07-20-1995 Packet THE' SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION 211 W. Iron- Box 2181 ~ Silina, KS 67402c2181-913~826-7;i1O - Fax 913-826-7444 PI 1,.8 $AUNAARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSioN PLAC E: JULY 20, 1995 3:30 P.M. SMOKY: HILL MUSEUM' TIME: ,AGENDA: . Staff Reports Smoky Hill River Fe'stival .a. 19.95 Evaluation - revieW your program b, Focus Groups ra '96 Program 4. Horizons a. Horizons, 50 b. Organizational Advancement Eind Change -- update '5. 1996 GityBudget- update' 6. New Commissioners -see enclosed 7. 1995 Retreat "7"" rE)commendationandpotential dl:ites S.Other Please oa1l826-7410 if.youare unable to attend. Also ncite: In order to conserve paper, the enclosed' materials may be eopied,onboth sides~ Jack Henry, Chair; Lou Am;! Dunn, Vice;Chair; Mike Cloutier; Secretary-Treilsurer Jane Alsop, Pete Brungardt,. Corlnie B. urket, Joe.Clark, Ran. dalj. Grab. ami Ellen Morgan,... Tre.yMowery, AnnRollins rT'. . . 0:".>-<- -<\ . ClayThompson,Paulaj. Wright, Martha Rhea, Executive Director 'O{:7 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION June 22, 1995 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held at the Salina Smoky Hill Museum on Thursday, June 22, 1995. In attendance were Jane Alsop, Kristin Seaton, Mike Cloutier, Clay Thompson, Joe Clark, Ann Rollins, Trey Mowery, Paula Wright and Ellen Morgan. Staff members present were Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, Sharon Benson, Tom Pfannenstiel, Karla Prickett and Darlene Stottmann. Also in attendance was Carmen Wilson. In Henry's absence, Cloutier called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 1995 SAHC meeting as presented; seconded by Clark. Motion carried unanimously. STAFF REPORTS: Pfannenstiel: SHM received notification from NEH that in addition to the $20,000 grant, an extra $1 ,760 will be awarded to them. The extra funds will be used for expenses of project directors' meetings, Le. Pfannenstiel's trip to Washington. (NEH wants to maintain a close check on project development, thus directors will meet to discuss project plans.) Pfannenstiel said staff are planning trips to eight site!s around the country, and museum scholars will come to Salina October 6, 7 and 8 to meet with staff and other community representatives to talk about master plan issues. Feeding into this, "public history forums" are in the formative stages--to discern what the community wants to see in the Museum. Dates/locationsfor these forums are: July 15, 12-2 pm, Central Mall (near Walden Books); July 23, 2-4 pm, Kansas Collection Room at Library; August 2,12-2 pm, Museum; and at the Tri-Rivers Fair, August 10 and 11, possibly in Heritage Hall. Will get information out through Cable Access, newsletter, and Journal. Regarding the accreditation process: have guidelines; writing ethic statements for staff members and governing bodies; will be in contact with other museums. Noon Coolers are taking place on Wednesdays; set aside time to attend if possible. Benson: Joseph Holmes dancers, Torya Beard and Jeffrey Patterson, are here working on SCT Summer Stage production, choreographing musical numbers for the show. Next month Torya and Ian Butler will work with the Salvation Army and Martin Luther King Day Camp, a class at the Art Center, teaching dance students, and will spend time fine tuning before show opens. Cloutier: How long will they be here? Benson said their stay is customized toward dancers' strengths and interests. Reports from other staff members were deferred to later in the agenda. RIVER FESTIVAL: Rhea passed around thank you letters received from various artists. She said a great deal of formal evaluation will be happening--in process of receiving and compiling evaluations. Rhea gave Festival programs to Commissioners with the request that they use them to make notes on concerns, areas that need to be strengthene~d, any questions they may have. At the July SAHC meeting, 30-45 minutes will be spent going over the Festival section by section to evaluate on a formal basis. Rhea discussed other important information: gate count, 83,000--down slightly from 1995, but considering Thursday and Friday's rains, not a concern; Jam was down 2,000- 3,000; Friday, down 7,500; Saturday, estimated attendance at 40,000--had so many coming in that counters couldn't keep up; Sunday, 15,000--up from 10,000 last year. Rhea said preliminary budget figures show income was affected in two areas in particular: 1) Super Supporters--Iost two significant donors, SW Bell and Kansas Cellular (larger change than expected); and 2) pre-sales were down, gate income was less. She asked for questions/comments. Cloutier encouraged all to be thinking in terms not only of positives, but also anything heard or observed that was ne!gative --looking at those areas is how we grow. Rhea: Keep in mind that next year is 20th anniversary, bring ideas for various ways to mark that occasion. Amber Hum's (SAHC intern) major project is researching a proposal for the publication for 20th year. Staff considered separate commemorative magazine selling for $2-$3, published in March. However, since a major part of Festival audience is from Salina, there possibly would not be a market for a magazine. Are now looking more toward a four-color publication combining material in the current program, additional information, and the look of an up-scale magazine. The publication would not cost extra, but probably would include tasteful advertising. Morgan questioned how much to do for 20th when the 25th, a bigger milestone, is coming up. Rhea noted that many people want to bring back favorite groups; decisions will need to be made. Regarding Festival '95, JOIrdan said that the co-chair situation (Jordan, Benson, Prickett) worked well, and they will be building on that next year. Cloutier asked for more details at the July meeting. Cloutier said preliminary budget figures would be available after the meetin!g for anyone interested in looking at the printouts. HORIZONS: Rhea reported that Horizons 50, a private group of individuals who have pledged $550/year or $1500 for three years, is starting its 4th three-year round. The dollars they provide are crucial for the developing artist and the organizational special projects grants, as well as implementing the advancement and change category through the City. Alsop reported on a July 13 event planned by the nine couple steering committee of Horizons 50. She distributed samples of invitations that were mailed to current members and others who have expressed interest in the group. The gathering is open to anyone interested; Alsop encouraged Commissioners to participate. The steering committee has been making individual calls on members to thank them and visit about Horizons in an attempt to help them better understand how much their support means to the community, artists and organizations who benefit from the grants. Alsop said the Horizons 50 newsletter helps in this regard. Cloutier: How many contributors do you look for? Alsop: Usually 50 