fire protection general battery ...... .... . , '.' . ------ ---- . '. , .: ...~.,':"'''.1.._~ ~. ;., .' . '. ~---~-'-~~~~-\E~ERAL-;~~~IPT~'O_. .:':-_, '-'~-l CITY OF SALlNA{,."~'1 SALINA. KANSAS Finance Department - , Name .A'la.-:-nl'w if' 0' ~!:-~'-b/ Address /0.. ,;:::~~ /7Y~ ;/-/1-0'(/ I~S; cOO I Data AMOUNT Received Payment For i" " r/ L1.tt_Y ~:) ..,: /' /<t!~c..P '" ! I I r J I I.' I I 00 (', /1 # ./ i . ;-'C./;// f /~.~~ /:? ~~ Fund or Department 4' j%~ Account No. Received By /7 dL ~ No. 03618 ..', '.i' ..,:.'" ,.,.. -- -.'". I -' oj" 1 1 t. i 1 ~ 6ENERAL BArrERY CORPORATION &;;;i L P.O. BOX 1262 . READING, PA. 19603 DAtE INVOICE NO. REG. NO. INVOICE AMT. DISCOUNT . - - I TOTAL 25 ^^^ 00 PATE ,NVc)fcE 'NO. REG. NO. . 'INVOICE AMT. DlscduNT 1 0 5 110785 K02690 I I- I .cx 25,000.00 ~ ~'}~, ~}i (d.... \' VENDOR NO. VENDOR NAME 512743501 CITY OF SALINA CHECK DATE NET 11-15-85. 137438AMOUNT PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CHECK NO. 737438 25,000.00 ~\ }- lIo \ <( ~ " Z '" - I - c ':I) ~ Ii: ...J ~ ~ ~ iii <( C"{ U Z t {,.y .... Vl ~ 0 I "" 0.. ~ LL .( ~ It> ,J\ 0 z " \ ~ Z :::i u .... ~ c C'j 0 r; 0 ( c '- '- i.i: \ c U .4 - c " , ~ en D 00 ,~ z ! ~ o:::t \: " " ~ C) E ~ ::> ~ "D ! ~ - "D C\J ~ "D 0 c : ~ "D :> < 0 c u "; Q ~ .:t u " ::z: "" .' ! . t -y.S GENERAL 8A~ CORPORAnON---C-- PURCHASE ORDER f '1:8 P.O. BOX 1282 . READING, PENNSYLVANIA lte03 r PhonII: (21&1 378-0600 SHOW THIS PO NUMBER IIN elUDING ALPHA PREFIX) ON ALL SHIPPING CONTAINERS PACKING LISTS & INVOICES .. CONFIRMING TELEPHONE I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION I ORDER DATE 1~39OR3E681 T;Gi~ ON 11-16-83 WITH 6110-311-A 11-16-83 SHIP VIA 1'.0... OUR DOCK TERMS I SHIP ~G;] N/A N-10 Immediate TO ,. RA Sprlng VIllIey Rced end Nolen St., R_III'1l1. Pa. 19606 2- RI Montr1* A-. end ArorIine St., L8u....... P.. 19806 S 3. HP 2&0 0.... St.. H.murv. Pa. 19628 .. os Old Qlict Springs Rd., G~. S. C. 29861 V H s. ., &66 HDke Ave., Frankfort. Ind. 48041 E CITY OF SALINA I o. RO Muhlenberg Induatr!e1 Park-Eat, Rt. 81. PottSYll.. Pike, Andina. PL 19806 N 7. OT 2040 Amelia St., Dall-. T... 76236 CITY CLERK"S OFFICE P o. ee 13110 Loudon ~. City of Industry, c.llf. 91744 D O. pp 4949 25th Ave., $.E., Portland, Oni. 91202 0 BOX 746 10. AO 430 N. Second St., Rading, Pa. 19801 T 11. SK Berg Rced, S. Industrial Park,s.lIna. KMIlIS67401 R SALINA, KS 67401 0'2- LP B29 Parwnount Awnue, L.amp.ter. Pa. 17537 13. CE Muhlenberv Indultrlel Mall-Welt. 4440 Pottsville Pike. A_lng, 1'8. 19806 ,.. 846 Penn St:IWet. Rndlng, ,., 19801 '6. Other See Below ITEM OUANTITY aUAN11TY lHT DESCRIPTION TC PART NUMBER UNIT NO. ORDERED RECEIVED PRICE 1 1 ea RURAL FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT 79 25,0000 2 12-1-83 TO 11-30-84 79 3 79 4 79 I 5 79 6 79 7 79 8 79 9 CONFIRMING DO NOT DUPLICATE 79 10 79 11 79 12 79 13 79 14 79 15 79 o M 00 c.D (V) m (V) THIS ORDER SUBJECT TO GBC ADDITIONAL TERMS THIS DRDER SUBJECT TO PENNSYLVANIA SALES AND USE TAX THIS ORDER SUBJECT TO SALES AND USE TAX DELIVERY AT OUR PLANT YESD YESD YES NoD NoD NoD TAX EXEMPTION NO. EMARKS PURCHASJNG AGENT SUBMIT ONLY ORIGINAL INVOICE. DD NOT CONSOLIDATE BilLINGS. MAil ORIGINAL INVOICE TO: GENERAL BATTERY CORPORATION, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX 1262, READING, PA. 19803 SHOW PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER UNClUDING ALPHA PREFIX) ON All SHIPPING CONTAINERS, PACKING LISTS AND INVOICES. CONSIGN All SHIPMENTS TO OUR RECEIVING DEPARTMENT. