Project Conserve I I I I I I I I I I I II il I I I I I I / PROJECT CONSERVE Salina, Kansas Final Report to the KANSAS ENERGY OFFICE FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Salina, Kansas Prepared by: DONNA LYNN GOll Housing Winterization Coordinator Project Conserve Manager Ju1v 12, 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Introduction 1 Grant Application 2 I Preparation for Project 7 Advance Advertising I Personnel Slide Presentation I Mailout of Questionnaires 8 Assistance to Homeowners 9 I Phone line House Measurements I Collection of Questionnaires 10 Scanning Returns I Mappinq Returns Negative Comments Forward to Topeka I Return of Printouts 11 Questions I Phone Survey Success of Project 13 I Appendix I 14 Advertising I Appendix II 36 Letter accompanying questionnaire I Appendix III 38 Questionnaire return I Appendix IV 40 Map of returns Appendix V 42 I Negative Comments Appendix VI 53 I Letter with printout Appendix VII 55 I Financial Report I '" I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Introduction This report contains a summary, financial disclosure and evaluation on Project Conserve as it was conducted in Salina, Kansas, from February 1, 1979 through June 30, 1979. The Program was sponsored locally by the Community Development Office, under the supervision of the Housing Winte~ization Coordinator. Project Conserve was funded by a grant from the Kansas Energy Office. The copy of the grant application which follows gives an outline of what was expected to be accomplished by Project Conserve as well as the steps necessary to execute it. , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I '1 I I I I I I I 1'1 I I I' I I II GRANT APPLICATION 1/8179 PROJECT CONSERVE Objective of the Program: . Project Conserve is being undertaken by the City of Salina to make the citizens aware of what they can do in thei~ own home J0 save fuel and energy. Although the questionnaire will be mailed city-wide, the prime area of concern, which has been previously designated as an area needing concentrated efforts towards housing rehabilitation, is the North and West sections of Salina. Key Personnel: The. responsibilities of Project Conserve will be directed by the Winterization Coordinator from the Office of Community Development. It is proposed that three people will be hired for full time work that will last approximately twelve weeks. Their duties will be: stuff envelopes . assist people filling out questionnaires tabulate returns follo\~-UP \'Iark to increase questionnaire returns proofread returns mail computer print-outs to res!londents assist j:e'ople ~Iith interpretsticn of resu;ts provide information to homeowners on programs available to help them winterize their homes. . Program Description: The following is a list of tasks that will. be carried out by personne: in Salina to reach the goals of Project Conserve: Compile a list of residents in the City to send the questionnaire' Advertising through various media to make people' in Salina aware of Project Conserve Stuff and mail out questionnaires to residents Assist residents in filling out the questionnaire Collect questionnaires Return questionnaire to Topeka' Distribute computer printouts to residents answering the questionnaire Assist residents with the interpretation of the information on the computer printout. Project Conserve will be under the direction of the Community Development Division and co-sponsored by the Sa}ina Department of Planning and Community Develop!11ent,. the Sal ioa Energy. Usage Coromi ssion and the Kansas Power and Light (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h) ~g~ " 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project Conserve Page 2 'Company. The list of mailing addresses is being provided by the City Water Department. The approximate number of questionnaires to be mailed is 15,000. It is anticipated that three people will be hired to work on the project for its duration, which is estimated to be twelve weeks. These people will be assisted by the Community Development staff, who will provide the technical knowledge needed to answer questions that the people of Salina might have regarding the questionnaire as well as how to prepare their home to save on energy coSts., Advertising, which is very important for the success of the project, will be made using the local radio stations, KSAL, KINA, KYEZ and KSKG, through paid announcements as well as public service spots. Display ads will appear in the Salina Journal and the Shopper's Guide. To make citilens well aware of Project Conserve, ads will start appearing and announcements made two weeks before the questionnaire will be mailed. Follow-up advertising will also be done as a reminder for people to get the questionnaire returned to the Community Develop- ment Office so it can be forwarded to Topeka for analys.is. When the print-outs are returned to responding Salinans, information about the Winterization Program offered through Community Development and the Insulation Program available through the Kansas Power and Light Company will also be provided. People will be strongly encouraged to inquire about assistance in obtaining . insulation and storm windows. r~il estones: Preparations are being made to begin getting the questionnaire into the homes by the fi rst or second week of February. Thi s means adverti sing wi 11 start by mid-January and extra personnel will be hired by then to get started on pre- paring the questionnaires for mailing. It is estimated that the largest portion of the questionnaires should be returned to Topeka by the beginning of March, with follow-uP work beginning immediately to encourage the return of the ques- tionnaire. Return of t!.: computer print-out ,~i11 be determined fly how long it takes for'enough to collect to he mail~d out using'the bulk rate, but it is estimated ,to begin ,by ~~e end of March or the beginning of April. Budget: Following the application narrative are the estimated costs by major expenditure categories. for the execution Qr Project Conserve. It is anticipated' that a great deal of follow-up work wilT be needed after the initial mail-out of ' the questionnaire to assist homeowners in fiTling out the form as well as inter- preting the results, on the computer print-out sheet. ~e total amount requested for this grant is $13,50Q.OU o' . " , o ___.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I" I I Project Conserve . Page 3 . " . . Local Contribution: The City of Salina will lend the services of the Community Development Division staff. with Project Conserve being directed by the Winterization Coordinator. The experience of the staff regarding. working with Sal inans specifically in housing weatherization and rehabilitation will be of signif- icant importance to insure the success of Project Conserve. Office space and equipment will also be contributed through Community Development. The Water Department will provide the mailing list and the computer time necessary for making the address labels. . Evaluation: The success of Project Conserve will be measured in two ways. The first will simply be in the percentage of people who respond to the questionnaire; the higher the rate of return will signify that the efforts expended paid off. The second form of evaluation. which is most important to the City of Salina. is the number of people that will be encouraged to partake of the Winterization Program that is available in Salina. Community Development would like to use Projec~ Conserve as another way to make Salinans aware of the Winterization Program and that there is help available for low to moderate income families to winterize their homes in order to save fuel and conserve energy. Project Conserve, if successful, will provide the incentive for people in Sal ina to look into energy conservation and -the City Winterization Program will be a resource for them to use in order to achieve the fuel savings. An evaluation of Project Conserve and the effects it has in Salina in relation to its existing Winterization. Program will be made by the Winterization Coordinator and submitted to the Kansas Energy Office at the conclusion of the . project. -" . A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . Project Conserve Page 4 BUDGET Mailing Postage Business Reply Fee 15,000 x $.084 - bulk rate 3rd class fee for bulk mailing 5,000 x $.185 - estimated return (pay only for those returned) 1st class pre-sort fee, 5,000 x $.13 - return of printout to homeowner $ 105.00 1,260.00 70.00 925.00 30.00 650.00 Postage for m~iling questionnaire to Topeka - Priority mail estimated - 20 lb. box/$8.00 x 10 80.00 Envelopes 15,000 #9 printed & 20,000 #10 plain 30,000 Address Labels (computer) 10,000' post cards Printing for postcards Misc. postage Mailing Subtotal . 