water works co.agreementD. W. HILLS, MAYOR.
%olutian to pmlft water Baine.
Be it resolved by the Ryer and Counoilne>i of tke city of Satktai
TTS the Mine water Works Com mW be and are ftmby ordered to exteft
the water -fain on Ninth Street tram Park Avenue to Cravtort Avenue also
oe Walnut St"st from Fourth to Third Street thenee an third Street from
walnut to gulbeary Strest.
Adopted by the Caused Septoftst•19ft•
its the Salina later %*m Com4psnyo
Sai isa •llegsae.
1 hereby oertity that the above and loregaing_to a tree ass eerreet
Copy sr a resolution duly, adopted by the osunesl•or Vw dAy`sr BASU*X40
Septef"r alet•19C8.
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Salina,Kansas,April 13th.1907.
To the Hon.Mayor & Council,
City of Salina.
tlemen:-- We the undersigned resident and tax payers of
the Third Ward living in the vacinity of Eleventh Street
hereby petition your honorable bodji to extend the water mains
on Eleventh Street from Iron Avenue to Walnut Street,.
Believing the same to be necessary for the accommodation
of a number of residents on said street and trusting that the
prayers of the petitioners herein will be granted we are,
!� 6
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To the HOn. Mayor & Council,
City of Salina,Kansas.
Gentlemen:-- We the undersigned residents and'tax payers_
of the THIRD WARD residing and owning property South of
South Street,hereby petition your honorable body for the
extension of water mains on Ninth Street from South St.
to Prescott Avenue.
Believing the same to be a necessity for the accommo-
dation of a number of residents and.trusting that the
prayers of the petitioners herein will be granted,we are,
tvs 9 4 /h
P A do /l/2
W, ff
and Ward,
1 Ward.
th Ward.
..."C CityClerk
.... CI[Y Attorney
City Engineer
.... City Marshal
Regular Meeting Third Monday Sight ofEArA Mouth.F.
D. BLUNDON,...........
. Pollee Judae
! _
) a / } / 7 k
iv\ « ! \ � � / / ■� � k (�\' / 2 . � � � \ } ƒ �� (� \ \ ` �/�
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Sal ina,Kansas ,Dec .12.*,h:1907.
To *he I& .Mayor & Council,
Salina,Kansas7 AL.
G6 +1
We the undersigned residents and taxpayers of the First
Ward or the city of Salina,hereby respectfully petition your honorable
body to cause the extension of water mains on(ThSxd!Street from Ash to M
reet same to be a Four ma
r t
id extension to 'Nye n necessity for the accommodation of
the many resitresiding on said street and trusting that the prayers
'*6?4.the.petitioners herein will bei granted we are,
".;. Respectfully,
----STRiM &_NTJA93ER. ---
YWV �fl
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Lccovmodation, axed
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ox.R'ire .protection,:
it,jdp we gyre
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Salina, gans`as: 79b'
xl t "r
To the, Hon. „
;Mayor & Eou!°tpil,
City of . Salina.
We 'the undersigned-rels id'en d, and
taac payers=
of Riverside Park'7 °
;Addition hexetj' titin our,oz�or re
body, forAhe a tehsio of water �uat s.'on
C 'r xum"
." ",V;.-s,eoond Street east td t A. �r►o v,,'�z,,, .a
to ,`„e,i1-� C Mi t
Lccovmodation, axed
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ox.R'ire .protection,:
it,jdp we gyre
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Y! i,2- z
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o the Hon.Mayor, & Council,
City of Salina.
entlemen:-- We the iinderstgne4._residents and rax pay-
rrs of the Third Ward living in vacinity of South College
venue hereby respectfully petition your honorable 'body
or the extension of w9tke""s
ater mains n College Avenue from
alnut to South Streer
Believing said extension a necessity for the accommo-
tion of residents as well as fire, protect ion, and trust -
that the prayers of the petitioners herein will be
ranted, we are,
ow P,
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Sa11na,Kansas,May 18th.1907.
To the Hon.Mayor & Council,
City of Salina.
tlemen:-- We the undersigned resident and property owners
Ion North Tenth St.reet,hereby petition your honorable body for
the extension of water.malns on Tenth Street from Elm Street to
Missouri Pacific Track.
Believing the same to be a necessity for the accommodation
and protection of residents of that part of the Second Ward and
trusting that the prayers of the petitioners herein will be
granted, we are,
Very respectfully,
`ATTnj3oads9.z S.zap
' DIV am 1palus.z8
aq IITa ujajaq szauo4,4j;ad aq,4 ao szadtisd sqj !.eqg SuF,4sna;
pati patit puooeS eq� ao �atid gVrg so slaapTeaa jo uoj!o97[oad puti
uo;yvpomm000ti aq, aoa S,�jssaoau ti aq o!� emtis aq,� 2uTAeTTag
3[oazy oTiTotid TanosgTx
oq 40aa4s MIR mo.za 499a4s q�usy uo suFtim .za;}tim ao uo;suagxa eqj
aoj Cpoq aLgtiaouoq anck uoTlggaf 4gaaaq'3aaa-gS g4UGl g14,zox uo
saaumo S,.jedosd puti �uapjsaa paOTsaapun oq3 am--:uamalluas
•L06I'glgT Ault' stisntig'VUTTUS
' IF ouno0 V ..IOAv 1• uog aq,� o
.mss 49it-,4/�
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IMMU89a petition was presented to the mayor and eounoil in 1902
petitioning for the extension of water swine on But Ina Avenue from its
resent terminus east to Renese Avenue thenoe south on Kansas Avenue to
'Gypsum Avenue thenes west on Gypsum Avenue to Prost Street,therefore
Be it resolved by this Mayor and Counoll that.the water main be
extsm4ed on Iroq Avenue from its present terminus east to Kansas Avenue,
also on Columbia Avenue from Iron to Gypsum Avenue thence on Gypsum
Avenue from Columbia Avenue to Pront Street and that the City Clerk is
hereby intrusted to notify the Salina water Werke Coot said extension.
Adopted by the Council
oa AviA
atasl�asa� •.�*
sago ab
- ad salsa+ 1oiw to saris ttaiurco brie 41OX&V atilt V bovtcawl 'at sg
o mma"A Beaux e$ Faso lupi es reaelts a't M&O WRWA aalt a.) 6968
no eam& =vA rwo"n os ant mnl� aaa mmA e'ldwloft do ooa
at at101:1 lsto.! swat sae baraosmo$K1 061011 a$ srrVWA Ala wfol. *n1! al
.aoleffli a etas l000't OldW 100 taalle', Rift tutea es batsmmsafl X41"r
at emO silt td beteobA
WHRE MAS, On May 19th.1902,atition signed by C.H.Wyatt and 8leven
others petitioning for the extens of water mains on FIFTH STHMT from
South Street to Prescott Avenue, aid petition being read Councilman
Strite made motion that the petition be granted ,and that said extension
be ordered from South to Prescott Avenue thence on Prescott Avenue from
Fifth Street to Prescott Avenue,therefor
Be it resolved that .the Salina Water Works Company is hereby
ordered to extend the water mains on Fifth Street from South Street to
Prescott Avenue thenoe on Prescott Avenue from Fifth Street to Santa Fe
Avenue,and that the city clerk is hereby ordered to notify said water
works Company of said extension.
Passed by the Council
rt 'i`( T9 Kra -K no ea, '(0 �acCroxJiJr.� 8.a�i.to
114mr-4 i auoo b194 -,)r ad nnol*iJeq bt o, Y', ourlsvA JJOoroi of a�rJ3 ttJne2
*��\�9Jtt���%i� •s��! �s.-tioY:le��s�t r�t'JY3e
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$e Rp6�dso1 ed..* th Mayor and Council t)pat the Sarna Water
Works Comp y i )t r�eby,� [ nst toa and required to extend the water
main on ElevenlK streetllmom 66ut3L street to the alley between South
street and Wanut street; also on Tenth street from South street to the
r" South Park school,House;
And be it further
urther resolved that that iar of the oddde by
the ssyor and counciIAex ndimg the water i in on Park aVenae fom
Ninth street to South Park school house be andishereby revoked.
