Traffic Controls for Street Construction & Maintenance Operations '.----, ~~:, ~.. .''j..;. CITY OF SALINA SALINA, KANSAS TRAFFIC CON T R 0 L S ~, STREET FOR CON S T R U C T ION AN{! , ;'. ,4>: h. M A I N TEN A N C E o P f RAT ION S I~: FOR -THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS '..i .,'~ I II . --,..;( , Rr.eplH'lfq. iX', ,-:'~~~~;"~~' '~~., ';" City Engiriee,,",~ment :-,,:,_ ":<~'!r,_,,:~'-'" :"~, - , ;i:' "'''' "~ .. . TRAFFIC CONTROLS STREET FOR CON S T R U C T ION AND M A I N TEN A N C E OPE RAT ION S .. FOR THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PREPARED BY CITY ENGINEERING OEPARTMENT Adopted by the City Commission and approved by on thi s day of MAYOR , 19 . I CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I NEED AND PURPOSE OF MANUAL 1 II PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PERMISSION 1 TO WORK IN CITY STREETS III PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE 2 IV DETOURS 2 V TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THEIR USES: 3 '1. General Requirements 3 2. Traffic Cones 4 3. Barricades 4 - 4. Vertical Hazard Marker 5 5. L i ghti ng Devi ces 6 a. Floodlights 6 b. Barricade Warning Lights 6 c. Steady Burning Electric Lamps 7 6. High Level Warning Lights 8 7. Flagman or Officer 8 8. Signs 9 VI PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION IN CONSTRUCTION 9 AREAS VII SURVEYORS 10 . ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE MAJOR. STREET SYSTEM 12 STANDARD TYPE BARRICADE 13 METHOD OF MOUNTING SIGNS OTHER THAN ON POSTS 14 . MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL 15 TRAFFIC SIGN LISTING 16 TRAFFIC SIGNS 17-18 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 19-30 . I. NEED AriD PURPOSE OF ~lANUAL Problems of traffic control occur when traffic must be moved through or around road or street construction, maintenance opera- tions, and utility work. No single standard sequence of signs or other control devices can be set up as an inflexible arrangement for all situations due to the variety of conditions encountered. The following treatment of signs, signals and markings for ~ street and alley construction and maintenance work provides guide ~ d lines to be applied as a City of Salina standard on all major~ arterial and collector streets within the City. Safety precaution requirements within the limits of any other street or right-of-way shall meet the requirements described in Section 32-259 City of Salina, Kansas Code. The purpose of the manual is to set forth basic principles, uniform procedures and prescribed standards for all agencies to follow in the design, application, installation and maintenance of all types of traffic control devices required for street and alley construction and maintenance operation. Since it is not possible to prescribe detailed standards of application for all the situations that may conceivably arise, minimum standard and illustrations of application are presented for some of the more common situations. "Particular situations not covered in the manual, must be dealt with in conformance with general provisions and principles set forth herein. --t These principles, procedures and standards conform as Cl0S~ ' as practicable to the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (1971), and are aimed at the protection of the driving and walking public and workman. The minimizing of both the inconvenience to the public, economic losses and the maintaining of public good will are also prime principles. ~ " The term "agency" as used throughout this manual refers to ~ I! ^f any organization, public or private, doing work on any city street ^"~~;~ right-of-way. " C~ W'"-V- " tV II." PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING USE OF STREET PERMIT TO WORK IN CITY STREET Whenever it is necessary to work within the limits of any public street or alley right-of-way within the limits of the City of Salina, Kansas, it is first required to obtain a permit to work in such right-of-way. All permits shall be issued by the City Engineers office in accordance to Article VII through XII, Section 32, Salina Code. 1 . The authorization from the City Engineer to work in any street must be applied for by a representative of the agency doing the workf at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to work being initiated;. --12--,L- ~ ~~ . W~it i~ecessary to work in the traffic or parking . . lane portion of the street right-of-\'/ay, (curb line to curb line) of those streets shown on the major street system map found on page 12 of this manual, it will be necessary for the agency to comply with the safety standards of this manual. III. