Smoky Hill River Parkway System Upper Reaches Land & Water Conservation Fund I I I I I I I I I I I I . . .' I I I I LAllD .AtlD',WATER CONSERVATION FUND ~"." ..' .. -. 'DEVELOPMENt' APPLICATION .\-. , .:r~':, BY CITY OF SALINA~J(~S~.. .." --~"-=-"'-"'!P.' 'UPc:~. ~:~j Bnj)ij< 'iq~" ~ ~~. S~STEH ." . . "." -. '. '"". . ".:~' .': . DEC1i:MllF.R 1'9-78, (78-090B)'" ']"lo.SQ-ril: - . ,eqM.~,"Y:: . - "2i.Qf,,_~ii~-l ;, . '.:~.~.~~~!-~~~~., . - . .~ -.. II i , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Item 1- Land Use Plan Policiea 1 Item 2. Letter from State Clearinghouae 1 Item 3. Project Application 1 Item 4. Funding 6 Item 5. Letter from Regional Planning' Commission 6 Item 6. Title Opinion 6 Item 7. Current or Contemplated Agreements 6 Item 8. Geographic Location 6 Item 9. Detailed Site Plan 6 Item 10. Preliminary Architectural Concept 7 Item 11. Assurance Resolution 8 Item,,12. Flood Hazard and Water Pollution Statement 10 Item 13. Flood Hazard Insurance 11 Item 14. Powerline Statement 12 Item 15. Environmental Assessment Statement 14 Item 16. Public Support 33 Item 17. Affirmative Action Plan and Grievance Policy 34 Item 18. Additional Information 35 A I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I LIST OF ATrACBMENTS A. Land Use Policies B. Letter from State Clearinghouse C. Other Federal Assistance Statement D. Old Smoky Hill River Channel, Existing Facilities E. Proposed Project F. Construction Sequence G. Letter From Regional Planning Commission H. State & County Location I. Vicinity Map J. Preliminary Development Plans 100+00 - 130+00 K. Preliminary Development Plans 130+00 - 180+00 L. Preliminary Development Plans 180+00 - 235+00 K. Preliminary Development Plans 235+00 - 280+00 N. Preliminary Development Plans 280+00 - 305+00 o. Preliminary Development Plans 305+00 - 355+00 P. Preliminary Development Plans 355+00 - 395+00 Q. Preliminary Development Plans 395+00 - 460+00 R. PrdiminaryDevelopment Plans 480+00 - 510+00 S. Land Use 100+00 - 130+00 T. Land Use 130+00 - 180+00 U. Land Use 180+00 - 235+00 V. Land Use 235+00 - 280+00 W. Land Use 280+00 - 305+00 X. Land Use 305+00 - 355+00 Y. Land Use 355+00 - 395+00 Z. Land Use 395+00 - 460+00 AA. Land Use 480+00 - 510+00 BB. Schematic Drawing - Toilet Facility B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 1. See Attachment A,: SUIIIlII8ry Land Use Plan Policies for Salina. Kansas. 1974. This is most recent planning document prepared by the City. A Comprehensive and Recreation Plan wss prepared in 1968. A Comprehensive City Plan, which contained a Park and Recreation element, was prepared in 1964. The SUIIIlII8ry shows nesrly all the old Smoky Hill River Channel to be used as parks and open spaces. ITEM 2. LETl'ER FROM STATE CLEARINGHOUSE. This is shown as Attachment B. ITEM 3. . PROJECT APPLICATION .....1. 1 I I I I I I II I :1 I I I I I I I I I I ~M"" ~"cmo',,1 "0. ~~~~, '-""~"--'-''''''''''--'-''''''-'-'_.''''''''~~-''' .....-..,--... -- -",--....""'.--...............-,....-.__ _n_Y""n._.._ FEDERAL ASSISTANCE a.' ,ypu. · -. So IrA11l . _au . .. .'- CAN1'S AI'PUCAoo L lIl<l'k 0 PIlWPUCA1lON Il. llA1E nON APPLI. lOam. Il. DAlE r_ _" a. CAnON 1(__" lfIER AI:l1ON ClI APPUCATlOII I' ASSIQIlED II ~Ft: 0 IIOnFlCATIOII OF Irmm (Opl.) klft i'i IEl'OIIT 01 fDlEllAL AmON ...... 40 LIllA&. APl'UCANT IREI:lPlEHT L FEDERAl. EMPLllYER IDlENnlflCATION NO. ..-.-- ; City of Salina N/A Il. lIIIoII_ Uoll : City of Salina I. )'1~1.1t.lnllll .hWIP.o... ; 300 W. Ash P.O. Box 746 PROo o.llUlI8IlI ..~ : Salina . __ : Saline GRAM Il.mu 1._ Kansas .. Z1P_ 67401 1- Outdoor Recreation - I ,....., ,Il.CoolIlIl'_IN_ C<oloIo#I Acquisition, Development I . ~ No.1 : n~." T (01" o~~_nJ.o' and ,Plannin.. 7. 'I'm.E AND _PTlON 0' APPLICAItl'S PRO.IECr I. TYPE 0' APPUCAHTIREI:lPlENT Smoky Hill River Parkway, City of Salina, Kansas ~ ::=~~~ t-t.....1Ito C-lu_ JoI T..... Partial development of a parkway system in the upper - _ 1.......11 it.,"'" reaches of the old Smoky Hill River Channel, extendin ...-- ---...'""',.,.,.~ from Station 172+00 to 287+75 (See Attachment E). 111= ""'- .. TYPE OF _ISTANCIl -- 0.1_ I ..........-- ~ ,- I Oil - _=., A ao. ARIA OF PIIO.lECr IMPACT IN_.t _ _ IL lSTIMAT!D NUM- 12. TYPE OF APPUCAnON __I BIR 0' PERSONS ~ ~ ~v_. HNUmNeI ..-J D. I' - ,- ~".~.,. -1Al City of Salina N/A II. PROPOSED FUNDING U. CONGaIllSlDNA&. DlSTRlCTB OF: II. TYPE 0' CHANGI I'" ,.. Of' '''1 I. 50!. ".r . MPUWr Il._ ~-- ...- 1._010 0. IIDIIUl. . D._... 001_ N/A c..1__ D.... Il. APPU_ D ct K..... DwaIlOD , ..- IL PROJECr STAR!' 17. PIIO.lECT --- ..1&1I. ~n!. A~n OA~ ~~~~. Ou.r.;rION M_ = 1:f..:toJ I I I I .._' IL ISTIMATm DA~TO ,r_ _ .. UI. IXlmNG FEDIRAL IDENTIPlCAnON NU_ BS SU8MI~ I. 1'IlIIL I. 1 nno 7nn , FEDI!RA~ AD '" 1178 12 1 III. _ AGINCY TO IlSCIIV& AlQUIST IN_ cuw. __ QI'_I 2L _ ADDED Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service, Denver, Colorado 80225 ll1I Yn ,., lit , Z2. ...............-...-. Il. :.:=,.... IIJ 0111 CI...... Aoi5 ~ ...._ _ _ _ '" I.. No_ ~!_.~ dati Ie ... ",--," "L ,...... .. " -.. It ___ c1.-i_'" 'II _.. _ _ 1111 lnIo"'_tIIo_"_ APPLICAIIT __IIJ..--......,.. 01 North Central Regional Planning Commis- 0 IJI ClRTllfID .. __ ... tIIo __ wUI ... 1lIAT," _tIIo__'''_ sion ~, CI ~StaaeRof Kansfts, Div. of State Planning - .. ......... 131 an easearc 0 I a. .TTPflI__mu Il. II_a "_11- CIR11JY1NG r__.. - State Liaison Officer D ~ATIV! IL AGINCY _ ISoQN"'Pl.lCAo r_ _ .. DeDartment of the Interior IkElVlO II 211. O_~_ UIlIT Tu. ADIolINllfRAnVE omCl 211. FEDERA~ APPI.lCAnON I Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service! ' Mid-Continent Re..ion lD'1f7rCAnON 211.A_ IlL FI_~ GRANT , I P. O. Box 25387 Denver Federal Center Denver. Colorado 80225 10INnPlCATlON BL MnON T_ a FUNDING r_ _ .. B40 r_ _ .. ST.v!TING ! 0"--, ..- t II. ACI'ION DATE!" II DATI I' OIl.IIIECl1D 1l._1_ IL CONTACT 'OR ADDlnONAL INPO_ IL r__ .. TlON IN_'.... IoIop/IoM _I ENDING o .. IIIVlIIqD lOll .. IrATI ' DATE II -- ..- 17. RIIlAIlU AD_ I C"- ' ..'- (303) 234-2634 Fi.._ . M Toe MHo " L 111III. 211. .. .. .... ..... 11IIII. .., -- ..... ... "fori 11....... Il. nDlIUl. N1DlC't _ amCIA - U::t.l:"'""'" - _.....-1. I CIIaIlOi.... IN___-I PIDI!RAL _ev ...-... - Same ,A-OI,ACTIlIII . .. .... ~,._. .qe..aOl ~ _ 4U PAlIIE I U0-711 1\_..........,.,.", .--fV-""f~ 0ilftIep"...., , I I , .. I I. "1 I .' I I I ! I J I:; .1 It; Ii I: I , I t J Ii I I '1 \1 OM....O .1',.... ,.... PART II PROJECT APPROVAL INFORMATION SECTION A ti~;~;::'1f?t.::;~, ;::::(:i:~::-,:?;;:;;;:.:::':::;":: :::'::;:,:"::':-;':"::;:;:;:";";':;;::;":::' '?::::,::,'::;::?:::::~::~:::_::::::;':~:~::::-:;;::::;':;:;:;':;': :::: ':;::::::,:;;.: ::: ",". ,.,..... \\T:~:(::::(::'::::':-';" . :'.; - : ::- :-":'-,-: -'::. ':::/\')'::,::,.: :/::.:- :': j;_P~e~::t!li:. _~_,~iiio_~t:;}equ.s" ~eq~~r~,:Sto:t.r.J~c~I1....:,:,:...,. {:f::\(NQ~e\~1 Gavernin9 ',Body":,',:,:' . reglonol or ..th..,. p..onty I'Ot,ng' " """:':"":""<':'. : prl."iy. Roling' . . . ~,;.~,';:,:.L.l, :,,'it;,b,::i:: :,::,', ,::> .'..",~~~,.....,'., . .. ". No ...... . . -- .--: ".-", :,::::::-:::.:::;<.:::::::..::::~:;:::: C'-'"':'-':"':" ....:< . . 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"':"::':'-..:)i :'}:;?::;f:{~:~ (~li~ehbo~"'oniOti~~I".: ....: i:!I~~;il!j!i~~l!liljlilil~lilll~~t;1 It.m 3. D;;;this assistance request require- c1e-aringhouse- re-view (Attach Commen") in occ.rdonco wilh OMB Circulor A.9S? . x Yes N. See Attachment B .., " - . : 11'.no .:: .......... :,':,:,,:',:',;,':,,":,",".:.:.:.' ,.,..:"::,, ...,.,.". ,....,'",:':'',','.''' .,.,..:"'".",i":;,:'.,.:::,,,':,:,,,.....,.,.. .. . "':'i::,:i,i""):',. .. .., ..'.::: " :.:.....,.;...:... ;-:...:..,:.::-:;;:;:;:;~~: ::;:::_:.:.:_:.:.:. '.' '.'-'. ';:~;::f:::W::;:;:::~; "'. ~~::~~~~~~ <,:,.....:.;..;,:.;.;:..:.:,..,;-.:.... ,......... .::~ :':.;.~<~ .......:...:::....:.,-:;.:,;.:.:.:..-;-.:". /:':':,,::~-; . ';:,:-:::::;:-:',:""::::::::f:';:"':::::; ~~~<:!::~~~; II.m S. I. Ih. proposed proj.cl co....d by on approv.d comprehenlive plan? .."'..."'.,..."'~:. ::~Ij!~;m;ji:]1~~m:~~~:~!j;f::~~~~~~~~~1l*~ x Yes Ch.ck .n.: 5'01. 'X Locol C R.gion.1 :::J N. L.coli.n.f pion Kansas COlll'Drehensivp O\U;J;llwx.. Recreation Plan. 1975 l~i,~1111~i~1~~ii~11Ii~I!!;!!I~~\;~!jl!'i;j!~;)::~i~;~;~0;I'i;;.~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~i"t It.m 7. iViiIihe oui"ance reque.led be.n Federollond or inllollolion? . '. "-.n,.; ~, \j~!i::i>~i::!:~ ,.. ,,-:.. .-.... .. :' -:.: >:_:'::';:;:-:. -:. :,:':;.:~ .:~ ...:...;'....::-:':...: Ye. X Nom. of F .d.rol In'lollol;on Locali.n of F.d.rol Land' No Percent of Project It.m 8. Will the assistance reque.ted have on impact or .ffect on the environment? Se. instruction lor ocIditionol information to b. pr..id.d. No See Item 15 x Y.. Item 9. W'iii"'th. ossistance requested causa the displacement of individual. familie., bUli"else., or forms? Number .f: Individual s Families Businesses Farms Yes X No. It.m 10. ~ other related Federal assistance an thii proiect previous; pending, or anticipated? x Ye. See instructions for odditionol infotmotian to be pro.id.d. No See Attachment C --.....-.---. "'---'-'.'.'.- -'-'~-'" -....-. --....-.. f . I I , r 1.1 ., I . 'X, -:'1 I'! . I. 'i "':i Ii} ,,:f I I.....'i. " , "~Of (;,; r"; I I I":.' -, I ;!' 1,1. .~~':: ,-;{J "';'1 '.f II .. I'j . '1 I) ., ... ~. " -" .~ ~r I~ ','ii~.. . I'),,;, '-~. . 'l: ~:' ,. . ~ ... . I) .."., .'\..~ . r~:- 0... NO. '''RO'.. . INSTRUCTION PART II - SEqlOH B 11. SITES. AND IMPROVEMENTS: Not reqUired. Applicant intends 10 acquire the site through: Eminenl domain, X Negotiated purchase. y Allacbed as exhib~. Other means (specify) 12. TITLE OR OTHER INTEREST IN THE SITE IS OR WILL BE VESTED IN: . X Applicant. Agency 01 instilution operating Ihe facilily, Other (specify) . 13. INDICATE WHETHER APPLICANT/OPERATOR HAS: X Fee simple tille, Leasehold interest, Other (Specify) 14. IF APPLICANT/OPERATOR HAS LEASEHOLD INTEREST. GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: N/ A a. Lenglh. of lease or olhe. eslale interest , and number of years to run b. Is lex.e renewable' Yes __ No ""'~,.~:::,tr:~;':1al~'~li~~1;';:;,:;:',,;::':[;;_;;l:~~;[1 . 151. An ACIfAN OPINIO,jFRo;AcCErr AB.LET IT LECOUNSElllESCRfiiiNn ii1itlt!t iREttAPfiLieA~f/$itriATQtl-illMl~M!t.kj! 21. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY: Not required X Attached IS exhibits. Drawings - Attach any drawings which will assist in describing the project. Specifications - Attach copies 01 completed outline specificatiOns. /If drawings and specifications have not been fully completed, please attach copies 01 working draWings thai have been compteted.) HTIE: ITIIiII 011 TtI.. .MlD ADIU..'....PUMT.Y; 1MIRI'0II1, NO ,..nRue,... AU MOW'"" -------.-. ....-.... - .----...--...--.- ..- . --,-- '* . :1. I I I I I I I II I I I I I: " I; ;j Ii " j . I~ ""j :...." Ij ~ I; I L ... 0". NO. 'U ."1.. PART 11I- BUDGET INFORMATION - CONSTRUCTION . -------. SECTION A - GENERAL 1. Federal Domeslic Assislonee COlolog No. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 400 ~j:'JI.I.I"'11'"llllli'rCIIII;~11)lii;~~!;;;!J!:::;j!~:;:::':~;!:!i~!!!;:1 '. Coat Clualflutlon 1. Admonis/ration ellllen5e 2. Preliminary ellllense 3. Land,struclures, right'ol.way 4. Arcllilectural engineering basic fees 5. Olhel archilectural engineering lees 6. Project inSllection fees 7. Land development 8. Relocation ElIlIenses SECTION B - CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT :..., Total A_nt ........, Be Au" 74,000 9, :;elccation p.yments to Individuals ano Gusinesses I ]0. Oemo"lion and removal 11. Cons/ruclion and project implOVelllent ,]2. EllUipment 13. Miscellaneous 14. Total (Lines Ithro 131 15. Estimated Income (if appliCable) 16. Net Project Amount (Line 14 minus 15) 22. Total Federat grant re",es/ed (Lines 20 & 21) 23. Grantee share 24. Othel shales 25. Total project (Unes 22. 23 & 24) , ,884 966 's 1,QQ9,~0 ---- -- -- ----.... -..----.--.-- _-1..411 .J .' ;I~ ft p I I ., I . . J .' I ~ I r I:; . .j I I I I I I I I I ., I, ft, 'I'! I I " 0". MO. IO.AOt'. SECTION D - P~OPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON.FEDERAL SHARE 27. Grantee Share a. Securities b. Mortgages c. APllropriations (By Applicant) ~ &MS General Obligation e. Tax Levies f. Non Cash g. Olhl!l(Elllllain) h. TOTAL - Grantee share 28. Olher Sham a. Slate b.Olher Federal Land & Water Conservation Fund c. Total Other Shares 29. TOTAL s 504,850 504,850 504,850 Sl,009,700 SECTION E - REMARKS PART IV PROGRAM NARRATIVE (Attach _ S.. Instructions) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COST BREAKDOWN 1. CONSTRUCTION COST Bicycle trail, 4" asphalt, 9' wide, 10,925 L.r. Hiking trail, 4" concrete, 5' wide, 10,975 L.r. Wood retaining walls, 10' sections, 14' deep, 323 sections Wove wire fencing, 5' high, 10,250 L.r. Periodic trail bollarding, 18 locations Trail crossing, speed bumps, 5 locations Under bridge crossing, 2 each Wood bridge, 1 each Trail lighting, 10,950 L.r. Trail clearing & parkway cleanup, 33.22 acres Landscape planting, L.S. Seeding, K-31 rescue to Crownvetch, 33.22 acres Rest area, concrete surface, drinking fountain, wood benches, bicycle rack, trash receptacle, L.S. Total Construction Cost 2. DESIGN FEE 21.01. ~5 . 3%) 3. STATE ADMINISTRATIVE SURCHARGE Say 2 $ 64,952 95,924 244,765 29,910 2,035 177 1,770 27,963 191,494 156,363 17 ,521 46,900 5,133 $884,907 $ 74,000 11#,711 -5'Q ,822 $1,889J723 I,O'!>~/r.\~ $.1,('011,71,)0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Part IV. ProRram Narrative. 1. Objectives and Need for this Assistance. See Attachment D. As a result of the construction of the City of Salina's Flood Protection System Completed in 1961, the reach of the Smoky Hill River extending through the City was bypassed, except for a flow of 50 to 100 c.f.s. to maintain the river water supply to the water treatment plant. Because the old channel could no longer flush itself by periodic flooding, severe silting has taken place through the past 21 years creating a channel choked with mud bars and an accumulation of aquatic weed growth. To the vast majority of Salina's citizens, the old channel, essentially a wetland with mud bars and aquatic weed growth, is aesthetically displeasing and is no longer available for public use as a recreation resource. It was recognized that, in order to further the public's acceptance of.the proposed project, the engineering solution to the problem had to be accom- panied by a program for the beautification and recreation enhancement of the old river channel. In 1977, the City of Salina authorized a study be made of the old river channel. As a result of the study, the report, Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study was prepared. The study recommended the construction of a desilting basin near the inlet structure, cleaning and dredging the upper reaches of the old channel, cleaning and stripping of the lower reaches and the estab- lishment of a parkway system on either side of the old channel. . During the course of the Old Smoky Kill River Channel Study, it was deter- mined that if the present rate of silting continues, the water supply to the raw water intake to Salina's water treatment plant, as shown on Attach- ment D, will be terminated sometime between 1983 and 1984. Seventy percent of Salina's water supply comes from the old channel, while thirty percent comes from wells. . 2. Results or Benefits Expected. The proposed parkway system will link six of Salina's present parks into one continuous system. Among the various features of the proposed parkway will be hiking and bicycle trails, recreation resources that, heretofore, have not been available to Salina residents. A summary of the advantages of the proposed channel improvements would include the following: a. It would provide a beneficial addition to the water treatment plant, allowing for expansion by increasing the river water intake. b. It would provide for the utilization of the existing channel to convey water to the treatment plant without silt buildup. I I 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. It would restore the old channel to an appearance similar to its original character. d. It would provide a predictable and manageable program for the recreational use of the old channel, including fishing, boating and other water related activities not available to the public for over 20 years. e. It would provide an aesthetically pleasing water feature for the proposed parkway system. 3. Approach. a. Attachment E illustrates the recommended plan, which contains the following elements: (1) A sedimentation basin would be constructed near the inlet structure with a design gravity inflow of 50 cubic feet per second (c.f.s.) into the basin. A concrete diversion dam would be constructed across the cutoff channel in order to divert inflowing river water into the sedimentation basin. The silt from the sedimentation basin would be pumped out to below. the scour key dam in the Iron Avenue cutoff channel. (2) The old channel between the sedimentation basin and the Western Star Mill dam would be dredged.and sloped. (3) The gates of the Western Star Mill dam would be closed in order to increase the water level in the upper reaches of the old channel. . (4) The old channel below the Western Star Mill dam and above the outlet structure would be cleaned of debris and stripped of aquatic vegetation to minimize decomposition. (5) Establish a parkway system on either side of the renovated channel linking six city parks and the central business district into one continuous system. The parkway system includes hiking and bicycle trails, rest areas, neighborhood picnic and playground areas, selective thinning and renova- tion of existing timber and additional landscape planting. b. Attachment F illustrates the construction sequence (Section 1 to Section 5) of the parkway system. It is anticipated the project will be separated into six phases, as follows: 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Construction Item Phase A Construct Sedimentation Basin* Phase B Restore Upper Reaches of Channel (Dredging and Sloping)* Section 1. Psrkway System Phase C Restore Lower Reaches of Channel (Cleaning and Stripping) Section 2. Parkway System Phase D Section 3. Parkway System Phsse E Section 4. Psrkway System Phase F Section 5. Parkway System *These construction items are not part of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application. These items are considered part of Salina's Water Treatment Plant Improvements and may be funded by Municipal Revenue Bonds. Each Phase is expected to require about 2 years to design and complete, the entire project requiring about 12 years. c. Not applicable to this application. d. At the present time, only the City of Salina and its Consultant, Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects, will work on the pro- ject. The name of the construction contractor is unknown at this time. The following individuals will probably be involved: (1) City of Salina: (a) Dean L. Boyer, P.E. City Engineer, would be responsible for coordination of the proposed project for the City of Salina. (b) Keith Rawlings, Executive Director, City Planning Commission, would be responsible for park and recrea- tion input from the Planning Commission. (c) Jerry F. Brown, Chairman, City Park Advisory Commis- sion, would be responsible for park and recreation input from this citizen's commission. (2) Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects: (a) John D. Smutz, Partner, would be responsible as project director. I I (b). Ralph B. Ricklefs, R.L.A., would be responsible as project manager. 