• ao S9T�
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RBsolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Salina, Kansas,
That the Salina Water Works Company be and is hereby ordered to
extend its water mains from its present terminous on South Santa Fe
Avenue South to a distance not exceeding 3696 Peet and that said Salina
Water Works Company shall locate and maintain along such extension seven
double nozzled fire hydrants at such places as may be designated by the
Committee on Fire Department, and that the City Clerk serve a certified
copy of this resolution on the Superintendent of said Salina Water Works
D. W. HILLS. Meyer.
A. W. GODFREY. City Clerk. '
L mss: /y�y
lelee Sauna, Kansas,
�Cli�Pir �i�ri�o
WHEREAS, the city of Salina, by Ordinance No. 160, passed and
approved December 21, 1908, and again by Ordinance No. 1467, passed and
approved February 15, 1909, decided and determined to purchase and
become the sole owner of the Salina water works, and all property belong-
ing thereto, in said city, and pay the owner the value thereof, to be
determined by appraisement in accordance with the'provisions Of Ordi-
nance No. 372, passed and approved March 20, 1883, and selected F. D.
Ehellabarger, of this city, as one of the appraisers, with the request
that the Salina Water Works Company select another appraiser, to act in
conjunction with the other, and with a third appraiser to be selected
by both; and,
WHEREAS, said Salina Water Works Company has failed and neglected
to select a second appraiser, as it was legally bounden to do by the
terms and provisions of said Ordinance No. 372; Now, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina,
that the mayor and council, on behalf of said city, hereby again notify
said Salina Water Works Company of the decision of the said mayor and
council to acquire said water works by purchase so that said city may
become sole owner thereof, which decision and determination is now re-
affirmed; and that if said Salina Water Works company continues to re-
fuse and neglect to appoint another appraiser to act in connection with
the appraiser selected by the said city, after ten (10) days from this
date, the said city, by its mayor and council, will a1*1y to the courts
for such relief in the premises as it is entitled to; for the purpose of
enforcing the provisions of said Ordinance No. 372 with reference to
the purchase of said water works by said city
And be it further resolved that for the purpose of meeting any
objection that may be made to said F. D. Shellabarger as an appraiser,
because he is a resident and citizen of Salina, the mayor and council
hereby make an alternative or second selection in the person o ; _Z
of Kansas, as one of said appraisers,
and yield to said company the right to designate which of the two shall
a act as the appraiser selected by the city of Salina.
proved, March 29, 1909. :� C&4aAt�City Clem 3layor.
WE3REAS1 F. D. Shellabarger, who was, heretofore, by Ordinance No.
1460, and again, by Ordinance No. 1467, of the city of Salina, Kansas,
selected and appointed as one of the appraisers to appraise the property,
system and works of the Salina Water Works company, at Salina, Kansas,
has this day filed with the city clerk of said city his resignation as .
such appraiser; therefore,
BE IT, By the mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina,:
Kansas, that the resignation of said F. D. Shellabarger, as such ap-
praiser, be and the same is hereby accepted, and to take effect at once,
and that in the place and stead of said F. D. Shellabarger, said Mayor
and Council, on behalf of said City of Salina, Kansas, hereby selects
and appoints Jesse Shaw, of Topeka, Kansas, as and for the said city's
appraiser therein and herein, with instructions from and authority by
said city of Salina to proceed and act under the provisions of Ordinance
No. 372, of the city of Salina, 19assed and approved March 20, 1883, and
Ordinance No. 1467, of the city of Salina, passed and approved February
15, 1909, in making such appraisement; the said city of Salina, through
its said Mayor and Council, hereby reaffirming its determination to
acquire by purchase the said Salina Water works, and its intention to
proceed therein under the provisions of said Ordinances numbered 372 and
Adopted and approved, April 20, 1909.
0 Clerk.
I, A.W.aodfrey,City Clerk of the city of Salina,Sansaeghereby
certify that I delivered a true and correct copy of the attached res-
olution to John L. Bishop,Superintendent of the Salina Water Works Co.,
In person,also mailed a true and correct copy of eaid resolution to
He Me Payson,President of Salina Water Works Company,of Portland,Main,
Dy registered lettergall vas done on
Rasolution to Extend Water Maine*
Be It resolved by the Mayor & Councilmen of the city of Salina*Kse
That the Salina Water Works Company is hereby ordered to extend a S!m inch
water main on Eighth Street fro= Jaron Avenue to Aoh Street also a SI& inch
water main on Fifth Street from Elm to North Streete
And be it further resolved that the resoultion adopted Thy the Mayor
and Council March 15th•19o9ato extend the water main on North Street from
Santa Fe to Fifth Street be and the same is hereby rescinded*
Adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 21st Vday
of June 1909.
L - �Y 241909
Report of Appraisers
Of the Salina Water Works.
In the Matter of the Appraisement of the Salina Water
Works belonging to the Salina Water Works Company# Salina, Kansas*
On the 15th day of February, 1909, the City Council of the
City of Salina, Kansas, passed an Ordinance No. 1467 concerning the
Purchase and appraisement of the Salina Water Works and the appoint—
ment of an Appraiser.
Said Ordinance provided that the appraisement should be
conducted under the terms of the Water Works Ordinance No. 872g Seo -
tion 81 passed and approved March 20th, }8880 which was referred to
and made a part of said Ordinance No. 1467.
At a meeting of the. said City Council held April 20th,
1909, the Mayor of the said City of Salina, appointed Jesse Shaw
of Topeka, Kansas,:appraiser for said City, which appointment was
ratified by the Council.;.
On the 81st day of April, 1909 the said Jesse Shaw, by let-
ter of that date, addressed to the Mayor and Council, and City Clerk,
accepted said appointment, which letter was filed with the City
By a letter dated April 26th, 1909, addressed to the Mayor:
and Council of the City of Salina, the Salina Water Works Company
by its Superintendent. John L. Bishop, notified the Mayor and Council
of said City that Wynkoop Kiersted of Kansas City, Mo., had been
selected as Appraiser by the Salina Water Works Oo4ipany, said letter
being filed with the City Clerk May.17th, 1909.
Under date of April 30th, 19090 by letter to John L.
Bishop, Superintendent of the Salina Water Works Company, the said
Wynkoop Kiersted accepted said appointment and acknowledged the re-
oeipt of a letter from Chas. H. Payson, Managing Director of the
Salina Water Works Company, dated April Blot, notifying him of his
\ appointment as appariser for the Salina Water Works Company end also
Of the receipt of a copy of the said letter.of April 28th, notifying
the Mayor and Council of. his appointment.
Saidletter was also filed with the City Clerk May 17th,
on May 28th, 19099 the said Jesse Show.and the said Wynkoop
Kiereted duly appointed appraisers as aforesaid, chose Bsnesette Wil-
lame of Chicago, Illinois, for the third appraiser, and by a joint
letter of the same date, requested him to serve as such appraiser,
which appointment was accepted by said Williams under date of May
26th, 1909.
Under date of August 11th, 1909, the said Jesse Shaw and
the said Wynkoop.Kiersted, appraisers chosen and appointed as afore
said, did by letter notify the said City Clerk of the City of Salina
of the appointment Of the said Benezette Williams as third ap-
praiser, which said, letter was filed With the Citr'Clerk August 17th,
The said three appraisers,': constituted and appointed as
aforesaid, met in the City'of Salina on the 10th day of August, 1909
and organized as a.Board of Appraisers, being duly sworn as of
August lith,.19091to perform all the acts and duties requisite and
proper to do and perform as members of said Soesd.Of,Appraieers,
and particularly to_ determine upon and to appraise the property of
the Salina Water Works Company, at its then cash value as provided
In Section a of the said Ordinance No. 372 entitled an POrdinanoe
and Contraot for Water Works for the City, of Salina, Kansas", passed
and approved March 20th, 1883•
The said BOard Of Appraisers having met as afiresaid, pro-
seeded to the appraisement of the property of the Salina Water Works
Company, having first received a complete inventory of said property,
certified by John L. Bishop, Superintendent, and P.G, Wakenhut, City
Engineer of the City of Salina, by the examination and valuation of
all of said property.