360.00 250.00 1,000.00 140.00 80.00 $4,950.00 I I I I Ii , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I . . . . . . I . I I . I .. I II . Project Conserve' Page 5 . . Advertising Radio KSKG, KINA, KSAL & KYEZ $1,910.00 Salina Journal 1,230.00 Shopper's Gui de 330.00 Phone Install two new rotary lines and monthly charges 260.00 Advertising Subtotal $3,730.00 Salaries 3 people hired full. time for approximately 12 weeks @ $3.00{hr. each . $4,320.00 Salary Subtotal $4,320.00 Transportation Mileage for assistance to homeowner~ $ 500.00 Tr.ansportation Subtotal $ 500.00 ;. TOTAL BUDGET $13,500.00 '" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Preparation for the Project Before the Project Conserve Questionnaire could be mailed to the howeowners, personnel had to be hired, advertising needed to be started, and the procedure had to be confirmed to follow postal regulations for a mass mailout. A list had to be compiled of residents within Salina who would receive the questionnaires. The list used, which was transferred to computer labels, came from the City Water Department; everyone receiving a monthly water bill. except absentee landlords, would receive a Project Conserve questionnaire. The number of questionnaires mailed in Salina was 13,829. This number included 1 through 4 unit dwellings and both rental and owner occupied units. Three part-time people were hired to carry out the work as outlined in the grant proposal. Their main functions were to: stuff envelopes assist people filling out questionnaires tabulate returns follow-up work to increase questionnaire returns scan returns for completeness mail computer printouts to respondents answer questions on interpretation of results provide information to homeowners on programs available to help winterize their homes . To make Salinans well aware of Project Conserve, advertising was started before the questionnaires were mailed out. The first article was printed in the Salina Journal February 20, 1979 to explain the project. Radio advertisements were started on February 26, 1979 on four stations in Salina - KSAL, KSKG, KYEZ and KINA. The thirty second spots ran from 48 to 50 times during the week on each of the four stations. . Keith Rawlings, Community Development Director, appeared on the local television station to explain the project and what its proposed advantages for Salina were antici- pated to be. Advertising on the radio and in the Salina Journal continued after the questionnaires were mailed out, .in order to encourage people to fill out the form and return it for their home analysis report. (See Appendix I for Salina Journal Ads and the radio copy). Due to the fact the questionnaire distribution was done by a mass mail out, postal requirements had to be followed: fees and accounts were set up specifically for Project Conserve. Envelopes with the correct meter imprint were ordered to eliminate the need for stamps, in addition to being a requirement for the bulk mailing. On February 27, 1979, Mr. Lyle Goltz from the Kansas Energy Office presented a slide program on Project Conserve to the Community Development staff, newly hired workers, and representatives of the Kansas Power and Light Company, Salina Energy Commission and the Land Institute. This program was directed at the people who would be working in the office and assisting people in answering the questionnaire so. that they would have some background on Project Conserve and better understand the total program; ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mailout of Questionnaires The total mailout of questionnaires was divided into thirds and sent out on the following dates: Ma rch 2 March 9 March 16 5,500 5,100 3,229 By breaking the mailing into thirds, the office routine was varied after the first week. Instead of only folding letters and stuffing envelopes, there were phone calls to answer and people to assist in filling out the questionnaire. The Project Conserve questionnaire was mailed out with a letter of explana- tion. (See Appendix II for copy of the letter). .J R I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Assistance to Respondents The office staff was prepared, by reviewing information from the Kansas Power and Light Company and the Winterization Office on home energy conservation, to answer the questions that arose as people attempted to fill out their ques- tionnaire. A telephone line was installed specifically for Project Conserve. The number to call was given in the letter of explanation that went out with the questionnaires. The majority of the calls that came in were regarding questions #14 and 15. By establishing a phone line, it had to be expected that not all the phone calls would be positive. Several people called to express exactly how they felt about Project Conserve; that it was a rip off and an invasion of their privacy. These calls were handled as politely as possible when the phone wasn't slammed down in anger by the caller. There were a large number of calls from people who needed the square footage of their home checked and the type, if any, of attic insulation present. All of these requests were logged and divided up by sections of town. The staff then .took turns going out to assist the callers and then added this information to the questionnaire so that it would be more accurate. 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Collection of questionnaires Responses to the questionnaire started arriving on March 6, 1979. (See Appendix III for the dates and number of returns). The returns were scanned for completeness to make sure all the questions were answered and the answers were put in the appropriate boxes. The respondents who sent in incomplete questionnaires were called and the missing information was obtained over the phone. A large percentage of returns did not accurately answer questions 14 and 15 regarding the total cost of. fuel for the year. Respondents were informed that they could call Kansas Power and Light Company to request their total gas and electric bill for the year, if they did not keep a record of it themselves. The address for each return was pinpointed on a large map of the City. This map was divided into the census tracts used by Community Development for determining the area of concentration for the housing rehabilitation programs. By mapping the returns, it could be determined who was responding to the questionnaire, low income vs. moderate to high income, blue collar vs. white collar workers, renters vs. homeowners. These statistics have been previously determined according to areas of Salina by census records. (See Appendix IV for a map with the return figures for the questionnaire.) There were a number of negative responses to the questionnaire. The biggest complaints came from people who felt it was a waste of Federal funds to sponsor a worthless survey. These people could not see the benefit of an educational survey. (See Appendix V for a sampling of the negative comments). As the completed questionnaires accumulated, and after the addresses were mapped and the forms scanned for completeness, they were bundled and forwarded to Topeka. The forms were mailed flat in stacks of 500 for ease in handling when they arrived in Topeka. The majority of the responses were off to Topeka by April 6, 1979. The attempt to call people who had mailed in incomplete returns was abandoned when the calls started bringing too many negative comments. People did not want to be bothered and felt their privacy was being interrupted when asked about the cost of their utility bill. It also was taking a long time to contact the people since the majority of calls were to people who worked. Instead of causing any more delay, telephoning for responses was stopped. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I Return of the Printouts The computer printouts. of the responses to the questionnaires started coming to the Salina office approximately three weeks after the question- naires were mailed to Topeka. The printouts, accompanied by a letter briefly explaining how to read the printout, and information on where to seek help if an individual desired to winterize their home, were mailed to the respondents. It was stressed that the respondents were not being forced into purchasing anything and that the information on the printout was for their personal use only. There were a lot of calls to the Project Conserve office from people whose return had not arrived yet and from people who did not know what the information on the printout meant. Many asked what would happen if they did not do what was suggested on the printout. A long delay was created at the peak of the project with the breakdown of the computer in Topeka. When the returns started coming again, this time from a source in Kansas City, there appeared to be some errors in keypunching the answers. In two days, the office received about 50 calls from people who claimed their printout was wrong because it mentioned they should purchase storm windows when they had responded all their windows were equipped with storm windows. Another problem was encountered when sending the printouts through the postal system under first class presort. Over 2800 had already been sent out for the predetermined cost of 13 cents apiece. When the next batch was brought in, they were somehow heavier, even though they contained the same material and had to be sent off at 26 cents apiece. This of course created an extra unplanned expense and time delay. The following batch was sent out, again for the cost of 13 cents apiece. The difference for the 1000 that apparently was heavier, caused much speculation and frustration. A phone survey was made to determine the general reaction from Salinans to Project Conserve. One hundred calls were attempted, 10 being taken from each of the 10 areas turning in responses to the questionnaire. Of the 100 names picked at random, 65 calls were completed. These are the generalized responses to the questions and the percentage of people so responding. Understood the information - found it good, useful, or helpful 56% Found there were no improvements to make 9% Did not understand printout 7% Respondent was considering suggestions on printout 6% Information given not useful 7% Respondent was a renter - could not make improvements 3% Only glanced at printout 3% Not interested 4% Cannot afford imorovements 1% 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Following is how the survey was conducted: Hello - I am calling for the Project Conserve. Do you remember filling out the questionnaire about your home? Did you receive your printout? Did you understand the information on the printout? Did you find the information of any use? Do you plan to implement any of the suggestions made for lowering your home energy use? Thank you very much for your time. 