Salina Art Center Report to the City Commission
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JULY 11, 1989
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The Salina Art Center is requesting an amendment to the facility
agreement with the City of Salina to include the utilities, !
maintenance, and janitorial costs for the adjacent property 'of 236
South Santa Fe, in its current contractual arrangements. Since the
move to downtown Salina in February of 1988, the City and the Salina
Art Center have been in a contractual facility agreement for the
property at 242 South Santa Fe.
This request is based upon the high usage and increasingly high demand
for the educational program that the Salina Art Center is providing to
the citizenry.
The adjacent building will meet the public demand 'in two major areas.
* Discovery Area. The hands-on art education area is free and open to
all children in Salina and the region during open hours. This area
carries high traffic from both supervised and unsupervised young
people on a daily basis. No children are denied entry and the Art
Center considers the need for a welcoming, safe and educational place
for students as a major part of its mission on Salina's "main street."
A trained volunteer is always present to guide, encourage and attend
to these young people. This area is expanding quickly and needs more
space. The new building will double the Discovery Area capacity and
enable a wider variety of activities for all ages. The Discovery Area
and all exhibitions at the Art Center are free.
* WorkShOps and Classes. The Art Center carries a full load of
classes for young people throughout the year; in the summer, several'
different classes are often taught simultaneously. For three years,
the Salina Art Center has worked cooperatively with the Salina Parks
and Recreation Department to provide this high quality and popular art
program that is economically accessible to all. The emphasis on
accessibility has helped the art center broaden it's scope while
maintaining a high level of quality. Enrollment in this program is
growing and this summer's count of individuals is 646, boosting
participation to well over 1500. All of these programs are held at
the Salina Art Center or Lakewood Lodge. This summer the new building
is already in use for these public programs, providing space for
classes and workshops which otherwise could not be offered because of
space limitations. Total visitation at the Salina Art Center was
21,637 this fiscal year.
Salina Art Center is proud to be one of Salina's cultural, educational
and recreational assets. We look forward to playing a major role in
the future of our community.
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236 South Santa Fe, In Use
June-July Waste Cocoons and New Beginnings,
Fiber Exhibit
August-September East Meets West, Silks Kites and Fans
by Andy Kay
October-November Out of Eastern Europe. Private photography
December-January The Second Circle Light Sculpture
with Dale Eldred
Contemporary Figure Exhibition. Four Artists
10th Annual Jurored Show
Southwestern Bell Contemporary Masters
Page 1
July 1988 - June 1989
Detail of City Support
Page 2
JULY 1988
EVEIl'l'S .
July 13,
July 15,
July 21,
July 21,
Annual Meeting and Opening of the Discovery Area 150
Members Children Opening 45
22 Public Opening Days 73
KAC/NEA Site Visit 6
SUHHER ART CLlISSES (Participation numbers)
Stone Carving, Alan Tollakson
Sculpture, Richard Stauffer
Papermaking, Shannon Drews Rayl
Home to Roost, Lee Becker
Printmaking, Sara Duffield
Creative Movement, Connie Burket
Number of Students
Friendship Center, (tot lot), Hawthorne school.
Page 3
EVEIl'1'S .
August 8-12,
August 12,
August 15-19,
August 19,
August 23-26,
Salina Day Care
GROUP 'l'O'1'AL.
Page 4
Creative Dramatics and Art for youth
with Theatre
Creative Dramatics and Art for youth
with Theatre
Watercolor Class, adult
I .
"'15t'"l'EHBER 1988
September 9-26,
September 13,20,27,
September 15,
September 15,
September 15,22,29,
September 15, 22,
September 17,
September 20,
September 21,
September 24,
September 29 & 30,
Computerized Tours of the National
Drawing class
Laurentian String Quartet
Kids Writing class
Puppetmaking class
Printmaking class
Fan Painting Workshop for children
Creative Writin~ Class
Noon Luncheon, Martha Rhea
Papermaking class
Events, Occasions and Celebrations
French class, Spanish class, Bethel Art Class, Mothers and
Children group, Humanities Students from Central High School .
Page 5
October 1,2, Events, Occasions, and Celebrations
October 4,11,18 Drawing Class.
October 4, 18,
October 6,
October 6,13,
October 9,
October 13,
October 13,
October 16,
October 20,
October 22,
October 22,27,
October 27,
October 29,
October 31,
Creative Writing Class
Docent Training Session
Puppetmaking Class
OUt of Eastern Europe Photography Opening
Children's Writing Class
Panel Discussion on Eastern Europe Photo
Opening of the Kansas Postcard Exhibit
Noon Luncheon Lecture, Photo
Experimentation in Europe, Terry Evans
Maskmaking Class
Handbuilding with Kansas Clay
Noon Lecture, Cultural Nationalism and the
Fine Arts in America, Dr. Stitt Robinson
Pumpkin Carving
Downtown Safe Trick and Treating
Marymount Art Students, Federated Womens Club, Students
from advanced History class for Noon Lecture, Outreach
Activity at Meadowlark school
GROUP 'l'O'l'AL.
Page. 6
E\IEN'l'S .
November 1,
November 3,
November 3,
Active Member Gathering
Creative Writing Class
Noon Lecture, Beyond Control by John Jacobs
Lecture at Central High Sociology and.
KU KSU Rave Reviews
Scout Troup Tour, Discovery
Kids Writing Class
Quivera Heights Tour High School
Pre-School Tour, Discovery
After School Class at the Art Center,
- Lee Becker
November 19, Boy Scout Tour
Brownie Scout Group Tour
November 24-28, Open Studio with artist Dale Eldred
November 5,
November 7,
November 10,
November 15,
November 17,
November 18,
Page 7
December 1, Local Bar Association Luncheon 40
December 3, Association for Retarded Citizens Art
Contest Jury 20
December 8, Opening of the Second Circle. Light Sculpture 150
Deceinber 10, Starlights Open House 81
December 11, Rave Reviews Christmas Party 57
December 19-23, Christmas Fund Giveaway, Salvation Army
Creative Comers Pre-School, Creative Comers Pre-School,
Glennifer Hill Elementary 4th grade, Franklin Kindergarten,
Franklin Kindergarten, Girl Scout Troop, Art and Science of
Light, Family tours.