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, SHIP CHEAPEST WAY. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO BE SUBMITTED TD CORPORATE PURCHASING PRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK ON OUR PROPERTY. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THIS ORDER CONSTITUTES YOUR AGREEMEfiTD MAINTAIN THE ABOVE PRICE fOR THE QUAlTlnes INDICATED. THIS ORDER SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. 1 PU.....' 'REV. >183, ORIGINAL " l-'!" " ../1 ~'" .~' ~ RECEIVED NOV 1 ~ 1983 A G R E E M E oN T THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 9th day of November 19 83, by and between the CITY OF SALINA, a municipal corporation in Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as "City", and General Battery Corporation; South Industrial Area; Salina, Kansas 67401 (Whether it be a person, persons. firm or corporation) - hereinafter referred to as "Owner". WHEREAS, the City of Salina is a City of the first class, situated within the County and State aforesaid, and does, in the exercise of its municipal powers and functions, have a duly organized fire department; and WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of certain property lying and situated in Saline County, Kansas, outside the Corporate Limits of said City; and WHEREAS, Owner desires to provide for such fire protection as the City is authorized to extend outside of limits, under and pursuant to K.S.A.Section 80-1502; and SO, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the articles and covenants hereof, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and the Owner; Owner agrees to pay City cash in advance each year a sum equivalent to One Hundred Twenty-five percent (125%) of the mill levy required to provide fire protection service within the corporate limits of the city for the year in which the contract is executed or renewed, multiplied by the assessed valuation of the land, improvements and personal property as listed for tax purposes for the proceeding year for which the owner desires fire protection. said property being described and located as follows: SM 6-A-2: A tract in Nt of SWi 1-15-3 lying Nand E of School Specialty, except 300' strip along N side. 45.8 acres. GG!.Yl.12<'a...1 e...tie..y ~"1' . AMOUNT DUE: $25,000.00 for Rural Fire Protection Contract beginning December 1,1983 and ending November 30, 1984 C$1.. __ ___(f1____~ /,d 1!fi>"'~ liP I lev ~_ l:iI I I .' ." '" ",".,' ...; . Rural Fire Protection Agreement Page #2 IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF, the City of Salina agrees to provide fire pro- tection for said property and the owner thereof,' as aforesaid, consistent with and subject to each and every limitation and provision contained and set forth, in and under said K.S.A. Section 80-1502. The commencement of the firsf annual term hereof shall be the 1 st day of December , 1983 ,and end the 30th day of November , 19 B!