Having examined said property, and having obtained all
the information, evidence, and data requisite to complete said
valuation, the said Board of Appraisers, at a finalmeetingin the
City of Chicago, Illinois, held September 1St, 190 ,9 rand determined
the cash venue of the same, and the undersigned, the said Board of
Appraisere, do, in a000rdenoe with a resolution made and passed at
said meeting, appraise, find,.ard.'determine the present cash value
of the said Salina Water Works and all property thereto belonging,
including punm house and machinery, walla, water supply, water malne,
pipes, real estate, and all appurtenanoes, including stook on hand,
tools, and office furniture at two hundred and two thousand, seven
hundred and forty-nine 443059749) dollars.
IH WITNESS WHMoB, we have this first day of September,
1909, hereto affixed our handse
pard of Appraisere,�
for Salina Water Works.
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Notice eA &o91o.0 eci 1 ee i .
I, C. Be Kirtland, Mayor of the City of Salina, Kansas, by virtue
of the authority in me vested by the provisions of Chapter 101 of the
Laws of Kansas for the year .1905,, and int conformity to and compliance
with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1812 of the city of Salina, duly
and legally passed and approved by the Mayor and Council of said city
on the 20th day of September, 1909, do hereby,proclaim and give public
notice that a special election will be held in the City of Salina, Kansas,
'i :i: )r: :�: „� is r' ���t,,cC�• .,.
at the places in said city hereinafter designated and named in the
several wards of said city, for the purpose of submitting to the electors
of said city of Salina the proposition whether or not the Mayor and
Council of said city shall be authorised to issue the bonds of said
city to the amount and in the sum of Two Hundred Two Thausand, Seven
Hundred 7ortynine (202,749) dollars, for the purpose of raising money
with which to purchase and acquire for said city, at the appraised value
thereof heretofore placed thereon by appraisers, the water supply plant
and property of the Salina Water Works Company, at Salina, Kansas, and
all extensions thereof, and of the buildings,. machinery, property and
assets of every description thereunto belonging; said bonds to be of the
denomination of $1,000.00 each, except that one of said bonds shall be
of the denomination of $749.00, shall be due and payable thirty (30)
years after the date of their i-esue; and bear interest at the rate.of
four and one.half (4 1/2) per cent per annum, payable semi annually,
for which interest coupons shall be attached, and shall be registered
as required by law.
A separate and special ballot shall be prepared and provided for
submitting such proposition to the electors of said city at such special
election, which shall be in substantially the following form:
To vote in favor of of question submitted on this
ballot, make a cross (x) mark in the square after
the word Yes; to vote a&Uat it make a similar
mark in the square after the woR No.
Shall the following be adopted?
proposition to issue bonds of the YES,
I of Salina, Kansas, to the amount of
for the urpose of purchasingthe
water suppply lent and property of the Salina N0.El
Water Warka Company, at Salina, Kansas.
On the back of each such ballot shall be printed, in addition to the
indorsementspresoribed for general city ballots, the words 'Question
The polls will be open at such special election from 8 o'clock A.
M. to 6 o'clock P. V. of said 2nd day of November, 1909.
The laces for such special election will be as follows:
First Ward: City Hall, 132 North Santa Fe avenue.
Second Ward: The building known as the'Perry Carpenter Shop,' at
117 North Seventh street.
Third Ward: Up stairs of 'Journal• building, at 211 West Iron
Fourth Ward: Up stairs of City building, 4M South Fifth Street,
Fifth Ward: The building known as *Russell's Carpenter Shop,' on
south side of Crawford avenue immediately east of Ninth street.
The following named electors have been selected as judges and clerks
of said special election, to•wit:
First Ward• -Judges: Ta for Mille , H.u.Atberton and Robert Cog;
Clerks: Be S. Swanson and Charles J. a.
Second Warda••Judgss: G Co Griswold, John !layer, Samuel Branson;
Clerks: S. 8. Hoover end C. 3. Peck.
Third Ward.•J114
s: T.H.Wellmen, A.Wellington and C.G.Brady; Clerks:
J. D. WelliqgtonC. Davis.
Fourth Wardo -iI a: Thos. Anderson, M. Hawser, A. $. Baird; Clerks:
Oso. H Royer and R. Brown.
Fifth Ward -.Judges: Wm.Russell B. 8. Alman and Geo. W. Reed;
Clerks: John W. Titus and H. S. Ponce.
In Witness Hereof, I, C. B. Kirtland, as mayor of said city;► have
hereunto set my hand, and caused this notice and proclamation to be signed
by the city clerk of said city, and the corporate seal of such city to be
attached hereto, at Sojina, Kansas, this,1,daq of October, 1909.
F4tyXlerk mayor*
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Council that the Salina Water
Works Company be required to extend its water mains and install fire
hydrants in said city, as follows:
Extend a inch main from the corner of North and Ninth streets
north on Ninth street to Lincoln avenue, where one hydrant shall be in-
stalled, thence west on Lincoln avenue to Twelfth street, locating one
hydrant on the north side of said Lincoln street half way between Ninth
and Twelfth streets and ene hydrant at corner of Lincoln avenue and Mh
Twelfth street, thence extend said main down Twelfth street from Lincoln
avenue to corner of North street and Twelfth street, where one hydrant
shall be located.
Extend a six-ihch water main from the present hydrant located on
Claflin avenue between Santa Fe avenue and Htghland avenue west to the
corner of Claflin and Highland avenuesi where one hydrant shall be lo-
cated,z thence north on said Highland avenue to Beloit avenue, where one
. &*t, u w.s. a.!' hµ.c1.• w.., 6-ta u4.--� a"
hydrant shall bb located,,&thence trwom the corner of Highland avenue and
Beloit avenue east on Beloit avenue to Santa Fe avenue.
Extend_inch main from present hydrant located on Santa Fe
avenue south of Lincoln avenue north on said Santa Be avenue to corner
of Decatur street and Santa Fez avnue, where one hydrant shall be located.
Adopted March 28, 1910.
�e r
v t.
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina,
that the Salina Water Works Company be required to extend a six (6)
i#ch water main from the corner of Santa Fe avenue and Decatur street
north on said Santa Fe avenue to Otis avenue and west on said Otis ave-
nue to Seventh street, in said city of Salina, installing within such
extreme points, along the line of such mains, such number of fire hy-
drants, not exceeding ten (10) to the mile, as may be required by the
provisions of section 5 of Ordinance No. 372, the location of which hy-
drants to be directed by the fire chief of said city.
And be it further resolved that the N two resolutions of dates of
April 18, 1910, and May 162 1910, ordering certain extensions of water
mains as therein directed and described, be and each of them are hereby
repealed and rescinded.
Adopted, June 20.- 1910.
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina,
that the Salina Water Works Company be required to extend a six (6)
i#ch water main from the corner of Santa Fe avenue and Decatur street
north on said Santa Fe avenue to Otis avenue and west on said Otis ave-
nue to Seventh street, in said city of Salina, installing within such
extreme points, along the line of such mains, such number of fire hy-
drants, not exceeding ten (10) to the mile, as may be required by the
provisions of section 5 of Ordinance No. 372, the location of which hy-
drants to be directed by the fire chief of said city.
And be it further resolved that the N two resolutions of dates of
April 18, 1910, and May 162 1910, ordering certain extensions of water
mains as therein directed and described, be and each of them are hereby
repealed and rescinded.