(Plus Christmas Fund Families)
Page 8
January 3,
January 5,
January 6,
January 13,
January 14,
January 19,
January 20,
January 26,
Study Group Roundtable tour 25
Cub Scout Group 10
Poetics of Light Performance Greek reading
& synthesizer music 35
School Programs on translations of Homer's
epic poems -R-L Junior High School (2 sessions) 49
Adult Light Class 15
KU Fine Arts and Alumni Association Art Lecture 60
Cool-light-ascopes Children's Workshop (2 sessions) 41
Franklin School tours. 5th grade 34
Roosevelt Lincoln Student Recognition tour 58
ADK Teachers Group 16
Page 9
February 1, Life Drawing Class with Morin 12
February 2, Opening of the Contemporary Figure
and Dance Performance 130
February 3, Noon Lecture, Nude in Perspective 19
February 4, Artist Bookmaking workshop
February 7, Watercolor class, Sara Duffield 16
February 9/10 Arts in Basic Education Conference 300
February 12, Slide Sorting 12
February 14, Watercolor Class, Sara Duffield 16
Marymount Art Student Tour 15
February 17, Lions Club Board Luncheon 20
February 18, Figure Drawing for Children 5
February 21, Watercolor class, Sara Duffield 16
February 22, Life Drawing with McCrea 12
YWCA play group 4
February 23, Tipton K-3 grade Tour 30
Discovery Area Volunteer Training 15
. February 24, Downtown Inc. Promotion Awards 62
Tipton 3-6 grade Tour 40
Outreach at Lowell School - 5th grade 20
February 28, Watercolor Class, Sara Duffield 16
Cub Scouts group 11
Page 10
MARCH 1989
March 1,
March 2,
March 6,
March 7,
March 8,
March 10,
March 11,
March 13,
March 14,
March 20,
March 21,
March 22,
March 25,
. March 28,
March 30,
Noon Luncheon, Graeme Gorton (New Zealand)
Life Drawing Class
Martin Luther King Child Care ~our
Tour Brown:l,e Scout Troup
Watercolor workshop, Sara Duffield
Discovery Tour Learning Tree Pre-school
Open for Humanities Festival Students
Performance by Smoky Hill River Rascals
Tour Brownie Scout Troup
Watercolor workshop, Sara Duffield
Talk for Salina Lioness Club
Tour Brownie Scout Troop
Watercolor workshop, Sara Duffield
Talk and Tour Mothers study club
Discovery Tour Tree House Lane Day Care
Spring Open House
Noon Lecture Kiwanis Club
Special Education Hawthorne School Tour
Page 11
APRIL 1989
April 1, 10th Annual Jurored Show Opening 150
Salina Art Center Reunion 130
April 3, Sara Duffield's private students tour 5
April 4, Docent Training 6
Life Drawing Class, Harley Elliott 15
April 10, Junior Leadership Class, High School 26
April 11, First Ladies - 1st National Bank Tour & Luncheon 35
Life Drawing Class, Harley Elliott ! 15
April 12, Artist Brown Bag Luncheon 12
April 13, Session with Smithsonian Scout 10
Boy Scout Troup 929 10
April 17, Tour Central High School Humanities Class 26
Central High School Basic English Class 9
April 18, Tour & Discovery - Christ the King Pre-school tour 8
Watercolor Class, Sara Duffield 12
Life Drawing, Harley Elliott 15
. April 20, Pre-school tour 10
April 22, Children's tour, 3-7 years 7
April 25, Kansas Grain & Feed Women's tour 15
Kansas Technical Institute Art Class 20
Watercolor Class, Sara Duffield 12
Life Drawing Class, Harley Elliott 15
April 26, Brown Bag Luncheon, Jimmy Engineer, Artist, Pakistan 20
April 27, Tour Christ the King Pre-school 8
Preview of John Brister's punch film 10
April 28, Tours for Coronado School, 3rd grade 65
April 29, Sat. Aft. at the Art Center, Be an Art Critic for a Day 6
TOTAL. 1,327
Page 12
HAY 1989
May 1, Tour Brookville Grade School 51
May 2, Active Member Luncheon 25
Visionaries of Ancient Greece and China dialogue 10
May 3, SW Bell and Kansas Arts Commission planning event 7
May 5, Tour Sylvan Grove K-2nd grade 49
Panel discussion of the exhibits committee 15
May 6, Discovery Area tour 9-10 year old girl scouts 11
May 12, Tour Belleville Grade School 59
Tour Schilling Grade School 42
Review contest entries 20
May 16, Exhibit and program sponsor report function 30
Tour Heusner Grade School 19
Tour Tescott Elementary School 40
May 17 Claflin Elementary School 6th grade 15
May 18 Kansas Banker Association Spouse tour 20
May 19 Tour Oakdale Elementary 2nd grade 21
Tour Franklin 4th grade 30
May 20 Pignic 360
. May 22 Tour Southeast of Saline 1st grade 42
Centre Elementary Kindergarten 30
May 31 Sign-up for summer program
Page 13
JUNE 1989
June 4, Southwestern Bell Contemporary Masters Opening
and Twilight Reception
June 5, Docent Training
June 5, Brown Bag Artists Lunch
June 6, Chamber of Commerce arranged tour - 8-14 year student
June 8, 1-70 Association SW Bell tour
June 10, SW Bell tour - Abilene
June 11, SW Bell tour - Colby
June 12, SW Bell Breakfast - Judy Jedlicka
June 13, SW Bell tour - Minneapolis
June 15, Focus on Contemporary Masters - Harley Elliott
June 20, Saline Co. Comm. on Aging - SW Bell tour
June 20, SW Bell tour - Beloit
. June 21, SW Bell tour - Concordia
June 22, Saline Co. Comm. on Aging - SW Bell tour
June 22, Focus on Contemporary Masters - Patricia Traxler
June 24, Tie-Dye T-Shirt
June 25, Tie-Dye T-Shirt
June 28, SW Bell Tour - Clay Center
June 29, SW Bell Employee Night
June 29, Focus on Contemporary Masters - Sara Duffield
Summer Art Program participants
JULY 1988 - JUNE 1989
. Page 14
Horizons Program - Salina Arts & Humanities Commission
Basic Program Grant - Kansas Arts Commission
Arts in Basic Education - Kansas Arts Commission
General Operating Support - Institute of Museum Services
Federal Grant
Salina Recreation Commission
Salina Public Library
Salina Arts & Humanities Comm.
Salina Downtown Inc.
Smoky Hill Museum
Salina Community Theatre
Quilter's Guild
Upstairs Gallery
Chamber of Commerce
University of Kansas
Kansas State University
Salina Symphony
USD 305
Saline Co. Extension
Salina Christmas Fund
(Salvation Army)
Marymount College
Bethany College
USD 305 Art Teachers
Association of Community Arts
Councils of Kansas
Kansas Arts Commission
Institute of International
Smithsonian Institution
Page 1$
- Summer Art Program
- What's So FunIiy? Cartoon Exhibits
- Smoky Hill River Festival,
Pre-festival Activity
- Downtown Banner Contest
- Safe Trick or Treating
- Recognition meeting
- Planning for Joint Exhibit, Nov 1989
- Creative Dramatics
- Holiday Tables
- Fiscal agent
- Fiscal agent
- Reception
- Junior Leadership, Salina
- Leadership, Salina
- Faculty Programming
- Faculty Programming
- Chamber Music Concert
- Picture Person Program
Visiting Artists & Scholars
Exhibit Tours
Special Programs
Development of Ks Artist, Compt. game
National Gallery of Art Computer Tour
- Pumpkin Party
- Distribution of Clothing
- InternShip
- Internship
- Youth Art Month
- Kansas Postcard Exhibit
- State Arts Are Basic Conference
- Visiting Artists
- Smithsonian Weekend Planning, 1990
Organization good. Financial management sound. Use of GOS funds good -
direct public enjoyment.
Evaluation program of your programs is fine I Again - cheers for
Discovery Area.
Exhibition program conforms well to purpose and is broad, especially in
terms of mediums; both local and national artists are represented. Uses
for general appreciation are innovative; Discover Area should, be popular
wi th community.
Strong program with balance in accordance with statement of purpose.
Good effort to appeal to different audiences.
Good to see Board members working as volunteers. Organizational
structure seems effective and financial condition looks sound~
Excellent, high standards considering size of staff. Indicates'high
commi tment by all.