units, sometimes more or less. Rhea further explained that Horizons 50 began nine years ago as an outgrowth from the Artists in Residence program. Wright: Are there any corporate Horizons 50 memberships? Alsop: Yes, sometimes different people within the corporation attend the various functions. Rhea referred to the Organizational Advancement and Change request letter from Salina Community Theatre. SCT is interested in making a grant application, but their new director is out of the country until early August (application deadline is July 15), so they have requested an extension. The Art Center and Symphony are also interested in applying. SAHC staff recommendation is that, given the small group of applicants and the timeframe, a letter of intent be requried by July 15 and the applicaton itself would be due September 1. A motion was made by Morgan and seconded by Mowery as follows: A letter of intent to apply for the Organizational Advancement and Change grant must be received by July 15, with the actual application deadline extended to September 1. Rollins: Is this for one year only? Rhea: Yes, the grant will swing into the December 1 timeframe next year. Motion carried unanimously. USD 305 - FINAL REPORT '94-'95: Benson referred to the document given to school district, noting over 14,0001 student contacts throughout year through Infusion, Art a la Carte (audience and performance) and the Joseph Holmes residency. From Bob Harrington, KU professor and project evaluator, results are that satisfaction from Arts Infusion is very high; students like the program. Discussion now entails growth: ways to increase contacts; need for a stronger parent component, which was part of larger NEA application; reinforcement of skills in home environment; might look at integration for next year. Plans are underway also for next assessment: what to document, what to show Infusion is doing. Morgan said SAHC should let Southwestern Bell know the importance of the program because it is something they are thinking of eliminating next year. Motion by Morgan, seconded by Wright that Rhea write an official letter from SAHC. Motion carried. Rollins said other funding sources geared toward families may be available if documentation shows it supports families in times of crisis. She currently is working on a request in which 5 1/2 million dollars are available. Morgan: With what's happening at national level, look for alternative sources of funding, Le. social service avenues. Cloutier: Discussion was in the beginning that school budget was cut for this program. Benson said it has meant that we have to be more selective about what we offer. District allocation recommended at same level as last year, which is fortunate because base is constantly shrinking. (She noted that Symphony was included, receiving $700 from funds not used by Lovewell.) Still at $9,600, there cannot be any growth. No real negative impact on program, but will be down $3,000 from KAC, even though we received largest funded amount than any other agency. Rhea: Becoming more adept at interconnecting in the office to make dollars go further, Le. festival activities that can become part of school programming. Benson gave other examples: SCT brownbags had a limited audience, will this year perform Art a la Carte; with Museum targeting 3rd grade, starting architectural unit. Benson said requests still outnumber available services, but every effort is made to make sure that we cover buildings equally. Drama curriculum consultant funded through 305 has hellped teachers with what they're actually doing in classrooms. Cloutier: In all organizatons, everyone is concerned with future funding--across the board issue. Alsop: It can have a positive influence, will force a lot of collaboration. OTHER: Commissioners looked at the thank you letter from Jackie Jones, Oklahoma City Arts Council. Morgan said she recently spoke with Jones. They have been receiving an overwhelming number of contributions; ours was a significant gift in terms ot agencies. Rhea said the City Commission is now meeting in a new room on the bottom floor (old health dept.) of the City/County Building. They are interested in acquiring original work by local artists for the walls. The City Manager's office requested SAHC look into this. Rhea asked for someone to work with Murray Gorman and Sara Duffield on developing a selection procedure. Prickett volunteered. SAHC Board positions come up for appointment in August. Three positions are open: Wright, having served two consecutive terms, will step down; Cloutier, eligible to be reappointed; Dunn, appointed to fill Poer's unexpired term, is eligible for reappointment. Rhea said a collaborative effort between this Commission and City Commission is important because of the need to raise funds and work with volunteers. This will be discussed more in depth at the July meeting. She asked that Commissioners talk to people who might be interested, suggest that they fill out the necessary form, available at the City Clerk's and SAHC offices. There being no other business to discuss, and upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned. /dms , "- , FESTIVAL '95 PUBLIC OPINION EVALUATIONS (79 responses received) Where are you from? Kansas (county): Other State: Saline--4 North Dakota--1 Shawnee--2 How did you hear about the Festival? Radio: 28; T.V.: 7; Word of Mouth: 39; Billboard: 6; Newspaper: 45 (Topeka Journal: 1); Poster/flyer: 16 Is this your fist year at the Festival? Yes: 6 No: 69 If not, how many years have you attended? 2: 3 3: 3 4: 4 5: 7 7: 2 8: 1 9: 1 10: 4 11: 1 12: 4 13: 1 14: 2 15: 5 16: 3 17: 5 18: 4 19: 19 Many: 2 All but two--one year my brother's wedding was this weekend in KC. I thought they could have picked the next weekend! What did you like BEST about the Festival? Admission price--1 Atmosphere--1 Bands--2 Beau Dan's--1 Blades--1 BoneTon--2 Brushfire--1 Bugs and Balloons--2 Children's a.ctivities--3 Cobbler Shop--1 Country music bands--1 Crafts--7 Crowd--1 Cruisin--1 the Diversity--1 Dixie Six--1 8: 1-- 7 Entertainment--10 Epic Brass--3 Everything--4 Fine Arts--9 Food--21 Hairbraiding--1 Hays Big Band--5 Hillsboro Sausage Crafters--1 Kelley Hunt--5 .' Kites--1 Last National Band--2 Limpopo--24 Music--19 Oakdale Stage--2 Pfeiffer Brothers--1 Queen Bey--3 Roving musicians--1 Sand Creek--1 Sand sculpture--1 Sandcastle Art--1 Shuttles--1 South High Jazz--2 Steelcreek--1 Texas Reds--1 Tin Roof Tango--3 Two mile run--1 Wind Machine--11 "Like best" comments: Listening to music at Stage II and watching the Kites at the same time. Loved Heirloom Stained Glass--besides being creative and resonably priced, Mr. Barnes was so helpful and pleasant. He should be "Mr. Congeniality." Liked combination of art displays and simultaneous music. Please bring back Limpopo next year!! They were the best!! Friends--seeing people I've missed all winter. The Festival is the best event in Salina! Keep up the good work! Quality of arts and crafts. Would be nice to have a place to wash hands. Sun on Saturday!! Limpopo was the hit of Festival; Wind Machine, 8:1, Steelcreek, Tin Roof, Pfeiffers all great. New stage--no bleachers blocking view. Roches were fantastic--thanks! Also liked Wind Machine. Music was wonderful; food was fabulous. Lari White was great. Would like more diversity in art section--maybe let more artists with various talents in. Liked quality and variety of music acts--3 Bring back Limpopol--3 My tastes are eclectic, so nearly everyone was great to me. Please bring back the Pfeiffer Brothers and Limpopo (the best of all). I have never seen the same group twice at a Festival, except Limpopo. Food--those not representing local restaurants. Enjoyed Mexican Folklore Dancers. This year, as always, provided a good mix so there was something for everyone's enjoyment! Music variety and schedule are excellent!