4.4 Poppy DayGREETINGS: ?/HEREAS: WHEREAS '/~HEREAS: ~TOW THW~REFORE: To our fellow citizens, The American Legiom and the American Legion Auxiliary, adopted the Memorial Poppy, as its Memorial Flower in 1919, and Ny wearing the Poppy,~ Americans everywhere, amd especially,~ in this City of Salina,~ pay tribute to, and honor those war dead; and aid the living, hy giving assistance to all Veterans,~. and their families, ia time of need, and The Poppy Day Program contributions are used for Child Welfare and Rehabilitation programs,, in our community and state. I,~ Dr.~Merle HOdges, Mayor of the City of Salina, do hereby proclaim ~Yovember 9, 1985 as POPPY DAY ia our city,~ and I urge all citizens of our city, to join~ with me, in wearing the Memorial Poppy, as together we remember the sacrifices of so many, ~ defense of our freedom.. Signed this by the direction of the City Comm~ssior~ of Salina, Kansas r. MerIe Hodge~ ' ~/ Mayor of SalSa, Kansas 21st day o f October ~ 198~