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE The City Engineer shall have the responsibility of outlining those projects which are large enough in scope to warrant a pre- construction conference. Said projects shall be designated as soon as possible after the project initiation and preconstruction conference will be scheduled in advance of street closure. For those large projects, a conference between the Contractor, City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Street Maintenance, Police Depart- ment, Fire Department and agency involved will generally be necessary before work on street right-of-way will be authorized. IV. DETOURS The determination of detour needs for major construction pro- jects shall be made at the preconstruction conference. The Engineering Department will determine the detour route with the concurrence of the Street Maintenance Department. During normal working hours, emergency detour routes may be requested by telephoning the City Engineering Departr.ent at 827-9481. On other than normal working days, emergency closing must berepor~tifYing the officer in charge at the Police Departmen~~ When streets are ready for reopening, the City Engineer's office must be notified. When the reopening of a street involve discontinuation of detours, the Engineering Department must be notified by the agency twenty-four (24) hours prior to reopening. J~ ~ The Engineering Department will follow through and notify the ~I Fire and Police Departments that the street is open. The following telephone numbers may also prove useful: City Engineer and Traffic Engineer Street Maintenance Traffic Control Maintenance Water Department Fire Department Police Department Kansas P0I1er & Light Co. 827-9481 823-6621 825-0171 827-9625 823-2571 825-4691 823-6311 7 " 2 V. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND THEIR USES . 1. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS The agency working on a project shall provide and maintain all necessary control devices except signs prohibiting turns or parking, signs regulating speeds or stop signs. These exceptions. will be provided and maintained by the City Traffic Division, which must have at 1east.a forty-eight (48) hour notice to pre- pare and install the required signs. All traffic control devices used on street construction or maintenance work shall conform to the applicable specifications ~ ~ of this manual and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (1971), U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration or as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Traffic control devices shall be set up prior to the start of construction or maintenance operations and shall be properly maintained during the time such conditions exist. They shall remain in place only as long as they are needed and shall be removed immediately thereafter. When operations are performed in stages, only those devices that apPly to the condition present during the stage in progress shall be in place. Signs such as "Survey Crew" or "Flagman Ahead" shall be covered or placed out of view of traffic when they do not apply. Existing traffic signs and control devices' must remain in place until construction or maintenance activities are started. The City Traffic Division will remove and replace such signs as needed. The contractor will be responsible for any damage resulting from failure to maintain or protect such devices. All barricades and sign supports shall be neatly constructed and they shall be repaired and cleaned or repainted as needed to maintain their appearance. Adequate traffic control devices must be used whenever a motorist is required to change his path of travel. Special care shall be taken to see that weeds, shrubbery, construction material or equipment and spoil are not allowed to obscure any signs, flags, barricades, or vehicles parking in legal parking zones. . If stored in the street, material taken from excavations or new material to be used for replacement should be placed on that side of the excavation being approached by traffic. Such material is less hazardous to moving traffic than an open excavation would. be. Temporary stops (for example: K. P. & L. replacing a lamp globe or City Traffic Division replacing a traffic light bulb) shall be exempt from providing advance warning signs, lights and barri cades. 