlU of Public Roadll. and odl\lln Illter the poymGnts clue the e<intr:lctoI'G. . , IndwJll'I9 /iny'portion of the cost bomo by the City. '.' ". . , ! I I I 1 .~. :--- ,- I 't , 'It- I ,;~ I ~ .,'i '. d ,"\ ~ . , I. "f .t ~ i .,1 ~ i .' , . . ., .. ;1., , " -4.- ,.'), . " ,:;,;., . ...., '. I..;:(HI: :,:" . .......1,. :""~~~"""~iU....l6L.'.4.;J!."-!JJ";",'1 ~' J :j :j .' ,-' ~__._.~~::~..I...li." ::~~\'~~:l~,~,:. ""~.-~t, ' ,__- . , ... ~ . ~ f .,: , , tr' I , '6.Tha City agrees that I.hen sold pl'ol'~ct Is complot"o'd and ilpproved . , that It will, at Its own cost and expense, ~llbJoct to a separate molntenonce agree~~nt with the Commission, maintain scdd;proJect In a manner satisfactory to the Bureau of Public Roads and the' Commission or tholr authorized representatives and will make ample.provll;:lon each yeor for such maintenance. Upon receipt from.the Stato Hlghwa'j'EnglnE1cr!of notlfl~atlon of ony. unsatisfactory maintenance condition the C:lty will bogln the neces~ary repairs wi th I n th I rty days and will prosecuto tho 'wo\"k cont I nuousl y unt 11 I tis satisfactorily completed. '~;,[ '. :." ": ..' .:'. ' 7. Tho City. agrees to save the Corr.mi ss,lon harmless from any and ill 1 cost, liability, expense, dGmage, suits,' judgment!; ondc1alms of any kind whatsoever arlslng out of or In conMctlol1 with the performance of this contract, thG acquisition of the /'ICC'~SSilr." right of way, the (ldJustment or removel of utilities or tho construction ~or maintenance of the proposed project, or the acts of the Commission, Its iagent~ or cit.ployees, ~,hen acting under the provisions of this agrcemeqt',md all contracts entered Into I'n connection therewith excluding tho (;onstrIJctlon costs of the project. ~'.' ".. '.! . ,4:.8: The CI tv !!9.r..~!lJL.tb.!lLU:_Y.!lJL.c~g'!JJ:(U""t:r"~[lJo\li3LoJal1..Q.llcJ:()och-:- roo..ll.t!l.Jr.o.!1l.,th!LUlllJt:.S..2f..t:b.n.rJ gh.\: of. I'my fihowr.. on. the pI <lns Jor. th I S...m.. p !!>.I~~;;..~~ll_t-1.~_Y'JJ!.._r.c_gu.i.r~...~ II.. ..(l~1.st..l!l9. !I(l~..anc:j.. tu(}J.dJ .spells; ng p~1np~ ~et~ieen_thQ.rJght. of.. wayUnes..sh(J~11} . (lD....!:I)!.,. :pJ ".Il!;.. foLt~JS.pJolccJ:J:()..b9" -Lerr,Qv\1lJ!..jh~..l.L~llL!'l().LLrLJbQj Ut~!:~..J?':!:nl.!_.t~:~..~.I.~S.t.lc)n_ of. gas and f ue 1 d!.!!p.~n~J.r1g_P-i,l,~.L!lP()(l~th~r.lghJ.(}L\'Iay'()f. ..s!, Lcl.s:o.nnect I og JJl)k; . and. that. .J,LwttLrequlre...that.alLsuch.9D5..iln~1 fuel. !Uspensl ng pumpsorected. mov~d _~.J ns.t.!l.Lletl.Jll()119.!;lll.L~().n..n..?E..~..l.n9 .1.lnk..~,~p!lJc:e4,noless .thol1 twe.1 ve. f..eet b .'f" k oLthe.....cl.ghLoL\~Il'\L-1..i.ne~.......A1L.r..Lght.JLL..lN a't-p..!:aill.e.d... i.o LS.illd ..p ra J e c t _sha 1.LI;l~\IJiJ:I!Ls.9JJll.y_j_Q.cQ!!!?_u..!;..ltLgb\:!.'1Y._Q.~.rJ?9.S9.S....i\nfLnfL:;.i.gn.~ ~.pos t.e 1'5, ~U.boards,-...rolldslde..s tands ...or....o.tl1c.Lp.r.:i".otl~..J os tllllatJons.shDll. be .pe.!:-:- m!!~~d_wJJl:!J..n...j:he r19hLQ.f W~LI!!.l t S eXCilJ)~fJ:LPrQy.!.d~H.Lby.sta~u~::'J , ' -J 9. Tho CIty egreesto prohibit the parking of vehicles on .the city connecting link throughout the lengthOf-th,~ project covered by this , . "j ~~~~. ' .' . I 1 I I . I 1 j 1 I ,.' , I I j I i I I I I I " . ' ; . ~J.G.--Tho-c.J.ty_a9rees...to...con.troLtl:l'Llengtb.3111cjJ.Q.C<:lj:JOI). of. ..curb open I ngs f~.Lf...uJ:l!.a::e e.ntrances .:Indwlll not. p()rmit..t~t:...1eng'i;hofcurb'oPGi;lng"fo~~':::" such entrances to exceed the lengthr. sho~1O on the plans of the project fer ---::i;)l1!.ltoL~ntrancas ...Jt...JIl...flJ.r.:tho 1'.. .o9ie(l(C~liilfttje CI t Y shall. proh I b ft 'the- construct I onof....entrancos..th rou91:l_ tho. c.urY:Q!1por.t: ion..o.L.the:cu'rb" at .hite r:-.., .lIectlngs.t reo.ts.... .1he...CLty..agr.ecs.. t(LP.rohJ.l) It..,the.. const I':lH;tLon..or. .use.oL-'lny. . ~tran~~~lllon~~he proJ.ec!:.~..!..t~!.!:l~:"~'?_.fJ.;'ip.t!:(l.r__!~_t~q~.() show[LOIL.thE! . . olllnS (toout p or approval of th!l....t.Q!!:m}.i~.lJm. . . . , ,. , . I,. I 11. The location, form and cha'"actol" <:vf jt"i~Q!:!l!?.!.t.9.r1.?J_Je911LI.ll:.QrYlm..(L.. _W.!!rrllD.9....~.lgns,_o.Lt r!!Jf I c;_~l9!ELl s il~...9f.!tI!,r.~__~mlL.p3'l.Y\ml~JJ.LQL.Q1:.b..oJ::_.!!!f.lr:kl.n9L I nstall ~QLpJ.J!.~cLb.Y~Oy.Jl.\li;>.Uj;__f1!l!D.QJ:J~y"n<)L.ott!<;!.r_Q9oncy .sha 11 ,,,bc__ --!UJhJ""t to....the...approvaL.of... the.CoromlssJon.,.'ith"tha. concurrence of the ~ur".a!L. nf Pub II c Roods and shllll not be In.Lt.ll.lL~lI.U!.l:.lQ.r....t!Ls..UCb..:..i:l.AAr-<M:l.L. 1 ! , .1 , . ' . --12...._Jhe C 1 t.V,1grElll!5..J()..lld2E'.~.:!1 ~e.!!(3~::~~:s<lry..()!:<1.I..rl~f.l.~.~._~nd_ to.. tokosuch -I.egIlL.5tcps.Ds_may...be..requ I.red ...t.oel1fo.n:q. .~u.Cll, .O~:d Inancosand jpjifiio"'JiJIT _~lfQ.t;.Lt9_.t,I1.~_1:.~.trn.~_oL.~J:ll~_J!9r;;;~I)1f'l\1t-. . , , , , ,",. ., 'd .1 ) -3- ,1, ~i . . . ) i~ .. ... ;,' :~,!::i>.' .............J::J~......."',-,~. -, .,_....,,,J,,..,!....., (!!, "'v --...........--......,... """-'-....~.....~...~ '. :.' ~' j I I j ..-l. _....__"..~,~~.- .' . ,,: ~ 'il' . - . -., \" ,,' ~ q, , ',to ..~.. . d " 13. It Is further entered Into under the . the Commission and the understood that th 5 a9r~cment ,md all contrllcts provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon City and their !iUCCeSsors In office. ,I IN ,WITNESS ~IHEREOF the pllrtles hCl'otJ have caused this agreement to be). signed by the I r dul y authorl ze.d off I eel's on the day and year first above written. /,. ' Ie:.! H f ...A;l''t.........: "..n CITY CLERK " . .:';';'1 ,; ,I 'iHE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ,i:( ;;1 " i. J if. -:'1 /~' / .J,'. . :< ~i MYOR . ~ I ~ ; i'i ','" . I i (,TilE S,TATE HIGH\iAY COMMISS ION OF I<ANSAS " ,,"il I' . ., ,'I q' : :jl,.![.,. , ,'\"1' , ;I!' t,;' . , .. : -' ?:/.' I .Ioot ~ It. ;. h.~ I ;... 1:,'0:-;;:-: DIRECTOR ",,1,."1 ~ ~::. t. r ' ; . : i.~ ' \ ,0- , .,,' :'1 '. I 1 I 1 I I I I I .1 I , i . . , ATTEST: ( ATTEST: ", ,~ .. -, . '.^I P;':!I11"'~ t ~!:;/' SECRETARY , ,* il" ! ,~" I 1 i I I I I I I ) -1 I 1 ., , " " i" " ,. ; ~ U i ,! I,' . .. . ~ ' .' ' . , ;, :, d . . L ',;)'11. .J "I' ~'.I, ;'~r ~ ' -; ) I: ~: \.1 -! '; ~ 1: { '( ~ '\'. . ,Ii1 d. : ; !: .~ j l d ~I. . : " ~ i!, \ . 'ti;' F. ,I 1111 '.1"'1 .; '.<;.'!! 'f" ;," ~L ' .' ), .'. '. . . ~ ~ I ,: 4, 'W'II t::I'!. ", ii . ~ I ". -1 ~1 r ~l . '" . : i d j I '\ I , _ .....A.,' ".ie", '..... i ..' ., '; :.';: ' '111 .. ""\, d , ~! 'l::ti , ",1'1'1':'" -4- '" ,,'. " .~' , . ',::'::1 ,;i~:; '~L..~i~;':.~....~t.~.. '- '..".' ---p 'c' II-llo'lot L, O. BEXGTSOX ~ @'r~. ATiORNEY AT LAW 114 EAST IRON AVENUE: . s...~LlXA. KA.."'\SAS 6Z401 TAYLOR. 3-2244 November 6, 1969 11r. Bi 11 Crmvs County ld:torney City-County Building Salina, Kansas, 67401 cc Re: City Connecting Links Dear Bill: (Q) On August 20th and again on Sepb:m\ber 11th, I 'dis- cussed with you the matter of the payments to be made by the County to the City for maintenance of Federal Aid Seco;ldary Roads located wi thin the City as provided by K.S .A.. 68-506e. On both occasslo113 you indicated that. you felt that it ,vas mandatory upon the County t.o pay to the City from the road fund the sum of $250.00 per mile for their maintenance. IP . As wo are anxious to h2ve this cjuestlon resolved, I Iwuld appreciate if you IVQuld taka this watter Ul' ,vitti the County Ccmmi ssioners and ,:\c1vise T~e of their decision. Very truly yours, 1f cS~y-- L. O. Bengtson Attorney at La,., 'LOB/os cc: Norris Olson Ci ty l,lanager { V"" . ! '. I' ',' ". AN OROINANCE RELATING TO STATE AIO FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNOLIA ROAD Be it Ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Salina: 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of. the City of Salina, Agreement No. 23-68 between the City, the State Highway Commission of Kansas and Saline couniY' giving the State Highway Commission of Kansas authority to act for (the City, and in its place and stead to obtain for the City the benefits of State Aid on the terms and conditions set forth in such agreement as may be prepared and approved by the State Highway Commis- sion for the improvement of Magnolia Road. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its publication in the official city paper. Passed by the Commission this day of ,19_ (Approved) (Si gned) , Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk h / &- tk'7l1iJ IJ"t1 Rot _........,...f'"~_ ~." I \ I I I CITY OF SALINA j , , City Clerk's Office - Box 746 - Salina, Kansas 67401 \. January 15, 1970 I ! TO: Sa 1 i na Airport Author i ty Terminal Building 120 Salina Airport Industrial Center Salina, Kansas 67401 I I , I 1. Make all Checks Payable to City of Salina I ! , L Airport Authority's proportional share of cost for the improvements of Magnolia Road, from US 81 Highway west to Centennial Road, as per agreement .with City, County, and State Highway Commission ---------------------------$30,682.00 , r--j r I ~~~ D. L. Harrison City Clerk /-;)(,-70 .'o.j' '1;0' m~~" , , ;' ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P. HAGEN Lawrence. KansllS BOB KENT Salina. Kansas HENR y SCHWALLER HaYI. Xanus KARL A. BRUECK Paola. Kamu GALE MOSS E1 Dorado. Kansas LOUIS KAMPSCt!ROEDER Garden CitJ. K.uuu State Highway Commission of Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highway, R. L. PEYTON., Assistant State Highway Director JOHN D. McNEAL. State Highway Engineer STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOFEKA, KANSAS 66612 January 14. 1970 272-85 K 2021 (3) City Clerk City of Salina Sa Ii na. Kansas Dear Sir: 'Attached you will find copies of the contract awards for construction beginning at the intersection of Magnolia Road and US-81 highway located near the northeast corner of Section 35. T 145. R 3 W. thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Sections 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road. The attached documents indicate an estimated contract cost of $187.703.62. of which the City's liability is 33 1/3 per cent. In accordance with our agreement number 23-68 dated January 10. 1969. we are requesting that you, prepare a warrant in the amount of $62.561.00 made payable to the State Highway Commission of Kansas and forward same to this office for deposit. Yours very truly, R. D. PLUMMER CONTROLLER ,;z':A:'-6~/c;?1 BY: L. R. BALLARD ROAD COST ENGINEER LRB :DGS : I r Att. cc: Hr. R. W. Wall Hr. W. E. Kinnett Special Project ,. I " ..I r, '2 ! ic:-; .' " l_ .' Div. n 2 Grading .Bit. Base(P1.lIix)&Asph. Cone. 1)pe 01 work...A..~::-J.4 '~.!.~.~.~.R'..::.4.~~..!!'C..J?9.K._._.__._.. Sh. n 1 of 2 shs. Couut7.2.{I.U.!!~.........__..........__..._._.. STATE HIGHWAY CmlMISSION OF KANSAS Gr. ,Base & Asph.Cone. (1.311 Ui) . n._m_m.___Br. , 272-85-0.38 SCHED ULE OF PRIC~ol.ct No..Jl1.::~;' ~~?9.~~l~ll_~.;.!1..._L~..;tL.... The bidder sholl extend all items aad 101.1 the bid. "'1I..II'IIIlII'U1I1tt,",nl"."'IIO'III"","'I...""",..,.."I."'r.'.."I""...'...'".l..:'....,.U..t~I..".I...........IO.."....mull.I.......'.U...:'''lllnlullllul...'III.....II..''.ttltl''''.....tI.tllllIlI"IIIIII,."..lllItl""IO".". Bidding Item : NCoie ~ ApI,roxj~ale : Unit :......~.~~.!..r.!~=~.._..:........_..~~~.~~t........_. : om er : qaanhty. I Dollors i Cts. I Dollars ! ClB. --..-.....-----.-......-..........--....--.-...-......-..-.-...-..-.---..--.....--.-.....+--..--......-.........;................--...................;--........... , ::: : ,I: j _L_..~!@.lJ1g,...IJ:m:!~...._..__._.._..:.!t.Q.!H.~_~JQgQQ.\m;.;.mxxr..z.Xi:Q...'1Q$X;.\.lQi:~1Q$amxx.xx~ .. " i. I .. '.., _LM:!-:g,~.J):.~.!!.2_...................__......._._-!.~S.:.\~Q..~_._.._......_.....AL:.E.acll_:...J.Q....L.O.O...:..._.;a..~.2..Q....~n.o....... .. .: t. i ..2.-w~~~~.~!':!'.~~.Y..a..~.!.?E;..._...._.......__!.! 2~'!.Q...L....._.._~Q.2.96 ;.~.~.,X~.~~~..__LL...2.s....:..;a6...1.R...~.5..Q....... l~emovaJ. of 'I '. I' . '"' " , f _..L~~~!!!!~~~~!~~~:~-~;~~~.;..._.l-~.~~.~.~.t...._...._..t:~~;-f~~~~;:t4gQQ..r-QQ..!.i,.Q.QQ.....I.Q~..... -..5--COmp.acffiin...ii.~P................._..........._..._.T......._.-:_.._...._....z.:.__:-__............:_......!L..I....15...!.._1..Ii.SL.j9. ..... _...L.~~~_~}~~':'.~~....~!.y.p.~..~Lg!R::-~t_l.!:~l~lJ__..........!..~.!.~tJ!::?..:.~-~.~.~.:....-..Q...r! ..E..l....J...~.?2.....l?..9..._ .' '. . I , .. " I I _Z_w.i1-..t~l:....(Gl:.S\41ngJ.._._..._..............._..;.._:J.~~.QQ...:......__.........___.L.~!.9.;!l!1.,:...........;t.i...~.:U__......~...L~L. : ' . - :. : f: i 8 . 'I . 142 S . t . I I ; _.___.~:1.~.~~..A.f9.n.s.!.~.~.!L...___..........