The Discovery Area at the Salina Art Center is a delightfully innovative
facility which has been effective in removing barriers that have
traditionally existed between the "art" in art museums (and centers) and
the majority of visitors to these institutions which have often and
justifiably been called "ivory towers." The Salina Art Center is no
"ivory tower" and the Discovery Area is one very important reason why.
This is a cultural institution that Salina can be very proud of and which
is truly a model for community art institutions and for art education.
The environment, the staff, the materials and publications, the
promotional mechanism, and all the other details of an Art Center's
public programs are operational, creative, stimulating and very sound.
The Salina Art Center is a fixture in the Salina community with a grOWing
statewide reputation for its high quality and commitment to bringing art
into the daily lives of its audiences.
Page 16
. .. . . I,
Art center'moves to new locatioJ.i8r
. SLlUWrller
A common response Saralyn
Hardy hears Irom those viewIng
the remodeling work 01 the down.
town building that today will be-
come the new home of the Salina
Art Centrr Is: "ThIs ean't be
The dream of a new setting began
sevenl ).urs 8"0 when the center
outgrew its former location on the
KannsWuleyanc:ampus. .
"It's . drum come true,"
Mudy, director 01 the 9-yur-old
ttnter. said Friday, "The commu-
nity stepped forward and created
something out or an Id,ea."
It has been a 1 'n'rear-Iong .
peoled invot\'ing the remodeling 01
. building at 2U S. Santa Fe lrom a
warthouse Into a structure that can .
c!i.splay art shows, Including the
work ot local artIsts. It's an Uta
designed to nurture the artistic
Lalents 01 the community's chil-
Tod..)'. members 01 the center's
board 01 directors. whom Hardy
credits lor creating the dream and
brinCing It about. will haul boxes to
vans and trucks to move the center
to its newlocaUon.
The pubUc opening 01 the center
ls scheduled lor Feb. 18 with the
prtm.iere or the exhibit, "What's So
FWU\y," which was put together by
the center's stalf.
The exhibit, which will be the
lIrgest l.M center has leatured, wiU
sho.... the history 01 American COlI'-
H.udy and Oon. Marrs. the de-
signer 01 the building, traveled to
other galleries lor Ideas on what
Salina's should look Uke.
"It opened our e)'es to skyUghts,
wood noon and the openness of .
callery," Marra said.
An eHort was made to keep some
or the original leatures of the
building, such as the old barTel-roll
C'tWnC, and lncorporate them lnto
the new structure. BesIdes a large
skylight, !.he building's center lea-
tures boxed-In trusses of the origl- structure over an all.wood.
noot. .
The C"f:nter's entry gatlery. which
will feature the work of local art-
ists, also has a skylight. with the
on,;!nal ceiling work retained.
The C't.nter combines the \Ise of
natW'al Ught through the two sky-.'
lighLs and c:onlrolled lighting In the
center'smain gallery. The main
gallery is twice the size of the
former gaUery. Hardy said: The
C"enter also has a security system to
aUow it to house major art shows.
Marrs said the security system
includes fire alanns and moUoR
4etK'tors, The moUon detectors
will detect any mollon IMide lhe
building and wl\l bt connecled 10
the SaUna PoU~ Department.
The center a150 has a classroom,
kitchen and will have a "discovery
area:' where children can gel
hands-on experience with art. The
c1i.scovery area will not be' ready
until, sometime later this spring,
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Bill Medina (IoU) Don Marrs and Saralyn Hardy talk aboui tho now Salina Art Cenler,
. . ~ I
The discovery area, combined
with lhe gallery, will m:lke the
center "both a quiet and active
'I11e center's hours, which prob-
ably wiU be expanded, hnven't been
decldcd,lIardy said.
The remodeling work began In
Augusl and wa, flnl,hed 30 dny'
ahcad of Ichedu\.. .
Dill Medina, lhe build" I"ehorge
of the remodeling, said the workers
. and subcontractors took n special
Interest In this project. H:udy was
planning Frldn)' artcrnooll to bring
the workers treats for lheir c({orls.
!ili, lill!lllil'lll IHI\ 11''1:1111\'1'1'
whelming support from the com.
munity, through volunteers and
. dona lions. .
Thus far, the new center has cost
more th::an $300,000, Hardy said,
and about $20,000 more Is needed.
The center also would like an addi.
lIonal 120,000 lor an endowment
campnlen. The lolnl building and
endowment tampalgn II alx>ul
1400.000, she said.
"It's been a very successful
cnmpalgn/' she said. "People
rC<l11)' see the need for an art center
Dod bell eve In the mission of what
we're tr)'lnc to accomplish."
11,11111 ~'IIII ~1I11i !IIIIIII rrlllrr I~
unusualfora tawnSa1:......., s::.e.
"It's very u,"Ius.:a.1 La have ~ I
building ofL\is s:.:e ,r,~'1 j:lC"i....,:.t:
funds. "..l."'"..ed ".:~ taet>
lng." $o'
From L'1t begL......J....~ :..')e c-c::.c:-'s
board memt.4:n "cot t."Je ~
Oflih.atitcocld~." ...
The ctr.~er's l.:~:jes r.:l be ~
"It', a &00:1 p~~llC'-?r."~ ;.c'"...
The een:er aho _orb Yi~ et
Salina A:".s L"IC H\:L".i::~ Ca:::>-
mission 2.."Id t')e ~... F.K:'U::cc
" ......
, .,
.; ',,1 I
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" I
, "
.::=.'JolV, Patrick, 4, Sanna,ools help f(O';'hls~~lhcr. Joy, Frld~; 1I11ho Selina Art CCnler.
.:. -..', .. :.:" .". .' .. '" . ..
:;'Children:get hands~onexperi0.n:r,:eat art center
:'... . :. i;Nlc.:.oLES~t;iEK . ':, .'oteUllnl'!,''rr(lInth~~ord
...:........... StallWl"llct 1_.: ...." 'r. . ..('aMtrl3..-SCI'...i"l;t:..~:...:lict1c/llcnlJ;ofllrt.The
. E:1cht,ycuo(Ild WIIU.m Murphy dropprd I marble' . children (;'In rlc:t 1l11/:I:I!:I;die C'oOlpollcnl! of art _ .
doq lht lubu and tunu 01. conlnpllon he had built . line. :dl.lpe. el'lllJ", space ;u,tltrd'Jre - on 11 caleleria
j\Ul mlnulu before out or lhe br1lhtly coloud pieces. '. tny lIull II!:.::'! t!l('!r cwn work of art on brl:t
ot'pWtlc. . ..., m:lr:n('tiebn:.rdJl:!oJ";:"\~hll. . . ; .
He arnDe4 U M ."tehed. tho" m.&eb\e le""e\ to \1'10 . . Tilth/is 1I11111:~ &"mtl;,:I m:wl.lI11110 ahow nun And
boaMl..Hi.Jlnvtntlonhadworked.. , '. effcet. _'. ..., .. . . .,.
, "Now J'l'I"IletUn. somewhen,"he Slid whlltbuslly.... And Ihert flrt l'Ie!I',I!y cnrollsels \\"Ilh six Indlvldu:ar
. IddinlC\Onlubes. ..:'.. '. 111'1 aetivilles :11I1.1 I~ l/l',livh:n:alhrd lIetlvllie5 In b:lCs
Ioh~t'Ph)'. IoIc.nlOl', wu on. of the 30 dlildren who dulened by I'lrCII C.),:".,'.OI'l I:,:>: thll childrcn can
...arm" Into the Salina Art Center's new Obeovel")'. entr)' DWI'lI' lIr.t1l:lIf:lore. .