--2 Great musicians, variety of entertainment, food--we look forward to Festival every year. " What did you like LEAST about the Festival? Admission price--2 Bathroom facilities--1 Color of buttons--2 Crafts--1 Exhibiting Artists--1 Food prices--8 Kelley Hunt--1 Lack of seating Litter--1 Long lines for food Logo--1 Mud--6 Music--2 Parking--3 Rain--7 Roches--7 Sound too loud--4 Stage viewing is Iimited--5 "Like least" comments: Mulberry Bridge has been forgotten--no water sculptures! Craft booths were the same as last year--nothing new to look at. I didn't buy anything for that reason. Loud music: I'm going to suggest to the Salina Journal that the potential for ear damage be checked out. It is criminal and irresponsible to damage people's hearing. More room to sit and see stage--wish new stage was more like old Gazebo--sound equipment placed somewhere else. Logo--use less abstract, more specific. Could have had photo of new stage this year. Fit the sound to the stage--big noise in new stage, less in smaller stage. Need to have more food booths with less expensive food. Get some new sound persons; sound too loud, ruins music. Not much for teenagers to do except listen to music. Not receiving packets (run) before Festival. Food court needs to be stretched--too small area for all the people. Crowded conditions, but we can't change that. Sloped area of Oakdale doesn't utilize lawn chairs well. Need to return roving acts. Will not attend in the future if admission price is too high. Concessions prices changed from Friday to Saturday (went up). Bring prices down. Placement of some bleachers (too close to noisy playground). Wish artists displayed on Friday. Too loud, especially Stage II and Bi-Center--2 Drown the Blades until they tone dowm amp--they could be great! Not enough porta-potties. Trash barrels running over--more barrels needed or empty more often--2 "'" Need bands to play longer. Not enough space between vendors. Too much fine arts Warm-up time for Kelley Hunt was.JQ minutes! The way the river is. The City needs to get off their lazy butts and do something about fixing it. Also, no beer is sold--why? Attitudes of the police! They would not let my son ride the shuttle to get my medicine for me. No one understands what the logo means. People with umbrellas in the sun. Rude smokers, especially in tents. Lack of parking--maybe some minivan owners could volunteer to shuttle people from parking lots throughout town. The runs couldn't be as frequent as the ones from the Bi-Center, but it might relieve the situation some. Roches were different. Why so many gourds? Roches highly overrated--boring downers. They deserve to stay in NYC. Not enough shuttles and no organization of the parking. When food booths closed Friday night. You still have to eat the good food. Smokers around craft booths and at Stage II. Need more information to public on alternative plans for weather. The dogs--I saw two different dogs on leashes--they still poop. Also, saw a cockatiel. In other years, I've seen ferrets and a snake. Saw several people with glass bottles which are not to be brought in. "Other" comments: Everything was greatl The Roches were wonderful but did not have mass appeal. People were leaving during performance or talking, laughing and making it difficult to hear music. Love the new stage, except you can~ enjoy from the distance the high gazebo offered. Should "for profit" busiensses make a profit off the Festival that is sponsored by a non- profit organization? Have shuttle stop by Oakdale Stage as well as 4th St. Bridge. Bathrooms, picnic tables and trash cans were very plentiful--thanks. Program very helpful, especially the map. 8:1 was good--have them back.--3 You're doing a great job--Festival is lots of fun. Bring back Dotsero, Sukay and Geyer Street Sheiks. No more Roches. Saturday night have a midwest group that can be enjoyed by all. I work the "Know It Ails" and love doing it! Enjoyed friendly exhibitors such as Heirloom Stained Glass (so accommodating), Jane Smith Jewelry and many others. Hope they return next year. '"' Musical performances: Band: More: 25 Less: 6 Classical: More: 19 Less: 12 Country: More: 30 Less: 15 Ethnic: More: 26 Less: 15 Jazz: More: 25 Less: 12 Rock: More: 18 Less: 11 Rhythm/Blues: More: 24 Less: 12 Other: Folk, Oldies--2, Bluegrass, A cappella, Humor, Funny, Light Rock, Swing Music, Western--2, Rock and Roll Current balance is good. Keep the variety. Want country with fiddles. Did you find this program helpful? Yes: 67 No: 0 Great program. The logo design is questionable!! This program is a must. Very--the best one yet; I read all of it on Monday. Absolutely--2 What one thing would you change and/or add? Bring back Rare Air.--2 Roped off area for boarding passengers to avoid mad rush. Someone is going to get hurt. Closer parking, but I don't think you can do much about that. No white T-shirts--need colored ones. Put flags on top of stage. The Rascals performing on Sunday--Oakdale Stage spot reserved for church folk (we get out at noon.). Spread out the food vendors.--2 If it's muddy again, lay down straw. More different crafts. Need bike racks at entrances. Like music just the way it is. Add more food vendors. More toilets in different sections of the park. More down-to-earth art! Have more booths. Open early each day. Logo design--have a contest for the community to design the button yearly. Would give everyone an opportunity for input. After all, it's a community effort. Slant the viewing area around the stage going back further to accommodate a larger crowd. Put recycle bins by all trash cans. Have a place to put lawn chairs while you walk around. If bands have CD's, T-shirts, etc., have a booth so it would be easier to purchase. Food booth numbers like street numbers--back and forth, small to large. Missed Jepson. Regrade slope in front of Oakdale Stage further north for more decent viewpoints. Turn sound level down!! More jazz! Anniversary year: Dallas Brass and black guys from Baltimore who sang a cappella. Drop some of the entertainment. Really, too much going on at the same time. If you listen to that you don't look or buy from art/crafts people. Put the time the Festival starts on the front cover of the program. River Rascals should