__.....L.?Q?.9....J...__....._._......_.$.!hy.!!.~..,~....Jl(t...!....Q.O_.:..JJ,..~.QQ._.!.QQ....... " ..!,: _9.......Re.illfo.J:t:ing...s.teel...........__,.".__.ll~1.9.1...L....._....._-2...~.?Q.~I.!?.~......_..\........(l_.L.n..~.....J....9..2.3._..!S..O...... .' " I t I ,. '. If.. .l.Q......~!r~...~!2!.rAp.Q!Lf.!p.~.._.._.._....._.t~091.L:...__......__.9..L;L;!.t\..1i:!,.,~.._....a...!....30..~...........7.f).6.....~8()..... I..v Sq.Ft. ::.:: i: f _U.....2~!1:~I.?P.S~..R.:!,P.!L~0.lM91._.__.._:1?l..?.2..1....._.._........._.3.LJx..in...1i:!;...{....._.6...J....6.o...:..........211....f20....... .:. Sq.Ft. . I' '. I' . ., '. t :: .!.L...~~.f.!:~~.~.~..Ripe _J.9:.g~.~.>._._..._.._)?~8?.2.~.___.............._...~.~..Jb!!1:...E.~...:....._...L.l....1.Q..l..........4.~4....i4Q...... ~4 I 1 ... : : I: i _!l._~!2.~.L~<2E-.L!:!.p.!:..J~~r.2...._.__.~._.J~~LQ.L.L_......~.__._!.L.Jb!.~...!!1...:..._.!Q....IL..?.g...{........1?~....iQ.Q...... . f " . I .' '. I _L4.. . 3.9~..EmI..~~.!;~,;!.gt\IL.(IY.p..'il...IL_;.s.4.(l~D....::...__.._._.._._...L;Eal:.h..._L....1.0...'...O.O'...I_.........2.8.Q.....jO.O..... "-'2'.v S'q.L'LI r..nu " .: I f i '55 52 . 2 ' , . , 8' . J.L.$~S!!Q!!L. (CllllAC. )....(IY.P\t...n...._..:._g....._.:..._._.___..._....:.-.~~~!l.._....:......J.?.....j! _QQ...:.._......1.......jQ.Q....... , 2.5. Sq.J;i't. End :. .: : i ..!~_~.~~.~.!.?.~.~......(~c.)....J.!.Y..P.~...JL...._:~502Z_...!...__.._..........._L~E.!L..;...~3._,.._~9....i......._!.6.~.....~O.2..... 24. End t:: ~ I f i .1.L.!ef.!;.~.Ii.Q~sI....~!!,!;;).....tr.y.p.~..J)._._._....j;!!ty.QL:___._...__...L:Ell.!;;L._I__7.iL..I_Q.Q....!..........l!t~L_.~Q...... .., e.e r aLe :: :: : i 18 ...s~.~.~..\!...Fl.~.D.~!!.....{g.?J.y..,J.....____~tr?..?..~...L.._.l..!!18. ~$_JI.1n.J:!;...:_..._.6....!...'O.0..{....l.6...9.12...I!- 0..... Aemova 0.[ ", ': I ' , ' , 19 Steel Plate Guard Fence ,12531: 1 656.25 :Lin.Ft.: 1 I 00, 1.656 \25 -......-ll.eco.ns,.truc.t.:t:oti...O!...........-............-..i..._...._._.....~..____...a._......-._..-r.........._..-:---.._:.-...~.-.r......-...--.......i-...-.- _~~_~.~_~_:~=~: G':~:~..!'.~?.:.~......_:12.~:~j.~~O :.~_.tin~!..~..:.i.._3....1....5.Q...~........5...2'.1.5...~.(L 21 Guard Fence Posts . :23405 1 . 133 bCh 1 10 I 50: 1 396 60 .______.___.........__..._...._._.._.......____..._.:....-......-.r-----.---.--...........---..-..-.-.-..r............:....._.....t.........._:......__ . . .' '0: I' l ..ll.._~!lS.I~J.!LP-:!,~c;:h...ktQ:!,X\L..~~AZ.1.~!Lj____.?!l..f;1.....:;~..Yg.s.,.L_!l_...L~Q...: .__?.1_~Q~.. ~Q._- . , . . _' Cont'd on sh. fI 2 of 2 shs.... . . ..: . . , . ........................"........,..".........................,..........,......,....,..'....'....01..........................,.'''..'..111..''.,.'......11..".._............1.....".......,111111....1111,......'".'.111.,11.,11...'...,11...1."'......... 10/28/69 COntract No. 69-11-5-02 ......-....---.--....-......... ...""....III.........II"............U'1OI110..........II'.....""......,......................,,....,,....'''.....'"'111.,,..........~.............111..__......,HI.llIlf...........III1"..'''........U.......IIfIII...''".......'''...........to. Brown & Brol~, Inc. :-.--.---.-..-.......--... S. H. C. Fotln No. 203 " r " '. .' .' ~ '. " .~ , -, " . . -. . ~ '1 , . . , .' , ,f , I 10/28/69 ( tliv. fi 2 Grading, Bit. Base (Pl.ilix) ,Asph. Cone. Type or \\'ork""L?,::!~~L4"~,~~~,~,:::lJ.:,~".r,~,J),Q2(_",,,,..__..__...... Sh. 0 2 of 2 she. COWlIY_,_~~,U~.!:..._,_"..._..""._..:-...,,_._. STATE HIGHWAY COM~lJSSION OF KANSAS Gr., J!ase & Asph.Conc. (1.317 Hi) _._n_.mum. Dr. 0 272-85-0.38 SCHEDULE OF PRICE~Ojec, No._..J.r2;:-;jPi~.?..~i~~1;u:.t~,i._I_~..IL... The bidder, 811011 extend an items and total th[: hid. '1111.101011111"''' ....11...'..1.1'.....11'....".'...""..'.'.,........,....."'....',.,..,........"............I........,...'.'......'....f1I1.,lt.,.lI"""'1"""""'"'_''''"'''"11'"11111111:'''''''''''''''''''''"'''''""I""""'"fl'''' .. ! ' ". ' t .U i 9 , /lib u t 9 i Biddin It : Code: Appr",xJmate : Unit. I._......~.~..P.!.!~_...'...................'?..~..._.......... --'._'---~-'-""""'~''':~~''''''''-'''''''''-'---'-'-'l..'~~~~.~:,j-'--~~'~~'~:!-'-'l-----i..!?~l'~!!:.~I.-~!~~.t.....p.~!~r'~"'-l.f!~:... _~L!~l!:..P.9.!:.?Ey...,~.\!.r.J.?~J.p.S_!ii!:!=.!'!.!:!!!!.Lu..?.nJ_.__..._.....1..-Jc.v..J.d:>..~-..-.3...,..5.!l....~_._-.._.-J'-'rl.5.cL, Reflectorized :: :: i : -~.1.....,~~t~~i~rli~j!:,!~g,..~,!g~.$."'-"---'i.??J??Q...t-.'''''-'''-'-'~~1~!,;h'''--''l.....12,Qt..QQ'-i...-....,-.?..9-Q,l~.QQ..... _~_...~!!:l!:~!,!:~:~_.~:l~.J:.E'!!?:g...~!gP'.$.._._,.....,_,_. :!?..Q,?..?.....L..._.__"...._~_._:~!O!L._':...._.l5.O',f_.aQ,..:__........300..1..0.0..... BITUiHNOUS :: :: . i: I lL"'E;;:~A!;!~,...();,1~!:r,..11I.r.J....._...,.._..........___.:A!l1.!lJ._J....xX:OOClG\lXX~.x.:oq:xxx;;XXXXXX\"V~:0:.'{ ngsregate Lor Bit. .. .: I' I 27 . . I " I _.:.._~:?E'~_~J:~~g!?_~__QlC::U.._........__.._,...!lQ1.9..2....:___._..19...H1..-:-"r9..\l.$..._-+.._.....5-P,.:i...f--s.5....J!lLt...D.L .. " i . . .1L..~!:'p.I!~:1.1:..,f.e.I!!,e.~.1:_,-<A~=.?.L............_....!!.~~lU.._....J.,??....l;J,L--<~{!.J..Il..,._..,:...._.._,..O..~O.I3.;L.:....,lZ,.1.17.... ...63._.. .. . I ! I i .. '.! r : ...?J.-.-.Ag~f!~~r~.!'~o.fQ,!)T.9.E~.T.!j;.._..................-i~-Ql.Q.?..,..p.QQ\;:J.\';),~,1QQ;..~~lMQ.'f~,;;g''4~~\l\l.;1;.\;~~;Z<\.:\~rXX;~ .)..Q.......!?!:!'fJi!:S!LfQ!J.:!:!?~....(ti!J=.n..............__..~!.Q,!t.?,l..;.__,...,.._1...!l~.__h:Qn.$.,........1.............~.J.?.?......,}_.....9....,?,.Q.9,..i...QQ..... . I '. 1. ~ 31 A () l' '. f' f sphalt Cement AC-5 . :13202': 22 156 ~als..' 0,082: 1 816 ; 79 -..-.............................-...-........................-.......--............ .-.......-.....,..-...............,-........-.-.......-................:.................:'........................,............,............. ': :' i' ! .1..?_.m.m.......nIJI>:URQ:u.s.,..sl'AT.n]~L........,......_L~Q?J?~U.~!Q9P.,;!9Q\,'9.Q.~.,:w;r,:19.\t.p:~.~'Q-;,!!,(i:.~K~r.,;g;~!:G9..; ., I. I' , .. . I I , 33 Emulsified Asphalt (CRS-11I) :13427 : 5,522 llals.: 0 16: 883 i 52 -...-:-..-.....................-...............-..............-............--.......- r-.....---..r.---....-..........--..---:-.-......-......:............-..t-....._.~_......__.........r............ 34 Cover l1aterial (SCH-7) :10953 : 125 ~u.Yds.: 7 !50: 937! 50 -"'Ranip'u~[a tfon..........._._........_......................-i.._...._..l-~._.._............_....~i-.................:.................r...........!........_..............f........... .1L.~~!~~!~2~~.._~"'.~.~:_!Y~."'...gJ....._..Jg!!Q~...~__...._~_~.:.~.~---1!tg"..__-:......_.!!..._!.Q.Q......1",..,.._...39.,,)...L..~4, . Emulsified :: :. . I _~~_._.~..~p.~!:Ol,,~_L~~.~:::!:.~.?..J.~.r.m::\'.~.!7'!i_,_..._...,!!.~~~?_...!_..._~.,.???.....-P-!.~_!!..._....!._._Q..,..~_~..~._.!.,..~QLJI. ...!.6..... . 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Contract NO. 69-11-5-02 -.-:...._~.~_._.~_.._____..____.~.. .._...___' ___~n4..r..Q,t.~" ._,..l.aJ._Z9..9.....,..;}.Q... .11~.:II..~~~:"~~III~~.~~I~~.:'~I~.~.:III.!.~.~I~~'~~11,~:~:.~I..~~~~.~.~.~,~~!.~~::e..~n~,.. c;n....L~21.,t.Q.9..:,:;::.:;::;::.::.::.::.;P.;<?!,~?,~ . . \-<;, / ..' . Brown & Brown,. Inc. .' --1..J..___ _ . ~~ _..__...___.... i\nORril~ iN fACI S. U. c. For,. No. 203 ". .. T .. t . 10/28/69 Contract No. 69-11-5-03 Div. (J 2 Type of lVorL_...l~~d~I).IL.._..~ _......................_..........___... COIUl17 _.~!!.~..!!!~...__.._.........._-_....._.._...... , 1.113 Hiles S.Pt. Salina SCHEDULE OF PRICES. . 272-85 K 2021 (3) Pts. I & II ProJecl No.__....____...__..........._.........__...__. The bidder '.ball exleDd .11 iteDI. Bnd lot.llb. bid. OIl.IIU....'III1I11I1......'''''.'..II..III11''''''''II..''''....IIII1..'U..'''",.......,....""1"......""'IIIOUIl..."II.........",,,,,..""..'"""II....."III1......IIIIII...',I.II,,,,,"lttl....fUtlll.......l....IlI"UI"..II11."'....."..llI ;1 . Bidding Item : NCodbce: Approd~ate i. Unit t_..!'.~~.~..P!.~.~.~......:.._........~~~!...._....._. . : um r: quanhty : .: DontU's 1 Cte.: Dollars i CIS. ...-.L....:::t.[...:I:::....(...l..:.=~Q...=.Q....).......................-r~..;~~~T"''''-'''':''':'';~ ! Lbe r............-r..l.2.....-.r.--6,.-9....1....f...2...0...... _. ....+.:.'W...... .b.1r. ..~.,..."'..... .Y........ ...... ._..........__..._.t..~.._.._..ort..."'.....___....r.'..s.~...-=--4-.........~.!_...,.._......__j-.. ...,......__... ...... .... f ::: : i : . 2 Alfalfa Seed :30350 : 99.6. Lbs., I 70 ' 69 I 72 --.---t.......--......--........-..-.....-...-....--..-..,...-----r--....-.........--.------..........-......:....-.....I----......I-.......... ...-~..-~~1i~y~~.~.~.....?.e..e..~.................-..............-.-!}.Q~2....~.....-..................~?..~...~....~~~:.......l......--+.~.Q+..---....9.9..1..6Q..... ~._ Q.F..~~.!L.~.~~d ..(~!~!1..!:~~.L_...__..:}04Q.U....-_.-.-2.32_i..J...~~.~.,;,....-...z..I_Q.Q....~...._.....6.l1.tt......QO- . I .':' " . I r I 5 Blue Grama Grass Seed :30370 : 99.6. Lbs.: ! 70 : 69 72 -...........................................................................-....................:.....--..-...1'-........-....-....-....--1-......--....:...-...........1............t...................................... . J__.!~!~!?..'LN?..t!y.~...g!:.?..s.s.....~~~sL...........:}O~J.Q...:...___.._?2.&_~_hbs ~......:.........__L..B.O...:..........._..19......6..8.... . :: : I i I I _L_!.!:!!.?:.~.?~...~.Y..e..(lE~.~.~....~.~.~.~.......................:.~Q~2...:..-..._...-X~..:..~__:....!:-.~.!:......L..............L?.Q...L_............~.9..-t.AQ.... . I .' I .. j ......!L...r.!.~!E?-~...X:.~...~~)f..hs!.)!.~..............__.....i~.Q.~.~~....J.__-_..!..~..~..~......J...~<.::..':.s...i..-..PQ.LQQ...i........?..l5..ll...!...Q.Q..... . .. . I . . .... '. I' I .. .' . , ... . . : -.-....-..........-................--......-.......-....-.....-.....-.-....-...-...._.._.._.._._....,.._......._.......-......._-~............_...................--....-..... . . .. . I I' I . . '" : : -.............................i:.............-:.................-.................-.t.-...............1..........................-....-....j......-............1................'I..........j.........................,,!............ . . . . . : I : . -.............._-_.........~_..__..-............._....-....i-....-.:.........--...--..............-:-.........-...:.................[.....--.i..M.................:...j", ..........M .. "'. I --.--..--..-..-..............-...................------........-'....--.-~..........._......._........_....{..-.__.~...._.......... .-...............-................(.......-... :. .: I: I --...-...........-----...-..---.....-.......-............l......-.......l...------.."'l-..............!...-.-.......t.....-..l........................t' ..--.. ------ ..--..--..--..--.-.-.--__ .--...-,.-......-......-..............-..........._..__..1........_-:-.---'........._...._._.. ............ , .:. .: I: j " .... . . ----....-...-.......---.....-................!-.-..:.-:---......----:.-._-~_..-t.....-l-....r.--....-._.....-I............ . . " I I . . '. I -....-..._~....._.....--:--:............_..........._._......_......._......i-.-........!.....-.......-...-........---j....---....i.....-....]---....1.....-.................11..-...... ...--....--.-----.-..-...-i;--:---}--..........-.--....!-..--...!.............-,..-...1...........-... ......". --..-...-......-..:.............................................._..._........._-~_...............i.._.........._....._..__..J_...__M...:.................:'.....__..~....._. ..._.........l...._.... --..-.-.....--.-....................-.........-.--.....-j--....i---..-.-..... 1 .....L......._l_.......t.......__..J........... . . '.' I I . ., '. J . ., '. . I .' . I I . --.........."'...........-....--..-.....................................-...-..r..............T......-...........----..-r...-..-..l..~..-. ,......... ..1..--.....'.....-.1-....... -.-..-.....-.-....---..-.--~----......-..-._~_..._.......r--.-...-'1 .~..........--1......-1..-........_........................ :. .: I: " . ." . . . .--...-.--.---.........-...-.....--...-....-----..........--..---..-........\....-..-...-..........----..... ......---..............--..... .' . . . . . . . Grand lotal, : 3 904 132 . ...".."".............II.".........u.,....,,'.,........,........,..............I................u........................."......................................