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Geographic Location. : The precise location within the City of Salina is shown on the vicinity map on Attachment D. Historically, the park system in Salina is intensively used by residents of Salina and Saline County. However, it is not unusual to find users coming from all parts of the State for such functions as reunions and State and regional meetings and conventions. 5. Federal Assistance listed under Part II, Section A, Item 10, is expected to be in the form of Community Development Block Grant Funds to be used in funding Section 2 of the parkway system. This Section adjoins a neighborhood of low to moderate income. ITEM 4. FUNDING. (forthcoming from the City Administration) ITEM 5. LETTER FROM REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION. This is shown as Attachment G. ITEM 6. TITLE OPINION. No title opLnLon can be certified at this time, since the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant application for land acquisition is in review and no land, other than existing public right- of-way, has been acquired for the Parkway System. Title certification will be made by the City Attorney as soon as acquisiton has been accomplished. . ITEM 7. CURRENT OR CONTEMPLATED AGREEMENTS. There are no current or contemplated agreements with other agencies, individuals or organizations for participating in the project. ITEM 8. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION. Attachments H and I illustrate the geographic location of the project. ITEM 9. DETAILED SITE PLAN. Attachments J through R show the following required items: a. All existing structures, vegetation, roads, streets and other rights-of-way are shown on the above attachments. Overhead utility lines are described by station number in Item 14. There are no underground utility lines located within the proposed Parkway System rightofway. The City of Salina presently holds recreation easements from Stations 129+00 to 143+00 and from 152+00 to 172+00. There are no other known easements within the proposed Parkway System. ~. All proposed items to be constructed or installed with Land and Water Conservation Fund assistance are shown on the above attachments. (1) Utility Lines. The entire project will be supplied electrically from power sources outside the project by transformers furnished by Kansas Power and Light Co., the local utility. Wherever possible, the transformers will be pole top mounted with underground secondary service supplied at a distribution and control point within parkway system boundaries. The system will be 240-volt, single-phase. All distribution will be underground with direct buried conductors. The lengths of the distribution system are, as follows: 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SALINA -, 0 COMMISSIONERS JACK WEISGERBER. MAYOR KEITH G. DUCKERS CAN S. GElS KAREN M. GRAVES JERRY SIMPSON To Whom it May Concern: CITY - COUNTY IJUU.CINQ 300 WIEST ASH STRII.T ... O. BOX 7.' SAt,.INA, KANSAII 47.01 CITY MANAGER ARIE:O:O~:~;:~ "f:1;~'" ,-:..-~, . . {)tc - .~ i;' .! ~.; ..'J70' : ' ,; . i (/....;:;~; ,; i.:.iJ . . (.; C:.. Vi, ~1'l'>v.;i,oAIlI >"1.0/" "'1' '~~:'!-;,"flJ . "!~'Cr$ ''':~.:-". ' ....>1 -~:~~'_~" G ~ ~ ~~" December 18, 1978 RE: Old Smoky Hill River Project Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application The City of Salina intends to provide fundin9 for the development of the Parkway System under the referenced project from general City revenues and/or the issuance of General Obli- gation Bonds and/or General Revenue Sharing Funds, and, in the case of the development of Section 2 of the System, funds may also be made available from Community Development Funds. i , I Sincerely; , ,(/,,~/{.......-/ " fJ' / .' ..f)....., //'/-1 ({;(' J '. ,,'/ ',," . Jack Wei Sg'ber Mayor / JW:mbk .".-.- MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. NATIONAL. LEAGUE OF CITIES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 10,950 1.f. 5,900 l.f. 6,950 l.f. 7,080 l.f. 8,500 l.f. 39,380 l.f. Total (2) Roads. There is no road construction associated with the proposed Parkway System. (3) Plant Material Location. Detailed locations for proposed plant .materials have not been established at the present time. These locations will be determined during the preparation of construction draw- ings. Proposed plant materials will be located to provide an interesting, flowing pattern, screening of private property and objectionable views, a gradual unfolding and inframement of desirable views and the control of light intrusion and erosion. More detailed landscape plantings are pro- posed in the areas adjacent to the pedestrian and bicycle paths, creating a linear arboretum which will add interest to the user of the Parkway. (4) Hiking and Bicycle Paths. (a) Concrete Hiking Path. The use of portland cement concrete for the five foot hiking path was established to assist in the delineation of the two pathways for their respective users. The path will be given a textural finish to provide an abrasive surface desirable for exterior walkways. (b) Bituminous Bicycle Path. The picycle path was estab- lished at nine feet to accommodate use by maintenance vehicles and permit machine placement of bituminous materials. This width will also be suf- ficient to carry two-way bicycle traffic. ~ ~. Land Use. Land use status on all properties and structures surrounding the project area is shown on Attachments S through AA. d. Boundary Lines. All boundary lines between private and public property are shown on Attachments J through R as the proposed fencing line. e. Project Land Boundary Lines Subject to Federal Control. The project corridor indicated by the boundary lines shown on Attachment E will be subject to Federal control as a result of using Land and Water Conserva- tion Funds. f. The names of all surrounding streets, the graphic scale and north arrow are shown on Attachments J through AA. ITEM 10. PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT. A new toilet building located in the rest area near Station 145+00 is the only building to be constructed as part of the Parkway System. A schematic concept is shown on Attachment BB. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 11. ASSURANCE RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NUMBER 3'f1J t, A RESOLUTION GIVING CERTAIN CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES WITH WHICH THE CITY OF SALINA WILL COMPLY IN REGARDS TO ITS APPLICATION FOR KANSAS LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM MONEYS: WHEREAS, the City of Salina, Kansas, intends to apply to the Kansas Land and Water Conservation Fund Program for funds for land acquisition on both sides of the cutoff Smoky Hill River Channel in the City of Salina: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Salina hereby certifies and assures that: a. The City has the legal authority to receive and expend the funds involved for the purposes intended to accomplish the objectives given in the said project proposal. b. No financial assistance has been given or promised under any other Federal program or activity with regard to the proposed project with the exception of Housing and Community Development Block Grant funds and General Revenue Sharing funds. c. The City has the ability and intent to finance its 'share of the cost of the proposed project. d. The City will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, sex, color, or national origin in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this project pro- posal, and shall comply with the terms and intent of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, P.L. 88-354 (1964) and any of the regulations promulgated pursuant to such Act by the Secretary of the Interior and contained in 43 CFR 17. e. The public property involved in the project will be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility on the land owned by the City and will be retained for such use as provided and agreed to in the project agreement. Prior approval of the Kansas Park and Resources Authority and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation will be obtained before any other disposition of project land or facili- ties is made. f. No use of such land or facilities other than those described in the project proposal will be permitted unless approved in advance by the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority and the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. &. The City will, in its development, exert every effort in preserving existing beauty and enhancement and will bury all proposed utility lines within the land area acquired. 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I h. The City intend~ to develop, finance, operate and manage the land to be developed in accordance with the standards established by the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority and the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service for so long as is required. i. In the use of the property to be developed, the City accepts the obligation to comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations in effect at the time of the award and to the further terms and conditions of the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service Manual in effect at the same time of the award. 1. The City will supply development specifications and detailed plans for submission when requested to the Kansas State Park and Resources Authority and the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service for approval before actual work is started. k. The City of Salina will develop and construct facilities to serve the handicapped and aged. 1. The City Manager will execute, on behalf of the Governing Body, an Annual Operation and Maintenance Statement; and cause to be completed an Annual Progress Report on the park and recreation facilities developed under this federal assisted grant project. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, and approved by the Mayor this IS-rot. day of , 19 7'1 . Attest: ~~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk STATE OF KANSAS ) ) S8 COUNTY OF SALINE ) I, D. L. Harrison, City Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby certify that Resolution Number~ was adopted by the Board of Commis- sioners at its regular meeting on ~'61971' and that the above and fore- going is a true and correct copy 0 the original on file in my office. ~ D. L. Harrison, City Clerk 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 12. FLOOD HAZARD AND: WATER POLLUTION STATEMENT. All the land to be acquired for the development of the proposed project lies within Salina's flood protection system. It has'been estimated that a storm slightly in excess of a 100 year storm will begin to flood low areas within the flood protection system. Pollution problems related to the development of the project are addressed in the development application. During the course of the Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study, samples of interior storm drainage runoff were taken at several stations. It was determined that interior runoff contains between 150 and 300 milligrams per liter total suspended solids. It was observed the longer the storm con- tinued, the lower the amount of suspended solids occurred in the runoff. There are no existing sanitary facilities within the area of land to be acquired. ~'L~~Y~~ . Dean L. Boyer, P. E., Ci y Engineer 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM. 13. FLOOD HAZARD INSURANCE. Not applicable with this application. 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 14. POWERLlNE STATEMENT The following table shows the existing overhead utility lines paralleling or crossing the Parkway System, the feasibility of their burial, removal or relocation, and cost estimates for their burial, removal or relocation. The station numbers correspond to those shown on Attachment E. Station Type of Length Feasibility Estimated Number Utility in Feet & Method Coat 100+00 1 ell , 7,200V 340 Yes - Refeed $ 2,176 118+50 CATV* 150 Yes - Refeed 750 120+25 1 ell , 120V 200 Yes - Refeed 800 124+50 1e1l, 120V 200 Yes - Refeed 800 128+80 34KV, 12KV, 120V 250 No 129+00 to 139+00 12KV, 3e1l 1,000 Yes - Relocate Poles 8,200 172+50 12KV, 3e1l 150 No 175+00 Downguy Yes - Relocate Pole 300 175+00 to 186+00 1~, 120V 550 Yes - Relocate Poles 1,650 189+00 to 191+00 1 ell , 120/240V 200 Yes - Relocate Poles 600 192+00 to 201+00 1~, 120/240V 1,000 Yes - Relocate Poles 3,000 210+00 1 ell , 120V 250 Yes - Relocate Pole 750 210+00 12KV, 3e1l 250 Yes - Bury 1,250 219+00 11j1, 120V 100 Yes - Remove Pole 300 222+00 12KV, 3e1l 200 No 231+00 1 ell , 120/240V 250 Yea - Bury 1,250 237+00 to 241+00 1~, 120/240V 450 Yes - Bury 2,250 252+50 12KV, 3e1l 200 No 256+00 12KV, 3~ 200 No 261+00 12KV, 3e1l 400 Yes - Relocate 1,640 271+50 CATV 250 Yes - Refeed 1,250 279+00 . 34KV, 4KV, CATV 200 No 301+00 12KV, 3~; 11j1, 240V 150 No 313+00 to 316+00 12KV, 3~; 1e1l, 120V 600 Yes - Relocate Poles 4,920 320+00 to 324+00 Telephone 400 Yes - Bury 2,000 324+00 34KV 400 No 325+00 to 328+00 1 ell , 120V 300 Yes - Bury 1,500 330+00 1 ell , 120V 250 Yes - Bury 1,250 340+50 34KV 300 No 345+00 1~, 120V 175 Yes - Refeed 525 348+00 12KV, 3~; Tele.; CATV 200 No 371+00 34KV; 12KV, 31j1 200 No 380+00 1e1l, 7,200V 150 No 419+00 115KV 250 No 425+00 115KV 350 No 441+50 115KV 200 No 12 I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I Station Type of Length Feasibility Estimated Number Utility in Feet & Method Cost 480+00 to 482+00 12KV, 3~ 300 Yes - Relocate Poles 2,460 490+50 12KV, 3~ 150 No TOTAL $ 39,621 SAY $ 39,600 *Cable Television Certified: ~~ :;t! t5:y~ Dean L. Boyer, P.E. City Engineer 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 15. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATEMENT. Attachment I shows the vicinity map of the proposed improvements in the cutoff channel of the Smoky Hill River at Salina, Kansas. Reference is hereby made to the report, Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study, 1978. 1. Description of the Proposed Action. General Development Plans. See Attachment D. As a result of the construction of the City of Salina's Flood Protection System completed in 1961, the reach of the Smoky Hill River extending through the City was bypassed, except for a flow of 50 to 100 c.f.s. to maintain the river water supply to the water treatment plant. Because the old channel could no longer flush itself by periodic flooding, severe silting has taken place through the past 17 years creating a channel choked with mud bars and an accumulation of aquatic weed growth. It was recognized that, in order to further the public's acceptance of the proposed project, the engineering solution to the problem has to be accompanied by a program for the beautification and recreation enhancement of the old river channel. Attachment E illustrates the recommended plan, which includes the following elements. a. A sedimentation basin would be constructed near the inlet struc- ture with a design gravity inflow of 50 cubic feet per second (c.f.s.) into the basin. A concrete diversion dam would be conatructed across the cutoff channel in order to divert inflow- ing river water into the sedimentation basin. The silt from the sedimentation basin would be pumped out to below the scour key dam in the Iron Avenue cutoff channel. ~. The old channel between the sedimentation basin and the Western Star Mill dam would be dredged and sloped. ~. The gates of the Western Star Mill dam would be closed in. order to increase the water level in the upper reaches of the old channel. d. The old channel below the Western Star Mill dam and above the outlet structure would be cleaned of debris and stripped of aquatic vegetation to minimize decomposition. e. Establish a parkway system on either side of the renovated channel linking six city parks and the central business district into one continuous system. The parkway system includes hiking and bicycle trails, rest areas, neighborhood picnic and play- ground areas, selective thinning and renovation of existing timber and additional landscape planting. 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The present site is the old silted-in channel extending through the central portion of the City of Salina. The City presently owns about 75 percent of the land adjacent to the old channel. Most of the private ownerships adja- cent to the channel have been allowed to deteriorate, increasing the diffi- culty of the cleanup task and the accomplishment of the beautification element. The City intends to acquire all privately owned lands adjacent to the old channel. The beautification and recreation enhancement elements of design include the following: Hiking and Bicycle trails Rest Areas, with toilets, drinking fountains, benches and bicycle racks Neighborhood picnic and playground areas Selective thinning and renovation of existing timber Additional landscape planting It is anticipated the project will be separated into six phases, as follows: Construction Item Phase A Construct Sedimentation Basin Phase B Restore Upper Reaches of Channel (Dredging and Sloping) Section 1. Parkway System Phase C Restore Lower Reaches of Channel (Cleaning and Stripping) Section 2. Parkway System Phase D Section 3. Parkway System Phase E Section 4. Parkway System Phase F Section 5. Parkway System The sedimentation basin will be constructed of reinforced concrete, with the interior structures and mechanisms built of fabricated steel. The sludge disposal line will be made of fiberglass or cast iron pipe with mechanical joints. The diversion dam will be constructed of reinforced concrete. The operation of the sedimentation basin will be principally automatic with periodic supervisory inspections. The silt load of the Smoky Hill River varies throughout the year, however, it is estimated an average of 1,000 gallons per minute with 3 percent solids or 30,000 parts per million sludge slurry will be pumped from the sedimentation basin into the Iron Avenue cutoff channel. I I 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dredged and stripped materials from the old channel will be disposed of in the cutoff oxbows of the Smoky Hill River both north and south of the Salina City Limits. Another cutoff oxbow of the Salina River near Camp Webster north of Salina, will also be used for dredged material disposal. It is estimated disposal sites for a minimum of 63,000 cubic yards of dredged materials will be required. Since the City owns nearly 75 percent of the land adjacent to the old channel and intends to acquire the remainder of the privately owned land adjacent to the old channel, access to the old channel for dredging and parkway construction will pose no problem. The sedimentation basin, the diversion dam and the sludge disposal line will be constructed on land presently owned by the City. These sites are readily accessible for construction and operation activities. During the course of the Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study, it was determined that if the present rate of silting continues, the water supply to the raw water intake to Salina's water treatment plant, as shown on Attachment D will be terminated sometime between 1983 and 1984. Seventy percent of Salina's water supply comes from the old channel, while thirty percent comes from wells. To the vast majority of Salina's citizens, the old channel, essentially a wetland with mud bars and aquatic weed growth, is aesthetically displeasing and is no longer available for public use as a recreation resource. The proposed parkway system will link six of Salina's present parks into one continuous system. Among the various features of the proposed parkway will be hiking and bicycle trails, recreation resources that, heretofore, have not been available to Salina Residents. A summary of the advantages of the proposed channel improvements would include the following: a. It would provide a beneficial addition to the water treatment plant, allowing for expansion by increasing the river water intake. b. It would provide for the utilization of the existing channel to convey water to the treatment plant without silt buildup. c. It would restore the old channel to an appearance similar to its original character. d. It would provide a predictable and manageable program for the recreational use of the old channel, including fishing, boating and other water related activities. e. It would provide an aesthetically pleasing water feature for the proposed parkway system. I I 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I Detailed Cost Estimates: Phase A: Not eligible for funding. Phase B: (Restoration of the upper reaches of the channel are not eligible for funding, since restoration of this part of the old channel relates to the maintenance of the City's municipal water supply). I I I I I I I 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 1: Parkway System. Stations 172+00 to 287+75. 