3 I n ! . Work areas shall be outlined with cones when it is necessary to divert a traffic lane. All mobile equipment shall be equipped with yellow flashers to provide warning to moving vehicles and safety provisions for the agency's crew. . During hours of darkness, traffic control devices must be reflectorized or illuminated as further specified in the following information regarding each of these devices. Typical application of traffic control devices is shown on Page 19 through 30. 2. TRAFFIC CONES Cones of various configurations are commercially available. The~ shall have a broadened base and a minimum height of eighteen (18) inches. Cones shall be fluorescent orange in color and be made of a material to withstand impact without damage to themselves or to vehicles. Cones with ballasted bases are recommended to alleviate the problem of being blown over or displaced. Cones of the larger size should be used when speeds are relatively high or wherever conspicious guidance is necessary. Cones should be kept ~lean and checked frequently for location as they are. frequently knocked over. Traffic cones are effective for daytime use only. A lighting device such as is discussed in Section V shall be used at night. When traffic cones are used to divert a traffic lane, spacing shall not exceed ten feet or a taper of one foot of road- way width for each ten feet of roadway length. Longer tapers are needed as speed increases. . 3. BARRICADES Barricades are especially valuable for out1ininq the excavation or construction area in the street. Barricades mounted on posts set firmly in the ground are justified for major construction work, while movable barricades are appropriate where the project is of short duration or where the passage of equipment or of local traffic must be provided. Each barricade rail shall be marked with alternate orange and white or black and white stripes, six inches in width at an angle of 45 degrees from vertical, slanting downward toward the side which traffic is to pass. The orange and white and black and white mark- ings shall not be intermixed in the same installation or area. All barricades used at night shall be effectively ref1ectorized. All barricade components with exception of guard rails shall be pred- ominantly white in color. For increased emphasis at night, lights or flashers shall be mounted on barricades. A barricade should never be without advance warning devices. advance of an obstruction can be around the obstruction. placed in the line of traffic Type I barricades placed in used effectively to divert traffic 4 r ,~ '. ,The standard barricade shall be one of three types: Type I, II or III as herein described. A Type I barricade shall consist of a single horizontal rail of nominal eight (8) to twelve (12) inch width, with its top edge thirty-six (36) to forty-two (42) inches above the roadway. This type is normally six (6) to eight (8) feet long and is intended for use where the hazard is relatively small or to delineate a restricted roadway. A Type II "A" frame barricade shall consist of two horizontal rails of nominal eight (8) to twelve (12) inch width spaced verti- cally, at approximately twenty (20) inches center to center, such . that the upper edge of the top rail shall be a minimum of three (3) feet above the roadway. The width of the barricade shall be between three (3) and four (4) feet. A Type III barricade shall consist of three horizontal rails of nominal eight (8) to twelve (12) inch width spaced vertically at approximately twenty (20) inches center to center. The upper edge of the top rail shall be a minimum of five (5) feet above the roadway. This type barricade shall have a minimum length of three (3) feet and may be as long as required. Type III barricades of extensive length may consist of a series of short barricade units set end to end. The Type III barricade is the type normally req- uired for major operations such as indicating the closure of a major street. In some instances, barricades offer an advantageous facility for the erection of signs such as "Road Closed" and "Detour Arrow". Such signs, when used, shall