_.......,.........,...,..........................l.....,.....a,..,.........,..........., STATE HIGIIWA Y CmlMISSION OF KANSAS " ;, ., ...;.---_...__..__..._-_._-_.._-_..._._-~_._._-- -...-....--...--.----.-.-..-..... Three Thousand Nine Hundred Four and 321.lf1f1----------__________________________llollors .."....""'....".111....".."."'''...''11..'.......'''",,,,,,,,,,,,,.......,,''''''.''..11..''.........."...""'''..:.'..Y,''.Il.''..''....''.!..'!......''Il.._."....II'''...'''''''2."".....""......,"'".........".....""....."""". Edward Heffel . . -4ffi;.;{{// ~I 01.-<4.- .2:.:.:';'/;:} __........._. ATromlEY IN fAGl s. u. C. Form No. 203 T ., , \ . / f.f;tdif1U~~~fuD~f!~\j :t:~~ .~ . -W~ZE~E;'~~~~ ~:::rJ:;,ii:~_:"~:~~:tE~~t ~~~ W~~t COMMISSIONERS L". '\.={:~'-~.~..._~J LEON L. ::;~~ 0 MILLlKA~~:C'~ORRUNDQUIST FIFTH AND ASH STREETS ROBERT C. CALDWELL WilLIAM W. VOST P. o. sox 746 d'alina, !J(am.a!J. 67401 ~-.. , \ ~. I, "'/ NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA COOE 913 823-2277 November 26, 1969 Mr. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer Division No. 2 State Highway Commission 1014 North 3rd Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Wall: You may consider this. as the City of Salina's agreement to assume the additional $6,149.00 for construction costs of its portion of Magnolia Road, from U.S. 81 to Centennial Road,. as dictated by the bids recently taken byyqur' agency. NDO/mb Sincerely, .)~). ?t'4'1..' &.!..J!.....;._.~--- Norris D. Olson City. Manager cc: Salina Airport Authority Airport Industrial Area Salina, Kansas 67401 ': MEMBER KANS"IS LSAGUE O'~ /I.\UNlCIf'/.LlT:E5 - NATIONAL LEAGUE or CITIES r....-.. .-...... A 9&- BOARD OF DIRECTORS M.I.KENNEDY,Chairman EDWAItD H. BELL- ALLEN R. DOEX>E C,j,WERTL . C. DALE LYON SALIN A AIRFOR T A UT:H:ORITY" SALIN A MUNICIPAL AIRPORT JOHN F. SCANLAN ExeeutiveVicePre.ident PAUL S. WALL Genera1Manager TERMINAL BUILDING NO. 120 SALiNA, KANSAS 67401 November 25, 1909 Mr. Norris Olson City Manager P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Olson:. The Salina Airport Authority is agreeable to assuming the additional City cost of Magnolia Road as agreed upon on November 25, 1969, at a meeting with the Saline County Commissioners, the State Highway Commission, and the Salina City Engineer. Sincerely, Paul S. Wall, P.E. General Manager PSW:ks ADJUSTED BREAKOOWN AS SUBMITTED BY CITY AND COUNl'Y 16% City J 84% Coun~ for items prorated ( '--- Large Trees. Grubbing Hedge Eltcavation (Common)' Compaction (Type AA) (MR-5) Compaction (Type B)(}lR-5) 24" E.P. 30" E.P. 1.5 Sq. Ft. E.P. 24" C.R.P. Water Temporary Surfacing Concrete Ditch Lining Guard Fence Removal & Reset Guard Fence Removal of Existi~ Structures Laboratory (Type B) Signs - Railroad Crossing (Crossbucks) (Advance Warning) 2 - 9' X 7' X 60' RCB Class "A" Concrete Reinforcing Steel Class III Eltcavation 24" End Sections . 30n End Sections 1.5 Sq. Ft. End Sections SUB-TOTAL Contingencies + 10% TOT AL Surfacing, 8n B0-1 Surfacing, 4n HM-3 ~n BC-l Centennial intersection US-81 intersection Bridge Seeding TOTAL OONSTRUcrION COST ( 8'. 'l' ~ ~. ? J (PIJ'l,~() f2SS:,'..c)a County & State 1,650 55 9,647 885 281 150 201 149 300 1,332 19,383 2,850 1,680 504 462 165 172 100 39,966 . 3,997 43,963 48,949 5,089 14 ,000 1,260 113,261 City & State 1,838 169 53 1,437 320 96 88 10,625 I I ! I I i I 14,626 1,462 16,088 Total 1,650 55 11,485 1,054 334 150 201 149 300 1,332 20,820 2,850 2,000 600 550 10,625 165 172 100 54,592 5,459 60,051 48,949 13,853 6,574 5,089 14 ,000 1,500 150,016 -.-oJ .-- ...- 91./..'i-"lr; 00 . .., /) s.r-1.Ov ... v! - ;p ':1. :;c"/A() ,.--,..-.-. TOTAL . 150,016 '1~7.J_~~. * The State will prepare plans, let the contract, supervise construction, administer payments to contractor, and PlV for cost of surveys, prepnration of plans and construction engineering. 13,853 6,574 240 36,755 - County Cost = 113,261 x 2/3 . City Cost - 36,755 x 2/3 . * State Cost = (113,261 x 1/3)+(36,755 x 113) - 75,507 - 24,503 .so 1 006 ADJUSTED BREAKOOWN AS SUBMITTED BY CITY AND COUNTY 16% City J 64% CoW1k1" for items prorated CoW1ty to< State City to< St!l.te (,. L!l.rge Trees Grubbing Hedge Excavation (Common) Compaction (Type AA) (MR-5) Compaction (Type B)(MR-5) 24" E.P. 30" E.P. 1.5 Sq. Ft. E.P. 24. C.R.P. Water Temporary Surfacing Concrete Ditch Lining Guard Fence Removal to< Reset Guard Fence Removal of Existi~ Structures Laboratory (Type B) Signs - Railroad Crossing (Crossbucks) (Advance Warning) 2 - 9' X 7' X 60' RCB Class "A" Concrete Reinforcing Steel Class III Excavation 1,650 55 9,647 665 261 150 201 149 300 1,636 169 53 1,332 19,363 2,650 1,660 504 462 1,437 320 96 68 10,625 24" End Sections 30" End Sections 1.5 Sq. Ft. End Sections 165 172 100 39,966 3,997 43,963 46,949 '13,853 6,574 SUB-TOTAL 1.4,626 1,462 16,066 Contingencies + 10% TOT AL Surfacing, 6" Be-1 Surfacing, 4" HM-3 61:;" BC-1 Centennial intersection US-61 intersection Bridge Seeding 5,069 14,000 1,260 113,261 240 36,755 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST I ,1 ( 8', <:r ~ ?:,,' Q (p(r.)7,oQ 17.. S S :'-" cH - County Cost = 1l3,261 x 2/3 - City Cost D 36,755 x 2/3 . * State Cost = (113,261 x 1/3)+(36,755 x 1/3) - Total 1,650 55 1l,465 1,054 334 150 201 149 300 1,332 20,620 2,650 2,000 600 550 10,625 165 172 100 54,592 5,459 60,051 46,949 13,653 6,574 5,069 14 ,000 1,500 150,016 75,507 - 24,503 50 ,006 I I I I i i '-------, "1tJ-.<i-'?o oC! - ~_ :1 ,~~1,(.J () ..;; ."I! '; 2, ,;-"'hO() r-"-.'~'-""'- . TOTAL - 150,016 \,/Q~70) -t ~____"--.. * The State will prepare plans, let the contract, supervise construction, administer payments to contractor, and p~ for cost of surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. ., '. " 'p,t::, '1t'~ (J.?~6 11 , .' ':r;;?~~ 'i"J _ :<...,> . . . . . . . . I ..' .' . . " : ' S~.qte ~lg.,",,4" .,6.JHi6~jp,. ~~' ~~~~' ',l ,: . r . ,- I ," , ~ . - . ,~ . ~.., ,."' ." ;- ...:.' . i'. . . , ,r,' ," ..<'" r opelCa,Kan,sss ':',~' :,' ': ': ,: }.!i' ..'~ -. -, ~): ; " , c' , ,J,.r: ;....... , . "..,~ .' ;0..,'; \.. .... . .'<','~' '. r.~" ~ ': .' OJ , -"!....' , " . ,." " I, 'i .' , . Oct?ber 2~. 1969, " ~ ".. " . , ' 2.72-85 K 20if m; 't:~ t" H ' ' CIty of $altne ' "Sllllne county" ' .~.. , ..,' ., ".' !' !' Kr~'lfero,td f' .'Ha'rper ,CIty tngliu!er, CIty Kiln FIfth and Ash Stre$ts ,'Salina" Kansas 67tiOl .' r, :, ,I' . ',' . " . .< .-. . , ',' , ' , .. ',' 'J ," . .. ,OearMr . Herper: ' ' ,..,. " " 'we' ar~ send I 09 you und~r seps'ra,te ~~ver one' 'cOmplete set' of , eonstl"l!ctlon plllns ('sheets No~ I through:,46) on tile ,above noted, proJect c:oyerlng theproposedll1lp!"ovement on-Magnolia ROad (K-272) frtlm Centennial aOad easterly to ,US 81. . Th'1s set of' plllns will ' sypereede any set of plane' thetyOu now' have. ,',,' , .., , -'.. .., '.' ,..,'. .',...... , ,In aeeordanc,e with our County-Clty"State Agreement No~'21..68 , pated,January 10, 1969, thIH)lan$ Whanapproved !ly the County, the " City -liOd the State, HIghweyEnglneer' become a part of the agl'eemel'lt. , We wouh~ apprec:tate befng fnformedby ~lJ that the efty govilrnfng body flll~approvedth4pl8l'\s. " , , " " verY' tru'fv yours.' 'w. H.Dgan; p:'t.,', , '!llgIMer.of ,Urban HIgflW~Vs' ,', ,.' , , ,'~?~V' 'i,~'L Keyer, P. E. Urban PlannIng EngIneer cc: '",r.DonaJdb~ Kl1HkaD.,K&yo~ " ~.. ' - , , ~ '~" ,!9 , ..' t'\ '".I'll ' " ') \I" jf .,. - .JLK:l1Ij , .... ': ' " , " ' " " {) , , ;:,; ".' -". '. .... ~ ~ ~ " 1,-- " .'- ;.. r" , ",I State ~icJltwalJ eOH1mi""ion 01 :;lLan"a~ July 10, 1969 ~ " 272-85 K 2021 (3) Saline County Centennial. Road to US-81 on Magnolia Road, Salina MUIORANDUM OF FIELD CHECK: The above nunlbered project was field checked July 8, 1969 by Messrs. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer; K. V. Spear, Urban High~rays; W. R. D01.ms, Design; Herb Callon, County Engineer; Greg Hecker, Assistant County Engineer; and Don Bassett, Assistant City Engineer. The project begins at Centennial Read, a north-south artery-in the Salina Airport, and e)~ends easterly 1.12 miles to US-81, just south of Salina. The work consists of grading and surfacing this road, originally an access road to the Schilling Air Force Base, to provide a new access road to the Salina Airport and cor.nected facilities.. The traffic forecast for 1980 is 3240 VPD. At the request of the City and CO\L~ty and as approved by the State Highway Commission, the typical section will be 28' top width, surfaced full ,'ridth with &}" BC-l base and 4" Asphaltic Concrete for the ~lest 938' (City portion), and ~lith 8" BC-l base and bi.tuminous seal on the rerr.ainder of the project (County portion). 4:1 slopes .and 6' x 2'-6" ditches are used. Extra lanes are being provided on Centennial Road and on tlle west side of US-81, with left-turn bays being provided on US-81 for both north- and south-bound traffic. A new bridge, ~ 2--14' x 14' RCB is being constructed at Station 20+00, about 100' east of the present structure, and a channel relocation is provided at this location. The present structure over I~3~', with a 24' road~ray will be used. Steel plate guard fence using the present round posts and re~uiring all round posts, using the 6' - 3" spacing, ,.rith turned dmm and buried free ends and attached to the bridge ~lill be used. Because of roadway restrictions, the offset bloc;cs ,'lill not be used. Near the west end of the project, a single track of the I,Iissouri Pacific Railroad is crossed. Hr. Callon requested that minir::um crossing protection be provided. The present crossing planks will have to be repla.ced. No crossing protection is presently in place. . -." 1;,_1 ./ , Memorandum of Field Check: -2- J~ 10, 1969 1,330 cubic yards of Borrow material is to b~ obtained from a location Right Station 7+40 to 8+25 +. T'nis is property presently controlled by the Salina Airport Authority, whose land vTe are crossing between Centennial Road and the !.\issouri Pacific Railroad. Mr. Bassett suggested that . this area not b.e tied dO'.m by easements, but be. determined at the time of construction by agreement between the Engineer and the City. All right of vTay is the responsibility of the City and County. A 25' temporary. easement is to be provided Left Station 20 to 29 to provide for a haul road for removal of channel excavation. . Mr. Bassett offered to provide us vTith present topography along Centennial Road 'Within the area of the proposed l'Tidening. ' Other minor changes are indicated on the plans. /) . R f)rcv-n4 ) W. R. Do,ms, P.E. Squad Chief vfFJJjes cc:. ~~. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer ~~. K..V. Spear, Ass't. Engineer of Urban Highways ~~. Herb Callon, County Engineer, Salina Mr. H. F. Harper, City Engineer, Salin~ Attn: Mi'. Don Bassett, Ass't. City Engineer Mr. Ralph Carroll, Office Engineer ,. ~ ~ 1,. ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ""ht~~',.. ;eJ. , ROBERT P. IL\GEN LawrenCe, Xanlal BOD KENT Salina. Xanw. HENRY SCHWALLER Hay.. Kanau KARL A. BRUECK PaoIa, kann. GALE MOSS ElDota.dO.~as LOUIS KAMP8cHR.OEDER GardeD. City, tc:anm State Highway Commission of Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways R. 1. PEYTON. Assistant State Highway Director JOHN D. McNEAL. State Highway Engineer STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 July 17, 1969 Right of Way Saline County 272"':85 K 2021 (3) Honorable William W., Yost, Mayor ci ty Hall 5th & Ash . Salina, Kansas 67401 Attention: H. F. Harper City Engineer Dear Sir: Weare submitting plans for your use as per agreement dated January 10 ~.. 1969. ~ Please notify by. letter to Harry G. Wiles, Chief, \7\' ~ightof Way Department, State Office Building, Topeka, Kansas 66612 your approval of the right of w~pl"n"by .r.~ly 22, 1969~f possible. Periodic reporting of your progress as fo acquisition of the necessary right of way and easements. would be greatly appreciated. . Upon completion please certify that all right of way necessary for the above project has been acquf:red to the Right of Way Department, State Office Building. State Highw!lY. Yourstiuly, JEB : em Enc. cc: Board of County Commissioners Robert A. Kent, Commissioner R. W. Wall, Division Engineer Engineer ; 7-.. ~. . . --~-"_._._..~ ^ t':~.J 1 _ ~;:':'::-':::=-"":f;:"^ L:::-__ -,~ Jill ~ r:r;:Lt.:.,({e Jj ;"{; .:'J:.. ~\::~U;. l{-~ WlZEtEffi~th ~~E"~~~i~~;t~:ii<tit and Wc;~t ~.", :;l ':"'J" f' ~ \. ';5W ,,' ~. '-~."'~ ' .,.....-., '<: , ,~., ..',.., .'j., _'~ f'.':"'" "\,~; l-~~,_. '" """_" " .. " .... _ ,,_.,. t.... ,... _." ,,'_,'~__"." .. lli~~~-.....