Agenda 04-22-1985CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS The City Commission will convene at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room to discuss city matters of interest to the Commissioners. Members of the public are invited to attend this informal session. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 22, 1985 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. CITIZEN FORUM 4. AWARDS - PROCLAMATIONS (4.1) May 1, 1985 - LAW DAY U.S.A.". The proclamation will be read by Julie McKenna, Chairperson of Law Day, or Jerry Heimer, President of the Saline County Bar Association. (4.2) The Week of April 21 through 27, 1985 - "NATIONAL YWCA WEEK IN SALINA, KANSAS". The proclamation will be read by Connie Hocking, President of the YWCA. (4.3) The Week of April 22 'through 28, 1985 - "NATIONAL CONSUMER CREDIT EDUCATION WEEK". The proclamation will be read by Ruth Ann Olson, Manager of the Credit Bureau of Salina and 2nd Vice President of the Kansas State Credit Women International. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME 6. CONSENT AGENDA {6.1) Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting April 15, 1985. 7. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS 8. ADMINISTRATION (8.1) Second Reading Ordinance Number 85-9072 - levying special assessments on lots, pieces and parcels of ground in the City of Salina for the purpose of paying a portion of street and utility improvements in Sullivan, Replat of Faith, Valley View and Fairway Estates Additions. (8.2) Request by Alice Denning, Chairperson of the AD HOC committee appointed by Mayor Charles Roth to study the National Flood Insurance program, to be present at the meeting for the purpose of reporting to the Commission with recommendations. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT