2011 Budget Certification State of Kansas City 2011 Adopted Budget Amount of201O County - Page Ad Valorem Clerk's Table of Contents: No. Expenditures Tax Use Only ComDutation to Determine Limit for 2011 2 Allocation ofMVT, RVT, 16/20M Veh & Slide 3 Schedule of Transfers 4 Statement of Indebtedness 5 Statement of Lease-Purchases 6 Fund K.S.A. General 12-101a 7 39,505,650 7,699,277 Debt Service 10-113 8 6,868,359 2,716,214 Flood and Drainage Ord 97-9814 9 11,130 Employee Benefits 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 . 13 Soecial Highway 14 2,811,511 Sales Tax Capital 14 3,990,580 Sales Tax Economic Development 15 325,120 Arts and Humanities 15 1,050,791 Business Improvement District 16 90,578 Tourism and Convention 16 1,351,664 Neighborhood Parks 17 258,146 Special Parks and recreation 17 271,197 Special Alcohol 18 170,192 Bicentennial Center 18 2,764,512 Fair Housing 19 86,290 Risk Management 19 499,688 Workers Comoensation . 20 936,698 Health Insurance 20 ll,416,1l62 Central Garal!:e 21 1,616,068 Computer Technology 21 1,434,681 Sanitation 22 2,846,737 Solid Waste 23 4,851,066 Golf Course . 24 941,653 Water and Sewer 25 23,992,559 Non-Budgeted Funds-A 26 Non-Budgeted Funds-B 27 Non-Budgeted Funds-C 28 Non-Budgeted Funds-D 29 Totals x 105,091,732 10,415,491 Budget Summary 30 Neighborhood Revitalization Rebate 31 Is an Ordinance required to be passed, published, and attached to the budg~ No I CERTIFICATE To the Clerk of Saline County, State of Kansas We, the undersigned, officers of Citv of Salina certify that: (I) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held; (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditures for the various funds for the year 20 II; and (3) the Amounts(s) of2010 Ad Valorem Tax are within statutory limitations. 2011 Assisted by: County Cleric's Use Only I Attest: 2010 Address: County Clerk revised 10(2/09 Page No. 1 v 'State of Kansas City 2011 Adopted Budget ~ Amountof2010 County Page Ad Valorem Clerk's Table of Contents: No, Expenditures Tax Use Only Computation to Detennine Limit for 20] ] 2 Allocation of MVT, RVT, 16/20M Veh & Slide 3 Schedule of Transfers 4 Statement ofIndebtedness 5 Statement of Lease-Purchases 6 Fund K.S.A. General ]2-10]a 7 39,505,650. 7,699,277. lQ.1'l(\. Debt Service ]0-] 13 8 6,868,359. 2,7]6,2]4. 6.786. Flood and Drainage Ord 97-9814 9 11,130 Employee Benefits 9 ]0 ]0 ]] ]] , ]2 ]2 13 13 Special Highway ]4 2,811,5]], Sales Tax Capital ]4 3,990,580. Sales Tax Economic Development ]5 325,120. Arts and Humanities ]5 1,050,79] . Business ]mprovement District ]6 90,578 Tourism and Convention ]6 1,351,664. Neighborhood Parks 17 258,146. Special Parks and recreation 17 271,197 Special Alcohol ]8 170,192. Bicentennial Center ]8 2,764,512. Fair Housing ]9 86,290 Risk Management ]9 499,688 Workers Compensation 20 936,698 Health Insurance 20 8,416,862 Central Garage 21 1,616,068. Computer Technology 21 1,434,681. Sanitation 22 2,846,737. " Solid Waste 23 4,85] ,066 Golf Course 24 94],653. Water and Sewer 25 23,992,559 Non-Budgeted Funds-A 26 Non-Budgeted Funds-B 27 " Non-Budgeted Funds-C 28 Non-Budgeted Funds-D 29 Totals , x 105,091,732 10,4] 5,491 1(,0111 Budget Summary 30 Neighborhood Revitalization Rebate 3] Is an Ordinance required to be passed, published, and attached to the budg~ No 'II CERTIFICATE To the Clerk of Saline County, State of Kansas We, the undersigned, officers of Citv of Salina certify that: (I) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held;, (2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditures for the various funds for the year 20 II; and: (3) the Amounts(s) of2010 Ad Valorem Tax are within statutory limitations, 2011 Counfo' Cler1." -:., oJ)......f# ....,..'" ';, 1:.'17)~> .:~..~~~~. revised 10/2/CM$< I..: L; \ uJ:'1.:.~~n L- lOll\. ,-...It""" " '. Assisted"'by?~;':": Address: ,\"....','1 , ,~\\ t GO "" ...' ...\ ", ..... \.;\\' ....... UAV' ,'.... ....... ._ a. -, '" ~ .;r ~ .* a. /'''' ~ ~ C:J ..- -.. ;L ":- ;; ;' COUNTY ... ~ ~ . " - . C&~010f. :: Page No, 1