Change Order No. 5 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 300 West Ash . P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 cavdf !:.i ..... TELEPHONE: 785.309-5725 FALK:785-309-5713 WEBSITE . www.salina-ks.aov CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: Landfill Cell 5 Construction PROJECT # : 09-2769 LOCATION: CHANGE ORDER No. : 5 CONTRACTOR: Larkin Excavating, Inc. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 26th day of July ,2010, by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, Owner, and the above named Contractor, modifies the existing.contract dated 8/10/2009 , under the above subject and project number in the following particularS to wit: 1. The specifications and drawings for street improvements in the City of Salina, Kansas, dated 8/10/2009 , are hereby amended in the following particulars only; all other terms and conditions remain unchanged. a. Item 22, which was previously described as: East Access Road and Ditch 1 ',Excavate to design elevations, 2,250 CY . Fill Soil To Design Elevations, 420 CY · Road Final Grading, 2,610 SY · Road Base and Surfacing, 2,620 SY . Drainage Channel, 1,030 LF is hereby revised to except the road surfacing and shall be described as: East Access Road and Ditch 1 LS $32,229.56 . Excavate to design elevations, 2,250 CY . Fill Soil To Design Elevations, 420 CY . Road Final Grading, 2,610 SY . Road Base, 2,620 SY . Drainage Channel, 1 ,030 LF LS $96,000.00 2. The contract time for completion by reason of this change o days. 3. All other terms and conditions of the contract to remain unchanged. OWNER. FIRST PARTY THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CONTRACTOR, SECOND PARTY LARKIN EXCAVATING, INC. ~~ - :r~ j.,jJ.,k-- J!P: Mayor ATTEST: ,\.O"'.J.~~. 1 ), ~~ --r--::J Ci Clerk F'on:Ap~c Shear~ Salina KS 7as 823 1615 07'31/2009 08:15 1092 P .0021002 - -----~-, ...,........-~- :t3 /1# I "..... J , .".... '" - ~....~ ' -- ~ - " A'AC.ICauaeJ, 1.., She.... DIMion, Salina BJ'8JIC!h J.329 W. :Nanh St.. P. O. h 11195, Waa KS "C-JJ05 TeJepllaae '7II5JUJ.55l1, FaX 7I.5-I2J.1'15 SUBCONTRACT QUOTATION To: All Bidders Project: Municipal Solid Waste landfBI Facility Date: August 4. 2009 Proposal No.: 130 APAC.KANSAS, Inc., $heers DMsion. Sarma Branch ("APAC-) hereby ofM'S to pedo"," lhe following wor1t on the 8bove~e project at the pric:es tndk:ated: Ibtm ~atIon S. Pawl on East ACcess Road Total fbi. auolatlon I_lid.. th~ follDWIna t.rma: 1. Unless the words "Lump Sum'" appear next to. price for an Item. sit plices are per unit. and payments win be based upon the aCluel number of ",nits performed et that price. The prices quoted af8 binding ont, for tI'Ie duratlon of the projeCt as originally plemed. After such lime, the prices are auquct to 88cu18tion based ~ In~ In N'AC's coats. 2. APAC wil perform the work in accordance wl1h the schedule as requhd the owner's normal operating schedule. 3. Payment end performance bonds are Included. 4. Surveying, staking, traffic control. testing, utilftles location and adjullment or retocation 81'8 not Included. 5. This quote is contingent upon APAC's satisfaction with credit conditions. 6. APAC will mobilize on the project 1 tlme(II). Ant additional mobltizatlons willl'8quire additional compensation of $UQQ per mobUlzalion. 7. Subgrade tD be on grade by others. Thank you for the opportunIty to quote thIs proJed. Please ca. me with any questions. Sincerely. ~ .. Federal 10 Number (FIN) or SadaI security Number . t" I - . (Date) m ~:;f~if'{f~=!~="_c.n-. 1fII1MW: ... u_V..,.,..-."'a......,._,,~_ (ItMf16J l"d l€tl'l~9ttl6 J6)j88 '<.JJer dm:zo 60 Ll PO