perform on Oakdale Stage. Bring back Sukay and Professor Gizmo for 20th. Any chance of a chair or mat rental booth in the future? Adjust the speakers or the sound system so the music isn't so loud in the pit area. Don't invite the Roches back for Saturday night show; need something upbeat, not sleep music. Advance plan for rain delays/cancellation. Don't have two or three great bands playing at the same time. It would be nice if it was announced before shows that if people are going to visit, not to stand in front of others trying to see. Pre-registration by mail for run--send to information before Festival to previous runners. Limited viewing area--stage too low. Acoustics not good on New Stage. Do not care for new stage--too low. Change the bleachers and make it more possible to see the stage. Maybe nightly music for a week before the Festival. Think stage is great!! Loren does such a nice job also. Need to list times for exhibits. Would change nothing--except, uphold the "No Pets" rulel Bring back Regency. Combine all arts and crafts, add two more eating tents, more seating at both stages. Put Cruisin in Bi-Center again in '96--there are more seats and bigger dance floor, and I enjoyed having a beer! Nothing!!--4 Would like to see some children's stage performers (like dancers) on regular stages. Less base amp so can hear words. Next year it would be nice if Rare Air came back. Figure out which way the wind will blow and park the onion booth downwind of the Oakdale Stage! More of Last National Band--this group should be main event. Please add where entertainers are from in the description area of program. Limpopo and Wind Machine a definite must for next year. Possibly more food vendors so lines wouldn't have to be so long. More Four Rivers Crafts and more food booths. Change location of red sound tent so people can see Oakdale Stage from blue umbrellas. Recycling of pop cans--more trash cans. Have Last National Band for the Saturday night main act. We didn't like the Roches-- too mellow. " ... ~ ..~ For artists, have Colleen Eubanks back again--she was here a year ago. Regarding the logo, could we adopt one that is recognizable for SHRF and is adaptable for attractive T-shirts? We haven't purchased T-shirts for several years. Either the shirts have been ugly colors or have had the thick hot plastic on them. Don't always have white T-shirts. In program, sorting the artists by category (as Journal did). Something innovative, new and different. Something with panache. Advertise on WDAF 61 Country in Kansas City--2 Market to a larger audience, Le. a larger demographic factor. A more distinct festival logo. Sugoested entertainment for '96: Beatie Mania, East Coast Entertainment, Richmond, Virginia. $5,500 plus motel, 2 1/2 hour concert. Sound, dress and look alikes. Steel Away Regency Chenille Sisters Streetside Sand Creek South High Jazz Band Jazz Tangent Cruisin' Darlene Austin Little Texas Ida McBeth ad Friends Cones Sisters Bon Ton Band Stainless Steel Whiskey River Band Backroads Dotsero Popular Demand Wichita Lineman The Soundbrokers Steel Bandits TO: SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSIONERS RE: COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS FROM: MARTHA RHEA DATE: JULY 13, 1995 Appointments to the Arts and Humanities Commission are made by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Commission, in August of each year. Several years ago this Commission requested an appointment procedure that more formally involved input from Arts and Humanities Commissioners, because of the unique responsibilities involved in being Foundation trustees, fundraising, and working with volunteers. After evaluation of A&H's current and future strengths and challenges, this Commission selects and submits names to the Mayor of solid candidates who wish to serve. The Mayor then incorporates this list into making the appointments. This year three Commissioners' terms are up: Mike Cloutier, Lou Ann Dunn, and Paula Wright. Mike and Lou Ann are able to be reappointed because each has served only one term. Both are interested in reappointment and "history" shows that those interested are reappointed. Paula cannot be reappointed because she is completing her second term. Enclosed is the current board grid. (Be sure to let Darlene know if changes need to be made.) Look it over and bring it with you to the meeting. Also be thinking of potential names. We'll brainstorm needs, names, and decide on the procedure to submit names to the Mayor. J BOARD GRID ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9.. 6 J::: ~ 4.. ~ ~ ~ 9.. $::- s>~ ~ & # .;t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~d(y ~ ~~~~ ~~'~ MALE X X X X X X FEMALE X X X X X X AGE Under 35 35-50 X X X X X X X 51-64 X X X X X 65 and over RACE/ETHNIC White X X X X X X X X X X X Black X Hispanic Asian Other minority GEOGRAPHIC North Salina East Salina X X X X X X X X South Salina X X X West Salina -Getmt1- Central Salina X OCCUPATION INVOL VEMENT Understands mission X X X X X X X X X X X Attends meetings X X X X X X X X X X X Participates in discussions X X X X X X X X X X X Participates on committees X X X X X X X X X Attends SA&HC activities X X X X X X X X SKILLS Fundraisinq X X Marketing X X X / X X Public relations/media X X X / X X Financial expertise X X X X X X Leqal affai rs X X Public soeakina X X X X X X Lonq-ranae plannina X X X X X X Writina X X X X ;. / ~ ~ ^' :::; ~ ~ ~ ~~^' ~~~&~~~(%:$~~~ ~$cfCY~-:l~~~~~~ Decision-makina X X X X X X X X X X X Lobbvina X Volunteer develooment X X X AREA OF COMMUNITY INF=LUENCE Business/financial X X X X Labor Aqriculture Ethnic/minoritv X Media Government X X Churches X Education X X X X X Civic orQanizations * X X X X X Professional X Cultural organizations ** X X X Artist/schola.r *Please list areas of involvement: **Please list areas of involvement: MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: June 30 1995 Smoky Hill Museum Self-Study Participants Museum Self-Study Committee Self-Study Retreat Update Plans are firming for the RETREA Tweekend here in Salina, October 6-8. All of our scholar participants have made arrangements to be here, and those who are flying are flying to Salina. All out-of-town participants will be staying at the Holiday Inn Holidome, arriving Friday night, most leaving Sunday afternoon. A package of homework is going out to scholar participants that includes, history summaries, maps, annual reports, exhibit development and chamber of commerce promotional info. As part of the Museum's self-study and to prepare the staff for the Retreat, the Friends of the Museum will host several community history forums around Salina in July and August for the staff to get some sense of what the public thinks are the important, relevant stories that should be presented at the Museum. From these forums, the Museum also hopes to assemble a group of interested people which will meet with the staff over the next year to provide input and feedback to arrive at the Master Interpretive Plan. People from the entire Smoky