8.1 Nuisance AbatementsCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 8/9/2010 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 8 AGENDA: FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION ITEM NO. 1 BY: Page 1 BY: Rodney Franz ITEM: Ordinance No. 10-10561 First reading Ordinance No. 10-10561 levying special assessments against certain lots and pieces of property to pay the cost of abatement of nuisances. BACKGROUND: Throughout the year nuisance abatement notices to property owners notifying them that they must abate a nuisance (mowing, cleaning, and/or demolition) on their property within a specified amount of time, or the City would do the work and bill them for the cost. In those cases where the property owner does not choose to abate the nuisance, the city typically contracts to do so and sends a bill to the property owner. Property owners are told that if they do no t pay the amounts due, it will be added to their taxes as a special assessmen t. Ordinance No. 10-10561 details the amounts remaining due by tract, and levies an assessment against their property. Attached is a report showing all amounts billed, paid, and remaining due. The total amount billed was $16,412.02, of which $2,194.21 has been paid. The rema ining amount to be assessed is $14,217.81. This certification covers all abatements that were fi nalized since November 2009. Abatements that have been billed after the middle of June, 2010 were not included due to the 30- day time period where the property owner is able to pay the amount charged. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 10-10561 on first reading.