09-15-1993 Minutes - Museum/Friends Joint MINUTES Friends Board of the Smoky Hill Museum and Museum Advisory Council Joint Meeting 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 15, 1993 Conference Room Present fer Friends: Judy Lilly, DeVere Blomberg, Eve Boyle, Lynne Ryan, Sue Thompson. Rod Beemer, Sue Dieckhoff. Absent from Friends: Absent from MAC: DeVere Blomberg, Kay Carlson, Debbie Divine, John Lohmeyer, Kathy Rawlings, Larry Smith. JLdy Ewalt, Nancy Hodges, Eob Hunt, Harold Vopat, Paula Wright. Present for MAC: staff and others present: Tom Pfannenstlel, Jann Jones, Carman Wilson for LwV. The Chair, Judy Lilly, called the meeting to order. The minutes were approved as written. Tom presented the budget performance sheet and noted that it is anticipated that building repairs line item will run about 500 percent over budget this year. He told of work completed, work in progress and further repairs to come. In Pam's absence, Torn gave a short report on the store. He noted that a 3rd quarter report would be avallable at the next Friends Board meeting; that the store lS beginning extended hours (lOam opening time) on Wednesdays; and also that the store Preview is planned for November 7. There was a question about advertising space in the Kfu~SAS magazine. That will be considered. Torn said we will have advertising in the Chamber of Commerce quarterly which is to be put in all hotel rooms, etc. Sue Thompson presented the Treasurers Report. The Merger Committee presented copies of the draft of Bylaws of the Friends of the smoky Hill Museum. It was explained that this draft is for board members to peruse prior to october's meeting, where the Merger Committee hopes to have it discussed and presented for action. Copies will be mailed to absent board members. Judy complimented and thanked Jane Weathers, Sue Lieckhoff and committee for the refreshments for exhibit opening and complimented the Friday evening speaker presentation. The Membership Committee was named as follows: Debbie Divine, Larry Smith, Judy Lilly. The Plant sale Committee was named: DeVere Blomberg, Sue Thompson and Jane Weathers. Tom talked to Rose wagoner at Earthcare and they will help again. He noted the mailing list is on the computer. Pickup of plants is planned for saturday, Dec. 4 from 10 to 4 p.m. That date is the Christmas open house. Girl Scouts and 4-H will again be asked to help with the plant pickup. Fundraiser Committee: Eve Boyle reported on invitations sent (643); and reservations in. Nancy Hodges and Ann Burgess are catering. Maximum number of reservations for brunch is being consIdered at 150-200. Tables and chairs have been arranged from the BiCenter at no charge. It was discussed whether to Llse lighter weight chairs since there is quite a distance to carry them. Barragrees will be checked out. Transportation from the parking lot to the home has been researched. There IS one 7 passenger van available and tentatively reserved from the Rec Dept. other options will be explored. John Lohmeyer will be in charge; Keith Rawlings can help drive. Flyers advertising the afternoon home tour ticket sales were available at the meeting and each member took some to distribute. Torn said there will be paid ads in the Salina Journal and paid radio spots on KINA and KSAL. There is to be publicity in Fridays Encore, and on CATS. Kathy Rawlings will call Hank Corcoran regarding walkie talkIes to improve communications during the event.. She will let John know the outcome. Ticket sales at the parking lot: Rosemary Gibson is working on ticket sales. John will take responsibility for the tent at the parking lot; Judy lilly will call Rosemary re sales at the parking lot. It was discussed to have 10-12 chairs there, the tent, refreshments, an overview information sheet to let waiting patrons know what to expect. It was thought it would requIre a 15 minute round trip at best on the transportation. An outdoor john was discussed. The group concurred it might be best to have an outdoor facility tented-in on the house grounds. It will be put up Saturday with the tents. John will call them. It will be decided Saturday which tencs will be used. There should be a Museum Store Tent. Brunch plans: Help should be there at 8 a.m. or so for table setup on Saturday. Larry, Kay, Judy and Tom will help. volunteers working at the house may park at McArthur house--go up on Channel DrIve. Sue D. has charge of music. Torn has boom box which can be used. Costumes and script have been worked on by Judy L. and Eve B. There are to be two guides, rotating tours. There may be a handout on the history. Debbie D and Kathy R will call for donated cookies and plan refreshments. It was suggested 20 people donate 4 doz. cookies each and that commercial powder lemonade will be made. Kathy will contact Dillons to see about napkins and plastic cups. Some antique cars will be there. A meeting will be held soon to finalize plans. Date will be called to those involved. For staff report, Tom noted th3t there were about 75 in attendancE at the special pre-exhibit opening Friday night, with many good cJmments from guests. Saturday nearly 500 went through the exhlbit. It was the biggest opening ever for the Museum. ?he demonstrators helped draw visitors, as did the ti~ing (associated with Santa Fe Days celebration). He noted the type of publicity and public information used. The meeting was adjourned.