beard /gableman arcade 62THE CITY OF-SALINA, KANSAS JRCHASE ORDER CITY CLERKS COPY -TO LL MAILED WrtN CHECK CHECK NO. 6 DATE PAID JAW 06 — 3ft L AbWARAft DATE �► �� FUND HARG r CODE AMOUNr C.lp. 'nip To. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS TTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY D E S C R I P T I O N - UNR PRICE MOUNT alas lam al 30 laa ft" a. .� Not ill A -0K to oil' ............ NAY 50 05� vs; Not ill A -0K THt-- CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY—MAIL WITH ORIGINAL F Heard & 6abelmas, 1=. TO: 2630 Grand Ave. Kansas City, Ib. L_ Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION I DEPARTMENT Barnest honey for aeasa rights of the 9 & G ORDER NO 3 3 9 0 CHECK NO. 9853 2 DATE PAID 8-7-62 DATE JIMX" T, 3962 FUND CHARGE CoastunGtiaa CODE AMOUNT .. .UNIT PRICE AMOUNT THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 3.390 TIJE"CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ORDER NO. PURCHASE ORDER DEPARTMENT PILE COPY CHECK NO. Ilm 5 DATE PAID Sm*'" Iii' it a" gurd at combos. &4.. � DATE FU D C ARG ASO Grid Awa. COIF AMOUNT TO: cftyw mo. L Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT H=w f4M. li R! �YPtil T *- CITY qF„ SALINA, KANSAS PURCHASE ORDER VENDOR'S COPY -MAIL WITH ORIGINAL F- BeArd & 00elVa to. TO: 2610 Grata Avems was Cftly, Nissawt L Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % QUANTITY R =J_- at wy.,.DESCRIPTION ,E S C R I P♦TIO N ift for Anaft DEPARTMENT ORDER N0. lk 44H CHECK NO. 2' DATE PAID mil 30s Vft a DATE Awil 30s W2 r; FUND CHARGE CODE AMOUNT ai UNIT PRICE AMOUNT THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PURCHASING AGENT .8 APPROVED CITY MANAGER T -K CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ORDER NO. 4485 PURCHASE ORDER DEPARTMENT FILE COPT CHECK NO. 5 DATE PAID AWO 30► IM DATE *00" "s FUND CHARGE TO: SW 4WA Al 1 1 1 C41ii �V CODE AMOUNT L Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 4t m s"Ift Scotia J DIV 4 4 8 5 THCCITY OF SA,LINA, KANSAS ORDER NO. 6 PURCHASE ORDER CITY CLERKS COPY-TO BE MAILED WITH CHECK CHECK NO. DATE PAID DATE r FUND CHARGE consumum TO: amTIER" 4bum &am can CODE AMOUNT L Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT �,.,y.�,� LWN* FAAP �a,t fo Avftft f ORDER 3�J0 TELE 'CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS NO PUR ASE ORDER CITY CLERKS COPY -TO BE MAILED WITH CHECK CHECK NO. 6 DATE PAID JIM *a To m" amwd a R`imtls NCO DATE FUND CHARGE TO: 940"tuyo�* CODE AMOUNT L Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT fAwa of tu a aw c AGREEMNf This agreement made and entered into this 6th day of February 1962 by and between Beard & Gabelman, Inc., 2610 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, hereinafter re- ferred to as B & G and the City of Salina.. Kansas, hereinafter referred to as City WITNESSETH: Whereas B & G are lessees in a lease dated October 20, 1952, a.true copy of which lease is hereto attached marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein in August 1961 entered into an agreement extending the termination date of Exhibit "A" to January 31, 1969, a copy of said extension agreement is here- to attached marked Exhibit "B"' and made a part hereof as though fully set forth here- in; and; WHEREAS: B: & G is willing to sell and assign its rights and interest in and to said Exhibits "As and "B" to the City for the simm of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00) and to give possession of said premises to the City May 1, 1962 after receiving written notice that the City intends to exercise its rights to purchase and take possession of said premises provided said notice is received on or before March 15, 1962, and, WHEREAS: The City wishes to purchase lease rights for the stmt of TEN THOUSSAW DOLLARS ($10,000.00) upon the provision that lessor will give written consent to said assignment. Nal, THEREECRE, In consideration of the above and foregoing and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City will pay to B,& G upon execution hereof by the City, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as earnest money, and will pay the balance of Ninety Nine Hundred Dollars ($9900.00) upon receipt o4 possession and an assignment ex- ecuted by B & G of all of its rights and interest under and by virtue of Exhibits "A"and "B" which assignment must bear the written consent of the lessor. 2. If the city does not give written notice to B & G on or before March 15, 1962, that it intends to take possession by May 1, 1962, then this agreement will be considered null and void and the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) earnest money pay- ment will be forfeited to B-& G and the parties released from any and all liabi- lities created hereunder. 