8.4 Vac Oakdale Add DefeatedCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION OATE, TIME 10/21/85 ~,:00 P.M. ORI GI NATI NG DEPARll~IENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA SECTION: Administration AGENDA: NO' 8 ~ Engineering ITEM NO. 4 IBY: Dean Boyer BY: Petition No. 38?8, filed by O. J. Cooper, requesting the closing of Smoky Hill Drive at Columbia Avenue to alleviate a severe dust problem on this street. Smoky Hill Drive is unimproved (dirt) from Penn Avenue to Kansas Avenue. Vehicular t'raffic as it emerges from the paved section of Smoky Hill Drive between Oakdale Avenue and Penn Avenue onto the unimproved section of Smoky Hill Drive between Penn Avenue and Kansas Avenue creates dust problems for area residents. Concerned area residents have unsuccessfully tried in the past to obtain sufficient signatures to petition for improvements on this section of street. Efforts have also failed to include this street in a H.U.D. grant for street improvements. Due to erosion which has occurred along the Smoky Hill River channel, the effective right-of- way of Smoky Hill Drive has been reduced significantly. In order to construct and pave this street to our current standards, additional right-of-way would have to be acquired. Our department has reviewed various proposals to close or to vacate portions of this unimproved street. We believe the attached plan (Exhibit "A") will alleviate the dust problem and still provide sufficient access for area residents and emergency vehicles. This plan proposes the placement of barricades at the east line of the alley east of Penn Avenue; at points 50 ft. west and 50 ft. east of Columbia Avenue; and at a point 50 ft. west of Kansas Avenue. The area between these four (4) barricades would be vacated (N. 1/2 of the street right-of-way would revert to the adjacent property owners and the S. 1/2 of the street right-of-way would remain city owned property). "No Outlet" signs would be installed at the intersections of Gypsum and Columbia; Gypsum and Kansas; and at Smoky Hill Drive and Penn. Minor grading would be required at the east end of Smoky Hill Drive; at the south end of Columbia Avenue; and-at the south end of Kansas Avenue to create cul-de-sacs. Due to existing utility lines in Smoky Hill Drive, the vacated portions of this street will need to be retained as utility easements. Ordinance #85-9107 COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: August 28, 1985 C-ity Engineer City-County Building Sa]ina, Kanakas Attention: Dean Boyer Petition #3878 In regard to vacating portions of Smoky Hill Dr. Sir: Since all other alternatives have failed to resolve our air pollution problems, due to continuous non- area traffic, we ask you to re-submit our request to the City Commission for consideration. g EXHIBIT "A" LEGEND mmm~ Borricode · - "No Outlet Sign" ~ Street to be Vacoted ~ OAKDALE P Scole I": 200' I ................................... I I I I L~_I .... L__J I.___1_ I0 22 I0 24 , II I I ~1 II 2,3 (Published in The Salina Journal October , 1985) ORDI~ANCE NUMBER 85-9107 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF S~,~OKY HILL DRIVE LYINC BETWEEN PENN AVENUE AND KAi'ISAS AVENUE IN THE CITY OF SALINA, SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section I. That a portion of Smoky Hill Drive lying between Penn Avenue and t(ansas Avenue, described as follows: A point on the east line e:(tended of the north-south alley in Block 12, Oakdale Addition to the City of Salina, Kansas and a point fifty (50) feet west of the east line extended of said Block 12; and also the vacation of Smoky Hill Drive from a point that is fifty (50) feet east of the west line extended of Block 11 of said Oakdale Addition and a point that is fifty (5) feet west of the east line of said Block 11, be and the same is hereby vacated; provided, however, the City reserves the: right to construct, repair and maintain sewer lines, water lines, electric lines,i telegraph lines, gas lines and other utility lines on said street. Section 2. That the street hereby vacated shall revert, subject to the reservations aforesaid [o the adjoining land as provided by law. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect froml and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: October 21, 1985 Passed: October 28, 1985 [SEAL] ATTEST: Merle A. Hodges, M.D., ~,layor D. L. Harrison, City Clerk