Adopted, June 20.- 1910.
Y F5
Salina, Kansas, Sept. 21st, 1910
WHEREAS, The Salina Water Works Company has installed meters
in private residences in many cases and is charging consumers so-
called meter rates for water in such cases, and
WHEREAS, The franchise of the Salina Water Works Company grants
said company no right to compel the use of meters or to charge for
water for residences in excess of the flat contract rate as contained
in the Table of Yearly Rates of said franchise, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That inasmuch as the said Salina Water Works
franchise does not permit the Salina Water Forks Company to charge
any consumer for orate n for private residences or lawn sprinkling
purposes in excess of the yearly contract rate as provided in the
Table of Yearly Rates of said franchise, and inasmuch as it is the
duty of the Mayor and Council of the City of Salina to protect the
inhabitants thereof from injustice and oppression in whatever form
and to interpret, construe and defend all public utility franchises,
we therefore, demand that the said city authorities enforce the pro-
visions of the Water Works franchise as above set forth and as herein
interpreted in all cases where any individual water consumer is re-
fused water in accordance therewith.
C. L. Schwartz
J. F. Merrill
R. P. Cravens
J. A. Kimball
F. W. Ekstrand
E. W. Ober
B. A. Litowich
Chas. Heyward
F. C. Bulkley
F. H. Quincy
D. W. Hills
L. C. Housel
Whereas, many complaints are being made od excessive and unreason•
able charges for water by the Salina Water Works Company; and,
Whereas, said company is attempting to charge meter rates for water
when the franchise under which such company is atte4fing to operate does
not provide for meter rates other than to such consumers or users of
water as use as mush as 2000 gallons and upwards per day; and,
Whereas, said company attempts to charge and is collecting a so.
called minimum water rate which is not provided for or authroised in
said franchise; and,
Whereas, said company has, without right or authroity, raised its
so-called meter rate from twenty-five cents per thousand gallons to t
thirty cents per thousand gallons, when neither of such rates are appli-
cable to the instances in which such company makes such charges,and col-
lects such rates; and,
Whereas, said company has attempted to charge to and collect from
the city excessive amounts for hydrant rental and more than the city by _
its long-standing compromise agreement with said company should pay; and,
Whereas, said company has recently given evidences, in the manner
hereinbefore indicated and in many other ways, of its desire to disturb
and discontinue the semi -harmonious relations that have for some time
existed between said company and the city of Salina and its inhabitants;
Whereas, for many years there has been contentions among the water
users of Salina as to the exact relation between the city of Salina and
its inhabitants and the said Salina Water Works Company; therefore,
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Salina:
That for the purpose of determining the status and relation of the
City of Salina and its inhabitants with the said Salina Water Works
company, and for the purpose of determining the proper course Imspntm
for the city to pursue with relation to the unsatisfactory conditions
that now seem to exist between the water consumers and said company, and
for the purpose of having immediate action taken in the .premises the
Mayor is hereby authorized �d instrwted to appoint a committee con -
four a council, shall be
listing of members of UtwOpmly, of which the Mayor
a member ex officio,
sa3x�ca which said committee shall immediately make
a thorough investigation of the conditions complained of as set forth
in this resolution, and of all other matters relating to the_ relations
of the said city and the said "'ter company, with full power and author.
ity in said committee to take or commence, on behalf of said city, such
action or actions, and to authorize the expenditure of such sums of money
, and do such things, as may, in their judgment, be necessary and proper
to fully protect and maintain the rights of the city and its ingsbitants
in the premises.
9dopte¢, September 19, 1910.
Be it Resolved by the Yayor and Councilmen of the city of Salinas
That the Salina Water Works Company is hereby directed to extend its water
main on Thirteenth Street from Park Street to Lincoln Avenuepthence east
on Lincoln Avenue from Thirteenth to Twelfth Street,there connecting
with the line previously ordered,one hydiwnt. to 'be located at the corner
of Flm 9. 13th.St.reets,one hydratntto be located on 13th -Street near the
PEissouri Pacific Rail road on the south side of the track,one hydrant to
be located at the corner of North ec 13th.Streets,and one hydrant located
at the corner of Lincoln & 13th -
Streets -And be it further resolved that that part of resolution ordering
extension of main on Twelfth Street from Lincoln to North Street,adop-
ted byr,the Go -u mcil March 28th.1910,be and the same, is hereby relrealed.
Attest, Ad pied and Approved September 19,1910.
; X7
C rk .
Be it resolved by the liayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina,
That the Salina Water Works Company be and is hereby directed to extend a
six inch water main on Front Street from Iron Avenue to Joh_nstovm Avenue,.
thence Bast on Johnstovm Avenue from Front Street to Penn Avenue,there
connectins; with main already in.
Hydrants to be located on said extension as follows: --
One at the Corner of Front Street and Johnstwon Avenue.
One at the Corner of Oakdale and Johnstwon Avenue.
One to be at some other point as directed by Corporation L Franchise Com.
And be it further resolved that the Salina hater Works Company be
and is hereby directed to extend a six inch water eosin on
from Penn Avenue to Columbia Avenue,thence North on Columbia to Elm
Street,there to connect with main already in.
Hydrants on said extension to be locateder-=cnc:--
-- b*a_ a*— *—;�@ 186@4@' 4&9,�as directed by Corporation and
Franchise Cornnittee.
And be it further resolved that the Salina ':`later Works Company is
hereby directed to locate one fire hydrant on Elm Street between ColLmmbia
end Kansas Avenue at East end of Elm Street line near t -.e alley, n on
hydrant on Columbia Avenue about half way between Ash £o Elm Street on
Fast side of Street,satne being the two hydrants not definitely located
in above resolution.
And be it further resolved that the Salina hater works Company be
and is hereby directed to locate one fire hydrant on Seventh Street be-
tween Mulberry & Walnut Street as directed by the Fire Chief ,the same
being hydrant from the highland & Claflin Avenue extension.
Attost�`Adopted. and Approved September 19,1910.
Cit- Clerk. 11ayor.
Be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina,
`i'isat the Salina '.'Tater Works Company be and is hereby directed to extend
the water main on Eighth Street ,commencing at the north line of Ash
Street connecting with the stub already in at that point and running
north a dittance of 71500 feet,locating one hydrant 375 feet north of the
north line of Ash Street,one hydrant at ITorth East Corner of Elm e; Ei,hth
Street and one hydrant on east side of Eighth Street East of Lamers tarn.
Also locating one extra hydrant from the North 13th.Street line
to be located on North Santa Fe Avenue at a point near the Watson -Durand
Kasper Grocery Co -,as directed by the Fire Chief„and one hydrant to be
located on Horth Fourth Street at a point west of the Western Star Hills
near the U P switch as directed by the Fire Chief.
The last *w above hydrant named to be taken from the Johnstown
Avenue extension,and actual expense of same to be paid by the city,the
pipe and hydrant to be igrzished by Water Company
Attest, opted and Approved Septemb/eer, 19y,�1c910. Q
Ci Cle k. Mayor.
March 27th,1911.
Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Salina:
That the Salina Water Works Company be and is hereby ordered to extend
its water mains upon and along WEescott Avenue, a six (6) inch water
main starting from the present main at the corner of Fifth Street and
Prescott Avenue, running thence 350 feet east on Prescott Avenue
crossing the Union Pacific Railroad; also a six (6) inch main to run
from Prescott Avenue to a point 150 feet south on Fifth Street, fire
JA- w
hydrant to be located at the southwest corner of Fifth Street and
Prescott Avenue,
On motion the above resolution was adopted as read,
Whereas, under Resolution adopted and approved by the
Mayor and Council on Sept. 19,1910, providing for the extension
of water main and the location of fire hydrants thereon, said
resolution did nctt p*'qp_ y hhe location of one hydrant at the
Northeast corner ofr-Coruin'%iaAvenue and Ash Street, as intended
by said Mayor and Council; and
Whereas, under the same Resolution one fire hydrant was
to be located on Elm Street between Columbia and Kansas Avenue
at the east end of Elm Street line near the alley;and
Whereas, said last named location was afterwards changed
by order of the 46=.and Franchise Committee and located
by the -Salina Waterworks Company at the southeast corner of Elm
Street and Columbia Avenue; and
Whereas, under Resolution passed by the Mayor and
Council on March 27th,1911, there was ordered located one fire
hydrant at the southwest corner of Fifth Street and Prescott
Avenue; and
Whereas, since the passage of said Resolution last men-.
tioncd, the Corporation and Franchise Committee of the Council
ordered the location of said last described hydrant at the north-
east corner of Fourth Street and Prescott Avenue and the said
Salina Waterworks Company has installed said hydrant at the lo-
cation last described.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of
the city of Salina that the location of one fire hydrant at the
northeast corner of Columbia Avenue and Ash Street and of one
hydrant at the southeast corner of Elm Street and Columbia Avenue
and of the one hydrant at the natheast corner of Fourth, Street ad
Prescott Avenue be, and the same is eeby approved and ratified by
the Mayor and Council and.that said Resolutions of September 19th,
1910, and of March 27th,1911, be and tt:ey are hereby de
o as
to provide for the changes herein approved and ratified.
August 219t.1911.
Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of -Salina:
That the Salina Nater Works Company be and is hereby order-
ed to extend its water mainavaccording to the provivions of
ordinance No -372. upon and. along Second street,,a four inch
water main starting from the corner of Second and Mulberry
streets, running east an %ulberr street to center of Second -
street, thence north on Second,street to Walnut street.,thence
west on Walnut street to Tbird-street, to connect with the
presentwater mat" already laid an said Walnut street; fire
hydrants tp be located by Fire Chief.
on motion the above resolution was adopted as read.
Whereas, it is necessary, for fire protection for the city of
Salina, and for the purpose of supplying and furnishing water to in-
habitants in certain portions of said city, that the Salina Water
Works Company extend water mains in certain sections of said city,
now, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina
that the Salina Water Works Company be requested to extend water mains
within said city, as follows:
A Six (6) inch water main on State street, from Ninth street to
College avenue, the same to be connected with the present water main
now located on said Ninth street.
A Six (6) inch water main commencing at and connecting with the
main now located at Tenth street and Lincoln avenue, running north on
said Tenth street to Grand avenue, and east on said Grand avenue to
Ninth street, with two double -nozzle fire hydrants to be located as
follows: one at the corner of Ninth street and Grand avenue and one
at the corner of Tenth street and Grand avenue.
A Six (6) inch water main on Pine street, commencing at and con-
necting with the present main at the corner of Fifth and Pine streets
and running to a point five hundred feet east on said Pine street.
A Six (6) inch water main on Highland avenue connecting the pres-
ent maino on Highland and Crawford avenues with the main at Highland
avenue and Beloit avenue.
A Four (4) inch water main on Third street connecting the present
main at the corner of Third and Ash streets with the main at the cor-
ner of Third and Elm streets.
With double -nozzle fire hydrants to be installed on said mains,
and located, on the basis of ten to the mile, by the fire chief of the
City of Salina, except such hydrants as are herein designated to be
located at the corners of Tenth street and Grand avenue and Ninth
street and Grand avenue, through which such hydrants the said city of
Salina is to be furnished water for said city for the pretention and
extinguishment of fires. Water shall also be furnished said city
through such fire hydrants for washing and flushing gutters and sewers
and sprinkling streets and sidewalbks, whenever the mayor and council
shall deem it necessary for sanitary purposes upon giving notice to
the person in charge of such water works system.
For the rental of such hydrants so to be installed and located,
as aforesaid, when so installed and located and when water is supplied
through the same, as aforesaid, the city of Salina shall and agrees to
pay said Salina Water Works Company at the rate of 037.50 per
hydrant per year, payable semi-annually in January and July of each
year, for the time said city use such hydrants, Provided that said
city shall not pay for more bydrants than ten to the mile of mains.
Adopted and approved, April 19,1912.
Whereas, it is necessary for fire protection for the city of
Salina and for the purpose of supplying and furnishing water to
inhabitants in certain portions of said city,that She Salina
Water Works Company extend its water mains in certain sections of
said city, now, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the Mayor and Councibmen of the city of Salina
that the Salina Water Works Company be, and it is hereby ordered
and requested,to extend its water mains within said city as follows
A Six (6) inch water main on State street, from Ninth street
to College avenue, the same to be connected with the present water
main now located on said Ninth street.
A Six (6) inch water main commencing at and connecting with tie
main now located at Tenth street and Lincoln avenue, running north
on said Tenth street to Grand avenue, and east on said Grand avenue
to Ninth street, with two double -nozzle fire hydrantw to be located
as follows: one at the corner of Ninth street and Grand avenue and
one at the corner of Tenth street and Grand avenue.
A Six (6) inch water main on Pine street, commencing at and
connecting with the present water main at the corner of Fifth and
Pine streets and running I east on said
Pine street l& Z6ZZ. ck_ V-VuA-A--7F
A Six (6) inch water main on Highland avenue connecting the
present main on Highland and Crawford avenues with the main at
Highland avenue and Beloit avenue.
A Four (4) inch water main on Third street connecting the
pgsent main at the corner of Third and Ash streets with the main at
the corner of Third and Elm streets.
With double -nozzle fire hydrants to be installed on said mains,
and located, on the basis of ten to the mile, by the fire chief of
the city of Salina, except such hydrants as are herein designated
to pe located at the corners of Tenth street and Grand avenue and
Ninth ,street and Grand avenue, all as provided for and upon theterms
and conditions specified in Ordinance NO -372 of the city of Salina,
and in a certain Resolution of the Mayor and Council of the date
of,August 14 1898, amending and changing said Ordinance N0.372.
9rzr � proved June 17,
Ad rid apa'7,1912.
dopte(IV�IVVy�V 1
Attest: Mayor
City Cleric.
Whereas, it is necessary for fire protection for,the city of
Salina and for the purpose of supplying and furnishing water to
inhabitants in certain portions of said city, that The Salina Water
Works Company extend its water mains in certain sections of said
dtkty; now, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina
that The Salina Water Works Company be, and it is hereb* ordered and
requested, to extend its water mains within said city as follows:
A Six (6) inchwater main on Republic avenue from Santa Fe
avenue to Fourth street.
With double -nozzle fire hydrants to be installed on said main,,,
and located, on the basis of ten to the mile, by the fire chief of
the city of Salina, all as provided for and upon the terms and
conditions specified in Ordinance NO -372 of the city of Salina, :_. d
Adopted and approved July 15th,1912.
I+ -
Adopted and approved, July 22, 1912.
L city U e`rTc.
i y k
Be it Resoved by the Mayor and Councilmen that the Salina Water
Woeks company be required to extend its water mains on Seventh street,
commencing at the corner of Mulberry and Seventh and running south to
Weil Place, thence west on Weil Place to Eighth street, said main to
be2_inches in size; and such extensions to be made as provided for
and under the terms of Ordinance No. 372 of the city of Salina;xxatez
double nozzle fire hydrants to be locatedon such extensions at such
places as the fire chief of the city of Salina shall designate, provided
that there shall not be more fire hydrants installed then ten to the
Adopted and approved, July 22, 1912.
L city U e`rTc.
Whereas, it is necessary for fire protection for the city of
Salina and for the purpose of supplying and furnishing water to inhab-
itants in certain portions of said city, that The Salina Water Works
company extend its water mains in certain portions of said city; now,
Be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of
Salina that the Salina Water Works company be, and it is hereby ordered
and rgquested, to extend its water mains within said city, as follows:
A six (6) inch water main on Iron avenue from the corner of
Iron avenue and Kansas avenue east to Ohio avenue, north on Ohio ave-
nue to Ash street, and west on Ash street to Columbia avenue and there
to connect with the present main at the corner of Ash street and Colum-
bia avenue; and from Grand avenue to Lincoln avenue on Ninth street.