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Success of the Project The success of Project Conserve was determined by two factors set forth in the grant proposal: percentage of returns and the number of people applying for winterization as a result of the information on the computer printout. Of the 13,829 questionnaires mailed out, 3,917 were returned filled out, for a 28% return rate. A total of 3,792 computer printouts were forwarded to the respondents. The difference of 125 questionnaires was due to people who forgot to put their name or address on the returned questionnaire. The percentage of returns was, nonetheless, considered very good. It was surprising to find out the Project Conserve questionnaire did not generate any calls for assistance for winterizing. There could, however, be a few explanations for this. Of the total number of returned responses only 39% came from the Housin9 Conservation area, which is the residential area of a high concentration of the low income people who would be eligible for the Winterization Program. The people qualified for winterization assistance who responded to Project Conserve, may have already been winterized. By looking at the map of the returns, the majority of the respondents could probably afford to make the improvements listed on the printout without the assistance from Community Development. Due to the delays in printout return and the errors contained in them, some of the credibility of Project Conserve was believed to be lost. There were more negative phone calls than had been anticipated. Respondents called to complain about either the lack of a return or that their return was wrong and they would definitely not follow the suggestions. tt is a concern of the Winterization Program that some potential clients may have been discouraged from applying because they were dissatisfied with Project Conserve. Community Development undertook Project Conserve because it was felt to be a good educational tool on energy conservation in the home. The most vocal opinions from people receiving a questionnaire was that it was a waste of money and that the funds should have been put to better use, i.e., lower the tax rate if there was a surplus to give away on useless questionnaires. The Community Development Staff still supports the idea that Project Conserve should be used as an inform- ative aid for the public on home fuel conservation. The general nature of the survey, the fact that it will not come up with a technical analysis of each home, should continue to be emphasized to communities participating in the project in the future. 13 J . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t s'a1inareslaentBWiU find 8It~ : COIIlIervalion questiollll8ire In' their' ~ mailboxes during MarclJ~ !/JaIIks to a, :-city projeet funded by a grant from the , ,. Kansas Energy Office., :; The quesliOl2l28il'es are linked to Proh :reet Conserve, a Dew voluntary city,pl'll-' ~ ' ~gram to make citizens aware of meth-' :oos to save fuel and energy in then-' :J1omes. Completed. quesliODllaires will' :be forwarded to Topeka for computer ;:.aaalysiS. Respondents will receIve per-., ~ computer printouts listing :,energy-saYing alternatives: for their' ~~~::neiaJs' were SII~InOb. t ~taini11g,a $13.500 grant from the state" ~energy office to underwtite costs of the' ~project - primarlly postage, advertls- . ;fing and salaries for a few parttime em- ' ~l~~~ . :; Here's how :work: ... ... Project CODServewill '~ 15,000 questionnaires will be mailed : :Jo homeowners and renters In Salina, ' ~e mailing list was obtained from city' awater department records. The. ques- .' . :Uonnalre contains 29 multiple-choice __ ._._._.__n_.__ ..n_____'______...__._..... -..i , questions about. the respondent's dwen~ ' ing; for example; thit DIDOber of storm" 'windoWS'. attic insulatiOIf and thermo-" stat settings. ", ' ", . ,,,;'j , Doana GoU; the city's. wiiaterlzaIfOlf>; program coordinator. Is. in e!IlIrP' of 1 Proj~t Cciasm,:ve-. She stressed the proj~l eel IS strictly vollJ1ltary. Alllnforma-' ~ lion gathered will be confidential.. The computer aDalysls will be based on bonslng and energy ebaraeteriStiClt ' of thiS region. ' .; .. uFo!" sample, the aaalysla' could ! g1veyou au approximate. cost on addfllg' i inSIIlation yourself or blriDg a con-, tractor to Installit," Ms.GoU said. uIt ,: also might ten yoll:h- muc:h energy-~ you'll save by' inSIIlatinl, eliUiklDt or -.i addlng-stomnlndowll and bowJciatlt J will'takeyoQ.eo:~the.~':.'"J TbeqUestl,,;,nAlres ar;, i.'.;.,':";;;;'~I;;.r~ by a si!If-addt!1t~I; .Uft!Jl"'1;retum-,f ~ope. Tempol'llry ",W!I1'terswUl-,lle, ,hired u,_~atr*,Pruj-.i eel, c.:........,Dumber;. 8I'T-38Ot>~ makebame:visIts;lAtU-_~ helpfllllilgou&.~ f_,'Jhk~i::rit:, SiIIIllal" projeetlnre ..hOf aut.; 1ast~ In:Dine KaaI8s c.-.....,...Iti..,; .. ...",.;;.,;;,:...-,....~".':;c(.-..:~~'--'">-~ February 20, ~1979 ; ...__-.4.....,._,-___n..-...'"'"..-. "~~"_'_'_','~"_' : Due out in March ~Sa/;naris can answer . 9.' -' . . . ..-' \~~e~gy,qu~~t~.C?r1.ry~.ir~. '1 - 0--",', i~t) ::~iJ _ .:?:~ ~:' ~~i . .,,} .", ""/3 '.. . .':;;;: ",/'j . do .. ';~"', .j ".....,.:". - -.^ . 't{;~~:s;:-,~::~:::,--::.---. .~*>c. _~_.,.1i'}J::.-':~,i~.,.,-~ I;~..,~;;F' ~~. . ,~ ' , 1~' f':~~::'5ft:~':,. ,-,-" ' 4 '. . -.,,:-.', ,.. ::.'::i - . ". _:;". ....: .~, ! ".. c"" . : . . ~'-' -. ",' . ..' ... ;__ w.':........ :,;..;;~~t~1~':.!:MQuritah's of mafHng$';' ':,;,. ,."_.,, : - :~~~r:.-j~:.._-/""":PF':;~~~.;;-,..)-c-.'- ';___~;"" ':",".: ~.---~ ' 1, <"_.'_"_" '_' '-~ ".--:_ ;:~~..~~~. ~- :.' '. ":l :' ,1lomIa::,GoJ},,;~ .~tIoIr '. a De_ City. ~eram; IiivolviDg; .;:~tor:'reeeatlJ.Cound;:h~ . compilter' aDalysls..of Iioasing-, I" ~.~~~lmPtof'c!ctata; is:~pwt,to.lnfarm clu,,-' i'~~~'.~~~hA'':5to .,'zeDSofspeclfie-methGcls-to: save- ._ fl<<, malltlhto SaIIDil;":reSIdentl:', . fuel: and d11o=1lW' m. tIIeir homes. .' 1,' iiest'IDOIItIi..,Projeet'~'(JOIil'llalPhoto~, ',' ~".,,', , ~~z-- . ~ -~~"... -.;.. ,,"- ~4I.:I>_""",_,,":i ..~_.:...:..:;~ v_',-. --..:.'-~~~ .~.,~':'~~::_--11 . ) ,''t., i 1 " -.J '.~-.'-" . , " ' --. ..-, . ;, "~7:=1 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I February 28. 1979 ~~~$mffi1lifJ ~U~~ ~~$lrJG (,0 ~ "[ffiYn~4~ ~ ~@Ol!r~~ . \\ ~ - "-f\i,' . :....~~r~.\ @.."'~ 'O""'~"." ~:"':.1'-:':-' $'-.;' . . ~~ ~ . 1)., . /.. ,~;,' -i.' ....; ~ ,,': " < -~. (fl:::- ~ ])</ ,.-., :,' , : f~OJt~T Cm~$~L1Y~ rmw BE TMlE I1NSWER Questionnaires will be mailed to all Salina resi- dents the beginning of March, Fill out and return this energy audit and you will receive a free analy- sis of your home energy use. For more information on how Project Conserve may save you money call Project Conserve at 827-3601, Sponsored by City of Salina Community Development Oept. and The Kansas State Energy Office. , 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _u--u:-~rClrT. - 1979-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..., . ARE HIGH, UTiLITY " , ~]t' ~,ft '~"'~~~~ ~",\1,~ t,' ';c, ' fl' '.~ ; _; 'l<>,":jh WIll :. ~~. ~';'''oJ:''.:.}D1~~~...i'~ MONEY TO SLIP ~ .:THROUGt~ 'lOUR tJA~DS? :: ' If so. ,complete the questionnaire concerning ;:energy efficiency in your home- and return it to .Project Conserve. , Let Project Conserve show you how to save : money on your utility bills. , ' '" Questionnaires will bemailedto.Salina resi- ,dents beginning March 2. 1979. ~: For assistance or ,additional information call Proj- .-:act Conserve at 827-3601. ' " Sponsored by City of Salina Community Development Dept " and The Kansas Stata Energy Office. ' 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .'00 YOU. . ..r . ,. II!.I "r unlMty irJ~;~;t. iJJjJ.l~&' '. . TO BURN?: , t~ . , If not~ find out how to save your hard-earned money' by completing your . Project; Conserve questionnaire. Questionnaires will bel1!ailed. to Salinans starting March 2. 1 ~79.. For. assistance or. additional information. call Project Conserve at 827-3601. . . . Sponsored by City of Salina Community Deyelopment Dept.. .~ . . and The Kansas State Energy Office . . . t. ___._______10 __________ March 2, 1979 I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , : l~T flj)~n ~tt 0'1;: t,. t'- . . fr'Ud\i1-'J(.