02-13-1992 Minutes - Museum Committee SMOKY HILL MUSEUM Museum Committee MINUTES 3:30 p.m., Thursday February 121, 1992 2nd F"loor Present: Nancy Hodges, Chair; DeVere Blomberg, Debbie Divine, Kalthy Rawlings, Jane Weathers, Paula Wright, Tom Pfannenstiel, and Joy Mansfield Absent: L.oren Banninger and John Lohmeyer Also in attendance: Carmen Wilson, LWV There was no one present to address the Open Forum. ActiOI'1: Minutes of January 8, 1992 were approved as mailed. The final December 1991 and January 1992 Budget Reports were alccepted. Tom briefly reviewed the Staff Report, emphasizing the need to proceed with E~xpansion of the Collections Committee membership to include two or three Museum Committee members. The group which at present consists of the director and curators, will formulate policies and procedures for accession/ deaccE~ssion. The Committee expressed concerns regardi ng 1 i abil ity and i nsuranc:e; Tom stated that the AAM has mandated acceptance of its Ethics Code by June 1995. The Long Range Planning Task Forces (7-10 members each) have been aggressive in pursuing their agenda and will meet jointly to process their findings after all material is turned in by June 1. Tom also reported on a perceived need by the Friends Board for one of its membel"S to come from the Museum Commi ttee. Because of the profi t/nonprofi t naturE~ of the two groups, the Committee members, after considerable discussion, moved as follows: MOTIOI~: Contact Keith Rawl i ngs, Ri sk Management, and other museums throughout the country which operate for-profit stores, to learn how their 501(C)3 status is handled. Motion: The Committee VOTED unanimously in favor of continuing to allow DeVere Blomberg to act as liaison between the two groups, with no further official action. The Museum Committee job description, drafted by the Museum Study Committee in Maj{ 1986, was discussed at last month's meeting and determined to be irrelE~vant. A Job Description Committee was appointed; they met briefly follO\'iing the Museum Committee meeting and raised several questions: 1. If the Museum Committee is empowered to make policy decisions, what kind of accountability comes into play? 2. Will there be City support and backing of the Museum Committee policy decisions? Tom will check on accountability issues and draw up a new worksheet for Museum Committee purposes for the Job Description Committee next month. Adjourn: 4:40 p.m. Next meeting - 2nd Wednesday, March 11, 1992 - 3:30 p.m.