~_ __..,.~_.'~_' FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. Q. BOX 740 H. F. HARPER CITY ENGINEER AREA CODE 913 TA 7.9491 adina, !J(am.a~ 67401 July 22, 1969 Mr. Harry G. Wiles Chief Engineer, Right of Way Department State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 Re: Right of Way Plans K-272 -, Magnolia Road from U. S. 81 to Schilling Industrial Area - Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of July 17,.1969, I have discussed with Mr. Paul .Wall, Airport Manager, about the captioned right of way for K-272, Station 0 + 00 to Station 8 + 25.2. We are in agreeement and approve the right of way as indicated on the plans for K-272, the Channel Change and the Borrow Area. Sincerely, ~. ~~JJ~ D. . BASS, 5SI . T ENGINEER DWB:MKP MEM6ER . - KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUN/CI?>\L1TIE5 - NA.TIONAL LEA.GUE OF CITIES ,- l.~. (:' ~ l:) ~ '1 ~ -- , I I '6i:R'/J1I I -- K.w=Ex.~W_ T' '. ....-"---j i !.:;~< "':::'-=::':~:~::=c."~"'i::.:::::.. ;:_-c,~__:,_~~ 5' -- ~~- - c- ,- ~ -- -- - - - -- 7- . '0 '~~mr.,c,?-R",---_ ~_. _'_' - --==:~~~;'';:';': >c~--:i:::::-_F:--H '.~-::-:'~~__ .?-:__;~~____~ ' ' -- . I _ _ /If.. _ _ . ',;E..r:R,1-V---- ~--. ---- 6J~'~ --.:::-=-.~- - "/'-~L~?~~ ,vc.'- - ~--~~~ -- --'ZRIN::;' 'I-. I ! "i . _ 'b ~.~ " & Ii, V'\ 'I ~~ .... Ii I - - ~ ~ ~!\J t.5:T. ['\' 0:Qo ~ ?tJ ~ . f ~i -~ -- - . )() - . ~.~ l, I' 1'5 . "-" " '<\l - .-~ - : f f~: - - , - ., : let) \ '\ Ii - ~\-- f.v ~~ ~'\ ~~~ __.td 1. '-J ) -- \.\.; l ~: \ "'-". \... \ f' j,,\ ft fCc,::-:<:: ~:_C\\T '- --.. . "'-.,- - Do, ~/' =~ i! i j (J\ fr. ----. i : . i i rol i.~) . "-. I I'\) , '.". it!, i ~ f~'" ~~~ '-- ~j/~)!1\ ( ,"" M ~ ~ . , 1 ).../1 :;:' : i, ' eX:;' ,. '~ '-" ! . . i ~ c: r'l" ~. I 'I' 11 ..... ~ I /; ~ : . .. 'ell " . () . r:, (;; r~J "\...' . .... r.t I 'G _ .J....... ., is "'.', -- It, __, . '. '" " '" " I \ .'-J - l - -' ,> n ~r . _ . f -----=--- ----;,~~-a ?i:l---.,....I__'i. : -~':"'\ ~ _ ~li! (;.'10__ \ 5~,v:'_ "'il- 1:4;1, ~~ _ ~ ~~- LE'fro". ~~~f/l}CO ;) -- ,~ ,. ff-=- : }:.: . :~. \:_. 'l.:_m. --I:e.~5.z i.._ "'... J{ Channc:/ /__j. '?', , f'" ~~. .-...... == =(,.A/ "-.:"", -- -- ._~ -. K:; ,:~:~- .,~ co ~^- "'-/{V () .: \J ~\; I I' ',:___...- ' ---- ~~h 4:;_ _. 11!. -.. ";.,;;.~/k/?Rl::.'fyil?- ''''''\:_~=--- , X:~L "'... ',1 ~- - - "Z:p, ~ ---',' i '-i - . ---7 -_ ......... . ....., . ~-_., -. . ,~ n. t''': . . ... -.,', :t;;~".. ; ~ ; "~.J . ;;,1/ c;.' . U":: ,;1; 'f' i, -----.-- ----. , ~ '! ::'h, .--) : (. i ..........'J : .~,t , ~. ! l.... r, " . :~ ; ...,: / (' -'\ I ..._ r I r!'-..... t.,) t.\ \ r. f ?i.... t-...JJ '. -, \'.' ~,-:;_r . , . iJ -~ ~ ',_ . ,'" I ('il t.. .1-} _J..,} r \\ ~"\ /"'" . "-".~ ,) I 'I !l il /.'" ,......., ... ...., " r .......... \ r. I \.j ..... r- ......\ '. : t-" ,~ 0. \J . 'j, : ~ '! ..-:-. '-J" ";",'r ,x r".: \..~ . '>, -...." \,J,) )..,\ ('\, : :~,1 < '"", C1i \1, .c, (~--- ":'; !. ...., (\ .~ r i I .-' . J ,'\ : (1-~ (\; , . v -; : --... J, , ,r -~, r\ ,- _ ..'" '''''; . J ~.., 1 '---- .-, . ,': ~.... II t....,.' ''1--1' . -'f.. ., r. .J., . 11 r;- I: .... \ 'oJ r;:);? . ~ . l :--... C;' ~J u~ ;'ij ;r ..' ..' ." ..' ;"-.~ ,[':) -, ....' '. .,:: .~~ . '.0' n- __ .-.;..... ~ \j : (", , .- .- " /' -, ) " r,\ \ ," '\ ' ~. '- " '\l ,. ^ " "- 'l " ,r\u~ '"'- "'J ~. '" ~ () 't; ~ \) .., .., " " ., r- '.' ~ f'l "t1 "-.:.~ ~ ::;, .... ~. ~(\' ~ r" , '(TJ ~x ~() \ \\ f11 -....... ;-' ,- '-'. I \':, -I f '1' f. \ --::- i .'-' (.J j 1-'. ~:~'" I f '. ' / , ( ~, "'_M : _-'".---"'--.1.0.____ f, ~~, . ".; . . -Zk.t? Rffv ~. " ~ ~ ~ ~ \ t) t' '- ~ ' :.-'.'..... ! '~" 4; (~c:-.i:.~~"'/ ",", ; " S-. .~\ t~' \''- , t., , , t\) , ~... ( \'.. ' '..\ ,.. 1..;- ~' {. : ".- ~ --"--~."--- ! '! I J State ~iffhwav eommi66ioH. ~.~ or ~aH.6a6 . ~ - f--U,. May J.4, J.969 .\. ~, 272-85 K-202J. (3) SaJ.ine County 1.15 Miles of Grading and Surfacing Fiscal Year 1969 Item No. 2-169 MEMORIIlIDUM TO: MR. ROBERT A. KENT, COMMISSIONER, DIVISION TWO MR. WILLIAM vI. YOST, MAYOR, CITY OF SALINA MR. MELVIN THELANDER, CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MR. DON J. CHRISTENSEN, ENGINEER OF CONSTRUCTION MR. G. A. SUTTON, ENGINEER OF PLANNING A.l'ID DEVELOPMENT MR. GLENN ANSCHUTZ, ENGINEER OF DESIGN (3) MR. R. W. WALL, DIVISION ENGINEER MR. W. E. ALLISON, ENGINEER OF URBAN HIG1MAYS MR. V. R. WEATHERS, ENGINEER OF MATERIALS . Attached is a cow of the Report of Design Concepts Study for the above noted project. Any comments or questions concerning the information contained therein should be directed to this department. JOHN D. McNEAL, P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER By Yi.L.k~v!R/ R. R. BIEGE, JR., F.E. Et-lGINEER OF LOCATION AND DESIGN CONCEITS JDM/RRB!df Att. cc: Mr. J. B. stephet'son, Assistant State Highway Engineer :',.:., ..' . State ~i'1hwall eommi66wn oJ' ~an6a6 May 12, 1969 ,," REPORT OF DESIGN CONCEPrS STtIDY SUBJECT: Project No. 272-85 K-2021 (3) Saline County 1.15 Miles of Grading and. Surfacing Fiscal Year 1969 Item No. 2-169 Project Location: West Terminus - Centennial Road East Terminus - Junction of Magnolia Road and US-81 Purpose of study: To review the surveyed alignment, and develop the design concepts for a minimum improVement. Background Information: This project is to be a joint venture by the following: Saline County. City of Salina. State Highway Commission of Kansas. ~ In December 1968 a line was surveyed for the improvement of Magnolia Road as K-272. This line follows near the existing centerline of Magnolia Road from US-8l west to the Missouri Pacific Railroad crossing and then extends west to Centennial Road. .' A meeting'was held in Salina on January 8, 1969 to present the County and City the necessary formal agreement setting out the responsibilities of the County, City and State Highway Commission of Kansas in connection with the subject project. (1) A meeting was held in Salina on March 12, 1969 to review the design criteria with the Division Engineer. (2) Another meeting was held in Salina on April 16, 1969 ~Tith representatives of the City of Salina and Saline County to present the three alternative proposals for the subject project. (3) Scope of Study: It was requested that cost estimates be made on three concepts. (2) They are identified on the enclosed mosaics and in this report as: . Line 1. Line 2. Line 3. The alignments consist of the following criteria: Line 1: 28' Roadway, 6:1 shoulder slope, 3' x 10' ditch, 4:1 backslope. .-- : ~ 1.' ~.; . " " '" , REPORT OF- ntsIGN . CONCEiTS "STUDY - 2 - May12, 1969 Line 2:" 28' Roadway, 4:1 shou1der s1ope, 2'_6" x 6' ditch, 3:1 backs1ope. Line 3: 28' Roadway, 1~:1 shou1der s1ope, 1'_6" "V" ditch, 1:1 backs1ope. "(With the estimated 1970 AnT of' 2760 (4) the "Desirab1e Design standards f'or Rura.1 state Highways Other Than Interstate and Major Highways Constructed to Interstate standards" approved by the State Highway Commission of' Kansas March 29, 1967 require a 44' roadway with stabilized shou1ders.) Alignment Descriptions: From P. I. To P. I." Dist. Lt. or Rt. Station Direction Station" Base Line Begin Project 87' Lt. "Line 1" Begin 0 Project East 25fOO 27' Rt. 25fOO East 33fOO 5' Rt. 33fOO East 37+75.59 0 37+75.59 East End 0 .' Project Begin "Line 2" Project 39' Lt. Begin Project East 25+00 20' Rt. 25+00 East 37+75,59 0 37+75.59 East End 0 Project Begin "Line 3" Project 22' Lt. Begin 0 Project 12fOO T' Rt. 12fOO 37+75.59 0 37+75.59 End 0 Project Recommended Alignment: "Line 2" as shown on the attached aeria.1 mosaic and as described above is the recommended a.1ignment. Supporting Considerations: L This a.1ignment was se1ected by mutua1 agreement of' the City of' Sa.1ina, Sa.1ine County and the state Highway Commission of' Kansas. 2. This Line is a compromise bet1-Teen "Line 1" and "Line 3". Other Aligtlment Considerations: "Line 1" 1. This a.1ignment was required in order to accommodate the criteria requested f'or "Line 1". (2) " " ------. 1- -: . . REPORT OF DESIGN GONCEl"rSSTUDY - 3 - May 12, 1969 2. The criteria for this alternative is the most desirable used in . conjunction with the requested 28' surfacing and no shoulders. 3. The alignment had to be shifted to the north of the Base Line in the following locations: a. Railroad bridge at Station 9+00. b. Gas valve installation at Station 12+00. 4. This alternative has the best vertical and horizontal alignment of. the three alternatives considered. "Line 3" o 1. This alignment was reviewed under the concept of keeping the roadway . construction within the existing right of way limits from Station 9+00 to US-81 as requested. (2) 2. This alignment has the least desirable vertical and horizontal alignment of the three alignments considered. 3. The steep slopes and "v"-type ditches necessary with this concept make it unsuitable for the high traffic volumes using this route. other Important Aspects of the Project: 1. The intersections of the project with Centennial Road and 08-81 will require some widening (5) to accommodate the high traffic volumes (see attached sketches). . () 2. 3. 4. There will be a channel change right of the proj ect from Station 3+ to Station 8+. (6) 2 - 14' X 12' R.C.B. bridge skewed 300 left will be constructed at Station 20+00 with a channel change and c1eanout left and right. Due to the deep channel along the left side of the project guard fence will be installed along the left edge of surfacing from the bridge at . Station 20+00 to the bridge at 'Station 44+. Cost Estimates of Proposed Alignments: Grading Surfacing Bridge ~/w* Total Line 1 ~65,000 $50,eOO f ~5,000 31,600 lTIi2,400 t5,000 $67,500 II t15,000 t31,600 ~79,100 65,000 $100 ,100 III 15,000 31,600 211,700 Line 2 $61,600 $ 50,800 I t4,000 $21,400 $147,800 $61,600 $ 67,500 II . 4,000 $21,400 $164,500 $61,600 $100,100 fff $14,000 $21,400 $197,100 $61,600 $ 73,500 fiN $14,000 $21,400 $170,500 I , . I{EPORT OF-~DESIGN CONCEP'J.'S STUDY 4 - May 12,1969 Cost Estimates of Proposed Alignments: , Grading Surfacing Line 3 'if;57,000 l 50,eoo f $57,000 $ 67,500 II $57,000 $100,100 Ilf (Contd.) Bridge ~4,000 $14,000 $14,000 , ' RjW* ~2oo $8,200 $8,200 Total $130,000 $146,700 $179,300 * Includes Utilities. I 6" BC-l II 8" BC-l fll 4" HM-3 + Si" BC-l (Beginning to station 9+50) and 4" HM-3 + 7" BC-l , (station 9+50 to End). " fIfI 4" HM-3 + Si" BC-l (Beginning to Station 9+50) and 8" BC-l (station 9+50 to End). ** ** This is the surfacing as selected by mutual agreement of the City of Salina, Saline County and the state Highway Commission of Kansas. o CHECK LIST THE DESIGN CONCEPrS OF THIS PROJECT HAVE BEEN REVIEWED WITH OlliER DEPARTMENTS OR AGENCIES AS INDICATED BELCM .' DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY CONTACTED NOT INVOLVED REMARKS o Secondary Roads Division Engineer 'Design Bridge Road Landscape Urban Roads Right of Way Planning and Development Rural Traffic Urban Traffic Advance Planning Traffic Service Bureau of Public Roads Soil Conservation City Commission x x X X X X X X X X X X X X ~~~ Design Criteria Engineer RRSjdf Ene!. ; I .J -': c) FOOTNOTES (1) Memorandum to the Files by Mr. K. V. Spear, P.E., Engineer of Urban Highways (Acting), .dated January 8, 1969. (2) Memorandum to the Files by Mr. R. R. Jones, P.E., Engineer of Design Criteria, dated March 13, 1969. (3) Memorandum to the Files by Mr. J. L. Meyer, P.E., Urban Planning Engineer, dated April 18, 1969. (4) Memorandum to Mr. R. R. Biege~ P.E., Engineer of Location and Design Concepts, f'rom Mr. G. A. Sutton, P.E., Engineer of Planning and Development, dated. February 13, 1969. (5) Memorandum to the Files by Mr. A. J. Basile, P.E., Urban Traffic Engineer, dated February 10, 1969. (6) Memorandum to Mr. R. R. Biege, P.E., Engineer of Location and Design Concepts, f'rom Mr. K. K. Naylor, P.E., Squad Leader - Special Assignments, dated February 5, 1969. REFERENCES . Letter to Mr. R. W. Wall, P.E., Division Engineer, from Mr. E. R. Hiett, P.E.," . Engineer of Urban Highways, dated December 4, 1968. Letter to Mr. R. W. Wall, P.E., Division Engineer, from Mr. C. D. May, P.E., Resident Engineer, dated December 16, 1968. Letter to Mr. E. R. Hiett, P.E., Engineer of Urban Highways, f'rom ~Ir. R. W. Wall, P.E., Division Engineer, dated December 19, 1968. Letter to Mr. E. R. Hiett, P.E., Engineer of Urban Highways, from Mr. R. W. Wall, P.E., Division Engineer, dated December 26, 1968. c' Letter to the Board of County Commissioners, Sa+ine County, and Governing Body, City of Salina, f'rom ~Ir. E. R. Hiett, P.E., Engineer of Urban Highways, dated January 6, 1969. . Memorandum to Mr. J. K. Brubaker, P.E., Engineer of Special Assignments, f'rom Mr. R. R. Biege, P.E., Engineer of Location and Design Concepts, dated. January 28, 1969. Memorandum to the Files by Mr. R. R. Saathoff', Design Criteria Engineer, dated February 7, 1969. Memorandum to Mr. R. R. Jones, P.E., Engineer of Design Criteria, f'rom Mr. G. N. Clark, P.E., Engineer of Soils, dated February 28, 1969. .