Hill region are being encouraged to attend one of these meetings. SCHEDULE - October 6-8, 1995: Sunday Travel to Salina & informal get-together at Holidome 8:30 - 4:30 Session at Museum 5:00 - 6:00 Museum Reception with Community History Participants 7:00 Dinner with Friends of the Museum Board 8:30 - 12:30 Session at Holidome 12:30 Lunch, checkout Friday Saturday The Self-Study Committee has determined that, although our main goal is to have a Master Interpretive Plan (a product) in hand by next June, during the Retreat weekend the PROCESS is more important than the product. The reading materials we are sending hopefully reflect some of the process, not just the facts. With the process in mind, an agenda has been developed and is on the following page. AGENDA - October 7-8,1995: Saturday 8:00 - 8:45 Tour of Museum 8:45 - 10:00 Discussion of Broad Humanities Themes Initial themes - refer to the conceptual questions in grant application 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:00 Discussion of Resources Addressing what artifacts & documents we have on hand (and what is needed) that can be used to interpret themes discussed in 1st session Lunch 12:00 - 12:30 Catered 12:30 -2:00 Discussion - Overlaying broad themes on our region Tying broad themes to our history 2:00 - 2: 15 Break 2: 15 - 4:30 Outline a Conceptual Plan Apply the Broad themes to our region, with our (potential) resources, with our vision. Develop a sense of "conceptual modules". Sunday 8:00 - 10:00 Strategies for Developing a Conceptual Plan Looking at present and future resources. Prioritizing work flow on "conceptual modules". 10:00 - 10:15 Break 10: 15 - 12:30 Strategies continued Lunch 12:30 - 1:30 SITE Visits The following is our planned itinerary for museum site visits. The Committee plans to hit the road in November and December to continue the process begun with the Retreat weekend. Your comments & recommendations would be welcome. Western Heritage Center, Billings, Montana Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, MO Illinois State Museum, Springfield Minnesota History Center, St. Paul, MN Chippewa Valley Museum, Eau Claire, WI Milwaukee Public Museum Chicago Historical Society Museum of Science & Industry, Chicago Field Museum Nov2 Nov 17 Nov 20 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 11 Dec 12 2 . t, _ -~..... PROJECT TITLE SCT Special Populations. GRANT NO. 94-01-02 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION Box 2181,211 West Iron, Salina, KS 67402-2181 913-826-7410 HORIZONS - A GRANTS PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM FOR ORGANIZATIONS Instructions: Please complete this form within 30 days after completion of project and return to the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission. (THIS REPORT MUST BE TYPED) LEGAL NAME OF GRANTEE ORGANIZATION Salina Community Theatre Association, Inc. ADDRESS 303 East Iron, P.O. Box 2305, Salina, KS 67402 PROJECT DIRECTOR Deb Wall PHONE 827-6126 PROJECT DATES (Start): 09 26 94 (Finish): 03 month day year month FINAL CASH REVENUE AND EXPENSES MUST BALANCE: ACTUAL CASH REVENUES 1. Admissions $ 172 2. Other Earned Income $ $ $ 10 day 95 year 4. Contributions $ 1,300 Individual $ 500 Business $ 500 Foundation $ 300 (Janet Jones Trust) Grants KTP - 40% $ 3,340 (Do not list Commission grant) "Adventure" $ 2,440 "Laughing Matters" $ 900 On-hand Organizational Funds $ 897 Other (please specify) $ 3. 5. 6. $ $ 7 . TOTAL Applicant Cash 8. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED (FUNDED) 9. TOTAL CASH REVENUE $ $ $ 5,709 3.341 9,050 (add lines 7-8) ACTUAL CASH EXPENSES Cash Expense 1. Contracted Fees & Services $ 9,050 Artist or Exhibition Fees $ Other Professional Services $ 2. Travel $ 3. HoteVper diem $ 4. Space Rental $ 5. Promotion/Advertising $ (include printing expenses) 6. Administrative Expenses $ (include personnel, telephone, office supplies, etc.) 7. Tuition or Registration $ 8. Other (please specify) $ $ $ $ $ 9. TOTAL APPLICANT EXPENSES In-Kind Contribution $ 180 $ $ $ $ 390 $ 895 $ $ $ 9,050 (add lines 1-8) $ 1,465 (total in-kind contributions) HORIZONS - A GRANTS PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM FOR ORGANIZATIONS, page 2 1. List Activities: Date Activity Location Nos. Special Involved Characteristics % of Those Involved 1CJ /10-12 ~g~~~~gg Matters USD 305 (9 Schools) 146 CWBHEDQP 95% Lau~hing Matters USD 305 (9 Schools) 1933 Per ormance /28/95 Tracy Biskup Workshop SCT 13 20-22/9 Seem-To-Be-Players SCT 2208 C 90% Tota/lnvolved 4300 2/ 2. Breakdown of Participants Children- Students Organization Volunteers General Community List special groups-ethnic sr.citizens, etc. Total (add across) Exposure 4015 8 118 4141 I nvo Ived, hands-on 123 23 146 In-depth participa- tion or training 3 10 13 Total Nos. (add down) 4138 11 151 4300 Overall Total Involved 4300 (same as "total involved" in #1 above) 3. Total number of paid, professional artists, performers, and/or educators participating in this project. 9 4. Enclose copies of programs, publicity, and/or promotional materials, showing the required funding credit as stipulated in the grant letter. Please explain on page 3 how the Commission was credited. , ... -- ,,- HORIZONS - A GRANTS PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM FOR ORGANIZATIONS, page 3 5. Write a brief summary on the highlights of this project. Please comment on whether the project met your expectations, the extent of community involvement, the effec- tiveness of publicity. Discuss how it affected artistic growth and the planning of future activities for the organization. (If necessary, attach an extra sheet of paper.) Laughing Matters gave performances at Bartlett, Hawthorne, Heusner, Lowell, Schilling, Stewart, and Sunset school~ Performances were for the entire student body at each school. Following each performance, the mime duo led a 45-minute hands-on workshop with the special ed class(es) and their teachers. Tracy Biskup led a one-day workshop for teachers who work with LD students. Teachers from St. Mary's & Bennington elementary schools attended, as well as from USD 305. Seem-To-Be-Players presented "I Married Adventure" for school children at SCT, and gave one public performance. Although the residency was well-published, attendance was low. I hereby certify that the above is an accurate report and financial record of this project. Records and documents of the above report shall be maintained in accordance with the regulations of the Salina Arts and Humanities' Horizons Program. Records shall be main- tained for a minimum of three (3) years. GRANTEE SIGNATUR~~~j&LL--- TITLE Youth Theatre Director NAME (PLEASE PRINT) FISCAL AGENT SIGNATURE Deb Wall DATE ,~~~dT July 6, 1995 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) Charles Kephart DATE July 5, 1995 THE SALINA ARTS AND . HUMANITIES COMMISSION 2HW, Iron" Box 2181 0 Salina, KS 67402-21810913-826-74100 E'ax913-826;7444 SAUNA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATIQN MEETING: JULY 20, 19S5 3:30P.M. SMOKYHILL MUSEUM TIME: PLACE: Minutes 2. Financial Staternents..