--, and shall continue from year to year, or 12 month period to 12 month period, thereafter; provided that the sum determined aforesaid is paid prior to the commencement of the next succeeding year or 12 month period; provided how- ever, that in the event the governing body of the City deems it to be contrary to the public interest to provide for the extension hereof, for any given year, then it shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to refuse to accept the payment for the next year's services, and this contract will thereby be terminated. - The sums aforesaid shall be paid unto the Director of Finance and the City Clerk of said City, and upon the receipt thereof by the City Clerk and Director of Finance, the same shall be Obligatory upon the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed on the day and year first herein mentioned. Rufus Nye, D'" v;,td::!. ~ " Fire C"ief of said City GENERAL BATTERY CORPORATION P.O. BOX 1262, READING, PA 19603 Owner and Address ON ~ ' er and Address A. H. SONG~R, VICE PRESIDENT - FINANCE Owner and Address CITY OF SALINA City Clerk's Office - Box 746 - Salina, Kansas 67401 November 16, 1983 TO: Mr. Robert Garcia General Battery Corp. South Industrial Area Salina, Kansas 67401 Make all Checks Payable to City of Salina Rural Fire Protection Contract 12-1-83 to 11-30-84 $25,000.00 CITY OF SALINA City Clerk's Office - Box 746 - Salina, Kansas 67401 November 16, 1983 TO: Mr. Robert Garcia General Battery Corp. South Industrial Area Salina, Kansas 67401 Make all Checks Payeble to City of Salina Rural Fire Protection Contract 12-1-83 to 11-30-84 $25,000.00 ~~. RURAL FIRE CONTRACTS <"" Renewal Date 12- 1-75 Name GENERAL BATTERY CORPORATION Address Berg Road, Salina, Kansas 67401 Tract N~ SW~ 1-15-3 lying N & E of School Specialty except 300' Legal Description. strip on N side 45.8A (Code 8m 6 A-2). Assessed Valuation: Personal Real Total Amount 'Paid $ Date of Original Contract 12- 1-75 to 12- 1-76 Contract Date ~) ~AVr~~j City Clerks Office File copy with the Fire Department. . ; \ \' -f ~ !? n '" toil c;')"'l s: ~ c;') ~ , CD fD~'~ .. ID n ~ rt D ... .. D . ID III ..- "'" ID ~. D ... .. .... ... II> 7<' ~ III '" .. D III ",' ~ CD ....... .... CD 0 0 .., ID t>:lrt t>:l =: """'" ID CD .. ID 0 '" .. ~ ... CD rtn ;r .. rt nO.. .... ID rtrt .. . rt III 0 "'" ID .... n III to< "'" ... 0 ..- ... III ~ ,,< D .. .... 0 CD .... 0 0 ." '" III . D C .. a- 0 .., :.N < 0 )C ~ ID ~ b:I:.:'m w ... fD~.... .. 0 ..., ~1lI o(j) ~ ... "'" r:r ... .. "'" QQ ID - III CD .. 00 QQ co rt ...... VI .... l:<lo ~ .... > . ID . . 0 .... 0 0 COlD a- w .. rt D ::H VI .... VI "'"'< 0 UI ~ D:J; ....0 !!!. . D . , . I:" ~ 5: """'" Ort .... 0'\:0 S < .... "'" ......0 ," ~ .... 0 ;0: rt .. > . ' CD .. HI l/l il 0 .. - '" ... -. CD ::J .. ...,. .. 0 ... ,.,,-zv.....,~. ~- . 11 0~ .-I '"" .-I ,,-l :; , _"'~- IS <' ."., - "'" "....- ..0 ~ '" ":5..... d'.>' ~\'\ '" .. . " l' l' .-I ~ c.o '" ~ .-I l~ VI .-I' cf...; '" .. VI en X t. < c <..J '" .-I " ~ ~ 't Z ... 0 ... 000 "'" co" <Il 0 000 '" ~ ~ > .... . . . . p...t .5 ~ " 0"'''' '''' ~ ~ co 0 " "''''''' 0 en > <I U .. '" "''''''' " 0 0 ..... .-I a a a < l2; ..... 0 .~ ,,"'''' "'" .. ~ a .-I","'" .-I r.F:J ., ....:l .-I ,,"'''' c.o ... '" a 'It 0 :>-'1:1 ... .-I Po .c .. ., OJ (I)- (I)- (I)- ~ l' ... .. ,,-lO ~ )( 0 '" > u<>:i 0 I:) u 0 .. !Xl '" Q.. OJ 00 u :>- '" '1:1 ... OJ ... '" .-I ~ .,-lOJ A ~ OJ '" "'" 01:<1 .. '" . <J .. 0 .~' .. .-I ., ". ::l <I .. <I '" p., .l;; o 0 0 .... 1:<1 X U '" ..... """'" .... 0 <I :>- " .. 0 .-I 1:<1 o ... 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"'.. > ~ .-1.-1 III III <I> e 5i p.,lO: t:: o ..... .. ] ~ .-I '" .. o Eo< ,... C: fI\ <lO ~ ~, "' <1)0 GI ,s .. t:: ::l ~ ,< Z lL: :J ~'" w< ~(/)~ .... u. <" i 0 5 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ - U c, -, ....