\7. . ' 'CC~SE~VE ~ ~"tMD V,~"1J' it ' " n ' ~'. ~: . " ...01 ." .,.;:j;\ '" , .': HANG ON>' .' , 4 -". . . . .: "'''t~ :V~I~D ".:"", ~: " hi'.\] a \i'~~.i .' :: . HARDEARNED: . \;' iI; .~. . :l...~~il i!~~.... ... . \ '.\. (f!" .~ ;;.-'. I . HlV LH.i~ .",.. I' W \~,. .. ." . , . " I, :. i '. _ . .. ~ ". t..' '\" i) 1 [g~~:~~~~;~:~v: re now 1(1 ~.~._.~_ HbeirigmaHed to all Salina residents. n If you haven't already. received one ~ 1 YOU. will shortly. Fill' out this energy. ~ :! audit and . return it to the CON-. ~ S.'ERVA TION OFFICE. You will rEl- ~" , ' r<ceive' a ~r~eanalysi~ of your home ..' ;t . . " , ' , , ... ., :",:.' .~ :1 . energy use~::... '... ,.;i. '."< " ~ "... .':'"..,. ','" .',' .,- ' , .. ", ,,".-- ~ :.:;:tk~~:Rroje~~\~o.nserve'..':will,." te~.,you ! ;know;'whatyou 'can,do:inyour'own . ~<h.bme.to'slash 'utility'bills',' ,,' :':;'" "...~:..-...." . ' ~. ;......; .:.' '." '~_.' .... --.': ..' "'~-' . ," ,". .. '-. ~ . ". ..". ," . .:'.' For more information or assistance. call 827-3601.. :.. ~ ~'.:"" " .' . .~. - . . . . . ." . .. .'. .~ :, . Sponsored by the City of Salina Community Development ':II ,".~ ";'-'.. '.. -. " . . . . . . . .. '., '- . ",' , & n ?;T\'::"'.'." Departrnentand The ,Kansas State EnergyOffice~"_' ~:1 c-. , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Don't Throw Money Away..... ~:You Can Do .' ....t>.~ Something.""r.i ...., About'. It... ..' '. . . '~'.':.,:: :.: "Project Conserve" willlet you know what you can do in your own home to. slash high utility bills. . '."-; .~ .~ Questionnaires concerning energy efficiency in your home will be mailed to all Salina residents starting March 2, 1979. For additional information or assistance call Project 'Conserve 827-3601 . '.'.~ ....... - Sponsored by City of Salina-Community' . Development Dept and T!1e Kansas State Energy Office: "n . March 5, 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I ARE HIGH UTILITY. .' BllL:fciuSINC;';. MONEY:-.TO"sLIP'.. -~, THROUGH,YOUR HA~PS?, " '. .~' - " If so. complete the questionnaire concerning '. energy efficiency in your home and return it to ~ Project Conserve. ' . ' , Let Project Conserve show you how to save. ' money on your utility bills.., . ' ''' . Questionnaires will be mailed to Salina resi- dents beginning March 2. 1979. " . For assistance or additional information call Proj-, ect Conserve at 827-3601. , Sponsored by City'of Salina Community DeYelollll1ent Dept. " and The Kansas State Energy Office. " , ?1 March 7. 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I March 9. 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :..:' FRUSTRATEDOVBl RiSING:.~, /:"~~,0~TI",G &COOUNG " J~J;"(I 0.. STS ~~." . 1'=9: ' -. . .:. PROJECT CONSERVE MAY 8E' THE ANSWER .' Questionnaires will be mailed to all Salina resi-. . dents the. beginning. of March. Fill Qut and return : this energy audit and you will receive a free analy- '. sis of your home energy use~ For more information . on how Project Conserve may save you money call .' Project Conserve at 827-3601. . . Sponsored by City of Salina Community Development Depl -' . . . '. " and The Kansas State ,Energy OffiCL ,. - . '-. ';._" . 22 DO YOU HAVE. MONEY' . ' ltf:'BURN':: . .'. . : ;... ....._..:2tf.;.Ji~f,.,.- t"__':,-,'~:\,..t;. ":: . '.~'::~:"~.-::~:-'~" . : If not.'Jihd.' ;out how to' .~ save '.' your '. ha'rd -ea rned . - ~money . by.... completing your Project r ConserVe questionnaire. .. . . . . ""' ..'- _.:- . ~ . . ~ Questi"onnaires . will be mailed' to . ! Salinans starting March 2. 1"979. . .~ -- -:- . . . . . .~. ,.".... ..... '.' '. . .- . . ; For . assistance or additional .':- information, call Project Conserve at ~ 827-3601.. .' '. "'.. ,.~ :~'_:',.__", :.'i :',0"" >~.. . ':.- ",'.. .~ : ~ \1.. '. S~~nsored... by' Ci.ity"of Sanna Community Development Depl. . . ~ "<! 0'." - and The Kansas State Energy Offica-" . ':"'1. ...". . ~ . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .' , " 23 . .:". March 11. 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -. I I , . . . , . , . . .~, "- ~jAY! V~I3R UTUilTI ".~ ; . '" BilLS GOT ,y~" ~y~~ . , ' ~iU \jJ wt LJ'~ :~,1}j '"' ~- ",;'A' BARREL?, " ~ , ;::"~ .' If' so, maybe we can help. Project' ~ Conserve is mailing questionnaires to all Salina residents. ,Fill ,out the energy usage audi.tand return it If you haven't, received one yet you will soo'n. For more information phone Projec~ Conserve at 827_~3601" Sponsored by' City of Salina ,Community Development Dept. and The -~ansas State Eryergy Office. 24 M"arcn--rr, I ~/~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . n. . .' r~ ~ . HAVE'" YOU .. - . ;~RECEIVED"YOUR~. . . - . . "-,- . ""< ENERGY SURVEY. . ..... .j.. -. ..:~~.:. " QUESTIONNAIRE?, .. If not. you'll be receiv- 'J"". . , ing one soon. Fill it out . . and return' it to Project -Conserve. Take advantage of this opportunity and let us help you save on your'utility bills. Contact Kansas . Power and light Co. for information concerning . Questions 14 and 1 S. ' :.... <,)_,:;.:t~" . .... . . . ," ," ,-",," ..- -'. '," .' :~ SpOnsored by the City of Salina' CommunitY DeVelopment ". ~:.". . Dept and'the Kansas State energy Office.. . . ~ ,. . " _' .... ~.,"]t~ '-'7 ,n. .', .. . -. '.0:", ,- - .,. . .'. "". ..~~)::_.:~..._...-I.:_. ;.........'.:..f".-_.'.. :"'->-"." ," 25 . l'larco. 1'1, I~/~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,:>,~'L ';" . 'DO YCURpillBn ".,IUllS SOMETIMES .' KNOCK YOU OVER? . IDON'T LET THEM.' .... . .-. . ~_. "-,-' Let us help you save money ,on your .'. . utility bills. Fill out the energy su rvey , . 'questionnaire you have received in the' '.' mail and return it to Project Cons"erve. .... .)f you haven't received one, you will 0, . .", soon. Contact Kansas Power & Light. , concer~,ing ,Questions 14 and 1 5. . .. . .' ~ . Sponsored by City of Salina. Community Development Department a.nrl the Ilansas State Energy. Office.. .,.: . March. 16. 1979 I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I March 21. 1979 Energy questionn'aires mailed The city has eompleted the' first pIIase of Project Comserve by maillDg '13.lIJO eaerv c:oaservatlOl1 questloo. natres to Salina residents. . Project Ccaserve. a new volmrtary city program to make citizellS aware of methods to save fuel and energy ill their homes. is fIlIIlIed by a graDi from' the.Kansaa EDeIV Office. TIle ques- tioDIIaireS are to be completed. re- tarDed to the Project ccaserve office at G4Vernment Center for forwardlDg to ToP.eta for eomputer aII8lysis. Ms. GoU noted that resldeuts wI10 dOll.t keep otlllty bill records may c:a)l Kansaa Power ami LIgIIt to get iDfomlll- tIoD tor qaestloas 14 ami 15 DO the COmL ' Tbose' two qaestlollll ask for dollar fig- urft OIl total gas. ami electric usage over the last year. . , .. Resideat3 wI10 baft' 11111 retumed questiollll8ires are asked to do so with- in the nen two weeks. TlIose who re- tunled. forms but falled to eomplete the nama ami address iDfomllltlOll may- , request, alIOther form by c:all1IIg the , ", " Project Conserve, office. 821-3801, or \ ._ by'" _ DoooI- '," : opmell, t offlce. Room 108, Govemmeut; , >Cen~ " ,.c"'-~ .' ",'....,c...,c;;"! , , .. . . , ' QuestiOllll8ire respoadent3 wI10 identi- fy themselves and their address on the forms will receive Jll!l""n~lI~ comput- er printouts \IstiDg eDeIV-saviDg alter- natives for their dweUiDgs. Project Conserve coordlnator 00IuIll GoU said %.350 completed question- naires bave been returned or 17 percent of' the total maWng. City officials are pleased with that return since a three pereent return on amass maWngls con- . sidered a gwd response. 27 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DON'T THROW THAT . QUESTIONNAIRE AWAY! It Could . . -' SaYeYou 'Money. " .' . - ~.;- . #. ..... <Just_ fill" out'th~ qu'estionnaire t~at' you . - . received in, the mail and return it to Pro- , ject Conserve. ,After a computer analysis. of your answers; yoU" . will . get. 'a con-, .fidentiaL.rel2ort 5m'ho,w you ~ight be able to reduce. your utility bins to an afford- . ~abfe. ra-n,g~~~for;Jn,formation.".<:oncerning,' , questions 14,'&'Cts 'contact 'Kansas I - . ".- . .'! - ',~ , . , . _ ...,;, - ._ ",; ~Power 8t light..Co; ,~.>;. ,-'-i'. :.-- ~: : . -\-.:'--:..~"'"7'~-~'. .../" j~-.-~:_-.~___-_:~~~,.~,.:,l:::~':.." ,'-, .',' # .,. ...;,:.....:.;.;. .,' . ~~~ :":"_: \ - ..",CIr.'~~' --.. ....1 r J '.......--1__..- ."~:. -. ~ .~- <,,:.:.~~.i:i:~'~~;~~:~.:f~~~~ ~ ~ ....~<>. .~: ~ ".-:" "'_~ .:._~':~:-~j:,:~~-..:: .. ?fl ---- . March 21. 1979 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HOLD IT! . P Don't Throw That O.uestionnaire ~way!,. ,,~'0., ._.::. ~.'-t;~._:-.._)~:'.;,., ;:..,~_~.'~ :t~ _:' -;. -:~ ':'}'~ ";,' .;'::!~:I.r . '''Just fiU Qut the questJon-' . . .,/ naire that you received in .. < ~..=the ni~iland return it~ to' ..-- . . :~L<:f:l!"OJect Conserv~.'Wemay .'~. .,_,. . '.,~<+~!'be. able to ,help you save' . ,""" _ '" z'- :,__'_ . . .. -. ." . J .~...l . . ,,','ie.~money on your utility bills. ..;","'. ., . .......'.:~.W ., . '..'--... II" . h' -.', ..,' . .',)~';:;-..:;,~:__eJI;!.n9r;~e ~~g .a~yt .I~g".:>~..;::;. ..;>;~\f:~*,a.qd: the. co"fid~!lt) ~f .rep9.r.t . ~".;:,;:.:~... "'h~~~ :t~9tt~iUres~!veb~!=,f$, !s'for. "c''?:~'.' . "~:~"'=NQU~Useonly, F6rll'lo.re in- "'. "?::':: . .. _ ~, ""-,~.i"_',.. ... .......~ ".' " . ~ ~. i',; ,;:c .fcrmatiqn phorie... . .... .....'