(enclosed): SalinaArts & Humanities Comrnission-JUne1995 Hor'izons~quarterly , SmokyHiH River Festival..;.quarterly other . Please call. 826.:7410 if you are uriabletoattend. Also note: In order to conserve paper, the enclosed materials.l11ay be copiedbn both sides. ' Jac:kHenry, Chait ILou AhnDUnnj. Vice-Chair I MilwCloutier, Secreta,ry-Treasurer jwe Alsop, Pete Bnmgardt, Connie Bwket"JOe Clark, Rwdalj. Griiham,ElIen Morgan, Trey Moway,Ann Rollins ~ Clay Thompson, Pau1aj. Wrigl1t, Martha Rhea, ExecutiveDitector @ SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION June 22, 1995 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation was held at the Salina Smoky Hill Museum on Thursday, June 22, 1995. In attendance were Jane Alsop, Kristin Seaton, Mike Cloutier, Clay Thompson, Joe Clark, Ann Rollins, Trey Mowery, Paula Wright and Ellen Morgan. Staff members present were Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, Sharon Benson, Tom Pfannenstiel, Karla Prickett and Darlene Stottmann. Also in attendance was Carmen Wilson. Rhea called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Mowery moved for approval of the minutes of the May 25 meeting; seconded by Alsop. Wright asked if the Foundation reconvened to ratify $1,500 being expended for a donation to the Oklahoma City Arts Council. It was verified that this was included in the minutes. Cloutier asked what part of the budget that expenditure came from. Rhea responded that it was from undesignated funds. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: In reviewing the SAHC Financial Statement for May 1995, Cloutier noted that on Expenses, page 3, miscellaneous, the $200 was a debit/credit transaction--check written out that was returned to us. There was nothing else out of the ordinary. Clark moved that the SAHC Financial Statement for May 1995 be approved; Thompson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. OTHER: Rhea said the next meeting is scheduled for July 20,3:30 p.m. Traditionally, the SAHC does not meet in the month of August. Morgan announced that the Kansas Artists' Postcard Series opening is July 14, 6:00 p.m., at the Salina Country Club. Commissioners are welcome to come from 6-7 p.m. to see new winners, if unable to attend dinner. She noted that this year's winners include one northcentral area artist, Joyce Fent. There being no further business to discuss and upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. /dms 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 1 SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. Balance Sheet For Period Ending 06/30/95 Assets Cash In Bank (Sunflower) Petty Cash Savings (Sunflower) 466261 CD# 0189 First Bank CD# 102389272 Benn Bank Equipment 8,477.20 50.00 3,412.24 500.00 11,588.36 22,892.00 Total Assets Net Worth Investment in Equipment Beginning Fund Balance Net Income (Loss) Account 22,892.00 55,791. 57 (31,763.77) Total Net Worth 46,919.80 -------------- -------------- 46,919.80 -------------- -------------- 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 1 SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual CITY Salaries Other 12,399.48 0.00 Total CITY 12,399.48 GRANTS Kansas Arts Commission National Endowment for Arts 0.00 0.00 Total GRANTS 0.00 CONTRACTED MAAA USD 305 QPA 94/95 USD 305 QPA 95/96 Salina Public Library Cultural Org & Chamber SW Bell 94/95 J. Holmes Summer Camp Joseph Holmes/Abilene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total CONTRACTED 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate Individual 0.00 0.00 Total CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 FOUNDATION SUPPORT REVENUE Ticket Sales & Fees Interest Income 88.00 100.78 Total REVENUE 188.78 SUPPORT (Flowthrough) Smoky Hill Musuemm 0.00 Total SUPPORT (Flowthrough) 0.00 Year to Date Actual 72,234.04 60,000.00 132,234.04 20,982.00 0.00 20,982.00 6,450.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 10,300.00 1,600.00 9,655.00 11,255.00 6,934.69 618.45 7,553.14 996.00 996.00 Budget 140,335.00 60,000.00 200,335.00 39,484.00 50,000.00 89,484.00 6,450.00 5,805.00 5,000.00 2,250.00 1,500.00 1,750.00 2,400.00 1,000.00 26,155.00 1,750.00 13,150.00 14,900.00 8,500.00 0.00 8,500.00 0.00 0.00 Page: 1 % Budget YTD 51.47 100.00 66.01 53.14 0.00 23.45 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 39.38 91.43 73.42 75.54 81. 58 0.00 88.86 0.00 0.00 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 1 SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. Page: 2 Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual Year to Date Actual Budget % Budget YTD CARRYOVER KAC Community Development 0.00 0.00 10,300.00 0.00 Samadhi Circle 0.00 0.00 651.00 0.00 Museum 0.00 0.00 2,800.00 0.00 USD 305 94/95 0.00 0.00 9,600.00 0.00 Project Support 0.00 0.00 4,900.00 0.00 J. Holmes Residency Cont. 0.00 0.00 19,250.00 0.00 Social Focus/Summer Camp 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total CARRYOVER 0.00 0.00 48,501. 00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ TOTAL INCOME 12,588.26 183,320.18 387,875.00 47.26 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 1 SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual GA&O Salaries Office Supplies Capital Maintenance Telephone Membership Postage Literature & Registration Travel In Town Mileage OPS-Other Miscellaneous 12,399.48 823.23 0.00 331. 19 0.00 314.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 225.00 21.40 Total GA&O 14,264.30 PROJECTS-PROGRAMS Community Resources Poetry Series J Holmes Residency 95 J Holmes Residency 96 Social Focus/Summer Camp Art A La Carte AlE 94/95 QPA 94/95 AlE 95/96 QPA 95/96 Arts Plus Samadhi Circle 0.00 582.69 0.00 45.00 3,250.00 0.00 3,981.04 960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total PROJECTS-PROGRAMS 8,818.73 PROJECTS-SERVICES Newsletter Project Support Museum 874.70 0.00 0.00 Total PROJECTS-SERVICES 874.70 GRANT PROGRAM Horizons 0.00 Total GRANT PROGRAM 0.00 Year to Date Actual 72,234.04 2,364.61 15.95 1,517.92 200.00 1,724.19 534.60 466.25 0.00 1,460.50 452.94 80,971. 00 0.00 6,000.83 47,093.29 205.00 3,250.00 970.00 17,265.10 5,730.00 152.37 0.00 0.00 1,157.91 81,824.50 2,472.35 1,616.10 3,200.00 7,288.45 45,000.00 45,000.00 Budget 140,335.00 3,600.00 2,800.00 3,200.00 1,650.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,700.00 2,000.00 161,885.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 50,100.00 0.00 8,400.00 4,200.00 16,300.00 5,805.00 10,750.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 1,500.00 165,055.00 6,400.00 6,735.00 2,800.00 15,935.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 Page: 3 % Budget YTD 51.47 65.68 0.57 47.44 12.12 82.10 53.46 31. 