8.1 Vac Wights AddCiTY OF SALINA AE~IJE~T ,:OR CO~'~IMI SS ION ACTION OAT~. TI~E 1/28/85 ~:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTICN: Administration ORIGINATING OE~ARTNtENT: A~mRCVED =OR N~. 8 AG E~'~A: Engineering BY: Dean Boyer BY: Petition No. 3889 filed by Thomas E. Darnell, requesting the vacation of a portion of an east-west alley in Wight's Addition, was referred to the Engineering Department on January 14, 1985, for a recommendation. This request involves the twenty (20) foot wide east-west alley which abuts Lots 2 through 8 and the west twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 9, Block 1, Wight's Addition to the City of Salina. All the utility companies (Kansas Power & Light Co.; Salina Cable TV; Southwestern Bell; and the City of Salina) have existing facilities in this alley. The petitioner represents 20% of the property owners and 50% of the property directly affected by the proposed vacation request. We notified the other four (4) affected property owners to solicit their comments concerning the petition. None of these property owners indicated an objection to the proposed alley vacation. We would, therefore, recommend the twenty (20) foot wide east-west alley which abuts Lots 2 through 8 and the west twenty-five (25) feet of Lot 9, Block 1, Wight's Addition to the City of Salina be vacated as requested, but retained as a twenty (20) foot wide utility easement to allow the various utility companies to maintain their facilities. CC,N~IS210N ACTION , (Published in The Salina Journal · 1985) ORDINANCE NUMBER 85-9061 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF THE EAST AND WEST ALLEY IN BLOCK 1, ¥~IGHTS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SALINA, SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That a twenty foot (20') east and west alley abuttir~g Lots 2 through 8 and the ¥~est twenty-five feet (25') of Lot 9, Block 1, Wicjhts Addition to the City of Salina, Saiine County, Kansas, and Lot "A", Surveyor's Plat "G", from a point twenty-five feet (25') east of the northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Wights Addition west to a point twenty-five feet (25') west of the east line of Lot 2, Block 1, Wights Addition, thence north twenty feet (20'); thence east three hundred twenty feet (320'); thence south twenty feet (20') to the point of beginning, be and the same is hereby vacated; provided however that the City reserves the right to construct., repair and maintain utility lines in said alley. Section 2. That the above described alley, which is vacated by this ordinance, shall revert to the adjacent property owners in accordance with K.S.A. 13-443. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and atter its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: January 28, 1985 Adopted: February ~,, 1985 [SEAL] ATTEST: Charles M. Roth, Mayor D. L. Harrison, City Clerk