1. Bicycle trail, 4" asphalt, 9' wide, 10,925 l.f. @ $5.10 2. Hiking trail, 4" concrete, 5' wide, 10,975 l.f. @ $7.50 3. Wood retaining walls, 10' sections, 14' deep 323 sections @ $650.00 4. Woven wire fencing, 5' high 10,250 l.f. @ $2.50 5. Periodic trail bollarding, 18 locations @ $95.00 6. Trail crossing, speed bumps, 5 locations @ $25.00 7. Under bridge crossings 2 each @ $750.00 8. Wood bridges 1 each @ $24,000.00 9. Trail lighting 10,950 l.f. @ $15.00 10. Trail clearing & parkway cleanup 33.52 acres @ $4,000.00 11. Landscape planting l.s. 12. Seeding, K-31 fescue & crownvetch 33.52 acres @ $1,200.00 13. Rest area, concrete surface, drinking fountain, wood benches, bicycle rack, trash receptacle, l.s. Total Construction Cost Other Costs Engineering, Administrative & Legal Costs Land acquisition, 8.19 acres @ $1,000 Total Section 1 Say 18 $ 55,718.00 82,313.00 209,950.00 25,625.00 1,710.00 125.00 1,500.00 24,000.00 164,250.00 134,080.00 15,000.00 40,224.00 4,431.00 $ 758,926.00 113,839.00 151,785.00 8,190.00 $1,032,740.00 $1,033,000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase C: Restore lower reaches of channel* Section 1: Parkway System. Stations 287+75 to 348+00. 1. Bicycle trail, 4" asphalt, 9' wide 5,650 l.f. @ $5.10 2. Hiking trail, 4" concrete, 5' wide 5,750 l.f. @ $7.50 3. Wood retaining walls, 10' sections, 14' deep, 63 sections @ $650.00 4. Woven wire fencing, 5' high 6,050 l.f. @ $2.50- 5. Periodic trail bollarding, 10 locations @ $95.00 6. Pedestrian activated trail crossing signal 2 each @ $9,000.00 7. Wood bridges 1 each @ $24,000.00 -- 8. Trail lighting 5,900 1. f. @ $15.00 9. Trail clearing and parkway cleanup 13.83 acres @ $4,000 10. Landscape planting l.s. 11. Seeding, K-31 fescue and crownvetch 13.83 acres @ $1,200 12. Rest area, concrete surface, drinking fountain, wood benches, bicycle racks, trash receptacle, l.s. $ 229,500.00 $ 28,815.00 43,125.00 40,950.00 15,125.00 950.00 18,000.00 24,000.00 88,500.00 55,320.00 15,000.00 16,596.00 10,501.00 *The restoration of the lower reaches of the channel is not necessary for the maintenance of the City's municipal water supply. Restoration in this Phase will be accomplished solely to enhance the water-oriented recreation aspects of the Parkway System. 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13. Picnic and playground area, 1.s. $ 8,000.00 14. Restroom renovation, l.s. 5,500.00 Total construction cost $ 370,382.00 Other costs 55,557.00 Engineering, Administrative & Legal Costs 74,076.00 Land acquisition 6.14 acres @ $1,200 7,368.00 Total Section 2 $ 507,383.00 Say $ 507,500.00 TOTAL PHASE C $ 737,000.00 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase D. Section 3: Parkway System. Stations 102+00 to 172+00. 1. Bicycle trail, 4" asphalt, 9' wide 6,800 l.f. @ $5.10 $ 2. Hiking trail, 4" concrete, 5' wide 7,050 l.f. @ $7.50 3. Wood retaining walls, 10' sections, 14' deep 60 sections @ $650.00 4. Woven wire fence, 5' high 6,125 l.f. @ $2,500 5. Periodic trail bollarding 8 locations @ $95.00 6. Pedestrian activated trail crossing signal, 1 each @ $9,000.00 7. Trail lighting, 6,950 l.f. @ $15.00 8. Trail clearing and parkway cleanup 14.23 acres @ $4,000.00 9. Landscape planting, l.s. 10. Seeding, K-31 fescue and crownvetch 14.23 acres @ $1,200.00 11. Rest area, concrete surfacing, drinking fountain, wood benches, bicycle rack, trash receptacle, l.s. 12. Picnic and playground area, 2 each 13. Restroom facility, l.s. Total construction cost $ Other costs Engineering, Administrative and Legal Costs Land acquisition, 2.87 acres @ $2,000.00 Total Section 3 $ Say $ 21 34,680.00 52,875.00 39,000.00 15,313.00 760.00 9,000.00 104,250.00 56,920.00 15,000.00 17,076.00 4,585.00 16,000.00 24,000.00 389,459.00 58,419.00 77,892.00 5,740.00 531,510.00 532,000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phase E. Section 4: Parkway System. Stations 348+00 to 419+00 1. Bicycle trail, 4ft asphalt, 9' wide 6,975 l.f. @ $5.10 $ 2. Hiking trail, 4" concrete, 5' wide 7,200 l.f. @ $7.50 3. Wood retaining walls, 10' sections, 14' deep, 15 sections @ $650.00 4. Woven wire fencing, 5' high 7,300 l.f. @ $2.50 5. Periodic trail bollarding, 7 locations @ $95.00 6. Pedestrian activated trail crossing signal, 1 each @ $9,000.00 7. Trail crossing speed bump, 1 each @ $25.00 8. Trail lighting, 7,087 l.f. @ $15.00 9 . Trail clearing and parkway cleanup 15.84 acres @ $4,000.00 10. Landscape planting, l.s. 11. Seeding, K-31 fescue and crownvetch 15.84 acres @ $1,200.00 12. Rest area, concrete surface, drinking fountain, wood benches, bicycle rack, trash receptacle, l.s. Total construction cost $ Other costs Engineering, Administrative and Legal Costs Land acquisition, 13.02 acres @ $3,000.00 Total Section 4 $ Say $ 22 35,573.00 54,000.00 9,750.00 18,250.00 665.00 9,000.00 25.00 106,305.00 63,360.00 15,000.00 19,008.00 4,606.00 335,542.00 50,331.00 67,108.00 39,060.00 492,041.00 492,000.00 I I I. I I . I I I . II I I I I I I I I I Phase F. Section 5: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parkway System. Stations 419+00 to 510+00 Bicycle trail, 4" asphalt, 9' wide 8,550 l.f. @ $5.10 $ Hiking trail, 4" concrete, 5' wide 8,000 l.f. @ $7.50 Wood retaining walls, 10' sections, 14' deep, 20 sections @ $650.00 Woven wire fencing, 5' high 5,000 l.f. @ $2.50 Periodic trail bollarding, 16 locations @ $95.00 Under bridge crossing, 1 each @ $2,200.00 Trail lighting, 8,500 l.f. @ $15.00 Trail clearing and parkway cleanup 4.36 acres @ $4,000.00 Landscape planting, l.s. Seeding, K-31 fescue and crownvetch 4.36 acres @ $1,200.00 Rest area, concrete surface drinking fountain, wood benches, bicycle racks, trash receptacle, l.s. Culvert crossing, 1 each Total Construction Costs $ Other Costs Engineering, Administrative and Legal Costs Land acquisition, 5.58 acres @ $2,000.00 Total Section 5 $ Say $ II 23 43,605.00 60,000.00 13,000.00 12,500.00 1,520.00 2,200.00 127,500.00 17,440.00 15,000.00 5,232.00 4,889.00 11,000.00 313,886.00 47,083.00 62,777.00 11,160.00 434,906.00 435,000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I ~-- SWlDDary Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase D Phase E Phase F not eligible $1,033,000.00 736,500.00 532,000.00 492,000.00 435,000.00 $3,228,500.00 24 I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I Other Agencies Consulted in the Development of the Project. The following agencies were consulted during the course of the Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study: Kansas City District Corps of Engineers Division of Water Resources Kansas Department of Health and Environment Salina Park Advisory Board Salina City Planning Commission Salina Recreation Commission North Central Regional Planning Commission Sewage and Solid Waste Disposal Five rest areas are proposed as part of the Parkway System. Each rest area will be served by toilet facilities. Four of the toilet facilities are existing at the present time and are connected to Salina's sanitary sewage collection system. One toilet facility must be constructed as part of Section 3, Phase D. Access to Salina's sanitary sewer collection system from this proposed toilet facility is readily available at the present time. The rest areas will also act as collection points for solid waste generated by the users of the proposed Parkway System. Each rest area is readily accessible to Salina's municipal solid waste disposal service. 2. Description of the Environment. A. Environmental Factors. (1) Land Use. Attachments S through AA show the planned future land use, according to Land Use Plan Policies, as adopted by the Salina City Planning Commission in 1974. All that portion of the proposed parkway system is planned for parks and recreation, except that part of the system extending from station 440+00 to 490+00. This distance is planned for agricultural uses, easily converted to parks and open spaces. (2) Fish and Wildlife Populations. The fishery associated with the old channel has been so thoroughly degraded through extensive silting, that only a few species of rough fish remain. These would include carp, bullhead catfish, etc. Following the construction of the proposed improve- ments to the old channel, the fishery will be upgraded through stocking and other fishery management practices. Wildlife habitat in the area of the proposed project is typical of an urban riverine environment. Principal game animals in the area are cottontail rabbit, red squirrel, muskrat and, less frequently, raccoon, opposum and skunk. Game birds would include mourning dove, quail and, occasionally, ringneck pheasant. The usual species of songbirds associated with Central Kansas urban areas are also found within the proposed project area. I I (3) Vegetative Habitat. Prior to the construction of Salina's flood control system vegetation typical of an urban riverine environment existed in the proposed project area. Since the completion of the flood 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I control system in 1957, vegetation characteristic of marshes has become established in the flowline. Woody plant materials normally associated with river bottomland are able to encroach further down the banks than was possible prior to construction of the project. (4) Soils. Undisturbed soils occupying the steeply sloping banks and the channel of the old cutoff channel is a miscellaneous land type known as Alluvial Land. For the most part, the Humbarger Loams occur on the nearly level to very gently undulating convex surfaces of recent flood plains and low terraces. Since the completion of Salina's flood protection system in 1961, alluvial silt has accumulated in the old channel to the point where the old channel more nearly resembles a wetland than a free flowing stream. (5) Land Forms and Unique Physical Features. The area included within the proposed project area is essentially flat except that part of the system passing through Indian Rock Park. This part of the parkway system ascends and descends a hill, the only relief encountered by the proposed system. (6) Air Quality. Present air quality in the proposed project area can generally be described as good. This condition can be attributed to relatively low traffic volumes, no major source point of emission and the prevailing atmospheric conditions easily dispersing any existing pollution. (7) Water Quality. Salina's existing water supply from the Old Smoky Hill River channel, augmented by the local well field, generally conforms to Drinking Water Standards established by the United States Public Health Service. Certain existing wells in the Salina well field will exceed the limitations and/or recommendations of the Drinking Water Standards in certain constituents. These include chlorides, total dis- solved solids and carbon chloroform extract. In these three catagories, the local well field water quality must be classifed as being of accepta- ble, but poor quality. Consumers will adapt their tastes to a certain quality level and find the water product to be acceptable, when, in other areas where better water is available, this water product would be unac- ceptable. (8) Water Supply. Salina's present water supply is derived from about 70 percent from the Old Smoky Hill River channel, and about 30 percent from the well field. Given the present rate of silting in the old river channel, the raw water supply to the intake should be completely shut off sometime between 1984 and 1985. a sandpit to 1950. (9) Mineral Resources. The lake in Lakewood Park was created by operation. The resource was, for the most part, exhausted prior The operation was terminated following the 1951 flood. The lake in Indian Rock Park was formed by excavation of clay by the Salina Brick and Tile Co. This resource, too, was exhausted during the mid 1950's and the operation was terminated. I I 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I One low-production oil well is located on the agricultural land lying east of Lakewood Park. Several other oil wells have, in the past, been located in this general vicinity, however, they have been abandoned because of low production and uneconomic operation. (10) Socio-economic Factors. About seventy-five percent of the proposed Parkway System will be located on land already owned by the City, in the form of dedicated rights-of-way or public park land. It will be necessary to acquire the remaining part of the System through purchase or gift. The Parkway System will pass through three identifiable residential neighborhoods. Two of these neighborhoods can be classed as medium to low income. The other, in the general vicinity of Indian Rock Park, can be classed as medium to high income. Most of the property to be acquired lies within the less desirable areas for residential and commercial use in the City. B. Existing and Probable Future Environmental Conditions. Without the proposed project the environment surrounding the old river channel will remain essentially unchanged. With the exception of the undeveloped areas near the YMCA and the areas east and west of Lakewood Park, the areas on either side of the channel are fully developed. The old channel, on the other hand, will continue to accumulate silt until the City finds it necessary to establish another source of raw water to the Water Treatment Plant. This could occur in the form of water piped from the Smoky Hill River or from continual dredging of the old channel between the inlet structure and the raw water intake. C. ological historic Historic and Archaeological Sites. There are no known archae- sites within the area depicted on Attachment E. There are three sites, however, shown on the same sheet. These are as follows: (a) The site of the first commercial structure erected in Salina. (b) The site of the first free ferry across the Smoky Hill River. (c) The Swartz House. This structure is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. D. Rare or Endangered Species or Wildlife. There are no known rare or endangered species or wildlife in or near the project area. E. Relocation of Businesses or Persons. There will be no relocation of businesses or persons by the proposed project. F. Flood Damage Protection. Salina's flood protection system was completed in 1957, and prior flood prone areas in the proposed project area now lie completely within the system. The old channel and an old sandpit lake serve as interior ponding areas. During the course of the Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study, previously referenced, a lOa-year storm was applied to the study area with no damaging flooding occurring. I I 27 I I I I I I I I 3. The Environmental Impact of the Proposed Action. A. Adverse Impacts. (1) Construction Impacts. Temporary noise and air pollution will be caused by construction machinery, especially the heavy construction equipment utilized in the old channel dredging operation. Erodable alluvial soil will be temporarily exposed to wind and water erosion during the bank shaping and trail construction elements of the proposed project. (2) Socio~economic Impacts. The proposed project will require an expenditure of Federal and local funds which could be used for other projects. The construction of the proposed project will require an increase in park maintenance and police surveillance expenditures. Construction of the proposed project will require the acquisition of nearly 36 acres of privately owned property. I I' I I (3) Physical Impacts. Construction of the proposed project will result in the destruction of the existing marsh habitat. The proposed timber renovation and thinning and trail construction will require the removal of some trees and shrubs. The trail lighting system will result in light intrusion into areas where none had been experienced. before. Pedestrian activated signals to be located on Ohio, Ash and Elm Street a will disrupt the existing traffic flow. Potential vandalism to both public and private property not heretofore readily available to the public, will become a possibility. The effects of litter are expected, as with any such recreational development. B. Beneficial Impacts. (1) The proposed parkway system will link six of Salina's present parks into one continuous system. Among the various features of the proposed parkway will be hiking and bicycle trails, recreation resources that, heretofore, have not been available to Salina residents. I I I (2) It would provide a beneficial addition to the water treat~ ment plant, allowing for expansion by increasing the river water intake. (3) It would provide for the utilization of the existing channel to convey water to the treatment plant without silt buildup. (4) It would restore the old channel to an appearance similar to its original character. I I (5) It would provide a predictable and manageable program for the recreational use of the old channel, including fishing, boating and other water related activities. (6) It would provide an aesthetically pleasing water feature for the proposed parkway system. I I 28 I I I I I I I .' C. Impact on Histor~c and ArchaeoloRical Resources. There are no known archaeological sites in the project area. Historic sites in the project vicinity are shown on Attachment E. The proposed project would have no effect on historic or archaeological resources. D. Impact on Rare and EndanRered Species. There are no known rare and endangered species of flora or fauna in the project vicinity, therefore there will be no effect on rare and endangered species. E. Impact on Air and Water Quality. The use of heavy construction equipment during the construction phase of the project will have an adverse, however temporary, impact on the air quality in the project vicinity. Though not a part of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Applica- tion, a desilting basin will be constructed in connection with the parkway system. This will have considerable beneficial impact on the water quality in the old river channel. F. Relocations. There will be no persons or businesses relocated by the proposed project. 