05-17-2000 Packet yftLJlyz THE SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION 211 W. Iron. P.O. Box 2181 . Salina, KS 67402-2181 .785-826-7410 . fax 785-826-7444. e-mail: sahc@midusa.net SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION MEETING: WEDNESDAY, MAY 17,2000 TIME: 4:00 P.M. PLACE: SMOKY HILL MUSEUM COMMUNITY ROOM AGENDA: 1. Focus Time: Smoky Hill River Festiva12000 l^J\ ~ ~t t~ 2. Minutes (enclosed) 3. Staff Reports (enclosed) 4. City Budget Requests 2001 (see enclosed) 5. Smoky Hill Museum a. GalleI)' Renovation (see enclosed) b. Other 6. Community Art and Design a. Policy Development Progress and Timeline b. Other Activities 7. Other a. KAC Grants b. Other \ '-.J ,....... , \ \ .....) Larry Mathews is our new City Commission liaison. Kate McIntyre completes her year with us as youth liaison, and Eleanor Seaton will serve in that capacity for the coming year. Please call 826-7410 if you are unable to attend. Note: In order to conserve paper, the enclosed materials may be copied on both sides. Lou Ann Dunn and James Hall N, Co-Chairs / Steve Thompson, Vice-Chair Carmen Wilson, Secretary / Jeffrey Ingles, Treasurer Jane Alsop, Debora Cox, Tom Gates, Murray Gorman, Randal]. Graham, Don Heath, Kate McIntyte, Bill Medina, Sydney Soderberg / Martha Rhea, Executive Director I' SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION April 19, 2000 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts & Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum community room on Wednesday, April 19, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. Present: Jane Alsop, Debora Cox, Randy Graham, Don Heath, Jefflngles, Kate McIntyre, Bill Medina, Sydney Soderberg, Steve Thompson and Carmen Wilson. Staff present: Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, Sharon Benson, Karla Prickett, Dee Harris and Darlene Stottmann. Absent: Lou Ann Dunn, Tom Gates, Murray Gorman, James Hall. Dee Harris introduced and welcomed Diane Angelotti, new Museum secretary. FOCUS TIME: THE LAND INSTITUTE, "THE ART OF LIVING IN PLACE" Ken Warren, managing director, reported on Prairie Festival 2000, "The Art of Living in Place," for which The Land Institute received a Horizons Special Projects Grant. He thanked the Commission for the grant, saying that new mandates were taken on just because of that additional funding. Warren said he has always had "a large bias toward the arts and humanities" - and The Land has a symbiotic relationship with the Commission. Everyone they interview for a job asks what are real attractions in Salina - can point to SAHC with pride and say this town is headed in the right direction, i.e. Smoky Hill River Festival, encouraging art installations in public buildings, bringing in national poets such as Pattiann Rogers, etc. Has helped bring people to Salina - hope to expand and continue relationship into the future. The Prairie Festival is a stepping stone to help serve community _ 400-600 people come to Salina Memorial Day weekend. Fortunate this year (21 st edition) to have artist Terry Evans put program together - focuses on the art of living in place. Broad connotation - performance art, written and spoken art, to thoughts of how one does live in place (suburbia)- knitting oflandscape and art and poetry that will make this a very unique Prairie Festival. (Steve Thompson arrived.) People from both coasts will be in Salina to talk about the art they make from what they [md in their surroundings. The Horizons grant helped to bring in those people. Invited all to come out and experience. Comments: Soderberg said she was overwhelmed by breadth of experience of those involved; also impressed with look of brochure -love direction it's taken this year. Warren: Artist requested soil to make pieces to bring to Festival; are looking forward to seeing. Rhea: From family standpoint- what is good age to attend Prairie Festival? Warren: There are children's activities - paper making, soil erosion relay, areas to roam - kids of all ages would appreciate being out in the environment. Benson: Who is dance band? Warren: Mike Rundel band from Lawrence; familiar to this area. Graham: How big a crowd can you manage? Warren: Have had 650 at one time - would be about capacity. Rhea noted that Warren's reference to building and incorporating art into public buildings referred to The Land's development director Joan Olsen being on Community Art and Design Steering Committee. She thanked Warren and said the Prairie Festival is refreshing and fulfilling, and encouraged attendance. Thompson directed Commissioners to the Arts and Humanities Foundation agenda, after which the Commission meeting resumed. J MINUTES Soderberg moved that the minutes of March 15 be approved; Wilson seconded. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS Update on Animal Shelter - Connie Nutsch will be in town tomorrow to look at sight; on her way to Endicott in Nebraska to carve brick; firing/installation starting in early June. Will be talking about some sort of "presence" at Festival given timing - perhaps doing some carving or having photos available. Soderberg: Were more panels added? Rhea: Task Force and architect recommended that two panels be added to fayade on the north end to balance and to connect it. Heath: Check to make sure that was covered in the change order. Graham: Discussion at Steering Committee about capturing Connie's work on video. Rhea: Access is considering going to Nebraska; also Connie's sister, a photographer, lives there and will document. Alsop said the idea to have the process available for community came from Education group of Community Art and Design Steering Comm. SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Strategy Committee for Gallery Renovation - Harris said on April 5 SAHC Commissioners (Medina, Graham, Alsop, Soderberg), Friends, and SHM staff met to discuss where gallery renovation is at and where going. Good session: identified fears/concerns with project; addressed "how to get there." Key elements, discussed ways to go about fundraising and addressing issues in community; what involved in proposal. Two more meetings scheduled April 26 and May 9 - will have proposal to start looking at and talk about campaign strategy, i.e. how to make our project unique with other fundraising in town. Dream Factory Exhibit - Went out of normal mode of operation for publicity on this exhibit to get SHM associated with families. Worked with Curt Krob, Consolidated Printing, on posters, postcards, table tents and bookmarks - distributed around town and at Rolling Hills Refuge (a "coo"!). Although the Friday night opening not well attended; had good response on Saturday - many families enjoying themselves together - exciting to see. Compared list of Saturday's visitors to Friends list - 126 who were not Friends members. Harris said the exhibit was based on letters from kids in schools who were asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Many events planned in conjunction through November. Race Day April 29 -local race cars and drivers and radio-controlled car races. Staff have been frustrated the past six months by low response from community - working hard and not yet seeing results. Dream Factory response has helped staff spirits. Harris encouraged Commissioners to tell everyone about it - Museum changing and need to get the word out! COMMUNITY ART & DESIGN Steering Committee Report - Rhea referred to notes from last meeting; group broke into three groups: education, policy, projects. Policy: Rhea said looking at developing policy; will be presented to SAHC, then city commission as early as this summer. Education: Alsop - exciting to approach steering committee and have them get to work in the area they enjoy. Education group had many ideas; lots of enthusiasm. Total group still involved and enthused. Thompson: Great to have this much community involvement. Graham: Will be ongoing -looking at South Ninth, but smaller projects before that possible. Prickett: Also animal shelter, Festival, partnering artists with schools in transition - plenty of projects for people to become involved with. Next meeting May 4. I USD 305/Statement of Intent Status - Rhea said a meeting called by 305 was a follow-up to the statement of intent they developed re building projects. Discussed physical changes to buildings; realization that a number of projects are already far along - coupled with "no money" or not wanting to interrupt time wise, major public art is probably not what we're looking at, but rather ways to enhance. Seemed open to directly working with artists as resource person for architects; openness to a number of approaches. Idea of regional artist adopting a school, in transitional period for a matter of months. Will be meeting with Gary and Peg Dokken (curriculum development) to begin talking about how we look at renovation process, i.e. work we do needs to be fair (equitable among buildings). Looking at how schools are rearranging, where work is being done. Structuring of it has just started, but much interest and positive. Comments: Alsop said she recently saw a high school in Lees Summit - 5 years old, all tile work in floor done in c010rs of school, patterns throughout school. Amazing to see the things they had done that didn't appear to be expensive -little things made an impact. Benson: In Mexico, everywhere you went integrated elements of art - fountains, topiaries in zoo, bright colored wall treatments. (Wilson and Heath left meeting.) Soderberg: Staffhave full plates already - can we identify someone else to take this on? Rhea: Right now trying to get things better defined - so much that can be done. In long run, will defInitely be looking at staff. In order to embrace fully, defInitely talking about a programmatic endeavor. Thompson: Reminds him of "Creating the Future" at start of bond issue - took so long as a Commission to understand public art, will also take steering group and community time. Heath: May not be anything done on South Ninth until 2002. Rhea: In 2001 will start planning; will want to have an artist included in design team up front. Good chance of KDOT money available in 2002 according to Shawn O'Leary. From design standpoint, that timing is good. Medina: Re 305, plans out on fIrst buildings; more out shortly; benefIcial to have a liaison between SAHC and all