Dissolution of Public Wholesale Water District No. 10 j~ iU_ r___.J ,... - C I T Y 0 0 F WICHITA Wichita Water Utilities June 10,2010 Mayor Aaron Peck City of Salina P.o. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402 RE: Dissolution of Public Wholesale Water District No. 10 Dear Mayor Peck, In the 1980's, the City of Salina joined with 14 other communities in central Kansas to form Public Wholesale Water District No. 10. The purpose of the District was to seek and obtain a wa~er supply source that could meet the needs of all of the members, with the most ideal supply being Milford Reservoir. However, opposition to the project eventually led the Legislature to pass the Water Transfer Act and members of the District have proceeded to look for and obtain water supplies that serve the needs of their communities. With the change in focus, Wholesale Water District No. 10 no longer serves its original purpose and needs to be dissolved. A majority of the members of the District have signed resolutions to dissolve Public Wholesale Water District No. 10. Please find enclosed a check for $14,768.39 (11.11%) which is the City of Salina's share of the assets. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at 316-269-4760 or dary@wichita.gov. Sincerely, CITY OF WICHITA, KANSAS M-?f Debra E Ary, P.E. Superintendent of Production and Pumping Production and Pumping Division 1815 W. Pine . Wichita, Kansas 67203 T 316.269.4763 F 316.269.4750 www.wichita.gov .. GILMORE Be BELL A PROF'ESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW ONE MAIN PLACE 316-267-2091 f1'j/It,,)(;, ,:U6-Z6Z'-6!5Z:3 WWW.OILIo40REBELL.C0104 August 1, 2003 KANSAS . URI . oUls, MYsSCWRI . LI7J!-'L~~'" // ".,;-. "..:./ /,. j ',#. ""ttivE11 "'~u 0 4 2003 ~t}' or WIchita .~ 100 NORTH MAIN. SUITE BOO WICHITA, KANSAS 67202-1398 Mr. Dennis Cleman Director of Public Works and Engineering City of Hutchinson, Kansas City Hall 125 East Avenue B Hutchinson, KS 67501 RE: Public Wholesale Water Supply District #10 Dear Dennis: Mr. David Warren, Director of Water and Sewer with the City of Wichita, has requested our advice on the dissolution of Public Wholesale Water Supply District #10 (the "District"). The process to dissolve the District is described in the Agreement to Organize the District and the Bylaws of the District The statutes applicable to the District (K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq., as amended) do not address the dissolution of a District and simply defer to the applicable Agreement and Bylaws. The Agreement provides that at least three-fourths (3/4) of the member cities (the "Members") must give written consent to the termination and dissolution of the District. All indebtedness, warrants and other fmancial obligations of the District must be paid in full or funds sufficient to cover all debt'! shall be deposited in escrow in a national or statp. bank with trust powers that is located in the State of Kansas. A sample resolution indicating the written consent of the governing body of each Member is enclosed. Upon receipt of written consents from at least three-fourths (3/4) of the Members, the governing body of the District shall dissolve the District, liquidate its properties and distribute the net proceeds to the Members in a manner to be determined by it pursuant to law, taking into account, in such manner as the governing body of the District in its discretion deems appropriate, the relative contributions of cash and other property to the District and the relative water purchases of each of the Members. In the event the governing body of the District is unable to decide as to the ~er in which the District's properties shall be liquidated and the net proceeds distributed, it shall be detennined by a court of appropriate jurisdiction. We recommend that you convene a meeting of the governing body to determine whether it is the will of that group to dissolve the District. If the governing body agrees to recommend Mr. Dennis Clennan August I, 2003 Page 2 dissolution to the Members, the sample resolution and a letter recommending such action should be sent to each Member for its consideration. Please contact the undersigned or Sarah Steele with the firm if you have questions. '- Enclosure cc: David Warren GILMORE & BELL, P.C. CITY OF BEL AIRE, KANSAS RESOLUTION NO. R-09-04 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et. seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Bel Aire, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the" District") by executing an agreement dates as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least % of the member cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEL AIRE, KANSAS THAT: Section 1. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. Section 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the City Council this 7th day of April, 2009. Approved by the Mayor this 7th day of April, 2009. !~trW2,Q G'~.~ A YOR, HAROLD A. S ITH SEAL RESOLUTION NO. 040609 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. to. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq. provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be know as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Sedgwick, Kansas have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least % of the member cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SEDGWICK, KANSAS: SECTION t. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution, SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SEDGWICK, KANSAS THIS 6th DAY OF APRIL, 2009 ~4-~ ~'Jk~ Donald K. DeHaven, Mayor (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. o?OO 9 ~o(~ A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HVT~HINSON, KANSAS, CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT :NO. 10 WHEREAS. K.S.A. 19:'3545 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purposes of a quasi-municipal cooperation which shall be known as a public' wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Hutchinson, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and the dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least 3/4 of the member cities. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, KANSAS: SECTION 1. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and the dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Hutchinson, Kansas on April 21, 2009. ...,qJ11TD?-~ ~' :I' F 'II ~:. .;--.~;;.,., .', ~.~. \\1..... a. ;. ~l' .::..~. ,-:.k .. "'''''#"\!,{" ~..!J,.~r."'~ .:r ..... ~ ........' ,....:.,. ,j;l .....><;:.~, , ~~ ..,o~ ~l ~: .., .. "".~ -";""- ~ '-R~ ~ ;~.( 'f~:..:.~~/' Y~:~11 ~ .; :;'.. ";"' ,/ }:: ,"i~;;":~::' :;~::~ :";':~~;1;;:r{~~/ C. S.~" (.,1'\:""""." "." ..1',., ty --u"" ,..' ~. I 1~. Jo: .~:.l' ~r;CrJ3'~'"i' .. / ~ .kf~ . 'R'-I.,(. _J K Weltmer, City Clerk ~~"-"~~J' BoB'Bush, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 04-13-09-04 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Halstead, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988, (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least ~ of the member cities. . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HALSTEAD, KANSAS: Section 1. The City hereby approves the termination.ofthe Agreement. and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. Section 2: This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED this 13th day of April, 2009. (SEAL) er~r Kevin. e, ayor ATTEST: ~ D l'G ~ YV\ Lu.-~ B. Dianne Mueller, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. L/030~ A RESOLtTfION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC \VHOLESALE 'VATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10. WHEREAS, K.S.A 19-3545el seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of it quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district.; and \UIEREAS, certain cities. including the City of C~I'Y'tlI'). Kansas (the "City') have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by executing an agreement dated as ofOctobcr 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS. it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Ah1fCement be tenuinated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS. the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District mllst be npproved by resolution of the governing bodies of at lcnst 3/4 of the member cities. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED "BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF C~tnd'" KANSAS: SECTION]. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk arc hereby c:!uthonzed to take all action neccssa'ry to effecl the intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and aOer ilC; adoplion. ~~~~p~an ~est: ")~~. . RESOLUTION OF MCPHERSON BOARD OF PUBLIC UTILITIES A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain entities including the McPherson Board of Public Utilities (the "BPU") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "Districf) by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by BPU and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by at 3/4 of the members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE MCPHERSON BOARD OF PUBLIC UTILITIES ("BPU"): SECTION 1. BPU hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The General Manager and Treasurer are hereby authorized to take all actions necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution including but not limited to reviewing and approving of the District's accounting and providing instructions on the appropriate payee of the BPU's funds if the District is dissolved. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. ATTEST: '--../ /) j 0~1I-C( J( k~~ Secretary . :/ /J I t2.u;{J? {~ Chaim<an p:\mcpcity.825.057\resolutionwd 1 O.kas.doc p:\mcpcity.825.057\resol utionwd 1 O.kas.doc RESOLUTION NO. 12-09 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Lindsborg, Kansas {the "Cityj have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "district") by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 {the "Agreementj; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least % of the member cities. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY { OF L1NDSBORG, KANSAS: \ SECTION 1. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. Section 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED by the governing body on May 4, 2009. (SEAL) @~,~ Ju . Neu afer, Mayor THE CITY OF PARK CITY, KANSAS RESOLUTION NO. 763-2009 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. to. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3445 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use oftheir powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purposes of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as the public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Park City, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by executing an agreeme1;1t dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and . WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and the dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least 3/4 of the member cities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF PARK CITY, KANSAS: SECTION 1. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Governing Body this 28th day of April, 2009. SEAL ~ Emil- Ber~ ~ ~~yor Attest: /I;~~ ai2n~~ (/ Carol A. Jones, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. G- 1040 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10 WHEREAS, K.S.A.19-3545 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Newton, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and .. WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least % of the member cities. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF NEWTON, KANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take all action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Newton, Kansas on April 14, 2009. (SEAL) ~t~ Mayor . - ATTEST: ~.ICktku--.. City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 20 I 0 - 05' A RESOLUTION CONCENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10 WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq.(the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public. agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to provide wholesale waterto participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be know as a public wholesale water supply district; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Moundridge, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and the dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least % of the member cities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF MOUNDRIDGE, KANSAS: . SECTION 1: The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Governing Body of the City of Moundridge, Kansas ~iif":-~Vih/ , 2010. . ,/~~. .~ I/~G' ~~ti-'.~'7 i..;~.-~.-t...-..,."..........;..~ 1..1 - . ~~m:I.~" ~? :. :~..!) :-". ) I -, L ""~d " '\ ~set! i;~~\'1 .,1 .-/-- ~/ ?~/ ~/~ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Director of Law . RESOLUTION NO. 042610 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBUC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10 WHEREAS, KSA 19-3545 et. seq.(the uM.) provK:fes that in order to permtt certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public \N8ter supply by enabling them to cooperate vvith other pubrlC agencies on a basis of mutual advan1age and thereby to provide services and facilities to provide 'NhoIesa1e water to partidpating pubrIC agencies and to provide for the es1ablishment for sud1 purpose of a quasi-municipal oorporation which shall be knoM1 as a public wholesale water supply cflStrict; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Abilene, Kansas (the "City') have heretofore aeaIed the Public \JVhoesa1e Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District') byexea.Jting an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988, (the ':Agreemenf); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and O3I1ain other member cities whidl have exeo.Jtaj the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the Disbid be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the terminatbn of the Agreement and the dissolution of the Distrti must be approved by Resolution of the governing bodies of at least % of the member cities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF ABILENE, KANSAS: SECTION 1: The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement ard dissolution of the DisbicI:. SEC110N 2: This Resolution shall be in forre and fake effedfran and after its adoption. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Governing body of the City of AbiEne, Kansas on April 26, 201 g......""'",, ...., .:'( 'l 0 F' ""'" ..' v' ........4.6'. ", ~.~. f. ....&~~ ~~IJ ..~ ~ :~: , ~~: :: / :fT1: ;:~ : ~ ~ ~ - .: ..1\. . . ..... -:"u., . ..~: ,,~ U~;l . ,.."f . ~~~.. d. ~). tmc... l.J.//- .<LJ I) f./ ./ .( ,':J Diane Miller, Mayor Penny L Soukup, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~W' RESOLUTION NO. 1067 A RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq. (the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to wholesale water to participating public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corporation which shall be known as a public wholesale water supply district ; and WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Hesston, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 10 (the "District") by . executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least 3/4 of the member cities. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'BYTHE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HESSTON, KANSAS: SECTION 1. The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to take ail action necessary to effect the intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of April, 2009. "" II II'", ""'0 r:: H "'" .... I t:.n " ,.., ........... U. " ~ ~ .- .. cJ' ~ :- J..... ..- e.. A-:' f ....../ \~CORPOR.4rS \ 0 -; A TTEsa'P: -.- () : Z :: - ~ 1 .- : \ : = .. . - .. . - ; e.. $ #. .. ~Yd-~ - D. Waltner, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 0<1- III A RESOLUTION CONCENTING TO THE DISSOLUTION OF THE PUBLIC WHOLESALE WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 10 WHEREAS, K.S.A. 19-3545 et seq.(the "Act") provides that in order to permit certain public agencies to make the most efficient use of their powers relating to public water supply by enabling them to cooperate with other public agencies on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities to provide wholesale water to partiCipatin~ public agencies and to provide for the establishment for such purpose of a quasi-municipal corration which shall be know as a public wholesale water supply district; and I. WHEREAS, certain cities, including the City of Wichita, Kansas (the "City") have heretofore created the Public Wholesale Water Supply District No.1 0 (the "District") by executing an agreement dated as of October 7, 1988 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the City and certain other member cities which have executed the Agreement that the Agreement be terminated and the District be dissolved; and WHEREAS, the termination of the Agreement and the dissolution of the District must be approved by resolution of the governing bodies of at least 0/4 of the member cities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WICIDTA, KANSAS: SECTION 1: The City hereby approves the termination of the Agreement and dissolution of the District. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall be in force and take effect from and after its adoption. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Governing Body of the City of Wichita, Kansas on 2 , 2009. ~)> - - - R,Mayor ~ Uu-~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: By G. 1