4. MitigatinR Measures Included in the Proposed Action. '. I II I I I I ,I I I I I The problem of the exposure of erodable alluvial soil will be negated by the seeding of exposed areas to grass, or by the establishment of other forms of ground cover . In return for the expenditure of public funds for land acquisition, con- struction, maintenance and police surveillance, a quality recreation facility will be constructed, providing recreational benefits not hereto- fore available to Salina's citizens. In addition, the old river channel will be restored to nearly its original character. The removal of some trees and shrubs through timber renovation and thinning and trail construction will be mitigated by additional landscape plantings. Light intrusion will be partially mitigated by longer daily trail use and additional public security. The effect of vandalism will be partially mitigated by quality materials and construction and the provision of trail lighting. Although trash receptacles will be provided at the rest areas and other locations throughout the parkway system, there is no way to assure that they will be used, therefore, the only mitigation that can be offered to the problem of litter is the maintenance that will be performed by the City. 5. Adverse Impacts Which Cannot be Avoided. No attempt will be made to mitigate the temporary noise and air pollution caused by construction machinery, especially the heavy construction machinery utilized in the old channel dredging operation. The destruction of the existing marsh-like habitat is unavoidable and intentional. As long 29 I I I I I I I I I as foot and bicycle traffi~ is planned to cross major thoroughfares by way of pedestrian-activated crossing signals existing traffic flow on these major thoroughfares will be disrupted. The effects of littering and vandalism can never be totally eliminated. 6. The Relationship Between Local Short-Term Uses of Man's Environment and the Maintenance and Enhancement of Long-Term Productivity. Short-term uaes of man's environment by the proposed project include the creation of noise and air pollution from heavy equipment used during the construction phases of the project and the destruction of the marsh-like habitat created since the completion of Salina's flood protection system. Because of its unique character, the project site has no productive future in any other development but beautification and recreation. The nature of the development will re-establish water oriented recreation activities not available to the public since the completion of Salina's flood protection system. Completion of the proposed project will provide recreation facili- ties, in the form of hiking and bicycle trails, not heretofore available to the public. . Though not a part of this grant application, an important related long-term benefit directly connected with the project is restoration of Salina's raw water supply to the Water Treatment Plant. I' I ,. I I I I The completion of the proposed project will destroy the existing marsh-like habitat created by the on-going siltation process, however, it will re- establish the riverine character of the old channel as nearly as possible without discomfort or displacement for either human or animal life. The City will receive benefits for years into the future in the form of beauti- fication and recreational facilities which will enhance the quality of life for all its citizens. 7. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources. The construction of this project will entail the commitment of certain natural and consumable resources. Natural resources utilized in projects of this type include land, minerals, natural products, such as wood and fiber, and time. The land spaces required, when viewed in terms of area units, are not appreciably altered. The commitment of land, not presently being used for the purpose of beautifica- tion and recreation, occurs in its conversion from past usage to park and recreation purposes. While the conversion of land from its present use is not totally irreversible, it is commonly considered to be permanently committed as a natural resource. I I I Natural materials used in park construction are also recognized as an irretrievable asset. The raw materials comprising common construction materials, such as wood, concrete and steel, are lost to future genera- tions. Fossil fuels and other petroleum derivatives consumed are totally irretrievable. 30 I I I Time, as a natural resource, is an irreplaceable commodity. The man-hours whether in the development, constructi.on or maintenance of the facility are committed, and may have been more productively expended on other projects. Restorable resources committed to the project are those in the realm of funds, manpower, knowledge and machinery. I I I I I I I I ,I .' . I I I I I Construction of this project will necessitate the commitment of a con- siderable amount of funds. However, the moneys expended on this facility will not vanish. Rather, they will be returned to the economic cycle. This money in motion will pay wages and taxes, buy equipment and supplies, provide employment, buy goods and services and attend to the many economic facets of cash flow. While man-hours may be considered an irreplaceable factor, manpower is not. Conceivably, the manpower consumed by the project might be better directed to other projects, also it might be dissipated achieving nothing. The construction processes required to implement this project will require many men. For every man removed from public support and placed in productive employment, the benefits will be positive in nature. The commitment of knowledge, in the form of professional disciplines, will be required if this project is to be realized. Again, as the case with manpower, the commitment of professional services is a matter of priorities as to whether the services are rendered to this project or another, or lay idle. A large percentage of the construction equipment utilized on projects of this type is rather specialized in nature. If no park construction were being performed, this machinery would be unused, producing no revenue to offset the purchase price and performing no productive work. 8. Alternatives to the Proposed Action. A. The alternatives to the proposed action are directly connected to the alternatives outlined in the solution to maintaining the raw water supply to the water treatment plant. These are as follows: (1) All constrictions in the old channel would be removed, the slope would be increased and inflow would be increased. (2) Fifty cubic feet per second (c.f.s.) would be pumped into a sedimentation basin at the inlet structure. A weir dam would be constructed in the old channel in Oakdale Park above the Water Treatment Plant intake and the gates at the Western Star Mill dam closed to raise the water depth. (3) There would be a gravity inflow into a sedimentation basin at the inlet structure. The old channel would be excavated to get three to four foot water depth. The gates of the Western Star Mill dam would be closed. This is the alternative chosen by the City to be constructed. 31 I I I I I I I I I I I , .' I I I I I I (4) Water from the Smoky Hill River would be piped to the Water Treatment Plant. There would be a gravity inflow of five c.f.s. into a sedimentation basin at the inlet structure. The old channel would be excavated, a weir dam would be placed in the old channel in Oakdale Park and the gates of the Western Star Mill dam would be closed to raise the water level. (5) Water from the Smoky Hill River would be piped to the Water Treatment Plant. The inlet to the old channel would be closed and the old channel allowed to go dry. (6) Water would be piped from the Smoky Hill River to the Water Treatment Plant. The inlet and outlet would be closed and water would be circulated from the outlet to the inlet. Clear water would be added as needed from the Water Treatment Plant. The construction of a weir dam in the old channel and closing the gates at the Western Star Mill dam would incresse the water depth. (7) Water would be transported to the Water Treatment Plant by pipeline. A weir dam would be placed in the old channel below the Water Treatment Plant to increase the water level through the park area. Five c.f.s. would be pumped from the outlet at the Water Treatment Plant to the inlet structure of the old channel to provide a minimum movement of water in the old channel. The Western Star Mill dam would be closed to provide water depth below the weir dam. B. No Action Alternative. Under this alternative, the sedimentation basin near the inlet structure would be constructed. Only minimal dredging between the sedimentation basin and the raw water intake would be accom- plished. No property would be acquired. The old channel and its immediate environs would remain in their present unsightly state. The parkway system, linking six of Salina's parks into one continuous system, would not be developed. Water-oriented recreation, not available to the public since the completion of Salina's flood protection system, would not be re- established. Recreation in the form of hiking and bicycling trails, not previously available to the public, would not be established. C. Alternate Levels of Development. As shown in Part 1 of this Item, the Parkway system will be constructed in 5 separate sections, each representing a separate level of development. It is doubtful that each section of the parkway system should be developed with fewer facilities ' than are recommended. the establishment of the parkway system without the trails and rest areas would not accomplish the purpose of the parkway system. D. Alternate Sites and Alternate Means of MeetinR Project Purpose. No alternate site was considered, nor was any alternate means of meeting the project purpose. The development of the parkway system is totally dependent upon its association with the old river channel. 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 16. PUBLIC SUPPORT. : The reaches of the Smoky Hill River extending through the central part of the City of Salina had been, historically, heavily used by the public for water-oriented recreation. However, this recreation element was slowly terminated as the silting process gradually took place following the com- pletion of the City's flood protection system in 1961 by the Corps of Engineers. The vast majority of Salina's citizens had never been made aware the gradual silting process was to take place. In fact, they were led to believe normal flow would be maintained in the old channel, except during periods of flooding, when the entire flow would be routed through the by.pass channel. Public sentiment mounted as the silting process progressed, and in 1974, the Corps of Engineers was requested by local interests to conduct a study to address methods of reducing and controlling the accumulation of silt in the old channel. A large segment of Salina's citizens participated in the public hearing and the general concensus of public opinion was to return the Old Smoky Hill River Channel to as near its original character as is possible. As a result of the study, the Corps concluded that Salina's flood protec- tion system continues to operate up to its designed capabilities and that they could not participate in any old channel enhancement work. Following the 1974 study, the Salina Board of Realtors undertook cleanup of the old channel as their part in participating in the National Association of Real Estate Board's program entitled "Make America Better." Connected with the cleanup campaign, letters of recommendations for enhancement of the old channel were sent to both the City Commission and the Corps of Engineers. In 1977, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce recommended the present Study be conducted. Following the presentation of the Study to the City Commis- sion, it was presented to 14 business, civic and social organizations. The recommended plan from the Study was endorsed by the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, the Salina Park Advisory Board and the Salina City Planning Commission. The approval of the Study's recommended plan by the City Commission is evidenced by the authorization of the preparation of this application. 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITEM 17. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN AND GREIVANCE POLICY. 34 I .~- I I I I I,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I (PublIshed In The Salina Journal .J.........7 . 1976) , . AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED "EQUAL OPPORTUllITY ANO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION", PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION BY REASON OF RACE, SEX, REliGION, AGE,. COLOR, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, PHYSICAL HANOICAP OR HARITAl 'STATUS IN ALL EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS IN All AREAS OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS, IN "OUSING. Ml!L.llL -fUBlIC CONTRACTS: ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION, A HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT AND DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF EACH: PROVIDING FOR THE . ADOPTION OF ADMiNISTRATIVE RULES, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES TO BE UTiliZED IN Till ENFORCEHENT OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND;" ESTABLISHING TIME liMITATIONS FOR TilE FILING OF COMPLAINTS; ENACTING CHAPTER IIA OF THE SALINA COOE AND REPEALING CHAPTER 16-1/2 OF THE SALINA CODE. " ,. BE IT ORDAINED by the GovernIng Body of the CIty of Salina, Kansas: SectIon I. That Chapter IIA of the Salina. Code Is hereby enacted to read as follows: "Chapter IIA EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ARTI ClE I. IN GENERAL . , "Section IIA-I. Declaration of policy. Sec. 214-2(2). The practice or polley of discriminatIon agaInst Individuals by reason of race, sex, religion, Bget color, national or;gln, ancestry, physical handicap, or marital status Is a matter of concern. to the City of Salina, since such discrimination threatens not only the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the city but menaces the institutions and foundations of a free democratIc state. It is hereby declared to be the polley of the City of Salina to eliminate and prevent discrimination in all employment relations, to elIminate and prevent discrimination, segregation, or separation In all areas of public accommodations, and eliminate and prevent discrimination, segregation or separation In housing as hereinafter provided. Sec. 214-2(2). . It Is also declared to be the policy of this cl-ty to assure equal opportuni ties and encouragement to every cItizen regardless of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin. ancestry, physical handicap,' or marital status, in securing and holding, without discrimination~ employment in any field of work or labor for which he Is properly quallfied or qualifiable, to assure equal opportunities to all persons within this city to full and equal public accommodations, and to asSure equal opportunities In housing without di~tinction on aCCount of race, sex, religion, age, color, national orIgin, ancestry, physical handicap, or marital status. I tis further dec lared that the opportun i ty to secure and to hold employment, the opportu'nity for full and equal public accommodations as conveyed by this chapter and the opportunIty for full and equal housing are civil rights of every citizen. To protect these rights, it Is hereby declared to be the purpose of this act to establish and to provide a City Human Relations Commission and a Human Relations Department. "Section IIA-2. Deflnl tlons. This chapter prohibits discrImination based upon sex, and accordingly, thc personolf pronouns ~nd gcnder of nouns used In this chapter shall not be construed as limiting the provisions of this chapter to one or the other Sex. " I I I I I I I I ' , I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~j::~4&'( I 1'1' ~ I I ! ", --. ------_.-~.._.--,..__.- ...------------ .--...-- ---- When used In this chapter, the following words shall mean: Seo. 114-2(1). Chairman shall mean the chaIrman of tho Human Relations Commission. Sea. 114-2(2). COtmIission shall mean the Human Relations Commlsslon,as created by this chapter. , Sea. 11A-2(J). Complainant shall mean any person claImIng to be aggrIeved by any unlawful dl~crlmlnatory practice or violation of this chapter. Seo. 114-2(4). Contract shall mean any contract entered Into by the City of Salina, Kansas, or any of Its subdivisions., Sea. 114-2(5). Contraato~ shall mean any IndIvidual, partnershIp, corporatIon, assocIatIon, or other entity entering Into a contract with the CIty of Salina and who Is an employer as hereIn defined. Sea. 114-2(6). DiNCto~ sha II mean the dl rector of the Human RelatIons Department. Seo, 114-2(1), Employee shall mean any person employed by an employer but does not Include any Individual employed by hIs parents, spouse, or child. Sec. 114-Z(8). EmpZoye~ Includes any person'ln this city employing ,four (4) o~ more persons and any person acting directly or, Indirectly for an employer as herein defined, and labor organizations, nonsectarian corporations, and organizations engaged In social service work, and the CIty of Salina and all political and municipal subdivisions thereof but shall not Include anon-profit fraternal or' social association or corporation. ' , ,Sea. 114-Z(9). Employment Agency Includes any person or . governmental agency undertaking with or without compensation to procure opportunities to work, or to procure, recruIt, refer, or place employees. Seo, 114-2(10). Family Includes a sIngle Individual. Sea. 114-2(11). Fi7ltV1t:iat Institution sha II mean any person regularly engaged in the business of lending money or guaranteeing loans on housing accommodations or real property. See. 114-2(1Z). 