06-20-1984 Minutes SALINA ARTS COMMISSION, Thursday, June 20, 1984 The Salina Arts Commission met in the Gallery at 4 p.m. Members present were Mary Nell Beatty, Judy Burgard, Glenn Ethridge, Anne Nettleton, Don Timmel, Jack Weisgerber, Pat Neustrom, chairman; Martha Rhea, director; Saralyn Reece Hardy, arts programmer; and Marlys Harris, secretary. Also present was Alan Stolfus of the Salina Journal. The minutes and treasurer's report were approved. Festival: Martha reported that Festival '84 went very well, especially the new, experimental activities----kite making, Sky Poems, Red Line in the Sky, and Outcaste's Shakespeare in the Park, as well as the Festival Currents Programs for the major arts organizations. The gate count was approximately 70,000 people. Randall Kust, Wichita, received the top merit award for the visual artists. Comments from the Arts Commissioners: Anne: Some artists said sales did not go well. Food Booths should have separate fees for profit and non-profit groups. Novelene Ross was a good juror. Artists' profiles should be in newspaper before Festival. Gazebo sound was too loud. Babysitter service should be provided. Barbara Rinaldo should have been on Children's Stage. Judy: Artists need Salina marketing information. Glenn: Percussion Ensemble was too loud, otherwise greatest thing that happens in Salina. Martha: Evaluations are sent to all people involved in the Festival. Shakespeare in the Park always had qood crowds. Other issues discussed: Is the _sale of art the Arts Commission's responsibility? Should SAC develop a program in artist packaging and marketing, and consumer education? Art appreciation versus popular consumption. Museum: Jack was a part of the interview committee for the new curator/ director for the Smoky Hill Museum, along with Karen Graves, Gayle Rose, Pat Neustrom, and Martha Rhea. The interview day itinerary was as follows: After a tour of the post office, the collection, and lunch, the candidates met with the interview committee. The committee looked for a person with technical museum abilities as well as someone who could work well with staff, commission and community people. The interview committee's reports went to Mr. Nye with agreements on strengths and weaknesses of each. Pat added that the study committee's time was very well spent. Mary Nell said each member had made a large investment of time. AIR: Saralyn said the film maker residency is in process with a committee ~place. USD 305 is the host organization, with Mary Jo Reed, of the media center, as the contact person. Other members are Kathrine Young, Bill Hover, Kim Grimaldi, and Pat Murphy. The residency will run from September to December, 1984. The culminating event for the AIR Program will be held in the late winter, early spring of 1985. It will be called Journeys and involve all the major arts organizations. A conceptual team has begun and ended their work. A residency committee is not yet in place. The commissioners received the 1983-84 copy of Patricia Traxler's booklet of her work with the hearing impaired. Support has been received from the Kansas Arts Commission and AMBUCS for the upcoming year. Meeting adjourned.