4.4 Police WeekPROCLAMATION WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States of America has designated the week of May 12th. to be dedicated as "National Police Week" and May 15th. of each year to be "Police Memorial Day," and WHEREAS, the law enforcement officers are our guardians of life and property, defenders of the individual night to be free ~, warriors in the war against crime and dedicated to the preservation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and WHEREAS, The City of Salina desires to honor the valor, service and dedication of its own police officers. WE THEREFORE PROCLAIM THE WEEK OF MAY 12th. to 18th. TO BE POLICE WEEK and call upon all our citizens in this community to especially honor and show our sincere appreciation for the police officers of this city by deed, remark and attitude. I call upon all our citizens to make every effort to express their thanks to our officers who make it possible for us to leave our homes and family in safety each day and to return to our homes knowing they are protected by men and women willing to sacrifice their lives, if necessary, to guard our loved ones,' property and government against all ~vho would violate the law. Signed this 13th day of May, at the City of Salina, State of Kansas, in the witness thereof the seal and signature of the city are affixed. Mayor