be centered no less than three (3) feet above the pavement elevation. The only writing on the barricade shall be the agency's name in black letters which shall appear in a readily visible location. If located on the panel face, the legend shall not exceed a length of one (l)foot or exceed the hei ght . of" two (2) inches in order to preserve the effectiveness of the stripes. In advance of the construction or maintenance area, even where ~ no part of the roadway is actually closed, wing barricades are r Type III barricades erected on the shoulder of one or both sides of the pavement to give the sensation of a narrowing or restric roadway. If used in a series, they should start at the out edge of the shoulder and be brought orogressively closer to pave- ment, leaving a minimum lateral clearance of four (4 eet. Wing barricades may be used for mounting advance warning signs, guide signs or lighting devices. 4. VERTICAL HAZARD MARKER All vertical hazard markers shall be rectangular in shape with a six (6) to twelve (12) inch width and a twe~ty-four (24) to thirty-six (36) inch height. They shall be mounted on a sub- stantial support with the bottom edge of the marker thirty-six (36) to forty-two (42) inches above the roadway. Each vertical 5 . hazard marker used in the right-of-way between the hours of sunset and sunrise shall have an approved operating flasher mounted above it. Each side of the hazard marker shall bear alternating three (3) to six (6) inch reflectorized orange and white stripes or black and reflectorized white stripes slanting downward at 45 degrees toward the side that traffic is to pass. Orange-white and black-white stripted hazard markers shall not be intermixed at anyone construction site. Vertical hazard markers are used to divide the opposing streams of traffic, divert the traffic lane, or outline the edge of a hazard along the roadway. When a vertical hazard marker is used to divide opposing flows of traffic, both sides of the marker shall be properly striped for the approaching traffic. When vertical hazard markers are. used to divert traffic lanes, they shall be spaced not less than twenty (20) feet apart on a taper not greater than one (1) foot of roadway width for each ten (10) feet of roadway length. Longer tapers are required on those roadways having higher vehicular speeds. . 5. LIGHTING DEVICES Construction and maintenance activities very often create conditions on or near the traveled way that are particularly hazardous at night. Therefore, it is desirable and often nec- essary to supplement reflectorized signs, barriers and channel- izing devices with the various types of lighting devices described in the following paragraphs. Floodlights, flashing lights and steady burning lamps are the types most commonly used. The use of open flame light sources such as kerosene torches or flare pots are permissible. a. Floodlights - Floodlights have a limited but important function on some construction projects. Construction activities conducted during the hours of darkness under those circumstances requiring the use of manual traffic control (flagman) should have the flagman station illum- inated to assure the safest possible conditions. Flood- lights in such areas should be located with care so as not to glare in the eyes of the motorist. b. Barricade Warning Lights - Barricade warning lights are portable, enclosed and emit a lens-directed yellm~ light. Dependent upon their application, they may be used in either a steady burn or flashing mode. Portable supports for barricade warning lights (Page 15 ) shall provide a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches to the bottom of the lens. These supports are not intended for use as standard barricades. Three types of barricade warning lights may be used; the specifications pertinent to each type are given in Table 1 and their individual application is described in the following paragraphs. 