~, ... o .., ,... CD .. III -<~ lZ:. .." """"" .5 ~~ -< Cl)CD .., ~. ~ Od! ~ ~ """"" ~ ~-"-~~ .. ... == o .. :.e 1Ii U b- y .. c .. E t: c ll. .. C E " Z e .., J!! .., " <( C U"\ ...... .... .-I .-I '" k .. ,t:l o ... ... o \ I () \\ ~ " ~ ~ l:I o .... ... Cd k o '" k o tJ l>> k .. ... ... Cd l"l .-I .. k .. g U ~ '- ~ ~ I..r) % ::> ~ N '" N .-I H o l"l . o l:I .... m ..: . ... .. c: .. en k o ... '" ... .... ~ ..:l l>>'" ... .. .... 0 tJ": .. 1lO '" k .... .. "'l"l ... ::l l:I o 0 l:I l>> " k .... .. ...... "... .. Cd "'l"l o k.-l ... Cd k .. .. k l:I .... .. !"tu - " > .. tJ " .. .. ... ... > .. ... .. "" u .. s: tJ .. .. "" .. :e - c: .. E t D "- .. c ~ " .., c: :0 ... '" ...... .... .-I 00 00 . . 00 "'co "'.-I ~ .-I'" ...... '" .". ~ .-I k .. 1 " .. I'l o ... U"\ ...... .... .-I l:I o .... ... ~ ~ .-I.... ..... :> ~ .-1.-1 ~~ o "'.-I k Cd .. .. .....: ~ .-I .k .. 1 " .. I'l " z - c: :0 " U U <( l; .., " > .i ci :.l ::z:: '" '" .-I .-I .... Ii '" co . .-I .-I H o o . o .-I U"\ ~ -d" ...... '" .". .... '" . .-I -d" -d" . -d" .". l:I o .... ... ~ ~ .-I .. ... o E-I .. ,3 ... g J <( Z Ii: ~ ~'" ii:i <( Z ~(f)~ .... u.. .( ~ 0 5 1l z <ell 5 l!i ~ if o .' l/) - c CIl E t l:l ll.. CIl C CD ! III E ." ... ~ :'l .g <;;) 0-.. ~ ~ o ... 1: " ~ tI ""~ % 1 ) ::) -; ~ ~ ~ - c " € tI ll. " Q ~ o ." c :> ... o Z - c :> o u ~ j LD c::> ("'-J l;m ." ("'-J ~ "ij u ~ . c:t ::z: SHOW THIS PO NUMBER (IN ClUDING ALPHA PREFIX) ON All SHIPPING CONTAINERS PACKING LISTS & IrNOICES CONFIRMING TELEPHONE /I I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1~;~O~;5 ;;CHASE 7"717 21 iAGj Oi ON ~ WITH I ~~i'~?ng~Hq-l00 SHt IA .1/'" . IF.O~ If TERj /. ~ I SHIP ~~ au"! . . 1 /- ?-A' fA.. TO IJ '-- ~t4 . SHIP R'1. LOcATIONS ~ l I. RA Spring Volley R d ond Nolon St.. Reoding, Po. 19605 City of S al1ru! 2. RI Montrose Ave. and Angeline St.. loureldole, Po. 19605 3. HP 250 Grand St., Homburg, Po. 19526 City Clerk's Office ,. GO Old Chick Springs Rd.. Greer, S. C. 29651 S. fI 555 Hoke Ave.. Frankfort, Ind. 46041 0 P. O. Box 746 6. SA Old Montgomery Hwy.. Selma, Ala. 36701 7. OT 2040 Amelio St.. Dallal, Texol 75235 0 SaUna, Kansa.s 67401 8. CC 13110 Loudon Lane, City of IndUltry, Calif. 91744 9. PO 4949 25th Ave., S.E.. Portland, Ore. 97202 R 10. AD 430 N. Second St.. Reading, Po. 19601 11. Other-See Below ITfM QUANTITY QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION TC PART NUMBER UNIT NO. ORDERED RECEIVED PRICE 1 '~<nn .. ....~u T<~<~a 79 Fir.. 2 T<"n'''''' f"cf'1 ttv l'n,. a l'n.. 79 3 . I ~~ n~n. 0 "iv na_<n" "" n..r 79 4 79 5 79 6 79 7 79 8 79 ". 9 79 10 79 . 11 79 12 79 13 79 14 79 . 15 79 \ . / 'II: 6E~~~~~26~~'f!~!..E~~~~~~!ION Phone: (215) 929..o77l' N I'- ....... I'- I'- . THIS ORDER SUBJECT TO PENNSYLVANIA SALES AND USE TAX YES D THIS ORDER SUBJECT TO SALES AND USE TAX YES D DELIVERY AT OUR PLANT REMARKS PURCHASE ORDER 7 NoD NoD TAX EXEMPTION NO. Salina Plant' SUBMIT ONLY ORIGINAL INVOICE. DO NOT CONSOLIDATE BILLINGS. MAIL ORIGINAL INVOICE TO GENERAL BATTERY CORPORATION, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX 1262, READING, PA. 19603. SHOW PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (INCLUDING ALPHA PREFIX) ON ALL SHIPPING CONTAINERS, PACKING LISTS AND INVOICES. CONSIGN ALL SHIPMENTS TO OUR RECEIVING DEPARTMENT:UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, SHIP CHEAPEST ~ . ~ THIS ORDER SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. 