10-20-1988 Minutes .... ~ # SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1988 The meeting was held in the Commission room of the Smoky Hill Museum. Members present were Randy Graham, Vi Justus, Ned Rose, Dan Diederich, Mary Nell Beatty and Jane Weathers. Staff present were Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, Connie Burket, Tom Pfannenstiel, Marlene Stine and Linda Ochs. Washington Fellowship in Review: Martha Rhea gave a review of her summer as a fellow at the National Endowment for the Arts. Graham distributE~d a letter from Dennis Kissinger, City Manager, complimenting Rhea for the services performed this summer. Attached was a letter from the National Endowment Mr. Kissinger had received. Treasurer's Report: Rhea stated the -$20,000 under Income, Miscl~llaneous, City of Salina will be omitted next month. Pfannenstiel reported the Museum is working under a revised budget as of August. The Treasurer's l~eport was accepted by general consent. Festival: Jordan reported the Super Supporter Core Committee is working on the gathering for October 27 at Bank IV. Tony Redwood will be speaking on the economic impact of events like festivals in regional centers like Salina. 70-75 businesses have been contacted. A brainstorming group consisting of Jamie Hall, Karen Graves, Oale Cole, Larry Denning, Ann Siemers, John Boyd and Betsy Poer met last week to discuss next year's Headline Entertainment. The consensus was to charge $5.00 or less admission, plus a button for twelve and older, and bring in a big name entertainer. Jordan stated the budget for the concert would be estimated on a minimal level with the Festival subsidizing at the same level as last year. Beatty suggested contactin!~ the Bicennential Center to see what groups draw the best crowds. Rhea stated another suggestion was to have only the one concert at the Bi-Center Saturday night. The group also discussed the organizational structure of the Festival. The Commission is already the policy making board so a board for the Festival is not needed. It was suggested that a core committee of Festival chairpeople meet every other month until April, then monthly, to keep each other informed of their activities. It was also suggested that a PR committee be formed to develop and oversee the marketing aspects of the Festival, and that a Speakers Bureau be formed, especially to reach into the region. Finally it was sU~lgested that divergent Community Groups give their thoughts about the Festival in one-time IIthink-tankll situations. The Commissioners expressed an interest in knowing when the various committees meet. The 189 Festival Budget will be in next month's packet. Museum: Beatty gave the Museum Committee report stating the committee met last week. The Baseball Exhibit is going well. Ruth Ascher gave the quarterly Friends report at the meeting. The Friends are underwriting a Traveling Trunk project for $2,500. The Friends membership drive will be in November. The museum store now has a committee assisting Gayle Rose. A copy of the License Agreement between the store and the City was included in the packets. <... .--. Ii Pfannenstiel reported the revised Collections and Exhibits Policy with changes noted was 'included in the packet. The Museum committee accepted the changes at their last meeting. Graham moved and Beatty seconded accepting the revised Collections and Exhibits policy. The motion passed. The statement will be corrected and distributed to Museum Committee members, Commission members and sent to the City. Pfannenstiel gave the Museum staff report. He had lunch in Kansas City with Dr. Tom Meyers, MAP consultant. Dr. Meyers will be here during the first full week in December and will want to speak with some of the Commission members. Pfannenstiel has been working with Dr. Bill Caldwell of Brown Mackie on the Oral History Project. Mary Douglass and Pfannenstiel have been working on a plan for the layout of the collection in the basement. 25 people attended the Volunteer orientation last month with 4-5 new volunteers. The baseball opening had 100 people in attendance enjoying the collection and listening to Mike Lamone speak about his love of the game and co"llecting. About 70 people attended Dr. Carothers talk October 19. Planning for the Gallery space downstairs is beginning. It will probably take about two years. Several exhibit services have been contacted to act as consultants. Justus stated the City Commissioners appreciate receiving the Museum Committee minutes. Horizons: Jordan reported final reports were in the packets from the Human Relations Commission, the Salina Coalition for the Prevention of Child Abuse and the Salina Community Theatre Association, Inc. The grant meeting will be Novermber 2, 3:00 p.m. in the Commission room. The grant packets are available. Twice as much money has been requested as is available. Rhea repor'ted Horizons 50 renewal will be November 13. Donors will be asked for $550 a year for three years or a one-time donation of $1,500. The City Light Orchestra will be entertaining the group. Burket reported the Jazz Series is underway with a great start. The first concert held about 200 people in attendance and 156 season tickets were sold. The JanicE~ Bor1a group gave a clinic for college students and adults on Sunday and spent the next day in a high school clinic. Evaluations have been sent to the students and teachers involved. The next concert is February 5 and will feature Spike Robinson and John Pizzare11i. The Four Freshman will perform April 16. Rose suggested having the artists do an evaluation. A.I.E.: Burket reported there are four applications for the creative writing residency. The Committee will be meeting to review them. Steve Andresen will arrive October 29 to begin the Shakespearean residency. He will be at Central two weeks, then spend two weeks at South during December. In FE!bruary he will be spending four weeks in the Junior Highs. The Commissioners ~,il1 receive his schedule. The A.I.E. state convention will be held in Salina February 9 & 10. Headquarters will be at the Salina Art Center. Educators from allover the state will be here. Judith Radocyi s the Arts i n School s p 1 anni ng Coordi nator'. The theme of the convention is "Arts Are Basic" and will deal with establishing arts as basic to sequential education. They are hoping for 300 people in attE~ndance. Rose asked if the Commission could assist in any way and Rhea replied that she will keep them posted. ~ -. , Projects: Burket reported on the Built Enviornment Workshop led by Ginny Graves on October 15. Development of a graduate course for teachers is under consideration. Eugene Friesen gave a 45 minute concert October 20 to South and Central band and orchestra students. He then conducted a 2 hour workshop with selected students. During the evening he gave a concert at Christ Cathederal. IN OUR TIMES has been distributed to all school libraries and was enthusiastically received. Patricia Goedicke will be giving a poetry reading November 3 as a preview of the Poetry Series in Spring. Sara Duffield will be wr'iting a one page education sheet for each of the Festival purchase award art pieces going to the schools. Other: Graham suggested the Commission consider recommending a change in the appointment of terms from March to September. This would coincide with the terms for officers and the work of the Commission. Beatty moved the Commission terms begin in September, with appointments made by the City Commission in August, Rose seconded. The motion passed. The change will now be recommended to the City Commission for consideration. Included in the packets was an expression of interest form used by the City Commission to help in the appointment of citizens to the various city boards and commissions. The next Commission meeting will be the Horizons grant meeting, November 2, 3:00 p.m. The next regular Commission meeting will be November 17, 4:00 p.m.