3. Upon receipt by B & G on or before March 15, 1962 of written notice from the City that it intends to take possession of said premises and to pay the balance of said purchase price, B & G will execute an assignment of its right under and by virtue of Exhibits "A" and "B" to the City upon delivery to B & G of the balance of said ptrchas a price and will deliver possession of said premises not later than May 19 1962 following receipt of said written notice. /a. It is a condition of B'& GIs duty to assign Exhibits "A" and "B", that the City procure, without cost to B & G the consent of the lessor in Exhibit "A" and "B"-_. In lieu of acquiring landlord's cons ent thereto the City shall acquire the same by eminent domain the right of the lessor and as owner thereof, consent thereto. This agreement is mutually binding upon the assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The parties have hereto executed said agreement the day and year first above writ- ten. CITY CF SALIVA, KANSAS � +r This samement mads m d entered into this Beard & OabelMa, 7�no., 2610 Oram! Avenue, ferred to as 8 & G and the City of Salina, 6th day of Pebrmary 1962 by and between Senses City, missouri, hereinafter rs- llamas, hersinafter referred to as City Whereas B & G are lessees in a lease dated October 208 19520, a true OW of which lease is hereto attached marked 8xUbit "A" and eat% a part herwx as though fel V sett forth herein In August 1961 entered into an agreement extending the torx4nation date of MWMt "A° to January 31, 19690 a oo;r of geld extension agreement is here- to attached marked bnibit urn: and made a part hereof as though fully set forth here- Inj asdj F77 -4 -MT B�LL& G is willing to soli acrid assigm its rights and Interest in and to said Fabibits OA and "Be to the City for the awn of TO THQUUM DMLAW (410,000.00) and to give possession of said premiass to the City My 1, 1962 after receiving Witten notice that the City intends to exercise its sights to p mbase and take possession cif tsald psvm im provided said notice, Is "cowed on Qr bdom Hkoob 15,: 1962; ands the City wishes to olease oto for the sum of TBB THOS DOLT ($1.0,000,00) upon t pearision that leave will gime vritten consent to sold assignment, r t aa•h,r r;" In consideration of the above and foregoing and the muttwl covenants and aeftemots, horeinattar oontalned, parties hereto agree as followsn 1• The Citywill to,B & G upon amoation hsr"t by the City, the am of Oce Htnadred Dollars 07.00.003 as earnest mosey, and will pay the balance of MftV ffina Hundred Dollars (49900.00) upon receipt of possession ed an aseigpmant GXO eauted by B A G of all at its rights and Interest unser and by vat -bw ct 24 -Ab is "A" and RV iblob aw1pnent must bear the vVittesn sansont of the lessor. 2. It the 4ty doss not give written notice to 8 & O con or before Muvh 15, 1962, that it Intends to take possession by qty 1, 1962, than tris agreement Will be considered mall and vol4 and the floe MWrsd Dollars (4100000) .9most money peen• went mill be forfeited to.& It G and the parties released !drum mW and all 116bi* lities amted herawAsr• 3s receipt bat 8 & fr o► +pr Defcra ilarah Us 196 oP wrJ,�ttan carnes �elama ttha Cit t+ met it Intards to take possession of said premises and to M the ria umur and by virtu ibbiitss A" and °B° to the City vpion delivery to 8 &g6 of this balanco of said yftgd as o pries and Will deliver posaession of said VMMLsss not later than 1, 1962 faUming receipt of said written notloeo 4. 1t is a Oandition of B. & G's tltrtar to assign 92bibits "A" and "B" Act the City procuro# without post to H & a the *meant of the lassos In ZAAbi t 'AO and "A''. In lion of acquiring landlordls cons enb thereto the City diad acquird the aeras by eminent dams the right of the leave and as tanner thereof, cogpent thereto. This agrsomat is mutually binding upon the sssigas of the parties hereto. The parties have hereto executed said ease=+, the dear end yews firat above writ+ ten. mm & GAO$i WI pa, This agreement made and entered into this Eighth day of September 1961 by and between Beard & Gabelman, Inc., 2610 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, hereinafter referred to as B & G and the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as City WITNESSETH: Whereas B & G are lessees in a lease dated October 20, 1952, a true copy of which lease is hereto attached marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein in August 1961 entered into an agreement ex- tending the termination date of Exhibit "A" to January 319 1969, a copy of said extension agreement is hereto attached marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein; and; WHEREAS: B & G is willing to sell and assign its rights and interest in and to said Exhibits "Ali and "B" to the City for the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00) and to give possession of said premises to the City fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice that the City intends to exercise its rights to purchase and take possession of said premises provided said notice is received on or before October 1, 1961; and, WHEREAS: The City wishes to purchase lease rights for the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00) upon the provision that Lessor will give written consent to said assignment. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the above and foregoing and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The City will pay to B & G upon execution hereof by the City, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as earnest money, and will pay the balance of Ninety Nine Hundred Dollars ($9900.00) upon receipt of possession and an as- signment executed by B & G of all of its rights and interest under and by virtue of Exhibits "A" and "B" which assignment must bear the written con- sent of the lessor. 