08 0.00 54.09 22.65 50.02 0.00 85.73 94.00 0.00 38.69 23.10 105.92 98.71 1.42 0.00 0.00 77.19 49.57 38.63 24.00 114.29 45.74 100.00 100.00 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 1 SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual Year to Date Actual TOTAL EXPENSE 23,957.73 215,083.95 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Budget 387,875.00 ----------- ----------- Page: 4 % Budget YTD 55.45 ------ ------ 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 3 HORIZONS Balance Sheet For Period Ending 06/30/95 Assets Cash in Bank (BankIV) Savings (Bank IV) 241440 CD# 181205.0 Security Savings CD# 1596 Bennington State Bank CD# 27418 Bank IV CD 222029/ Bank of Tescott A. G. Edwards / CD Equipment 10,198.12 3,099.28 10,808.10 66,460.99 26,909.46 15,000.00 30,000.00 3,974.95 Total Assets 166,450.90 -------------- -------------- Net Worth Investment in Equipment Restricted Funds Unrestricted Funds Net Income (Loss) Account 3,974.95 102,914.56 32,717.01 26,844.38 Total Net Worth 166,450.90 -------------- -------------- 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 3 HORIZONS Page: 1 Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual Year to Date Actual Budget % Budget YTD CITY City of Salina 0.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 100.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total CITY 0.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 100.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate 1,500.00 2,050.00 4,550.00 45.05 Individual 0.00 5,800.00 26,300.00 22.05 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total CONTRIBUTIONS 1,500.00 7,850.00 30,850.00 25.45 FOUNDATION SUPPORT Foundation Support 0.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total FOUNDATION SUPPORT 0.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 REVENUE Interest Income 1,560.23 2,575.65 0.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total REVENUE 1,560.23 2,575.65 0.00 0.00 CARRYOVER Reserve Fund-Grants 0.00 0.00 16,470.00 0.00 Unrestricted Funds 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total CARRYOVER 0.00 0.00 17,470.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ TOTAL INCOME 3,060.23 55,425.65 93,870.00 59.05 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ 07/13/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual Entertainment Artist in Action Four Rivers Market Awards Arts Area Focus Sanderson Memorial Award Festival Year Round 57,953.65 18,207.79 1,000.00 148.95 500.00 0.00 Total PROGRAMMING EXPENSE 87,031. 97 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Sales Tax Hospitality Miscellaneous Expense 0.00 786.63 1,031.35 Total MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 1,817.98 Total Expense 121,040.37 ----------- ----------- Year To Date Actual 76,703.65 20,632.34 1,000.00 178.21 500.00 0.00 114,548.86 0.00 786.63 1,981.47 2,768.10 224,320.11 ----------- ----------- Budget 78,000.00 20,000.00 1,100.00 500.00 0.00 10,000.00 143,600.00 9,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 12,000.00 269,800.00 ----------- ----------- Page: 3 % Budget YTD 98.34 103.16 90.91 35.64 0.00 0.00 79.77 0.00 78.66 132.10 23.07 83.14 ------ ------ 07/13/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 GA&O Supplies Telephone Postage Travel Personnel/Crew Contingency BMI/ASCAP Total GA&O MARKETING EXPENSE Marketing and Promotion Poster Print Artist Gathering T-Shirts Volunteer Breakfast Super Supporter Gathering Soft Drinks Art Patron Total MARKETING EXPENSE TECHNICAL EXPENSE Technical Personnel Construction Electrical Technical Staging - BiCenter Staging - Gazebo Staging - Children's & StageI Staging - Regional Day Decorations Signage Total TECHNICAL EXPENSE PROGRAMMING EXPENSE OPS Art Participation Craft Demonstrations Four Rivers Market Public Art/Merit Awards Month Actual 750.67 333.03 1,440.77 (4.40) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,520.07 650.00 0.00 0.00 1,648.65 455.27 601.00 300.00 269.35 3,924.27 49.69 2,243.50 345.50 7,467.71 4,273.66 4,989.08 4,562.00 0.00 0.00 1,814.94 25,746.08 1,275.00 2,277.98 213.60 0.00 5,455.00 Year To Date Actual 2,644.31 734.53 5,238.47 1,705.99 0.00 850.00 450.00 11,623.30 50,915.25 1,556.50 0.00 5,182.85 455.27 601.00 300.00 269.35 59,280.22 49.69 4,218.26 345.50 7/927.71 5/523.66 6/889.08 4/562.00 0.00 4,187.26 2,396.47 36,099.63 4,142.00 5,724.06 213.60 0.00 5,455.00 Budget 4,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 6/300.00 1,200.00 1/200.00 21/200.00 51,400.00 1/800.00 600.00 0.00 500.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 54,700.00 500.00 5,500.00 1/000.00 7,300.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 4/500.00 500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 38,300.00 20,350.00 7,000.00 350.00 200.00 6,100.00 Page: 2 % Budget YTD 66.11 48.97 104.77 85.30 0.00 70.83 37.50 54.83 99.06 86.47 0.00 0.00 91. 05 150.25 0.00 0.00 108.37 9.94 76.70 34.55 108.60 100.43 114.82 101.38 0.00 83.75 95.86 94.25 20.35 81.77 61. 03 0.00 89.43 07/13/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Page: 1 Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Month Actual Year To Date Actual Budget % Budget YTD GRANTS Kansas Arts Commission 0.00 0.00 1/000.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total GRANTS 0.00 0.00 1/000.00 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate 1/700.00 46/555.00 54/900.00 84.80 Individual 1/980.00 22/013.50 19/500.00 112.89 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total CONTRIBUTIONS 3/680.00 68/568.50 74/400.00 92.16 FOUNDATION SUPPORT Community Development 0.00 0.00 10/000.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total FOUNDATION SUPPORT 0.00 0.00 10/000.00 0.00 REVENUE Button Sales-Prefestival 53,521. 05 53,643.05 62,000.00 86.52 Button Sales-Employee 2/920.00 6,428.00 6,000.00 107.13 Button Sales-Gate 38,711.78 38,711. 78 38,000.00 101. 87 Ticket Sales-BiCenter 11,995.00 12/100.00 14,500.00 83.45 Four Rivers Market Fees 10,628.28 15/253.28 14,000.00 108.95 Jury Fees 0.00 2,015.00 1/500.00 134.33 Artist Fees-Fine Arts 5/860.97 15,560.97 14,000.00 111.15 Game Fees 978.82 1,258.82 1,200.00 104.90 Food Fees 16/589.89 21,389.89 26,500.00 80.72 Craft Demonstration Fees 795.55 1/275.55 1/000.00 127.55 Electrical Fees 100.00 2/050.00 1/700.00 120.59 T-Shirt Sales 3,107.05 3/635.05 0.00 0.00 Soft Drink Sales 1,334.40 1,334.40 0.00 0.00 Sanderson Memorial Income 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Income 1,376.63 3,240.76 4,000.00 81. 02 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total REVENUE 148,419.42 178/396.55 184,400.00 96.74 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ Total Income 152,099.42 246/965.05 269,800.00 91. 