_ .., . '. ".'.;;:.. ;'.' :'.:::.tl'~. :":""':~~';c'8' 27' 3601 . .' ',' .- -. !:;.~~:-.:.~ ,.~~'?'::~fi:+":'::.~;t>~,. . .', - ,- , ~ ..,t ( ..-: ,':.~. . .~~~. -' .~~ '~~:". ~ . < .Spon$Ored' by' citY 'of SalimI CoirImunity Development . Dept. and The Kanu$ StatB Energy/?ffice.'. . " .'. . March 22, 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r Let Us Help , You Fight High Utility Bills. Fill out the questionnaire you received in the" ~\'. . .... . mail and return it to Project Conserve. . After a computer , analysis' o(your answers youwil( X8:ceive suggestions on whaf you ca.n.da)a your home to' :', conserve energy.)ohere'ls,no)Jbligatfon,' , we just want to' help you save money' aiidconserve energy. __ \'" '., Sponsored by. .; ...,.~ City of Salina Community Development Department and The Kansas State Energy Officeo . ___"'In March 23, 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r;' -- -- - -. ~- . . ..' ',' -~ ,. ," -, , 7f, r ,." . . · ~..f: ,~.t: ~': $. . .Ti~~..~' s.~. . fl 'J ~.. .. iJ. < , . t.:;;lI' . l '> 1:1'.: ;: ~JCTURE lfJOK :. f AM~lAR? ,.1;'" March 25. 1979 .~1t '. It's Part Of , Th3 Energy Survey v~. Questfo'nnai re Baing " Mailed To All Salina. Residents. ~ ... . ~ r . We are concerned about your high utility' bills. Project Conserve might be able to help by offering suggestions on how youcari stop' some of the energy leakage from your home. ; ~., Simply fill out the questionnaire and return it ~ :~ to. Project Conserve. There is nothing to buy ~ . and all .information is confidential.. So act. ". promptly, fill out and return your response :": today. . I. . i" . . - Contact Kansas. Power _ &' . 'Concerning questions 14 & 1 5. . Light. Co. '. .. ..:.../" Sponsored by Cily of Solina Community DevelopmetDePf~.J I ,. . . and the K~nsos State Energy ~ffice.' ...... 31 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. ~ , DON'T , FORGET ... . .,...0" - - ~ ",' - . . '.. ...... - To return the . questionnaire you received in the mail concerning . the' 'energy'" "efficiency ....of" yo'ur" J ___' home. Send it back to Project . - .- ".~ .. " _'. _ _ _ _ - --_.c ",_ '" . ." ....... _', _ . . ,:". t.,._ Conser~e ""and in "a couple o~ weeks you'll receive', suggestions . .l~, ' . _..' . -... " - :'. "..;-. .' s.... .. .' --. on what "you ,~an .,' do; to sav'e "energy"~' 'and""also"-"SAVE,.YOU .' MONEY on!y()'u'r ~'tility'bill~: ~'.~:~;~~?~;" . .' ",. . .~~~: ~--'... ;c': . <-~.": . ~ ~":"s: ,:~, _.~. .:~~:"'./'~:~:=~ '''-:': ;~.~.,'~'"> :'.~~.'-~~~:';Z~-~~~,:'.~..~',.. . " --.,.....", . <.-;.~-- ,'. ~,~:"",:..,~.... :...! , ". SPOll$Ored b, (ii, 01 SaRna (ommunilT Dere/opment . Department and the KanslIslnel11T OHite. ' , ",~.' . ," . 1;> March 29. 1979 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -;:11 . :-VOU-ST~ll~~~n~ - ~.",J]~l...V'E( ~~-~}rJ~~!~.' ~-:~ .. .~~ II ;n ~:: : ~.., ~. . .'. au f, i tit .' 0-:- .< _ __ Q '. >___ . .H; -- -. _u "~"'U__'h O'u ---.- '-""-''''. . ,,_ "_. d. ..; To filJ Gut the questionnaire and learn hew YOUi may be abls to SA '1J~ rmltrlGV and fll~OeJmil. t It's easy! Simply fiU out the questionnaire yea reC~rJed in the mail and return it to Projed. Conserve. Imer a camputar analysis of your answers, you will receive a confidential report on hoVl you might be able to reduce your utility bills_ to an affordable range. Spon:rored by City of Salins Community Development Dept and The Kanss:r Ststo Energy Office. 33 March 30, 1979 April 12, 1979 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ..... , :...,."' " .~ -, .," ,;. ".., . . ~".:>,;;: '~". ':0 ,,~~ ~T.,~,~:::;;..:::' .......~. ." "." .' .c "." ".' ~ ~;~ . ., '::' dO; "-~". ': :.:-~".:'n.FORGEi ~9~' .... - 0"'. .. ", ." . , . . ".- . : -- -.1_. ... -. . ._ '. .' ..,. ":- . - ~ -' .~ To return the' questiorincire:you received,' inthe:maU 'concerning' the energy' efficrency . of' your . home. Serid. it beck' to' Proiect.. '. .. . . Conserve end in . c' coup!e. of weeks you'H receive sugsestions on whot you' cell' .' do . to save energy end. e!so;' S~VE YOU , MONEY on your u~mty.bm~. . . .;.. ... . -'. .... -., ,. . ".. - '~ . -, .. . . .. . For additional informatiorro-r assistance call Project Conserve 827 ~360 1 . ........ . ." .. -.. ." ..'.. .,", . . . S_'" b, Cily ., s...1~ C.mmunit, o...i._nl D'll"'1m;';';';;d . KG_ State i""", Offi... 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RADIO COpy TO KSKG, KYEZ, KINA, KSAL February 26 - March 3, 1979 HEY, SALINA, DO YOU WANT TO GET WARM? AFTER THESE PAST COLD MONTHS, YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO LEARN ABOUT PROJECT CONSERVE. FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON HEATING AND COOLING YOUR HOME. FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE YOU'LL BE RECEIVING IN THE MAIL EARLY IN MARCH, AND RETURN IT FOR THE FREE ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME. PROJECT CONSERVE IS DESIGNED TO SAVE YOU MONEY AND ENERGY AT THE SAME TIME. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, WHY DON'T YOU CALL PROJECT CONSERVE AT 827-3601. BE COOL, KEEP WARM! MARCH 20 - MARCH 26, 1979 HOLD IT! DON'T THROW THAT QUESTIONNAIRE AWAY! IT COULD SAVE YOU MONEY. THAT'S RIGHT, SAVE YOU MONEY!! ALL WE WANT YOU TO DO IS FILL OUT THE QUESTIONNAIRE EVERYBODY IN SALINA IS RECEIVING IN THE MAIL AND RETURN IT TO PROJECT CONSERVE. FROM HERE IT WILL GO THROUGH COMPUTER ANALYSIS IN TOPEKA, AND IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS YOU WILL GET A CONFIDENTIAL REPORT WITH A FEW SUGGESTIONS ON HOW YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO CUT THOSE UTILITY BILLS DOWN TO THE AFFORDABLE RANGE. NO. WE WON'T SEND ANYONE OUT TO SELL YOU ANYTHING. THIS INFORMATION IS FOR YOUR USE ONLY, SO PLEASE, DON'T THROW THAT OUESTIONNAIRE AWAY. PUT IT IN THE MAIL TODAY. IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS CONCERNING YOUR RESPONSE TO PROJECT CONSERVE, CALL US AT 7-3601. THAT'S 7-3601 FOR PROJECT CONSERVE. 35 - .- I I I I I I I A P PEN 0 I X I I I LETTER ACCOMPANYING I QUESTIONNAI RE I I I I I I I I I I 36 , I' ,,~ 1 c. rl -}'~~.dl~Etl .JlJ111lt :l~\lll (\1 ~ I 827-6601 --~'\.yf,!.. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dear Citizen af SaUna. ,Here is yaur Praject Conserve questiannaire. By spending the next few minutes to answer 29 questians which describe the TIlJ.jar physicaZ features af yaur home, yau may' save yaurseZfhundreds af doZZar'd an yaur utiUty biUs. AfterfiZUng aut the questipnnaire, pZease return it in the encZased enveZape to Praject Canserve. AU af the questiannaires wilZ ga thraugh camputer anaZysis at the Kansas Energy ,Office in Tapeka. In a caupZe af weeks. yau wi];Z receive a canfidentiaZ repart speaific to yaur own home based on the answers yaugive on the questionnaire. The infarmatian an the printaut wiU pravide yau with energy conserving means that can save 'yau hundreds af doZZazos an yaur utiZitybiZZs. Praject Canser'Je is being aperated by the City af SaUna's Carmrunity DeveLopment Department under a grant fram the Kansas Energy Office. If yau have a:rT/J questians 1'1' need help fiUing aut the questionnaire, pZease caU Praject Canserve at 827.-360l. Sincerely yaurs. ~ -dJu Donna Go U, Project Canserve Manager 00:81' 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A P PEN D I X I I I QUESTIONNAIRE RETURN 38 II I DATE NUMBER OF RETURNS DATE NUMBER OF RETURNS I March 6 360 May 1 4 7 389 2 4 8 208 3 3 I 9 111 4 5 10 79 7 2 12 148 8 5 I 13 402 9 5 15 335 10 2 16 105 11 2 17 83 14 1 I 19 120 15 2 20 150 23 2 22 479 25 1 I 23 90 24 69 June 2 1 29 287 4 2 I 30 52 10 1 11 1 April 2 101 13 1 3 66 21 1 I 4 40 22 1 5 30 6 21 I 9 33 10 16 11 9 I 12 12 13 4 16 16 17 13 I 18 4 19 6 20 10 I 23 10 24 6 25 1 I 27 5 I I I I I 3~__ I I I I I I I A P PEN 0 I X I V I MAP OF RETURNS I BY CENSUS TRACT I I I I I I I I I I 40 ~r.;;;l .~ t~ I o .1/2 I . .me l- Oll I I' -r-~----- I I I' 1-19- . --- -- r , l , , I 1 , / I I I I I . . , I \ \ ~\o~- \ ,..-- \"" \ .\ 7' ~ \ . Salina, Kansas Census Tract Map 6ENEAAL I.DcAIION OF . SUBsrNITIAL KEHABILITATION :.;, PRoJECTS FOR UM'ER-INCOI'E 'i-~" I PERSONS " I' ,....... ....1 enl , 011 I I QI . aiL. DIKE . ----~ ., . ~ /- ~ - I ~ f7 01 L..,J 1 ~~RW__ST. _ ./ " ,/ ,/ I I I I I I 011 N 010 @) I I. I o 6 ~ , I I I S'TREET I. . -- I I 1 \ " , \ M~~!d.\-l..~CL \ . \ ~. \ , \ 5"0 . 1>1' I. ~1012 .~@lIl!d~_____~__~~_l 1 I 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A P PEN 0 I X V NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT PROJECT CONSERVE 42 II 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- ... Same ~ ('.If ,- , < ........ elt\' State General Information 1. When ","'8$ your home built? C;mor 10 1920 C!9%.1965 01921-1945 0196610 ?festnl 2. WhattypR Is your home? Cone-sto"J OrwOost01)l Qsplit-18\lcl C:t.~!'eeormores!orics 3. \l<'hu -.u yOW" haling $VSlem lasl clean&d or ..rvkecl? CIess than 6 month. ago 0 more thon 2 years. Q6 months 10 1 year llgoOnolseMced 01 to 2 yeors ago Doors 6. Th. foUawing are diagrams of common types of exterior IOUlSidl opening) doors. En!<< below ellch diagram that molt c\oHty raembles your QoOf5 tt_ number of each type of door in your home. Do nOl Include doors that optn Imo prllgeJ. morn Doub. WQOdcn Slidin!ilGlass Wood O.