A four (4) inch water main commencing at the corner of Elm
street and Thirteenth street, running west on Elm street to the corner
of College avenue and Elm street, thence south on College avenue to
Park street to connect with the present main at said last named point
and on Washington avenue from Ninth to Tenth street.
Double nozzle fire hydrants shall be installed on sild mains
and located, on the basis of ten (10) hydrants to the mile, by the
Corporations and Franchise Committee of the city council, all as pro-
vided for and upon the terms and conditions specified in Ordinance No.
372 of the city of Salina.
Adopted and approved October 21,1912.
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the pity of
Salina That The Salina Water Works Company be and is herebfr required
to extend its water mains as follows, viz:
Commencing at the corner of Second street and Ash street,
running thence east on Ash street.to Front street, thence north on
Front street to Pine street, thence west to connect with the three
Inch main now located on said Pine street; said main to be a four
(4) inch main with double nozzle fire hydrants to be located on safld
four inch main as follows, one at the northwest corner of Pine and
Front streets notth of the Missouri Pacific Railway tracks, one at
the northwest corner of Elm and Front streets, and one at the north-
west corner of Ash and Front streets; and that a six inch water main
be laid on Elm street between Columbia avenue and Penn avenue.
Adopted and approved December 16th,1912.
'"► �l��cA�e� Mayor
IE -
Resolved that the Salina Water Works company be and it is hereby
ordered to extend a six (6) inch water main on Elm street from the
corner ofmPenn avenue and Elm street west to the corner of Elm streAti
and Oakdale avenue, with one fl) hydrant, to be located at the north-
east corner of said Elm street and Oakdale avenue; Provided, that said
Salina Water Works company shall locate a further hydrant, at such place
as may beii designated by the mayor and council, when the total number
of main laid over and above the number of feet in this extension and the
extension od date ofp—�, 1913, shall reach five hundred
Adopted and approved April 21, 1913.
Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Salina that
the action of the Mayor and Council in the adoption of the resolution of
March 24, 1913, making a proposition of settlement of differences between
said city of Salina and the Salina Water Works company, and allowing
said water company fifteen days within which to accept the same, be and
the same is hereby rescinded, and that such resolution of March 24, 1913,
aforesaid, be and the same is hereby rescinded, repealed and revoked.
Adopted April P, 1913.
i y er .
Urz CO I qn, aj WE6 641,
Be It Resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of
Salina, That the Salina Water Works Company be and are hereby re-
quired to extend its water maine as follows:
A Six inch main commencing at a point One hundred Fifty Six
(156) feet south of the center of the intersection of Prescott avenue
and Fifth street, thence south Ten Hundred Forty Nine (1049) feet to
the south line of Crawford avenue; one (1) hydrant to be located mid-
way between Prescott avenue and Crawford avenue on the west side of
Fifth street; one (1) hydrant to be located on the southwest corner
of Crawford avenue and Fifth street.
A Six inch main on University Place running from center of Baker
street due west on said University Place to College avenue, a total
distance of Seven Hundred Thirty Four (734) feet; one (1) hydrant to
be located on the southwest corner of University Place and Baker
street; one (1) hydrant to be located at the southwest corner of
University Place and Phillips street.
It is understood that there is one hydrant yet to be located by
Franchise Committee and Thtee Hundred Thirty Your (334) feet to spiply
7Mzxsamaxfmj=xzx1'cw be added to next line ordered inrom lines
ordered in on Elm street between Penn avenue and Columbia avenue, on
Front street commencing at corner of Ash street and Second street,
thence east on Ash street to Front street, thence north on Front stre&
to north line of Pine street and west One Hundred (100) feet on
Pine street, and the two lines ordered in this day on Fifth street
and University Place; this hydrant to be located somewhere in city
not on these lines, the city to commence paying on hydrant when all
above lines are put in.
Adopted and approved March 24th,1913.
It #ntmn Maur lVarks Tompnny
eethm, Immas
April 28, 1923
Mr. C. W. Burch,
Dear Sir:
Herewith a list of consumers who are getting water at special rates
with amount used and rate of same; for year 1922.
# Name
Rate Amt.Pdi
U. P. Round House
Asbury Hospital
Cemetary Board
Annual, excess 0'10¢
Light Power and
Gas Co
Lamer Hotel
C.R.I.P. Ry
Jumper Flat rate
Salina Candy Co
A.T. & S.F.
First 90,000 - $10.00
over 08-1/3�
J. W. Harris
Minn. 300,000 gal per mo
Planters Hotel
Minn. 100,000
Salina Poultry Co
1,000,000 gal annual
(0 10� excess n 8¢
A. J. Holmquist
80,000 Minn 0 15�
Lindeman Bros. Bldg
400,000 gal annual
W excess @ 2V1755
Y. M. C. A.
Clayton Hotel
Mo. P. Ry Frt Depot,
Water Tank
St. Johns Hospital
K. W. U. Gym.
Country Club
Union Station
Minn bill 18.00 per mo
Crown Laundry
Minn bill 9.00 per mo
Model Laundry
Minn bill 12.00 per mo
Wheeler Tibbetts
Laundry Minn 12.00
Weber Mills
1,000,000 gal annual @
'. ^`-. _
&150.00 excess @ W
U.P. Terminal
Marymotnt College
Annual 1,000,000 gal
Not opened
Bert Nelson & J.
W. Harris 684,000 gal
annual @ $p200 excess @ W
�y �yvy
April 30, 1923
Mr. W. A. Layton,
City Manager,
Salina, Kansas.
Dear Sir:
We enclose you herewith list of consumers under
special contract with the Salina Water Works
The office is at work upon the data called for
in your other request. We think we can give you
the information required concerning each individual
consumer during the year 1922,in about a week or
ten days.
Yours truly,
CWB/AM � � X V / 4
PRED D. JOY, President R. G. SABIN, Via Padd= S. Q. HAGGART, Remldieg S,=w" JESSE B. SMITH, Tamotm
W. !........ C. M. TODD
DR, a. T. aLgD£a FRED D. JOY Ninth end Iron Phones 411-367 CLIFTON C. MARTIN, GMERAL SECRETARY
April 1922
May' "
Agigu st
January L923
— 676,697
61 -fl_ 1 M
-71 80 0 l
`;'Z� )-e -,9,2-z Qk- P =:.- /Y1-
Ordinance and Contract for Water Works_�Y
Ordinance and contract for water works, at Salina, Kansas.
This contract made and entered into this 22d day of March, A. D. 1883, by and between The Salina Water
Works Company, of Salina, State of Kansas, party of the first part, and the city of Salina, a body corporate of the
County of Saline, in the State of Kansas, party of the second part, witnesseth :
WHEREAS, the City Council of said city of Salina at a meeting held heretofore on twentieth day of March,
A. D., 1883, passed and approved an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for a system of water works
and for a supply of water to the city of Salina and the inhabitants thereof." Which said ordinance was published in
The Saline County journal, March 22d, A. D. 1883, as follows to-wit:x
[Published Thursday, March 22d, 1883.1
An ordinance to provide for a system of water works and a supply of water to the city of Salina, and the inhab-
tants thereof.
Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Salina, Kansas:
SECTION I. That there is hereby given and granted to The Salina Water Works Co., its successors and assigns,
the exclusive right and privilege for the term of twenty years from the date of the adoption of this ordinance of supply -
plying the city of Salina, Kansas, and the inhabitants thereof by a system of water works with good clear water suit-
able for domestic purposes, and for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, and for other purposes subject to the
terms and conditions set forth in this ordinance. Said system of water works shall be the direct pressure or what is
known m'the Holly system, and shall be erected and operated by the said The Salina Water Works Co., its successors
and assigns, as provided in this ordinance. Provided, that the said The Salina Water. Works Company shall have the
privilege of laying an influent or suction pipe into the Smoky Hill River, and in the event of a fire and the usual
water supply fails to meet the necessities of the occasion, water may be drawn from said river to supply the pipes
and mains, but such river water shall not be permitted to remain in the pipes and mains for more than three hours
after such fire is extinguished.