2. If the City does not give written notice to B & G on or before October 1, 1961, that it intends to take possession within fifteen (15) days, then this agreement will be considered null and void and the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) earnest money payment will be forfeited to B & G and the parties released from any and all liabilities created hereunder. 3. Upon receipt by B & G on or before October 1, 1961 of written notice from the City that it intends to take possession of said premises and to pay the balance of said purchase price, B & G will execute an assignment of its right under and by virtue of Exhibits "A" and "B" to the City upon delivery to B & G of the balance of said purchase price and will deliver possession of said premises not later than fifteen (15) days following re- ceipt of said written notice. Page z This agreement is mutually binding upon the assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The parties have hereto executed said agreement the day and year First above written. BEARD & GABELMAN, INC. CITY CF SALINA, KANSAS BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESSTABLISHKWT OF ) OFF-STREET PARKING AND ARCADES ) REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF ARCADE IAA HENDRICKS, of Salina, Kansas, and B. & G. HOSIERY of Salina, Kansas, a corporation, state: Mrs. Hendricks is the owner of Lot 124, Santa Fe Avenue, Salina, Kansas. B. & G. Hosiery is a tenant in the approximate South 15 feet thereof. That the feasibility report on off-street parking indicates a proposal to establish an arcade through the South 15 feet of said lot. The landowner and the tenant are opposed to establishment of the arcade, and in support of their opposition thereto state: That the National Bank of America owns a part of Lots 113 and 115 on Seventh Street and intends to, in the future, remove.the 50 foot structure therefrom which will provide a means for the admission of pedes- trian traffic from Seventh Street through their drive-in facility and into the rear entrances of retail establishments on Lots 112, 114, and 116 on Santa Fe Avenue. It is understood that_the Penny Stores Company new facility on South Santa Fe will provide rear entrances for pedestrian traffic from Seventh Street. Numerous existing retail establishments between those two points now provide rear entrances for customers. It is believed that rear entrances will be established by virtually all retail establishments on Santa Fe Avenue and that the estab- lishment of such entrances will diffuse the pedestrian traffic which will operate as a general benefit to the entire area. The establishment of an arcade will tend to concentrate the foot traffic and the benefits of the off-street parking system will not, as a result, be so generally diffused. Preliminary to this protest, a general consideration of the off- street parking system in Kansas City, Kansas, was affected. Certain people with knowledge of the operation thereof were interviewed. The result of the interviews are as follows: (A) Mr. Ben Craig of the Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City, Kansas, was interviewed and stated that the public parking Jots estab- lished by the City have not at any time provided arcades to Minnesota Avenue, the principal street. Mr. Craig stated that the blocks on Minnesota Avenue are quite long, being over 700 feet in length. The gen- eral system of access employed from the parking lots to Minnesota Avenue for the retail stores are open rear entrances where pedestrians can walk through their stores or enter for purchasing. The public acceptance of the system has been very good. Mr. Craig reported that most of the mer- chants were strongly in favor of the system as established, but that one merchant opposed the pedestrian walk-throughs on the theory that it in- creased the volume of shoplifters. Mr. Craig also was opposed to build- ing arcades at public expense, if the merchants provide rear entrances. One reason that he was opposed is, that it unnecessarily removes property from the tax rolls, if persons accepted the use of rear entrances as a le r. general routine. Under normal conditions, property taken for arcades is some of the most expensive property in town, and the taking of such would reduce the volume of funds available for additional parking. Mr. Craig states that the Chamber of Commerce in Kansas City has not re- ceived any complaints whatever from the general public against the rear entrance facilities employed in the Kansas City, Kansas system. (B) Ron Duran, Chief Planner for the City of Kansas City and Wyandotte County, Kansas, was interviewed, He stated that in his opinion the Kansas City, Kansas plan was a good one, and that two disadvantages exist if arcades were employed: One, that it would remove property from the tax rolls, and the other that it would decrease aggregate sales be- cause of the removal of high-grade property from sales use. He stated that each parking station and arcade is a separate problem and should be analyzed as such. He believes, however, that passage through the rear entrances of stores is a very acceptable solution. In Kansas City, Kansas, no arcade is available, and at no time since the