'UR.oo, (REV. "'731 P.O. ORIGINAL 1 . ''''.~1 . <<c.'... l orrison I ! ~ '. i , , i i dwm flu Jei~ ~i' 0 00 ~_ (?;,t'-<~ , ':::'-C.,.1( ......-~- - .....-:=-- I ~",,>('J."""'''' i i i , I , , i I I ! i ! i j ! J )/ 9 CJ OJ 1/1Al; tIU. 'J.. J () ?" 51 0 i crzrv, "" 5"'1, 01f7J. trlJ h.. 10 1/)." 5',;', 'nFe, t/b ' ;.S,f.. -50 ' Vu., ~,... .Plo J.f '17, J S/1 . c/f} '^- ,U, I -=- .5j '" 8/. :3 Y t, /'rt-.r-.;tI- ,,2. I 'N t>. "7 ' 1:;, ~ (,,/Ct7S- ~D~ ed), \ "\ .'& . ". :~~-:.~~~~~t,~":f:3l'~f;t~~;:t~~~~~.'~'t'-i.~'I~~~f.'f~J.:~'?~;'~,~.:..~..~~.~jii'1'i.~~tjr!,~:~\,~..~j(.~;J~iW~ii~~!~:.~~~~..~~,~.0.,'~~~K'\~~:'~~,~,j~\~ . ):'~"":::' '..':.; ".~: ': .. ~,~ ';\ ':'.~'. .::. ~"";:""':'.~:.:" <'.:. .:.I:~::~'.;"~;~ _ .':'<::':';":,:~'.:\-~::~',~"~. ':,:;'?:':.': ,~:I~-~: >:' ",::: ~:;',:~~.'~"j~.:>/ '~':_:~.':~'~';:"'.:;;', ," '1.;~.. .::::.' '.' . ... i:.,;,j;',j):,~:,?:~};'0l~,:!<:':: ': :~',~::::.-i.:!~;}~t~.::;.:;:-:. ,>.:::;. :~. ,. "." -.-....... ..,-.' . '." .......;'h., -; :'~:. . . .'.':,'i::....:,."...::TlIlS AGREEHEN',l' made a~d entered' into this 7'th day'of Februarv. . , 1975 t by and bet,...ccn. thc:;..CITY OF SAL;I,NA, .....:i. _8 :mfunl.C~pal 'cqrpo-:-'a.t~on -rn5alincCounty, Kansas, hQrcinaftcr re erred to as "Cl. ty', and General Battery 'Corporation, Berg Road , . . . Sallnn' Kansas 67401 . '1l1bcthcr ~t be a.person, .pcrsou~~r:rrn-o~ co~porat10nJ - herc~n- ....after referred to as 110\.,ncr..... ..." .... .' .' "-. .... . '..:.';.,:. .' ". l~rnRE^S, the City.of Salina is'a City of the first class, .situated within .the County .and :State.~rcre5uid, and does 7 in ,the exercise of its municipal power$ ~nd functions, have a duly orqan- '~2ed 'fire dep~rtment; 'and : t-mERE1~, O\.,....cr is the .. : ,,':'"Situated in' Saline County, " .;',<.....of said City: and " . . o\\'ner ~f -'.certain prope~'t~ lyin9"'~nd Kans~s, outsid~ the Co~porate Limits . l-1HEREAS, 'o\omer desires to provide for' such fire protection as "the .,city is authorized to extend outside of limits, under and '..pursuant to K.S.A. Sc~tion 80-1502; .and 'so, NON TREP~FORE, in consideration of the articles and '....covenants he~cof, it is mutually agreed by and bet\\.'een the City. :and the O\.mer: -.-:;::Owner 'agrees to pay City cash in advance -each year a sum . .eqUivalent to One Hundred Twenty-five percent (125%) of ,- ,.:the mill levy required to provide fire protection service within the corporate limits of the city for the year in ".which the ,contract is executed or renewed, multiplied ...:....hy the assessed valuation of the land, improvements and personal property as listed for tax purposes for the pro-. .ceeding year for which the owner des~res fi7e protection. " . 'said property being described and located as fOUo"s:. Tl:act'N; SW~ 1-15-3 . '.N side 45.8A lying N & E of School specialty except 300' strip~ on. {Code Sm 6 A-2} , . '. (". .r' . Estb.ated ;~sessed valuation during constru~ti'on for a 6~onth 'period: .' 'j' $487,350.0~ x 11.61 mil~~ ~ $5,658.14 for ~ year & $2,829.Q7 for 6 months .. .' . .", '.. ;..:.... . '.:' " . If> e d> " r- - -- - - - - I .' GE~ERA.L I BATTER4 /. .1' fl~EA ."., I (, ...&.-.-- - .' " -, I ( I I I I' I -l .. SC~Jj)DL SPE CIA Ll'1 '-.. ~...... ......;.... . , . , ~. : " ., .... ':'-.'-'. ;-.... .'. .. .'.;1.. ... .... OR , <;+11.. vi E " S.. ;..'.. , lJ,O.HN.,.?EE.