SEC. 2. The said The Salina Water Works Co., its successors and assigns is hereby authorized to establish,construct,
maintain and operate said works, in or adjacent to the city of Salina, to receive, take and store, purify, conduct and dis-
tribute szid water through said city, to construct and extend aqueducts, mains and pipes through all the streets,
alleys, lanes and public grounds, and across any stream or bridge in said city, to erect and maintain all engines,
machinery and other appliances necessary for the proper conducting of said works, and for supplying said city and
the inhabitants thereof with water of the kind and for the purpose herein mentioned, and for that purpose the said
The Salina Water Works Co., its successors and assigns, shall have the right to take up all pavements or sidewalks on
streets, alleys, lanes or public grounds, and make such excavations therein as may be necessary to lay, repair and maintain
aqueducts, mains and pipes below the surface of the ground for conveying and distributing water as aforesaid ; pro-
vided that the said'The Salina Water Works Co., its successors and assigns, shall suitably guard and protect the same so
as to prevent injury to persons or property by reason thereof, and the said The Salina Water Works Co., its successors
and assigns, shall be liable for all damages occasioned by the removal of any pavement, sidewalk or street crossing or
the making of any excavation whether done by th,mselves, their lessees, contractors, employees, or sub -contractors
in any degree The rights and liabilities provided for in this ordinance shall continue for a period of twenty years
unless sooner terminated as herein provided.
SEC. 3. The said water works shall be constructed and operated on the direct pressure system, the mains, dis-
tributing pipes, the total length of which shall not be less than three miles and three thousand feet, and shall be from
four inches in their inner diameter to twelve inches in their inner diameter, the same to be located as follows, to -wit:
On Santa Fe avenue from a point 1000 feet south of South street to Pine street, on Eighth street from South street
to Iron avenue, on Ninth street from Iron avenue to Pine street, on Fourth street from Ash street to Iron avenue,
on Pine street from Ninth street to Santa Fe avenue, on Ash street from Santa Fe avenue to Fourth street, Iron
avenue from Ninth street to Oakdale avenue, on South street from Santa Fe avenue to Eigth street; with capacity
to throw four fire streams one hundred feet high, from any of the four hydrants hereinafter mentioned, or six streams
eighty feet high from any six of said hydrants :-said streams to be thrown through one inch nozzles at the end of --
fifty feet of two and one-half inch hose. All mains shall be of standard weight and strength water pipe, and be cov-
ered by'suffieient depth of earth to protect them from freezing, and the said The Salina Water Works Co., its successors
arid assigns shail..be liable for all loss or damage to property by reason of the bursting ofany of the mains or pipes con-
sjrilcted by then; or either of them, under the provisons of this ordinance, and said water works and every part thereof
shall be of -sufficient -power and capacity to furnish the water contemplated and provided for in this ordinance, and the
said'The'Salina Water Works Co., its successors and assigns, shall operate and keep the same and every part thereof in
,constan[_'repairand-working order, and at all times furnish water for all domestic and manufacturing purposes, and
upon an alarm of fire being given, either by day or by night, immediately cause sufficient pressure to throw five
streams specified in this ordinance for any length of time needed, or the extinguishing of any fire. And the said
The Salina Water Works Company, its successors and assigns, shall erect and maintain a brick or stone, metal
roof, building for the machinery used inoperating said water works, of sufficient size and strength to protect such
machinery at all times from fire and freezing, so as to insure the use of the same at any time for the purposes con-
templated by this ordinance.
SEC. 4. The said city of Salina hereby agrees to rent, and does rent, of the said The Salina Water Works Co.,
its successors and assigns, thirty-six (36) double -nozzle hydrants, to be located on said pipes and mains, as the council
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of the said city of Salina direct, lay the neccessary domestic pipes to supply water, and shall supply the same to the
inhabitants of the city for domestic purposes, provided there shall be an equivalent of two tenants who shall take
water for every one hundred and twenty feet of pipe so ordered to be laid; and provided further that said city of
Salina shall not be liable to rent or pay for any hydrant on any pipe ordered to be laid for domestic purposes only ;
ncr shall said city be responsible or liable in any way by reason of anything in this ordinance contained, except for
the rental of the said fire hydrants as herein provided, and the said city shall at all times have the free and unob-
structed use of all hydrants for the purpose of preventing and extinguishing fires. The said The Salina Water
Works Company, its successors and assigns, shall permit any owner or occupant of any building to erect stand
pipes and connect the same with the main pipe hereafter laid by the order of the council of the said city of Salina,
as provided by this ordinance, and have the use of water through such stand pipes and connections for the preven-
tion and extinguishment of fires, only, free of charge And the said city of Salina reserves unto itself the right to
en.ct and connect, fire hydrants to the mains at any time laid under the provisions of this ordinance, at the expense
yea of the said city of Salina, or any owner of property and use the same for the prevention and extinguishing of fires,
free of charge ; provided, always, that the said city of Salina shall pay a rental of at least ten hydrants to every mile
of mains and pipes. As soon as the works are completed the said The Salina Water Works Company, its successors
and assigns, shall cause the fire streams, specified in section three, to be.produced, in the presence of the city council,
or committee as the council may appoint, which test shall take place within five days after the completion of said
works. .At.the first meeting of the council after a full and faithful performance of the test specified in section three
of 'this ordinance, the city council shall accept the works, and the date of such acceptance shall be the time at which
the city $hall.commence to pay the hydant rental hereinbefore specified.
SEC. y.. The said city of Salina shall have the right to use water free of charge from any of the fire hydrants
for washing -and flushing gutters and sewers and sprinkling streets and sidewalks whenever the mayor of said city of
Salina shall deem it necessary for sanitary purposes, upon giving notice to the person in charge of said water works.
The said city shall at all times have water free of charge for supplying the city hall, and all offices and buildings used
for city purposes only, for all public schools, for one fountain in public park or square, and for four (4) public
drinking fountains, should the city erect the same.
SEG. -S;. The said city of Salina shall have right to acquire by purchase, and become the sole owner of said
water works, and all the extensions thereof, and the buildings, machinery and property of every description there-
unto belonging at anytime after the expiration of ten years from the time of the adoption of this ordinance, upon
paying -therefor,- oto the owner or owners thereof the value of said property, to be ascertained by appraisement, as
follows: T1%e.said oitytshall select one appraiser, and the owner of said water works shall select another, and the
appraisers selected shall select a third, or if they cannot agree upon such third person, a third appraiser shall be
selected by the Judge` -Df the District Court of Saline County, in the State of Kansas, and the three persons so deter-
mined upon shall appraise the said property at its then cash value, which appraisement shall be binding upon both
parties; -as, to t11e'1value thereof, and the said city of Salina shall have the right to purchase and become the absolute
owner of such.property at such appraised value, provided, if there shall at such time be any mortgage on such prop-
erty, then the amount of such mortgage shall be deducted from the amount of such appraisement, and only the
difference paid to the owner of such works and property. And in case the said city of Salina does not purchase and
become the owner of said water works and property as aforesaid, at the end of twenty years, then all rights and
privileges in this ordinance granted to the said The Salina Water Works Company, its successors and assigns, shall
be extended for another period of twenty years, subject to the right of said city to purchase the same as aforesaid, at
any time thereafter, and subject to the same duties, liabilities, obligations and penalties as herein provided for.