6 r-- T~pe A (Low Intensity Flashing Warning Lights) - These llghts are intended to warn the driver that he is pro- ceeding in a dangerous area. They are commonly mounted on separate portable supports on Type I or II barricades or on vertical channelizing devices. Type B (High Intensity Flashing Warning Lights) - These lights are normally mounted on advance warning signs or on independent suoports in advance of the construction . area. They may also be mounted on Type I barricades, signs or other supports within the construction area to emphasize extremely dangerous site conditions. These lights are effective during both daytime and nighttime hours and should, therefore, operate twenty-four (24) hours per day. ~ (Steady Burn Lights) - These lights shall be usea-to delineate the traveled way through and around obstructions in a construction or maintenance area. They shall also be used to delineate the edge of the traveled way on detour curves, lane changes, lane closures and on other similar conditions.. Steady burn lights placed on longitudinal barricades are effective in delineating the proper vehicle path through stage construction areas which require changing patterns of traffic movement. TABLE 1 Barricade Warning Lights Specification Item A (Low Intensity) Type B (High Intensity) 1 7" 55-75 8%* 35 Candelas** C (Steady Burn) 1 or 2 7" Constant Constant Directional Lens Faces 1 or 2 Minimum Lens Diameter 7" Flash Rate (Flasher/Minute) 55-75 Flash Duration 10%* Minimum Effective Intensity 4.0 Candelas** Minimum Beam Candlepower Hours of Operation Dusk to Dawn 24 hr/day 2 Candles** Dusk to Dawn * length of time that instantaneous intensity is equal to or greater than effective intensity **these values must be maintained within an elliptical pattern go on each side of the vertical axis, and 50 above and below the horizontal axis ..... ..... ..... ..... c. Steady Burning Electric Lamps - Steady burning electric lamps shall be of low wattage and emit a steady yellow 7 light. These lights may be used in lieu of the Type C barricade warning lights described above. . 6. HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE All high level warning devices shall be at least nine (9) feet tall and display three (3) or more fluorescent orange flags. The flags shall be eighteen (18) inches square and should be substan- tially supported to resist overturning by winds. One high level warning device shall .be used for each blocked traffic lane. The high level warning is required for all temporary work conducted in the roadway during the daylight hours. A flasher shall be attached to the warning device during the hours of dark- ness. High level warning devices may be attached to a service vehicle or placed in advance of a project. The high level device shall be placed behind traffic channelization and near the center of the blocked traffic lane. 7. FLAGMAN OR OFFICERS Prior to contract letting, the agency will make an attempt to determine the extent to which manual traffic control is required. On large projects, the extent of manual traffic control required will be determined at the preconstruction conference. The contractor must provide the flagman for such control if deemed necessary by the engineer on the job or the City Traffic Engineer. Manual traffic control is mandatory at locations where equipment is inter- mittently blocking a traffic lane or where only one traffic lane is available for two directions of travel. One flagman is required for each direction of traffic affected. Flagmen shall wear a highly visible orange vest, reflectorized for nighttime use, and shall display a flag or STOP-SLOW paddle. . The flag is the most common signaling device used during day- light hours. However, a paddle bearing a STOP-SLOW message may also be used. Flags shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) by twenty-four (24) inches, made of good grade red material and securely fastened to a shaft approximately three (3) feet long. The free edge of the flag shall be weighted so that it will hang vertically in heavy winds. Sign paddles shall be at least twenty-four (24) inches in diameter and bear a six (6) inch high legend. The STOP face shall be octagonal in shape and have a red background with white legend and border. The SLOW face shall be diamond shaped and have an orange background with black legend and border. When used at night, both sides of the paddle shall be reflectorized. Instruction in proper use of hand and arm signals is available by telephoning the Traffic Engine r, 827-~48l. . The availability of cit for assistance in construc- tion traffic work is generally limited to emergencies only as their services are required elsewhere. Off-duty officers may be employed 8 .~ '. directly by ,the contractor to maintain traffic control and are obtained by calling the Police Traffic Division, 825-4691. . 