~~ .,.,...... ..t::. , , 'E , ..... GENERAL 8A"ERY CORPORATION /3i , P.O. 80X 1262 . READING. PA. 19603 VENDOR NO. VENDOR NAME 03170. CITV OF SAt: INA 2,829.07 CHECK DATE 03/07175 PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CHECK NO. 593490 DISCOUNT 2 829.07 NET AMOUNT 2,829.07 'If;j''!', ~ -.' "'.'" .....~ " '., -, " " ,- f ~:j~.:, . ,_..,.; .-',' "'1' ,''; -, ., ,'. .AGREEl'IENT ..J,.<. .' '.' .:.. "". . '>~-. . ; '"~:. . .-" ,". ...,....TH:IS AGREEl1ENTmade..and ente;~(i.intothis .7th :'day of , 1975: , by and bett-leen the CITY OF' SALINA, corporation in Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter as .. Ci ty", and General 'Ba.ttery Corporation, Berg, Road, . , ';;.,;.'.. Salina' ,1Cansas 67401 ' . U'lhether it be aperson,"persons, firm or. corporation) - herein- ',after'referred to as "O\~ner"" February, ~amunicipal referred to .. "".' , . WHEP.EAS, the City of Salina ii;.aCity of the first class, .situated within the County and StatEr. aforesaid, and does, in the exercise of its municipal powers and functions, have a duly organ- izedfire department; and ' WHEREAS, O\II"er is the owner of,' certain property lying and .....'Situated in Saline County, Kansas, outside the Corporate Limits of said City; and WHEREAS, O~mer desires to provide for such fire protection as .the City is authorized to extend outside of limits, under and pursuant to !C.S.A, Section 80-1502; and "SO, Nm'~ THEP..EFORE, in consideration of the articles and 'covenants hereof, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and the Owner; ,OWner agrees to pay City cash in advance each year a sum . ,equivalent to One Hundred Twenty-five percent (125%) ,of . the mill levy required to provide fire protection service within the corporate limits of the city for the year in 'which the contract is executed or rene\~ed, multiplied by the assessed valuation of the land, improvements and personal property as listed for tax purposes for the pro- ceeding year for which the owner desires fire protection. :said property being described and located as follows: , Tract N~ SW~ l-15~3 lying N & E of School Specialty except 300' strip, on ,N side 45.8A {Code Sm 6 A-2) Estimated assessed'valuation $487,350.00 x 11.61 mil.ls during construction for a 6-~onth:peiiod: $5,658,14 for 1 year & $2,829.07 for 6 months " ' S,CHiJOL SPECIAL 1'1 I r .. I , I..,.,,: r------,-- I GtWERAL I 8ATTER~ AREA -I I I I I I I I ~ -"~'-'" , tlI 9 4\ ~ e. IR I2Il OR , N ~+E S [JOHN' 1>EERE .'. .......:.:_c" .~.,~~-:-:---.._ ~_" ,~_~d:..,.r . ".. ........ "..f#''''i( ;.' -"Il! ~'ri. ~ ,.-' ... .-,.' i ".' , : . . , , ~ J.."',(' . "~ " '.: ,"--- ''',':,:.\ ....:. . r '. IN CONSIDEHATION 'I'HEREOF, the City of Salina agrees to pro- vide fire protection for said property and the o.mer thereof, as aforesaid, consistent with and subject to each and every limitation and provision contained and set forth, in and under said K.S.A. Section 80-1502. The' commencement of the first annual term hereof shall.be the 7th day of February , 1975 , and end the 7,th day of August , 19 75 , and shall, continue fromyear"to year, or 12 month period to l~ month period, thereafter: provided that the sum determined aforesaid is paid prior to the co~mencemcnt of the next succeeding year or 12 month period: provided however, that in the event the governing body of the 'City deems it to be contrary to the public interest to