~ Number of 0 0 0 Coon. rJ m raJ F \ '----l Wood & 0.". Glu. v........ 0... Nu~O 0 0 7. How many of your doors an equiJlpeO with lIann doors? o 8. On ill cold. w1ady day can you feel air leaka9'e near In. doors ."en when the doors a,. closed? :;J:i" =f>C~~' =:lone 9: Do YOU ha\'e. IIHUJrMr strippi"9' and'or caulking around yQUr exrmOl doors? CaL' Csom~ =nOOI! ZIDCcc!e 1...\ 1y" J~.- .... '.."1.......,..."".,.&..... .0(0,..... ~, ~o. .', "....."'~,1""'"\..t""'l ~ t"'"! ~. '\\ '. . '--. Ii h -, ',' (: ': ~'..-' .J;I. ..~V ~J' V L .l..~ '-" " . A Wood fume: Attics 16. Do \IOU hay!! an oltlLc or c:a\l,] 'police under :;OUI roof? :J ~:e~ Cnc ~~~ 1r~~ t. WhlltlndoorwmperaruredoyouatmnpttonWn- ____ ~ tain In your homr In the winter during: 7 ~ daytime: night ~ 055'-59" 055'-59' 060'-b4-' G6O".64' 065'.68" 065'.68'" :]69','" C69','" Q Oabove is' Dllbove 75' 0 . tvt:n1ot: 055".59" 060'-64> 065'.68" ;r-:~ 069".;5" 0.00- 75' !)' -2b A4-o- 5. Appnncimaldy. what is the tOCaiaquare footageof heated InllnsanalDYolU home'J f7---~ (T.........liviog."..mul..ly'h.I.......=n<h. '. -) r/ /~ ' bf:7,.-J J width of your home and MeA multiply thai nUlI:I:bcr (1"'7.,/ --"'l,/ by tbe number of hQted and. u~ lCoriet.) ':)800 0: iest' 01.601-1.800 .-e 0800-1.000 01.801-2.000 01.ooH200 02.001-2.200 A ~.,L.... / ~' ~ Cl.201-l.400 02.201-2400 ,,~ 01.401-1.600 02.40101' morl! ~d=; , lIyo\/. nay, noMli;; or(lo1ll..1 space under ~'O"'I roof. go on to Quntion :'Iio. 23. 17. !iYOllrattkReatwated? =y~ :'OlC IE.. Do VOll ha.., permanent lIooring inlhlliif;c. in :."0\11 attic? :J~'e; =:'lC 19, Doesl/our art": ha\'e ~'ents Of ""inDo... that proddll ~'entilalion? C~es :Jnc 20. Is ~'our anie equip~d ""i1;n an nhausl fan? C,.~ =T'l~ 21~ ~ow much inlWlltion iS2". the 6001 of ~'our aftie? l..; 1-2 mch~ ,-," ~! r:-.ON :~.:~,,:, 8~j :~~~:: 5:~:~o~- Ci-8i:':cr.e$ 22.. Whal dOl's the insulation in yourartlc look like? 01005" pil~C;C, =. non~ ?r",!oo::~.: Cblanilr.5 Of bOo!""; :: ~:1".~.:)~r. Windows 23. The! folloll.ing ar' liLa'11"lImS of common t'\.'~ of windoUlS_ Enter belo..' neh diaaraOl In;:!: m;)~l closei~ T~mbi('s ~!(lur ....indo.....;. In~ r:Ul'l1::H!f ef lIIchtyptoi""'ind()\6'vouhIlVfinth,htllrll.;lli\'IOO area of your hom~ Also ihci':i!t~ Ulh,,:h,"~ ~~ nO: tM ...."1ndo...s na~'(' ,,'oC',;cn irarne,. Don'l !cro~: bastmenl ""'ll'Ido....5 if ~'~'l.: ir.ch:c'~ lh.. Oi!l.S':TH'~': in Ihll hllaud living area Qr >,Ol,1f nom~. .~' ,~, ::..;........; i~: It::i! " ,:: j, L -. " .---: Number or WindoWli: Oocl:>}l' HunS' o CM'2mer::. Tiltmg 'i LJ o 2~~ ~Yel ::1'1:- . ;:::;..1::' :nll d r: .' " ;\', 1. :1. ,,>':: ~ I~l_ 1 n i ~ :1 SUding Pane Number of ,r-r Windows: LJ Pictun or Ba~' ~ i . ~ Wood Frame: _ ~.~ --':'lC 43 ='.-i-O _l'::- 24. How r.}an~' ..,n::io:>u;s au ~;&Jp~d Ill/rh ~ith~r storm \I.'[f~011o'!5 or ooublll glazing? L 25;... Dc your \I.'lnCOIL'5 rii1:'!l~i _iJ~" -'!:=~,<: 25. On a cold. "'indy day can !-'ou loJ air l-nkage nlfn ....ith the ....ind()\6-sdoloe:~ ::50:'1"..:; ='1C::", :7, ~" lie\: Ml'e wta:z.:e~.s:r:Pting andC't caulking I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , CL' Jf"lg'" --n! /.t [7 t' ~ {j( j/j,7, ~f M/:tCJ w 4lii',,' M- ! c( ..,u,'1?1' aqy'c--~'/ A.~,- ~ j<t~ I -'t-~tA- ~ r""~ ~ -t-o ~-<U'./>~iUi...( " ^ L_~[ Lu^~~~.' il:I:1 & <2<) a.--.~ I ~ r~- ~'~ '--'~-:"'I ~~'- " ~'?-'-"""'-'" ~- 'p.;-- of g 1t4~ " , . M,-(,.~ / ./ -.:..:J' - _ ' 1', ~ ~ c:~. ~/ ~y-<.../ ea." ' ','/ ~ ~. ~1fr~'...&:J ,~~'~-1t.:"'~ a-,~ ~~ ;te ~,~ r~ ~ J'~ et-~~1.-f ~t:Lv1; C~ ~:r ~,et.ti C-d;l~.,_) a-,( d;~ v~ c!~l ( f~ <<V"..-~ ~ r /~.J/ f:~ '.:;tJ; rC/f /,d./ ~"iJ.~ ~~~-..-(~( -.:f~ .~~ d~i- d:;o-a.......... ~~;:t/!7""";"" .zt:., ~~/ ~.f.,1Lt:L ~ .~~ ~~ /~i <<:4 ~~V/'~ <LA>-L;;-.; ~~~.q L'~ -r.V. .-I4...../.;~t drT~~;a' L4r;r;f~ ~?l~l~t~A4U?/~ /~~~ ,._~ .:::~ ~"<'V.;..:::L;Lt;. ..A~ ~ ~ ~v'f-..e&c( .../'---T ~ (( I) /:.' Y D ' L . , ~ ,~ t /'1~ I"' 'l-~' ~e .. f /-~ ~f ~ a..-t~,-),.., R' .il; /~" a::, , (r" #', ~lj~r~v~'Tr~ 7,zc/ ((0 ( r "'Jl6lt 7'r.-J'1~-:-f~ (I ,( " r.d- l'f ~/t(). ~3 ~~,.~,,~v_ f"ut4J/-t" -:f J(:P~L ~~-Mk4Y:U'l ~~~f ,1 1 ~ /J I ~ ,t'/ v" ....J...I..' ~ ''- if .,,', ..1.(1 ~~y: ~VI1. I .~ ~h" , ~.-... ~~ 4~fr4': if ..... - 1 a:~/ " /ft.. -Na--e ~~~....r~ ~ ~"-'f.::td- -r-AI~" "1" ~1~ ,~~ ~}f-~:rLI-.Ja.1!(, .~ ~ ~~,c';J'I~""-'.''--''~ ~ :dfAr"<. ~~,.d:-7;6'1.<.-'" r....~.~~ ;z::tt~. a-H- tfid( ~ ~...;f ----f~.l-te..~~-."t;.~../k-.& .~~ .-.rJ..d-4.~ , ~~~Jdt--~~:~:U(~/~'~~+(/ .tp..f.1 A1 cfj,{f ~~Z:f(~~', ~4'"~U,Z/3.~ ~ /1+~ ..-c ......- <<<: a:r Jf, .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... ..--;: - 1~ ,~(,.J..,.J- rl: ""'" ...).' "'.......a '-~.-u..~ rl ::.., ' -:;;I1'..u..-' /~ ,~t'"'>-v.,j. .~""-"-, .: ... ; , N .J.t.- .-<-r A..C"PU ;U- ,ti.i.c.~ f~c:- ;0:- .A-M.-,_i'-,,-mc{~ '1 (L...6~..:-" h-v a:r'1fv ~ -(0;W - . . ",.v:. ." ( . f.~~ J<..J:. .,j.- a,.YYV /'"rwa.~ 7 f ~'t-C,./ .-ed."0- J- ~(.'-"- j.......".( 7'"../,:./ -,',-..' 73~~.1tV th.~' i~~ -p1~:1. /~;2~;~ f!JV' ./J~..,;r4~'~~-,?,.-,.-::/v'_' (-r~ -r~;i~":'VZ ~~ 1:..d>..'.A.., ~ C7....,~....i ~ ;;;>..<...-' c.::tf..(..'../ .a-<J'/ d-Lur~rr.v c-f. ;t;/~ c1.i.'~.J c'" a... ~-<...'- --: .. . -'- . 1.8 I ",,,%/ ..? . "'......J-., i ~,~/ <f- ,-a.<JLi..uJ' .-0-~':".J -:'-<";-<L :J~ 1-:-'-' -'YY'.r. q.lI)Jj1'~ /~..t-'. t.:.:: ".':':":\ i;.J;t ..<>>t: m1..<vr>~ ~"u." :y;tT1N7\Jt; ,;r ~ ;J.U..... .~ ()... f-'.J,,~-(_'-<.~:""'''--''-, , ;J~ ku ,rd.:r ~ a... ~ C'vYtjf ~-rt'Jw :J;- ~ ~~'"':.- -#~.w_ d:f.; f&d , .jJ ;tf1.L'I..~) .A4..J ~t.~ .~ ...j.&...a;;.4 iZt.(-<i-nd ;t7/......'-",- ,t.&rLC ~1'tf:1A..- '.'/ '(, .,..' ,j..' i.. . --l! ..L. -:-.,':;:- '. t:i..<---' J..i-1"t..-d: ;a-- '"u- M...W1.//S- /U.'tt.i...u.t; .:ui.L.", !JLi:Z ~'t.',(...l'Lft'-'- c-~ .~ <.- :.... . '.' ..;', '../i ...~7L".:~ d ',. ,1.1-i.) do..u/"d ...I,~~~ .r",---u..--v.:~J.""""-4 "f,.'" :,....(.( .""'-v""-". ~'-<N:t .,;r.M-'~ F::O"", ~ '-I:::' ~.; ..,- . /'11...:.," :cr ~'>1/;a.'u:4 elM-- ff~- M""'~ .tL:v:.v~1.'. ~-"!4./ ... cU!~(~1</ (C.>-";..'"-f: J W~ Mo-lt AA-7t..-.;t,' i:c- c& .M- ~':.l ~--- ..t:t....:..1-<-M./ '4 .<...'-,......."'!;'. -"~-M... ~ '}u!'TJ...~/ ~0~~ a-f!..( -b.-f-..f~ $:i.P." .. w: Jj1f":" .M-.-=:'. .'~ ~ir~U" .:W .1~(~ /.....i..,;~~" . -!, ikt q ~- d, -t2...,f d.:l-,,,t" LV*- :(1l...<..J My(. j-"-:,~t.. :C'4'- ,:.r:'~.' ~x:fu./r;;;:.:r: ~'~UJ 4ffV, t:~1 (~.a.i~..!!:~ ,. ..Ld:t!'[.-:-1cj~,~/,;A..".( a.-r~ rr~~ fr cp~Zl.v..L:[(.."u...;.;.{ /i~cr }f'U~:t: 4 ;t1Lt..W MJ,,~ ffl.C' :..<.~~/ -<,-<<-.f .:d~:1 ~ ,,# 'X;L:~ ft~/!...' . ~ n~~ ~ -4 ~<. u,-X; -j:;.....Ji. ~,,,;;(;L; -C<.'"'-'....Qr'-' ,.!,<,'1(..,v. -;:i;:.'.~ a..U' ~ -,j. ~ ~ :t:iw .~W,; .kv Rdf Ai' ,,,...r:f:r;'..:;"" .d.;....r4/..J "r~,t': ~ f _.1 ___ . , ' . ..' . / ..... or . -__ 'i~v..c..H.._I.iV~' a.:r :t:1i.V" ~.U< . '. " J'f,'1 ~ ~ ..dw ~. l' :d<-<..- 7(.!., ~ 1- ~"t:.'!-<j...R~ d.b" ft., i....; I I.. "'-4 rnc:r:.:t'-';t- r11f.f!.<1..~ ~ ~<v" T- ~ ''71.C't.:.. ~""" "'--..- c->1/ ~b~ ~~ :3.~~ia#:<..l. Jf.~ (at ~~ fL~ ~-1-t~;":~~..u.~ 1(. P:c//!.... it...z...fi.. ~..a- ~ .-w<i::trv Zlu.1'lv q .~ r.......' I.H,'..d. a ""~'W'~ ,A.A,;-ii..e- i2tct';;' f2tLd :ttk.i.l../ ~ /.~,.~.i .a.1M'1Y"; ..d,~~;./.,,-..J.."L--Lurc..,;..J.~'H....i"''''-<, ~I ..u-;...;tt..- ~ ;f..(4) et ..ia"fi?..- a:..I..~ ';C;':"": (k-t~ ~. :d....d~.:..... ~~ I ~1 _ /, l. ~ I / - _~ _! / I ~ .' ,. - ~.a-. ~d~w :1;('-6-""";" t-r//":"'v~i.t- -:-':::"-'t.4/~i..VJ f~~ (U..L-J, 'P-... ~<.L;~k- ~} tt-t AA..'<V '-'4-1'-;' di--n:t: o-~.d.."-"::' ~ It-zt'G- e~ 76""" MI.-.v ;...-~ )ueJ'n.u~ ~(..~.zte:./ 'h.:c-:l..li..',) ~.&.4' ~ ,d:<h~ rzf....:""-/ /.A.4/ Z/vw: c{ diil.~ ..U{l.el .~ -I'L/KA.,~~.+0; J-'- 7rI. 'if' ct. cv.:'<:.&u-~ . rYYl.U -m. m, C', tfl.Ju~-..d:.';I- ,:/ 0 .., . " U ,~~ -m~ ~()./;'d 1;~;;;~"". ':l . ,j . .....--~ j j l..___-.. " =- ae; I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7~ If~W..d~ <:tj;d '(0 ~ Qi l-:to "- A.I- Y#:;::j~~~ 1;tt!;. J .. . ~ ..:<A., r:::1, - (0 r\ ' ~. ~ , I!!; 7115', ~ VW" b-d . j;z.. ~1..,.. % I:' , () ~ -r'l--O ~ ~~-- ~~~. 04.;'\ .. ~ r 46 II ]I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~C"o;.5:~!",'- =.~l:-ii";'e; -'~ '., =::.:.:.. <:.~ ~Or.;' 51.:l:'.i.\ 3. \,,1-.er. \l;,p ~our hu.r.mg I,.Sl,m iu.:. cieaMCi or wrvice;i? DieD chan 15 mont.~ ago :: mor.. t.'lan 2 ~''''l'$ "So 06 months 10 1 year ego=nol H"'~~': ::1"10 1: ~'urs.~ t. "''hat iMoor lal'l9UaNr' dO}lou anempfto main- tll.ln In your home in the wiMer during: da\ItimC: night: ::Js5'-59' :JSS"'59' C50'.c.;' 060"-64' 005'-68' 065'-68" :::59".75' C:69'.j5' Oaboue is' Dabove 75' C\'efting: C55".59' 060'-64" \::55'-68' 0159"-75' Oabcve 75' S. ApproJCima&aJv. WMe is the lotal squue foah,ge of healed 1M", ar.. in your ho...? (To esIima&e living area. mukiply the lezapb rima chI' width of your Aome and then multiply dat numbct by dte aumba oC heated and utilized Itoriet.) 0800 or \as 0l.601-1,aoo 0800-1.000 01.501-2.000 C]UlOl.l.200 02,001-2.200 01.201-1,400 02.201.2400 01.401.1.600 02.401 or more Doors 6. Th. foUCNltn, Ill. diallTanu of common t'ypa of dlaior {oullldao..niDgl doors. Enla bdowuch diagram thu moll doMiy rnembla your doors the nuDlbuolucbcypeoldoor in\."OUI' home. Do not mducH door. thai open Imo lIvagu. mom Numbu of D..." Doub" Wood o Wooden SUdlng GIas, 000, o 0 mEr ~ ~" VadbuIe Door o D \~~ &-"1 Wood &I GI_ NumbuolD -., 7. HOlll many of your doors ere equipped with Ilorm ....., D 8. On. cold. wlDdy day can you feel air !tuag. near fhe doors ....JI ...hen the doors en doted? Oat C1some C_ 9. Do you h.... _ather strlllplJlg and/or caulkl~ afOQnd your armor Coon? Dan ClsolM 0.... ~ Conditioning 10. is d. aJtln bvIn9 _. of your home 1Iir. "'........." =!ll!I Ono If YOW' nom. b not d-eonditioacd. or if YOW' air conditioning is provided by an evaponriv. l;'ooUri l)'ncm (rwamp o;oolctj. 