--.. 'l'- V ~ ~ OC):'j-- QU ~~ 0)D;j ~'\i (r)t:: ~1.i:J . ~~ \) ~ , I * .~ \:) " ~ ~tc) .~ 'j. ~ ~O) (Q~ *(() "- , * q; <:J. .S:: ,I '* -- ~ "'-l \D' I . ~ <:J , I Q. ::: ~ . \J ,I '-.9 2rc-85-K2021(3) SQ/lne County I J J J ~ I , J ! J , '\. , I C)' , I ., l\) : ' . () \) I " i ~____ ti ,\ I' tS ~ ~ .' () : <C-K . I lt1 . I 1\5~V) I · 'R) I~~ ICQ i:::: ~ ~ . \) I ~ f\) : ~ ~-h. , I K I , , ! I ~ I ~ , '\. ~ I . ~ ~~ ()\ , , ,I:: .~ ~ I "- ~ b ..::J I .~ flY) \S-3- -J::.: I \ ~ <u (() ,l~ " ~ ' 9- , ~K- , 'C() \ ~ I ~ \) ,I :~ " ~ ~ " .. ";:J ~ } ,~ SJ J.2 " , \Q ~ III -.;: iii :;:: " . . ." . <0 ,I ~ .~ , ,9 ~ -. ~ ~ .' ~ -- " l'r) ~ . .~ ~ " . ~"~!.<~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ...... .1l ~ ~ ~ (;) ~ g.e ct9.. ~~ 'Z.7Z-85-KeOel(3) Saline County ,. - , ~ " ,II "- ~ ~ V) ~ IJ Q( , IT) ,l( ll;) '" .~ ~ , ~ ~ , o l() ;1\) ,Clc:j- -: I ; ~--'" '--~-=''';;~~~'''~f,&I{ l~ <;:)1 \.9L_ _ ---". ~ l\J :' :., 'f , , ~? . I ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 (j .\Jl . Z7Z-85-KZOZI(3) ". SalIne Counf.!J < ... ~ " _" ...... ~ ~ f{) .~ ~ ~ .... IQ :!i).u ~O< ~~ \I'" "C~ ~R Magno/;a .. "'_""". ",h.." . . K '" 7.'Z >' ',",,"~""'.~- -". .....,. -t;- ,,-',~,.--".. ;~v:. ,- ......h....., - - ~..... ~ t ~ ~ ~~ ~5;) ~~ \)J~ QI \9 C(j v .~ ~. 01 .>C ~. ,,< "- ~ ~ -.;:: ~ . C) ~ .\ ft , ',' '0 \() ~ 1 I f ~ ..... .~ ~ -,.; ~ ~ " ~"'- v~ Qit: .l'1 ~4:: .l( ~ "-A: ,>c 'J "- -..:~ .", ~ ?( ~ \Q \ ~~ .~'!:: 1tJ. \J. ~~tQ ~." I; '!':I:l v \i!QQ( . t-J en "'- ~$:~ K .~~ -..;l'()~ ,~ lJ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ',,- <::1", ~~ ~~ ~ " -- I NORRIS D. OLSON CITY MANAGER AREA CODE V13 TA 3.2277 f.c!, G..-t. .i-ld..;' ...;.) ~~~ ~<-- ~-t,q c-"1i'-='~-:--,'~-'-'-1"---' --'.0: tSf~O~L?;~~,~ =11:. \-~~\j w~:ffi~~~;;,:;~ ."_~h -T~~;;;~'C~~~-~~~'~5.~- Ii ., jl .-.., '" ~_ \~_ :.jm. .: I ; -..--,\. f ..~:"''1. I \. L_-,..._~~..;:.;.":...;......_...h..J:..'~.._...._-. ~_'::: -..":'.>1 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 74& COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM W. VOST. MAYOR CHAS. W. CASEBEER ROBERT M. STARK CARl R. RUNDQUIST G. N. WADDELL d'afina, !Xanuu 67401 April 29, 1969 Mr. R. W. Wall, Division Engineer Division No. 2 State Highway Commission 1014 North 3rd Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Wall: The City Commissioners have asked me to inform you of their decision relating to the Magnolia Road Improvements. You .will note, by the enclosed cost tabulations; that the city has amended its portion of the cost figures to provide for the 8~" of BC-l and the 4" of HM-3 surfacing materials. You may consider this note as your authoriza- tion to proceed with the project on behalf of the city on this basis. Sincerely, NDO/mb Enc!. ~/~ f) JJb-??/ Norris D. Olson .~ City Manager VEM!";FQ ",AN",.>.<=; LE,.h-;uE OF "'L<""~IPll.LI:"'ES - ''',,.l,T!O''~''''L LE.l.GUE OF CinES J- MAGNOLIA R 0 A D Poc;.. f-;,K,.fp9 JCb '.5// " I The footage of the Project within the City Limits represents approximo'~ely sixteen (16) per-cent of the total Project; there- f01,.",f.tellla;'to b,epro-r>ated were pro-rated on this percentage. qttll l1a:res,' /'orRig/j.t-:-Q/'-wall----------2.58--'-------iJ: 9,500. DO, (;ouMy Aares 4'or H~ght_of-'Way------3.23-----y;11, 928.00 LINE 2. -~ , $147.g0.a6.~ 6{)-----------~ncludes Right-o/-Ifay.' +~660.00-----------B.C. 1, 8n ~11" .~ Uf6";73iJ ~ ."'il}..'l..1~8B OO----------Ri gh t -of -'.my. , 1~-:" <, #j"''' ~o \>......~O~Q U :".. - ~. Rtght-o/~{ay-------------------- $ 11,'900.00 ---------------- $ 9,500.00 SU7'fae~ng---------------Sta. 9 + 50 to StaG 60 + 70---_Sta. 0 + 00 to StaG 9 + 50 i I , I . I SU7'faotng------------------- $ 48,730.00 -------------- $...J}y-2ge;lJ(F(/3.SG3.00) I CententaJ Inte7'sectton--------- ---------------- $..A,-2-1e-;OfT (r;, 5 go.".) , U. S. 81 Inte7'sectton-------- $ 5,230.00 --------------- Large Tree8-------------~------- $ 1,650.00 ---------------- Grubbing Hedge------------------.$ 55.00 --------------- Excavation----------------'------ $ 10,615.00 --------------- $ 1,958.00 Compaotion---------------------~ $ 1,332.00 --------------- $ 244.00 240, E.P.------------------------ $ 150.00 -------------- 30" E.P.----------------------- $ 201.00 -----------'- 1.5 Sq. Ft. E.P.-_------------ $ 149.QO --------------- 24'" C.RoP.-------------------- $ 300.00 -------------- Conarete Ditoh Ltning----------- $ 1,332.00 -------------- Guard Fence---~----------------- $ 21,186.00 ---------------- f l'ig~:88 Removal & Reset Guard Fence----- $ 2,850.00 -------------- Removal 01 Existing Structures-- $ 1,848.00 ---------------- $ 352.00 Laborato7'Y----------------~--- $ 554.00 --------------- $ 105.~ Signs-----------~------------- $ 508.00 ------------- $ 97.00 BDal Bridge Sta.. 8 + 50 ) 2 - 9' ~ 7' ::: 60' RoC.B. J...if: Class. "A" Cono. ;",Retn,f. Steel &) .,. Class III E:J:cavation J 241> End Sections-------------- $ ao'" End Sections------------- $ l.S-Sq. Ft. End Sections-"------ $ BRIJ:X1.E - 2 -14' :J: 12' ::; 30' Rd.way-R.C.Bo-$ 14,000.00 ---------- SEEDING---------------------.$ lp26000q, ------.- $ 240~~ 'JX1.f.M-S----- $124,287.00 _____ -- ~60 (46,34.2.<>0) l : Phese figures shown a.bove are only appT'oanmattons lor Consideration only. County Total = $124,287.00 - $11,900.00 (~W) = $112,387.00 State Hi-flay wtl1pay 1/3 of $112,38'1.00 $ 37,462.33)- ., County pays 2/3 of $112 387.00 + $1.1 900 QO--- $ 86 824.6'/)-$124,28'1. OO-County ~G342.,<>qJ' R.ghli~J -way (3J..8d2~_<!:) State Cf,tll Tota.,J t: ' 9-;-6() - $9,500.00 (p./rv)--- = $c .2>1~!Y.r.. 6J>" IZ 280) State Ht-rlay wi; 1 pay 1/3 01'._$ _~G'89906(J''';''-- : :J! -9r9J;6.ob'd')...( $'39 ..99fr.QCI-City & Cf,tll paY<Ji 2/3 of :tL29,-899;;BO + $ 9,500.00-- - "$-29-;-433007) (41:,' ~4l. 00) State (3(,,842."") ',,6.84.2P<>) (E4,Ob2.<>oY - ' 1 G~1D TOTAL-----aitll, COttnty and State =-------------~163,686.60 PAID BY CITY = $..29,.4&3;07 (34,0(,,2.""") F.cllD BY COUlf1'Y= $ 86,824.67 PAID BY STATE::; $_ 47~428.~ 'GRAND TOTAL-----.- - = $"163,686.60 ITJiiH COUNTY & STATE CITY & sr.fA'l'E _____________ $11,687.00 165.00 -------------- 172.00 -------------- 100.00 ------- I I i -----$163, 686.60 -- ... Oldf)fv,..",$ (J~tJS.>ed oui-. ;}eJ1/ I/fu",c;s ,;.., ( ) I -j ~,r!;). r' April 25, 1969 11:45 A.M. Carl Ramsey left this message: "We have approved the figures as got together by the City Engineer and the County Engineer as to cost on Magnolia Road. We are sending a letter to the state today, stating that we have approved this, and hope that the City will do the same -- quick." r-~ ..- , I~:' ~ FROM: SUBJECT MESSAGE, ~ ------------- . . . NORRIS D. OLSOR. em MMAGER H. ,. 1fARPER. em ENGDit.tK --------- . . ------;-:;- CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS INTER.DEPARTMENTAL MEMO MAGfIJl.IA ROAD - .lOB Attadled is .. copy of the estf_fa em tfte above jab. cc: lI1ll. IWIRIS REPLY TO REPLY ORIGINATOR.DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS. LINE . SIGNED ~$ DATE SIGNED INSTRUCTIONS TO SENDER: 1. KEEP YELLOW COPY. 2. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT, , ~ (1'/ " ~-- .....; INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: I. WRITE REPLY,_ 2. DETACH STUB. KEEP PINK COPY, RETURN WHITE COPY TO SENDER. RECIPIENT KEEP THIS COPY, RETURN WHITE COPY TO SENDER , f"" . HA.GNOLIA ROAD o !/!he jootage oj the p,.oJect within the oity Limits represents '"a.pproo:dmate1y sirteen (16) per-cent oj the total proJect; there- . jortl items to be proo-rated were proo-rated on this peroentage. C1tu Acres-jor Right-o.f-wGU----------2.58--------$ 9,500.00 Ootmty ADres jor RightJ-oj-f<<t.y------3..23-----$11,928.00 LINE a. $14~oa4.dO-----------~ncludes Right-of-Way. +1~.660.00-----------B.O. 1, 8a ~.u:s.:t, CltfO. f.lD ~. Oo-------Right-oj-flay. $J4.I,;m. SO ITEM OOUNTY & ST.A!1'E a:rTY &- ST.A!1'E Right-oj-Way------------------- $ 11,900.00 --------------- $ 9,500.00 SU7'jacing------------8ta.. 9 + 50 to Sta. 60 + 70----Sta. 0 + 00 to Sta. 9 + [) SU7'jaoing-------------------- $ 48,730.00 ------------- $ 9,290.00 Oentenial Inte7'section--------- --------------- $ 4,210.00 U. S. 81 Inte7'Section-------- $ 5,230.00 -------------- La7'ge Treea------------------- $ 1,650.00 -------------- Grubbing Hedge---------------- $ 55.00 -------------- E:oavation------------------- $ 10,615.00 --------------- $ 1,958.00 I Oompaction-------------------- $ 1,332.00 ------------- $ 244.00 24. E.P.----------------------- $ 150.00 ------------- 30. E.P.------------------------ $ 201.00 --------------- 1.5 Sq. Jilt. E.P.--------------- $ 149.00 --------------- 24a O.R.p.--------------------- $ 300.00 -------------- Oone-rete Ditch Lining--------- $ 1,332.00 -------------- Gua~ Penoe------------------ $ 21,186.00 ------------- $ l'ig~:88 Removal & Reset Guard Penoe----- $ 2,850.00 ---------------- Removal oj Eztsttng Structu7'ea-- $ 1,848.00 ---------------- $ 352.00 Labo7'atory--------------------- $ 554.00 ---------------- $ 105.80 Sig~-------------------- $ 508.00 -------------- $ 97.00 liJJJ:z: BMdge Sta.. 8 + 50 ) 2 - 9' :z: 7' .:a: 60' Rea.B. :l-<k 01ass -./1- Oono.-RetnJ'. Steel ci) T al€1.SS III E:z:oavation J 24- End Sections---T"-------- $ 30" End Seotions------------- $ 1.5 Sq. Jilt. End Seotions-------- $ BRI1XJ.E 2 - 14' x 12' :z: 30' ItillJay-R.O.EJ.-$ 14,000.00 -------- ~nr~----------------------- $ 1,260.00 ------- ---- $ 310.00 TCYl'ALS------ $124,287.00 --------------- $39,399.fID . These jtgures shOlA1n above are only app7'o:rlmations j07' aonside7'ation only. Oounty Totu = $124,28'1.00 - $11,900.00 (a,/wJ = $112,38'1.00 State Hr.-Way will pay 1/3 oj $112,38'1.00 $ 37,462.33)- . Ooun.ty pays 2/3 oj $112,387.00 + $M~~~~9Q.waii $ 86,824.6?')"';124,287.00-a~~~~ atty Total = $39,399.60 -$9,500.00 (~J---- =f 29.899.60 State Hi-Way will pay 1./3 oj $ 29,899.00--- = 9,.9.66.'~)-i/J39 399 6O-Gity ,? atty paya ~3 oj $ 29,899.60 + $ 9,500.00--- = $ 29,433.0~ ,. state ------------- $11,687.00 165.00 --------------- 172.00 ------------- lOO.OO ------------ (}iW{!) TCYl'AL-----ot ty, Ooun.ti,' PAID BY OITY = P..lID iff OOrJNl.":t= PAID BY ST.A!1'E :0 GRAND TCYl'.4L------------ = '-r,d State =--------------$163,686.60 - 29,433.07 , 86,824.67 47.428.86 .163,686.60 ____-$163,686.60 ~_.._.____...co._ _ Ai'. ".,............--......-,...........O.~".~~=~".~.?Cr--........,..,..,.^- ----->-c~_=:.:::.-~:~".::..::. :L..,:;", ",-'J__L-- . ~~{,:~~~~~t--=t!~\~~fr~ '\11 WheU:flcj'cth ~ClJ~r._~ftY~~::;l{~!.t and We1Lt ,.'-', l . J' t ' """"'",- 1- l~'.v ( I -"\. ,..~."'. k,.__ :.. '_"~>.> r;. r?'-"::-" ~.: ~-'~I-._, L""'""":....:.....-'-'_.,...."'..... L-,--.~....~~.~...." .:' FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P. O. BOX 746 . ..~ ~ " / H. F. HARPER CITY ENGINEER AREA CODE 913 TA 7.9491 <:Salina, !J{arziai 67401 May 8, 1969 272-85 K 2021 (3) Magno.1ia Road Sa1ine'County Mr. R. W. Wall, P.E. Division Engineer State Highway Commission Second Division Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Wall: We have the revised statement on the breakdown of relative costs to City, County, and State of the above captioned project. I This revision does not change your authorization to proceed as set out in Mr. Olson's letter to you pn April 29, 1969. Very tr~urs, . ~ . . arper y I HFH:MKP 'CC: Mr. Norris Olson MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES I . .,'P . ......,. ...... ,... l ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P. HAGEN Lawrence. KansaJ BOB KENT Salina, Kansas HENR y SCHWALLER Hays,Kansas KARL A. BRUECK PaoIa. Kansas GALE MOSS EI Dorado, Karls:l. LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garden City, Kamas State Highway Commission of Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director 01 Highways R. L. PEYTON, Assistant Director of Highways JOHN D. McNEAL, State Highway Engineer SECOND DIVISION SALINA, KANSAS 67401 R. W. WALL Divftion Eng;ineer May 7, 1969 272-85 K 2021 (3) Magnolia Road SaUne County Mr. Harold F. Harper City Engineer City Hall Fifth and Ash Streets Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harper: A revised adjusted breakdown is enclosed for your reference. The right of way costs have purposely been omitted to clarify the statement; too, the right of way costs under the present circum- stances were not realistic. Please bear in mind that all costs are at this stage purely tentative and subject to inflationary increases that we have been experiencing. In other words, the +10% for contingencies may or may not be adequate. If after reviewing the revised statement you desire to ex- press your approval, please do so with confirmation by letter. Since I have already met with you concerning this same matter . I will assume that you are aware of the need to expedite this matter. Sincerely yours, .. -:< ~,-'~~~./ . ...e;:::-Y..:-<f";?