'meanIngs ascribed to 36-301. See, l1A-2(1J). Hotet. Notet, and Restaurant sha 11 have the them respectively by K.S,A, 36-501 and K.S.A. Housing AaaOtmlOdationS sha II mean: (a) Any buildIng or portIon thereof, whether such building or portIon Is. constructed or Is to be constructed, whIch fs used or Intended for use as the residence or sleeping place of one or more persons. (b) The term 'housing accommodations' shall not mean or Include: '. (I) The rental of a dwelling, or a portIon thereof, containing accommodations for no more than two (2) families, one of which Is occupied by the owner or his family at the time of renta I. (2) The rental of less than four (4) rooms In a one- family dwelling to another, person or persons by the owner or occupant of such accommodations In whIch he or members of his family reside. I prJ C486 'P:J.3 I ., , " I I I' I Sec. ,11A-2(14J. Labo~Oruani:ation Includes any organizatIon which exIsts for the purpose, In whole or In part, of collective . bargaIning or of dealing with employers concernIng grIevances, terms or tondltlons of employment, or of other mutual aId or protectIon In relatIon to employment. . Sea. 11A-2('1SJ. Occupational Qualificationa as used h!lrel n, .' are those qualifications which can be 'shown to be, ~emonstrably valid to the nOrmal operation or performance of a partIcular Job, business or enterprl se, Sec. 11A-2(16J. ~ shall mean and include the owner, Jessee, sublessee, assIgnee, mananger. agent, -or' other person, fl rm or corporation, having the right to sell, rent or lease any housing accommodatIon or real property within the corporate limits of the cIty. - Sec. 11A-2(1?). Person includes one or more IndIviduals, partnershIps, associations, organizations, corporations, municIpal corporations, quasi-municipal corporations, governmentaJ agencies. I public bodies, legal representative, trustees, trustees'ln bankruptcy, receivers, fiduciaries, mutual companies or unIncorporated organIzations Sec. 11A-2(18J. Person Aggrieved means any person claiming to have been Injured by an unlawful. act, or who belIeve. he will be Injured by any such unlawful act or practice that Is. about to occur. Sea, l1A-2(19). Probable Cause means the presence of a reasonable ground for belief In the existence of the alleged fact of a violatIon of any statute, ordinance, or other authority, orders, rules or regulations. 'Sec. 11A-2f20J. Public AccOlmlodations shall include' any person, as defined herein, who caters or offer5 his goods, services, facilities, and accommodations to the public, including all cIty agencies which serve the public, but shall not include a non-profit fraternal or social organization or corporation. , Sec. l1A-2(21J. Real Estate Broker shall mean any person who, for a fee or other valuable consideration, sells, purchases, exchanges,. rents, negotiates, offers or attempts to negotiate the sale, Purchase, exhange or rental of housing accommodations or real property of'''" another person. Sec. l1A-2f22J. Real Estate Salesman or Agent shall mean any person employed by a real estate broker to perform, or to assist in the performance of, any or all of the functions of a real estate broker. Sea. l1A-2(23). Real 'Property ';'eans and Includes (a) all . vacant or unimproved land and (b) any facIlity or structure which Is occupied or deslgned'or Intended for occupancy, or any building or structure having a portIon thereof which Is occupied or designed or I ntended for occupancy. ' Sec. lIA-af24J. Respondent shall mean any person alleged to have committed any unlawful act or violation of this chapter. Sec. '1IA-2(2SJ. Subcontractor shall mean any Individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other entity, or any combination of the foregoing which shall' undertake, by virtue of a separate contract with a contractor as defined herein to fulfill all or any part of any contractor's obligation under a contract with the city, or who shall exercise any right granted to a franchise holder, and who Is an employer ~s herein defined. Sec. 21A-2(:al. To Rent meanS to lease, sublease, to let or otherwise to grant, for a consideration, the right to occupy premises not owned by the occupant. I . . I I I I I I I I I I I I . . I I I I I I I~,(. g'-16~ I ~. 4- . .1 . I I , I I ....__.._ -___..____n ..-.--....- - "---- _.... Sea. llA-2(2?J. Un~fut Housina P~otioo means any dlserlmlnatlonl' or segregatIon or separation against any person or group of persons . .' , .. ' I because of race, sex, relIgIon, age, color, n~tlonal orl9ln, ancestry, physical handIcap or morltal status; and shall Include only those unlawful practices and acts as Set forth In this chapter. : Sea. llA-2(28J. Un~fut Employment P~otices Includes those unlawful practIces and acts specified In K.~~A. 44-1009. Sea. llA-2(29J. Un~fut PubHo Acocmmod4tion P~ctice means any discrIminatIon agaInst persons In a hotel, motel. cabin, camp, "restaurant, or trailer court; arid the segrcgDtton a9ai~st persons In an area of public accommodations covered by this chapter by reason of their race, s~x, religion, age, color, national origin, an~e$try, physIcal handicap, or marital status. The term 'unlawful public accommodation practice"also means any discrimination agaInst persons in a bar, tavern, barber shop, beauty shop, amusement park, I recreation area, bowling alley, billiard parlor, theatre, skating rink, swImmIng pool, lake. gymnasIum, mortuary, cemetery, or educational! Institution which is open to the publIc, or any publIc transportatIon facIlity. The term 'unlawful public accommodation practIce' also means any discrImination agaInst persons In the full and equal use and enjoyment of the services, facilities, privileges and advantages of any Institution, department or agency of government withIn the legal boundaries of the City of Salina. "Sections l1A-3 - lIA-9. Reserved. : ARTI CLE II. HUHAN RELATIONS COMMISSION I , "Section "A-10. Human Relations Commission, created, coinposl tion, appointment. term. compensation of members. quorum constituted. There Is hereby cr~ated a commission to be known as the Human Relations CommIssion., Said Commission sliall consist of nine (9) members, at least three (3) of whom shall be members of significant' et~nic or minority groups within the community, who shall be appointed by the Hayor, with the consent of the Governing Body of SalIna. The Commission shall elect, by secret ballot, one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all meetings of the CommissIon and perform all the duties and functions of the 'chairman thereof. The Mayor shall convene the fi rst meeting of the Commis,f1on and conduct the election of the chairman., The Commission shall elect, In the same manner, one of Its members as vice-chairman who shall act as chairman during the absence or Incapacity of the chairman and,'when so acting, the member so designated shall have and perform all the dutIes and functions of the chairman of the Commission. Initial appointments to the Commission shall be for one (I), two (2), and three (3) year terms and thereafter all appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years and until his successor is qualified, provided no person shall serve for more than eight (8) consecutive years. The term of office of each the chairman and vice-chairman shall be for one (I) year, and no person shall serve for more than two (2) consecutlv,' terms In the same office, unless such election to the Immediately subsequent term be made by the members of the Commission by unanimous vote. The chairman or vice-chalr..,n may resign from his office at any time during his term and may do so without resigning from the CommIssion. In such event, the Commission shall elect another member to replace him, and such person shall serve the unexpired term of the person he replaces, A majority of the presently serving members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conductIng the busIness thereof. The members of the CommissIon shall serve without compensation. .. I, I I I I I; I I I I I C'~". 5.{~'i i' -f':1'.s- .1 I I t J I . i, I ~ I I I I I I I I I - ---------- ...-.-------..--.--.--- .- "Section IIA-II. Powers and duties of the commissIon. :-... The Commission shall have the following functIons, powers, dutIes, and responsibilities: . Sse. 1lA-11(1). To hear appeals from a decision made by the DIrector that no probable cause exists for a complaint as provided In Section IIA-70. In the event of an appeal, the Commission shall make an Independent Investigation of the complaint and if probable caUSe Is found to exist for such complaint, 'shall refer the complaint back to the Director with Instructions for further proceedings In accordance with Section IIA-22(6). Sec. 114-11(%). Hold public hearIngs, administer oaths, take the testimony of any person under oath, receive evidence relating to' any matter under Invesdgation or any question before the Commission. make findings of fact. Issue orders and publish such findIngs of fact and orders and do all other things necessary and proper for the enforcement of this chapter. The Commission may, at,the request of the complainant, the respondent, or upon its own motton, Issue process to compel the attendance and testimony of any person, and requIre the production of book., papers or any other evidence relatIng to any matter under investigation. The CommissIon may direct the Human Relations Director to serve such process. In the event such an order is not compIled with, the. Commission may request the City Attorney to file the appropriate action in the DistrIct Court, SalIne County, Kansas, In order to obtain compliance. Sec. 114-11(3).. In conducting a hearing, the Commission shall have access at all reasonable times to premises, records, documents and other evidence or possible sources of evidence, and may examine, record, and copy such materials and take'and record the testimony or. statements of such persons as are reasonably necessary for the furtherance of the investigation. In the case of the refusal of any person to testify or provIde access to Information as set forth I~dlately above, the Commission, through the City Attorney, may request the District Court of Saline County, Kansas, to order such, person to comply with such request. 'The'Commlsslon may take testimony under oath or affirmation. Sec. 114-11(4). To endeavor to eliminate prejudIce amOng the varIous groups in this city and to create harmonious relatIonships among the various persons and agencies within this cIty. Seo. 114-11(5), To establish or create an advisory and lor concilIatory agency to study the problems of youth, aged, physically handIcapped, and disadvantaged, and who may recommend to the Governing Body human relations policies, procedures and programs. Such advIsory andlor conciliatory agency .h~11 be composed of representative cItIzens serving without pay. The Commission may Itself make the studIes and perform the acts authorized by this ar.tlcle. It shall; by voluntary conference tll,th, parties In Interest, endeavor by concIlIation and persuasion to eliminato discrimination. Seo. 11A-11(6), To accept contributions from any person or governmental unit to assist In the effectuation of this article; and to seek and enlist the cooperation, Ineluding financial assIstance, of private, charitable, religious, labor, civic, or benevolent organizations for tbe purpose of this article. Sec, 11A-71(7). To actively promote the purpose of, and rnformatlon about, this ordInance through public appearancos, speakIng cn9~9cments, news media, public~tions. etc., and to Issue . such publications and such results of Investigation and resenrch as In Its Judgment, will tend to promote good tllll and minimize or eliminate discriminatIon because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or marItal status. . I' Soc. 77A-71(8). To render ench yenr to the Governing Dody of the City a full written report of all of Its actIvities and of Its recon"ICnda t Ions. I .. I I I I,. I I I I I I I I I I ' . I I I I I I -..-. I D;.." b'4U . I' ~,(. ,I I I I , J . . .._.._0.- _._----- -- . ._---- .--...---.----- Seo. lIA-ll(9). To receIve and accept, through the GovernIng Body, CIty, County, State, and Federal funds to effectuate the purposes of this chapter; and to act as the contracting agency In agreements with any governmental agency, for such purposes, as may be designated and approved by the Governl'ng Body. Sao.llA-ll(10). To cooperate wIth the Kansas.Commlsslon on' CIvil RIghts and wIth other organizations or agencies, both publIc and private, whose purposes are not InconsIstent wIth those of this chapter. Sec. 114-11(11). To meet regularly once each month at a place and time decided by the Commission and to adopt rules and regulations to conduct necessary business. Specla.l meetings may be called by the chaIrman or by a majority of the members of the Commission then presently serving. Sac. 114-11(12). To regularly advIse the members of the Governing Body, through distrIbution of its agenda, minutes, memoranda~ reports, and other pertInent documents, the Items of business before' the CommissIon, the ongoIng status of such Items, and the disposItIon of such Items. "Sections llA-12 - IIA-19. Reserved. ARTICLE III. HUHAN RELATIONS DEPARTHENT "SectIon llA-20. Creation of department. There Is hereby created a Human RelatIons Department for the purpose of adminIstering and enforcing the provisions of :thls chapter or as hereafter amended. '~ction IIA-21. Position of DIrector of Human Relations, 'created, appointment. salary. There Is hereby created the posl tlon of DI rector of f1uman RelatIons of the City of Salina to be appointed by and directly responsible to the City "anager. The f1umanRelations CommissIon may submit recommendatIons to the City Hanager of applicants for this posItion, but merit and fitness shall be the governing criteria in the selectIon of the Director of Human Relations. The salary of the Director of Human Relations shall be fixed by the Governing Body. "Section llA-22. Duties, responslbilltles, and authority of the Human Relations Director. The DIrector shall have the following Jutles, responsIbilIties, and author! ty: . The admInIstration of this ordinance shall be the responsIbIlity of the Director of Human RelatIons Department and hIs designated staff. The DIrector shall promulgate procedure to Implement, expedIte, and effectuate the provisions of this chapter. In addItIon to any powers and responsibilities heretofore conferred In the Director, the Director shall have the power and responsibilIty to: Seo. l1A-22(1). Seck to elImInate and prevent discrImInatIon In employment because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national, origin, ancestry. physical handicap, or marital status, by employers, labor organi%~tions. employment Dgeneies, or other persons, ~nd to take other actions Dgainst discriminatIon because of race, sex, religion, age, coior. national origin, ancestry, physIcal handicap, or marital status as provided herein; . , Sec. 11A-22(?'). Effectuate the purposes of this chapter fIrst by conference, conclll"tlon, ..nd- persu"slon so that persons may be guaranteed theIr civil rights and good wIll rostered, I . -'-.- , _._-~- I ! CI'16JIi~ I I'i'~. 1 I I .1 . . I. I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I .-~."_...._--.._. --, --"-.-. --.- --.._- --. -... . --- --- -_.__._-~- .. ." . _____H..___." .______ ._...___._.._ ... .._ Sea. 11A-2U3). technIcal assIstance end agencIes; . Sea.. 11A-22(4). ReceIve, Inv~stlgate, .Inltlate and attempt to .conclllate complaints alleging dlscrlminatl.on In employment, housing and public accommodations because of race, sex, religion, age, color, natIonal origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or marItal status; Seek cooperation from and, upon request, make avaIlable to all city ~overnment departments Sec. 114-22(5). Pursue the goals of affIrmative action Implementat wIthIn munIcipal government and external to municIpal government . through continued dialogue and technical. assistance; Sse. 114-22(6). In conductIng an Investigation the DIrector shall have access at all reasonable times to premises, records, documents, and other evidence or possible sources of evidence, and may examine, record, and copy such materials and take and record the testimony or statements of such persons as are reasonably necessary. for the furtherance of' the Investigation. In the case of the refusal of any person to testify or provide access to Information as set forth Immediately above, the Director may request the City Attorney to file the appropriate action In the District Court of Saline . County, Kansas, to order such person to comply with such request; Bee. 114-22(7). Request the CIty Attorney to apply to the DIstrIct Court of Saline County, Kansas for temporary or permanent Injunction relief to .enJoln vlol~tlon of this chaP.ter; . Sse. '114-22(8). Request the City Attorney to apply to the DIstrIct Court for enforcement of any conciliation agreement by seekIng specific performance of such agreement. Sse. 114-22(9). Attend all meetings and serve as s~cretary of the Human Relations Commission; provide necessary reports, such as . agenda, minutes, and schedules" of commission meetIngs to 'the Commission, to the Coverning Body, and to the City Manager: advise the local news medIa of commission meetings and agenda. "Sections llA-23 - 11A-2g. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES "SectIon llA-30. Unlawful employment practIces. It shall be an unlawful employment practIce:. Sec. 114-30(1). For an employer, because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap or marital status of any Individual to refuse to hire or employ, 0' to bar or discharge from employment such individual; or to otherwise discriminate against such individual In compensation, or In terms, conditions, or prIvileges of employment; or to limit, segregate, separate, classify or make any distinction In regard to employees: or to follow any employment procedure or practice which, In fact, results In discrimination, segregation, or separation without a valid business motive. Sec. 1LA-30(2). For a labor organization, because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap or marital status of. any Individual, to exclude or to expel from Its membership such Individual; or to discriminate In any way against any of Its members, or against any employer, or against any Individual employed by the employer. , .--..-.. -......~...... . -, .---.--.-, . ,.--- ___ u.