5kip to Quemon No. 13. 11. WhIltt!..peof~ls\lMdinVO'lrnomeio:' Sl.Imma' coo1IDg? Ceiear',:::cefltl'ala: conCi!ionins =2!f c.1:leaJ S:~ eon::wnin'; Done or :nor.1 \l.T."IQcWOl' ....~m:::.:\::<:::mi:.\ -F\WCS 16. Do ',1(1101 twI\-. .n attic Cf cr.....1 5paC. under ~'our rooi? =\'e5 - Ifyoll new noanic ef cr....i 5.p4c, vncltryvurrool. go on to QIlI:5.lior.:\c.. z.:. 11. Is your attic afe" hutK? _~'';;' =.,c ----~- -' lIi. Do ~'Oll hau permanlnt fioonr.;j In$l:alled In YOIIT attic? -;;,;,; 19. Oo"~'OVrilnU:; hll",un:s or ...indO.....;lilat p!'c':idc \'u.llb.t1or.? G:';e5 =<1:t c:'....,. ~ ZOo II YOllr .nic ~quIP?Cd \i;ith il" unaust ian? ='..:5 =..... 2.l;.... ~,":~~Il~h insulation Is..!,n~ t~~ i1~?r 01 your attiC? =:': ....rl.s :' _. ~_.~. _...., ~~~ :~~~~ =~~:~C~~. .....'-~ l:l~nil$ r~"--' r--J '\ "- r \ , \ '\\ "> (' %3. Th, foJlou.ing u(' dlllgT,,-ms of commer. t}.'pes oi ll.indOIl'I. EAleT' bei"" CIlch diaCl~am thm most dOKI~' rt'$l!mbil!~ \.(,U~ ....in::;o...~. 1l1~ m.uno.r of each t\.p" of ll.'1ndOIl' ~ou ha.\'e in :ru ~"'''-teci IWlng ,,-rn oi your heme. ;"lso Imj;::ll(~ ....n~t:)~r or noc tht ...inclows r.,,-\,~ IO'o(.oen trame~. :)v~:1 iO'gel b,,-ument \L'inaQu', i{ ~'C" :1);;lJ~'~ :n.> ~~5.ement In lh" huted li",inS uta e,! ~',j;:: r:"m~ , ~ r--- z:..~~har ~o:..~.~ inslllati~ i~~y_o~~ ..J.~~ iook like? :;JOC5~ .."-......". ::::.,.....~ ,.."""... +lbi.arlK~:.! or e"\,,.! :... '-'~~~':""'~, '-' Wmdows " _\ r= r~~ iE, jt::::i. - ~ \\ r .! <: 1; '. !' ,!' .,.' ;.......-l_: Deuol. T\!uns ClI.f'~:':'1en: D :,e ::1;: :'.i.: .~ SIiC:I!'l1l Pic:urp <:'~ ::: ~'. ~ i..J~LJ Numt..!rc: \-'.'indo'l.'S: v..oociFrame; ::.:e< \ _...', \ <, ~ 2';. Ho... man~'\l&irlCjo..', ~~, e::~ -,' 1': ""'::. P:::"'t: !f.onn lIindo~ or 0::1001" !l;<"::'."~' D \ - , . Z5~~ JIOUr v.indrl~=iC::':i ~:1o':e c------:: -( ~ , '- -~ \- ~ , 26. On a cold. .....ind,.. de~' cen \'OIJ fnll:r lubge ('lItr. '.I.'ltn the lI'ind.,... dow~? ::::'10:'1: " :;:7. 00 ~'OU haye _athet 'T',pin<;; an:. C'~ cauliUllg ~~oundYOUfll.inop'OU"? . -~ -'~~ '::none \ \ Other Energy Conswners Energy Costs 13:....':'ha. fuel is used by v~r ~eatln9 system? =::::1:1IY 5~~! =pr.Jpa:w: =~aoscne ~ ZE. \-'.'hat"-'pe o! iw: it u.ed b1,. the: fo;;t''''Ill~ \ app;tanca in}/Our home? "r:, 5[::.:110\11: ~~O~~.~ \ ""..n: '>,=~~: ~,.etnn..tn: --;;~ ..:a.,,,,oe::::;.:,. ~,.::,:.~. .,,~.'orr: 1';. OlJrt:'l.,;the lall N-'I!IVI! months. ,,'hllt was the tOIl.! con of merg~' used for hcadng. inciuding aii IU ~'arious _ in your home? 5~36r.$3~ 3~~g~:~~~ =!2S'l.S.';'':=' =f.?C':.~90: =.S';":'H!,X =S<;;:'~.Sl.C:l=. ::S5Cl.$oOO :;$1.':0: ':;~ mo:'i' 4L ;y~opa.'l' =;llO:lal11! :::o~ I ~' --.. I :"iame ...,- ~_..._ _aM Addre~ $uaries '.~:.o '::.. ...t;..", ......... en: ..... . - -~.... I ..._~~ .... -:"...;:-....... ~-~._~-: ~.~ (:.5.'76 'cec--::::.~ ~":'+..3::var ::isM. ~~': :~ __~..l._", ~... ......;;0 '~.......~." ....\.0..1,'_ _'=' _"'....ar -- - i>ww. ._...~ ZiD C~'l:l\! - ..,...';'...1......"."..,,'....,... '-"-" -\ I R ,;"" ) '.0 .' . ....... .~. i v' y :,~~spons.e Attics General Information I 1. Whln W'iII:I VCNt home built? =1'110r~.;l :920 =:946-:965 =~'?21.194S C19oS6:0 presr.:t I 2. What t\'pe IS ~'OW ilom.? =Or."SlC!)' =~""',>s:Orj.' '=,~in.:~tl =~"lrU or mON m:r:1IS 3. 1411.n \lias ,oW' healing ~,SI.m lasl cleaned or SoINk"? wius than 6 mor.ths ~o emore than 2 ~'u.rs ago Co months to 1 ~'ur agoOnot sel'\'lc~ Cl:02,un~o I -'. \,Vb.. mdoor tnnpuilttl!'e do \lQl,l <ItwDpI CO main- l.lin in your nome in th. IIl1nllr J1.Iri."lg: ji:Vt1~.: .,19m:: C:55"5~' C!S5'.59" e;~::;: E~:~ E~~.~5~5' ~~:':l5~5' I I ~~'lUng: C55'.;9' ::,sv--:';' ~5a'.6S' ;;;5;->.';'5'..., '-leQ~e .j I _. ,';pproximal.il/. what is the IOta.! sqllar. foolag..ol :-:"at.d a"inlJ ana in IIOW' hom.? \ 70 ,"sn..""r.ItC liYin!.il1:2" muidpiy me I'll. limes I,.'te '.vult.'1 of YOW' home _ ch,o muidpiy tlw; numb" !,~ C~'Il ~amDo:t oihe:ued ~nd uci/.i;Jcd nones.: I '=:r:C')r'./,;; '=':':'J-:::OO ei:~gi:t::~ ':::...01...:500 I Doors I ~;.;.J1.~.3CO _>..01-_.000 '::2.'J012.2CO '-2"'0'''':;'10 S2::ai ~r mor. 6. Thp;Ji!o...in'3lll'.diagrllm,ofcorntnOntypaof U:lerior (ouaid.. openinlJjdooB. Enterbei01ll'ach ::iaifllm that mO'Sl cJ?Mly rlSembMs ~"Our doors :::c nUIDCU 01 n,dt:>,ope oi door in your!\oma. 00 .1~; i:'ldude doors cha( optn into gar.;sga. I n .~ I U f' 0.::- j: ~ I Double ';"'fled n :..... ~\llt",~tcf OO'-~: I \"'~I I~I ," I l-.J Wood & Glass ~lImbcr oi If 00Ms: i..-.; I :r--1[l1 :\J" , \-. ;~, i Woede" I i. How many of your doon 4R .-quipped ~1Ch corm :OO"? o a. On a <,:o[,j. ....i"cIy day e;sn ~'QU ,,"1 air l.alUlg4I near 1M doofs lIY.n 'liMn the doo~ 4fI closed? =~~ 2sor.-:e =~'::t".of I '1. 00 ;.'flU hay. llI.ather itt:l~ln, llnd.'Cf cauiklng _uo\lnd:;o\ltolXt'r1otQ~tI? :"011 ....:Jom.. =r;cna I 48 16. Do you NViI an attic or cta",1 fPK" ulMier' \lOllt """ Oya =~o If you nave noaa.tc or CRwlsp.lC.undervollftooL go on to Qucalon No, 23. 17. Is your arlie uu h..led? Ci;;es '::"0 18. Do \1011 hall' p1trmaltlnt flooring tn!!talled in ,'Ollt """ !Jyes =~O 19. Doa VlNt attic haVil ~..nu or ....'nQoI/o'. dUll prollid. lIendladon? eyes =:10 20. Is \i'1)\If link ~uipped wilh an of.hlIust fan? eyes Crto 21. How much insularlon i. in the 800r 01 your aale? 01.:2 :nei':es :J9 ':lr ~o~, inchllS 034lrtehes =:l.on.. G5-liine....C$ ~:..:.:'ll<no-...n Oi'-8ineha 22. Whae don dM: iJtSqla;fion in \lour anle look like? Cil.Jow part!dlS =~en.~rellCrtr Oblankacsorbattll C<Jt'.;cnO\Wt Wmdows 23. Th. fotlowtng are diagrams 01 common typa of wlndolll" Enter blIlolll each diagram that most clowly I'eHmbla VOUt wlnd_.. elM: nllmber of each f\1M 0I1111Rdow \IOU haw In en. h.ami !ivtnq at.. of your "ami'. ..:uso indicar. wherlta' or noe the windows haq wooden tram... Oon'r forget bas.m.nllll'indo...... if IIOU lnclwi. lhe a.aem.nt In the ba.led 1I11inS1 at.a 01 \lOUt "ama. Ei :1',1",' Ii 153; :ULJLJ) g IlouhIc TlWno c-..... H.... NumOiIrot 0 0 0 Windows: Wood fnlme: Dyes eyes Cpa ~no Dna ':Jno [lfdl ~ d ;1 p It ,,~i -'~i Sliding PItt... Of Ba~' Pan. Number of 0 0 \liitllbn; U;ood ;:ramr. C:Vd ;~'a C~o "";r.o 24. How many ...,ndo"'. ue oMuillpord ...ith eith...~ 51Dnn III'tnclow, or double giumg? o 2.S. [).)\lourwi1ldcwsratt:,? Cail ':sc:!"..;: _ner.. [ ;!'5. O"aeoiJ.I/o'ind';..:!::IvcJ.::l\lOU;fl!;"irtof::lk.......~"'er. io.;th :ne ~'i".ci"ws .:i"<e~~~~,,, =~cn./ II I I ..'.TU....."..................u... .:'-' Genera1lnfonnation ]VIv Response 2.. \'iha l\.,. it your__? =C~H~' :~ ~;;_-:::'M=:=M r.. "':1h ('/J s.o.i3.:!? .~~;;~~~:~: u<< sf.'- r ~f 1-Jt1 d:~ 05'.~9' III/trY'/, wotJlJ. a,i( 000-...... 060'-64' ~ O='.~. CS5"~ =H'.;s' =W.:"S" ="."',,. =.....'5. +,fKe.+ /.~ / ,r.;crung: 1f h P"- ~ ~~ . ~ ,~- =,.,0""';' v- , . ~r:;;J'5' fk r, 'h, I~ :J~ .O~~.:'"'__I_~oM_,.., 5. t\pprollUftaWVolllbalJd18lOUd....iocQg.ol i- - r:~ J1~' ".:..HOW.. ~1......1I..in..dNlloarOIYOW'Aftic1 ruud iMng ..... In ~Ollt horu? r .. < W \71ft '::;1'% :~":a ~9 <';lr:'Mtll il\c'''\fl T.)~$anw.avm,ua,mWmtlJftA.l~cunadvf....J e G I wi ="l~':lCtla =no~. -i= ~i yow hcnn. aaJ chen ~y du& rauaOcr r Cot' \.. \,. .:;~ = _ .rtlI.nown ,."...................""'......._1 ./~-r /J '16'-7 -' _J...~'_Jt:N :1.-5Vl.UlXI ~~-rr ~ J. ~ J z:z._W"doa.lbtiftlldadonin~'OIU&eUclooklibl .=S(;lJ.:.';OO :::.501-2.'~O ~" .__ ~ ,-loo1"~1'Xl" r;;r.on"prewnt =:.;Ol.:.2CO =.l.';Cl.~.2CO ~ '" ~ Cc:.aniolnor b&:l3 ~\UWlcwn =:.2::.:.'" ,;;:!-,~:...l,,~.. c::.. -1-,. y- ~ (" =:..".:.5CO .~ ..-.. .7 '~-L--- I L When.... your hoIDI' buiII1 ~;:r.C)t to ~~:zO :19-i6-196! _:721.L9~ =l966la~ I I I I I I I Doors I 6. Th. IoIIowin, IN diagrams of common ~ 01 mmcwlouaUil opIftIngJdo-. !lmrbefow_-.:h ~ lhat moc ~ raemb" ~ doors me numlMr of cedi rypI of do<< in your hofD& 00 IlGC ind... doon tfw o,n U. ....... I "'--'rnr t. I' i~ I ;d~ t. ~_: ~: i~ i:~ I 0..... ~'ood '..-oIn Ooon; ........l ~oocIeft SDcUnt G-. C- O --m. ~ 10 1 U o - I ~~: i.f~i Ll Wood .. I GI_ ~.~O ~ { r& \ ,0 ;r, " . :' - - Attics 16. 00~"OU haw .ao mic 01' crawllpKa wtda .,.ow .-. ::\>cs ':~O {fyou n... ISO .meOla.wi.~ W'!dtIr<;OU1foof. go on 10 Q...uoa ~o. 23. 17. Is 11011I' uDc: ana he&Cltdl ':::..a =no 1& Do yoa have pam.ueaI 400rtag inIIaIJ.d in yOlII -, =VCI Coo 19. eo.....'OUI'aakMwventlorwtndGwttlw.prolllid. v.~ ='f1lS C:'lO 23. ns. fotlowtng .... dlegrams of eCInmIH tV_ 01 wtDdowa. &ter beAow.adI d1~ I~ mo.l d,*" fIMInI:lMI voar ......... rbe ........ 01 NdI tYc-of.....'}CMINw 1ft th. hnud lMnw ... of your __ Abo i......... or_ dw ........ haw --... nll'ML Cott', fort<< ba.maac wi.... d you, inducia dw b_1n lbe .... llvUlg .va 01 your home. ~ Ie:::! 1=1 g ; Ii IJt I " Nambllrol ililndowc """".. H.... o o ....... c-- o Wood Fnmc =.,,11 ="" 0- \"-- o """'" C- O ';VII b1'CS ~I'IO C!no 011 i~ ';.1 W,I '. .' .~ I 1. HowlMnyol\loardoon...~....... ::!QoMI? C &. On. cow. wadvdayceayaa..... .........., tt... doort' tvm when ttw dean IN dowel? ':.1il :>>rM eM". - _Of"" "- NwBIM:t 01 0 0 - Wood _ =,a =1-- -"" =:lQ I . 