provide for the extension here-. of, for any given year, then it shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to refuse to accept the payment for the next year's services, and this contract will thereby be terminated. The sums aforesaid shall be paid unto the Director of Finance and the City Clerk of said City, and upon the receipt thereof by the City Clerk and Director of Finance, the same shall be obligatory upon the C~ty. IN WITNESS ~nIEP~OF, the parties hereto have caused this instrU- ment to be executed on the day and year first herein mentioned. =\ , Ci ty of Salina ~)~,- NORRIS D. OLSON City Manager -e C.)3~,' E. C. BROSS Fire Chief of said City . ~d&~;j' ,~ . /J Owner and Address ' r- d2 ~/;2-< .2.., /C-~' ~ . f'~ . ;;? /~,t'cf~' . / , ' 6;, vZfiY~: ~;-,___ ' ~2-/ _ , . Owner and Address " i~W--~f,~ ~,A.A--~ 'K~ t 71./1)/ .' .,' . RURAL FIRE CONTRACTS Renewal Date 2-7-1975 Name General Battery Corporation Address Berg Road Legal Description Tract N~ S~ 1-15-3 lYing N & E of School Specia1tv except 300' strip on N side 45.8A (Code Sm 6 A-2) Assessed Valuation: Personal Real Total 487.350.00 Amount Paid $ 2':829.07 Date -of Original Contract February 7. 1975 2-~-1975 to 8-7-1975 Contract Date ~ (1AAI~HA~ City Clerks Office File copy with the Fire Department. .' r...~..,..:..' ....1: l"~''''i I~' .... .......,.... .:......'.t"':.)I'~.4T!._',~..I.1'".l.'.W.;-.;,;.r,,1,t'..,.'i.I..."""....#'fJII.''.~~ ....,.-..<1'1"...1.....'- ,~~l,.'tal"~' .... ..~. ,::. ..~,~;.:.;:.I::":.;:;~~-)~,~:::...,.. ~/I.';' I 'j-" ,. , ' " '~"~r'l., .l ~" ~ ;.":t';'.. .' :::..:~'.~..:~r';,,'......~.'..',.',.:.. ';,;':",;.:..:..':.'.',.,'.:':...::.'.~,',:',.,'."'.;.,',C:::,'''':,-:'':'-:' :r.;j,:;", ,,' . .'. ,,:: .....:. ,:,.....;. ,. .,:.~r(::':.;./'i:;t,~.A. G..n' EE'IIE~ N"" ,", .' .::.~:.::,.:.j~;,..,:,..~...:..."".....;,..:,.",..".:..:"i.'~.::'..,;,..'..,:...','.....:.:,,:,:...,',..~,...:....,:,.,.....~1,:,i.,[~,I >!"" .. ::',:.' :::'., ,::",:':.< _.~J,,~'-";';,'.::/,.":~,';;.?'.'.'. :~\,' ,:",:.. \'.~',;::,t.; :,' ",' . '.. ,<' , .' ~" ' " . . ,....;..~, '.l.,:."'{":' ',,':" ", . """V;"':.:.~~I'~.,'.:.r,":,'..,/.~"',,,: " """ ,. ," ,'" '. :..:L.~j":,~' ..... ........:'.:--~.'.':'...~:.:.;,:'.;.. "'~':,"~ '1, '.f':.' ;:,:::j."~".:: .' ,.<':!l'HIS AGImEl1ENT made and entered in to this 7th day 'of . '; , ":-.' , February, , 1975 ,by and bct\~cen the' CITY OF SALINA, ::.;.. . _a municipal corporation in Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter ..t:.. referred to as "City", and General Battery Corporation, Berg Road, '. "'~: . .'. Salina, Kansas 67401 . ". '1i'lhether 1. t be a. person, persons, firm or, corporation) ':' '::.', ,'.after referred to as "O\~ncr" "", ". , '. " ". ~'.\tr~::: '"j. '." ,",." . '.,. ." . '. :~. ." .' . .~'. .' ,...... ..... herein- :.,:;- , . ...;-, .. ~.. ........ ..' ", 'liIIEREAS., the city of Salina is' a City of the first class, .situatcdwithin the County and State aforesaid, and does, in the exercise of its municipal powers and functions, have a duly organ- . .izedfire department; and .... . , ..... ;" .-. '. '" .....'. ..... . '. . " ," , .. '." . . " : t1HERE1.S, Q\.r-er is the - ':-'.'.: .'<"Situated in Saline County, ,;'>>'Of said City; and ,',' o~~er of certain property lying and Kansas, outside.the Corporate Limits ..'n' '. ,..\:, .... ". .'