___._,. _ . I I.CfJ. f4&1I .I~. ! I I I I I .1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOD. 11A-30(3J. For any employer, employment agency. or labor organization to print or cIrculate or cause to be printed or circulated, any statement, advertisement, or publication, or to use or make any Inquiry In connection with prospective employment or membership, whIch expresses, directly or Indirectly, any limitation, specification, or discrimination as to race, sex, religion, age, color, national origIn, ancestry, physIcal handicap or marItal status. or any Intent to make any such limitation, specification, or discrimination, unless based on a bona fide occupatIonal qualification. . SeD. 11A-30(4J. For any employer, employment agenCy, or labor organIzation to discharge, expel, or otherwise discriminate against any person because he has opposed any practIces or acts forbidden under thIs chapter or because he has filed a complaint, testIfIed, or assisted In any prOCeeding under thIs chapter. . See.. 11A-30(SJ. For an employment agency to refuse to lIst and properly classIfy for employment, or refuse to refer an IndIvIdual for employment, or otherwise dIscrImInate agaInst any IndivIdual because of his race, sex, religion, age, color, natIonal orIgIn, ancestry, physical handicap or marItal status; or to comply with a request from an employer for a referral of applIcants for employment If the request expresses, either dIrectly or indirectly, any limItatIons, specifications, or discrimination as to race, sex, relIgIon, age, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handIcap or marital status unless such request is accompanied by a demonstrably valid occupatIonal qualIfication. Sec. 11A-30(6J.: For an employer, labor organIzatIon, employment agency or school whIch provides, coordinates, or controls apprenticeship., on the Job traIning, or other traIning or retraining program, to I maIntain a practIce of discrimInation, segregation, or separatIon I because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap or marItal status, In admission, hiring, assIgnment, upgrading, transfers, promotion, layoff, dismissal, apprenticeship, or othcr training or retraining programs; or In any other terms, conditIons, or privileges of. employment, membership, apprenticeshIp, or traIning.; or to follow any policy or procedure which, In fact, results in such practices, wIthout a valid business motive or. occupational qualification. ... SeD. 11A-30(?J. For any person, whether an employer or an employee, or not, to aid, abet, Incite, compel, or coerce the doing of any acts forbidden under this chapter or to attemp.t to do so. "SectIon IIA-31. Exceptions. The provisions of this a.rticle shall not apply to part-tIme, temporary, or seasonal employees. Nor shall the provIsIons of thIs article prevent the enforcement of any bona ,fide retirement plan. 0.' "SectlonsIlA-32 - I :A-39. Reserved. ART! ClE V. UNLAWFUL PUBLIC ACCOKKODATION PRACTICES "Section IIA-~O. Unlawful public accommodatIons practices. It shall be an unlawful public accommod~tlons pr~ctlce for any person as defIned herein being the owner, operator, lessee, manager, admInistrator, agcnt, or employee of any place of public accommodation: Sea. 11A-40(lJ. To refuse, deny, or make a distInction directly or Indirectly In offering its goods, services, facilities, and . accommodations to any person as covered by th i s chaptcr because of race, sex, religion, age. color, natlonnl orIgin, ancestry, physical handicap or marital stntus. r I I I !.('r.{.84M I p~, q I ,I I I I I I I' I ,I I " I I I I I I I I I 00 :-..:: ". Sec. l1A-40(2). For any person as defIned herein, wliether or not specIfically enjoined from discriminating under any provisions of thIs chapter, to old, abet, IncIte. compel, or ,coerce the doing of any of the acts forbidden under this chapter, or attempt to do so, Sec, l1A-40(3). Nothing In thIs chapter shaRI prohibit a , relIgious organizatIon. associatIon, or society, or any nonprofit ,InstitutIon or organization operated, supervised, or controlled by or In conjunction with a ,religious organization, assoclat'lon, or society, from limitIng Its offerings of goods, services, facilities, and accommodations, to persons of the same religion, or from giving preferenca to such persons, provided that such offerings above mentioned are not, In fact, offered for commercial purposes. Sec. 114-40(4). Nor shall anything In this chapter prohibit a nonprofit private club,'ln fact not open to the public. which Incident to Its primary purposc or purposes, provides certain public accommodations herein defined, for other than commercial purposes, from limiting such accommodations to its members, or giving preference to Its members and guests of Its members. "Sections llA-~1 - llA-~9. Reserved. ARTICLE VI. UNLAWfUL HOUSING PRACTICES "Section llA-SO. Uniawful discriminatory housing practices. It shall be an unlawful housing practice: Sec. l1A-SO(I). For the owner, real estate broker, Teal estate salesman, or employee or agent ,thereof: (a) To refuse to seH, rent, assign, lease, or'sublease, or offer for sale, rental, lease, assignment or sublease any real property or part or portion thereof to any person or to refuse to negotiate for the sale, rental, lease, assignment, or sublease when In fact It Is so available, or otherwise to deny or withhold any housing accommodat'ions or real property or any part or portion thereof to or from any person. (b) To discriminate against any person In the terms, conditIons, or privileges of the sale, rental, lease, ass1gnment;'or,sub1ebse:of any housing accommodations or rea,I'property',.;. pai-tor portion thereof or In the, furnishing of facilities or services In connection therewith, or to require any person to discriminate against any other person In the use or occupancy of such housing accommodations; or (c) To print, publish, circulate, issue, display, post or mall, or cause to be printed, published, cIrculated, Issued, displayed, posted or mailed any statement, advertisement, publication or sIgn or to use any form of application for the purchase, rental, lease, assignment, or sublease of any housing accommodatIons or real property or part or portion thereof which expreSSes, directly or Indirectly, any limitation, specification, or discrimination. The production of any such statement, advertisement, publicity, sign, form of application or record purporting to be made by any such person shall be prima facie evidence In any action that the same was authorized by such person. I, I I I Dd S4~.f . ~ I ' '?:J, 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .._--~- -.. .----- ----------. - ,..._, --.-. -- ..--- --- _. . .---.. ----- Sao. llA-SO(2J. For any person or financial InstitutIon to which "ppllc"tlon Is made for financial assistance for the purch"se,. acquisitIon, construction, reconstruction, or remodeling of any housing accommodations ,or real property or portion thereof or any agent employee thereof: " ' (a) To discriminate against any person or prospective' occupants or tenants of such housing accommodatIons or real property or part or portion thereof, In the granting, withholding, extending, modifying, or' renewing, or In the fixIng of the rates, terms, conditions or provisions of any s'uch 'financial assistance" or In the extension of servIce In connection therewith; , , or (b) To use any form of applicatIon for such financial assistance or to make any record or Inquiry In' connection with applIcations for such financIal assistance which I expresses, directly or Indirectly, any 'limitation, specification or discrimination as to race, ,sex, religion, age, color, national orIgin, ancestry, ' physical handicap, or marital status; or'any I,nterest to make such limitation, specification or discrImination.' Seo. lIA-SO(~J. For any person, owner, real estate broker, real estate salesman,'or agent thereof: (~) To directly or Indirectly solicIt the sale, lease, or the listing for sale or lease of housing accommodations or real property on the ground of Imminent, or ' prospective entry Into the neighborhood of a person or persons of a particular "race, sex, religion, age, color, national origIn, ancestry, physical handicap, or marital status, or use such fact or suspicion.as a sales or listIng Inducement or stimulant, or to .. distribute or cause to be distributed material or 'make statements designed to induce a property owner to sell or lease his property due to such fact, suspIcion or Imminent change in the neighborhood. (b) To engage In any form of threats or reprisal, or to engage In, or hire, or conspire with others to commit acts or actIvities of any nature, the purpose of whIch Is to harass, degrade, embarrass, or to cause physIcal harm or economic loss to any person attempting to exercise or enforce the rights protected by this chapter; to aid, abet, IncIte, compel or coerce any person to engage In any of the unlawful dIscriminatory houstng practices defined tn,thls chapter. See. l1A-SO(4J. For any person, owner, real estate broker, real estate salesman, or agent thereof to knowingly sell, rent, assign, lease or sublease any housing accommodation or real property whIch has been withheld from any person In vIolatIon of this chapter, prior to the satisfactory adjustment ot the matter with the Director or the complainant, or the disposition of the matter In court. "SectIons llA-51 - llA-59. Reserved. ARTICLE VII. PUBLIC CONTRACTS '''Section llA-&O. Public contracts. Every contract for or on behalf of the City of Salina or any agency thereof, for construction, alteration or rcp31r of any public building or public work or for the acquisition of materials, equipment, supplIes, or services, shall contain provisions by which the contractor and any subcontractors agree that: . .--..---..--.-.-.--- - ... -.---- ---. - " - --..--..-.--------.. --- ---. ---._-------"--- ___._._ _ __ __. ..n .--- ---.... -', Sec. 11A-60(1). The contractor and subcontractor shall observe the provIsions of this chapter and shall not discriminate against any p~rson In the pcrfor~nce of work under the present contract because of race, sex, religion, ag~, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, or marital status, except by reason of a demonstrably valid occupational qualifIcatIon or business motive. Sec. 11A-60(2). In all solicitations, or adve.tlsements for employees, the contractor shall" Include the phrase 'equal opportunity employer', or a similar phrase to be 'approved by the Director. "Section IIA-61. Contract provlslons~ In all contracts entered into by the City of'Sallna, Kansas, or any of Its agencies or departments, there shall be Included a provision that during the performance of the contract, the contractor wIll not dIscrIminate against any employee or applicant for employment In the performance of said contract and every contractor shall Include similar provisIons In all subcontracts under his contract with the ,City of Salina. "SectIon IIA-6Z,' Affirmative action. Any contractor entering Into a contract with the CIty of SalIna and his subcontractors shall take affirmative action to Insure that employees are treated equally without regard to their race, sex, religIon, age, color, national orIgin, ancestry, physical handicap or marital status. Such affirmatIve actIon shall Include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotIon or transfer, recruiting or recruitment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of payor other forms of compensation and selection for traIning, Including apprenticeship. The contractor and subcontractor shall ageree to post In conspIcuous places available to employees"and applicants for employment, notices' to, be provIded by the Director setting forth provisions of this article. The contractor and hIs subcontractors shall provide all affirmative action Information and necessary documents to implement the compliance with the requirements of all Federal, State and local laws and ordinances. It shall be no excuse that the employer has a collective bargaIning agreement with any union providing for exclusive referral or approval systems. The fallure of the contractor or subcontractors to comply with the requIrements of this article shall be grounds for cancellation, te~ination, or suspension of the contract in whole or in part by the Governing Body with the contractor or subcontractors until satisfactory proof of intent to comply shall be submitted to and accepted by the Governing Body. "Section' IIA-63. AffirmatIve actIon plans. Every contractor and subcontractor prlor:to entering Into a contract wIth the City of Salina shall submit to the Director an acceptable written afFirmative actIon plan which shall: 'Sec. 114-63(1). IdentIfy areas of employment, employment policies, and employn~nt practices which require action by the contractor or subcontractor to assure equal employment opportunity. Sec. 114-63(2). Analyze these areas, policies and practIces to determine what actIons by said contractor or subcontractor will be most effectIve. 'Sec. 1111-63(3). Establish a plan with goals and timetables designed to achIeve equal employment opportunity. Sec. 1111-63(4). Include provIsIons for Implementation, monitorIng, and perIodic evaluatIon In order to Insure that It continues to be a valid plan. \ I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I D~yr &4 6J '3' I'>" "Section IIA-64. Exemptions. The provisions of this article shall not apply to: Sea. 11A-64(l). Contractors or suppliers who would not be consIdered as an 'employer' as defined In Article I. Section IIA~ 2m., . , I I . Sec. 11A-64(2). Contracts and subcontracts not exceeding : $10,000. Sea. 11A-64(3). Call type or purchase order agreements whIch do not exceed $10,000 In total per calendar year. Provided; vendors, contractors and suppliers who will supply or expect to supply the CIty of Salina with goods or services exceeding $10,000 during the subsequent calendar year shall not be exempt from the requirements of this article. I I I I' ! Provided, the above exemptions shall not conflict with applIcable. State or Federal laws. "SectIons lIA-6S IIA-69. Reserved. ARTICLE VIII. PROCEDURES fOR FiliNG AND PROCESSING COMPLAINTS I I "SectIon IIA-70. Complaint, filing of. Any person claiming to be aggrieved by an alleged unlawful act or practice may, by himself or by his attorney at law, make, sign, and file with the Director a verified complaint, In writing. The' Director or Commission upon Its own Initiative, or the City Attorney, may, In a like manner, make, sign and file such complaint.. An employer whose employees, or some of whom, refuse or threaten to 'refuse to cooperate with the provision of this chapter may file a verified complaint asking for assistance by conciliation or other remedial action. ' "Section IIA-71. Submission of a false, misleading, or incomplete complaint. statement. response or report. Any person who knowingly and Intentionally submits or files or causes to be submitted or filed, a false, misleading, or Incomplete complaint, statement, response or report with the Human. Relations . Commission, the Director or any of'hls personnel, shall.be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to the' penalty provIded In Section 1-8 of the Salina Code. "Section IIA-72. Procedures fo.... processing complaints. Procedures for processing the compla.lnt shall be in accordance' with the following: Sec. l1A-?2(1). The Human Relations Department shall maintain a docket of all legally filed complaints, and each complaInt as Initiated, shall be assigned an appropriate designation. Sec. 11A-?2(2}. The Director shall promptly notify the respondent by certifIed mail that a complaint has been filed. Such notice shall include: the name of the complainant; the date the complaInt was filed; nature of the comp la I nt and tha t the Director or a member of his staff,wlll, as soon as possible, proceed with processing of the complaint. Sec. 11A-?2(3). The Director shall make, wIth the assIstance of hIs staff, a prompt and full. lnveotlgatlon of the alleged unlawful act or practice. I I. I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I C~"<l HV.. ?:,. 13 I .1 I " .( .---..-----.-- - .-- .- ...... --- - ._. _u_____n__.. Saa. llA-?2(d). A report on the findings of such Investlg~tlon shall be made by the Director to the City Hanager within thirty (30) d~ys after original receipt of the complllint. Provided, however, for good cause shown, the City lIanager may grant lo the Director addltlon~1 periods of time not to exceed thirty (30) dllys to make his fIndings and reports. '. Sea. 714-?Z(SJ. Upon completion of the Investlg~tlon, the Director shall determine whether probable cause exists for such compllllnt. Sea. l14-?2(6J. Both the complainant and the respondent shllll promptly be notified by certified mall of the' determination concerning probable cause, and that such determination may be appealed In writing to the Human Relations Commission within five (5) days of notification. Sea. l14-?2(?J. If It Is determined that probable cause exists for crediting the allegations of the complaint, the ,Director shall promptly endeavor to eliminate the unlawful discriminatory act or practice by meanS of concIliatIon and persuasion, The Director shall not make public the details of such conciliatory proceedings, but he may publ Ish the terms of any conciliation agreement. Sea. 714-?2(8). Either the complainant or respondent, If not satlslfed with the determination concerning probable cause, may request a public hearing before the Commission. Such request shall be submitted In writing within five (5) days following receipt of notification of said determination. Sea. l14-?2(SJ. Upon receipt of a wri tten request from el ther the complainant or respondent for a 'public hearing the chlllrman of ' the Commission or in his absence the vlce~chalrman, shall 'wlthln' five (5) days designate five (5) commissioners to conduct'such public hearing. Such public hearing shllll be held after reasonable notice to all parties of the time and place thereof, but within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the written request for the hearing. Sea. 114-?2(10J. The Commission sha 1.1 adopt such rules and procedures for conducting publIc hearings as It deems necessary and appropriate. Sea. 114-?2(17). The City Attorney or his assistant shall be available to the Commission to assist in conducting public hearings. In the event the complaint involves 'the City of Salina or any of Its officials or employees the Commission may retain other local legal counsel for such assistance. Sea. 714-?Z(7Z}. The CommissIon on Its own initiatIve may at any time, during the course of the Investigation, or subsequent thereto, order a public hearing. ' Sea. 11A-?2(73J. Both the complainant and respondent shall wl,thln five (5) days of completion of the publIc hearing be notified by certified mall of the results of such hearing. SOa. 114-72(11). If the commissioners conducting said hearing conclude, by a majority vote. that the respondent has, In their opinion, engaged In unlawful discriminatory acts or practices as alleged In whole or In part. by the complainant, the reviewing board shall exercise any of the following options or a combination of same: (a) fnstruct the Director to proceed with conciliation and ncgoti.:Jtions to correct such unlawful diserimiuDtory acts or proctlces, and develop a written concilIatory agreement between the complainant and the respondent. (b) Issue such orders In wrl tlng as the facts warrant. Such order O1oy requl re the respondent to ceose and desist from sueh unlawful c1CtS or practIce!. and to tilkc such af(frn~t.rvc net10n tiS neCC55.L\ry to cOOlJl1y wi th thl'" prnvl!".I('\n~ n( thl~ cl101ptr.r. (ncll.dln'l 01 . r" . .." ,,( I I {III. ~4 &,~ "l ~1- (c) Certify the cooe and the entire record of .ts proceeding,: to the City Attorney for prosecution In the appropriate court of law. Or, If other legal counsel has been retained as provided for In subsectIon IIA-72(10) above, the case may be certified to that attorney for prosecution. . . Sec. l1A-?2(lSJ, Failure to comply with or vlola'tlon of any" conciliatory agreement entered Into by the complainant or respondent, or failure to comply whh any order issued by the reviewing board shall be cause for the CommissIon to request the City .Attorney or other legal counsel which they have retained in the case to undertake and proceed with approprIate legal action. I I. I , ' .1 "Section \IA-73. Time for filing complaint. I Any person claiming to be aggrieved by reason of an alleged unlawful act or practice must file his complaint with the Oirector wIthIn the following periods of time from the date of the alleged Incident, to-wit: Sec. l1A-?3(lJ. For vIolatIon of any of the unlawful employment practIce specifIed In ArtIcle IV within ninety (90) days from the date of the alleged IncIdent. 