8. SIGNS Street construction and maintenance signs fall into the same three categories as do other traffic signs; namely, regulatory, warning and guide signs. Regulatory signs located in construction and maintenance areas shall adhere to the same shape, size and color standards required for all highway regulatory signs. Special construction and maintenance signs follow the basic standards for all highway signs as to shape. However, guide signs and warn- ing signs located in construction areas shall have a black legend on an orange background. Existing yellow background warning signs and white background guide signs already in place within existing construction areas may remai n in use. The "General Requi rements" section of this manual outlines the signing responsibilities. Table II and page 17 through 18 illustrate some of the different types of signs used in construction areas as well as their respective minimum dimensions. Any variation with respect to these sign types and/or their minimum dimensions must be approved by the City Traffic Engineer. If there is any question whether the minimum size will be sufficiently conspicuous or legible, enlarged signs should be used; for example, forty-eight (48) inch construction approach warning signs should be used on streets having higher vehicular speeds or volumes. Signs bearing special legends may be used only upon approval of the City Traffic Engineer; The color, size, shape, lettering and 'ref1ectorizing of any special signs must conform to the prin- ciples outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, . 1971) . It is especially important that advance warning signs be used in conjunction with any barricading and/or channelization since information presented by such signs materially assists the motorist in following the required traffic arrangements. VI. PEDESTRIAN PROTECTION IN CONSTRUCTION AREAS In addition to the pedestrian protection requirements set forth in the City of Salina Building Code, pedestrian walkways (of the fence and canopy type shall also include the following warning devices: 1. A minimum of three (3) flashing yellO\~ lights shall be installed on the traffic approach end of the pedestrian walkway. Two of these lights shall be mounted on the street side of the barricade; one at a level of approximately railing height and the other approxi- mately eight (8) feet above the pavement. The third light shall 9 ,"} " .. be mounted on the opposite side of the pedestrian walkway, approx- imately eight (8) feet above the pavement surface. 2. The traffic 'approach end of the walkway shall have a fixed handrail extending 'from the curb to the outermost side of the pedestrian walkway. The area from the rail to the pavement shall be covered and marked with six (6) inch alternating orange and white or black and white hazard markings, sloping downward at 45 degrees toward the side on which traffic must pass. B1ack- white and orange-white striping, shall not be intermixed at any one walkway location. 3. A high level warning board with minimum height of two (2) feet and a width equal to that of the walkway shall be mounted above pedestrian walkways on all traffic approaches. The warn- ing board shall be striped with six (6) inch alternating orange and white or black and white hazard markings, sloping downward at 45 degrees toward the side on which traffic must pass. B1ack- white and orange-white striping shall not be intermixed at any one walkway location. 4. Flashing yellow clearance 1i9hts imate1y railing height on twenty (20) traffic side of the barricade. shall be mounted at approx- foot centers along the 5. A continuous bumper guard rail consisting of one 21X14" board shall be mounted on the street side of the structure. The lower edge of the guard rail shall be ten (10) inches above the pavement. . VII. SURVEYORS . The surveyor;' as a pedestrian in the street, may be obscured from motorist's vision by the presence of a single car. The higher the traffic volume, the greater the chance of an accident. The peak hourly traffic flow in Salina is from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. During these hours, surveying work shall not be allowed at signalized intersections or arterial streets except during emergency conditions. The use of advance warning signs, high level warning devices, traffic cones or barricades should provide