different architects to coordinate interior selections, fInishes, etc. Doesn't cost a lot of money to do, but contractors need to know if things like patterned tile wanted. Discussion followed about the possibility of a "liaison." Graham: Have had an impact on Paul Stewart but don't know if he'll carry that to others; is sensitive to it. Soderberg: Ann Arkebauer has a good sense of design, color, can see the big picture. Graham: Is that an area SAHC could help fund? - a position, or portion of it, to get someone qualifIed to be involved. Prickett: Have looked at how processes are evolving; very few have opportunities to change at this point. There are some problem-solving issues that could be looked at, i.e. fencing for Coronado. Medina: Commission needs to be proactive - things are moving quickly. Rhea: There is a hesitation on 305's part to be too directive to architects if not in contract; not sure how effective that involvement would be. However, didn't talk specifIcally about a position. Alsop asked Medina how architects would react. Medina: Would have to lay groundwork for that person working with architects' interior design person. Not only artist, but needs blueprint reading ability, has worked with institutional issues, can deal with egos of architects/designers. Rhea: Talking about a retainer type situation, liaison between SAHC and school district. Suggestions given: Ann Arkebauer, Ruth Moritz, Kent Williams. Rhea: Are school people involved with architect re color, etc.? Thompson: Have been involved in functional aspects such as room sizes, layout, etc. Medina: Maybe not one perfect person, but a committee. Thompson: Important to get district to commit to an endorsement of whoever we get. ARTS INFUSION Benson said Bob Harrington, KU, is usually here this time of year to do evaluation report; however Infusion Team discussed - program working well, would get similar kind of report if were to do. Kind of change currently happening is moving building principals which will greatly impact program's environment. Also, 6th grade moving to middle school- greater issues, scheduling more diffIcult, etc. Infusion Team decided that after Festival would like to bring in consultant to do strategic planning; involve cross section of artists, teachers, etc. - look at delivery of program and what changes would mean: installation process, buildings of schools. Currently have grant before KAC to work in at-risk situations (with artists Lori Brack and Ruth Moritz); will find out next month if funded. Thompson: Have influenced a lot of educators and how they're addressing instruction in classrooms; want to continue to meet those programming needs in this rapidly changing environment. Benson: Depth of delivery varies from building to building - some use residency groups, concerts; others, more presentations by local artists; others by use of drama consultant. We have supported those desires and goals; see that changing as administration and populations are changing. Still have strong commitment to local artists but way they are implemented in classroom may be changing. Not to recognize that change would be a fallacy in our delivery system - need to strategically plan for it. Rhea said there is also the possibility of an NEA application. Just as Lori Brack consulted on KAC applications, time to get someone in to listen to us, teachers, principals and other organizations and what it means for all. Threads of SHM focus, 305 building, etc., could all be woven together for application to National Endowment. Drama Coordinator - Pam Jones position has been funded by a QP A Grant from the Kansas Arts Commission for programs that addressed school improvement; that grant category no long exists. Goal of drama consultant has been to use dramatic arts to create curriculum applications at all levels - reading, first person historical interpretation, renaissance fairs. Based on teacher requests; she designs activities, readers theatre, etc. Has increased teacher activity 50% every year; and an increasing number of students being moved into Salina Community Theatre programs. In order to continue, SAHC has requested $2,500 each from Salina Community Theatre and USD 305 (in addition to $2,500 from SAHC) for three years, while looking at moving program to SCT. Funding request is at 305; should hear in another month. After three years hope for the relationship financially to be between 305 and SCT. Thompson: Fought for years for this program; has had more response and requests every year. Infusion Team feels strongly about continuing it. OTHER: 2001 Budget: Rhea and Harris will meet Friday to begin process; due at City May 12, which is before next Commission meeting. As in past, when the budget is completed, Rhea meets with Executive Committee (and any other interested Commissioners) to review; then will notify rest of Commission before it goes to City. Next commission meeting is May 17. Focus time will be on River Festival 2000. Meeting will be followed by dirmer for Festival chairpersons at Lana Jordan's. Note that meetings are now at 4:00. There being no further business and upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned. /dms ;" SA&HC/MUSEUM STAFF REPORTS April-May, 2000 Please review this past month's highlights of staff activities and come to the May meeting with specific questions and comments. Martha Rhea . Horizons: began research and conversation with potential evaluators for the overall grants program; edited the current Horizons News, which was mailed to members and interested people. . Community Art and Design: --Animal Shelter: met with artist Connie Nutsch at site to review final plans before she started carving brick; began planning Festival presence; visited Endicott Brick Company while Connie was working. --Steering Committee: held a group steering committee meeting; planned with the policy group to develop a draft policy to go to the city commission by mid-summer. --USD 305: met with Gary Norris, Paul Stewart, and Peg Dokken to develop the adopt-a- school concept and ways of integrating enhancements into school renovation. --Chamber: steering committee members met with Chamber beautification committee members to discuss the concept and particulars of community art and design. The Chamber is looking forward to seeing the draft policy and endorsing it prior to going to the city. . Museum: met a couple of times with strategy committee to research and develop a plan of action for the gallery renovation project, with in-between meetings with Dee; worked with Friends regarding understanding of role and involvement in renovation project. . Kansas Arts Commission: management team for the statewide planning began to research and structure last phase of process where a final draft is circulated for comments from the field in general and a specific focus group in particular. . Festival: continued Super Supporter contacts; worked on various Festival issues - banners, trams, Saturday evening, patron breakfast, etc. . Finished Spring Poetry Series at Capers Cafe and Bakery - a wonderfully successful year!; followed with formal evaluation with partners - Library and Friends, Capers, and Patricia Traxler. . Researched and developed the city budget request for 2001, including both the Arts and Humanities Commission and the Museum. . Odds and ends: talked with new Renaissance Cafe folk regarding potential performances for the coffee house time, as well as general ideas on presenting; meet with steering committee of Community Roundtable to plan next meeting; participated in focus session for KOOD PBS TV station; met with Larry Mathews in orientation session about the work of this department and commission; proudly attended Leadership Salina graduation of ceremonies for Dee Harris and Jenny Disney! Dee Harris Administration (Dee Harris and Diane Angelotti): . Coordinated research, design, writing, public relations, promotional materials, fabrication, and installation of new exhibit The Dream Factory, which opened April 14 with a Friends sneak peek and April 15 with a public grand opening celebration. . Met with Gallery Renovation Strategy Committee to begin developing ideas and strategies for renovation fund-raising campaign. Developed and wrote a draft proposal for evaluation by the committee. . Worked with Diane Angelotti to train her in Accounts Payable/Receivable, exhibit installation, and familiarization with basic museum operations. .... · Edited and formatted May-June Heritage Express newsletter. Collections (Kiersten Latham and Dorothy Boyle): · Took down artifacts from Keeper of the Past exhibit and prepared and installed artifacts for Dream Factory. · Researched local history for the Dream Factory exhibit. · Worked with volunteers and interns on collections projects. · Continued artifact inventory and location identification project. Education (Jenny Disney) · Worked with staff members to install The Dream Factory, and developed interactives for the exhibit. · Organized programs for The Dream Factory sneak peak and the grand opening. Began to organize and plan for programs that will follow The Dream Factory through November. · Started the planning for summer programs with Lakewood Discovery Center. · Organized and led four school group tours and trained volunteer Jenna Newcomer to become a docent. Exhibits (Kent Buess) · Completed installation of The Dream Factory. · Cleaned up all shop and exhibit areas. · Supervised KWU intern Telly Berry and other volunteers during the installation of The Dream Factory. · Began the process of transferring building blue prints to AutoCAD. Volunteers (Donna Sandberg): · Recorded 20 volunteers working over 200 hours in April. We had fewer volunteers working more hours, due to the huge effort made to install The Dream Factory exhibit. · Delivered posters and tent cards to over 60 businesses over a two-day time span. Updated and added to an old delivery list. · Wrote, edited, proofread and dry-mounted labels for The Dream Factory. Helped finalize the installation of same. Participated in the Sneak Peek and the Grand Opening. · An ongoing project is researching, reworking and updating a volunteer handbook, training guidelines, and how to care for and feed a Smoky Hill Museum volunteer. Museum Store (Mary Warden and Leola Peterson): · April store receipts were $3359.78, roughly equivalent to the 1997 