4.1 Office Education AssociatioPROCLAMATION 1984 OEA Week February 12-18, 1984 WHEREAS, Saiina South High School is concerned with the education and training of students for productive, satisfying careers; and WHEREAS, the Office Education Association is recognized by the United States Department of Education as a national vocational Atudent organization; and WHEREAS, there are more than 76,000 student members in OEA in twenty states preparing for careers as America's business leaders; and WHEREAS, the Office Education Association is helping to develop leadership abilities, competency in office occupations and interest in the American business system; NOW, THEREFORE, I do hereby designate February 12-18, 1984, as OFFICE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION WEEK and urge all citizens to assist in according this observation the attention and importance it is so rightly entitled. f the'Cit~-~f S~ina February 13, 1984