<,....... ~..R;; V.WALL, P. E. DIVISION ENGINEER llWW:pm Enc. cc:. Robert A. Kent, Commissioner. J. B. Stephenson, Asst. State Highway Engineer R. R. Biege, Jr., Engineer of Location and Design Concepts .>- i ...... ...~.... .I .' . ADJUSTED BREAKOOWN AS SUBUITTED BY CI'IT AND COUNTY 16% City J 84% Coun~for items prorated Large Trees . Grubbing Hedge Excavation (Common) Compaction (Type AA) (MR-5) Compaction (Type B)(MR-5) 24- E.P. JO- E.P. 1.5 Sq. Ft. B.P. 24. C.R.P. Water Temporary Surfacing Concrete Ditch Lining Guard Fence Removal &: Reset Guard Fence Removal of Ex:isting Structures Laboratory (Type B) Signs - Railroad Crossing (Crossbucks) (Advance Warning) 2 - 9' X 7' X 60' RCB Class -An Concrete Reinforcing Steel Class III Ex:cavation 24- End Sections 30. End Sections 105 Sq. Ft. End Sections SUB-TOTAL Contingencies + 10% TOTAL Surfacing, 8" BC-l Surfacing, 4. HM-3 ~ BC-l Centennial intersection US-81 intersection Bridge Seeding TOT AL CONSTRUCTION COST County &: . City &: State State Total 1,650 1,650 55 55 9,647 1,838 11,485 885 169 1,054 281 53 334 150 150 201 201 149 149 300 300 1,332 1,332 19,383 1,437 20,820 2,850 2,850 1,680 320 2,000 r 504 96 600 462 88 550 >- 10,625 10,625 !- . I I 165 165 I 172 172 100 100 i 39,966 14,626 54,592 I , 3.997 1.462 5.459 , 43,963 , 16,088 60,051 , I , , 48,949 48,949 13,853 6,574 5,089 14,000 1,500 150,016 I , I . 5,089 14,000 . 1,260 113,261 13,853 6,574 240 36,755 County Cost = 113,261 x 2/3 . City Cost - 36,755 x 2/3 . * State Cost - (113,261 x 1/3)+(36,755 x 1/3) - 75,507 24,503 SO ,006 TOTAL . 150,016 * The State will prepare plans, let the contract, supemse construction, . administer payments to contractor, and pa;y for cost of .surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. l.J.J.l.JY OI ..:JaLlna Salina, Kansaa AprU 30, i969 272-85 K 2021 (3) l.fagnolia Road Saline County 14i'.,..,Ray Rt:iege, Jr. Engiil~r .. Location aod Design Concepts State ~ way Commission TOpa.!, K~S Dear l-fr. Bieg~ g Enclosed are letters of tran mi al and Saline County accompanied by e 10 cd should be pretty much lanato. . . the City 0 Salina at tabulations which Ho\~ever, ple~ e its portion of th and the 4" of ffi-l :uina has !llllended r the ~" of BC-l Very ~ yours, ~-<--<--~/ ~, .~--'./ ) C;? " < /. "..;. ..,. .'OR-'"r J "T"'~L.<' P E . . . t fi..L.l, . . DmSION ElIGTIffiEa RiM:pm Ene. <, "';~".......; cc: Mr. J. B. Stephenson Asst. State HiglHay Engineer State Highway Commission Topeka, Ka.'1sas 66612 City of Salina. P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Saline County Saline County Courthouse Salina, K'lllSctS 67401 I '"1 " ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P. HAGE."'l' Lawrence. Kan$i1. BOB KENT Salina, iCansas HENRY SCH\\.'.>\LLER Hays,Kama$ KARL A. BRUECK Pilola, KanH$ GALE MOSS EI Dondo, Kansas LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garden City, Kanu$ State Highway Commission of Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways R. 1. PEYTON" State Highway Engineer STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA. KANSAS 6661i January 24, 1969 272-85 K 2021 (3) Agreement No. 23-68 Magnolia Road Improvement City of Salina C?unty of Saline I Mr. D. L. Harrison City Clerk City Ha 11 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Harrison: We are enclosing herewith your fully executed copy of the agreement for the above noted project. Additional copies of this agreement wi II be furnished if requested within two ~Ieeks of this date. After that period all extra copies will be destroyed. Very truly yours, I ~~ K. V. Spear, p. E. Engineer of Urban Highways(Acting) " KVS:mj enc. .. , .. , ~ .....""'. ,~. -.. ~,:-"< " .; 'Agreement No. 23-68 . . PROJECT NO. 272-85 K 2021 . (3) I!l-!A!I! AQ!!!~I~! SAL I NE COUNTY C ITYOF SALINA STATE IlIGH\.IAY COPlr-iISSION OF KANSAS MAGNOLIA ROAD IHi'ROVEHENT GRADING, BRIDGES AND SURFACING This agreement, made and entered into this' Jo~ day OfJ...<W.u.~' 19 ~'" , by and betl'leen the Board of County Commissioners, Sal ine County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the County, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City and The State ~ligl1\'lay Commission of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the Commission. R E C I TAL S: WHEREAS, the County, City and Commission desire to enter Into an agreemE'nt for the improvement and maintenance of a portion of Hagnol ia Road, hereinafter referred to as the project, and WIlEREAS, the parties desire to define the responsibilities of each party In improving and maintaining the project ~Ihich is described as follo\1s: Beglnnl.ng at the intersection of "lagno1.ia Road and US 81 High\.tay located near the northeast corner of Section 35, T ILf5, R3H, thence I~est on l-1agnol ia Road along the north 1 ine of Section 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road. Total length of project approximately 1.2 mi Ie. NOW, THEREFORE, in cons I derat Ion of the preml ses and the mutua 1 . covenants herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: I. That the sai d project shall be undertaken, prosecuted ana co,,'-' pleted for and on behalf of the said County and said City {,y th.e Commis- sion acti~g in all things as' the contracting agency to construct th~ . said project. The plans for the said project, l'lhen ilpproved by the County, City and the State Ilighway Engineer, are by reference made a part of this agreement. 1-. ....." ~. . No. 23-68 2. It is agreed that all rights of ~ay and easements necessary to construct the project shall be acquired by the County and the City at no cost to the Commission. / 3. It is agreed that the necessary uti! ity adjustments or reJoca- ti ons made necessary by the cons t ruc t i on of the proj ec t sha 11 be accom- plished at no cost to the Commission. I 4, "fhe County and City agree that they Nill immediately take such steps as are necessary to facilitate the early adjustment of utilities and upon notification by the Com,nission's Division Engineer, Nill ini- , tiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and Nil1 proceed I-lith reasonable diligence to prosecute this ~lOrk to completion. The County and City further agree to move or adjust or cause to be moved or adjusted all utilities before construction is started on the project except those necessary to be adjusted during construction and those Nhich Nould dis- turb/the existing street surface, curbs, or sideNalks. The County and City' ~Iill, upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, ini- tiate and proceed to complete adjusting the remaining utilities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. 5. The Commission agrees to prepare the plans, let the contract, supervise the construction and administer the payments due the contractor, inc1udi~g any portion of the cost to be borne by the County or the City. 6. The Commission agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans . and contingencies necessary to construct the project. The Commission further agrees to pay the full cost of surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. . 7. The County agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) perceht of all construction items included In the approved plans and con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The County further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 8, The Ci ty agrees to pay for thi rty-three and one-thi I'd (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and- con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The City further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 9. The County and City agree that when said project is completed that they will maintain said project to the satisfaction of the COITJl1ission. at no cost to the Commiss.ion, .. 10. The location, form and character of infor~ational. regulatory and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other mark- ings installed or placed by any public authority, or other agency. shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and shall not be installed prior to suc~ approval. - 2 - ;... .it ;;..-".~. , \....;., . "~".~< l' , I I ~..-. No. 23-68 11. Itls further agreed that this agreement and all contracts entered int6 under the prqvisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the County, the City and the Cow-mission and their successors In office. ' I N ~i !TNESS HHEREOF, the part i es hereto have caused th i s agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above l'Iri tten. ~_' "~ YO THE S~!\TE'v,'li;;d0"lH'" ~,S::6N'OF',ANSAS ~/~// V '~', '~_, C, ~LT' "/~ Cfii:~~~~~ _, - - (~ SECnE AR\ - , ASSISTANT STATE HIGHWAY DIRECTOli; ATTEST: ,.\ , (/ .~u/?t,,1 COUNTY CLERI~ '----" '---- ATTEST: 'fJ ' , d:i(~"~ C!TY CLERK ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTYCOMHISSIONERS SALI NE COUNTY, KANSAS . ---'2kL~ ~~ COMH I SS lONER CHA I RHAN C,M{t ~e471-- O'MH'ISSIONER, V -,- ~-d~xA.-/ <7-:/~~ COHMISSIONEY THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS // / / /' Approved by Ordinance Number 8000, passed by the City Commissioners of the City of Sal ina, Kansas, on 'January 13, 1969. fiJ-ii1.-:"x"-. City Clerk - 3 - .'t-" "." '\ , D. L. HARRISON- M. E. ABBOTT '"'"'"~.-' ,-- '''ri'~'=''''''~;'; ,~..--~,-,.. ..'0:" ~i!:~i:r=~ y(:~t(oj~~;'J- "i~.srlqn~~:i;~ ' -Wlutc;flat;:;tlr::iC_*J~:tc~~t .;~~w~~~ r"'-\~,-~- 11",,', (-"1 L~~:L.~,~~~':~'.~;~it~.~.~:.:~1'~"~~:4J . 'IFTH 'AND ASH STREETS 1:". O. BOX 746 cSaiina, !J\anffii 67401 January 14, 1969 , CITY CLERK.S OFFICE AREA CODE 91.3 TA3-9!534 / i / K. V. Spear Acting Engineer of Urban Highways State Highway Commission of Kansas State Office Bui Iding Topeka, Kansas 66612 Dear Mr. Spear: I am enclosing three copies of the Tri-Party Agreement between the State Highway Commission, Saline County, and City of Sal ina, for the proposed improvement of Magnolia Road from US Highway 81, west 1.2 miles to Centennial Road. These copies have been executed by the City and County Commissioners. An affidavit, showing proof of publ icaHon, wi II be forwarded to your office by the end of this week. Since re I y , NCU~t~ D. L. Harrison City Clerk OLH: j s c.c. Board of County CommIssioners : /I.~E~jBER Kr\NS,\S LF.AGUE OF MUNICIPAUTIES - Nfl..TIQN:'L LEt,vUE OF CITiES .l_ , .~ , ..;.- ~.'- ,!;;~ DJ!)-,-';"iS' 'I ~c 1-\7--lo~ Agreement No. 23-68 r~l-f~~!Y ~Q~f!HfHI SALINE COUNTY CITY OF SALINA STATE HIGH\JAY COHHISSION OF KANSAS HAGNOLIA ROAD IHPROVEHENT GRADING, BRIDGES AND SURFACING This agreement, made and entered into this J.Q.~ day of J.~~, 19~, by and between the Board of County Commissioners, Saline Coun , Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the County, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City and The State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the Commission. R E C I TAL S: WHEREAS, the County, City and Commission desire to enter into an agreement for the improvement and maintenance of a portion of Magnolia Road, hereinafter referred to as the project, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to define the responsibilities of each party in improving and maintaining the project which is described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of Magnolia Road and US 81 Highway located near the northeast .comer of Section 35, T 145, R3W, thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Section 35 and 3'f to the i ntersec t i on wi th Centenn i a I Road. Total length.of project approximately 1.2 mile. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the pa~ties hereto mutually agree as follows: I. That the said project snail be undertaken, prosecuted and com- pleted for and on behalf of the said County and said City by the Comm~s- sion acting in'al1 things as the contracting agency to construct the . said project. The plans for the said project, when approved by the' County, City and the State High\1ay Engineer, are by reference made 'a part of this agreement. I ; l. . '~" " No. 23-68 2.1 Itis agreed that all rights of way and easements necessary to' constrUlt the project shall be acquir,ed by the County and the City at no cost to the Commission. , 3. It is agreed that the necessary ut il i ty adj us tments or re loca- tions made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accom- plishedlat no cost to the Commission. 4.1 The Co~nty and City agree that they I~ill immediately take such' steps as are necessary to facilitate the early 'adjustment of utilities 'and upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, will ini- / tiate the removal or adjustment of said utilities and ~lill proceed I'lith reasonable dil igence to prosecute this work to completion. The County ,and City further agree to move or adjus t or cause to be moved or adj uS ted all utilities before construction is started on the project except those , necessary to be adjusted during construction and those which would dis- turb It he existing street surface, curbs, or sidel~alks. The County and City/will, upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, in i- tiatfe and proceed to complete adjusting the remaining uti I ities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. I, ' 5. : The Commiss'ion agrees to prepare the plans, let the contract, supervise the construction and administer the payments due the contractpr, including any portion of the cost to be borne by the County or the City. 6.: The Commission agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of al I 'construction items included in the approved plans and contingencies necessary to construct the project. The Commission further agrees to pay the full cost of surveys, preparation of plans and ,construction engineering. ' , I 7. The County agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all ~onstruction items included in the approved plans and COn- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The County further agrees to make ,such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing,by the Commission. I , , 8'1 The City agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all' construction items included in the approved plans and'con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The City further agrees to make IsuCh payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper biJling,by the Commission. , 9.1 The County and City agree that when said project is complet~d that they will maintain said project to the satisfaction of the Com"ission at no cbst to the Commission. . ' . , . I ' I 10.! The location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning'signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other mark- ings in~talled or placed by any public authority, or other agency shall be subject !to the approval of the Commission and shall not be installed prior to suc~'approval. .1. - 2 - '-.i- ,,~ ~ , , "." - ........,c"'-.... No. 23-'68 .' ,; I 11. It is further agreed that this agreement and all contracts' entered into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the County, the City and the Commission <lOd their successors in office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. j j ! ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY CONHISS lONERS , SAL INE CO UilTY " KANSAS ., -a~~ / ' . ~ r-;; ""/'7tr ' COUNTY C:r J&{L~ ~~4-?- c~A- CO~lill SS lONER CHA I Rt'iAN ?a1L_\:'--7~~~~1 COHH/SS lONER ~ rl , / '" ~/pv~'~ COHMISSIONER ATTEST: THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ~/ol:l-a~~ CITY CLERK ~ ~.!-r-va tlAYOR ' ATTEST: THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS SECRETARY DIRECTOR Approved by Ordinance Number 8000, passed by the City Commissioners of the City of Sal ina, Kansas, on January 13, 1969. ,&ja<~ , City Clerk - 3 - '.'-., ___~>I . . ....' T~C,F~r.:j:; ~Li iT 1.'his agreement, . ./l wade and entered in~o this 13 day of 'January, 1969, by and between tllc Board .of. County Cot'.miBsioncrs of Saline County., l<ansas, 'hereinafter' referred to as the "County" and the Govcrning Body of the City of Salina,. Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "City", l'iI'l'liLssL'IH: i'iHEl:Ll',S, the County and City propose to enter into a 'l'ri- Party Agreement \-lith the State Highway Commission of Kansasx:e']arding certain iHlprOVel11ents to r<agnolia Road hereinafter referred to as the Ilproject'!, and, lilJI.:I-:EAS, a portion of the project is located within the cor- porate limits of the city and a portion of the project is J.ocated within the County; and, I . WiLREAs, tlle City is prohibited from e}~pending public funds for roacL located without the corporate limits of the City and the County is proLibi ted from expending' . pUblic funds for roads located I.'ithin the corporate lil::its of U~e City; and, \'jEELLj\~ I t.he above men tionell rr'ri'-- PD.rt:~{ 1\<]reemcnt provide;; that the City l-iill 1,ay one-third of all constncction costs and the Count::; I.;ill pay oDE~-third of all construction costs and that Loth parties I.;ill secure the necessary rights of I.ray and easements and cause necessary utility a<:J.justmcnts or relocations at no cost to the ;otate HiSh\':ay Conraission. LO\}, rJ..'HLELFOI<.E, in cor..sic1eratior:. of the prcnises ant] the L'~utUD.l covenants herein contained, th8 partics hereto mu-t\]011y' asrce &s follows; . (1). rJ.'hat notwithstandins 'the specific provisions conta:..r,e(l in 'Pa1-:(:ltjraph 1',,0. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 of the above mentioned 'l~ri- Purty l:..grce;:~"eIltl ~'~o. 23-68, the parties hereto agree th~'rt said r,:,.'ri'-I,'cJ.rty i..grcer,~(;nt insofar as ti1C sar,lC pertains to tl1G City and County shall De; mouified as herein provic~ed. (2). 'l'i1i1t ti1C tHo-t:hirc3 cost of allcdnstructioll l1J'!.;S , t:'ro'..ri1let". fOJ: ,in saic~ {lori-Party. i,~irceI:,cnt sha~.l be paid fo'r by .' ...:nc Cour: ty anc.L ci tj in t.LE:: fcllo;'-iiIi.0 pl-OFortions ~ (a) . r;',. ~, ... ~ ~t..; City agrees to pay all of the proicct cost::> not pc~ic.~ ::or L~' the ~>t.ate Eich\JiJ.v Ccr,:.I7.ission .' - attriLutaLlcto the portion of the project: locatccl. . ':..:-'~. \Vi thin the CO[l~'0ru.tf:: lir,'!its .of tho City. (b). l.L'he County u.'(-Jrcc~ to I)a~! all of. that~ portion of the project costs not paid by tile State Hig]1\'fay Com- mission v;hich are attributi:lble to the portion of. the project lodi:lted outside of the corporate limits of the City. (c). 'l'he County Engineer' and the City Engineer shall UpOn completion of the project deterr.line those costs \lhich are attributable to that portion of the project located within the city and those project costs which are attributable to that portion of the project located outside the corporate limits of the City. (4). 'I'hat City agrees to provide all rights of Hay an<1 ease- ments necessary to construct that portion of the project located , h' II 1': f I ' '1- WJ.t J.n t Ie corporate Huts O' t1e CJ.ty ano tue County agree,s to 'I ' , provide all rights of way and easements necessary to construct (5). City agrees that all necessary utility adjus,tments or I ~ ,that portion of the project located outside the corporate limits. relocations for the project Hithin the corForate limits made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accomplishe(l by the ci ty .Co~nty agrees that all necessary utility adjust.. . l;lents or relocations for the project outside the corporate limits of the City wade necessary by the construction of .the project shaLl DC accomplished by the, County. (6). TIlis agreement Shilll be binding upon the County and City and their successors in office. 11'1 \JItl:~'~LSS ~~L:EF..LOF I the parties hereunto have causea. this agreement to be sisned by their duly autl1orizl'c1 officers on thc" day and year first above wri"cten. : BOc;~d of. coun~,isSioners _m~L:!.~~)__~~~,~')--..,__ ~-ffA~~~~~~--0if-- c75r.q,'::;2.L2:;-_ yo: '/~::'~:/--'-.___ / . . / I ~ j i I . , k l ~ f l~'lifiESJ.':- I'>' - . ,-/ ' ~ ;: ~ . -- . ./ ~ .:..--"". ...- " /~ /i -/;Z);pIj::J<i3-~----- County Clerk ~"'i"", """"~ ~dtC"'~v-_-_. \ i 1\'i."i1.LS'.!.' ; ~-ikd~:~~ -.----_____________.__.4 ___...__.~_._..~______ ,._._ C.i.I..:~/ ~.'JCi'1.. f: I I I i I /" / / .~/ OF<O 1 j.ff\i lee lHY-1[;LR .:SOC{1 ---,--- (c'ub I i s~cd ,. in The] S;::J 1 j i1:'J. JounL11 19(19) . AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STATE AID FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNOLIA.ROAD. BE IT .ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the Cit'y of Sal ina, Kansas:. , . Section 1: That the Mayor and City Clerk a~e authorized and directed to execute for and on b~ha:fioffthKe City. of ssall ina'cAgret8m8n~ ~un'b8r 2~-6~ .be~',"sen tche C~ty: thefState .1 High;ay Commission 0 ansas and a ins oun y, giving the ~ta,.e HlghVlay ommlsslon 0 I l<ans~s authority to act for the City, and in its place and stead to obtain'for the City the benefits of state Aid on the terms and conditions set forth, in such agreement as may j b. p'.p".' ." .ppeo,.' by tho, St.t. Hl9h'., C-i% io, foe tho iopeo'~'"t of M'9001,. ;",. '. Section 2. This ordinance shal I take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the official city paper. Introduced: January 6, 1969 Passed: January 13, 1969 ~f~~/' . L..--/ v' ~layor ,/ . (SEAL) Attest: ~ it) " /j ....:::.-. ait-t~ City Clerk ,,- . / t ~}\ " ~.'I "f AN OROINANCE RELATING TO STATE AID FOR THE IHPROVEHENT OF MAGNOLIA ROAD Be it Ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Salina: 1. That the Hayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Salina, Agreement No. 23-68 between the City, the State Highway Commission of Kansas and Saline County, giving the State Highway Commission of Kansas authority to act for the City, and in Its place and stead to obtain for the City the benefits of State Aid on the terms and conditions set forth In such agreement as may be prepared and approved by the State Highway Commls- slon for the Improvement of Hagnolla Road. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after Its publication in the official city paper. Passed by the Commission this day of ,19_ (App roved) (S I gned) , Hayor (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk MaY~J:"'_Wi1 i jam W:, y~it " '. ...., ':. ~t~~e ~i~h~,~V 'eoHtHd~-'~"!t,~f !J4K:-'<<-" " ., '" "Tppeka, Ka.ns~s-' . C, , ,," " ,"";.' ". , . .... , ."' I ", ~ "., . ", -. " " .' . ./Muery 6 i,...ca. " ' . " ..' ;7~ :", , MIIgnoI fa Re>ad,' ,City of Selin. .',_Salln~ CountY, . ',I.' . . , . .' . .. 808rdo{COu'iltyeoinmls.lonera. CciurityCourt~us. ." ' ' Sallna,K8n~as. '67401 , . p' ','. . ' Saline COunty' ::, " '.. ,. . ..' , Goverrilng Bodydl~yofSal in. City Hal' . ,,' SaHna. ,kensas 671tOI' , , ,'j' '. : Gentl_: , w. ar. handlngYoi.. five eo,les 0; a pr~sed Trl~P.rty Agre__t , between Sall..- COunty. the CIty of ,S.lIna and' tbe State Hlgltway COtIIIIIII- slO1\ of Kansas coverln, th.e p..cposed Improvement of MagnOlia Road frolll ',' USal west 1.% 1II11e. 'toCentenlal 'Road. Thh.Trl-Perty Agreement hes '.: l;leen prepared" In ~nformallC' with the'lnformatlon avaIlable In thIs' of nee relatlvl! to verbel ~ltillentslll8de .ilY tbe .~hr"partle.. , If thl,. .Ti'I-Party A9r..ment.ls satl.factory' to the COunty end the, City. three caplllis are to be ~utad and returned to tbl~ ,office for .oui' bandHng with the Stete,Hlghway ColIInI.slon. One of. the addItional ,eo,le.. I.to.beretalned by the COunty end tile otber additional Copy Is to berecalnedby tbeClty uncI I they rece.lve theIr fully e.Kecuted eopy. , w. wIll, need'e certIfied' ~y or proof of pub I leet ion of 'theordl - " nence that .thegovamlng body. of the CIty of Salina adopts autborh:lng the ",yor and tbe CIty. Clerk to e.Kec:lltethh,agreement. For ,your con- venlenee. we ara attechlng One eopy':of a typIcal ordInance that has been used by otber citIes on slml"", proJ~t8.., .' . . ,If tbe County or the Clty'have'any'qll8l!tiol!' relatIve 'tntbls '.grM- m8nt~ ple.sa cont.cttbls offle. or: Mr. Roscoe ,I'all.IUvlslon Engineer In Sallna,.Kanses.', " . .' " . ..," ,'v~a .t;uI,YYour.":"";<i","'~" ',',' "', '~' , " 7~, ., : "'E~:r.er~;nP~::hw.