adequate protection for the surveyor in most instances. Normally, a surveyor's work would not require the closing of an entire travel lane; but rather, would require only a shift of traffic to one side of the travel lane. This shift can be made with cones or barricades extending a minimum of thirty (30) feet for each foot of shift. An advance warning sign facing approaching traffic shall be located at the start of each transition. High level warning devices are extremely valuable for survey work since they may be seen over the tops of preceding vehicles. A high level warning device shall be used whenever an instrument is set up in the street or when a range pole is set up in a signalized intersection. 10 .~ '. ~ Surveyors working in the street~Reijld wear fluorescent orange vests. Perforated or knit vests are commercially available which alleviate the comfort problems associated with other types of vests. . 11 .." .. CITY OF SALINA. KANSAS. N .. "' '" '~lerstate . INSET ,tentrol Business Oi$1d~ ~ ~ z st. Sf. . It) '" ;; .~ - c .. .., c..> 'I: Z .. - 0 - .. ~ II - C .,MAJOR STREET SYSTEM~ 12 .. . .~ . ., STAr'~Dl~RD' TYPE BARRICADE . .'~ ~ p.6l- . -/p.fl'41.::J ~ r;: .t1JY -! "', . 'J:l-45'TYP. TYPE I TYPE II TYPICAL TYPE m r'.10VABLE BARRICADE CONSTRUCTION SANDBAGS FOR ADDED STABILITY . "~ ~ ,:,;(1 1,; ~l _iil_ DEMOUNTABLE RIGID " 13 .~ .. .. . BARRICADE CLOSING A ROAD ROAD CLOSED ~. , ~~"'~~~~"~~~"'7;"'':''''''''t..''''$i . ":;'-~'%.~~""''"-~~'\.'''I~~'S>..~~''<'.:,~~,-,'!:l . " ;y. ~",~"."';ti:~~~~~-t: ~1' ~:::};;:;::: . t.l 41\ t(;~ ';;; ..' "':" ...'~ . '::'\~.1-:'-:'~'f' PORTABLE' AND TEMPORARY MOUNTINGS :"\ " /~, ....... --,!..,~~~ "- .........4 I,~___ ~ ''''I::,~ ...!:'.~;!:Ij)."''''''\..~''' ....' "jk1~,","''\..'''~~ ~!ff::);i;\ . .' '..~"'"'..~..- . .op ..' '~-" '."t METHODS OF OTHER THAN WING BARRICADES ......~~'::. -.. :t:2 ~"" ". -..~::;. z .~',V,..~~ lI"d"i..ri"....~...... . ......, I::.:..... ...~....~...1... ''''~''::'. , , , MOUNTING SIGNS ON POSTS 14 -i~ . ORANGE a WHITE OR FLASHER~ BLACK a WHITE i~) r STRIPES ~~b Tf --"r7' . . it / / - J i _~~ ......-:~; L",- f f f. l 9'MIN. 36"MIN. ,I;. L . HIGH LEVEL WARNING . DEVICE PORTABLE FLASHER SUPPORT e" LENS ORANGE a WHITE OR BLACK a WHITE STRIPES 24'/36" . 36"/42" J FLASHER TRAFFIC CONE FLUORESCEN T ORANGE , VERTICAL HAZAR D MARKER . . MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL .. 15 . . :io-- TABLE II TRAFFIC SIGNS WARNING - Diamond, Black letters on Orange Background MINIMUM SIZE W20-2 W20-3 W20-4 W20-5 W20-7 W21-1 W21-2 W21-4 W21-6 W8-1 W8-2 W12- 1 W6-3 Detour Ahead Road Closed Ahead One lane Road Ahead left (Right) lane Closed Ahead F1 agman Ahead Men Working . Fresh Oi 1 Road Work Ahead Survey Crew Bump Dip Double Arrow Two-Way Traffi c (used with 24"X18" legend panel) Flagman Paddle SLOW 36"X36"** 36"X36"** 36"X36"** 36"X36"** 36"X36"** 30"X30" 30"X30" 36"X36"** 30"X30" 30"X30" 30"X30" 24"X24" 36"X36"** 24" Diameter REGULATORY - Standard Shape and Color . *Rl-1 *R2-1 *R7-1 *R3-la *R3-2a *R3- 5 *R4-7a *R4-8a *R6- 1 R11-2 Rll-3 Stop Speed limit No Parking Anytime No Ri ght Turn No left Turn Right Turn Only Keep Right with Arrow Keep left with Arrow One Way Road Closed Road Closed - local Traffic Only Flagman Paddle STOP 30"X30" 24"X30" 12"X18" 24"X30" 24"X30" 30"X36" 24"X30" 24"X30" 36"X12" 48"X30" 24" Diameter GUIDE -' Rectangular, Black letters M4-10R(l) M4-92(l) * ** . Detour Arrow (Orange Arrow, Black Back9round) Detour (Black Arrow, Orange Background) 48"X18" 30"X24" Normally furnished by the City Traffic Department. 48-inch work approach warning signs shall be used pm streets having higher vehicular speeds or volumes. 16 I CONSTRUCTION AREA WARNING SIGNS .- . . W20-2 36"x 36" W20-S 36'k 36" . W21-2 30~ 30" W20-3 36'lc 36" W20-7 36"x 36" W21-4 36Y(36" WS-2 3O'k30" W6;;3 " 36x36 TWO WAY PLAQUE TRAFFIC 24'k IS" . 17 W20-4 36'X36" W21-1 3O'k 3d' W21-6 3O'X30" W12-1 24'lc24" ~ REGULATORY SIGNS . SPEED NO KEEP . LIMIT ~ LEFT , 50 TURN RIGHT R~-I R3-2o ONLY R41-1b 24 k 30" 24'X 30" R3-5 2 x30" 30\ 3f1' Jf:r~::~ R6-1 36"xI2" ROAD ROAD CLO SED CLOSED LOCAL TRAFFIC ONLY RII-2 :, RII-3 . 48'k30" 48"x 30" GUIDE SIGNS En M4-iOR 48'k JS" DETOUR ~. M4 -9~ FLAGMAN PADDLES 241'x IS" . 18 ,." '. . B ~. B ..I ~ ~. III Z ~ 0 III ;; if :5 ~ ~ j: ... :;) II: Ii; B z 0 ...", .~ B ~ ..I ~ III . 0 ;; . B . 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