April store receipts. Average monthly receipts for first quarter were $4,101.73. · New selection of books, greeting cards, and 4th of July items available for purchase. · Store is once again offering Kansas gift baskets. Customer can pick out Kansas products and staff will assemble and package them in a gift basket, or customers can purchase a ready-made gift basket. Sharon Benson General: · Kansas Arts Commission Grant Review Panel Meetings, May 4 and 5; SAHC had the number one rated grant in the At-Risk category! · Last Art a la Carte concert of the year: Festival Friday in Oakdale Park, May 19. Festival: · Final stages of volunteer recruitment for AlA projects and some new activities. · New Children's Parade shaping up nicely. · Mailings to all vendors, artists, entertainers, etc. THE DETAILS! · Publicity tours with Lana and Karla. ~. ) AlE: . Received funding approval for Sunset Elementary Summer School Program (grades K-2, Remedial Reading), part of Community Learning Centers Grant to USD #305 . With Martha, visiting with Charlotte Talbert, Denver, in regard to strategic planning in late June. Lana Jordan . As oftoday 5..11-00 we have received $16,341 in the individual fundraising campaign ($20,000 goal) . As of today 5--11-00 we have received $6,613 in the business fundraising campaign ($9,000 goal) . As oftoday 5.-11-00, we have received $12,475 in the professional fundraising campaign ($16,000 goal) . Have sent a second solicitation mailing to past supporters we have not heard from this year. . Again this month, a lot oftime has been spent working with Super Supporter Funding--wrapping up commitments from corporate supporters and matching them with a particular segment ofthe Festival . Continue to work with the trams, special events, technical elements, merchandizing, etc., for Festival 2000. . The needs Festival has ofthe City have been shared with department heads. Nothing unusual for 2000. . Final mailing for entertainment and technical participants containing all the pertinent information about Festival weekend was sent out . Arranging the office on-air and face-to-face participation with the media (Salina radio---Wichita, Topeka, Manhattan & Lawrence radio and newspaper). Karla Prickett . Met with artists Carolyn Wedel and Pam Harris for design and layout of the riverbank mural project. Met with Rick Benson regarding the painting of the mural. . Martha and I met with artist Connie Nutsch, Wichita, at the new Animal Shelter site to go over final details before her studio work at Endicott Brick Co. in Fairbury, NE. . Sharon, Martha, and I met with Gary Norris, Paul Stewart and Peg Dokken to discuss potential Community Art & Design projects in connection with the bond issue construction. . The Steering Committee for Community Art & Design met May 4, and worked in sub-groups: Project, Policy, and Education. There will be an informational visual display at this year's Festival along with documentation ofthe animal shelter art project and a brick carving demonstration by artist Connie Nutsch. . Bobo and I installed the Pre-Festival Exhibit at the Salina Country Club on Monday, May 1. 14 artists sent one or more artworks. . The staff met with representatives from KANU to discuss the "Imagination Workshop's" presentation at the Bicentennial Center on Saturday evening of Festival. . Met with Country Club staff to select the menu and work out details of the Art Patron Breakfast. . Martha and I will be going to Fairbury, NE to see the work in progress by Connie Nutsch for the Animal Shelter. . Bobo and I have prepared packet information for the final mailings to artists and craftpersons. The mailing will go out on Friday the 12th. . Nancy Williams has created all the name tags for Festival staff, chairpersons, and exhibitors. They are colorful and done in a marbeling technique. . A new exhibit at the City County meeting room is installed. . Nancy Williams is constructing all the exhibitor, art installation, and roving performers signage. . Working on signage for the Fine Art Show and Four Rivers information facilities. ~ · Met with the Know-It-All chairpersons to initiate the calling and scheduling of volunteers for the Festival. · Contacting volunteers for the sidewalk painting project in the Fine Art Show area. · Sent our pre-Festival flyers for the Papermaking Workshop to be held Wednesday and Thursday, June 7 and 8, at Kansas Wesleyan University. John Baker, West Grove, PA is the artist. He will also exhibit in the Fine Art Show. · Coordinated the Festival T-Shirt project. The shirts feature the artwork of Ann Arkebauer, Salina craft artist. The price is $12 for adult and $10 for youth sizes. Look at the back too! · Lana, Sharon, and I went to the radio stations in Salina to announce the Festival and will be working in radio, television, and civic organization presentations from now to Festival We also have a media tour in late May to Wichita, Manhattan, Junction City, Lawrence, and Topeka.. · Meeting with Education and Projects sub committees to develop the Community Art & Design presentation for the Festival. · Preparing material for the Salina Journal's coverage ofthe visual arts areas of the Festival.