54 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Balance Sheet For Period Ending 06/30/95 1010-000-2 Cash in Bank (First Ban 1020-000-2 Petty Cash 1030-000-2 Savings (FB&T) 146994 1050-000-2 CD# 50129 NBA 1055-000-2 Security Savings CD# 19 1090-000-2 Equipment Total Assets 3010-000-2 Beginning Fund Balance 3998-000-2 Net Income (Loss) Accou Total Net Worth Assets 62,679.89 25.00 602.46 54,002.62 24,000.00 6,880.54 Net Worth 125,545.57 22,644.94 148,190.51 -------------- -------------- 148,190.51 -------------- -------------- ~-~~- ~~-- -- 07/13/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Page: 1 Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Year To Date Actual Budget % Budget YTD GRANTS Kansas Arts Commission 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ------ Total GRANTS 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate 47,055.00 46,555.00 54,900.00 84.80 Individual 22/013.50 19,500.00 112.89 - - - - - - - ----------- ----------- ------ Total CONTRIBUTIONS 69,068.00 68,568.50 74,400.00 92.16 FOUNDATION SUPPORT Community Development 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 ----------- ----------- ------ Total FOUNDATION SUPPORT 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 REVENUE Button Sales-Prefestival 53,643.05 62/000.00 86.52 Button Sales-Employee 6,428.00 6/000.00 107.13 Button Sales-Gate 38,711.78 38,000.00 101.87 Ticket Sales-BiCenter 12,100.00 14/500.00 83.45 Four Rivers rvr..arket Fees 15,253.28 14/000.00 108.95 Jury Fees 2,015.00 1/500.00 134.33 Artist Fees-Fine Arts 15,560.97 14,000.00 111.15 Game Fees 1,569.00 1,258.82 1,200.00 104.90 Food Fees 27,680.00 21,389.89 26/500.00 80.72 Craft Demonstration Fees 1/275.55 1,000.00 127.55 Electrical Fees 2,050.00 1,700.00 120.59 T-Shirt Sales 3,635.05 0.00 0.00 Soft Drink Sales 1/334.40 0.00 0.00 Sanderson Memorial Income 500.00 0.00 0.00 Interest Income 4,100.00 3,240.76 4/000.00 81. 02 - - - - - - ----------- ----------- ------ Total REVENUE 185,857.00 178/396.55 184,400.00 96.74 - - - - - - ----------- ----------- ------ Total Income 254,924.00 246,965.05 269,800.00 91.54 ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ------ 07/13/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 GA&O Supplies Telephone Postage Travel Personnel/Crew Contingency BMI/ASCAP Total GA&O MARKETING EXPENSE Marketing and Promotion Poster Print Artist Gathering T-Shirts Volunteer Breakfast Super Supporter Gathering Soft Drinks Art Patron Total MARKETING EXPENSE TECHNICAL EXPENSE Technical Personnel Construction Electrical Technical Staging - BiCenter Staging - Gazebo Staging - Children's & StageI Staging - Regional Day Decorations Signage Total TECHNICAL EXPENSE PROGRAMMING EXPENSE OPS Art Participation Craft Demonstrations Four Rivers Market Public Art/Merit Awards 6,490.00 18,113.00 51,849.00 60,212.00 4,368.00 645.00 36,549.00 23,163.00 7,308.00 Year To Date Actual 2,644.31 734.53 5,238.47 1,705.99 0.00 850.00 450.00 11,623.30 50,915.25 1,556.50 0.00 5,182.85 455.27 601.00 300.00 269.35 59,280.22 49.69 4,218.26 345.50 7,927.71 5,523.66 6,889.08 4,562.00 0.00 4,187.26 2,396.47 36,099.63 4,142.00 5,724.06 213.60 0.00 5,455.00 Budget 4,000.00 1,500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 6,300.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 21,200.00 51,400.00 1,800.00 600.00 0.00 500.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 54,700.00 500.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 7,300.00 5,500.00 6,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 38,300.00 20,350.00 7,000.00 350.00 200.00 6,100.00 Page: 2 % Budget YTD 66.11 48.97 104.77 85.30 0.00 70.83 37.50 54.83 99.06 86.47 0.00 0.00 91.05 150.25 0.00 0.00 108.37 9.94 76.70 34.55 108.60 100.43 114.82 101.38 0.00 83.75 , 95.86 94.25 20.35 81.77 61.03 0.00 89.43 07/13/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Page: 3 Income and Expense Statement For Period Ending 06/30/95 Entertainment Artist in Action Four Rivers Market Awards Arts Area Focus Sanderson Memorial Award Festival Year Round Total PROGRAMMING EXPENSE MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Sales Tax Hospitality Miscellaneous Expense Total MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Total Expense Year To Date % Budget Actual Budget YTD 76,703.65 78,000.00 98.34 20,632.34 20,000.00 103.16 1,000.00 1,100.00 90.91 178.21 500.00 35.64 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 - - - - - - - ----------- ----------- ------ 135,153.00 114,548.86 143,600.00 79.77 7,329.00 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 1,168.00 786.63 1,000.00 78.66 g,!1g.QO_ 1,981.47 1,500.00 132.10 - - ----------- ----------- ------ 10,609.00 2,768.10 12,000.00 23.07 - - - - - - - ----------- ----------- ------ 260,636.00 224,320.11 269,800.00 83.14 ----------- ----------- ------ ----------- ----------- ------ 07/11/95 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES FOUNDATION For Profit Center: 2 SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Balance Sheet For Period Ending 06/30/95 1010-000-2 Cash in Bank (First Ban 1020-000-2 Petty Cash 1030-000-2 Savings (FB&T) 146994 1050-000-2 CD# 50129 NBA 1055-000-2 Security Savings CD# 19 1090-000-2 Equipment Total ll-.ssets 3010-000-2 Beginning Fund Balance 3998-000-2 Net Income (Loss) Accou Total Net Worth Assets 62,679.89 25.00 602.46 54,002.62 24,000.00 6,880.54 Net Worth 125,545.57 [5,712.00J 148,190.51 -------------- -------------- 148,190.51 -------------- -------------- ,.. . Food and Beverages Any food and/or beverage to be served must be approved by the Director of the Smoky Hill Museum and must be furnished by the function sponsors who are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. Food and beverage consumption may take place only in the lobby area of the first floor or in the Community Room on the second floor of the building. It shall be lawful to drink, or consume, alcoholic beverages within the Smoky Hill Museum, and permission will be granted only if alcoholic beverages are being served as part of a private event. Such events cannot be opened to the general public and only members of the sponsoring organizations, their spouses and invited guests may participate. If permission is granted, it is understood that the user must comply with all Smoky Hill Museum policies and all city and state laws, rules, ordinances and regulations concerning the serving and consumption of all alcoholic beverages. At all times non-alcoholic beverages and food must be provided at all events where alcoholic liquor is served. No liquor license will be held by the Smoky Hill Museum and no sale of alcoholic liquor is permitted in the Smoky Hill Museum. Alcoholic liquor served at approved events must be provided by the group or organization hosting the event. Unused quantities of alcoholic liquor shall remain the property of the host group or organization and will be removed from the museum property at the conclusion of the event. Events, as used in this policy shall mean prearranged functions not advertised to the general public and limited in attendance to members of the sponsoring organization (s) and guests. a. members shall mean the basic makeup of the sponsoring organization b. guests shall mean the spouse of a member of a sponsoring organization and/or invited personal friends of a member in attendance The SmokY' Hill Museum reserves the right to refuse alcoholic beverage service to any individual under the age of twenty-one or who appears to be intoxicated. Professional museum staff members in charge shall have this authority. Alcoholic liquor shall be defined as those beverages containing alcohol, including beer, wine, spirits, etc. ".