Aru. friday. the uu wu buill e.specl.lI)' lot klcb so -' .
Uwyt'Ol.lJdltth.ancb-onuperlcneul'llhart. ... II ~'I'l., :~I (IlIe (If Ihe c1lfou~eb Ih:lt Murph)' \\"al
The ne.. opened fot Ihe Ilrst lime FrlthlY bll~l,hnl: Iou .m".~:clrkre. "1~.;I.e. I'lrnunct hIm. olher
aJ I; run lor the children of area resldcnti ,,'ho are c1uldn'n lall tlnl lI'flllI lillt Olcth l.~ I.. lhe nt.,I.
Clunbtno(theArt Ccntet. Sar;'JI~'n 1I:\fIlr. the l~!rrtlnr (lllhe:lt\ center, and'
Tbt uandopcnlnl of the ar'uwtll be from-noon 107 J~.n \\:il;ol\.ll~e ;:';,'r';::h\',I.'r.of I~I~ Oi~co\'ery Area,.
p.l:1.onMondaya d t ~ . T ud . "efen t....lrrl\..~. -'H~J1..(.holllt.'eehlltlren.
. n noon 0 p.rn.on u I'lY., _ "We'h' Ih'j.o:: III :\ 1;;~'l'Ir;!!nt).... 11:\1'111 5:\id
The Discover)' Aru has Several ar\ivlUu cruled '
tohaeh children mort about art and lu cftrnfnll.
" ,'.
, :,. ~ . .
r/ Art, ' , ,"
Thursda)'. "W'l-oal"'e u;.e-~.....:J r.ot
be ...hat .'e ,rt. O~\iO;;Jl~'. \--.,.::..;.-s
will pllY an im;>oru..'1t ~"'\ i., 1'?0o. .
. The DI5_CO\'CI")' Aru WI.\ c!f'\"e\Q?t'<!
when the splCr b!:<a:ne I.-a.ia~lr II..
. lhe M1 Cenltr'l new Mr:'Ie II :Cs.
San" Fe. Planr.i.'1i lor t.'".c L"UI
onl)'one oflUlun41-'1 Ka:-,us..
t'utu1ini: lor \he Iru eL~ L"'OO
donon Indlpt'dlll\l-'
Irt-Iartilu l"dc03"utOt"l .,.,..-..,.
unlecrrdtotlelj)truult. .
The .rel ..u ce.s.:cr.~ L">G! ~
01 the Cn)"hou.:\d HI~ III r...":I' i."i
Abiltne ."d o...."er 01 . pl"\"'~e u.
hibildui!;nbwinc.u:."..,rc. .
"This is nOli p~nnll.:.~ - Wi:.socn
said, "nus i.s . pa~ 1....11 we ~
will ,1\'1, an a....ntllus a! L'"'t L~
what's !;oi", on Itol.:."lC ~-Oll.."
Officills lro:~m the ~1t.i0l"'..aJ E.....
do,,'mcnl at the ArU t-.I>"t ~ l.~
chairmen. was at l....t Ar. Ce::\:.e.r CQ
Thursdl)' to t\'JllU:.t l~ J..O-U L...e
see il it h:ad poUl~i~:';eJ ~ ~ f't<'o
. uld. "The Dallu ~llUe\.l.'n of A....:-..
center of &Ctl"11y. IIc:e.i:'I:....of f"t:'>o
to do ",ithyoW'lI p.t'Opl:e Iu.."':'.::'"
D& uidl.'Iere iJ . ~~:y
thai \1Ie Oi)oeovrry NU ~ M'f'o
eh'e 'U/ldJ from t....e Ar~ a."od r..::~
do...nuntolU'.e Ar~.
The arl. centet ~ tot .::~." 1'1_
aClh'itiu 10 t.'Ie uu ..~ !"...-..::.s.
. betomeavalb'-:e. :
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Saturday, Fcbruary 20,1900 .
Art for .everyone..
Say "art" and few 'people would
think "comic strip." .
The exhibit that opened this wcek at
the Salina Art Center proves there's
art in the comics. What's morc it
. proves that the Salina Art Ccntcr docs
not plan to be. just a "highbrow,
boring" place downtown frequented
only by a handful of art connoisseurs.
The exhibit, which traces the his-
. tory of comics Crom their beginning in
.1896 to the present, is the first for the
.art center in its new location at 242 S.
. Santa Fe. Along with the exhibit, the
center unvciled its new building.
Both the exhibit and the buildinr;
are admirable. The renovation of the
old building preserved distinctive
architectural features while creatinr;
. pleasant and functional spaces for
exhibits, galiery talks and hands-on
It's a worthwhile. addition to
Salina's downtown - a r;ood place to
stop in for a few minutes on a lunch
hour or a break from errands as well
its a place to go for a pror;ram or to
spend some free weekend time.
The current exhibit has something
for everyone from oldsters to younr;-
sters, Crom connoiss.eurs to those who
don't know a Picasso from a kid's
For those with a special interest in
and knowledge of art there arc spe-
cial treats: an early cartoon by
Lyoncl Fclninger, for example.
For youngsters therc are orir;inal.
drawinr;s of current favoritcs like
Peanuts. For the r;randparents there
arc old-time favorites that will bring
memories,like Krazy Kat aod Winnie
The gallery is open from noon to 5
p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and
from noon to 7 p.m. on Thursdays.
Admission is free. Stop in and take a
Salina Art Center
A Record Year
l :\..,
Salina Art Center
Report To The Members
The Salina Art Center Board of Directors and
staff invite you to take a look at the record of
Fiscal Year 1988-89. Read it and share in its
successes. None of what these pages contain was
accomplished alone, and the names of the people
listed here were key as the Salina Art Center set
new records and reached new milestones.
Those records and milestones are reflected
most distinctly in terms of people. Participation
in exhibitions and programs, memberships,
volunteerism, and artistic input reached new
peaks. Old friends and newcomers found a place
for their interests and talents in a wide variety of
activities. Ties with the community and with the
region were formed and strengthened. This report
is a portrait of each of the many who are the
heartbeat of the Salina Art Center.
We hope the record speaks for itself.
"I can't help thinking what a place
like the Salina Art Center would have
meant to me as a boy growing up in
southeastern Kansas. To see
dedicated volunteers and first-rate
professionals pulling together so
effectively to realize the ambitious
dream of bringing art to Main Street
gives me hope for the future,"
- Bret Waller, Associate Director for
Education and Public Affairs
J. Paul Getty Museum
Malibu, Calif.
"Just when I begin to think that our
pumpkin contest may be growing
stale )IOu breathe new life into the
activity with a creative flair that
tickled the Imagination and hearts
of everyone who attended,"
- Jerry L. Baxa, Principal
Meadowlark School
* Salina Art Center closed in December and January during
move to new downtown location.
.. _..-=---
Guest Book Register: Jan. 1, 1988-illiay 1989
Of 3,619 signatures:
. 784 out-of-towners from 144 other Kansas cities
. 206 out-of-staters from 39 states and the District of Columbia
. 16 visitors from 10 foreign countries
That's 22 percent from other Kansas cities, 6 percent from
other stales, and .4 percent from other countries.