~. .... . . . . . . , EIlHIJeJ .' " Attachment . , eCI 'aul F.Swart%, County Clerk " . D. L. HerrliOn, CIty CI.,k :.' .. RobertA. 'Kent;; State HIghway ColIInl.slonar Roscoe Wall,. Dlvls.IO,Il EngIneer. " . . '. " 2,I_T "'" ,~ ,!! I f ~.. "\ - ."" . Agreement No. 23-68 / l~l-f~~lr ~Q~11~1~1 SAL I NE COUNTY CITY OF SALINA STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS MAGNOLIA ROAD IMPROVEMENT " GRAD I NG, BR I DGES AND SURFAC I NG This agreement, made and entered into this day of , 19 ,by and between the Board of County Commissioners, Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to 'as the County, the Governing Body of the City, of Sal ina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the City and The State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the Commission. I I R E C I TAL S': WHEREAS, the County, 'City and Commission desire to enter into an agreement for the improvement and maintenance of a portion of Magnolia Road, hereinafter referred to as the project, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to define the responsibilities of each party in improving and maintaining the project which is described as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of Magnolia Road and US 81 Highway located near the northeast corner of Section 35, T 145. R3W, thence west on Magnolia Road along the north line of Section 35 and 34 to the intersection with Centennial Road. Total length of project approximately 1.2 mile. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. That the said project shall be undertaken, prosecuted and com- pleted for and on behalf of the said County and said City by the Commis- sion acting in all things as the contracting agency to construct the said project. The plans for the said project, when approved by the County, City and the State Highway Engineer, are by reference made a part of this agreement. - ~' ~ " . No. 23-68 2. It is agreed that all rights of way and easements necessary to construct the project shall be acquired by the County and the City at no cost to the Commission. 3. It Is agreed that the necessary utl1 ity adjustments or reloca- tions made necessary by the construction of the project shall be accom- plished at no cost to the Commission. I 4. T.he County and City agree that they will immediately take such steps as are necessary to facilitate the early adjustment of utilities and upon ~otificatlon by the Commission's Division Engineer, w,i 11 in 1- / tiate'the'removal or adjustment of said utilities and will proceed with reasonabl~ diligence to prosecute this work to completion. The County , and City \urther agre", to move or adj ust or cause to be moved or adj us ted all utilities before construction is started on the project except those necessary to be adjusted during construction and those which would dis- turb the existing street surface, curbs, or sidewalks. The County and City will, upon notification by the Commission's Division Engineer, Ini- tiate and proceed to complete adjusting the remaining utilities in order that the contractor shall not be delayed in constructing the project. 5. The Commission agrees to prepare the plans, let the contract, supervise the construction and administer the payments due the contractor, Including any portion of the cost to be b~rne by the County or the City. ' 6. The Commission agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all' construction Items included in the approved plans and contingencies necessary to construct the project. The Commission further agrees to pay the full cost of surveys, preparation of plans and construction engineering. 7. The County agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all construction items included in the approved plans and con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The County further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 8. The City agrees to pay for thirty-three and one-third (33 1/3) percent of all' construction i terns included in the approved plans and con- tingencies necessary to construct the project. The City further agrees to make such payment to the Commission within thirty (30) days after proper billing by the Commission. 9. The County and City agree that when said project is completed that they will maintain said project to the satisfaction of the Commission at, no cost to the Commission. 10. The location, form and character of informational, regulatory and warning signs, of traffic signals and of curb and pavement or other mark- ings Installed or plac~d by any public authority, or other agency shall be subject to the approval of the Commission and shall not be Installed prior , to such approva 1. - 2 - ~ . ~ .. ,Jo No. 23-68 II. It Is further agreed that this agreement and all contracts entered Into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon the County, the City and the Commission and their successors in off Ice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: ATTEST: COUNTY CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS COMMISSIONER CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS SECRETARY DIRECTOR -3"- I , I ~ . . ~4'~ r" ~4.~~r' tIJ.. . I~~~[? .. tMM-"'r' 1.(1, 4 ~ P)~ ~ x~. ~. ~,7 ~ -' '.:" To BOB KENT State.Highway.Commissioner From Wi I liam W. Yost, Mayor City of Sa I i na, Kansas " , . :ij .~ STATE OF KANSAS ) ) SS COUNTY OF SALINE) I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of Sal ina, Kansas, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and exact copy of the minutes of the Commissioners' Meeting of November 25, 1968. /}J _J \ L~~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk (SEAL> >C-_....... . . , ..?~. .... City of Sa I i na, Kansas Commissioners' Room November 25, 1968 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioners' Room, City Hal I, on Monday, November 25, 1968, at four o'ciock p.m. There were present: Mayor Wi I liam W. Yost, Chairman presiding Commissioner Charles W. Casebeer Commissioner Carl R. Rundquist Commissioner Robert M. Stark Commissioner G. N. Waddel I Comprising a quorum of the Board, also L. O. Bengtson, City Attorney Norris Olson, City Manager D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Absent: None A motion was made by Commissioner Stark, seconded by .Comm i ss i oner Wadde II that theC I ty cooperate with the County and State Highway .Commission to bui Id necessary road and bridges, from US Highway 81 to Centennial Road on what is known as Magnol ia Road, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a proper Resolution. Ayes: (5). Nays: (0). Motion carried. /S/ D. L. .Harrison D. L. Harrison, City Clerk ""- ',,-"', '"" D. L. HARRISON M. E. ABBOTT ....--f..,Jo...r','Y. ;t;'___.!.. "-"ii'-=""-;-.,";-,,.-,._,~.--- --- --.-f'.: ff-~llti2,\t(,;,to Jl~~;f-~7.:.'S:J3[th:Jr~'e!~ w/z~Uffittlz;ltf~~i~__~~_j--~:~:t:~~;~~~ WG~~- [' """,~ - I" / j L_,,-_,,_~_~~~lC:~-~~Sj1j FIFTH ANO ASH STREETS P. O. SOX 746 c:Salina, !J\aniai 67401 Janua~y 17, 1969 CITY CLERK'S OFFiCe: AREA CODE 913 TA3.9534 Mr. K. V. Spear Acting Engineer of Urban Highways State Highway Commission of Kansas State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 Dear Mr. Spear: I am enclosing three affidavits of publication of Ordinance Number 8000, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute, on behalf of the City of Salina, agreement number 23-68, for the improvement of Magnolia Road, for US Highway 81 west 1.2 mi les to Centennial Road. Sincerely, ~ D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH:jbs .. enclosures MEMBEr:? I<ANSAS LE-"(:'UE OF MUN1::';];'AUT11::S - 1..,;T10tl.\L L.E.::.GUE OF C1TlES ... ,- CONSOL'I 0"'-,"0_5" L l N A Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ' ORDINA};CE NUMBER 8000 together with proof of publication of the same, AFFIDA VIT I, Fred Vandegrift being first duly sworn according to law declare that I am thp Business manager of thp Salina Journal a newspaper published in the City of Salina, Saline than one year prior to the date of the attacher! r (1-'L:;;;;h~~t !~- Tt;; Salina Journal' J J:lnua~i' Iii. 1969\ ! ')l:Dt;\.\".'iCE :\DtBER 8000 ~ A:'\ ORDt:'-A!'CE f:EL.-\TiNG TO ISTATE .AID FOR THE I},{PROVE- I )1F.:-;'[' OF ~iAGXOLIA ROAD. . lEE IT ORDAINED by the Governing \E':.<:c-,\: o( th'C: (:\t)' 01 S:tlina, Kansas: i ~",.Il"n 1, '!'!'~t t\)<, )r/lyor and City 'I (:;~:l: ;;':'.~ autIwriu,l a~ld directed to ;C':<'~c;::~.. f'H -'111 on behalf of the : Ci::. o~ Salin?, Agree:nent Number 2::-63 b'ctwcei~ th~ C!tr, the 'State H~;:,w~:: Camrnl.:::s1Cln of K3.nsa!l and S.~l!r:(,' COtl'lI:!. gl\'ing the State Hlgh- '.....J.y C:vmmL_s!on or Kansas authority to act !o~ lh~ City. and In Itg place II;',) ~t"Mi to notaln COr the City tbe .iJ':l:d~(~ v; St:J-t~ Ai,! on the .terms ;l~; eD:1I:i.;tior.3 IIct Corth In such agree- :,::,::: :J3 ~ny b-: prepared nnd ap-: f1"'r,~d by t:.e Stille Hlg:w..ay Com. I :,i'~~:"';('~lO: tile Impro"'ement or Mag- ~~ct)"n 2. Thi$ ordinance shall take le!f,,~, Rnd be in forc~ from and after I i~; :"J~);i';Jtio:J tn the orttcial city I pa;"~. rn!r~'~luctd: .January 6. 1969 PM;'Ctl; Janu,,-TY 13, 1969 I ' WTLI.,IAH W. YOST, ATTEST: 1>fayot D.1.. H;;rrison ICllyele..1\: fSE-\L' (11)1. County, Kansas, and of a general circulation in said city, llnd continually and uninterruptedly published for more ORDINANCE NUMBER 8000 and that sair! ORD~NANCE NUMBER 8000 was correctly published of the date of / , , and furthze rI,say not. // '(/' /. ... /' .~' .!/,~ "'/01. Y - .--...(_./.---:r ::./ . ./. / / January 16. 19 69 ~// ~// r', ')~~~:/"{/;::<<'-?'J ,;;/ .......1.,., '- . .J4 '###1.. " Siib'Ser~"e.!,d sworn to, before mp '~\()lAIi\~\ ~, r :;1:. : January 17 , 19 69 -.L"'~ : ;. , ~.. ":""IJ ", I; B ~ \ ~":~ .."'/',-!/L "jc/ ?{'~LUI"-"~ t .... ..- .. . ," ......... ...... _..- Notary PublIc 1011I1",' ," My Commission expir~. July 31, 1969 ~ " . , "f -' D. 1:. Harrison , city Clerk . Stat. ~i9~ItU1a\l e,mm;..,..,iolt ol~lt~ , Topeka, Kansas .......ry 6. 1968 .'; .....11. ao.d City of Sail... Saline Couftty ....rd 0' ColInty eo.ll.lonerl" Saline County County Court..... Saline. bn.... 671101 ., . , Governing 8ocly. City of Saline City ..11 ' Sail"........, 671t01 "t I_IU . We .... beadle, you five copl.. of a "ropo..d "I-Peny At...,r--t tletwaR Sellne County. .... City 0' Saline 8ftd the State HI..., eo-Is- lion 0' .......coverlog tile P""led l..tcJ4Innl 0' IIaIgftolla load ,,. US 81 west 1.1 .n.. to Centennial '.ed. Thl. t,I-'atty Alr_t .... b.. prepared In RQft'or.IIlC.,wl'" the I,,'o..-tlon av...abl. I. "'II .,nce ...Iatlve to .,.,.,.1 -=-I~tl ... '" the tbrClll pa,tl... , , I,f thll"I.'a,ty AI" At I. .atll'.tory 'to the c.anty .... the City. "'.... copl. .... to be executed 8ftd "'urned' to tbl. offlc. 'or our """,llnl with the Sta. ""'" e-Illlon. One of tbe additional copl.. I. to tie retained by the CoUllty'" tile otlle, addltlonel C4JP)' II to be retained by ~ elt, until. tbay recel". tbel, 'ull, Uecllted copy. We will..... 'a ce,tlfled copyOf' proof of publlcetton of tbe ordl- nence that tha' ._ml... body ., the City 0'. Sell... edopt.autho,I&log tbe IIIIyor 8ftd the City Clark to _llite thll ,,"lIl11lt. fo,.year wn- WIllimce. ..a,. attach... OM copy of a typlc:al o,dlnance that has been used by othe,eltl.. 011 .llIlIa, proJectl. .If the County 0' tile CIty have any .-ltlOftS relative to this ....... " IIIIIftt.'I....contaet thl'lo'flce 0'..... Rolcoe Van. Dlvl.lon Eatl....' , 1ft Sail.... ......... ' 1IlII: JeJ , Attachment ' Gel. Paul F. Swert&.. CoamtyClerk./ , 'D. l.. "',rllOll. City ClerkV' . Robert A.. ltent. State "Iglway CoIIIIIII...., ROscoe Vall. Dlvlll... lnt'n..' , . , v~a tN I, youtl. d.' "7::?~ . . ;" '. ".. .q~ ' I......Al. "Iett, P. I. 1n.1....' 0' urblR Hlthwlyl "l-r ('So, ,12.,3-0.."(( ~. Norris P. OJ,son '. , saUna, 1tans1llJ. ~emller 26, 1968, HasnoUa. Road ,C1tT or Salina Saline CoImtT, ' . '1'b1II is to coiu'irm ameet1ttg that II 11)0 p. m., relative to the 'l'ri-PartT A Salina, Saline CountT and tagh above l18et4lg is to be he ty 'Saline <lol1q.tT Co'lU'th ot It8lllll 110. 6. iI(). T and as ro;l.l()l.'llI. Also Please be 'No.8 or the The on&- proved p and cont appl1e$ dt4ed .~. ,}'OUl" Cooperation in getting tlDJJ pro~ect on t~ Verr ~ 1OUi'8. , , '~~~I:'g. '., , DIVISION mDf$ER , 'RWIpi!l " . ~.. f" >~.. ~., (lOI Hr~ Robert A. 'Kent, State Hlghwll7 Camm1.1~. . . , '!I'l'. J. D. Stephenson. Assistant State HighYlI7 Bagineer Hr. Norris D.Oleon, City' -tl&~' " ',' , Hr. Kelvin 1'b,el~. Cba1m.an" 8082'd'ot COuntT ~88ionere