8.3 Relocate Lakewood Bridge CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11/4/02 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: NO, ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: 8. ITEM NO. 3 Engineering & Gene..?rvices BY: Shawn O'Lea:~ \1ìf BY: ITEM Resolution of endorsement for the restoration and relocation of the existing Lakewood Truss Bridge (Old Smoky Hill River Bridge) and authorize staff to submit an application for a Transportation Enhancement grant. BACKGROUND On August 26, 2002, the City Commission approved a supplemental design contract with Olsson Associates of Omaha, Nebraska to design the restoration and relocation of the existing Lakewood Drive 1887 Vintage Steel Truss Bridge in Lakewood Park just North of Iron Avenue. Olsson Associates has been assisting in city staff in preparation of the grant application for the bridge project. The preliminary cost estimate for this project is $250,000. Most of the costs for this project are due to the lead paint abatement for the existing bridge. This bridge has a very interesting and storied history. The Lakewood Park Bridge that is today located at the south entrance to Lakewood Park has stood on its present site since 1964. The 1 ~ lane steel through-truss bridge with a 16 ft. by 98 ft. wood deck, was originally constructed over the Smoky Hill River Channel on North Ohio Street, near Riverside Drive in 1887. The bridge is protected from demolition or relocation without a review by the Heritage Commission by a Conservation District Ordinance adopted in 1997. Relocation and reuse of the bridge could mitigate its replacement at the present Lakewood site. If plans allow for its relocation and reuse at the new Lakewood Middle School, as a pedestrian bridge near Elm Street, it would likely stand within a few hundred feet of its original and historic location. With the design of the new bridge on Lakewood Drive, the plans indicated that the existing bridge would be removed and relocated on-site. The KDOT and the Kansas State Historical Society became concerned that there were no plans for the restoration of this historic bridge. Essentially, the Historical Society informed city staff that without a plan in place to relocate and restore the existing bridge, that the historical eligibility could be in jeopardy, City staff in cooperation with the Olsson Associates is now preparing an application packet for Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding for Preservation of Historic Transportation Facilities (80/20 federal grant funding). The TE funding requires submittal of preliminary design documents be submitted with the application. This application packet must be postmarked no later than November 8, 2002. Successful projects will be announced in May 2003. The grant, if received, would provide funds for FFY 2004 and 2005. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11/4/02 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: NO. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO, Engineering & Gen,:,~rvices BY: Shawn O'Le~ ~í BY: Page 2 The application guidelines state that formal endorsement from the City Commission is essential to selection of the project for grant funding. The guidelines also recommend that letters of endorsement be obtained from USD 305, Chamber of Commerce, and the local Heritage Commission. Staff is in receipt of these endorsement letters and will include them in the application submittal. If approved, funds for this bridge restoration and relocation project will be allocated from the 2004 Capital Improvement Program. In addition to assisting staff in meeting the November 8, 2002 grant application deadline, Olsson Associates is assisting in researching other potential grant opportunities. The existing bridge is scheduled for replacement beginning in October, 2003. If funding is obtained to restore the historic bridge, that project would begin construction in 2004 to coincide with the other bridge project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Commission adopt Resolution No. 02-5886 endorsing the project and committing to the 20% minimum local match funding and maintenance obligations regarding the rehabilitated and relocated Lakewood Drive bridge, ,~ t A ~! in ~ ~ . ~ ~ """Ii ~:; I I in I:: ¡II I:: ¡II Ii II Ii - \i .. '\ ~ I., ~ ii' l t,1 "ii \ " I " \ I \ \ I \ \ ---,-,1--;---,----' i i j ! i ! ¡ I ' I 1:' I ' ð i ' i 0' I ' :;Ni'i : I : , , ! i i ¡ i i , , ' ¡ I i ! i ! , ¡Ii f ~ , ¡¡~ d ~~g ~'" ~~1\ ;~ic:.g~è! 0"" L--=: Ii j ~ .. 0 d~ d .11~. .11'" ~~- ~~~ t' t~ ~ , !wli ~ I? l & ö: II \ f§ ~ \ !:;. \ '. \ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I (- ¡ I Ii; ~ /i~ows PIG Ja /1//::/ 1111-/ ¡¡ Ii! '" 0. 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