.:' tmEREAS, at-mer desires to provide for such fire 'protection . ~e City is authorized to extend outside of limits, under and ....:. ~'~:'.._.' .,_pursuant to Ie. B.A. Section 80':"'1502; .and ". as so, NOl'r THEREFORE, . .....' covenants he::::eof, it is ;; '::,'" =d the at-mer; .' in consideration of the articles and mutually agreed by and between the City . . " .. ,'.:;,'.Owner agrees to pay City cash in advance each year a sum . '.eqUivalent to One Hundred Twenty-five percent (125%) of .,..:t:he mill levy required to provide fire protection service : within the corporate limits of the city for the year in '''which the contract is executed or rene\'/ed, multiplied . <".by the assessed valuation of the land, improvements and personal property as listed for tax purposes for the pro-' ",.,ceeding year for which the O\'/ner desires fi7'e protection. .. .', 4-'! \,,;.. '.' , ,:......-. .~.' . <~. ,.:said p'roperty being described and located as follows: . . . '. Tr.act N~ SW~ 1-15-3 lying N & E of School Specialty except 300'strip, on . ' ; ". N side 4S.8A {Code Sm 6 A-2) .'--,,' . . :.,<..' .. , '.: .,.'. .... . '. ....,..-- .:....... '.. {,..:..., . .t.-. '.;. .: . -;'. .. .. .. . ... .... . :. .. , . ... '~'. '.. . ,-,". . ~ . .~ .' ..' , ': '. ~ '''.,...'- .'.... ..... '.: ....: . :{ .... , :~; .."..... . , .... , , .' ", .-'- S C~Ji)OL $PEC/FlLT~' .' .' .' .. .... ." ........ .'.......', .,..... .s ':'; ~ ... ::t :.. -..~ ... ~. :,.., ..~ ',; .... I- 'f' " '1 I 'I' .' . .....- oil, , , .'. ":': .' :,' ..,; .... " '. . - .. I,. .4.' " .. . .~. I .. ".', " IIfl s . .. . atJ Gb .. 011 , .'-+E . 'S. . JOHN, "DEERE ..:,4,.., "'". . .,....!..., ,"t.; i.',. '., " , .. '.' ' . ", '. , ' :.;. "r , IN' CONSIDI::rU\'l'10N 'l'IIJ~tu.;op, the Ci ty of f,<l1.l. nn :'l9rem'l to pl'O- vide' fire protection for said proporty and' the O\ofnt!r thereof, as aforesaid,conni.stent with and subject to cnch and cver.ylimitation and provision contained'and set forth, in and under said K.S.A. 50ction80-1502. . '1'hc' commenccment of the first annual term hereof shall.be the 7th day of February , 1975 , and cnd the 7th clay of August '--;-I""9 75 , anc:r-sli'all.continl'lc froni-y~'to 'year, or~month period to 1~ month period, thereafter; provi1ed that the sum deterr.tincd aforesaid is paid prior to the cOr.'.mencement of the next succeeding year or 12 month period; provided however, that in the eve,nt the governing body of 'the 'City decms it to be contrary to the public interest to provide for the extension here- of, for any given year, then it shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to refuse to accept the payment for the next year's services, ,and this contract will thereby be terminated. The sums aforesaid shall be paid unto the Director of Finance and the City Clerk of said City, and upon the receipt thereof by the City Clerk and Director of Finance, the same shall be obligatory upon the C;ty. IN WITNESS tniEP~OF, the parties hereto have caused this instru- ment to be executed on the day and year first herein mentioned. " City of Salina .. I'" '~)~ NORRIS D. OLSON Ci ty !-tanager " , -e c. ){3~ ' , " E. C. BROSS Fire Chief of said City ~' "..:. - ~J~~7 ,0/" Il a:~. e~d;~7:i IC.IL __C..... , .6? /7~ d3;.., - , / ~~:r~~ . " , . -.--"--------.---------.,.-- , . , . . .,,- pwner and Address ;0'~-.~;, ~ , :a:~-_":/-~ _ _ ~,K ,-- t ? tlPl - . , .' '- - , ' " "'" '" , r',_ " " .'"' ... . ,~'" 4i.,\, t.o <.....-.'..../ 'T "'.--'--"''''-~