4.1 Engineers Week PROCLAMATION By the Mayor of the City of Salina TO THE PEOPLE OF SALINA, GREETINGS: WHEREAS, the profession of Engineering is dedicated to the improvement and the safeguard of the life, health, property, and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, the creative spirit exhibited by such is vital in responding to the challenge of developing a prosperous economy; and WHEREAS, it is fitting to honor said profession at the time when we celebrate the birthday of one of this Nation's most prominent engineers, George Washington. THEREFORE, I, MERLE A. HODGES, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SALINA, do hereby proclaim the week of 16-22 February 1986 as, ENGINEERS' WEEK in Salina, and salute the National Engineers' Week theme, "Engineers: Turning Ideas Into Reality." DONE at the City of Salina this Tenth day of February A.D., 1986 Meal6 A. lH6cFges, MayoK~'