Guest Book Trivia
The largest group of Kansas visitors signing the guest book
were from Lindsborg, with 103 signatures. Other high-ranking
towns and numbers of visitors are: Wichita - 63; Topeka - 48;
Manhattan - 45; Lawrence - 44; Minneapolis - 32; Abilene - 26;
and Assaria, Hays, and Solomon, with 22 signatures each.
The Salina Art Center's guest book has signatures for visitors
from the District of Columbia and every state in the union
except Alabama, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, North
Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah,
and Vermont.
The guest book registers the names of three visitors
from England; two from Australia, France, Sweden, and
Switzerland; and one from Canada, Japan, Paraguay,
Scotland, and New Zealand.
This year at the Salina Art Center has been marked by many
firsts made possible by the work of so many.
Tbe Board of Directors participated in its first retreat, where
one-year, three-year, and five-year goals were outlined. We
have already accomplished many of them: the addition of a
full-time administrative assistant, the copyrighting of the
Discovery Area and its many components. the establishment
of a Regional Exhibition Council. and tlle expansion of
programs of many kinds.
The Art Center successfully purchased and paid for the
building next door to the present facility to insure the future
expansion of the Salina Art Center and to boost our regional
visibility. Plans for remodeling are under way and we hope
to make an announcement soon.
We ended the year with 521 members - a new high -
thanks to Paula Fried and her committee. We are proud of
our 23 corporate sponsors. another new high.
The Salina Art Center is just a vibrant, forceful expression of
the arts in Salina, Kansas. The unique dedication of the paid
and non-paid staff makes lhe administration of the Art Center
efficient and productive.
It has been very rewarding to work this year with a board who
wants to work as hard as I want to work. and with a director
who wants to work even harde~
Norman Yenkey
President. Boanl of Directors
A portrait of the Salina Art Center is a composite of many
faces. a lengthy role of names and titles and a frame that
stretches far beyond our walls at 242 Santa Fe. downtown
Salina This year our membership expanded. our regional and
local attendance gt"e\\\ and our program diversified.
Our growl:h reflects our reliance upon independent and
creative people with vision. ideas and the fortitude to follow
those ideas to completion. You. the members. continue to
stretch the limits of what is possible for the Salina Art Cente~
Active members and staff laughingly joke about having a good
idea out loud because it ends up on your list to do. a playful
yet demanding way of accomplishing big dreams within our
institution and our community. Every task is bigger than ex-
pected. every one worth the effort in the end.
This year the efforts of people brought about a new building,
a freedom of expression policy, a jurored show lhat stretched
into surrounding states, a record year for grants. and the
most involvement of people's time and money that we have
ever enjoyed.
As this year closes, I must salute the most dedicated group of
people that I can imagine or envision. the staff. board. artisl$.
and membership of the Salina Art Center.
Saralyn Reece Hardy
Income Expense
1986-87 68,067 62,557
1987-88 93,937 91,936
1988-89 120,050 120,000
"You have a fine group of communHy
supporters and a fabulous gallery. It
was by far the finest I have ever
shown In . .. You've got a great
thing going."
- Dale Ficken, artist and winner of 10th
Annual Jurored Art Exhibition
"People's Choice" award
"The Discovery Area at the Salina Art
Center Is a delightfully Innovative
facility which has been effective In
removing ba"iers that have tradi-
tionally existed between the 'art' In
art museums (and centers) and the
majority of visitors to these Institu-
tions which have often and JustNlably
been called 'ivory towers.' The Salina
Art Center is no 'ivory tower' and the
Discovery Area is one very Important
reason why."
- Jim Powers, Kansas Museum 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89
of History, Topeka
Membership w. Chas. & Brenda Gagnon Mike & Eileen Berkley June S. Hardman Jeanne & Frank Norton Margi & J.w. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gibson Bob & Lila Berkley Lynda & Randy Hassler Fred & Kim Norwood David & Ramona Witt
Exhibit and Randy & Lisa Graham Hal & Eleanor Berkley Clara A. Hatton Dean & Doris Owens Mr. & Mrs. John Wood
Program Karen Hale Warren & Ginny Bevan Dan & Peggy Hebert Family John. Marian & Susie Page Leonard & Nell Wood
Sponsors- Don & Mary Jo Heath Vernal & Verna Blomberg Jerry & Rosemary Heidrick Dr. & Mrs. Gerald K. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. William Yost
$1000 Helen E. Heath lady & Emil Bahata Paul & Sharon Hemmy lackPalT Mr. & Mrs. Rolland ZieT
Bank IV Merle & Nancy Hodges Pat & Linda Bolen Dale & Michelle HeuszeI Larry Patrick Family Mark A. Zimmennan
Beech Aircraft Stewart &: Fran Horejsi Charles & Connie Mr. & Mrs. Nick Hoffman Jack & Fran Paxton Slngle-$20
Tom & LauAnn Dunn Dr. & Mrs. Byron Hutchison Bossemeyer Mr. & Mrs. AJ. Holmquist David & Ann Payne William R Adams
Exline, Inc. Delmas A. Jackson Mr. & Mr.;. Edward M. Boyce Mike & Polly Hoppock Elmer Pearse Family Mary E. Ashby
Don & Mary Alice Jolley Lisa & John Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Jack Howard Abner & Kathryne Perney
Evans Grain Co. Gary & Lana Jordan Dan & Dorothy Boyer Gene & Peggy Hulstine Dick & Doris Perry Mrs.. L.a. Austin
Hampton Royce Paul & Carol Junk Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Broce Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Hunter Arthur & Jewell Pierson Jayne Aylward
Engleman and Nelson Lewis & Luci laPierre Carry & Sheryl Brooks Hugh & Becky Hyberger William & Kathleen Pierson Daffin Backstrom
Mr. & Mrs. John Hauptli Earl Bane
Knowles Kountry Aubrey & Nancy Linville Gary & Kate Brown Jerry & Doris Jarrett Denny & Betsy Poer Herbert H. Bassett
Real Estate Charles Livingston Mike & Lani Brown Dr. & Mrs. Neal Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Frank Polach
Lois Bates
National Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Peter Macdonald Pete & Rosie Brungardt Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jennison Paul Porter Family Lee Becker
Peoples Heritage Federal Mr. & Mrs. L. LeRoy Mr. & Mrs. RW Bull Mr. & Mrs. Bob Jones Gary & Mary Ellen Ray MaryW.Bell
Savings & Loan McAninch Jan & Marilyn Burch Kenneth & Shirley Jorgensen Harris & Shannon Rayl
Salina Building Systems Jim & Marilyn Maes Donna & Richard Burnett Larry & Jane Kelley Gordon & Mary Reist Duane Billings
RGB-8chmidt FriedaMai Mr. & Mrs. Nonnan Burt Nonnan Kelly Family John Riley & Lori Brack Mrs. H.B. Blachley
Insurance Inc. AIi & Ann ManguogJu Steven & Sally Jo Butters Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kennedy Jerry & Connie Roberts DeVere E. Blomberg
Schwan's Sales Enterprises Sandy & George Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Callan Kathryn R. Kerbs Michael & Barbara Kay & Barbara Bloom
Janet Smith Dr. & Mrs. Elden V. Miller Susie & James Campion Jack & Mary Kindlesparger Rodenbeek Lois L. Brack
Interior Decorating Nonnan & Malj Morrow Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cardwell Clancy & Doris King Dr. & Mrs. James Roderick Michael Bradley
Southwestern Bell Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Morse Carroll's Hallmark Dennis & Rene Kissinger Rex & Carol Romeiser Carol 1. Brandert
Foundation Dusty & Wendy Moshier Cathcart-Rake Family Pat & Bill Knox Frank, Jennifer & Jeremy Mary A. Brown
Charlie & Connie Stevens Bill & Sandra Mowery George & Marilynn Chlebak John, Cyndy & Anna Roth Dr. Bernard Brungardt
Brad Stuewe & Paula Fried Dr. & Mrs. Max Murrison Mike & Brenda Cloutier Knutson Joseph & Pat Roth Dorothy Brunton
Waddell Cadillac- Paul & Dody Neis Ted & Ellen Collister Robert & Debra Korbelik Fern & John Rudick Leonard Buehre
Oldsmobile-Toyota Inc. Patrik & Debbie Neustrom Brian & Ann Conner Loretta & Victor Krehbiele Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rueb Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Carlson
Tom & Jan Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Wendell Nickel Dr. & Mrs. Robert 1. Cooper Phil & Glenda Krug Co!. USA (ret.) & Mrs. Earl George & Alison Carter
Wright Lorenz Grain Co. Roy & Denise Nixon Jerry & Mary Counter Kevin & Shari Kuenzi Russell Evelyn A. Cole
Sustaining Dr. Vernon & Sara Osborn Jim & Becky Cram Michael & Bobbie Lamone Marc & Marty Ryan Mona M. Cunningham
Members- Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Payne James & Sue Dennis Me & Mrs. John T. Landes Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ryberg Carroll & Jean Cyr
$500 Dr. & Mrs. James E. Peterson Jeff & Sherry Denton Gilbert & Philomena Larry & Joan Sams Don & Opal Dieckhoff
Me &Mrs. KevinR. Peterson John, Sue & Dustin Dieker Lawrence Dan & Connie Schmalz Mary Louise Dodge
Bob & Marcia Anderson Cloyd Pugh Jim & Marilyn Dowell Art & Kay Leckband Ramon & Glenda Schmidt Shirley Drawbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Butcher Jean & Ralph K. Reitz Betty & Henry Dreher Eugene & Doris Lee Sam Scofield Mary Lucille Dunn
Tex & Betty Fury Lucille & Ralph E. Reitz Stan & Tammye Sexton Mary Dusenbury
Randy & Saralyn Hardy Sid & Candy Reitz Philip & Mary Shaffer Hazel Elliott
Elizabeth & Gary Harbin Glen & Martha Rhea Did you know that artist and poet Dick & Glorine Shelton Douglas Exline
Ted & Nancy Macy Jon & Kate Richards Harry & Martha Shimp Emily Exline
Richard, Sallie, Mindy & Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Roberts Ruth Moritz designs and paints Larry & Bernie Siemens Lyle & Marjorie Fackler
Jeffrey Morrison Ed & Joyce Rosales the Santa Fe face of the Art Center David & Linda L. Smith Joyce Fent
Bill & Marynell Reece Gayle & Ned Rose Dwight & Barbara Smith Peter & Virginia Flusser
Bill & Virginia Reimold Steve & Lynne Ryan before each exhibition? Rex & Cindy Snavely SueUen & Harvey Fried
Gary & Gloria Rumsey Salina Supply Company Lee & Wilma Spellman Al & Joy Gawith
School Specialty Supply Mr. & Mrs. AI Schwan Bruce & Grace Stainbrook Clarabelle Geis
Steve & Jeanne Sebree Robert & Kristin Seaton Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Duckwall, Jr. Jimmie & Mitzie Lewis Marshall & Janice Stanton Flora Mae Gilbert
Boyd & Heather Smith Ben & Helen Sellers Roger & Margy Duell Don & Jean Loader Clay & Fran Staton Katherine E. Grant
Morrie & Sydney Soderberg Kurt & Ann Siemers Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Dunlap Mr. Frank L. Lombard Lynn Steele Esther Gregory
Sponsors- Dr. & Mrs. Edwa.rd Simmons John & Betty Egan Jack & Ann Ludwig Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stewart Nancy F. Hampton
$250 Mr. & Mrs. Loran Slaughter Tom & Peggy Egan Beth & Dennis Lull Mr. & Mrs. Larry Strahan Mildred Heath
Coldwell Banker Antrim- Dr. & Mrs. Milo G. Sloo III Chuck & Kathleen Elsea Lou Lyda&: Christine Shively Roger & Jane Struble Mrs. Marilyn Hines
Piper, Wenger Realtors Robert & Janet Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard Emma McBride Beth Nelson Stucky Mrs. Evelyn Hooker
James & Karen Graves John & Loraine Stadler Engleman Dr. & Mrs. S.C. McCrae Karl & Connie Stutterheim Dara1d F. Hough
Dc Boo & Melissa Hodges Milton Stiefel Carl & Ruth Engstrom John, Pam & Kate Mclntyre Tony & Linda Tihnans Joyce G. Hunt
Alan &: Marti Kruckemyer Dean & Marlene Stine Bob & Mary Exline Joe & Mary Lou McKenzie Richard & Judy Todd Barbara & Basil Jarvis
Long McArthur, Inc. Lawrence & Jo Ann Stoskopl' Ken & Jane Ann Ewy Gayle & Jane McMillen Andy & Glenda Tompkins Jim & Kay Jarvis
Milton &: Becky Morrison Don & Bette Timmel Bruce & Katie Fast Paul & Kathryn Macek Jim & Joyce Trower Mary Jarvis
M. Gerry Neustrom Jack & Donna Vanier Al & Karen Fecteau Bill, Cindy & Wade Mahanay Type-Graphics Mr. & Mrs. RA. Jones
Dave & Mildred Robb Lesta K. Vanier Kent Fellers Derius &: Rhonda Mammen Peter & Nancy Larry & Sonja Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Shelby Willis M. 1. & Ray Voskamp Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fleming Charles & Ivy Marsh van den Honert Roberta Kaufman
Patrons-$100 Pat Wallerius Ron & Winifred Force Mr. & Mrs. Larry Marshall Mr. & Mrs. James Julie Kellie
Allen & Lynne Webber Robert & Virginia Frederick Dale & Nadine Martinitz VanEmburgh Laura Kimble
Don & Lori Allen Barbara K. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Dc Libe & Helen Martin Mr. & Mrs. John K. Vanier II Marion Klema
Jim & Janice Allen Billie & Warren Winkler Freeman Bill & Peggy Medina Dennis & Rose Vogan Barbara 1. Knight
Dick & Wanda Anderson Nonn & Kristy Yenkey George & Jeanne Frisbie Bill & Dorothy Mercer Dennis & Jeannie Wahlgren Paula & Jeff Knox
Paul M. Boston RH. &: Earlene Zimmennan Dr.&Mrs. WiIliam R Garlow Mark & Julie Miller Mike &: Penny Walker Margaret Lamer
Steve & Nancy Bressler Family-$30 James & Marge Geisendorf Mary Jane, Jay & Robin Trace & Cindy Walker Corlene R Lange
Ralph E. Brown Dick & Sandy George Miller Sherida & Joe Warner Yvonne Lewis
Steve & Martha Brown John & Sherilyn Adams Jack & Kim Gillam Tom & Mary Jean Millikin Robert M. Wasko Family Erlean V. Lindeman
Terry & Shelda Burger Roy &: Marjorie Allen Leonard &: Alma Gillispie Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mitchell Harry & Sherry Watts Joan Livingston
Paul & Connie Burket Bill &: Jane Alsop Bill & Kittle Govreau Maxine Mitchell Dr. &: Mrs. C.N. Waters Lindy & Kathy Lorenson
Cynthia M. Campbell A. Jay & Mary Andersen Dr. & Mrs. Michael Grant Janis, John & Veronica Mr. & Mrs. Ben Wearing Mrs. Ham Lynch
C.L. Clark & Kim Apt Ron & Sue Green Monier Jerry & Judy Weaver Dale & Gayle Lyon
Connie Achterberg Steve Ascher Family Charlie & Pat Grimwood Kenneth & Jeanne Morrell John & Marilyn Weber Jeanne Maddox
Bob &: Jane Constable Mr. & Mrs. Whitley Austin Wanda & Bill Grosser Mr. & Mrs. Roger Morrison Alan & Sandy Wedel Mr. Frank H. Markley
Gib &: Jo Cunningham A.K. & Mildred Bader Ken & Susan Guest Larry & Cel Muff Kennit & Kathy Wedel Charlene Mathis
Mr. & Mrs. Don P. Diederich Bob & Maryellen Batt Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Gugler Craig & Kareen Muhl John & Ruth Ann Wefa!d Victoria Martin
Gene & Kimberly Diederich Joan Baumgartner &: Family John & Karen Gunn Doug & Jean Mull Dr. &: Mrs. John M. Welsh Myrtle Meacham
John & Deborah Divine Mike & Mary Nell Beatty Nonnan & Lois Hackler Stan & Rosemary Nelson Constance &: Harry June Meador
Mark & Bernice D'Souza Mark & Joy Bell Ted &: Nancy Haggart Richard & Frances Nethaway Whittaker Pauline Meador
Tom & LouAnn Dunn Larry & Marge Bengtson Jamie & Brigid Hall Lois & Carl Nichols Roy & Suzanne Wilbur Harold L. Milner
Jerry & Carol Exline Bruce & Marilyn Benyshek Bill & Jo Harbin Rod &: Janice Nitz Mr. & Mrs. Walter Williams Gretchen Morgenstern
Mrs. B. B. Gage Bill & Kary Berenson Doris & Ted Harder Roger & Imogene A. North Gus &: Judy Wilgus Ruth Moritz
Lavern Myers Jewell Pierson Loraine Stadler Special Events Regional Building and
Anne Nettleton ,Amy Rasher Katie Stevenson Chairpeople Exhibition Grounds
Kerry Ninemire Mildred Robb Maxine Strawn LouAnn Dunn, Special Jerry Exline*
Elizabeth Noller Maxine Strawn Barb Vanier Projects Council Don Marrs
Enna Lee Nuss Iris Tilgner Rave Reviews Paula Fried, 10th Jane Eby, Wichita BetsyPoer
Martha L. Oakes Rozella Van Reenan Hosts Anniversary Art Association Charles Stevens
Peggy J. Opdyke Margaret Wyatt Pat & Linda Bolen Jamie Hall, Pignic Margo Kren, Kansas State Policy and
Anne Parker Dorothy Winslow Sallie Morrison, Pignic University
Margarette A. Parker Docents Gary & Kate Brown Wendy Moshier, Events, Robert Regier, Bethel Planning
Jessie F. Peterson Martha Brown Occasions & Celebrations College Steven Brown*
Mr. Leo Poulin Merrilyn Murrison* LouAnn Dunn Betsy Poer, Rave Reviews Cynthia Schira, University Sam Evans*
Amy Rasher Sandy Wedel * Tom & Peggy Egan Gloria Rumsey, 10th of Kansas Jane Duff
Mark Roberts Sallie Morrison Sam Evans Anniversary Don Weddle, Konstverk Charles Livingston
Sara Osborn Jerry & Carol Exline Gallery
Adam Rome Artists and Active Members
Barbara Sackrider Bunny Otto Paula Fried & Brad Stuewe Board of
Mrs. James D. Sarvis Denise Nixon Jim & Marj Geisendorl Resource Nancy Haggart*
Cathy Scheck Jane Struble Karen Graves People Directors Ann Ludwig
Mary Ann Schmiedeler Waitstill Nickell Ken & Susie Guest Steve Addiss, Lawrence Nonnan Yenkey, President Merrilyn Murrison
Mrs. Gerald Sebree Kathryn Macek Ted & Nancy Haggart Brad Anderson, Salina Paula Fried, Vice President Kathleen Pierson
Liz Shields Linda Smith Eric & Melody Hardman Lee Becker, Lindsborg Jane Duff, Secretary Pat Slaughter
Mrs. Norb Skelley Bob Batt Randy & Linda Hassler Steve Britt, Salina Warren Winkler, Treasurer Connie Stutterheim
Ginny Sloo Babette Freeman Stewart & Fran Horejsi Connie Burket, Salina Steven Brown Sandy Wedel
Dorothy Shields Smith Picture Shirley Jacques Sara Duffield, Salina Sam Evans Jan Wilson
Ruth Fern Smith Persons Vi Justus Leadell Ediger, Salina Jerry Exline Endowment
M. Maxine Strawn Nancilee Jones* Jerry & Ann Knowles Dale Eldred, Nancy Haggart Committee
Nonnan Stuewe Connie Stutterheim* Bill & Pat Knox Kansas City, Mo. Karen Hale
Eleanore Sullivan Sara Osborn Bob & Debra Korbelik Fred Elliott, Salina Charles Livingston Thomas Dunn
Bonnie E. Teasley Amy Hoffman Lewis & Luci LaPierre Jr. Harley Elliott, Salina Nancy Macy Virginia Reimold
Melanie Terrill WaitstillNickell Jack & Ann Ludwig Jimmy Engineer, Pakistan Sallie Morrison Morrie Soderberg
Ben Vandervelde Susan Vignery BefuLull Terry Evans, Salina Jean Reitz Education
Rozella VanReenan Dean Groves George & Sandy Marshall Graeme Gorton, Gloria Rumsey Building
Mrs. Virginia Vishneske Kim Diederich Mark & Connie Miller New Zealand Charles Stevens
Nonna Weberg Carolyn Boyce Dave & Jeanette Mitchell Lisa Graham, Salina Jan Wilson Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weisgerber Dorothy Goodwin John & Karen Mize Dean Groves, Salina HarrvWatts Bill & Jane Alsop
Brig. Gen. (ret.) & Mrs. W. Mena Lawrence Steve & Barbara Morgan Bill Hottman, Salina Standing Evans Family
Keith Weltmer Discovery Area Richard & Sallie Morrison John Jacob, Austin, Tx. Kansas Arts Commission
Sonja Willey Norm & Marj Morrow Pam Jarvis, Salina Committees Steve & Jeanne Sebree
Thomas F. Winkler Guides Wendy Moshier Colleen Jewell, Salina Discovery Area David & Linda Smith
J. H. Wolfersperger Bev Poos* Dianne Ott Lana Jordan, Salina Charles & Connie Stevens