9. Ooyotlhae..atwr~....,_eauDdftrg IfQUIIQ "'lNI' acmor 4oonIi' =~ ::"'rM '=~or.. I I A:- 49 24. How raaa, ......,.. are ~ wtdI ftf:twr IIonD ...... or doaWe gtuing? o Z5. 00 vwr...... racdel ;~ CIOft'A """,nan. 26. On. eQI4. .indy day un \101I....., '-..... ~ Wtt:htMwlllOowsdalftl? =~ =S=<I =non. 'Z1. Doyaa,,-"...edNr~-aiorcaa.lk&ng :.K: _ UDaAd ';oat'.mciaws} _ _~ ~3C!M _to<:!!. I ~ :'J"'A"1AA..- .t-l- ...t.~ -/:;. .("1::, r ~:-~ ~-L' ?~J J..; - ,," Same I A.:l4ICU Cit\.' I General Information l. Whln....u 1I01U home buill? =::1"'.01:0 :920 =~9~.%5 =:<;2:.:~~5= :960:0 ;:ll'fttnt I 2. Wh.u rype is your home? OQn~-iIOti" =r...o>s:ory =;;:li:-:"".i =:'~r~1il '~r :'I'Ior. ltClne! I 3. \Atnm we YOUt' Milling "",'stern aut dcaMd llI' ~? =!.!Sli :'':~n ., :Tlor.tr.s .l\jQ = mor.:! :::.1n 2 yu:s a;c '= 6 :':':1;:1:"$ to : 'lUll ~go':: root UMCiIG =::0 ~ :.'f4tS~o I I I I ;~i:'~ ~r ,'oi~ '_~l.iJ.l.\"OO =:::O..,,2CO =:.2'.)l.,.~0 =:_~J:.;.;GI) Ol.:SOl-U00 CUO..EDQ C2.00:.2.2CO C:Z.2GI-Z;fCO C2.~lor:norll I I Doors 6. 'Thll! folloll/ing llJli! diagrams 01 cOlnlnOn types of i'ttmor (ouoicleopenlngldoors. Entl:rbclew'UK:h di.."am thai mott clowly rnamblft yoqt doon the number of nch rv9I' ", door in Io'our home.. Do not Inc;ud. doors Ihat opcn 111I0 !laraga. I n... ". 'nl i I 'I '_ I " ! IU. ',. Ii, U. .' 2- ,....: !: " ,:a ~: , I " t: Coobl. Wo<XI ~umbcr~f ~ Docn: W w...... Sliding Glan 0.,,,, o )1]', '. -~~ ~'. U o 00., t ::; I,' ". . "', . l. Door wit V........ o """" C- O I 1~""1 :~, ':;;;;\' '0 U Wood II: Gig, NumiJu 01 0 """'" I I 7. How many at your doors .,. cqulpewd with aonn COQI"lI? [J " S. On a cold. 1lIIndy <lay ean you tHlelr leakage neat (h. ~00tI tven \IIhen lh, doors an CIOMd? =~il ::501':':.1 =oor.. I I 9. 00 you have wn~ ~ing and/or caulking around yourlxtlriot 4oou! .;~ '::scrne _~onl I > a.., ..-Ci';.,," LO ...., 7'-, -< '" ~l- d.. .:J~<-';J ~ ~\ d"--{~-'" c ~ _ "_. '-t". l -' '- / .\I"ii.n".'~I'..""''''''''''u'",~ 'J ...-:.- 7 .- "t:.o::...- J,: -..;... .. <.I~ ,..r ;~:. '?'n~-r -tih.t'~J ~'1.#-fJtJ;4I"'.""""""- ~rac-j~'~""<(~ "?:C'(..'1....\..- ~iDCod. \I "T ~ N"T' R.. ., ,I ' , ..("'\. 1 JiY l ~esp;on~e Attics ... 1N1'I411Ddoor temperature d.o \1'0\1 aalmpc to main- tain In your harM In the winw during: da~Unr. night:. CS5'.59" 055"59' =60'.0.+' Q60".64' :::=5'.5e' :::65'.63" E;~:.5'75' ~::-::5~5' ~'e!Ung: e~:~ :~ C::.5'.6O =:S".73' =~~~,! 75' 5. .':"pprolWniU:lly, IIIml ~ IhIIOl:~ square fOOCllgl 'Of lluud :lying arn in 'loW' home? .,Tocsrim:mliiYing.vca.rnuJ.liplvtbllenJCi:atimuthc -Ni.i:b oi yOUl" home mci d~cn mwtiply tn. number by ::.e oWQOer oiheacccl Jond luilized uarin.; 50 16. Do you n.v. an ante: or aawlspace under your ""'" c\;~ eM If you haw noamcorcrall'l sp.c, undtrvourroof. go on to Question No. 23. 17. b~acUc:4lUhuced? ayes Cno 18. Do vau Nil" pwlIaMnI flooring iftStaUIId In your """ ::y~ =l'IO 19. Don your aCbc h&w: ,..nu or ..inc!owl that PfOvidt liemilolllonl C..~ Ono 20. II your ionic equipped with an uhhSt fan? D~'ol:I Groo 21. How much insuiallon il in the .lloor of yout attic? wt.2incha =9<}r:nor.:~el'lC$ ::J3~ineh.. C;'\one ~5-6 l:w:ha Chll'lknown CJ7.Sinclla 22. What don the insulation in yout attic look likal 010051 panlda ~nonl pr.Mnl Cblankctl or battl Ci ~nknown Windows 23. l1w roIlowfng .. dJagr&a18 01 common types 01 ...meso... Enm belo..ach dt.,gram thai mocI dOMly raanbla YOU' windows. the nwnbu of each typt ofwindow you haw in 1M haled IMng ar.a of yout homa. ..\Jao indlcal' wlwthCT or not eM wtndowl have \lIOOdeft frames. Don't forget buaMm urindows if you include the bumwnc in the heatad Ifving an. 01 your heNna. ~r-=\ 1811~ "'..... T1lalng c...m... Huno NumbCTaI 0 0 0 Windotn; Wood fRmr. Ova Dye 0... 0... 0... 0... W D i~ . ;~! NumtM:rol Wi~ Sliding p- O o P1cnn or Bav Wood M&mlt: ~:Ja ~no I"":'a Ei~ 24. How many wlndowt ar' nluipptd. Wllh cichn stonn ..nt\do!n 0' double: gla:irtf? o 25. 00 YOU' wtndows ranlcl =,:il =$OtM =.''IOfW 26, On" cold. wlndv dily can you f"1 air I,wg. ....en with die wtndowt dOMd? =~ =~O! r =;'!Cnl .. 27. 00 \IOU ""IV. _athat mlpp.ing and/or cauUting _ Ul:Iund vour 1Io1ndlNl1? _ =~;~.. ....50:!I'I! f;ROJECT I I I I. I I I I I I I' I I I I I" ,/ ... fL~~<-;.~ rj. I //'-7~- DeC2' Citizen of SaUna. . Here is your Project Conserve questionnaire. By spending the ne:rt fBbJ minutes to answer 29 questions which , describe the m:z;ior physicaL features of your home. you may' save yourseLfhuruJ:t.eds of doLlars on your utiUty biZLs. After1iLUng out the questionnaire. pLease return it in the encLosed enveLope to Project Conserve. ALL of the questionnaires wiLL go through c~nputer anaLysis at the Kansas Energy ,Office in Topeka. In a coupl.e of weeks. you wiH receive a confidentiaL report specific tt? your 07JJn home based on the answers you give ' on the questionnaire. The information on the printout wi LL provide you with energy conserving means that can save 'you huruJ:t.eds of doLlars on your utiLity bil.Ls. Project Conserve is being operated by the City of SaUna's Cormnuri. ty Deve Lopment Department under a grant frOm the Kansas Energy Offiae. If you have arry questions or need heLp fiLLing out the questionnaire. please caLL Project Conserve at 827.-360L. Sincere Ly yours. ' ~~ Donna Go z.z.. Project Conserve Manager -4} , r 17("" /,:/:......./~t-____i../(Y(/CL~v ......!i'rL1..<-icf..' ,-f(~1-<: -.-/! ~ t.. L1...t/VU 'v '--<-- -" " ' ~ '- ' " (', -. .' -f-: "/td.~-~ ~ c;~it.J':{l.<./C.-;'i.t- A~'; '- .l..-c _LA./('//"~/l.-(''1~-Z'./' .,' ,/( - : . OO,':'so " ;:-11' ,:.....-:'" '{7 /~ik'r" /;"\./ cl ~6t/;'~-c?,~ (. ,. <",1.--.1(.,-(. ,-- ,- j . ,," , ~-- ".--"! ----- 0(../ /;~ .., . ,----' '. '. - i -- j '. , <;1 I I ?Vc/ - ,)j j-y'./i"\ CI, -~,i~' 0 I I --,' ,\ ....f.---' ~ '-'~','l ~~ 7f. r../' '", ., '1 .~., _ __ r/ /'fwI'-----.;...r;, _.~:~"'/'-- ~'v J?~..ttf--",^_~. / . ' ./ _' ----- '''''- , .7?-- 1/' c.v~--;r"" / -L ,,;-;.&C-.I___/::'.c...-1',,--,( .:A ~ J L;' t//' ....-z.... ,/ - ~,,----- .... ,_ ..-- ' ~ /' f - <..r7'._ ~ ..,.,.-,' '?'~/ , .' ' ,Y . ~ "j I /(,.,.':.::::...--1' J. tl . z: (}./'...;o-~-7* ,..j , J ,',:..,,/, ~<::Vl. I~:/ '.-' ,. ........_ /r() -, , "..., '../ ~. -~~ 'p ..k-' ' . (../ ,?i'-;"f -:~'-"'-~ '77j;f'7~7~/ .'7~ l~lA"/t ~ --0:1:" ~<tA~ ~~ .... .'./ ~ '..' J? I I - .J) ~./ J ..,./-- - ., /" /_ ~ _____ "" ,_: 1~.......'oW' ~ ~,......:....' c<.-~. ... 'I'-" ;:;;..;:,.,..;:....,' , .....:;;; I , _ - -.... .,. ..,- .' , .' .! .... . . I/J'1.,Uc? /.-" ~. -:~'-A-J?~ ~d...M -?"Vf/~~ I' ,/ /"~ . ~ I "~A~J/' /" Vi ~,-d -V~ ./'1-7 --::;;;;;;; ..::~:;- 1-t:"u-.:1~~/~.L---)'~i::/Y't'~ ~:,::;(/ . f " --v-'-. A-'~;;~ ~.~."v ~ -vu .~ I v/ffi /I~ ~ --u f~L' ~ I :0// < 11 ~",: _, ' ~,t":; / Y,i /,.~.j. ~.r A~!~. ./.<~;?;;:.,.., - -~ 7>'<-l: /1''./7...-. -. --~-0 .v' /' .' ~- . . ,...,' r i' " .. ,- I ~ /~' P , / / " /,;;;{/tV" ?-4d .-r---- I . {/[ ~;~~~J-;/ ,,,.! ..-/-/ . " I I I I I 52 ~- ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I A P PEN 0 I X V I LETTER EXPLAINING COMPUTOR PRINTOUT 53 I PROJECT I CONSERVE I 827-3601 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VeaI' Projeot Conserve PaI'tioipant: Thank you for shorving an interest in Projeot Conserve. Here is the oomputer anaZysis of your home. The top haZf of the printout offers suggestions on what you oan do in your home to save money on your yeaI'Zy fueZ bUZ. It aZso Zists the prioe range for instaZZation of the suggested items as weZZ as how Zong it wiZZ take you to reoover the oost investment in term8 of 8aving8 on your utiZity bUZs. The bottom haZf is a 8W1U71CI1'!f of the que8tions and your responses from the questionnaire. For any questions you did not answer, the oomputer has marked an asterisk and submitted an average e8timate for this area. If you need finanoiaZ assistanoe in obtaining insuZation and/or storm windows for your home,. I wouZd Zike to make you aware of two programs avaiZabZe in SaZina. C07m1Wlity DeveZopment has a program for peopZe on a fi:r:ed 01' Zow inoome. The yeZZow pamphZet enoZosed with your printout ezpZains the Winterization Program, as weZZ as Zisting and .ezpZaining the eZigibiZity requirements. Kansas Power and Light Company aZso offer8 an in8uZation program, with payment8 for insuZation oosts added to your monthZy utiZity biZZ. Both C07m1Wlity DeveZopment and Kansas Power and Light offer a free inspeotion of your home to advi8e you further on hOw muoh insuZation shouZd be instaZZed. . If you need heZp interpreting your printout, pZease oaZZ Projeot Conserve at 827-360Z. If you are interested in either of the two finanoiaZ assistanoe programs, you may oaZZ C07m1Wlity DeveZopment at 82S-726Z, 01' Kansas Power and Light Company at 823-63ZZ. SinoereZy your8, ~~~~ Donna Go ZZ, . ~ojeot Conserve Manager VG:so 54 _ __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A P PEN D I X V I I FINANCIAL REPORT 55 I I I . . . I . . . . . . , . I ,. . . . FINAL FINANCIAL REPORT for PROJECT CONSERVE Amount Budgeted Actual Expenditure Postage Fees Bulk Rate Business Reol y Presort $ 205.00 1,260.00 925.00 730.00 3,120.00 $ 205.00 1,445.00 446.74 626.26 2,723.00 Salaries February 26 - June 9 Telephone February - June Travel $ 4,320.00 $ 2,634.65 260.00 500.00 319.68 13.65 Advertising Sa 1 i na Journal Radio KSKG, KSAL, KYEZ, KINA Shopper's Guide Xerox TOTAL 1,230.00 1,043.70 1,910.00 2,150.20 330.00 120.00 .00 857.10 3,470.00 4,171.00 1,830.00 712.99 $13,500.00 $10,574.97 Supplies 56