1/ I Sse. l1A-?3(2J. For violation of any unlawful public accommodation practice as specified in ArtIcle V, within ninety (90) days from the date of the alleged violation. I Sse. l1A-?3(3J. For violation of any unlawful as specified In Article VI, within thirty (30) days IncIdent. . housIng practIces from the alleged I I I I Sse. l1A-?3(4~. For violation of any unlawful practIces under publIc contracts as specified In Article VII, within ninety (90) days from the date of the alleged Incident. FaIlure to fIle a claim within the perIods above specifIed shall constitute a waiver on the part of the complainant of any breach of this chapter.. I I "Sections \IA-7~ - IIA-79. Reserved. ARTICLE IX. HISCELLANEOUS PROVISION I "Section IIA-80. Construction. I The provIsIons of this chapter shall be construed lIberally for the accomplishment of the purposes thereof. Nothing contained In thIs chapter shall .be deemed to repeal any of the provisions of any other law of thIs cl~y relatIng to discrimination because of race, sex, religion, age, color, national .origin, ancestry, iJhysical handicap or marital status unless the same is specifically repealed by this chapter. Nothln9 In this chapter shall be construed to mean that an employer sholl be forced to hire unqualified or Incompetent personnel or discharge qualified or competent personnel. NothIng contained In this chapter shall require any person to commit any act, or be a party thereto, which would constitute a violation of any existing law or ordinance. I I I I I I I I I I I. --, . I . . I, I I I I I . I \ I I I I I I ~.-._....... .. - -..- CO,.,,,. H&l '?:J. IS" I ., .' : '~-:';. .---.-.-..-. "j ~---_.. "".. ~ -- '. . " , ~crr-' . .--.---.. ...... i'-"--'----' '-:-'ru ===~-==::.~:-=.:.:;.-:'"-== - -- "Section IlA-81. InvalidIty In part. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this chapter or any 'applIcation thereof to any person or circumstance, shall for any reason be adjudged by a court of competent Jurisdlctl9n to be Invalid, such'Judgcment shall not affect. Impair. or invalidate the remainder of thIs chapter, and the application thereof to other persons or " , circumstances but shall be confined In Its operation to the clause', sentence, paragraph or part thereof directly Involved in the controversy In which such judgement shall have been rendered and the persons or circumstances involved. It is hereby declared to' be the legislative' Intent that this chapter wou~d have been adopted had such provisions not be Included. "Sections IIA-82 - IlA-8g. Reserved," Section 2. That Chapter 16-1/2 of the SalIna Code and ordInances or parts of ordInances In conflict with the.provlslons of this ordinance are,' hereby repealed. SectIon 3. This ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after Its adoption and publication In the official city newspaper. Introduced: Hay 17, Ig76 Passed: Hay 24, Ig76 . . ~~_. ~ ~ ~""'Z- , era I r. 5 son, Heyor (SEAL) Attest: , . ~ t:' &.(,!,.:tr H. E. Abbott. Acting City Clerk .. . . '. ..: .:' . -. --. . . . . ., . I I . I . . I . . . . I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN for City of Salina, Kansas STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the policy of the City of "Salina, Kansas to provide equal employment opportunity to all persons without regard to their race, sex, religion, age; color, national origin, ancestry, or physical handicap, and to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive continuing program: The City will assure that applicants. are recruited and hired, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, sex, religion, age, color, national origin, a~cestry, or physical handicap. Equal opportunity and equal consideration will be afforded to all applicants and employees in personnel actions which include recruiting and hiring, selection for training, promotion, fixing rates of payor other compensation, transfer and layoff, or termination. It is the City of Salina's intention, in the implementation of this policy, to provide full employment opportunities for all persons including members of minority groups, at all job levels. Furthermore, it is our policy to coordinate the affirmative action program directed at seeking personnel from minority groups, if available for employment with the City, and to provide encouragement and direction to all Department Heads and Supervisors to encourage and recommend the advancement of all personnel within the limits of each individual's capabilities. I. I I I I I, I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I Affirmative Action Plan City of Salina, Kansas Page -2- DISSEMINATION OF POLICY The City of Salina's equal employment opportunity policy is and will be communicated to all. relevant audiences within and outside the governmental entity. These include non-discrimination policy statements in the City Personnel Manual and employee in- formation literature; posting of EEO posters. on bulletin boards, periodic written statements.tii'~aministrative policy and procedure issued by the City Manager; discussion of policy and affirmative action plans with the Governing Body and Department Heads; adver- tising in the newspaper and. government journals; provide statements of policy to private employment or other public employment agencies when requested and to community g~oups and to contractors. doing work for the City. The EEO clause "An Equal Opportunity Employer" will appear in our help wanted ads and on our applica- tions. RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY The City Manager will be responsible for the implementation of the affirmative action policy "and will direct the City's equal employment opportunity program. The City Manager's respon- sibilities will include (1) developing policy statements, affirmative action programs, internal and external communication techniques; (2) assisting in the identification of problem areas; (3) designing and implementing a monitoring and report system that will measure the effectiveness of the program, indicate the need for remedial action, rod determine the degree to whi.ch the goals and objectives of the City's program have been obtained: (4) serve as liaison I.- I I I I I; I I I I' I I I I I I I I I ---".:.-..:... -..CL.l.Uc.ll..l .. :...':"-j\c'c.ion- j,'J.-illf- City of Salina, Kansas Page -3- between the City and enforcement agencies; minority organizations and community action groupS; and (5) keep the Department Heads and Supervisors informed of the latest developments in the entire equal employment opportunity area. The City Manager will be responsible for reviewing and up- dating annually the City's policy to measure progress against the stated objectives and timetab;;>ei&. .;.",.~.... IDENTIFICATION OF MINORITY AREAS The City of Salina has 'approximately 342 employees and of , , this total, 64 are minorities and females (May 2, 1976). The following table contains an analysis of job classifications based on level of resp~nsibility and/or skill. The table shows percentage of minorities and females per category as well as the total per- centage, 18.71%, for both minorities and females on the City of Salina work force. The overall percentage of minorities in the Saline County work force is 3.8% (per Salina Job Opportunity Center, Kansas Employment Security Division (KESD) of the Department of Labor, May, 1976) compared with the State of Kansas overall minority av~rage of 7.62% (per Kansas State University stat~stics of April, 1975). .' I '--,-- I: , 1 1 1 I I, I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I Affinllative Action Plan City of Salina. ,Kansas Page -4- ANALYSIS OF JOB CATEGORIES AND MINORITY COMPOSITION FOR THE CITY OF SALINA Grade & Minority Other, Overall Salary Total Employees Female Minority Category Span * Employees Male Female Employees Composition DA" - Administration. 14 - 21 20 1 (5%) 0 0 1 (5%) Management. Profes~ ($837 - $1878) . sional DBD _ Supervisory . 10 - 17 45 0 0 1 (2.22%) 1 (2.22%) ($693 - $1304) DC" - Specialist/Techni- 7 - 13 148 9 1 8 (5.41%) 18 (12.16%) . tal (Skilled) ($597,- $1072) (6.76%) DO" - Semi-skilled & 2 - 8 129 10 3 31, (24.03%) 44 (34.11%) Laborer-type ($465 - $762) , (10.08%) - '. 342 20 4 40 (11.70%) 64 (18.71%) (7.02%) * See attached job classification and salary ranges I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Affirmative Action Plan City of Salina, Kansas Page -5- ANALYSIS OF UTILIZATION OF MINORITIES AND FE~mLES "A" CATEGORY Discussion: Employees of this classification are considered management personnel. The employees are required to be trained in specific areas as well as possessing sufficient management skills. These are mostlY long-term employees. The one minority male included in this category constitutes 5% of the total. There are no females currently employed in this category. Conclusion: In keeping with the equal opportunity policy, the City of Salina will encourage and provide full opportunity for minorities and females to be promoted to or hired for these positions as openings develop. "B" CATEGORY . Discussion: Many of the jobs under this classification require semi-management and supervisory skills. Currently there are 45 employees.serving in this capacity. There is. one female and no minorities in this category at the present. The turnover rate is low, and creation of new slots in this category are rare. When vacancies do occur in the higher "A" category, they more often than not are filled by promoting individuals from this cate~ory. This in turn provides opportunity for advancement for personnel from the "e" and "0" level jobs. I. I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Affirmative Action Plan City of Salina, Kansas Page -6- "B" Category (continued). Conclusion: As vacancies do occur, the City will endeavor to alleviate the underutilization of minorities and females in this category. "C" CATEGORY Discussion: This category includes skilled personnel, i.e., inspectors, secretaries~ police officers, firemen, mechanics, plant operators, lead foremen and other skilled workers. Currently minorities constitute 6.76% and females represent 5.41% of the 148 employees assigned to this category. This does appear to be an area of underutilization of females in view of the fact that (KESD) reports that females constitute 38.7% of the Saline County work force. However, we have experienced very sparse female response to public notifications of job openings in this category, with the exception of office type positions. Conclusion: This is not an area of minority underutilization. However, a good faith effort will continue to be made to recruit and hire both minorities and females for the various jObs as vacancies do occur in this category. Minorities and females presently employed in the nDn category will be encouraged to take advantage of opportunities for training in order to move into any of the jobs in this category if they so desire. I. . . I . ., I I, I I I :. '. I I I I I I --;:J...,,,.......... ...--......'---.. . .. ." City of Salina, Kansas Page -7- non CATEGORY Discussion: This is an area of semi-skilled and laborer- type positions. This category represents the highest percentage of both minorities and females, 10.08% and 24.03% respect~vely. There is a high rate of turnover in this area as well as being the category having the greatest number of applications for employ- ment by minorities. Conclusion: ' This is not an area of minority underutilization. GOALS AND TIMETABLES The immediate goal of the City of Salina is to maintain its current level of minority employment in those categories having a percentage equal to or greater than their segment of the Saline County work force.' An' effort is being made and will be intensified to recruit or advance qualified minorities and females into categories reflecting deficiencies. The timetable is limited primarily to the amount of turnover in existing positions, particularly in the nAn and "B" categories. -Financial limitations have prevented most departments from expanding and creating additional positions in which recruitment of minorities and females could take place. However, the City will continue to solicit applications from minorities and females and hire qualified minorities and females at every opportunity. l I I I I ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I Affirmative Action Plan City. of Salina, Kansas Page -8- "Not only in the preceding matters but also in other areas of the employer-employee relationship will the City continue to cooperate with minority groups because being fair is the best assurance that it is not discriminating or cr~ating the appearance of discrimination. Approved this lOth day of May,"~. 1976, by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas. . ----..--- I. ~. CITY or SALINA CLASSIFICATIOllS I./ITH CORRESPONDING GRADES AND SALARY !U\NGES "- . January 1. 1976 1 ANNUAL STEPS CLASSIFICATION GRADE A ! f. !!. I E ! Iccount Clerk 6 $ 568 $ 597 $ 629 $ 660 $ 693 $ $ ssistant City Engineer and Traffic Engineer 18 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 ESistant Fire Chief 16 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 1244 ssistant Planning Director 15 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 sistant Police Chief 18 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 lIookkeePing Machine Opr. I 4 512 539 568 597 629 , ookkeeping Machine Opr. II 6 568 597 629 660 693 Bookkeeping Machine Opr. III 8 629 660 693 726 762 lIuilding'Inspector 14 ' 1137 ' 878 921 967 1020 . 1072 1126 uilding Repair Foreman 12 .762 800 837 878 921 'ity Engineer 20 1304 1364 1430 1497 1570 1641 1721 1 erk Steno' I 6' 568 597 629 6,60 693 1 erk Steno II 7 597 629 660 693 . 726 il1erk Steno III 8 629 660 693 726 762 lerk Typist I ' 2 465 489 512 539 568 lerk Typist II 4 512 539 568 597 629 Clerk Typist III 7 597 629 660 693 726 -Ioncrete Finisher 9 660 693 726 7.62 800 onstruction Inspector 13 800 837 878 921 967 . 1020 1072 . Custodian I 5 ,,539 568 597 629 ' 660 ~ .todian II ' 7 597 629 660 693 726 , eputy City Manager 21 1430" 1497 1570 1641 1721 1802 1878 lIesign Engineer 18 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 irector of Finance and City Clerk '19 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 1497 1570 lIirector of Human Relations 15 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 irector of Personnel 17 967 1020 1072 ' 1126 . 1184 1244 1304 irector of Planning 20 1304 1364 1430 1497 1570 1641 172i Director of Services 19 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 . 1497 1570 IIi rector of Utilities 19 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 1497 1570, Electrical Inspector " 12 762 800 837 878 921 ~gineering Aide I 7 597 629 660 693 726 . gineering Aide' II 10" - 693 726 762 800 837 ' ngineering Aide III 14 837 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 . Itquipment Operator 9 660 693 726 762 800 ire Captain 13 800 837 878 921 967 1020 1072 Fire Chief 18 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 1364 1430 , Ire Equipment Operator ' 9 660 693 726 762 800 're Inspection & Equip. Chief 14 837 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 Fire Inspector 12 762 800 837 878 921 lIire Lieutenant 10 693 726 762 800 837 ire Training Officer 14 837 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 rcfighter 8 629 660 693 726 762 ,'00d Control Foreman 11 726 762 800 B37 B7B I --- - --- I:~~-- -. ...----.. - t. - : I. '-'CLASSIFICATION. ANMJALSTEPS GRADE A .!!. f.. JL I f. G tarage Foreman . 13 . $ 800 $ 837 $ 878 $ 921 $ 967 $1 021 $1072 Irage Mechanic' 10 693 726 762 800 837 uate Attendant 4 512 . 539 568 597 629 '. !fOlf Course Superintendent 13 800 837 878 921 967 1020 1072 Humane Officer 7 597 629 660 693 726 ~abor Forema n I 9 660 693 726 762 800 abor Foreman II 10 693 726 762 800 837 !tabor Foreman III 12 762 800 837 878 921 aborat~ry Technician I 8 629 660 693 .726 762 aboratory Technician II 9 660 693 726 762 800 Laborer' 6 568 597 629 660 693 l'intenance 110rker 8 629 660 693 726 762 Meter. ~Iaid 3 489 512 539 568 597 Iffice Manager 12 762 800 837 878 . 921 ~rk Superintendent '15 878 . 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 rking Meter Repairman 8 629 660 693 726 762 . anning Technician 10 693 726 762 800 837 litumbing Inspector . 12 762 800 837 878 921 lice Chief 20 1304 1364 1430 1497 . 1570 . 1641 1721 . lice Detective 12 H762 800 837 878 921 ~lice Detective Captain' 17 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 ~lice Detective Lieutenant 15 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 lice Dispatcher . 11 726 762 800 837 878 olice Juvenile Lieutenant 15 878 921 967 1'020 . 1072 1126 1184 1IC1ice Juvenile Officer 12 762 800 837 878 921 lice Patrol Captain 17 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 lice Patrol Lieutenant 15 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 llice Patrolman .' 10 693 726 762 800 837 lice Records Captain 16 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 1244 . 1 ice Sergeant 12 762 800 837 878 921 . \ IRnitation Superintendent 15 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 . wage Plant Operator 8 629 660 693 726 762 Sewage. System Superintendent 15 878 921 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 I~er Fo reman 12 762 800 837 .878 921 reet Superintendent 15 878 921 967 ..1020 1072 .1126 1184 ructural Inspector 12 762 800 837 878 921 lIaffic Control Foreman 12 762 800 837 878 921 Waste Water Foreman 12 762 800 837 878 921 liter Distribution Foreman 12 762 800 837 878 921 ter Meter Reader 4 512 539 568 597 629 fmtcr Meter Repairman 9 660 693 726 762 800 1Iier Plant Foreman .12 762 800 837 878 921 . er Plant Operator 8 629 660 693 726 762 ". .ter Service Foreman 10 693 726 762 800 837 ler Systcm Foreman 13 800 837 878 921 967 1020 1072 . er System Superintendcnt 17 967 1020 1072 1126 1184 1244 1304 I . '. ------~ I .1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I ITEM 18. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A copy of the report Old Smoky Hill River Channel Study is included as part of this development application. 35 I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT A LAND USE POLICIES I , I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT B A-95 LETTER I I I 'I I 'I I I II ~I :1 I I I 'II I I II il I ST A TE OF KANSAS :L>epw.fment 0/ ~ .AJminMralion. DIVISION OF STATE PLANNING AND RESEARCH lth Floor-Mill. Building 109 W, 9th T opek.. Kan... 66612 December 21, 1978 Ralph B. Ricklefs Wilson & eompany Engineers/Architects Box 1648 Salina, KS 67401 Re: Land and Water Conservation & Construction - City of Salina Notification of Intent SAID: 6369 - 15.400 Reviewed by: Fish & Game Commission Dear Mr. Ricklefs: The referenced project has been processed by the Division of State Planning and Research under its clearinghouse responsibilities described in Circular A-95. After review by interested state agencies it has been found that, the proposed project does not adversely affect state plans. There has been concern expressed by the Kansas Fish & Game Commission regarding final plans and specifications for construction. Should this project be funded by Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service we request that the applicant work with the Fish & Game C.nmmi~~inn in assuring that ,all expressed concerns are incorporated into the final plans and specifications. Should you have any questions please contact this office~ Please refer to the Scate Application Identifier (SAI) Number above in all future correspondence. ~cerelY' /. / 'J48-C/~ Magdalen Vargas A-95 Coordinator MV:jc Attachment cc: Robert D. Wood, Fish & Game Commission North Central Regional Planning Commission Dean Boyer, P.E. City Engr. Salina, KS 67401 Ion.' I Itet.urn to: I' . Division of State Planning & Research, Department Mills Building, Topeka, Kansas STATE AGENCY A-95 TRANSHI'rTALFOR/ol of Administration. Suite 501 66612 .IPROJECT TI'fl.E: City of Salina, Construction of DATE Rf.\'U,1-l PROCESS STARTED .11 '11-27-78 Land and Water Conservation Salina Flood Protection System DATE REVIEW PROCESS E~DED 12-15-78 EJ 8 Notlt1cat10n ot lntent Preapplication Final Application SAI NU~IBER 6369 - 15.400 IPA.~T I Initial Project Notification Review (To be completed by Clearinghouse): The attached project has been submitted to the State Clearin~louse under the provisions of the Federal mlB Circular A-95 revised. x'€J Return by 12/15 .IThis form provides notification and opportunity for review of c=l Expedite this project to the agencies checked below. Please fill in c=l Add. Info. Avai~. Part II and Part III below and return to the State Clearinghouse. Aging Agriculture - DWR Civil Rights Commission Economic Development Education Forestry, Fish & Game Commission Health and Environment Historical Society Human Resources Kansas Corporation Commission Park and Resources Authority Social an~ Rehabilitation Services State Conservation Commission Transportation ~3ter Resources Soard PART II Nature of Agency review comments (To be completed by review agency and returned to Check one or more appropriate boxes. Indicate comments below. Attach additional sheet if necessary or use reverse side. [] RCGuust clarification or additional info. Clf @Suggestions for improving\>coject propos CO~ll-IE:;TS : This proj~ct offers an excellent opportunity for the city to enhance urban wildlife habitat. assistance in habitat enhancement and alleviating unnecessary habitat losses. ----+ Rl.!(,,":oCtmcnded returned to Check one box only: . [] Cl<';1raace of the gr..ntc~ -- State Clearinghouse Action (To be completed by review Clearinghouse): agency and project should be @} Clearance of the project should not be dclaye~ but the Applicant should (in the final application) address or clari! the questions or concerns indicated abo\ o Cll':"lranCe of the project should be dc1"ye~ until the issues or questions hnv~ been clarified by the Applic;1nt . o Request the opportunity to final application prior to the federal funding agency review.the submission tl Uiv.'Agency Date Kans. Fish & Game Comm. 12-6-78 II. .. }tc:t~O:' II . . Division of State STATIl Am:NCY A-95 'CRANs~tt'rrAL t'ORH -- Planning & Rcsearch, llcpartu.ent of Atlministratio.n:, Hills Buildin&, Topeka, Kansas -66612 Suite SOl; I PROJECr TITI.f.: City of Salina, Land :and \-later Conservation . Construction of Salina Flood Protection System ----. -- -- -- DA!iRF.Vli;\~ PROCESS ST.\KfED ,\lATE REVIE\~ PROCESS ENDED I 11-27-78. 12-15-78 [~ ~ot1t1cation ot lntent [] PrreaPIPAlicntion [] ina pplication. S,\l NU:.IBER. 6369 ~ 15.400 --- - I PART 1 lnit~(\l Project llotification Revie\< {To be. complllted by Clea.;inghouse): The attached project has been submitted to the State Clearinghonse . under the provisions of the F"edcral O~18 Circular A-95 re:vised. : l<>€) Return by 12/15 'I This form. provides notification and opportunity for review of B- Expedite " , . this project to the agencies checked below. Please fill in - Add. Info~;Avail~ Part II and Part 111 below and return to the State Clearing",;luse. ..- I '1- I tel I ~---._- CO}C'IENTS: I Project is. of recreational value, recommend al1proval, 3rd priority. I 1.--- il I I I II [~ lSa Aging Agriculture ~ ~~R Civil Rights Comaission Economic Development Education Forestry, fish & Game Commission ,lIcatth and Environment lIistori~al Sodet). REVIEI~ AGENCIES o o .r;1 o tl ri4 a HUlll8n Resources .~~n~~s Corporation Commission- l'a1"l.: and Resources Authority Social anJ Rehabilitation Services State Conservation Commission 1'ransportation . Water Resources Soard . -- PART II lInt.llr" of Agency .review comments ('Io be completed by review agenq' and. returned tt' cr Check one or more appropriate boxes. Indicate comu.e,nts beloW. Attacb addi~ional sheet' if neces:,ary or use reverse side. [~ Requust clarification or-additional i~fo. '--- r~ S~gzestions for improving project pTlIp~' -----.-- milir'r.~co'~ndcd ro:!tllrncd to Check one bo;-only: ~ Ch-aT.mce of the granted ---..-- ..---- State Clcaringhou::e Ac:t~(";; be co~.;pi.eted bi review Clearinghouse): al:c:ncy and ----- project should be o Clearance of the project should not be delayed but the Applicant sholild (in tbe final application) address or clari the questio~q or concerns indicated abo o CleaT,lnce of the project should be dcla~'cd until the issues or questions . ,h'tVI! been'c1arUied by the Applicant o Rel\UCSt the opportunity to final application prior to the red~ral funding agency review the submission t I-or ;:"i,,;;;;;Y Date 1- I,l,~('\ut.n. to:. Ili\'i.!.doo of Statl' 1'laonln:-, & Rcseardl. ll.~[>artm"nt o( Administtlltion, Suite ~Ol I NUls flui Idinl~', Top,.k:', Kansas 6661 _...l-...>.-.. , ...--, .-.--------- -~-p~_rlroYrrf'catl.on-oflnf"nt- I'RO.lr:Cf '['ITI.F.: City of Salina, Land and Hater Conscrvatio'n C.l Preappl'ication Construction of Salin-a Flood I'rotection System 1"..1 nnal Application I-'",\i"iti"'''o,!:~ 'S~"'''' - c'~'''''' '",;:~;~~:"'.roT~ -:,~. -~;~:o .. 1-.-.-.--.--- --' ..--- --.---- -.-.--- j;A"irrlMti:"\l Pl'OjC'ct SotHicatiol;"'Re'~ie-; (To -~;';';-plcted by-Clearinghouse): IThe att:I"h-;'-~jcct has been submitted to lhCState Cl~arin&h~':: __1.;'_] under the provisIons of the Federal mlB Circular '\-9;; r('"iscd. ^"r. Retu'Cn by 12/15 thIs form provides notification and opp.,rtunity for reviev of 00 Expedite I this project to the agencies checkt,d below. Pleas(, fill in Add I f A '1 . n o. val.. ! Part Tl ~,d Part III below and return to the State Clearinghou~, REVIEI~ AGENCIES cf /~ , ~ rJ li4 o '-0. A;; in!,. ~ A~rlculture - DWR ~ Civil Rights Com~ission Economic Development I ",;OJ ' Education [fid .'or.:.st ry, .-ish & Game Comnl1ssion I ii;l !leal th a1~d Env ironment _ l~.d 1li.!.itorica1 Societ)' Human R.esources K:tUS3S Corporation Coa-.mission Park and Resources Authority Social and Re~~bilitation Services State Conservation Cor.~ission ' Transportation {{atcr Resourc,",s Soard' -----.- PART n ~l,,!ur., of ~gency review comments (To be c~l~ted by r~e_w agenc)' and :~:~~'~~~_~.5. Check one or lII"re aplltOpriate boxes. lndicate comments below. Attach additional shec:t if necessaTY or use 'Ceverse side. . o 1(l'<iU"st clarification or additional info. -- --~------ --- rl I I il I . :1 I I I 'Wi.'IE~;TS-'-'--:- .---. ----:--'- ---.-- ___5Ht:,._~t-l~ ciOCOII:.E GI~l~.'l \,"~~'7~._L1r.:___- ~i.,.-..Ah! . ~..~h!-."'D F'!C2~_~J~~~I"" '1"~~,..P~'~\l:..i""-'1lJ:lo.NO p~~~'-'I.l'-\O~~~ -=:::,,,.,u He: GO'-t____ ~~lH.Q~~1]QN-_-.-.-----..--- . L] Suggest!"n" for improvh1ll project prop" .----- ~--_._.._-_.._-_._._- -- .-----...--. ~---------_._-- --- ,. .mTIT,....it.;;ol:mlcn<led-Statc Clenring~;.;-Ac"t-io'n ('fo-be ~~plt;;;.\bY 'Ceview ngcncy an~- returned to Clearinghouse): Check on-;'--b":'-X-only: ~ Clc'ar.liu:e of the project should be gt':tnlt.?d o Clearance of tI,e project should not be delayed but the Applicant should (in the flnal application) address or clar the qnestions or concerns indicated ab. o Cll'arance of the project should be dd ayed unt i1 the issueS or quest ions how,' been clarified by tbe AppliCunt review the submission [I Request the opportunity to final application prior to the federal funding agency ;J:J.:iti -1f~-r~ ;~::t:= "r~;I1t' I I STATE ACENCY A-95 'rRANSHITTAL FORI.l ,Return to: . , ' Division of State Planning & Research, Department Mills Building, Topeka, Kansas of Administration, Suite 501 66612 IPROJECT TI'rI.E: City of Salina, Land and ',later Conservation Construction of Salina Flood Protection System DATE RE\'lI;H PROCESS STARTED ' DAn: REVIE'~ PROCESS El:OED I 11-27-78 12-15-78 E!J ~ot1t1cat10n ot lntent CJ Preapplicntion L:J Final Application SAI Nu~mER 6369 - 15.400 ,IPART I Initial Project ~otification Review (To be completed by Clearinghouse): 'The attached project has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the Federal O~(B Circular '\-95 revised. xxF-] Return by 12/15 .'IThiS form provides notification and opportunity for review of [] Expedite this' project to the agencies checked below. Please fill in [] Add. Info. Avail. Part II and Part III below and return 'to the State Clearinghouse. I I I Aging Agriculture - DWR Civil Rights Comcission Economic Development ' Education Forestry, Fish & Game Commission Health and Environment Ilistorical Societ)" Iluman Resources ~~nsas Corporation Co~~ission Park and Resources Authority Social and Rehabilitation Services State Conservation Commission Trnnsportation Wnter Resourc~s Board .1 PART II Naturl' of Agency review comments (To be completed by review agency and returned to CH: Check one or more nppropriate boxes. Indicate comments below. Attach additional sheet if I,necessary or use reverse side. [] RCGucst clarification or additional info. [] Suggestions for improving project propos, CO'Il1E:.:TS' ' I' 'The proposed project should not affect any identified 'historic 'or archeological resources nor will it affect the goals or activities of this agency. There is the possibility ~at construction work could uncover buried archeological materials. If that should happen, , t.e State Historic Preservation Officer shoul~_be _~otified inmediat~lY at the State istQrical Society. I I I I I ,. PART III, R~co~cnded returned to Check one b~x only: ~ Cl~nrancc of the project should be granted Stnte Clearinghouse Action (To be completed by review agency and Clearinghouse): ~ -- o Clearance of the project should not be delayed but the Applicant should (in the finnl application) address or clar!f the questions or concerns indicated abov o Clcnr:lIlce of, the project should be delayed until the issues or questions hnv~ been clarified by the Applicant o Request the opportunity to review the finnl ap?l!cntion prior to submission tc the federal funding agency Uate ...''ltD(J~~}-4 /2-/~7~ II Ret'urn to: II 'Division , STATE AGENCY A-95 TRANSMITTAL FO~1 of State Planning & Research. Department of Administration. Mills Building. Topeka. Kansas 66612 E:i o o . rRO,JECT TITLE: City of Salina. Land and I'later Conservation Construction of Salina Flood Protection System DATE REVIEW PROCESS STARTED DATE REVIEW PROCESS E~DED II 11-27-78 12-15-78 PART I Initial Project ~otification Review (To be completed by ClearinghouSe): The attached project has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the Federal o~m Circular A-95 revised. IIThiS form provides notification and opportunity for reviev of this project to the agencies checked below. Please fill in Part II and Part III below and return to the State Clearinghouse. I~' Aging , , Agriculture - DIVR II Civil Rights Commission ~ Economic Development ' o Education 'I 6a Forestry. Fish & Game Commission ~ Health and Environment 60 Historical Society' , , 1,1 PART 11 Naturn of Agency review coonnents (To be completed by review agency and returned to Check one or more appropriate bo~es. Indicate comments below.' Accach additional sheet if 'I necessary or use reverse side. , [] Rcquest clarification or additional info. x>€J [] o Return by 12/15 E~pedite Add. Info. Avail. Human Resources Kansas Corporation Commission Park and Resources Authority Social and Rehabilitation Services State r~Qservation Commission Transportation ~ter Resources Board , CH)' I o Suggestions for improving project , , proPol"l I I The City of Salina has made application for permit and a roval of the Chief Engineer of the Division of Water Resources, which is now being given consideration~ II Cm~IENtS : - State Clearinghouse Action (to be completed by review agency and Clearinghouse) : 1 PART III Reco~ended rettl rned to c~ec one bo~ only: I Clc-arance of the project grante.1 I 0 I should be [] Clearance of the project should not be delayed but. the Applicant should (in tbe final ilpplication) address or clarif the questions or concerns indicated abov 'Cll'3r,mce of the project should be dclayeJ until the issues or questions hnve been clarified by the Applicant o Request the opportunity to final application prior to the f~deral funding agency review the submission to ~;.; cc"; ~ame tf?: . ~ .r7.' 'C /::-~ ,;&1', . \./"J/~~~~ ... . .... Ilate /p-C;-7g I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I ATTACHMENT C OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE STATEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE STATEMENT Other Federal assistance to be used in this development is expected to be in the form of Community Development Block Grant Funds to be used in the funding of Section 2 of the parkway system. This Section adjoins a neighborhood of low to moderate income. I I - f o ~ . > , , , ! , , , o . Z 01- IlC W -.... -I- ....:::l ,-.- ,LIJ Q ! ,Z dize . , ice z (.) I.....'...':z: ce I- o 0 (.) W , I- , w- , IlC .... CI) WZW ,> _ IlC I Ja: _:::l ""j LL. I- t'."..... LL. (.) ;j;;;,....0:::l ,""" - I- IlC i"c(i:Z: :::l I- o '>(.)CI) , ':': "'0 W :i::::l Cl)ffi e> ....ce o U3USOl Q. <( w lE ~ o >- 0 ~ e z (3 b _z > z,.- Z <II ~ o <( af V ci. ~ IIJ (/) ~ ~ i -.J 0 0 V _ z. <SUlLJ~ b..I . o o o , HlUSIIJJ .; . .....::: . w. -~. ~.. :: E g. . ~ ~. s"'a . . . " . . j o o '! . ill-I g . ~, :;; ~ . ;; o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " I I I I I I I I I CI) w ~ I en (.) a: 0 I ~ :c Q I z oct ~ (.) I w .., 0 a: a. I Q W CI) 0 I a. 0 a: a. I IIIi IXI8T1NG arr PARkS I llllllI PACIPCI8ED PARKWAY 8Y8T!M . PROP08EDAI!8T AAI!A8 ~ ADDITIONAL PICNIC AND ...YGRClUC>....... I . - - - ~-- I PROPOSED CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS IN CUT OFF SMOKY HILL RIVER CHANNEL AT SALINA, KS. COUNTY OF SALINE STATE OF KANSAS APPLICATION BY CITY OF SALINA, KS. ATTACHMENT E DATE: NOVEMBER 78 c c W Q. W Q. Q. a: 0 ...J .... en en c c z z <( <( C C w w Cl 0: C <( W W 0: G c w W lD lD ~ 0 .... en en w w en J: J: W <.) ~ .... <( Cii w w 0 a: a: a: a: a: w ~ w :;: Q. en Q. g ~ ::> ."00 . la fHUSOt o o o , I~~t:~ [::<j Ilmll..............,. I.'" ....... . "" ...-.,......- .... ~~I: ::~. ~m i:!!!:i:,:!:i T: o o g . , , , ! , , , o . W c.:l Z LLW ~ ...C ;!:'W Wen 2z ::t:O o:i= c'c.:l ,~f~ , a:: I- ,CC en z o c.:l '" ., '" '" Z Z Z. Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 f- j:: j:: j:" j:: U U U U U w w w w- w (/) (/) (/) (/) (/) . " D- C w ::! ~ Q > W .... 0 Z - Ob z > z >~ Z II'I::? o <( ~ u "- w w lI) ~ ~ ~ ...J 0 0 u ~::; ~.: o o ! SEt-1 . , Q I . . 8 . ~ . o . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT G LETTER FROM REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION ,-- ~ <....". I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I" I I I I I .. ...... <, -', - - > - North 'centr~f' ' . 'Region~IPlanning' Commission 'Municipal, Building ~ 'Beloit. Kansas 67420 0 (913) 738-2218 " " , .. '..' ~. ,: , ". ~ ;, ..... ,- / ' '-., i"- ,_\.,- ", : , , .." .- . , " " 'Ml"~"Ra1ph,B. , Wi 1 son arid. CO!1)pany . P.O.' Box 1648 , Salina, Kansas ':67401 .. ,- "'~ , , :. '" : Re:' NCRPCCASE#1978-113 ,''.. '._ -, I. ....., '. Dear Mr;Ric!<lefs: , ;X,C,' " '.. .. '-', ".. " ;.. .. "- ^.. ,\::-,.,;'.';:-,,;. ",-' .~. _ :" - "'-> .~.~ ',,:<:<. ." -~,':~~'<'~'-- /' ~ .~, ",..... - " - :: :: This' is: to inform you that. the NCRPC Executive Council ; meeting in . .,regular session October 26,.1978,. gave favorab.1e A-95 review and .conment. to the Old Smoky l:Ii.1TRive Ch.annel Study for the City of ,Saltna..J<ansas~!his~concludour-r iewof. the study. '. . < - '.' ;.,", '::~'~\':;'~::'i5'::..f~~:,j~ 'j?~f5~\::. ~ _.: ,',- " ,,-. . I -;. " . .-,,'..,.-.... -,/"-. DKP:d1 " . :..;~..'~:;<:,\i\ ~::..~'.-' /~"~. .~' ',': ....'.., . _.,.c..__. - :;/~:-~JL>',~';' 1.. ~ ,- '" ,(.,>. .' ,'. cc: .Dtvision ,of State Planning and Researc,h '. :' ::.-_,o_.o-.""-~/.. ' , ; I: . "..<. . '--. '~. Cloud County . Ellsworth County 0' Jewell County Lincoln County 0 Mitchell County 0 Ottawa County 0 Republic County 0 Saline County I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ," 70 KANSAS KANSAS CITY TOPEKA. SALINE COUNTY SALINA WICHITA. STATE LOCATION MAP SALINE COUNTY COUNTY LOCATION MAP - .. . PROJECT LOCATION I __.J ATTACHMENT H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH CRAWFORD ti % ~ z Z ST. ;;'> i ~~ "'~';~i-. . ':. r.'l i;..~.,;-.: .>:~ ~.;;! ~".'.... \: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO CUT OFF CHANNEL ST. ~.w{r~~~~I~f:..~N;if.?l~;~~~~:~;{~~}?{i!Wi~t ~;~%~;~.~~~~\~;!;i;~;~~~~ SALI NA ST. Ab~'?' Q % o VICINITY MAP AREA SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 ... Cal NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS IN CUT OFF SMOKY HILL RIVER CHANNEL AT SALINA, KS. APPLICATION BY CITY OF SALINA, KS. COUNTY OF SALINE STATE OF KANSAS ATTACHMENT I DATE: NOVEMBER 78 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - en 2 <0 .....0 l1.+ ....0 ~2~ 1"""1J(W...... i'..~:E Q (...., l1. .... ~z:,_ .WI-O i=eJ uj 0 .i:r:l > + . ,wo 10:QO .C(i> .... ;.......1 a: en , '1<2 !~ 2!2 --.::E.... -< ......... wen a: l1. w 0 ~ 3' b , ;, - ..J ;( ~ Cl z W 52 J: 0 W 0 3' 0 z b 3' < 'W Cl , b z e ..J , 0 (; ..J 19 > z 0 w ;( ..J iii II. ~ ;( 0 0 a: w .... w w z fI) ..J Cl 0 ~ z iii "- 52 ~ 0 0 0 a: iii J: 0 "- J: III J: .. 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