Mrs. Robert Worley JanWilson* David & Ann Payne Kenneth Klostenneyer, Jan Wilson* Brad Stuewe & Paula Fried
Ann R. Wright Jane Alsop Marynell Reece Salina Brad Anderson
Margaret Wyatt Sarah Alt Dick & Toni Renfro Doug Kyle, Salina BevPoos
Kathrine Young Kim Diederich Barbara Rodenbeek Stanley Lombardo, Lawrence Ed Scheele The Salina Art
Mrs. Clarence C. Youse Paula Fried Gloria Rumsey Cindy Mahanay, Salina Jane Struble Center is grateful
Genevive Zimmennan Debby Korbelic Jeanne Sebree Judith Burns McCrae, Laurie Thompson for the many ways
Edward L. Zoch Paula Knox John & Pat Shaver Wichita Exhibit
Luci laPierre Kurt & Ann Siemers Mary Jean Millikin, Salina Jean Reitz. people give lime,
Volunteers Beth Lull Boyd & Heather Smith Tom Millikin, Salina Jerry Exline expertise, and
Gallery Connie Martin David & Linda Smith Jeff Morin, Paula Fried other valuable
attendants Teresa Martin Rex & Cindy Snavely Chattanooga, Tenn. Terry Evans resources. Some
Peggy Medina Sydney Soderberg Ruth Moritz, Salina Don Weddle of those gills are:
Kathleen Pierson* JoMiller Charles & Connie Stevens Anne Nettleton, Salina Educational
Louise Albright Dody Neis Jan Wilson Debbie Neustrom, Salina HoUls of service:
Lori Allen Kathryne Perney Norm & Kristy Yenkey Shannon Drews Rayl, Salina Program Gallery attendants 1,500
Barbara Bloom Mary Ellen Ray Lester Raymer, Lindsborg Karen Hale* Board of Directors 600
Nancy Bressler Marty Ryan Other donors Jean Reitz, Salina Sam Evans Office staff 540
Dorothy Brunton Linda Smith of time, Martha Rhea, Salina Charles Livingston Picture Persons 250
Mary Louise Dodge Connie Stevens W. Stitt Robinson, Lawrence Merrilyn Murrison Docents 200
Betty Dreher Jane Wilson materials, Ed Scheele, Abilene Harry Watts Hospitality 125
Lorraine Fleming Vicki Wilson and service Twila Schneiders, Salina Publicity and
Martha Foley Construction Rental Leslie Shirack, Salina Public Relations Valuable expertise:
Beth Fox Hospitality Gib Cunningham Richard Stauffer, Emporia Nancy Macy* $12,700 in volunteer
Clarabelle Geis Ann Ludwig* Earthcare Services Cheryl Stockham, Salina Nancy Haggart professional services
Flora Mae Gilbert Lori Allen Exline Inc. Allan Tollakson, Emporia Harry Watts (legal, accounting,
Katherine Grant Marge Bengtson Kent Fellers Bret Waller, Malibu, Calif. finance, architectural)
Sue Green Mary Louise Dodge Joyce Fent Staff Finance were donated.
Betty Groves Betty Dreher Jeff Heidrick Saralyn Reece Hardy, Warren Winkler* Thank You and
Helen Heath Lois Eagleton Michelle Heidrick Steven Brown
Amy Hoffman Lorraine Fleming Fran Horesji Director Cene Diederich Memorial Gills:
Evelyn Hooker Paula Fried Basil Jarvis *Lori Allen, Office Staff Morrie Soderberg Memorial gifts in honor
Barb Hutchison Esther Gregory Don & Mary Alice Jolley Lori Brack, Public Development of Ann Jackson and a
Mary Jarvis Marl Haggart KMart Infonnation thank you gift in honor
Rosemary Heidrick, Gloria Rumsey*
Marion Klema Nancy Haggart Kennedy and Coe Administrative Assistant Jane Alsop of Sam and Terry Evans
Gayle Lacey Evelyn Hooker Jerry Knowles Barbara Jarvis, Exhibits Paula Fried were donated to the
Emma McBride Barb Hutchison Lamone Candy Registrar Ann Knowles Salina Art Center.
Mary Jean Millikin Jan King Don Marrs Melinda Jarvis, Summer Sallie Morrison Supplies and
Harold Milner Marti Kruckemyer Medina Construction Intern
Jeanne Morrell Beth Lull Salina Building Systems *Harold Milner, Facilities Charles Stevens equipment:
Sallie Morrison Connie Martin Jeanne & Steve Sebree and Operations Nonnan Yenkey kitchen supplies, plants
Enna Lee Nuss Katherine Perney Servicemaster of Salina Anne Parker, Office Staff Nominating and trees, office supplies,
WaitstillNickell Amy Rasher Graham Smith * Heather Smith, Business Nonn Yenkey* education materials, IBM
Marcella Oakes Joyce Rosales Charlie & Carolyn Walker Manager Paula Fried computer, tables and rack,
Martha Oakes Janell Fink Shadwick Jan Wilson *Connie Stevens, Office Staff Gloria Rumsey paper cutter, light box,
Sara Osborn Jo Simmons Patricia Traxler, Artistic weaving looms, Discovery
Bunny Otto Pat Slaughter Development Packs, copy machine,
Anne Parker Dorothy Smith Joe Brown, Custodian back door chime, art
* indicates chairpeople Janet Smith Wayne Hanson, Custodian supplies, and art cart
* Non-paid staff
"Salina looms hIgh on the most
enjoyable part of my American
experience. It was just wonderful
. . . My staff thinks that Salina was
the only place I visited, I talk about
it so much."
"The Art Center was really a 'neat
place' to go. We really liked the
discovery center and makIng the
marble mazes. . . A number of the
kids can't wait to go to Salina
and 'make mom take me to the
Art Center.' ..
- Sylvan Grove Kindergarten,
1st and 2nd graders
- Graeme Gorton, Director
Southern Regional Arts Council
Christchurch, New Zealand
242 South Santa Fe
p.o. Box 743
Salina, Kansas 67402.(J743
July 1988 . June 1989
East Meets West: Paintings on Silk by Andy Kay
Out of Eastem Europe: Private Photography
The Second Circle: Light Sculpture by Dale Eldred
The Contemporary Figure
10th Annual Jurored Art Exhibition
Contemporary Masters: Selections from the collection of
Southwestern Bell Corp.
The Salina Art Center is a
member organization of:
American Association of Museums
American Federation of the Arts
Association of Community Arts Agencies of Kansas
Salina Downtown loe.
Kansas Museum Association
Mountain Plains Museum Association
Salina Chamber of Commerc:l"
The Salina Art Center is a
partner in programming with:
Institute of Museum Services, Horizons Grant Program,
Kansas Arts Commission, Mid America Arts Alliance,
Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, Salina Community
Theatre, Salina Parks and Recreation Deparbnent, Salina
Public Library, Salina Symphony, Smoky Hill Museum, and
USD 305.
The City of Salina provides facility support to the Salina Art
Center through the cooperation of the Salina Arts and
Humanities Commission.
The Salina Art Center Endowment Foundation Inc. was
established in 1989. The growth of this endowment is an
important step in insuring the future of the Salina Art Center.
Written by Lori Brack
Design by Steve Britt
Non Profit
U.S. Postage
Salina, KS 67401
Permit No. 125