establishment of those lots, has he heard one complaint from the public. (C) Bill Troup of the Katz Drug Company was interviewed and stated; that.his company was most -favorably impressed with the Kansas City, Kansas plan. They liked that plan very much, were enthusiastic about it and are opposed to arcades. They felt that their retail business volume was increased as much as one-third, as a result of the rear entrances. In Kansas City, Kansas, their company has experienced as much traffic through their rear entrances as they have through their front doors. Katz have no complaints from the public about having to go through the rear. entrances and they know personally there are people who prefer to use rear entrances rather than arcades. The McClellan Stores in Kansas City, Kansas, very strongly favor the rear entrances in preference to arcades. In summary, the property owner and the tenant believe that the principal advantages of not establishing an arcade in the 100 Block on South Santa Fe are the following: (1) More property would be left on the tax rolls. (2) Aggregate sales on Santa Fe Avenue, would be increased rather than decreased from the loss of the property. (3) Many citizens prefer well -lighted stores to an arcade. (4) That the existence of an arcade concentrates benefit of the off-street parking.system to the middle of the 100 Block South Santa Fe, whereas the cost being.charged to the pro- perty is level. If the benefit is to be con- centrated then the assessment should be grad- uated and not level. (5) The merchants of Santa Fe, particularly the West side thereof, will _find and devise, adequate, good, and sufficient means for rear entrances, so that the arcade will eventually be used very little and certainly inadequately to justify the extremely high cost per square foot. - 2 - In addition, B. & G. Hosiery will arrange to provide a back entrance into its property, which will be free for the use of pedes- trians. We understand that the Crown Drug, which occupies the balance of the Hendricks lot, is giving consideration to installing a back entrance also. Respectfully Submitted, Ida M. Hendricks B. & G. HOSIERY By is President - 3 - Y BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ) OF OFF-STREET PARKING AND ARCADES ) SUGGESTIONS WITH REFERENCE TO OFF-STREET PARKING PROGRAM C. L. CLARK, as a citizen and without representing any property owner, proposes the following matters be given careful consideration by the Commission: (A) That the general principal of arcades be abandoned, with the exception of,the arcade in the 100 block of North Santa Fe on the west side. An arcade is a necessity if Parking Lot No. 8 is to be properly utilized. In all other cases the physical conditions are such that the abandonment of the arcades are justified. It would be of greater benefit to the community to add 100 parking spaces. The arcades are simply not worth in dollars to the benefit district retail area, the cost thereof with the exception noted. Most certainly the direct availability of rear entrances in the 100 and 200 blocks of South 5th and the 200 block of South 7th removes any practical reason whatever for arcades. The conditions are, in each instance, exactly equivalent to the Kansas City, Kansas situation. Kansas City, Kansas has had one of the most successful municipal off-street parking systems in the country. That system can, I believe, be put to use as an equivalent and proper example. Its high degree of success justifies the abandonment of arcades. (B) While I outlined in a communication to the Commission my reasons for saying that the charges against the benefit district property are ill -proportioned and inequitable, I feel compelled to reiterate my personal opposition to the allocation proposed. The lots being acquired will be a permanent asset to the downtown area and permanently productive of revenue, which should be given serious consideration in re-evaluating the proportion of the cost chargeable to the benefit district. There is another strong reason why the assessment is disproportionate. That reason is that no property should be exempt from the assessment whatever, that is, public property, church property or other property within the benefit dis- trict. All this property is actually being benefited by the installations and the benefit should be charged. Church property and public property pays its proportionate cost, sewer, paving, and any other assessments. The fact that it would not affect the legality of the bond issue has nothing whatever to do with the subject. The bond purchaser, of course, is not con- cerned about the assessment against property. All he is concerned with is requirements relating to the bond issue are not a proper criteria for determining or evaluating the duty of the City Commission with refere rn rho ssaessment of all the Property within the benefit district. I, therefore, urge that all property within the benefit district be assessed and where there is public property, that.the assessment be paid from the revenues from parking meters, and that a greater proportion of the cost should be borne by on -street and off-street meter parking revenues to be derived from other parking lots and the streets in the downtown area. Respectfully Submitted, C. L. CLARK