SEC. q It is hereby agreed by and batween The Salina Water Works Company, its successors and assigns,
and the city of Salina, that in, the event it be deemed necessary in the construction or extension of the said water
works to issue first mortgage bands upon the said water works property or extensions either or all that so much of
the hydrant rental to be paid by the city of Salina under the provisions of this ordinance as will fully pay the interest
on said bonds, shall be paid the holders of such bonds by their trustee semi-annually on the first days of January
and July of each year until said bonds are paid, and that the balance of the hydrant rental which the city of Salina
agrees to pay to the said The Salina Water Works Company, its successors and assigns. It being understood that
the hydrant rental which the city of Salina agrees to pay to the said The Salina Water Works Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns, for fire protection or so much of said amount as shall be necessary to pay the interest on such
bonds shall be .set aside and paid to the trustee of such bonds, and by him used exclusively and only for the pay-
ment of interest upon said bonds when and so long as the same shall become due and payable. When such bonds
are fully paid and cancelled, then the hydrant rental due from the city shall be paid in full to The Salina Water
Works Company, its successors and assigns. But in no event shall the city of Salina pay to said trustee for such
interest, a sum greater than the amount agreed to be paid The Salina Water Works Company, its successors and
assigns. And provided further that the said city shall in no case become liable for the misappropriation of any
money paid to any such trustee. If there be no such trustee such payments may be made to the owners of said bonds.
SEC. lo. The said The Salina Water Works Company,its successors and assigns shall construct said waterworks
and complete the same as herein provided, on or before the ist day of July, A. D. 1883, and shall execute with the
city of Salana, a contract in writing for the faithful performance and on the part of the said The Salina Water Works Co.,
its successors and assigns,of the agreements' and covenants hereof, and the duties liabilities and obligations imposed upon
the said The Salina Water Works Co., its successors and assigns by this ordinance and compliance with the orders
and directions of the mayor and council as provided herein, which contract shall be executed within five days from
the date of publication of this ordinance, and signed by the mayor on the part of the city of Salina, and attested by
the clerk with the seal of said city.
SEC. 1 i. In case of any neglect or failure on the part of the said The Salina Water Works Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to operate the said water works so as to furnish adequate protection against fire, or for domestic
consumption, as provided for in this ordinance, the mayor and council of the city of Salina shall take possession of
the said works, and take full charge of the business of the said water works company, and account to the said com-.
pany therefor, and perform and conduct the same in all respects as required by and of said company, and the said
business shall be carried on at the sole and proper expense of the said water works company, its successors and assigns,
and the machinery and works of said company shall while so operated by the City of Salina, be kept and maintained
in good order and condition. If the said water works company, its successors and assigns, shall offer to operate the
said works at any time within one year from the date of the taking possession of said works by said city, the possession
of said works and business shall be turned over to the said The Salina Water Works Company, its successors and
'ANVd,WOD Sm -do 1 ?I21.LVA1 VNI-IVS 21H.L
_Ztz 'ua;lum anogp ;sjy jeaA pup dep aq; paxyjE o;unajaq oq o; EulleS jo AI!3 pies jo 1pas aql
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jo.Sew ail; jo japio .Sq lied puooas aql jo Xvud pips aq; pup 'uol;Ejodjoo pies jo leas aq; ql!m ',Sje;aja3s s;i Aq pa;sal
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pawjojjad pup auop aq o; pap!A
-ojd aaueulpjo piEs u! It .Sq janaoslEyM pwjl Ajang jo s2wgl pue sjallew aql lno .Gjea pup llylnj puE wjojjad 'aSjego
-sip dllnjgl!ei ;lint pup IlEgs pup aauewpjo pies jo suoismwd gill Aq ap!ge pup da -,3i 'SII'tjtil+ej II!m j! ;eq; 'su2issE puE
sjossaoons sl! 'jlas;t ';jed lsjy aql jo peps aq; III!m pup o; saajile pup slupuaAOa Agajaq 'aauewpjo pips ay; ,Sq
Al!:) p!Es of paaluujenll s;yauaq aql pup sjljom jalum pies jo 2u!ppnq ay; jo uoseaj Agvu!lES jo,(;!7 p!us jo sjaumo,Slja
-dojd aq; o; slyauaq pup swLi!ququi ay; of sa2eluenpE 3q4jo uogpjapsuoo ui pup Ind puE jleyaq s;! uo lied puoaas aq;
jo ,died pies aq; puV. •pesajoje aauewpjo aqI u! pauonuaw pup joj pDjuIndt;s sa2apAljd pup slyauaq 's;gnu aq; llp
aAEq .SEW. pup llugs ;jed puoaas'agl jo .jjud pies aql;Eq; s33j3E jagljnj pup 'lied lsjy aq;_jo d;jed p!es aq; jo ssau!
-snq gill jo lonpuoa jadojd pup llnj ay; joj Airssaaau Xljadoad jatgo pup sjaded 'sjiooq lle q;tm sjljom p!Es jo uolssas
-sod janyap pue jano ujn; Spainb pup Xlquopad II! m It Ieyl pup 'paytaads ulajay; suO!1!puo3 ayl japun pup ulajagl
pauo!;uaw YbualfjDwa ail; ul sjljom jalem p!es jo uo!ssassod w1ul Ilegs i!';a+P pup 'aoueutpio pies ul paytaads SE 'SNIOM
ja;'At pies aq; asugajnd of Ig3u ay; appy llegs ;jed puoaas aql jo ApEd pips aqI Ieq; saaj;Je pue slueuaAOo jaq;jnj
'lied ;say ayl jo d;jed pies aql 'p!EsajojV uo!Iejap!suoo m puV -pawjojjad pup auop agog pap!Aojd aoupmpao
p!Es ut ;t Aq suo!;e.2ggo put, sagnp aql Ilp Ino ,Sjjuo pup llylnj Il!m,pue aoueu!pjo p!ps uj patueu s;sal llu wjojjad
'Slinjtll1ej II!M pup 'aDUVulpjo pies jo suo!siAojd aql .Sq apige pup daajl Allnjyl!ej 1pm;t;eq;'suBisse pup sjossaa
-ans sl! 'jlasli joj'Ijed puoaas ay; jo A;jed pies aql ql!m pup 'o; saajr#E pue sjueuanoa Agajaq 'pa;uejb Agajagl safal
-!Aud pup s4tl9!j 'sastgnupjj aq; pup 'p!Esojoy sp pounoD Ai!:) pips gill Aq aaupu!pjo p!us aql jo 9u!Aoadde aql pup
2u!ssed aql jo uo!;pjap!suoa ui pup joj lied Ivy aq; jo ,S;jpd pips aql lEq; ssaul!m sluasajd asagl'wojaagl Mo!g
'£SRI 'q?jeyV jo .Sep y;oz aql uo plaq
Nuilaaw, jgn&m a ;e pounoa Ai!:) ay; Aq passed aauewpjo ay; jr, Ado:) anjl E s! aAogp oyI ;eyl Ajpjaa Agajaq I
JOAU N 'NOslaad 'f 'a
•jIjan Alo 'Namo£I -4 'a—:IsglIv
£88I 'OZ gajEyg panojdde pup passed
S;unoD -)u!ltS ay; w aauo uogpaygnd s;! jalje pup wojj aojoj w ail pup ;aajla ajiel liegs aaueu, leujnof
pjO s!yy 'z t 'DaS
;uap!aae algepiOAVun ,Sq pasnEo jo wojj 3u!suE'su2isse pup sjos
-saxms s;t 'duedwoa sjljom ja;em pies aql jo ;jed aql uo ajnl!uj Aur, o; AIdde lou pEgs uo!loas s'ql jo suo!sinojd gill
;VIII 'pap!Aoja •eugES jo ,5;'D pies aq; jq aauewpjo up .Sq pallnuuu puE paI!ajaoj ail AEw SjIjOM ja;EM p!es jo sa�al!
nud puE sas!gauejj aql 'p!esajoje a;ell ay; wojj aEa6 auo u!tp!m Xuedwoa p!es Aq apEw si jajjo gans ou jI su2tsse